Trainers for bite correction. Modern trainer systems for teeth. When are dental trainers indicated?

Malocclusion is a serious problem that requires professional treatment. Due to the fact that dentistry does not stand still, today it is possible not only to straighten teeth even in the presence of very complex defects, but also to do this using different technologies. Dental trainers are a method of treatment that has proven itself well, which means that you should pay attention to it when choosing the appropriate orthopedic design.

What are trainers and what are they for?

Trainers are an orthopedic design that is usually used for both jaws at once. Unlike others modern technologies alignment of the teeth, this does not use anchoring on each individual tooth, but the design tightly covers the teeth on both sides, covering most of the gum. Exist different types such products:

  • To correct the bite of an adult. Simultaneously with solving the problem of improper position of the teeth, the trainer affects already formed habits, so such devices are often advised to improve sleep: the trainers close tightly, which allows you to get rid of the habit of breathing through your mouth, and at night, thanks to the design, a person does not snore. Trainers for bite correction are made from different materials. Before full recovery, you have to change 3 different trainers. The first is made of soft plastic or silicone, making it easier to get used to it and it does not injure soft tissues. The second is used directly to “move” in the right direction, so it is made from the most rigid materials. And the third is used to consolidate the effect and is not mandatory for use.
  • Children's trainers. In addition to correcting the bite on milk teeth, such designs also relieve bad habits which contribute to the growth of teeth. For example, thumb sucking, nipples, cheek biting, and so on. It can be used already from the age of 6, which avoids more serious problems in adulthood after the change.
  • Joint trainers. This design may not affect the bite and can be used even with the normal position of the teeth. The main purpose of use is to relieve jaw tension. Such products can be indicated for children or adults suffering from bruxism, after trauma to the temporomandibular joint, or for various pathologies.
  • Bracket trainers. Such designs are not used independently, but only provide more fast treatment braces. In addition, plastic splints completely cover the metal protrusions of the braces, so that there is no injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Sports trainers can also be distinguished, which are used, like mouth guards, to protect teeth when practicing extreme sports. All varieties are very similar in appearance to each other, the difference can be understood only by the size and rigidity of the material. Orthopedic structures are made in different colors, but they are not designed to hide their presence. In general, trainers are quite smooth, without the excessive relief that teeth have. Make such structures standard sizes, so they can be purchased in specialized stores, and not made to order.

Indications for the use of trainers

Trainers cover quite a lot of oral problems, thanks to the variety of designs and their purpose. According to indications for use, trainers are divided into two groups:

  • Bite correction;
  • Getting rid of bad habits.

The same trainer can solve several problems at once, so this orthopedic design is quite popular. However, the product is not able to solve all the problems of the oral cavity, so there are a number of indications for use in case of correct bite. It must be remembered that the dentist, recommending this or that design, proceeds from your individual characteristics and the neglect of the problem, so it is the doctor who will be able to explain the specific reasons for the possibility or impossibility of using the trainer in your case. Typically, such products treat the following shortcomings of the dentition:

  • Torsion of teeth. This problem occurs during the period of change of milk teeth. An adult has more teeth because not all chewing teeth grow in children. During the period of changing teeth, the whole organism grows, including the jaw, providing more space for tooth growth. But sometimes the teeth erupt faster than the milk ones fall out or the jaw itself grows enough. Because of this, the teeth "come out" from their place. Some begin to grow a little higher, others go forward. Most often, trainers work with lower section, however, on the recommendation of a dentist, the use of a trainer may be indicated for other types of torsion. Also, in addition to torsion, the problem of wide interdental gaps can be solved.
  • Deep bite. This anomaly is improper closure teeth. There are two types of malocclusion: when the upper jaw overlaps the lower and vice versa.
  • Cross bite. This anomaly is somewhat similar to a malocclusion, but the bottom line is that the jaws are placed incorrectly, so when the teeth close, half of the upper teeth and half of the lower teeth overlap. Even a slight displacement of the jaw row to the side looks rather unaesthetic.

In addition to the shortcomings of the dentition, trainers can be shown as an alternative to braces in case of an allergy to metal. In childhood, this design has been successfully used to treat pronunciation problems. It is enough just to use trainers a few hours a day and do special gymnastics to solve speech problems. Also, the orthopedic design will solve problems with nasal breathing and constant nasal congestion, protect teeth from damage during, and also generally help get rid of this habit. Trainers are shown in order to wean children to suck objects and fingers, put the tongue to the gap between the teeth, and so on.

Can a trainer replace braces?

Initially, terners, like many other designs for changing the bite, were created as an alternative to braces. However, this does not mean that both of these products are interchangeable. Despite the fact that dentistry is constantly opening up new horizons in terms of aesthetics, there is no 100% alternative to braces yet. Although some of the functions that trainers and braces perform are the same, they still have discrepancies.

Trainers are used for specific bite problems, which are usually associated with the position of the entire jaw row. In addition, the period of treatment in this way is quite long, because it takes at least six months to get used to a softer structure, and only after changing to a harder material will a really real and visible change in the position of the teeth begin. In addition, even in this case, the plastic is much softer. metal structure, therefore, the pressure applied is less, the process of correcting the bite is slower.

In any case, before correcting the bite by one method or another, it is necessary to consult an orthodontist, who, based on the current state of the teeth, will be able to suggest which structures are reasonable to use and which will give the fastest possible result.

How is the treatment going?

Trainers are a removable structure that changes the position of the teeth in long term, which means that you should not expect results in the first six months. After the dentist gave recommendations on orthopedic constructions and the trainer was chosen, the product is manufactured. It is not always necessary to create an individual design, since ready-made products with a universal size are sold for children, and you can also find sports or joint trainers on sale. But usually the correction of the bite in an adult requires the removal of casts. For the manufacture of such a design, an exact match with the relief of the teeth is not required. The main indicators that are revealed in the process of taking impressions are the length of the arch of the jaw row, as well as its height and location relative to another row.

The first trainer is made of soft polymer. It does not bend, but does not injure soft tissues, it is easy to get used to it. You need to wear such a trainer all night, as well as during the day for 1-2 hours. For children, the period of daytime use is recommended to be combined with breathing practices, as well as classes with a speech therapist.

A visit to the dentist when using trainers is mandatory, moreover, such visits are quite frequent - once a month. This allows the doctor to monitor the condition of the teeth, note changes in position, and provide the client with a more rigid structure in time. It is impossible to start with the finishing trainer, as it rubs the gums almost to the point of blood, and the diction changes for the worse.

The change of the trainer takes place no earlier than six months later. You need to wear a new one about the same or more. In general, bite correction with trainers takes up to 2 years. After the rigid construction has completed its task, you can wear retainers for several hours a day, which fix the result and prevent the teeth from returning to their previous position.

Pros and cons of treatment with trainers

When choosing an orthopedic design, it is necessary to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal. After all, some guarantee a faster result, while others are painless. In any case, you will have to sacrifice something when choosing one of the products.

