What does incorrect closure of canines mean in dogs. Correction of bite in dogs with braces. Mouthguard made of transparent material

In our gallery you can see what it looks like: scissor bite in dogs photo, correct bite photos of dogs, the correct bite of a Yorkie photo, the correct bite of a chihahua photo and many other photos.

Why is it important to know if your dog's bite is correct? The answer is simple. Malocclusion in pets, it can cause a lot of trouble: it makes it difficult to chew food, causes chronic diseases stomach, intestines, affects general state animal. In addition, the wrong location causes injury to the mucous membrane. oral cavity. Dogs with malocclusion do not participate in exhibitions, as bite pathologies are often genetic in nature.

The reasons for the formation of malocclusion can be: the absence in the body essential minerals, games during the formation of teeth with an incorrect load, hereditary deviations, and so on.

Very often, malocclusion problems are characteristic of small decorative breeds of dogs. We have selected material for you: Yorkie bite photo, French Bulldog bite photo, Chihuahua bite photo.

Correction of malocclusion in dogs is possible with the use of removable and permanent orthodontic structures. Braces, with special adjustable arches, are attached to the teeth with a special adhesive, exerting pressure on the teeth, physically guide them into the desired position. It is worth noting that the alignment of the bite in dogs is a lengthy process.

Incorrect bite in dogs photo

Dog braces for bite alignment

Scissor bite in a dog, photo

Correct bite in a dog, photo


French bulldog bite, photo

Dog teeth alignment, photo

Chihuahua bite photo

Bite in a dog, photo of a pug

What does an overbite look like in a dog?

Scissor bite, photo violations

Malocclusion is one of those troubles that makes a puppy to be classified as a breeding marriage. But if you need a dog not for exhibitions, then you can take the one you like and try to fix the problem yourself. So, we learn about the causes of undershot bite and the possibilities of its elimination.

What are the types of bites?

The correct bite in dogs is a scissor bite. This is the most dense closure of the teeth of the lower and upper jaws at the time of their connection. For thoroughbred dogs it is very important that there are not even slight deviations from the standard.

An undershot bite is a pathology in which the canines of both jaws and molars wear out quickly due to too tight fit to each other.

Snacking is the opposite. It is the norm for representatives of some breeds. Bulldogs, for example, belong to this category. For other dogs, this is a pathology caused by insufficient length. facial bones skulls and ledge forward mandible.

Causes of undershot bite in dogs

With this pathology, the lower jaw is always shorter than the upper and lower teeth moving away from teeth upper jaw back. The degree of such a departure just affects the further forecast. When the gap is more than one centimeter, then there is a high probability of injuring the palate of the upper jaw with the fangs of the lower jaw. Undershot bite is a vice and is unacceptable in any breed.

Experts are convinced that the main cause of the problem is genetic predisposition breed representative. In other words, undershot bite is inherited, and this is 90% of cases.

In other cases, the breeder who fed the puppy incorrectly is to blame for the malocclusion. Significant undernutrition, vitamin deficiency, infectious diseases during the change of teeth they threaten the dog with the formation of the above gap.

What to do with undershot bite?

It is possible to diagnose the problem only after a complete change of teeth in a dog. Sometimes a minor undershot bite is corrected without any intervention, but only when the problem with the bite is not hereditary.

Today, many dog ​​breeders recommend correcting the puppy's problem with the help of massage and special games - dragging the object captured by the dog with his teeth. But experts doubt the effectiveness of such a correction. After all, what a dog has is genetically laid down, then it should grow.

To correct undershot bite, if the puppy's fangs injure the palate, you can lightly bite off the tips of these teeth with pliers. But it is better to entrust such a procedure to a specialist, although, in essence, it is painless and does not require the use of anesthesia.

Veterinarians advise inexperienced dog breeders to more carefully monitor the diet of dogs to prevent undershot bite.

