If the throat hurts on one side, is it a sore throat or not. Types of angina and their treatment Acute ulcerative amygdalitis

Due to undesirable consequences, atypical angina is a dangerous disease. With untimely, little competent therapy, the pathological process can affect the heart, joints, kidneys, liver and other human organs and systems. Complications can be avoided by taking your health seriously throughout your conscious life.

You should know that the unilateral form of angina is treated with difficulty. Many antibacterial agents are not able to stop the infection. For a long time, the patient feels squeezing, burning, squeezing in the oropharynx. The disease affects children's respiratory systems more often than adults due to the weak protective functions of the immune system, the individual structure of organs, and pathologies of the nasopharynx.

Unilateral angina develops due to various factors. It is important to know that it is almost impossible to contract the disease from an infected person. Most often, the infectious and inflammatory process of the tonsils is provoked on the one hand by pathogens that have entered the oropharynx from the environment.

Over the years of medical practice, specialists are faced with the main causes of the formation of the disease:

  • The penetration of bacteria into the body. During this process, the lymph nodes swell, become sensitive and are able to pass microorganisms to the tonsils. If the tonsils are infected on both sides, bilateral tonsillitis is diagnosed.
  • Dental pathologies. Poor dental health leads to an undesirable form of sore throat. If caries is observed, bacteria multiply without much difficulty and migrate to the larynx. Illiterate treatment of dental pathologies can cause an infectious and inflammatory process of the throat.
  • Diagnosis of nodular laryngitis. On the vocal cords of people whose voice is the main type of income, new tissues can grow. Neoplasms in medicine are called nodules. They do not belong to serious pathologies, but in some cases they provoke unilateral tonsillitis. It can alleviate the general condition of the patient by abandoning the stress on the vocal cords.
  • development of abscesses. The complication is caused by the development of bacterial infections. Many microorganisms accumulate on the tonsils, causing them to swell and swell. During an abscess, the patient feels disgusting. High body temperature, the fight against which does not give a positive result, accompanies the patient for several days. Treatment requires antibiotic therapy. Cases have been recorded when, with abscesses, the tonsils were removed surgically.

External irritants of the mucous membranes of the organ are bacteria that are in the air if a person is in polluted ecological zones. It is recommended to avoid inhalation of chemical fumes, cigarette smoke.

Unilateral angina without temperature is marked by its insidiousness. Symptoms of the disease are easily confused with pharyngitis. Accordingly, the prescribed therapy does not lead to the expected result, bringing the person's condition to severe pathologies.

Angina without tonsils develops after surgical removal of the organ. It is important to take care of the tonsils, timely, competently and seriously approach their treatment. Thanks to the functionality of the tonsils, the oral cavity, pharynx, nasopharynx are maximally protected from pathogens that are ready to hit the respiratory tract every moment with renewed vigor and serious consequences.

Symptoms of angina

One-sided sore throat manifests itself with various signs characteristic of the individuality of the organism. There is a general clinical picture, thanks to which the patient understands that the doctor's consultation cannot be avoided and begins the therapeutic measures prescribed by the specialist in a timely manner.

Angina without symptoms in the early stages of the infectious and inflammatory process requires special attention from the doctor. Inflammation has already started, it is important to correctly select medicines with maximum efficiency in order to stop the active action of infections and pathogenic bacteria, viruses.

The symptoms of many patients resemble those of acute viral respiratory infections. The catarrhal form is characterized by a viral infection of the tonsils. It proceeds with a clinical manifestation of general poisoning of the human body.

With untimely therapy, the tonsils are maximally enveloped by the infection. The patient has:

  • unilateral sore throat;
  • pain syndromes of the head;
  • discomfort in the joints, muscles;
  • feverish state with manifestations of chills;
  • instant fatigue even from your favorite field of activity;
  • elevated body temperature, sometimes the thermometer shows above 39 degrees Celsius;
  • there is hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the sinus mucosa becomes dry;
  • on visual examination, there is a significant increase in the size of the tonsils and lymph nodes on the side affected by the disease;
  • when eating or drinking in the ears, unpleasant sounds and pain attacks are provoked;
  • there is nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • often the patient complains of convulsions;
  • plaque forms in the throat;
  • purulent plugs, masses with an unpleasant odor may appear on the mucous membranes.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms, do not competently eliminate the causes of the disease, the acute form can develop into chronic inflammation of the tonsils with all the ensuing consequences. It takes a long time to fight chronic tonsillitis, the pathology returns to a healthy patient 3-4 times a year, causing a lot of inconvenience, discomfort and severe complications.

Treatment of angina

For many years of healing, unilateral inflammation of the tonsils is eliminated by combined methods of treatment. Antimicrobial drugs are the mainstay of therapy. They are able to rid the organs of the bacteria that cause the disease.

The course of therapy, the dosage of medications is determined individually for each patient. In this case, the doctor takes into account the age, individuality of the patient's body, the severity and form of the disease. Additional measures help block the development of inflammation, killing the bacterium in the early stages of its development and spread.

It is recommended to start treatment at the first manifestations of the disease. Chronic inflammation of the tonsils is much more difficult to eliminate than the acute form of the disease. Patients at the doctor's appointment are interested in whether a sore throat on one side can provoke inflammation of the tonsils on the other side. Of course, pathology without treatment extends not only to the tonsils, but also to neighboring human organs.


It is important to understand that when diagnosing unilateral angina, antibiotic therapy cannot be avoided. Only non-professionals can carry out treatment without the use of an antibiotic, which subsequently leads to complications.

There are several rules, adhering to which antibiotic therapy does not cause side effects and is effective after several days of taking the prescribed drugs:

  1. Only a qualified doctor prescribes an antibiotic based on the patient's medical history. It is important to make sure that there are no allergic manifestations to the components of the medication. The possible resistance of the focus of inflammation to a number of antibiotics is taken into account. After determining the severity of the disease, the doctor determines the method of administration of the drug.
  2. The course of therapy is determined by the doctor and is strictly adhered to by the patient. You can not arbitrarily stop the use of drugs after the first improvements. With spontaneous cancellation of the antibiotic, the remaining staphylococci, streptococci lend themselves to active development, returning symptoms and complicating the course of the pathological infectious and inflammatory process.
  3. If the antibacterial agent is ineffective after 2-3 days of administration, it is important to discuss the situation with a specialist and replace the drug. A positive result after taking the medicine occurs 12-24 hours after administration. A strong agent kills pathogens on the tonsils, reducing their inflammation and swelling. If the process is absent, this indicates the weakness of the antibacterial drug for this type of microorganisms. To stop the disease, the doctor prescribes a drug from another group of antibiotics.

Widely known means that effectively fight the disease, specialists in a narrow direction consider:

  • Cefixime.
  • Amoxil.
  • Levofloxacin.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Flemoklav.

To minimize the side effects of antibacterial drugs, it is important to read the instructions before taking medications. In combination with these funds, it is advised to take probiotics.


The use of antiseptic drugs with a unilateral course of the disease helps to stop the infection, does not allow bacteria to migrate to healthy areas of the zones.

Antiseptics can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin. Many patients prepare decoctions and tinctures on their own according to the recipes of "grandmothers" from medicinal plants. They also prescribe lozenges or sprays with an antiseptic effect on the focus of the disease.


It is recommended to rinse the larynx with unilateral sore throat with various solutions purchased in pharmacies, prepared by medical workers in otolaryngology rooms, self-brewed decoctions and tinctures according to alternative medicine recipes.

It is affordable and easy to gargle with salt, iodine and soda. The solution is prepared in the ratio:

  • five drops of iodine;
  • 1 teaspoon each of baking soda and sea salt.

Before manipulation, you should make sure that there are no allergic manifestations to the ingredients.

You can carry out the procedure with strong green tea with the addition of 1 teaspoon of salt. No less effective is a solution of potassium permanganate. Manganese should be completely dissolved to prevent burns to the mouth. The solution is able to dry the mucous membranes. After that, it is important to lubricate the throat and oral cavity with vegetable oil.

Gargle with tinctures according to traditional medicine recipes. Garlic infusion, apple cider vinegar, beetroot juice, blueberry broth have proven to be effective. No less effective are rinsing with herbal decoctions, lemon juice in a ratio of 2: 3 with boiled frozen water.

Among the pharmaceutical preparations, Furacilin, Lugol, Iodinol, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt deserved positive feedback during use. It is important to carry out the manipulation correctly, adhering to the main recommendations of experts:

  • The head should be tilted back. The tongue should stick out forward, for a deep passage of the solution into the throat.
  • Warm solution should be used. A cold agent can complicate inflammation, and a hot one can burn the oropharynx, causing pain and stress to the patient.
  • In order to irrigate the tonsils as much as possible, the patient is taught to pronounce the sound “Y.” during manipulation.

The duration of the procedures should not be less than 30 seconds. It is important to control your breathing. During the day, 6-10 rinsing sessions should be carried out.


It's no secret that with unilateral angina, inhalations increase the possibility of a quick recovery. It is better to carry out manipulations in the conditions of modern medicine with a special nebulizer apparatus. If the device is not available for use, you can carry out thermal procedures with improvised means.

With angina, this method of therapy is capable of:

  • Reduce the duration of the pathology.
  • The medicines dispensed by the inhaler penetrate into the secluded areas of the throat.
  • The pharynx, larynx, trachea are protected from all sorts of complications.
  • Allergic manifestations of the larynx are minimized.
  • The pain is eliminated, the inflammatory course of the disease is softened.

Inhalations of a thermal nature are prohibited for patients with elevated body temperature. They cannot be carried out with purulent formations on the tonsils without the permission of the doctor. During pregnancy, oncological pathologies, during lactation, inhalations should be carried out only with the permission of the doctor under his guidance and 100% supervision of the patient in a hospital setting.

Solutions for manipulations are purchased in pharmacies, prepared independently. For thermal procedures, essential oils, healing tinctures from medicinal plants are often used.


Doctors with experience in the treatment of unilateral angina, the disease can have complications in two directions:

  • general;
  • local.

A severe course of the disease leads to damage to the kidneys, cardiovascular system, joints, and heart. With a local complication, phlegmon, otitis media, and laryngeal edema are provoked. Repeated cases of bleeding from the tonsils have been recorded.

To facilitate the course of the disease, it is advised to be treated according to a system developed individually by the attending physician. It is important for the patient to maintain a calm state, adhering to bed rest. Another rule is the intake of a large amount of liquid. Not unimportant is the ventilation of the premises and moist air in the patient's room.

For minimal infection of others, the patient must use a medical mask when in contact with people. The applied medical element should be changed every 2 hours.

It is necessary to carry out therapy under the supervision of the attending doctor, regardless of the duration, severity and type of the disease. Prescribe drugs, course of treatment, dosage of drugs should be individually after a visual and laboratory study.

The appearance of pain in the throat is not always associated with the penetration of viruses and bacteria. Sometimes, under the guise of a banal cold, dangerous diseases of the throat and pharynx are hidden.

To find out the reason why a sore throat occurs (sometimes it is localized only on one side), it is necessary to take into account both the external signs of inflammation and the entire symptom complex of the disease.

Note! If the sore throat persists for more than 5 days and there are obvious problems during self-examination, it will be difficult to cope with the disease without an otolaryngologist, or it will become a lifelong (chronic) companion of the patient.

To approach the issue of treatment, one should consider some diseases in which patients complain of unilateral pain when swallowing, and only then proceed to the tactics of drawing up a therapy plan.

Despite the same complaint, when the patient states that one side of the throat hurts when swallowing, the treatment can be radically different.

Diseases associated with sore throat

A sore throat is a symptom that signals that something is wrong in the body. An examination, patient complaints and additional diagnostics prescribed by a doctor will help to figure out what is wrong and make the correct diagnosis.

Colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza

These diseases are very similar to each other, but they also have a number of differences in symptoms. A cold is more harmless, the temperature does not always rise or stay within 36.8–37.3 degrees, and snot, cough, sneezing, tearing, headache are self-evident companions.

ARVI and ARI have a brighter picture, the rise in temperature reaches up to 38 degrees, sometimes a little higher. The general condition of the patient is worse than with a cold, and the symptoms are more pronounced: the throat is very hyperemic, it hurts when swallowing (at first, there may be a lesion on one side), and a day later there are complaints of general soreness of the back wall.

The flu comes on suddenly(in the morning there was no hint of illness), the temperature rises sharply to high numbers (more than 38.5 degrees), the patient has general symptoms of intoxication: nausea, lack of appetite, weakness, muscle pain, chills, others, but no runny nose. On the second day, a sore throat may occur, and the soreness will be bilateral at once, and a slight cough. With aggressive influenza, pneumonia develops on the third day.

Our doctor wrote a separate detailed article about the treatment of acute respiratory infections and its symptoms. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most effective cold medicines.

Infectious mononucleosis

The disease has a viral nature and proceeds with dangerous symptoms. Perhaps a generalized lesion of the lymph nodes and spleen, liver, the appearance of a skin rash, headache, enlarged tonsils (it hurts to swallow on the right and left sides).

Differentiating mononucleosis from other viral infections, you should be tested for specific antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus.

Infectious mononucleosis - treatment and causes


The disease is caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus and less often other bacteria. With angina (acute tonsillitis), pain on one side of the throat can manifest itself only in the first days of the disease, and in the future the process is bilateral, although the degree of damage to the tonsils can be different.

On examination, it can be seen that on the one hand, for example, the right one, the tonsil is enlarged in size and the purulent plaque occupies a wider space. Therefore, one-sided pain with angina is characteristic only at the beginning of the disease.

The cause of sore throat in children is often herpetic sore throat. You can read about its features here.

A proven way to treat sore throat with angina


This disease is associated with inflammation of the pharynx. Patients often explain to the doctor that at first the throat suddenly ached on one side, and then the pain spread further. When examining the throat, there is obvious redness, the tonsils are not enlarged, the surface of the pharynx has infiltrates and granularity, and a runoff of viscous transparent white mucus is visible. With complications, the mucus may acquire a yellowish-green tone and have an unpleasant odor.

Patients often complain of dryness and sore throat. During sleep, patients sometimes wake up due to a paroxysmal dry cough.

In the acute form of pharyngitis, the body temperature rises, but, as a rule, does not exceed 37.5 degrees. The general condition of the patient is not always disturbed, appetite is often preserved, and even working capacity. Everything is individual, and depends on the pain syndrome and body temperature.

Important! When examining the throat, you can immediately distinguish pharyngitis from tonsillitis. With angina there will be purulent raids on the tonsils, and with pharyngitis - redness, swelling and graininess of the pharyngeal space.

Pharyngitis is often accompanied by a change (increase) in the cervical or submandibular lymph nodes. In the chronic course of the disease, the pain in the throat is mild, it is more often unilateral or captures the entire back wall of the pharynx. The patient complains more about itching and discomfort.

If you are worried about a sore throat and constantly want to cough, then read this article.

How to treat a sore throat with pharyngitis

Damage to the throat by chemical, thermal and mechanical means

Throat injuries can be associated with various injuries. A person may mistakenly drink alkali, acid, or other highly dangerous liquids that cause chemical burns. The cause of a sore throat is often thermal burns, when boiling water enters the throat, as well as injuries caused by sharp and piercing objects, such as fish bones, or instruments during surgical operations in the oral cavity.

Chemical and thermal burns cause severe pain, the throat hurts from all sides, erosion appears, which can subsequently become infected. Scabs form at the sites of injury, which, depending on the substance that caused the burn, are white, brown or yellow. Chemical burns of the pharynx can cause general intoxication, up to renal failure.

Sore throat with burns depends on the degree of injury, and, as a rule, occupies the entire pharyngeal cavity, erosion on one side is observed only in mild cases.

At 1 degree of burn injuries, epithelialization of the mucosa occurs on the 4th–5th day. By this time, swelling and redness subsides. The pain when swallowing decreases and the burning sensation gradually disappears.

Second degree burns causes severe sore throat (rarely on one side). Scabs (crusts on the wound surface) appear, sloughing off after about a week. The patient has a temperature, the general intoxication of the body is increasing. On examination, bleeding wounds are visible.

At the third degree severe lesions of the mucosa are visible, occupying extensive surfaces and deep wounds. Healing takes a long time, wounds often become infected, the throat hurts a lot (pain on one side is excluded), the patient has a temperature. The phenomena of severe general intoxication are added, and the development of tracheobronchitis, laryngitis, bleeding and other pathologies is also possible.

Often the throat is damaged by foreign objects, especially this phenomenon is observed in children, when a child, exploring the world around him, constantly puts everything that comes to his hand into his mouth. It can be both harmless toys and any sharp and piercing objects.

Damage in adults occurs more often in the process of eating. These can be stuck fish or meat bones, and other items that have fallen into the product, such as paper clips in sausages or pastries.

With mechanical lesions, the throat most often hurts on one side., there is no temperature, and the timely removal of a foreign object, as well as the treatment of the injured area, as a rule, contribute to the rapid epithelization of the mucosa.

Retropharyngeal abscess

With a retropharyngeal abscess (pharyngeal abscess), suppuration occurs in the region of the pharyngeal space and lymph nodes. The disease is a complication of infectious diseases or trauma to the pharynx.

The patient complains of a sharp sore throat on one side (at the site of abscess formation), choking, sometimes food is thrown into the nose. The disease can be complicated by shortness of breath, suffocation, high fever, the head tilts to the side where the abscess is located.

Tumors in the throat

The complaint that one side of the throat hurts when swallowing sometimes occurs in the presence of a benign or malignant tumor. Benign tumors give soreness and difficulty in swallowing when they are large (more often these are adenomas).

Malignant processes in the first stages of development rarely give pain, and only reaching stage 3-4 cause increasing pain when it becomes painful for the patient to swallow on the left side of the throat or on the right, and sometimes on both sides.

Symptoms of malignant neoplasms of the throat are varied and depend on the location of the tumor, its size, as well as damage to nearby tissues.

Thyroid cancer (outer side of throat)

After 1986, when there was an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, many residents of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia faced this disease. It should be noted that today the trend towards an increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer continues.

With this pathology, there is a sore throat on one side or around the entire perimeter of the pharynx, painful swallowing and a feeling of a foreign object are observed. In the future (with an increase in the size of the tumor), the patient breathes heavily, develops cough, shortness of breath, hoarseness, a feeling of a lump in the throat, impaired swallowing movements.

neurological syndrome

It happens that people suffer from neurological disorders, in which phobias of a different nature appear, especially when the patient is afraid of getting cancer of the throat or another disease in this area. More often, such a pathology affects impressionable people who, even when watching a television program on an oncological topic, find all the symptoms of the disease.

