Varieties of ENT diseases in adults and children: diagnosis and treatment. What to do if your ear hurts? Causes and treatment for adults and children Frequent ENT diseases in adults

Diseases of the ENT organs begin to disturb a person from early childhood. Most often, these pathologies are inflammatory in nature. ENT organs are closely connected with each other and with the environment, so they are vulnerable to the effects of various pathogenic bacteria.

The mucous membranes of the ENT organs contain many opportunistic microorganisms, which, under the influence of provoking factors, sharply increase their virulence, which also leads to the development of a number of diseases.

What diseases of the ENT organs are most common? This will be discussed in detail below.

Classification of diseases of ENT organs

The following main pathologies of ENT organs are distinguished:

Throat diseases:

  • angina;
  • diphtheria;
  • pharyngitis;
  • foreign bodies;
  • laryngitis;
  • mucosal burns;
  • chronic tonsillitis.

Ear diseases:

  • otitis;
  • injury to the tympanic membrane of the inner ear;
  • eustachitis;
  • foreign bodies in the ear canal;
  • sulfur plugs.

Diseases of the nose:

  • rhinitis;
  • nosebleeds;
  • sinusitis;
  • foreign bodies;
  • adenoiditis;
  • allergic rhinitis.

Causes of diseases of the ENT organs

There are quite a few reasons why diseases of the ENT organs can occur. The most common of them are:

Hypothermia of the body, both general and local (for example, drinking ice-cold drinks in hot weather);

Penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body;

Weak immunity;

Bad habits;



Improper nutrition;

Increased mental and physical stress.

Diseases of the ENT organs: symptoms

The reason for visiting a doctor is the following problems of patients with diseases of the ENT organs:

1. Noise and pain in the ears. This symptom characterizes not only inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs. It can occur with hypothermia, trauma and barotrauma.

2. Discharge from the ear. Most often they are a symptom of inflammation of the middle ear.

3. Cough. It can be observed not only with diseases of the respiratory system, but also with the ingress of a foreign body or inflammation of the throat.

4. Bad breath. Occurs with inflammation of the ENT organs, pathologies of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

5. Runny nose, sneezing, nasal discharge. Most often they are one of the symptoms of SARS or flu, as well as allergies.

6. Sore throat. May be a symptom of sore throat, burns or inflammation of the oral mucosa.

7. Snoring. May be associated with obesity, age, bad habits, deviated septum.

8. Hearing loss. It can be observed in inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, auditory tube, nose, barotrauma or earwax plugs in the ear.

9. The appearance of pus on the tonsils. This is the main symptom of diphtheria and tonsillitis.

10. High body temperature. It is observed in most infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.

As can be seen from the above list, the problems of patients with diseases of the ENT organs can be completely different. Consequently, the therapy of diseases should be carried out taking into account the causes and symptoms of each individual pathology.

Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy, self-medication is unacceptable!

Diseases of the ENT organs in children

It is known that diseases of the ENT organs in children can proceed differently than in adults. This is due to the specific structure of the hearing organs and nasopharynx, which change as they grow older.

For example, in infants, the bones of the skull are not yet fully formed, which is why they are often diagnosed with anthritis (inflammation of the mastoid process, which develops as a complication of otitis media).

At the same time, due to the underdevelopment of the nasal sinuses, the development of most sinusitis in infants is impossible.

Diseases of the ENT organs in children often occur in an acute form. They have a violent onset with symptoms of severe intoxication, high fever and rapid development of complications. Therefore, it is important for parents to notice the signs of the disease in their child in time and seek help from a specialist.

Diagnosis of diseases of ENT organs

Diseases of the ENT organs, the treatment of which requires a competent approach, must be correctly diagnosed, otherwise the therapy may not give the desired effect.

Often, to clarify the diagnosis, a specialist has to simultaneously apply several diagnostic methods at the same time.

The main diagnostic methods for diseases of the ENT organs are:

Questioning and examination of the patient;

Laboratory research methods (blood, urine, microscopic examination of secretions from the nose, ears and throat, and so on);

Instrumental methods (otoscopy, bronchoscopy, pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy);


Diseases of ENT organs: treatment

Therapy of diseases of the throat, ears and nose should be comprehensive. In the treatment, both therapeutic (medication, physiotherapy) and surgical methods are used.

