How to prepare stone oil for consumption. Stone oil: medicinal properties, contraindications, instructions for use. Diseases of the female genital area

Stone oil (brakshun, white stone of immortality) - photo, description, composition and medicinal properties, instructions for use, how to take it for various diseases (including oncology), doctors' reviews, price


stone oil is a natural mineral formed in the process of natural leaching of rocks. Because leaching is natural process, during which the destruction of monolithic rocks occurs, the formation of stone oil is possible only on relatively high and "young" rocks.

By chemical structure Stone oil is an aluminum magnesium alum, that is, it contains magnesium and aluminum sulfates bound together. In addition to magnesium, aluminum and the sulfate group, other chemical elements, such as sodium, potassium, iodine, etc., are included in the composition of stone oil. Moreover, magnesium and aluminum sulfates are essential components of any stone oil, and the composition of other elements can be different and is determined by the rocks on which it was formed. this product weathering.

general characteristics

The name "stone oil" was given to this natural mineral by the indigenous inhabitants of the southern part of Western and Eastern Siberia - the Shors, Teleuts, Tuvans and Buryats, who have been using it since ancient times as a remedy in the national traditional medical practice. In the languages ​​of the Altai group (Tuvan, Shor, etc.), the name of this mineral sounds like bardin, in Buryat and Mongolian - bracshun, and in Burmese - chao tui. The name "stone oil" is a direct translation of the word bardin used by the peoples who speak the languages ​​of the Altai group. In addition, stone oil is often called "white mummy", "mountain tears", " mountain wax"or" white stone of immortality. "Scientists of the USSR called stone oil geomaline.

Stone oil is used in traditional medicine in China, Tibet and Burma. In addition, the Mongols, Buryats, Altai and Sayan peoples use stone oil in national traditional medical methods. In other words, this product is historically used by the peoples of the Mongoloid race living in the territories of modern Mongolia, China, Burma, Tibet, Altai, as well as the south of Western and Eastern Siberia.

Since stone oil is a leaching product of rocks, it is formed exclusively on the slopes of hard-to-reach rocks that are not covered with vegetation. Therefore, in Russia, the Altai Mountains, the Sayan Mountains, Khamar-Daban, the Barguzinsky Range, the Severo-Muysky Range, the region of the Bodaibo District and some others are peculiar "deposits" of stone oil. All these mountain systems are located in the historical areas of the peoples of the Mongoloid race, in whose traditional medicine this product is used.

Currently, the Altai Mountains are the most famous source of stone oil. However, this does not mean that stone oil from Altai is of the highest quality and surpasses its counterparts from other mountains in quality. It's just that in Altai there are well-developed and well-established marketing technologies, with the help of which various natural and agricultural products obtained in this region are actively promoted to the all-Russian market.

Other regions of Russia, on the territory of which there are sources of stone oil, are not actively promoting this and other natural products on the all-Russian market, as a result of which they remain unknown to a wide range of consumers. In fact, only locals, and that's not all. But stone oil from other regions, for example, from Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory and others, is no worse than Altai. Therefore, it is possible to purchase stone oil not only from Altai, but also from other regions of the southern part of Western and Eastern Siberia (Republics of Buryatia, Khakassia, Tuva, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chita Region, etc.).

Stone oil is a hard mineral that is scraped off the surface of rocks in grottoes and crevices. The mineral can have a different color - yellowish-white, reddish-white or cream. The color of stone oil in no way correlates with its quality, since it is determined by the composition of the auxiliary minerals that form the product. The fact is that 90 - 95% of the composition of stone oil of any origin is occupied by magnesium and aluminum sulfates, and the remaining 5 - 10% is accounted for by other minerals and inorganic substances. Magnesium and aluminum sulfates are the main substances that make up stone oil, and 5 - 10% of other minerals are classified as auxiliary. The composition of these auxiliary minerals can be different, because it depends on the type and type of mountains on which the stone oil was formed. Accordingly, stone oil from different mountains has different composition accessory minerals. Namely, auxiliary minerals determine the color of stone oil.

The consistency of stone oil is dense. Immediately after collection, it is small and hard pebbles or plates, which are crushed into powder before use. On sale there is stone oil in the form of such dense pieces or ready-made powder.

Stone oil - photo

This photo shows small hard pieces of rock oil.

This photo shows powdered stone oil.

Stone oil - composition

The composition of stone oil includes various minerals, that is, inorganic substances in the form of salts and ions. The composition of rock oil can vary depending on which mountains and rocks the mineral was formed on. After all, in the rock oil are inorganic substances present in the rock from which it is formed.

However, regardless of on which rocks the stone oil was formed, its main components are aluminum-magnesium alum, which are bound sulfates of magnesium and aluminum. Alum makes up 90 to 95% of all stone oil of any origin and is its main component. The remaining 5 - 10% of the oil are other inorganic substances that can be conditionally called auxiliary.

The composition of auxiliary minerals of brackshun can vary significantly, as it depends on the type of rocks on which it was formed. Thus, auxiliary substances in stone oil of different origin are different. However, almost always Stone oil of any origin contains the following minerals:

  • Vanadium;
  • Iron;
  • Gold;
  • Potassium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Silicon;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Sodium;
  • Nickel;
  • Selenium;
  • Titanium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Chromium;
  • Zinc.
Stone oil of various origins, in addition to those indicated, may contain other minerals in small quantities. Unfortunately, stone oil can contain not only minerals useful for humans, but also harmful elements such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, etc. The concentration of such harmful elements is usually very low, but possible availability should always be remembered when deciding on the use of stone oil.

