Visceral massage: how to endure? Supplemented and extended review of the Old Slavonic technique. What is visceral massage

Visceral massage is special way deep manual impact on internal organs and fabrics. The second name of the technique is visceral chiropractic (Viscera in Latin means "insides").

Massage is performed directly through the front wall of the abdomen. In technical terms, it is work with the internal organs of a massage, pressure, vibration, shifting nature.


Even in the time of Avicenna, doctors noticed that the treatment of one a separate body is not effective enough, because everything in the body is in close relationship. However, many modern methods Therapy is aimed specifically at correcting a particular disorder.

Professor A.T. Ogulov

Visceral massage has been known for a long time, but earlier it was practiced under other names. It was used in India, China, the Philippines. This is one of the ancient Slavic techniques. In Rus', even in ancient times, healers "ruled the stomach", i.e. internal organs were massaged through the anterior wall of the abdomen.

Then to change folk methods the era of synthetic drugs has come, which has created a temporary illusion of victory over diseases. But with the help traditional therapy could not completely cope with any disease. As a result, people have again turned to almost forgotten methods of treatment.

Today, visceral abdominal massage is widely used in combination with traditional ways treatment. Technique learned from scientific point rhenium and supplemented with new effective techniques.

Creator Russian school visceral therapy is Prof. A.T. Ogulov.

The essence of the procedure

Generally speaking, the goal of manual influence is to normalize functional state organism.

Massage normalizes the state of the body

The correct position of the organs is significantly affected by the state of the ligaments, with which they are attached to the skeleton. Hypodynamia, incorrect posture, inflammatory processes and a number of other factors lead to a violation of the structure of the skeleton and a deterioration in the state of the ligamentous apparatus, which in turn provokes the displacement of internal organs. The result of their incorrect position is a deterioration in blood supply (due to vasospasm) and insufficient innervation (due to weakening of the nerve fiber). As a result, the nutrition and supply of the organ with oxygen is disturbed, foci of lymphatic and venous stagnation are formed. Metabolic products are retained in the affected area and contribute to the development pathogenic microflora. The functioning of the diseased organ is disrupted, which increases the load on other organs - sometimes they work at the limit of their capabilities. So, violations in one part of the body provoke a failure of the entire system. The articular-ligamentous apparatus, muscles, skin covering.
Receptions of visceral massage of the abdomen are aimed at restoring the correct position of the internal organs. To detect violations in ligamentous apparatus The masseur conducts a study of the abdomen with the help of hands. By acting on spasmodic or damaged ligaments, it returns the body to the correct position, normalizes the trajectory and amplitude of its movement. Special massage techniques help to relax the spasmodic ligaments that hold the body, as a result, after a certain time, it returns to its natural position on its own.

Popular types of massage

Today, the classic massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov is most often used. It involves the use of techniques such as pressure, tapping, shifting. Helps restore microcirculation in the organs themselves and the space around them, normalizes metabolic processes and eliminates functional disorders. The average session lasts about 1 hour.

Psychovisceral massage

However, this technique alone is not always effective enough. Therefore, visceral massage is often used in combination with other methods of influence - for example, cupping or honey massage. A competent combination of two or more techniques allows you to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect. Anyway Special attention is given to the study of the abdomen and the correction of the state of internal organs. It should be noted that in the Ogulov clinic itself, visceral chiropractic is not used as monotherapy, but is the main part of the treatment process.
Another technique - psychovisceral - was the result of a combination of visceral massage of internal organs with psychotherapy. During a session with a client, both manual and psychological work. The deep sensations that arise during the study of the abdominal area allow you to “hook” and pull out deeply lying layers of feelings, which cannot be done even with the most intense verbal work. The duration and rhythm of the psychovisceral massage differ from the classic visceral session. The procedure lasts at least 3-4 hours. During this time, a deep study of the abdomen is carried out with the inclusion of bioenergetics and the human psyche in the work. During the session, the specialist must thoroughly delve into the problems of a person, literally get used to them.

Against the background of the applied visceral techniques, the client's nervous system and psyche "rest", and any work with the body becomes more effective. In addition, the session starts the processes of self-healing of the body.

A special type of visceral massage involves focusing on manipulations in the navel area. The technique is based on the teaching that the navel is an energy conductor that maintains a close relationship with important internal organs: kidneys, liver, intestines, bladder, abdominal part aorta.


Visceral massage technique is used for many diseases and pathological conditions. These include:

Visceral massage according to Ogulov's method can be used in conditions of long-term isolation of a person, when instrumental control over his condition becomes impossible - for example, during polar research, space flights, when in an extreme situation.

The technique has also found application in sports practice: it is used to increase the stability and endurance of the musculoskeletal system with increased load on it.

Generally speaking, when manual therapy In the abdomen, it is not the very concept of the disease that is important, but the functional weakening of organs and a change in the level of their location. Visceral massage is of interest to almost any person, regardless of health status. It helps the sick to solve problems, and healthy - to prevent the development of diseases and maintain themselves in good condition.

When is massage not performed?

