What does incorrect closure of canines mean in dogs. Malocclusion in a dog. Types of bite in dogs

The basics of dentistry should be mastered by any self-respecting owner of a dog, and especially a toy terrier. And it does not matter whether you plan to exhibit your pet at exhibitions and participate in dog shows or not.

The fact is that the correct bite in dogs is needed not only as an indicator of the exterior. Correct bite affects the appearance of the animal, the health of the pet. Many problems that arise with the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and cardiovascular systems are associated with dental problems. Not to mention the fact that jaw pathologies are the cause of injury to the gums, tongue and oral mucosa of the dog.

What happens and what should be the bite in dogs.

The bite of a dog is a form of closing of the teeth. The correct bite is individual for a single breed. What is good for a bulldog is a disqualifying vice for that terrier. And vice versa.

Cynology distinguishes the following types of dog bite, depending on the form of closing of the teeth:

  • Scissor (normal) bite or orthodontics. The name comes from the similarity with the structure of scissors.

This form of closing of the teeth is determined by the tight fit of the incisors of the lower jaw to the back side of the upper jaw. Despite the absence of gaps between the teeth, they do not rub against each other, but form a kind of "castle".

This form of dentition is justified from the point of view of the physiology of the dog and is the norm for most breeds and wild relatives of our four-legged friends. Since this shape of the jaw allows the animal to gnaw bones, bite and hold the victim firmly in its teeth. As you understand, this is important for wildlife and almost all service dogs.

For that terrier, the standard is also a normal scissor bite.

Look at the photo of the correct bite of that terrier. In case of rejection, the dog is excluded from the breeding offspring, which is allowed for breeding.

  • Straight (pincer) bite. When the jaw is closed, the upper and lower incisors converge in one line, resting against each other. In this case, the closure of the canines and chewing incisors can be either complete or incomplete.

This type of closure of teeth, due to the significant load on the front incisors, affects the strength of the chewing elements. They wear down much faster than in a scissor bite. At the same time, canines and chewing incisors are not subjected to grinding.

Congenital level bite is associated with an initially incorrect position of the upper and lower jaws in relation to each other. And the acquired pincer bite is formed during the period of changing teeth in a puppy, when a young dog is too active in games with grabbing and pulling. As a result, the incisors of the lower jaw lean forward at an angle.

In Toy Terriers, a level bite is allowed, which is characterized by an alveolar inclination of the incisors. Such dogs are not disqualified from shows.

  • Overbite or bite of a bulldog(progenia, protruding chin). This type of bite is familiar to everyone in the breed of boxers or bulldogs, in which the lower jaw protrudes in front of the upper. Moreover, the lower incisors and canines are often exposed. This form of teeth closure is a kind of hallmark of these breeds, since the facial bones of these animals are shortened.
  • Undershot bite (prognathia). Disqualification pathology, which is expressed in a shortened lower jaw, due to which there is no closure of the lower incisors with the upper ones.

Causes of malocclusion in dogs.

The cause of malocclusion in dogs in most cases is genetics. Therefore, breeders pay special attention to the non-breeding of animals with such a deviation.

However, there are other reasons for the appearance of incorrect formation of chewing elements in the toy terrier.

And these include:

  • nutritional violations. First of all, this concerns the lack of minerals in the diet of a pregnant dog and puppies.
  • jaw injury in puppyhood.
  • active games in which the emphasis is on grabbing and pulling with teeth. Excessive load leads to sad consequences.
  • that terriers are characterized by problems when changing milk premolars to permanent ones. So the timely removal of milk premolars will enable the timely development of permanent teeth and save you from problems with an irregular shape of teeth closing in the future.

Correction of bite in dogs.

Correcting a bite in a dog is very difficult, it is easier to pay attention to the animal's oral cavity than to correct the setting of the jaw and teeth.

For puppies during the period of formation of the change of the milk dentition to the permanent one, it is important to pay attention to the nutrition of the pet. Minerals such as calcium and phosphorus should be present in the diet. When feeding your toy terrier puppy ready-made dry food, choose food that contains these minerals. If your dog eats natural food, then add it to food, the dosage and composition of which must be agreed with the veterinarian.

In case of problems with the teeth of toy terrier puppies, the ideal bite can be formed using the services of veterinarians who specialize in dentistry and orthodontics. They put a special rubber ring on the teeth, which straightens the incisors and fangs.

