How does endometriosis manifest in women? Damage to other organs and postoperative scar. The most common symptoms

Causes, symptoms and how women's diseases develop are studied by gynecology. Endometriosis, according to experts, is the most mysterious pathology in gynecology. This is a disease that affects the genitals, if we speak in simple Russian, then the essence of this disease is as follows: the endometrium lining the uterus grows strongly and makes its way outside the uterus. The frequency of this pathology is 15% of other gynecological problems.

general information

The disease is considered hormonally dependent, the endometrium, for some reason, begins to grow rapidly in places where this is not usually observed. According to doctors, this is the trouble of the 21st century, endometriosis is in second place after uterine fibroids. In most cases, the disease is detected in women after 45 years of age, this is due to the end of the reproductive period. However, there are cases when endometriosis occurs in young girls.

The disease is very difficult to diagnose, and it is almost impossible to detect in the early stages. Approximately 80% of patients who complained of discomfort in the pelvic area are diagnosed with endometriosis. This fact says only one thing, you need to visit a gynecologist as often as possible as a preventive measure to identify the disease.

The reasons

There are actually a lot of reasons for the occurrence of this disease, while until now, this pathology has not been fully studied by medicine. We can only state the main causes of the disease:


Gynecology classifies this disease according to its place of distribution. So several places of localization were established:

  1. genital type. The disease affects the muscular part of the uterus, as well as its canal.
  2. Extragenital. Growth occurs in the bladder, kidneys and even the intestines.
  3. Peritoneal. Here, the ovaries, the abdominal cavity and the uterine tubes are usually affected.

The extragenital type of the disease usually occurs on the genitals from the outside. The disease has several forms, it can be either mild or severe (if the woman has not been treated on time). Also, the disease has four stages, depending on the depth of the lesion.


The symptoms of this disease are quite diverse, so sometimes even experienced professionals are misled. This gynecological disease is so insidious that the symptoms may not appear, or vice versa, they will annoy the woman too actively.

The activity of manifestations depends on a large number of factors, for example, on the type, mental state of the patient, the degree of cell growth, as well as on concomitant ailments.
At all stages, the symptoms will be the same, only of varying severity, here are the most basic ones:

Often, patients confuse the symptoms of adenomyosis with uterine fibroids, especially if they have had or have one. Other girls do not pay much attention to the symptoms at all, thinking that this is normal.

Remember women that menstruation should not lead to large blood loss and disability.

If such symptoms occur, you need a good consultation with a doctor, you do not need to self-medicate, this can lead to irreparable consequences.

How does endometriosis affect pregnancy?

It is worth noting that adenomyosis does not lead to chronic infertility, this pathology only prevents the conception of a child. There have been cases when girls became pregnant with a diagnosis of endometriosis. But this is rare and such a pathology can harm the unborn child. If it suddenly happened that you managed to get pregnant with this ailment, you will have to constantly, be under the supervision of a doctor and strictly follow all his advice.

Scientific research has not helped doctors understand why adenomyosis causes infertility. Experts were divided in opinion and put forward several points of view on this matter.

The causes of infertility can be:

  1. Mechanical damage to the uterine tubes.
  2. Malformed ovaries.
  3. There is an adhesive process in the body.
  4. endocrine disorders.
  5. Weakened immunity.
  6. early abortions.
  7. Inflammatory processes in the uterus.

In addition, such female problems as infertility and miscarriage are often due to the wrong lifestyle and lack of ovulation, without which it is simply impossible to get pregnant. Stimulants in this situation are not helpers, since they are not able to give the desired result. According to the Ministry of Health, the frequency of a long-awaited pregnancy after perfect therapy ranges from 18 to 50% of those suffering from adenomyosis.

Patients say that after therapy, they can conceive a child after 12 months of intensive use of drugs.

Of course, there are cases in which the treatment must be repeated, in such a situation you should not worry, it is better to pull yourself together and undergo another treatment. Never give up, remember that modern medicine can work miracles and such a disease is within its power, it only takes a little effort.

How is it diagnosed

Recognizing endometriosis of the uterus on a routine examination by a gynecologist is very difficult. The doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis only after he sees the patient's tests. Usually, before and after the cycle, the appendages are enlarged in size. Also, if the disease affected the ovaries, during a gynecological examination, the girl will be hurt.

Here are the main diagnostic methods:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This method of diagnosis is by far the most popular. With the help of ultrasound, other pathologies can be seen.
  2. Hysteroscopy. A way to identify the problem, which allows you to view the entire surface of the vagina.
  3. Hysterosalpingography. In this method, a special contrast agent is used, which helps to see exactly to millimeters the spread of the disease.
  4. Laparoscopy. This is a very effective diagnostic method, which not only helps to identify the focus, but also to carry out treatment.
  5. Complete blood count and analysis for CA-125. This method makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and, if necessary, prescribe another treatment.

The number of diagnostic examinations is determined exclusively by the attending physician. Everything will depend on the degree of neglect of the disease, and whether there are concomitant pathologies.


There are several types of treatment: conservative, combined, and also surgical. The conservative type is based on long-term therapy with hormonal drugs. Usually, doctors with such a pathology prescribe: Janine, Regulon and Diana. Treatment can last from six months to a year. To support immunity, patients are prescribed additional treatment in the form of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, analgin and aspirin.

The solution to the problem by surgery is used when hormone therapy does not help.

Surgery is required when observed.

Endometriosis is a pathological growth of the glandular epithelium of the uterus, which is of a benign nature. The cells that have gone beyond the organ are constantly undergoing cyclic changes, similar to those that occur monthly with the endometrium in the uterus. With endometriosis, they penetrate into healthy tissues and form adhesions. Pathologies are often accompanied by other hormonal diseases: endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids, etc.

At the global

forum about endometriosis
the disease is reported to affect 10 percent of women in the United States.

