Why dream of picking apples in a dream. Why dream of big apples on a tree

Collecting apples in a dream embodies the stage in which you will be limited to the results achieved in reality. The interpretation of such a dream is in most cases determined from a specific person. In this regard, in order to understand why you dream of picking apples, you need to remember in detail the dream vision, its meaning and emotionality, determine the chain of events, and ultimately supplement all this with explanations from dream books.

Consider in a dream picking the fruits of apple trees, the dream book explains as the nearest reward for work, proportional to the effort expended. In the hope of finding out more widely why such a vision is seen, one should reproduce in memory all the details when picking apples, besides the quality and their number.

When in a dream it happened to pick fruits from the ground, this means, according to the dream book, one should be wary of deception and hypocrisy from loved ones. For young girls, such a picture may indicate the impious intentions of your partner, his betrayal of you.

I had a dream where a sleeping person was lucky enough to pick apples directly from the branches of a tree, prophesies a positive period for any activity and active work in order to realize long-standing plans. Before embarking on the implementation of the planned, everything should be thought out and measured in detail. When the fruits hang very high, one should think about changing the life advantages.

Quality and appearance of apples

In order to determine what fruit picking is seen in a dream, you need to focus on the surface appearance, integrity and number of fruits. Unripe apples characterize the dreamer's unpreparedness to make commitments; rotten - it is considered to be the basis for performing a "cleansing" among their friends; with the estate of all kinds of insects - chagrin in the second half, or a close friend.

A suspicious deal, a trick, a bad stage for signing serious contracts, provocative actions from competitors - this is all that entrepreneurs dream of picking reddened apples in night dreams. When the dreamer was lucky enough to overcome negative external factors, then profit will be guaranteed to him.

For girls who picked red ripe apples, the dream book prophesies the upcoming conception of a child.

The dream interpretation of picking green apples explains the dreamer's good health, healing - a sick person, a man - fresh partnerships, a woman - the likelihood of realizing long-standing plans.

The dream books ambiguously interpret the vision, where it was possible to collect yellowish apples. First of all, such a picture can warn a sleeping person about a negative life period, interconnected with unreliable rumors and tricks directed against the dreamer. In the second turn - prophesies a fun leisure time together with comrades and acquaintances.

Collecting small-sized apples in a dream is explained by the dream book as minor worries and diligent deeds that expend energy, time and perseverance. Large fruits portend happiness, peace, self-confidence, activity and good health.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 02/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

1. my dream.
2. why dream of picking apples?
3. why dream of picking apples: on the days of the week?
4. joke.

1. my dream.

An apple orchard bathed in moonlight. Pale silver path leading further and further into the depths of shady branches and trunks. And huge bulk apples pulled out of the darkness by bright moonlight. All are perfect as per choice. But the hand involuntarily reaches for the brightest, most appetizing, most ... most. And even though there is already a whole basket of the very best at the feet, it seems that it is he who is missing. And only the stalk breaks, leaving the fruit in the palm of your hand, as the sensations of burning pleasure, which fills every cell of the body, fill from the inside. The basket is completed, and now you are not just a person. Now you are a king, a god himself. Apple king and god.

And the feeling of euphoria exalts to heaven.

2. Why dream of picking apples?

It was this "apple" dream that made me think about the meaning of collecting these fruits in a dream.

It is always a symbol of the result of your activity, some kind of natural or not very its outcome. It is quite logical that picking good quality apples will be a sign of prosperity: in the near future you will have a chance to reap the fruits of your success. Wormy and rotten, they portend the troubles associated with excessive trust: it is better not to rely on even close people in everything; possible betrayal or betrayal.

It is also worth paying a little attention to how you pick apples in night vision. So, for example, picking apples from a tree will symbolize pure, unsullied success, while picking them from the ground will become a symbol of possible failures, obstacles or deceptions. Moreover, this applies to ripe apples. If you collect unripe, but completely edible fruits, then you are only at the beginning of your journey, which can lead to both success and defeat. But picking very small apples from the branches is an indication not so much of the result as of its cause: you are afraid to take on excessive responsibility, not to cope with the work, and therefore prefer “small things”, not allowing yourself to fully open up.

A separate aspect of the interpretation of "apple" dreams is the color of the fruit. It symbolizes the area of ​​your life in which changes will occur. Natural colors (red, yellow and green) are neutral interpreters that predict regular outcomes and calm events. Apples of bright colors, in which they cannot be painted in real life, are a warning of impending upheavals, a sign of surprise for which they are trying to prepare you. As for the direct relationship of interpretation to flowers, the red fruits embody the connection between the interpretation of sleep and the family-love sphere. Green - health and friendship. Yellow, depending on the context, can be interpreted from the position of both a career and reckless fun.

