What to choose low-calorie porridge for weight loss, which will help you burn fat. Millet groats and its features. Diet cereals for weight loss: recipes

Being overweight is a problem for many people. Unfortunately, few people know how to get rid of it without harm to health.

Any cereals are suitable for weight loss, since the components included in their composition favorably affect the process of losing weight.

Useful properties and calorie content of cereals

Any cereal is useful in its own way, so you need to include different types of it in your diet.

What useful properties different types of cereals differ:

What cereals are the most useful for weight loss

Any of the diets should bring benefits and nutrients to the body. When choosing cereals for weight loss, one should take into account not only its effectiveness, but also its benefits.

For weight loss, it is better to choose whole grains:

  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • pearl barley

Kashi fast food are not useful, because they do not store vitamins in sufficient quantities.

The most effective and useful among many cereals is buckwheat. In most diets, it is she who is included in the main diet.

In most cases, cereals not only contribute to weight loss, but also improve bowel function, lower cholesterol, speed up metabolism, and improve the condition of hair and nails.

Diet cereal recipes

Buckwheat recipe

In boiling salted water, in a ratio of 1: 3, add buckwheat. Boil it over low heat until cooked.

Steamed or boiled and finely chopped zucchini can be added to warm porridge fresh cucumber. For taste, you can add a little olive oil.

rice recipe with vegetables

In two glasses of water, boil half a glass of rice, before that it must be thoroughly rinsed. Not bringing it to readiness, you need to add carrots, bell pepper, pumpkin (vegetables can be chosen to taste).

Millet porridge with dried fruits

Boil prunes, dried apricots and raisins in water. After readiness, dried fruits must be removed, and millet should be boiled in this broth.

The porridge should be cooked until it becomes viscous. After cooking, add boiled dried fruits to it.

Oatmeal with berries

Oat flakes are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1:2. It should be left for 25-30 minutes under the lid.

Before eating, in oatmeal oatmeal porridge any fresh or frozen berries are added.

Barley in a pot

Barley is boiled until half cooked. The beans are cooked separately.

At the bottom of the pot is placed finely chopped chicken breast, porridge, beans, onions and carrots. All this can be poured with vegetable broth.

At a temperature of 180 degrees, barley porridge cook for 35-40 minutes.

Barley porridge

With a calculation of 1: 3, cereals are poured into boiling water, with the lid ajar, it should cook for half an hour. After readiness, you can add fried vegetables to it with a minimum addition of oil.

Corn porridge in the oven

Washed corn grits are poured with boiling water and put in the oven in a pot. Cook until the water is completely absorbed into the porridge.

Lentil stew with vegetables

For three glasses cold water one glass of lentils is taken and cooked over low heat for 30-40 minutes. At this time, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots and onions should be fried in a pan.

After the lentils are ready, they are added to the vegetables and stewed for another 15 minutes. For a spicy taste, you can add garlic, rosemary or bay leaf.

Pea mash

Soak the peas overnight, then they will cook faster. On low heat, boil the peas for 45-60 minutes.

After it boils soft, it must be kneaded, served pea porridge good with steamed vegetables.

Flaxseed porridge

Such porridge does not require cooking. Flax seeds must be soaked in water, preferably overnight.

The water must be warm. The container with soaked seeds is covered with a lid and left in a warm place.

The next morning the product is ready for use. You can add herbs or vegetables to it.

Diet on cereals

Usually a diet on cereals for weight loss lasts from 6 to 10 days. During this period, it is recommended to use different types of cereals.

Each of its individual species has its own special properties that help to saturate the human body with useful substances.

The effect of losing weight comes as a result of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, in addition, salt, sugar and fats are removed from the diet.

Statistics show that in 6-10 days, it is possible to lose 2-5 kilograms. excess weight.

Although these are small indicators, but such a diet can be repeated often, it is absolutely harmless.

Diet rules:

Prohibited and permitted products

To make the taste of cereals not so bland, you can add the following products to them:

  • cinnamon;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • berries.

But the following list of products is better to remove from the diet:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • bakery products;
  • semolina.

It is necessary to leave the diet carefully, gradually introducing lean meat, sour-milk products and so on into your diet.

Diet for 7 days: menu

Find out the recipes for six weight loss cereals from the video.

Possible contraindications and harm from eating cereals

It became clear that cereals are considered a very useful product. Even so, they can be harmful to health.

This applies to some cereals, with excessive use of which the following problems can develop:

  1. diabetes due to excess starch in cereals.
  2. Washing out calcium from the body due to gluten.
  3. Problem with digestion.

Before you start a diet for weight loss on porridge, you should consult a doctor for advice and undergo laboratory tests.

Since childhood, everyone knows that cereals are very useful. This is an invariable breakfast in all kindergartens and schools, the right parents stuff their children with them in the morning. But adults themselves do not always like to dilute their food with this dish. daily diet. In the meantime, it is precisely such food that normalizes the microflora of the stomach, saturates the body huge amount useful substances, allows you to hold out without snacks until lunch and fills you with vital energy for the whole day.

One has only to realize all these benefits, and you will definitely fall in love with cereals. And if they are also dietary, they will contribute to rapid and lasting weight loss without any harm to health.

Benefits for weight loss

AT recent times Increasingly, nutritionists offer to actively use cereals, which are good for health and allow you to maintain harmony and beauty of the figure. If you are tired of diets, it's time to switch to new level nutrition and include carbohydrates in the diet, which are so necessary for vital energy. What do they give to a starving body and how do they contribute to weight loss?

