Nettle bath broom. Preparation of traditional brooms. When and how to prepare nettle brooms

In a nettle ennik for a bath, at first glance it seems to be something frivolous. Some kind of weed, and even a burning one, from which the garden is generally nothing but trouble. Those who regularly weed weeds are most familiar with this prickly miracle. For a long time after contact with nettles, hands feel unpleasant burning sensation. So what is the beauty of a nettle broom? After all, not masochists are bathers.

We prepare and make a nettle broom

Nettle is a well-known weed. However, since ancient times, from the earliest spring, people tear the young shoots of the plant for green cabbage soup and salads, and in folk medicine nettle is justifiably used as a multi-purpose medicinal plant.

In turn, nettle brooms, in relation to the Russian steam bath are an excellent healing agent. And in terms of healing properties, the nettle broom is confidently among the leaders of "bath health". With such a broom, you can simultaneously get pleasure and improve your health.

First of all, before you go steaming with such a broom, you need to make it after you have collected nettles for it. Of course, today you can buy it, but try to assemble it yourself, because there is nothing complicated in it - in fact, it takes a few minutes.

When and how to prepare nettle brooms?

It is possible and necessary to start harvesting brooms from nettles earlier than that time, during the flowering period of the plant end of May, beginning of June to July when it contains maximum amount useful substances, since after flowering they become much smaller.

Most best time for collection for subsequent long-term storage: end of May - beginning of June. Do not harvest flowering plants. When harvesting, hands are protected with mittens - tops or tight rubber gloves. Places for collection are chosen away from highways with heavy traffic, motorways and other places of possible pollution.

Nettle broom for a bath - how to make?

If we talk about summer time, then prepare such brooms, preferably not earlier than a day before the bath. Just the benefits of freshly cut plants will be maximum. But this does not mean the uselessness of the "older" instances. They are made, as a rule, small, from 5-7 stems. Although someone prefers a more familiar weighty version. Store in a shady, well-ventilated place with minimal humidity. Knitting nettle brooms is not much different from general principle knitting other samples.

The length of the broom for the convenience of soaring should be from 40 to 50 cm. The broom itself should be comfortable and fit well in the hand, be not very thin and not very thick. See the article on knitting birch brooms for more detailed information.

Sometimes nettle stalks are added to birch trees, less often to oak brooms, respectively, using the beneficial properties and characteristics of two plants when steaming. The undoubted advantage of such brooms, in contrast to purely nettle brooms, is their durability and the necessary rigidity. It is more convenient to steam them, they will not fall apart and will not break.

We steam a nettle broom for a bath and steam

Properly prepared for a steam room, a broom from a burning plant can bring maximum benefit from pleasant procedure soaring. And even though the process of soaring differs in many ways from the usual options using birch or oak branches, health, with regular use, it will definitely add to you.

How to steam a nettle broom?

Preparing a broom for soaring in two different ways.

  • In the first case, in order for the broom not to burn the skin, it is a short time transferred several times from the container with hot water into a container with cold water(holding in each of them for three minutes). When using a broom prepared in this way in a steam room, a person receives tonic, antiseptic and wound healing effect.
  • When used for medicinal purposes with rheumatism, sciatica or osteochondrosis, a broom is placed in boiling water for only 2-3 minutes. At the same time, its pungency is preserved. Before you start steaming with such a broom, the body should warm up well. You need to steam gently, with light touches. It is impossible to whip strongly with such a broom.

How to bathe with a nettle broom correctly?

Most often, not the whole body soars with such a broom, but only problem areas, usually lower back, back, joints. The skin on the body after such a procedure is additionally warmed up, reddens, blood circulation improves. In case of liver and kidney disease, a steamed nettle broom is applied to sore spots for a while.

AT cosmetic purposes to improve the elasticity of the skin, young nettle shoots are used, which are poured not with boiling water, but only with hot water, and then with light strokes they soar and stroke the body until a slight tingling effect is obtained. The same procedures are useful for skin diseases, in the presence of acne and boils.