The advantages of trainers include:

  • No need to wear the design all day long. By itself, it is quite noticeable, but you only need to wear it at night and a couple of hours in the daytime. This allows you not to worry about your appearance at work or a holiday. While other designs involving permanent use, can be uncomfortable.
  • The ability to correct speech defects. Despite the fact that the product is worn for only a few hours, which does not affect speech at other times, they can be practiced speech therapy exercises, which will increase the mobility of the language, as well as improve diction in general. This technique is often used in childhood under the supervision of professional speech therapists.
  • Low price. The cost of 2 types of trainers is significantly less than the installation of braces, so this is a great way to save money.
  • Possibility of getting rid of related problems: snoring, grinding teeth and so on. Trainers have quite extensive opportunities, so for people with additional problems, using this orthopedic design can be doubly beneficial.
  • Ease of care. Trainers do not interfere with daily oral hygiene, and it is enough to rinse the structures themselves sewage. If that doesn't seem like enough care, Toothbrush and paste will not damage the product in any way, but will give it a more pleasant appearance, and especially scrupulous people can be advised to lower the trainer once a week for a couple of hours in a disinfectant solution that can be found in any pharmacy.

disadvantages this method bite correction is a rather long period of use, because due to the fact that the pressure on the teeth is only a small part of the day, the result is achieved much more slowly. In addition, you should not skip sessions of use, because this also only delays the desired result. This is especially true for children who do everything only under the supervision of their parents. And the biggest drawback of the design can be called the inability to completely replace the braces, as a method of correcting the bite.

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Braces are not the only option for correcting an overbite in children over 12 years of age. Often, alternative devices are used for this. One of these devices is the T4A trainer, the main action of which, alignment of the dentition and correction of the bite.


The T4A is a two-jaw single design designed to correct misaligned teeth and abnormal bites. The device is made of transparent elastic plastic, which does not injure or irritate periodontal tissue and crown enamel.

With its appearance, it is completely different from standard orthodontic devices - there are no metal arches, a plastic base and elements that tightly wrap around the teeth.

The trainer is a multifunctional device that can not only align single crowns, but eliminate the causes improper bite formation, as well as its consequences.

The device includes two actions at once: mechanical and functional, which can significantly reduce the treatment period without the use of complex devices.


In its appearance and design, T4A is very different from classic orthodontic appliances. It includes the following elements:

  • labial projection- has a forceful effect on the front teeth;
  • dental canal, acting as a guide. It has an arched shape, and helps to align the crowns;
  • over the dental canal, located in front training tongue, which is designed to form the correct position of the tongue;
  • provided on the trainer language limiter, contributing to the formation of nasal breathing;
  • lip bumper and bumpers have a non-standard height that allows you to keep well on your teeth during sleep;
  • for removal muscle tension from the lower jaw and stimulating the work of the circular muscles of the mouth, the trainer was equipped arcuate ledge located in the center;
  • the base of the device has pterygoid shape and elongated distal ends that cover the second molars. This helps to strengthen the temporomandibular joint, and correct the position of the mobile jaw.

In addition to design features, trainers differ in the method of correction. For treatment, a two-stage technique is used, which involves the use of two types of trainers: blue and red.


The blue trainer is considered initial and is used at the first stage of treatment. It is made of an elastic material based on silicone, which allows the design act gently on crowns.

In addition, the high flexibility of the material makes it possible to use the trainer in conjunction with devices that expand the jaw arch. Due to this, even with serious deviations, positive result can be achieved within six months.


The red trainer is the final one. In its design, it is no different from the blue model. The only difference is material density. For the manufacture of the red model, a more rigid material is used, capable of actively influence the teeth.

As a rule, during the period of treatment with red trainers, there is a formation of correspondence between the jaws in relation to each other, alignment of the dentition and the complete elimination of myofunctional habits.

Operating principle

Alignment of the dentition and correction of the bite, is achieved due to the constant force impact labial arches on crowns. The channels for the teeth are shaped so that there is little pressure on their lingual surface.

Due to this, there is a gradual jaw extension. By reducing the tone of the muscles of the lower jaw, the distal occlusion is corrected.

In order for the pressure to always be of the necessary force, in without fail, after the blue trainer, a hard red one is used, which has a more intense effect on the crowns.

Red has a pronounced pressure and power of resistance. Therefore, it is recommended to change the soft device to a harder one gradually.

It is advisable to first replace only daytime wear, and after a few days night wear.


The high efficiency of trainers has been proven in practice, where they were used to treat various pathologies.

On the basis of the conducted studies, several specific deviations in the development of teeth were identified. jaw system, in which the appointment of trainers is considered appropriate:

  • formation of an abnormal biteI andII class;
  • crowding crowns in the anterior section;
  • increased muscle tone temporomandibular apparatus;
  • retention period after treatment with braces;

A positive result in the listed pathologies, trainers give in the correction of permanent occlusion in children aged 12 to 15 years.

Can adults apply?

Although the device is designed for childhood, he has proven himself well in the treatment of adults. Most often, T4A is used in adulthood as a retention system. But it is no less effective as the main method of correction.


When choosing trainers as the main method of correcting an uneven row of teeth, the desire of the patient is not enough. Decision to treat with T4A must be taken by a dentist after careful examination.

In order to identify an accurate picture of the pathology, the doctor prescribes hardware diagnostics with detailed detailed images of both jaws. If a patient is diagnosed deep, distal or open bite of moderate deviation, then the wearing of trainers is prescribed.

Also, the choice stops on this device with a defective position of single crowns. In other cases, braces are preferred.


The term of wearing trainers will directly depend on the primary pathology and the cause of its occurrence.

When correcting myofunctional habits, the device will have to be used from 3 to 6 months. In the process of correcting minor crowding or wrong growth crowns, a noticeable result can be seen already 2 months later.

At some point progress may pause. This means that it is necessary to install a more rigid trainer, which must be worn for at least 3 months. On average, the period of treatment with these devices is from 6 to 9 months.

To ensure the fastest possible result, it is necessary to wear trainers daily, first putting on afternoon for 1 or 2 hours and then all night. If the use of the device passes with the manifestation of severe discomfort or pain, then it is recommended to switch to it gradually.

It is best to start with one hour during the day and a few hours at night. This will increase general period treatment, but will reduce negative manifestations, often occurring during treatment with trainers.


Trainers are a removable device designed for self-installation. It is from correct execution This process will depend on the rate of restoration of the normal position of the teeth.

Proper installation is carried out in several steps:

  1. Arrange trainer so that the "tongue" is facing up.
  2. Postpone put the device into the mouth in this position and install it on the teeth, so that the arcs of the device coincide with the dentition.
  3. grope tongue training "tongue" of the device.
  4. close jaws, only slightly squeezing them. After this, a slight pressure of the labial arches on the teeth should be felt.
  5. Close your lips and then inhale through your nose. If there are no difficulties, then the trainer is considered to be correctly fixed.