Here is what happens in this case:

  • a long feeling of satiety, which allows you not to have snacks between meals;
  • providing the body with vital substances, which eliminates additional reception vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • cleansing of toxins, carcinogens, bad cholesterol, thanks to fiber, which is called a brush for the body;
  • performance improvement and good mood by converting carbohydrates into usable energy;
  • supplying the body with vegetable proteins, allowing to maintain muscle mass and not acquire stretch marks as a result of weight loss;
  • improvement of the stomach;
  • reduction in fat intake;
  • acceleration of lipolysis, which allows you to break down already accumulated fat deposits and prevent the appearance of new ones.

So there is no doubt that cereals really contribute to weight loss, and without any harm to health. It remains only to find out which cereal is better to choose for effective reduction weight and how to properly prepare and consume this unique dish.


Despite the fact that cereals are very useful for losing weight, they do not always end successfully. They have their own contraindications due to the fact that the diet of such hunger strikes is poor in protein. Its lack negatively affects the work of many internal organs, which can lead to undesirable consequences and complications.

Therefore, you should not use cereals for long-term and strict diets if you have the following health problems and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • lactation;
  • kidney failure;
  • taking powerful drugs;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • diabetes mellitus (with the exception of barley porridge);
  • celiac disease

In addition, keep in mind that if you choose exclusively low-calorie cereals for your diet, then it is recommended to reduce any stress on the body (physical, intellectual, emotional) in order to avoid exhaustion.

Pros and cons

To accept the right decision, to arrange weight loss on cereals or not, first evaluate all the positive and negative sides.


  • removal of salts;
  • cheapness;
  • the minimum number of contraindications;
  • saturation with vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements, polyunsaturated fats;
  • no side effects;
  • body cleansing;
  • Benefit for health;
  • prevention of oncology, cardiovascular diseases;
  • improvement of the pancreas;
  • satisfaction of hunger.


  • high calorie and high glycemic index can turn around reverse side- there were cases of weight gain, not weight loss;
  • hunger strikes are difficult to bear.
  • ban on sweeteners;
  • low efficiency: very slow weight loss;
  • fresh taste.

It is tempting that there are many more pluses than minuses, but it is on last list need to pay Special attention to be able to bypass them.

List with calories

To make it easier for you to choose cereals for weight loss, you can adopt following list. The calorie content per 100 g of porridge cooked in water is indicated in brackets. The second number in the fraction is the glycemic index. Both of these indicators are of great importance for weight loss. The lower they are, the better.

  1. Barley (76 kcal / 55) - suitable even for diabetics, contains a lot of phosphorus, speeds up metabolism.
  2. (78/56) - like a sponge, it absorbs and then removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  3. (80/80) - natural source simple carbohydrates and vegetable proteins that provide fast satiety.
  4. (86/70) - eliminates the processes of decay in the intestines, cooked from completely non-allergenic cereals.
  5. (88/50) - the leader in fiber content, which means that it is she who will qualitatively cleanse the body of debris.
  6. Pea (90/35) - also contains a lot of fiber.
  7. (90/55) - in honorary II place among dietary cereals after millet, is considered the most environmentally friendly, contains complex carbohydrates, for a long time satisfying hunger.
  8. (90/50) - stops the synthesis of fats, promotes their removal, the leader among dietary cereals.
  9. (100/35) - combines fiber and vegetable protein, which is very important when losing weight.
  10. (105/45) - differs in that it is able to regulate lipid metabolism, so it is simply necessary in the diet to remove fat.
  11. (109/25) - although not the most delicious, but one of the most useful.

Here is such a rating of healthy cereals that nutritionists offer us for effective and rapid decline weight without slightest harm for good health. All these cereals can be eaten as part of a diet or, and also included in breakfasts when organizing proper nutrition(which, by the way, is much more effective than any hunger strike).

Which is the best

The rating is, of course, good, but still, which cereal is the best from this list? How to choose it correctly in each individual case, in accordance with their individual characteristics? We suggest you pay attention to the following points.

  1. The lower the glycemic index, the slower the porridge is digested and the less fat the body stores in reserve. In this regard, pearl barley is optimal.
  2. The more vitamins and minerals it contains, the better. Many people know that the most healthy cereal- again, a perlovka. Therefore, it is recommended to choose it for long hunger strikes.
  3. The lowest calorie is barley, so it fits perfectly into any diet.
  4. If you listen to the opinions of nutritionists, then millet can achieve excellent results, which comprehensively affects the body and has practically no drawbacks. After that comes buckwheat.
  5. If you feel that excess weight is associated mainly with the slagging of the body, it is better to choose rice for weight loss, but you need to take cereals, which are much more useful than white.
  6. There are cereals that burn fat - this is wheat and millet.
  7. Diabetics can lose weight on barley, and allergy sufferers on corn.

When choosing, consider your taste preferences. If you, for example, hate barley, then you should not diet on it just because it has the lowest GI and contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. You must like the dish, otherwise you will break loose at the beginning of the journey.

"Black list"

Some nutritionists believe that not all cereals are equally useful for weight loss. There is a separate, "black list" of cereals that do not always have a positive effect on health. The facts are somewhat dubious, but they should still be taken into account when organizing such diets.

  • Manka

These are leftovers from the smallest grinding of wheat. She has little vegetable protein and vitamins. Almost 70% of its composition is starch. It also contains a complex mucopolysaccharide that is difficult to break down and digest. It inhibits the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • White rice

It is also called an empty calorie source. There are few vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you should opt for brown, wild and red varieties.

  • Instant Oatmeal

Oatmeal can be harmful if you use finely ground flakes, boiled in just 5 minutes. There is no fiber or anything else of value here.


How exactly to use porridge for weight loss? You can arrange special fasting days for them, short-term or long-term hunger strikes, mixed or mono-diets. You can always choose the option according to your needs.

