A project on the topic of harm to the body caused by alcohol. Use and influence of alcohol. When an erection gets better after drinking, and when it gets worse

To understand why alcohol is dangerous, you need to understand how it moves in the human body. A drink containing ethanol and other, no less dangerous impurities, first enters the digestive system.

The oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, intestines - they take the first blow. The main volume of ethanol is absorbed into the blood in duodenum. The walls of this section of the gastrointestinal tract are permeated large quantity blood vessels.

Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are digested through the action of enzymes. This is necessary because of their complex structure and specific gravity.

Alcoholic beverages do not require a complex breakdown process, so a person who abuses alcohol on an empty stomach gets drunk very quickly. In this case, the damage caused will be more significant.

The maximum concentration of ethyl alcohol is fixed within an hour after its penetration into the body.

People who suffer from alcoholism have many reasons to be concerned. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages serious problems with health, deterioration in the quality of life and degradation of the individual.

Heart, hematopoietic organs and blood vessels

Ethyl alcohol provokes a decrease in the tone of the veins of the arteries, which increases their lumen. In the first half hour, a person feels pleasant relaxation and calmness. Problems fade into the background, and mood improves. Unfortunately, this is a temporary effect.

Through certain period there is a sharp jump blood pressure caused by spasm of blood vessels. The heart begins to beat faster, tachycardia occurs. As a result, peripheral blood flow worsens.

Compensatory possibilities of cardio-vascular system undermined due to increased load. Increasing chance internal bleeding and the occurrence of blood clots. The consequences include ischemia, acute thrombosis of the coronary veins, intoxication of the body.

Thanks to alcohol, anemia develops, tissue hypoxia is vital important organs, macrocytosis (increased volume of red blood cells), myopathy and leukopenia.

Respiratory system

What harms the abuse of drinks containing alcohol to the organs of the respiratory system?

It makes it worse chronic diseases, the affected area of ​​​​which is the lungs. AT this case Of particular danger are the decomposition products of ethanol, which have been converted into toxic fumes.

The lungs begin to work faster than usual. This is due to the need to derive harmful substances from the body.

As a result, the surface of the mucous membranes is not sufficiently moistened, which creates favorable conditions for life pathogenic microflora. The patient becomes more vulnerable to infectious pathologies. The risk of developing tuberculosis increases.

gastrointestinal tract

organism dependent person it is more difficult to deal with slags and toxins.

Partial dysfunction digestive system expressed as:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Violations acid-base balance.
  3. Constipation.
  4. blockage of capillaries.
  5. Lack of vitamins and organic acids.
  6. Increased permeability of the intestinal walls.
  7. An allergic reaction that provokes a rash on the skin, Quincke's edema.
  8. Nausea, vomiting.

Possibility of dysbacteriosis acute pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, bowel cancer. It is possible to prevent their development only if complete failure from alcohol.

It is advisable to undergo rehabilitation therapy in order to cure the complications caused by harmful addiction.

Nervous system

Why is alcohol so dangerous for humans?

There is no safe dose of ethyl alcohol. Even if you drink in moderation, a negative effect on the cerebral cortex cannot be avoided. The centers responsible for behavior are oppressed.

Alcoholic diplopia (double vision) appears, hearing suffers, neurons are destroyed. As a result, drunk people cease to adequately perceive the people around them and the situation. Their reactions are slowed down, and their actions become unpredictable.

These processes do not go unnoticed. The next morning after a feast, a person often suffers from headaches, weakness throughout the body, problems with concentration.

Damaged nerve cells do not recover, so over time you will have to get used to the difficulties caused by bad memory and inability to concentrate. The consequences of regular consumption of alcoholic beverages include neurological disorders and mental illness.


Alcohol makes people look older than they really are. Ethanol and its breakdown products have Negative influence on the skin. Dehydration leads to lack nutrients and moisture. It gives impetus to degenerative processes that cause a change in color and texture, a decrease in elasticity, and difficulties in removing harmful substances through the skin pores.

excretory system

Alcohol is excreted in several ways: through the lungs, skin and kidneys. In the latter case, ethyl alcohol comes out unchanged. This is due to its effect on antidiuretic hormone, which promotes increased excretion of urine.

