Quiz: Are Your Relationships Healthy? Test "Are you a healthy person

Take a few minutes to take these simple tests to assess your health status. The test was developed by Russian and foreign physiologists.


A healthy spine, without exaggeration, is the basis of our health. Check it now and in case of any irregularities, consult an orthopedist for advice.

So, we undress to the waist and look at ourselves in the mirror. Is one shoulder higher than the other? Now we turn sideways and carefully look at upper part back. Does it form a "hill"? Are the shoulders sloping and the chin protruding forward? If “yes”, then you have clear signs of a violation of posture.

Now bend forward and try to touch the floor with your palms, and let your assistant run a finger along the spine and look at it carefully - all the vertebrae should be lined up. Bend right or left clear sign scoliosis. This disease is by no means harmless, as it may seem to someone, since it can lead to a violation correct location internal organs.

We sit on the floor, spread our straight legs to the sides, and put a ruler between the feet - zero division at the level of the heels. Slowly bend down, arms extended forward, do not bend your knees. Let's see where we got to. More than 15 cm is an excellent result, if from 5 to 15 cm is also not bad, but it is worth paying extra attention to developing flexibility and strengthening the muscles of the back. Well, if the result is less than 5 cm, then this indicates very poor mobility of the vertebral joints and low elasticity of the ligaments and muscles.

A healthy spine, and in particular its cervical region affects the quality of the blood supply to our brain and, accordingly, its work.


First, let's determine the heart rate. To do this, sit down and sit quietly in silence for 5 minutes. Then take your hand and place four fingers of your other hand on outside wrist. Feel for a pulse. Time your watch for one minute and count the number of heartbeats.

The norm is 60-80 beats per minute.

Less than 60 beats is a sign of bradycardia. But for athletes it can be the norm. If you have been involved in sports last time in childhood, it is better to consult a cardiologist.

Above 80 beats is a sign of tachycardia. This frequency can also be a reaction to stress and overwork. In this case, it is recommended to check how your heart is carrying the load, but be careful, if your heart rate is much higher than 80 beats, it is better to consult a doctor: do 60 jumps in 30 seconds and take your pulse immediately. The less it differs from the resting heart rate, the better. An increase in frequency by ¾ of the value at rest indicates violations of the adaptive capabilities of your cardiosystem and the risk of malfunctioning of the heart. An examination is recommended.


Usually deviations in work thyroid gland accompanied by trembling fingers, but a person almost never pays attention to this. To detect trembling, you need to close your eyes, stretch your arms forward, spread your fingers apart and ask someone to put a sheet of thin paper on them. If the leaf begins to tremble distinctly along with the fingers, you should visit an endocrinologist.

Respiratory system

The breath test is considered as objective as a body temperature reading and is a much better indication of your health potential than a blood pressure. But unlike measuring pressure or temperature, it is simpler and does not require the use of any equipment.

Stange test- defines maximum duration holding breath after inhalation.

Gencha test determines the maximum duration of breath holding after exhalation.

Take a stopwatch. While sitting, take 3-4 deep breaths in and out. Then inhale deeply, then exhale and hold your breath. In a healthy person, the delay time is on average 25-30 seconds. Athletes can hold their breath for 60-90 seconds.

Rest 2-3 minutes. Take a few normal breaths and exhalations, then inhale (about 80% of the maximum) and hold your breath. Record time with a stopwatch. Average for an adult healthy person - 40 seconds. In trained people, this figure may be higher.

In case of chronic diseases of the lungs or heart, overwork, the delay time on inhalation and exhalation can decrease sharply. If this happens, repeat the test after rest. If your result has not improved, then you should consult a doctor and do a more thorough examination.

Light a match and stretch out your hand with the match in front of you. Do deep breath through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, while trying to blow out the flame. How many attempts did it take you? If there are several, then it is possible that your respiratory system weakened. Possible reasons: smoking, lack of exercise, any chronic diseases respiratory tract.


