Winged expressions about the meaning of life. Wise, positive and short sayings about the lives of great people. And it's all about us: different facets, aspects, formats

Winged expressions, great sayings, quotes, wise sayings.

Everything can be a teacher

    The only true courage is to be yourself.

    To become a blacksmith, you need to forge.

    The best teacher in life is experience. Takes expensive, but explains intelligibly.

    Learn from your mistakes. This possibility is the only thing that is useful in them.

Through thorns to the stars, drawing:

    Courage, will, knowledge and silence are the property and weapons of those who follow the path of perfection.

    When the disciples' ears are ready to hear, a mouth appears ready to fill them with wisdom.

    The lips of wisdom are open only to the ears of understanding.

    Books give knowledge, but they cannot tell everything. First seek wisdom in the scriptures, and then seek the Highest instruction.

    The soul is a prisoner of its ignorance. She is chained by the chains of ignorance to an existence in which she cannot control her own destiny. The goal of each virtue is to eliminate one such chain.

    Those who gave you the body endowed it with weakness. But ALL that gave you a soul armed you with determination. Act decisively and you will be wise. Be wise and you will find happiness.

    The greatest treasures bestowed on man are judgment and will. Happy is he who knows how to use them.

    Everything can be a teacher.

    "I" chooses the teaching method "I".

    Renunciation of freedom of thought may mean the loss of the last opportunity to understand the laws of the universe.

    True knowledge comes from the higher path, which leads to the eternal Fire. Delusion, defeat and death arise when a person follows the lower path of earthly attachments.

    Wisdom is the child of learning; Truth is the child of wisdom and love.

    Death comes when the goal of life is reached; death shows the meaning of life.

    When you meet a disputer who yields to you, do not try to crush him with the force of your arguments. He is weak and will betray himself. Do not respond to evil words. Don't indulge your blind passion to win at any cost. You will defeat him already by the fact that those present will agree with you.

    True wisdom is far from stupidity. A wise man often doubts and changes his mind. The fool is stubborn and stands his ground, knowing everything but his ignorance.

    Only one part of the soul penetrates the earthly chain of time, while the other remains in timelessness.

    Avoid talking to many about your knowledge. Do not keep it selfishly for yourself, but do not expose it to the ridicule of the crowd. A loved one will understand the truth of your words. A distant one will never be your friend.

    May these words remain in the chest of your body and keep your tongue from idle talk.

    Beware of misunderstanding the teaching.

    The spirit is life, and the body is needed in order to live.

Life is movement, photo

Great Sayings of the Wise Men

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Confucius

    What you believe in is what you will become.

    Feelings, emotions and passions are good servants but bad masters.

    Who wants, he is looking for opportunities, who does not want - looking for reasons. - Socrates

    You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created the problem. - Einstein

    Whatever the surrounding life, but for us it is always painted in the color that arises in the depths of our being. - M. Gandhi

    The observer is the observed. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

    The most important necessity in life is the feeling of being in demand. Until a person feels that he is needed by someone, his life will remain meaningless, devastated. - Osho


    To be conscious means to remember, to be aware, and to sin means not to be aware, to forget. - Osho

    Happiness is your inner nature. It does not need any external conditions; it just is, happiness is you. - Osho

    Happiness is always within yourself. - Pythagoras

    Life is empty if you live only for yourself. By giving, you live. - Audrey Hepburn

    Listen to how a person insults others, this is how he characterizes himself.

    No one leaves anyone, just someone goes ahead. The one who is left behind believes that he was abandoned.

    Take responsibility for the result of communication. Not "I was provoked", but "I allowed myself to be provoked" or succumbed to the provocation. This approach helps to gain experience.

    A touchy person is a sick person, it is better not to communicate with him.

    Nobody owes you anything - be grateful for the little things.

    Be understandable, but don't demand to be understood.

  • God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to be healed of our shortcomings. - Simeon Athos
  • The happiness of a married person depends on those to whom he is not married. - O. Wilde
  • Words can prevent death. Words can revive the dead. - Navoi
  • When you do not know the words, then there is nothing to know people. - Confucius
  • He who neglects the word does harm to himself. - Proverbs of Solomon 13:13


    Horatio, there is much in the world that our wise men never dreamed of...

    And there are spots in the sun.

    Harmony is the union of opposites.

