What are the seams after caesarean section. Wearing special postpartum devices. Common Suture Complications

Patients after cesarean section are concerned about the natural question - how many days does the scar heal? The suture after caesarean section on the uterus heals on the 7th day after the operation, it is completely scarred after 24 months. And the discomfort in the suture area usually disappears in a month.

Why does the seam hurt after a cesarean section? The wound remains not only on the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, muscles are dissected, and of course, the damage is very large.

A caesarean section is a major abdominal operation. With it, not only the skin, subcutaneous tissue and the muscle layer underlying them are dissected, but also a large muscular organ - the uterus. These incisions are quite large, because obstetricians need to comfortably remove the baby from the uterine cavity, and do it very quickly.

How long does a cesarean section stitch heal, will it be noticeable, how to care for it, and what to do if the incision becomes inflamed or parted? All cut tissue heals differently. It depends not only on the individual characteristics of the organism, but also on the state of health at the time after childbirth, on the age, on the physique of the woman, and on which incision was performed: longitudinal or transverse.

A longitudinal incision is more convenient for obstetricians in the sense that through it it is faster to get to the uterine cavity and get the baby. It is used in cases where there is a threat to the life of the mother or child: fetal hypoxia, bleeding in the mother, eclampsia in the mother. Doctors did it, got the baby out, handed it over to neonatologists or resuscitators, and then they stop the bleeding, remove the placenta, calmly and carefully sew up the cut tissues.

The seam after a longitudinal incision heals for about 2 months, but is felt and can periodically disturb during the year, sometimes longer. Such sutures tend to become thick and cosmetically unsightly.

A transverse incision in the lower abdomen is made in a larger percentage of cases, mainly after a planned caesarean section. The skin is often sutured using atraumatic suture material, and the thread passes intradermally, that is, there will be no traces of the needle on both sides - it will look like a neat thin line (in case you do not have an increased tendency to form keloid scars).

The seam after the transverse incision heals a little faster. As a rule, it is about 6 weeks. But it also tends to flare up for a year after a caesarean delivery. If the seam is inflamed after a cesarean section, do not tighten it.

Sutures on the skin are mainly superimposed with non-absorbable material - silk or nylon. These sutures are removed one week after the caesarean section. Of course, suturing with absorbable threads also takes place. Such threads dissolve themselves within a month or two (depending on the material).

After the operation, in the first three days, the seam hurts a lot. In the maternity hospital, a woman is given painkillers, so it is impossible to breastfeed during this period. If you want to establish then breastfeeding, then it is worth pumping to stimulate the production of milk in the mammary glands.

The seam is processed after a caesarean section with a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol with 0.05% chlorhexidine, 5% alcohol solution of iodine or brilliant green by the medical staff of the maternity hospital. A sterile bandage is applied to it. Before discharge, you should be told that upon returning home, you will need to carry out the same manipulations on your own: soak (while it still sticks to the skin) the old bandage, water it with peroxide, remove and treat with alcohol, and then brilliant green.

The treatment is usually carried out up to 7-10 days, then the seam can be smeared with sea buckthorn oil or Solcoseryl so that it heals faster and is less disturbed by pain pulling in it.

The suture on the uterus is completely scarred two years after the operation. It is after 2 years, not earlier, that a woman can plan her next pregnancy in order to be calm about the fact that the seam on the growing uterus will not open.

If you were discharged home, and the suture suddenly began to hurt more, if yellowish or bloody discharge appeared from it, if a seal appeared under the suture or the temperature rose - urgently contact the maternity hospital where you were delivered in this way - the obstetrician on duty will look at you at the emergency room and tells what happened and how to deal with it.

During childbirth by caesarean section, a transverse or, if necessary, a longitudinal incision is made on the tissues of the abdominal wall and uterus. After scarring of the tissues, a scar is formed at the incision site, in some cases acquiring a rather unaesthetic appearance.

In addition, scars with improper postoperative care can be a source of various complications for a long time, including infections of the reproductive system.

Various synthetic or natural materials are used for suturing. Some types of materials are bioresorbable, others have to be removed 5-6 days after surgery. The amount of suture material, its quality, the technique of the operation, the prevention of complications - all these factors affect the speed and quality of healing and determine how neat the suture will look in the end.

Cosmetic suture for caesarean section

As a rule, during a planned surgical delivery, a transverse incision (Pfannenstiel laparotomy) is made along the suprapubic fold. Such a caesarean suture subsequently becomes almost invisible, as it is located inside the natural skin fold and does not affect the abdominal cavity. It is in this case that a cosmetic suture is usually applied during caesarean section.