Your tongue can tell you a lot about your health. The changes that occur to him help doctors to establish not only the presence of stomatitis and caries, but also to identify early stage diseases of a number of internal organs. home diagnostics best done in the morning. Normally, your tongue has pink color, shiny, evenly colored over the entire surface, let's say a thin white coating.

If the entire tongue is covered with a whitish coating, then this most often indicates a cold or gastritis. If the plaque is yellowish-brown - poor liver and gallbladder function. If the tongue is red, as if polished, like the corners of the mouth, it is a sign of a deficiency of B vitamins.

Health is the most precious thing a person has. Others want it for us, we ourselves want to be healthy, to live such a life that nothing hurts, does not bother. It is not for nothing that Eastern wisdom says: “A healthy person - happy man If we are healthy, we are cheerful and happy. Although our doctors say that there are no healthy people at all, we will try to determine how much you healthy man.

To do this, you need to go next test. To obtain correct result your answers should be as honest as possible. There can only be one answer.

Question 1. In your opinion, how often do you get sick?

A - very often, almost once a month for sure,

B - very rarely, about once every six months,

B is another option.

Question 2. In your opinion, how often do you visit doctors?

And - only when something hurts,

B - I practically don't go to them,

B - case by case.

Question 3. If suddenly something hurts you, you do this:

And - I immediately run to the doctor to find out the cause of the disease,

B - I diagnose myself and treat myself using the Internet and medical reference books,

B - use folk methods treatment.

Question 4. Do you have chronic diseases?

And - yes, and there are several of them,

B - chronic diseases I don't suffer

B - I find it difficult to answer.

Question 5. Do you think your lifestyle is active?

And - yes, I am an adherent of an active lifestyle,

B - no active image life is not for me

B - it is difficult to give a definite answer.

Question 6. Do you play sports?

A - no, I have no time to do exercises and other physical exercises,

B - I exercise regularly

B - not regularly, but I try to do physical exercises when possible.

Question 7. Are you willing to do something harmful to your health, for example, stay overtime at work for extra pay?

B - depending on the situation

Question 8. Do you have bad habits?

And - yes, I smoke and drink,

B - no, I don't smoke or drink

B is another answer.

Question 9. Your work is related to harmful conditions labor?

B - I find it difficult to answer.

Question 10. Determine your most important life priority:

A - work and career,

B - health and personal well-being,

B is great wealth.

Test key:

1 question: A = 0, B = 2, C = 1,

Question 2: A = 1, B = 2, C = 0,

Question 3: A = 1, B = 0, C = 0,

Question 4: A = 0, B = 2, C = 1,

Question 5: A = 2, B = 1, C = 1,

Question 6: A = 1, B = 2, C = 1,

Question 7: A = 0, B = 2, C = 1,

Question 8: A = 0, B = 2, C = 1,

Question 9: A = 2, B = 0, C = 1,

Question 10: A = 0, B = 2, C = 0.

Let's calculate the number of points.

From 1 to 5 points. Unfortunately, your health is poor. You often get sick and suffer from various ailments. Maybe you should pay due attention to your precious health and strengthen your immunity?

From 6 to 12 points. Your health does not deliver strong problems However, vitamins and healthy lifestyle you need. Think about your health more often, take care of it not only when you are sick, then you will turn to doctors less and less often.

From 13 to 19 points. You are practically a healthy person, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, do exercise, betray special and importance to your health. Your body is in good shape. Well done keep it up!

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If going to the hospital is not your favorite activity, but you care about your own health, then this article is for you.

website offers several simple tests that will help monitor the condition of the body.


Close one eye, take 3-5 steps back from the monitor and look at the circle. Note, whether some of the lines become darker than others. If yes, then this is a reason to check with an ophthalmologist, since the appearance of astigmatism is likely.


To perform this test, sit on the floor with your legs extended and try to reach your toes with your hands. If you can do it easily, then your body is in great shape. And if not, then yoga, Pilates, or swimming can be a good idea to develop flexibility and prevent excessive weakening of the joints.