  • Fasting days

It is recommended to eat 500 grams of porridge boiled in water per day. This volume must be divided into several (5-6) small portions. Welcome plentiful drink. In addition to one and a half liters pure water, you can drink 2-3 glasses. For such a hunger strike, it is better to choose the lowest-calorie cereals.

  • Diet for 3 days

You can choose the strict option when the menu repeats unloading day. Losing weight will be stunning, but not everyone can withstand such a marathon. A more gentle option - for the day you need to share all the same 500 grams of porridge, but you can add greens to snacks or directly to the dish. Small amounts of low-calorie fresh vegetable salads are also allowed.

  • Diet for a week

The most popular option for a diet on cereals is a weekly one. Here you can already cook cereals in milk every other day. The list of allowed foods is expanding: unsweetened fruits, non-starchy vegetables, a couple of times a week - a small piece of boiled chicken breast.

If you like the results, such a diet can be extended for 10 and 14 days.

In addition, diets can be mixed and mono. The first option involves the use different types croup. For example, today you eat only pearl barley, tomorrow - millet, then - oatmeal, etc. A very convenient weight loss scheme, because it has a variety of diets that you definitely won’t get tired of. It is much more difficult to endure mono-starvation, when throughout the marathon you have to eat dishes from only one cereal. But, according to nutritionists, they are the most effective.

Now you know what dietary cereals can be used to prepare cereals as part of a diet. It remains to adopt a few nuances of such weight loss and select the appropriate recipes.

  1. Drink as much water as possible: up to one and a half liters a day.
  2. Start losing weight with a fasting day to test your strength.
  3. Do not immediately choose strict food systems with long lists of prohibitions. Let at first it will be any mixed variant.
  4. If you like the results, next time choose a mono fast with a more limited diet.
  5. Grains will provide you with carbohydrates, so be sure to exercise to turn them into energy, not fat stores.
  6. The main thing in preparing cereals for weight loss is not to add any sweeteners, salt, or any other ingredients to them. The recipe should be as simple as possible: water + cereal.
  7. If you cannot withstand such a bland diet, it is allowed to boil porridge in milk, or add a little salt, or add / pieces of unsweetened fruit.
  8. Follow the recommended serving sizes to avoid overeating: for breakfast - 150 ml, for lunch - 300, for dinner - 200. You can eat fruit for lunch, for an afternoon snack - drink a glass of fresh juice, smoothies, kefir.
  9. Keep in mind that for each cereal there is also a list of contraindications, as well as side effects that must be considered.

Remember: the better the cereal, the more useful the porridge will be and the faster the process of fat burning and weight loss will go. Therefore, note that brown rice should be preferred over white; natural oats, and not a product for instant food in bags; dry, not canned, etc. Learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.


And finally, recipes that will form the basis of your diet for the period of weight loss.

Universal Recipe

All diet cereals can be prepared according to one recipe. And you need to do this before going to bed, so that the next morning the dish is already waiting for you on the table.

  1. Rinse a glass of cereal.
  2. Pour in 3 cups of cold water.
  3. Boil, cook over medium heat for the right time.
  4. Remove from the stove, wrap in something warm.
  5. Leave to rest overnight.

Cooking time depends on the boiling of cereals. If, for example, oatmeal is ready in 10 minutes, then barley will have to be kept on fire for 30-40 minutes.

  • Oatmeal with milk (102 kcal)

Pour 50 gr oatmeal 1.5 cups of boiling milk. Cook for about 10 min.

  • Brown rice in the oven (89 kcal)

Soak 200 g of brown rice in 600 ml of cold water in the evening. Leave overnight. In the morning, strain, pour 400 ml of water over the new one again. Boil. Place the bowl in the oven for 40 minutes at 180°C.

  • Pea (90 kcal)

Rinse 200 g of dry peas several times, pour 1 liter of water, leave overnight. Strain in the morning, pour clean water again. Boil. Cook for half an hour without a lid. In this case, you need to constantly stir and remove the foam. To add taste at the very end of cooking, add salt.

  • Buckwheat with milk (118 kcal)

Pour a glass of buckwheat with 2 glasses of cold water. Boil. Boil 15 min. Strain, pour half a glass of 1% milk into the boiled cereal. Bring to a boil again. Cook no more than 5 minutes.

Try to include eating cereals in your daily allowance. Prepare porridge from them that promote weight loss. Choose the ones you like, look for the most low calorie recipes, experiment. Discover these dishes from a completely new perspective. Few foods contain carbohydrates for vital energy, and so many vitamins for health, and besides, they also take care of the figure. Forget about the hated breakfasts from childhood - now you make your own diet, on which your beauty depends.

The cereal diet is available to absolutely everyone and helps to lose weight without a nasty rumbling in the stomach. Find out which cereals are suitable for weight loss and how to cook them correctly in order to lose 1 kg per day!

In the 11th century, there are thousands of ways to say goodbye to extra pounds and gain a toned figure. diet, GYM's, swimming pools, hundreds of sports accessories - all this is used in order to be in shape and lead healthy lifestyle life. One of the convenient and simple methods weight loss is food based on dietary cereals.

Any weight loss program includes meals made from cereals. It is not for nothing that even in childhood, parents told us that cereals are very useful, and if we do not eat them, we will not grow up. And this is true, because cereals contain useful microelements, fibers, fiber and dozens of vitamins necessary to support muscle development and body performance.

Cereal porridge - important product nutrition to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances. Properly cooked cereals allow you to restore metabolism, improve well-being and appearance.

Diets based on low-calorie cereals have become popular among women. This method of eating allows you not to experience hunger, so you don’t need to “sitting” on this diet product. great power will.