Unfortunately, along with ethanol, substances that are necessary for normal functioning are washed out of the body. These include vitamins from group B, micro and macro elements. Violation of the acid-base balance provokes irritability, the appearance of edema, tremor, heart problems, convulsive syndrome.

Due to the regular use of alcoholic beverages, kidney stones are formed, nephropathy, necronephrosis, pyelonephritis develops. Inflammatory process, localized in parenchymal organs, with absence timely treatment may lead to kidney failure.

Endocrine glands

The organs included in endocrine system, are responsible for the chemical regulation of processes. They control the activity of the whole organism, so their partial dysfunction provokes the development of serious, sometimes incurable diseases.

Due to the penetration of ethyl alcohol, the glands that control sexual function. The work of the adrenal glands is also disrupted. As a result, metabolic and regulatory processes are subject to pathological changes. There can be no talk of normal human life. The consequences are often irreversible.

reproductive organs

Alcohol harms the health of not only those who drink, but also their unborn children. If a woman consumed alcohol before or during pregnancy, the chance of having a child with mental or physical disabilities rises several times. They may develop in the future. The period of drinking and the amount of alcoholic beverages does not matter.

The eggs are formed even before the birth of the girl, therefore, during the life they are not updated. The more often future mom drinks, the more "defective" eggs she has.

Men need to be careful too. Their sex cells change every three months. Before conception, it is recommended to abstain even from beer for this period. It often carries more harm than strong drinks.

Alcoholism causes infertility early attack menopause, impotence. Alcohol is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Ethanol easily overcomes all barriers and enters the baby's body through mother's milk.


Harm from alcoholic beverages is not limited to the listed complications. Ethyl alcohol also affects musculoskeletal system and immunity. In general, the pleasure of drinking alcohol is not commensurate with the damage it causes. People who value life know this and do not neglect their health.

Created on 09/25/2010

Alcoholism is a problem affecting different aspects life. Alcohol also affects the body itself. Let's take a closer look at the harm that alcohol does.

What are alcoholic drinks?

These are drinks that contain ethyl alcohol. There are 4 types of alcoholic drinks:

  • beer contains 3-6% alcohol
  • wine contains 12-14% alcohol
  • fortified wine (port and others), due to the added alcohol, has more high content alcohol - 18-20%
  • spirits (vodka, rum, whiskey, etc.) contain 40-50% alcohol.

Why do people drink alcohol?

People use alcohol to escape from stress, loneliness, boredom, family troubles, illness, and aging. There is a traditional use of alcohol - from New Year's Eve to weddings and wakes.

When does a person usually taste alcohol for the first time?

Most often in adolescence. In America, 37% of teenagers aged 12-17 regularly drink alcohol. Held in some educational institutions Russian survey revealed that they began to use alcoholic drinks 3% of respondents at the age of 10, 3% at the age of 13, 88% at the age of 15, 5% at the age of 17 and older.

According to statistics, 10% of those who try alcohol for the first time later turn out to be alcoholics. Think about it.

What happens to alcohol in the human body?

Unlike food, alcohol does not need to be digested. It is absorbed directly into the blood in the stomach and small intestine. With the blood flow, alcohol enters all organs and tissues, where it slows down the activity of processes in cells.

The main part of alcohol is neutralized in the liver, and the rest is excreted by the kidneys, lungs and sweat glands. The human body removes an average of 7.4 - 14.8 ml of alcohol per hour.

What effect does alcohol have on the human body?

Alcohol destroys the substance of the brain and exacerbates age-related disorders of its blood supply.

Even a small amount of alcohol disturbs peripheral vision, speed of reaction (including to sound), the ability to perceive and process information, reason sensibly, control oneself.

Alcohol abuse for a long time leads to damage to the nerves that control muscles, pain, temperature, pressure and orientation in space. In addition, long-term drunkenness leads to the development of Korsakov's syndrome, when, as a result of the destruction of certain brain structures, a person loses the ability to master new material and hardly remembers recent events.

Alcohol abuse can also cause hallucinations.