But the main criterion for interpretation is still the time at which you dreamed of picking apples.

3. Why dream of picking apples: on the days of the week?

dreams Sunday to Monday - these are subtle clues of the body about what it lacks in terms of emotional. Picking apples on such a night is a sign of fatigue and impending apathy. You want to be finally appreciated, you look forward to it, strive for it, whether it is recognition among friends, family, or gratitude at work. It is impossible to say for sure whether your aspirations will come true. However, you should either fence yourself off or hint to loved ones that you lack their support, otherwise you risk drowning in an emotional swamp.

The night vision Monday to Tuesday can be interpreted as praise from fate. You have already done everything to carve out a place for yourself under the sun, and now you can be content with its rays, thrilled by your own successes. The main message of sleep: do not be afraid, and your happiness will remain with you. Do not shy away from active actions, because while it is moving, no one will poke or come up.

At night for Wednesday picking apples in a dream takes on the color of self-realization and oratory. That is, your success will be expressed not so much in material terms as in spiritual terms: you will make the necessary acquaintances, go on a pleasant trip, or find self-expression in some new business.

From Wednesday to Thursday night visions, on the contrary, are entirely material and mundane. Let's face it, you're pretty sick of plowing for nothing and you really want to get your well-deserved reward already. The more apples in such a dream, the higher your ambitions and requests, which can be fully justified. One such dream promises for sure: something will happen soon, it will change your boring routine. And whether you are ready for this, whether you like the changes - you can find out all this by analyzing your feelings while picking apples in a dream. The more pleasant, the better.

Dream on Friday it can come true in the literal sense, promising a good walk somewhere in the garden of the suburbs, or it can symbolize victory or defeat on the fronts of feelings and creativity. Be careful with wormy apples: heart betrayals are possible, from which you can hardly recover.

During the period on Saturday picking apples is a rich life experience. Fate advises you to turn to your past actions in order to find a clue in them how to act in the current situation.

Dream on sunday about picking good apples portends a white streak in life, the beginning of which will mark either recovery, or a fateful meeting, or promotion. If the apples are rotten, on the way to success you will find a couple of obstacles made by envious people.

The old man always dreamed of grandchildren, but disobedient daughters brought only apples from the garden in their hem.

Apples in a dream have always been a sign of wisdom and healing power. The dream of picking apples is a favorable sign. Most often, such a dream is dreamed of by those who have passed the tests, and now deserve rewards and rest. The patient after such a dream will recover.

What if you dream of picking apples?

Often young people have a dream about how they pick juicy, ripe apples. Such a dream is a sign that a person will soon become even more experienced and will be able to use his skills to the benefit of both others and himself.

For entrepreneurs, such a dream promises a good deal and profitable results. A dream in which a person decided to pick apples speaks of his self-confidence. Already picked apples promise joyful events, entertainment in the near future.

If in a dream a young girl picks apples, then this is in a good mood, and sadness and longing will leave her.

In a dream, picking apples that have already rotted is an unfavorable sign, because. such a dream warns that soon someone will get sick. In addition, there is a high probability that in real life there will be troubles related to home and family.

A modern dream book explains what dreams of picking apples. If at the same time the fruits did not have time to ripen, then in reality the person will feel unwell. In addition, such a dream is a sign that it is too early to make important life decisions, and for now you need to put them on the back burner without thinking about actions.

People may dream that they are picking apples and putting them in a basket. This is a sign of success. Things will go uphill, but a positive result will not come immediately.

Also, such a dream indicates an increase in vitality.

What portends?

If a person collected apples in a dream, placed them in a vase and admires them on the table, then such a dream is a symbol of restoring health and integrity.

Apples that were picked under a tree (that is, crumbled), this means that in real life a person really wants to get something that is not available to him at this stage of life. This may be related to both the love sphere and work/study.

Often for women, picking apples in a dream promises the birth of babies.

If men or women eat apples in a dream, then this is a sign of nobility, as well as a symbol of health. For a long time there will be no health problems.

If someone else eats apples collected by the person who sees such a dream, then this is a sign that temptations will soon appear in life. Moreover, one must show perseverance in order to resist them, otherwise the biblical story of Adam and Eve may repeat itself.