In recent decades, minimally invasive endoscopic and laser methods for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs have become very popular.

Many medical experts say that the time has come for new approaches to the treatment of various diseases. They say that, first of all, it is necessary to support the patient's immune system, which in a normal state is able to independently cope with most foreign agents.

That is why, along with traditional treatment, it is recommended to use drugs to strengthen the immune system, immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Perhaps the most effective and safe drug from this group is Transfer Factor.

What diseases of the ENT organs can be treated with it? Everything! The composition of the Transfer Factor contains special immune particles, which, when entering the body, have the following effect:

  • quickly restore immune protection and normalize metabolic processes;
  • enhance the effect of co-administered drugs;
  • neutralize the side effects of other drugs.

Prevention of diseases of ENT organs

Diseases of the ENT organs, the symptoms and methods of treatment of which are described above, can be prevented. In order to reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the ENT organs to a minimum, the following recommendations should be observed:

Strengthen the body's immune defenses by taking Transfer Factor;

Avoid physical and mental overstrain;

Lead an active lifestyle, walk more, play sports;

To refuse from bad habits;

Do not overcool;

Harden your body;

Avoid stress whenever possible;

Observe the regime of work and rest.

A person receives information from the surrounding world with the help of the organs of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, which deliver all the important information to the brain.

Violation of the functioning of the ENT organs is often considered the cause of not only diseases of a general nature, but also a violation of the individual development of a person, which limits his abilities. Indeed, the ear, larynx and pharynx, nose, together with paranasal sinuses, work as a whole: a disease of one organ can affect the state of another, affecting certain systems of the body.

Let's see what ENT organs are:

  • Pharynx- This is a plexus of the oral, laryngeal and nasal parts. There are also tonsils in the pharynx, which can become inflamed with certain diseases of this organ.
  • nasal cavity lined with a mucous membrane, connected with the help of narrow holes with the frontal and maxillary sinuses;
  • human ear consists of three sections: internal, middle and external. The inner part of the ear consists of a sound and vestibular analyzer. The middle section contains the tympanic cavity and auditory ossicles, as well as the Eustachian tube and mastoid process. The outer part of the ear consists of the auricle and the external auditory meatus.

Otolaryngology - a branch of medicine about the treatment of ENT organs

Otolaryngology is a special section in clinical medicine that studies diseases of the ears, throat and nose, and also includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of this group of organs. The disease of these three organs is not without reason combined into one group, this is due to their functional dependence and anatomical proximity, as well as the fact that diseases that affect one of these organs have the ability to spread to another organ.

Otolaryngology is a union of three disciplines: otology, laryngology and rhinology.

An otolaryngologist is a doctor who specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. An otolaryngologist is a specialty that includes the skills of a surgeon and a therapist. In certain cases, the otolaryngologist performs surgical operations. The scope of an otolaryngologist involves the treatment of diseases associated with the cavity of the ear, throat, nose.

Treatment of ENT diseases

The specialists of the ENT-Asthma clinic have extensive experience in the effective and painless treatment of ENT diseases in both children and adults. Experienced otolaryngologists use a unique non-surgical method of treating diseases in their work.

Ears, throat and nose have a close anatomical relationship, so the study of the pathologies of these three organs is the science of otolaryngology. ENT organs work as a single mechanism, an inflammatory process, for example, in the throat can provoke inflammation in the ear.

General information about ENT diseases

There are hundreds of diseases of the ear, throat and nose, they are diagnosed in all age categories of the population. ENT diseases are a frequent companion of children attending kindergarten, adults who are forced to stay for a long time among a large crowd of people, elderly people with weakened immune systems. In the clinics of diseases of the ear, throat and nose, they treat the following pathologies:

  • adenoiditis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis
  • laryngitis, rhinitis, eustachitis, sinusitis
  • external, internal, otitis media
  • , frontal
  • allergic rhinitis, Meniere's disease

The modern clinic for diseases of the ear, throat and nose has diagnostic and surgical equipment that allows you to remove foreign bodies from the throat, ears or nose, stop nosebleeds, remove polyps and other neoplasms.

An experienced otolaryngologist, based on the clinical picture, diagnoses the corresponding disease and prescribes treatment for ear, nose and throat diseases.