When correcting the bite with the help of T4A, it is necessary not only to correctly install the device, but also to use it correctly. The following recommendations will help with this:

  • while the device is in the mouth, can't talk;
  • absolutely not recommended chew the product during use, as this will nullify the result;
  • the complex design of trainers involves the accumulation of microbes, so it is necessary clean regularly with a brush and toothpaste. Also, they can be replaced regular soap and water;
  • worth at least twice a week soak design in a concentrated or standard antibacterial solution. For trainers, you can use only those tools that are provided for by the manufacturer's instructions;
  • after each application, need flush apparatus under running water;
  • worth using for storage special container with a sealed lid that will prevent the penetration of dust and dirt;
  • during the cleansing do not use boiling water or liquid that is too hot. This may result in deformation of the device.


T4A trainers are an alternative technique to braces, not only in terms of their impact, but also in terms of cost. Compared to a bracket system, treatment with trainers costs almost nothing.

The average price of one device from a European manufacturer is 3500 rubles. The entire treatment process will cost 7000 rubles.

In the absence of this amount, you can purchase cheaper options from a Chinese or Korean manufacturer. The price of one device in this case will be about 2000 rubles.

To date, quite common problem many patients in pediatric dentistry is malocclusion. For the treatment of dental anomalies in the early stages of development, trainers for children's teeth are used. In this article we will talk about what pre-orthodontic trainers are, what they are used for, how to use them correctly, what they are indicated for and how they differ from.

Formation of malocclusion in children

To begin with, it is worth understanding how dentoalveolar anomalies develop in children. There are several factors involved in the formation of the correct bite. Heredity is one of the most important, since it is the initial quality of the formation of the jaw bones that predetermines all their further development.

When forming serious hereditary disorders, such as nonunion upper jaw and lips (outdated names: "wolf mouth" and " cleft lip”), it may often be necessary surgical intervention. in a different way congenital anomalies is the formation of too large or too small upper or lower jaw. In such cases, resort to resection to reduce or bone grafting to increase the size of the jaws.

In fact, quite often malocclusion is formed after the birth of a child. The baby's jaws can be formed correctly and have sizes appropriate for age, however, functional disorders lead to a delay in the growth of the jaws, improper position of the teeth and other malocclusion.

What applies to these functional disorders? Oddly enough, these are often the most banal bad habits in children. Examples of such habits are: thumb sucking, too much use of pacifiers, the habit of biting the lower lip or sucking the upper lip, putting the tongue between the teeth. In addition to bad habits, the formation malocclusion diseases affect internal organs such as rickets or diseases of the respiratory system. Rickets, as is known, causes the development of gross deformities of the bones, including the jawbones. For diseases respiratory organs, including maxillary sinuses, there are difficulties with nasal breathing, and the child is forced to breathe through the mouth.

The fact is that for the correct formation of the bite, the correct position of the lips and tongue is important. They should equally and with equal force press on the teeth from the outside and from the inside, thus giving them the proper position on the jaw. In the case of the development of bad habits, this delicate balance is disturbed and one of the forces becomes dominant - pressing from the outside or from the inside. Thus, the teeth are displaced forward, backward or sideways, and in the worst cases, the development of one of their jaws is delayed. That is why it is so important to notice the presence of bad habits and respiratory disorders in children in time.

External signs of malocclusion in children

Table. Description of the main external signs malocclusion in a child.

signAppearancePossible reason
Irregular face shapeThe face may look unnecessarily long or, conversely, shortened in the lower third. The profile view may also be violated - excessive convexity (the face resembles a bird's face) or concavity. Asymmetry of the face may be noted - it seems larger on one side and smaller on the opposite.Too big or too small jaw (upper, lower, or both). Excessive inclination of the teeth in the anteroposterior direction.
Separation of teeth in the anterior or posterior regionThis violation is easy to identify by asking the child to close his teeth. Normally, the front teeth should touch each other slightly, the upper incisors should overlap the lower ones by a few millimeters, but not more than a third of the length.Putting the tongue between the teeth, sucking on pacifiers for a longer period of time. Difficulty in nasal breathing.
Open lipsThe child constantly walks with his mouth ajar, when he tries to close his lips, there are signs of tension in the muscles of the face.It often occurs as a result of separation of the front teeth or during oral breathing.
Tongue thrusts towards lips when swallowingEvery time the child swallows, he rests his tongue on his lips. Normally, the tongue should rest against the front teeth and the part of the sky adjacent to them.A characteristic feature of the so-called infantile type of swallowing, leading to many violations of the ratio of teeth.
face grimaceVisually visible is the formation of folds in the area of ​​the lips and cheeks, as well as tension in the skin of the chin.Occurs when overstressed facial muscles with anomalies of occlusion.
Teething disorderPossible options are delayed eruption or initially incorrect position of the tooth in the dental arch.Improper nutrition of the child, for example, the absence of hard food in the diet. Injuries and diseases of milk teeth.

Preorthodontic trainer - what is it and why is it needed?

So, we found out how the majority of bite anomalies are formed. How to correct existing violations? This will help the pre-orthodontic trainer - a special device used in children in temporary and mixed dentition. Average age patients who are shown wearing a trainer - 6-11 years.

The orthodontic trainer is made of non-thermoplastic polyurethane. This material has both flexibility and shape memory. The pre-shaped upper and lower lip bumpers have a similar effect to a braces archwire. That is, they conform to the arched shape of the natural dentition and adapt to both large and small arch sizes.

As with archwire brackets, there is no need to fabricate different sizes trainers, only the length changes in the anteroposterior direction, which can be trimmed according to the distal position of the first permanent molars. The labial arches, in combination with the anterior tooth grooves, provide continuous force on misaligned incisors to help correct their position.

There is a starter trainer made from a soft and highly pliable material for the most optimal fit. This also allows it to adapt to the most severely misaligned teeth. The initial (blue) trainer affects the teeth only with light force, and then six months later, a harder (pink) trainer is applied, which gives a much more strong impact on displaced anterior teeth.

The second method of influence of the preorthodontic trainer on the dentoalveolar system is myofunctional training. The design of the trainer includes a tongue, the raised section of which teaches the child how to put the tip of the tongue in the correct position. Thanks to this training, the child will remember the correct position of the tongue even after removing the device. The lingual bumper prevents the tongue from being pushed between the teeth, which is characteristic of infantile swallowing. Lip bumpers are included in the design of the trainer to stretch and deactivate the overactive contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

The labial bumpers have been shown to significantly lengthen the dental arches in mild to moderate cases of crowding.

The trainer installed in the mouth prevents mouth breathing. Persistently open mouth in children leads to stunted growth of the upper jaw. The special shape of the device helps to teach the child to breathe through the nose. The most effective training of the respiratory function occurs during the night wearing of the apparatus. In most children, mouth breathing is in the nature of a bad habit and can be corrected well. It should be taken into account that in cases serious illnesses respiratory system with a sharp difficulty in nasal breathing, the use of a preorthodontic trainer is contraindicated.

How to wear a pre-orthodontic trainer?

It has been proven that the trainer most effectively corrects malocclusion in children aged 6-11 when worn for at least one hour a day plus throughout the night.