Tearing apples in a dream is a sign of good luck and fulfillment of desires. Collecting and cleaning them is disappointment and unfulfilled hopes.

If the collected apples are tasteless, then such a dream warns of the appearance of gossip, false rumors and an unfaithful friend. Sweet apples - satisfaction.

Dream interpretation is an ancient science that is still relevant today. Often people see some symbol or sign in dreams, but do not know how to understand it, in this case, numerous dream books come to the rescue. They can answer the question: why dream of rain, snow, a child or apples.

Why dream of apples?

The apple tree and its fruits are the oldest symbols known to many since biblical times. In those days, it was a sacred tree, which is a symbol of fertility, long life, strength. And the apple is the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Apple stands for:

  • fertility;
  • an award;
  • wisdom;
  • life;
  • temptation;
  • beauty and youth;
  • peace and longevity;
  • wealth.

Basically, apples dream of good, in very rare cases, you can find a negative interpretation of a dream in which apples are present. Of great importance is the color of the apples you dreamed about.

Red apples promise fruitful friendship or love, passion and, as a result, the conception of a new life. It can also mean large material losses through your fault, or, conversely, an excellent prospect, so feel free to get down to business, just think it over carefully.

Yellow apples promise universal love and important news that should be kept secret. A woman dreams of a yellow apple for treason.

In general, picking apples in a dream promises joyful events, gaining experience, strength, prosperity and health.

Green apples are friendship, kindness, sincerity, in general, this is a good sign. Another interpretation of the dream in which you pick green apples suggests that you are rushing things or trying to interfere with other people.

Large apples dream of abundance and health, or that you are dreaming of something forbidden.

To see rotten apples in a dream portends upcoming failures in business and your empty attempts to do something.

If apples fall directly into your basket or into your hands - to the birth of a new family member.

Eating apples in a dream - you will find a useful acquaintance with a person with wise experience who will share it with you. If they were baked, this portends joy.

The fact that you dreamed of apples suggests that you are a cheerful person who knows how to achieve your goals.

Seeing apples in green foliage means that your time has come to carry out your plan, to be bolder.

If in a dream you cut apples, then this portends a quarrel for you, or you are mistaken in something, and you will have to pay for your delusion.

If you cook apple jam, you will see some sad event.

Eating unripe fruits - a dream promises bad news.

What does it mean to pick apples in a dream

Picking apples from a tree - it means to succeed, or the opposite meaning according to Veles' dream book - to big quarrels at home and trouble.

Seeing ripe apples at the very top of the apple tree - the dream book recommends revising your bar, maybe you should make it a little lower in order to become more successful.

An apple on a plate promises interesting events, if you rolled it on a plate, you will soon find out someone's secret.

If, walking through the garden, an apple rolls towards you along the path, wait for a relative to visit.

Sometimes, seeing ripe apples means in the near future a passionate romance that will end in a successful marriage.

Who had a dream with apples?

If a man sees himself sitting under an apple tree, it means that in reality he dreams that some girl will seduce him, and if a girl offers him an apple in a dream, then in reality someone is already flirting or flirting with him.

If a woman has a dream in which she treats someone with an apple, then in reality she wants to have a relationship with this person. And if the apple turned out to be with worms, then she will be disappointed in the man. Another dream book portends a disease.

If they give you apples, it means they love you.

If in a dream you pick apples from the ground - this is a very bad sign, be afraid of dubious acquaintances so that they do not put you in an awkward position.

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Seeing, picking or eating an apple in a dream is most often a pleasant dream, especially if the fruit is beautiful and juicy. But there are also bad dreams when the apples are wormy or rotten. Such a dream does not bode well. In order to correctly interpret the vision, one must remember all the details: what color were the fruits and how ripe, what the dreamer did, where he was, and much more. In addition, it is important to consider that different dream books give different interpretations.

    Show all

    Favorable interpretation

    A dream about picking apples carries a favorable forecast if the fruits are ripe, look ripe and beautiful. Eating plucked fruits and having fun is also a good sign. Large, liquid and bright fruits are harbingers of profit. For the interpretation to be favorable, the tree on which the fruit grows must be large and strong with leaves. It was easy to pick apples from him. The weather in the dream was calm, windless and sunny.

    Picking a wet apple in the rain - enter a new life stage. Sleep has a favorable and negative meaning at the same time. To achieve what you want, you have to shed tears.