If there are complications during childbirth, the doctor may decide on the need for a corporal caesarean section, in which the incision is made vertically. In the case of a longitudinal incision, the caesarean suture usually looks sloppy and becomes even more noticeable over time. After such an operation, increased strength is required when connecting tissues, so cosmetic sutures are replaced with nodal ones.

Inner seam for caesarean section

During caesarean section, internal sutures are applied to the wall of the uterus. In this case, the suture requires strength and better conditions for subsequent healing, as a result of which there are many different techniques for applying and mainly bioresorbable materials are used.

Stitch care after caesarean section

As a rule, the sensations in the suture area are quite painful, so the woman in labor is prescribed painkillers in the first few days. Antibiotics are also used to prevent infectious complications, which can not only lead to the need for a second operation, but also cause serious inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, up to removal of the uterus or infertility. After a caesarean section, the suture is treated daily with antiseptics. After healing, a doctor may prescribe a silicone-based gel to smooth out scar tissue and prevent pigmentation.

Possible complications in the postoperative period

Before removing the stitches, the formation of hematomas, bleeding is possible. Early complications can be noticed even in the hospital. In this case, the medical staff will make sure that suppuration does not occur. With suppuration, antibiotic therapy is carried out, dressings are made and, if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. After removing the ligatures, the seam may diverge. If the seam diverges on the 7-10th day after cesarean, you should immediately seek medical help.

Some time after healing, rejection of the suture material may occur, causing the appearance of ligature fistulas. Self-healing in this case is unlikely. This process can be easily stopped by a qualified doctor by removing the remnants of the ligature.

Scar correction methods

Usually, during a surgical operation of any type, the doctor tries to make the external suture as invisible as possible, but, depending on the characteristics of the organism, the same suture made by one surgeon will look different on different people a few months after the operation. This is easy to verify by viewing photos and videos on the Internet. The cesarean scar in the photo can be either pale, neat and inconspicuous, or dark, dense and conspicuous. Silicone gels in the second case will not save the situation.

In the presence of such an aesthetic problem as a sloppy suture from a caesarean, laser skin resurfacing is a fairly effective solution. Of course, such a correction should be carried out after a preliminary consultation with the surgeon, who, based on the condition of the sutures, will tell you when the procedure will be most successful.

A scar after a caesarean section is a sad prospect for women, however, if an operation is to be done, this cannot be avoided. Neither the "laser" nor other methods can remove it, such an operation is always accompanied by a dissection of the anterior abdominal wall and a scar on the skin. If there is already a second operation, there is nothing to lose, the seam after the second cesarean always passes through the old scar and you will not have any other scars.

What are the seams?

The operation with the "royal incision" involves the dissection of all layers of the anterior abdominal wall of the mother, and the skin and subcutaneous fat, muscles, and the dissection of the uterine wall. In this case, the incision should be large enough to remove the child safely and without injury.

There are many ways to perform surgery, but in general there are fundamental differences only in relation to penetration or non-penetration into the mother's abdominal cavity.

Classical corporal caesarean section is currently performed only in rare cases when labor must be completed quickly, for example, in case of maternal bleeding, acute fetal hypoxia, or preterm labor. In this case, the incision passes along the anterior abdominal wall vertically, from the navel to the pubis, the so-called lower median laparotomy is performed. Then the operating surgeon penetrates into the abdominal cavity and opens the wall of the uterus with a longitudinal incision.

The vertical seam after cesarean does not differ in beauty, is clearly visible, it tends to become thick and hypertrophied.

Scar after caesarean section, photo

In most cases, Pfannenstiel laparotomy is preferred.

This is a transverse arcuate incision on the anterior abdominal wall in the area of ​​the skin fold above the pubis. The doctor cuts the skin, and penetrates to the uterus without opening the abdominal cavity. The incision made in this way is in its lower segment, and also has a transverse direction.

Due to the transverse course of the incision and the fact that it passes inside the natural skin fold, the scar does not experience tension and may subsequently become completely invisible. A cosmetic suture after caesarean is used precisely in this variant of the operation; with vertical access, it is usually necessary to impose interrupted sutures, because a high strength of the tissue connection is required.

Seam after cesarean, photo

The internal incision, the one that is superimposed on the uterine wall, has many modifications and options, there are even hardware methods for applying ligatures, the main goal is to achieve good conditions for the healing of the uterine wall and at the same time reduce blood loss.

