About the introduction of astronomy in high school. Star Wars: how and why to return astronomy to Russian schools

Will the number of hours allotted for astronomy somehow affect the quality of teaching, why a physicist is not suitable for teaching astronomy, and how thoughtful was the decision to return astronomy lessons to school?

Today, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva is talking about the return of astronomy to high school. Removed six years ago, the item will appear in the program from September. However, this will take place in a “saving mode”: physics teachers will conduct astronomy, and no additional hours will be allocated for it.

“Let me remind you that starting from this year, a course in astronomy is being introduced into the school curriculum. There is nothing surprising in this, astronomy was read in the course of physics, we have textbooks, they were always on the federal list, physics teachers are ready for the fact that they will teach this course no longer within the framework of the subject "Physics", but within the framework of separate astronomy . There are no hourly changes,” the minister said.

Earlier, the ministry developed amendments to the federal state educational standard (FSES) of secondary general education, which, in particular, proposed to introduce a list of requirements for what schoolchildren should learn in astronomy classes. So, at the basic level, according to the project, students must endure for themselves an understanding of the structure of the solar system, the evolution of stars and the universe, and know the basic astronomical terms. At an in-depth level, students should understand the connection between physical laws discovered in terrestrial conditions and phenomena in the Universe.

the site interviewed astronomers, physics teachers and school leaders and found out what they think about this measure.

Georgy Arabuli, physics teacher at the Second School Lyceum (Moscow):

“When astronomy classes were canceled a few years ago, it was a big tragedy. The Olympic movement remains, but the object seems to be gone. And the children are engaged only in circles, and in the lessons astronomy only surfaced in a few physics lessons - in examples. Because the news of her return is good.

But there are pitfalls here, because a physics teacher must teach. It's like MHC (world artistic culture, - site note) taught by a teacher of literature, who is not perfectly versed in the MHC. Astronomy should be taught by an astronomer, not a physicist. There is an astronomer in my school, there is someone to direct and lead. But in most schools, this will be a big problem.

Yes, and the idea of ​​taking a clock from physics is quite sad. In Soviet times, physics was allocated four lessons a week, and based on this, the program was built. Now the program has remained the same, but the time has been reduced to two hours a week. There is nowhere to take hours away from physics.”

Oleg Ugolnikov, Senior Researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission on Astronomy of the All-Russian Olympiad for School Students:

“Unfortunately, I did not participate in the process of returning astronomy to school. I'm not sure the accepted scheme will be viable. In our opinion, astronomy should have been introduced as a separate course for a year and no later than in grades 7-8. And it is returned as an application to physics in the 11th, in absolutely the same form as in the last years of the Soviet Union. And all the problems will repeat. Teachers will use this hour for additional physics classes, and the children will completely agree with them, because the problems they face are completely different.”

Evgeny Yamburg, director of Education Center No. 109 (Moscow):

“Personally, I don’t see any threat or danger here, a normal measure. And as for the fact that teachers consider it half-hearted, that not enough hours are allocated for astronomy ... Each subject student is such a tunneller, to use a metaphor. Give me three hundred hours of history! Three hundred hours of physics! I'll tell you more: I have a whole division - children who are being treated, with oncology, with kidneys on hemodialysis. There is a very strict medical protocol, they cannot be overloaded. Nevertheless, they successfully pass the GIA, the Unified State Examination, and enter universities. So, it's not about the number of hours, but about the technology of teaching.

But at the same time, you need to have a basic understanding of astronomy. Otherwise, according to sociological research, almost 60% of us believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth. But there are general cultural ideas, and there are subtleties that are needed by those who decide to link their fate with this specialty.

Sergey Popov, astrophysicist, popularizer of science, leading researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after P.K. Sternberg:

“This is too much of a cavalry charge for the question. Such a decisive measure as the introduction of a compulsory subject in school requires serious preparation. In this case, it seems to me, it was not, the decision looks ill-conceived. Therefore, I think that in the vast majority of schools it will be a sham. And one more thing: it is not yet known in which class astronomy will be, it is difficult to comment. But, if it is in the senior class, I remain opposed to such a measure.