  • The whole world is a theater, and people are actors. - Shakespeare

Great Quotes

    Time does not like to be wasted. - Henry Ford

    Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but more wisely.- Henry Ford

    Self-doubt is the cause of most of our failures. - C. Bowie

    Attitude towards children is an unmistakable measure of the spiritual dignity of people. - Ya.Bryl

    Two things always fill the soul with new and stronger surprise, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me. - I. Kant

    If the problem can be solved, don't worry about it. If the problem is unsolvable, there is no point in worrying about it. - Dalai Lama

    Knowledge always brings freedom. - Osho


About friendship

A true friend is known in adversity. - Aesop

My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything. - V.G. Belinsky

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer. - La Rochefoucauld

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never. - J. Rousseau

Friedrich Nietzsche

  • A woman is considered profound, why?
    Because they can not find the reasons for her actions. The reason for her actions never lies on the surface.

    The same affects in men and women are different in tempo; that is why a man and a woman do not cease not to understand each other.

    Everyone bears in himself the image of a woman, perceived from his mother; this determines whether a man will honor women in general, or despise them, or, in general, treat them with indifference.

    If spouses did not live together, good marriages would occur more often.

    A lot of short madness - this is what you call love. And your marriage, like one long folly, puts an end to many short folly.

    Your love for your wife and your wife's love for her husband - oh, if only it could be pity for the suffering hidden gods! But almost always two animals guess each other.

    And even your best love is only an enthusiastic symbol and painful fervor. Love is the torch that should shine on your higher paths.

    A little good food often affects how we look at the future: hopefully or despondently. This is true even in relation to the most sublime and spiritual spheres of man.

    Sometimes sensuality overtakes love, the root of love remains weak, unattached, and it is not difficult to tear it out.

    We praise or blame, according to whether one or the other gives us a greater opportunity to discover the brilliance of our mind.

for reference

Aphorism (Greek aphorismos - a short saying), a generalized, complete and deep thought of a certain author, mainly of a philosophical or practical-moral meaning, expressed in a concise, refined form.

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updated 8.04.2016

Study, education
  • Everyone in the world loves the game; and the most prudent people willingly give themselves up to it until they see all the violence, tricks, delusions, loss of money and time associated with it, until they understand that it can be spent on it all their lives.
    (Charles Louis Montesquieu, 1689-1755, French writer, jurist, philosopher, essayist)
  • Each person has at least ten opportunities to change his life during the day. Success comes to those who know how to use them.
    (André Maurois (real name Emile Erzog), 1885-1967, French writer, literary critic)
  • An unbroken horse can be trained to harness. The metal melting in the crucible can be shaped into the desired shape. Nothing will come out of a bored loafer until the end of his life. Baisha said: "It is not shameful to have many diseases. If you have not been ill with anything in your whole life, this is a disaster." This is truly wise judgment.
    (Confucius, 551-479 BC, Chinese thinker, founder of the ethical and political doctrine that became the basis of the social order)
  • We ourselves create the world around us. We get exactly what we deserve. How can we resent the life we ​​have created for ourselves? Whom to blame, whom to thank, but ourselves! Who, besides us, can change it as soon as they wish?
  • The easy life teaches us nothing. And most importantly - what we eventually learned, what we learned and how we grew up.
    (Richard Bach, 1936, famous American writer, former professional pilot and flight instructor)
  • Choice! Choice is the key to everything. You have options. You don't have to spend your life wallowing in failure, ignorance, sorrow, poverty, shame, and self-pity. You can live better.
    (Og Mandino, b. 1924, American writer, researcher of human self-development)
  • Due to the lack of self-control, many people spend their whole lives struggling with difficulties that they themselves have created. Their own stubborn cruelty keeps them from succeeding.
    (Samuel Smiles, 1816-1903, English writer, thinker, author of entertaining, moral and philosophical books full of facts from the biographies of great people)
  • Be flawless. I've told you this twenty times already. To be flawless means to find out for yourself once and for all what you want in life, and thereby maintain your determination to achieve it. And then do everything in your power and even more in order to realize your desire. If you have not decided on anything, you are simply playing roulette with life in a turmoil.
    (Carlos Castaneda, 1925 (1931) -1998, American ethnographer, doctor of anthropology, writer (quote from the book "The Art of Dreaming"))
  • Life is a place of service, and a person has to endure a lot of things that are hard to endure, but more often - to experience a lot of joy. However, this joy can be real only when people treat their lives as a service and have a certain life goal that is not limited to themselves and their personal happiness.
    (Leo Tolstoy, 1828-1910, Russian writer)
  • If the whole meaning of life is reduced to pleasure, in the end we will inevitably come to the fact that life seems to us devoid of meaning. Pleasure cannot give meaning to life. For what is pleasure? - ... the state of the brain cells. And is it really worth living, feeling, suffering and doing things just to cause such a state? Let us suppose that a man condemned to death is asked, a few hours before his execution, to choose a menu for his last meal. Most likely, he will answer: does it make sense in the face of death to please oneself with taste sensations? As soon as the organism turns into a corpse after some two hours, does it matter whether or not it has another opportunity to experience that state of brain cells called pleasure? So the whole of life is constantly faced with death, which inevitably crosses out this element of pleasure. Any unfortunate person for whom all life is reduced to the pursuit of pleasure would have to doubt every moment of such a life, if he had any consistency.
    (Viktor Frankl, 1905-1997, Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist, professor of neurology and psychiatry, creator of a new direction in psychotherapy - logotherapy)
  • Before it's too late, don't forget that life's work is not business, but life.
    Original: Don"t forget until too late that the business of life is not business but living.