Symptoms of ENT diseases

The cause of most diseases of the organs of vision, hearing and breathing are respiratory infections. A decrease in local immunity in the autumn-winter period, sudden changes in temperature, hypothermia, contact with an infected patient - all these conditions contribute to the development of ENT diseases.

Symptoms of diseases are usually more pronounced in children, but they also bring a lot of discomfort to adults:

  • sore throat, pain when swallowing, plaque on the tonsils
  • loss of smell, hearing, nasal congestion
  • sneezing, dry nose
  • snoring in children and adults
  • acute ear pain, tinnitus

In addition to the above signs, any painful discomfort in the nasopharynx, the presence of symptoms of intoxication (weakness, aches in the joints, fever) indicate the need to treat diseases of the ear, throat and nose.

Treatment of ENT organs

To prevent the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to contact a qualified otolaryngologist.

Modern methods of treating the nose and throat, as well as the ears, include:

  • Medical therapy. Drugs aimed at eliminating, removing puffiness, painkillers are prescribed for each case of ENT diseases. In case of accession of a bacterial infection resort to antibiotic therapy.
  • hardware procedures. Physiological procedures based on the use of electrophoresis, magnetic field, heat, ultraviolet radiation are used both as an independent method and in complex therapy.
  • Inhalations. No nose and throat treatment is complete without inhalation therapy. Inhalation of drugs allows faster penetration into the mucous membranes and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Operational intervention. It is used as a radical method, in case of a threat to the life of the patient or complications irreparable to health. Most often, this is the removal of adenoids or palatine tonsils in children, polyps in adults.

From this section Diseases of the ear, throat, nose, you will learn:

  • About what are the diseases of the ENT organs
  • About what symptoms indicate the development of ENT disease
  • About what therapy is used for diseases of the ear, throat and nose

After all, a seemingly frivolous disease can lead to serious complications!

Ear, nose and throat diseases

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Ear, nose and throat diseases

How acute otitis media proceeds, treatment of stages of pathology

ENT organs are several anatomical structures, they are interconnected. These include the organ of hearing, the cavity of the throat and nose. Additionally, this area includes the paranasal sinuses. ENT diseases are often accompanied by complications, long periods of recovery.

It is important that all structures are interconnected and the pathological process from one organ can move to another. This is the main feature of ENT diseases.

What are the types of diseases?

Typical symptoms of ENT diseases:

  • snore;
  • gradual hearing loss
  • pain of various localization;
  • feeling of nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • cough;
  • bleeding of the nose and ear;
  • difficulty breathing, decreased sense of smell and nasal voice.

All these symptoms indicate pathological changes in the organs from the ENT system. Therefore, it is necessary to understand where the manifestations come from, what diseases they are talking about.


The formation of snoring occurs due to diseases of the nasal cavity. In this case, we are talking about obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. It is formed more often in women and in people suffering from overweight.

Snoring is a rather serious symptom that indicates respiratory failure, the acute form appears during sleep. It leads to diseases such as. During sleep, a snorer periodically stops breathing for a while. The body, compensating for this, raises the pressure and develops tachycardia.

Gradual hearing loss

Manifestation of deafness due to chronic ear diseases

Hearing loss occurs with ear pathology, these include acute and chronic diseases.

Inflammation of the middle ear, called. It can be complicated by a disease of the eardrum. In this case, the defeat of the membrane occurs as a complication of otitis media.

Hearing loss is often caused by traumatic ear damage. More often the tympanic membrane suffers with development. In this case, the patient will have permanent hearing loss.

Pain in the ear


Cough as a symptom does not apply to the pathology of the ENT organs. Cough occurs when sputum enters the bronchial cavity and irritates the receptors in them. From there, the signal goes to the brain, the situation leads to the development of a cough.

In another variant, coughing indicates the pathology of the internal organs, and sometimes indicates the appearance of a tumor. In this case, such a symptom occurs when the vagus nerve is compressed.

Labored breathing

A common cause of difficulty breathing is chronic rhinitis or. In this case, there is a constant swelling of the mucosa and the formation of a barrier to the exit of mucus through the natural anastomosis.

The nasality of the voice

Such a symptom is formed in the pathology of the nasal passages and the throat cavity. The causes include chronic inflammation of the mucosa of the organ. This group includes rhinitis, a violation occurs in combination with other symptoms.