Sergey Danilov, teacher of physics and astronomy (St. Petersburg):

“It is still not very clear to me where the hours and teachers will come from. They say they will be retrained. Again the question is who. And one more important question: the textbook. Vorontsov-Velyaminov? So even in our time, more than a hundred errors were found in it.

If teachers were not required to make so many reports, the school would really "breathe" and would teach both astronomy and drawing.
glori7, Well, how is astronomy "not important"? A quarter of Russians are sure that the Sun revolves around the Earth. I think that 4 hours a month can already be allocated to this subject, instead of stupid Federal State Educational Standards - subjects (entertaining mathematics, entertaining Russian, etc.), thank God, some teachers taught program Russian and mathematics at that time.
Someone wrote above that biology can be completed in the 10th, so for those who are going to medicine, not everyone has the opportunity to get into a specialized school (I don’t know how in N-sk, but here in Barnaul you can count on the fingers chemical-bio specialized schools (classes) Competition in them, therefore, at the very least, even in a traditional high school they give according to the plan 1 time per week.
And with physical education - yes, bust. Indeed, as they wrote above, who goes in for sports (dancing), he attends classes. After the 8th grade, about a third of the class is present in the lessons (for girls, all menstruation every lesson). And for the teacher, the fewer children, the easier it is to teach the lesson. Few people go to the first and last (in the schedule) physical training. And if you don’t go, you can get grades by making an essay on the topic of sports.
Added after 3 minutes 16 seconds:

Another thing is that you can't really find teachers for the so-called "empty", "worthless" subjects during the day with fire, minimum hours and pay, according to the hours worked. Who will go? Children in grade 1 studied the planets in the world around them. Personnel is really everything.
And here it is important to know that our PED University is trying to unravel the bureaucratic system.
A retraining program for physics teachers was established to teach astronomy, with an emphasis on the latest developments.
The program is under approval.
As for the Planetarium... it's hard to speak without tears.
Mr. Maslikov, so favored by the author of the article, turned the institution of additional education into
cinema combined with a circus.
Once an hour, a film is shown, and often the content is openly pro-Western. Take the same Gagarin after landing, shown against the backdrop of cows (the film Dawn of the Space Age - has already been withdrawn from the screening) seems to be a trifle, but what is the image?
In addition to films - theatrical performances. The planetarium employees themselves, without acting education, dressed up in costumes (a la handing out flyers on the street)
perform in front of preschool children.
Or paid stargazing programs? In a couple of hours near the telescope, will a person learn something from astronomy as a science? By the way, Sidewalk Astronomy shows the stars for free ...
Yes, of course, there are circles and electives on the basis of the planetarium, but firstly, it’s not 150 thousand children a year, but at most 600-800 students, and secondly, 80% of classes take place not in the planetarium, but on the territory of educational institutions with which an agreement has been concluded. That is, in fact, the functionality of additional education exists only on paper. But in fact, people in order to earn money must jump in stuffed suits.
And a few words about the status - the organization began to work in 2012 since that time, the dome of the star hall has never been cleaned, and according to those conditions, this should happen once every six months. I will modestly keep silent about updating the content of 10 films in 5 years - laughter.
And the people who work there are golden. Yes, that's just the fish, as you know, from the head ...
Maybe at least the National State Pedagogical University will be able to provide a normal basis for the return of this amazing item.
After all, where else will you know that being on a pale blue dot you see the past looking into the diamond-studded velvet darkness of space-time invariably moving away from us ... in fact, astronomy is not the most important thing, I think. some children like it, then parents should show this science, so to speak. but not everyone likes it and I don’t really understand then why introduce it into the school curriculum?