Stone oil does not contain any other substances besides minerals. But if we are talking about an uncleaned brush, then it may contain various debris, for example, small pebbles, particles of soil, etc.

Stone oil powder is highly soluble in water and practically insoluble in other liquids such as alcohol, ether, glycerin, etc. The taste of the stone oil solution is usually sour, with a pronounced astringent effect.

Stone oil - properties

The properties of stone oil are due to the minerals that make up its composition. Since the main component of the bracshuna is alumina-magnesium alum, they provide the main effects and properties of stone oil.

First of all, stone oil is versatile adaptogen, that is, increases the resistance of the human body to various diseases and any negative impacts environment and also optimizes the work of all organs and systems. In other words, adaptogens help the body adjust the work of all organs and systems in the optimal mode, thereby increasing vitality, giving strength and energy. In addition, adaptogens minimize the effects of stress and help a person to more easily endure various adverse environmental effects.

Due to these properties, all adaptogens, including stone oil, effectively eliminate fatigue, the effects of stress, frequent colds etc. In addition, as an adaptogen, stone oil effectively accelerates the healing process for any severe or chronic diseases. If complete recovery is impossible, then stone oil makes the course of an existing chronic disease more favorable, which significantly improves the quality of human life and minimizes the amount of medication taken.

In addition, due to the presence of a wide range of minerals in the composition, stone oil eliminates the deficiency of trace elements in the human body, thereby improving the functioning of various enzyme systems, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the work and condition of all organs and tissues. Since stone oil in the form of an aqueous solution contains minerals in an ionized form, the cells of various organs and tissues can "take" as many microelements as they need for their needs, as a result of which an overdose of certain substances is simply impossible. Due to this effect, the tissues are saturated with the necessary microelements, which leads to the normalization of self-regulation processes and an increase in the body's resistance to any adverse effects.

In addition, stone oil has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Hemostatic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Hepatoprotective;
  • Antitumor;
  • Choleretic;
  • Tonic;
  • Pain reliever and antispasmodic.
Due to the hemostatic, wound healing and antibacterial action, stone oil accelerates the healing of wounds, surgical incisions, bone fractures, bruises, burns, frostbite, ulcers and others. mechanical damage any fabrics. In addition, stone oil is effective when used in complex therapy chronic inflammatory diseases internal organs, such as otitis, cystitis, prostatitis, adnexitis, colitis, pleurisy, stomatitis, hepatitis, etc. In principle, stone oil accelerates the restoration of the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes, soft tissues and bones, so it can be used in the complex therapy of any diseases, in which these tissues are damaged (for example, erosion, ulcers, skin diseases, fractures, burns, frostbite, etc.).

Also, stone oil improves the general condition of a person, improves the quality of life and prevents complications in long-term chronic diseases, such as diabetes, neuropathy, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis, etc. As an adaptogen, stone oil effectively prevents the development malignant tumors, so it can be used for regular preventive courses.

Due to its detoxifying properties, stone oil is effective for various poisonings.

Despite the fact that stone oil is effective for a wide range of pathologies, it cannot be considered a panacea that can cure any ailment. Remember that every disease and condition needs adequate modern therapy, which includes surgical operations, reception medicines, physiotherapy, etc. But stone oil solutions can be an excellent addition to ongoing treatment, able to speed up recovery and make the restoration of the functions of the affected organ or tissue more complete. In addition, in chronic diseases, stone oil is a good remedy prevention of relapses and maintenance of the general condition at a satisfactory level.

What does stone oil treat?

Stone oil is recommended for prophylaxis and as part of complex therapy. the following diseases and states:
  • Chronic organ diseases digestive system(gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, peptic ulcer or duodenum, hepatitis). Stone oil improves the healing of ulcerative defects and the restoration of the mucous membranes of organs digestive tract which contributes to a full recovery. In addition, choleretic and antispasmodic action normalizes the functioning of the liver and bile ducts;
  • Skin diseases that occur with a violation of the integrity of the skin (for example, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, acne, urticaria, etc.). Stone oil accelerates the healing of injuries, and also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic and antipruritic effects, which positively affects the course of the disease and contributes to the onset of a stable remission or complete cure;
  • Traumatic injuries of the skin (for example, burns, frostbite, cuts, festering wounds, ulcers, bedsores, boils, etc.). Stone oil accelerates the healing of injuries, reduces the severity of pain and inflammation;
  • Chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases or injuries of the musculoskeletal system (for example, bone fractures, bruises, dislocations, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.). Stone oil stimulates the restoration of bone and cartilage tissues, and also increases the production of collagen. In addition, the mineral prevents the deposition of salts in the joints;
  • Chronic diseases of the urinary system (for example, urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, nephrosis, etc.). Stone oil reduces the severity of inflammation and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes, which contributes to the relief of the pathological process;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (for example, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, strokes, varicose veins, vasculitis, endocarditis, pericarditis, myocarditis, angiopathy due to diabetes, etc.). Stone oil makes vessels more elastic and durable, reduces their fragility and degree of permeability, which prevents inflammatory processes and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in damaged areas vascular walls. In addition, the mineral stops spasm of blood vessels, expanding their lumen and, thereby, reducing arterial blood pressure.

Treatment of prostatitis with stone oil is a popular method of dealing with unpleasant symptoms this disease in men.

Stone oil is an aluminum-potassium mixture obtained from leached mountain alum, contains water-soluble salts, magnesium sulfate and a large number of other micronutrients.

The composition of stone oil includes more than 45 micro and macro elements, due to which a pronounced healing effect in the treatment of prostatitis. The mineral composition of stone oil depends on the location of the rocks and the mechanism of its production. The composition is determined by a high concentration of biologically active substances and micronutrients.