Alcohol increases the risk of myocardial infarction. Moderate doses of alcohol do not contribute to the prevention of heart attack, as is now established. The beneficial fraction of cholesterol contained in the blood - lipoproteins - protects against a heart attack. high density HDL2. The level of this fraction increases due to exercise and not alcohol. On the contrary, alcohol leads to an increase in the harmful fraction of cholesterol - HDLV lipoproteins, which can increase the risk of myocardial infarction.

Further, as a result chronic poisoning heart muscle with alcohol, it can no longer effectively contract, heart failure develops. Arrhythmias may occur, as well as pain behind the sternum as a result of insufficient blood flow to the heart.

Alcohol causes an increase blood pressure which can lead to a stroke. Research has shown that young healthy men systolic pressure(upper figure) increased significantly as the amount of alcohol consumed daily increased. A moderate drinker is three times more likely to have a stroke than a non-drinker.

Alcohol disrupts the processes of food digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients. He calls increased output sour gastric juice, which entails gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis is accompanied by pain, leading to ulcers and bleeding.

Alcohol causes inflammation of the pancreas; in this case, there may be disturbances in the production of the hormone insulin.

Alcohol use can cause varicose veins esophagus. At strong cough or vomit, they can break through, leading to bleeding, even death.

Since the liver plays the main role in the detoxification of alcohol, the damage it causes to this organ is especially evident. May occur:

  • fatty degeneration of the liver due to the fact that the body uses alcohol calories as an energy source, and not its own reserves of fats
  • inflammation of the liver is accompanied by the death of liver cells, can cause jaundice. Left untreated, inflammation of the liver can lead to death or cirrhosis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver occurs when liver cells die and are replaced by scar tissue. Symptoms of the disease include weight loss, weakness, fatigue, and decreased sex drive. If you do not give up alcohol in time, the disease often becomes fatal. Men in Russia are dying from alcoholic cirrhosis liver 4 times more often than women

Alcohol increases the risk of cancer.

Especially significantly increases the risk of cancer of the esophagus when drinking alcohol in combination with smoking. Cancer of the esophagus is characterized by rapid progression and is very rarely curable. Signs of it are difficulty swallowing, a feeling of obstruction in the sternum.

It is known that not only cancer of the esophagus, but also cancer oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, stomach, liver, large intestine, as well as pancreatic, thyroid and breast cancer are more common in those who drink alcohol.

A person who abuses alcohol is more susceptible to infectious diseases.

Alcohol often contributes to obesity, as it is the most concentrated source of calories after fat. For example, one 237 ml can of imported beer contains 114 "empty" calories.

Drinking alcohol by a person taking medication can lead to serious consequences. Alcohol interacts with many drugs, increasing their effect, or, conversely, reducing their effectiveness. Among them are anticoagulants, barbiturates, antibiotics, salicylates, various psychotropic and other drugs. In combination with sleeping pills and tranquilizers, alcohol can even lead to the death of a person. Alcohol also causes a lengthening of the recovery period after anesthesia (narcosis).

Moderate doses of alcohol increase sexual attraction in men, but at the same time reduce their ability to have sexual intercourse. In women, alcohol can exacerbate infertility and contribute to spontaneous miscarriages.

How does alcohol affect children?

Any amount of alcohol consumed by a pregnant woman can cause so-called " alcohol syndrome fruit." This concept unites the group congenital anomalies such as small eyes, small skull size, defects in the face, ears, joints. Low birth weight, heart defects (heart disease), lag in physical growth and mental development are also characteristic. Such children cannot concentrate, are impulsive, hyperactive, and study poorly.

As for the consumption of alcohol by children themselves, it is especially destructive for them. For example, one 5-year-old boy died from just one drunk glass of vodka, which he quietly took from the festive table.

Often a teenager gets his first glass of alcohol from the hands of his parents. In Russia, selective studies among students showed that 29% of the respondents had relatives who used alcohol in their presence, and 24% of parents did not condemn their children for taking alcohol. And in adolescents, alcoholism manifests itself much faster than in adults.

Other negative consequences of addiction to alcohol

Alcohol causes great damage to the economy due to a drop in labor productivity, absenteeism, and an increase in injuries.

Most serious crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. In Russia, according to selective data, violent death in 77% of cases occurred in a state of alcohol intoxication. Violent crimes such as wife and child mutilation and incest are often the consequences of alcohol intoxication.

