Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: I want to stop drinking, but I can't. Withdrawal of an alcoholic - how to relieve symptoms

When will the effects of alcohol wear off? How long is the weaning period? Can you suddenly stop drinking? Will there be a period when there are no more withdrawal symptoms? In this article you will find answers to all these questions.

Health recovery

After a person has abruptly stopped drinking, health recovery. All organs and vessels that have been damaged as a result of drinking alcohol are restored.

Also, if a person:

  • changes his lifestyle ()
  • starts exercising regularly
  • adjusts his diet in the direction of the right one,

the health regeneration is faster.

A significant improvement in physical condition occurs already after 3 weeks after cessation of alcohol consumption.

After another 3 months, there is an improvement in the work of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and other body systems.

Recovery of the psyche

Is it possible to stop drinking abruptly and not have negative consequences?

The answer to this question is a resounding "No". You have been drinking for several years, therefore, the consequences will have to be dealt with for a long time, especially with the consequences on the psyche. I wrote about this in .

Recovery of the psyche is much slower.
In the initial period of withdrawal, it seems that the psyche works worse. This is due to the fact that the only " crutch”, on which the psyche relied - the use of alcohol. Now the nervous system needs to learn to cope with life's problems again, and not resort to alcohol.

However, over time, the ability to solve life's problems will be restored. Stress resistance will improve.

Just abruptly stopping drinking is not enough for a full recovery.

In order to successfully pass the weaning period, you must:

  • work on your recovery program,
  • monitor withdrawal symptoms
  • be able to avoid disruption. (read how to do this in)
  • change your whole lifestyle

Is it possible to stop drinking abruptly and reach the state that was before drinking?

Get back to where you were before addiction impossible. At least it can't be done 100%.

Addiction is an incurable disease that lasts a lifetime.

A person now needs to always lead a lifestyle that will promote sobriety.

It is possible to achieve a comfortable stay in sobriety - this is the main goal and value for a person who has quit drinking.

You will never again be able to lead the lifestyle that you led before.

If, after you stop drinking abruptly, you resort to:

  • back to old habits
  • way of thinking,
  • behavior
  • old thinking

all this can bring you back to the alcohol pit.

After 12 to 18 months, the mental state will improve significantly.

You will be able to cope with stress, accept life changes and go through them. The mental system is highly adaptable.

You can stop drinking abruptly if you have a recovery program

If you have decided to give up alcohol completely, you need to develop your own recovery program.

The life of an addict This is a life of recovery. The main principles of the recovery program should be:

  1. Recognize the signs of a breakdown and be able to overcome them
  2. Understanding the cause of stress
  3. Avoiding overly emotional situations
  4. Restoration of social relations
  5. Compliance with the daily routine
  6. Refusal of all types of compulsive behavior

When we stop drinking abruptly, it may seem to us that we must reach a certain point where we can finally live as before. However, this false path. « Like before' will no longer be.

We need:

  • To plan,
  • Act
  • Living in the Here and Now
  • Build a lifestyle that is right for us.

You can stop drinking abruptly, but this is not enough. We cannot stop there.

Withdrawal is like a process where the more we stay sober, the more we need to do to stay sane. Mere abstinence is not enough. We understand that alcohol has affected all areas of life nothing was left undamaged.

For many years, being in denial of our own addiction, we caused damage without realizing it. So strong was his own self-deception. When we stopped drinking, we found it difficult to cope with a life of sobriety.

Is there a withdrawal period?

Of course, the withdrawal period, when negative symptoms are active, passes, provided that we do not apply and act according to the program of recovery.

Weaning period- this is the period when withdrawal symptoms operate that can throw us back into addiction. The period when we learn to cope with them, to pass withdrawal symptoms, while maintaining sobriety.

During the weaning period, we go from the usual ability to abstain from drinking alcohol to comfortable sobriety, the ability to live comfortably without the need to use chemicals.

We are learning to live sober again.

Therefore, answering the question "Is it possible to stop drinking abruptly" . The answer is yes.

However, in addition to this, there is still a lot to be done that will create a comfortable sobriety for us, we need to learn every day to live without the need to drink alcohol. Then, having passed the period of weaning, we can hope for a completely satisfactory way of life and happy sobriety.