Purified stone oil eliminates organic impurities, has a pronounced adaptogenic effect and an extremely wide range of therapeutic effects.

For the treatment of prostatitis, stone oil has been used for a relatively long time in traditional medicine, due to the following beneficial effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • regulatory;
  • sedative;
  • cleansing;
  • protective;
  • neurogenic;
  • antiallergic;
  • choleretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-stress;
  • diuretic.

It is possible to treat prostatitis with stone oil due to antiseptic, immunomodulatory and analgesic effects. Used in medicine for chronic or acute inflammatory diseases prostate or with it benign hyperplasia. positive impact on the tissue of the prostate parenchyma are to eliminate intercapillary edema, restore blood flow.

The production of enzymes, hormones, local anti-inflammatory factors of immunity increases. Improving blood circulation leads to the elimination pain syndrome, restoration of the act of urination. The reduction in edema returns the prostate to its previous size, the discomfort of the pelvic area is significantly reduced. The restoration of immune factors leads to an increase in the stability of the prostate, and the frequency of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis decreases.

A positive effect is even with benign hyperplasia, gradually leading to growth regression. The combination of therapeutic effects of stone oil in prostatitis leads to an increase in the effectiveness of specific drug therapy, helps to more easily tolerate the side effects of drugs.

At pathological processes in the body of a man concerning reproductive system, is used in courses prescribed by the attending urologist.

The substance can be used in various dosage forms:

  • when taken orally;
  • in the form of enemas;
  • in the form of compresses.

How to apply stone oil correctly for prostatitis is determined by the attending doctor, it depends on the location of the pathological focus and the nature of the disease.

In acute inflammatory processes, the most relevant is the introduction of drugs into distal intestines with enemas. Methods for preparing medicinal mixtures for enemas are different, there are several recipes with the addition vegetable matter, garlic, plant extracts.

Oral intake of stone oil more suitable for general maintenance effect, characterized by slow achievement of therapeutic concentration, is not a quick solution to the problem. Patient reviews after oral intake focus on the slow onset of the therapeutic effect, but positive overall effect for the whole body.

In the form of compresses on the outer area of ​​the urogenital diaphragm with prostatitis, stone oil is also used boiled for prostate adenoma or intolerance rectal administration drugs.

Contraindications for use with prostatitis of stone oil include individual intolerance active ingredients, expressed allergic sensitivity of the organism. Due to the pronounced choleretic effect, it is strictly forbidden to use it for cholelithiasis.

Stone oil: how to prepare a solution, preparation of ingredients, preparation method and recipes

The preparation of the ingredients necessary for the treatment of prostatitis includes several types of treatments to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect of the remedy - stone oil. How to prepare a solution for home use? It is not difficult if you follow the developed recommendations.

Thermal treatment of active substances by the method high temperatures prepares stone oil for use, allows it to be thoroughly mixed with other components of the solution. It is possible to start direct use only after cooling the resulting mixture to room temperature to avoid burns.

When adding various powders or other additional ingredients in solid form, at the end of processing it is necessary to decant the resulting mixture due to the formation of sediment. Rectal administration of a mixture with sediment can lead to over-irritation of the intestinal walls, causing pain.

The method of preparing stone oil for mortar include:

  • For oral administration: 5 ml of stone oil is mixed with two liters boiled water, leave overnight. Apply three times a day for a glass of the resulting solution between meals.
  • For microclysters: 3 ml of oil is mixed with 0.5 liters of water, used once a day, 50 ml at a time.
  • For compresses: 5 ml of oil is diluted with ½ cup of water, a tablespoon of honey is added. Sometimes 10 ml of medical alcohol is added to lotions. Use once or twice a day for up to twenty minutes.
  • For herbal solutions: 7 ml of stone oil is diluted in three liters of water, boiled over a rapid fire with the addition of herbs. Apply a glass a day course.

The daily dose of the prepared solution for oral administration is limited and determined by the attending physician as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent.

In the event of unwanted side effects(nausea, vomiting) should immediately stop taking the solution.

In addition, the oil can be used in finger massage of the prostate gland as a lubricant.

When using vibratory massagers, the use of oil is also relevant due to the increase in the effectiveness of both methods, the rapid onset of recovery.

Rapid absorption of active substances into the blood has a cumulative effect on the body. Thanks to various therapeutic effects, stone oil can be used for various pathologies, as a means of prevention. The use of stone oil in the form of local compresses should be careful if alcohol or other substances are added in high concentrations to avoid traumatizing the skin.

Recipes for the treatment of prostatitis based on stone oil have many variations, the choice of which is determined by the personal preference of the patient, the appointments of the attending physician.

The most popular recipes are:

  • Mix 3 ml of oil, 70 g of nettle, 30 g of lungwort with a liter of water, boil for half an hour over low heat. Dissolve the resulting mixture in two liters of water, insist on the window for a day;
  • 5 ml stone oil, 5 ml sea ​​buckthorn oil mixed with ½ cup of water for rectal use;
  • 5 ml of stone oil, ½ cup of nettle decoction for microclysters, after preliminary cleaning of the rectum with chamomile decoction;
  • 5 ml of oil are mixed with 10 ml of water, added to a glass of water at room temperature. Then mixed with a tablespoon of honey. It is used for compresses, lotions of the urogenital diaphragm area;
  • 4 ml stone oil, 1 tbsp. green hairs are added to a liter of water, boiled over low heat. Suitable for ingestion or wetting urethral tampons.

