Ancient Slavic rune. History of Slavic runes. Features of reading Slavic runes

At the moment, much has already been said about the relationship of the Germanic and Slavic languages. In fact, both are two branches of the same language, which have changed over time almost beyond recognition. However, this ancient language still shines through the murk of later transformations and stratifications.

Interestingly, the Slavs preserved this ancient language in a much purer form. So, the Russian word bread and the barn that comes from it belong to this language, but the Germans already in the 1st millennium AD. lost them, replacing them with modern bread. The purely Scandinavian, it would seem, the word jarl (noble military leader) comes from the ancient eagle - the battle nickname of the strongest in the squad; but now the eagle is preserved only among the Slavs, while the Germans (the British, for example) use the word eagl.

There are many such examples, and one of them - the etymology of the term rune - is worth analyzing in more detail, since it is most directly related to the topic of this section.

The now traditional interpretation of the word rune was established in the scientific community at the end of the last century. Quite rightly, the Germanic runa, rune, denoting the letter of the runic letter, is associated with the Gothic ryna - “mystery”, and other German. the verb rynen (modern German raunen) in the meaning of “whisper” 1. Nigel Pennick introduced some diversity in the interpretation of the word rune, pointing to its non-Northern European parallels: other Celt. run, cf.-wall. rhin with the meaning "whisper", "whisper"; modern irl. run "mystery"; Scottish Gaelic run “lot” 2. However, almost all modern researchers lose sight of the Slavic languages ​​(by the way, they are much closer to Scandinavian than the same Celtic ones). This was not the case in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during the heyday of research on the Slavic runic.

So, at one time I tried to connect the word rune with a Serb. gronic “to speak” Polish Slavist A.Kukharsky. But V. Tsybulsky and I. Yagich equally opposed such an interpretation, finding it "crazy". But against the later assumption of D. Zhunkovich 3, not a single researcher was able to put forward any counterarguments. Zhunkovich's version was simply forgotten, as it often happened in the field of Slavic runology...

Let's digress a bit. Not later than the very beginning of the 10th century in Bulgaria, the monk Brave wrote lines that have survived to this day and now cause so many contradictory, sometimes completely opposite in meaning, judgments: …” We will not comment on the words of the Brave here (enough commentators without us), but just keep them in mind.

... At one time I happened to come to the same conclusion that was made by Zhunkovich, regardless of this researcher. I was struck by the existence of many Slavic rivers bearing the mysterious name Runa 4. In most cases, the etymology of these names is considered obscure. But after all, there is an old Slavic root of runes: it is from it that Russian comes. wound, injure, dig, Ukrainian rilla - "furrow". According to Zhunkovich, the same root contains the verb ruti - “cut” and the noun runa, meaning “cut”, “furrow”, ... CUT. Isn't it with these cuts chtehu and gataahu the ancient Slavs?

The basis run/ran with the meaning “cut”, “injure” was also known to the ancient Germans, and it is surprising why researchers do not pay attention to this fact! So, the famous spearhead from Damsdorf, dating from the first half of the 1st millennium, bears the runic inscription RANJA, translated as “Piercing”, “Inflicting wounds”, “Wounding”.

Probably, the term rune still comes from the ancient Slavic-Northern European base with the meaning “to cut” (which looks natural), while the appearance of European words of the same root, but already meaning “secret”, “to speak in silence” is secondary , and is associated with the magical use of ancient carved signs. Ancient runes.

The first arguments in favor of the existence of Slavic runic writing were put forward as early as the beginning or middle of the last century; some of the testimonies cited then are now attributed to the Glagolitic alphabet, and not to the “runitsa”, some turned out to be simply untenable, but a number of arguments remain valid to this day. So, it is impossible to argue with the testimony of Titmar, who, describing the Slavic temple of Retra, points to the fact that inscriptions were made on the idols of the temple, made with “special”, non-Germanic runes. It would be completely absurd to assume that Titmar, being an educated person, could not recognize the standard junior Scandinavian runes if the names of the gods on the idols were inscribed by them. Massoudi, describing one of the Slavic temples, mentions some signs carved on stones. Ibn Fodlan, speaking about the Slavs of the end of the 1st millennium, points to the existence of grave inscriptions on pillars among them. Ibn El Nedim speaks of the existence of Slavic pre-Cyrillic writing and even cites in his treatise a drawing of one inscription carved on a piece of wood (the famous Nedim inscription). In the Czech song “Judgment of Lyubusha”, preserved in the list of the 9th century, there is a mention of deski pravdodatne - laws written on wooden boards in some letters.

The existence of runic writing 5 among the Slavs is also indicated by many archaeological data. The oldest of them are finds of ceramics with fragments of inscriptions belonging to the Chernyakhov archaeological culture, uniquely associated with the Slavs and dating back to the 1st-4th centuries AD. Already thirty years ago, the signs on these finds were identified as traces of writing. 6

An example of the “Chernyakhovsky” Slavic runic writing can be fragments of ceramics from excavations near the village of Lepesovka (southern Volyn) or a clay shard from Ripnev, belonging to the same Chernyakhiv culture and probably representing a fragment of a vessel. The signs distinguishable on the shard leave no doubt that this is precisely the inscription. Unfortunately, the fragment is too small to be able to decipher the inscription. In general, the ceramics of the Chernyakhov culture provide very interesting, but too scarce material for deciphering.

