Is it possible to encode. How alcohol addicts are coded

even an experienced alcoholic!”

There are no methods of treatment in the world that could unconditionally be called a panacea for the disease, including alcohol addiction. Each patient has their own method. And the encoding from alcoholism to some extent corresponds to the Slavic mentality. After all, what our person needs: to have everything at once.

In modern domestic medicine, there are excellent experts specializing in coding for alcohol addiction. But there are also charlatans. The latter often resort to mass coding sessions, during which the main element of successful treatment is missing - an individual approach.

What is coding?

Encoding is an influence on the subconscious, a suggestion in a state of rest. In the scientific literature, coding is called neuro-linguistic programming. If explained primitively, then the essence of the encoding is to intimidate the patient, causing him, if not a feeling of disgust, then fear of alcohol. Man, as you know, is most afraid of death. Alcohol addicts are explained: there is no choice - either renunciation of alcohol, or the road to the cemetery.

Is coding not for everyone?

No matter how fabulous the results of encoding from alcoholism look, this method still hides its contraindications. Coding is especially dangerous if alcohol addiction is caused by neurotic phenomena: a person uses alcohol to relieve various symptoms (uncertainty, fear, depressed mood). In such cases, coding will not cure alcoholism, but will only postpone the next binge for a while. In this case, the encoding will resemble a game of roulette: either lucky or unlucky.

If coding for alcoholism was carried out using hypnosis, then the patient is likely to remember all the settings, sounds and aromas that accompany the session. So, pain can be caused not only by taking another dose of alcohol. In addition, other side effects of the encoding are not excluded. Often a patient with a “code”, having heard words related to the topic of alcohol, falls into a sharp depression, his state of health also worsens.

Coding from alcohol addiction is always a forced impact on the psycho-emotional and physiological processes in the body, which is dangerous in itself. Therefore, before conducting an encoding session, the patient must undergo a complete examination by specialists.

Factors prohibiting coding

No matter how safe a coding session looks at first glance, it still contains many warnings. So, the encoding is invalid when there is:

  • cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, pre-infarction condition, angina pectoris, hypertension);
  • circulatory disorders in the brain cells (in particular after a stroke);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • violations of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis in acute form);
  • with epilepsy;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in the presence of mental illness.

In addition, it should be remembered that coding cannot be performed when the patient is intoxicated or has a fever.

Coding for alcoholism is not such a harmless treatment session. If the patient decides to take this step, then it is better for a professional to take up this work, and only after a complete examination of the patient's body for alcoholism.

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Alcohol addiction treatment is a very complex and lengthy process. It requires the informed consent and strong desire of the drinker. In the modern world, coding for alcoholism is carried out both in specialized medical institutions and at home with the help of a narcologist. After a properly performed procedure, people lose their craving for alcohol, thanks to which they are completely cured of addiction.

This article will talk about how much it costs and how coding works for chronic alcoholism, when you can and when you can’t do it. Below it will be described how many days you need to refrain from drinking alcohol on the eve of the procedure and whether it can be done during the period of binge. Relatives who want to cure a loved one of drunkenness without his knowledge will also find useful information for themselves.

The principle of coding from alcohol is to form in the patient a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. This state can be achieved in various ways - from the use of hypnosis to the introduction of medications. After the end of treatment, a conditioned reflex is developed in a person, due to which he no longer wants to drink alcohol. It should be noted that it is possible to code only after a week of abstinence from drinking alcohol.

Each method of coding alcoholism has a specific mechanism of action, its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the body of each person reacts differently to a particular effect. If hypnosis is more suitable for one, then another will need an injection or filing of disulfiram. Therefore, the tactics of treating alcohol dependence should be selected individually, together with a narcologist.

Before performing coding for alcoholism, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the person. If he does not want to undergo a course of treatment, you can seek help from a doctor so that he explains the danger of the current state of affairs and talks about the need for coding for alcoholism. If the alcoholic continues to protest, it is impossible to treat him by force.

Coding for alcoholism is indicated for men and women suffering from pathological addiction and unable to control the amount of alcohol they drink. It is simply necessary in the event that drinking ends with going into long drinking bouts. People who have problems at work or in their personal lives due to the use of alcoholic beverages can be coded.

As a rule, with stage I alcohol dependence, experts recommend medication or psychotherapeutic methods. The patient is coded with pills or hypnosis. Preparation for coding alcoholism is carried out for one to two weeks and consists of a comprehensive examination and a complete rejection of alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to take any steps during a binge.

Indications for suturing an implant or the use of other potent techniques are stage II or III alcohol dependence, which is difficult to treat. As a rule, in this situation, coding for alcoholism with the help of pills is ineffective. Therefore, in severe cases, filing or a double block is necessary. How many days it takes to prepare for the procedure is decided individually.