Such individuals begin to project the disease onto themselves, feeling completely ill. For example, if there is a patient with a sore throat next to them, then after an hour such a person may feel a sore throat.

Also, against the background of stressful situations, spasm of the pharynx develops, when the patient begins to complain of a feeling of a lump, sore throat on one or both sides, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, loss of voice, cough.

Read about how to treat a sore throat with loss of voice here.

Sexual infections and sore throat

gonorrhea pharynx

A gonorrheal throat infection is caused by oral sex or the birth canal of a pregnant woman, who can pass the infection to her baby during childbirth. In children, as a rule, only the eyes can be affected, therefore, in maternity hospitals, immediately after the birth of a baby, gonoblenorrhea is prevented by instillation of antibacterial drops, for example, tobrex.

As for oral sex, everything is very clear here. The gonococcus from the patient enters the oral cavity of the sexual partner, causing gonorrheal pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, etc. Sore throat can be observed both on the one hand, and have bilateral localization.

In general, the picture resembles a sore throat, and the symptom complex is almost identical to acute tonsillitis. To clarify the diagnosis, bacterial culture is performed from the affected areas of the pharynx.

Syphilis of the throat

Cause of the disease gram-negative spirochete (pallid treponema), which is transmitted to a person from a patient with syphilis. With syphilis of the pharynx, the following symptoms are observed: an increase in the tonsils, redness of the palatine arches, the appearance of syphilomas, an increase in lymph nodes up to 3 cm. Such phenomena are characteristic of the first stage of syphilis, and there is no particular pain in the throat.

At later stages, the so-called syphilitic angina develops, in which multiple small rounded rashes are noticeable. The mucous throat is strongly hyperemic. In the future, there is a cyanosis of the soft palate and tubercles, which, opening up, turn into ulcers that have a hard bottom with a greasy coating.

The patient has a temperature, complains of discomfort, difficulty swallowing and dryness in the throat, salivation, and the throat sometimes hurts only on one side (with primary and secondary syphilis).

Sore throat treatment

In the article, we examined the possible causes for which unilateral sore throat is observed. You don't have to be a doctor to understand that each disease requires its own approach to treatment.

Colds and viral diseases of the throat are treated by rinsing medicinal herbs, a solution of "salt + soda + iodine" (what proportions to use), antiseptic pharmacy solutions, tablets and lozenges.

For throat injuries Treatment appoints or nominates only ENT. It can be either conservative or surgical.

Sore throats caused by bacteria require antibiotics. Only an otolaryngologist-oncologist deals with tumor processes of the pharynx, due to the complex specific methodology for treating cancer patients.

Neurological causes of the disease of the pharynx need psychotherapy and special sedatives. Only by relieving tension and excitement from the central nervous system can you remove the "throat" symptoms.

Syphilis and gonorrhea of ​​the throat is the task of venereologists. Only the suppression of the pathogen can cure the disease.


After reading this article, you should not look for symptoms of all the diseases presented. The purpose of our story is to familiarize people with possible diseases that can cause pain on one side of the throat. But, God forbid, when similar symptoms appear, the patient should immediately seek help from a doctor. Remember, even the most dangerous diseases can be cured in the early stages. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Attention! Only today!

Sore throat on one side

Discomfort in the larynx is not an unusual and alarming sign for anyone, especially when there are obvious signs of a cold. And even if the throat hurts on the one hand, many people do not pay attention to it and most often treat it in the same way as a common sore throat, which is fundamentally wrong. After all, the occurrence of such pain can indicate various diseases.

Why does one side of my throat hurt?

Pain sensations on the one hand may indicate that the infection is localized and the inflammatory process has spread only in a certain area. It is very important to determine what is causing it.

The main provoking factors can be:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • streptococci.

Localization of infection in tonsillitis can be manifested by the appearance of a yellow or white spot with pus on the surface of one tonsil, and with pharyngitis, swelling of the lymph nodes occurs.

Often the throat on the left side hurts due to streptococcal bacteria, which can cause a rash in the upper part of the mouth, white spots and stripes on the tonsils.

It often happens that the left side of the throat hurts, and the pain radiates to the ear. This may indicate the presence of otitis media, which requires complex and serious treatment.

With pain on one side only and nasal congestion, we can talk about unilateral sinusitis.

It is very important for such diseases to gargle, drink plenty of fluids and, based on the cause of the disease, conduct a course of antibiotic treatment.

Sore throat on the outside

It happens that there are pains not from the inside, but from the outside. This can be triggered by osteochondrosis or muscle spasm. For example, sensations are provoked by an uncomfortable posture during sleep or hypothermia on one side.

Pay attention to the fact that on the right side the throat hurts with the following diseases:

  • meningitis;
  • piggy;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tumor of the cervical vertebra;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • pharyngeal abscess;
  • angina.

Sometimes the cause of such pain can be a banal draft, which caused pain or numbness as a result of muscle strain, but if the pain does not disappear for a long time, and general malaise appears, as well as fever, then a specialist consultation is necessary. If it is difficult to determine the diagnosis, doctors may prescribe an MRI of the cervical spine, as well as take blood for analysis to rule out the possibility of malignant tumors.


What to do if the throat hurts on the left side and it hurts to swallow

When the throat hurts on one side and it hurts to swallow, this may indicate the presence of a certain disease. The majority of people do not pay much attention to these signs and believe that this is a common cold, but this is not so. In order to understand at least a little about the features of diseases, it is necessary to know their accompanying symptoms.

Why does my throat hurt on one side

As a rule, pain sensations on one side indicate the location of the infection and inflammation of this area. But the reasons can be completely different. The main diseases include:

  • tonsillitis of various forms;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • streptococci, which can cause a rash.

If it hurts on the left side of the throat and the pain is felt in the ear, it is possible that this is otitis media, which is treated only in a complex manner. If the sore throat is accompanied by nasal congestion, this indicates a unilateral form of sinusitis. In some cases, the pain does not appear inside, but outside, for example, pain sensations appear in the region of the Adam's apple. In this case, you need to look for the problem in muscle spasm or osteochondrosis disease.

But pain on the right side of the throat indicates the presence of diseases such as mumps, angina pectoris, meningitis, tuberculosis and tumors of the cervical vertebrae. Sometimes pain occurs due to a draft or muscle strain. In this case, they pass quickly, but if the pain does not disappear and an increase in body temperature is observed, then an examination is necessary.

Diseases with sore throat on the left

First, it is worth noting a disease such as tonsillitis, which is considered quite serious. A feature of tonsillitis is the defeat of the tonsils by certain bacteria or a virus, as a result of which they become inflamed. In this case, the person feels pain on the side where the site of infection is located. The main symptoms include redness of the tonsils, swelling of the lymph nodes, the release of yellow or whitish pus, decreased appetite, pain when swallowing and ear pain symptoms.

As a rule, the main bacterium is streptococcus, and viruses can be different. With tonsillitis, the doctor prescribes treatment with antibiotics and other additional drugs. To reduce pain, it is recommended not to eat hot and too cold food, it is better to stick to the golden mean.

With pharyngitis, it is often very painful for the patient to swallow, he has a fever and headaches appear. Lymph nodes increase in the cervical region, and pain manifests itself even in the muscles and joints. The occurrence of pharyngitis is associated with the presence of certain viruses and bacteria, inflammation is localized in the back of the larynx. During treatment, a conservative method is used, and at home it is recommended to drink cold drinks and foods that relieve pain.

Factors affecting the development of inflammation

Sometimes, if the throat hurts on the left side, it hurts to swallow, this may also indicate other diseases, for example, a sore throat, colds, flu, sinus infections, and increased acidity of the stomach. But there are also factors that increase the risk. These include primarily tobacco smoking, because cigarette smoke, especially in large quantities, strongly irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx, which causes inflammation. In many cases, the cause of pain can be an allergic reaction, as this causes some parts of the throat to swell, so it becomes painful to swallow.

If a person stays for a long time in a dusty, gassed or with a lot of chemicals room, then he also has pain, as the body is oversaturated with bacteria, microbes and other harmful substances.

We should not forget about the level of immunity in the body, because it is directly related to morbidity. For example, people with excellent immune systems are much less likely to get sick because the body fights various kinds of infections.

In any case, whatever the cause and symptoms, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

Only he is able to give an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate effective treatment. You can not do it yourself, since any manifestation that has not been cured in a timely manner can lead to serious complications.

Sore throat on the right side only, there is no temperature, there is a slight weakness, what should I do to make it go faster ???



rinse once an hour (salt, soda-a teaspoon, 5 drops of iodine per 0.5 water)
ingalipt and gevalex spray!
tomorrow everything will be ok, but tomorrow you need to rinse and irrigate with sprays!
all the best.

Yulia Lukashenko

I will add, you can still lubricate the tonsils with Lugol's solution with glycerin. At night, tie a scarf, not forgetting to sprinkle the spray: "Kameton", "Ingalipt", "Tantum Verde"

Inessa Morgan

But propasol helps me a lot (although it is vigorous, but it has a positive result), but from inhalipt, gedelix, there is no result (and they help someone well). Gargle with citric acid - for 1 glass of water + 1 dessert. a spoonful of citric acid. Also dissolve local antiseptics (lysobact or others.)

Maria Maria

familiar situation. You probably have a swollen right tonsil. See if there are purulent raids on the tonsils and next to them. It all started for me like you did, on the one hand it was painful to swallow, but despite the lethargy, there was almost no temperature. After 4 days, I went to the doctor, diagnosed with tonsillitis, prescribed amoxicillin (antibiotic), rinsing with furatsilin and hexoral spray. I started treatment, but it didn’t help at all, and every day my throat hurt more and more, there were more and more raids on the tonsils, it was terribly painful to swallow even liquid, I could hardly speak. I called an ambulance (about 7-8 days of illness), they took me to the infectious diseases hospital, where they did a blood test and found out that I was not sick at all with a sore throat, but with infectious mononucleosis (in fact, this is not as scary as it sounds, the main thing is to detect it as possible quicker) .
Here's a tip for you: do not use throat sprays during inflammation of the tonsils, as they only spray bacteria all over the throat, it is better to rinse with a strong solution of furacilin - this is the best remedy. (4 tablets per glass of water). During rinsing, do not gurgle (for the same reason as with sprays), but simply, with your head up, try to keep the solution in your throat as long as possible, stand as long as you can and repeat the procedure for as long as you have enough patience. It is advisable to rinse every half hour or every hour. You can dissolve the Sage tablets, they help a lot. And do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Causes of pain in the throat or larynx when swallowing

Sore throat is a common symptom of diseases of the pharynx, which are quite diverse and include inflammation, neoplasms and injuries. The classic version of pain in the throat that occurs with or without swallowing is acute inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

In addition to pain, these pathologies are characterized by a rise in temperature, redness of the pharynx, palatine arches, tonsils, as well as multiple purulent raids in the follicles or lacunae of the tonsils. You can read more about these diseases in the articles lacunar tonsillitis, follicular tonsillitis, treatment of tonsillitis in children.

What are other causes of pain or sore throat?

Sore throat and fever

Sore throat when swallowing is a very common companion of acute pharyngitis. At the same time, in addition to painful swallowing, a person with pharyngitis may be disturbed by dryness in the throat, a sensation of scratching and perspiration in the throat. Viscous mucus can accumulate in the throat from transparent (with allergies) to yellow or green (with a bacterial process) colors.

Often pharyngitis is accompanied by a rise in temperature to subfebrile figures (37, 5). Moderate intoxication may also occur - pain in the muscles, head, joints. It is also possible the reaction of regional lymph nodes in the form of enlargement, compaction and soreness of the submandibular and cervical groups of lymph nodes. If you shine a flashlight into the throat, press the tongue and examine the throat, you can see redness and swelling in the soft and hard palate, palatine arches and tonsils. The main difference between pharyngitis and tonsillitis is the absence of purulent deposits on the tonsils or in the throat.

By origin, the following types of acute infectious pharyngitis are distinguished:

  • Viral - adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, caused by Epstein-Barr virus, coronaviruses
  • Bacterial - streptococcal, staphylococcal, mycoplasmal, caused by Haemophilus influenzae
  • fungal - candidiasis
  • Allergic, toxic, alimentary - when irritated by chemicals, low temperatures, tobacco smoke and cigarette tar
  • Radiation - from exposure to ionizing radiation, for example, during radiation therapy

A prerequisite for the development of acute bacterial or viral pharyngitis is infection with a bacterium or virus and a drop in the local immune defense of the pharynx, against the background of:

  • starvation
  • hypothermia
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system
  • chronic diseases

Pharyngomycosis - a fungal infection of the pharynx with fungi of the genus Candida albicans often appears during treatment with systemic or inhaled glucocorticoids, after a course of antibiotics, against the background of diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiencies.

  • Unlike bacterial inflammation, pharyngomycosis gives a more pronounced discomfort in the throat (scratching, soreness, perspiration, dryness and burning sensation).
  • The pain is more moderate, aggravated by eating and swallowing saliva, can be given to the front surface of the neck, under the lower jaw or in the ear.
  • Very typical intoxication.
  • A distinctive feature of this type of lesion of the pharynx is white or yellowish plaques in the region of the palatine arches, tonsils. soft palate.
  • After rejection of the raids or when they are removed with a spoon or spatula, weeping bleeding surfaces appear, which increase the soreness of the throat and can serve as a gateway for the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection.

Separate pharyngomycosis from diphtheria, in which there are also raids and intoxication. The main method of differential diagnosis is cultures from the nose and pharynx for BL (Lefler's wand).

Pain when swallowing without fever

Often the throat hurts without any temperature reaction, causing a lot of inconvenience when eating, talking and alerting patients.

Acute pharyngitis

Pharyngitis of an allergic, toxic or alimentary nature (when irritated by various substances or temperature) gives brightly colored pain and discomfort when swallowing. No temperature is observed. The easiest way to get pharyngitis is to smoke a cigarette.

  • At the same time, the pharynx is irritated, reddens
  • Her swelling develops
  • The mucosa becomes full-blooded and dry
  • Soreness in the throat, dryness and coughing
  • There may be sharp pain in the form of tingling

Of the interesting options for medicinal pharyngitis, it is worth noting pharyngitis against the background of the proton pump blocker Zulbex (Rabeprazole), the antitumor agent Tegafur, the cytostatic Methotrexate.

Chronic pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis exists in the form of catarrhal, atrophic or granular. The chronic form is not accompanied by intoxication or fever (read throat sprays).

With catarrh or mucosal hypertrophy

  • there is a feeling of itching, soreness, tickling or scratching in the throat
  • it may also give the impression of a foreign body in the pharynx, which does not prevent swallowing food
  • typically frequent swallowing, with which patients try to get rid of the feeling of a lump or blockage in the throat

Granular process

It has more vivid manifestations than catarrhal. The main reasons for its appearance:

  • frequent acute pharyngitis
  • smoking, alcohol abuse
  • gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus with a non-closing sphincter of the inlet of the stomach)
  • dusty and polluted indoor or outdoor air, allergies

Atrophic pharyngitis

accompanied by dryness of the throat and difficulty in swallowing food. Often, patients have bad breath and a tendency to increased bleeding of small vessels of the pharynx. The sensation of a dry throat causes patients to drink more. There is a frequent association of atrophic pharyngitis with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and its spontaneous subsidence against the background of treated gastritis, peptic ulcer or duodenitis. The terminal stage of atrophy of the pharyngeal mucosa is accompanied by its sharp thinning, the appearance of many crusts and erosions and a fetid odor (ozena).

Injuries of the pharyngeal mucosa

This is a common cause of pain when swallowing. Acute injuries can be chemical (vinegar and other acids, alkalis, alcohols), thermal (boiling water burns) and mechanical (foreign bodies of the pharynx, cuts, stab or lacerations, gunshot wounds).

chemical burn

This is one of the most unpleasant, dangerous and difficult to treat injuries of the pharynx. At the same time, the longer the time of exposure to the mucosa and the more concentrated the solution, the deeper the damage, the more extensive the erosion of the mucosa and the higher the risk of bleeding and infection. A severe sharp pain appears in the pharynx, bleeding may open. Burns with vinegar, alkalis give a white scab in the mouth and throat, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids - brown, and nitric acid - yellow.

In the distant future, severe burns give pronounced scarring, which leads to narrowing of the pharynx and esophagus, requires long-term parenteral nutrition (in droppers or through a stoma in the intestine), exhausts the patient, who often needs surgical treatment and long-term recovery. Acetic acid burns, among other things, can be accompanied by poisoning and acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis.

Thermal burns

Such burns most often occur in everyday life from negligence or haste when a person drinks hot tea, coffee, milk or eats soup. The oral cavity is usually burned, but hot liquid can also get into the throat, causing burns of varying degrees. Steam and gas burns are also possible.

The first degree of thermal or chemical burns leads to damage to the mucosal epithelium, which is exfoliated by 3-4 days. The pharynx at the same time turns red and swells somewhat. Subjectively, the victim feels pain when swallowing in the esophagus and burning in the throat.

The second degree gives not only local changes in the mucosa (raids in the form of a scab, which is rejected after a week, revealing bleeding surfaces), but also changes in the general well-being of the victim in the form of intoxication, a rise in temperature. Mucosal defects heal through scarring.

The third degree is extensive and deep lesions under the scabs, which disappear by the end of the second week, extended erosions and ulcers of the pharynx, slowly healing and leaving scars that can deform the lumen of the pharynx and narrow it. Intoxication and temperature reaction are expressed, burn disease with multiple organ failure may develop. Such burns are complicated by laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, inflammation of the mediastinum, perforations and bleeding.

Mechanical injury

Mechanical injuries are most often caused by foreign bodies entering the pharynx. In the space between the tonsils, arches, in the back of the oropharynx and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rollers, small household items can get stuck (and in children, parts of the designer or parts of toys, slivers, balls, seeds and peel from apples).

Fish bones, needles, glass from broken dishes or cans are also often stuck. Children sometimes bite into Christmas decorations or glass ampoules with medicines left unattended. The latter, after biting, can also leave cuts in the mouth and throat. Foreign bodies in the upper pharynx are clearly visible and easy to remove.