In adult toy terriers, the shape of the occlusion of the teeth can be corrected with the help of dog braces. Correction lends itself to teeth that need to be slightly moved or deployed. To do this, fixed wire connections are installed on the dog's teeth. The material used is medical grade stainless steel or nickel-titanium alloy.

The wire connections put pressure on the tooth, and since the connection between the tooth and the jaw is not rigid, the incisor or canine begins to move a little in the right direction. And the vacated space is filled with bone tissue.
Braces are an individual device. For those terriers who have an allergic reaction, ulcerative stomatitis, gingivitis and others, braces are contraindicated. In all other cases, the veterinarian will install a device that corrects the bite and tell you how to care for it.

Dog teeth are of particular importance. It is snow-white, healthy and strong fangs that are the key to a great dog's appetite, perfect digestion, and as a result, wonderful health. Of undoubted importance is the direct bite in dogs - it is this sign of health that will be discussed in the article. We will find out how important the formation of the correct bite is for a dog, we will find out the main types of bites, we will figure out how to correct the incorrect closing of the jaws.

Why the bite is deformed

Correction of bite in dogs in adulthood is almost impossible, so it is necessary to direct all efforts to prevent this problem from occurring in a puppy from the very beginning. We will find out what causes the dog to have an incorrect bite formation.


In most cases, the misalignment of the teeth is caused precisely by hereditary causes. It should be noted that malocclusion leads not only to digestive problems, but is also a disadvantage that affects the show characteristics of the dog, destroying the reproductive meaning of this specimen. A thoroughbred dog with a malocclusion is not allowed, as a rule, to further reproduction in order to avoid the formation of the same defect in the offspring.

All breeders know how important it is to control the correct bite. Animals with bite defects are culled from a very early age, and only flawless individuals that do not have ancestors with similar shortcomings in the genus are allowed to breed.

Exchange pathologies

Some types of diseases, especially at a young age, lead to this problem. Most often, malocclusion is caused by rickets.

Nutrient deficiency

If a puppy systematically lacks the minerals and vitamins he needs, this fact has a negative impact on the state of the whole organism. In addition to malocclusion, a puppy can develop much more serious pathologies for this reason. Of particular importance for a growing canine body are minerals such as calcium, as well as vitamin D3.

If the bitch's diet during pregnancy did not contain enough trace elements, vitamins and calcium, the birth of puppies with malocclusion is much more likely.

Baby teeth

Types of bites

Today, professional dog handlers and veterinarians distinguish four main types of dog bites:

  • normal;
  • straight;
  • snack;
  • undershot bite

Note that it is almost impossible to detect malocclusion in a puppy under the age of four months. The problem comes to the surface when the animal has already grown up to about 4 months. Next, we will consider in more detail the types of bites.


The second name for this bite is scissor bite. It is considered normal for dogs when the incisors of the lower row, when the jaws are closed, touch the back of the incisors of the upper row. This is the normal position of the teeth for most dog breeds. In the wild, dogs have just such an bite, so it is considered the reference and most natural for animals.

Scissor bites in dogs, when the jaws are closed, bring the teeth into a strong lock, which is natural and correct from the point of view of evolution and the rule of survival of the strongest individuals in the animal kingdom.


In this case, the lower and upper incisors, when the jaws are closed, are located exactly one above the other. With this type of bite, the chewing back teeth and fangs of the dog do not close, as a result of which the entire chewing load falls on the incisors, they quickly wear out, and the dog has problems with digestion. Fangs and chewing teeth that do not take part in chewing food are destroyed faster and become vulnerable to caries.


In this case, the upper incisors are located behind the lower ones. For some breeds of dogs (mainly fighting dogs), this type of bite is natural, but for the vast majority it is incorrect.

undershot bite

This type of bite is characterized by the forward protrusion of the upper teeth in front of the lower ones. This is the most severe case of malocclusion, and in the wild, dogs with such a defect usually do not live long. It is interesting that such a bite, although it is a defect, can sometimes become a real “dog highlight”. On Instagram, you can find more than one account of dog owners whose pets have a funny undershot bite.

In addition to the listed options, the dog can still have an open bite, when the incisors from below and from above do not touch when the jaws are closed. In addition, sometimes a crooked bite develops, when one side of the jaw is more developed than the other. The crooked position of the teeth is usually a hereditary defect, with this defect the dog's muzzle is asymmetrical.