Adhering to a cereal diet, you need to eat 100 g of porridge every three hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

The porridge diet has the following benefits:

  • cereals contain many useful elements for the human body;
  • easily digestible and perfectly combined with berries, fruits, vegetables, meat;
  • cereals do not contain preservatives;
  • cereals can be purchased at the grocery store, they are cheap and easy to prepare.

The big disadvantage of such weight loss is the leanness of the dishes. Porridges that are prepared for dietary nutrition should not contain flavorings, that is, neither salt nor sugar. Diet food based on cereals has its own contraindications. Do not use this diet if you have the following symptoms:

  • increased glucose content;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Do not use during any dietary regimen. alcoholic drinks! Alcohol gives the body artificial energy, thereby preventing the body from breaking down fatty tissues.

There are hundreds of cereal recipes that will burn fat, help you diversify the menu and enjoy the diet.


Buckwheat is a cereal known to every person since childhood. A useful product has the following qualities:

  • accelerates absorption and processing nutrients;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Buckwheat is called the food of heroes, as it contains more than a dozen useful substances. Phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, vitamins of the PP, E, B groups, amino acids, protein and many more elements - all this a person receives by eating buckwheat porridge.

It is interesting that stopping the course of weight loss on buckwheat and returning to a normal diet does not stop the effect on the body. Having restored the metabolism once, you will not gain weight and continue to lose kilograms further.

Diet with buckwheat great way remove fat deposits and tidy up the body and appearance.

Principles of nutrition on a buckwheat diet

To lose weight on a buckwheat mono-diet, you must strictly follow the diet! If you have chosen a mixed diet on cereal cereals, then it is important not to overeat buckwheat, as it is very nutritious.

Sticking to a buckwheat diet is quite difficult, but in order to effectively lose weight on buckwheat, you need to know some rules.

  1. Buckwheat porridge quickly "palls", after 4-5 days you will not want to see the classic boiled cereals. In this case, nutritionists advise diversifying the menu by adding local fruits to it, that is, apples, pears.
  2. In some cases, buckwheat mono-diet can cause constipation. To prevent this from happening, periodically add a small portion of oil to cereals.
  3. To get out of the buckwheat diet and get the most lasting effect after it, for 2-3 weeks every day you need to eat buckwheat, gradually reducing the dose and switching to a normal diet.
  4. Very rarely eating buckwheat porridge causes side effects. These include: loss of energy, increased time for sleep, bad feeling. In such a situation, nutritionists select a complex of vitamins, and advise taking it throughout the weight loss.

Don't forget to keep normal level water in the body. During the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water. Tea, coffee, natural juices are not prohibited during the buckwheat diet.

Recipes for classic buckwheat cereals

Buckwheat on the water - easy recipe cooking porridge for weight loss. The finished dish has only 140 kcal per 100 g of product.

To make boiled buckwheat, we need to take thoroughly washed buckwheat and fry it in a dry frying pan for several minutes. This method of processing will allow the porridge to acquire a rich taste and pleasant aroma. Pour water into the pan in the ratio of 1 cup of buckwheat to 2 cups of water. After the water boils, the cereal is poured into the pan. After boiling again, buckwheat porridge is covered with a lid and put on a minimum fire. The dish is cooked in about 20-25 minutes.

Also, cereals can be prepared for consumption by simply soaking it in water. To do this, in the evening you need to rinse the buckwheat well from impurities and pour it with cold water. Breakfast will be ready in 8 hours. This dish can be varied by adding ground nuts, dried fruits or honey.

It is also easy to cook this cereal by steaming.

Nutritionists believe that if the cereal swells in water, then it is best to eat it in this form, without subjecting it to heat treatment.

Steamed buckwheat is prepared as simply as possible: 2-4 hours before meals, the cereal is poured hot boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. If after a while all the liquid has not been absorbed, then the dish can be slightly warmed up in the microwave.

During the buckwheat diet, you can use any recipes and drink low-fat kefir or sour-milk products almost unlimitedly.

Recipes for buckwheat on kefir

Considered very effective complex for weight loss, based on kefir and buckwheat. The kefir-buckwheat diet is “tough” for the body, but it allows you to quickly remove excess body fat.

If you decide to stick to a strict buckwheat diet on kefir, then you need to know that you can “sit” on it for no more than two weeks, and after a course of weight loss, you must take a month-long break for normal nutrition.

Examples of recipes for buckwheat with kefir:

  1. To prepare the cereal, grind or use buckwheat flakes. The dish is prepared as follows: a glass of buckwheat is poured with half a liter of low-fat kefir and infused at room temperature for at least 12 hours. Buckwheat in kefir is ready!
  2. 200 g of buckwheat is thoroughly washed with boiling water, then poured with two glasses of low-calorie kefir. The saucepan is closed, the cereal is infused for at least 24 hours.

You can eat buckwheat with kefir of this preparation without limiting yourself in the number of meals, the main thing is that one serving of the dish does not exceed 200-250 g.

Buckwheat prepared in any way is often combined with the consumption of kefir. In this case, prepare one serving of porridge and divide it into four parts. After eating one portion, it is washed down with a glass of kefir. During such a diet, you can drink unsweetened tea, coffee, water and natural juices. Stick to this unloading diet should be no more than a week.

Green buckwheat

Habitual buckwheat grain goes a long way before getting to the store shelves. It is dried for a long time, fried, killing some useful elements. Therefore, today you can often find references, as well as see green buckwheat in stores. A popular product among raw foodists gathers its audience among those who want to lose weight.

In fact, the raw grain is almost the same as the "standard", but the absence of the roasting element allows it to keep large quantity magnesium, which affects the tone of the body, and vitamin A.