But the middle and lower parts of the pharynx, which are difficult to examine, can retain a foreign object for a long time and become inflamed. They cause severe pain, aggravated by the promotion of food. If the foreign body enters the hypopharynx and is large enough, breathing difficulties may occur. With retropharyngoscopy of the ENT, the doctor manages to find, if not the object itself, then the redness, swelling and sedimentation of the pharyngeal mucosa left by it.

What is a pharyngeal abscess

If the pharyngeal mucosa is damaged by a foreign object to a considerable depth, a retropharyngeal abscess may develop, which also gives pain in the throat (to the right or left of the midline). The reason for its development is the penetration of infection into the pharyngeal space. Often this complication is given by stab wounds and stabbing foreign bodies of the pharynx. The clinic develops in two or three days:

  • there is pain during the promotion of food
  • difficulty swallowing
  • breathing disorders
  • forced position of the head
  • regional lymphadenitis appears
  • intoxication and temperature rise to 38-40 degrees

An abscess is usually identified already at the stage of examination of the pharynx. If necessary, the diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray examination.


Tumors are divided into benign and malignant. Of benign tumors, only large adenomas can make swallowing difficult and give some soreness with it. Malignant neoplasms necessarily in their development come to the stage of periodic or constant pain. Most often, tumors grow from the palatine tonsil, the soft palate. Less often - from the back wall of the pharynx.

  • Tumors from the epithelium (epithelioma) begin with superficial ulceration, then give regional lymphadenitis with a wooden density of knots soldered together. As the progression progresses, the depth and extent of the ulcer increase, pain increases with a characteristic reflection in the ears.
  • Lymphosarcoma gives disorders of swallowing, breathing and pain syndrome.
  • Reticulosarcoma is similar to lymphosarcoma, but has an earlier metastasis.
  • Of the external tumors, thyroid cancer deserves attention, which also gives difficult painful swallowing, sensation of a foreign body in the lower parts of the pharynx, pain in the neck. As the tumor grows, it makes it difficult to breathe, causes shortness of breath and cough, and also gives swelling of the neck and hoarseness.
  • Also, with lymphomas (symptoms), a feeling of a coma in the throat and swallowing disorders may occur.

Other causes of sore throat when swallowing

Cervical osteochondrosis

It gives a condition called "pharyngeal migraine". This is a sensation of a lump in the throat, which can also cause pain when swallowed (with damage to the 3rd pair of spinal nerves). Also, compression of the third root gives a feeling of pain behind the ear, a feeling of an increase in the tongue. With the defeat of the fourth root, in addition to pain and difficulty in swallowing, pain in the heart and collarbone may appear. A qualified neurologist should deal with such a problem.

Neurotic disorders

Panic attacks, neurotic disorders, somatized depressions can also mimic sore throats and difficulty swallowing. Patients complain of a sensation of a blockage in the throat, a lump that prevents not only swallowing, but also taking a deep breath. The general painful state of mind and hypochondria aggravate these experiences, on which patients often fixate and begin to suffer from cancerophobia. It is advisable for psychiatrists and psychotherapists to work with such disorders with the involvement of drug support with antidepressants and psychotherapy methods. Learn more about the symptoms and causes of panic attacks.

Sore throat due to genital infections

Syphilis of the throat

It begins to appear about a month after the infection. At the site of the introduction of pale treponema into the mucous membrane, an ulcer is formed with dense edges and a smooth bottom (hard chancre). Also, an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes develops, which become painful and dense. The chancre itself does not hurt until the microbial flora penetrates into it, causing secondary suppuration. After 2-3 months, when secondary syphilis develops, multiple bright tubercles with ulceration (syphilides) may appear in the pharynx. A dry cough may appear, and when the process spreads in the larynx, hoarseness of the voice.

gonorrhea pharynx

In this case, the picture will resemble a banal sore throat: sore throat and purulent raids on the tonsils. Infection occurs during oral sex, and in newborns in childbirth from a sick mother.

Pain in throat when swallowing

Sometimes not only the pharynx, but also the windpipe (larynx) responds with pain to swallowing movements.

Thus, if you or your loved ones have begun to be bothered by pain in the pharynx or neck during meals, you should not put off visiting an ENT or therapist.


Sore throat after sore throat

Chronic diseases: Chronic tonsillitis

Good afternoon! Help me to understand. A couple of days since she suffered a sore throat. As pus appeared on the tonsils, I connected the antibiotic Amoxiclav, drank for 5 days, and after 2 days my throat hurts again, the back wall and tonsils are red, swollen, it seems that the nasopharynx is swollen. What is it and than to be treated further, prompt, please. Thanks in advance for your reply!

Tags: sore throat after sore throat, sore throat again after sore throat

The tonsil hurts on one side Irina Yurievna. Please advise. I feed the child.

Chronic pharyngitis (?) The throat has been bothering me for a long time. Last October.

Throat, hr. Tonsillitis My throat bothers me. I rinse out frequent plugs in the tonsils.

Angina but the throat does not hurt. I have a sore throat for the second time in two months, I got up in the evening.

Tonsils hurt for 7 days At the beginning of the year, I drank antibiotics zi factor, my throat hurt. Then.

Pershit in the throat after a sore throat irina 2014-01-09 22: 02 Hello. Tell me please.

Complication after a sore throat Recently, a sore throat began to hurt (pain when swallowing, a throat inside.

Angina. Antibiotic, flucanazole My son is 4 years old. Ill - nasal congestion (a couple.

Sore throat, pimples on the palate and tonsil 4 days ago ended the course of antibiotics (inflammation.

Red growth in the throat. The second week, the throat hurts. Either on the left side, or on the right.

Angina or tonsillitis? In May, I got sick, there was a cough, snot and all that. I went to.

Sore throat after screaming. I had a sore throat, I cured it, after I had cured it, I had to.

11 responses

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Anna 2015-06-09 08:55

Hello! Perhaps 5 days of antibiotic was not enough, or the dose was insufficient. You should definitely see the ENT doctor again. Before the examination, take an antihistamine (suprastin) and gargle with antiseptics (chlorhexidine or miramistin).

Thank you for quick response. Of course I'll show myself, but on Saturday. Amoxiclav 625 1 tablet three times a day for 5 days. Today it’s already better, there is only swelling and it seems to be clogged, the throat and back wall are swollen and red. But there is no temperature and I feel good. I rinse with soda, Imudon tablets, inhalation with soda. Is it possible that this is a fungus from antibiotics? Thanks for the help!

Why does not the throat pass after a sore throat?

Probably everyone knows what a sore throat is, and many even suffered from it. It is an infectious disease that is ubiquitous. There are a lot of patients with such a diagnosis at the reception of ENT doctors. Sore throat is considered the main symptom of the pathology, and treatment is carried out with the help of antibiotics. But there are cases when the therapy ended, and the symptoms returned again. With what it can be connected and how to overcome the disease, only the doctor will say.

Causes and mechanisms

A typical sore throat in most cases is caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. It enters the tonsils by airborne or alimentary (with food) routes. Antibacterial therapy is directed against this pathogen, because the cure for the disease will come only when its cause is eliminated. And most patients do make a full recovery. But for some, the symptoms persist, and after a sore throat, the throat hurts again. But there could be many reasons for this. They can be combined into several groups:

  • Initial misdiagnosis.
  • Inappropriate therapy.
  • The development of complications of angina.
  • Re-infection.
  • Transition to the chronic form.
  • The occurrence of another disease.

And each of these conditions can be characterized by the appearance of sore throat, even despite previous therapy with antibacterial agents. But only a doctor can understand what is happening. Most likely, it will be necessary to carry out additional (or repeated) diagnostics and revise the existing treatment regimen.

If the sore throat does not stop hurting during the treatment of angina, then you should look for the source of the problem. Having determined the cause, one can hope for the successful elimination of the pathology.

Detailed characteristic

To understand why, despite the treatment, individual symptoms of angina persist, one should dwell on each of the causes in more detail. The information provided will assist in determining the source of the problem, but should in no way be construed as a substitute for qualified medical attention.

Initial misdiagnosis

As you know, antibiotics affect only the bacterial flora. But angina can also be caused by other pathogens, in particular, viruses or fungi. If the treatment was prescribed before receiving the result of a swab from the nose and throat (empirically), then the expected effect may not occur. Moreover, the seeding tank is done for at least 5 days - and at this time the patient should receive some kind of therapy.

There are cases when angina occurs with general diseases, when it is the result of changes in the lymphocytic-macrophage system. These states include:

  • Agranulocytosis.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Leukemias.

An antibiotic with them is not only useless, but can even be dangerous. For example, in mononucleosis, ampicillin preparations are contraindicated, since they give a specific allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash. There are also cases of syphilitic tonsillitis, in which separate therapy is necessary. And about diphtheria - generally a separate conversation. This infection is treated only with a specific serum. So the diagnosis and its reliable confirmation are a prerequisite for prescribing antibiotics. If it has not been fully implemented, then it is not worth hoping that the sore throat will soon pass.

The wrong therapy

The aspect of treatment naturally follows from the previous diagnosis. If the cause of the disease is initially established incorrectly, then the therapy, accordingly, will not bring the expected result. But even with an adequate diagnosis, there are errors in treatment. Some of them are observed by the doctor, but much more among patients.

Antibiotics are effective only in a certain dosage, which is called therapeutic. Of course, if it is not achieved, then there will be no result. But overdosing is not good either. Some children may develop fungal (candidiasis) tonsillitis as a result, which also causes a sore throat. Another equally important aspect is the duration of therapy. Angina should be treated for 10 days, during which time all bacteria will die and will not be able to develop further on the tonsils. But many patients arbitrarily violate the regimen prescribed by the doctor: due to minor side effects (for example, nausea, flatulence) or, having noticed an improvement in their condition and a decrease in body temperature, they believe that the work has already been done.

The choice of the wrong antibiotic should be attributed to miscalculations on the part of the doctor. It is known that certain drugs have a better effect on a certain group of bacteria. And with angina, antibiotics of the penicillin group traditionally do the best job. But in modern conditions, bacteria acquire various resistance mechanisms, which requires a revision of therapy. It is best to prescribe "protected" drugs (with clavulanic acid). Ignorance of this fact can cause the low effectiveness of the medicine and situations where the sore throat does not go away after taking it.

Adequate in all aspects, angina therapy can effectively eliminate all symptoms, prevent their re-development and complications.

The development of complications of angina

Those who have a sore throat after a sore throat should think about whether they have complications. After all, a purulent inflammatory process with untimely diagnosis and incorrect treatment easily passes to neighboring tissues. The most common consequences of angina at the local level will be:

  • Pharyngitis.
  • Paratonsillitis.
  • Peritonsillar abscess.
  • Peri- and pharyngeal abscesses.

In these cases, microbes from the tonsils penetrate the surrounding mucosa of the fiber, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the condition after a sore throat. Pharyngitis is characterized by perspiration, soreness, tickling, and finally, pain that occurs not only when swallowing, but also at rest. Often worried about dry cough.

With paratonsillitis, pain in the throat (one-sided) reappears, which sharply increase, becoming painful. They spread to the ear and teeth. Opening the mouth is difficult due to reflex spasm of the masticatory muscles (trismus). The general condition suffers greatly: fever up to 40 degrees and other signs of severe intoxication. If an abscess develops, then the situation is even more aggravated.


In situations where the treatment is over, but even after antibiotics, the throat starts to bother again, you should also think about the likelihood of re-infection of angina pathogens. This is especially true for children who attend a kindergarten or school, where many of their peers are sick. As a rule, most drugs are excreted from the body within a day, so the very next day it is quite possible to become infected with a new strain of streptococcus or a virus that can cause inflammation of the tonsils. Of course, most often this is observed in violation of the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Transition to the chronic form

As you know, not completely cured angina gives either complications or becomes chronic. If the throat hurts after previous therapy, then it is necessary to consider the development of tonsillitis. Its occurrence is facilitated by a sluggish infection in the nasopharynx and oral cavity (sinusitis, caries, etc.), which leads to a decrease in local immunity. Frequent exacerbations of a chronic process are not uncommon for many children. Clinically, they are manifested by almost the same symptoms as angina.

Occurrence of another disease

It is possible that a sore throat that does not go away during antibiotic treatment is evidence of some other disease that has accumulated on a sore throat. Most often it is an acute respiratory infection that occurs with damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Then the patient's temperature rises again, a runny nose and cough appear. Characterized by intoxication in the form of body aches, malaise, headaches. And no wonder, because, as already mentioned, antibiotics do not affect viruses. Namely, they are the cause of SARS.

When examining a patient, the doctor pays attention to any symptoms so as not to miss diseases with a similar clinical picture.

Correction principles

Having established whether a sore throat can hurt after a sore throat and why, it is worth moving on to considering the principles for eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Of course, for this it is necessary to remove the source of the problem and prevent its occurrence in the future. Therefore, patients should adhere to the following principles:

  1. When the first symptoms appear, immediately go to the doctor.
  2. Go through all stages of the diagnostic examination.
  3. Carefully follow all doctor's recommendations for treatment.
  4. Follow a prophylactic regimen during the recovery period.

This will avoid many of the situations discussed above. Each of them has its own nuances that should be observed. For example, with angina caused by viruses, antibiotics are not needed at all, but other drugs (acyclovir and others) are shown. And with purulent complications, intensification of therapy with intravenous administration of medications and surgical removal of the pathological focus is required.

Sore throat that persists or reappears after antibiotic therapy for angina is not as simple as we would like. There are quite a few reasons for its occurrence. Therefore, a competent specialist will help to deal with them.

Complications after purulent tonsillitis - what to expect

Complications after purulent tonsillitis - what to expect

In the photo - group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is the culprit of most complications of angina.

The article will talk about the acute and chronic consequences of the purulent form of tonsillitis, with a detailed description of the pathogenesis of their development and measures to prevent the latter. Purulent tonsillitis is not just a disease that requires the right approach to treatment, but the wrong therapy of which threatens with a bouquet of complex, severe, and sometimes dangerous consequences. We will analyze the complications after purulent tonsillitis and their causes.

Predisposing factors

Angina is a contagious disease, and it is the defeat of the lymphoid tissue of the palatine tonsils that determines the severity of the disease. Most often, complications after purulent tonsillitis arise precisely because of the pathogen - group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

In the routine practice of a doctor, it is difficult to identify the etiological factor, but in about 80% of all tonsillitis it is he who is the culprit of the disease:

  1. Treatment. It would be more correct to say the lack of treatment, or a significant delay in the ongoing therapy. The list is supplemented by the use of drugs that do not correspond to this pathogen, with regard to antibacterial agents. Untimely utilization of a pathological microorganism contributes to its development, reproduction and colonization of an increasing area of ​​the tonsils at the beginning, and other organs and tissues - subsequently.
  2. Self-diagnosis. Unfortunately, about a quarter of the population makes a diagnosis in this way, which complicates not only the course of the local process, but also by all means contributes to the dissemination of the pathogen outside the primary affected organ, in our case, the tonsils.

Attention! Do-it-yourself treatment can seriously harm the body.

  1. Immunodeficiency. Reduced body resistance to infections and the inability to localize them and prevent their spread, as one of the functions of the immune system can be lost due to congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

In this case, the consequences of purulent tonsillitis usually develop rapidly and quickly.

Types of complications

Transferred purulent tonsillitis can lead to two main types of consequences - local and general. Under the local understand the spread of purulent inflammation to nearby tissues, and under the general - the defeat of organs and tissues distant from the primary focus of infection.

A frequent complication of purulent tonsillitis in children is a pharyngeal abscess.

More about local effects

  1. Paratonsillitis. It is the spread of purulent inflammation to the fiber located between the capsule of the palatine tonsil and the pharyngeal fascia. It often occurs in chronic tonsillitis.

The most affected area of ​​the palatine tonsil with purulent tonsillitis is the upper pole, the most enriched with glands, along which the purulent inflammatory process is translocated into paratonsillar tissue. This process does not facilitate this process and the deepening crypts of the tonsils with purulent contents in them.

In 75% of cases, paratonsillitis occurs in an abscess form, but it can also be edematous and infiltrative. Clinically manifests itself as a severe sore throat with irradiation to the ear on the side of the lesion. The pain is so aggravated when swallowing that the patient sometimes refuses to eat and drink, which in turn does not alleviate the course of paratonsillitis.

  1. Peripharyngeal abscess. Purulent tonsillitis itself and complications of a secondary process, paratonsillitis, can lead to this complication. Symptoms include a sore throat that radiates to the ear. as well as trismus of chewing muscles - the patient hardly opens his mouth.
    The pathology is very complex due to the risk of developing mediastinitis and possible vascular disorders - phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein. With a parapharyngeal abscess, surgical intervention is mandatory to open the resulting abscess and drain the purulent cavity.
  2. Abdominal abscess. Almost exclusively occurs in early childhood after suffering from purulent tonsillitis. Clinically, the child has a nasal sound due to a violation of nasal breathing, a temperature in the range of 39-40 ° C, and restless behavior. It can be dangerous if the abscess is located in the middle or lower part of the pharynx, due to which breathing can be significantly disturbed and asthma attacks can occur. In the treatment, opening and drainage of the cavity are also distinguished.

Other local complications include:

Complications are common

The interaction of beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus with a macroorganism is at the heart of the formation and course of general complications. Its cell wall contains proteins that are similar to the structural proteins of human connective tissue.

Unsuccessful antibiotic therapy, as well as the peculiarities of immunity, lead to the fact that the human immune system ceases to recognize body structures as its own, but sees foreign antigens in them, against which it produces antibodies.

The latter, forming immune complexes with connective tissue proteins, act damagingly on all organs that contain this tissue. This pathogenesis is explained in more detail in the video.

The following organs fall under the "distribution" of the formed immune complexes:

And now - in more detail:

  1. Acute glomerulonephritis. It develops not at all often, but rather quickly after suffering acute purulent tonsillitis. It can manifest itself in the form of two main forms - nephrotic and nephritic syndromes.
  2. reactive arthritis. Non-purulent inflammation of the joint after an infection. Signs of arthritis are swelling, pain in the affected joints, and swelling.
  3. Rheumatic fever. It is a classic example of the pathogenesis described above. It has a number of signs - damage to the joints, heart, the appearance of nodules on the skin over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, Sydenham's chorea and erythema. The disease has a chronic course with episodes of exacerbation and remission and requires attention, both from doctors and from the patient himself.

Rheumatism is a disease that can be prevented if you start taking appropriate antibacterial medicines for purulent sore throat in time.