Write your opinion in the comments.

The medical term "withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism" is based on the Latin word abstinentia, literally translated - abstinence. This term characterizes a complex of specific symptoms that accompany the refusal or a sharp decrease in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by a chronic alcoholic. At the same time, taking small doses (hangover) alleviates these disorders for a while.

Withdrawal syndrome is the main symptom of the 2nd stage of chronic alcoholism. Ethanol molecules, entering the human body, due to the presence of a hydroxyl group in their composition, resembling water in composition, are quickly absorbed into the gastric mucosa and enter the bloodstream.

The circulatory system distributes ethanol molecules throughout the body, which begins the process of their removal. There are three metabolic processes that ensure the primary conversion of ethanol:

  • alcohol dehydrogenase produced by the liver;
  • catalase contained in macrophages of the immune system;
  • specialized substances of liver cells.

The result of these processes is the conversion of ethanol molecules into acetaldehyde, that is, a compound that adversely affects the normal functioning of most internal organs. Poisoning the body with acetaldehyde causes hangover symptoms. The resulting acetaldehyde is converted by the liver with the help of the main anti-alcohol enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase into acetic acid, decomposed into carbon dioxide and water, which are removed from the body by the urinary system, sweat glands and lungs.

In a healthy body, with relatively small doses of absorbed alcohol and a short duration of their intake, only the first of the metabolic processes is used. In this case, a dynamic balance is established between the amount of acetaldehyde formed in the body and the amount decomposed by alcohol dehydrogenase. With an increase in the incoming amount of ethanol, the second, and then the third metabolic process is connected to its processing. This causes a violation of the dynamic balance and the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the human body.

The process is regulated by dopamine. The number of dopamine molecules is usually proportional to the amount of acetaldehyde present in the body. Long-term alcohol consumption in large doses leads to a sharp reduction in free dopamine molecules. In this case, biochemical reactions occur in which acetaldehyde begins to play the role of dopamine, forming tetrahydroisoquinoline molecules.

Studies have shown that this substance is concentrated in the “pleasure zone” of the brain and, penetrating into its work, intercepts the functions of regulating the synthesis of neurotransmitters, the intensity of which determines the psychophysical state of a person. In the conditions of stopping the intake of alcohol into the human body, tetrahydroisoquinoline reduces the production of neurotransmitters, which sharply worsens the human condition, causing alcohol withdrawal. This is precisely the mechanism of the formation of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and the transition of the disease to stage 2.

The amount of tetrahydroisoquinoline formed in the human brain during his life can only increase. Currently, there is no way to remove this substance from the body. That is why a person who has crossed the border of stage 2 of alcoholism remains an alcoholic for the rest of his life.


Those "inexperienced" in matters of diagnosis often mistake the usual state of a hangover for a manifestation of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. This is absolutely not true. The state of a hangover is associated with the manifestation of severe poisoning of the body by the product of ethanol metabolism - acetaldehyde.

Like any poisoning, a hangover is characterized by a severe headache, tremor of the hands and the appearance of nausea, culminating in vomiting, which brings relief to the patient. Specific taste sensations appear in the mouth associated with the removal of acetaldehyde oxidation products from the body, and a characteristic sour smell. Abundant consumption of water, preferably mineralized, the use of cucumber, cabbage or tomato pickles allows you to suppress this painful condition for several hours. Treatment of a hangover with low-alcohol drinks is not recommended.

The symptoms of withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism are much more severe, since this is not just a chemical poisoning of the body, but a complex of psychopathological, neurotic and somatic disorders, aggravated by an irrepressible craving for alcohol, due to the presence of tetrahydroisoquinoline, which is involved in the regulation of psychophysical and behavioral reactions of the body.

When choosing methods for stopping alcohol withdrawal syndrome, a classification of symptoms is used, reflecting the degree of damage to individual functional systems of the body.

p/pNameWithdrawal symptoms
1 Neurovegetative lesionssleep disturbances, insomnia, general weakness, lack of appetite, fluctuations in blood pressure, rapid pulse, hand tremor, swelling of the soft tissues of the face, increased sweating, dry mouth
2 Cerebral lesionsall the disorders mentioned above, syncope, dizziness, severe headache, hypersensitivity to sound and light effects, possible seizures
3 Somatic lesionsnoticeable yellowness of the sclera, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, pain in the epigastric region, in the region of the heart
4 Psychopathological lesionsanxiety, mood changes, unreasonable fear, severe sleep disorders, short-term visual and auditory hallucinations, deterioration in orientation in space and time, suicidal thoughts, possible suicide attempts.