It is known that this scar has the best, lasting condition 2 years after the operation, and it is at this time that the re-pregnancy is optimal. Ultrasound of the suture after cesarean allows you to find out about its condition even before the onset of re-conception, it is better to plan pregnancy after cesarean.

How long does a suture heal after a caesarean?

So the operation took place, your baby was born ...

How long does a suture heal after a cesarean?

In the first two days, get ready for quite severe postoperative pain, you will be helped by administering painkillers. A fat woman can be greatly helped to cope with pain by a postpartum bandage, at least to some extent immobilizing the wound during movements.

No matter how painful it is, in a day you will be offered to get up and start moving actively. This is important, it helps to cope with intestinal paresis, he is lazy after the operation and does not want to work. And in general, the sooner you get up, the faster you will recover after the operation, and this is so important, your baby is waiting for you, who has been under the care of strangers all this time ...

Why does the seam hurt after a cesarean section?

The wound remains not only on the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, muscles are dissected, and of course, the damage is very large. The pains will persist for a long time, the first days are unbearable without medical support, as they heal, they will subside, and by the 10-14th day they will almost not disturb. But for a long time you will feel itching in the area of ​​the scar, there may be a violation of sensitivity with numbness in the lower abdomen after surgery with a transverse incision. Then all this will pass.

When are stitches removed after caesarean?

The wound can be sutured with nodal separate lines, or there may be an intradermal cosmetic suture. With a transverse incision, the sutures are most often removed already on the 7th day, if you had a vertical incision, they can be removed on the 10th day. However, this does not mean complete healing.

You will be discharged home, but there will still be dry crusts on the causative site.

Seam care

The treatment of the seam after a caesarean section in the maternity hospital is carried out by the medical staff. Dressings will be done every day or every other day. To avoid getting acquainted with glue and adhesive plaster, you can buy special adhesive bandages for the wound in advance, they are very convenient for the patient. But this may not be necessary if the maternity hospital is well stocked, this is one of the little things that should be discussed with the doctor before the operation.

After the stitches are removed, they will tell you how to treat the stomach at home, if everything is fine, you can take a shower in a day, and it will be enough to smear the wound with green paint until the whole crust falls off.

If the postoperative period proceeds with complications, the doctor will tell you how to smear the seam after cesarean.

What complications can you face?

Early Complications

Early wound complications happen while you are still in the hospital.

Bleeding and hematoma

In the first three days there is a danger of bleeding from the wound. You may notice that the bandage is soaked with blood, this should be reported to the medical staff immediately. Usually, the suture bleeds after cesarean if the hemostasis of the vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is insufficiently thorough, this is also fraught with the formation of a subcutaneous hematoma, followed by suppuration, so measures should be taken as soon as this is detected.

Divergence of the seam after caesarean

The discrepancy is possible after removal of the ligatures, on the 7-10th day after the operation. The first 2 days are dangerous with this complication, so you need to be very careful, avoiding stress on the scar. Sometimes it happens that a woman manages to be discharged home before this happens if the stitches were removed on the day of discharge. If you have a suture after a caesarean, even in a small area, you need to see a doctor immediately, do not treat it yourself. Usually, the suture does not heal for a long time after surgery due to the presence of a sluggish infection here, which means that you need serious treatment.

Suppuration of sutures after caesarean section

To prevent this complication, antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed after surgery, but it can still happen. This usually happens 3-7 days after the operation. Inflammation of the suture after cesarean will be noticed during dressings, and you may feel that it began to hurt more, although the pain seemed to have subsided. If the seam festered after cesarean, an antibiotic is prescribed or changed, if it has been prescribed, dressings are performed with antibacterial ointments. If suppuration is accompanied by high fever, worsening of the general condition, you can be transferred from the maternity hospital to the gynecological department for aftercare.

Pus is first manifested by swelling and redness, soreness, the doctor notices at the dressing that it is swollen, the skin around is tense. If you do not immediately treat it correctly, the inflammation will be replaced by suppuration, which will require premature removal of skin ligatures and wound treatment according to the principles of purulent surgery. Then it will take a very long time to heal, and even if you are still discharged home, and not to the hospital, you will have to go for dressings.

Late Complications

Late complications occur months or even years after surgery.

Ligature fistulas

Ligature fistulas are among the most common complications, they occur due to the fact that the body begins to reject honey. material. When a cesarean section is done, different threads are used, some of them do not dissolve for about a year, and the body sometimes reacts violently to them.