Green buckwheat is not subjected to preliminary heat treatment; instead of standard preparation, it is germinated.

Before starting the germination process, the cereals are thoroughly washed with lukewarm running water. Then wet it is laid out on a thin cloth and covered with another layer of damp cloth or gauze. After 9-10 hours, more water is added to the cereal. When sprouts appear, buckwheat is ready for use.

Dishes based on sprouted cereals do not belong to fast mono-diets, however, they allow you to slowly and painlessly lose weight, reducing weight by 2-3 kg per week.

Most often green buckwheat goes like additional ingredient to warm or classic vegetable salads. With a slightly sweet taste, sprouts go well with green salad, tomatoes, sweet peppers and herbs. Such a salad is usually seasoned with olive oil or soy sauce.

Buckwheat sprouts are often added to nutritious smoothies. A cocktail based on kefir, dill, sprouted cereals and ginger will be an excellent breakfast and will help to effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

You should not try to cook porridge from green buckwheat, as in the end you will get a kind of jelly!

Salad with bread

For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • sprouted buckwheat 200 g;
  • bread rolls 8 pcs.;
  • olive or linseed oil 4 tbsp;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Bread rolls must be finely crumbled with your hands and mixed with sprouts. Chop the greens, add it and spices to the main ingredients, season with oil.

Salad with tomatoes

You will need the following products:

  • sprouted buckwheat 200 g;
  • tomato 2 pcs.;
  • olive or linseed oil 2 tbsp;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Cut tomatoes into cubes, mix them with buckwheat sprouts. Chop greens. Mix all the ingredients, season with oil, add spices.


Oatmeal takes pride of place in the list of the best cereals for dietary nutrition. A nutritious and low-calorie cereal that will help you lose weight quickly, tidy up your skin, and if you have physical activity increase muscle mass.

Oatmeal an indispensable dish that will help you "wake up" the body for a fruitful and active working day, so it is often eaten for breakfast.

Benefit and harm

Oatmeal-based dietary nutrition has its pros and cons.

Positive aspects of the diet:

  1. Time for preparing. Oat flakes can be cooked in five minutes - just pour boiling water over them.
  2. Lack of hunger. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates that allow you to quickly get enough.
  3. Favorable effect on the body. Fiber improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, removing harmful substances.
  4. Efficient fat burning. A strict diet based on oatmeal will allow you to “throw off” more than 8 kg in 1-2 weeks.

In spite of positive impact, such food has some disadvantages:

  1. Monotony. Oatmeal porridge has a specific flavor and quickly becomes boring.
  2. Lack of vitamins. Due to the fact that oatmeal does not contain the whole complex of substances necessary for the body, long-term use diet can lead to beriberi.

Nutritionists advise eating oatmeal in the morning, as the average calorie content of cereal is 360 calories.


Oatmeal on the water

It is easy to prepare healthy porridge: you need to boil 400 ml of water and add an incomplete glass of cereal to it. Cook stirring constantly. Oatmeal is cooked for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Often fresh apples or berries are added to such porridge.

Oatmeal without cooking

The easiest, but longest cooking method. You need to start cooking such oatmeal in the evening. 100 g of cereal is poured into 250 ml hot water. To make it soft, it is very important to wrap the container with cereals well; you can also use a thermos for cooking. Breakfast is ready!

Some people, along with cereals, steam various dried fruits. Raisins, dried apricots, dates or candied fruits will give the dish a sweet and pleasant taste.

Porridge on kefir

It is prepared in almost the same way as when steaming. Half a glass of cereal is poured with kefir so that it completely covers the oatmeal. Future porridge is covered and swells in kefir for 12-14 hours at room temperature. In the morning, oatmeal should be warmed up in the microwave.

Oatmeal in a jar

Low-calorie porridge is prepared as follows:

  • 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal are poured into a jar of 250-500 ml;
  • cold milk with a low fat content is added to the container;
  • everything shakes well.

It takes 8-10 hours to insist porridge for weight loss. Since morning healthy oatmeal will be ready. Despite all the usefulness of lazy oatmeal, you can eat it only a few times, as it has a specific flavor. After a few breakfasts, many losing weight begin to fill the cereal with low-fat yogurt or other low-calorie fermented milk products.


A decoction of oats is gaining popularity among losing weight. A wonderful medicinal cereal drink has many qualities that are beneficial to the human body:

  • improves immunity;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • restores work gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • cleanses the body;
  • promotes weight loss.

So that the decoction helps to quickly throw off overweight, its reception must be combined with physical activity.

It is worth noting that many reviews on the nutrition forums say that while taking the decoction, it is desirable to reduce the consumption of protein foods for 1-2 weeks. People who continued to eat meat, fish and dairy products had serious stomach upsets.

The recipe for making a decoction for weight loss is very simple. For him, you need to take a glass of grain and pour it with 3 glasses of water. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave to boil over low heat. When half of the water has evaporated, the drink is ready.

In order for the decoction to more effectively contribute to weight loss, not ordinary, but sprouted grains are added to the drink.

The drink can be drunk 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.


There is a lot of controversy about whether oatmeal helps to lose weight. Many people believe that the drink simply fills the stomach, not allowing you to eat much, that is, it acts as ordinary water"deceiving" the body. Hundreds of reviews of those who are losing weight indicate that kvass does not affect weight loss in any way, but they also argue that drinking the drink is only beneficial.

The recipe for oatmeal kvass is very simple. For cooking classic drink you will need: half a kilo of oatmeal, a three-liter jar, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 liters of clean water.

All food ingredients are placed in a jar. The container is closed with gauze and left at room temperature for two days. When foam appears on the drink, the water must be drained, and again add sugar and water to the oatmeal. After 12-14 hours kvass is ready.