What is dangerous endometriosis of the uterus if it is not treated - possible consequences

An unpleasant disease

Although the pathology is benign, it is dangerous with complications:

  • ovarian cysts filled with menstrual blood;
  • miscarriage (miscarriage, fetal fading);
  • infertility;
  • neurological disorders due to compression of the nerve trunks by the overgrown endometrium;
  • anemia, manifested by irritability, weakness, fatigue;
  • malignant degeneration of endometrial foci (occurs with a frequency of 3%).

Endometriosis is accompanied by chronic pain syndrome. It significantly reduces the quality of life of a woman. Therefore, it is imperative to treat endometriosis.

Typical shapes

By the way the endometrium penetrates the body of the uterus, its forms are distinguished. When certain parts of the organ are affected, we are talking about focal adenomyosis. If there is no clear localization, the introduction is observed everywhere, they speak of a diffuse form of endometriosis. There is also nodular adenomyosis, when nodes filled with blood form on the muscle layer.

Focal endometriosis of the uterus

A type of pathology, the peculiarity of which is localization inside the organ in separate areas. Glandular cells grow inside tissues and, in the absence of drug treatment, provoke the formation of cysts and adhesions.

Endometriosis is manifested by pain during palpation, sexual intercourse, brownish discharge outside of menstruation, pelvic pain. The disease requires a long and persistent treatment, as there is a risk of malignancy.

Diffuse-nodular form of uterine endometriosis

Combines diffuse adenomyosis with foci (nodes). This is a common form of endometriosis. At the initial stage, there are practically no symptoms. Subsequently, such signs of endometriosis as uterine bleeding, painful menstruation develop.

Diffuse changes in the reproductive organ by type of disease usually progress slowly, so the symptoms increase gradually.

There are several forms of the disease

Chronic endometriosis of the uterus

The most insidious type of disease, when the tissues of the mucous layer are found outside their natural localization: in the abdominal organs, genitals, etc.

Endometrial tissues in other parts of the body retain their functions, i.e., are capable of causing monthly internal bleeding. This leads to inflammation of the female reproductive system.

The chronic form more often than others ends in infertility, as it is fraught with the formation of adhesions.

Fallopian tube endometriosis

A disease in which sections of the endometrium are embedded in the fallopian tubes. This form leads to infertility, as there is an obstruction of the organ.

See a doctor as soon as possible

The disease can be asymptomatic, a woman learns about it only when planning a pregnancy or going to the doctor about the inability to conceive.

Sometimes endometriosis of the fallopian tubes is manifested by pain in the abdomen during intercourse. A reliable diagnosis is possible on the basis of laparoscopy. During the intervention, the surgeon simultaneously removes sections of the endometrium. After a few months, a woman can become pregnant.

Endometriosis of the sacro-uterine ligaments

It usually develops in patients with a retrocervical form of the disease and endometrioid ovarian cysts. This form is accompanied by painful sensations in the sacrum and lower back, aggravated during sex and before menstruation. Vaginal examination reveals endometrial nodules on the peritoneum and near the sacro-uterine ligaments.

There may be complications during pregnancy

Stages of development of endometriosis

Depending on the depth of penetration of the endometrium into the wall of the uterus, its stages are distinguished. At the earliest endometriosis, a superficial penetration is observed, at the last - complete penetration throughout the entire thickness of the muscle tissue. In total, 4 stages of the disease are distinguished.

1 degree

Germination of pathological tissues to a shallow depth. The process of endometriosis is limited to the submucosa of the body of the uterus.
Pathology does not affect the reproductive function, does not bring discomfort. Treatment is hormonal. The first stage is easy to stabilize.

2 degree

There are many causes of the disease

Pathology extends to the middle of the thickness of the endometrium. Symptoms are absent or too weak. A woman often does not pay attention to her.

If adenomyosis is detected at stage 2, the treatment is conservative. The doctor prescribes hormonal drugs, after which a woman can become pregnant and give birth.

3 degree

The entire thickness of the myometrium is affected up to its serous cover. The walls of the peritoneum suffer. The disease is accompanied by a vivid clinical picture. Treatment, as a rule, is surgical - removal of the affected foci.

4 degree

The perimetrium and tissues of adjacent organs are involved in the process of endometriosis. It is possible to develop complications such as fistulous passages of the uterine wall into the pelvic cavity.

Treatment of the last stage is surgical. Endometrial foci are removed or the entire organ is removed if stage 4 diffuse adenomyosis is diagnosed.

The structure of the uterus

Risk factors

Endometriosis is rampant. In Russia

according to Rosstat statistics
in 2016, the disease was detected in 15 million Russian women. That is, 20% of Russian women of childbearing age. In the US, 2 to 10 percent of women have endometriosis. It is important to consider risk factors in order to understand the need for early diagnosis.


From puberty, girls are at risk for endometriosis. The peak of the disease occurs in women aged 25-40.


Talk to your doctor about the risks of having endometriosis in a family member. The likelihood of having a disease increases.

Pregnancy partially solves the problem

It's better to have a baby earlier. Studies have shown that pregnancy protects a woman from developing endometriosis. Those who have not given birth are more at risk of disease progression. But pregnancy is not a panacea. After childbirth, endometriosis may reappear and continue to develop. This confirms the theory that hormones influence the disease.

Menstrual cycle

The history of menstruation can tell about the risks of the disease. Difficulties with the cycle - the change of short or heavy (longer) periods of discharge, especially in youth - risk factors.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis of the uterus

It has been scientifically proven that acquired diseases have psychological roots. If we talk about endometriosis, the main problem is that a woman does not accept her essence.

It has been proven that adenomyosis predominantly affects those who put material wealth and career growth in the first place. Traits such as activity, purposefulness, assertiveness are originally masculine.