Regardless of the nature of the lesion, the course of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by an exacerbation of changes in the personality psychotype. The patient's cognitive abilities and learning ability decrease, logical failures and inertia of thinking occur. Humor and irony are coarsened to the point of primitivism. Sometimes even maintaining a simple dialogue becomes an impossible task for him.

Depression, a sense of hopelessness and guilt associated with a pathological craving for alcohol are periodically replaced by purposefulness and enterprise, under the influence of which the patient can deceive relatives, pick locks, run away from home, commit theft to satisfy his desire to get alcohol.

Sequence of symptoms

The degree of manifestation of the symptoms of the alcohol syndrome is largely determined by the stage of development of the disease. The initial stage of the transition of a chronic disease of alcoholism to the second stage is characterized by the manifestation of primary signs of withdrawal syndrome, which occur after a short drinking bout lasting no more than 4 days. At the same time, a psychopathological state is observed, manifested by general weakness, severe fatigue, increased irritability, and hyperesthesia. There is a palpitation, dry mouth and increased sweating.

At the stage of development of the second stage of a chronic disease, when the duration of binges reaches 4–8 days, signs of neurological disorders and pathology of individual internal organs are added to the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome described above. There are sensations of internal discomfort, unbearable headache, clouding of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, disorders of the vestibular apparatus. There is swelling of the soft tissues of the face, tremor of the hands, palpitations and jumps in blood pressure.

In the third stage of the disease, the duration of binges increases to 8-12 days. All the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome mentioned earlier persist, supplemented by clinical manifestations of mental pathology. Sleep disturbances increase, accompanied by nightmarish visions and feelings of panic anxiety. Depressed mood and depressing guilt periodically give way to inexplicable irritation and aggression towards others.

At the third stage of the disease, the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome manifest themselves integrally. The intensity of these manifestations depends both on the duration of the binge period and on the time that has elapsed since the moment of refusing alcohol. In this case, the increase in symptoms usually occurs in an order that reproduces the sequence of their occurrence at different stages of the disease.

With the appearance of all these symptoms and the further progress of the disease, delirium tremens develops, that is, the disease passes into the stage of alcoholic delirium. A characteristic feature of this stage is that it develops precisely as a manifestation of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 3-4 days after the refusal to drink alcohol.

Alcoholic delirium is expressed by the appearance of delirium caused by visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations. The images that arise in the mind of the patient are in the nature of some dangerous menacing creatures. In the most severe cases, the result of such exacerbations of the psyche is a fatal outcome.


For the treatment of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism, it is necessary to turn to narcologists. Mild alcohol withdrawal treatment can be done on an outpatient basis or at home.

The treatment regimen in this case provides for detoxification therapy, including:

  • blood purification by the method of conducting a cycle of intravenous drip infusion of saline solutions;
  • general cleansing of the body by oral intake of absorbent preparations;
  • vitamin therapy.

At the same time, patients are prescribed a course of treatment with drugs that normalize the activity of the nervous and autonomic systems, reduce anxiety, have a sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effect. If necessary, it is prescribed to take additional funds that restore the normal functioning of other organs.

Relief of withdrawal symptoms in this case will be no more than 5 days. In the absence of treatment, all symptoms disappear within 10 days.

Indications for hospitalization of a patient for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of the development of the second and third stages of the disease of chronic alcoholism. The need for inpatient treatment arises in the presence of various somatic pathologies of the body. The treatment program is prescribed after a complete examination of the patient, carried out with the participation of a narcologist, who further monitors the patient's treatment.

Hospitalization of patients is also carried out when patients have mental disorders or symptoms of alcoholic psychosis. Psychopathic symptoms with the transition to alcoholic delirium are the most difficult diagnosis for both the patient and his relatives.

Withdrawal syndrome is not a disease. This is just one of the warning signs on the road of alcoholism. Road leading to nowhere. It's time, time to slow down!