Also indications for coding alcoholism are frequent binges. However, it is possible to carry out psychotherapeutic suggestion or introduce drugs into the patient's body only after a complete exit from the binge. Before starting treatment, the doctor must carefully weigh all the indications and contraindications for coding. How many days you should not drink before the procedure is determined by the narcologist.

It is possible to be encoded from alcoholism only when there are indications for this. Naturally, the second condition is the absence of contraindications. If a person can control the amount of alcohol they drink and drink alcohol only when they get drunk, there is no reason to code alcoholism. In this case, it is better to use more gentle methods of treating alcohol addiction (for example, taking dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies).

There are situations when coding for alcoholism is strictly prohibited, even with the consent of the patient. Neglect of this rule can have extremely unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before starting treatment, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out for the presence of contraindications. If they were found, alcohol coding should be replaced with another method of dealing with addiction.

Contraindications to drug coding for alcoholism:

  • the presence of any mental illness;
  • hypertensive and ischemic heart disease;
  • serious pathology of the urinary system;
  • endocrine diseases (hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • epilepsy or convulsive syndrome of any origin;
  • previous stroke or transient ischemic attack;
  • acute hepatitis, cirrhosis or other severe liver disease;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contraindications to psychological coding in alcoholism:

  • alcohol intoxication of the patient;
  • schizophrenia, psychosis, head trauma;
  • SARS or other acute viral diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • recent heart attack;
  • hypertensive crisis.

In addition, coding for alcoholism cannot be carried out without the knowledge and consent of drinking people. The whole point of this manipulation lies in the conscious desire to get rid of alcohol addiction. Therefore, the procedure may simply not work on people who are unaware that they are being encoded. In addition, attempts to cure a patient without his knowledge can have extremely unpredictable consequences and serious complications.

Relatives who wish to code an alcoholic without their knowledge should be aware that such an attempt is illegal. Therefore, in no case should any drops or powders be mixed into a person’s food without his knowledge. It is also forbidden to subject an alcoholic to hypnotic or psychotherapeutic suggestion. Coding of any stage of alcoholism is prohibited without the knowledge of the patient. If relatives see the need for forced treatment of alcohol addiction, they must obtain written permission from the court.

Before coding alcoholism, you need to find out how many days you need to refrain from drinking alcohol. As a rule, the duration of this period ranges from several days to two weeks (depending on the method and method of coding, the state of health and the individual characteristics of the patient). Coding for drunken alcoholism is allowed only after the body is completely cleansed of ethanol and its metabolic products.

How is coding from alcoholism

First of all, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the drinker, since they code from alcoholism only with the knowledge and permission of the patient. A person must be informed about the mechanism of action of the encoding, possible complications and side effects. Also, an alcoholic needs to be told how many days one should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Before you encode, you need to talk to a narcologist and undergo a full examination. How many and what tests are needed - the doctor decides. Usually the patient is sent to take a general and biochemical blood tests, a general urine test. The examination program also includes ultrasound and ECG.

The main conditions for admission to coding for alcoholism are the absence of contraindications and abstinence from drinking alcohol for as long as necessary. It is also strictly forbidden to carry out encoding during a binge or with an abstinence syndrome.

Each procedure operates differently, and its preparation and implementation has its own characteristics. For example, encoding with an intravenous injection followed by a provocative test works almost immediately, while tablets must be taken over a long period of time. But coding with an intramuscular injection begins to act a little later than in the case when an intravenous injection was made.

For coding from alcohol dependence, disulfiram-based tablets are most often used. The principle of their action is to form in the patient a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. Due to disulfiram, the process of splitting ethanol is disrupted, and its intermediate metabolites cause a deterioration in the well-being of an alcoholic. Despite the fact that such coding is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, it is absolutely safe. It should be noted that disulfiram-based preparations are strictly forbidden to be mixed into the patient's food without his knowledge. If the relatives of an alcoholic nevertheless decided to treat him in this way, a less dangerous path should be chosen. Without the knowledge of a person, dietary supplements can be given - they are much less likely to cause serious consequences.

The principle of this technique is to sew in an implant containing a depot of disulfiram. Doctors perform a microinvasive operation, during which a special capsule is implanted into human tissue. Surgery is carried out in specialized clinics. Home conditions are absolutely not suitable for performing this procedure, since they cannot guarantee sterility. The filing provides a lasting effect, because the release of disulfiram occurs gradually. The substance slowly penetrates into the bloodstream and, when alcohol is consumed, causes a disulfiram-ethanol reaction. As a rule, filing allows you to encode from alcoholism for six months or more.