Contraindications to visceral massage are:

Massage has contraindications
  • internal bleeding;
  • myelopathy;
  • acute abdomen;
  • perforated stomach ulcer;
  • oncological diseases;
  • venereal diseases;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • gangrene;
  • acute course of infectious diseases;
  • heat;
  • brain diseases;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • acute cardiovascular pathologies;
  • drug or alcohol intoxication;

Preparatory stage

Before the appointment of visceral massage, a palpation examination and a patient survey are carried out. The diagnosis is clarified, the presence concomitant diseases, the general well-being of a person is assessed. Pay attention to the condition of the lips, tongue, skin, the presence of genital warts, pigmentation.

By the way, at the school of Professor Ogulov, a detailed cartography of the projection zones located on the human body was developed. Their knowledge allows you to determine the problem already during a visual inspection, without the use of diagnostic equipment.

After taking into account all possible contraindications prescribe an appropriate course of visceral massage.

Execution Method

Before the start of the session, the specialist probes and finds spasmodic and painful areas belly. During exposure should not occur discomfort. Since each person has his own pain threshold, in each case, the pressure force is adjusted individually.

Massage is performed on the exhale

With each subsequent procedure, the intensity of exposure increases. During the first session, very gentle pressure is applied to the abdomen. Pushing through one zone should last no more than 3 minutes - otherwise there is a risk of ischemia of the organ.

Since functional disorders are characterized by a certain sequence of development, visceral massage of internal organs is carried out in accordance with the circle of their interaction.

The impact is exerted with precisely calculated force during exhalation, when the stomach is relaxed. Punching starts from the zone of the gallbladder, then presses on the area of ​​​​the location of the liver and pancreas with a transition to the zone of the ascending branch of the large intestine. Then they move on to pressure on the descending branch of the large intestine and small intestine. Following them, the area is being worked out reproductive organs, stomach and spleen.

As a rule, already during the first sessions, pressure on various areas of the abdomen leads to the appearance of rumbling, which indicates the elimination of spasms and the opening of the bile ducts. Thanks to this effect, the swelling of the internal organ disappears, blood circulation is restored, and the organ begins to function normally,

During the session, it is necessary to carefully monitor the change in the patient's condition. In case of increased pain, dizziness or nausea, exposure should be stopped immediately.

Visceral chiropractic is also great way diagnosing disorders in the body: a special pressure technique allows you to detect areas of localization pathological changes and even determine the extent of violations.

During the massage, the capillaries are released from stagnation

Ecology of consumption. Health: The word "visceral" means internal. Massage of the internal organs has been practiced by our ancestors since ancient times...

This is an old Russian method of treatment and diagnosis, which is based on the impact on the human body and its internal organs by pressing on the stomach, certain movements and tapping.

The word "visceral" means internal. Massage of the internal organs has been practiced by our ancestors since ancient times. Great importance is being given to visceral massage in Europe, America, China and the Philippines. Experts have noticed that thanks to visceral massage, blood circulation is noticeably improved, and the functions of all internal organs are improved.

It is known that spasms, stagnation and prolapse of internal organs often lead to pathologies in the body. Visceral massage eliminates stagnation in the internal organs and improves the movement of lymph. The position of the internal organs is also restored due to visceral massage. Metabolic processes are normalized, the body is restored, functional disorders are eliminated.

Specialists in visceral massage have established that disorders in the body and organs develop sequentially, and these disorders can be represented as the so-called “circles of interaction”. It is according to these laws of sequence that visceral massage is carried out: a specialist at the right angle produces pressure on the internal organ. When pressing on the internal organ, a massage is performed and the organ is moved in the right direction.

Specialists use jars, pots, leeches, wraps for complex treatment in combination with visceral massage. For example, cupping massage (they often use a special pot that is placed on the stomach during an Old Slavonic massage session) stimulates local immunity. Due to the fact that irritation of various receptors occurs in the skin, the metabolism in the internal organs is activated. The pot enhances blood circulation, including in the small pelvis, removes toxins, improves intestinal motility, and reduces pain during menstruation. In turn, many hirudotherapists highly recommend squeezing the abdomen in complex treatment when setting leeches.

Why does visceral massage help?

Diseases in the human body are associated with disorders of internal organs. In the diseased organ, vasospasm and weakening of the nerve fiber usually occur. Because of this, venous and lymphatic congestion, insufficient supply nutrients and oxygen, a weak outflow of metabolic products. As a result, pathogenic microflora develops, and the cell self-poisons itself. The work of capillaries is disrupted, and various diseases occur. The function of the diseased organ is taken over by another organ, which begins to work with greater load than intended by the body. Thus, due to one diseased organ, the work of all other internal organs is disrupted.

Visceral massage is especially effective for disorders gastrointestinal tract: indigestion, constipation, colitis, ulcer, hemorrhoids).

Visceral massage is also indicated for diseases of the liver, kidneys, Bladder, pancreas, respiratory tract, gynecology, cardiovascular diseases, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and arthrosis.

Visceral massage is successfully practiced for migraines, ENT diseases, disorders cerebral circulation and metabolism skin diseases and hernias.