Sometimes the incorrect position of the teeth takes on completely unusual forms: fortunately, such anomalies are extremely rare. So, cases were recorded when a dog's teeth grew in two rows duplicating each other: both from below and from above. Especially often a similar defect occurs in dogs of small breeds, for example, in Yorkies. An anomaly occurs due to the fact that milk teeth do not fall out, but continue to grow simultaneously with the molars. Also sometimes there is a so-called crossbite, when the lower incisors or one of them, when the jaws are closed, go beyond the upper ones.

Professional cynologists refer to violations even molars that have not erupted for some reason.

How to fix an overbite

Incorrect bites in an animal can ruin her entire career if the animal is pedigree, raised for exhibitions and breeding. But for ordinary animals, such a defect also does not bring anything good: the onset of digestive problems, caries and other troubles can significantly complicate the life of both the animal and its owner.

Note that the optimal time for correcting the bite is the age of the animal from five months to a year. After one year of age, it will be too late to engage in bite: the molars at this time are already fully formed. How to correct a bite in a dog, the orthodontist veterinarian knows: it is to this specialist that you should contact if a problem occurs. Next, consider the main ways to fix the problem.

So, malocclusion is corrected by methods similar to this problem in humans. Usually, devices such as braces, removable mouthguards and other orthopedic structures are used for this purpose.


This method of correction is one of the most advanced. Mouth guards, unlike braces, are made of a soft transparent material and can be removed before the dog eats. This is a huge advantage of the design, since the removal of the tray allows you to freely carry out the hygiene of the dog's teeth.

The principle of operation of the mouthguards is as follows: tightly adhering to the teeth of the animal, they exert pressure on them in exactly the direction in which it is necessary. Once every 2-3 months, the old mouthguard is replaced with a new one, taking into account the shift in the dog's dentition. In this way, slowly but surely, the teeth fall into their proper place, and the position of the jaws assumes a normal shape. Note that mouth guards are recommended to be removed only for hygiene or eating: the rest of the time the animal must wear appliances. Only prolonged wearing of the mouth guard will correct the bite. From time to time, the device must be washed and cleaned.

The downside of this method is the expensive cost of mouthguards, so pet owners often prefer to use removable rubber braces, which are much cheaper. However, removable braces (rubber ring) can only help a puppy: they are useless for an adult animal.


Most often, braces are worn to correct the position of the dog's teeth. These devices are made of metal wire with pins, and they do not adversely affect the chewing of food. The fixture is made of titanium with nickel or steel. Braces are placed according to the size of the dog's jaws, and as the bite is corrected, they are regularly tightened.

This design, unlike the previous ones, is non-removable. Braces are placed on the teeth of the animal, and are not removed during the entire treatment. The device is attached to the teeth of the animal with a special insoluble glue.

In order for the braces to have the proper effect, the dog owner will need to strictly follow all the recommendations of the orthodontist regarding the wearing of the structure. It is also important to prevent defects in braces, to prevent the dog from chewing on hard objects, bones, and furniture.

When wearing braces, it is very important to pay increased attention to the hygiene of the dog's oral cavity. Wearing braces negatively affects the condition of the teeth: under a metal structure, the teeth are very quickly covered with stone, and are also subject to carious destruction. Between the wires of braces, food often gets stuck, which then becomes a breeding ground for microbes. Regular brushing of teeth and mouth is important.

  • allergies;
  • stomatitis;
  • caries;
  • periodontitis;

In addition, in the presence of tumors and other neoplasms, wearing braces for animals is also prohibited. That is why a thorough examination is required before setting this design.

If you notice bite problems in an animal, you should not panic - you need to show the animal to a specialist. Only a professional examination can identify the causes of the problem, and direct the course of treatment in the right direction. If the dog does not have breeding value, then the owners usually do not correct a slight bite defect: the dog can quite safely exist with him, remaining a family favorite.

But if the wrong position of the teeth overshadows the show career of the dog, or negatively affects the process of digestion, it is worth fighting for the further career and health of the dog. It should only be taken into account that correcting this problem is not a matter of one day: as a rule, wearing braces or mouthguards stretches for several months, and requires regular visits to the orthodontist.

Attention!: If any veterinary clinic claims to treat malocclusion through a special massage, you can confidently say that this is stupidity and a marketing ploy. No massage is able to correct the bite - and competent specialists are aware of this. Be sure to find a competent specialist - only an experienced orthodontist can be trusted to correct a dog's teeth.


Not always malocclusion is an innate genetic feature. In most cases, simple preventive measures will help to avoid the occurrence of this defect. These measures will be discussed further.