    (B.C. Forbes, founder of Forbes magazine, the world's most widely read business magazine)
  • If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.
    (Benedict Spinoza, 1632-1677, Dutch philosopher)
  • The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.
    (Michel de Montaigne, 1533-1592, French writer, philosopher, essayist)
  • Your thoughts become your life.
    (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 121-180, Roman emperor (161-180) and philosopher)
  • Security is mostly a prejudice. It does not exist in nature and no one has experienced it to the fullest. In the long run, running away from danger is no safer than being completely open to it. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Being ready for change and remaining a free person, despite difficult circumstances, is the strength that nothing can crush.
    (Helen Keller, a woman, blind and deaf since the age of two, yet became an All-American celebrity through her unstoppable drive to overcome her physical handicaps; reached the point of writing books and lecturing)
  • He who waits for the opportunity to do a lot of good at once will never do anything. Life is made up of little things. It is very rare that you get the opportunity to do a lot at once. True greatness lies in being great in the little things.
    (Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784, English writer, thinker, critic, essayist, lexicographer, biographer, journalist)
  • In our lives we can find justification, or we can find health, love, understanding, adventure, wealth and happiness. We create our life by the power of our choice. We feel completely helpless when we shy away from the opportunity to make a choice, when we do not want to build our own life.
    (Richard Bach, 1936, famous American writer, former professional pilot and flight instructor; quote from his book "The Only")
  • In life - with age - you begin to understand the power of a person who constantly thinks. This is a huge force, conquering. Everything perishes: youth, charm, passions - everything grows old and collapses. Thought does not perish and the person who carries it through life is beautiful.
    (Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, 1929-1974, Soviet actor and film director, writer, screenwriter)
  • Agree, a person who in his speech can bring interesting quotes or sayings to the place always attracts attention and leaves a pleasant impression, no matter what company he is in. Such techniques help to enrich speech, to show oneself from the best side, besides, some of your statements, backed up by the words of one of the greats, give your statement significant weight and a certain categoricalness.

    If you think you don't know enough catchphrases or quotes, this chapter is for you. Find those phrases that you like the most, that correspond to your views and worldview. Maybe they will help you in difficult times.

    And yet, the next time an interesting book falls into your hands, be sure to read it with a pencil in your hand and mark all the places and sayings that are interesting, in your opinion, and then write them out in a separate notebook or notebook. You can even break them down thematically.


    Not everything is the good that many so eagerly strive for. (Cicero)

    Pleasure stands on the edge of a slope and can slide down at any moment if the measure is not observed. (L. Seneca)

    It’s funny for me to remember how I thought, and how you seem to think that you can arrange for yourself a happy and honest little world in which you can live calmly, without mistakes, without remorse, without confusion, and do everything slowly, carefully, only good things. Ridiculous!.. To live honestly, you have to tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit and start again and quit again, and always fight and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness. (L. N. Tolstoy)

    The beautiful in life is comprehended through study and at the cost of great effort, the bad is assimilated by itself, without difficulty. (Democritus)

    Most likely you lose what you hold in your hands, when you leave it yourself - you no longer feel the loss. E. M. Remarque

    Reason is given to man so that he understands that it is impossible to live by reason alone. People live by feelings, and feelings do not care who is right. E. M. Remarque

    Only ashes know what it means to burn to the ground. I. Brodsky

    Be sure to continue to acquire smart enemies and sincere friends, and you will see how good it will be for you to live in this world. O. de Balzac

    An easy attitude to life makes it hard. E. Meek

    Life is like a department store: you find everything in it except what you are looking for. E. Meek

    Life is the striving to become something else, inconsistent with nature. F. Nietzsche

    We must learn to endure with dignity what we cannot change. L. Seneca

    You must laugh before you become happy, for fear of dying without laughing. La Brière

    Life is too short to get upset over the little things. La Brière

    Two people looked through the prison bars. One saw mud, the other saw stars.