Due to the cleansing of the intestines, the condition and color of the skin improves, it becomes more elastic and healthy.

Visceral massage is effective prevention diseases in healthy people: it eliminates obesity, restores metabolism, rejuvenates the body, prevents the occurrence of pancreatitis and diabetes.

Visceral massage is used as a rehabilitation after strokes and heart attacks, and also corrects unstable psycho-emotional states of a person. Pain relief is also one of the indications for visceral massage.

Especially helps visceral massage for people who suffer from problems with the spine. This is because every internal organ in abdominal cavity is inextricably linked with a particular group of muscles of the human body. And these muscle groups are inextricably linked with different departments spine. Visceral massage helps where manual therapy is powerless. The main cause of osteochondrosis is functional disorders activity of internal organs, and it is this cause that visceral massage treats.

There are contraindications to visceral massage: oncology, syphilis, thrombosis and gangrene, acute tuberculosis, infectious diseases With elevated temperature, mental illness and narcotic conditions; pathological disorders work of an internal organ or bleeding from it.

Visceral massage is performed by a specialist only after interviewing the patient, identifying indications, diagnosing, obtaining information about the complete absence of contraindications to massage.

Usually, at the beginning of work, patients experience murmurs in the abdomen, which indicates that the bile outlets open, and the spasm of the bile ducts is relieved. This is wonderful, because the edema in the internal organ goes away, blood circulation is restored, and the internal organ begins to function normally.

The specialist carefully and carefully conducts visceral massage. Visceral massage is also an excellent diagnosis of disorders in the body, since when pressed, you can determine how impaired the functions of organs are.

After several sessions of visceral massage, the patient begins to feel much better, both physically and psychologically. After all, painful processes in the body make us tired and depressed. In the process of treatment, mood improves, and even memory, hearing and vision, as the internal organs begin to work as they should. published

The abdomen is the most important place in the human body. This area contains internal organs, blood vessels and nerve endings. Most diseases are somehow connected with the abdominal area, as our wise ancestors knew about. Any violation in the work of internal organs sooner or later leads to the development of a serious illness. However, on initial stage it's hard to be suspicious. Often a person notices a disease only when it begins to manifest itself with might and main in the form of painful and unpleasant symptoms.

But after all, ailments do not arise suddenly, immediately turning into sharp shape. This is preceded by long process the onset and development of the disease. In most faulty internal organs, signs of vasospasm or nerve fiber paresis are found. That is, if you simply establish good blood flow in the abdominal region, you can provide yourself good health for many years.

All this was known and actively used by our ancestors, and in some villages their methods are still used. Moreover, it can be assumed that ancient knowledge is not inferior to modern medicine, and even surpasses it. For example, at the time tsarist Russia representatives of the nobility, using the services of expensive qualified doctors, rarely even lived up to 80 years. At the same time, people over 100 years old were not uncommon in the villages. Their long and fruitful life was facilitated by editing the abdomen - a kind of manual therapy, in which special manipulations with internal organs were carried out. They were carried out with hands or improvised objects - pots, sticks and other tools found in everyday life.

Old Slavonic editing of the abdomen

Editing of the abdomen was carried out by both experienced healers and simple people to maintain health. This simple operation is performed simply: the surface of the abdomen is pressed through, shifted and massaged internal organs. Due to this, normalize metabolic processes restores blood flow and lymph flow. Recovery normal blood flow often enough to reverse the disease. After all, stagnation of lymph and blood in the body leads to the fact that metabolic products are worse removed from it. This contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora. Also, less nutrients and oxygen enter the affected organ.

Usually the doctor methodically probes the surface of the abdomen, focusing his attention on the locations of the internal organs. He presses on them until painful sensations appear. If discomfort does not appear, then the organ is healthy. But if pain occurs at the place of pressure, then the specialist gently presses into this place, lightly massaging it until the pain passes. Gradually, changing the angle of pressure and the place in which it is produced, the doctor passes the entire surface of the abdomen. Thus produced complete analysis organs with their simultaneous restoration. Naturally, the problem cannot be solved in one session, for complete recovery need about 7-10 massage courses.

Editing the abdomen would have been safely forgotten if not for Alexander Ogulov, a doctor of traditional medicine, who restored ancient knowledge. In 1994, his unique technique passed clinical trials, as a result of which it was recognized effective way restoration of the correct functioning of internal organs. Ogulov's system was called "visceral chiropractic". Today, it is actively studied and practiced not only by adherents of traditional medicine, but also by some doctors. Correction of the abdomen after childbirth is very popular.


Traditional medicine differs from generally accepted dogmas not only in methods of treatment, but also in diagnostics. Visceral editing the abdomen does not divide organs into sick and healthy. It involves the suppression of the disease on early stages development, when classical medicine still cannot detect them. Physicians who practice correcting the abdomen use the term "functional weakening." It applies not only to organs, but also to general condition person. Determine violations of the eyes, ears, pulse, tongue, the condition of the skin and the digestive system.