Most often, stone oil is used as a monocomponent for drug therapy due to its high impact on the pathological focus. The good tolerance of the substance makes it popular in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

This is a whitish-yellow or greenish formation in rock crevices, cracks. It is found on the rocks of the Eastern, Central and Western Sayan Mountains, Altai Mountains and in Transbaikalia (sometimes they confuse and think that this is a mummy. No! No! And again no!). By chemical nature, stone oil is a natural alum containing a significant amount of impurities of soluble salts of the rocks from which they were formed.
(other names: brakshun, white mumiyo, rock juice, geomaline) - a unique mountain formation of mineral origin - restores energy balance, conductor and enhancer of medicinal natural preparations. Stops growth cancer cells. Promotes fast splicing bones. It has a blood-purifying, wound-healing, antimicrobial and bactericidal action. Reception: no more than 3 tablespoons of 1% solution (10 g per 1 liter of water).
Stone oil is used only in folk medicine as a good restorative and astringent for various bleeding, indigestion, including bloody diarrhea, bone fractures (from the book Telyatiev B.V. "Healing treasures of Eastern Siberia", 1976). Stone oil increases the body's immune forces. Other publications about stone oil are also known: the article "The Riddle of the Barchin", "Eureka", "Yearbook", 1971, the magazine "The Secret of the Ages", 1973, 1978.
Spectral analysis of stone oil shows that it contains in different quantities such components as: silicon, aluminum, calcium, cobalt, titanium, beryllium, sodium, potassium, etc. There are lead salts that turn from a wonderful medicine into poison, so stone oil should not be used without making sure that it has passed the appropriate test.
stone oil - folk remedy treatment of many diseases. Recommendations for its use are made on the basis of experience, as well as available publications on this subject.

What is treated with stone oil?

Fractures, cuts, bruises, sinusitis, bleeding, enterocolitis, bloody diarrhea, inflammatory processes in bladder, kidney stones, pancreas, sciatica, bleeding gums, (mainly arthritis), skin diseases, burns, urticaria, inflammation of the appendages, fibroma, erosion, purulent inflammation of the lungs, tumors.
Before starting treatment (approximately every 10 days), it is necessary to do general analysis blood and urine. At the beginning of treatment and at the end of it, it is recommended to establish the acidity of the stomach.
For treatment, stone oil is dissolved in boiled water at room temperature, after 2-3 days the liquid is drained, the sediment can be used for compresses and lotions. The solution is made at the rate of 5 g per 3 liters of water, depending on the disease and the patient's well-being. Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the body's reaction to stone oil (for any diseases), for which at the beginning of treatment it is better to use it in small doses (a glass during the day) and a low concentration (1 g per 3 liters of water) for several days after meals. Then drink before meals, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution.

Inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, with kidney stones and gastritis, female diseases, with the deposition of salts, urticaria, diarrhea: 3 g per 2 liters of water, treated for 10-12 days, and then 3 g per 3 liters of water - also 12 days. Break 1 month. Repeat 2-3 times.
At diabetes : 3 g per 2 liters of water. The course of treatment is 80 days. For a course of baking, 72 g of stone oil is needed. Follow the decline in sugar, for which every 7 days to do a blood test for sugar. Use insulin as directed by your doctor. In case of moderate diabetes, start treatment with stone oil with a low concentration solution. Repeat the course with a break of 1 month.
peptic ulcer: 3 g of stone oil per 600 ml of water. Treatment is effective if the acidity is normal or low. At the same time, treatment with enemas is carried out: 1-2 times a week (after a cleansing enema), it is advisable to alternate enemas from a solution of stone oil with enemas from herbs. The course of treatment is 1 month.
For cuts: 3 g of stone oil per 300 ml of water to use as iodine. With a fresh cut, you can sprinkle a bleeding wound with a fine powder of stone oil.
For burns: apply a bandage moistened with a solution (3 g of stone oil per 300 ml of water), irrigating the wound for some time without removing the bandage.
Salt deposits: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 2 liters of boiled water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes, if high acidity, then for 1 hour. The course of treatment is from 3 months to 1 year.
Sinusitis: Make a warm bath. After the bath, dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten a cloth or gauze and apply on the bridge of the nose for 2-3 hours. Do this in a day. The course of treatment is 12 treatments.
Cataract: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with hyperacidity- for 1 hour. Can be instilled in the eyes (at night).
Myoma, erosion, rectal fissures: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - 1 hour before.
Packing: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in boiled water - 500 ml. Moisten swabs and insert into the vagina, preferably at night. Microclysters in the anus.
Pneumonia: 3 g of stone oil per 1 liter of boiled water. Drink a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, if high acidity, then an hour.
Cancer and stomach ulcer: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 600 ml of cooled boiled water. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is from 3 months to complete recovery.
Cancer of the lungs, throat: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 600 ml of water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day, at the beginning 30 minutes before meals, when repeated - 1 hour before.
Compresses: 3 g of stone oil per 200 ml of water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, wring out, apply on the lung area, back, alternating. The duration of treatment is 5 months. For throat cancer, additionally make overlays - compresses on sore spot.
Liver and kidney cancer: 3 g of stone oil per 1 liter of water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals. Take an infusion of volodushki 15 tablespoons per 300 ml of boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals, with urolithiasis with the addition of madder dye.
Haemorrhoids: 3 g of stone oil per 600 ml of warm boiled water. For microclyster 30-40 ml. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 1 month.
Colon cancer and prostatitis: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in boiled water - 500 ml. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity 1 hour before. Make microclysters, strictly according to the scheme: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Attention! In the treatment of stone oil, you can not use: alcohol, antibiotics and meat products. In the treatment of oncological diseases with stone oil, it is desirable to use aconite (fighter) externally, internally and on microclysters. Drink 1 to 10 drops 2-3 times a day per 50 ml of stone oil solution. Outwardly: lubricate sore spots at night before going to bed. After that, wash your hands with soap.

