Is it possible to wear lenses after retinal coagulation. Laser coagulation of the retina - laser cauterization. Share the link to the material on social networks and blogs

This is a surgical treatment for thinning and tearing of the eyes, which helps to prevent it, blurred vision and the occurrence of blindness. The operation is performed in an ophthalmological clinic, its duration is about 30 minutes, it does not require hospitalization and observation in a hospital. The operation can be performed at any age.

Laser coagulation allows to reduce the period of rehabilitation of the patient, in contrast to traditional surgical interventions. However, to obtain a positive result, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician during the recovery period.

Features of the postoperative period

After 2-3 hours after the operation, the effect of the drops, which expand, ends. The patient's vision begins to recover and acquire its former character. After laser coagulation of the retina, eye irritation may also occur. These conditions go away on their own after a while.

After surgery, you can not drive a vehicle. Sunglasses should be worn for a while. It is recommended to drive a vehicle only after the formation of strong chorioretinal adhesions.

The recovery period after laser coagulation of the retina is about 7-14 days. During this period, it is necessary to observe a sparing regimen and limit the following activities:

  • playing sports;
  • actions involving falls, vibrations and concussions;
  • weight transfer;
  • work associated with the inclination of the body;
  • visual loads, especially at close range;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages, salty foods, a large amount of liquid;
  • visiting a bath, sauna or swimming pool.

After laser coagulation of the retina, there is a risk of new areas with retinal detachment and dystrophic vessels, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus. In this regard, after surgery, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist about once a month for six months for preventive examinations. Further, the frequency of visits to the ophthalmologist is gradually reduced to once every three months, once every six months, once a year.

Check-ups are needed to check for new areas of retinal degeneration, thinning, and tearing. This allows you to prescribe preventive laser coagulation in a timely manner, which several times reduces the likelihood of retinal appearance and loss of vision.

With retinal dystrophy, there is a danger that a person will lose sight. To prevent such an outcome, laser coagulation is performed, but even when the disease goes aside, it is too early to relax. There are some restrictions after the laser coagulation procedure. The recovery period lasts from one to two weeks, it all depends on the health of the person.

  • watch TV and sit at the computer;
  • strain your eyesight with glasses and contact lenses;
  • take hot baths, saunas;
  • walk to the beach.
  • eat foods with salt
  • drinking alcohol,
  • drink plenty of fluids.

Be sure to use eye drops prescribed by your doctor. It is also necessary to avoid any physical activity, sports for a month. You should not drive a car for the first week after the operation.

People with diabetes should control the normal amount of sugar in the blood. In case of problems with the vascular system, it is necessary to constantly maintain normal pressure. After the operation, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist every three months.

The most common is inflammation of the conjunctiva. In order to prevent ophthalmologists prescribe eye drops. If you don't use them, it won't end well.

It happens that the retina of the eye exfoliates again. This happens when the cause of the disease is not eliminated, or it is impossible to do so. Sometimes a person does not comply with the restrictions and contributes to a poor “soldering” of the retina, for example, on the very first day after the procedure, he does physical work or decides to watch TV.

Sometimes the patient has various visual impairments. As a rule, problems occur immediately after surgery and disappear with a decrease in swelling. They are accompanied by the appearance of various spots and points in the field of view. But there are also cases of development of disorders some time after coagulation due to violations of the regimen during the recovery period.

There are cases that doctors call "dry eye syndrome." This occurs due to a lack of tear fluid. Symptoms are burning and discomfort, which can go away when a person yawns.

Other complications occur rarely and are associated with the complication of the disease. The main thing to remember is that the retina is a very fragile thing.

Due to your own negligence during the rehabilitation period, you can partially or even completely lose your eyesight.

What to do if complications arise when recommendations are not followed

In this situation, it is too late to panic. First of all, it is necessary to stop aggravating everything and not to do what the doctors forbid. The rest depends on the degree of complications.

Laser coagulation of the retina is currently recognized as the most effective method of treating such diseases. This surgical intervention, which is carried out on special equipment, helps prevent retinal detachment, improves blood flow and thereby preserves people's vision. This is one of the most effective methods of treating the retina. This operation is bloodless, does not require anesthesia, passes quickly, without a recovery period and without stress for the body.

Treatment of the retina with a laser: achievements of modern medicine

The history of the emergence and treatment of various eye diseases with a laser goes back to the seventies of the last century. At that time, laser surgery was just developing and therefore was still not perfect enough, had many disadvantages, consequences, side effects and risks.

Laser vision correction is constantly evolving, expanding its boundaries and capabilities.