Thus, a Slavic clay vessel discovered in 1967 during excavations near the village of Voiskovoe (on the Dnieper) is extremely interesting. An inscription containing 12 positions and using 6 characters is applied to its surface. The inscription cannot be translated or read, despite the fact that attempts to decipher it have been made. So, at one time it was suggested that, judging by the number of positions, these signs could be the initial letters of the names of the months, and the inscription as a whole could be a calendar. However, unfortunately, there is not a single Slavic language, neither ancient nor modern, in which the names of four months would begin with one letter, three with another, two with a third, and the remaining three months with three different letters.

In general, it does not matter whether this inscription is an inscription in the full sense of the word, or whether it is a meaningful set of signs. The reader, perhaps, has already noted a certain similarity between the graphics of this inscription and the runic graphics. It really is. There is a similarity, and not only a similarity - half of the signs (three out of six) coincide with the Futhark runes. These are the runes Dagaz (Futark, 24), Gebo (Futark, 7) and a secondary version of the rune Inguz (Futark, 22) - a rhombus placed on top.

Another - later - group of evidence of the use of runic writing by the Slavs is formed by monuments associated with the Wends, the Baltic Slavs. Of these monuments, we first of all point to the so-called Mikorzhinsky stones, discovered in 1771 in Poland. Another - truly unique - monument of the “Baltic” Slavic runic is the inscriptions on cult objects from the Slavic temple of Radegast in Retra 7, destroyed in the middle of the 11th century during the German conquest. It is worth dwelling on these objects in a little more detail.

After the destruction of the temple, its material values ​​were considered lost or stolen for a long time, until some of them, after more than half a millennium, reappeared. Bronze images of gods and ritual objects from the Rethrin temple were found in the soil of the village of Prilwitz at the end of the 17th century; much later they were acquired by a certain Andreas Gottlieb Masch, described and commissioned engravings. These materials were published by him in 1771 in Germany 8. His book contains engravings of more than six dozen sculptures and other objects.

In Russia, most researchers consider these objects to be fakes, while Western runologists prefer to follow the verdict of a special commission that studied this issue for two years and decided that the objects were genuine.

In addition, in my opinion, a very convincing argument in favor of the authenticity of objects from Retra is the fact that the original owner of the monuments was a Catholic priest. From a priest, we could much sooner expect the destruction of monuments of the pagan religion (which he did with regard to some of the objects), but certainly not the manufacture of statues of pagan gods with pagan writings ...

It is curious that such “nihilism” of Russian researchers in relation to the Slavic runic culture extends to monuments, the authenticity of which cannot be questioned at all. Thus, for example, a private collection of objects with runic inscriptions discovered during archaeological work in Belarus is currently kept in Moscow; this collection has never been published in academic publications, but thanks to the help of A.A. Bychkov, we have the opportunity to place drawings of some of these monuments here.

It probably does not make sense to continue here a list of such monuments, the number of which is quite large 9.

Like the runes of the Scandinavian and continental Germans, the Slavic runes go back, apparently, to the Northern Italic (Alpine) alphabets.

Several main variants of Alpine writing are known, which, in addition to the northern Etruscans, were owned by Slavic and Celtic tribes living in the neighborhood. The question of exactly how the Italic writing was brought to the later Slavic regions remains completely open at the moment, as well as the question of the mutual influence of Slavic and Germanic runic.

It should be noted that runic culture should be understood much more broadly than elementary writing skills - it is a whole cultural layer, covering mythology, religion, and certain aspects of magical art. Already in Etruria and Venice (the lands of the Etruscans and Wends), the alphabet was treated as an object of divine origin and capable of exerting a magical effect. This is evidenced, for example, by finds in Etruscan burials of tablets listing alphabetic characters. This is the simplest type of runic magic, common in the North-West of Europe.

Thus, speaking of the Old Slavic runic writing, one cannot help but raise the question of the existence of the Old Slavic runic culture as a whole. The Slavs of pagan times owned this culture; it was preserved, apparently, in the era of “dual faith” (simultaneous existence of Christianity and paganism in Russia - X-XVI centuries).

An excellent example of this is the widest use by the Slavs of the Freyr rune - Inguz, described by us in Chapter Three.

Another example is one of the remarkable Vyatik temporal rings of the 12th century. Signs are engraved on its blades - this is another rune. The third blades from the edges carry the image of the Algiz rune, and the central blade is a double image of the same rune.

Like the Freyr rune, the Algiz rune first appeared as part of the Futhark; it existed without changes for about a millennium and entered into all runic alphabets, except for the late Swedish-Norwegian ones, which were not used for magical purposes (about the 10th century). The image of this rune on the temporal ring is not accidental. Rune Algiz is a rune of protection, one of its magical properties is protection from other people's witchcraft and the evil will of others.

The use of the Algiz rune by the Slavs and their ancestors has a very ancient history. In ancient times, four Algiz runes were often connected in such a way that a twelve-pointed cross was formed, apparently having the same functions as the rune itself. At the same time, it should be noted that such magical symbols can appear among different peoples and independently of each other (as described in section 6 of the second chapter). An example of this is, for example, a bronze Mordovian plaque of the end of the 1st millennium AD. from the Army cemetery.

One of the so-called non-alphabetic runic signs is the swastika, both four- and three-branched. Images of the swastika in the Slavic world are found everywhere, although infrequently. This is natural - the swastika, a symbol of fire and, in certain cases, fertility - a sign too "powerful" and too significant for widespread use. Like the twelve-pointed cross, the swastika can also be found among the Sarmatians and Scythians.