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "break"? Heroin, cocaine, marijuana, stoned or stoned people who have gone down. Drug addicts…

But this layer of comrades does not have a license for the concept of “breaking”. Alcoholics can also experience these unpleasant symptoms.

Before deciding whether to remove breaking at home or accept the help of specialists, you need to know what this condition is characterized by.

Alcoholism equals drug addiction

When a person has just begun his acquaintance with the Green Serpent, then we are not talking about addiction. Time passes, the doses of alcohol become larger. In the morning, the hangover begins to torment.

At first, brine or water is enough, but then alcohol is required to recover. The person comes to life, the state of health improves. But normal health does not last long - just a few hours and the body again asks for alcohol. This is already an established addiction and the beginning of "alcohol withdrawal".

Many dismiss the symptoms until it's too late - delirium tremens begins.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms

You can deceive yourself in any way you like. But if the following symptoms begin after drinking alcohol, then we can safely say that withdrawal has begun.

Alcohol withdrawal: what happens to the body?

So, the main manifestations:

  • irrepressible thirst, muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • a person constantly sweats;
  • anxiety and nervousness;
  • fever and chills;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • increased excitability;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • sleep disorders;
  • a person does not understand where he is, does not orient himself in space;
  • lethargy;
  • alcoholic delirium.

It is not necessary that all symptoms appear at the same time. But the longer the alcohol experience, the brighter the alcohol withdrawal will be. The acute form of delirium can result in death.

The sad part is that quitting alcohol can cause even more severe withdrawal symptoms. Harsh medical statistics claims that up to 35% of addicted people die trying to remove the withdrawal syndrome on their own.

Only under the supervision of a narcologist can a sustainable result be achieved in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

Break duration

How long will this unpleasant state last? This question torments people who have made the decision to stop drinking. Everything is very individual and depends on the experience of alcoholism, age and health status.

For whom the rejection is painless, someone suffers for several weeks. On average, you will have to suffer 2-3 weeks. In binge alcoholics, the state of withdrawal may last longer.

Alcohol withdrawal treatment

The best choice for an addict is to seek specialized help from a health facility.

Treatment of withdrawal symptoms should only take place under the constant supervision of a physician.

The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe drugs to relieve intoxication. Additionally, vitamin complexes, drugs for the relief of neurological symptoms are dripped. Comorbidities are being treated. In some cases, treatment is supplemented by psychological help.

Another reason for going to the hospital. The patient will be in a closed room, without temptations and drinking companions, under the round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel. If the patient's condition worsens, doctors will take the necessary therapeutic measures.

How to remove the breakage at home

You need a strong motivation to go to the hospital. It appears only in one case - it's very bad. And before that, addicted people and their relatives are trying to remove alcohol withdrawal at home.

Removal of breakage folk remedies.

What can traditional medicine offer? Sometimes decoctions of medicinal - and sometimes poisonous - herbs help.

  1. Take the herb of wormwood, centaury and thyme in equal proportions, pour 500 ml of cold water. Bring to a boil, wrap and leave to infuse for 40-45 minutes. Ready broth to store in the refrigerator. Take 50 ml every morning for 2 months.
  2. St. John's wort grass. Two tablespoons per 500 ml of water. Take 50 ml morning and evening until the craving for alcohol stops.
  3. Pour one teaspoon of anise seeds into 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse until completely cool. Take 50 g before meals.
  4. Hop cones are brewed according to the classical technology - 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of boiling water. The decoction is drunk 1 glass every day before bedtime, while alcohol withdrawal continues.

It is important to understand that herbs have contraindications and can cause allergic reactions. Some of them are poisonous. For example, wormwood can cause hallucinations. And St. John's wort is not in vain so called - be careful in trying to help a loved one. In addition, herbs require a long-term intake, and sometimes it may not be.

If the condition worsens, then you should definitely contact a narcologist. Only the doctor is responsible for the life and health of the patient. Make the right choice - choose a sober life and you will not regret it!