The use of nettle: cosmetic and therapeutic effects

Nettle by its properties unique plant. It has always been widely used in folk medicine. In Russia, in medical books of the 17th-18th centuries, the use of the bactericidal properties of nettle for the treatment of wounds is recommended. To prevent suppuration, you should do this:

“... we eat raw nettle, crush it and apply it to fresh wounds, so the wounds will be cleaned and healed”

They also advised and not in vain, but quite justified:

“... nettle leaves and raw seed crushed with salt applied to old rotten ulcers, such wild meat will exterminate and heal from them”

When harvesting nettle brooms, it’s a good idea to pick and dry nettles for further use to strengthen hair. An infusion is made from dried nettle leaves. One tablespoon finely chopped nettle leaves, pour boiling water, one glass per spoon. Further insist.

After cooling, the finished infusion is applied to clean head and light in a circular motion rubbed into the scalp. You don't need to wipe your head after that. Repeat the course every 10-15 days at least 6-8 times. It is good to do such procedures right in the bath, when the body is steamed, the skin pores are cleansed.

Nettle benefits and the benefits of nettle brooms justified and truly broad. Its effect on the condition of our nails is noticeable. In addition, external use strengthens blood vessels reduces sweating and heals different kinds dermatitis.

A decoction of fresh nettle soothes, and an infusion of nettle in the form herbal tea can be used as a tonic oily skin or acne.

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, use nettle, not only in the steam room, but also by taking it inside. Regular use of nettle infusion will definitely improve the appearance of any skin.

The beneficial properties of nettle are not forgotten at the present time. It is used as a diuretic, anti-febrile, hemostatic, wound healing agent.

And finally simply interesting fact : Nettle has been known in many European countries for centuries. Some peoples decorated their houses with nettles, believing that it protects them from demons.

Since ancient times, nettle broom was considered the most beneficial for health. Having taken a steam bath with him, one could forget about rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis and skin diseases for a long time. Even healthy man feels much fresher and more energized after massage with a nettle broom. But in order to get a therapeutic effect, you need to know what kind of plant is suitable for this, when and how it is harvested. The process of steaming is no less important, because misuse nothing except pain, will not give.

This plant is not without reason considered one of the most useful.

Nettle is used in cooking, cosmetology, folk and traditional medicine. Many dishes, decoctions are prepared from it, ointments, creams, shampoos and lotions are made on the basis of nettle.

They began to knit brooms for a bath from it a long time ago, appreciating medicinal properties for external use. Thanks to the presence beneficial acids, especially formic, nettle has an antiseptic, healing and tonic effect. Formic acid contained in the burning hairs of the plant, so it easily penetrates the steamed skin even with light touches of a broom. Tannins, mineral salts and vitamins, which are also rich in nettle, help improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure and strengthen the whole body.

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • cold;
  • acne and boils;
  • eczema;
  • baldness.

With an ache in the bones or muscles, a broom is not just steamed, but rubbed on sore spots. After such a procedure pain disappear, the nervous system calms down, a feeling of lightness appears in the body. Periodic use of a nettle broom is an excellent prevention of colds, in addition, the appearance improves: the hair acquires a healthy shine and softness, the skin becomes more elastic and supple. And the nettle copes well with chronic fatigue, stress and insomnia. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of all ailments at once, for this you need to visit the bathhouse regularly. At the same time, it is also impossible to bathe too often, everything should be within reasonable limits.


In spite of great benefit plants, not everyone can bathe with a nettle broom. This is due to the fact that the individual components of nettle increase blood clotting and contribute to the formation of blood clots.

Contraindications for using a nettle broom are:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

Nettle is also contraindicated for pregnant women, as it causes uterine contractions and can provoke a miscarriage. But even in the absence of all these factors, it is often impossible to bathe with nettles; it is best to use such a broom alternately with oak or birch. To avoid negative consequences and deterioration of well-being, before visiting the bath, you should consult a doctor. For the first time, you should not quilt with a nettle broom too intensely - suddenly the body will react negatively to this procedure.