Of extreme interest is the one-of-a-kind temporal ring, again Vyatka. Several different signs are engraved on its blades at once - this is a whole collection of symbols of ancient Slavic magic. The central blade carries a slightly modified Inguz rune, the first petals from the center are an image that is not yet completely clear. On the petals second from the center, a twelve-pointed cross is applied, which is most likely a modification of the cross of four Algiz runes. And finally, the extreme petals carry the image of a swastika. Well, the jeweler who worked on this ring created a mighty talisman.

The description of this unique temporal ring completes our short review of the monuments of the runic art of the ancient Slavs. If you look more broadly and talk about Slavic material monuments of ancient arts in general, including, in particular, applied magic, then it should be noted that the amount of material here is huge. The greatest merit in the study and systematization of this material belongs to the outstanding Russian historian and archaeologist, Academician B.A. Rybakov. His monographs "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs" (M., 1981) and "Paganism of Ancient Russia" (M., 1987) are undoubtedly the most detailed fundamental studies of this issue at the moment.



1. I.V. Yagich The question of the runes among the Slavs / / Encyclopedia of Slavic Philology. Edition of the Department of Russian Language and Literature. Imp. Acad. Sciences. Issue 3: Graphics among the Slavs. SPb., 1911.
2. N. Pennick. Run Magic. L., 1992; The Secret Lore of Runes and Other Ancient Alphabets. L., 1991.
3. D.Zunkovic. Die slavish Vorzeit. Maribor, 1918.
4. As an example, I will give the Runa River, which flows into the Upper Volga Lakes on the border of the Tver and Novgorod regions.
5. The author asks to take into account the definition of runic art and runic signs given by him in the first section of this chapter.
6. See, for example: M.A. Tikhanova. Traces of runic writing in the Chernyakhov culture. In: Medieval Russia. M., 1976.
7. A.V. Platov. Cult images from the temple in Retra / / Myths and magic of the Indo-Europeans, issue 2, 1996.
8. A. G. Masch. Die Gottesdienstlichen Alferfhnmer der Obotriten, aus dem Tempel zu Rhetra. Berlin, 1771.
9. For more details, see: A.V. Platov. Monuments of the runic art of the Slavs / / Myths and magic of the Indo-Europeans, issue 6, 1997.

“According to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the written literacy of the Slavic-Aryan peoples was based on four forms of writing, from which all other types of alphabets and alphabets subsequently originated.

a) Sanskrit (samckrit) - an independent secretive priestly language.
A form of the Sanskrit language that was passed down in a dance on the Temple Mount
special dancers, and was called - devanagarn (now it's just a Sanskrit script);
b) futhark; c) Slavic runes, runes of the Boyanov hymn; d) Siberian (Khakassian) runnitsa, etc.

2. Da'Aryan Trags (approved radiant path) - hieroglyphic (ideogram) inscription of transmitted images. We read in all four directions.

3. Rassen's figurative-mirror writing (sayers).

This writing is now called the Etruscan (Tyrrhenian) writing, which formed the basis of the ancient Phoenician alphabet, on the basis of which the later simplified Greek letter and Latin were created.
The Russian scientist P.P. Oreshkin in his book on the decipherment of ancient languages ​​\u200b\u200b“The Babylonian Phenomenon” also notes this very peculiar feature of Rasen writing (mirroring), in front of which modern linguistics turned out to be powerless with its capitulatory slogan: “Etruscan is not readable”. Oreshkin calls this set of ingenious, in his opinion, tricks the "tricky system" of the ancient races and gives his recommendations on how to overcome them. But Rasen writing, as we see from its name, is an organic synthesis of the figurative content of letters and words, as well as ways to identify this figurative content.
This feature is to some extent characteristic of all forms of Rasich writing (Slavic "double row"), because. is the most important manifestation of the Vedic view, according to which everything is divided, reconnected, cannot exist without its own reflection.

The most common letter among the Slavic peoples of antiquity (“pra-Cyrillic” or “runes of the Family” according to V. Chudinov). It was used both by priests and at the conclusion of important inter-clan and interstate agreements. One of the forms of the Holy Russian Letter was the semi-runic letter known to us, with which the Book of Veles was written. “Vlesovitsa” (a conditional name) is typologically older than Cyrillic, writes linguist V. Chudinov, representing a sign system intermediate between syllabic writing and the alphabet. In the text of the Book of Veles, such a phonetic feature as “clatter”, i.e. replacing Ch with Ts. This is very common in Novgorod birch bark letters and still distinguishes the Novgorod dialect.

The letter “Slovenia” was also a form of the initial letter, in which, as in Sanskrit, the verbal structures “tha”, “bha”, etc. were also used. But "Slovenia" was too cumbersome writing system for everyday communication, so later a simplified form of "Slovenia" appeared - a voluminous, all-encompassing Old Slovenian Letter, consisting of 49 image characters (basic), where the record conveyed not only the grapheme of the word being composed, but also its figurative meaning.
"Appeared in the ninth century. "Cyrillic" was specially created (based on the initial letter - mine.) using the Macedonian dialect of the ancient Bulgarian language for the needs of the Christian church as a literary language (Old Church Slavonic). Subsequently, under the influence of live speech, he gradually absorbed local linguistic features ... These later regional varieties are usually called the Church Slavonic language of Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian, etc.
editorial or edition. ”(G. Khaburgaev. Old Slavonic language). Thus, we see what, according to the Slavists, Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic were, and where, when and in what circles they were in use. The Old Russian language (a secular simplified version of the initial letter) survived until the Petrine language reform.