The desired effect is achieved by intravenous or intramuscular administration of drugs based on disulfiram. Injection coding for alcoholism is completely safe and provides a very quick effect. The procedure is strictly forbidden to do during a binge or after drinking alcohol the day before. The main conditions for successful treatment with an injection are the manipulation in a medical institution with the help of a qualified specialist.

Hypnosis and psychotherapy

These techniques do not work at all like an injection, pills or filing. The main principle of their action is the safe treatment of alcohol dependence by influencing the patient's subconscious. When coding, no medications that are harmful to health or cause side effects are used. The doctor instills in the alcoholic an aversion to alcohol and a reluctance to use it. As a rule, a person stops drinking after the first visit to the clinic. In some cases, another session of psychotherapy is performed to consolidate the result. The main conditions for successful coding are the qualifications and skills of a specialist. Sessions are prohibited during binge drinking or in the presence of mental disorders in an alcoholic. In no case should you try to hypnotize a person without his knowledge. His consent and awareness are prerequisites for encoding.

Hardware coding for alcoholism

It is quite safe and effective - the effect appears after several procedures. As in the case of psychotherapy, there is no injection or filing of pharmaceuticals. Treatment of alcohol dependence is carried out with the help of special devices that generate electric current or laser radiation. As a rule, a person stops drinking very quickly and for a long time. During hardware coding in alcoholism, the areas of the brain responsible for cravings for alcoholic beverages are blocked. Naturally, no injection or pill works in this way.

How long does alcohol coding work

The duration of the action of coding in alcoholism largely depends on the method by which it was performed. For example, an injection or patch of disulfiram can help you stop drinking for three months to a year. As a rule, a person himself can choose a drug with the duration he needs.

When treating with pills, it is difficult to talk about any terms. If, when hemming the implant or coding with an injection, an alcoholic cannot remove the drug from his body, then he can stop drinking tablet forms at any time. Naturally, after that, he will begin to freely consume alcoholic beverages and even reach a binge.

However, when treated with medication (an injection, pill, or stitching), some people stop drinking for many years. The fact is that disulfiram-ethanol tests lead to the formation of a stable conditioned reflex. A person does not stop experiencing an aversion to alcohol even after disulfiram is completely eliminated from the body. That is why coding with pharmaceuticals for alcoholism is one of the most reliable ways to deal with drunkenness.

Many experts claim that an intravenous injection followed by a provocative test is much more effective than traditional drug methods. However, this is all very relative. The fact is that after coding with an intravenous injection, disulfiram is completely eliminated from the body in just a few days. If one provocative test was enough for a person to develop a conditioned reflex, he would stop drinking for five to seven years or more. However, an injection may not help. In this case, the alcoholic will continue to drink as before. Even if the injection encoding was successful, there is a good chance that it will be decoded at any moment.

Psychotherapy coding for alcoholism works less definitely. If a tablet or injection contains a pharmaceutical preparation that has a certain mechanism of action that does not depend much on the individual characteristics of the body, then each person reacts to suggestion in different ways. For some, coding helps, for others it doesn't. Experts assure that the psychotherapeutic method has been valid for several years, and in some cases for the whole life.

Hello! I have been living with a problem for a very long time, my mother has been drinking for a long time, my whole family suffers from this, she does not drink very often, but drunkenly for 2 weeks, because of this, problems with work! I would like her very much help, but I can’t! as the coding is written above, this is also harmful! she is only 45 can you advise painless methods for the brain?

Hello Inna. If you do not want to code a person, and you cannot convince him to stop drinking with words. Then it is better to try the Dovzhenko method. That is, work with a psychologist.

Psychologist - Thing! In a sense, a psychologist is a really working phenomenon. I myself used to think nonsense, and even for money. And now I understand - without the support of a psychologist, I couldn’t hold on, just a little, I immediately reached for the bottle again. Now I am on leadvin for the second month, but without a psychologist, I would have quit therapy a long time ago

Hello. My problem is that my husband started drinking after three months of coding. For three months we were happy, he became a normal person. The Novosibirsk clinic "Insight" came to our city. How is this possible?

Yes, it can easily. I know for myself. I checked all the methods, now I can say that only pills + a psychologist work for me. Encoding is unreliable

My brother codes every 6 months, then breaks down and binge drinking for 3-4 weeks, he feels bad at that moment but still drinks. encoded it already more than 6 times. and no encoding helps, tried different doctors and different methods. Every time they promised a long 100% effect. I think that coding is extortion of money.

Coded 2 times for 5 years. At each end of the term (1-1.5 before the end of the term) failure. The last one is very recent (July). Will I be able to give up the thirds, but live the way I have lived all these years? I don't want to code a third time. What to do? I can keep myself, but even once a year to get drunk is a tragedy ...