The first signs of violation are not striking. However, if decisive measures are not taken in time, then the disease will definitely make itself felt later, in a harsh and uncompromising form. First alarm bells are herpes or acne on the face, recurrent headaches, indigestion, constipation. Also, a dry mouth indicates a malfunction of the organs, dark spots and papillomas, regular back pain. The appearance of a person can tell a lot about his health.

Traditional medicine suggests getting rid of troubles by simply relieving the symptoms. Because of this approach, the disease continues to develop in the "background" until it reaches a critical point. In fact, many people who look healthy on the outside suffer from serious violations in the work of internal organs, they just do not know about it yet. For the prevention of diseases, Slavic editing of the abdomen is perfect. With the help of this simple procedure, a person can independently take care of their health.

Displacement of internal organs

Sometimes due to heavy lifting, shock, or surgical intervention organs leave their usual place. In this case, our ancestors said that the navel is not in place. Doctors, most likely, will say that everything is in order, so only the old Slavonic correction of the abdomen will help you here. In villages, as a rule, people have to work hard physically. Sooner or later, someone is bound to tear his stomach. This is where it comes to the rescue. ethnoscience, but first you need to determine in which direction the displacement occurred.

If the navel is higher than necessary, then stomach pains, gastritis begin to disturb, blood circulation in this organ is disturbed, as a result of which it gradually descends. Displacement of the navel down causes malfunctions genitourinary system. Women can become infertile and men can experience impotence. Even the slightest shift causes bowel problems.

The best way to determine if your navel is displaced is by palpation. It is carried out with two fingers, which are located at a distance of about 1 cm from the navel. First palpable top part, and then places on the side and bottom. In each of these places, an even pulsation should be noticeable. If it feels uneven or absent in some directions, then the navel is not in place. To return it, you will need to edit the abdomen and navel.

The simplest tricks

If there has been a displacement of the internal organs or they have fallen, then it is best to contact a specialist in correcting the abdomen. However, such people are rare, so sometimes you have to bring your body back to normal. To do this, there are a number of simple techniques that anyone can perform. The easiest option is to move your hands around the navel. It should be performed only clockwise, gradually increasing the load. It is best to start with light strokes, gradually moving to rubbing. After the skin around the navel turns red, you can begin to slowly push the surface of the abdomen. At the same time, the hand, as it were, sways, plunging inward. Over time, the movements become deeper and more intense, but without fanaticism. This procedure takes about 15 minutes. It will take approximately 7-10 sessions to fix the problem.

Hands are best lubricated with cream or soap. Good fit olive oil or oil grape seeds. Such editing of the abdomen will not only lift the sagging organs, but also improve the flow of lymph in the body. The technique described above is not the only correct one, you can vary the movements by making spiral or circular pressures. Also, the abdomen can be pressed linearly. It is important to feel a person, constantly be interested in his well-being, work in tandem with him, and not mechanically massage the stomach.


Not only hands can heal organs, often improvised means are used in editing the abdomen. One of them is the usual volume from one to one and a half liters. It is an excellent remedy for the normalization of bowel function. To do this, the pot is placed on the person's stomach upside down. The patient should breathe from his stomach so that the pot rises and falls in time with his breathing. Then the healer presses on the instrument while simultaneously rotating it clockwise. This causes a displacement of the skin and intestines, eliminates blood stasis and relieves spasms from the long-suffering organ.

Editing the abdomen with a pot is done with such force that the pressure is noticeable, but not excessive. The patient should not experience severe pain. In addition, it is important from time to time to probe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intestines, being interested in the sensations of a person. So you can understand if you harmed him. If, during the next palpation, the pain syndrome disappears, then the procedure has brought results, and it can be stopped.


This unpleasant phenomenon can overtake everyone, regardless of gender and age. A hernia can be caused by heavy lifting, sneezing, childbirth, outrageous laughter, or a bad jump. In the lower part of the abdomen, a destructive process begins, as a result of which the insides push the peritoneum into one of the openings of the abdominal wall. The resulting sac descends lower and lower, most often through the inguinal canal or femoral arch. In this case, urgent action must be taken, as pinching is possible.

Another type of hernia is umbilical. Most often, young children suffer from it, but sometimes adults become victims of this disease. If in children this problem is solved by a simple bandage, then older people need more effective methods its elimination. The best option- editing the abdomen. Reviews about it are usually positive, but before conducting it, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the specific case of hernia, find out contraindications.

Treatment is carried out using a pot with a volume of about 1.5 liters or glass jar appropriate size. It is better to take a pot, as the jar leaves behind deep marks that take a long time to heal. The place of setting should be stretched and relaxed as much as possible, and then smeared with petroleum jelly. After that, a half of a potato or an apple is taken, into the rounded part of which several matches are inserted. On average, about 10 pieces are used, but depending on the density of the skin, their number varies. One of the matches is set on fire, after which the structure must be covered with a pot. As a result, the oxygen inside burns out, and the pot safely sticks to the skin.