5. Glagolitic - trade letters, and later they began to be used to record legends and Christian books.

6. Slovenian folk writing (features and cuts) - for the transmission of short messages at the household level.

7. Voivodship (military) letter - secret ciphers.

8. Princely letter - each ruler has his own.

9. Knot letter, etc.

They wrote in those days on tablets made of wood, clay, metal, as well as on parchment, fabric, birch bark, papyrus. They scratched with metal and bone pointed rods (wrote) on stones, plaster, wooden buildings. In 2000, a book consisting of wooden pages was found in Novgorod - an analogue of the "Vlesovaya book". She was given the name "Novgorod Psalter", because. it included the famous texts of the three psalms of King David. This book was created at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries and is the most ancient book of the Slavic world recognized by official science.

“The appearance of a new source of information about the events of a thousand years ago always looks like a miracle. After all, it is hard to believe that for several centuries of studying the written heritage of our ancestors, something significant could have escaped the attention of scientists, something significant was noticed, appreciated, for example, monuments of Russian runic. And would you like to notice? After all, the presence of the same runic contradicts the position of inert official science, proving that the Slavs before baptism were a young tribe, and not a people with an ancient culture (“Return of the Russian runic.” V. Torop).

Another first-class find of domestic historians was the pre-Cyrillic text, which received the conditional name "lengthy edition of Boyanov's anthem." The text, consisting of the 61st line, has suffered quite a lot from time to time. The protograph underlying it was restored, and it received its own name - the Ladoga document.

In 1812, Derzhavin published two runic excerpts from the collection of the St. Petersburg collector Sulakadzev. Until our time, the mystery of the published passages remained unsolved. And only now it turns out that the lines torn out of the abyss of oblivion by Derzhavin are not fakes, as would-be scientists have assured us for so many years, but unique monuments of pre-Cyrillic writing.

The Ladoga document allows us to draw an important conclusion. The Russian runic had a fairly wide circulation and was used not only in the circle of priests to record such sacred texts as the "Patriarsi" (Vlesov's book). Ladoga and Novgorod, of course, were not some unique literacy centers in Russia. Signs of Russian runic were found on antiquities of the 9th-10th centuries from Belaya Vezha, Staraya Ryazan, Grodno. The text from the Derzhavin archive is a surviving evidence of a written tradition that once existed everywhere ...

The commonality of the information of both runic monuments speaks volumes. The antiquity of the historical tradition that formed their basis before the beginning of the 19th century (the date of the Sulakadze copy) makes the very idea of ​​falsification of the “Patriarsi” (Mirolyubov - ours) ridiculous. At the time of Sulakadzev, practically all the information contained in the Patriarchy was unknown to science. Christian chroniclers wrote about the pagan Slavs about the same thing as today: “.... they live in a brutal way, live bestially, and at Bivak each other, eating everything unclean, and I had marriage with many people ... ".

The authors of "Patriarchy" also stood up for the honor of the Slavic people. On one of its plates we read: “Askold is a dark warrior and only enlightened from the Greeks that there are no Ruses, but there are only barbarians. This can only be laughed at, since the Cimmerians were our ancestors, and they shook Rome and drove the Greeks away like frightened piglets. The Ladoga document ends with a description of suffering Russia. The same thing is said in the Patriarchy: "Russia is a hundred times broken from north to south." But in the "Patriarchy" we find a continuation of the thought that broke off in the document in mid-sentence: "Three times fallen Russia will rise."

How relevant this ancient prophecy is today! Derzhavin set an example of successfully resisting the destruction of our memory. Until his last days, the great son of the Russian people fought to save the Russian runic and eventually won. Miraculously, the surviving pages reveal to us a Slavic civilization, no less ancient and no less rich than the civilization of any other people.

The first arguments in favor of the existence of the Slavic pynic writing were put forward at the beginning of the last century; some of the testimonies cited then are now attributed to the Glagolitic alphabet, and not to the "pynitsa", some turned out to be simply untenable, but a number of arguments remain valid to this day.
So, it is impossible to argue with the testimony of Titmar, who, describing the Slavic temple of Retra, located in the lands of the Luticians, points to the fact that inscriptions were made on the idols of this temple, made by "special", non-Germanic ryns. It would be completely absurd to assume that Titmar, being an educated person, could not have recognized the standard junior Scandinavian ryns if the names of the gods on the idols would have been inscribed by them.
Massydi, describing one of the Slavic temples, mentions some signs carved on stones. Ibn Fodlan, speaking of the Slavs of the end of the 1st millennium, points to the existence of grave inscriptions on pillars among them. Ibn El Nedim speaks about the existence of Slavic pre-Cyrillic writing and even cites in his treatise a drawing of one inscription carved on a piece of wood (the famous Nedim inscription). In the Czech song "Lyubysha's Judgment", preserved in the list of the 9th century, "desks pravdodatne" are mentioned - laws written on wooden boards in some letters.
The existence of pynic writing among the ancient Slavs is also indicated by many archaeological data. The oldest of them are finds of ceramics with fragments of inscriptions belonging to the Chernyakhov archaeological culture, uniquely associated with the Slavs and dated back to the 1st-4th centuries AD. Thirty years ago, the signs on these finds were identified as traces of writing. An example of "Chepnyakhovsky" Slavic pynic writing can serve as fragments of ceramics from the excavations near the village of Lepesovka (southern Volyn) or a clay shard from Ripnev, belonging to the same Chernyakhovsky culture and representing, probably, a fragment of a vessel. The signs visible on the shard leave no doubt that this is an inscription. Unfortunately, the fragment is too small to be able to decipher the inscription.
In general, the ceramics of the Chernyakhov culture provides very interesting, but too scarce material for deciphering. So, the Slavic clay vessel, discovered in 1967 during excavations in the village of Voiskovoe (on the Dnieper), is extremely interesting. Its surface is inscribed with an inscription containing 12 positions and using 6 characters. The inscription can neither be translated nor read, despite the fact that deciphering attempts have been made. However, it should be noted a certain similarity of the graphics of this inscription with the pynic graphics. There is a resemblance, and not only a resemblance - half of the signs (three out of six) coincide with the Futarka pyns (Scandinavia). These are the runes Dagaz, Gebo and a secondary version of the rune Ingyz - a rhombus placed on top.
Other - later - a group of evidence of the use of pynic writing by the Slavs is formed by monuments associated with the Wends, the Baltic Slavs. Of these monuments, first of all, let us point out the so-called Mikorzhinsky stones, discovered in 1771 in Poland.
Another - truly unique - monument of the "Baltic" Slavic ryniki is the inscriptions on cult objects from the Slavic temple of Radegast in Retra destroyed in the middle of the 11th century during the German conquest.