Try going to a psychologist, doing Dovzhenko coding, or going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to help keep you from falling apart.

Hello, tell me what to do if a person does not want to go to the hospital! How to convince him about the encoding? How to approach a person with a question and understanding!

What are the contraindications for the method with MST, SIT, NIT preparations?

I mean acquired diseases from alcoholism and generally others?

It is best to consult in the clinic with the specialist with whom you are going to do the coding

in March, I was coded intravenously with some kind of rubbish while it was a season and there was no time to think about drunkenness, and now it’s winter and I really want to relax and this desire sits right in my brain, but I don’t know what effect will come from a breakdown, they already said that even a medicine can't be on alcohol.

That's right, it's better not to take risks and not to drink alcohol. when using them, if the drugs are still working, you will feel extremely ill. in clinics, after applying the coding, you just had to do a test, i.e. under the supervision of a doctor, give a few grams of alcohol to drink. this will show that the drugs really work + you will begin to develop a reflex of alcohol rejection

oh yes, I forgot to say that you have to come there every month for an injection, but the last time I was in May

The first time I was encoded by a traditional healer, I don’t know how long it will last me

hello. I have a very difficult situation. I won't tell the whole story. but I often drink a lot and then sleep. I get up terribly running for a beer. calm down sleep. and so on for 2 weeks. husband was about to leave. I don't want to live in this drunken nightmare anymore. as long as I have a chance to fix it. which way is right for me?

try stitching, most likely this is the most effective way for you

For a long time I did not dare to encode, many people advised to sew an ampoule, according to a simple “torpedo”. And I have a chill on my skin at the mere thought, but then I realized that it was impossible to pull further and it was time to act, besides, I read here that this is not at all a complicated procedure.

To be honest, I coded my husband and I don’t regret it, I did it really almost by force, but there was no other way, otherwise he would not have given me life. But time has shown that it really works.

Good afternoon! We have a problem, my husband rarely drinks, but aptly. After drinking, he cannot stop, until he loses his memory, he behaves inappropriately. Tell me if such coding is possible so that a "stop button" appears, let's say for 3 cups and that's it - that's enough.

Hello. Medications for coding act a little differently - they disrupt the absorption of alcohol in the body, which is why after drinking even 1 glass it becomes bad. Perhaps it is precisely to limit, and not completely stop drinking alcohol, psychological coding methods can help, but they are less effective. There is a possibility that for some time 3 cups will be enough, but later the dose will increase again.

The procedure for blocking dependence on alcoholic beverages can literally save the life of a drinking person - it does not matter whether the sobriety was hypnotized into the alcoholic, or whether his abstinence caused the introduction of chemical anti-alcohol substances into the body. The advantages of coding as one of the most important steps on the path to sobriety are obvious, but this method of treating alcoholism has certain contraindications (from fever to epileptic seizures). It is worth considering these and other disadvantages of fighting alcohol cravings, so that instead of curing a person, you do not harm him.

Advantages and disadvantages of hypnosis

  • hypnosis (or the method of A. G. Dovzhenko);
  • the introduction of special drugs intravenously, intramuscularly and orally.

Dovzhenko's method is based on the hypnotic effect exerted on "bitter" drunkards. After introducing the patient into a state of hypnosis, the psychotherapist gives him the installation to experience an aversion to the alcoholic beverage, its appearance, smell and taste. At the same time, confidence is formed in the mind that the violation of this attitude will lead to painful sensations and health problems, up to and including death.

The advantages of this method of treating a victim of alcoholism is that it affects the subconscious of a person, his psyche, while you can not be afraid of the physical state of the body. Direct harm to health, even if the drinking person "breaks loose", is not applied, and the list of contraindications for such a procedure is small. Among the shortcomings of the Dovzhenko method, one can name the fact that such therapy is effective only for people who are suggestible, easily amenable to hypnosis.

The main danger that lies in encoding a person from alcoholic beverages by hypnotic influence lies in the fact that the set can come into conflict with the patient's moral instability and his internal unwillingness to be cured. If, under such conditions, the patient has thoughts about alcoholic beverages, this can lead to the development of:

  • fear;
  • panic;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • depression;
  • neurosis.

As a result, treatment can harm the psyche, bringing a person to a nervous breakdown. In addition, a patient who has reached such a state, driven to despair by himself, can easily violate the hypnotically embedded prohibition on drinking alcohol.

Take the rapid test and receive a free brochure "Drunken Alcoholism and How to Cope with It".

Did you have any relatives in your family who went into long-term "binge drinking"?