Oatmeal is a flattened and steamed cereal that has a corrugated structure. This method of processing can significantly reduce the cooking time of porridge.

Oat flakes are prepared according to the same principle as ordinary cereals, however, due to pre-treatment you can do it much faster.

To avoid wasting time preparing in the morning dietary breakfast you can use the following recipe:

Porridge without cooking

There are two ways to prepare flakes in this way: pour them warm water scald well in the evening, or in the morning, and then pour boiling water for half an hour.

In the second case, the porridge will turn out to be more “coarse” and raw, but it will saturate the body very well and allow for a long time don't think about dinner.


Smoothies are a great alternative to the classic breakfast for weight loss. A wonderful sour milkshake with oatmeal contains many useful substances, and is also a good nutritious product.

Anyone can make an oatmeal smoothie. A simple drink contains two main ingredients: oatmeal and a low-fat fermented milk drink. Various fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits are also added to it. An interesting and varied drink will help you lose weight quickly and tasty!

Smoothie Recipe Examples

Banana Raspberry Cocktail. Calorie content 92 kcal per 100 g.

For cooking you need: 1.5 peeled banana, 100 g raspberries, 75 g fat-free yogurt, a teaspoon of honey, 25 g oatmeal flakes.

Bananas are cut into small pieces with a knife, after which, along with all the ingredients, they are sent to the blender bowl. The cocktail is whipped until smooth. Let the drink brew for 5-7 minutes, breakfast is ready!

Smoothie "Fruit". Calorie content 73 kcal per 100 g.

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, 100 ml of low-calorie milk, pitted cherries 50 g, 2 big apples, 2 peeled bananas, a glass of fat-free kefir, a tablespoon of honey.

Apples are peeled and cores are cut into small pieces, bananas are also crushed. warm milk you need to pour the flakes and let them swell for about 10-15 minutes. After that, pour all the ingredients into a blender bowl and grind until smooth. Happy weight loss!

You can’t completely replace regular meals with smoothies. Nutritious smoothies are great for breakfast and snacks.


Oatmeal jelly has been known among the Russian-speaking population for many centuries, but they began to forget about it because of the large number of "goodies" sold in shops and cafes.

Kissel from oatmeal has almost the same properties as ordinary cereals, however, due to the effect of fermentation, probiotic qualities are more pronounced in it, which affect the improvement of the stomach and intestines.

Kissel is an enveloping drink. It can be used by people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, hyperacidity and other diseases.

An overdose of oatmeal jelly can cause indigestion. The drink should not be consumed more than 2-3 times a day.

Numerous reviews from those who want to lose weight claim that the drink will help restore metabolism, lower blood cholesterol levels and perfectly satisfy hunger. Therefore, despite the fact that oatmeal jelly from hercules is very nutritious, you can safely start cooking it.

For jelly, you only need 250 g of oatmeal, a liter of clean water and time. To prepare a drink, you need to pour cereal with water. room temperature for 8-10 hours. After a viscous liquid has formed, the precipitate must be removed, and the liquid boiled and cooled. You can add ground cinnamon or honey to the jelly.

Drinking 3 cups of oatmeal jelly, you will lose 2-3 kilograms in one week.


Households will surely delight oatmeal cookies home cooking. Interesting diet dish will allow you to keep yourself in shape without "breaking down" on sweets.

For cooking you will need:

  • oatmeal - 300 g;
  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • prunes - 50 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Preparing a dessert for weight loss is very simple: all the ingredients need to be crushed and mixed with honey. When the dough is ready, you should form cookies. The dessert is baked for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.


An excellent nutritional supplement made from oat hard shells will become indispensable assistant in weight loss for anyone. Nutritious oat bran has the following properties.

  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels. Bran contains twice as much nutrients, fiber and soluble fibers, which do not allow cholesterol to enter the circulatory system through the stomach.
  • Appetite control. A small portion of an oatmeal supplement can easily replace a regular meal. Once in the stomach, bran swells, creating the effect of satiety.

Oat bran besides its own positive qualities have all the benefits of cereal, while having a calorie content of only 74 kcal per 100 grams.

Oat bran is not cooked, they are added to pastries, soups, cereals. In some cases, the additive is insisted on fermented milk drinks or water.

Do not eat more than three tablespoons of oat bran per day. Exceeding the dose causes severe stomach upset.


Oatmeal, produced under the Hercules brand, has been known to everyone since kindergartens, since oatmeal porridge was the main breakfast for children preschool age. Because of this, many people do not like this extremely useful and nutritional product. However, if you want to lose weight, these cereals are indispensable.

Hercules flakes are made from processed, crushed oats that have passed through smooth rolls. At the moment, they are used in many recipes, and are also added to muesli, minute porridge, and cereal mixtures.


Classic oatmeal porridge will help you save the maximum amount of time for preparing breakfast. Flakes just need to be poured hot water in a ratio of 1:2, cover and let stand for five minutes.

Such oatmeal porridge can be eaten three times a day, without any consequences. To make oatmeal more satisfying, they often add low-fat kefir, honey, dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries.

It’s easy to make oatmeal with kefir, but in order for the flakes to become soft, you need to take care of food 2-3 hours before eating.

For cooking, you need to take 100-150 flakes and completely fill them with low-fat kefir. This recipe also applies to "lazy" cooking.

Barley porridge

Barley is not a popular cereal in conventional cooking, however, it is effective tool for weight loss.

Pearl barley has many positive qualities:

  • Vitamins, amino acids, macronutrients, minerals contained in cereals allow you to put in order the skin, hair, nails and the body as a whole.
  • Barley is an excellent natural antiseptic.
  • Porridge made from pearl barley, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the removal of excess fluid, and activates the burning of fat cells.
  • The cereal is hypoallergenic.

