How to reduce the calves of the legs - an effective set of exercises. How to reduce the volume of the calf muscles: exercises for weight loss and stretching

The standard of thin calves is grafted on by models with tall stature and long calf muscles. But what should we, ordinary women, do with our lush calves? Let's find the answer together!

Why are they big?

There are at least three reasons for big shins:

  1. wide bone and developed muscles;
  2. accumulation of fat in the lower leg.
  3. swelling due to fluid retention.

Are big calf muscles a problem?

Developed calf muscles always attract the eyes of men. Strong legs are the beauty of a woman. Remember, if the muscles are elastic, voluminous and loaded, then cellulite and flabbiness will never appear in this place!

The causes of large calf muscles may be the following:

  1. hypersthenic body type with heavy and wide bones;
  2. sports past - gymnastics, athletics, ballroom dancing are awarded with large calves.

The exercises are beneficial and actually emphasize femininity if done correctly. Hyperasthenic women can easily gain muscle mass, excel in sports and in bikini competitions, since muscles easily respond to growth loads.

To simply keep the muscles in good shape and prevent the growth of fat, you need to perform cardio exercises twice a week - running, swimming, jumping rope, and strength training to be carried out in a multi-rep mode with minimal breaks between exercises or sets.

Stretching the legs - reduce the calves

How to make your calves thinner without pumping them up even more? Stretching will help, which relaxes the clamped muscles and makes them more plastic, and the calves are thinner.

Stand facing the wall, take a step back with one foot and fix the heel on the floor. Move the body forward so that the knee of the leg in front moves towards the wall. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds, repeat with the other leg. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, bending at the hips at an angle of 90 degrees. Straighten your back, pulling back the pelvis, lean behind your hands on the floor. Pull the socks towards you - fix the position for 20-30 seconds.

Get on all fours so that the palms are under the shoulders and the knees are under the pelvic bones.

Rest your fingertips on the floor and raise your pelvis, straightening your legs and back into an inverted V position, trying to relax your lower back and tighten your stomach. Try to touch the heels of the floor to stretch the calves, hold the position for 20-30 seconds.

Perform exercises every day, or be sure to add stretching to the complex after training.

Burn fat in the calf

Fat does not spare even the most working muscle - the calf. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle notice that the lower leg turns into a trembling jelly over time when walking.

In fact, even just flabby calves look swollen and shapeless, so they need a lift - a muscle corset.

Fighting fat requires double work:

  1. strengthen the muscles of the lower leg;
  2. burn fat.

The complex should combine strength and aerobic exercises. To strengthen the muscles of the lower leg, calf raises with and without dumbbells are optimal. The number of repetitions can go up to 100 times per set - calves love hard work!

To burn fat, you need to do aerobic exercise.

For thin calves, any jumps will be required. Stand up straight, lower your arms at the seams, jump with your legs to the sides and at the same time close your arms above your head. Repeat for 30-60 seconds, move on to another exercise.

Lunge back and kick forward. Stand up straight, take a step back, crouch so that the knee in front forms an angle of 90 degrees with the floor, rise and move the leg standing behind forward to strike, stretching the toe. Repeat 10 times on each leg. Jumping from side to side. Include stabilizer muscles in the work. You can jump with both feet at the same time or jump from foot to foot, which is suitable for beginners.

Bent over on one leg will provide a load on the back of the legs and stretch, which will tighten loose skin. Stand on one leg, gently bend down, taking the other leg back. Beginners can bend the knee. Repeat 10 times for each leg.

You can complete the complex with a minute of running in place: raise your knees as high as possible for 30 seconds, and throw your heels to the buttocks for the other 30 seconds.

Muscle training will tighten the legs, help create protection against the accumulation of excess fat. Usually fat calves are the tip of the iceberg and are actually the last to get fat.

Look at the thighs, belly, and back of the arms - no doubt they also have flabbiness if it has affected the lower leg.

The remedy is training in the gym, but do not run to the machines, choose dumbbells and barbells to force the muscles to work in natural conditions.

How to make thin calves with edema?

Eliminate the cause of swelling. Of course, if the legs swell due to diseases of the kidneys, heart and liver, then
direct route to the doctor. Do not try to drink diuretics on your own, perhaps the problem lies much deeper.