Since it takes a very long time to move the anterior teeth light impact, the use of a combination of small leveling forces, the elimination of pathological myofunctional tongue pressure, lower lip and correction of the breathing mode, as well as the features of the functional impact of the device, makes the trainer so effective. This is especially good for class II pathological occlusions (advancement of the upper jaw in relation to the lower one), since when the device is worn, the tilt of the incisors is corrected and the growth of the lower jaw is stimulated. It also promotes jaw development in class III anomalies (mandibular protrusion), but is not suitable for severe cases.

How to use the trainer - step by step instructions

To clean the trainer, rinse it under running water after each removal. There are also special tablets and solutions in which the structure can be soaked for disinfection.

The low cost of the pre-orthodontic trainer and ease of use make it possible to correct malformed occlusion in most cases. Unfortunately, some children are not always willing to use orthodontic constructions, which can hinder the achievement of an ideal result. Therefore, it is very important to discipline and motivate the child to use the trainer strictly according to the instructions of the dentist.

What is the difference from the bracket system?

Braces are placed directly on the teeth and are not removed until the end of treatment. They are indicated for permanent occlusion, including in adults, and can be applied even in the most difficult cases of dentoalveolar anomalies. Braces are a medical device and mechanically "pull" the teeth into the desired position. A preorthodontic trainer is a removable device, not intended for round-the-clock wear. It is used in mixed dentition, when milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, and therefore cannot be used by adult patients.

Especially severe forms dentition anomalies cannot be corrected with a trainer, for example, severe mesial occlusion (displacement of the lower jaw forward). The mechanism of action of the pre-orthodontic trainer is predominantly functional, the movement of teeth occurs due to correction bad habits and training the muscles of the lips and tongue.

Trainer benefits

Timely correction of bad habits allows you to avoid expensive and long-term treatment with the help of a bracket system. Using the trainer does not present any particular difficulties for the child, since in the daytime it must be worn for only 1 hour.

Restoring the balance of forces acting on the teeth, as well as myofunctional training, are ideal for the treatment of malocclusion in children aged 6-11 years with developing anomalies in the position of the teeth and jaw growth. All these advantages allow to achieve the best outcome of treatment with the least inconvenience for the child.

Video - Trainer for teeth. Alignment, bite correction

Many people hesitate to wear braces. different reasons. Most often, people are confused by the aesthetic component and physical discomfort that inevitably occurs during treatment. Modern dentistry has found the optimal solution - dental trainers made of elastic silicone. This is a modern innovative device for straightening teeth. In this article, you will learn what trainers for correcting bites in children and adults are, how much they cost, and what their benefits are.

What are trainers?

An orthodontic trainer is a device made of polyurethane or elastic silicone, which is designed for gentle and comfortable bite correction and alignment of the dentition.

  1. In addition, the correct position of the tongue is restored, the muscles of the mouth are trained and speech defects disappear.
  2. Unlike braces, bite correction with the help of these devices does not cause any inconvenience.
  3. Trainers do not require constant wear. It is enough to wear it at night during sleep and during the day for a short period of time from 60 minutes to 4 hours.

These orthodontic appliances eliminate the root causes of incorrect bite formation. Even after stopping the course of wearing them, the effect is maintained due to muscle memory, that is, possible consequences are also eliminated.

Indications for wearing trainers

The trainer for teeth is shown not only to those who are afraid of the discomfort of wearing braces. An orthodontist may recommend this device to solve the following problems:

  • deep and open bite;
  • crowding of the teeth of the lower jaw in the anterior section;
  • bad habits in children - sucking fingers or toys;
  • speech defects;
  • problems with nasal breathing;
  • pathology of the position of the lower jaw;
  • swallowing disorder;
  • correction and prevention of recurrence after removal of braces.

Orthodontic silicone trainers are devices that guarantee children (and sometimes adults) gentle bite correction, which takes place without the use of braces. They do not cause discomfort, and the process of getting used to them is surprisingly fast.

Types of trainers

Orthodontic silicone or polyurethane trainers are available in several varieties. Usually use devices of two colors: blue and pink. They vary in hardness and are used on different stages bite correction. At the initial stage, a soft blue trainer is used, at the final stage - pink, made of a harder material. Let's look at the main types of children's trainers for teeth.

  1. Orthodontic trainer T4K is available in two types. There are initial and final models. The T4K device is used for children with milk teeth. It does not cause any discomfort to the child, nor discomfort. Thanks to the presence of a special element, the baby can control the position of his tongue. The trainer is installed in the oral cavity very simply - even the child himself can do it. The T4K device can be used even with a stuffy nose. In its anterior section there are two small holes that provide free breathing. Children's trainer T4K is recommended to be worn all night and during the day for 1 hour. Total time correction is approximately 8 months of wearing.
  2. The final trainer for T4K kids is tougher. According to the principle of action, it is similar to the wire orthodontic arch of braces. This device completes the process of teeth alignment. They use it in the same way as the initial T4K trainer, but the wearing period is about a year. Depending on the degree of malocclusion, the time of the course of therapy can be adjusted by the doctor.
  3. Orthodontic trainers T4A provides bite correction in adults and children over 10 years old, that is, when the teeth are already permanent and the jaw is already fully formed. Just like previous models, this device does not need to be worn all the time. It does not cause discomfort, does not damage tooth enamel.
  4. The T4B bracket trainer is designed for intense action. It is used to enhance the effect of braces, develop the correct position of the tongue during swallowing, talking and sleeping, strengthen the muscles of the mouth and protect the mucous membranes from damage. T4B trainers can be used for both children and adults. They come in one size because the material they are made of is flexible enough to adapt to all individual characteristics person. How to wear this device correctly? You need to put on the T4B trainer all night and for 1 hour a day. When using the device, you can not talk, chew. Perfect option– use the trainer during daytime sleep, watching TV, working on a computer or reading a book. Within a few weeks, you will notice the first signs of improvement. However, you need to wear the T4B trainer regularly. It usually takes 6 months to a year to correct an overbite and straighten your teeth. Exact time treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the defect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike braces, trainers guarantee an unnoticeable bite correction for the patient without any discomfort.

  1. Many people experience psychological discomfort when wearing bulky metal dental aligners. The most difficult thing in this matter is with children, who can become the subject of ridicule from their peers. Trainers do not need to be worn all the time, and the bite will be corrected unnoticed by others. it undoubted advantage of this novelty of modern orthodontics.
  2. Trainer does not require special care. It is enough to rinse it after each use cool water. When dirty, the device can be cleaned with toothpaste and a toothbrush.
  3. The democratic price also belongs to the advantages. How much does a trainer cost? The price in the clinics of the regions may differ. However, the average cost in Russia is from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

The disadvantages include the fact that desired effect will only be achieved with regular use of the system. You can't miss a single session. If this is not a problem for adults, then children, left without parental supervision during the daytime, may forget about trainers or not want to wear them. In this regard, the alignment of teeth with braces for insufficiently responsible children is preferable.

In this article, you learned how to correct an overbite in adults and children without permanent wear braces. Beauty and flawless evenness of teeth can be achieved with the help of innovative orthodontic appliances. At the end of the topic, we suggest you watch an informative video that discusses all types of trainers.