First of all, you need to pay attention to proper nutrition of the pet. It is important to make sure that there is enough calcium, vitamin D3 and other important trace elements in his diet. Dry food must be selected strictly according to the age category of the animal. If you are feeding your puppy natural food, take care of additional vitamin and mineral supplements.

Take your dog to the veterinarian regularly. Particular importance should be given to this issue when milk teeth are replaced by molars. During this period, the bite is often disturbed due to non-falling milk teeth: therefore, if necessary, the latter are removed. Sometimes the quickest loss of milk teeth can be helped by the dog's chewing on hard toys and objects.

If the puppy has begun to form an incorrect bite, at an early stage the situation will be helped to correct the rubber ring, which is put by the veterinarian. It is only important not to let the situation take its course, and to take measures to correct the problem as early as possible.

Attention A: All preventive measures should be taken when the dog is still in puppyhood: the sooner the better.

So, we learned what the correct bite is in dogs, and how such a defect can be eliminated. As you can see, the incorrect position of the teeth negatively affects not only the exterior of the dog, but is also harmful to its health. Pay attention to the position of the pet's teeth, and be sure to contact a competent veterinarian in time if there is a need to correct the bite.

In our gallery you can see what it looks like: scissor bite in dogs photo, correct bite in dogs photo, correct bite of a Yorkie photo, correct bite of a chihahua photo and many other photos.

Why is it important to know if your dog's bite is correct? The answer is simple. Incorrect bite in pets can cause a lot of trouble: it makes it difficult to chew food, causes chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, and affects the general condition of the animal. In addition, the wrong location causes injury to the oral mucosa. Dogs with malocclusion do not participate in exhibitions, as bite pathologies are often genetic in nature.

The reasons for the formation of malocclusion can be: lack of essential minerals in the body, games during the formation of teeth with an incorrect load, hereditary abnormalities, and so on.

Very often, malocclusion problems are characteristic of small decorative breeds of dogs. We have selected material for you: Yorkie bite photo, French Bulldog bite photo, Chihuahua bite photo.

Correction of malocclusion in dogs is possible with the use of removable and permanent orthodontic structures. Braces, with special adjustable arches, are attached to the teeth with a special adhesive, exerting pressure on the teeth, physically guide them into the desired position. It is worth noting that the alignment of the bite in dogs is a lengthy process.

Incorrect bite in dogs photo

Dog braces for bite alignment

Scissor bite in a dog, photo

Correct bite in a dog, photo


French bulldog bite, photo

Dog teeth alignment, photo

Chihuahua bite photo

Bite in a dog, photo of a pug

What does an overbite look like in a dog?

Scissor bite, photo violations

I don't need a dentist!

The words "dog bite" are used to denote the way the upper and lower jaws of the dog, as well as individual teeth, fit together. The shape of the closure depends on the structure of the muzzle of the animal and the entire skull as a whole. The following factors also influence the formation of bite:

  • disproportionate sizes of the jaw and teeth (for example, a too narrow jaw with large teeth that do not fit on it);
  • anomalies during (a temporary tooth did not fall out in time, without freeing up its place for the root, which, in turn, grew where it had to, as a result of which the dentition was broken);
  • poor heredity (if parents suffer from malocclusion, then it can be predicted that their offspring will face the same fate);
  • injury to the bones of the skull;
  • too much stress on the teeth at the time of their growth (tug of war or similar games and activities);
  • , which does not provide the dog with the required amount of vitamins and other useful substances;
  • various developmental disorders that are not directly related to lifestyle.

What are the types of bites?

Correct bite in dogs - scissors or scissors: at the time of the connection of the jaws, the posterior teeth of the upper are as tightly closed as possible with the incisors of the lower. For a dog of any breed, even a slight deviation from this standard is a serious defect that puts an end to individuals, as a breeding animal, that is, it is not allowed for breeding.

- a pathology in which the molars and canines of both jaws are quickly erased due to the fact that they fit too tightly together. If you look at the figure, it becomes noticeable that with this pathology, the incisors of the lower jaw of the dog do not reach the line of the incisors located on top.

Many people ask the question: how to fix undershot bite in a puppy and is it possible in principle? Fortunately, today it is possible to straighten crooked teeth not only in humans, but also in animals. Of course, this is a rather complicated and expensive undertaking, but the result usually exceeds all expectations. The procedure is described in more detail below.