Most often, ligature fistulas begin to form within a month to six months after the intervention, but it happens that a characteristic lump on the seam after cesarean appears even a year or even more after the operation. Usually, inflammation of the suture due to the ligature develops rather slowly, it takes several weeks, the swelling on the suture becomes larger, becomes painful, reddens, and then pus erupts. Inside the wound, upon closer examination, you can even see the culprit of the trouble - the ligature.

Such a wound fester for months, the fistula at the seam either closes or flows again, and this will continue until the ligature is removed. It makes no sense to smear it with something or try to treat it yourself, you need to see a doctor to remove the thread.


Hernias in the area of ​​the suture occur only if there was a vertical incision, because when the anterior abdominal wall is dissected by Pfannenstiel or Joel-Kohen access, the transverse scar does not experience any special load. Hernias are rare and can take many years after surgery.

Keloid scar

A keloid scar is a significant induration of the seam after cesarean, it becomes thick and ugly. This is more of a cosmetic issue than a real health issue. This practically does not happen with transverse incisions; with a longitudinal incision, it occurs quite often.

How to remove the seam after cesarean?

Plastic surgery will come to the rescue, from laser resurfacing of the scar to its excision, methods of disposal are selected individually in each case.

The appearance of a baby is usually a great joy for parents, regardless of how the baby was born: born naturally or with the help. But for a new mother, this is very important. A caesarean section is an abdominal operation, after which there are always stitches that can be a problem for a young mother.

Types of sutures applied during caesarean section

Seams are of two types, depending on how the incision was made:

  • separate interrupted sutures impose when the skin is cut down the midline from the navel to the pubis (lower median laparotomy) - performed quite rarely: when childbirth must be completed quickly for medical reasons (, bleeding in the mother),
  • cosmetic continuous intradermal suture superimposed when cut along the Pfannenstiel (transverse section). At the same time, the scar is hardly noticeable, as it is located inside the natural fold of the body above the pubis.

With a caesarean section, all layers of the tissue of the anterior abdominal wall are dissected: skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, uterine walls. The seams of each of these layers are superimposed differently:

  • the incision on the uterus is most often carried out with a continuous single-row suture of a durable absorbable synthetic material;
  • the peritoneum is sutured with catgut (catgut is an absorbable natural material obtained from the intestines of sheep) continuous sutures;
  • muscles are also sutured with catgut;
  • the connective tissue covering the muscles (aponeurosis) is sutured with synthetic absorbable sutures.

Suture treatment after caesarean section

The first two days after the caesarean section there will be severe postoperative pain. To cope with it, the young mother is injected with painkillers. It will also help with postoperative pain to some extent. It supports and strengthens the abdominal muscles, helps the muscles to contract and promotes their return to their prenatal state.

For some women, the pain lasts about two weeks, for others, painful aching sensations last longer than six months. But from the very beginning, one or two days after the operation, mothers will be asked to get out of bed and be as active as possible in order to recover faster after the operation. If the sutures were applied with non-absorbable suture material, then, depending on the state of health and the operation performed, the woman's sutures are removed after 7-10 days.

In the maternity hospital, the medical staff processes postoperative sutures. The first time this is done immediately after suturing the skin. A sterile dressing is applied to prevent the risk of infection entering the wound. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are recommended for prevention. Medical treatment of the seam after a caesarean section involves daily dressings. Depending on the maternity hospital and doctors, the seam is treated with brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

Almost always in maternity hospitals after a cesarean section, painkillers are used that are compatible with: they either do not enter breast milk or do not harm the baby in any way. Some narcotic (morphine, tramal) and non-narcotic (paracetamol, analgin, baralgin) analgesics can be used one-time. They pass into breast milk in small amounts, but they should not be used for a long time in order to avoid the development of negative consequences. It is necessary to check with the doctor which drugs are prescribed, whether they are harmful when breastfeeding the baby. If it is necessary to take antibiotics, prescribe those that are not contraindicated in breastfeeding: penicillins, macrolides, aminoglycosides, since their toxicity to the child is low.

Possible complications associated with a suture after a caesarean section

In the recovery of the body, some early (within a week after surgery) or late (within a year) complications may occur during the healing of a postoperative wound.