Do you "hangover" the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Do you get "easier" if you "hangover" (drink) sutra after a stormy feast?

What is your usual blood pressure?

Do you have an "acute" desire to "drink" after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you have self-confidence, looseness after drinking alcohol?

"Chemistry" - benefit and danger

Chemical coding of craving for alcoholic beverages is carried out by introducing into the human body a special drug that affects addiction due to its incompatibility with alcohol and provoking poisoning in reaction with it. The procedure most often involves subcutaneous or intravenous implantation of a drug, as a result of which a kind of “depot” of the drug is formed in the body, which is released as soon as alcohol appears in the person’s blood, and provokes symptoms of poisoning.

The advantages of this method of combating alcohol addiction include the fact that the patient clearly imagines what awaits him if he continues to abuse alcohol. As soon as he returns to drinking during the treatment, the implant will “give out” a negative reflex at the level of the nervous system, due to which drunkenness will be accompanied not by a feeling of euphoria, but by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

The disadvantages of this therapy are obvious: it is harmful to drinkers who are ready to do anything to get drunk again. A “lost” person can get extremely severe poisoning, often incompatible with life. And even if the procedure itself is not dangerous, it may simply not work if, for example, the injected drug becomes overgrown with connective tissue and stops “supplying” the necessary components to the body. And this may already be the reason for the patient to return to normal life.

When Not to Treat

There are certain contraindications, in which the treatment of alcoholism by coding should be abandoned. This is obvious, since this procedure is a medical intervention that affects the physiological and psycho-emotional sphere of human life. To avoid the risk of harming the body, you should not undergo this procedure for patients with the following problems:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, pre-infarction state) in severe form, especially those experienced recently;
    • acute form of circulatory disorders of the brain;
    • diabetes;
    • damage to the thyroid gland;
    • severe liver disease (liver failure, hepatitis, cirrhosis);

  • mental disorders;
  • neurological diseases (epilepsy attacks);
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • high body temperature.

Contraindications to the procedure include, in addition to all of the above, the state of pregnancy and suspicion of it, as well as the state of alcohol intoxication and acute withdrawal syndrome. And the main argument against this form of treatment for alcoholism is the patient’s lack of desire to be cured, his resistance, in which only harm can be expected from therapy.

On the danger of physiological and psychological

The consequences of hypnotic or chemical blocking of alcohol addiction can be of a different nature. Since the coded person is placed in a kind of mental confinement with himself as the jailer, it is to be expected that some harm will be done to his mind. Such treatment is fraught with the likelihood of developing:

  • mental disorders;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • aggressiveness or lethargy.

Against the background of irritability, a constant feeling of fear and anxiety, cured patients are more likely to develop various psychosomatic diseases in the field of:

  • cardiovascular system (heart attacks, strokes);
  • nervous system (epilepsy attacks, neuroses);
  • reproductive system (decreased desire, complaints about potency).

Also, people who survived the encoding from craving for alcohol suffer from frequent pains throughout the body, especially headaches. Such treatment is dangerous not only because it negatively affects the heart, nerves and potency, but also because it provokes severe disorders, which in the end can even lead to death.

Yes, and those health problems that can develop in a coded alcoholic if he drinks alcohol should also be considered one of the dangers of therapy. At least a drunk patient is expected:

  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • sweating.

If help is not provided in a timely manner, the patient will begin to suffer from problems:

Under hypnotic or chemical exposure, harm is done to the psychological state of a person.

  • with cardiac activity;
  • breath.

The patient may experience vascular collapse, which often causes death. At best, this behavior of the body will frighten the person and force him to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor. Within a certain time, he will develop a certain reflex reaction, because of which even the sight of drinking will remind the former drunkard of the troubles he has experienced, due to which in his brain the concept of alcohol will be associated with the concept of harm to health.

Although blocking the craving for alcoholic beverages is fraught with the development of a number of diseases, we can safely say that such a procedure still causes more harm to the psychological state of a person. This treatment is risky not only because of potential depressions, stresses and disorders, but also due to the fact that its consequences may be to identify the most insidious and unpleasant traits of the patient. The desire to sublimate the desire to drink can push the patient to even more problems and other bad habits.

Deprived of the opportunity to get rid of his irritation, boredom or resentment with the help of alcohol, a cured person begins to look for other means of self-realization, and these means are not always positive for himself and those around him. You can avoid this if you convince the alcoholic that by coding he will be able to restore the health that has been undermined by alcohol:

  • cure liver damage;
  • eliminate malfunctions in the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • improve the work of the heart;
  • restore the blood supply to the brain.