    The same person is empty, who is completely filled with himself. M. Lermontov

    When a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable for him. L. Seneca

    We live in a world where one fool creates many fools, and one wise man creates few wise men. G. K. Lichtenberg

    The easiest way to determine the character of a person is by the joke that he is offended by. G. K Lichtenberg

    For some people, a man with a head is a more disgusting creature than the most notorious villain. G. K. Lichtenberg

    The ruler is harsh, especially when he is wrong or feels fear, which he cannot hide and which is clearly visible to everyone. Sh. M. Talleyrand

    The higher we climb, the less we seem to those who cannot fly. F. Nietzsche

    One becomes more bashful from great praise, the other becomes bolder. F. Nietzsche

    To err is a human property. Animals make little or no mistake. G. K. Likhshenberg

    Who is too smart, he does not have friends. Japanese wisdom

    Lying in human relationships is like lubricant for cars: it reduces friction. E. Meek

    There are people in whose presence it is simply impolite to be talented. E. Meek

    If people only spoke when they had something to say, there would be an oppressive silence in the world. E. Meek

    I love people, and most of all when this feeling disgusts me. F. Nietzsche

    If you want to conquer the whole world, conquer yourself. F. Dostoevsky

    A person feels the meaning and purpose of his own life only when he realizes that others need him. S. Zweig

    It's easy to kill yourself for other people's opinions, but it's almost impossible to kill yourself for yourself. L. N. Tolstoy

    If it seems to someone that he has no obligations to anyone, then he simply did not look for them. M. Lyon


    Happiness is not in happiness, but only in achieving it. F. Dostoevsky

    The inclination towards joy and hope is true happiness; a tendency to apprehension and melancholy is a real misfortune.

    Having conquered pride, a person becomes pleasant. Having conquered anger, he becomes cheerful. Having overcome passion, he becomes successful. Having overcome greed, he becomes happy. Arabic proverb

    Happiness is when the unfortunate thinks he is happy. R. G. De la Serna

    Most people are only as happy as they think they are. A. Lincoln

    Man is unhappy because he does not know that he is happy. F. Dostoevsky


    Oh, how deadly we love, As in the violent blindness of passions We most surely destroy everything, What is dear to our heart! F. I. Tyutchev

    Pain stings more sharply when it is caused by someone close to you. Babriy

    I am not afraid to go over the limit in my love: there is nothing to fear that the feeling, which should be the greatest, will turn out to be excessive. Pliny the Younger

    When you love, you don't know, and when you know, you don't love. Publius Cyrus

    Only a sage and a scientist knows how to be a real lover. Seneca

    To love is when you want to grow old with someone. E. M. Remarque

    Love cannot be explained. She needs action. E. M. Remarque

    Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end. E. M. Remarque

    No person can become more alien than the one you previously loved. E. M. Remarque

    Words of love are always the same - it all depends on whose mouth they come from. Guy de Maupassant

    In the labyrinth, they are looking not for an exit, but for Ariadne. F. Nietzsche

    You woke up a woman and she endured, so this is love. G. K. Lichtenberg


    Friendship is nothing but unanimity in all matters, divine and human, strengthened by affection and love. Cicero

    Friendship, on the other hand, does not tolerate anything artificial, nothing feigned, and everything that is in it is always genuine and comes from the heart. Cicero

    We should not enter into friendship with those who prefer us new friends to old ones: when we ourselves become old friends, he will again make new ones and prefer them to us. Aesop

    One for me is ten thousand, if he is the best. Democritus

    Perfect friendship happens between people who are virtuous and similar in virtue to each other, for they equally desire each other's own good insofar as they are virtuous. Aristotle

    A good friend should appear on days of joyful events by invitation, and on days of trials he should come of his own accord. Democritus

    The inability to help friends is a sign of poverty, and unwillingness is meanness. Democritus

    Only those people who can sincerely and actually forgive each other for minor shortcomings can be bound by true friendship. J. de La Bruyère

    Friends are only lost by those who call them too often or too rarely. Scottish proverb