After 15-20 minutes, the pot is removed. A small bruise should remain in its place - this is a normal phenomenon, you do not need to be afraid of it, it will pass in a day or two. After the bruise disappears, you need to repeat the session. The procedure is carried out up to 5 times, usually this is enough to eliminate umbilical hernia. If after three sessions no changes are observed, then there is no point in continuing further - there will be no effect. It is also important to ensure that a bruise remains after setting the pot. His absence suggests that more matches need to be put on.


Editing the abdomen according to Ogulov is just one of the many methods of this multifaceted art. An indispensable assistant in this case, it will become an ordinary ball of woolen threads. It is better not to use synthetic materials, as the effect of them will be less. The size of the ball corresponds to the size of your fist. First, it is desirable to relax and massage the navel area. Then you need to lie on the floor so that the ball is under the navel. If you experience pain, then something is wrong. In this case, you need to relax your stomach as much as possible and lie on a ball until the pain passes. This procedure must be repeated until negative feelings won't stop completely.

You can also use 3 wool balls of different diameters. Usually their diameter is 5, 10 and 15 centimeters. Here everything is done in the same way as in the previous version, but the balls are placed in turn - from smaller to larger. You need to lie on each ball until the pain subsides, and only after that change it into a ball bigger size. If you do not have woolen threads, then a tennis ball will go at worst. best time for this exercise- evening.

Old Slavonic editing of the abdomen in Moscow

Residents of the capital have many opportunities to join the healing methods of the Slavs. Seminars are constantly held to teach everyone the cherished skills. There are many specialists in this field, but it is best to contact large massage parlors or serious clinics. Old Slavonic correction of the abdomen in Moscow at home - dangerous event, since it is easy to fall for a charlatan, which can significantly harm your health. Therefore, it is better to come to a large medical center that monitors its image and carefully selects specialists.

One of the places where the stomach is corrected in Moscow is the Evrika Health Center. It employs a whole team of specialists who have mastered the unique system of Ogulov. For those who do not trust other people's hands, it will be useful to attend one of the many seminars that will teach you how to take care of your body on your own without resorting to the help of outsiders. Naturally, such events are quite expensive, but it is much safer than learning this subtle art on the Internet. The basics of editing the abdomen can be easily mastered on your own, but you can become a real doctor only under the guidance an experienced specialist.

In general, the old Slavonic editing of the abdomen in Moscow is gaining momentum. Every year people show more and more interest in their native culture. The amazing effectiveness of visceral chiropractic has long been beyond doubt. Gone are the days when only rural healers and Old Believers were engaged in such things. Editing the abdomen perfectly complements modern medicine. After all, doctors, unfortunately, rarely undertake to treat prolapse of internal organs. It is easier for them to hem or remove the problem area than to spend a lot of effort to eliminate the disease.

Massage and visceral chiropractic

tricks classic massage perfectly complement the correction of the abdomen. It is an intensive and deep procedure, so it should be preceded by a massage. The principles of classical massage say that the techniques should follow each other in such a way that the load gradually increases. You need to start with stroking. It is performed with a relaxed hand, which slides over the body so as not to move the skin. This technique will cleanse the skin from old scales of the epidermis, soothe nervous system and prepare the patient for further manipulations.

After that, you can proceed to more intense activities, such as rubbing. It is similar to stroking, with the only difference being that it is carried out more intensively and sharply. The result of rubbing is hyperemia - redness of the skin, indicating that blood flow has increased in it. This useful technique helps to remove waste products from the skin layer, and also improves cellular nutrition. Rubbing should be done very carefully if there is a lot of oil on the person’s stomach. hairline. If this approach causes severe discomfort, then it is better to refuse it.

The next step is stretching. In fact, this is not only a preparatory action, but also a real editing of the abdomen. Personal experience, accumulated over years of diligent practice, will help to begin diagnosing the patient already at this stage. Pain during kneading indicate that one or more internal organs are not working as they should. It is on problem areas that you should focus your attention in the future. Kneading begins with a gentle pushing of the abdomen in a clockwise direction. It is also desirable to stretch the lines running from the navel to the protruding pelvic bone, and lines going sideways from it, as if encircling the body. The area of ​​the kidneys can not be massaged! When kneading, the hands should make pushing circular motions moving slowly through the body. Over time, the intensity of the impact should increase. After kneading, you can apply gentle tapping with your fingers. In this case, the brush should be as relaxed as possible.

Having carried out preliminary massage actions, you will achieve the maximum effect. They will prepare the body for the load that the correction of the abdomen gives it. In Moscow, there are many excellent massage therapists who know visceral chiropractic, so it is not necessary to do it yourself.

Editing the abdomen. Ancient knowledge in the service of modern man

Many are disillusioned with modern medicine. Often, it is simply unprofitable for her to save people from the disease, because then they will no longer go to hospitals, buy medicines, and invest in this huge industry. Pharmacists strive to get hooked on their products as much as possible more people. Tablets relieve symptoms, but do not affect the root cause of the disease. Thus, patients walk in friendly ranks to the pharmacy to get temporary relief, like drug addicts suffering without another dose of the drug.