If swelling appears after prolonged standing, running, walking, then just lift your legs up to ensure the outflow of blood. Give your feet and ankles a good rest, choose comfortable shoes for walking, give up heels.

Many women are concerned about the appearance of their legs. The calves are sometimes too massive. Muscles on the calves increase due to swelling, excessive physical training. Sometimes they remain large when the girl has lost weight. As a result, the calves not only look too big, make the look unfeminine and rough, but also visually shorten the legs. This problem needs to be addressed, because the calves can become so large that you simply will not be able to put on your favorite jeans again. Yes, and in the "mini" legs will look ridiculous. How to reduce calves on legs? Consider the most effective exercises, preventive measures. You will need to change the menu, monitor your habits and constantly exercise. Legs will begin to change right before your eyes, very soon you will forget about big calves.

How to prevent calves from growing on your legs? Simple Tips
First of all, you will need to follow the general recommendations. This is the only way you can control the increase in your calves, create good conditions for reducing volumes.
  1. Shoes. Refuse uncomfortable shoes, high-heeled shoes, platform shoes. It is advisable not to wear high-laced shoes that disrupt blood circulation and cause swelling. Your shoes must certainly be comfortable: their task is not to squeeze, but to gently fit your legs.
  2. Food. Follow your menu. Do not eat a lot of sweet and fatty foods, do not add too much salt and do not add spices. Temporarily eliminate everything smoked and spicy from your diet. Stop drinking water three hours before bed.
  3. Pose. If you have a habit of sitting in a chair or on a sofa with your legs bent, you need to forget about it. You disrupt blood circulation, your legs swell. As a result, the calves become large, and the legs become disproportionate.
  4. Bike. Fans of cycling will have to give up their hobby for a while. You will develop the calf muscles too much in this way, charging will not be able to cope with the volumes. Do not ride a bike for at least 3-4 months until you see clear results. If you need a bike, cut your travel time by at least half. Otherwise, your big calves will stay with you.
  5. Walks. A golden mean is needed here. It is not worth giving up hiking at all - the calves can “sag”, the leg will lose its shape and elasticity. In addition, walking in the fresh air is good for health in general and increases the tone of the body. The best option is to walk for about half an hour, no more.
  6. Aerobics. Do regular aerobics, train with a rope. A good option is step aerobics.
  7. Dropping weight. If you are losing weight and your calves are not losing volume, try to slightly reduce the rate of weight loss while exercising. Otherwise, charging will still not help fix the problem: you will lose weight quickly, and the calves “dry out” more slowly.
  8. Fitness. When you are already concerned about the volume of your calves, you need to stop doing leg exercises on the simulators. Otherwise, the muscles will continue to grow.
  9. Measure. Be careful and use common sense when reducing the size of your calves. Please note that the legs should not resemble sticks and have the same volume along the entire length. A beautiful feminine leg is distinguished by graceful lines, a slight increase in volume above the knee. Too thin legs look ankle-length, reminiscent of the legs of a teenage girl. When exercising, doing special exercises to reduce the calves on your legs, be able to stop in time. Your legs should be harmonious and feminine, look natural.
Follow these tips so you can naturally shrink your calves and increase the effectiveness of your exercises.

How to reduce calves on legs? Doing exercises!
Do a variety of exercises, do exercises regularly and gradually increase the stretch. It is this kind of targeted work on your body that will help you really reduce your calves noticeably. Don't forget about exercise. It is very important to perform them constantly, without long breaks, skip days.