Since alcohol depresses the central nervous system, negatively affecting common sense and perception, a person loses control over his actions. He becomes aggressive, his behavior goes beyond the social framework. This leads to the destruction of the family and relationships with others, the loss of work.

Alcohol consumption is associated with higher deaths from traffic accidents, accidents and suicides.

Studies by the Swedish National Institute of Roads and Transport have shown that even if 24 hours after drinking, the level of alcohol in the blood dropped to zero, a person drives a car much worse than before drinking.

In Russia, alcohol is often the cause of many of the accidents, poisonings and injuries that rank 3rd among all causes of death for men and 4th for women, second only to diseases of the circulatory system and cancer.

Respiratory arrest, coma and death can result from too much alcohol taken in a short amount of time.

Can alcoholism be cured?

First of all, everything depends on the person himself, on his desire to change his life and give up alcohol. It happens that people quit drinking without anyone's help. But such cases are rare. Most often, the fight against alcoholism causes great difficulties, especially for women.

Now offer many methods to combat alcoholism. Many promise to "cure alcoholism in one session", which is so in line with people's desire for quick results with little effort on their part. However, the very presence of an inexhaustible stream of such services casts doubt on their effectiveness; otherwise we wouldn't have a single alcoholic left.

Studies by Russian scientists say that despite the variety of methods of anti-alcohol therapy, its effectiveness remains low. Abstinence from alcohol for more than 3-5 years takes place, according to different authors, only in 1-4% of cases, more than 1 year - 20-25% of cases. On average, abstinence from alcohol rarely exceeded 3-6 months, especially among women. The disadvantage of a number of methods, according to scientists, is the setting when "coding" a certain period of refusal from alcohol and leaving a person with hope for the possibility of drinking small doses of alcohol in the future.

Taking a glass of alcohol in your hand, think about the harm that you are doing to your body. Even if you do not have an alcohol addiction today, in the future you may not notice how you get used to alcohol and join the numerous ranks of people suffering from alcoholism. The words "this will not happen to me ..." are inappropriate here!

The topic of the dangers of alcohol is not new and is known to everyone. But the main thing that alcohol is harmful for is the ease with which a person connects his fate with him. A person after drinking does not become irresistible and self-confident, as it seems to him. The difference between a drunk person's perception of himself and the reaction of others to his behavior is exactly the opposite. This fact is obvious and indisputable. This is evidenced by the dismissal of an inadequate person from work, divorces with scandals, fatal illnesses and the lion's share of accidents. Alcohol is very harmful.

The physical effects of alcohol on a person

When a person abuses alcohol, his nerve cells begin to be destroyed. This is felt by a clouding of consciousness, a violation of the links of interaction between organs. All this causes inadequate behavior with unpredictable consequences, not only in contacts with other people, but also the destruction of the body. Blood on contact with alcohol becomes thicker, as a result, blood pressure rises, hypertension develops, blood clots may appear in the vessels. You should be aware that this is fraught with blockage of the system and death.

How harmful alcohol is when used systematically is clearly visible on the state of the drinker's liver.

The liver is an organ that filters toxins.

In order to reliably remove toxins from the body, the liver needs time to recover. If the body is systematically poisoned with toxins, the liver is not fully restored, resulting in fatty degeneration. The next step to destruction of the liver. The next stage of liver disease is cirrhosis, leading a person to death.

One of the most harmful effects systematic drunkenness - a destructive effect on the structural tissues of the brain. Due to clogging of the capillaries, these tissues experience oxygen starvation. The cerebral cortex functions with disorders. First of all, the node that controls vestibular apparatus. Coordination of movements noticeably worsens. Damage also affects memory function. Such damage can be so deep that a person the next day cannot remember what happened to him. With frequent failures of memory, the thinking ability changes, the character of a person, his psyche is gradually transformed. As a result, personality degradation can occur. If a person does not find in himself an incentive and strength to stop drinking, irreversible changes will occur.

The effect of alcohol on the psyche

After drinking alcohol, a person perceives the actions of others as deliberate. Therefore, in various feasts, accompanied by significant libations, quarrels and conflicts occur with grave consequences. The participants themselves later note that they would not have done this without drinking alcohol.