The pathogenesis of acute rheumatic fever

Prevention measures

We will not talk about ways to prevent purulent tonsillitis itself, but it is necessary to discuss the prevention of its complications. Visiting a doctor at the first sign of an upcoming sore throat or often recurring episodes of sore throat should become a debt to your own health, the price of which is high.

Treatment should be complex, be sure to include antibiotic therapy. In this case, this medicine for purulent tonsillitis should cover gram-positive microorganisms (streptococci and staphylococci).

The complexity of treatment implies the impact not only on the etiological agent, but also to influence the pathogenesis of the disease itself, and also include symptomatic therapy.

In conclusion, it is important to note that you should not decide on your own which medicine for purulent sore throat you should take, since, without a higher medical education, it is difficult to choose the appropriate treatment, but also dangerous.


Pain in the throat signal about any disease. Most often, this is an inflammatory process, and it can be localized not only in the throat, but also in nearby organs - in the nose or ear. This condition will not go away on its own, therefore, full treatment is required.

To prescribe treatment, you need to understand what diseases the throat hurts on one side when swallowing, and how they manifest themselves. Timely diagnosis and treatment will avoid many complications.

1 Reasons

Sore throat when swallowing most often accompanies inflammatory processes. These include:

  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • paratonsillar abscess;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis.

Such diseases are of infectious origin and are usually caused by streptococci and staphylococci, less often by other bacteria.

Less commonly, unilateral pain on the right or left side appears due to:

  • wounds of the mucous membrane - fish bones, seeds;
  • thermal or chemical burns.

Such causes are called traumatic.

Sore throat: causes and home remedies

2 Symptoms

Different diseases that cause pain in the throat are manifested by different symptoms. All inflammatory diseases have similar general symptoms:

  • malaise;
  • temperature rise;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • catarrhal manifestations.

In some cases, there is no temperature during inflammatory processes. This is observed with long-term diseases or a decrease in the body's immune defenses. The absence of fever makes diagnosis difficult.

Non-inflammatory pathologies develop suddenly, against the background of complete health.

Table. Distinctive signs of diseases accompanied by pain when swallowing.

Disease Description
Chronic tonsillitis It is characterized by moderate inflammation of the tonsils on the right, left side, or both at once. Pain when swallowing is insignificant, general well-being practically does not suffer
Angina - exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis In this case, the inflammatory process is more pronounced than in chronic tonsillitis. Abundant plaque appears on the tonsils. The patient complains of sharp pain, aggravated by swallowing movements.
Peritonsillar abscess This disease is a complication of angina. The pathological process is localized in the right or left palatine arch. From the side it will be noticeable that the throat is very swollen. There is such an acute pain that it becomes impossible to eat and even drink. With a large abscess, pain radiates to the ear
Otitis Pain with otitis is localized in the ear. But the ear and throat are located next to each other, so the person has a feeling that the throat also hurts. This is especially true for children due to the structural features of the ear and nasopharynx.
Sinusitis With this disease, pus from the inflamed maxillary sinuses drains into the throat. Because of this, a person feels that the throat hurts when swallowing.
Injuries A scratched mucous membrane hurts when it is irritated by food. The nature of the pain is stabbing, especially if the damage happened from a fish bone. Only a doctor can see the wound with a thorough examination.
burns With burns, the pain is very strong, cutting and eating becomes impossible.

Not always the clinical picture is enough to determine the disease. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor so that he conducts a full examination.

What to do if the throat hurts, it hurts to swallow, there is no temperature and it gives into the ears?

3 Treatment

Therapeutic measures will depend on the reason why the throat hurts when swallowing on the left or right. Treatment should be comprehensive, including the use of drugs, home remedies, physiotherapy.

For each disease, a person is prescribed a diet that meets the principles of mechanical and thermal sparing of the mucosa. This means that the food should have room temperature and a uniform consistency - liquid, puree. For severe burns, tube or parenteral nutrition is sometimes prescribed.

Most often, it is allowed to treat this condition at home. However, there are exceptions:

  • paratonsillar abscess should be opened by a surgeon, after which treatment by an otorhinolaryngologist or infectious disease specialist is recommended;
  • severe sore throats are also treated in stationary conditions;
  • children with severe otitis media and sinusitis are subject to hospitalization;
  • severe burns of the throat are treated in the hospital.

In inflammatory and traumatic pathologies, therapeutic measures will differ.

The most effective folk remedies for colds - how to gargle at home?

4 Inflammatory diseases

Most often, these diseases are caused by infection. Therefore, the basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy. The antibiotic is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the data of the examination and examination of the patient. Commonly used broad-spectrum antibiotics are:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Tavanik.

If the causative agent of the disease is specifically established, the antibiotic that has the maximum effect on it is prescribed.

Symptomatic drugs and topical agents are used. For rinsing and irrigating the throat, antiseptic solutions and sprays are used:

  • Hexoral;
  • Anti-angin;
  • Ingalipt;
  • Miramistin.

In addition to the antimicrobial effect, they eliminate pain. To relieve pain, lozenges and lozenges are used for resorption:

  • Strepsils;
  • Anti-angin;
  • Tantum Verde.

Rinsing has a good effect. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, the rinsing procedure has a mechanical cleansing effect on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils.

To soften the throat, inhalations are carried out. They can be carried out in different ways. The most effective inhalation is performed using a nebulizer. As an inhalation solution, you can use plain water or a solution of sodium chloride, drugs. In the absence of a special apparatus, steam inhalations are carried out over a pot of boiling water.

Physiotherapy is carried out in a polyclinic. Apply methods such as:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation of the throat;
  • electrophoresis.

Folk remedies are widely used to treat sore throats. They are represented by herbal decoctions and infusions, mixtures for lubricating the throat, compresses.

Table. Folk remedies for pain relief of the throat.

Means Method of preparation and use
Decoction of medicinal herbs For cooking, they take any herbs that have an anti-inflammatory and softening effect - chamomile, sage, calendula. Dry grass is poured with boiling water and cooked in a water bath for several minutes. Then filter and use for rinsing 2-3 times a day.
Soda and salt solution Pour a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda into a liter of warm water. Everything is thoroughly mixed and used for rinsing.
Throat mixture For cooking, you will need aloe juice, onion, butter and honey. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath. After cooling, lubricate the inflamed mucosa
Compress The compress is made from a cabbage leaf. A few leaves should be crushed and put on the throat. Then cover with a piece of polyethylene and a woolen cloth. The compress is kept for no more than an hour

Compresses and other thermal procedures should not be used if a person has an elevated body temperature.

Many herbal decoctions are used for inhalation. This is usually done in a simple way - over a pot of steam. Not all inhalers can be filled with herbal infusions.

5 Injuries

If the throat mucosa is damaged, you must first consult a doctor to remove the injuring object. After that, the doctor prescribes a treatment aimed at the rapid healing of the mucous membrane. It includes the use of the following tools:

  • rinsing and irrigation of the throat;
  • lubrication of the mucous membrane;
  • physiotherapy.

For rinsing and irrigation use the same means that are recommended for inflammatory diseases. The throat is lubricated with special gels that provide healing of injuries:

  • Solcoseryl;
  • Actovegin.

From physiotherapy apply UVI, magnetotherapy. Inhalation has a good effect.

If an infection has entered the wound and an inflammatory process has begun to develop, the appointment of antibacterial drugs is required. They are used orally or topically, depending on the severity of the inflammation.

6 When should you see a doctor?

Since unilateral sore throat is a sign of many diseases, it must be treated very carefully. If your health does not improve with home treatment, you should consult a doctor for a more thorough examination.

Indications for admission to the hospital are as follows:

  • lack of effect from self-treatment within two days;
  • increased pain when swallowing, even if there is no temperature;
  • fever;
  • transition of the pathological process to the second side.

The hospital will do the necessary tests and prescribe a more complete treatment. Children are advised to show the doctor immediately after the onset of pain. .

7 Conclusion

When the throat hurts on one side when swallowing, treatment should be started as soon as possible, even if there are no other symptoms. This condition is a sign of inflammatory processes and damage to the mucous membrane. Lack of adequate treatment is fraught with the development of dangerous complications.

Pain in the tonsils can be formed due to an infectious lesion of the ENT organs. Angina most often affects one palatine tonsil, but in extremely rare cases, the patient may be diagnosed with inflammation of both parts of the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx at once. Unilateral angina without fever most often occurs in children from ten years of age. The disease is mainly diagnosed in people with a weak immune system and chronic processes in the nose and throat. An exacerbation of angina occurs in the cold season, when the patient does not receive enough vitamins and nutrients.

Symptoms and treatment of unilateral sore throat in each case are individual, so the development of the disease should be under the supervision of a qualified doctor. It is best to prevent the formation of an ailment at all, so patients need to get rid of rhinitis and catarrhal forms of inflammation in time. In addition, exclude infection of the body with pathogenic organisms, which include streptococci and staphylococci, fungi and adenoviruses. Avoid contact with sick people, as angina is transmitted by airborne droplets.


Provoke the inflammatory process of the tonsils can be banal hypothermia and drinking very cold water or food.

Often, angina affects only one side. This can happen due to exposure to the air conditioner on one side or due to swimming in a cool river.


In addition, angina on the one hand may appear as a result of infection of the nasopharynx or due to untreated inflammation of rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis or sinusitis.

Unhealthy teeth should not be ruled out, since sore throat often appears due to caries or due to the ingress of tooth fragments into the throat cavity.

This process requires the help of a dentist. Symptoms of inflammation will decrease immediately after the elimination of the inflammatory factor.


Often, angina appears only on one side in people who talking long and loud. In this case, there is an increase in new tissues on the ligaments, which leads to nodular laryngitis. Inflammation is not considered dangerous, but with untimely diagnosis, patients often develop acute unilateral tonsillitis.

The risk group includes singers, teachers. Inflammation can be cured by temporarily refusing to use the vocal cords. Otherwise, inflammation can go into a chronic stage.


For more serious causes, angina is formed as a result of abscesses.

This process occurs as a result of the development of the bacterial flora, which leads to the accumulation of a huge number of microorganisms on the amygdala.

As a result, the patient notes severe swelling on one side and an increase in body temperature.

One-sided sore throat can be cured only with the help of antibacterial drugs. If modern medicine is ineffective, the patient is prescribed surgery.

External stimuli

Another reason for the formation of unilateral angina lies in external stimuli. Smoking or professional activity, when the patient is forced to inhale chemical fumes, can provoke the onset of the disease.

Remember that acute tonsillitis has an increased level of contagiousness. Therefore, absolutely anyone can become infected with angina. In case of illness, communication with healthy people should be limited, and during therapy, quarantine should be established.

Symptoms of inflammation

Acute tonsillitis in each case manifests itself individually, but there is a general clinical picture. With angina, most often patients complain of symptoms of an acute viral respiratory illness.

In the catarrhal form, patients note a viral lesion of the tonsils. This form proceeds with signs of poisoning of the body. Patients complain of a strong deterioration in health, sore throat, fever.

If treatment is not received at this stage, the patient will soon have a bacterial infection of the tonsils. This period is characterized the following signs:

  • frequent headaches;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • chills and fever;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • body temperature is above 38 degrees, and in some cases it reaches 40 degrees Celsius;
  • hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dryness in the mucous membrane of the sinus;
  • severe sore throat;
  • an increase in the size of the tonsils;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • when touching the lymph nodes, the pain intensifies;
  • when swallowing food or water, extraneous sounds and pain are formed in the ears;
  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • the formation of plaque in the throat cavity;
  • purulent lacunae on mucous membranes.

With bacterial angina, on the one hand, the severity of symptoms is characteristic. At this time, the body temperature may be critical, and the general condition of the patient will deteriorate greatly. After the elimination of purulent follicles, the patient's health returns to normal, and the signs of intoxication decrease.

Usually, it takes about ten days to get rid of the symptoms of a sore throat. With proper treatment, relief can come faster.

How to treat unilateral sore throat

With the development of symptoms of inflammation of the sore throat, you must call a doctor or contact the medical center yourself.

To establish a diagnosis, a consultation with a general practitioner or ENT doctor is necessary.

At the stage of diagnosis, the doctor must determine the type of bacteria that caused the inflammation, as well as clarify the pathogens in the mucosal cavity.

In some cases, they may differ, so the patient will need more complex treatment.

The main therapy for diagnosis is a smear to exclude Lefleur's bacillus.

Even at the stage of diagnosis, the specialist will find out not only the type of irritant, but also its sensitivity to antibiotics. Only after that the doctor will be able to draw up a course of treatment for unilateral tonsillitis.

How to relieve symptoms

In order for the development of the disease to proceed with less pronounced signs, doctors recommended to adhere to therapeutic measures. To do this, you must observe bed rest, take plenty of water, and also humidify the air in the apartment.

In addition, it is useful to carry out wet cleaning several times a week and ventilate the room every three hours.

To avoid complications, the patient should be treated under the supervision of a doctor and not violate the rules for taking medications. On the one hand, you can get rid of a sore throat at home, but in the acute course of the disease, it is recommended to maintain treatment in a hospital. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious pathologies.

Medical treatment

The course of treatment of inflammation includes the use of a whole range of medicines. For this, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and powerful anti-inflammatory drugs.

  1. In the purulent phase of angina, on the one hand, systemic antibiotics are prescribed - Amoxiclav, Flemoklav, Augmentin, Azithromycin, Cefotaxime, Cefixime, Levofloxacin. The attending physician should determine the required dosage. The drugs should be used for ten days, as well as after reducing the symptoms of inflammation.
  2. Angina is often accompanied by fever and aching joints. To reduce pain, antipyretics are prescribed - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Cefecon, Aspirin. It is necessary to take medicines at a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius.
  3. In addition, the patient can be helped by wiping with warm water, with the addition of an alcohol solution.
  4. The course of treatment includes sanitation of the throat cavity and the use of aerosols and sprays. For this, Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine are prescribed.
  5. It is useful for the patient to wash the throat with saline solutions with the addition of a small amount of iodine, and also to gargle with a decoction of medicinal herbs. It is necessary to rinse every day about five times a day.
  6. For the treatment of the mucous membrane of the nasopharyngeal cavity, the doctor may prescribe the following sprays - Geksoral, Kameton, Ingalipt, Stopangin, Geksalis. It is necessary to clean the mucous membranes only after rinsing the throat.
  7. In addition to the listed medicines, it is useful for the patient to dissolve antiseptic tablets and pills. Strepsils, Falimint, Septolete are considered the most effective. If the patient has an allergic reaction to these medications, honey or lemon can be used as an antiseptic.

Remember, in order to get rid of acute tonsillitis on the one hand, treatment should be comprehensive and under the supervision of a doctor.


Unilateral angina causes serious complications. Often pain and intoxication of the body leads to otitis media, sinusitis, rheumatism, paratonsillitis and lymphadenitis.

With severe swelling in the throat, sleep disturbances are formed, which causes increased fatigue and impaired nasal breathing.

Only a doctor can warn the danger of angina, to whom it is important to contact at the first symptoms of the disease.

Angina causes concern among people, because this insidious disease is fraught with complications. The most severe types of tonsillitis are those caused by pathogenic bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. These bacteria in the process of life on the palatine tonsils form vesicles filled with pus, release toxins into the blood. It is these toxins that are the "culprits" of complications in various internal organs, as well as in the joints.

The most easy is tonsillitis caused by viral infections. More often this type of angina occurs in children of preschool and primary school age. In adults, viral tonsillitis is much less common than lacunar tonsillitis, for example.

And even purulent types of tonsillitis, although they can be difficult, but if the treatment is started on time, then in 10-12 days there will be no trace of the disease. Such types of angina are treated with antibiotics of the penicillin group. But the atypical type of angina is the most severe and dangerous.

The danger of such tonsillitis is that it is caused by special types of bacteria that are gene "mutants". And known types of antibiotics do not work on them.

Even infection with this type of sore throat does not occur in the usual way - from a sick person or a carrier of such bacteria.

Why does unilateral angina occur?

Most often, the occurrence of atypical tonsillitis is not due to the fact that pathogenic species of bacteria have entered the body from outside. The following factors often provoke the onset of this disease:

types of purulent abscesses that are on the palatine tonsils or in the throat of a person. Such abscesses are a complication after suffering infectious diseases caused by bacteria in the nasopharynx;

infections that affect the lymph nodes, and then go to the tonsils;

the presence of caries or other infectious diseases of the teeth and gums;

the presence of various particles in the air, when they enter the nasopharynx, they irritate the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and throat, and can lead to allergic reactions. And also often provoke the onset of an atypical form of tonsillitis;

It is these factors that can lead to an increase in the number of mutated bacteria, some of which cause atypical tonsillitis.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

This type of sore throat may initially develop as ordinary tonsillitis: there are pain in the throat when swallowing and eating, the temperature rises sharply to 37 degrees Celsius and above.

Also, for such a sore throat, the following symptoms are characteristic:

due to pain, the patient can sometimes eat and drink;

a sharp reddening of the palatine tonsils and their swelling with atypical tonsillitis is observed only on one side. Also, a characteristic plaque or pustules appear only on one of the tonsils;

signs of intoxication of the body: weakness, lethargy, appetite disappears, sometimes the patient complains of nausea or vomiting.

Usually, with this type of illness, the temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees Celsius.

Despite the presence of obvious symptoms, only an experienced doctor can distinguish an atypical type of angina from others. The disease is diagnosed as follows:

examination of the patient's mouth. In this case, an experienced specialist can immediately determine what type of angina the patient has;

with the help of laboratory diagnostics, the type of the causative agent of the disease is specified. Samples are also taken for diphtheria and for types of antibiotics to which bacteria are sensitive.

Angina, due to the high risk of complications, is not a disease that should be treated on its own, without resorting to the help of doctors. Moreover, even the slightest inaccuracy in the diagnosis by an inexperienced doctor can lead to serious consequences.


Atypical angina is such a serious condition that it can take up to 30 days (and sometimes more) to heal. Therefore, the patient must follow all the recommendations of the doctor, do not stop taking medications at the first sign of improvement in the condition.

After identifying the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics, the doctor prescribes the appropriate drug. Gargles are also prescribed up to 8 - 10 times a day. You should also use special aerosols to spray down the throat. If the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees Celsius, then antipyretics are prescribed. The doctor also prescribes a complex of vitamin preparations.