Runic alphabet.

Like the pynes of the Scandinavian and continental Germans, the Slavic pynes go back, judging by all, to the North Italian (Alpine) alphabets. Several main variants of Alpine writing are known, which, in addition to the northern Etpysks, were owned by Slavic and Celtic tribes living in the neighborhood. The question of exactly how the Italic writing was brought to the later Slavic regions remains completely open at the moment, as well as the question of the mutual influence of Slavic and Germanic ryniki.
It should be noted that pynic culture should be understood much more broadly than elementary writing skills - this is a whole cultural layer, covering mythology, religion, and certain aspects of magical art. Already in Etpyria and Venice (the lands of the Etpysks and Wends), the alphabet was treated as an object of divine origin and might have a magical effect. This is evidenced, for example, by finds in the Etpysian burials of tablets with a list of alphabetic characters. This is the simplest form of pynic magic, widespread in the North-West of Europe.
Thus, speaking of the Old Slavic rynic writing, one cannot but touch upon the question of the existence of the Old Slavic rynic culture as a whole. Slavs of pagan times owned this culture; it was preserved, yudya by all, and in the era of "dual faith" (simultaneous existence of Christianity and paganism in Russia - 10-16 centuries).
An excellent tomy example is the widest use by the Slavs of the Freyra-Ingyz rune. Another example is one of the remarkable Vyatich temporal rings of the 12th century. Signs are engraved on its blades - this is another sign. The third blades from the edges carry the image of the Algiz rune, and the central blade is a double image of the same rune. Like pyna Freyra, pyna Algiz first appeared in Futark; it existed without changes for about a millennium and entered into all pynic alphabets, except for the late Swedish-Norwegian ones, which were not used for magical purposes (about the 10th century). The image of this pyna on the temporal ring is not accidental. Runa Algiz is a rune of protection, one of its magical properties is protection from other people's witchcraft and the evil will of others. The use of the Algiz rune by the Slavs and their ancestors has a very ancient history. In ancient times, four Algiz runes were often connected in such a way that a twelve-pointed cross was formed, which apparently has the same functions as the rune itself.
At the same time, it should be noted that such magical symbols can appear in different peoples and independently of each other. An example of a volume can be, for example, a bronze Mordovian plaque of the end of the 1st millennium AD. from the Army cemetery. One of the so-called non-alphabetic pynic signs is the swastika, both four- and three-branched. Images of the swastika in the Slavic world are found everywhere, although infrequently. This is natural - the swastika, a symbol of fire and, in certain cases, fertility - a sign too "powerful" and too significant for widespread use. Like the twelve-pointed cross, the swastika can also be found among the Sarmatians and Scythians.
Of extraordinary interest is the one-of-a-kind temporal ring, again Vyatka. On its blades, several different signs are engraved at once - this is a whole collection of symbols of ancient Slavic magic. The central blade carries a somewhat modified Ingyz line, the first petals from the center are an image that is not yet completely clear. A twelve-pointed cross is applied to the petals second from the center, which is most likely a modification of the cross of four Algiz runes. And, finally, the extreme petals carry the image of a swastika. Well, the master who worked on this ring created a powerful talisman.

The form of the rune World is the image of the Tree of the World, the Universe. It also symbolizes the inner self of a person, centripetal forces striving the World towards Order. In a magical sense, the rune Peace represents protection, the patronage of the gods.

In contrast to the rune Mir, the rune Chernobog represents the forces pushing the world towards Chaos. The magical content of the rune: the destruction of old ties, the breakthrough of the magic circle, the exit from any closed system.

The rune Alatyr is the rune of the center of the Universe, the rune of the beginning and end of all things. This is what the struggle between the forces of Order and Chaos revolves around; the stone that lies at the foundation of the World; it is the law of balance and return to normal. The eternal circulation of events and their immovable center. The magical altar on which the sacrifice is made is the reflection of the stone of Alatyr. This is the sacred image that is enclosed in this rune.