Early complications include:

  • bleeding and hematoma. The first few days after the operation are dangerous for the appearance of bleeding. Their appearance is noticed during dressings. Usually, the seam bleeds and becomes wet after a cesarean section, when the vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are not sufficiently connected. This leads to hematomas and internal suppuration. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • divergence of seams. This can happen the first time after they are removed. So that the seam does not open after a cesarean section, you need to avoid any physical exertion and find an assistant to care for the child.
  • suppuration of the seams. Antibacterial treatment of the suture after caesarean section, of course, is carried out, but still this problem may arise. When the suture fester after caesarean section, either prescribe or change the prescribed antibiotic and apply bandages with antibacterial ointments.

Late complications include:

  • ligature fistulas. They may appear due to rejection by the body of the ligature (i.e. suture material). If the seam becomes inflamed after a cesarean section precisely because of the ligature, after a few days the swelling becomes larger, the place of the seam becomes painful, reddens, then pus erupts and you can even see the connecting threads - the ligature. Until the ligature is removed from the suture, it can continue to fester and become inflamed.
  • hernia. For the most part, they can occur even years after the placement of interrupted vertical sutures due to the large load on the scar. When a transverse suture is applied, the scar does not experience such tension.
  • keloid scar(seal over the seam after caesarean section). It is fat and ugly, and is more of a beauty problem than a medical problem. It doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. There is a problem only when applying a longitudinal vertical seam, it almost does not occur on transverse seams. Removal or reduction of scars is now solved with the help of plastic and laser surgery.

When young mothers, upon discharge from the maternity hospital, ask how to handle the seam after a cesarean section on their own, if complications suddenly arise, all doctors answer that nothing is worth doing to avoid risk. In any case, if the suture does not heal for a long time after a cesarean section, or something goes wrong, as it should, you should contact the doctor who applied the suture. The doctor, having established the problem, will either continue the treatment himself, or refer you to gynecology or surgery for inpatient treatment.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The upcoming meeting with the long-awaited child brings a lot of worries and worries. Most of all, the expectant mother is nervous because of the imminent birth. Taking into account certain medical indicators, the doctor prescribes a caesarean section, which leaves a seam. Therefore, many women are concerned about the question of how noticeable the seam remains after a cesarean section and how long does it heal? Such anxiety is understandable, but most of the fears are excessive.

Types of stitches after caesarean section

The decision to perform a caesarean section is made only by the doctor. Caesarean section is prescribed if there is a direct threat to the life of the mother or child during natural childbirth. The main indications for the operation are:

  • large size of the fetus;
  • entwining the child with the umbilical cord;
  • incorrect location of the fetus in the uterus;
  • threat to the life of the mother.

The seam after caesarean section can be:

  • horizontal - the incision is made in the lower part of the abdominal cavity in the form of an arc;
  • transverse - the incision is made slightly higher than with the horizontal;
  • vertical - the incision is made from the navel to the pubic region.

Over the next 7 days after the operation, the incision is in the process of healing. At this time, the necessary treatment is carried out - special antiseptic preparations are applied to the wound, a mandatory change of dressings is performed every day, the woman in labor is prescribed painkillers (almost always administered intramuscularly).

A week later, the doctor removes the stitches, after which the woman will be able to calmly get up and move around, take water procedures. But over the next two months, heavy physical activity is prohibited. The fact is that at this time the divergence of the seams is possible. A woman will be able to move around the ward even before the stitches are removed, but very carefully and after the permission of the doctor.

Complications at the seams


This complication is rare - there is a slight divergence of the incision in different directions. This happens approximately 7-10 days after the operation. This phenomenon is connected with the fact that at this time the thread (ligature) is removed. In almost all cases, this is due to the presence of an infection that occurs without symptoms. As a result, there is poor tissue fusion, and wound healing will take longer. The divergence of the seam occurs if a woman lifts a lot of weight at this time.


Due to infection or improper care, the scar becomes inflamed, which is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • swelling appears;
  • the incision is bleeding;
  • the skin around the seam begins to turn red;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the incision is festering.

First, the scar becomes reddened, then it swells slightly, and an antibiotic, antibacterial ointments are prescribed for the treatment of the woman, but all the complications will not end there. It is necessary to monitor the incision with special attention - it can fester, become inflamed, ooze ichor, which provokes severe pain. It is strictly forbidden to carry out self-treatment, because unskilled actions can only worsen the state of health. If the seam begins to fester strongly, in the most severe cases, surgical intervention is required.


If a complication such as inflammation of the suture appears, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. This phenomenon occurs due to the presence of an infection in the body or improper care of the postoperative incision. In no case should you carry out self-treatment, so as not to worsen an already serious condition.