An orthodontic appliance for correcting bite in children and adults, made in the form of a cap made of silicone or polyurethane, is called a dental trainer. Unlike braces and plates, it not only eliminates the symptoms of malocclusion, but also eliminates the causes that caused it. And you don't have to wear it around the clock.

The advantage of the trainer is that it affects both the dentition and the maxillofacial muscles, and also helps to get rid of bad habits (for example, thumb sucking).

It is available in several sizes, is not custom-made and therefore costs much less than braces.

How does a teeth straightener work?

The device directly affects the maxillofacial muscles, relieving their excessive pressure on the jaws and teeth.

While wearing the device, the tongue assumes an anatomically correct position, nasal breathing is formed, which is important for patients who breathed through their mouths before treatment. Thus, muscle memory is developed, due to which, over time, the jaws begin to close correctly.

The device is put on very simply: you need to place it in the oral cavity with the “tongue up”, close your lips. The tongue should rest against the palate. Silicone structures can first be briefly lowered into warm, but not hot water.


This orthodontic appliance helps to cope with problems such as:

  • mesial occlusion - the lower jaw advanced forward;
  • distal bite - forward protruding upper jaw;
  • open bite - non-closure of the front or side teeth;
  • deep bite - the upper incisors half or more overlap the lower incisors;
  • crowding of the anterior lower teeth- the position in which they find each other;
  • speech problems caused by misaligned teeth; wrong swallowing.

Also, the dental trainer helps to get rid of mouth breathing and bad habits: sucking fingers or foreign objects, laying the tongue between the teeth.

It is worth noting that trainers are not able to cope with complex cases of bite anomalies. It's about about complex problems - a combination of several anomalies listed above.

Why trainers are better than other orthodontic appliances

Unlike braces, they do not need to be worn all the time. They are worn at night and for a couple of hours during the day. This is very convenient for adults who care about the aesthetics of a smile, and for children who may suffer from ridicule from classmates. After all, various mockery is very often heard against guys with records or braces.

Another advantage is minimal discomfort, no pain and no soft tissue injuries. Braces and plates put pressure directly on the teeth, the process of wearing them is often painful. In addition, they often injure or irritate the oral mucosa.

Models and types

Dental trainers for bite correction are classified according to the following two criteria:

  • structural rigidity;
  • purpose.

Consider the most popular types used in orthodontics.


A relatively soft trainer that is worn for six to eight months. Most often they are blue.


More rigid construction designed to be worn for up to one year. Usually made of pink silicone or polyurethane.


Multifunctional trainer for bite correction. It is prescribed for both adults and children who have completed the change of milk teeth. It is prescribed for anomalies of the anterior teeth, bad habits (improper swallowing or mouth breathing).

The device acts on the teeth like an arc of braces or a plate. Sometimes it is recommended to wear it as a retainer to consolidate the results. orthodontic treatment using braces.


Device for braces, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the time of wearing them and improve the stability of orthodontic treatment. It also stimulates the growth of the lower jaw, corrects the open bite and prevents dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, especially in adolescent patients with dentoalveolar anomalies.


Retention trainer, which is prescribed after wearing braces to consolidate the result. Able to change its shape several times (under the influence of boiling water), due to which it is suitable for long-term treatment.


Trainer for correcting mixed dentition in children aged six to ten years.

Terms of treatment

On average, treatment lasts a year and a half. This time is enough to correct the wrong bite.

Care instructions

The care rules are very simple:

  • removing the trainer from the mouth, it must be rinsed with running water;

  • periodically it needs to be cleaned with a toothbrush and paste;
  • the device should be stored in a special container;
  • while the trainer is in the mouth, patients are forbidden to talk and open their mouths;
  • construction must not be chewed, gnawed, boiled, washed very hot or very cold water;
  • once every one or two months it is necessary to show the orthodontist to evaluate the results;
  • when mechanical damage The device must be immediately taken to the orthodontist.


The cost of dental trainers is quite democratic - from 2,500 to 6,000 rubles. Consultation of orthodontists is paid separately, the cost differs depending on pricing policy clinics (on average from 500 rubles).

It makes sense to wear trainers only for their intended purpose. an experienced doctor, which will determine all the features of dentoalveolar anomalies and consider that trainers will cope with these anomalies. You can find such a qualified orthodontist in the database of dental clinics on our website.

Formation of malocclusion in children

To begin with, it is worth understanding how dentoalveolar anomalies develop in children. There are several factors involved in the formation of the correct bite. Heredity is one of the most important, since it is the initial quality of the formation of the jaw bones that predetermines all their further development.

In the formation of serious hereditary disorders, such as nonunion of the upper jaw and lips (outdated names: "cleft palate" and "cleft lip"), surgical intervention may often be required. Another type of congenital anomaly is the formation of too large or too small upper or lower jaw. In such cases, they resort to resection to reduce or bone grafting to increase the size of the jaws.

In fact, quite often malocclusion is formed after the birth of a child. The baby's jaws can be formed correctly and have sizes appropriate for age, however, functional disorders lead to a delay in the growth of the jaws, improper position of the teeth and other malocclusion.

What is related to these functional disorders? Oddly enough, these are often the most banal bad habits in children. Examples of such habits are: thumb sucking, too much use of pacifiers, the habit of biting the lower lip or sucking the upper lip, putting the tongue between the teeth. In addition to bad habits, diseases of internal organs, such as rickets or diseases of the respiratory system, affect the formation of malocclusion. Rickets, as is known, causes the development of gross deformities of the bones, including the jawbones. In diseases of the respiratory organs, including the maxillary sinuses, there are difficulties in nasal breathing, and the child is forced to breathe through the mouth.

The fact is that for the correct formation of the bite, the correct position of the lips and tongue is important. They should equally and with equal force press on the teeth from the outside and from the inside, thus giving them the proper position on the jaw. In the case of the development of bad habits, this delicate balance is disturbed and one of the forces becomes dominant - pressing from the outside or from the inside. Thus, the teeth are displaced forward, backward or sideways, and in the worst cases, the development of one of their jaws is delayed. That is why it is so important to notice the presence of bad habits and respiratory disorders in children in time.

External signs of malocclusion in children

Table. Description of the main external signs of malocclusion in a child.

sign Appearance Possible reason
Irregular face shape The face may look unnecessarily long or, conversely, shortened in the lower third. The profile view may also be violated - excessive convexity (the face resembles a bird's face) or concavity. Asymmetry of the face may be noted - it seems larger on one side and smaller on the opposite. Too big or too small jaw (upper, lower, or both). Excessive inclination of the teeth in the anteroposterior direction.
Separation of teeth in the anterior or posterior region This violation is easy to identify by asking the child to close his teeth. Normally, the front teeth should touch each other slightly, the upper incisors should overlap the lower ones by a few millimeters, but not more than a third of the length. Putting the tongue between the teeth, sucking on pacifiers for a longer period of time. Difficulty in nasal breathing.
Open lips The child constantly walks with his mouth ajar, when he tries to close his lips, there are signs of tension in the muscles of the face. It often occurs as a result of separation of the front teeth or during oral breathing.
Tongue thrusts towards lips when swallowing Every time the child swallows, he rests his tongue on his lips. Normally, the tongue should rest against the front teeth and the part of the sky adjacent to them. A characteristic feature of the so-called infantile type of swallowing, leading to many violations of the ratio of teeth.
face grimace Visually visible is the formation of folds in the area of ​​the lips and cheeks, as well as tension in the skin of the chin. Occurs with excessive tension of the facial muscles with anomalies of occlusion.
Teething disorder Possible options are delayed eruption or initially incorrect position of the tooth in the dental arch. Improper nutrition of the child, for example, the absence of hard food in the diet. Injuries and diseases of milk teeth.