Nettle varieties

Stinging nettle has many varieties, but the most common are stinging nettle and dioica nettle. Stinging nettle is an annual plant up to half a meter high, with thin stems and small finely toothed leaves. Even with a light touch to it, blisters instantly appear on the skin, there is severe itching. The healing properties of such nettles are very high, but it is not suitable for making a bath broom.

Stinging nettle is a perennial; it grows up to 1.5 meters tall, and sometimes up to 2 meters. Its stem is strong, tetrahedral, the leaves are quite large and covered with burning hairs. Her healing qualities are no less high, but it does not burn so much, therefore brooms for a bath are knitted from stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle - photo

There are plants that look very similar to nettles, but do not have burning hairs. In the people they are called deaf nettles, but they do not have any healing properties. It is very easy to confuse them with real nettles, and therefore, before collecting plants, you should check them for stinging.

Procurement rules

Collect nettles for brooms should be correct, otherwise therapeutic effect will not. Optimal time May-June is considered to be harvested, when the stems and leaves are the most juicy. You need to choose young plants without inflorescences and seeds; in order not to burn your hands, you need to cut nettles in tight gloves. Do not collect raw materials along roads, in production areas, near landfills and similar places. It is best to cut plants in the morning, in dry weather. After rain, the nettle becomes watery, dries poorly, and its healing properties are noticeably reduced. In the heat, the quality of raw materials also deteriorates, especially for nettles growing in open areas.

  • take with them protective gloves, garden shears and a piece of dense fabric or burlap;
  • choose young strong stems without inflorescences and dry leaves;
  • plants are cut at a height of 7-10 cm from the ground and carefully folded onto burlap.

When will be typed right amount nettles, the edges of the burlap are wrapped up, trying not to break the stems, and carried to dry.

Drying and storage

Nettles can be used fresh or on the second day after harvest, but for winter you will have to stock up on a broom from well-dried plants. For drying, you need a clean, dark and cool room, always with good ventilation. Spread clean paper or paper on a flat surface. dense fabric and spread the cut stems of plants in one layer.

After 2-3 days, when the nettle loses its juiciness, brooms are knitted from the stems:

  • leaves are removed from each stem lower part to a height of 15-20 cm;
  • put together 8-10 stems and carefully level the nettle in the upper part so that the leaves are on the same level;
  • the lower part is tied with twine under the very leaves and at a distance of 5 cm from the edge, the ends are leveled with secateurs. The twine should not be pulled too tight, so as not to break the stems. When they are completely dry, the broom handle can be tightened.

Since the nettle is quite soft, it is recommended to add 2-3 sprigs of currant or birch to give the broom more whip. They are cut to desired length and intertwined between the nettle stems. After that, the brooms are hung or laid out on a flat, dry surface for further drying.

They are stored for 2 years, and each broom can only be used once. During steaming and subsequent use, the nettle gives up all its medicinal properties, the stems fray, and the villi break off. And even if the broom remained intact after such a procedure, the second time the effect will not be so strong.

Steaming methods

The process of steaming a nettle broom is slightly different from traditional way. To prevent the nettle from losing its beneficial properties, it cannot be kept in boiling water, like oak or birch branches. Two containers are prepared for steaming - with cold and hot water (about 75-80 ° C). First, the broom is lowered for 2 minutes in hot water, then dipped for the same time in cold water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, after which the broom is ready for use. This method is chosen by those who need a soft and gentle soaring mode.

If you need to get rid of pain, use the second method of steaming nettles. To do this, the broom is dipped in hot water for 2 minutes or in boiling water for 2-3 seconds, after which it is used for its intended purpose. Before such a procedure, it is necessary to properly warm up and steam the skin. Now it remains only to figure out how to use the nettle broom correctly in order to achieve maximum effect.

Unlike traditional brooms, nettle brooms should not be whipped hard on the body. Touches should be light and careful, and it is necessary to start the massage from the neck, gradually moving towards the legs. If everything is done correctly, a slight tingling sensation will appear and a pleasant warmth will disperse throughout the body. The skin after the procedure becomes bright red, and in fat people even takes on a raspberry tint. You don't have to be afraid of it normal color recover quickly.