Now it is quite difficult to imagine all modern medicine without laser therapy. The laser has a very wide range of applications, although it entered surgery relatively recently. The laser beam is poorly scattered in air, in a vacuum it does not scatter at all. Therefore, all its energy is given to the living cells to which it is directed.

Eye diseases treated with laser:

  • Myopia;
  • Farsightedness;
  • Cataract;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Strabismus;
  • Astigmatism.

Modern laser surgery also makes it possible to treat various diseases of the cornea of ​​the eye, as well as its retina. Most importantly, all these operations now do not require the use of a scalpel, and if there are no incisions, then there will be no stitches and scars. The laser does not touch the surrounding tissues, so the recovery period is significantly reduced.

Retinal coagulation: the latest and most accurate technique

The eye is a complex system, optical, where the correct operation of each of its elements is important. One of the most important components of the eye is its retina, which is located on the inside and consists of nerve cells, blood vessels and special receptors. Its task is to form a picture and transfer it to the brain.

Any disruption of the retina leads to a significant deterioration in vision, and sometimes to its complete loss.

The inner shell of the eyeball does not have pain receptors, so all kinds of pathologies develop in this area painlessly. The only thing that can alert a person is a deterioration in the quality of vision. In order not to start the process, it is necessary to visit specialists regularly.

Symptoms of retinal dysfunction:

  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Narrowing of the field of view;
  • Decreased visibility at dusk;
  • Sparks, flashes, black spots before the eyes;
  • Split image;
  • Nebula, blur.

If, during a visit to an ophthalmologist, a diagnosis was made indicating a disease of the retina, then treatment should be started without delay, since the treatment, prognosis and quality of the patient's vision in the future depend on this. For the treatment of the retina, various methods are used, both medical and surgical. The leading place rightfully belongs to laser treatment.

Cauterization of the retina with a laser: a fast and reliable procedure

The leading place in the effectiveness of the treatment of retinal diseases is occupied by laser treatment. It is performed on modern equipment of the latest generation, which ensures maximum results and patient safety. Laser coagulation has proven itself perfectly and is by far the most practiced procedure.

Laser coagulation helps to get rid of retinal pathology, and also prevents vision loss and other consequences of this disease.

Strengthening the retina with a laser is carried out according to certain indications. The procedure allows you to create a stronger connection between the membranes of the eye, stop the course of the disease, and also prevent the development and occurrence of dystrophies. Coagulation is called tissue coagulation, when, with the help of high temperatures of local action, the necessary areas of the retina are, as it were, soldered to the choroid.

Strengthening the retina with a laser is used for such diseases:

  • Dystrophy of the inner lining of the eye;
  • Retinal disinsertion;
  • Vascular changes;
  • Thrombosis of the central vein;
  • various tumors.

These operations are carried out on an outpatient basis, in a polyclinic, local anesthesia is used, such cauterization lasts about half an hour. The laser beam splices the tissue with the choroid. After the operation, the person does not change his lifestyle and goes home the same day.

Strengthening the retina with a laser: limitations after surgery

Despite the fact that laser coagulation is considered a simple operation that does not require hospital conditions and changes in the patient's lifestyle, some time limits and recommendations of doctors must still be followed so that the patient does not overtake various kinds of complications.

Laser photocoagulation is a fast, effective and safe procedure that helps prevent such a serious disease as retinal detachment.

After such an operation, the person rests, then the doctor examines him and sends him home. But the final result of treatment occurs after about 10 days. To minimize the effects of laser therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow the advice given by specialists.

What not to do after laser coagulation:

  • Go to the sauna, bath, pool or beach;
  • Consume alcoholic beverages;
  • Eat salty food
  • Lift heavy objects;
  • Exercise;
  • Tilt.

Any intervention in the human body, even cutting-edge laser treatment, can cause various complications. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to undergo a complete ophthalmological examination before such an operation, make sure that there are no contraindications to such a procedure, listen and not violate the rules of postoperative rehabilitation.

Restrictive laser coagulation (video)

Depending on the degree of the disease, the rehabilitation period can last from one to two weeks. Restrictive therapy involves following simple rules. It is also recommended to wear sunglasses for the first time, not to watch TV, not to work at the computer. Diabetics and hypertensive patients should more carefully monitor their health during this period. After laser coagulation, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist every three months. All this will help to avoid the development of complications and possible relapses of the disease.

Laser coagulation of the retina is designed to strengthen the structures of the visual organ.

The technique became available at a time when a laser came to the aid of ophthalmic patients. Over time, technologies improved, their use was simplified, the cost of equipment and procedures became cheaper, therefore today we have an almost perfect “weapon” to combat dozens of pathological changes in the eye.