  1. Warm up your muscles first. Before each lesson, you need to run in one place for about 2-3 minutes. The best option is to do it on tiptoe. Also squat a few times.
  2. Stretch. Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Try to stretch out in one string. Feel your whole body. Slowly bend your body forward, bend at the waist. Touch the floor with your hands. Lower your head as low as possible. Imagine that you are bending in half, and be sure to watch the muscles of the calves: they should tighten, stretch. Then unbend just as calmly.
  3. ballet exercise. The beauty of the legs of ballerinas can really be envied. A simple ballet exercise will help you reduce calves on your legs at home. Stand up straight. The feet should be parallel to the shoulders. Gently and slowly squat. You only need to bend your knees, and the muscles of the hips need to be strained. Focus on your feet first. Sitting like this 10-15 times, repeat the exercise, but with an emphasis on socks, slightly rising on them.
  4. Take the jump rope and start jumping, marking the time by the clock. Jump on two legs for about 10 minutes. Then you need to jump on one leg for at least 5 minutes. When you are just getting used to the exercises, you can limit yourself to 6 minutes on two legs, and 3 minutes to jump on each leg separately. Increase the time gradually.
  5. Stretch to shrink your calves. Stand up straight. For stability, you can lean your back against the wall a little, but you can’t put emphasis on your back. Shift your entire body weight onto one leg. The other leg should be bent at the knee. Take the foot with both hands and begin to gradually stretch the bent leg, straighten it. Try to create an angle of about 90 degrees between your legs. Pull your leg gently, but hard enough - your calf muscles should be well tensed. It is usually not possible to immediately achieve the desired angle, but with each session the stretch gets better. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  6. Perform transitions. Stand on your heels and quickly take 15-20 steps, and then immediately roll onto your toes and continue to walk on them, also about 20 times. Repeat the exercise at least 2 times.
  7. Warm up. As a warm-up, you need to run in place for about 2 minutes. It's best to do it on tiptoe. Then quickly walk on tiptoe for about 20 small steps, stretching out in one string and raising your hands. Watch your calf muscles: they should be tense.
  8. Move your legs. Before this exercise, place a chair nearby. You may need the back as a fulcrum. Place your feet parallel to your shoulders, stretch one leg forward. Pull the sock well so that all the muscles tighten. Swing back quickly, holding on to the back of a chair. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  9. Squats again. Before the end of the workout, do squats again.
  10. Leaps forward. To reduce the calves on the legs will help lunges with the feet forward. Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Do sharp lunges with your feet forward, in turn. Having made a lunge, be sure to fix the position of the body, feel how the muscles on the legs tensed.
  11. Massage. After class, be sure to sit down, relax completely, stretching your legs. Massage your calves and massage them with a dry towel. You will increase blood flow, increasing the effectiveness of your workouts.
Do exercises every day. They should take you about an hour and a half. Gradually increase the load, remember that training should not harm your health. Follow the plan, do not skip exercises to achieve the best result. Your calves on your legs will begin to shrink before your eyes.

With genetics, as a rule, nothing can be done. And if a woman has a predisposition to be overweight, then it will be very difficult to become thin. The same applies to the calves of the legs. There is an eternal problem: thin people want to get better in this part, chubby ones want to lose weight. But here is the dilemma for everyone: how to do it, because this area is almost not amenable to “persuasion”! Thick calves are a real disaster, because this is a limitation in clothing, and rather big. And we girls don’t really like such a stop signal. How to remove calves on legs? And what is the reason for this phenomenon?

Why do girls have fat calves?

When we lose weight, everything loses weight - arms, buttocks, stomach, chest, but not calves. This is a real disaster, because it does not always look harmonious. The reason, as a rule, is one - genetics. If you have such a feature from mother nature, then there is practically nothing you can do about it. Did you notice the word "practically"? That's right, something can be corrected, and especially stubborn people should still go against everything, including great genetics. Success is possible only if two conditions are met: systematic and constancy. Ready? Then forward to victory!

Step one: nutrition

So, if you decide to take the first step, you are already halfway there. Where do you need to start? Of course, with food. Thick calves are partly his result. As a result, you need to reduce the number of calories in the diet, eat small amounts of unhealthy carbohydrates and drink plenty of water. Lean in the summer season on fruits and vegetables, lettuce, onions. This will help the body gain the required amount of vitamins and lose weight. This does not mean that you need to starve yourself. Just eat less and more often, gradually reduce the amount of food you eat. Do not lean on starchy foods and eat healthy, fortified foods. Also, drink plenty of water! Two liters of liquid per day is the best option!

Step two: workout

You can start training at home on your own, or you can go to sports clubs for help. Thick calves will decrease in volume if you regularly do special exercises. Video tutorials, training examples, recommendations - all this can be easily found. If you have a trainer, he will help you find the right load. And your thick calves will quickly begin to decrease in volume. Pilates, aerobics, and water aerobics classes will be useful. Classes that focus on stretch marks are perfect. This will strengthen the legs and give a beautiful shape, remove excess body fat. Remember that you need to constantly play sports and do exercises! A few lessons will not give a result, but systematic ones will help not only reduce the volume of calves, but also give them a beautiful shape!