Patients who think like men, deny feminine qualities, are more likely to suffer from endometrial hyperplasia. What matters is the lack of trust within the family, the feeling of insecurity, humiliation, disappointment in the opposite sex, the role of the victim.

A number of psychotherapists consider endometriosis as a psychogenic autoimmune reaction, which is formed as a response to internal aggression. This reaction acts as a trigger for cell proliferation.

Abdominal pain is a symptom

What are the symptoms and signs of uterine endometriosis

The disease does not cause a bright clinical picture in the early stages. Usually a woman finds out about the pathology by chance, during a diagnosis for another reason. Even an examination on a gynecological chair does not always allow you to establish the disease.

Therefore, the symptoms of endometriosis should be treated carefully. Although they are not obvious, there are still characteristic signs.

  1. Inability to conceive. They say about infertility when a woman cannot become pregnant for a year, subject to regular sexual activity. Endometriosis prevents the egg from being fertilized by the sperm or makes it unviable. Spikes of pipes, on the neck lead to fusion of organs. Obstruction is formed - the main cause of infertility in endometriosis.
  2. Several miscarriages. The chronic course of the pathology depresses the immune system. Therefore, when conception occurs, the woman cannot bear the child. Breakdowns, miscarriages, missed pregnancy occur.
  3. Pain sensations. They are pulling, aching, dull, which are constantly present. Or sharp, cutting, periodically occurring in the lower abdomen. Usually, the pain is mild, so the woman does not go to the doctor about this. Unpleasant sensations are often confused with PMS symptoms or are considered the result of physical exertion. Sometimes the pain is felt during sex, when lifting weights, during menstruation.
  4. Bleeding. A clear sign of endometriosis is the appearance of bloody discharge after sexual intercourse. If the nodes affect the intestines and organs of the urinary system, blood is present in the feces and urine. Bloody discharge appears a few days before menstruation and is usually accompanied by soreness. During menstruation, clots come out of the vagina, which are sections of the endometrium.
  5. Menstrual disorders. With pathology, menstruation can be too plentiful and long, or, conversely, meager and short. There are delays.

A woman should be alert:

  • an ever-changing cycle;
  • lack of menstruation for several months;
  • prolonged and profuse bleeding.

Causes of uterine endometriosis in women

There are many theories about what causes the disease, but none have been proven. A common version is that endometriosis appears due to infectious processes, hormonal imbalance, inflammation of the ovaries.

There is a hypothesis
(in English) about retrograde menstruation. Its essence boils down to the fact that during menstruation, endometrial particles with blood flow enter the peritoneum, fallopian tubes, begin to function there.

Particles of the endometrium secrete blood that does not find an outlet. Every month, microscopic hemorrhages occur in a woman's body, causing inflammation.

Try to get rid of obesity

It is still unknown why not every woman has endometriosis, because retrograde menstruation is observed in everyone.

Risk factors include:

  • immune and hormonal disruptions of the body;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • a certain structure of the appendages, which increases the likelihood of too much blood entering the peritoneum during menstruation;
  • high estrogen levels;
  • age 35-45 years;
  • passion for coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • therapy with certain drugs;
  • obesity;
  • shortening of the menstrual cycle.

Having surgery on the uterus increases the likelihood of developing endometriosis. This also includes abortion, curettage, cauterization of cervical erosion.

How to diagnose uterine endometriosis?

Identification of the disease begins with a visit to the gynecologist. The doctor collects an anamnesis, examines the patient on a gynecological chair.

Very hard to detect

During the examination, the enlarged size of the uterus, its spherical shape, are revealed. If adhesions of the uterus have formed during endometriosis, the mobility of the organ is limited. It is possible to detect nodules - the walls have an uneven, bumpy surface.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following examinations are carried out.

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Zones of increased echogenicity, anechoic formations up to 6 mm in diameter, an enlarged uterus, cavities filled with liquid are visualized.
  2. Hysteroscopy. An enlarged uterine cavity, a relief contour of the basal layer, openings in the form of purple dots that stand out against the background of a pale mucosa.
  3. Metrosalpingography. It is carried out immediately after menstruation. The increased size of the uterus and the location of the contrast outside it are found.
  4. MRI. An informative method, but rarely carried out, as it is expensive.
  5. Colposcopy. Inspection of the cervix through binoculars and a lighting device.
  6. Markers of endometriosis in the blood. Increase in RR-12 and CA-125. A jump in the second marker is observed not only against the background of adenomyosis, but also with malignant ovarian tumors, early pregnancy, inflammation, and fibromyoma.

How and how to treat endometriosis of the uterus?

A positive effect can only be achieved by complex therapy. In the early stages, there are chances to get rid of the pathology without using surgical intervention. With the appearance of multiple foci of endometriosis, cystic cavities, healed tissue, adhesions, surgery is necessary.

Intervention of doctors

When is an ultrasound done?

Before choosing a treatment strategy, the doctor determines the degree and form of the disease using ultrasound. The physiological processes of the female body depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The most informative will be a study conducted on the 23-25th day.

It is difficult to diagnose endometriosis and establish its appearance at the beginning of the cycle (days 1-11), as well as during ovulation. During these periods, the uterine endometrium is unevenly echogenic, which increases the chances of making an inaccurate diagnosis (eg, endometritis).

The phase from days 16 to 28 of the cycle has maximum echogenicity, therefore it is more suitable for diagnosing endometriosis, as well as many other pathologies of the endometrial uterine layer.

Hormone therapy improves

Surgery (laparoscopy) for uterine endometriosis

The gold standard in the treatment of pathology. A laparoscope is inserted into the patient's abdominal cavity, with which you can remove even the smallest foci, adhesions, cysts, cut the nerve pathways that provoke pain.

Cysts that are provoked by endometriosis are removed necessarily. Otherwise, they can lead to the recurrence of the disease.