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Alcoholism is expressed in an irresistible craving for alcohol. What causes this destructive desire for health and life in alcoholics? We propose to consider the process of formation of chemical dependence on alcohol, the causes of alcohol withdrawal and methods for its elimination.

chemical addiction

Any addiction to psychoactive drugs will lead to withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the characteristics of the disease, which includes two types of dependence: physical dependence of the body, and psychological dependence of the psyche.

Almost every person has internal reasons for the development of addiction. If he tries a psychoactive drug, and his psyche finds some pleasure in this or a solution to his problems, then psychological dependence arises. After that, the use becomes regular and leads to physical dependence, for which the withdrawal syndrome is characteristic.

alcohol withdrawal

In this sense, alcohol addiction is no exception. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome occurs in people dependent on alcohol in the second stage of the development of the disease. It is at this moment that a person begins to drink heavily. How does drunkenness develop?

Refusal of alcohol causes withdrawal if alcohol has become a full participant in the metabolic processes in the body. A person develops a withdrawal syndrome even from a small dose of alcohol. Signs of withdrawal syndrome will be painful and unpleasant symptoms. To remove them, the patient drinks the next dose - this leads to a drunken state. The decay products of ethanol in the body accumulate at this time, the general condition of the patient becomes worse, and alcohol withdrawal becomes more intense.

drunken state

In fact, a binge is an unsuccessful attempt by an alcoholic to relieve withdrawal symptoms. A person stops drinking, but a few hours after giving up strong drinks, an alcohol withdrawal syndrome appears. If the addict shows willpower and does not drink, then the symptoms increase, and so on until the next dose is taken. Binge drinking is a dangerous condition, and alcohol withdrawal, if not removed with medication, can lead to a stroke, heart attack, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, and delirium tremens.

To treat alcohol withdrawal, the doctor detoxifies the body with the help of droppers. In parallel, painkillers, anticonvulsants, sedatives are selected that facilitate alcohol withdrawal. Complete detoxification leads to the elimination of physical dependence, that is, the body can again work without the participation of ethyl alcohol in its metabolic processes. Detox is not a cure, but it prepares a person for a course of rehabilitation. And most importantly, it allows you to safely get out of binge and eliminate the painful symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

How to survive withdrawal from alcohol: signs, treatment

If a person has developed a persistent dependence on alcohol, then the body feels good with alcohol intoxication when it receives the usual dose of ethyl alcohol. It is she who removes the painful symptoms of alcohol withdrawal from the patient for a while. A similar reaction of the body to prolonged intake of alcohol is a sign that the disease has developed alcoholism.

Even the smallest dose of alcohol, getting into the body of an alcohol-dependent person, causes withdrawal symptoms in him. If you do not carry out an emergency sobering up, then a binge is inevitable. Because after about 5-6 hours, the alcoholic has signs of withdrawal symptoms. The distressing symptoms cause an irresistible craving for alcohol. If the next dose is taken at this moment, then the symptoms recede for a while, only to return again after a while. An alcoholic cannot get out of this vicious circle on his own, so it is very important to help him. Drinking can last from several days to several weeks and even months.

The binge is stopped with the help of droppers based on saline. It is supplemented with fortifying agents, vitamins, sedatives, drugs that support the work of all body systems. To facilitate alcohol withdrawal, the doctor selects a complex of painkillers, anticonvulsants, antipyretics.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms

  • The addict has impaired thermoregulation, he may be shivering or throwing a fever.
  • The pressure becomes unstable, heart rhythms are disturbed.
  • There may be breathing problems, shortness of breath.
  • Headache is a constant companion of alcohol addiction, because alcohol adversely affects the vessels of the brain.
  • An alcoholic loses his appetite during a binge, he can even drink strong alcohol without a snack.
  • Naturally, this leads to disturbances in the digestive tract: diarrhea, constipation, internal bleeding.
  • The mood in the period of alcohol withdrawal greatly deteriorates. Develops depression, irritability, aggression.
  • The sleep and wakefulness regime is disturbed, insomnia may appear.
  • An alcoholic has a tremor of the arms and legs, convulsions may develop, up to an epileptic seizure.
  • And of course, a person is haunted by a strong desire to drink alcohol.