Preorthodontic trainer - what is it and why is it needed?

So, we found out how the majority of bite anomalies are formed. How to correct existing violations? This will help the pre-orthodontic trainer - a special device used in children in temporary and mixed dentition. The average age of patients who are shown wearing a trainer is 6-11 years.

The orthodontic trainer is made of non-thermoplastic polyurethane. This material has both flexibility and shape memory. The pre-shaped upper and lower lip bumpers have a similar effect to a braces archwire. That is, they conform to the arched shape of the natural dentition and adapt to both large and small arch sizes.

As with the bracket archwire, there is no need to make different sizes of trainers, only the anteroposterior length varies, which can be trimmed to match the distal position of the first permanent molars. The labial arches, in combination with the anterior tooth grooves, provide continuous force on misaligned incisors to help correct their position.

There is a starter trainer made from a soft and highly pliable material for the most optimal fit. This also allows it to adapt to the most severely misaligned teeth. The initial (blue) trainer acts on the teeth with only light force, and then after half a year a harder (pink) trainer is applied, which gives a much stronger effect on the displaced anterior teeth.

The second method of influence of the preorthodontic trainer on the dentoalveolar system is myofunctional training. The design of the trainer includes a tongue, the raised section of which teaches the child how to put the tip of the tongue in the correct position. Thanks to this training, the child will remember the correct position of the tongue even after removing the device. The lingual bumper prevents the tongue from being pushed between the teeth, which is characteristic of infantile swallowing. Lip bumpers are included in the design of the trainer to stretch and deactivate the overactive contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

The labial bumpers have been shown to significantly lengthen the dental arches in mild to moderate cases of crowding.

The trainer installed in the mouth prevents mouth breathing. Persistently open mouth in children leads to stunted growth of the upper jaw. The special shape of the device helps to teach the child to breathe through the nose. The most effective training of the respiratory function occurs during the night wearing of the device. In most children, mouth breathing is in the nature of a bad habit and can be corrected well. It should be taken into account that in cases of serious diseases of the respiratory system with a sharp difficulty in nasal breathing, the use of a pre-orthodontic trainer is contraindicated.

How to wear a pre-orthodontic trainer?

It has been proven that the trainer most effectively corrects malocclusion in children aged 6-11 when worn for at least one hour a day plus throughout the night.

Since very light action is required to move the anterior teeth, the use of a combination of small leveling forces, the elimination of pathological myofunctional pressure of the tongue, lower lip and correction of the breathing pattern, as well as the features of the functional impact of the device, make the trainer so effective. This is especially good for class II pathological occlusions (advancement of the upper jaw in relation to the lower one), since when the device is worn, the tilt of the incisors is corrected and the growth of the lower jaw is stimulated. It also promotes jaw development in class III anomalies (mandibular protrusion), but is not suitable for severe cases.

To clean the trainer, rinse it under running water after each removal. There are also special tablets and solutions in which the structure can be soaked for disinfection.

The low cost of the pre-orthodontic trainer and ease of use make it possible to correct malformed occlusion in most cases. Unfortunately, some children are not always willing to use orthodontic constructions, which can hinder the achievement of an ideal result. Therefore, it is very important to discipline and motivate the child to use the trainer strictly according to the instructions of the dentist.

What is the difference from the bracket system?

Braces are placed directly on the teeth and are not removed until the end of treatment. They are indicated for permanent occlusion, including in adults, and can be applied even in the most difficult cases of dentoalveolar anomalies. Braces are a medical device and mechanically "pull" the teeth into the desired position. A preorthodontic trainer is a removable device, not intended for round-the-clock wear. It is used in mixed dentition, when milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, and therefore cannot be used by adult patients.

Particularly severe forms of dentoalveolar anomalies are not subject to correction with the help of a trainer, for example, severe mesial occlusion (displacement of the lower jaw forward). The mechanism of action of the pre-orthodontic trainer is mainly functional, the movement of teeth occurs due to the correction of addictions and the training of the muscles of the lips and tongue.

Trainer benefits

Timely correction of bad habits allows you to avoid expensive and long-term treatment with the help of a bracket system. Using the trainer does not present any particular difficulties for the child, since in the daytime it must be worn for only 1 hour.

Restoring the balance of forces acting on the teeth, as well as myofunctional training, are ideal for the treatment of malocclusion in children aged 6-11 years with developing anomalies in the position of the teeth and jaw growth. All these advantages allow to achieve the best outcome of treatment with the least inconvenience for the child.

Orthodontic trainer

This is a kind of elastopositioners, special device for correction of bite, incorrect position of teeth in the jaw row. The unique design of the trainer allows you to easily and unobtrusively remove anomalies in the development of the jaw system already in early age. Made from soft plastics and silicone. The absence of metal parts reduces the trauma during operation. And special application rules make the system also convenient.

Operating principle

A trainer for teeth cannot be called another design that repeats the principle of exposure, for example, braces or plates. The fixture is alternative method fight against developmental anomalies dental system. The differences lie in the fact that the trainer does not have a mechanical effect on the problem area. New developments have made it possible to change the approach to solving the tasks set for orthodontists. The system eliminates the causes of anomalies by relieving excessive pressure from the maxillofacial muscles. Also, using a trainer for children, you can save them from bad habits. For example, the device allows you to wean a child from sucking his thumb at night, etc.

In addition, the system forms nasal breathing in the patient. But it also affects the appearance of anomalies. Tongue during sleep takes the correct position. All these factors allow you to deal with the causes of the development of malocclusion and irregularities in the dentition. Trainers have another name - mouthguards for teeth. The price of these systems is low, so every person can afford such a "luxury.">

In what cases can a trainer be useful?

Consider anomalies in the development of the dentition, which are indications for wearing a device:

1. Sometimes a patient finds contraindications for the use of braces. In such cases, on help will come trainer.

2. Diagnosis of deep and malocclusion.

3. The patient has speech therapy problems that have arisen due to the incorrect position of the teeth.

4. Dental crowding is visualized in the anterior part of the lower jaw arch.

6. The patient has formed an incorrect swallow.

7. The rotation of the canines and other incisors is visualized on any of the jaws.

8. When the patient complains of difficulty in nasal breathing.

Application Benefits

In addition to the uniqueness of the system, it has a number of advantages over other orthodontic structures. The trainer for teeth is very comfortable in operation. Since it is recommended to be worn only at night and for an hour during the day, no one around will notice its use. There is no need to appear with a trainer in public. At the same time, the system is hardly noticeable even while wearing. Teeth alignment trainers are cheaper than braces. For many patients, this fact is also very significant. The system is easy to operate and very easy to maintain. It doesn't make it difficult at all. hygiene procedures oral cavity, as it is a removable device.