If there is a serious ophthalmological pathology, one should consult for a deferment from the army, which only confirms the need for serious examination and treatment.

Laser coagulation of vision: indications for use

There are many indications for the procedure. We list just a few of them:

  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • prevention of retinal detachment during childbirth;
  • reduction of degenerative processes of the eye retina;
  • angiomatous disorders;
  • thrombosis of the central retinal vein;
  • age-related retinal dystrophy;
  • thrombosis of the central veins supplying the retina.

Restrictions after laser photocoagulation of the retina

In the postoperative period, you should strictly limit yourself from lifting weights! This is very important, so leave for the time of training associated with strong physical exertion and strength exercises.

And take care of the body from injury, especially from damage to the head and eye sockets. You can not make sharp turns of the neck, head tilts, jumps, somersaults. Give your body physical rest.

Sick leave after coagulation is not provided. The work schedule, which is associated with increased visual load, should be adjusted so that the eyes are minimally involved. Avoid small jobs that require strain on the organs of vision and increased attention.

In the postoperative period, it should be remembered that for the first 6 months you should consult an ophthalmologist every month. Thus, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and maintain visual acuity for many years.

What contraindications do not prescribe the procedure

Alas, like every technique, laser coagulation of the retina has its own contraindications. It is contraindicated in people who have undergone strong changes in the fundus of the eye, with epiretinal gliosis associated with traction syndrome, or if there is insufficient transparency of the optical ocular media.

Launched retinal rubeosis, the appearance of a new circulatory network on the iris are also significant contraindications to the procedure. If visual acuity does not exceed 0.1 diopters, then therapeutic manipulation is prescribed with caution.

Advantages and consequences of laser coagulation

Of the undoubted advantages that are inherent in this manipulation, it can be especially noted:

  • non-invasive penetration;
  • the possibility of being treated on an outpatient basis;
  • treatment sessions last approximately 20 minutes;
  • no need for preoperative preparation;
  • no need for general anesthesia.

One of the consequences of the procedure is the development of postoperative corneal edema. But this should not be afraid, because in a very short period of time it will disappear on its own. Pupil deformity may become noticeable as a result of inflammation of the iris.

If a narrow beam of laser radiation is used for treatment, then detachment of the vitreous body is possible, a sharp loss of vision as a result of severe ischemia of the optic nerve.

In the case of poor-quality laser coagulation, a complete loss of night vision, a decrease in visual acuity, and a narrowing of visual fields are possible.

Very rare complications of the procedure include the possibility of cataracts and increased intraocular pressure. But these effects are very individual.

Laser coagulation of the retina during pregnancy

If a woman already has a retinal detachment or its threat, then gynecologists try to play it safe and offer a caesarean section. Although there is no direct evidence that natural childbirth contributes to retinal detachment, there is no.

The technique is absolutely safe for women of any age group. It does not involve taking harmful medications, including anesthetics. Even the presence of a history of severe cardiovascular diseases in the patient will not be an obstacle to the procedure.

That is why you need to agree to the manipulation, so as not to risk your own health and the life of the child. By the way, laser coagulation on the retina is done up to 35 weeks from the conception of the baby.

Additional information: prices, reviews, videos

The price of the procedure is formed from the number of quadrants that will be treated, so the price range is significant. As a rule, the cost is from 3,000 to 50,000 rubles. Much also depends on the reputation of the ophthalmological center that offers to perform the treatment in this way.

Be sure to read the reviews about the procedure, side effects, duration of remission. It is better to watch a video where they talk in an accessible form about the nuances of behavior after the procedure. The advice of medical professionals will not become superfluous, because the result of the treatment depends largely on the patient.

During the procedure, cauterization is performed by a laser, as a result of which the process of coagulation of the tissues of the eye occurs (which guarantees the absence of bleeding). This type of surgical intervention is the most effective method of treatment, moreover, it is easily tolerated by patients. However, despite all the advantages of this operation, the strengthening of the retina with a laser has its limitations. They will be discussed in our article.

Restrictions in the postoperative period

The recovery period after surgery usually lasts two weeks (this period depends on the individual characteristics of the human body).

Doctors warn that after laser coagulation of the retina, the following should not be done:

  • go to the sauna, bath or take hot baths;
  • spend a lot of time in front of the TV, as well as work at the computer;
  • strain your eyes using glasses or contact lenses;
  • visit the beach
  • consume alcoholic products;
  • smoke;
  • perform work that is associated with vibration, shaking, falling;
  • lift heavy objects (weighing more than two kilograms);
  • perform physical activity;
  • rub your eyes with your hands;
  • to bend or do other actions that result in the head being lower than the legs;
  • drive a vehicle immediately after the operation;
  • consume large amounts of liquid.