To get rid of pain, you first need to warm up in the steam room for 5-7 minutes, then it is advisable to lightly lash the skin with an oak or birch broom so that the pores open well. Then you should dip the nettle broom in boiling water for a couple of seconds and whip the sore spots. Acne on the face is treated by applying steamed leaves to the skin for a few minutes in 2-3 sessions.

For cosmetic purposes, fresh young nettles are best suited. Cut pieces of 10 densely leafy stems up to 60 cm long, tie the lower end with twine, dip in hot water and begin to steam. Touches with a broom to the body should be very light, stroking. On the abdomen and thighs, you can quilt a little, stimulating blood circulation. If there is no fresh nettle, dry nettle is used, steaming it in hot and cold water.

For hair beauty, you can use nettle decoction, rinsing their head after the steam room. In order not to prepare a decoction on purpose, many simply take two brooms into the bath, and one of them is poured with boiling water in a separate container. While a person is steaming, nettle saturates the water with useful substances. At the end of soaring, all that remains is to pull the broom out of the container, dilute the water to a comfortable temperature and rinse the whole body.

Video - Nettle broom for a bath

Nettle relieves pain, a broom is taken from it in a bath with medicinal purposes. A burning plant relieves joint and cold ailments. The tonic and restorative effect of the nettle broom is especially appreciated.

  • A plant that replaces 7 healers and one mage

    Amazing things are happening: the more perfect science and medicine, the less skepticism remains in relation to folk methods treatment. This explains the miraculous transformation of "Cinderella" - nettles - into the "prom queen". No wonder, the "bicycle" is invented with enviable constancy. If bones ache, joints hurt - you need to use nettle bath brooms, which have been used for centuries in Russia.

    A plant that replaces 7 healers and one mage

    Medicinal plants help with certain diseases, only a few are considered universal "green healers". The most famous herb from everything and for everything is nettle. Its hemostatic, analgesic, tonic and cleansing properties are most valued.

    Since ancient times, people have noticed that nettles are found where people live. Green burning bushes resemble a gloomy-looking person with a "golden" heart. In the old days, it was said that God provided the nettles with fire to protect them from destruction. Animals and man would long ago have exhausted the succulent plant if it did not have stinging hairs.

    In Russia, every owner and mistress in houses with an established life knew what was supposed to be kept from a “green” pharmacy. In the summer we stocked up on herbs for the bath. Nettle occupied a place of honor among bundles of fragrant mint, green wormwood, dried in the attic or in a Russian oven. The bath and the stove were considered the best healers, and nettle was called "a herb that replaces 7 healers."

    Peasants, in order to be healthy, added decoctions of herbs to a vat of water installed in the steam room. They took fresh nettles with them to the bathhouse, or dried nettles, arranged with tree branches. The grass was considered witchcraft and laid out under the bed of a sick person to heal him and protect him from dark forces. Russian doctors in the 17th century treated fresh plant wounds and ulcers, juice was recommended to lubricate the head from hair loss.

    Burning but noble family

    Touching it causes breakage of fragile hairs, they immediately injure the skin. The release of caustic formic acid completes the picture of the struggle of a plant with an “attacking” animal or person. The family Urticaceae ("burning") includes the genus Nettle (Urtica) - perennial or annual herbs with serrated leaves.

    Several representatives of the genus Urtica have medicinal properties:

    1. Stinging nettle. Height perennial plant- 50–170 cm. Straight tetrahedral stem and petiolate ovate-heart-shaped leaves dotted with stinging hairs. A common species in temperate latitudes.

    2. Stinging nettle. A modest herbaceous annual plant 20–70 cm high. Small oval leaves are covered with burning bristles. A common view in the Northern Hemisphere.

    3. Nettle hemp. An elegant herbaceous perennial with large, deeply palmately dissected leaves. It is found on the territory of Russia, China, Central Asia.

    4. Ball-bearing nettle is found in the Caucasus and Crimea. Straight stems reach a height of 20–70 cm. The leaves are large, the apex is pointed. Inflorescences form flirty balls.