Also Latin and Greek (they train memory well) There is astronomy in our school, only a physicist teaches, it’s useless, a teacher because he’s like that, so drawing would be introduced into obligatory calligraphy, there would be more sense, otherwise children write worse than by the end of school in first grade We had astronomy at school. I graduated from school 13 years ago. Apparently, how the elective was designed.
In my opinion, there is too much physical education in schools now. Especially in high school.
Well, as far as I can judge by the children of my acquaintances - quite a lot. As for it’s very active, I don’t presume to say, but activity is in every way higher than school physical education lessons. And those who do not want to go in for sports are also exempted from physical education at school.

I would prefer (and the child too) that instead of these useless 2-3 hours, my child had an extra free 2-3 hours that she could spend on roller skating / skating / cycling in the fresh air, and not on a useless a game of pioneer ball in a stuffy and dusty hall

There are a lot of reforms, starting with the Unified State Examination, which for ten years has given rise to preparation for it, starting from the 1st grade. Tests now rule in education. But not just tests, but tests compiled by former school C students. For example, children who wrote in tests on the env. to the world that a goose is a migratory bird, points are reduced, since it is written in the training manual for the test that the goose is not a migratory bird (!). The consequences of this alone accumulate and grow like a snowball. And the consequences of studying the "Sources" from grades 1 to 11 will also be. Even if not quite the same as the authors intended .. And a single history textbook, and much, much more that is and is now going to school, and, further, to the university, will not pass without a trace.

For more details, see: http://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/457/ (Science and life, The fifth rule of arithmetic)

The reformers also studied .. the history of the CPSU. And it seems that they liked it a lot .. Therefore, all school education reforms move it either "sideways" or "backward". In the meantime, life simply does not stand still. And I would like great prospects for our children than the study of "Sources" and others like them. And also NOT the study of beautiful and necessary subjects in programs that, at times, are "meaningless and merciless."

What education reform are you talking about? Visibility is one. From a change in the places of the terms ..
It just became a little freer, and the school began to breathe a little.

The reformers also studied .. the history of the CPSU. And it seems that they liked it a lot .. Therefore, all school education reforms move it either "sideways" or "backward". In the meantime, life simply does not stand still. And I would like great prospects for our children than the study of "Sources" and others like them. And also NOT the study of beautiful and necessary subjects in programs that, at times, are "meaningless and merciless."


At school, and then at the institute, I studied the history of the CPSU, and then it was impossible to get away from it. And now (for now at least) you can refuse this subject, and indeed from school in general. Although, of course, I am glad that almost all of my children managed to unlearn school in a short period between ....

With the massive advance of the ROC to the school, to give the kids for alternative development in a circle at the datsan / synagogue?

Or demand instead of the foundations of Orthodoxy to lead "origins"


5 school hours to study the plow + 5 to study the ax + 5 for one icon + 5 to Solovki .. And here we are arguing about hours for biology-astronomy

And what, only at school such miracles?

School is "slightly different" from the usual life of an adult, isn't it?
Well, school problems can be solved in our power - to score on something, to find something outside the school ...

Added after 4 minutes 9 seconds:

bayana wrote:

Secondary general education

Line UMK B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov. Astronomy (11)

Astronomy at school: 5 topical issues

The recent news about the introduction of astronomy as a compulsory subject in the school curriculum surprised many. We tried to understand the situation and answer all the questions of interest.

When will astronomy become a compulsory subject in school?

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia introduces the course "Astronomy" in the number of compulsory subjects of the educational program of secondary general education from the new academic year (2017/2018).

In her speech at the meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on April 3, 2017, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva emphasized: “Let me remind you that starting from this year, a course in astronomy is introduced into the school curriculum. There is nothing surprising in this - astronomy was read in the course of physics, physics teachers are ready for the fact that they will teach this course separately. There are no hourly changes ”().