In addition to these restrictions, experts advise patients to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • protect your eyes from exposure to ultraviolet rays (for this, when going outside, you can use sunglasses);
  • instill eye drops (just remember that you need to use medicines prescribed by a doctor);
  • control blood sugar (applies to patients who have diabetes mellitus);
  • control the level of blood pressure (patients with problems of the vascular system);
  • visit an ophthalmologist (every month for six months after surgery; after that, the number of visits can be reduced).

Possible Complications

Sometimes it is very difficult for patients after surgery to comply with the above restrictions. Therefore, some complications may arise, which include:

  • inflammatory process of the conjunctiva (for prevention, patients are prescribed special eye drops);
  • repeated detachment of the retina;
  • the appearance of vision problems, namely: the appearance of spots, flies, points in the field of view;
  • burning sensation in the eye, discomfort associated with dry eye syndrome.

When such signs and symptoms appear, first of all, you should begin to adhere to all of the above restrictions. And, of course, you should immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist.

Contact lenses after coagulation

The method of treatment of the retina using laser coagulation

Vision allows you to fully enjoy the beauty of the world around you, get aesthetic pleasure, see your loved ones, live fully. It is extremely unpleasant and insulting to lose sight, and some deviations in the condition of the eyes can lead to this.

The most dangerous ophthalmic disease is retinal detachment, which requires urgent surgical intervention without guarantees for the restoration of visual function.

Laser coagulation of the retina is a method of treatment and prevention of eye diseases associated with degenerative changes in blood vessels or their ruptures. After local anesthesia with drops, the procedure is carried out directly, it takes minutes.

Patients do not notice pain sensations, sometimes direct contact of the eye surface with the lens is felt. The operation does not require stationary supervision. a person can go home almost immediately.

After the procedure, a flash effect may remain for a short time, but the “light” disappears within a few minutes.

The essence of the method is as follows: areas with defective vessels are separated by laser coagulants (tissue curled up due to high temperature) and prevent their negative impact on the retina in the future.

This method is also applicable to already existing flat retinal detachment.

Indications for laser coagulation

The operation in most cases is performed to eliminate vascular defects and prevent a serious and complex ophthalmic disease - retinal detachment.

Appointed in the following cases:

  • retinal vascular degeneration
  • hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy
  • vascular changes, the presence of tumors
  • angiomatosis
  • age-related deterioration of the retina
  • ruptures of blood vessels, the ingress of vitreous fluid under the retina, which threatens its detachment.

    See our tips on how to choose prescription sports sunglasses.

    If there is a small area of ​​detachment, it is possible to delimit this area using laser coagulation.

    Sometimes the procedure is prescribed after the operation to eliminate the detachment to form more reliable bonds after breaks in the area of ​​the surgical operation.

    Doctors advise pregnant women to conduct a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist (including the fundus) at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. If there is evidence, the doctor prescribes laser coagulation, which can be carried out up to 35 weeks after conception.

    Natural childbirth is stressful and a huge burden on the entire body, so ruptures or weak vessel walls can lead to serious visual impairment in the future. Timely prevention is safe and will help avoid eye complications.

    Stages of the operation

    1. After anesthesia, a three-mirror lens is placed on the eye.
    2. With the help of a laser that creates a high temperature on the treated surface, the affected vessels or formations are soldered or delimited.

    A special lens provides full penetration of the laser stream into any area of ​​the eye, and the laser itself has a thin beam that allows precise manipulations. The doctor controls the course of the procedure through a microscope.

    The resulting "seams" of coagulants firmly bind the retina to the adjacent eye membranes, which contributes to the restoration of normal blood supply to the eyes. Delimiting the risk zone with coagulants minimizes the risk of retinal detachment in this area.

  • prevention of the development of diseases that can lead to a decrease in acuity and complete loss of vision
  • the operation is carried out quickly and does not require hospitalization
  • no bleeding or pain
  • extremely low degree of infection of the eye (there is no contact between the tissues of the eyeball and the instrument)
  • the possibility of use at any age, as well as pregnant women.

    In diabetes mellitus, serious cardiovascular diseases and a number of other cases where complex operations cannot be performed or general anesthesia cannot be used, laser coagulation is the only way to treat the retina.


    The operation should be postponed or excluded in the following cases:

  • severe clouding and redness of the body of the eye (high risk of laser exposure in the eyeball area)
  • low visual acuity (less than 0.1 diopters), the procedure is possible only in extremely severe cases after a rigorous examination
  • iris abounding in newly formed vessels
  • eye fundus with severe hemorrhages
  • 3 and 4 degree of gliosis (clouding of the back of the vitreous body).