Rune of the road, the endless path to Alatyr; a path determined by the unity and struggle of the forces of Order and Chaos, Water and Fire. The road is more than just movement through space and time. The road is a special state, equally different from vanity and rest; a state of movement between Order and Chaos. The Road has neither beginning nor end, but there is a source and there is a result... The ancient formula: "Do what you want, and come what may" could serve as the motto of this rune. The magical meaning of the rune: stabilization of movement, travel assistance, a favorable outcome of difficult situations.

Runa Viy - the god of Navi, the Lower World. This is the rune of fate, which cannot be avoided, darkness, death. Rune of constraint, stiffness and coercion. This is a magical ban on the commission of this or that action, and constraint in the material plane, and those bonds that fetter the consciousness of a person.

The Slavic word "Krada" means sacrificial fire. This is the rune of Fire, the rune of aspiration and the embodiment of aspirations. But the embodiment of any plan is always the disclosure of this plan to the World, and therefore the rune of Krad is also the rune of disclosure, the rune of the loss of the external, superficial - that which burns in the fire of sacrifice. The magical meaning of the Krada rune is purification; release of intention; embodiment and implementation.

Rune of the Spirit Warrior. The meaning of the Slavic word "Treba" is a sacrifice, without which the realization of intention is impossible on the Road. This is the sacred content of this rune. But sacrifice is not a mere gift to the gods; the idea of ​​sacrifice implies the sacrifice of oneself.

Strength is the property of a Warrior. This is not only the ability to change the World and oneself in it, but also the ability to follow the Road, freedom from the shackles of consciousness. The Rune of Strength is also the rune of unity, integrity, the achievement of which is one of the results of moving along the Road. And this is also the rune of Victory, for the Warrior of the Spirit gains Strength only by defeating himself, only by sacrificing his external self for the sake of releasing his inner self. The magical meaning of this rune is directly related to its definitions as a rune of victory, a rune of power and a rune of integrity. The Rune of Strength can direct a person or situation to Victory and gaining integrity, can help clarify an unclear situation and push for the right decision.

There is
Rune of Life, mobility and natural variability of Existence, for immobility is dead. The rune is symbolizes renewal, movement, growth, Life itself. This rune represents those divine forces that make grass grow, earth sap flow through tree trunks, and blood run faster through spring in human veins. This is a rune of light and bright vitality and a natural desire for movement for all living things.

This is the rune of the Spirit, the rune of Knowledge and ascent to the top; rune of will and inspiration; an image of a spiritualized magical Power associated with the element of air. At the level of magic, the rune of the Wind symbolizes the Force-Wind, inspiration, creative impulse.

Bereginya in the Slavic tradition is a female image associated with protection and maternal origin. Therefore, the rune of Beregini is the rune of the Mother Goddess, who is in charge of both earthly fertility and the fate of all living things. The Mother Goddess gives life to souls who come to incarnate on Earth, and she takes life when the time comes. Therefore, the Beregini rune can be called both the rune of Life and the rune of Death. The same rune is the rune of Fate.

In all branches of the Indo-European tradition, without exception, the symbol of the male member (the Slavic word "Ud") is associated with the fertile creative force that transforms Chaos. This fiery force was called Eros by the Greeks, and Yar by the Slavs. This is not only the power of love, but also a passion for life in general, a power that connects opposites, fertilizes the emptiness of Chaos.

The rune is associated with the element of water, and specifically - Living, flowing water in springs and streams. In magic, the Lelya rune is the rune of intuition, Knowledge beyond the Mind, as well as spring awakening and fertility, flowering and joy.

This is the rune of the transcendent unmanifested Spirit, which is the beginning and end of everything. In magic, the rune of Doom can be used to dedicate an object or situation to the Unknowable.

This is the rune of the foundations of the Universe, the rune of the gods. The support is a shaman's pole, or a tree, along which the shaman travels to heaven.

The rune of Dazhdbog symbolizes the Good in every sense of the word: from material wealth to the joy that accompanies love. The most important attribute of this god is the cornucopia, or, in a more ancient form, the cauldron of inexhaustible blessings. The stream of gifts flowing like an inexhaustible river represents the rune of Dazhdbog. The rune means the gifts of the gods, the acquisition, receipt or addition of something, the emergence of new connections or acquaintances, well-being in general, and also the successful completion of any business.

The rune of Perun is the god of thunder, protecting the worlds of gods and people from the onset of the forces of Chaos. Symbolizes strength and vitality. The rune can mean the emergence of powerful, but heavy, forces that can move the situation off the ground or give it additional development energy. It also symbolizes personal power, but, in some negative situations, power that is not burdened with wisdom. This is also a direct protection given by the gods from the forces of Chaos, from the destructive effects of psychic, material or any other destructive forces.

For a correct understanding of this rune, it should be remembered that Ice is one of the creative primordial elements, symbolizing Strength at rest, potentiality, movement in stillness. The rune of the Source, the rune of Ice means stagnation, a crisis in business or in the development of a situation. However, it should be remembered that the state of freezing, lack of movement, contains the potential power of movement and development (signified by the rune There) - just as movement contains potential stagnation and freezing.

What are the runes of the Russian Family? Why are they needed? We will answer these and many other questions in the article. The runic is called the writing that existed among the Slavs before their baptism and the invention of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets. Sometimes called the "devil and cut" letter.


When did the Runes of the Family appear? As early as the beginning of the 20th century, the first hypotheses were put forward in favor of the existence of runic Slavic writing. Some of the evidence presented then is now referred not to the “runitsa”, but to the Glagolitic alphabet, while others simply turned out to be unconvincing. But some arguments are still valid.