Laparoscopy also serves as an effective diagnostic technique. It is prescribed to women when it is not possible to establish an accurate diagnosis. During the manipulation, treatment is simultaneously carried out.

Embolization of the uterine arteries

Used for nodular endometriosis. The bottom line is the introduction of an embolizing drug into the uterine arteries that feed the nodes. This causes them to block. Manipulation is carried out under the control of the x-ray machine.

As a result of such treatment, the nodes, having lost nutrition, decrease and eventually disappear. The operation takes about an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. During the day, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors.

Embolization process

Is the uterus removed for endometriosis?

When the disease is diagnosed in women of reproductive age, doctors seek to preserve the uterus. The level of modern surgery is high and allows a woman to endure and give birth to a healthy child after surgery.

But if endometriosis is severe, diagnosed in the later stages with multiple complications, the only way out is to remove the organ. The operation is called a hysterectomy and in most cases is performed using a laparoscope. It is often used in the treatment of endometriosis in women in the pre- or postmenopausal period. At this time, the ovaries practically do not produce estrogens.

Removal of the uterus is also carried out in case of suspected malignant degeneration of endometrial areas, combined pathologies.

Depending on the indications, only the body of the uterus is removed or the organ is amputated along with the tubes, ovaries, cervix, vaginal tissues and local lymph nodes.

Hysterectomy is a complex operation, fraught with the risk of early and long-term consequences. Some complications, such as thromboembolism or peritonitis, are life threatening. Therefore, such an intervention is considered an extreme measure, when it is impossible to eliminate the pathology in another way.

Rehabilitation takes 2-3 months

Most effective treatment for endometriosis

Depends on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed. In the early stages, conservative hormonal therapy is preferable. Assign Duphaston, Diana-35, Janine, Regulon, Utrozhestan. Popular intrauterine hormonal coil Mirena.

The composition of the funds contains substances that help stop the growth of the uterine mucosa. Medicines are selected strictly by a doctor.

In case of ineffectiveness of drug therapy or the appearance of complications, an operation is prescribed. Most often, doctors use laparoscopy, since after it there are no scars, patients recover quickly.

The combination of conservative and operative techniques is considered the most effective. With the help of this scheme, patients recover quickly.

Now she is healthy

Prevention of uterine endometriosis

It has been proven that intense physical exercise 3-6 times a week for 30 minutes reduces the production of sex hormones that stimulate the growth of endometriosis lesions. Thus, women who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from this pathology. However, not all types of activity are beneficial, and the intensity of training needs to be clearly regulated.

The best options for sports are fitness or yoga. Important:

  • avoid exercises that cause blood flow to the abdomen and pelvis;
  • do not use active breathing techniques and abdominal manipulations (abs, etc.).

Doctors have developed a set of exercises that will help reduce the unpleasant manifestations of endometriosis:

  • walking in place for 2 minutes;
  • walking on bent legs with crossing step;
  • performing 20 squats;
  • closing and opening of straightened legs, sitting on a hard surface;
  • alternately pulling bent knees to the stomach.

Try to see several specialists

What does uterine endometriosis look like in a photo

Multiple outbreaks

List of research data sources:

  • About endometriosis. (n.d.).

There are many gynecological diagnoses that can unsettle a woman. Endometriosis is one such insidious disease. Find out useful information about the forms in which this ailment manifests itself and under what symptoms it is worth suspecting it in yourself. Information about traditional and folk methods of treating the disease can also be useful to you.

Forms of endometriosis

Today, this disease is a very common pathology in gynecology, which can lead to various complications if it is not treated in a timely manner. For this reason, a woman who monitors her health should be aware of endometriosis - what it is and how this ailment manifests itself. This disease is a chronic proliferation of the endometrium - a glandular mucous tissue that normally covers only the inner surface of the uterus - beyond this organ. In medical practice, there are different forms of the disease:

  1. The extragenital form of the disease is diagnosed when the endometrioid tissue grows on other organs located both in the abdominal cavity - the intestines, urinary system, etc., and outside it - for example, on the lungs.
  2. The combined form of the disease manifests itself if heterotopia - an atypical placement of endometrial tissues - is localized both on the genitals and on other internal organs.
  3. Genital endometriosis. With this form of the disease, there are:
  • internal endometriosis of the uterus (adenomyosis) - the growth of nodular seals in the muscular layer of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries;
  • external, or external endometriosis - retrocervical (posterior cervical), damage to the vagina and peritoneum of the small pelvis.

Stages of endometriosis

The highest frequency of cases of endometriosis disease occurs in the internal genital form of the disease - adenomyosis. Many women are diagnosed with this condition when they go to the doctor complaining of heavy, painful periods. What is adenomyosis, if you look in detail? This is a pathological process, which is characterized by the fact that foci of endometriosis occur in the myometrium - the muscular layer of the body and the isthmus of the uterus.

Depending on the nature of the localization of endometrial cells, focal, diffuse or nodular adenomyosis is distinguished. In order to choose the right treatment regimen, when diagnosing, gynecologists pay special attention to the stage of the disease according to the following classification:

  • I - the surface layer of the endometrium grows into the basal layer to the borders of the myometrium;
  • II - the muscular layer of the uterus is affected to the middle of its thickness;
  • III - the lesion extends to the serous cover;
  • IV - endometriosis foci extend to the peritoneum lining the walls of the abdomen.