    The right approach and a thorough examination will help you choose the right treatment method.

    With a significant clouding of the vitreous body, a vitrectomy is performed. which allows the patient to regain vision.

    Why blood vessels burst in the eyes and how to strengthen the capillaries, read our article.

    Possible Complications

    The procedure for laser exposure to the retina can have the following unpleasant consequences:

  • short-term swelling of the cornea (vision decreases for several days, then sharpness is restored)
  • effects on the lens, which can lead to the development of cataracts
  • inflammation of the iris (may be affected by the laser)
  • deterioration of night vision, the appearance of dark spots in the field of view.

    Except for the first point (corneal edema), the likelihood of complications is negligible. If extensive coagulation is necessary, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to divide the procedure into several stages.

    Postoperative period

    The operation to eliminate defective vascular formations proceeds quickly and does not cause discomfort to the patient. However, laser intervention imposes certain responsibilities on a person:

  • heavy sports and loads are contraindicated
  • highly undesirable injuries to the head and especially to the eyes
  • you can't lift weights.

    In a period of up to 2 weeks, complete healing and scarring of coagulants occurs.

    Persons with a hereditary predisposition to eye diseases or already suffering from them, after suffering eye and head injuries, it is advisable to periodically examine the fundus.

    It is more expedient to eliminate a defect detected in a timely manner than to suffer all your life later or do the most difficult operations.

    After laser coagulation, especially in diabetes mellitus, relapses are sometimes possible. the appearance of new areas with dystrophic vessels or incipient detachment.

    Therefore, after the procedure, it is strongly recommended to visit an ophthalmologist for a monthly examination for up to six months, gradually reduce the frequency of visits to 1 time in 3 months, then 6 months and 1 time per year.

    Laser coagulation of the retina is a fairly simple, non-traumatic and effective way to prevent retinal detachment. The extremely low complication rate, rapid post-procedure recovery, and easy tolerability justify the widespread use of this method in ophthalmology.

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    Laser coagulation of the retina: do's and don'ts

    Age - 18 years old, still young)

    Vision and degree of myopia: -7 units, respectively strong myopia.

    The state of the fundus: there is no information on hand, because the card remained at the research institute.

    In fact, up to -5.5 vision reached the 10th grade, and until the beginning of the 2nd year it remained that way. However, the passion for the gym (even on a sparing mode, at half strength) had an unpleasant effect, and in a little over a year, my vision fell by another one and a half units. LKS appointed in connection with the threat of exfoliation. I am currently in 3rd grade.

    Message added at 23:53

    Chemist thanks, I got the first information about LKS just from your topic, I was directed to it from a forum about search engine optimization

    Posted by Chemist.

    3) The first month after LC, the restrictions are the same as before the procedure. The doctor should have warned you about them.

    Click to reveal.

    There were no warnings, only irifrin, ascorutin tablets and blueberry forte were prescribed.

    Last edited by Zorkiy Sokol on 10/11/2009 at 10:54 pm. Reason: addition

    LKS appointed in connection with the threat of exfoliation.

    Click to reveal.

    Here from this place it is desirable more in detail. Of course, it would be necessary to have an accurate diagnosis, only retinal dystrophy or ruptures? I'm leaving the topic, all the same, such cases are clearly beyond my competence. I can only share my impressions, although they are already in another topic. Well, list those contraindications that were in my particular case.

    Registration: 11.10.2009 Posts: 6

    Thank you: 5

    Thanked 0 times

    Only dystrophy, no breaks pah-pah.

    Registration: 08/05/2009 Address: Samara Posts: 4,991

    Thank you: 533

    Thanked 1,391 times

    however, could you tell me when it will be possible to put on lenses and go for a run after the procedure?

    Click to reveal.

    I think that the LCL can be put on the next day, but physical activity is limited to up to a month. For more details, check with your doctor.

    A procedure was prescribed (according to the medical procedure or operation is more correct?) due to the fact that my myopia is progressive.

    Click to reveal.

    For this reason, laser photocoagulation is not performed. It is also not performed for ANY retinal dystrophy. There are retinal dystrophies that threaten to rupture and detach, and dystrophies that are safe in this regard.

    1. How long after LKS can contact lenses be put on?

    2. How can I load my eyes after the procedure and when, in relation to computer screens?

    3. How and when can you exercise yourself physically after the procedure? That is, when can you start running, swimming, and so on?

    Click to reveal.

    1. Two hours later, when the mydriatic leaves. Otherwise, the lenses will be saturated with it and will keep the pupils wide.

    2. If we are talking about visual load - at least immediately.

    3. In three weeks (approximately). The doctor will tell you exactly after examining the fundus of the eye (pigmentation of coagulates appears).