PEI "St. Petersburg School "Tete-a-Tete"

Teacher of Mathematics of the Highest category with the right to teach Astronomy


In Russian schools, the subject "astronomy" has actually been outlawed since 2008 - under the pretext that none of the current astronomy textbooks has been allowed and approved for use in schools. And the rule now is - there is no authorized textbook, therefore, this subject cannot be taught. Apparently, officials from the Ministry of Education and Science considered that knowledge of the Universe and cosmic laws is completely unnecessary for our children.

There is no direct ban on studying astronomy in schools, in some schools astronomy is still taught as special courses, but none of the recently written textbooks has the stamp of the Ministry of Education recommending the use of a textbook in the educational process. And teachers who can teach astronomy in high school are sorely lacking.

Let me remind you that, paradoxically, the elimination of astronomy as a compulsory subject in Russian schools took place just on the eve of 2009, declared by the UN General Assembly the International Year of Astronomy. In words, constantly declaring its desire to become part of the international community, declaring its desire to join the WTO, in reality, Russia ignored the UN resolution. Such inadequate behavior of education officials caused a strong reaction from many teachers, university professors and the scientific community.

In 2009, Russian astronomers asked the authorities to “return the teaching of astronomy to schools, restore astronomical training in pedagogical universities, and provide state support for the popularization of this science,” the text of the conference resolution adopted as the basis says. The statement of Russian scientists said: “The elimination of astronomy in secondary schools inevitably creates fertile ground for the widespread dissemination of pseudoscientific ideas about the world, astrology, magic, witchcraft, in conditions when popular science literature is not available to the general population due to high prices. We believe that the need for universal astronomical education is due to the importance of the contribution of astronomy to the creation of a scientific picture of the world and the formation of the scientific worldview of modern people. Natural science is part of a single universal culture and natural science knowledge should become the property of any educated person. At present, astronomy and space exploration are rapidly developing in the world, but in Russia graduates of general educational institutions are "doomed to astronomical illiteracy"

This initiative was supported by the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy. “Astronomy should be re-entered as a compulsory school subject,” he said, “and universities need to revive the training of astronomy teachers. A person, looking at the sky, should have elementary ideas about what it is. Astronomy is a culture, it is knowledge that every cultured person should have. What are stars, what are planets, what is matter, what is space, why is it infinite.

So why should schools study astronomy?

For thousands of years, the foundations of astronomical knowledge - the foundations of ideas about the Universe - have been part of the training system for the younger generations. Even in the monastic schools of the Middle Ages, astronomy, along with arithmetic, geometry and music, was part of the "quadrivium" - the highest level of the seven free arts, mandatory for the study of subjects. From here, this scheme was transferred to the first universities that arose in the 12th-13th centuries.

In the gymnasiums of Russia there was a compulsory course of descriptive astronomy - cosmography. Astronomy, as a compulsory subject, was also included in the curricula of the Soviet secondary school. However, there were also attempts in those years to remove astronomy from the secondary school curriculum. Shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War, some "wise men" from the then Narkompros tried to remove astronomy from the curricula of secondary schools. Then the leading astronomers of the country turned to Academician A. A. Blagonravov, who was then the President of the Academy of Artillery Sciences (there was such an academy at one time), and he had the right to directly address I. V. Stalin. And now one phone call from Blagonravov to Stalin was enough - and the issue of restoring astronomy at school was immediately resolved.

Why is it so important to study astronomy in high school? This is necessary for a modern educated person because of those important social functions that astronomy performs throughout the history of mankind and to which the modern era introduces new facets. The first of these functions is applied. This is the development of methods of orientation in time and space, which is a necessary condition for the production activity of a person, his social existence and his daily life. The second function is general cultural: it is the determination of the place and role of man in the structure of the universe. The astronomical picture of the world for thousands of years has been and is an integral part of the scientific picture of the world as a whole; that part of it that gives a person an idea of ​​the spatio-temporal structure of the world in which he lives and acts. Here we should also emphasize the fact that for all its close ties with physics, astronomy is an independent holistic science with its own specific object and method of research.