Based on the materials of "Herald of Hope from Our House" No. 62 for 1998

Stone oil - a unique rock formation of mineral origin

Tears of the mountains, stone oil, mountain wax, white stone of immortality - this is the name of a rare mineral found in the Altai mountains. "Chao-tui" or "blood of the mountain" is his name in Burma. And in Tibet and Mongolia, this amazing, very valuable substance created by nature itself is called "rock juice" - "bragshun". The legend has long been transmitted that the depths of the Altai mountains store, in addition to valuable stones, also a rare healing oil, valued more than gold. Observant hunters have noticed that wild animals lick the stones. Having set out to find out the reason for this behavior, they discovered that these were not stones at all, but petrified resin. It turned out that the liquid oozing from the stones solidifies over time in the air.

How is stone oil extracted, the price of which is of interest to many who are eager to get in touch with the healing gift of Mother Earth herself? Places of education, which are few, are located in Altai in hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas. The reason for the appearance of stone oil is incomprehensible and inexplicable, it does not lend itself to any system. This makes it difficult to mine. Stone oil is found either in the form of a film covering the surfaces of rock crevices or hard-to-reach grottoes, or as meager outgrowths on rocks.
So the miners have to literally scrape off the healing substance granted by nature, literally bit by bit. This explains the presence of pieces of rocks in it. The oil must be purified.
It belongs to the group of aluminum alum. Kazakh researchers, having spectral analysis oil, they found out an amazing thing: it contains 49 trace elements - half of the periodic table! Their concentration is very high. But the human body, every cell of any of its organs, takes exactly as many minerals as necessary for full functioning.
Stone oil is a stimulator of all enzymatic processes of the body, cleansing and strengthening energy system a person who skillfully guides healing powers their own in his sore spots. It not only heals, but also protects cell walls from damage. But it is with the penetration of viruses and poisons into the cells that any disease begins. So stone oil is great prophylactic. This is a drug of a wide, simply huge, spectrum of action.
What is the use of such a wonderful product as stone oil? Being a part of nature, it heals the human body, nourishing it with the energy of the earth and the sun, which it has been filled with for a long time of its development. That is why in folk medicine, stone oil is so revered, the price of which is much lower than the benefits that it brings to preserve and restore human health.

Stone oil: application

It is used as a powerful immunomodulator, antiseptic, analgesic. Successfully cures infertility caused by inflammatory processes. Helps stone oil fight cancer. This healing agent quickly heals bone fractures, as it contributes to the rapid growth bone tissue. Healing of even the most severe fractures occurs in terms that are almost half as long as with traditional treatment.
The list of diseases that stone oil helps to cure is very large. It's easier to say: this valuable substance was created by nature to save a person from any ailments. However, no harmful side effects does not render.

Stone oil for prostatitis

This tool treats prostatitis, at the same time being an excellent means of prevention. All men over 45 are recommended to use this oil to improve the condition of the prostate gland.
Stone oil for prostatitis and to increase potency is used with and without herbs.

Recipe 1: no herbs

Dissolve a teaspoon of oil in three liters of rather hot, pre-boiled water.
Ingestion: half an hour before meals, drink 200 ml of this warm solution.
Externally applied as a compress. The napkin is moistened in the prepared mixture, squeezed lightly, applied to groin. Covering the gauze with a towel on top, lie down, relaxed, for 40 minutes.

Recipe 2: with herbs

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 3 g of oil;
  • a third of a glass of lungwort;
  • half a glass of nettle;
  • three liters of water.

At the first stage, you need to boil chopped herbs in one liter for 7 minutes. After insisting for ten minutes, strain.
Then boil 2 liters of water, cool slightly, pour stone oil powder. Mix well to dissolve it.
On the final stage in a three-liter container (you can use glass jar) pour in a solution of oil, then a decoction of herbs. Mix well. Healing solution ready.

Stone oil for prostatitis can be used very effectively in the form of micro-enemas.
To do this, 3 g of oil are dissolved in 500 ml of water (boiled).
Before the procedure, the intestines must be cleaned.
For a micro-enema, which is enough to do once a day, no more than 40 ml of a warm solution is used.
An excellent therapeutic effect is obtained if you simultaneously use the oil inside and use it externally.
For a monthly course of treatment, you will need 35-40 grams of a valuable product.

Stone oil application in oncology

In the treatment of oncological diseases, 3 grams of oil is dissolved in three glasses of boiled, slightly cooled water. Take 200 ml three times a day, usually half an hour before meals.
Stone oil is used in oncology in the form of compresses, enemas.

For rectal cancer, the same solution is used (3 g of oil per three glasses of water), but honey (a tablespoon) is added to it. The mixture is used for micro-enemas.

The same mixture, with the addition of honey, is used to pack the vagina in case of cancer of the uterus, appendages, and ovaries.

In case of throat cancer, compresses prepared from three grams of oil, which are diluted with a glass of boiled water, help. By adding honey (a tablespoon), a healing mixture is obtained. Moisten gauze in it and, after squeezing, apply to the area of ​​​​the focus of the disease.

Exactly the same mixture is made when curing lung cancer. Apply moistened gauze alternately on the chest and back. procedure, along with internal use, do five months.