Alcohol is an excellent solvent. This property can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and form an ulcer. The load on the pancreas increases, which can cause severe and dangerous disease- pancreatitis. Alcohol abuse develops impotence. Why is alcohol dangerous for future parents? Consequences for future offspring conceived in alcoholic state, are unpredictable.

Family alcoholism has an extremely negative effect on children. Babies take alcohol so easily that penetration can even occur through the skin. There have been cases where a child has received alcohol poisoning after a compress and wiping with alcohol. Alcoholism is transmitted through mother's milk. In the older school age sleep disorders occur. These disturbances are interspersed with night terrors. Syndrome occurs during the day bad mood. All together, these phenomena can cause dementia. There are situations when children are ashamed of their drinking parents. They are forced to lie and hide something. The psyche becomes unstable.

Adults are role models

In families where parents regularly drink, children often remain left to themselves, that is, self-education without proper guidelines. They are brought up by the street and acquire not best habits study below their abilities, receive insufficient positive experience in life, do not define life purpose and cannot be realized correctly, constantly losing their potential.

Whatever we touch, we see that alcohol is harmful. If in small doses it can be some kind of medicine, then there are practically no people who competently use such medicine for good. Most families have traditions that accompany the holidays and different kind feast celebrations with alcohol. There are people who know how to think independently, to determine a life goal. They feel free in any feast, they know the insidiousness of alcohol and, despite any temptations that come from drinking alcohol, they go their own way.

Most great harm alcohol lies in its deceit, causing imitation and preservation of the traditions of drinking alcohol. All people, including young people, are aware of the dangers of alcohol, but rarely anyone at a young age can correctly develop in himself healthy attitude to alcoholic beverages. In connection with this state of affairs, it is useless and even harmful to prohibit alcohol, remembering that the Forbidden fruit sweet.

Independent adults should show an example of their attitude towards alcohol with all their behavior at feasts. This attitude should reflect restraint close to indifference. Do not elevate drinking to the rank of admiration and subtly emphasize a position that shows awareness. A self-confident, decent person, admirable by others, will always serve as an example for a person of any age.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when not drinking

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is not really realized through pharmacy chain and Retail Stores to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What only folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

    Ekaterina a week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaf(she said that it was good for the heart), so after an hour he left with the peasants to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

    Maria 5 days ago

Alcohol is an insidious thing: on the one hand, a glass of beer is simply an indispensable remedy for overexertion after a heavy working week. But on the other hand, it is an invisible, but quite tangible blow to health, hitting the most vulnerable places in our body.

About seven reasons why you should give up alcoholic beverages and how they can harm your life - later in our article.

1. Impact on the cardiovascular system. As soon as alcohol enters the body, the heart begins to increase in size (beer is especially insidious). Numerous scars appear on the tissues of the heart, which are the culprits of a heart attack and can lead to death.

2. Clouded mind. Alcohol is not in vain considered a variety narcotic substances: alcoholic beverages have a euphoric effect on the psyche, the duration of which is from an hour to an hour and a half. Shortly thereafter, the person falls into depression accompanied by aggression and seizures panic fear. Reactions are reduced, clear thinking in such a situation is out of the question. It is for this reason, as you know, that drivers should not drink: drunk driving can end in the most deplorable outcome.

3. Destruction of brain cells. Even a small amount of alcohol (yes, half a glass of wine also applies here) destroys several thousand neurons beyond repair. The alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages provokes the adhesion of erythrocytes - red blood cells: the latter clog microcapillaries, leading to the death of neurons from oxygen starvation. Cells that have fallen into unequal battle with alcohol, are excreted from the body with urine.

4. Development of chronic diseases.
Doctors equate the effect of alcohol with a slow poison: the decay products of alcohol destroy the body in the truest sense of the word. A person who regularly consumes alcohol, over time, increasingly begins to feel unwell, his mental and physical activity decrease markedly, they are replaced by apathy. long alcohol addiction- the key to the development of such dangerous chronic diseases as pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, cirrhosis, heart attack and many others insidious diseases. Not the most encouraging prospect, is it?