A diet based on barley porridge has no contraindications and is considered one of the most effective. A "hard" diet allows you to lose at least 1 kilogram per day.

According to nutritionists, you can stick to a pearl barley diet for no more than a week.


The first method of preparation is the simplest: pour the cereal in the evening with warm water. Wash thoroughly in the morning and cook for 20-30 minutes. For a glass of pearl barley, you need 3 glasses of water.

Barley in vegetable broth

It will require: one and a half liters of water, 350 g of pearl barley, one onion, 2 carrots, herbs and spices to taste.

Onions and carrots must be peeled and fried a little in a pan without using oil. After they need to be lowered into water and make vegetable broth based on them. Take out the ingredients.

The cereal must first be thoroughly washed. Pour boiling water over and let stand for half an hour. Next, pearl barley and spices are added to the broth. Everything is cooked for 40 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Diet "Pushkin"

There is one interesting technique for losing weight on pearl barley - the Pushkin diet.

It lies in the fact that only the following products can be used:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • cabbage;
  • fish.

In the evening you need to soak 100 gr. barley, boil it for 20 minutes in the morning. A serving of porridge is divided into 5 meals.

Diet for the day:

  1. 200 ml low-fat kefir, porridge;
  2. pearl barley;
  3. porridge, 100 g of steamed fish;
  4. a portion of porridge, an unlimited amount of cabbage;
  5. pearl barley.

When dieting, it is important to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Diet cereals can be called the main source of carbohydrates in the diet of a person who wants to lose weight and who adheres to the principles of proper nutrition.

Most often, diet cereals for weight loss are prepared from cereals, which provide the body with energy. Unlike sweets and flour dishes, cereals contain mainly complex carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed by the body. Thus, the sugar level rises very slowly. The fact is that sharp rise the amount of glucose in the blood causes the release of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that converts excess sugar into fat.

In addition to slow carbohydrates, dishes such as cereals contain a large number of fiber. Fiber is a coarse fiber that is not digested into digestive tract. The main function of fiber is cleansing. Fiber is able to rid the intestines of toxic compounds. Also, cereals are rich in vitamins and minerals that can satisfy, if not all, then many of the body's nutritional needs.

Dietary porridge is cooked on water, without adding oil and sugar. In most cases, salt is also not added to it.

Diet oatmeal

Pour half a cup of milk and half a cup of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Then one third of a cup of oatmeal should be poured into the boiling mixture, as well as three tablespoons of powdered fiber. You need to salt it all and cook over low heat for about seven minutes. After this time, the fire should be turned off, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for another couple of minutes. This dish contains the necessary human body amino acids, vitamins, slow carbohydrates and fats. Oatmeal perfectly saturates, as a result of which a person does not feel hunger for a long time.

Diet semolina porridge

Semolina porridge is known to many since childhood. It is quite satisfying and high in calories, which is very important for a growing body. active child. Many nutritionists believe that such cereals cannot contribute to weight loss, but this is not entirely true. Just do not eat it all the time and too much.

Semolina is finely crushed grains of wheat. In the finished dish, this cereal does not contain fat at all, while it is rich in proteins and carbohydrates. The calorie content of semolina is not the lowest, but still not the highest. You just don't need to increase it by adding butter, jam or sugar. In order to diversify the dish, you can add dried fruits and fresh fruits.

Buckwheat porridge

There are two common options for preparing a dietary version of buckwheat. In the first case, the cereal is poured into a deep bowl and then poured with boiling water. The hot water level should be about a couple of centimeters higher than the level of the cereal. After that, the bowl is covered with a lid and placed in a warm place until the cereal is completely swollen.

The second option for preparing dietary buckwheat porridge involves the use of fat-free kefir instead of hot water. Layer it fermented milk product should completely cover the grain. The dish is ready to eat after the buckwheat is completely swollen.

Buckwheat contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as fiber and slow carbohydrates. Such a product not only effectively satisfies the feeling of hunger, but also cleanses the digestive system, removing harmful compounds from the intestines.

When preparing millet porridge for weight loss, it is necessary to pour water into a saucepan and pour cereal into it. In this case, the proportion should be observed for one part of the cereal three parts of the liquid. It is necessary to let the water boil, after which the liquid should be drained. After that, water is poured into the pan again and the semi-finished porridge is put on fire. The water should boil again. It is necessary to let the cereal boil for five minutes over medium heat, which turns off after this time. You can add to the finished dish if you wish. a small amount of honey. You can also add fresh fruits or dried fruits to millet porridge. And any, millet is combined with any.

Millet is a source of vegetable protein, so the dish can be eaten by those who have problems with the digestion of the animal, to balance with the diet.

Diet rice porridge

Rice is common in Asian countries, whose inhabitants are slender. Rice effectively removes from the body excess water and toxic substances. However, it is worth noting that only a non-polished product is useful. The fact is that most of useful substances that rice contains are contained in its shell. So white polished rice cannot be called a useful product with full confidence.

For cooking rice porridge to reduce weight, it is necessary to boil cereals in water without adding sugar and salt.

Fresh fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as glucose and fiber. This product goes well with cereals. An exception, perhaps, is buckwheat, which has a pronounced taste that is incompatible with sweet fruits.

Barley porridge

Perhaps the most dietary porridge. For one glass of cereal, you need to take three glasses of water. Water must be poured into the pan and put on the stove, after the liquid boils, the cereal is poured. Porridge is cooked for twenty-five minutes, while it must be stirred occasionally. Salt is not needed.