About braces for dogs

They are a structure in the form of wires connected in common system and attached to the teeth. Braces for dogs are made from an alloy of titanium and nickel, steel. Their use is the only possibility correction of undershot bite in a puppy. However, keep in mind that braces help only in mild cases.

The treatment regimen is determined by the dentist individually and depends on what result is to be achieved. By applying pressure on the teeth, braces force them to move in the right direction. Yes, the disadvantage of this method is the duration. After all, the process of moving teeth is not a week, but months.

There are a number of contraindications in setting braces to correct undershot bite. This is the presence of allergies in a dog, gingivitis, stomatitis, neoplasms.

During the period of wearing a wire structure, the dog needs daily and thorough oral care.

Before deciding on such a correction, the dog owner needs to think carefully. Does your student really need similar procedure? Please note that after effective correction biting a dog will not be allowed to exhibitions and to breeding, because jaw pathologies will pass to the offspring.

However, on the other hand, a dog suffering from the inability to chew food normally cannot do without bite treatment.

Therefore, at first you should make a decision on your own, then show the dog to the dentist and jointly decide whether it is advisable to install braces for the dog.

Bite is one of key indicators exterior of any dog.

Not only depends on bite appearance dogs, but also her health, because problems with teeth give rise to problems of organs gastrointestinal tract, breath and even the heart.

In some cases, jaw pathologies can cause injuries to the mucous membrane of the gums, tongue and cheeks of the dog.

Depending on the shape of the closure of the teeth, it is customary to distinguish between several types of bite in dogs.

The normal bite got its second name because of the similarity with scissors - when the jaws are closed, the incisors of the lower jaw fit snugly against the back of the upper jaw. Such a bite forms a strong and reliable "lock".

For the vast majority of dog breeds, it is the scissor bite that is the standard norm, and any deviation from it is a defect that excludes the dog from the number of breeding animals allowed for breeding.

Such severity is due to the fact that a normal bite is the most physiologically correct. It allows not only to chew food without injuring the teeth and gums of the dog, but also to make a strong grip, which is very important for service dogs.

With a pincer bite, the upper and lower incisors of the dog rest against each other, being in the same line.

Since the incisors take on a significant load for which they are not designed, they wear down faster than in a normal bite. Such a deviation practically does not affect the fangs and molars.

A direct bite can be either congenital (incorrect arrangement of the jaws relative to each other) or acquired (the incisors of the lower jaw are located at the wrong angle, tilted forward - due, for example, to excessively active games of pulling during the puppy's teeth change).

More serious pathology than a direct bite.

The lower incisors do not reach the line of the upper ones. In this case, fangs (too tightly pressed against each other) and molars (false-rooted) teeth suffer from excessive abrasion.

It is formed due to the shortening of the facial bones of the dog's skull. At the same time, the lower jaw protrudes forward, exposing not only the lower incisors, but sometimes the lower canines as well.

Undershot bite is a fault for most dog breeds, but there are a few breeds for which a bulldog bite is the norm (bulldogs).

Causes of malocclusion in dogs

Bite problems in dogs usually have a genetic origin. Therefore, it is extremely important not to allow animals with such deviations to be bred.

But sometimes other factors can be the reasons for the development of malocclusion.

Deviations from the normal bite are often found in dogs raised with violations of the rules of feeding or maintenance. It can be:

- lack of minerals in the diet of a pregnant bitch and puppies;

- injuries of the jaw received in childhood;

- games with excessive load on the teeth;

- untimely removal of milk teeth in case of their problematic change by permanent ones (too large, too tightly seated, etc.).

Correct an overbite adult dog quite problematic, and sometimes even impossible. Therefore, the owner of the dog should pay close attention to the condition of the teeth and jaw of his dog from its first days.

Puppy nutrition should be of high quality and complete. When feeding ready-made, you need to choose food designed specifically for puppies. Their composition is designed taking into account the needs of a growing organism in minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorus. If you feed a puppy, be sure to add vitamin and mineral supplements. It is better to choose the composition and dosage with the help of a veterinarian.