5. Bad heredity. Alcohol changes the structure genetic code DNA - it is she who contains information about a person and his descendants. Scientists have long concluded that 90% of children with mental retardation and congenital disabilities are born to people who abuse alcohol.

6. Obscene behavior. We are sure that you have seen more than once what a drunk person is like: alcohol affects the moral centers of the brain, in connection with which his further behavior becomes absolutely unpredictable. AT best case, it all ends with a peaceful snoring in a secluded corner. At worst - uncontrolled aggression, outbursts of anger and other unpleasant things that a sober person would never allow himself.

7. Hole in the budget. Prices for alcohol (especially good) are considerable, and regular drinking of your favorite alcoholic beverages often costs a lot of money. In addition, people who have begun to become addicted to alcohol do not stop at one bottle: the more the head “gets drunk”, the more the drink will be bought. Even a banal football match is almost never complete without a few cans of beer - let alone a picnic with a company, fishing or a birthday. If you calculate how much such leisure costs, there really will be a desire to set aside this money for more reasonable purposes (invest in a trip or, for example, please yourself with a new gadget).

As you can see, there are many reasons to touch alcohol as little as possible, or even to refuse it altogether. Yes, alcohol creates a relaxing effect. Yes, it liberates and removes internal clamps. But the harm that the body receives in parallel nullifies the already small benefits. In addition, you can relax in other ways - yoga, swimming, hot tub, sauna, massage or a leisurely walk in a calm green park are the best helpers in this case. Take care of your own health now, and in the future you will be many times more likely to avoid hospital bed and a host of other unpleasant "bonuses" acquired over the years of drinking alcohol.

- The harm of alcohol on the human body
- Harm of alcoholic beverages in numbers
Bad influence alcohol on the organs and systems of the body

The harm of alcohol on the body can be enormous. The alcohol molecule is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. The absorption process begins in the oral mucosa, the gastric mucosa absorbs about 20% of alcohol, and the main part falls on the small intestine.

Alcohol easily penetrates cell membranes any tissues, but its content depends on the amount of water in the cell. Therefore, most ethanol is absorbed in the brain tissue: 1.5 - 2 times more than in the tissues of other organs. The liver also has a high alcohol content, as it serves as a filter for the body and neutralizes substances that are harmful to it.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is harmful, regardless of the frequency of consumption and age. The positive impact is incredibly meager compared to the harm caused to the human body by drinks containing ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Especially noticeable is the negative effect of alcohol in young age when drinking alcohol distorts the inner picture of the world for life.

Other organs and systems of the body can suffer from drinking alcohol:

1) vessels and heart;
2) urinary system;
3) stomach and intestines;
4) reproductive system;
5) nervous system.

After the first intake of alcohol, its molecule is oxidized at a rate of 85-100 mg / kg per hour. If alcohol is consumed frequently, the rate of oxidation increases, resulting in resistance to large doses of alcoholic beverages. The first consequence of harm from alcohol is memory impairment, even after a small amount alcohol. How more dose alcohol, the more often a person suffers from memory lapses. According to the facts about the dangers of alcohol, one glass of alcohol can kill 1000-2000 cells in the brain. 95% of alcoholics and 85% moderately drinking people this number is observed.

Alcoholic drinks quickly excite the nervous system, because of which a person becomes cheerful and relaxes. Over time, alcohol accumulates in nerve cells and begins to slow down their functioning.

Liver cells suffer significantly from alcohol, as they are forced to process its molecules, although they are not adapted for this. As alcoholism develops, the liver wears out, and its cells begin to regenerate. Liver disease can affect the state of the brain, causing irreversible damage.

The harm of alcohol to the body is manifested in the lack of thiamine, which plays an important role in the activity of the body. Thiamine or vitamin B1 is extremely important for many processes, its deficiency leads to various pathological conditions and diseases.

- Harm of alcohol in numbers

Only 30 grams of alcohol per day (two glasses of vodka or one and a half bottles of beer) give a person a sure cirrhosis of the liver. A third of this portion is enough for women. The risk of a heart attack increases by 45 percent. Defeats coronary vessels- by 48 percent. Fatal heart attack - by 37 percent.