In the treatment of liver cancer, compresses are applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased organ from a mixture prepared from three grams of oil dissolved in a glass (200 ml) of boiled water. The compress is applied for three hours. Cleansing enemas and diet should accompany the entire treatment process.

Stone oil is used in oncology and in the case of stomach cancer. Drink a solution obtained from three grams of oil and three glasses of boiled water. For a single dose, a tablespoon of this remedy is enough. Drink three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.

When used in the treatment of oncological diseases such powerful tool, which is stone oil, instructions for its use should be followed by patients as accurately as possible.

Treatment of wounds, burns, postoperative sutures

A solution is prepared: 3 g of oil per one and a half glasses of water, previously boiled.
In case of burns, they are irrigated damaged skin. In other cases, a compress is applied to the affected areas.
Wounds, burns, marks heal surgical intervention three times faster than the use of any of the existing ointments.

Treatment of bruises

Stone oil is also used in the treatment of bruises. For this purpose, 3 g of oil is diluted in a glass of pre-boiled water, honey is added (two tablespoons). The resulting miracle drug is applied to the site of injury, wetting them with gauze or a napkin.


Having bought stone oil, the instruction for which recommends the treatment of pneumonia, prepare solutions, apply them externally and internally.
It is enough to dilute three grams of oil in a liter of boiled water. Drink a glass of funds taken three times a day. Do this thirty minutes before meals.
For compresses that treat pneumonia, 3 g of oil is diluted in a glass of water, always boiled. Add honey (tablespoon). Having moistened a napkin in the resulting medicinal mixture, wring it out and apply it alternately on the chest, back.

Stone oil for bronchial asthma

The same compresses are applied for bronchial asthma.
Inhalation is also used. For them, 3 g of oil and one and a half glasses of water (boiled) are taken. Inhalations are carried out thirty minutes before meals.

stomach ulcer

Stone oil also finds application in healing a patient from stomach ulcers. The patient is recommended to dilute three grams of oil in three glasses of boiled water. Drink, as usual, three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. One glass per dose is enough.

Stone oil for myoma, fibromyoma

Women with these diseases are advised to drink a glass three times a day of a liquid prepared from three grams of oil dissolved in a liter of boiled water.
For plugging, dissolve 3 g of oil in 500 ml of boiled water. A swab moistened with the resulting solution is inserted into the vagina at bedtime.

Salt deposits

To get rid of such an ailment as salt deposition, you will have to stock up not only with stone oil, but also with patience. It will take a long time to heal - perhaps even up to a year.
In two liters of water (as usual, boiled), 3 g of oil is diluted. You need to drink a tablespoon. Do this - three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.


3 g of oil is dissolved in a liter of water. The resulting solution is taken in a glass. Do this three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.
For compresses, dissolve the same portion of oil (3 g) in a glass of boiled water. Add honey (a tablespoon) to the solution. AT remedy lower gauze, wring out, apply a compress to the lower abdomen.

Cholecystitis, angiocholitis, hepatitis

Stone oil should be bought and used by those who suffer from hepatitis, cholecystitis, angiocholitis. In a liter of water (boiled), 3 g of oil should be diluted. You need to drink in a glass. Do this three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. During treatment, it is imperative to follow a diet, do cleansing enemas.


Only twelve procedures will need to be done to get rid of sinusitis.
Three grams of oil, as usual, is dissolved in boiled water (300 ml). Apply moistened gauze to the bridge of the nose for two or three hours. Carry out the procedure every other day.


In a liter of water (boiled) dilute 3 g of oil. This solution must be drunk in a tablespoon. This should be done three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.
And for instillation of the eyes, it is enough to dissolve three grams of oil in 150 ml of water (as always, boiled).

Stone oil for flu

You can buy stone oil before starting seasonal diseases in particular the flu. It will serve as an excellent preventive measure. And if it was not possible to use it for preventive purposes in time, then the timely treatment started will give an excellent result. Oil (3 g) must be diluted in a glass of water (boiled), add honey (a tablespoon). No less than four times a day, the resulting mixture should be instilled into the nose.

Stone oil in dentistry

Stone oil (3 grams) is dissolved in two liters of boiled water. Rinsing with the obtained solution of the oral cavity helps to get rid of stomatitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity, even periodontal disease. You need to do this six times a day.


Bronchitis is treated with the use of oil not only inside, but also in the form of compresses, inhalations.
For oral administration, a mixture of three grams of oil and 1 liter of water (boiled) is prepared. Drink, as usual, three times a day, drinking a glass. This should be done thirty minutes before meals.
Compresses are prepared from three grams of oil, diluting it in a glass of water (boiled). A moistened and then wrung out napkin is applied alternately - either on the back or on the chest of the patient.
For inhalation, a weaker solution is prepared: 300 ml of water (boiled) is taken for 3 g of oil. Inhalations should be done 4 times a day.


You should also buy stone oil for those who have diabetes. Dilute 3 g of oil in two liters of water. Insulin prescribed by a doctor should not be abandoned. When used to treat diabetes the most effective remedy, like stone oil, the instructions must be followed fairly strictly. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to control the level of sugar once a week in order to prevent its sharp decline.


Treatment can last up to a month. Make micro-enemas (up to 40 ml). For them, use a solution obtained from 3 g of oil and three glasses of boiled water.

Stone oil for vaginal erosion

For plugging, which is carried out at night, a mixture is prepared - 3 g of oil per half liter of water (boiled).

Stone oil compresses

Thrombophlebitis, mastopathy, severe headache, neuralgia is treated with oil compresses.
In 150 ml of water (boiled) put 3 g of oil, mix and after its dissolution add medical alcohol (100 ml). Gauze is moistened in a mixture for a compress, squeezed out, applied to a sore spot. Cover the top with cellophane. Most often, this procedure is done at night, but if necessary, you can make a compress in the morning and leave it for the whole day.