    Laser vision correction or goodbye myopia

    It's been almost a month since I had my vision corrected. This is an indescribable sensation, especially for someone who no longer remembers how it is to see without everything. Wake up and see everything. No lenses, no glasses.

    It is difficult to write something else, just a sea of ​​positive emotions.

    I took a long time to this operation. First, it was necessary to earn money (you must be ready to pay around 50K), then choose the time and decide when it will be, and then, most importantly, decide. If you do it in winter, you will be left without skiing until the end of the season. In the summer - without cycling, swimming, not even going to the bathhouse. Spring / autumn - it is dangerous to get sick before or after the operation. Decided to donate in the summer.

    And now I'll tell you in order.

    Getting ready for surgery

    How to understand that you need correction, are you ready for it?

    As for the question, at what minus or plus is it worth doing the operation, this is a purely personal question. The same as whether it is worth fighting overweight, maybe you like it that way? Someone feels comfortable even at -6, wearing glasses, and there are rumors about the states that even -0.25 is corrected there.

    From a medical point of view, the following requirements are important:

  • vision must be stable (otherwise it will drift away from the corrected value)
  • there should be no threat of retinal detachment (more on that later)
  • the thickness of the cornea must be within the acceptable range (this you will find out during the examination)

    What we treat

    In the general case, you can adjust (information is available on the websites of eye clinics):

  • myopia (up to –15.0 D)
  • hyperopia (up to +6.0 D)
  • astigmatism (up to ±3.0 D)

    But everything is individual, really. The operation is considered cosmetic.

    Progressive myopia/farsightedness

    It is necessary to stop, otherwise what is the point of the correction if the vision floats further?

    I had scleroplasty done at school. This is when a piece of inorganic tissue is sewn to the sclera (the shell of the eye) so that the eye no longer grows. It helped, the drop in vision stopped immediately. Although at the examination before the correction they said that I had almost a unique case and I had a very successful operation.

    Laser coagulation of the retina

    Myopia occurs due to the enlargement of the eyeball, which leads to thinning of the retina and the appearance of tears. That is why people with vision worse than -6 are not taken into the army and they are contraindicated in jumping, sports where there is a risk of a blow to the head, as well as donation. I was told about it, but it never stopped me from the same volleyball and skiing in the forest. During my examination, there were no thinnings of the retina, but there were a couple of breaks. Before the operation, laser photocoagulation of the retina was recommended. I agreed.

    I had read earlier about coagulation and it seemed to me something terrible, with a not very pleasant recovery period. But everything turned out not to be scary at all.

    What is the essence of the operation?

    A contact lens is inserted into the eye (in fact, a whole periscope), the same as when examining the fundus in the periphery. And through this lens, the doctor uses a laser to strengthen the retina around the break. Pictures can be viewed online. I don't post because not everyone will like it.

    About the consequences. The pupils after the operation are dilated and there is a slight burning sensation in the eyes. It is better to get home with an accompanying person and wearing dark glasses. Foolishly, I was wearing prescription glasses, but I squinted more from the bright light. After 4 hours, he lets go and everything is possible. For almost two weeks, you can’t lift weights, work in an incline. But it was dangerous for you even before the operation.

    Corneal thickness

    According to Wikipedia. the thickness of the cornea in a healthy eye in the central part is 520-600 microns. For correction by the LASIK method, the thickness of the cornea must be greater than 450 microns.

    In addition to the correction method, the thickness of the cornea determines how much you can restore your vision. I don’t know my exact numbers, but they told me that they would restore it completely, with the help of LASIK.

    A couple of days before surgery

    Before the operation, there are no restrictions at all. You need to undergo an examination, it is possible to do coagulation.

    Everywhere it is written that not to wear contact lenses (from two weeks). I haven't worn in a couple of months and it may have helped my cornea a bit. In fact, it was possible to come without lenses for an examination, and put them on the next day. Well, after coagulation, do not wear until the evening. Again, without lenses there is less chance of catching conjunctivitis.

    After the examination, you will be given a referral for tests - a standard set. Syphilis and hepatitis. You can donate anywhere. Please note that the result will have to wait up to 5 working days. I almost missed the deadline and took it the day before the operation.

    Since after the operation you can’t wash your hair for 3 days, I cut my hair. A short haircut delivers less discomfort with a dirty head. Girls do not even know what to advise. And of course I washed my head for 3 days in advance.


    Not to say that I was afraid of the operation. More like curiosity. I satisfied him as best I could, because the clinic did not tell much. Arrive at 12 on the day of surgery, bring sunglasses. In general, that's all.

    The Internet is full of videos about the correction process itself, about how it looks from the outside. For example this.