    Dioecious is found in gardens, on wastelands, in floodplain forests and on the banks of reservoirs. "Sybarite" from the plant world is preferred by those rich in moisture and nutrients soil.

    For bath brooms, they often collect dioecious, less often - stinging nettle

    Pantry of vitamins and minerals

    A useful plant has a hemostatic, antibacterial and stimulating effect. Juice and decoction from it prevents hair loss on the head. Brooms made from fresh grass and prepared for future use contain an exquisite set of vitamins, acids, salts and sugars. Cracking hairs - a generous "pharmacy" offering formic acid - natural antiseptic, bioregulators - histamine and acetylcholine. The complex created by nature reduces pain and treats polyarthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism (articular and muscular).

    Top 10 useful compounds nettles:

    1. Vitamins: C, A, E, K, B2, B9, PP.
    2. organic acids: formic, pantothenic.
    3. Proteins and proteins.
    4. Tannins.
    5. Glycoside urticin.
    6. Quercetin.
    7. Phytoncides.
    8. Chlorophyll.
    9. Salts of calcium and potassium. Silicon dioxide, sulfur, phosphorus. Trace elements: iron, copper, zinc, manganese.
    10. Comedy.

    The active ingredients of nettle are preserved in a properly prepared bath broom. It's popular remedy for people suffering from gout, musculoskeletal diseases. Such a broom is useful for bruises, the “green healer” cleanses and heals wounds.

    Collection, drying and storage of brooms

    Harvesting of nettles begins in May, but it is better to do this during the flowering period from July to September, when the leaves are already mature. Usually, plants are mowed in gardens, wastelands, in forests away from highways. Nettle must be dry, otherwise the leaves will quickly turn black, the stems will become covered with fungus. They are harvested on a sunny day, its first half. Twigs (45 cm) are pre-cleaned from the lower leaves, tied so that the shape of the broom remains flat.

    Nettle production and drying problems - its branches darken if they do not dry quickly enough. The grass should be placed under a canopy, in the attic, hanging by the stems. You can spread the brooms in a draft and turn them over regularly. After drying, the branches are inspected, blackened are removed.

    The only drawback of the nettle broom is that it is very fragile when dried, so the plant, for soaring, is still preferred to be used in fresh, or include in the composition of other herbs and tree branches

    In combined brooms, nettles are placed on top. The prepared attributes for the bath are tied in pairs, hung in a well-ventilated and protected from the sun room. So the “green pharmacy” and the “pantry” of vitamins are ready.

    How to apply?

    In the bath, fresh dioecious or stinging nettles, tied into small brooms, are dipped into hot water before use, and then into cold water (for several minutes). The procedure is not burdensome, because it helps to avoid burns. It happens that for therapeutic purposes it is the burning properties of the healer that are important. The broom is placed in boiling water, then well-heated painful areas of the body are treated with it. Formic acid causes reddening of the skin - a sign therapeutic effect.

    If the work of the kidneys is disturbed, neuralgia is tortured, then a steamed broom should be applied to the sore spot. Scalded nettle leaves exude a healing steam that cleanses pores, fights blackheads, acne and boils. Before this procedure, pour boiling water over the broom and gently stroke the skin with it.

    Nettle broom:

    relieves aches from a cold;
    reduces pain in osteochondrosis and sciatica;
    improves skin elasticity, reduces irritation;
    eliminates excessive sweating.

    The combination of plants in a broom enhances the healing effect on the focus of pain. Combined brooms are popular - nettle with birch or oak. Right choice plant pairs and distribution of stems is a real art. With birch twigs, the necessary flexibility is achieved, but it is not necessary to whip the body hard. sore spot it is enough to process with a broom for 3-4 minutes.

    Contraindications for use:

    feverish state;
    exacerbation chronic disease;
    varicose disease, thrombophlebitis.

    Nettle broom is an indispensable companion of the real one. Useful grass honored by traditional medicine healing effect, pain relief. The famous European painter Albrecht Dürer depicted on his canvas an Angel flying with a nettle in his hand. A wise and talented artist considered this burning plant pleasing to God.