    We only believe in those who believe in themselves. Sh. M. Talleyrand


    To be angry means to take revenge on oneself for the mistakes of others. A. Lincoln

    A person who never gets angry is simply a fool. A person who can force himself not to be angry is a real sage. I. Goethe

    Nature endowed innocence with speech, and evil with silence. Apuleius

    He who associates with bad people is an enemy to everyone, even though he himself has not done evil to anyone. Babriy

    Do not think that bad people benefit from their misdeeds: time hides misdeeds, but time also exposes them. Dionysius Cato

    Bad people mostly enjoy false pleasures, while good people enjoy real ones. Plato

    Malevolence in people, if he is pleased, only gets worse from this. Aesop

    Never accumulate evil on people, even if they have caused you great trouble. Anger, like steam, can explode within yourself. I. Goethe

    Sometimes what is done with an ugly expression is called malice. G. K. Lichtenberg

    You can talk bad about people, but not evil. F. Nietzsche

    Good does not lie on the road, you cannot pick it up by chance. Good man learns from man. Ch. Aitmatov

    There are all kinds of people and all kinds of passions. For another, for example, all the passion, all the pathos of his nature is cold malice, and he is only smart, talented and even healthy when he bites. V. G. Belinsky

    As long as a person is able to do good, he is not in danger of encountering ingratitude. F. La Rochefoucauld

    And the best snake is still a snake. N. S. Leskov

    Bad people are worse than us, good people are like us, and we don’t see who is better than us, and it’s very difficult to see: for this you have to bow before the highest, but bow down! M. M. Prishvin

    Only evil people are afraid of evil. W. Scott


    Nothing gnaws at the nervous system like the contradictions between desires and possibilities. Eastern wisdom

    It happens that doors and listeners mutually attract each other. L. Seneca

    I thank God a thousand times for making me an atheist. G. K. Lichtenberg

    He's not smart enough to go crazy. G. K. Lichtenberg

    Not having your own opinion is the best remedy for peace of mind. G. K. Lichtenberg

    A lost cause is best defended ironically. G. K. Lichtenberg

    When a book collides with the head and an empty sound is made, is the book to blame? G. K. Lichtenberg

    To write touching, you need much more than tears and the moon. G. K. Lichtenberg

    A stupid woman compromises only herself, and a smart woman compromises both herself and her husband. Sh. M. Talleyrand

    A thought came into his head, but, not finding anyone, left. E. Meek

    Calluses on the hands are not only for those who work, but also for those who applaud them. E. Meek

    Courting your own wife is like hunting roasted game. E. Meek

    You can't throw out a word from a song, but you can throw out a song. E. Meek

    He is one of those people who are invited only so that there are not thirteen people at the table. E. Meek

    If you want to be ahead of the classics, write prefaces to them. E. Meek

    Our life is the result of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it is created by our thought. If a person speaks and acts with a good thought, joy follows him like a shadow that never leaves.


    Everything that changes our lives is not an accident. It is in ourselves and waits only for an external occasion for expression by action.

    Alexander Sergeevich Green

    Life is not suffering and not pleasure, but a matter that we must do and honestly bring it to the end.

    Alexis Tocqueville

    Strive not to succeed, but to ensure that your life has meaning.

    Albert Einstein

    God's Riddle (Part 1) The riddle of God (part 2) God's Riddle (Part 3)

    To see all things in God, to make a movement towards the ideal out of your life, to live with gratitude, concentration, meekness and courage: this is the amazing point of view of Marcus Aurelius.

    Henri Amiel

    Every life creates its own destiny.

    Henri Amiel

    Life is a moment. It cannot be lived first on a draft, and then rewritten on a white copy.

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

    The vocation of every person in spiritual activity is in the constant search for truth and the meaning of life.

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

    The meaning of life is only one thing - struggle.

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

    Life is an ongoing birth, and you accept yourself as you become.

    I want to fight for life. Fight for the truth. Everyone is always fighting for the truth, and there is no ambiguity in this.

    It is not necessary to look at where a person was born, but what his customs are, not in what land, but according to what principles he decided to live his life.


    Life - is a risk. Only by getting into risky situations, we continue to grow. And one of the most risky situations we can risk is the risk of falling in love, the risk of being vulnerable, the risk of allowing ourselves to open up to another person without fear of pain or resentment.

    Arianna Huffington

    What is the sense of life? Serve others and do good.


    Nobody has lived in the past, nobody will have to live in the future; the present is the form of life.

    Arthur Schopenhauer

    Remember: only this life has a price!