Check your puppy's teeth regularly, especially during their teething period (4 to 6 months of age). For most dogs, changing teeth is quick and easy, but sometimes there are complications. If you notice that growth permanent teeth interfere with milk teeth, contact them. You may have to remove them or buy special toys for the puppy that contribute to the natural loss of milk teeth.

AT early age bite defects can be corrected with a special rubber ring - the selection and installation of such devices is carried out by veterinarians specializing in dentistry and orthodontics.

Correction of bite in dogs with braces

In adult dogs, malocclusion can only be corrected with dog braces, which are non-removable devices that are connected wire parts made of medical grade stainless steel or a nickel-titanium alloy. The system of braces is developed individually, taking into account the characteristics of each patient. With its help, you can slightly move your teeth or expand them.

Simplified, the mechanism of braces can be represented as follows. Wire parts, pressing on the tooth, seem to weaken strength bone tissue in the direction of pressure. Since the tooth is not rigidly connected to the jaw, it begins to move a little bit in a given direction. The space freed from the tooth is gradually filled with bone tissue.

Braces for dogs have the same contraindications as braces for humans. If your pet is allergic, ulcerative stomatitis, gingivitis, or he has formations in the oral cavity, braces cannot be installed for him.

When installing braces, one more thing should be taken into account important point. Your dog should be ready for hygienic procedures - brushing his teeth. If you have made a decision about braces, start accustoming your dog to these activities in advance.

AT recent times more and more dog owners are turning to the problem of dental pathology in dogs, since dental diseases in pets are very often the cause chronic lesions stomach, intestines, skin, joints, kidneys, respiratory organs and even the heart. It is known that the state of the animal's digestive system affects both general well-being animal, and on its economically useful qualities.

Malocclusion in dogs is one of the most common pathologies of the oral cavity. It makes it difficult to eat and chew food. In addition, the incorrect position and shape of the teeth injure the mucous membrane of the gums, cheeks, tongue and lips and can cause sinusitis. Dogs with bite defects do not participate in exhibitions, and even successful correction bite in such animals does not allow them to take part in breeding work, tk. any pathologies of the jaws often have a genetic nature.

The reasons for the development of malocclusion can be:

Hereditary, genetic abnormalities;
- developmental disorder;
- games and training with an incorrect load on growing teeth;
- lack of minerals in the diet;
- injury;
- untimely change of teeth;
- mismatch between the size of the teeth and the size of the jaws, too large molars.

Orthodontics is a branch of veterinary dentistry dealing with the correction and prevention of malocclusion. On the this moment in the arsenal of a veterinary dentist is a large number of bite correction devices for both puppies and adults. The sooner an overbite is corrected in dogs, the easier and faster it can be achieved. good results. With age, the compaction of the jaw bones leads to a significant slowdown in the processes of bone remodulation. Bracket systems are special designs for teeth alignment and bite correction.

Puppies are born completely toothless. At 3-4 weeks from birth, their milk teeth begin to erupt. The incisors appear first (4-6 weeks), then the canines (3-5 weeks) and premolars (5-6 weeks). Total milk teeth is 28, after the change of teeth is normal dental formula dog is already 42 teeth, moreover, these teeth differ not only in number, but also in size. They are much larger than their dairy predecessors. But sometimes some animals have missing teeth (oligodontia) or the presence of extra teeth (polyodontia, hyperdontia).

The change of milk teeth and the eruption of permanent teeth begins at the 4th month in the following order: from 3 to 5 months, incisors change, from 4 to 7 month is coming change of fangs. From the molars, the first premolar first grows (at 4-6 months) and does not change (that is, it has no milk analogue), then three molars grow and also remain forever (5-7 months). Thus, by seven months, the change of teeth should be completely completed.

Small ornamental breeds In dogs, false polyodontia is often observed (non-loss of milk teeth, double row of teeth). The main reasons for this phenomenon:
- insufficient development of masticatory muscles,
- insufficient resorption of the roots of milk teeth,
- reduction in the size of the jaws and gums with teeth that are practically unchanged in shape,
dietary errors (mild and liquid feed lack of calcium in the diet).