Cause of the disease

It is a well-known fact that many diseases can be avoided if the factors provoking them are excluded from your life. Why is it impossible to prevent this disease in this way and get rid of the many troubles that it causes? The fact is that medicine cannot unequivocally determine the causes of endometriosis in women. There are several theories why this disease occurs:

  1. Implantation of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity due to their throwing outside the organ during menstruation.
  2. Hormonal disorders in the body.
  3. hereditary predisposition.
  4. Immunity disorders, when the body's defense system does not recognize the abnormal arrangement of endometrial cells and does not destroy them.
  5. Malformation of the genital organs even in the prenatal period.
  6. Damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus during medical procedures - diagnostic curettage, abortion.
  7. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  8. Incorrectly selected contraceptives, prolonged use of an intrauterine device, etc.


It is not easy to recognize this disease on its own in the early stages, therefore it is very important not to miss periodic examinations by a gynecologist. A woman may suspect endometriosis if she begins to notice the following symptoms:

  • increased pain in the lower abdomen and in the pelvic region during menstruation;
  • an increase in the amount of menstrual flow and the duration of menstruation;
  • an increase in body temperature on critical days and immediately after them;
  • bleeding or spotting between periods;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • general weakness, dizziness.

You need to know that these symptoms of endometriosis in women are characteristic not only for this, but also for other, even more dangerous gynecological diseases. For example, do you know what endometrial hyperplasia is? This disease is also characterized by the growth of endometrioid tissue due to hormonal disruptions in the body, manifested by changes in the nature of menstruation, but in the absence of proper treatment, it can turn into oncology. It is possible to distinguish between these diseases similar in symptoms only after a complete examination.


To confirm this disease in a patient, a gynecologist needs to combine instrumental and laboratory research methods. In rare cases, the diagnosis of endometriosis helps to confirm colposcopy, much more informative results - an accuracy of more than 90% - gives transvaginal ultrasound. By echocardiography, it is possible to determine whether the thickness of the mucous layer in the uterus is normal, and also to notice other possible pathologies: hypoplasia, hypotrophy, endometrial dysplasia.

The diffuse and nodular form of endometriosis is well diagnosed during hysteroscopy - examination with a special device of the uterine cavity through the mouth of the cervical canal. Laparoscopy is also effective for making a diagnosis - a procedure during which not only an examination of the pelvic cavity is performed, but also cauterization of foci of endometriosis is done. Also, the patient will need to be tested for endometriosis - check the level of hormones, and also undergo an examination to see if she has developed anemia.

How to treat endometriosis

If a woman has been diagnosed with this disease, she needs to know that this disease cannot be completely cured, but the right course of therapy will help to level the consequences of the disease and live a full life. Find out what treatments are available for endometriosis.

  1. Conservative drug therapy - a long course of hormone-containing drugs: Duphaston, Janine, etc.
  2. Symptomatic treatment of manifestations of endometriosis by taking anti-inflammatory, analgesic tablets and suppositories, drugs for anemia.
  3. Ablation is the process of destruction of the mucous layer of the uterus by laser, radio, microwaves, cryodestruction and other methods.
  4. Electrocoagulation - cauterization of foci of the disease with an electric current.
  5. Physiotherapy - is used in a complex during hormonal or postoperative treatment of endometriosis, is carried out by the methods of pulsed currents, hydro-, laser-, magnetotherapy, balneotherapy.
  6. Surgical manipulations - often the removal of foci of mucosal growth is carried out by laparoscopic surgery, cryodestruction, and in severe cases, the affected areas are excised with a scalpel.

Alternative treatment

To get rid of the manifestations of this disease, patients often use available methods of alternative medicine. It is important to remember that such healing should not occur on its own, but can only be used as an additional effect as part of complex therapy only after consultation with the attending physician. In practice, endometriosis is often treated with a pine forest uterus. Here are some simple ways to use this medicinal plant:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take tincture three times a day before meals, 30 drops, slightly diluting it with water.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. dry chopped herbs add to 1 tbsp. purified vegetable oil. Infuse the remedy also for 2 weeks, then strain the resulting infusion. Insert a tampon soaked in this medicine into the vagina at night.

Why is endometriosis dangerous?

This disease cannot be left to chance, because it is fraught with many serious consequences. Thus, it has been established that endometriosis and infertility are interrelated conditions, therefore, a woman planning a pregnancy must definitely treat this disease in order to realize her reproductive function. An endometrioid cyst on the ovary can lead to loss of the epididymis. If endometriosis occurs together with uterine fibroids, then this combination often threatens with irreversible consequences, entailing the removal of the organ.

A woman's health depends on many factors. What is endometriosis? What are the symptoms and treatment of the disease? What are the main signs of pathology? What are the causes of the disease, and what first aid is needed? In this article, you will learn all about endometriosis.

What kind of disease

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease characterized by the growth of the glandular tissue of the uterus beyond this organ. The epithelium can grow in the peritoneum, intestines, ovaries and other, even more distant systems.

Regardless of in which part of the body the endometrium has grown, it undergoes the same changes as the epithelium in the uterus.

This female disease is very common. In adult women, it occurs more often in reproductive age, only in 2% of cases among the elderly. In girls, endometriosis is possible during the formation of the reproductive system. The highest prevalence of the disease is observed in women after 40 years to 44. In women after 50 years, the disease occurs less frequently. It is not easy to determine the disease, since often the pathology occurs in an asymptomatic or latent form.

It is possible to single out the classification of endometriosis both according to the etiology of the pathology and the place of localization of the process. There are two types of the disease:

  • genital;
  • extragenital form.

With genital endometriosis, the process of endometrial growth extends exclusively to the genitals. The extragenital type of the disease implies that organs located outside the reproductive system are involved in the process.

The genital type of pathology can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • peritoneal;
  • extraperitoneal (retrocervical);
  • interior.

In peritoneal endometriosis, the following organs are involved in the process of epithelial growth:

  • ovaries;
  • pelvic peritoneum;
  • the fallopian tubes.

With retrocervical endometriosis, the lower layers of the genital tract are affected - the vagina, cervix, rectovaginal septum.