  • The Russian steam room, as well as the accessories used in it, is one of the best folk remedies relief from many ailments. A nettle broom for a bath has long been considered the best tool for recovery. With its help, the ancestors got rid of skin diseases, sciatica, gout, rheumatism and arthritis.

    Stinging nettle has a tonic effect and is an excellent prevention colds. At the same time, it should be remembered that a therapeutic effect can be achieved only with knowledge of the correct preparation of the plant, steaming and use, because improper use will not give anything but burning pain and possible harm health.

    In this material, we will talk not only about the medicinal effects of the herb - the healer, but also about how to make a nettle broom with your own hands.

    nettle species

    There are several varieties of the plant in question:

    • Burning. An annual plant with a stem height of ½ meter. It got its name because of the severe pain inflicted on people and animals touching its small leaves with many small needles along the edges.
    • Dioecious - a perennial variety, reaching a height of two meters. Large leaves with needles are located on a tetrahedral stem. Best used for pain in lumbar region.
    • Hemp. An elegant herbaceous perennial with large, deeply palmately dissected leaves.
    • Deaf. This type it does not have needles and does not have healing properties, so it makes no sense to prepare brooms from such nettles for a bath.

    On one's own Banya broom it is quite simple to make from nettle, because the raw material for manufacturing grows everywhere and is considered a weed.

    Useful properties of a burning plant

    Nettle has an antibacterial, hemostatic and regenerating effect due to active components included in its composition. Nettle broom for bath contains a large number of beneficial to the body substances, such as formic acid, which improves blood circulation and is a natural antiseptic. And histamine and acetylcholine are neuro and bioregulators that relieve inflammation and relieve pain in people suffering from sciatica, polyarthritis, gout or rheumatism and other joint ailments, as well as relaxing muscles.

    The plant in question contributes to:

    • Tissue restoration.
    • Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
    • decline inflammatory processes organism.
    • Normalization of metabolism and blood composition.
    • Has an anticonvulsant effect.

    Dioecious nettle stimulates the work of the central nervous system, normalize blood flow and cleanse pores. The skin becomes soft to the touch and elastic, the plant stimulates hair follicles, so you can use nettle decoction to strengthen hair.

    The effect of the nettle broom is instant - formic and pantothenic acid penetrates through the pores of the skin opened by steam even with light contact with the body. The plant has the maximum amount of vitamin C and contains tannins, which has a strengthening and tonic effect on the body.

    Leaves and seeds are traditionally used to make decoctions, masks and tinctures, but a nettle broom for a bath is also a wonderful old-fashioned way to get rid of accumulated toxins and toxins, as well as boost immunity, save yourself from insomnia and chronic fatigue.

    The use of brooms is not limited to "beating", they rub sore spots.

    Who should be careful with steam rooms?

    The benefits of nettle in the bath are undeniable, but it, like all traditional medicine, has contraindications. Active substances plants increase blood clotting, so doctors do not recommend using these accessories for people with such diseases:

    • Hypertension.
    • Thrombophlebitis.
    • Phlebeurysm.
    • Atherosclerosis.
    • Increased body temperature.

    In addition, the nettle bath broom should be discarded during pregnancy and lactation. open wounds or skin neoplasms also cause a ban.

    Collection of material, preparation of a broom and its steaming

    Harvesting a nettle broom is a simple process, but it also has its own nuances. Herbalists start collecting stinging nettle - this species has a large set healing properties during flowering (July - September). To do this, the tops of the trunks are cut off (up to 45 cm).

    It is necessary that the nettle grows away from industrial enterprises and highways. Grass must be dried horizontal position to give the future product a flat shape. Often they make a nettle broom with the addition of birch or oak branches, because the plant itself is fragile when dry.

    There is also an unspoken rule - in the process of soaring, the broom should always be wet and if it dries up, it should be moistened with water - cool or warm.

    It is necessary to steam the product in hot water (80 0 C), then keep it in cold water for two minutes. This will save skin covering from burns. At severe pain in the lumbar region, it is allowed to treat the area with a plant immediately after boiling water. A person engaged in steaming stands on a special ledge next to a person lying on a shelf who is receiving a massage. With fan movements, brooms should be moved from the back to the legs, then from the legs to the head.