It is important that the patient understands: during therapy, one can restore health, destroyed social relationships, solve the problems that led him to alcoholism, find new hobbies that can distract him from obsessive thoughts about forced abstinence. All these measures will help to ensure that anti-alcohol coding does not cause psychological harm.

Blockage and epilepsy

One of the most stringent contraindications for alcoholic craving blocking is the presence of epilepsy. This disease is one of the symptoms of alcoholism in the advanced stages and is characterized by convulsive seizures (bursts), which manifest themselves unpredictably. Epilepsy attacks are painful for the patient, they squeeze all the forces out of the body, so it takes several hours to recover. This condition is treated by taking antiepileptic drugs prescribed by a specialist, which are necessarily drunk in combination with symptomatic treatment of alcohol dependence.

Before proceeding with the coding of a drunkard from craving for alcoholic beverages, it is important to cure or at least extinguish the manifestations of epilepsy. First you need to seek advice from specialists - a narcologist and a neurologist, who will prescribe the optimal treatment. Without these measures, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure, since the nervous and cardiovascular systems, loosened and disordered by alcohol abuse, may not withstand the additional load and fail completely. In addition, certain drugs taken for the procedure can cancel the effect of medications that the doctor prescribes for epilepsy, which is also not predictable for the patient's health.

Expert opinion

In general, positively regarding the method of coding addiction to alcoholic beverages, experts still do not recommend resorting to it unless absolutely necessary, unless other means have been tried. And the point is not only that the procedure may be contraindicated, for example, in case of epilepsy, or if the patient does not want treatment in principle. Coding therapy can be considered dangerous because it provides an instant solution. The body of a drunkard, which has been accustomed to filling up with alcohol for a certain time (to avoid problems, for euphoria or as a sign of protest), is not able to wean itself from the usual state of affairs within a few hours. This is not able to withstand without receiving at least minimal damage, neither the body nor the soul.

The harm of coding from alcohol, as many believe, can significantly exceed the positive effect of this method of treating alcohol dependence. Is there any real danger to the health of an alcoholic if he is coded and starts drinking again? What to do before and after the coding procedure, and whether it is necessary at all - we will understand.

The danger of coding against alcohol

Recently, more and more often you can hear the opinion that coding for alcoholism is only one of the ways to eliminate alcohol addiction, but not to cure it.

This treatment procedure should be carried out by a qualified psychiatrist-narcologist, the essence is a directed ban on the intake of alcoholic beverages. The patient must arrive sober for the treatment session!

When you decide or you have to encode your relative, you need to know that only with the consent and desire to be treated in this way by the patient himself, it makes sense to encode.

Can alcohol addiction be coded?

Alcohol addiction coding is the most dangerous path on the edge of the abyss. If the encoded husband or wife breaks down, does not stand it and starts drinking? Many take it literally. And for some types of coding, this is really the last “brake”. After that, the hope for a cure may be lost forever, then death, then nothing more!

Because the patient agrees to be “coded” only when home methods of treatment have been tried, they have already applied for conspiracies, prayed and visited psychics ... That is, the rest of all possibilities have already been used, even the risk of divorce from the wife and deprivation of parental rights over children does not help!

The only thing that scares me is being fired from work, and what remains is the coding! What will happen if suddenly this last rear option does not work, that is, this straw fails?! That is why coding against alcoholism is such a step, having taken which, a person must be ready at the internal level.

It’s not enough just to think with your head that this is what he needs! The patient needs to understand this, that the encoding procedure is the last chance, and if you have not prepared for it, then it is better not to do it at all!

The Basic Rule for Successful Coding of an Alcoholic

When a drinking person has actually accepted the fact of his illness, sincerely and with full responsibility can state something like: “I AM ALCOHOLIC OR I SUFFER ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE”, then, as possible, coding is possible, but only as an aid!

The main result of coding from alcoholism is the cessation of drinking, which means a break in drunkenness. Leading experts do not believe that coding against alcohol dependence is a radical way of treatment.

Since, with this method, there is only an obstacle to taking alcohol, but any of the coding methods does not cure pathological changes in the psyche. Moreover, it is not able to restore the ability to drink alcohol in the way it was before the onset of the disease.

The whole truth about coding for alcoholism

Any encoding is only a quick help, not the best prohibitive tool for creating conditions for long-term abstinence! Naturally, this is not a complete cure.

The coding procedure, if done correctly, can be an important stimulus that can help. But only for some, as a rule, a predetermined and negotiated period of time.