Sit quietly for 5 minutes, then place 4 fingers on inside wrists of the other hand. Feel for a pulse. Record 1 minute and count the number of heartbeats. For children over 10 years of age and
adults, including the elderly, the norm is 60-100 beats per minute.
More or less may indicate pressure problems. However, do not rush to diagnose yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.


Pour into a glass very cold water and dip your fingers in there for 30 seconds. If your fingertips turn white or blue, you have impaired blood circulation. A sharp decline temperature (or stress) causes spasm in the vessels that provide blood to the fingers and toes, nose and ears. As a result, these parts of the body cease to flow enough blood and they become numb. You should avoid sudden temperature changes.

Respiratory system

Light a match and stretch out your hand with the match in front of you. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth while trying to blow out the flame. How many attempts did it take you? If several, then it is possible that your respiratory system is weakened. Possible causes: smoking, lack of exercise, any chronic respiratory disease.

You can have healthy relationships with anyone in your life, including your family, friends and partners, this test will help you.

What makes a relationship healthy?
Communication and Exchange: The most important part of any healthy relationship between two people is the opportunity to talk and listen to each other. In healthy relationships, people don't lie. Communication is based on honesty and trust.

Respect and trust: In healthy relationships, you learn to respect and trust important people In my life. There may still be disagreements, but you learn to remain calm and talk about your feelings. Speaking calmly helps to understand real reason discord, and it's much easier to figure out how to fix it. In a healthy relationship, working through disagreements often makes the relationship stronger.

How do I know that I have a healthy relationship with someone?
You know that you are in a healthy relationship with someone because you feel good when you are around that person. An unhealthy relationship can make you feel sad, angry, scared, or worried.
Healthy peer relationships involve equal amounts of give and take in relationships. There is an unfair balance in an unhealthy relationship. You may feel that most time you give the other person more attention than they give you, or you feel pressured to spend a certain amount of time with them.
You should feel safe around the other person and feel that you can trust him/her with your secrets. In a healthy relationship, you enjoy spending time with the other person instead of feeling forced to spend time with them. Unhealthy relationships do not involve trust and respect, which are very important parts family relations, good friendship or dating relationship. Nobody deserves to be in an unhealthy relationship.

1. Age has a significant impact on health. Give yourself one point for each year you live.

2. Calculate if your weight is normal. If the value of your weight in centimeters is equal to your weight minus one hundred, then this is the norm. The weight. normal weight approximately equal to height in centimeters minus 100. For each overweight subtract 5 points from the total score.

3.If you don't smoke, you can earn 30 points. If you smoke, then one point must be deducted from this amount for each cigarette smoked per day.

4. If you can do enough intense daily physical activity, such as running or swimming, for at least 12 minutes, then count yourself an additional 30 points. For endurance exercises of cardio-vascular system, 4 times a week, you can add 25 points to yourself, three-day workouts deserve 20 points, two-day workouts - 10, and if you do endurance exercises 1 time per week, count yourself 5 points.

5. Calculate your heart rate in one minute. The threshold for a normal resting heart rate is 90 beats per minute. If your heart rate is lower, then you can add the difference between these two values.

6. No less important is the ability of the heart rate to recover to normal values after exercise. In order to appreciate it, after a two-minute run in place, rest in horizontal position within four minutes. Then measure your heart rate and compare it with the value calculated earlier in a state of complete rest. If the resulting difference is not more than 10 beats per minute, then you can give yourself 30 points, a difference from 15 to 20 beats per minute earns you 20 points, and a value of more than 20 gives you only 10 points.

So, now you can assess the general state of your health.

Sum of points less than 20 points should seriously alert you. In order to prevent a threat to your health, you need to take serious measures - quit smoking, start playing sports, etc.

Sum of points from 21 to 60 not so threatening, but also indicative of possible problems with your health.

Number of points from 61 to 100 also not an indicator of a completely satisfactory state of health, additional physical activity will not interfere with you either.

Sum value from 101 to 170 points are not bad, suggests that the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in your case is minimal.

Sum of points over 170 points lets congratulate you on excellent health.

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