Olfactory disorder

The sense of smell is the ability of a person to distinguish different smells. Decreased sense of smell occurs with pathology of the organ and paranasal sinuses. The most common cause is a deviated septum or chronic rhinitis. Increased sense of smell is associated with diseases of the nervous system.

Bleeding from the nose and ear

Such symptoms occur in chronic inflammatory diseases of the relevant organs. These include:

  • otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • perforation of the tympanic membrane.

Bleeding occurs in the absence of modern treatment.

Nosebleeds can be the cause of neglected ENT diseases

Causes of organ diseases

The causes of the development of diseases of the ENT organs are of an infectious nature in most cases. These include the following infections:

  • streptococcal and staphylococcal;
  • fungal infection;
  • virus particles.

The causes of the formation of ear diseases are bacterial flora. Development factors are local hypothermia and decreased immunity. The pathology of the ear canal often occurs as a complication or acute tonsillitis.

The etiological factor in the formation of the pathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses is a bacterial and viral infection. With a sharply reduced immunity, the fungal flora becomes the cause. called rhinitis. It can be acute and become chronic.

It is important that rhinitis is rarely formed as an independent nosological unit, in most cases it is an accompaniment of SARS or tonsillitis.

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs due to the overlap of the natural fistula between the sinus and nose. Under normal conditions, accumulated mucus from the sinuses is removed through this opening.

When closing, anaerobic conditions are created in the cavity, such a process leads to the development of anaerobic flora, which is pathogenic for the human body. A similar mechanism provokes the development of sinusitis, and labyrinthitis. The causes are chronic rhinitis and deviated septum.

Sore throat occurs due to a decrease in local immunity, a violation is a condition for the development of tonsillitis or tonsillitis. Against the background of reduced immunity, pathogenic flora is activated, which becomes the cause of diseases.

What are the symptoms?

For diseases of the ear, throat and nose, almost the same symptoms are characteristic. General symptoms will occur with the pathology of the throat and nose. A characteristic manifestation will be pain, of a permanent nature. If this is a pathology of the nose, then the pain will be localized in the region of the bridge of the nose or given to the frontal part.

Sore throat is one of the symptoms of ENT diseases

Sore throat pain occurs when swallowing. Characteristic is perspiration in the pharyngeal cavity, enlargement of the tonsils and lymph nodes. When examining the oral cavity, attention is drawn to the pronounced hyperemia of the pharynx and tonsils. With a bacterial infection, purulent overlays appear on the surface of the tonsils.

The pathology of the nasal passages is accompanied not only by pain, but also by respiratory failure. There is a nasal voice that speaks and a throat lesion. At the same time, there is a feeling of perspiration and gnashing in the throat.

The pathology of the organ of hearing is accompanied by a decrease in hearing or its complete absence. Appears as an independent disease or complication of pathology of the throat. In children, the development of otitis is associated with poorly cured tonsillitis.

The development of otitis is acute, it is accompanied by pain in the ears, sometimes there may be discharge from the ear cavity. This indicates damage to the eardrum. The same is true for bleeding.

Relationship between organs

All ENT organs and systems are interconnected due to the anatomical structure of a person.

The nose is the entrance gate of air. It warms and purifies the inhaled air. The epithelium in the cavity is represented by cylinders and cilia. In addition to the respiratory function, the organ provides odor recognition, a resonant function in the formation of speech, and a protective one.

Left and right, it is surrounded by paranasal sinuses, cavities play a role in breathing and the formation of speech.

The cavity itself is in connection with the pharynx. The choanae enter the oral cavity, they are easy to notice when examined by an otorhinolaryngologist in the case of posterior rhinoscopy.

The pharynx is a kind of funnel, it is connected to the mouth with one part, and also has a connection with the nose. It performs the function of the respiratory organ and the formation of the voice. Going down, she goes into the trachea. Anatomically, these two structures are connected to the ear through the internal auditory meatus. The passage consists of three sections.

ENT organs are three anatomical structures interconnected. That is why a violation of one often provokes a complication of the work of another system. Such knowledge should be used for correct diagnosis and encourage patients to seek medical advice without self-medication.

Video: ENT diseases

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