Step three: massage

Probably, not everyone knows that massage helps to reduce the volume in the legs. Thick calves are actually not such a big problem, since they can still be corrected. A vigorous massage from the feet to the knees will help to consolidate the results, as well as blood circulation. Full calves will be able to take on a miniature, classic shape, and you will be able to shine with your legs in all its glory! Do not limit yourself, work on yourself - and everything will be fine!

This type of exercise is relevant for many women because nature has not given perfectly beautiful legs to everyone. Weak and thin, or bottle-shaped caviar, which are overweight, can bring grief and ruin any figure.

But there is a possibility correct their shape and make them slim, and easy walking. As always, special exercises for weight loss of calves for girls can help in this. By performing them, you can pump up the calves if they are thin, and also, if necessary, remove fat from the shins.

A bit of anatomy

The posterior muscle group of the lower leg is represented by:

  1. External and internal part of the calf muscle;
  2. soleus muscle.

The gastrocnemius muscle (it is also called the triceps) is located above the soleus muscle and is attached to the heel using the Achilles tendon. These muscles perform important functions, the posterior surface of the lower leg makes the foot move forward and backward, and the anterior group of calf muscles provide it with a stable position while walking. These muscles work together to flex the foot when walking. The muscles of the lower leg flex and extend the ankle joint and rotate it.

The calf muscles receive the greatest load during jumps, as well as when lifting on toes using weights. The soleus muscle receives a load with a bent knee, so squats are good for training it. The gastrocnemius muscle is located above the soleus muscle - it is they who create the volume and shape of beautiful calves.

Top 7 Calf Exercises

Exercises for the calf muscles for women at home are selected in such a way as to sufficiently work out exactly the muscle group that gives the legs a relief outline. This can only be achieved by acting on the problem area.

The recommended complex consists of exercises that most effectively work out the muscles, contribute to weight loss of the lower leg and the formation of slender legs at home:

  1. Rise on socks;
  2. Rolls from socks to heels;
  3. Walking on heels;
  4. Lifting on socks while sitting on a chair;
  5. Squats with a load;
  6. Pistol.
  7. Jumping rope;

You can perform this set of exercises in one day. Before doing it, do a warm-up. It is recommended to include exercises such as:

  • Active jumps;
  • or ;
  • Rotation of the foot clockwise and counterclockwise;

Also, for a warm-up, you can simply massage the calves with active movements. Well, you can complete the workout with static, for example.

1. Rise on socks

This is a great stretch for the calf muscles. It is recommended to start the complex with it.

  1. We stand facing the wall close and lean on it with our hands at chest level. We retreat from the wall one and a half steps, without taking our hands off.
  2. We rise and fall on the toes, transferring the weight of the body to them. The body must form straight line.
  3. If you round your back and lower your head, then the load on the calf muscles will be minimal.

We carry out

Another great method burning fat from the problem area is walking up the stairs. An alternative could be

2. Rolls from socks to heels

The muscles of the lower leg and foot work.

  1. We stand straight, shoulders straightened. We put our feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. We rise on toes and roll on our heels as much as possible, tearing our socks off the floor.
  3. We try to keep the body straight and keep balance.

We carry out ten times three to four sets. We increase the number of exercises with each workout and bring it up to seventy.

3. Walking on heels

The muscles of the lower leg, thighs and buttocks work.

A useful and effective exercise that can be done several times a day. It will help to make your calves and thighs slim, and your walk easy.

  1. Stand on your heels, raise your toes as high as possible.
  2. We walk on our heels with small steps, keep the body straight we don't lower our head.

For starters, you can do three sets of ten steps. Gradually increase to ninety steps.

4. Lifting on socks while sitting with weights

The soleus muscle receives a good load. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

  1. We sit on a chair, the back is straight, in the hip and knee joint we form right angle.
  2. We tear off the heels and socks alternately from the floor, rolling the foot with maximum amplitude.

We do the exercise at a slow pace for ten exercises - three sets.

It is recommended to use a load that needs to be placed on your knees. For example, dumbbells or several bottles of water for one and a half liters, fastened together with adhesive tape. Let's start with three bottles. In subsequent workouts, we increase the load, gradually attaching one bottle with tape.

5. Squats with dumbbells

Squats - perfectly work out the area we need. . How to pump up the calves of a girl’s legs even more efficiently? . The main load goes to the soleus and calf muscles. It is impossible to increase the calves without developing the soleus muscle.