When internal endometriosis develops, a significant increase in the uterus occurs, since the organ itself is involved in the process. Tissue growth occurs within the muscle layer. The body of the uterus acquires a spherical shape and in size it can reach the volumes that are observed in the second month of pregnancy.

Localization sites for external endometriosis largely depend on the stage of the disease. Possible focal endometriosis of the bladder, endometriosis of the ovary and other organs. Even the lungs and kidneys can be affected.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the following features can be distinguished:

  • disease of the 1st degree - foci of endometriosis of the cervix are superficial and single;
  • with endometriosis of the 2nd degree, the lesions are larger and deeper;
  • grade 3 is characterized by the appearance of many foci, cysts on the ovaries, adhesions in the peritoneum;
  • Grade 4 is difficult to cure, there are many foci, cysts are large, bilateral, the epithelium grows into the vagina and intestines.

Internal endometriosis (in which the uterus itself is affected) is also called adenomyosis. It is divided into several stages depending on the degree of damage to the organ:

Endometriosis lesions can vary in size and shape. In diameter, they can reach from a few millimeters to 2-4 cm. As menstruation approaches, they become more pronounced.

Among other things, endometriosis is classified into:

  • diffuse;
  • nodal;
  • focal.

With a diffuse type of pathology, the endometrium grows over the entire surface of the mucous membrane. With nodular foci distributed locally. For focal lesions, only some parts of the uterine wall are involved in the process. All this can be seen in the photographs taken during the examination.

Note! If the disease is not treated, a complication develops in the form of chronic endometriosis.

Causes of endometriosis

The reasons why endometriosis of the vagina, uterus or bladder develops are not known for certain. Long research has helped to compile a list of assumptions, but there is still no exact answer.

There are several versions:

  • endometrial cells enter the abdominal cavity during menstruation, which take root and begin to grow;
  • a jump in hormones leads to the development of the disease - the growth of follicle-stimulating hormone against the background of a decrease in progesterone;
  • hereditary disposition to pathology;
  • a decrease in immune defense, since, with normal indicators, the endometrium cannot take root outside the uterus;
  • the degeneration of one tissue into another is called metaplasia.

Regardless of which organ undergoes pathology, whether it is endometriosis of the intestine or ovary, the causes of the development of the disease are the same.

Risk group

To notice the first signs of the disease, women at risk should be especially attentive to their feelings and well-being. If unusual phenomena appear, you should consult a doctor. If endometriosis is not treated with effective methods, it leads to unpleasant consequences, including infertility.

There is a risk of problems in such situations:

To get rid of the disease, it is important to recognize the signs of the disease in time. This will help knowledge of the symptoms of pathology.

Symptoms of endometriosis

The doctor can diagnose the pathology and prescribe treatment. However, only the woman herself can note the main complaints that are worth paying attention to. The main symptoms include the following:

  • dysmenorrhea;
  • discharge before menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • signs of intoxication.

Much depends on the stage of pathology and the location of endometriosis. So, dysmenorrhea occurs in almost all forms of the disease. Women experience severe pain, both before menstruation, during bleeding, and for several days after its completion. Attacks of pain are cramping, sharp, radiating to the lower back and pelvic area.

Note! In patients with endometriosis, signs of premenstrual syndrome are very pronounced.

A few days before the expected start of menstruation, women may experience spotting brown discharge. The duration of bleeding increases, and the menstrual cycle itself becomes shorter. When the pathology is complicated by fibroids, the release of blood is possible at any time of the cycle, including during ovulation.

With endometriosis, sexual intercourse becomes painful, regardless of the day of the cycle. The pain is acute, gives to the perineum, peritoneum and rectum.

Infertility is usually the main sign of the "asymptomatic" course of the disease. Due to endometriosis, adhesions are formed in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. All this makes the paths impassable and the mature egg does not have time to get into the uterine cavity for fertilization.

Intoxication occurs infrequently, but the following manifestations are possible:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • temperature rise;
  • itching on the skin and in the vagina;
  • fever.

During the diagnosis, altered indicators of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the level of leukocytes can be detected.

Symptoms may appear from the organs in which the epithelium has sprouted. So, with an exacerbation of endometriosis of the intestine, increased peristalsis is observed. If the bladder is involved in the process, there will be problems with urination and pain of this nature.

Diagnostic measures

In order for the doctor to make a diagnosis and write an effective prescription, it is necessary to undergo some examinations.

First, the doctor will examine the patient. In some forms of endometriosis, a pelvic exam can be painful. The uterus can be enlarged up to 6-8 weeks, depending on the stage of the disease. Shortly before the onset of menstruation, the organ becomes especially dense and enlarged.

With endometriosis, the following instrumental studies are carried out:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus and genital tract;
  • blood analysis;
  • laparoscopy;
  • hysteroscopy;

MRI is extremely rare, although this technique is very accurate. The point is the high cost and the availability of other alternative methods. During laparoscopy, altered foci can be seen. On examination, you can see that the affected areas are brown.

The doctor will carefully examine not only the uterus, but also the adjacent organs in order to identify the growth of the endometrium there. The necessary diagnostic methods are determined by the doctor after a visual examination and collection of symptoms.

Important! When going to a gynecologist's appointment, a woman should carry a menstrual calendar with her, which will help the doctor get an idea of ​​her cycle.

Endometriosis can be treated conservatively at home, or surgery can be used. Unfortunately, even surgical removal of formations does not always guarantee a favorable prognosis.

Which therapy will be chosen depends largely on the patient's condition and on her desire to have children in the future. Medical treatment does not increase the likelihood of fertility restoration. After the examination, the doctor may recommend both hormonal and non-hormonal treatment.

However, just taking the medication prescribed by the doctor is not enough. It is important to follow a diet. Food should be high in calories, but not contain a lot of salt and pepper. Physical exercise, daily walks at an average pace are also important. It is important to create a balance between existing loads and rest.