And in general, what needs to be proved, if we were the first to create spaceships, the first to overcome the earth's gravity! We were the first to conquer space! We were the first to go into outer space! It is our Proton rockets that put satellites of any countries into orbit! Russia trains cosmonauts of any countries! Astronautics is one of the few areas of science where we still maintain a leading position in the world.

And all this because astronomy, taught in schools, revealed to children the beautiful and mysterious world of the Universe! It was from former schoolchildren who fell in love with the starry sky that talented designers and astronauts came out! International scientists! And it's a shame that right now, when the rest of the civilized world has become interested in astronomy, we have stopped teaching it at school.

Although, following the logic of our rulers, why should our children know the laws of the universe, have a scientific understanding of the world? Enough for them computer shooting games on the theme of "Star Wars", fantastic films about aliens like "Skyline" and the course of the law of God ... Yes, "Star Factory" ... As a result, now few of today's youth can answer the simplest questions: who is Tsiolkovsky, how planets differ from stars and why solar eclipses happen...

In 2009 The world celebrated the 400th anniversary of the observation of the starry sky with the help of telescopes. In 1609 Galileo Galilei directed the telescope he created towards the Moon, the Sun, stars and planets and discovered that there are mountains on the Moon, and spots on the Sun, that Jupiter has satellites, Saturn has rings, and the Milky Way consists of stars. Astronomy is currently undergoing another revolution. Today it is one of the most rapidly developing sciences, where discoveries follow one after another. In Russia, since the time of Peter I, astronomy has been a compulsory subject in schools and colleges. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was the interest in astronomy that led Friedrich Zander to design an interplanetary jet aircraft. In the 60s. XX century it was impossible to imagine that astronomy would be expelled from the curriculum of secondary education. Then the spacecraft created by our scientists opened up new knowledge about the Moon, Venus, Mars for all mankind. Today, alas, other countries are engaged in fundamental space research: Europe, the USA, Japan, China, India, and in Russia, officials believe that we have had enough space transportation for money and space tourism for money ....

The UN General Assembly in its resolution noted that astronomy is one of the oldest fundamental sciences, that it has a serious impact on the development of other sciences, applied research, culture, philosophy, etc., that astronomy is an absolutely necessary science that should be studied starting from childhood.

And the demise of the study of astronomy in Russian schools goes hand in hand with Russia's withdrawal from the field of fundamental sciences and from high-tech areas such as space. In words, the authorities stand up for the innovative development of Russia, but in reality they are engaged in the destruction of fundamental education, removing astronomy from schools and universities and replacing the theory of evolution with delusional myths about the seven days of creation. It is especially significant that this is happening right now, during the years of a grandiose scientific breakthrough in the field of astronomy and space physics of the leading countries of the world...

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To date, the main legal documents have been adopted, the main methodological recommendations have been sent out, regulating issues related to changing the basic general education program. This gives reason to say that changes should be made to the basic educational program on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The order was signed and officially entered into force on June 7, 2017 - Order No. 506 "On Amendments to the Federal Component of State Educational Standards for Primary General and Secondary Complete General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089".

The order actually says that "Astronomy" is introduced into the Federal State Educational Standard as a mandatory subject of the federal component.

In this regard, the following changes are made to the main content:

  • The standard is complemented by an independent section on general astronomy, basic level;
  • the introduction of astronomy at the profile level is not expected;
  • a mandatory minimum of the content of the BEP is presented, which must be included in the work program for the subject;
  • the content components of the basic level in "Social Science" are excluded from the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • within the framework of "Physics" there are elements of content related to astronomy;
  • in the course "Astronomy" these subjects, on the one hand, are duplicated, on the other hand, they are interpreted in detail.

The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is the basic document and the basis for making changes to the set of documents that the school is guided by when implementing the BEP.