At first, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest, it is better not to watch television programs and not to sit at the computer. Nutrition should be rational - it is necessary to exclude dishes that irritate the throat, hot sauces, seasonings, garlic, onions, and alcohol from the diet. Drinking should only be warm - in no case hot or cold. Exclude any carbonated drinks, salty and pickled foods, fatty foods.

Most often, patients with an atypical form of tonsillitis are hospitalized and treated in a hospital setting. You should not refuse hospitalization, since this disease is very dangerous, the risk of complications is high, therefore it is better to be under the supervision of specialists in a hospital for the entire period of the disease.

With purulent (follicular or lacunar) tonsillitis, characteristic changes occur on the mucous membranes of the palatine tonsils.

Angina is characterized by damage to the lymphoid ring of the oropharynx (mainly the lesion concerns the palatine tonsil), a disease of infectious origin.

Some forms are highly contagious and can lead to the development of outbreaks in children's groups.

Purulent tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is spread from patients or from people who are carriers of pathogenic microorganisms.

Tonsillitis can develop on one or two tonsils, respectively, unilateral and bilateral tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis is most common during the off-season, in autumn, in spring.

If the treatment of purulent tonsillitis is late or not carried out to the end, then the person has a high risk of developing complications.

What causes purulent tonsillitis

Acute tonsillitis can be caused by exposure to the following infections:

  • pathogens of acute viral respiratory diseases;
  • ingestion of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the spread of a fungal infection.

Purulent tonsillitis develops when pathogenic microorganisms enter the body of a healthy person.

Among them, the greatest role is given to streptococci, staphylococci; very rarely meningococcus and pneumococcus.

Viral sore throats are not purulent, they can turn into a purulent form only when bacterial inflammation is added.

The impact of some factors also contributes to the development of tonsillitis:

  • chronic gum disease, carious teeth;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • ice cream, cold drinks;
  • recent transmission of respiratory diseases;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis.

Purulent tonsillitis is distinguished by its more severe course compared to viral and fungal tonsillitis.

How the disease progresses

Acute tonsillitis occurs in the form of three clinical forms:

  • lacunar;
  • follicular;
  • catarrhal.

The catarrhal form is characteristic of a viral lesion of the tonsil, sometimes in the form of catarrhal inflammation, changes appear in the first hours during the development of bacterial forms.

The disease proceeds without pronounced intoxication symptoms and lasts much shorter. It also rarely causes severe complications.

Purulent tonsillitis is a lacunar and follicular form of the disease. After infection, the inflammatory process develops after 24-48 hours, the incubation period can be several hours.

Acute tonsillitis begins with manifestations of intoxication syndrome. Typical symptoms of intoxication are:

  • intense headaches;
  • severe pain in the muscles, joints;
  • chills;
  • increased fatigue;
  • hyperthermia of febrile digits (temperature over 38.5 degrees to 40 degrees);
  • the temperature does not decrease well after taking antipyretic drugs, and if it does decrease, then not to a normal level and not for a long period;
  • increased sweating;
  • appetite decreases.

Subsequently, the patient develops:

  • dry mucous membranes in the throat;
  • intense sore throat;
  • submandibular lymph nodes increase;
  • palpation of regional lymph nodes causes pain;
  • lymph nodes are not dense, not soldered to the skin;
  • when swallowed, pain in the ears occurs (on the side of the lesion with a unilateral process).

For bacterial tonsillitis, the onset is characteristic immediately with severe symptoms, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, the temperature rises significantly in a short period of time.

Local symptoms of purulent tonsillitis depend on the clinical form. So with the follicular form there is:

  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • her hyperemia;
  • also increase;
  • white-yellow raids on the tonsil (follicles);
  • the number of follicles depends on the severity of bacterial inflammation;
  • after the resolution of purulent follicles, the intoxication syndrome becomes less pronounced.

The follicular form proceeds for about 7-10 days, subject to competent treatment.

With a lacunar form, there is:

  • enlargement of the tonsil;
  • her hyperemia;
  • puffiness;
  • purulent lacunae on mucous membranes;
  • with the prevalence of the process, the lacunae merge and form a continuous purulent plaque;
  • when plaque is removed, the mucous membranes under them are not changed.

The lacunar form of the disease is the most severe, with it the patient always has severe intoxication, the pain in the throat is very intense.

Due to severe pain, the patient may refuse to drink and eat. Recovery with a favorable course occurs in 10-14 days.

Purulent tonsillitis of any form can lead to severe complications. In children, the disease is more severe, with intoxication vomiting, nausea, and convulsions occur.

Diagnosis of the disease

After the development of characteristic symptoms, it is necessary to call a doctor at home or go to the clinic on your own.

The following doctors can establish a diagnosis: therapist, ENT, infectious disease specialist, general practitioner.

Since there are characteristic complaints and clinical manifestations in acute tonsillitis, the diagnosis of angina does not cause difficulties.

It is more difficult to establish the cause (bacterium) that caused the development of the disease. To clarify the pathogen, swabs are carried out from the mucous membranes of the tonsils, pharynx. Smears are taken to exclude the causative agent of diphtheria (Lefler's wand).

During the examination, it turns out not only the pathogen itself, but also determines which antibiotics it is sensitive to.

This is necessary for high-quality, effective treatment.

Therapeutic measures

To prevent the development of complications and a quick recovery, you need to see a doctor immediately after the onset of the disease.

How to treat purulent sore throat can only be said by a specialist. Since the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in each case has its own characteristics.

You can cure a sore throat quickly and at home, carrying out all the recommended treatment.

At home, mild or moderate cases of the disease are subject to treatment. Do not treat at home children under one year old, severe pathology.

  • bed rest for the period of intoxication;
  • drinking a large amount of warm liquid (fruit drinks, mineral water, compotes);
  • providing access to fresh air;
  • the use of disinfectants for wet cleaning;
  • wearing masks by healthy relatives;
  • allocation of separate dishes to the patient;
  • patient isolation.

How to treat purulent tonsillitis? Purulent tonsillitis is treated depending on the causative agent of inflammation of the tonsils.

Antibiotics for purulent sore throat are prescribed necessarily. Since this is a bacterial disease, it is not possible to cure without them.

Use the following antibacterial drugs in order to quickly cure inflammation at home

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Flemoklav;
  • Augmentin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Zemomycin;
  • Klacid;
  • Unidox Solutab;
  • Cefotaxime;
  • Cefixime;
  • Levofloxacin.

The dosage and duration of course therapy is determined by the doctor. It is necessary to take antibiotics even after the patient's condition improves, the temperature normalizes.

Since if the inflammatory process is not completely cured, complications develop quickly or the disease turns into chronic tonsillitis.

In the early days, you may need to take antipyretic drugs:

  • Paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Cefekon;
  • Aspirin.

They are taken at high body temperature (more than 38 degrees). The use of physical methods will quickly help to remove hyperthermia:

  • rubbing with warm water;
  • rubbing with an alcohol solution;
  • rubbing with vodka solution.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in adults should include local therapy. You can cure tonsillitis quickly at home by rinsing and irrigating the throat with aerosols and sprays.

How to gargle with purulent sore throat at home? You can cure angina at home with the following solutions:

  • Miramistin;
  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Saline solution;
  • Soda solution with the addition of iodine;
  • Lugol's solution;
  • Chamomile infusion;
  • Solution with Rotokan;
  • Aqueous solution with propolis;
  • Beet juice.

Usually two solutions are chosen by a specialist, which alternate during the day.

Rinses are carried out every two hours to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

How to gargle with purulent sore throat is decided only by a specialist (attending physician). To cure tonsillitis at home, sprays of mucous membranes will also help:

  • Hexoral;
  • Cameton;
  • Ingalipt;
  • Stopangin;
  • Yoks;
  • Hexalis.

It is good to irrigate the mucous membranes after rinsing, since the tonsils are cleaned when rinsing.

Suitable for home treatment and resorption of antiseptic lozenges, tablets. They have not only an antiseptic effect, but also an analgesic.

  • Strepsils;
  • Falimint;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Septolete.

It is possible to absorb honey, lemon, garlic for the purpose of an antiseptic effect.

If a patient is diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis, treatment should be comprehensive.

With the use of methods of general and local treatment. The age of the patient, the presence of allergic diseases, and contraindications must be taken into account. It is easier to cure angina with early therapy.

Treatment in most cases lasts from 10 to 14 days.

Development of complications

It is possible to suspect the development of complications if the state of health has deteriorated sharply, the pain in the throat has increased, intoxication has increased and new symptoms have appeared.

  • Abscess paratonsillar;
  • Otitis;
  • Lymphadenitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Paratonsillitis.

In children with angina, difficulty in breathing often develops with severe swelling of the tonsils. This is manifested by heavy breathing, especially at night, sleep is disturbed.

If a paratonsillar abscess is detected, the patient must be hospitalized, and a surgical opening of the abscess is performed.

Timely access to a doctor and proper treatment will help prevent the development of complications.

It is imperative to immediately consult a doctor if the condition worsens.

Be sure to follow all the prescribed recommendations and observe bed rest.

Angina can ruin your health for the rest of your life with its consequences if left untreated or treated insufficiently. Angina can affect the heart, leaving a defect in the mitral valve, destroy joints and kidneys, despite age. Fortunately, almost all complications can be avoided if you approach your health wisely (which our article will give), and with a good doctor.

After reading, you will have a comprehensive understanding of almost all types of angina, and will be able to clearly identify situations in which you need to immediately seek medical help.

  1. Types and classification
  2. Catarrhal angina
  3. Follicular angina
  4. Lacunar angina
  5. fibrinous
  6. Phlegmonous
  7. Purulent tonsillitis
  8. infectious
  9. Mononucleosis
  10. Viral angina
    • Measles
    • With HIV infection
    • herpes sore throat
  11. bacterial
    • Streptococcal angina
    • scarlet fever
    • diphtheria
    • Staphylococcal
    • syphilitic
  12. Fungal angina
  13. laryngeal
  14. Stomatitis
  15. allergic
  16. Chronic
  17. Conclusion
  18. Bibliography

Types and classification

On the Internet you can find many types of different sore throats, it is easy to get confused in them. Some forms are not official, but exist for the purpose of convenient philistine communication, or to designate a dominant symptom, for example, allergic tonsillitis.

We list the main types, based on several classifications of such famous professors as B.S. Preobrazhensky, J. Portman, A.Kh. Minkovsky and several textbooks on otorhinolaryngology (V.I. Babiyak, V.T. Palchun).

Classification according to the course (nature) of the disease:

Classification according to the form of the disease(also referred to as banal or vulgar tonsillitis, and most often caused by hemolytic streptococcus):


General intoxication (headache, high body temperature, weakness), pain when swallowing, redness of the tonsils. Plaque on the tonsils may be absent.

Bilateral lesion of the tonsils The duration of the disease is from 5 to 7 days.


High temperature up to 39 ° C, sore throat, yellowish plaque and purulent plugs on reddened tonsils. Bilateral lesion of the tonsils. Duration more than 7 days.


Very high temperature up to 40 ° C, unbearable sore throat, extensive purulent areas on the reddened tonsils. Bilateral lesion of the tonsils is characteristic. Duration about 8 days.

Fibrinous (pseudodiphtheria)

Occurs against the background of catarrhal, follicular or lacunar tonsillitis or as a consequence of them. The symptoms are similar, but a film forms on the tonsils. Duration from 7 to 14 days.

Phlegmonous (as a complication of various types of tonsillitis)

Intolerable pain when swallowing. Heat. Great enlargement of one tonsil. The surface of the tonsil is as if stretched.

Classification by cause of disease:

Bacterial(tonsillitis, as a manifestation of infectious diseases caused by bacteria).

Diphtheritic (caused by bacillus Loeffler)

Bilateral lesion of the tonsils. Pain when swallowing, fever. Typical diphtheria plaque in the form of a grayish-white film. The film is difficult to remove, dense, sinks in water.

Scarlet fever (caused by toxigenic group A streptococcus that produces erythrotoxin)

Against the background of the symptoms of scarlet fever: high body temperature, headache, raspberry tongue, red punctate rash on the face, tongue, and body (to a lesser extent). There are signs characteristic of angina vulgaris (catarrhal, follicular, lacunar): pain when swallowing, purulent plugs or plaque on reddened tonsils, pain when swallowing.

Streptococcal (most often manifested as catarrhal, follicular, lacunar or fibrinous tonsillitis)

High body temperature. Pain when swallowing. Redness and coating on reddened tonsils. Purulent plugs in the follicular form. Extensive accumulations of pus with lacunar form. Films in fibrinous form. (details see above)

Staphylococcal (caused by Staphylococcus aureus)

Manifestations are similar to streptococcal tonsillitis. Plaque on the tonsils in the form of films, purulent plugs or islets. The pain when swallowing is very severe. The course is more severe and prolonged than that of angina vulgaris.

Simanovsky-Vincent (also referred to as ulcerative membranous or ulcerative necrotic, caused by fusiform bacillus and spirochete)

Occurs against the background of exhaustion of the body.

Unilateral lesion of the tonsils.

Can flow without heat.

Greyish-yellow films with ulcers on the tonsils.

Putrid odor from the mouth.

Duration from 7 to 20 days.

Syphilitic (caused by Treponema pallidum)

Rapid rise in body temperature to 38 ° C, pain when swallowing. Unilateral lesion of the tonsil in the form of redness and enlargement. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

Viral(tonsillitis, as a manifestation of infectious diseases caused by viruses).

Measles (caused by the paramyxovirus family)

Pain when swallowing, fever, against the background of inflammation of the respiratory tract and skin rash. Swelling of the tonsils. Redness may be in the form of spots or bubbles.

Enlarged lymph nodes.

With HIV infection

Increased body temperature, pain when swallowing, purulent plaque on the tonsils, one-sided lesion is possible. The flow is lingering.

Herpetic (caused by the herpes buccopharyngealis virus, herpetic fever virus)

A characteristic feature is blisters on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx, and may also appear on the lips and skin. The body temperature is very high up to 41 °C. The defeat is bilateral.

Infection of the pharynx by the herpes zoster virus

A rash of bubbles is characteristic only on one side and on the tonsil. Pain can be given to the nasopharynx of the eye and ear. Duration 5-15 days.

Herpangina (cause - Coxsackie enterovirus)

Sudden start. Body temperature up to 40 °C. Small bubbles on the tonsils, which burst after 2-3 days and leave erosion. Pain when swallowing. Bubbles may appear on the feet and hands.

fungal(mycosis of the pharynx).

Candidiasis (caused by fungi of the genus Candida)

Acute start. Moderate temperature. Pain when swallowing, sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

On the tonsils there are curdled masses in the form of separate islands.


(caused by the fungus Leptotrix, a rare form)

There are numerous small white dots on the entire surface of the pharynx and on the base of the tongue.

There is practically no pain, the body temperature is not high.

Actinomycosis (caused by actinomycetes, very rare form)

It is a consequence of actinomycosis of the tongue or facial area. Difficulty opening your mouth completely. Difficulty swallowing (a lump of food does not immediately go away). Local swellings of the mucous membrane, which then break through with the expiration of pus.

Angina, as a manifestation of blood diseases.

Agranulocytic (refer to the appearance of ulcerative necrotic)

General malaise, high body temperature, severe sore throat. Ulcerative changes in the tonsils. Putrid odor from the mouth. Characteristic blood changes.

Monocytic (the cause of the disease is not completely clear)

Sore throat, fever. Enlargement of the liver, spleen and cervical lymph nodes. Long-term (raids remain for several weeks and even months). Characteristic blood changes.

Angina with leukemia

Occurs against the background of leukemia (blood cancer). Enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Swallowing disorder. Ulceration of the tonsils. Bad breath.

Angina, as a manifestation of systemic diseases.


Swelling of the oral mucosa, tonsils. Redness of the pharynx. Not accompanied by plaque and fever. The connection with the use of any substance inside or the presence of flowering of allergenic plants is characteristic.

mixed forms.

Stomatitis (can be caused by bacteria, viruses and even fungi)

There may be various manifestations depending on the causes and pathogens. As a rule, signs of stomatitis are characteristic: swelling of the oral mucosa, ulcerative lesions in the oral cavity.

Catarrhal angina: symptoms and treatment

The medical meaning of the word "catarrhal" comes from the Greek "kataralis", which means swelling, expiration. This term well describes this sore throat, which is manifested by swelling, redness and the formation of a serous (clear or slightly cloudy) substance on the mucous membrane of the palatine tonsils.

Catarrhal angina is often not an independent form, but the initial stage of follicular or lacunar angina, and less often manifests itself as a separate pathology, as a rule, it proceeds easily and quickly (on average 6-7 days).


Symptoms appear suddenly:

  • body temperature may not be very high (37-38 ° C),
  • the first subjective signs are usually dryness and a feeling of soreness in the throat,
  • when swallowing a food bolus, pain is felt,
  • characteristic redness of only the tonsils and the palatine arches surrounding them (see the figure above),
  • enlarged tonsils peeking out from behind the palatine arches,
  • tonsils can be covered with a delicate, cloudy and easily removed film,
  • it is important that there should be no manifestations and other violations of the structure of the tonsils,
  • pain on palpation of regional lymph nodes.

Despite the ease of flow, catarrhal angina is a potential threat to the general health of a person, it can be complicated by nephritis (kidney disease), myocarditis (heart disease), rheumatoid arthritis (joint disease). Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate or neglect the recommendations of a doctor.


It is desirable that the treatment of catalytic angina occurs under the supervision of a physician. Usually assigned:

  • Antibacterial drugs, including sulfonamides. They are the main treatment for angina.
  • Gargling can be done with antiseptics (furatsilin), and preferably with saline (salt solution in water: 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of warm water).
  • Antipyretic drugs at body temperature above 38 ° C.
  • Pain-relieving sprays and sucking tablets are used to relieve symptoms.
  • Together with the start of the use of antibiotics, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapy with Vitafon, since it enhances the effect of drugs, improves lymph flow, removes toxins from affected areas, cleanses tissues and stimulates the immune system to fight infection.

During treatment, you need to keep the cardiovascular system under control, take urine and blood for analysis several times, for the timely detection of possible complications.

Follicular angina

Follicular angina (ICD code 10 - J03) is the most common form of angina, in which purulent inflammation spreads to the structural components of the tonsils - follicles. This pathology is more severe than catarrhal tonsillitis.

The reasons

The cause can be various kinds of bacteria, but in 90% of cases it is streptococcus. Interestingly, this type of microorganism is continuously present on our mucous membranes throughout our lives, without causing harm. But as soon as the local and general immune defenses are weakened, the microbe begins to multiply uncontrollably in the tonsils.