    Apple in the rain

    Unfavorable interpretation

    Picking rotten, small, spoiled fruits - dreamers expect problems at work or in their personal lives. Fruit should not be wormy, dirty or black. Ugly fruits are a symbol that wishes will not come true in the near future. Biting a plucked or picked fruit, and then spitting it out, biting off and seeing a worm is a bad sign. Such a plot portends betrayal, deceit by friends.

    If the fruits are hard to pick, they fall out of the hands or they themselves began to fall to the ground, and the soil under their feet is dirty, then such dreams do not bode well. Bad weather during the harvest and an apple tree without leaves is also an unfavorable sign.

    Interpretation of famous dream books

    Miller's dream book says: if you have a dream in which the sleeper picks apples, he is moving in life in the right direction. Obstacles and difficulties on the way will be easily overcome, and the goal will be achieved. For a woman, the author predicts the imminent birth of children, for a girl - a meeting with her fiance.

    Freud believed that the apple is a symbol of carnal temptations and dissatisfaction with one's intimate life.. He wrote:

    • to see in a dream a beautiful, ripe and large apple - complete harmony in intimate life;
    • spoiled - a person is dissatisfied with his sex life;
    • I dreamed of many fruits - something is still missing;
    • with a worm - it seems to a person that the partner is in no hurry to return home, but this suspicion arises from self-doubt;
    • shake an apple tree in a dream so that fruits fall from it - you need to give all the best to satisfy your partner.

    Nostradamus claimed that picking apples in a dream means being on the verge of new discoveries. A person will be respected by a large number of people. Rotten - the business started will end in failure. There is a plucked fruit - to get to know a woman. Nostradamus associated any innovations in the future with dreams about apples. Most often, he had in mind the emergence of new varieties of vegetables and fruits.

    Esoteric dream book connects an apple with a soul:

    • the green apple is interpreted as the immaturity of the soul;
    • ruddy and liquid - the time has come for spiritual uplift;
    • spoiled - the soul ages ahead of time;
    • wormy - a person does not know about his illness.

    According to Tsvetkov's dream book: picking apples - you should not make hasty decisions and hit the road, help will soon come from an unexpected direction. Collect fruits in a basket - the work will not be in vain and will certainly bring results, but after some time. Collect them from the ground - beware of the insincerity of loved ones.

    In the Russian dream book, the dream of picking apples is interpreted as strengthening health, fulfillment of desires and success in business. Picking ripe fruits from a tree is a sign of pleasure and joy. Pick sour - upset because of a loved one. A lot of fruits - to troubles or small problems, depending on the quality of the fruit. Picked wormy apples mean betrayal of friends or envy on their part, there are such - life will change for the worse.

    fruit color

    The color of the dreamed fruit matters in the interpretation of the dream. It carries a favorable or negative meaning:

    • Green apple. Such a dream promises good health and peace of mind. If a green fruit was dreamed during an illness, then this is a sign of a speedy recovery. A man is waiting for new connections and acquaintances, and a woman's desire will come true.
    • Yellow is a symbol of relationships. Picking a yellow apple - to jealousy and longing for the former. Pick and eat - to a declaration of love. Rotten yellow fruits dream of changes in personal life.
    • Picking a red apple from a tree is good news. Pick up from the ground - become the object of attention. Pick up a worm - a true friend will support in a difficult situation.
    • Gold - to recognition, wealth, wisdom and health.
    • The variety of white filling dreams of weakening health and visiting doctors.


    Dreaming of picking apples in the forest - for profit, the thicker the forest, the more money. The forest is a symbol of prosperity, and picking apples in it means an increase in income. Picking fruits in the night forest - you should be more careful in real life. Bright sunny forest - to the fulfillment of desires. Collecting them in a coniferous forest - there will be support from people or a person of a higher status.

    If a man dreams that he is walking through a flowering garden and, having picked an apple, treats a girl, then in reality he will meet his future wife.

    A dream in which a person picks fruit in a garden is interpreted depending on the state of the garden. If it is running, then a person will have to rely only on his own strength. If apple trees bloom, then a white streak and a happy period will begin in life.

    strange dreams

    A dream with a dead man and an apple will scare or, at least, alert. For example, a dead person treats a plucked fruit, holding out his hand. If it was possible to control the dream, then such a gift should not be taken. Waking up, you need to read a prayer or mention the dreamer with a kind word. Giving fruit to yourself means yearning for the departed person.

    It is not possible to pick the fruit from the apple tree, despite all efforts, it means that in real life a person does not have enough strength to implement his plans or actions. It is not possible to reach the fruit - evidence of high expectations that are not destined to come true.

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