Types of structures

Treatment of anomalies in the development of the dentoalveolar system consists of two stages. There are two types of systems for this. First stage involves wearing a trainer, which is made of soft material. It lasts about six months or eight months. Then the primary model is replaced by the final system. The trainer for teeth at this stage will differ only in the hardness of the material from which it is made. This will put harder pressure on the teeth and bones. By this time, the patient is already getting used to wearing the system, and the transition to a rigid mouthguard does not cause discomfort at all. The entire course of treatment is approximately one to one and a half years.

Another model has also been developed, which is called a retainer. The system is necessary to consolidate the effect achieved after treatment with braces or other orthodontic structures.«>

Division by type

In order to achieve the maximum effect, the developers have provided several systems that have some differences between themselves:

1. Braces system allows you to have an additional influence on the treatment process. This model prevents the formation of damage to the teeth and speeds up the recovery of the patient.

2. To correct the pathologies of the milk occlusion, a pre-orthodontic trainer was developed.

3. To eliminate disorders in the work of the temporomandibular joints, use articular system. It allows you to relieve muscle tone and pain.

4. There is another trainer for teeth - an adult. Its purpose is to correct defects without wearing braces or plates. Also, the device allows you to get rid of snoring and form nasal breathing.

5. The finishing system is designed to consolidate the results achieved.«>


The main disadvantage of trainers is the fact that not in all cases they can be effective. The only contraindication is complex cases of bite or dentition defects. In this state of affairs, it is impossible to achieve correction of the anomaly without mechanical action.

Teeth trainers: issue price

Actually, we have already mentioned that treatment with trainers can be called an affordable procedure for every family. And yet, how much can all this pleasure cost? On average, an orthodontic trainer can be purchased for 3,000 rubles. For children's designs, the price is slightly reduced. It ranges from 2500 rubles. Based on this approximate cost, we can assume what the entire procedure will cost. As we have already understood, in order to complete the course, it will be necessary to order at least two mouthguards for teeth. The price will increase if the doctor recommends purchasing a retainer as well.«>

System Care Rules

The advantages of the device include ease of maintenance. Keep the trainer in a special container. After each extraction from the oral cavity, it must be rinsed with running water. Periodically brush with soap or toothpaste. It is worth noting that you can not talk, eat at the moment when you have a teeth trainer installed in your mouth. Children's temperament sometimes makes it difficult for parents to monitor compliance with this rule while wearing the design during the day. It is also necessary to explain to the child that it is impossible to move the tray in the oral cavity or chew it. Do not flush the system with hot or cold water. This will deform it, which will affect the course of treatment.«>

What to expect from treatment with trainers?

In each question, it is very important to have a clear understanding of what benefit or harm a certain action can have. Same with trainers. Based on the above material, we can conclude that there is no point in expecting miracles from the system. Difficult cases are treated with braces or other structures, the principle of which is based on mechanical pressure on the teeth. In solving this problem, a trainer for teeth will not help you. Reviews of specialists and patients here are unambiguous. Since the system can be attributed to the designs of a gentle impact, accordingly, it is powerless in some situations. If you apply it strictly according to the doctor's prescription, follow all the recommendations, then the system can work wonders. The primary task of all specialists has always been to eliminate the causes of developmental anomalies. And the trainer allows you to do this. It also became possible not to wait until the child grows up to put a plate or bracket system on him. Now there is no need to waste time. You can make adjustments in the course of the formation of the dentoalveolar system.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in any situation, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Only he diagnoses the problem and selects the correct treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Ways of bite correction

Correction of bite in children in modern orthodontics is carried out in various ways, and the choice of technique depends not only on the condition of the teeth little patient but also on his age. In general, devices and means for correcting bite in children can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Removable, put on at a certain time.
  2. Non-removable, worn once and removed only after the completion of the correction process.

Removable devices

Special pacifiers designed to form the correct milk bite in infants and toddlers up to 2 years. Apply from birth. The nipples have a special shape and a special lip, which ensures the correct position of not only the baby's jaws, but also his tongue.

From what period parents decide to use specialized nipples themselves, there are no contraindications to such devices, the materials from which they are made are safe and hypoallergenic. A big plus of such devices is that the baby immediately forms the correct bite.

Lip bumpers - metal plates placed in the baby's oral cavity between the lips and teeth. This method can be used by children up to 7 years. The device is designed to create an obstacle and reduce the pressure of the lips and cheeks on the growing teeth and the dentition as a whole. With their help, you can not only protect milk teeth from excessive pressure, but also lengthen the dental arch, align the inclination of the first permanent molars.

Of course, children do not immediately get used to the bumpers and may complain that they are in the way, but the device allows you to correct minor violations at an early age. Contraindications in this case are individual, for example, metal intolerance.

Preorthodontic trainers . The devices are used for bite correction in children aged 6-12 years. The trainer is a functional device made of safe silicone and capable of eliminating the very cause of the violations that have appeared. The device in most cases does not need to be corrected for the dentition of a particular child.

To install the trainer, you do not need to make special prints. The device contributes to the proper development of the muscles of the oral cavity, corrects the position of the tongue and work chewing muscles, relieves the baby of bad habits, such as breathing through the mouth or sucking the tongue between the teeth.

Trainers used to correct bite in children are divided into 2 types:

  1. Soft, designed for babies from 6 to 8 years old.
  2. Rigid, used to correct disorders in children from 8 to 12 years old.

Trainers have many advantages and high efficiency. After the use of such devices, children, as a rule, do not need to correct malocclusion by other methods, because the installed design contributes to the development of the correct position. facial bones, dentition and tongue. The technique has no contraindications, trainers are safe and have a convenient shape, getting used to them, children stop noticing them.

Records are function-oriented devices, consisting of a plastic base located near the child's palate, and metal arches that fix the teeth and help adjust their location.

To correct the bite in children, the plates are made strictly individually, with the help of a preliminary silicone impression, and later, as the teeth straighten, the adjustment is carried out. A device is used to correct violations of the position of the teeth in children under 12 years of age, since during this period active growth skeletal system.

The main advantage of the device is that it does not require round-the-clock wear. As a rule, the design is put on before going to bed, removed in the morning, and then set in the afternoon for 2-4 hours. Metal intolerance in a child may be a contraindication to use.

The device allows:

  • correct bite;
  • eliminate various pathologies development of jaws and teeth in children;
  • keep the necessary space between the teeth when changing milk molars to molars, for which models with an artificial tooth are used;
  • reduce treatment time with braces when used as an accessory.

The disadvantage of the device is that the baby can independently remove the structure without the knowledge of the parents, for example, due to shyness or inconvenience, and this significantly reduces the effectiveness of the correction.