It's important to know

During oil treatment, it is strictly forbidden to use antibiotics, alcohol, cocoa, strong tea, lamb, goose, duck, pork, radish, radish, coffee, chocolate.


The only contraindication to the use of this oil is obstructive jaundice. The contraindication is explained by the fact that this remedy has a pronounced choleretic activity.

Stone oil reviews

Stone oil reviews are only positive.

Irina Evdokimova, Ufa.

I don't know how long it would have taken me to get rid of the erosion of the cervix, which occurred again and again. I already began to worry - no matter how this relatively harmless female ailment in oncology. By chance, I learned about stone oil: application, reviews about it.
I made a solution for a tampon: three grams of stone oil powder per half liter of water. Every evening I laid a tampon soaked in such a mixture.
Periodically visited her gynecologist, she noted improvement every time. After two months of oil treatment, I heard the long-awaited diagnosis - healthy.

Tatyana Kurochkina, Dnepropetrovsk.

It so happened that about stone oil, I heard reviews about it at work. I complained to my colleagues that after the weekend spent at sea, I was suffering from cystitis. They advised stone oil, the price of which turned out to be quite acceptable - relatives brought it to someone from Altai. Began to be treated. The pain and cramps subsided immediately, and in a week she completely recovered.
A year has passed since then, and now it has become a tradition in the family - no matter what hurts, we first of all remember about stone oil. And angina was treated, and sinusitis. During that flu epidemic that raged last year, the whole family drank a weak solution for prevention. And the flu bypassed us, which we were, of course, very happy about.

Albina Tikhomirova, Severodvinsk.

I stayed with my sister in Israel, I heard from her about stone oil: application, reviews of her friends. I came to them to be treated at the Dead Sea - there were problems with my stomach. Before that, she had already been treated at the resorts of Ukraine. They so insistently advised me stone oil, gave me so many examples of truly miraculous healing that I couldn't resist.
When I got home, I bought stone oil. The instructions for it turned out to be so extensive that, having cured my stomach, I set about mastopathy. The course of treatment is not completed yet, but I already feel improvement. The whole body improved, I even looked younger. I really hope that other people's stone oil reviews are extremely positive.

Brakshun, or Chinese stone oil - a substance that was revered as magical in ancient times, was used in oriental medicine back in time immemorial. Then it was believed that only immortal deities living on inaccessible for ordinary people mountain peaks. This oil was extremely mythologized and deified, had a fabulous price and was available only to the top of the then society and emperors. A small bottle of such a product in a precious bottle was a very valuable gift and was presented as a symbol of the highest respect.

Today, the properties of stone oil have been studied and are no longer a complete mystery. Nevertheless, this drug remains in demand and popular due to its naturalness and effectiveness. It no longer costs a fortune, and to acquire it you do not need to go to the remote mountainous regions of China and Mongolia.

What is stone oil and its composition

Another name for stone oil is " white mummy". It once again points us to the origin of this substance. Like mummy, stone oil is formed high in the mountains under the influence of weather conditions. It is a variant of potassium alum enriched with various mineral "additives" depending on the locality in which the oil is harvested.

The product contains magnesium sulfate and a variety of mineral salts that are soluble in water. It is formed under the influence of weather conditions and precipitation, when leaching leads to leaching from rocks. useful substances. Gradually, century after century, deposits accumulate, which can then be collected and used as a healing natural medicine.

Even the ancient Chinese were well aware of the benefits of stone oil. They collected and used it, comparing its properties with the famous mummy. Stone oil can have different shades of white or cream color due to different mineral content, mainly zinc. In most cases, it is a whitish substance with tones of cream, yellowish, greyish, reddish, and brown.

Although this remedy is called an oil, in reality it is a mineral preparation in the form of a powder, soluble in water and having a characteristic sourish taste. astringent taste. For people who are sensitive to tastes, stone oil is sold in capsules.

Important! The substance was called oil because it protrudes from the cracks of the rocks, as if “squeezed” outward under the influence of natural elements. In the same way, mummy is formed on the rocks, which often leads to misunderstandings and confusion. Stone oil and mummy - different substances. Stone oil is a mineral product that goes on sale cleaned of dirt and pieces of neighboring rock. Shilajit is a substance of complex organic origin with a large number of mineral inclusions. The similarity lies only in the fact that both funds are mined in high-mountainous regions, in hard-to-reach places.

On the this moment the most famous brakshuna deposits are located in the mountains of Mongolia, China, Altai and in the Sayan Mountains. In the same places there is also the most ancient and developed practice of using stone oil as a medicine.

The excellent properties of this substance are due to its excellent composition. It contains up to 50 macro and microelements that are extremely important for human health and life, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, silicon, manganese, selenium, cobalt, chromium, iodine, nickel - in a word, almost the entire periodic table. The concentration of trace elements and the composition of stone oil varies depending on the age of the deposit and the minerals that make up the surrounding rocks.

In Siberia, pine oleoresin with stone oil is often used as a medicinal and prophylactic agent. This preparation contains healing properties organic resin coniferous tree- cedar, which has a high antibacterial and antiviral activity, and mineral-rich stone oil.

Medicinal properties and uses of stone oil

And today, stone oil is widely used in modern medicine and cosmetology. It has pronounced adaptogenic properties, helps human body adapt to adverse environmental conditions.

When taken orally, the drug improves and stabilizes metabolism, activates the restoration of tissues and skin.