The entire treatment regimen is aimed at:

  • elimination of psychological causes with the use of sedatives;
  • strengthening immune defenses to prevent the formation of new foci of endometriosis (for example, with the help of "Genferon");
  • anesthesia;
  • maintaining the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

At the recovery stage after endometriosis, the doctor decides whether physical therapy is needed or not. In practice, this technique is rarely used.

Treatment for menopause and in cases where a woman no longer plans to have children consists in removing the uterus along with foci of the endometrium. In more than half of the cases, this gives a long-term remission.

With endometriosis, hormone therapy can be prescribed by an experienced doctor. It is forbidden to do this on your own, since it is possible to clearly determine the dosage only after studying the results of the tests. The use of such drugs without the appointment of a specialist can be dangerous.

Hormone therapy for endometriosis includes:

Surgery is performed in the following cases:

If it is decided to perform the operation, then the patient is prepared. She takes a course of some hormonal drugs. Then, after excision, electrophoresis with iodine and zinc is performed, and a course of antibiotics can be prescribed to prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection.

Treatment with folk remedies is not prohibited, but it can be carried out along with drug therapy. Otherwise, the effectiveness of folk methods will be minimal. In addition, some methods can harm the body.

What are the consequences

When endometriosis is diagnosed in women of childbearing age, pregnancy is ruled out in most cases. It is usually not possible to completely cure the pathology. Even with a combination of surgical and medical treatment, the periods of remission are not too long and sooner or later an exacerbation occurs.

A more successful prognosis for the course of the disease is made in cases where a woman is in. Then, as the production of sex hormones decreases, endometriosis gradually fades away.

After prolonged clinical treatment (at least three years), some women were able to conceive. However, during pregnancy against the background of remission of endometriosis, the risk of miscarriage is high, especially in the first weeks.

Preventive measures

Every woman should take preventive measures. This also applies to those who have achieved some success in the treatment of the disease. Preventive measures include the following:

  • abstaining from sexual intercourse during menstruation;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • immediate treatment of all inflammatory diseases of the genital area;
  • refusal to conduct abortions, including medical ones;
  • minimizing emotional experiences and stress;
  • maintaining normal body weight.

If a woman carefully follows these recommendations, the risk of suffering from endometriosis is significantly reduced.

When the first unpleasant signs of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. An ultrasound examination will allow diagnosing pathology at the initial stage and applying only drug therapy without surgical intervention.

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The term "endometriosis", from the Latin "endometrium", means the tissue in the inner lining of the uterus. The disease occurs when tissue that looks and functions like endometrial tissue is found outside the uterus, usually inside the pelvic cavity.

This is a chronic disease that affects the reproductive organs of a woman. This happens when the endometrium, which normally lines the uterus from the inside, begins to grow on the outside. It often affects the abdominal organs, including the ovaries and pelvis. In some cases, endometrial tissues are found in other areas of the body.

According to various estimates, about 176 million women in the world face this medical problem between the ages of 15 and 49.

Endometrial tissue, which is outside the uterus, behaves during the menstrual cycle in much the same way as tissue inside the uterus. At the end of the cycle, when hormones affect the shedding of the lining tissue in the uterus, the endometrium outside of it begins to disintegrate and bleed. But while the menstrual fluid leaves the uterus with menstruation, the blood of the decaying endometrium has no way out. The tissues around the affected area become inflamed and swollen.

These abnormal areas of tissue can grow into what are known as "lesions," also known as "implants," "nodules," or "growths." The most common site for growths is a woman's ovaries.

Endometriosis according to its location is divided into genital and extragenital. Genital affects the reproductive organs of women - the ovaries and uterus. With extragenital endometriosis, other organs of the body, such as the bladder or intestines, and even the lungs, are affected by the growing endometrium.

Mild forms of endometriosis are the most common, may be asymptomatic, and sometimes do not require treatment. But you should know that this disease can be a source of moderate or severe pain during menstruation, as well as painful intercourse, and even an obstacle to a desired pregnancy.

Signs of endometriosis

The biggest problem is that any signs of illness in the early stages seem to be the body's natural reactions to the onset of the menstrual cycle.

The main symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain, which in women is often associated with menstrual cycles.

Although a large number of women constantly experience menstrual cramps with monthly peeling of the inner layer of the uterine wall, many women with endometriosis experience pain more than usual. According to the observations of doctors, patients usually complain that the pain increases with time.

Some signs of endometriosis:

  • Painful periods. Cramps in the pelvic region and uterine cramps can disturb before and for some time after the onset of menstruation.
  • Pain during intercourse. Pain during intercourse or after it is often a sign of internal appearance.
  • Urination or defecation is painful. Often this occurs during menstruation.
  • Profuse bleeding.
  • Difficulties with conception. There are many cases when uterine endometriosis is diagnosed in women who initially applied to the clinic for infertility treatment.

It should be borne in mind that the intensity of pain is not always a sure sign of a late degree of the disease.

Some patients with a shallow degree of damage may suffer from sharp pain and spasms, while some women with advanced endometriosis feel little or no pain at all.

Symptoms of endometriosis

A significant number of women with endometriosis do not report pronounced symptoms. Even when symptoms do develop, they can vary, even women at different ages have different symptoms.

In general, it is believed that the larger the lesions, the more symptoms.

About one third of women with uterine endometriosis find that they are sick because they were unable to conceive and went to a specialist, or the endometriosis was discovered during surgery for another reason. Therefore, the severity of the disease and the number of symptoms are likely to be related to the location of the tissues, rather than their size and quantity.

The following symptoms of endometriosis can be distinguished:

Also, the patient may feel tired and lack of strength, anxiety, experience frequent mood swings. Such symptoms may be manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, however, together with the rest of the listed symptoms, they may indicate ovarian endometriosis.