To refrain from taking alcoholic beverages forever is the ideal. Even Dovzhenko's coding did not provide 100% for him. This allows you to restore, namely, impaired functions of the heart, liver, brain (CNS as a whole), kidneys and the body itself. But coding for alcoholism is dangerous because its essence is a mental prison. The most important coding principle is easy to understand with this anecdotal example:

In the village, men are drinking, everyone is drinking - except for one. Get to the bottom of it:
- Why don't you drink? In reply: - I'm coded, so I can't.
Another man, under pressure from his wife, also decided to code and found out that a non-drinker was coded by a local blacksmith, who was afraid of the whole village.
What came to the blacksmith, and he told him, they say, let's take off your pants - become cancer.
The man was frightened, but he did not argue with the blacksmith - he stood up with cancer. The blacksmith fucked him to the fullest and put the code: Try to drink - EVERYONE in the village KNOWS!

If the coding period comes to an end (in the case when such a procedure really helped), the person after abstinence in most cases breaks down again. It is not surprising that after such a long wait for the opportunity to drink, such a breakdown is accompanied by drunkenness in a rampant form.

Moreover, therefore, it is very difficult to attract a person to treatment again. Obviously, coding against alcohol is only a symptomatic treatment, and its benefits are equivalent to the treatment of pneumonia with aspirin alone.

In the modern world, quite a lot of people are faced with such a problem as alcohol addiction. One of the methods of combating this addiction is coding. Coding from alcoholism is a special procedure that is carried out by qualified narcologists-psychiatrists. Their actions are aimed at eliminating the desire to take alcohol. Some believe that alcoholism encoding can cause harm to the human body, and it will far exceed the desired effect of treatment.

Almost everyone who encounters this method for the first time doubts whether it is worth coding and wonders what will happen if a person starts drinking alcohol again.

Why is coding dangerous?

Modern experts argue that encoding is not able to cure the disease, but can only eliminate cravings for alcohol. The main condition is that the patient must come sober to a session with a specialist, otherwise there will be no result. The whole truth* about coding and the consequences of this procedure should be transparent to the patient.

If the problem of alcoholism arose not with you, but with your friend or relative, and you decided to help him cope with it, then remember that in this matter the desire of the person being coded to help himself is important. Without a voluntary visit to the doctor, it simply does not make sense to carry out the coding procedure.

Coding is dangerous because, in its essence, it is a kind of mental prison for a person. Hiding the disease behind bars, the problems associated with the mental degradation of the personality are released into the wild - a consequence of the harm of alcohol.

Based on the actual data, we can say that after coding for alcoholism, some side effects appear, people become irritable, aggressive, their actions become unpredictable. No one can give an accurate prediction of what might happen if an alcoholic is forbidden to drink.

What do you need to know about the encoding procedure?

Wanting to know the whole truth about coding for alcoholism, they usually start with the question of whether it is dangerous. Any encoding is a kind of emergency help, not the best option for long-term abstinence. Such help cannot be called a cure.

Coding for alcoholism is the last chance and the last hope of a drinking person that a miracle will happen and he will return to normal life and stop drinking alcohol.

If the encoding is carried out correctly and under the guidance of a professional, then a person may have an incentive to live, which, for a set period of time, will help the body fight alcohol addiction. Due to the fact that a person stops drinking, his internal organs begin to gradually recover.

In the case of successful coding, as the deadline for its completion approaches, one should think about the possibility of a subsequent failure. Very often, addiction not only returns to the patient, but also asserts itself with greater force.

Errors that occur during coding

In vain there is an opinion that coding for alcoholism is simple. During preparation for this procedure, most patients make rather gross mistakes that may not have the best effect on the result. Therefore, since you have decided on extreme measures, you should take encoding seriously.

  1. It is important to remember that you cannot choose the encoding method yourself - this is the most gross and common mistake. Some patients come to see a specialist already with a pre-selected program, but the question arises, how do they know that it will help in their case. In fact, what helped one should not necessarily help another, so only an experienced narcologist can accurately determine the method of getting rid of, otherwise, instead of benefiting, you can harm the body.
  2. Coding is an exclusively voluntary matter, so you should not put pressure on an addicted person and force him to undergo treatment. It is very important that he himself made such an important decision, and not under pressure from relatives tired of him. Alcoholics who succumb to such pressure usually either break down or return to the clinic and ask to be decoded.
  3. Many believe that as soon as the coding procedure for alcoholism is completed, all problems will immediately disappear, but this is a huge misconception. In almost all cases, coded patients become irritable, aggressive, have poor sleep and unstable mood. Only 50% are able to pull themselves together and continue to follow the doctor's instructions. The other half, on the contrary, believe that encoding is enough and they neglect the rehabilitation period, not even thinking about how important it is to bring the psychophysiological state back to normal.
  4. Another mistake is sometimes made by incompetent doctors who are only interested in their own gain. They don't care if the coding done in a wrong way is harmful, and they also ignore the fact that the patient can't drink for a while. In order not to miss a potential client, they do not wait for the specified period of refusal from alcohol and carry out the coding procedure almost immediately after taking alcohol-containing substances or after 2-3 days, although the method involves starting the procedure in at least 3 weeks.