Stone oil has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic, bactericidal and antiviral action, relieves spasms and promotes the separation of bile. It is also believed that this substance has antitumor activity, which makes it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of various benign and even malignant neoplasms.

The features of the drug make it possible to use stone oil for weight loss. To do this, it is used inside and applied as a body balm. With complex use, not only weight loss is noted, but also a significant improvement in the condition of the skin, their cleansing and refreshment. A person loses weight and heals at the same time, his skin tightens, becomes clean, dense and elastic.

Stone oil is used for the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the human digestive system, including gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis and cholelithiasis(oil can prevent the formation of stones in gallbladder), cleanses and stimulates, heals the liver.
  • A variety of skin problems, wounds, injuries, burns, eczema, psoriasis, acne and furunculosis, trophic ulcers and bedsores, and many other diseases. Stone oil quickly heals damaged areas of the skin, relieves pain, inflammation, itching, evens out the surface and stimulates skin cleansing from purulent rashes. This is great aid for the treatment of acne vulgaris, especially when there are many of them and they are "volcanic" purulent abscesses. High content in zinc, selenium and sulfur oil helps to quickly cleanse skin.
  • Injuries and various diseases joints and the human musculoskeletal system. richest mineral composition means helps to cope with various manifestations of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, sciatica, and also contributes to the fastest recovery from various injuries, dislocations and fractures.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary and urinary system.
  • Damage to the cardiovascular system.
  • Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs.
  • Problems with the organs of vision.
  • Dental diseases, injuries, consequences of surgery.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system.
  • A variety of neoplasms: from benign (adenoma and other types of tumors) to malignant.
  • Various problems of the female genital area.
  • Damage to the male reproductive system.
  • Proctology, including rectal fissures and hemorrhoids.
  • Since this substance has the ability to regulate metabolism, stone oil in diabetes can be used as an additional way to cope with this serious disease.

Important! In spite of natural origin stone oil and its mineral nature, it can be dangerous to self-prescribe a course of treatment, especially in the presence of a number of serious acute or chronic diseases. It is best to first consult with an experienced specialist.

The positive effect of stone oil on metabolic processes made it effective in overweight and obesity treatment. The beneficial effect on the nervous system and hormonal balance determined the benefits of the remedy for menopause, as well as for severe physical and mental overload, overwork.

Stone oil is used for preventive purposes in case of the threat of mass epidemics. viral diseases, when living in ecologically "dirty" regions, when being in extreme weather conditions (for example, high in the mountains, in frost or with high humidity / dryness of the air).

Stone oil is also often used for complex treatment and rehabilitation after severe injuries, past illnesses and major surgeries.

Treatment recipes with stone oil

For the treatment of the above diseases natural remedy most often used internally. To do this, you need to know how to breed stone oil. Usually this is done according to this scheme: they take 3 grams of powdered stone oil, dissolve it in 3 liters hot water(not higher than 60 degrees), stir thoroughly. The resulting solution is taken three times a day for half an hour before meals, 200 ml. The course of treatment takes a month, if necessary, it can be repeated after about 4 weeks. with prophylactic or therapeutic purpose stone oil is recommended to use 4 courses per year.

The finished solution is stored for a maximum of 10 days, it is not necessary to place it in the refrigerator.

Important! If stone oil is used for the first time and the reaction of the patient's body to it is unknown, it is better to start with low doses, that is, dilute 1 gram of powder in the recommended volume pure water. single dose the solution should also be reduced to 70 ml at a time. Only after the body has fully adapted, you can go to the standard dosage.

For treatment various wounds, trophic ulcers, burns and festering skin areas, you can make compresses with a solution of stone oil. Its healing properties accelerate granulation, cleanse wounds from pus, promote the rapid resumption of normal blood circulation, and antibacterial properties destroy pathogenic microflora. In addition, such applications significantly reduce pain, especially with a large area of ​​damage.

To prepare a solution for a compress, take 3 grams of stone oil, dissolve it in 150 ml of hot water, cool and add 100 ml of pure medical alcohol. The finished mixture is impregnated with gauze napkins folded several times, squeezed and applied to the sore spot. Cover with cling film or a piece of cellophane on top, you can insulate or bandage if the compress is applied to the limb. You can leave it all night.

Attention! Compresses containing alcohol are never applied to damaged skin. They treat thrombophlebitis, bruises, sprains, that is internal damage tissues and vessels.

Another way to take rock oil is to use it as an effective cosmetic product. His active minerals help cleanse the skin from rashes, traces of allergic reactions, redness and inflammation, dissolve infiltrates and pigmented areas after acne.

Very effective stone oil and to combat skin aging. It helps smooth wrinkles and increase skin elasticity, tightens the oval and makes the complexion more vibrant and bright. If you combine the use of stone oil inside and out, the effect only intensifies.

You can use a weak solution of rock oil as a useful mineral tonic for pimply or aging facial skin. In the first case, it is very good to add decoctions to the solution. medicinal herbs- chamomile, calendula, celandine, witch hazel. Regular rubbing of the face with such a tonic will promote faster healing of acne, prevent their strong suppuration, and help avoid the appearance of acne.

With sluggish aging skin, a weak solution of stone oil can be used to make tonic and firming ice cubes. In that simple means the therapeutic effect of stone oil and the tonic and skin-tightening properties of cold will be combined.

Important! When using stone oil for the first time as a cosmetic product, a tolerance test must be done. If the skin reacts inadequately, it is possible that the concentration of active substances is too high and you just need to make a weaker solution. Preventive measures can protect against getting a negative result and premature disappointment in this healing substance.

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