Level bite in dogs, also called tick-like, it can be either congenital or acquired (for example, due to certain types of games, such as tug of war). "Thanks" to incorrectly located jaws, the incisors from above and below rest against each other, as a result of which they have an excessive load and they are quickly erased. The molars and canines, as a rule, do not suffer.

- is the norm only for some breeds (for example, for bulldogs). For all other dogs it is considered a pathology. The reason for the formation of an undershot bite is the insufficiently long facial bones of the skull, due to which the lower jaw of the animal protrudes noticeably forward.

How to fix overbite in dogs? This defect is corrected in the same way as undershot bite - with the help of braces. Unfortunately, this is not possible in all cases.

What are braces and why are they needed?

Dog braces are separate parts in the form of wires that are connected into one common system, and then attached to the teeth. Such a device is made of an alloy of titanium and nickel or steel. The use of braces is the only way to correct a malocclusion in a puppy, but it only helps in the most mild cases.

A treatment regimen using such devices is developed for each patient separately. It all depends on what result the dentist wants to achieve: expand, push or move the teeth. By applying pressure to the right teeth, the braces cause them to gradually move to where they would be if the dog's jaw were developing normally. Since the process of moving teeth takes a lot of time, the system is put on for a long time (from several months).

There are also contraindications:

  • gingivitis,
  • stomatitis,
  • allergy,
  • formations of a different nature in the oral cavity,
  • the impossibility of meeting the requirements regarding oral hygiene.

While wearing a wire construction, the dog needs careful, everyday oral care. The owner will have to devote his time to regular hygiene procedures, because if not during this period, they will not only be covered very quickly, but will also undergo carious destruction. All this will happen "thanks" to food particles stuck between structural elements.

Before you decide on a correction, you should carefully consider whether your pet needs it. Remember that even after a successful correction of the bite, the dog will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions and for breeding, since all of its jaw pathologies will pass on to its future offspring.

On the other hand, if the dog suffers from the inability to chew food normally or from constant injury to the tongue, lips, cheeks and gums, then he cannot do without treatment.

All materials of the section "".

Overbite is the location of the lower incisors relative to the upper ones. Correct - the upper jaw is 1-2 mm forward above the lower. Malocclusion in dogs - the lower jaw is longer or shorter, which means that it comes forward or remains behind at a considerable distance.

Malocclusion can be a defect for some breeds, and be the norm for others.

There is no one general rule for all breeds. For different breeds of dogs, different positions of the front teeth are considered standard. Hence another position - that for one breed a defect, for another - a standard. Animals with malocclusion are not allowed to develop the breed. The defect is genetically transmitted and may appear after several generations. This situation is dangerous for maintaining the purity of the breed.

Veterinarians name several points that affect the correct bite.

If we discard genetics, then the wrong bite is formed in childhood. From care - feed, load on the jaws and teeth depends on the location of the teeth in adult animals. Cynologists monitor the development of teeth, at the slightest violation of the situation, they consult with veterinarians.

Puppies have a floating jaw. It has to do with bone growth. At 1.5 months, the teeth are finally formed.

Anomalies of the jaws are affected by:

  • improper metabolism;
  • untimely change of milk teeth;
  • jaw box injuries;

It is impossible to determine the malocclusion in a puppy that is not yet 4 months old.

Important! In an animal under 4 months old, it is impossible to detect an incorrect bite.

Violation of metabolic processes

Lack of calcium, vitamin D leads to problems with teeth and jawbone. A growing organism must receive the amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the breed. If this process is not controlled, and with it the wrong bite, the pet is guaranteed.

Untimely change of milk teeth

Untimely change of milk teeth leads to the fact that permanent teeth begin to grow on top of children's. This leads to deformation, incorrect position. In this case, the jaw remains correct. The bite is broken, the teeth become crooked. To prevent this from happening, take care of milk teeth. As soon as the gums become inflamed, and there are prerequisites for the appearance of permanent teeth, milk teeth are removed if they have not fallen out by this time.

Jaw box injuries

This situation is typical for mobile and active puppies. Games, chewing moslov lead to injuries. Babies need close supervision. , furniture, household utensils. Such a habit harms not only the house, but also the health of the animal. The dentition is broken, the jaw is injured. As a result - the wrong bite.

Malocclusion can form due to a jaw injury suffered by the puppy during the change of teeth.

For adult dogs, this situation is not very common. They are more careful. The cause of injury in an adult animal can be a blow with a blunt object on the head, on the jaw. Depending on the force of impact and the degree of injury, consequences for the dog are possible. In some cases, the veterinarian cannot help the animal.