Therefore, be sure to use this exercise in order to work out the muscles of the lower leg well and give them relief.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Start squatting with a straight back until the knees form a right angle.
  3. Hands with dumbbells move at the same time from the hip joint to the knee joint and back.
Carefully! The buttocks should not be lowered too low, otherwise the main load will go to the knee joint, which may create a risk of injury. Also, in this case, the emphasis of the load will be shifted from the lower leg to the gluteal muscles.

6. Squats "Pistol"

The main load falls on the gluteal, calf and soleus muscles.

We perform squats first on one leg, then on the other. If you haven’t done physical exercises for a long time, then the first time you don’t do it, but with subsequent training, the “pistol” can be successfully mastered. To do this, it will be necessary to work out the muscles of the legs well, using exercises for all muscle groups of the lower extremities.

See the video for more details:

Carefully! When performing the exercise, there is a very large load on the knee joint! A high level exercise. Included in the training program of professional athletes.

7. Jump rope

Gives a good workout of the main muscle groups and promotes weight loss of the calf muscles in women and. The main load goes to the muscles of the lower leg. We train the cardiovascular system, increase the overall tone of the body, improve metabolism!

  • It is recommended to start and end the complex with muscle stretching exercises - “exercise with support on the wall” or one of the varieties
  • You can feel how the calf muscle is involved as follows: in the supine position, pull the foot with your fingers towards you. Remember this feeling - all exercises where it is felt will contribute to the study of the calf muscles! If the calves are weak, then the sensation may be uncomfortable and stretching will be of great benefit to you.
  • Experienced instructors recommend Stretch your muscles between sets. This creates the best conditions for the growth of the calf and soleus muscles. Stretching, which is carried out between sets, helps relieve tension, prevents muscle spasms, and also helps to pump them up.
  • Increase range of motion gradually. Do not try to immediately reach the maximum - you can stretch the ligaments. Running, cycling, playing tennis and all kinds of active sports training have a positive effect on the formation of the calf muscles and their beautiful shape.
  • Stair walking is a very useful type of exercise for the legs. It works well on the calf muscles, as well as the muscles and, trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Forget about the elevator at home and at work: if you have the opportunity to walk up the stairs during the day, be sure to use it! This type of walking should ideally take about fifteen minutes a day.

How to reduce calves on the legs for girls - 3 more methods

Extra pounds like to be deposited in this area. As a rule, this occurs when excess weight accumulates throughout the body. How to remove calves on legs quickly? There is a set of effective measures, following which you can cope with this problem. But do not think that the result will be already in a week, but in a month it is quite possible.

1. Changing the principles of nutrition

Improper nutrition is one of the main causes of cellulite on the calves. How to get rid of cellulite? You need to follow two simple principles:

  1. Use of low fat foods.
  2. Exclusion from the daily diet of flour and confectionery products.

It is good if the basis of the diet is boiled chicken and fish, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, herbal teas, green tea. Grain and bran bread, bean dishes, cereals from various cereals - in small quantities.

After losing weight, you can return to your usual diet, but remember that you need to eat in moderate amounts. It is important to keep in mind that the number of calories received from food should not exceed the calories that you spent, otherwise the weight will return again.

2. Massage

Various types of massage for weight loss have a good effect on muscles, improve metabolism.

Excellent results are given by self-massage - rubbing, kneading and patting movements. Also, the calves can be massaged and rubbed with a special massage mitt.

Add a handful of sea salt, a few drops of tea tree oil, and a few drops of linseed or mustard oil to one liter of water. Dip a mitten in this healing solution and intensively rub the calf and thigh areas. A very pleasant and effective procedure, useful for the skin, helping to remove excess fat deposits.

3. Wraps

After completing a set of exercises, body wraps work especially well. Their compositions may be very different, but they are all beneficial effect on muscles and skin, contribute to the reduction of body fat, accelerate blood flow, have a lymphatic drainage effect, relieve fatigue from the legs:

  • Coarse sea salt and honey - in equal amounts. The duration of such a wrap is half an hour;
  • Seaweed steamed in boiling water. Action time - up to half an hour;
  • Mustard powder diluted with warm water. The duration of action is from one minute to three minutes. You should feel warmth and a slight tingle.