Seizures during alcohol withdrawal

When binges begin, and the doses of alcohol consumed increase, the likelihood of seizures increases. If alcohol consumption is reduced, the likelihood of a seizure is also reduced. There is a direct relationship between these factors. Alcoholic cramps usually occur during the period of alcohol withdrawal caused by the withdrawal of alcohol without medical support. In the period from 6 to 48 hours, the addict may develop a convulsive attack - this is one of the signs of the withdrawal syndrome.

Alcohol cramps

Alcohol cramps are one of the withdrawal symptoms. When an alcoholic increases the rate of consumption, his central nervous system tries to adapt to constant intoxication, which causes the body's tolerance to alcohol. But when the number of drinks is reduced, the level of tolerance increases again. The appearance of convulsions after binge is also possible with a short experience of use due to a hereditary predisposition to convulsive syndrome.

Alcohol withdrawal is a sign of the second stage of alcoholism

If you observe such signs after drinking alcohol, withdrawal symptoms are a serious signal that you are in the second stage of alcohol addiction. The time of development of the disease is individual, it depends on the psychological characteristics of a person, his general health, lifestyle. Usually the second stage occurs after about a couple of years of regular use. But it is impossible to say exactly how long this stage lasts in each case.

Treatment of withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism requires medical intervention. With the help of specially selected medicines, the doctor removes the painful symptoms of withdrawal symptoms. If a person during the period of binge does not go to the doctor and does not begin treatment for the withdrawal syndrome, then the symptoms intensify. In the worst case, this may end in delirium tremens. That is why you should not expect that an alcoholic will stop drinking on his own, that he will be forced to do this by external reasons - this is very dangerous.

Alcoholic epileptic seizure

For example, alcohol cramps during withdrawal can even progress to the stage of an epileptic seizure. This happens if the binge is not treated. The first symptom that an alcoholic is having an epileptic seizure is loss of consciousness, with the person's muscles contracting uncontrollably. Then the rhythmic contraction of the muscles begins. The phase lasts about two minutes, a person can scream, he has a severe headache, his mind is confused. Symptoms of an epileptic seizure can develop against the background of withdrawal symptoms, especially if the alcoholic has epilepsy or brain diseases of various origins.

Conclusion from drinking+ coding

In a situation of false binge, alcohol intake does not bring relief, the body resists it, and vomiting occurs. So the body of a healthy person protects itself from new intoxications. In an alcoholic, this defense mechanism is broken; alcohol withdrawal forces him to continue intoxication.

Please note that the stages of alcohol addiction do not have a clear time limit, no one knows when one will pass into another. Therefore, even a false binge is a serious cause for concern. After all, drinking two days in a row or more is not a very good sign.

Modern methods of laboratory, functional, psychological diagnostics make it possible to accurately identify the stage of addiction and select effective methods of its treatment. In this case, the main task of a person is to contact a specialist in time.

If you often talk about alcoholic libations, if most of the time with friends and acquaintances is spent drinking alcohol, even in a very cultural setting, you should still think about diagnosing addiction. At later stages, there will be almost no chance to start treatment on your own, as alcoholism affects the psyche. Your situation will get worse, but you will convince yourself that everything is under control.

In our center, you can conduct an anonymous diagnosis of alcohol addiction, undergo detoxification and psychological rehabilitation. Remember that treatment in the early stages makes it easier and faster to get rid of addiction, saves your strength and money. All questions about the treatment of alcoholism can be asked to the consultant of our center by calling our helpline at any time. You will see his number on the website page, there is also a callback request form - send us your number and we will call you back.

Is it possible to learn to drink in moderation?

Issue #3: The Cure for Alcohol Cravings

So why did you come to the narcologist?

Why did the doctor insist on complete abstinence if the cravings would go away on their own from the pills?

Is abstinence from alcohol necessary for the treatment itself?

I.A. Krylov. Fox and Grapes

So isn't there a cure for "craving" alcohol?

“And since I am incurable, there is nothing to be treated! You can go for a drink. ” >>>>>

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create yourself



Let's go to the narcologist.


Is a drunkard and an alcoholic the same thing?