  1. An increase in body temperature to 39 ° C is not a specific symptom, but at the same time, follicular tonsillitis cannot proceed without temperature.
  2. Pain while eating can radiate to the ear area.
  3. Intoxication is expressed in the form of pain in the head, malaise, chills, pain in the lumbar region and joints is also possible.
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
  5. During a visual examination of the throat:
    • distinct redness of the tonsils and palatine arches;
    • enlarged and puffy tonsils;
    • numerous festering follicles are observed on the surface of the tonsils: yellowish-white spots 1-3 mm, which make the mucous membrane tuberous;
    • follicles are opened 2-4 days after the appearance with the formation of erosion.
  6. In the general blood test:
    • an increase in the number of leukocytes,
    • increased ESR (up to 30 mm/h).


Treatment of follicular angina is carried out, as a rule, on an outpatient basis at home. It is desirable to isolate the patient as much as possible from the surrounding people and from common household items (dishes). It is very important to observe strict bed rest.

The main components of effective treatment of angina:

  1. Antibacterial therapy is the most important part of the treatment, with which you need to start and finish the treatment of angina. The use of antibiotics for follicular angina eliminates the occurrence of deadly consequences.
  2. Together with antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy procedures with Vitafon should be started.
  3. Bed rest.
  4. Frequent drinking of warm drinks (tea, fruit drink) contributes not only to the replenishment of fluid in the body, but also moisturizes the mucous membrane of the tonsils, easing pain.
  5. Gargling with antiseptic solutions (furatsilin) ​​or saline solution (0.9% saline solution 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of warm water).
  6. Symptomatic therapy (relief of the condition):
  • pain-relieving sucking tablets or sprays (alcohol-free),
  • antipyretic (at a long-term high temperature of more than 39 ° C),
  • mucolytics (with viscous, hard-to-remove mucus on the tonsils).

Lacunar angina

Lacunar tonsillitis (ICD code 10 - J03) is the most severe form, characterized by widespread purulent inflammation and accumulation of pus in the lacunae (grooves between the structural elements of the tonsils).


To get a complete picture of a disease such as lacunar tonsillitis, the doctor collects an anamnesis and draws up a medical history, in which the following symptoms should be present:

  1. 40 ° C - the temperature can be so high in this disease.
  2. There is unbearable pain while eating.
  3. In the throat and neck, pain can be even in a relaxed state.
  4. The state of poisoning with toxins produced by streptococcus (intoxication):
    • feeling unwell,
    • pain in the head,
    • chills,
    • pain can appear in the lower back and joints.
  5. The cervical lymph nodes are greatly enlarged.
  6. When examining the throat:
    • redness of the tonsils and surrounding tissues;
    • enlargement and swelling of the tonsils (in severe cases, it can cover most of the pharynx);
    • islands of yellowish-white plaque, which can cover the entire tonsil;
    • there may be simultaneous manifestations of both follicular and lacunar tonsillitis;
    • plaque is easily removed with a spatula without damaging the mucous membrane.
  7. General blood analysis:
    • leukocytosis (an increase in white blood cells),
    • increased ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).


With lacunar angina, it is very important to take antibiotics, given the severity of this form of angina, refusal of antibacterial drugs can lead to very dangerous consequences, both general (heart problems, inflammation of the kidneys and joints) and local (peropharyngeal abscess, phlegmon, etc.) .

All other methods and procedures have a helper function, but this does not mean that they are not important and can be ignored:

  • it is necessary to transfer the disease only in the supine state;
  • repeated warm (not more than 40 ° C) drink;
  • vibroacoustic therapy using the apparatus "Vitafon";
  • gargling with antiseptic solutions (furatsilin) ​​or saline (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water), will provide pain relief by moisturizing the surface of the tonsils;
  • symptomatic therapy (relief of symptoms) only if necessary: ​​antipyretics (prolonged fever with a temperature of more than 39 °), anti-inflammatory, painkillers (with unbearable pain).


Fibrinous tonsillitis (pseudomembranous, diphtheroid) - inflammation of the upper layers of the tonsil, characterized by the formation of a grayish film (plaque), which is difficult to separate.

The reasons

In some cases, follicular and lacunar tonsillitis can turn into a fibrinous form, the causative agents are pneumococcus, streptococcus, less often staphylococcus.


  • Body temperature rises sharply and can reach 39 ° C.
  • Signs of the presence of toxins in the blood (headache, weakness, chills).
  • Characteristic pain during swallowing.
  • The cervical lymph nodes are often enlarged.
  • The tonsils are covered with a light film, which may extend beyond the tonsils, it is difficult to separate and, after removal, may leave ulcerations, this symptom is identical to that of diphtheria.

No wonder this disease is called diphtheroid angina, the symptoms are very similar, so it is urgent to conduct a bacteriological study in order to exclude the presence of diphtheria bacillus, due to its high contagiousness (contagiousness).


Fibrinous tonsillitis is treated in the same ways as ordinary bacterial tonsillitis:

  • therapy with the help of taking antibacterial drugs;
  • compliance with the regime of the day with a predominance of sleep (bed rest);
  • it is necessary to drink a lot and often a warm liquid in the form of tea or raspberry juice;
  • frequent gargling greatly relieves pain, to prepare a solution in 1 liter of warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of ordinary salt;
  • if necessary, symptomatic treatment (antipyretic, painkillers);
  • physiotherapy "Vitafon".

However, if the causative agent is staphylococcus, then it is necessary to make an individual selection of antibiotics, due to its resistance to the penicillin series.


Phlegmonous tonsillitis or acute paratonsillitis is the most severe form, manifests itself as a complication 1-3 days after the onset of follicular or lacunar tonsillitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the peri-almond tissue.

There are three forms:

  • edematous;
  • infiltrative;
  • abscessing.

They, in fact, are the stages of phlegmonous tonsillitis, which end with an abscess or extensive phlegmon.


  • In most cases, the process is one-way.
  • The body temperature is very high up to 40°C.
  • Regional (cervical) lymph nodes are greatly enlarged and painful.
  • Pain during swallowing is so severe that the patient is forced to refuse any food, even liquid.
  • The patient takes a forced position with the head tilted forward and towards the affected part.
  • The mouth opens with difficulty only a few millimeters due to contracture (restriction of movement) of the temporomandibular joint on the side of the lesion.
  • There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth with hints of acetone.
  • Severe redness of the affected tonsil,
  • The tonsil protrudes strongly, and the surface is stretched in the area of ​​​​the abscess (accumulation of pus in a limited capsule).
  • After opening the abscess, the patient's condition improves dramatically.


  • Surgical opening or puncture of the abscess, depending on the condition.
  • Antibacterial therapy of a wide spectrum of action.
  • Painkillers.
  • Antipyretic drugs.
  • At the stage of recovery, physiotherapy with the Vitafon apparatus is indicated, it promotes rapid regeneration after surgery and enhances the effect of antibiotics.

Agree, you can get confused in this endless list of similar symptoms, for this in this table we present the most important distinguishing features of angina:

Purulent tonsillitis

What is purulent angina? This is a general descriptive term characterizing the totality of symptoms of a purulent-inflammatory process. Purulent can be called follicular, lacunar, fibrinous, staphylococcal and other tonsillitis, manifested by purulent dots or plaque. What purulent tonsillitis looks like can be seen in the figure below:


Purulent tonsillitis is most often caused by streptococcus, but general blood diseases or a decrease in immunity due to various types of viruses can serve as the cause.

Due to a sharp decrease in local immunity in the throat area, the normal microflora of the oral cavity, in which streptococcus is constantly present, joins almost any infection.

Normally, the population of this bacterium is restrained by immune cells (lymphocytes and leukocytes), and with an infectious load, a deficiency of protective cells and immune proteins occurs, as a result, streptococcus begins to multiply uncontrollably.

Purulent tonsillitis in adults and children can also occur for additional indirect reasons that affect the overall weakening of the immune forces (decrease in the activity and number of lymphocytes):

  • it can be systemic blood diseases (mononucleosis, leukemia),
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, drugs),
  • sharp seasonal fluctuations in environmental conditions (unhardened organism),
  • tonsil injury,
  • otorhinolaryngologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Palchun V.T. notes that sore throats often occur as a result of a monotonous protein diet, which once again confirms the effectiveness of a therapeutic diet without protein.
  • existing for a long time bacterial foci in the mouth and nose (caries, chronic sinusitis, pulpitis, etc.).

Symptoms and signs

Signs of purulent tonsillitis that occur in adults depend on the causative agent of the infection. As a rule, they correspond to the symptoms of follicular or lacunar tonsillitis, the cause of which is in most cases streptococcus.

  • The increase in body temperature varies from 38 to 40°C. At the same time, purulent tonsillitis is extremely rare without temperature. It is impossible to say exactly how many days the temperature lasts, approximately, it subsides 1-3 days after the start of antibiotics.
  • Sore throat during meals is due to the cause and the form of the disease can be mild or unbearable.
  • Almost always manifested by an increase in regional cervical nodes, which can be painful when palpated.
  • Symptoms of general intoxication are characteristic: headache, fever, general weakness, lack of appetite.
  • The tonsils are enlarged, covered with yellowish dots (purulent plugs), or may be partially or completely covered with pus, which should be easily removed with a wooden spatula.

How many days does purulent tonsillitis last?

Purulent tonsillitis is very diverse for its reasons, in addition, the state of the body strongly affects the duration of the disease, so it is difficult to answer this question exactly. One can only say that the duration of the disease should not be more than 20 days and less than 6, otherwise you are dealing with another pathology. With a follicular or lacunar form, recovery occurs in about 10 days.

Is purulent tonsillitis contagious?

Contagiousness (infectiousness) largely depends on the causative agent of the infection. Ordinary streptococcal tonsillitis, occurring in the form of follicular or lacunar, will not affect others, since exactly the same strains of streptococcus are present in the oral cavity of each person. But this does not relieve the patient and his loved ones from anxiety for the following reason.

It is possible to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease only after visiting a doctor and clinical studies, diphtheria can never be ruled out in advance, therefore, for any sore throat, a set of quarantine measures must be observed:

  • providing the patient with separate utensils and food,
  • when relatives come in contact with the patient, it is advisable to wear cotton-gauze bandages (do not forget to change the bandages every 2-3 hours),
  • exclude the use of common household items,
  • wash hands often (to the sick and loved ones),
  • exclude contact of the patient with children, because they are especially susceptible to angina.

It is especially important that the cotton-gauze bandage fits snugly to the face without leaving gaps, since purulent tonsillitis is transmitted mainly through the air (airborne droplets) and, a little less often, through unwashed hands and dishes.

How and how to treat purulent tonsillitis in adults?

Purulent tonsillitis before treatment is studied for signs inherent in a particular pathogen. It is necessary to fully collect an anamnesis (a set of signs and complaints), conduct a full diagnosis and find out the cause of the disease, since there are pathogens that require highly targeted antibiotics.

Before treating purulent tonsillitis in an adult, it is important to accurately determine the form of the disease and identify the pathogen. Most of the purulent tonsillitis are vulgar forms (follicular, lacunar or fibrinous), and doctors prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating the most likely cause - streptococcus. To do this, use broad-spectrum antibacterial agents, as a rule, the penicillin series.

Medical treatment

Medications for purulent tonsillitis:

  • antibacterial (more on that below),
  • antiseptic mouthwash (furatsilin),
  • antiseptics for mechanical cleaning of the tonsils from pus (Lugol),
  • antipyretics (most often paracetamol),
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • painkillers (sprays, sucking tablets),
  • antiviral drugs (for a viral infection).

Antibiotics for purulent sore throat

Antibacterial therapy is perhaps the most important part of the treatment of most sore throats and is the exact answer to the question: "how to quickly cure purulent sore throat?". The most commonly used antibiotic for purulent sore throat is penicillin and its derivatives, since it accurately affects the common cause of the disease - streptococcal infection. But the uncontrolled use of antibiotics has led to the fact that penicillin-resistant strains of streptococcus are increasingly appearing (by the way, in Europe, antibiotics are not sold without a prescription).

With a reduced sensitivity of streptococcus to the entire penicillin series, or with allergic reactions to penicillin, antibacterial drugs from the group are selected:

  • cephalosporins,
  • macrolides,
  • sulfonamides (very rarely, unless other groups of antibacterial agents cannot be used for one reason or another).

Only a doctor should decide which antibiotic to use and what to do with purulent sore throat. This is due to the very high toxicity of most drugs. Moreover, with an illiterate calculation of the dosage and duration of use, there is a risk of “educating” resistant strains of streptococcus or another microbe and, thereby, complicating treatment.

In order to enhance the effect of the antibiotic, the body needs to provide a more intense blood supply to the affected areas (throat) and good lymph flow. All this makes it possible to implement the Vitafon apparatus, which, due to sound waves, provides a deep and directed increase in blood circulation in the throat area, as a result, the effectiveness of antibiotics and the body's resistance increases significantly.

What is the best way to gargle?

Before gargling with purulent sore throat, you should figure out why this procedure is necessary. Rinsing has two purposes:

  1. Throat moisturizing. This provides softening and lubrication of the parched mucosa, which helps to relieve the pain of purulent sore throat.
  2. Removal of pus and plaque from the mucous membrane of the tonsils.

In addition to these two goals, the task of suppressing the growth of bacteria (antiseptic) is usually added, but the main problem of angina is that all microorganisms are inside the tonsil, where the antiseptic cannot get, so rinsing with antiseptics will not give a serious effect.

Almost all possible solutions will fulfill these goals, for one simple reason: the basis of any solution is water, because it is it that allows you to remove pus and alleviate the course of purulent sore throat. Therefore, the best gargle is lightly salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water)

It happens that on the Internet it is suggested to use hydrogen peroxide for gargling with purulent sore throat, we do not recommend using this remedy for other purposes, you can learn more about the mechanisms of the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the human body here.

How to smear the throat with purulent sore throat?

In addition to rinsing, there are procedures for mechanical cleaning of the tonsils with Lugol. This antiseptic adjuvant kills microorganisms found only on the surface of the tonsils. Unfortunately, the antiseptic does not penetrate deep into the tissues, where the bulk of bacteria such as streptococcus is located, but, in general, lugol helps fight purulent tonsillitis.

It's important to know:

  • Lugol should not be used more than twice a day, because in large quantities it can damage the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach;
  • lugol is not desirable during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Lugol is contraindicated in thyrotoxicosis and in case of allergy to it.


On the Internet, inhalations are actively promoted for any diseases of the upper respiratory tract, both steam and with the help of nebulizers. However, the effectiveness of inhalation with purulent sore throat is doubtful. From steam, you can get a burn of an already damaged mucous membrane, and through a nebulizer, inhalations are completely useless, since the bulk of the devices create too small particles that do not settle in the mouth and throat.

Consequences and complications

From a philistine point of view, angina is a mild disease that you should not pay special attention to. Unfortunately, this simple pathology can create very complex health problems that can result in both systemic pathologies and local complications.

Systemic complications:

Can be expressed in the form of diseases of the kidneys, joints and heart. It would seem, where is the throat and where are the kidneys? But the fact is that the proteins (structural elements) of the causative agent of angina are similar in structure to the proteins that make up our heart, kidneys and joints.

Immunity, in this case, is the main culprit of complications. Every time it enters the body of bacteria, it triggers the synthesis of protective proteins (antibodies), which selectively attach to foreign substances (streptococcus proteins) in such a way that they lose all their properties (destroy).

An antibody is a substance (protein) with a simple chemical program to attach to a specific sequence of amino acids. The antibody does not distinguish its own from the foreign, therefore, while performing its functions, it attaches both to streptococcus and to the tissues of the joints, heart and kidneys. As a result, the destruction of both streptococcus and our cells occurs. This is manifested by myocarditis, nephritis or rheumatism.

Local complications:

The purulent process can spread from the tonsils to the surrounding tissues, which causes the following complications:

  • Paratonsillitis. Purulent inflammation penetrates into the tissue surrounding the tonsil. Long-term antibiotic treatment is required.
  • Retropharyngeal, parapharyngeal and other abscesses. The most severe complications are characterized by a massive accumulation of pus in a limited space near the pharynx. Surgical treatment.
  • Phlegmonous tonsillitis (see the relevant section in the article).
  • Phlegmons of various locations. Phlegmon is an infiltration (impregnation) of tissues with pus. An extremely serious complication that requires immediate surgical intervention and aggressive antibiotic therapy.

If you let the treatment take its course or “profess” a fundamental rejection of antibiotics, then just 9 days are enough and a sore throat can become deadly!


There are many varieties of infectious sore throats. In some cases, the defeat of the tonsils can be a primary disease, and in some cases, tonsillitis occurs against the background of systemic pathologies or as a result of a weakened immune system. Let's look at specific examples.


It occurs in the information space as monocytic, mononuclear, mononuclear angina. All this manifestation of such an infectious disease as mononucleosis, which is transmitted by airborne droplets or household contact, is characterized by damage to the system of mononuclear phagocytes (cells responsible for the destruction of the bacterial agent).

The reasons

The reasons are not clear to this day. There are two theories, one bacterial (the role of the pathogen is attributed to B. monocytogenes homines), the other is viral (the pathogen is considered to be a special lymphotropic Epstein-Barr virus).

In any case, this disease is common, affecting the entire body with a primary lesion of the blood system. With mononucleosis, tonsillitis almost always joins, since the disease weakens the protective cells of the immune system. As a result, immunity is sharply reduced at strategically important points - the oral and nasal cavities, and streptococcus begins to multiply uncontrollably on the surface of the tonsils, causing a sore throat.


Clinical signs of this pathology are divided into three groups:

  1. Fever:
    • elevated body temperature 39-40 ° C,
    • headache,
    • weakness.
  2. Angina-like changes:
    • inflammatory changes in the pharynx and palatine tonsils,
    • significant enlargement of the palatine tonsils,
    • plaque on the tonsils resembles diphtheria,
    • possible development of purulent tonsillitis.
  3. Blood changes (hematological signs):
    • the appearance in the blood of monocytes with a modified structure (60-80%),
    • increase in ESR.


Mononucleotic angina carries many problems for medical science: there are no drugs that affect the etiological (causal) factor, because there is no proven theory about the causative agents of the disease. All treatment is reduced to symptomatic (elimination of consequences):

  • antibiotic therapy in the development of purulent tonsillitis, but if there is no pus - antibiotics are not needed;
  • gargling with antiseptics;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures, including vibroacoustic therapy using the Vitafon apparatus;
  • hormone therapy, to relieve severe inflammation.