Prognathia (undershot) is the underdevelopment of the lower jaw, when its incisors do not reach the upper ones. There may be a gap between the upper and lower incisors when the mouth is closed. The upper premolars are at least twenty-five percent forward of the lower premolars. Such a pathology of bite is not considered the norm in any breed.

Progenia (undershot, bulldog bite, reverse scissor bite) occurs when the lower incisors protrude in front of the upper ones. In some short-faced breeds (Boxers, English and french bulldogs, Shih Tzu) such a bite is considered the norm. When the upper and lower incisors touch each other at the edges, the occlusion is commonly referred to as a “punch bite”. Constant contact between upper and lower incisors can cause uneven wear, periodontal disease, and early tooth loss. A level bite is considered normal in some breeds, although it is actually a variant of progeny.

Front crossbite occurs when the canines and premolars on both sides meet normally, but one or more lower incisors are in front of the upper incisors. This position of the teeth can be caused by games of tug-of-war, retaining baby teeth, and is not considered a genetic or hereditary defect.

Crooked mouth, or crooked bite, occurs when one side of the jaw grows faster than the other. Crooked bite is a severe hereditary defect. Internal displacement of the position of the canines occurs when the lower canines are directed inward and often causes damage. upper sky. This position arises either due to preserved milk teeth, or due to an excessively narrow lower jaw.

Open bite in dogs it happens when some incisors are spaced vertically and do not touch each other. In this case, often the tongue of the animal hangs outward.

Unerupted teeth remaining in the jaw after the timing of their eruption are called impacted. This can be confirmed after a clinical examination and radiographs of the jaws. Deep-lying teeth may remain in the jaw for a long time. If they don't press on adjacent teeth, do not cause their resorption or migration, do not cause pain, it is not worth trying to cut them and put them in the dentition.

All types of appliances for bite correction can be divided into removable and non-removable (braces).

The latest achievement in veterinary orthodontics, transparent removable mouthguards (invisible braces) were originally developed for humans. Their main advantage for animals is a single anesthesia for the doctor to take accurate casts of the jaw. Possibility to remove mouthguards during meals and for hygiene procedures is also a significant convenience of this new methodology.

Invisible mouthguards, made of acrylic, closely adhere to the dog's teeth and put pressure on them in the right direction. Once every one or two weeks, the mouthguards are replaced with others that differ by 1-2 mm, thus gradually the teeth move in the right direction. The laboratory prepares a whole series of successive casts in order to move the teeth in small increments.

The dog should wear mouthguards for as many hours a day as possible. Pet owners should rinse and toothpaste these removable acrylic braces every day. In veterinary practice, the use of removable acrylic braces is still very limited, this is due to the high cost of this technology. More often, modified removable braces in the form of a rubber ring are used, which gives a good result in small puppies.

Fixed structures are fixed for the entire period of bite correction. At the same time, the orthodontist periodically tightens the plates, adjusting the degree of inclination and rotation of the corrected tooth. Thus, by changing the pressure on individual teeth and the dentition as a whole, it is possible to quickly correct the bite.

A bracket (from English - a bracket) is a complex orthodontic device consisting of locks and wire. Locks or braces are fixed on the teeth with a special adhesive. The wire can be different shapes and depending on this it exerts different pressure to solve certain orthodontic problems. The wire can be changed. The thicker its diameter, the greater the pressure exerted on the molars.

The key to success when using braces is compliance with the rules for caring for them, preventing mechanical damage when playing, avoiding solid food, bones. Contraindications for the installation of braces are allergies, periodontitis, neoplasms, ulcerative stomatitis.

An effective solution to orthodontic problems in dogs includes staging correct diagnosis, definition best way treatment (with the minimum amount anesthesia) and advice to the owners about the possibility of their animal's participation in breeding.

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