It will help prevent the occurrence of many ailments. Of course, it is not a panacea for all diseases, but it seriously reduces the risk of any ailment. The first sessions are best done with an experienced specialist, if possible. Correction of the abdomen at home is not always justified. Moscow has good specialists, but there are also enough charlatans. Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from large ones. There you will receive professional help, and you will also be able to get your impression of the correct editing of the abdomen, so that you can then do it yourself. useful thing. human hands is an amazing tool that can successfully diagnose and treat diseases. Touch the wisdom of our ancestors, and it will give you unbreakable health!

One of the most popular today non-traditional methods treatment of diseases of internal organs, the fight against overweight and improvements general well-being is an Old Church Slavonic belly.

Old Slavonic massage belly is a special technique of punching and tapping the belly with an effect on the internal organs, which was used to diagnose and treat many diseases by healers and healers in Rus'. Our ancestors believed that the “abdominal brain” was enclosed in the stomach, and by acting on it manually, it was possible to achieve an improvement in the physiological and psychological state person. Another name for this technique is visceral massage, which means internal.

Why do we need an old Slavic massage of the abdomen?

The human body is a system, and if even one organ does not begin to function at full capacity, this leads to disruption of all processes and development chronic diseases. With age, blood circulation is disturbed in the body, blood stasis, chronic inflammatory processes, spasms of organs and blood vessels occur, the tone of organs decreases, they prolapse, many people also suffer from overweight and body contouring. Visceral massage of the abdomen is designed to solve both internal problems of the body and external, aesthetic ones.

The suitable for women who cannot cope with a growing belly with diets and physical activity. In addition, abdominal massage

  • increases efficiency by 70%,
  • allows you to get rid of fat deposits and
  • give the figure the desired contours.

Old Slavic massage of the abdomen

  1. performed using a special ceramic pot - similar to a jar, which
  2. placed on the stomach for 30 minutes, before the formation of a hematoma. Thus, blood circulation increases, stagnation is eliminated, toxins are removed, and rushes to the abdominal organs. fresh blood and, as a consequence, increases the local .
  3. After removing the pot, the doctor, using a special technique, presses the patient's stomach to relieve possible spasms, clamps and put all the organs in their places.
  4. To obtain a tangible therapeutic effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of seven procedures, one per week.
  5. To enhance the effect, visceral massage is often combined with hirudotherapy, , cupping massage.

What effect for the body will the Old Slavonic massage of the abdomen bring?

  • Improving blood circulation and eliminating stagnation of blood and lymph in the organs;
  • Return to the organs of the abdomen and small pelvis of the correct location;
  • Removal of clamps and spasms of internal organs;
  • Treatment of headaches, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hernias, pain syndrome, etc.
  • Normalization of choleretic functions and excretion of bile;
  • Getting rid of;
  • Treatment of diseases women's sphere, incl. infertility and dysmenorrhea;
  • Diagnosis of pathologies of internal organs;
  • Prevention of many diseases;
  • Normalization of the functioning of other organs and systems, incl. cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous;
  • Reducing body fat and improving skin condition;
  • General health effect good health, cheerfulness and activity,

Old Slavic massage of the abdomen is a complex procedure, and it is carried out two hours after eating.

Women should not massage the abdomen during menstruation. Before the massage, the doctor examines the patient, interviews him in detail.

Old Slavic massage for the abdomen is not shown to everyone; under certain conditions, it is forbidden to carry it out. Contraindications include:

  1. oncological diseases,
  2. internal bleeding
  3. acute inflammatory processes with high temperature,
  4. open form of tuberculosis,
  5. thrombosis,
  6. stomach ulcer,
  7. mental disorders and some others, about which the responsible doctor will definitely warn.

Well, dear readers, one more unique technique to gain health and beauty in your arsenal has become more.

You will get a greater effect on getting rid of waist fat if you start doing yoga at home. Spinal stretching and flexibility exercises will help keep your body lean and light. And if you study how each asana affects the internal organs of your body by purchasing yoga books, you will gradually be able to get rid of a number of chronic diseases and improve your health, boost your immunity and improve your mood.

I wish you that your health will only improve every day!

I would like to devote this essay-reflection to a dubious and controversial topic - the medicine of the ancient Slavs. Now it is customary to hush up or distort the history of our people, replacing the facts with stupid theories and taking away from our ancestors the appearance of reasonable people who deeply understand the essence of people. So I decided to provide readers with some information, food for thought.

The history of the Slavs does not look the best, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. On the one hand, "scientists" of various stripes put forward theories that are supposedly confirmed by research, these theories are often used as a political apparatus, influencing people's minds. The advantage of science is in the confusing terminology used as a kind of secret language in a closed society: whoever understands it, enters the system and can share information, guesses, etc. with him, those who do not understand intricate terms are labeled an amateur and ridicule, depriving him of the opportunity to work seriously. On the other hand, there are popularizers who speculate on the loud adjective "Slavic". Their ideas strike less broad masses, but, unfortunately, they do it where there is real interest, and not forced, as in school. They lead people away from the truth, offering them accessible material, passed through the prism of their own opinion.