    Wellness massage can be done not only in the steam room, but also in the washing department. Bath lovers often resort to this method.

    Everyone knows that a healing tool in the bath is a hard broom, which is walked on the backs, arms and legs of those who are soaring. And right collected material for its manufacture with his own hands is able to become effective tool that cures multiple ailments.

    A vivid childhood memory. The father in huge work gloves is tearing nettles near the bathhouse. Then he ties a nettle broom.

    Mom is sitting on a bench near the bath. The father enters the bathhouse with a nettle broom. And comes out with a bucket of water. Then he dips the nettles into the water and whips his mother's legs. Tries to get on his knees. I stand in horror, I think: "Now mom will cry." But she laughs out loud...

    Our family has always suffered from foot pain. The knees are literally twisting at the change in the weather. Then my mother told me that aching joints, rheumatism, and back pain are treated with nettles. As well as cold aches body.

    Growing up, I decided to get to the bottom of it. Find out what is so useful in nettles.

    Healing properties of nettle

    The weed turns out to be quite useful! Nettle is extremely rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. The burning hairs contain formic acid. It stimulates blood circulation, heals wounds, tones the skin. Along with this, formic acid is an antiseptic.

    Nettle stalks are rich in B vitamins, carotene, ascorbic acid. This weed has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. The main advantage of nettle is that it enhances blood clotting, and is also used as a hemostatic agent.

    In the spring, nettles grow very quickly, so housewives very often cook nettle cabbage soup. Very tasty and healthy!

    Only the advantages of such a plant, some useful properties. One has only to learn how to choose the right variety of nettle. There is still a small catch.

    Nettles have quite a lot of nettle relatives. And not everyone has useful properties for use in the bath business.

    Nettles are more common in our country - dioecious and deaf nettles. By appearance they practically do not differ from each other. The shape of the stem and leaves is almost the same. Resistant weeds - worth a lot of work to get rid of them.

    The height of the deaf nettle grows up to 60 cm. And since it does not have burning hairs on the stem, it is not suitable for us as a bath doctor.

    Dioecious nettle with stinging hairs that are rich in formic acid. Formic acid is a natural antiseptic, it perfectly heals wounds, tones the skin. Plant height from 60 to 200 cm. That is stinging nettle much higher than deaf.

    Therefore, before preparing a nettle broom, we will look for stinging nettles. She has more useful properties and she real doctor atherosclerosis, liver and kidney diseases.

    You can harvest nettles for a broom from May to July. Dry such a broom away from sunlight, in the shade. Then it will retain its healing properties.

    How to bathe with a nettle broom in the bath

    shifting out hot water in a cold nettle ceases to burn. Keep it in one and the other for about 3 minutes. But for people with sore joints and those suffering from rheumatism, the broom should be wetted only in boiling water, where nettles are dipped for literally two seconds. Then the biting ability of the green healer will remain.

    It is worth warming up well, the skin needs to steam out before taking such burning procedures. You should not whip yourself too hard with nettles. Light movements will give the greatest plus to the body.

    Nettle broom is very delicate, like any herbal broom it is not durable. To give more flexibility and whip, you can weave branches of birch or currant.

    In this way, any herbal broom can be strengthened, for example, a mugwort broom.

    Another piece of advice is to soar with a burning healer not the whole body, but only sore spots. boils, skin diseases, acne - all this can be cured. Lower the young nettle for a minute in warm water. Then apply to problematic skin. You will feel a pleasant soft tingling, and the skin will become ruddy, elastic.

    Do not be afraid of the color of your skin after taking nettle treatments. In overweight people, it becomes a bright crimson color. And the thin ones just blush easily. This improved blood circulation. Consequently, the metabolism of our body has increased. These are all pluses, it is for our benefit.

    The use of a broom in a steam room doubles the benefits of a steam room. Each of the brooms has its own power, it saves us from diseases. Nettle bath broom is a storehouse of useful substances. Remember - green pharmacy under our feet! 🙂

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