    But I, as I think you, were interested in the question: What will it be like to feel for yourself? . After the third approach, I found a simulated perception of the operated. Very well modeled as it turned out later. Here it is.

    The difference is that I was not instructed to always look at the red dot and during the laser correction itself, the vacuum ring was not removed. The surgeon took the coordination of the eye into his own hands.

    The operation lasts 4 minutes for each eye. During this time, they manage to cut off a piece of the cornea, evaporate the cornea from the surface of the eye, smooth the piece back and the piece grows back. Nothing bad actually happens.

    Postoperative period

    After the operation, you will be given eye drops that you need to drip at regular intervals, rest a lot, and in no case should you touch your eyes. The first night it is recommended to sleep on your back.

    First week

    The first hours after the operation, there is a burning sensation in the eyes, which disappears after 3-4 hours. There is also acute photophobia, this is when you sit in a tinted car with dark glasses and it hurts from oblique sunlight. It passes the next day, then it is not recommended to go out without dark glasses for a month. Sunglasses must be with UV filters, preferably with polarization, and even better - black.

    But this is not the most difficult. The most difficult thing is that in the first week, loads at close range are prohibited. You can’t look at the computer monitor, you can’t read books, in general, it’s difficult to use the phone in the early days.

    You can watch TV, it's better not to abuse it. So it remains to listen to music and read audiobooks. I really regret that there is no device that, when falling asleep, would stop the playback of the book. It is very difficult to find the moment at which I was distracted.

    Life is getting better

    After a week, moderate loads near are allowed (you can watch until fatigue and tension in the eyes occur, at first it occurs quite quickly). You can gradually return to normal life. Two weeks later I was discharged and I returned to work.

    As for alcohol, its intake is prohibited for the period while you are dripping an antibiotic. It's a week and a half. Smoking is allowed immediately (forbid you to smoke, of course), but the smoke causes discomfort.

    Baths, saunas, swimming in open water and pools are prohibited for two months. A month later, the eyes are still very sensitive to shampoo, smoke. Strong physical activity, contact sports games are also prohibited. In general, it is better not to risk it, let your eyes heal.

    For you girls

    For weeks two-month it is necessary to fasten with cosmetics. No mascara, shadows, etc. I suspect that in the first days you should not wipe your face with anything containing alcohol. Just be ready.

    Consequences and complications

    If you look for all sorts of problems that can come out after the correction, then you can turn gray and turn into a hypochondriac giraffe Melman from Madagascar. But the probability of occurrence of most complications is less than 1% by several orders of magnitude (roughly like a black hole from the LHC).

    I was most worried about dry eye syndrome, because my eyes were already pretty tortured by lenses. But I was lucky and everything went without consequences.

    There is only a small problem that is observed by everyone who has made a correction. And the more diopters corrected, the stronger it manifests itself. In the dark, a rather large halo appears around point light sources, as if looking at them through a cloudy glass. As in this picture, only the spot is more even.

    I hope everything goes smoothly for you as well.

    I almost forgot. Experienced ophthalmologists often dissuade from correcting myopia, they say, aging will begin for years, you will have farsightedness and there is no way to correct it. You have to wear glasses. To this, I decided for myself the following: I'd rather enjoy life without glasses now, and then I will wear reading glasses.


    I am very happy and satisfied that I had the operation. Life has become easier. No need to remove and put on contact lenses, no need to wear glasses that fog up, get dirty and put pressure on your nose. Before the correction, I had around -7 in both eyes (in sharpness from 0 to 1, I don’t know how much it is). On my last eye exam, I had 0.9 and 1.0. I suspect that at the moment, the left eye has also recovered.

    The operation is neither expensive nor painful. The recovery period is not so difficult to survive. The effect is very pleasing.

    This is already my third successful operation on the eyes and it seems to me that people have studied this organ quite well.

    Consult with doctors, make up your mind and have a successful recovery.

    Memo to the patient after laser coagulation of the retina

    Laser coagulation of the retina is a surgical method for the treatment of thinning and ruptures of the retina, which helps prevent its detachment, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity and blindness. Surgical manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis and is easily tolerated by patients at any age. Its duration is about half an hour.

    After the procedure of laser coagulation of the retina, unlike conventional eye surgery, the patient does not need a long period of rehabilitation. However, to achieve the best result of the intervention, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of the recovery phase.

    Features of the postoperative period

    The action of the drops that expand the pupil ends within 2 or 3 hours after the end of the procedure. Following this, the former character of the patient's vision is restored. Sometimes during this period, a person has redness of the eyes and a feeling of irritation. These manifestations disappear spontaneously after a few hours.