But enough about prose. First, let's define the object of "research". Massage (French massage) is a method of treatment and prevention, which is a combination of dosed mechanical effects on various parts of the human body, performed by the hands of a massage therapist or special devices. The Russian analogue of the French word can be "rubbing" or "kneading". Depending on the type and purpose of massage, almost all soft tissues of the body are affected: the muscles of the back, neck, abdomen, chest, arms, legs, scalp and facial parts of the head, genitals, internal organs, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves. In the modern world, there are two main areas of massage: eastern (energy) and western (anatomical).

The cradle of the Western school of massage should probably be considered Ancient Egypt. Healing techniques originated in Egypt in 4000 BC. e. The sources of information about medicine in Egypt are primarily papyri, as well as hieroglyphic inscriptions on sarcophagi, pyramids and other structures. They describe not only various diseases that struck the Egyptians, but also the means by which they were treated. On one of the papyri, found in 1841 in the sarcophagus of an Egyptian commander, such techniques as rubbing the foot, tapping the back, stroking, and maybe kneading are clearly indicated. calf muscle. The oldest depiction of massage, now over 2600 years old, was in the Assyrian section of the New Museum in Berlin, among items from the palace of the Assyrian king Sanherib, who reigned from 705 to 681 BC. e. in Nineveh. Among these objects was a small relief of alabaster, which depicts two people - one is lying on the bed, and the other, judging by the position of his hands, is massaging the lying stomach. Egypt apparently provided big influence on the culture of Assyria and Babylon, including the development of medicine and massage. In Egypt, various essential oils And water procedures, often accompanying massage in our days. It should not be forgotten that, around that time, Alexandria and its extensive library were the stronghold of science. For many reasons, people came to this city a large number of scientists from Greece, from the east. It was in Alexandria that (presumably) an anatomical revolution took place - one of the first scientific dissections of a person was carried out there, before that human anatomy was studied on animals.

Massage along with rubbing (anointing) of the body with oil and ointments and extensive use of the bath passed from Egypt to classical Hellas. Homer also described how Circe entertained Odysseus in the bath, rubbing his body with oil and ointments. Greek baths were dedicated to Hercules. This indicates in part that their use was associated with bodily exercises. Before the competition, Greek athletes were given into the hands of "pedotribes" (gymnastics teachers), who bathed them, rubbed them, lubricated them and sent them with the finest sand, often brought from afar, from the banks of the Nile. After the competition, rubbing was again applied. Obviously social and cultural exchange and in the Roman Empire instilled a love for thermal baths and physiological procedures.

Here, perhaps, it is necessary to make a lyrical digression, quite significant. I mentioned the contact between the doctor and the patient, although many may not know that massage is more therapeutic (or preventive) than it is commonly believed to be relaxing or erotic. Indications for the use of massage are innumerable. This is prevention varicose veins, and cellulite, and pain in the back, neck, spine, joints, stagnation of blood, lymph, swelling of the extremities, scarring of soft tissues, tendons .. and just can not be counted.

The person who stirred up medieval science was Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), but I won’t dwell on him, I just showed a period of time in which nothing happened in science. Andrei Vesalius (1514-1565) was a revolutionary in anatomy, he used objective method observation, materialistic approach, widely used autopsy. He shook the postulates of Galen, corrected more than 200 errors. His book "On the structure of the human body in seven books" (1543) blew up the medieval world. In an unequal struggle, Vesalius fell victim to the Catholic Church. The same fate befell his great follower William Harvey (1578-1657). The fires of the Inquisition did not subside until 1748, the year of the publication of the treatise by Julien Offre La Mettrie "Man - Machine". Those. all this time, until the middle of the 18th century, the positions of the church were strong in Europe, and in my opinion there can be no talk of any kind of massage.

However, the legacy of antiquity has not sunk into oblivion. The palm in this matter was intercepted by the Middle East. The famous Tajik philosopher, physician, scientist Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdallah ibn Sina, better known to us as Avicenna (980-1037), wrote more than half a thousand works in various fields Sciences. He broadly describes both massage techniques, its purpose and therapeutic effect. This thread breaks on the territory of ancient Georgia, where engravings showing the process of massage in baths have been preserved. At the same time, the ancient masseurs also actively used their legs, as well as their hands.

The other school is Eastern. Its origins are almost impossible to trace. In the East, traditionalism is very strong, and a certain isolation also affected. Medicine there developed on its own, did not experience infusions of "fresh blood". Hence its extreme specificity. However, some information can be found in India. Sources for studying the history of massage in ancient india appeared the code of laws of Manu (1000-500 BC), a written monument of Ayurveda "Knowledge of Life", the compilation of which dates back to the 9th-3rd centuries. BC e. More than 150 acute and chronic diseases are described in Ayurveda, methods of treatment are indicated, techniques are described in detail. therapeutic gymnastics and massage, especially various ways rubbing and pressure (kneading). On the eve of the wedding in India, the bride and groom were massaged, Indian mothers knew how to massage newborns.