This dish is rich in B vitamins, protein and an element called selenium. Regular consumption barley porridge at diet food helps to slow down the aging process of the body and prevent the development of malignant neoplasms.

It must be boiled in water, but if you cannot often eat fresh food, then you can add skimmed milk. If desired, dietary porridge can be seasoned with sauces, as well as dietary dressings, although you should not be zealous.

In addition, to make the dish tastier and diversify your diet, you can add fresh fruits, peeled and cut into small pieces, honey, dried fruits and nuts to the finished dish. Such additives help diversify the diet, give it quite a simple dish new taste and make your diet more balanced in terms of the amount of vitamins and microelements consumed.

There are a large number of diets based on the use of cereals, but it is worth noting that such diets should not be long. Grain, of course useful product However, the consumption of cereals alone, even different cereals, cannot fully cover the needs of the human body.

Long diets on cereals often allow you to quickly lose a large amount of weight, but this is a very unstable result and lost kilos will return quickly. To prevent this from happening, you need to add dietary meats to your daily diet, lean fish as well as fruits and vegetables.

When consuming cereals, you should not eat at the same time with them. fatty foods and fried foods, since the combination of fat and carbohydrates contributes to weight gain. Also, you do not need to add oil and fatty dressings to the finished dish, as this nullifies all the benefits of cereals for weight loss.

Diet porridge in a slow cooker

The slow cooker is a relatively recent invention that has made people's lives much easier. Cooking porridge in a slow cooker is simplified to the limit. It is only necessary to pour cereal into the bowl, taking into account the fact that during cooking it will swell two or three times. After that, water is poured into the bowl, the level of which should be about two centimeters higher than the level of the cereal. After that, the lid closes and a specific program is set for cooking. this dish. In this case, you can program the household appliance in such a way that the dish starts cooking immediately, or so that it is ready at a certain time, for example, in the morning.

If you go a little deeper into history, it becomes clear that it was cereals that have always been the basis of nutrition in Rus'. Our ancestors passed this tradition on to us. After all, it is porridge that is most suitable for the body of a Slavic person. From them we can get everything we need for healthy life Literally everything you need!

But what are we seeing today? And today the picture is this: nutritionists are sounding the alarm - modern man radically changed his food system. It almost completely lacks coarse fibers and. Our food contains almost no minerals and vitamins. Most people have switched to soft foods that are easy and quick to digest, and refined to boot! And it hurts a lot digestive system and the whole organism as a whole. After all, improper digestion leads to metabolic disorders and pathological (irreversible) changes in other human organs.

And the consequences come in the form serious illnesses, which in recent years very much "rejuvenated". The number of cardiovascular, allergic, oncological and other diseases is rapidly growing. But this could have been avoided if we switched to a healthier lifestyle and nutrition in particular. After all, nature has already taken care of everything! If our food had more fiber and vital trace elements, the health of many would have improved dramatically! All vital elements for a person are incorporated in whole grain cereals and legumes.

Doctors and researchers around the world unanimously declare that the use of diet cereals for breakfast(precisely in the morning), can work wonders with our body! You just need to decide which porridge is most suitable for you, because the whole effect will depend on this.

Below is sample list cereals and their beneficial properties.

Barley grits

Contains: B vitamins, selenium, protein.

The cereal itself is a finely crushed barley kernel. Helps bring out heavy metals from the body, has a good anti-aging effect and even is the prevention of cancer.


Contains: folic acid, protein, iron.

Belongs to the legume family. Lentils lower blood sugar levels. It has a good effect in diseases of the duodenum.


Contains: rare amino acids, proteins, fats.

Oatmeal is considered dietary product. But at the same time they are very nutritious. oatmeal has high content soluble fiber, so it helps lower blood cholesterol levels.


Contains: proteins, protein, carbohydrates, practically no fat.

In fact, semolina is wheat grains, only very finely crushed. This - good recipe. Just think, in a serving of semolina, calories are 2 times less than in buckwheat, which has always been considered a dietary product.


Contains: minerals, proteins, iron, carbohydrates.

in peas great content proteins, due to which this porridge is very nutritious. It is recommended, for example, to patients with rehabilitation period. So it definitely doesn't fit.


Contains: potassium, iron salts, manganese, cobalt.

Pearl barley

Contains: B vitamins, selenium, minerals, protein.

Perlovka is peeled barley grain. It is a powerful antioxidant.

Wheat groats or millet

Contains: vitamins, protein, carbohydrates.

One of the most delicious cereals. Inferior to the presence of valuable protein only rice and buckwheat. Promotes proper digestion of food.

Rice white

Contains: vitamins of groups P and B, starch.

Rice removes salt from the body, preventing them from being deposited. Promotes metabolism, and treatment of polyarthritis.

It is also important how the porridge will be cooked and with what foods it will be eaten.

It has long been proven that cereals are best combined with fruits, and it does not matter in what form they are: raw, dried, canned, etc. So feel free to experiment!

And finally, great diet breakfast recipe- fruit porridge.

For cooking we need:
- 200 grams of wheat or oat flakes
- 1 carrot
- 1 egg
- 1 apple
- half a glass of your favorite fruit juice
- sugar and salt to taste.

Three carrots on a coarse grater and combine with cereal. Pour the mixture with boiling water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir occasionally. Add a pinch of sugar and salt. The resulting porridge needs to be cooled slightly, and then added to it. egg yolk. Peel the apple from the skin and chop finely. Pour it with fruit juice and mix with carrot porridge. Beat the whole mixture with a mixer or blender until smooth. Porridge is consumed hot, so it must be thoroughly warmed up before serving.
Enjoy your meal!

Anastasia Duduka
Women's magazine JustLady

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