So, it is impossible to argue with the testimony of Titmar. After all, he, talking about the Slavic temple of Retra, reports that the idols of this building were decorated with inscriptions made in non-Germanic, specific runes. Titmar was an educated man. Therefore, it is completely meaningless to think that he could not recognize the lower standard Scandinavian letters.

Many experts studied the runes of the Family. Alekseevich (academician) studied a total of more than 3,000 archaeological and other objects bearing inscriptions created by hieroglyphs.

Massudi, representing one of the Slavic churches, speaks of certain signs carved on stones. Ibn Fodlan, describing the Slavs of the end of the first millennium, informs about the inscriptions that existed on the pillars of their graves. Ibn El Nedim claims that a pre-Cyrillic Slavic script existed. He even provides in his treatise a photo of one inscription drawn on a wooden tablet (the famous Nedimovsky inscript). In the list of the 9th century, the Czech song “Judgment of Lyubusha” was preserved, in which “desks pravdodatne” are mentioned - laws inscribed on wooden bars in unknown letters.

The runes of the Sort are wonderful symbols. The fact that the ancient Slavs used runic writing is indicated by a lot of archaeological evidence. The oldest of them is discovered ceramics with fragments of texts related to (I-IV centuries BC) associated with the Slavs. Thirty years ago, the symbols on these objects were identified as elements of writing.

Origin of ancient symbols

How did the runes of the Sort of Slavs originate? Apparently, they, like the letters of the continental and Scandinavian Germans, go back to the Alpine alphabets. Several main types of Alpine cuneiform writing have been found, which were used not only by the northern Etruscans, but also by Slavic and Celtic tribes. By what routes the Italian letter was brought to the late Slavic regions - today no one knows about it. As well as about the interaction of Russian and German runic.

Do you want to find out what the runes of the Sort are? Runic culture is an impressive highly developed layer, including religion, mythology, and various aspects of witchcraft art. In the lands of the Wends and Etruscans (in Venice and Etruria), the alphabet was considered a divine object that has a magical effect.

This is evidenced, for example, by tablets with alphabetic characters found in Etruscan burials. They are an unpretentious type of runic witchcraft, known in the north-west of Europe.

From this it follows that the Slavs of the pagan period owned the ancient letter. It also survived in the era of "dual faith" (the simultaneous presence of paganism and Christianity in Russia from the 10th to the 16th centuries).


Did the runes of the Russian Family really exist in ancient times? An excellent example is the widest use of the Freyer-Inguz runes by the Slavs. Another example is one of the magnificent temporal vyatich rings of the 12th century, on the blades of which signs are applied. On the third from the edges of its wings is depicted, and on the central wing - a paired image of the same hieroglyph.

The symbol of Dazhdbog represents a mass of gifts flowing like a never-ending river. It means acquisition, offerings to the Almighty, adding or receiving something, well-being in general, the emergence of new connections, as well as a successful end to any business.

Rune Perun

Perun is the Nordic god of thunder, protecting people and the worlds of creators, preserving Truth and Order from the onset of the forces of Chaos. The rune Perun symbolizes power, vitality, power and masculine straightforwardness.

When divining, a symbol can mean the emergence of powerful, but heavy elements that move things off the ground or give them additional growth energy. This sign also represents personal power, but for negative circumstances - will, not burdened with wisdom.

It is also the protection of the gods from the forces of Chaos, from the deadly influence of material, mental or other destructive forces.

Rune Yes

Runa Rod - a talisman against all misfortunes. The letter E is a symbol of Alive (Life), natural variability and mobility of being, for peace is dead. It reflects those sacred forces that make earthly juices flow faster through tree trunks, grass grow, and blood in human veins run faster in spring. This is a sign of light and light vitality, the desire for the movement of all living things.

The Veduns rune There are associated with renewal, growth, Life itself.

Rune Source

For a correct understanding of the Source sign, one must remember that in the Nordic tradition, ice is one of the original creative elements, which symbolizes the Force at rest, movement in stillness, potentiality.

When divining, the rune of the Source means stagnation, a crisis in business. However, it should be remembered that the state of freezing, lack of movement, contains the potential power of movement and development. However, like activity, it consists of potential stagnation and freezing.

Rune types

The runes of Rod and Mokosh have slight differences. Previously, the letters were divided into three. The first symbols of the Family are the current letters. The second signs of Mokosh today are called ligatures and hieroglyphs are composed of them. The third Runes of Mary - they are a mystery to this day.

The runes of the Sort were not used, it is today that people are recruiting again. Mokosh's letters were used as needed. The runes of Mara were considered prophetic and could be used by those who had the right to do so. This secret was stolen, and therefore grief happened on Earth. Today, evil people use this secret and the trouble is endless from it.

The earth is alive and you can speak with it only in a special language, as it understands cuts. Knowledge of these cuts is useless to ordinary people. An ordinary person stole and received power. Knowledge is given by the Earth in order to protect it, and not to exalt itself.

The spearhead found in the vicinity of Brest, which scientists attributed to the 3rd century AD, is inlaid with solar signs and the inscription "Tilariths" - which means "Attacker". The inscription clearly indicates the name of this weapon.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Slavic runes and alphabet

The ancient Slavs are an extremely educated people. They had their own alphabet and well-developed writing. The basis of the alphabet was runes - complex characters with several meanings. The “ABC” of Cyril and Mifody, which appeared later, is only part of the ancient heritage left by the Slavic civilization.