- ALCOHOLISM is a chronic disease, and drunkenness is a bad habit, part of a lifestyle. An alcoholic is completely dependent on alcohol: he drinks when he wants and when he does not want. A drunkard may or may not drink. By the way, drunkenness must be distinguished from drinking. Drink most often in the company. It's more of a state of mind than a desire to get drunk. And for a drunkard it does not matter with whom to drink, when and where. Any company is good for him. Yesterday you were a moderate drinker. But very quickly, imperceptibly for yourself, you will become systematically, and then habitually drinking. A harbinger of alcoholism is if, after drinking, you do not feel aversion to alcohol, and the resulting vomiting syndrome is removed by repeated drinking. In a word, if after yesterday's drinking you have a desire to "improve your health", this indicates that you are an alcoholic. Drunkards (not alcoholics) cannot get drunk - it makes them feel bad. But the main symptom of developed alcoholism is an irresistible craving for alcohol. Alcohol becomes an obsession. In addition, all alcoholics are convinced that they can give up drinking at any time. By this they deceive not only others, but also themselves. Yes, they last for a while, but they always break.

- How to catch the moment when a person becomes an alcoholic?

- ALCOHOLISM can be benign and malignant - like tumors. With a benign course of the disease, you can drink moderately all your life without losing your job, without changing outwardly and without degrading mentally. These alcoholics tend to be hardworking and ambitious people. Drinking for them is not the only purpose of life. Alcohol abuse in benign alcoholism begins as adults - after 25 years. But for malignant alcoholism it is characteristic that a person begins to drink in adolescence. The intensification of craving for alcohol in malignant alcoholism is so rapid that it is not possible to catch its beginning. The period of formation of the disease lasts from 1–2 months to 1–2 years. The ability to control the measure of drinking a person loses very quickly. Benign alcoholism, unlike malignant one, is formed slowly - 5-10 years or more. And the dose at which the patient loses control over the drink is higher - 500-600 g of strong alcoholic beverages. Overdoses do not occur, and therefore the gag reflex does not occur. Light memory lapses on the background of intoxication occur in these patients only at the 8–12th year of alcohol abuse, and complete lapses - only at the 15–25th year, while in malignant alcoholism - at 2–3 and 5–8– m years.

- Many alcoholics would like to get rid of addiction to alcohol, while maintaining the ability to drink.

- You can LEARN this if you wish, but. only with benign alcoholism and only after complete abstinence from alcohol. It is enough for someone not to drink alcohol for 1-2 months, and for someone even a year is not enough. But if you have malignant alcoholism and you "tie it up", you will never be allowed to drink again. Not a gram! If you allow yourself this, even in moderation, you will become even worse than it was before treatment. and you want to get rid of it. Try, maybe it will work out. Just don’t put it off, don’t arrange a day off to start a new life tomorrow. And most importantly, such a decision should be made by you.

What advice would you give to those suffering from benign alcoholism?

- ONLY they are able to decide something, act and bear responsibility for themselves. With malignant alcoholism, one cannot do without the help of a narcologist.

You should have reserpine in your first aid kit. THIS drug is commonly used to treat hypertension. But not all narcologists know about his ability to relieve a hangover and craving for alcohol. Reserpine is taken 2 tablets 3 times a day until the hangover disappears, and then one tablet three times a day for a month. In no case do not exceed the dosage. Otherwise, blood pressure may drop sharply, which is very dangerous. During treatment with this drug, it is advisable to measure it regularly.

With increased heart rate often occurring during a hangover, take obsedan - 1 tablet 3 times a day for the first three days. There is no obsedan - valocordin or corvalol is suitable (but it is weaker than valocordin): 40 drops every 3-4 hours.

after drinking it is always good to take aspirin - 2 tablets at night. It relieves headaches, cleanses the body of toxins, improves well-being. Take aspirin with plenty of water.

If a hangover always hurts your head, but you need to go to work in the morning, stock up on ampoules with glucose (20 ml each), analgin (2 ml each) and caffeine (1 ml each). Pour an ampoule of each of these into a cup and take it with plenty of liquid. The head will quickly clear up, the pain will pass. But caffeine causes a heartbeat, so additionally take valocordin or obsedan.

In a hungover state nootropil or piracetam is also recommended - 2 capsules 3-4 times a day. For 1-2 months, continue to take any of them at the dosage indicated in the instructions. Take a break for 1 month and repeat the course again. This will restore the functions of the central nervous system, improve memory, increase efficiency during mental stress.