Work program for the course "Astronomy"

Firstly, the teacher needs to develop a work program for the course "Astronomy". The requirements are no different from the standard set of requirements.

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Three main elements should be in the program:

  • content,
  • thematic planning
  • elements related to learning outcomes should be outlined.

Integration of the work program in the OOP

The second stage of work is the integration of this work program and the introduction of appropriate changes based on the developed work program in the PLO in the OO.

This is the main document that describes the educational activities of the school according to the Federal State Educational Standard, its constituent parts are:

  • work programs in subjects,
  • academic plan.

Practical steps for the implementation of the EP

The third stage comes after the documentary changes have been made and the corresponding changes have been made to the PLO.

At the third stage, we should talk about specific practical steps related to the preparation of conditions for the implementation of the educational program. There are two levels of these conditions.

Information and methodological conditions

These conditions are connected, first of all, with the awareness of the fact, according to which educational and methodological sets the PA will work, implementing a specific work program. The choice of the educational and methodical set remains with the school. The teacher leading the subject has the final say on which teaching and methodological package to rely on.

The current Federal list of textbooks includes two main textbooks that can be used by the OO to implement this course:

  • textbook of the publishing house "Drofa";
  • textbook of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie".

In addition to textbooks, it is important to understand and reflect in the work program what other resources will be used to implement the Astronomy course. We are talking not only about paper textbooks, but also about numerous online, electronic and digital resources, which in this case will help diversify the course and most adequately reflect the content of the work program in the process of its implementation.

Due to what should the course be introduced into the main educational program?

The school has two current Standards: 2004 and 2010. The structure of the 2004 Standard says that this Standard has compulsory subjects of the federal component and another part of this 2004 Standard is the component of the educational organization. If federal components and the number of compulsory subjects increase within the curriculum, then, of course, it increases by reducing the part that is called part of the educational organization. Therefore, it is a matter of redistribution from one part of the curriculum to another. This question is left to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at the discretion of the NGO itself. Changes to the 2010 Standard have not yet entered into force, they are not yet, but here the required number of hours can be taken at the expense of that part of the educational program that is optional, which is formed by choosing other participants in the educational process, i.e. the part that actually provided profiling.

Structural subdivision of the NGO: inclusion of "Astronomy" in the work program

In many cities, regional centers, subjects of the Federation, in many universities there are and operate quite successfully both in the status of structural divisions of public organizations, and as independent institutions of culture or education, for example, a planetarium. In this case, no one prevents the teacher from including in the structure and composition of the work program on the basis of network interaction the use of the planetarium to explain certain topics related to one or another issue of the course on "Astronomy". Such use imposes certain additional obligations on the organization, which will have to conclude an appropriate contract or network interaction agreement with these organizations.

Personnel conditions for the implementation of the course

The second important point is related to personnel conditions. The decision of the head responsible for the implementation of the BEP lies with the responsibility of the director of the educational organization, which distributes the load and approves the billing, etc.

The important point is that there is no separate specialty related to astronomy. Therefore, in most cases, the choice is between one or another subject teacher who has his own basic basic course. In this case, there is a need to improve the qualifications of the relevant specialist in those structures that have a license and developed an additional professional educational program related to advanced training in astronomy.

Substantive changes in the course "Astronomy"

On the one hand, the topic was included in the course of physics and did not remain outside, on the other hand, there is a significant difference here.

Let's consider the content that was recorded in the basic and profile level of teaching the subject "Physics" in terms of precisely astronomical topics.

In the "Mechanics" section there was a formulation related to the use of the laws of mechanics to explain the movements of celestial bodies and to develop space research. The section "Quantum physics, elements of astrophysics" contained such components as familiarization with the solar system, stars, sources of their energies, modern ideas about the origin, evolution of the sun and stars, the spatial scales of the observable universe and the applicability of the laws of physics to explain the nature of cosmic phenomena. The basic part of astronomical problems was completed by the topic related to the observation and description of the movement of natural bodies. That was all a physics teacher had to say about astronomy at a basic level.