If the operation was successful, there is a possibility of various complications. Improper care leads to the formation of ligature fistulas in those parts where the thread is infected, or provided that the female body rejects the materials used for the seam. In some cases, the formation of inflammation takes several months, which is why the suture will dissolve much longer.

Inflammation is a small seal, it starts to hurt, turns red, feels hot to the touch. The seal has a relatively small opening through which pus periodically leaks. There are times when the thread comes out with pus, but it is not recommended to wait for this - there is a risk of developing an abscess.

Superficial treatment will not bring the desired result - the fistula will not disappear until the thread is completely removed. Only a doctor can do this. If several fistulas are formed at the same time, it will be necessary to dissect the suture, after which it is reapplied. This is one of the most serious complications, and if a woman finds it early, the treatment will be easy, and the abdominal suture will not be re-dissected.

What to do if the seam hurts and oozes

If the seam after a caesarean section hurts a lot and oozes, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. The doctor needs to be told how long the postoperative scar hurts, flows or gets wet, and talk about other symptoms. In some cases, pain is caused by a too tight bandage that tightens the stomach. If the discomfort was provoked by other reasons, only a doctor can help.

Suture care after caesarean section

During the first 5 days after a caesarean section, the suture is processed by a nurse - every day she uses special antiseptic solutions, changes the bandage. After about a week, the sutures (non-absorbable) and the bandage are removed, and the treatment of the scar continues in parallel. If there are no contraindications, at this time a woman is allowed not only to move freely, but also to take a shower (you can not rub the incision site strongly).

To protect the incision left after a caesarean section from unnecessary contacts, a woman must wear a special postoperative bandage, which at the same time also maintains this area in a certain state. It will also help to return the stomach to its previous appearance much faster, pain in the area of ​​​​the scar is significantly reduced. If there is no inflammation or leakage, there is no need to treat the scar with anything. Gynecologists advise smearing the incision area with a special ointment that speeds up the healing process.

The main care is a simple wash of the seam using soap, but only without a washcloth. For several days, pain will disturb, but the doctor will no longer anesthetize, so you will have to be patient a little. After about two months, the inner seam heals, but it is not recommended to lift weights (weight more than 4 kg) and when the first feeling of discomfort appears, be sure to consult a doctor.

How and what to process at home

Within a week after childbirth, the need for special care for the suture, which is about 10 cm long, is almost completely eliminated (this applies to special medical procedures). However, in order to avoid possible complications, it is worth adhering to the doctor's recommendations, because many young mothers are interested in the question of how to smear the incision left after a cesarean section:

  • the seam after a caesarean section is regularly lubricated with brilliant green. This treatment speeds up healing;
  • taking a shower is allowed no earlier than a week after the operation;
  • do not press or rub the seam;
  • it is worth wearing a postoperative bandage that prevents discrepancy;
  • regularly need to do air baths for the seam.

The postpartum bandage will perfectly protect the incision from external irritants and significantly reduce pain, the muscles will tighten and return to their previous tone. It is imperative to check with the doctor how to properly process the cosmetic suture left after a cesarean section. At first, the red-blue scar will be very disturbing, but do not worry if the uterus does not hurt, everything is normal and after a few months the seam will acquire a natural skin tone. In case of severe pain, you should seek medical help.

If non-absorbable sutures were used during suturing, you will have to visit the doctor again some time after discharge. When a c-section scar is very noticeable, it is worth consulting with your doctor before using a variety of creams, ointments, or other medications designed to remove it.

How long does it heal

The time it takes to heal a postoperative scar is determined strictly on an individual basis, because this process is directly influenced by various factors. Experts believe that the suture completely heals only two years after the caesarean section. Therefore, it is not recommended to plan a second pregnancy earlier than this period, so that the seam does not diverge.

Tummy tuck after caesarean section

After childbirth, the tummy does not take on the most attractive appearance, and if a caesarean section was performed, recovery will take longer, and there is also the possibility of an ugly fold in which fat will begin to accumulate. Getting rid of this defect will be difficult, but possible. However, here you can not do without surgical intervention.

Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery of the abdomen after a caesarean section that will help solve this problem. Before carrying out this procedure, a woman must undergo the necessary examination, take tests and consult a doctor. During the operation, vacuum removal of fat deposits is performed through small incisions in the skin. Thanks to this, ugly folds, scars disappear, stretch marks are removed and a happy mom gets a slender figure.

Cosmetic seam - photo

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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