    Aphorisms from the literary monuments of ancient Egypt

    It is not death that should be feared, but an empty life.

    Bertolt Brecht

    People are looking for pleasure, rushing from side to side, only because they feel the emptiness of their lives, but do not yet feel the emptiness of the new fun that attracts them.

    Blaise Pascal

    The moral qualities of a person must be judged not by his individual efforts, but by his daily life.

    Blaise Pascal

    No, apparently death does not explain anything. Only life gives people certain opportunities, which are realized by them or are wasted in vain; only life can resist evil and injustice.

    Vasily Bykov

    Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living.

    Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

    Life is not a burden, but the wings of creativity and joy; and if anyone turns it into a burden, then he himself is to blame.

    Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev

    Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything stops. The goal is lost, and the forces are gone.

    Whatever we strive for, whatever the particular tasks that we set ourselves, we ultimately strive for one thing: to completeness and completeness ... We strive to become eternal, complete, and all-encompassing life ourselves.

    Viktor Frankl

    To find one's own path, to know one's place in life - this is everything for a person, it means for him to become himself.

    Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

    Whoever wants to accept the meaning of life as an external authority ends up taking the nonsense of his own arbitrariness for the meaning of life.

    Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov

    A person in life can have two basic behaviors: he either rolls or climbs.

    Vladimir Soloukhin

    Only you have the power to change your life for the better, just by deciding to do it.

    Eastern wisdom

    This is the meaning of our stay on earth: to think and search and listen to the distant disappeared sounds, since behind them lies our true homeland.

    Hermann Hesse

    Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.

    Guy de Maupassant

    Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health; on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind to something brings cheerfulness, eternally directed towards the strengthening of life.


    One thing, constantly and strictly carried out, streamlines everything else in life, everything revolves around it.


    Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the way of life.


    There is no poetry in a serene and blissful life! It is necessary that something stir the soul and burn the imagination.

    Denis Vasilievich Davydov

    It is impossible for the sake of life to lose the meaning of life.

    Decimus Junius Juvenal

    True Light is the one that comes from within a person and reveals the secrets of the heart to the soul, making it happy and in harmony with life.

    Man struggles to find life outside of himself, not realizing that the life he seeks is within him.

    A person who is limited in heart and mind tends to love what is limited in life. He who has limited vision cannot see beyond the length of one cubit on the road he is walking on, or on the wall against which he leans his shoulder.

    Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light themselves.

    James Matthew Barry

    See every morning dawn as the beginning of your life, and every sunset as the end of it. May each of these short lives be marked by some good deed, some victory over oneself or acquired knowledge.

    John Ruskin

    It's hard to live when you haven't done anything to earn your place in life.

    Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov

    The completion of life, both short and long, is determined only by the purpose for which it is lived.

    David Star Jordan

    Our life is a struggle.


    You can't get honey without hard work. There is no life without sorrow and adversity.

    Debt is what we must give back to humanity, our loved ones, our neighbors, our family, and, above all, what we owe to all those who are poorer and more defenseless than us. This is our duty, and failure to fulfill it during life makes us spiritually untenable and leads to a state of moral collapse in our future incarnation.

    The honor of a man is not in the power of another; this honor is in himself and does not depend on public opinion; her protection is not a sword or a shield, but an honest and impeccable life, and a fight under such conditions will not yield in courage to any other fight.

    Jean Jacques Rousseau

    The cup of life is beautiful! How stupid to resent it just because you see its bottom.

    Jules Renan

    Life is red only for those who strive for a constantly attainable, but never achievable goal.

    Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

    Two meanings in life - internal and external,
    The external has a family, business, success;
    And the inner - obscure and unearthly -
    Everyone is responsible for everyone.

    Igor Mironovich Guberman

    Whoever can fill every moment with deep content, infinitely prolongs his life.

    Isolde Kurtz

    Truly, there is nothing better in life than the help of a friend and mutual joy.

    John of Damascus

    Everything that happens to us leaves a trace in our life. Everything is involved in making us who we are.

    Life is a duty, even if it were a moment.

    Only he is worthy of life and freedom, who every day goes to fight for them.

    A person lives a real life if he is happy with someone else's happiness.

    Life, like the waters of the sea, refreshes only when it ascends to heaven.

    Johann Richter

    Human life is like iron. If you use it in business, it wears out, but if you do not use it, rust eats it.

    Cato the Elder

    It is never too late to plant a tree: you may not get the fruits, but the joy of life begins with the opening of the first bud of the planted plant.

    Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

    What is more valuable - a glorious name or life? Which is smarter - life or wealth? What is more painful - to achieve or to lose? That is why great addictions inevitably lead to great losses. And irrepressible accumulation turns into a huge loss. Know the measure - and do not have to experience shame. Know how to stop - and you will not encounter dangers and will be able to live a long time.

    Lao Tzu

    Life should and can be an unceasing joy

    The shortest expression of the meaning of life can be this: the world is moving and improving. The main task is to contribute to this movement, to submit to it and to cooperate with it.

    Salvation is not in rituals, sacraments, not in the confession of this or that faith, but in a clear understanding of the meaning of one's life.

    I am sure that the meaning of life for each of us is simply to grow in love.

    In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life.

    Leonardo da Vinci

    The good thing is not that life is long, but how to manage it: it can happen, and it often happens, that a person who lives long does not live long.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    The greatest flaw in life is its eternal incompleteness due to our habit of procrastinating from day to day. Whoever finishes the work of his life every evening does not need time.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    A busy day is never too long! Let's extend our lives! After all, both the meaning and the main sign of it are activity.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    Life is like a play in the theatre: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    Like a fable, so life is valued not for its length, but for its content.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    What is the longest lifespan? Live until you reach wisdom, not the farthest, but the greatest goal.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    What will be the conviction, such are the actions and thoughts, and what will they be, such is life.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    There is nothing more ugly than an old man who has no other evidence of the benefit of his long life, except for age.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    Let your life be equal to you, let nothing contradict one another, and this is impossible without knowledge and without art, allowing you to know the divine and the human.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    One should look at a day as if it were a small life.

    Maksim Gorky

    The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of being has its own lofty goal.

    Maksim Gorky

    The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the inner law that you are aware of.

    Marcus Aurelius

    The art of living is more like the art of fighting than of dancing. It requires readiness and fortitude both in regard to the sudden and the unforeseen.

    Marcus Aurelius

    Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say what is not in accordance with the truth. Keep this most important thing, and you will complete the whole task of your life.

    Marcus Aurelius

    Attaching one good deed to another so tightly that there is not the slightest gap between them is what I call enjoying life.

    Marcus Aurelius

    May your deeds be great, as you would like to remember them on the slope of life.

    Marcus Aurelius

    Each person is a reflection of his inner world. As a person thinks, so he is (in life).

    Mark Tullius Cicero

    Life is beautiful if you learn to live.


    It is necessary that each person find for himself personally the opportunity to live a higher life in the midst of the modest and inevitable reality of every day.

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

    The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.

    Michel de Montaigne

    The changes that take place in our lives are the result of our choices and our decisions.

    Wisdom of the Ancient East

    Follow your Heart while you are on earth and try to make at least one day of your life perfect.

    Wisdom of Ancient Egypt

    Beauty lies not in individual features and lines, but in the general expression of the face, in the vital sense that lies in it.

    Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

    Who does not burn, he smokes. This is the law. Long live the flame of life!

    Nikolai Alexandrovich Ostrovsky

    Man's destiny is to serve, and our whole life is service. It is only necessary not to forget that a place in an earthly state was taken in order to serve the Heavenly Sovereign there and therefore keep His law in mind. Only by serving in this way can one please everyone: the Sovereign, and the people, and one's land.

    Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

    To live is to act with energy; life is a struggle in which one must fight bravely and honestly.

    Nikolay Vasilievich Shelgunov

    To live means to feel, to enjoy life, to feel constantly new, which would remind us that we live.


    Life is pure flame; we live with the invisible sun within us.

    Thomas Brown

    The best part of a righteous man's life is his small, nameless and forgotten deeds, caused by love and kindness.

    William Wordsworth

    Spend your life on something that will outlive you.


    Although few of the Caesars' people, everyone still stands once in his life at his Rubicon.

    Christian Ernst Benzel-Sternau

    Souls tormented by passions blaze with fire. These will incinerate anyone in their path. Those without mercy are cold as ice. These will freeze anyone they meet. Those who are attached to things are like rotten water and rotten wood: the life has already gone from them. Such people can never do good or make another happy.

    Hong Zicheng

    The basis of our satisfaction with life is a sense of usefulness

    Charles William Eliot

    The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward.

    Emile Zola

    If in life you conform to nature, you will never be poor, and if you conform to people's opinion, you will never be rich.


    There is no other meaning in life, except what kind of person himself gives it, revealing his strength, living fruitfully ...