If that's not enough for you, it's worth digging a little history. Harm of alcohol statistics surprisingly clearly demonstrates. Surprisingly, two indicators coincide exactly - the number of suicides per 100 thousand people and the amount of alcohol consumed. In addition, the increase in alcohol consumption in the country is accompanied by a surge in criminal activity. Of course, the number of patients dying from dozens of diseases associated with the effects of alcohol on the human body is also increasing.

Many people are interested in the harm of alcohol and beer. Alas, in the minds of most people, beer is not associated with alcohol - it's just a cooling drink. But it's not. It also contains a lot of alcohol, and since beer is consumed not in glasses, but in bottles, the effect on the body is really terrible. And here, not only alcohol itself and fusel oils are terrible, but also the hormone estrogen contained in hops. It is because of him that many men lose their willpower, blur, acquire a beer belly.

Of course, the harm of alcohol and potency are also inextricably linked. Or rather, the harm of alcohol to human health and impotence. Of course, oversaturation male body female hormone reduces sexual activity and desire for opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that many experienced alcoholics also suffer from the problem of impotence.

- The negative effect of alcohol on the organs and systems of the body

1) The brain is the most active consumer of energy. The negative effect of alcohol on the brain is associated with impaired oxygen access to neurons as a result of alcohol intoxication. Alcoholic dementia, which develops with long-term use alcohol is the result of brain cell death.

2) Irreversible consequences heavy drinking: damage brain functions caused by damage to the cells of the cerebral cortex - the "thinking" area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain.

3) Harmful effect alcohol affects all systems human body(nervous, circulatory, digestive). At present, the harmful role of alcoholism in the development of acute and chronic diseases has been proven.

4) Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy leading place in the structure of mortality. Under the influence of alcohol, the heart muscle is affected, which leads to serious illnesses and death. Alcohol abuse contributes to the development and progression of hypertension, coronary disease heart, is often the direct cause of heart attacks.

5) Diseases of the external respiration system. Breath is synonymous with life. This is inhalation and exhalation, which alternate regularly. The respiratory process consists of four stages, and the violation of any of them leads to a serious respiratory disorder. In patients suffering from the 1st stage of chronic alcoholism, there is some stimulation of the function external respiration: the minute volume of breathing increases, breathing quickens. As the disease progresses, breathing becomes worse, various diseases (Chronical bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis).

6) Gastrointestinal pathology. Sick chronic alcoholism often complain about disruptions gastrointestinal tract. With the development of alcoholism, the function is impaired salivary glands. Other pathological changes also develop.

7) The liver occupies a special position among the organs of the digestive system. Under the influence of alcohol, liver function is impaired, which can lead to cirrhosis (degeneration) of the liver.

8) Kidneys. In most patients with alcoholism, the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired. There are malfunctions in the work of the entire hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, therefore, the regulation of the activity of the kidneys is disturbed.

9) Mental deviations. In alcoholism, a wide variety of psychical deviations- hallucinations, numbness of body parts, muscle cramps, sometimes severe weakness in the limbs (" cotton feet"). Paralysis often develops individual groups muscles, especially the lower extremities.

10) Violations of the immune system. Alcohol adversely affects immune system human, violates the processes of hematopoiesis, reduces the production of lymphocytes, contributes to the development of allergies.

11) The use of alcohol leaves a significant imprint on the activity of all internal organs.

12) Glands internal secretion, primarily the gonads, experience bad influence alcohol. A decrease in sexual function is observed in 1/3 of alcohol abusers and in patients with chronic alcoholism. In men, as a result of "alcoholic impotence", various functional disorders central nervous system(neurosis, reactive depression, etc.). In women under the influence of alcohol, menstruation stops early, the ability to bear children decreases, and toxicosis of pregnancy is more often observed.

13) Muscles and skin. chronic use alcohol often leads to weakening and wasting of muscles. Alcohol can damage muscles directly. Poor nutrition is another possible cause muscular dystrophy. In 30-50% of cases, alcohol abusers develop skin diseases.

14) Delirium tremens- the most severe form of alcohol intoxication. It gives 1-2% of deaths even with intensive drug treatment, and without treatment, mortality can reach 20%.

15) Lifespan. Regular use of alcohol leads to premature old age, disability; the life expectancy of persons prone to drunkenness is 15-20 years shorter than the average statistical.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

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