The main sections of the new course

The developers of this federal component of the astronomy standard completed another task, which was formulated by the Ministry. Namely - to clarify the content and detail the content on this subject.

Astronomy has been introduced and teaching will remain at a basic level.

The first section is devoted to cultural and historical issues. It addresses the questions:

  • about the role of astronomy in the development of civilization, the evolution of human views on the universe, incl. associated with the geocentric, heliocentric system, features of methods of cognition in astronomy,
  • practical applications of astronomical research, etc.

New components that open up great scope for interdisciplinary connections and for the formation of personal results in terms of patriotic education:

  • development of domestic cosmonautics,
  • we are talking about the creation of domestic science, domestic applied technology of Earth satellites,
  • modern achievements of world cosmonautics as a whole.
  • integration of the efforts that Russia and all countries are making in space exploration using artificial aircraft.

Other topics covered in the course:

  • fundamentals of practical astronomy
  • laws of motion of celestial bodies,
  • solar system,
  • methods of astronomical research
  • the laws of motion of celestial bodies, the solar system
  • methods of astronomical research.

A through interpretation and a precisely detailed topic, presented in a mandatory minimum of content, allows you to build a course systematically, allows you not to miss any of the topics that are significant from the point of view of modern astronomy, and has its own internal logic, it is possible to draw interdisciplinary parallels and reach metasubject results, which is a requirement of the new standard.

Monitoring the achievement of educational results in astronomy

The course is 35 hours long, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that the school decides in which part of the curriculum this course should be integrated. Course delivery intensity:

  • one hour a week for half a year, two quarters,
  • one hour every two weeks during 10th or 11th grade.

All decisions about the introduction of the course, about the intensity with which it will be given, are made by the educational organization.

The volume of studying Astronomy is less than 64 hours for 2 years, however, Astronomy is one of the compulsory subjects, so it is necessary to put a final mark on it in the certificate.

Final control

All-Russian verification work will be no earlier than 2020. From the federal component, the minimum content of a physics course, astronomical topics are not removed by Order 506. They are only removed from Natural History. If a child chooses physics for delivery within the framework of the Unified State Examination, there, inside physics, in control and measuring materials, there are types of tasks related to the content of astronomy. As far as we know today, there are no normative grounds for believing that astronomical topics have disappeared from physics. As for the next two years, the final control in the form of the Unified State Examination for those who choose physics as an elective subject, he will face it.

Staff development

The specifics of the goals and the content of the course are closest to the subject competences of physics teachers. In addition, in his competencies, the formation of skills in the use of natural science and physical and mathematical knowledge for an objective analysis of the structure of the surrounding world was recorded in his competencies, using the achievements of modern astrophysics, astronomy, and astronautics as an example. This does not mean that this opportunity for teaching astronomy is blocked for other specialties.

If there is no strong physicist inside the OO, but there is a strong geographer, no one interferes with the decision that it is the geography teacher who, after appropriate advanced training, will be able to take on the teaching of the astronomy course.

In order to consider full-fledged and consistent offers of advanced training, for a physics teacher there must be at least 36 hours, for teachers of the natural science cycle (teachers of geography, mathematics, for example) at least 72 hours).

Should a physics teacher take retraining courses to become an astronomy teacher?

The authority of the school principal is to determine the qualification level of the teacher who is entrusted with the subject. To say that advanced training courses or retraining are formal grounds that may or may not be taken into account by the school principal. The principal of the school takes responsibility for evaluating the professionalism of the teacher. Most directors say they don't want to take on all this responsibility and send teachers to courses. In this case, the director will attach to all cases a document stating that he has a formal basis.

Legally, the director may well manage in his decision without additional expenses associated with advanced training. The law gives him that right. In this case, he finds himself in a situation of explaining to the regulatory authorities about how competent the people who teach this course are, and how much this ensures the quality of the course implementation.

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