Many owners play tug of toys without calculating their strength. The puppy's weak jaw and weak teeth are irreparably harmed during such fun. If the bite is disturbed from such entertainment, it is difficult to correct it.

Types of bite in dogs

Veterinarians and dog handlers call several types of mutual arrangement of the upper and lower incisors:

  • scissor bite;
  • direct bite;
  • undershot or progeny;
  • undershot bite

There are several other minor anomalies.

Scissor bite

Dog handlers so call the position when the upper incisors overlap the lower ones by 1-2 mm. It is important to ensure that with such a bite, the teeth do not touch. Otherwise, it will be the wrong bite. This type of bite is the normal position of the jaws for some breeds. For scissors are considered the standard.

In a scissor bite, the dog's upper incisors overlap the lower incisors by a couple of millimeters.

Level bite

The exact closure of the jaws is called a direct bite. The upper and lower teeth act like pincers. The jaws are the same length. With this position of the teeth, the surfaces are quickly erased, since they are in constant contact.

Snack or progeny

An overshot or bulldog jaw is characterized by protruding lower teeth. This is due to the fact that the length of the lower jawbone is greater than the length of the upper.

For a number of breeds, this arrangement of teeth is considered a major defect. For bulldogs, this is the breed standard.

undershot bite

The position of the teeth, in which the upper jaw significantly hangs over the lower jaw, is called undershot. The distance between the jaws is quite impressive due to the fact that the lower jaw is much shorter than the upper. It is considered a disadvantage for all breeds.

Other possible violations

Other anomalies in animals are also possible. teeth can grow in 2 rows. Some individuals have an excess or missing number of teeth. There are animals with inelastic lips. This is due to a small frenulum.

There are several different types of malocclusion in dogs, varying in severity.

Bite defects are also possible:

  • cross - when closing, the lower incisors go beyond the front;
  • skew - the consequences of an incorrectly formed jawbone;
  • open - the teeth do not close when the jaw is closed.

Various causes of malocclusion are not only an aesthetic problem. Does such a defect affect the health of the animal?

What are the consequences of malocclusion

In addition to poor heredity, the consequences for the health of the animal can be deplorable. The main and main disadvantage is that the chewing function of the pet is disturbed. As a result, the digestive system suffers. Appear overweight, shortness of breath. Service dogs lose speed, endurance, decorative - appearance.

Another point is the poor grasping ability of the animal. For some breeds, this is a significant drawback that knocks the animal out of action. This is important for service breeds - shepherd dogs, guard dogs, bloodhounds.

As a consequence of trauma to the jaw and head, dogs lose their sense of smell completely or the ability to distinguish smells is significantly reduced. This is important for bloodhounds, service dogs.

Incorrect bite can lead to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Elimination Methods

Whatever the age of the animal, it is impossible to solve the problem on your own. You can correct the anomaly until the animals reach the age of 5-12 months.

Important! Only the veterinarian will correctly decide how to correct the defect, determine the method of treatment. The task of the owner is to strictly follow the instructions of the specialist.

For puppies, this may be a nutritional boost with the inclusion of various vitamin supplements. There may be special massages and exercises for the development of certain muscles and bones.

Dogs are getting braces. They are of 2 types. Removable silicone. Installed on the incisors for constant uniform pressure on the teeth. Tighten them up as needed.

Fixed - a system of pins or plates. As the teeth grow, it is tightened. For adults - surgery. In any case, the doctor decides what and how to do.

Before you decide to correct your pet's teeth, you should decide how necessary it is.

Prevention of malocclusion

At the initial stage, the baby's nutrition should be adjusted. The puppy should receive the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins. This is especially true of bone-forming elements - calcium, vitamin D.

Playing with puppies before the change of teeth should be done very carefully.

When playing with a young animal, it is necessary to correctly calculate the strength. Allow the dog to pull the toy on its own. In this case, the strength of the animal will develop without damage to the bite.

It is worth keeping an eye on what and how the baby gnaws. This way the owner will save the animal and his house from problems. Pet stores offer a wide range of rubber toys for dogs. They are designed for different loads, so they are suitable for dogs of various breeds.

Do not hit the dog in any way. Any corporal punishment leads to injuries not only psychological, but also physiological.

For many dog ​​breeds, bite is important. The owner decides what to do with the problem. Incorrect jaw position can lead to major health problems, professional unsuitability. Timely detected problem and proper treatment correct the situation.

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