Viral angina

Viruses are a common cause of sore throats, including bacterial ones. Almost always, they strongly suppress local immunity in the throat and open the way for the attachment of a secondary infection in the form of streptococcus.

Viral tonsillitis can also be a consequence of a general disease of the body, for example, very often tonsillitis develops with Measles or HIV infection.

Measles is an acute contagious (contagious) infectious disease characterized by intoxication, skin rash, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and lymphoid pharyngeal ring (tonsils). It is transmitted by airborne droplets.

One of the frequent manifestations of measles is measles tonsillitis, which can proceed easily with a slight reddening of the tonsils, but sometimes streptococcus joins and the tonsillitis becomes purulent.

The reasons

By airborne droplets through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes, an infectious agent from the paramyxovirus family enters the body.

The measles virus causes T-cell immunodeficiency (decreased immunity) that persists for 30 days. Against this background, almost any infection can join (including streptococcus), so measles is often accompanied by purulent tonsillitis, the incubation period of measles lasts 9-14 days (the time of virus reproduction without external manifestations of the disease).


At the onset of the disease are characteristic:

  • lethargy, headache;
  • swelling of the face, eyelids;
  • tearing from the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39 ° C.

For 2-3 days:

  • small red spots appear on the soft palate;
  • small dot spots appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks; resembling semolina (Filatov-Koplik symptom), they persist for 1-3 days and then disappear during the appearance of a rash on the skin.

For 4-5 days:

  • a rash appears, first on the face and neck, and during the day spreads to the body;
  • at this time may appear measles sore throat:
  • enlargement and redness of the tonsils,
  • the presence of purulent plugs or purulent easily removable plaque,
  • pain when swallowing;

On the 8-10th day, the disease subsides, the rash turns pale, cough and tonsillitis (if any) disappear.


Means acting directly on the measles virus does not yet exist, therefore, treatment is mainly symptomatic (relieving symptoms), aimed at preventing complications and the addition of secondary infections. Treatment with antibiotics before bacterial infection occurs is not required.

Many doctors, including Dr. E.O. Komarovsky advises to start treating such a disease as purulent tonsillitis with measles by creating the right microclimatic conditions: cool (18-20 ° C), humid (50-70%), clean (ventilation) air.

  • antibiotic therapy aimed at eliminating a secondary infection (streptococcus),
  • bed rest,
  • plentiful warm drink,
  • rinsing the mouth and throat with a solution of salt (1 teaspoon per liter of water) or furacilin.

With HIV infection

Frequent manifestations of HIV infection are pathologies of the upper respiratory tract and infections of the external mucous membranes (eyes, mouth and nose).

Due to damage to the immune system (human immunodeficiency virus), angina is most likely to be caused by a bacterium from the normal microflora of the oral cavity (streptococcus). And it will manifest itself in the form of symptoms characteristic of purulent tonsillitis in the form of follicular, lacunar, fibrinous, etc. (see the corresponding section).

Herpangina (herpangina)

With herpetic, herpes and herpangina, the situation is very confusing. In view of the similarity of symptoms (vesicles or papules), similar names have historically developed, but the causative agents can be completely different viruses. Many medical schools also vary in name, with the Internet adding fuel to the fire in the form of many incompetent articles on the topic of viral sore throats.

In order not to completely get confused, we will consider separately:

  1. Herpangina (herpangina).
  2. Herpes sore throat.
  3. Infection of the pharynx with the herpes zoster virus.

The reasons

The causative agent of herpetic sore throat (herpangina) is Coxsackie enterovirus (enteroviral sore throat). It is so named after the city of Coxsackie (USA), in which there was a hospital with examined children. The American virologists G. Doldorf and G. Sickles working there in 1948 described the properties of the new virus for the first time.


Since there are several types of the Coxsackie virus, the symptoms may differ in different cases. The main signs that cause suspicion of herpetic sore throat are:

  • sudden onset with an increase in body temperature up to 39-40 ° C;
  • after 2-3 days, the temperature also drops sharply;
  • on the 1-2 day of illness in the area of ​​​​the tonsils, arches, uvula and palate, characteristic small papules (bulges) 1-2 mm in size appear, then turn into vesicles;
  • on day 2-3, the bubbles burst, leaving behind erosion covered with a grayish-white coating;
  • the appearance of bubbles is accompanied by pain when swallowing, and profuse salivation;
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • for 5-7 days in most patients, all changes in the throat disappear.

The final diagnosis can be made only with a virological study, which in most cases is not done.


If herpetic sore throat is not complicated, then treatment is practically not required, it all comes down to alleviating the condition and reducing the risk of complications:

  • bed rest,
  • physiotherapy apparatus "Vitafon" » (acceleration of recovery and reduction of the risk of complications),
  • plentiful drink,
  • antipyretic (at a long-term high temperature of 39 ° C),
  • vitamin therapy (effervescent vitamin C),
  • therapeutic protein-free diet,
  • providing cool (18-20°C), humid (50-70%), clean indoor air,
  • antibiotics are not needed (if there are no complications).

Herpetic angina, says doctor E.O. Komarovsky, not such a terrible disease as mothers imagine, is described in more detail in the video:

herpes sore throat

In some textbooks on otorhinolaryngology, such a form as herpes sore throat is distinguished, the causative agent of which is the Herpes buccopharyndealis virus. A microorganism of the same class as Herpes simplex, however, is several times more toxic to living beings.


The salient features are:

  • a sharp and stormy onset with an increase in body temperature even up to 41 ° C;
  • severe pain when swallowing;
  • violation of the swallowing process (the food bolus does not leave well);
  • on the 3rd day of the disease: the entire mucous membrane of the pharynx is evenly hyperemic (red); an accumulation of small rounded white vesicles appears in the region of the tonsils and pharynx;
  • over the next 3 weeks, the bubbles burst, ulcerate and suppurate, but this process may not be;
  • herpetic eruptions appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, lips, and even on the skin of the face.


Mostly symptomatic (relieving condition):

  • gargling with saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water),
  • plentiful drink,
  • antiviral drugs (such as acyclovir),
  • if a secondary infection joins, then broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed,
  • antibiotics are not needed (if there are no complications),
  • to improve local immunity and accelerate the healing process, physiotherapy is used with the Vitafon apparatus.

Throat infection with herpes zoster virus

Usually the virus spreads along the course of the intercostal nerves, but the trigeminal nerve is also affected, which is in particular responsible for the functions of the oropharynx.


The salient features are:

  • the occurrence of pathology in adults and the elderly, in contrast to herpetic sore throat, which affects mainly children;
  • vesicles (vesicles) appear on one side of the affected nerve;
  • pain when swallowing gives to the eye from the side of the affected nerve.


As with most viral infections, it is mostly symptomatic:

  • antiviral drugs,
  • antibiotics are prescribed only if a secondary infection joins,
  • rinsing with a solution of salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) or furacilin,
  • symptomatic treatment (anti-inflammatory, painkillers, etc.),
  • vibroacoustic therapy (locally enhances immune protection in the throat area and contributes to a general increase in immunity).


Bacterial tonsillitis is an infectious lesion of the palatine tonsils by various kinds of bacteria, usually streptococcus. It manifests itself in the form of a follicular, lacunar or fibrinous form with all the symptoms and signs characteristic of them (see the relevant sections above).

Different infectious agents (bacteria) have some similar symptoms and complaints, but there are also characteristic differences, which we will consider further.

Streptococcal angina

The main part of bacterial tonsillitis is streptococcal tonsillitis, while such a term does not exist in official medicine. The fact is that the causative agent of most types of tonsillitis is streptococcus (various strains of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus), so this name does not reflect the main characteristics of the disease.

Most often, streptococcal angina manifests itself in the form of the main forms of the disease (disassembled at the beginning of the article) is:

  • catarrhal
  • follicular,
  • lacunar,
  • fibrinous,
  • phlegmonous.

And also a streptococcal infection can join any sore throat:

  • viral,
  • fungal,
  • ulcerative necrotic,
  • mononucleosis, etc.

Streptococcal angina is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • body temperature may vary depending on the severity of the disease (38-40 ° C),
  • tonsils enlarge and turn red, may be covered with a film, purulent plaque or purulent plugs,
  • lymph nodes in the neck may be enlarged to varying degrees,
  • sore throat during meals, and in severe cases even at rest.

scarlet fever

Many mothers know firsthand about such a disease as scarlet fever. Against the background of it, angina of various forms almost always occurs (catarrhal, follicular or lacunar)

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease characterized by angina, punctate rash and a tendency to purulent processes on the skin.

The reasons

There are many different strains of streptococcus, and only a few of them are particularly toxic and produce erythrotoxin, which causes certain symptoms (more on them later).

The causative agent is transmitted by airborne droplets from patients. After an infection enters the body, it can take from 1 to 12 days before the first symptoms appear (incubation period).


Scarlatinal tonsillitis begins abruptly, with an increase in body temperature to 39 ° C and a sore throat, then the following symptoms appear:

  • after a few hours, a small-dotted rash occurs almost throughout the body (reaction to erythrotoxin);
  • the general skin tone becomes reddish;
  • the skin feels like sandpaper to the touch;
  • the tongue becomes crimson with sharply enlarged papillae;
  • bright hyperemia of the pharynx and tonsils;
  • purulent plaque or plugs on the tonsils.


It is extremely important to prescribe antibiotics of the penicillin series first of all, and in a day there will be a noticeable improvement.

The key point is that when treated with antibiotics, in 99% of cases, scarlet fever ends in recovery, and without them, complications almost always occur in the form of rheumatism, heart or kidney damage.

Complementary treatment is:

  • bed rest,
  • plentiful warm drink,
  • gargling with salt water (1 teaspoon per liter of warm water),
  • physiotherapy "Vitafon" » it is prescribed together with antibiotics, as it significantly enhances their effectiveness, as well as the body's immune response.

It is advisable to limit contact with the patient during treatment, do not use common utensils, wear cotton-gauze bandages when communicating. After recovery, in order to avoid re-infections, it is advisable to limit the child's social contact for 2 weeks.


Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease manifested by damage to the oropharynx with the formation of fibrinous plaque on the tonsils and possible damage to the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The cause is the causative agent - diphtheria bacillus (Leffler's bacillus). It is transmitted by airborne and household routes, the incubation period is from 2 to 10 days. There are diphtheria of the skin, eyes, genital organs, nasopharynx and oropharynx (diphtheritic angina).


In 70-80% of cases, the course of the disease is very similar to a common sore throat.

  • It begins acutely with a rise in temperature, usually it is lower than with angina, but the patient's condition is felt as more severe.
  • From the first hours, a sore throat begins to bother, and on the second day it becomes very pronounced.
  • Enlargement of the cervical nodes.
  • There are signs of intoxication (headache, weakness, chills).
  • There is a sweetish bad breath.
  • Despite the fever, the skin of the face is pale, which is not typical for ordinary sore throats, in which a slight blush appears on the cheeks.
  • Swelling and redness of the tonsils are characteristic.
  • Grayish-white plaques appear on the tonsils, which may look like islands or completely cover the tonsils and even spread beyond them to the oral mucosa.
  • An important distinguishing feature is the characteristics of plaque. They are difficult to remove with a spatula and, after removal, are re-formed in the same place. The removed fibrinous film is thick and dense, does not rub and does not dissolve in water, sinks quickly.


If diphtheria is suspected, urgent hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is necessary.

The clinic produces:

  • treatment with anti-diphtheria antitoxic serum, which is especially effective in the early stages of the disease;
  • antibiotics are prescribed to prevent complications
  • apply, if necessary, symptomatic (relieving the condition) means: antipyretics, antihistamines, painkillers.

After the cure, it is necessary to conduct a three-fold analysis of the mucus from the nose and throat for the absence of the pathogen, and after that the patient can be considered non-infectious.


Staphylococcal tonsillitis is a purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the palatine tonsils as a result of their defeat by Staphylococcus aureus.


The manifestations of the disease are not specific, it is extremely difficult to see staphylococcal in the usual purulent tonsillitis:

  • high body temperature 39°C;
  • intoxication is strongly pronounced (headache, weakness, chills);
  • unbearable pain when swallowing;
  • purulent plaque on the tonsils, which is easily removed with a spatula;
  • enlarged and painful when probing the cervical lymph nodes,
  • the course of the disease is usually more severe than with streptococcal infection;
  • weak effect of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs.


Bacterial staphylococcal angina is more difficult to treat than streptococcal. Basic treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics may not work. Therefore, in order to select the most effective treatment, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological study, as well as to study the sensitivity of the strain to specific drugs.

Along with the start of antibiotics, auxiliary treatment is prescribed:

  • physiotherapy with the help of the Vitafon apparatus, will enhance the effect of antibiotics and the functioning of the immune system,
  • bed rest,
  • plentiful drink,
  • therapeutic protein-free diet,
  • gargling with a solution of salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) or furatsilina.

Ulcerative membranous (necrotic)

Doctors call this pathology Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent's angina.

Ulcerative necrotic angina is a characteristic lesion of one palatine tonsil in the form of the appearance of areas of necrosis (death) of the mucous membrane of the tonsil and the formation of ulcers. The causative agents are fusiform bacillus and oral spirochete. It is quite rare and occurs against the background of a decrease in general and local immunity.


  • It is characteristic that such a sore throat is one-sided, pathological processes occur only on one tonsil.
  • On the side of the same name, the cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • The patient complains only about the sensation of a foreign body when swallowing.
  • There is often a putrid odor from the mouth.
  • Body temperature is normal in most cases.
  • The duration of the disease is from 1 to 3 weeks (sometimes months).
  • On the surface of the affected tonsil, grayish-yellow or greenish masses, after removal of which an ulcer is found.

To make a final diagnosis of Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent's angina, it is necessary to conduct a histological examination of a biopsy specimen from an ulcer (a piece of tissue).


  • Antibacterial therapy with penicillin drugs.
  • Complete sanitation (cleansing) of all possible foci of infection in the oral cavity is necessary.
  • Mechanical cleansing of ulcers on the tonsil from necrosis and treatment with an antiseptic.
  • Professor Palchun V.T. notes that it is extremely necessary to combat beriberi (complex vitamins) and restore immunity (vibroacoustic therapy).


This disease develops against the background of the defeat of pale treponema. As a rule, the main pathological processes occur at the site of entry of the pathogen into the human body, if the mouth is the gate, then it is very likely that syphilis will manifest itself in an anginal form.


  • Unilateral prolonged inflammation of the tonsils (more than 10 days).
  • An increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C.
  • Enlarged painless cervical lymph nodes.
  • Moderate pain when swallowing.
  • A primary chancre (painless ulceration) appears in the pharynx.

In general, the symptoms are not specific and it is difficult to clearly identify syphilitic tonsillitis from them, so such a diagnosis can only be made after a laboratory test.


Syphilitic tonsillitis is treated only in the dermatovenerological department with antibacterial drugs and auxiliary procedures.

Fungal angina

Fungal angina is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the palatine tonsils, caused by various kinds of infectious fungi. There are several types of pathology, the most common of them is candidal tonsillitis, the causative agent of which are fungi of the genus Candida.


Fungal tonsillitis, as a rule, proceeds without temperature or with a slight increase. The following signs are also characteristic:

  • There are practically no signs of intoxication (headache, weakness, chills), or they are weakly expressed.
  • Soreness and soreness in the throat when swallowing.
  • Sensation of incomplete swallowing of food.
  • Hyperemia (redness) of the mucous membrane of the tonsils.
  • Islands (specks) of curdled masses on the surface of the tonsils, the back wall of the pharynx and the root of the tongue.
  • In a smear under a microscope, yeast-like clusters of cells are visible.
  • The course is long, often in the form of a chronic pathology.


Often, fungal tonsillitis occurs against the background of the usual or after it. If a course of antibiotic treatment is prescribed, then it must be stopped and prescribed:

  1. antimycotics:
    • ingestion of drugs with active ingredients: fluconazole, ketoconazole, etc.;
    • locally lubricate the affected areas with a solution or ointment with active ingredients: natamycin, terbinafine, etc.
  2. physiotherapy with the Vitafon device, which will significantly enhance the effect of antimycotic drugs and natural human immunity.


Laryngeal angina is a disease of the pharynx, characterized by damage to the lymphoid tissue near the larynx (part of the respiratory tract, located below the pharynx). It differs from laryngitis in the depth of inflammation and the predominant lesion of lymphoid tissue. Laryngitis, unlike laryngeal tonsillitis, is characterized by inflammation of only the mucous membrane of the larynx.

The reasons

The reasons why such angina occurs:

  • reduced immunity after viral infections (flu, measles, etc.)
  • as a complication of common angina,
  • as a complication of peripharyngeal phlegmon,
  • as a complication of laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx).

To understand the difference between ordinary angina and laryngeal, let's look at the illustration:

The figure shows that the larynx is located below and is the entrance to the respiratory system of the body, which immediately leads to concerns about the possibility of swelling of this department, with all the ensuing consequences - difficulty breathing. This arrangement creates another problem - the inability to see pathological changes during a normal examination of the throat (look at the location in the figure).


Laryngeal angina is a diagnosis that only a doctor can make. Symptoms can only indirectly indicate the possibility of this pathology:

  • Hoarseness (or any change in the sound of the voice). The larynx is the organ that allows us to produce sounds, so damage to the larynx is almost always accompanied by problems with the voice, up to the inability to pronounce any sound (aphonia).
  • Dryness, itching and sensation of a foreign body in the throat.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Elevated body temperature up to 39°C.
  • Enlarged cervical lymph nodes.
  • History of laryngitis (in the history of a person's disease).
  • In severe cases, respiratory failure, shortness of breath.

These symptoms direct the doctor's thoughts towards laryngeal angina, while all of them can be with ordinary follicular angina (see details in the corresponding section above). Therefore, additional instrumental studies in the ENT room are needed. Usually, for this, the doctor performs manipulations with a mirror (indirect laryngoscopy) or with a laryngoscope (a special tube for examining the larynx).


The decision to treat laryngeal tonsillitis can be difficult to make in favor of home conditions. The main problem is the potential risk of laryngeal edema (direct entry into the respiratory tract), the consequences of such edema can even be fatal. Therefore, with such a sore throat, it would be quite reasonable to protect yourself and decide on hospitalization for several days.