    After the operation, you should stop driving and wear sunglasses. Refusal to drive a car and wearing tinted glasses is necessary until the formation of persistent chorioretinal adhesions.

    The entire recovery period after laser coagulation of the retina can take one to two weeks. During this time, it is necessary to adhere to a special sparing regime, that is, to limit:

  • Activities related to falls, vibrations, concussions (including sports)
  • Visiting swimming pools, baths, saunas
  • Work associated with lifting or carrying heavy loads, bending the torso
  • Visual work at close range (reading, writing, computer)
  • Drinking alcohol, large amounts of fluids, spicy and salty foods.

    After the procedure of laser coagulation of the retina against the background of diabetes mellitus, there is a risk of new areas of detachment and the appearance of dystrophic vessels. Therefore, within six months, the patient is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist every month for a preventive examination. For the next six months, the frequency of preventive examinations is reduced to one, every 3 months. Then, with a favorable course, preventive examinations are necessary every six months and a year.

    Preventive examinations of the peripheral areas of the fundus. allow timely detection of the emergence of new zones of dystrophic changes in the retina, its thinning, as well as breaks and make a decision on the implementation of preventive laser coagulation. This tactic significantly reduces the risk of developing retinal detachment and avoids loss of vision.

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    Postoperative period after laser coagulation of the retina

    Treatment of a damaged retina by laser coagulation allows you to restore the patient's vision, prevent dystrophic changes in tissues, as well as the development of blindness. In addition, coagulation makes it possible to effectively treat retinal detachment, restore blood supply and the efficiency of the vascular apparatus of the eye. A distinctive feature of the postoperative period is the ability of the patient to leave the medical institution within a few hours after the completion of the operation.

    In what cases is laser coagulation of the retina prescribed?

    Laser coagulation of the retina can be prescribed to a patient in case of a number of diseases, including:

    • dystrophy of the ocular vascular apparatus (peripheral vessels);
    • in case of proliferation of vessels in large numbers (angiomatous changes);
    • venous thrombosis of the retina;
    • with diabetes or hypertension, resulting in retinopathy;
    • ruptures or traumatic detachments of the retina;
    • dystrophic age-related changes in the macula of the eye (yellow spot in which the light beam is focused);
    • deformation of the eyeball resulting from myopia (impaired eye refraction, in which there is a deterioration in vision - myopia);
    • the presence of certain types of formations (tumors).

    Laser coagulation can also have a number of limitations, which include clouding of the cornea and vitreous body (gliosis), the presence of hemorrhages in the fundus, as well as some visual acuity disorders.

    About the effectiveness of the method

    Laser coagulation of the retina

    The operation using a laser effectively allows you to get rid of eye ailments, moreover, it is carried out for a short time and does not require patients to stay in a hospital. A few hours after the procedure, patients can go home. The performed laser operations allow to get rid of breaks and damages of the retina in the future, as well as to improve the process of blood supply and its nutrition.

    Tip: if deformations of the eyeballs are detected, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of laser surgery (coagulation) with the attending specialist. Restoration of the processes of eye vital activity is also effectively carried out by laser vision correction LASIK, which allows you to get rid of such ailments as astigmatism, farsightedness and myopia. In addition, this type of operation has minimal restrictions for carrying out. Smile vision correction is also considered effective (it is allowed to be carried out in the absence of contraindications).

    The use of a laser (coagulation) allows you to restore visual processes and avoid damage to the tissues of the eyeballs even during pregnancy. After the operation, the work of peripheral vessels improves significantly and processes in the tissues are restored.

    Features of rehabilitation after coagulation and possible complications

    After surgery, it is forbidden to drive a car for a week

    After coagulation using a laser, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight in the eyes, for which it is recommended to wear dark glasses until strong tissue (choreoretinal) adhesions are formed.

    The postoperative period can last from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the characteristics of the human body. In the early postoperative period, it is forbidden to play sports, it is necessary to avoid heavy physical exertion, as well as sudden movements. These doctors' recommendations are based on the possible risk of recurrent retinal detachment and worsening of the patient's condition.

    In order to avoid complications in the postoperative period, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending specialist, namely:

    • after surgical treatment, you can not watch TV and work at a computer;
    • diabetics are required to maintain normal blood sugar levels;
    • with hypertension and problems with the cardiovascular system, constant monitoring of blood pressure is necessary;
    • after laser coagulation, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist every 3 months.

    Possible complications in the postoperative period include short-term swelling of the eye cornea, a slight decrease in vision at night, and an increase in pressure inside the eyeballs.

    Preventive ophthalmological examinations will help to avoid further complications with vision and possible relapses from the vascular apparatus and retina.

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