Slavic runes were used not only to compose texts, but also to conduct all kinds of rituals. In addition, they served as the main elements in the creation of amulets and protective prayers. At the time of its existence, the runic alphabet was the most perfect type of writing. One character could mean a single letter, word or action. Archaeologists have established that the Slavs had exactly 144 signs.

Nobody knows the exact number of runes: historians believe that there were several million of them. And those 18 runes that we use today are a drop in the ocean and echoes of the once developed runic alphabet.

How to write in Slavic runes?

When writing texts, a well-thought-out system is used. All symbols are arranged in a row, and each row must have 16 individual characters. The number of rows is nine. It is also allowed to write 32 and 64-digit series. In this case, the written symbols will complement the main 16 runes written earlier. Roughly speaking, every second rune will interpret, complement or develop the meaning of the previous symbol.

Reading characters

The process of reading Slavic runes has its own characteristics: without a correct understanding of the inscribed symbols, it is impossible to understand their meaning. As we have already said, a single rune can mean a letter, a word, or an entire image. Initially, the lines are read in accordance with the rules of the Russian language - from left to right. After that, the runes are read in the opposite direction - from right to left, and the reading begins with the last, 9th rune in the line.

The interpretation of what is written is carried out both in the form of individual letters and images. But this requires significant experience and knowledge of the ancient Slavic culture.

Symbol translation

It is an analogue of the modern letter M

Meaning: help from outside, a detailed understanding of what is happening, asking for blessings from higher powers. It symbolizes goodness, and therefore is not used for rituals with a negative meaning.

Analogue in the alphabet are Ch and C at the same time

Meaning: symbolizes evil in all its manifestations, encourages to break the shackles, change established principles and forget past grievances. It is also a symbol of duality and evil deeds committed in the name of a great goal.

It is an analogue of A - the first letter of the alphabet

It symbolizes the beginning and the point on which our universe rests. The rune hides the beginning and the end, multi-ton weight and light fluff, a microscopic element and a huge cosmos. This is a sign of cyclicality and endless roads open to exploration.

The analogue in the modern alphabet is the letter P

Meaning is a short path that connects Earth and Heaven. This order is interpreted as a journey and fulfillment of the plan. This is a reward for the work done and satisfaction with communication.

Corresponds to the modern letter H

Meaning: symbolizes the cleansing fire that descends on evil people. Interpretation of a positive meaning: awareness of one's own shortcomings, humility of pride and the destruction of empty desires. Interpretation of a negative meaning: coercion to action, suppression of the will, hard fate.

Corresponds to modern letters G and K

Meaning: a cleansing fire that opens the way to well-being and new achievements, the desire for new knowledge, the possibility of choice, getting rid of the shackles.

Corresponds to the modern letter T

Translation of the Slavic rune: a symbol of a warrior who strives for his Altar. It is a symbol of strict rules, excessive demands and sacrifice in the name of a great goal. It also symbolizes a game in which it is impossible to violate the established order. Victory lies in the observance of common truths and a fair fight.

Corresponds to the letter C of the Slavic alphabet

Meaning and translation: symbolizes the force that affects a person or circumstance. It is also a symbol of the efforts made to change the situation.

Corresponds to the letter B

Meaning and translation: variability, problems, destruction, power and strength. This is the embodiment of the main element - the wind, which can sweep away everything in its path. If you harness this power, then a person will be able to move in the right direction. For a more accurate value, it is necessary to compare this rune with neighboring signs.

Meaning: interaction with the earth's firmament and water surface, material wealth, family well-being, completion of the black stripe, patronage of the gods. Often used to enhance female charms, knowledge of wisdom and increase soil fertility.

In the Slavic alphabet corresponds to U

Main meaning: symbolizes feminine beauty and masculine strength. It is an energy that can connect loving hearts and give birth to new life. It is a symbol of carnal love, fertility and transformation.

In appearance, it resembles a modern L

The meaning of the Slavic rune: it is a symbol of youth, female beauty, awakening from winter sleep. It hides the concept of family well-being, the joy of motherhood, intuition and the power of female charms.

Similar in spelling to the letter X.

Translation of the Slavic runes: fate, human karma, the inevitability of events, a predetermined path. It is also a symbol of hope. A more accurate definition is possible in the presence of other runes.

Similar to O

Meaning: help from higher powers, circle or zone of influence, firmness of character, intentions and chosen position. In magical rites, it is used to influence a specific object or person.

Corresponds to D

Meaning: symbolizes the powerful Slavic god DazhdBog. He is the personification of warmth, care, help and assistance. This is a wise old man, around whom young men gather, adopting knowledge. Dazhdbog passes on to his descendants a legacy that needs to be preserved and multiplied. It is also a symbol of material wealth, satisfaction with work, and productivity.

Corresponds to the modern letter P

The meaning and translation of the Slavic rune: a symbol of justice. You can use this sign only if a person is confident in his actions and the chosen position. It is also a symbol of the defender who defends his home.

Corresponds to the letter E

Meaning and translation: the regularity of life, the immutability of the laws of being, renewal, growth and development. It embodies the vital juices flowing through the branches of all earthly vegetation. It is the energy of the sun converted into nutrients.

Corresponds to the letter I from the modern alphabet

Meaning and free translation: ice, the power of cold winds, the basis of all things, development.

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