Symptoms of endometriosis disappear with the onset of pregnancy. This, as doctors believe, is due to the progesterone produced by the body. After the birth of a child, the consequences of the disease remain unclear.

Causes of endometriosis

The causes of the disease cannot be precisely named. Some experts believe that pieces of the endometrium move back through the fallopian tubes and exit into the pelvic cavity, where the reproductive organs are located. Tissue cells settle on the surfaces of the genital organs. With the onset of menstruation, the tissue bleeds, as does the tissue in the uterus. The blood from these areas irritates the surrounding tissues on the organs, which become inflamed and swollen.

Because doctors don't know exactly what causes endometriosis, the possible causes or factors may vary from woman to woman.

  1. Heredity. In women, among whose close relatives there are patients with endometriosis, the probability of the disease increases by 7-10 times. In addition, in the case of twins, both are more likely to have endometriosis, especially if they are identical twins.
  2. Retrograde menses. When women have their period, blood flows from the vagina, but also in the opposite direction - into the pelvic cavity. In 90% of women, blood with endometrial tissues simply disintegrates or is absorbed and does not cause any symptoms; in women prone to endometriosis, endometrial tissue begins to grow.

Other likely causes of endometriosis include:

  • menstruation lasting more than 5 days;
  • profuse bleeding during menstruation;
  • first menstruation up to 11 years;
  • an interval of less than 26 days between periods;
  • early pregnancy;
  • underweight;
  • alcohol consumption.

In some cases, endometriosis is misdiagnosed because its symptoms are similar to some other diseases of the ovaries or pelvic organs. The disease may resemble irritable bowel syndrome, which may be accompanied by endometriosis, which greatly complicates its detection.

To diagnose this disease, the doctor, first of all, finds out the patient's symptoms, specifies the location of the focus of pain and the time when it started.

A physical exam for endometriosis often consists of the following:

  1. Examination at the gynecologist. A gynecological examination allows the doctor to feel areas in the rectum and vagina and determine
    the presence of anomalies. For example, there may be cysts on the reproductive organs.
  2. Ultrasound. The ultrasound transducer is either pressed against the skin on the abdomen or inserted into the vagina. An ultrasound cannot 100% confirm whether a woman has endometriosis, but it does detect cysts.
  3. Laparoscopy. This is a procedure performed by a surgeon and is most commonly used to detect and treat endometriosis. Under anesthesia, the patient makes a small incision in the navel area, where an instrument called a laparoscope is inserted. With it, the doctor is able to find tissues located outside the uterus. Laparoscopy provides information about the location, spread, and size of endometrial implants so that the doctor can determine the best treatment options.

Endometriosis is difficult to recognize and detect because pelvic pain, as the main symptom of the disease, is often an integral part of the menstrual cycle. And yet, a timely appeal to a gynecologist with the manifestation of any of the symptoms will help to diagnose the disease at an early stage of development and start treatment on time.

Treatment of endometriosis

There are no specific drugs that would be used in the treatment of the disease. Treatment focuses on reducing pain and
cure for infertility. Treatment occurs depending on the degree, symptoms and impact on the subsequent ability to become pregnant. If a woman suffers from severe pain, then hormone therapy may be used to reduce the level of estrogen in the body. If the patient wants to become pregnant, the doctor may prescribe infertility treatment or surgery.

Medical preparations

If you complain of severe pain or heavy bleeding, if you are not planning a pregnancy in the near future, then contraceptives or anti-inflammatory drugs can help control pain. Contraceptive hormones can keep tissues from growing further. If a woman has severe endometriosis, or if these remedies do not help, stronger hormonal therapy may be tried.


The most commonly used drugs in the hormonal treatment of endometriosis include Duphaston. It is a progestogen or the so-called synthetic progesterone. Its action is similar to that of progesterone, which is produced by the female ovaries. It is not known for sure how Duphaston eliminates endometrial implants, because, unlike other drugs used in the treatment of endometriosis, it does not stop menstruation and does not affect ovulation at a relatively low dosage. Presumably, Duphaston inhibits the growth of abnormally located endometrial cells, causing them to gradually die.

The dosage of the drug will largely depend on the technique of the gynecologist. A visit to this specialist during the treatment with Duphaston will require 6 to 8 weeks after the start of the course, since the doctor must observe how the treatment progresses.

Many women prefer the treatment of various diseases with folk remedies, but is it possible to treat endometriosis at home?

Of course, it will not be possible to completely cure this disease with folk remedies, however, in order to control the severity of the disease and
To relieve the main symptoms of pain and heavy bleeding, some natural remedies can be tried.

  1. Castor oil helps the body get rid of excess tissue and toxins. It should be used at the beginning of the menstrual period.
    cycle when spasms are just starting.
  2. Massaging your pelvis and lower abdomen with lavender or sandalwood essential oil can help you relax and soothe minor aches and pains.
  3. Turmeric. This spice contains a naturally occurring compound known as curcumin, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and hence can be used as a home remedy.
  4. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation as well as swelling.
  5. Dandelion. Dandelion decoction helps regulate hormone levels.

In addition to the use of various natural remedies, it is also necessary to monitor the lifestyle. For example, reduce the intake of fatty foods, pay enough attention to physical activity, walking and swimming. And also give up alcohol and smoking, avoid stressful situations.

It is worth remembering that not all women with endometriosis feel pain. And the degree of the disease does not always worsen over time.

After menopause and during pregnancy, the condition usually improves. If in women after 40 years of age the pain is barely perceptible, there are no plans for a future pregnancy, or the onset of menopause is expected, then there is no urgent need for treatment.

At home, treatment helps relieve pain, but the problem may remain. But even when visiting a gynecologist, the decision always remains with the patient.

Read more about endometriosis treatment

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