In China and Korea, acupuncture is beyond competition. Yes, this is also a massage. It is believed that acupuncture was "invented" about 4 thousand years ago. According to legend, a Chinese peasant stepped on a sharp stone in a rice field and was cured of serious illness. In fact, acupuncture is a "concentrated" kind of acupressure, although it is difficult to say now what happened from what. In contrast to the anatomical approach, where massage is considered from the point of view of the structure and physiology of tissues, the East cultivates the idea of ​​energy flow through channels. Needles in the right places redirect energy flows. Although I am not strong in Eastern philosophy, and it is not very important for the cause.

independent from Eastern traditions, nor from the antique looks northern culture. Specifically, I'm talking about Finns and Karelians. Why would I mention them? The fact is that the Fino-Karelian epic Kalevala tells about the spread of massage in everyday life. Although at this point I risk being criticized. I myself have not mastered Kalevala due to the exorbitant fullness of its proper names, about which the language breaks, and I declare the mention of massage in the text at my own peril and risk, trusting the person who read the songs.

Although the essence of the matter is not very different. After all, initially my goal was to analyze the possibility of using this type of therapy among the Slavic peoples. Therefore, it's time to turn directly to the topic.

So, we look in the book .. we see, as expected, a fig. General history is not interested in everyday life, there can be no archaeological finds, because there are no tools. The only source is literature: chronicles, birch bark, legends... We will return to them later.

For pro forma. History of medicine. Yeah, there are a couple of lines, we read:

“Medicine was brought to Rus' by the first Greek monks. Monasteries became scientific and medical centers in which patients were treated, the properties of plants were studied. The tradition of bathing in a bathhouse also went to the Russians from the Greeks.

Here are those on. That's the turn. There was no medicine in Rus'. Only the monks taught to use herbs for treatment (moreover, such herbs do not grow in Byzantium itself) and to take a steam bath. Okay, I won't say anything, it seems to me that comments are superfluous - in the furnace.

Well, since the history of medicine is about dirty savages, then it's probably pointless to look for the history of massage. For peace of mind, let's try. About 5-6 books fell into my hands on massage: two - the Soviet edition, the rest - remakes. The content of all is approximately the same: general, therapeutic, relaxing, point, techniques, indications, Thai, Korean, etc. Not a word even about the territory of the Slavic tribes.

The Internet is unfortunately littered with junk posing as Slavic history and culture. Any attempts to find something on the topic turned out to be in vain, the search engines stubbornly sent to the site with a certain Book of Life, according to some words it becomes clear whose work it is, but I overpowered myself and read the text fluently. Not a word to the point.

While writing the last paragraph suddenly thought. Someone may ask a legitimate question: why did I get hooked on this topic at all, why did I even decide to write? Well, firstly, what is called out of love for art, not a word, not a half-word is mentioned in the history of medicine, people who fought, worked hard, which means they knew firsthand sprains, sore joints, lower back, neck, muscle and tendon injuries, pinched nerves and circulatory disorders. But all this practically does not go away without manual therapy, all these “diseases” accumulate, worsen life, knock a person out of action. Why did they suffer all their lives with a sore back from working on the ground? We all know how sometimes barely perceptible stroking helps. loved one, soothes not only pain, but also nerves. Each reflexively grabs and crushes a suddenly ill joint or muscle. Didn't they know all this? Well, it’s unfair: the Vikings brought us the state, the Byzantines brought medicine, the Arabs brought damask steel. But until recently they fought for the "brains" from the Slavic countries, how many geniuses there were among scientists, how many talented people there were ..

The second reason is less personal. indirect evidence. Absolutely in Rus' they mastered the art of straightening - repositioning the joints, spine, bones. In the outback there are grandfathers who received such a skill from their grandfathers, their style is not similar to modern medical, it has less anatomical knowledge and more something elusive, knowledge about the intangible part of a person. The primordial tradition of many Slavic peoples is a bath. After all Banya broom in addition to cleansing from dirt and sweat, it performs massage, but only of the skin. In addition, it describes healing procedures, similar to a modern percussion massage, only it was done with special sticks through a thick fabric, almost playing on a mitlaphone. Here we have: the most strong impact- chiropractor; the weakest - a broom in the bath, and in the middle - empty, did not guess, neglected ...?

What do we really know about ancestors? Bright embroidery, decoration with carvings of houses, furniture, harnesses, decoration of dishes, clothes, tools, weapons, harnesses, beautiful and rich rituals of weddings, funerals, holidays, respect for the elderly. These people could not live, tormented for years by a sore back, weaning limbs, aching joints. No, they loved life, they loved to live, they loved and appreciated beauty, health, you don't have to be seven spans in your forehead not to believe in wild barbarians. Rich trade with neighboring countries, around our lands there is not one center of an original developed culture: Greece, the Middle East, China, Karelia, Scandinavia, and only a huge White spot on the map - the Central Russian plain, rich in forests, game, ore, black soil, water, with a temperate climate. Live and develop, according to the logic of things - best place not for civilization. So no, they are convinced that there were only savages.

In addition to all the medical benefits of massage, it also brings people together, spouses, it makes it easier to trust the person you let so close. It improves mood, helps to acquire greater tactile sensitivity, and much more.

So I tried to bring the facts, direct the thought in the right direction, and then you yourself answer the question of the title ....

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