The main methods of treatment of laryngeal angina:

  • antibacterial therapy (penicillin series, cephalosporins, macrolides);
  • antihistamines to reduce the risk of swelling;
  • with edema diuretics;
  • hormone therapy (corticosteroids), to reduce the risk of severe swelling;
  • antipyretic, at a high temperature of more than 39 ° C,
  • bed rest,
  • sparing mode of communication (once again do not talk),

Recovery from laryngeal angina can last from 14 to 20 days. The disease is serious and with untimely and unprofessional treatment can turn into the following consequences:

  • the transition of inflammation to the deep layers of tissue (muscles, fiber, and even to the epiglottal cartilage);
  • purulent complications in the form of abscesses (accumulations of pus limited to the capsule) or phlegmon (impregnation of tissues with pus);
  • narrowing of the entrance to the respiratory system (stenosis of the larynx), with the risk of complete obstruction of the airways and death from suffocation.


Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. Probably, various microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) can serve as the reasons, and in some cases it is a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a product. Until now, this pathology has not been fully studied, especially, difficulties arise in identifying the causes.

Stomatitis sore throat occurs as a consequence or complication of prolonged stomatitis, which greatly weakens local immunity, as a result, control over the reproduction of streptococcus in the oral cavity is lost and tonsils are damaged.


Stomatitis angina is characterized by all the symptoms inherent in bacterial angina (follicular, lacunar, fibrinous):

  • elevated body temperature,
  • intoxication (headache, weakness, chills)
  • pain when swallowing
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the tonsils,
  • purulent plugs or plaque on the surface of the tonsils.


Stomatitis angina, first of all, requires antibiotic therapy to suppress and contain the growth of all pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms that enter the oral cavity.

But this is a treatment for the consequences of stomatitis, antibiotics may not have an effect on the root cause.

With stomatitis, local immunity in the oral cavity is significantly reduced, therefore, together with antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to prescribe physiotherapy with Vitafon, which will strengthen immunity and increase the effectiveness of drugs.

For full treatment, a complete examination in a medical institution is necessary.


Allergic angina is not an independent disease, it is a manifestation of the general pathology of the body - allergies.

As a result of exposure to an allergen (food or pollen), an allergic reaction occurs in the form of:

  • hyperemia (redness) of the tonsils and pharynx,
  • swelling of the tonsils and pharynx,
  • may be accompanied by allergic rhinitis,
  • there is no fever and signs of intoxication.


  • Allergen detection.
  • Exclusion of contact with the allergen.
  • If necessary, antiallergic drugs (antihistamines).
  • Vibroacoustic therapy helps to reduce allergic reactivity.


All of the above types of angina mainly occur in an acute form, that is, they quickly arise, last no more than one month and eventually end in recovery.

Chronic tonsillitis is a long-term (more than 1 month) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tonsils, which does not end in complete recovery and is accompanied by periodic exacerbations.

Treatment of chronic angina, depending on the causes, severity and variety, is:

  1. Medication (most often antibacterial),
  2. Surgical:
    • tonsil removal,
    • sanitation of foci of infection in the tonsils (partial removal),
  3. Physiotherapy:
    • laser therapy,
    • quartzization,
    • vibroacoustic therapy (it is important to perform together with antibiotic therapy and after surgical treatment).


Summing up all the sore throats, we can draw several important conclusions:

  1. Angina is not a mild cold that can be carried on the feet.
  2. With plaque on the tonsils, severe pain when swallowing and high body temperature (38-39 ° C), it is vital to visit a doctor.
  3. Angina can give severe complications to the heart, kidneys or joints that occur when ignoring the doctor's instructions about antibiotic therapy.
  4. Angina in most cases is very well treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Relief occurs on the second day.
  5. Together with antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy is performed using the Vitafon apparatus to improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. In addition to the obvious physical effect of vibroacoustic therapy, there is also a hidden biochemical effect that cannot be felt immediately. It consists in saturating our body with an inalienable resource - microvibration. It is present in our body continuously, and is necessary for the implementation of immune processes, protein biosynthesis (metabolism - metabolism), cleaning and tissue regeneration. During an illness in the body, the need for microvibrations of tissues increases, which can be filled by the only currently existing medical device "Vitafon".
  6. For bacterial sore throats, no amount of rinsing, lubrication, inhalation or sucking of tablets will replace antibiotics.
  7. Not all sore throats require antibiotics for treatment, be careful and do not take them unnecessarily.


  1. Babiyak V.I. Clinical otorhinolaryngology: A guide for physicians. - St. Petersburg: Hippocrates, 2005
  2. Ovchinnikov Yu.M., Gamov V.P. Diseases of the nose, pharynx, larynx and ear. Textbook. - M.: Medicine, 2003
  3. Palchun V.T., Magomedov M.M., Luchikhin L.A. Otorhinolaryngology. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011
  4. Berezov T.T., Korovkin B.F. Biological chemistry: Textbook. - M.: Medicine, 1998
  5. Novitsky V.V., Goldberg E.D., Urazova O.I. Pathophysiology: textbook. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009
  6. Fedorov V.A., Kovelenov F.Yu., Kovlen D.V., Ryabchuk F.N., Vasiliev A.E. body resources. Immunity, health and longevity. - St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2004
  7. Semenov V.M. Guide to infectious diseases - M.: MIA, 2008

You can ask questions (below) on the topic of the article and we will try to answer them competently!

Angina is an acute infectious inflammation of the palatine tonsils (photo below). The cause of angina in 90% of cases is a bacterium - streptococcus.

short information

"Angina" - a Latin word, translated means "squeezing".
The medical name for angina is acute tonsillitis. ICD 10 code - J03.
Most often, children from 5 to 15 years old get sick.

If sore throats are repeated often, then the patient has chronic tonsillitis:

Causes and mechanism of development

Remember. The cause of a sore throat is always an infection.
In 90% - streptococcus.
In 5% - viruses.
In 5% - other pathogens.

The starting factor in the development of the disease is a decrease in immunity in the amygdala itself.

Reasons for this process:

  • general hypothermia (caught a cold, wet feet, etc.),
  • local hypothermia (ate ice cream),
  • carious teeth,
  • other diseases that caused a decrease in immunity (pneumonia, major surgery, etc.)

On the picture: sectional structure of the tonsil - folds (lacunae) are visible

Let me remind you: the amygdala is part of the body's immune system, which is constantly fighting infection.
the infection can get into the tonsil both from the environment (with food, for example) and through the lymphatic vessels (for example, from a carious tooth).

If immunity in the amygdala is reduced, the bacterium or virus begins to multiply actively, releasing toxic substances into the surrounding tissues. Surrounding tissues begin to react, there is a struggle between the infection and the protective cells of the body. This results in tissue swelling, redness, pressure, pain when swallowing, and fever.

Important: if your immunity is strong enough, it can resist any infection, including streptococcus.

Symptoms of angina, signs and photos

1) Sore throat, aggravated by swallowing - the main symptom of angina.

2) On examination, the tonsils are red against the background of the surrounding pink mucosa. There may be purulent raids. Enlarged and red tonsils are the second main symptom of a sore throat.

3) Enlarged and painful submandibular lymph nodes.

4) Temperature - from 37 to 40 degrees.

Can there be angina without fever?
Yes, with catarrhal angina, the temperature is often normal (see below).

Types of angina - classification

1) Catarrhal angina (photo below)

The lightest and fastest.
All symptoms are mild. The pain is there, but tolerable. The tonsils are red, but without white (purulent) dots. Lymph nodes are often not enlarged and painless. Catarrhal angina often occurs without fever.
The cure is fast.
Often, an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis often occurs through catarrhal tonsillitis: for 2-3 days, the throat hurts and disappears.

On the picture: catarrhal angina - the tonsils are almost not enlarged, there are no purulent raids

2) Follicular angina (photo below)

What it is?
In the thickness of the tonsils there are small islands where the fight of immune cells and infection takes place. If these islands become inflamed, pus begins to come out on the surface of the tonsils in the form of drops (dots). The presence of such purulent discharge in the form of dots on the tonsils is the main symptom of follicular tonsillitis.
All symptoms are moderate.

On the picture: follicular angina - purulent points on the tonsils are visible

3) Lacunar, or purulent tonsillitis . Photo below.

Tonsils have folds-depressions in the mucous membrane (lacunae). If a lot of pus accumulates in such recesses, this is called lacunar tonsillitis. That is, it is a more serious condition than follicular tonsillitis.
At the same time, the tonsils are bright red, enlarged, with irregularly shaped purulent plaques.
All symptoms are present in a more severe degree.

On the picture: purulent deposits on the tonsils

4) Ulcerative necrotic angina .

Ulcers and areas of necrosis appear on the tonsils, covered with a white-gray purulent coating. Severe course of all symptoms. Often there are complications.

Complications of angina and consequences

1) Local complications
Peritonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess . The surrounding tissue around the tonsil becomes inflamed, and pus accumulates inside. An emergency operation is required - opening the abscess. After surgery, antibiotic injections are required.

On the picture: paratonsillar abscess requiring urgent surgery by an ENT doctor.

2) General complications

The struggle between the infection (streptococcus) and the body's defense cells can lead to the formation of conglomerates of such fighting cells.

These conglomerates can settle on the valves of the heart or in the kidneys and cause severe damage to them: rheumatic heart disease or glomerulonephritis . These complications are very formidable diseases that are very poorly treated and can remain for life.

Important: that is why it is necessary to treat angina with an ENT doctor - so that there are no common complications.


  • The transition of acute tonsillitis to chronic.
  • Decreased immune (protective) function of the tonsils.


The diagnosis is made by an ENT doctor based on symptoms. The most important symptom is an increase and redness of the tonsils, raids on the tonsils.

Can you diagnose yourself?
One can only suspect. But if you are not a doctor, you will not be able to differentiate angina from other serious diseases, also accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils. For example, from diphtheria, in which there are also white patches on the tonsils.

Therefore, we do not save on our health - we turn to an ENT doctor. Moreover, there are a lot of them in Moscow now.

Treatment of angina

As soon as the throat hurts, we immediately go to the ENT doctor. Every day without treatment promotes repeated growth of bacteria and leads to complications.

What the doctor prescribes:

1) Antibiotics - This is a mandatory element of treatment if angina is caused by bacteria. They affect the cause of the disease (bacteria). Antibiotics do not work on viruses. They are prescribed by a doctor depending on the type of pathogen. Self-administration of antibiotics without a doctor's examination is not recommended.

Of the antibiotics for angina, they use: a group of penicillins and a group of erythromycin.
Do not forget: when taking antibiotics inside, be sure to take Linex or other drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora. Otherwise, after treatment, you will get intestinal dysbacteriosis.

2) Rinsing with angina - necessarily!

Why do you need to gargle?

With angina, purulent discharge from the tonsils appears. The pus dries up, raids form, which are also a source of infection. The task of rinsing is to remove these plaques and reduce the inflammation itself.

Antiseptics are used (kill both microbes and viruses), and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Antiseptics: Dioxidin, Miramistin and a number of others.
Decoctions of herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage.
In extreme cases - 1 teaspoon of salt and soda in 1 glass of water.
Rinse every 1-2 hours.
With purulent raids: 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide - for 1 glass of water - rinse every half hour.

3) Aerosol antibiotics and antiseptics . Bioparox, inhalipt, miramistin and hexoral. But you need to know the following: aerosols are successful only with catarrhal, non-severe sore throat. In severe forms, with purulent tonsillitis, it is mandatory to take antibiotics in tablets or injections. Then the effect of the treatment will come quickly, and there will be no complications.

4) Physiotherapy : only in the recovery stage. The best "physiotherapy" is bed rest and good sleep. The more severe the angina, the more strictly this “physiotherapy” should be observed.

What not to do:
- you can’t remove raids from the tonsils yourself and pick something in the tonsils,
- Do not buy antibiotics without seeing a doctor.

Viral angina

Viral angina stands apart.
Reason: herpes viruses (herpetic sore throat), adenoviruses and a number of others.


The pain can be very severe. Tonsils are not enlarged so much. There are no purulent raids. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. The temperature with viral sore throat can rise to 38-40 degrees. Sometimes there may be small punctate hemorrhages in the soft palate (see photo).

The main symptom of viral sore throat is the lack of effect from antibiotic treatment.

Treatment of viral sore throat

If antibiotics do not help, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs. For example, Kagocel or Arbidol. In the treatment of herpetic sore throat, isoprinosine is used.

Folk remedies for angina

Remember: any folk remedies at home should only complement the medical treatment of angina, which is aimed at the cause of the disease.

1) stop smoking immediately, at least for the duration of treatment. If you continue to smoke, you will create additional difficulties for your own immunity in the fight against infection. With angina, you can not smoke!

2) gargling (see above),

3) warm herbal tea with honey (chamomile, thyme, mint, rosehip, currant leaf),

4) chewing propolis. Propolis is a natural antibiotic. It kills both bacteria and viruses. Bees immure them with dead mice that have climbed into the hive so that there is no rotting. You can chew propolis for any kind of sore throat.

5) warming up the hands and feet (if there is no temperature). Warm up the hands and feet in hot water for 3-5 minutes until red. Then we put on mittens on our hands. On the feet are woolen socks. The effect is a reflex expansion of blood vessels in the throat, blood flow and activation of immune cells in the fight against infection.

6) su-jok therapy (photo below). Su-jok therapy for angina is a very effective treatment. Especially with a viral infection, when antibiotics are ineffective. On the fold between the upper and middle phalanges of the thumb on its palmar surface on the sides of the midline we find painful points (press with a match). These points are the projection of the tonsils on the skin. We press these points while there is patience. You can stick rice or buckwheat seeds on them with adhesive tape and press constantly.

On the picture: projection of the tonsils on the human thumb

7) taking large doses of vitamin C. We buy vitamin C in a pill and take 5 pills - 3 times a day with water. Large doses of ascorbic acid stimulate the immune processes in the body, thereby helping it fight infection.

It is impossible at home:

1) inhalation. In fact, inhalation is a useless treatment for angina. With bronchitis or pharyngitis - they help. And with angina - no. At the same time, gargling is much more effective and less labor-intensive than inhalation. And if the patient has follicular or lacunar tonsillitis, then steam inhalations are generally contraindicated so that there is no prevalence of a purulent process.

2) compresses. Same. From sin, do not apply a compress to the neck. Otherwise, warming up the soft tissues of the neck can also lead to complications of tonsillitis, to suppuration. You can - put on a woolen scarf around your neck and that's it.

3) treat with cold. Some "doctors" and "healers" recommend treating a sore throat with a shock dose of cold. According to the principle of "a wedge is knocked out with a wedge." And they advise to eat two servings of ice cream. Let me remind you that any exposure to cold causes constriction of the vessels of the throat, a decrease in the work of immune cells in the tonsils. And as a result - the progression of the disease and the possible occurrence of complications.


Rest by the sea. Healing factors: salt water, no stress, hardening. Effect: increased general and local immunity in the throat. All ENT doctors know that an annual vacation by the sea reduces the number of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis (that is, new tonsillitis) by half.
Treatment of chronic diseases in the mouth and nose (dental caries, sinusitis, sinusitis).
hardening. A method that improves immunity and resistance to infections. Reduces the number of "cold" diseases by 3-5 times.

Angina (acute tonsillitis) in children

1) The causes in children are the same - bacteria or viruses

2) Symptoms of angina in children are more pronounced. The pain in the throat is worse. The swelling is stronger. Salivation and refusal of food due to severe pain is possible. Often fever.
Attention: exactly the same symptoms can occur in children with other diseases (stomatitis, diphtheria, infectious mononucleosis, etc.)

3) As soon as the symptoms of a sore throat appear, we immediately take the child to an ENT doctor. Do not experiment with folk remedies. And don't hesitate to see a doctor.

4) Treatment should be started as soon as symptoms appear. Treatment methods are the same as in adults: antibiotics, rinses, aerosols.
In the early stages of the process, treatment is very effective and recovery is faster than in adults.

Only a doctor can understand the complaints of a small child and make a correct diagnosis. Do not save time, show the child to the ENT doctor.

During pregnancy

If there is a sore throat during pregnancy - immediately to the ENT doctor. The doctor knows which antibiotics can be used by a pregnant woman, and which ones are not allowed in any case. At the same time, the treatment regimen also depends on the trimester of pregnancy.


How to quickly cure angina? Timing of treatment?
On average, 5-7 days. But it all depends on the type of angina and the stage of the process. Maybe less than 5 days, maybe more.

Constant inflammation of the palatine tonsils, which ends with a complex form of angina, is called chronic tonsillitis. This disease carries a number of complications. It disrupts the normal way of life and causes significant discomfort. Chronic tonsillitis in adults can develop in various forms. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of infection and understand why the disease appears. And it is better to contact a professional therapist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

The course of chronic tonsillitis: the causes of the disease

The disease is caused by bacteria: streptococcus, staphylococcus, enterococcus or pneumococcus. They actively multiply on the damaged mucous membrane of the tonsils, causing pain and the formation of abscesses. Viruses can also cause chronic tonsillitis, even fungi and chlamydia are not left without suspicion when a patient comes to the doctor with this disease. Adults do not always understand how they became carriers of microorganisms that cause severe sore throats.

Only an experienced doctor will tell you what chronic tonsillitis is and what form is typical for a particular patient.

Further therapy and the choice of drugs depend on this. Here are the main reasons that contribute to the transition of angina into a chronic form:

  • frequent inflammatory processes occurring in the region of the tonsils and on the mucous membrane of the throat. Ideally, a person suffers from tonsillitis 1-2 times a year. If the number of sick days for this reason has increased up to 3-5 times, then you should immediately visit a doctor;
  • curvature of the nasal septum, which creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of all kinds of bacteria;
  • advanced caries, sinusitis or adenoid;
  • destroyed immune barrier;
  • frequent allergic reactions.

A severe cold can provoke a sore throat, which will definitely develop into a chronic disease if no action is taken. Tonsillitis is not just an inflamed tonsil and pain syndrome. This is a general decrease in the immune system. It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms in the early stages, but not to self-medicate. Only a doctor will tell you the name of the medicine for getting rid of a sore throat.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

The recurrent course of a sore throat can be a serious reason for contacting a doctor. If a person knows the causes of chronic tonsillitis, then he will take all necessary measures to avoid complications. Unfortunately, most patients turn to a therapist when it is already difficult to help with antibiotics. As a result, an operation to remove the tonsils is needed.

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