Want to finally get rid of alcoholism? Cyanamide will help you. This is its international name, and the trade name is "Kolme9, it is released in drops. It causes an aversion to alcohol, increases sensitivity to it. If you drink at least a little alcohol during treatment with cyanamide, it will become bad - nausea, vomiting will occur, and palpitations It is impossible to treat with cyanamide in acute heart failure and exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

This drug is contraindicated in lactating and pregnant women. Caution should be taken after 60 years of age. It is best, of course, to be treated with cyanamide under the supervision of a narcologist. But if this is not possible, you can use the medicine yourself. But read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly. Refrain from drinking and taking alcohol-containing drugs. It is dangerous to give cyanamide to an alcoholic without his knowledge: he can drink a large dose of alcohol, which often leads to disastrous consequences.

What is better to drink with a hangover: tea or coffee?

- ANY hot liquid causes a second wave of intoxication. Therefore, it is better to drink warm drinks with a lot of sugar - this helps to remove toxins from the body, speeds up the metabolism and improves the nutrition of nerve cells. In general, when you have a hangover, drink as much liquid as possible, even if you are not thirsty. But give up carbonated drinks - they cause vomiting. And in no case do not drink Fanta, Pepsi, or Cola. They will harm your already exhausted liver. We do not recommend taking diuretics. They remove potassium from the body, which is necessary for the heart muscle. If you want to get rid of swelling on the face, then take potassium orotate or panangin along with a diuretic.

- And if a piece does not go down the throat after drinking?

- ALWAYS eat, at least through force, little by little, 4-5 times a day. Food should be easily digestible, preferably sour, but in general, eat what you like. During meals, take a tablet of festal (or panzinorm, enzistal, tagestal and other enzymes), as well as allochol, cholenzym and other choleretic drugs. For severe nausea, take any medication containing belladonna. For example, Aeron or gastric tablets. To flush your stomach, drink plenty of warm water until you feel full, then use the old-fashioned trick of two fingers in your mouth. And drink again, and again two fingers. And so on, until the nausea passes. Then swallow a few tablets of activated charcoal. In addition, patients with alcoholism should definitely take multivitamins, ascorbic acid and eat more vegetables and fruits. Never smoke while hungover, even if you are a heavy smoker.

“You can’t do without the help of loved ones. It is best to call a qualified narcologist to the house. If this is not possible, then the next day after drinking, gradually reduce the dose of alcohol. A sharp break in binge is fraught with complications.

First rule exit from binge: each dose of alcohol should be such as to remove the most severe manifestations of a hangover - mental and cardiovascular disorders. After it, you should not feel good, but more or less normal. If the dose causes a slight intoxication, then you will not interrupt the binge.

Rule two: the total amount of ALCOHOL you drink per day should be about half the amount you drank the day before. But never take your first dose in the morning when you are shaking. You can drink it no earlier than 10-11 am. The longer you go without alcohol, the better. The intervals between doses are at least 4 hours. That is, if you take your first dose at 10 am, then take it at 2, 6 pm, and 10 pm. It is better not to use strong alcoholic drinks, preferably beer - 2 cans per reception. After 2-3 hours, you will feel well. Then there will be a craving to drink, be patient. Take the dose like a medicine, strictly by the hour. After you drink the last one, immediately go to bed. And the next day, no alcohol! Only the drugs mentioned above.

– What else can you recommend?

During the period of abstinence, appetite increases. Eat more and more often. Don't be afraid to get fat. When the metabolism returns to normal, the weight also normalizes. Just do not get carried away with fatty foods - the liver has been working with overload for so long. Do not allow yourself to be hungry: a hungry person has an increased craving for alcohol.

AVOID stress, quarrels, conflicts - they can provoke you to drink. For some time you will experience irritation, dissatisfaction with others - this is a consequence of a suppressed craving for alcohol. It happens to everyone, but it can be overcome.

DO NOT take your anger out on loved ones. Appreciate their patience. When you stop drinking, do not allow yourself whims. The main thing for you is an optimistic attitude.

AVOID contact with former drinking buddies. It would be nice to go somewhere for a while. But don't make new friends.

WHEN you stop drinking, you will have a lot of free time. Engage in useful activities to take your mind off drinking.

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