    Erich Fromm

    Every person is born for some work. Everyone who walks the earth has his duties in life.

    Ernst Miller Hemingway

    The article includes the sayings of the sages, philosophical phrases and quotes:

    • Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say what is not in accordance with the truth. Keep this most important thing, and you will complete the whole task of your life. M. Aurelius.
    • The greatest of books is the book of life, which can neither be closed nor reopened at will. A. Lamartine.
    • The dialectics of life - youthful dreams imperceptibly turning into senile memories.
    • Music is an acoustic composition that arouses in us an appetite for life, just as well-known pharmaceutical compositions arouse an appetite for food. V. Klyuchevsky.
    • Fate cannot be escaped even after life. A. Faiz.
    • Do not be upset if life passes by - these are her problems. V. Bednova.
    • If I know the truth of a certain way and level of life, then I formulate it, because I can see and it is given to turn the obvious into words. It is enough to catch the key word of the painfully unconscious in order to extract the appropriate experience of others from the collection of such formulations. E. Ermolova.
    • Normal life begins when the wife's point of view becomes the husband's point of view. T. Kleiman.
    • Life does not smile on those who despise it. A. Rakhmatov.
    • Wandering among the letters of the alphabet of one's own life, it is difficult to find its beginning and end, alpha and omega, for which life is worth living. Alas, this alphabet is not taught in any school in the world. B. Krieger.
    • To have the right to criticize, one must believe in some truth. M. Gorky.
    • A teacher, if he is honest, should always be an attentive student. M. Gorky.
    • Those who place the peace of their loved ones above all else must completely renounce the life of ideas. A.P. Chekhov.
    • A life worthy of its name is a dedication to the good of others. B.T. Washington.
    • Fight, fight for life, but be ready for death. A.V. Ivanov
    • Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt - fate leads those who want to go, drags those who do not want to.
    • Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus! - let the world perish, but justice will prevail!
    • Jus vitae ac necis - the right to control life and death.
    • Medicus curat, natūra sanat - the doctor heals, nature heals.
    • Natura abhorret vacuum - nature does not tolerate emptiness.
    • Supra nos Fortuna negotia curat - bypassing us, fate decides things.
    • The childless are more likely to get divorced: children are a common good for both, and the common good unites. Aristotle.
    • The sayings of the sages are a colossal life experience...
    • The wiser in every science is he who is more precise and more able to teach the discovery of causes. Aristotle.
    • Those who have the art are able to teach, but those who have experience are not. Aristotle.
    • Contrary to the opinion of some, reason is not the beginning and leader of virtue, but rather the movement of feelings. Aristotle.
    • Power over oneself is the highest power, enslavement to one's passions is the most terrible slavery. L. P. Tolstoy.
    • One thing remains discreet - this is the thirst for achievement. In this thirst a living human heart trembles, an inquisitive and never calming human mind is hidden. Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E.
    • Our will, like our muscles, is strengthened by ever-increasing activity; without giving them exercise, you are bound to have weak muscles and weak will. K. D. Ushinsky.
    • Character is the greatest multiplier of human faculties. K. Fisher.
    • Need to improve. Any character can be changed. Patience, ability, even physical strength - everything can be developed in yourself if you really want to, if you do not give yourself any indulgence. M. V. Frunze.
    • How many truths that we now recognize as indisputable, at the time of their pronouncement, seemed only paradoxes or even heresies! Catherine II
    • Our personality is the garden, and our will is its gardener. W. Shakespeare
    • I prefer to find one truth, even in insignificant things, than to argue for a long time about the greatest questions, without reaching any truth. G. Galileo.
    • Anger is short-term insanity. Horace.
    • Let people do without principles, but give them sophisms instead of truths. E. Renan.
    • Interesting Philosophical Sayings About Possibilities - He who can't do little, can't do more. M. V. Lomonosov
    • Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth. K. A. Helvetius.
    • A state of mindless, unbridled anger is just as fatal as a state of mindless kindness or tenderness. K. D. Ushinsky
    • On a courageous heart, all adversity breaks. M. Cervantes
    • Anger always has a reason, but rarely a good enough one. B. Franklin
    • Courage without prudence is only a special kind of cowardice. Seneca the Younger.
    • Courage and fortitude are necessary for people not only against the weapons of enemies, but also against any blows.
    • Courage is the contempt of fear. It ignores the dangers that threaten us, challenges them to battle and crushes them. Seneca the Younger.

    Topic: Sayings, quotes, philosophical phrases and expressions about the meaning of life and people.

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