A cap, otherwise called an aligner, widely used in orthodontics to correct malocclusion in children. The device is intended for use in patients over 14 years of age when indicated, established by the doctor. Mouthguards are not shown to younger children. The design is invisible to others, because it is made of transparent materials and is great for teenagers and adults who lead an active and public lifestyle.

Caps do not injure the gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, do not create discomfort, and are often used to consolidate the result obtained during treatment with braces. Divide designs into standard and custom. Often, standard thermoplastic caps are used, having an established shape and size.

The device is immersed in warm water, where the temporary softening of the material occurs, after which the structure is put on the teeth, where it hardens and creates the necessary shape. Individual caps are made to order using a special technique.

The device has no contraindications, patients quickly get used to it, it does not cause diction and pain, but rarely used, because the equipment for installation is not available in all dental clinics. The system also has one significant drawback - it allows you to eliminate only small defects, and against serious violations the device is useless.

Fixed correction devices

This category includes braces for children older than 11 years. It is possible to fix such a design only on permanent fully grown teeth. The device is installed 1 time and is constantly in the child's mouth during the entire period of treatment. At the same time, appointments are made with a doctor in certain periods in order to adjust the system as defects are corrected.

Braces are divided into several types:

  • metal . Such structures have big sizes and cause serious inconvenience - children get used to them for a long time. A device made of metal is unaesthetic not only in visual terms, because when it is installed, oral care becomes much more difficult, and under the influence of certain substances it begins to collapse.
  • Plastic .The device looks more aesthetically pleasing, the material is not destroyed under the influence of various substances that enter with food, but is fragile, so the design requires caution when using.
  • Sapphire . Braces are almost invisible and can even become a kind of decoration and style element of a teenager, because the device is made of artificial sapphires, it is durable and more than aesthetically pleasing.
  • Lingual . Such braces are invisible to others, as they are installed on the inside of the dentition.
  • Incognito . A special bracket system, a kind of lingual. It is made of gold alloy and has a special strength. Such a device is suitable for children with intolerance to other metals.
  • Self-adjusting structures contribute to the formation correct forms labial arch, taking into account the natural features of the structure of the jaw.

Since the design is non-removable, children often complain of discomfort after its installation, difficulty in speech, rubbing of the tongue or cheeks. As a rule, the addiction period is different and can be up to 2-3 weeks.

It is important to remember that during treatment with any type of braces, the oral cavity needs especially careful hygiene and frequent cleaning procedures.

What are trainers?

An orthodontic trainer is a device made of polyurethane or elastic silicone, which is designed for gentle and comfortable bite correction and alignment of the dentition.

  1. In addition, the correct position of the tongue is restored, the muscles of the mouth are trained and speech defects disappear.
  2. Unlike braces, bite correction with the help of these devices does not cause any inconvenience.
  3. Trainers do not require constant wear. It is enough to wear it at night during sleep and during the day for a short period of time from 60 minutes to 4 hours.

These orthodontic appliances eliminate the root causes of incorrect bite formation. Even after stopping the course of wearing them, the effect is maintained due to muscle memory, that is, possible consequences are also eliminated.

Indications for wearing trainers

The trainer for teeth is shown not only to those who are afraid of the discomfort of wearing braces. An orthodontist may recommend this device to solve the following problems:

  • deep and open bite;
  • crowding of the teeth of the lower jaw in the anterior section;
  • bad habits in children - sucking fingers or toys;
  • speech defects;
  • problems with nasal breathing;
  • pathology of the position of the lower jaw;
  • swallowing disorder;
  • correction and prevention of recurrence after removal of braces.

Orthodontic silicone trainers are devices that guarantee children (and sometimes adults) gentle bite correction, which takes place without the use of braces. They do not cause discomfort, and the process of getting used to them is surprisingly fast.

Types of trainers

Orthodontic silicone or polyurethane trainers are available in several varieties. Usually use devices of two colors: blue and pink. They differ in rigidity and are used at different stages of bite correction. At the initial stage, a soft blue trainer is used, at the final stage - pink, made of a harder material. Let's look at the main types of children's trainers for teeth.

  1. Orthodontic trainer T4K is available in two types. There are initial and final models. The T4K device is used for children with milk teeth. It does not cause any discomfort or discomfort in the child. Thanks to the presence of a special element, the baby can control the position of his tongue. The trainer is installed in the oral cavity very simply - even the child himself can do it. The T4K device can be used even with a stuffy nose. In its anterior section there are two small holes that provide free breathing. Children's trainer T4K is recommended to be worn all night and during the day for 1 hour. The total correction time is approximately 8 months of wearing.
  2. The final trainer for T4K kids is tougher. According to the principle of action, it is similar to the wire orthodontic arch of braces. This device completes the process of teeth alignment. They use it in the same way as the initial T4K trainer, but the wearing period is about a year. Depending on the degree of malocclusion, the time of the course of therapy can be adjusted by the doctor.
  3. Orthodontic trainers T4A provide bite correction in adults and children over 10 years old, that is, when the teeth are already permanent and the jaw is already fully formed. Just like previous models, this device does not need to be worn all the time. It does not cause discomfort, does not damage tooth enamel.
  4. The T4B bracket trainer is designed for intense action. It is used to enhance the effect of braces, develop the correct position of the tongue during swallowing, talking and sleeping, strengthen the muscles of the mouth and protect the mucous membranes from damage. T4B trainers can be used for both children and adults. They are produced in one size, as the material from which they are made is flexible enough to adapt to all individual characteristics of a person. How to wear this device correctly? You need to put on the T4B trainer all night and for 1 hour a day. When using the device, you can not talk, chew. The ideal option is to use the trainer during daytime sleep, watching TV, working at a computer or reading a book. Within a few weeks, you will notice the first signs of improvement. However, you need to wear the T4B trainer regularly. It usually takes 6 months to a year to correct an overbite and straighten your teeth. The exact time of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the defect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike braces, trainers guarantee an unnoticeable bite correction for the patient without any discomfort.

  1. Many people experience psychological discomfort when wearing bulky metal dental aligners. The most difficult thing in this matter is with children, who can become the subject of ridicule from their peers. Trainers do not need to be worn all the time, and the bite will be corrected unnoticed by others. This is an undoubted advantage of this novelty of modern orthodontics.
  2. The trainer does not require special care. It is enough to rinse it in cool water after each use. When dirty, the device can be cleaned with toothpaste and a toothbrush.
  3. The democratic price also belongs to the advantages. How much does a trainer cost? The price in the clinics of the regions may differ. However, the average cost in Russia is from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

The disadvantages include the fact that the desired effect will be achieved only with regular use of the system. You can't miss a single session. If this is not a problem for adults, then children, left without parental supervision during the daytime, may forget about trainers or not want to wear them. In this regard, the alignment of teeth with braces for insufficiently responsible children is preferable.

In this article, you learned how you can correct an overbite in adults and children without constantly wearing braces. Beauty and flawless evenness of teeth can be achieved with the help of innovative orthodontic appliances. At the end of the topic, we suggest you watch an informative video that discusses all types of trainers. Free braces for teenagers Ceramic ligature braces

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