Here are a few rules, following which, you can get the maximum effect from body wraps:

  1. Before the procedure, it is necessary to take a shower using a fine light scrub. You can use the pharmacy option, you can take fine salt with the addition of any vegetable oil.
  2. The composition of the compress is best applied to clean dry skin calf region;
  3. Wrap cling film on top;
  4. Wrap with a blanket and lie down, relaxing;
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water lubricate with nourishing cream.

A course of ten procedures will bring very good results. You can make wraps every other day or every two days.

Carefully! If you feel pain and burning, immediately remove the compress: this wrap is not suitable for you!

Combined with exercise and a balanced diet, positive results can be achieved. just a few months later. Weak and thin calves can be pumped up very well and feel confident in clothes of any length. Using the above set of exercises will help those who are overweight. Using these recommendations, you can form toned muscles and not gain extra pounds in the future.

Even girls who are difficult to suspect of abusing donuts experience dissatisfaction with their own calves. Against the background of the rest of the muscles of the female body, the calf and soleus muscles that form the lower leg look too developed. In the old days, full calves were considered an important part of attractiveness, but modern women are not very comforting. Many want to "dry" them.

What determines the completeness of this area? Sometimes the shins look voluminous due to, but this is not often observed. There is little subcutaneous fat on the shins: all adipose tissue is concentrated in the intermuscular space, and it is very difficult to “expel” it from there. Making only calves lose weight is an almost impossible task. But to smooth out cellulite and adjust the silhouette is quite real.

The fullness of the calves is often explained by anatomical features. In strong girls of small stature, the shins visually appear more voluminous than in tall ones. There is a way out of this situation: in order for the calves to look not too powerful, it is necessary to pump up the upper body: back, shoulder girdle, abs. The figure will look harmonious.

Attention! Often, fullness is confused with puffiness. It can occur due to cellulite, varicose veins, heart failure. Therefore, noticeable swelling of the legs first of all requires a medical examination.

An increase in calf volume is facilitated by the constant wearing of shoes with heels. Problems are added by tight trousers and the habit of sitting cross-legged. Losing weight is unthinkable without self-control: in order to succeed, you will have to constantly remind yourself what you can and cannot do.

The best results are obtained by a combination of various weight loss methods:

  • through aerobic exercise;
  • due to regular stretching;
  • through diet;
  • by creating a harmonious figure.

The calf slimming diet is not unique. To adjust the volume of the legs, it is necessary to follow the long-known principles of healthy eating. The process of losing weight will be long and consistent: first, the extra centimeters will leave the abdomen, sides and hips, and only after that it will be the turn of the calves.

Attention! Low-calorie and mono-diets do not give lasting results. The most reasonable choice is a balanced diet and consumption of slightly fewer calories compared to those expended.

Give up foods that lead to obesity and retain water in the body. These include pickles, smoked snacks, sweets, fried foods, canned food, carbonated drinks, fast food, snacks, and alcohol.

Cut down on butter, high-fat dairy, white bread, and low-quality pasta. Do not smoke: because of this, blood circulation is disturbed.

For breakfast, eat cereals rich in “slow” carbohydrates, for lunch, pay attention to proteins (meat, fish, chicken, seafood) necessary for building muscles, and vegetables that help the body absorb proteins.

Eat dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. At the last meal, do not load the stomach. Snack on healthy foods (light yogurt, whole grain bread) throughout the day.

Do not forget about "water discipline". Often the calves look full due to swelling. To get rid of those, women reduce their water intake and begin to get involved in diuretics. But moisture is necessary for weight loss: it helps the body remove toxins. Therefore, you should drink a lot and often.

Massage and cosmetics

If the fullness of the calves is due to the presence of cellulite or swelling, cosmetics and massage will come in handy. Use homemade and fat burning creams regularly.

While showering, use scrubs that destroy the "orange peel". Creams and oils (warming, anti-cellulite) should be applied after washing, in the evening or twice a day. Good results are obtained by the use of such funds immediately after training.

Massage is done after exercise and shower. Hand and can self-massage have proven themselves well. Both are performed in the direction from the foot to the knee. Massages not only stimulate the metabolism in the subcutaneous tissue, but also contribute to muscle recovery and skin elasticity. With fatigue and swelling, nothing is better than massage and a contrast shower.

How to lose weight in the legs with exercise

Among those who lose weight, there is a prejudice against strength training, but in reality they are a quick and reliable way to reduce calves. It is important that the exercises are moderate.