To avoid such errors, observe the following rules:

  1. Do not self-medicate, trust a professional. It is better to invest in a consultation with a specialist in order to save both money and time later. For those who want to help their loved ones get rid of alcoholism, they will also need the help of a specialist in preparing a person for the encoding procedure.
  2. Even the most experienced professionals will not be able to help the patient cope with alcohol addiction in half an hour, be prepared for the fact that this may take more than one month. But the result will meet your expectations.
  3. Remember, treatment is required first of all for a person, so it is important to direct all efforts to convince him of treatment, and not to fight the disease.

Why do many people have a fear of coding?

Coding allows you to forget about your addiction to alcohol for a while, but this method is far from radical. Someone is looking for a faster way to get rid of an addiction, while someone, on the contrary, adheres to a long and high-quality treatment.

Often patients experience a feeling of fear before the coding procedure, but is it justified?

During a long-term use of alcohol, a person's consciousness falls under its influence so much that it ceases to separate itself from it, and therefore there is a fear of losing a part of oneself. Some try to come up with weighty arguments that will avoid the need for coding for alcoholism. These are the most common opinions regarding encoding:

  • damages the liver
  • negative effect on the brain;
  • has a detrimental effect on potency;
  • unwillingness to let strangers into your head;
  • the harmfulness of drugs necessary for rehabilitation;
  • fear of hypnosis;
  • fear of falling off.

However, all of them are solely the fruit of a sick imagination. All this does not go to any comparison with the harm that alcohol does to the body. The above negative points can also arise from the use of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, all these "weighty arguments" are explained by the unwillingness of a person to change his lifestyle, giving up alcohol, and embark on the path of correction.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup to be brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

Coding is one of the most common treatments for alcohol addiction. Before you decide on the procedure, it is important to know that this procedure has a lot of subtleties. Knowing what can and cannot be done after encoding will make it much easier for the addict to move on to the next stage of treatment.

Life after coding: what to prepare for?

Every addict who decides on coding asks the same questions: “What if I want to drink in a week?”, “What will happen to me if I break loose?”, “Will it be possible to use kefir, kvass or medicines, containing alcohol? All these questions are often answered in detail by a narcologist, however, information about the procedure must be known even before coming to the clinic.

So, can an addict snap after coding and go back to drinking? There is no single answer to this question, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

In the event that an alcoholic does not recognize his problem (which happens most often) and visits a narcologist only under pressure from loved ones, his craving for alcohol will be stronger than the procedure.

After a while, he will again feel the desire to drink and will not even try to resist him. In other words, immediately after the termination of the alcohol blocker, the person will return to their usual way of life. Relatives of such an addict need to understand that immediately after coding, the patient must undergo a long course of rehabilitation and psychotherapy - only in this case the addiction will be defeated.

But there is another scenario: the alcoholic is aware and admits his problem and is ready to work on its solution. In this case, he voluntarily comes to a narcologist and is ready to control himself in order to avoid a breakdown. Under such circumstances, coding will help the addict to avoid withdrawal symptoms and get rid of physical cravings for alcohol, which will simplify his further treatment in a rehabilitation center.

It is important to understand that the craving for alcohol that the patient feels after encoding is formed on a subconscious level. The encoding blocks the physical need for alcohol, and therefore, there are no prerequisites for a breakdown in a person. Except, of course, unresolved psychological problems.

What happens after a breakdown?

As already mentioned, coding for alcoholism is only the first stage of addiction treatment. Without follow-up treatment in a rehabilitation center, a relapse after coding is extremely likely. What happens if the coded alcoholic drinks alcohol again?

Contrary to popular misconceptions, drinking after encoding will not cause death, blindness, or paralysis. However, the reaction of alcohol blockers to alcohol will lead to a number of unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • a sharp increase in pressure;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Strong headache;
  • tremor of the limbs, trembling of the whole body;
  • weakness or loss of consciousness.

The cause of such a severe ailment is a medication that blocks the process of splitting alcohol. As a result, alcohol is not excreted from the body much longer than usual.

What not to do after coding: controversial food

The result of coding is intolerance to ethyl alcohol - the body is not able to break down and remove alcohol from human blood. In order not to risk their health and life, many alcoholics diligently avoid any products containing even a small percentage of alcohol. These products include kvass, kefir, vinegar, as well as some alcohol-based medicines. According to experts, this is not necessary at all.

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