On a note! Sprinting, which is often recommended to amateurs to “dry” their shins, is useless for this purpose.

The load is not aerobic and therefore contributes not to weight loss, but to muscle building. The same goes for running uphill with dumbbells in your hands or riding an exercise bike with high resistance.

But you can “pump” the calves only if you force them to work regularly with heavy weights and according to a special mass-gaining training program. Such a load goes beyond fitness and is normal for amateur athletes. Girls who just want to lose weight are unlikely to spend so much time in the gym.

In order for the calves to lose weight, and not increase, two conditions must be observed:

  • train without weights and the use of simulators;
  • give preference to low-intensity exercises.

Special complex for calves

And calves, don't ignore cardio:

  • jogging for 40-60 minutes several times a week;
  • jumping rope (5 minutes each);
  • alternate lifting on toes (stand straight, put your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your knees and turn your socks outward. Rise on the right, then on the left toe), 4-5 sets of 20 times on each leg;
  • burpee (squat - push-ups - jumping up), several approaches;
  • heel raises (stand with your back to the wall and rise on your heels), 4-5 sets of 20-25 times;
  • calf raises from a standing position (squeezing your hips, slowly stand on tiptoe and slowly lower. For greater effect, perform the exercise while standing on a thick book so that your heels slightly “fall through” when lowering), 5 sets of 25 times.
  • semi-squats (put your feet wider than your shoulders, spread your socks and stand on your tiptoes. Hold on for 10-15 seconds. Gradually increase this time). Repeat several times.

Not a lot. Precede and finish any workout with a fifteen-minute stretch.

Can stretching exercises help?

At first glance, there is no connection between stretching and losing weight. However, calf stretching exercises play an important role in reducing their volume. A flexible muscle visually appears thinner. Regularly stretched calves, even full ones, do not look "stony". The gait becomes more graceful. In addition, stretching prevents injury and promotes rapid recovery.

Pilates and stretching improve muscle elasticity. The poses and exercises practiced within these directions do not load the calves, but keep them in tension, tone up and gradually stretch.

At home, you can perform the following complex:

  1. Stretch your arms forward and rest them against the wall. Tilt your torso at an angle of 60 ° to the floor surface and, bending one leg at the knee, strain the other, trying to put it on the heel. Stay like this for 15 seconds, bounce. Change legs. Do several approaches.
  2. Sit on the floor, grab the toe of one leg, raise it to a 45 ° angle and try to straighten it. Pull the sock towards you. Change leg, repeat several times.
  3. Stand up straight, bend over without bending your knees, and try to either wrap your arms around your hips or calves, or place your palms on the floor.
  4. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, bend over to your toes, trying not to hunch your back. Touch your forehead to your knees.

Jump rope, step aerobics

Jumping rope is a great way to dry out your calves. Exercise should be done daily, especially since it does not take much time. Technique must be perfect:

  1. tightly press your legs to each other;
  2. push off with your toes and jump low, without much effort;
  3. land on your toes.

Perform 4 sets of 50 jumps; increase the number of repetitions over time.

Stepping on a step platform (step aerobics) is effective for weight loss of the legs, but only at first. Classes are quite intense, and if you visit them more than 3 times a week, there is a chance that the muscles will increase in volume.

Useful advice! Jumping and step aerobics are recommended to be combined with stretching, as it contributes to a faster removal of lactic acid from the muscles.

How to thin naturally full calves

Is it possible to eliminate the imbalance between the frail shoulder girdle and powerful legs? Yes, by regularly doing strength exercises for the upper body. It is difficult for a girl to pump over her shoulder girdle, so there is no need to be afraid of training with simulators and weights.

An athletic, harmoniously built figure is much more attractive than a loose and unbalanced one. Relief muscles attract attention and are not an obstacle to wearing feminine dresses and skirts.

Even if the lower legs are overweight for genetic reasons, they will look slim if you do not ignore exercise, intensive cardio and stretching techniques, whether it be yoga, body flex or stretching.

Useful video

Exercises for weight loss in the lower legs.


Moderation in eating and a sufficient amount of movement are necessary conditions for losing weight on calves. Running, cycling and jumping will be effective only in combination with stretching, which should really become a lot in your life. As auxiliary measures, use a contrast shower, anti-cellulite cosmetics.

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