Dog snoring in sleep: norm or pathology. Why does a dog snore in his sleep (veil palatine hyperplasia) A toy terrier dog snores heavily

A quarter of dogs regularly snore during sleep. In some cases, this phenomenon is absolutely normal, but sometimes it is a symptom of one of the diseases. In order not to harm your pet and help to cope with this phenomenon, you should understand why the dog snores in his sleep. This will allow you to take the necessary steps to fix the problem.

Dogs that belong to the brachycephalic variety (, etc.) periodically snore and not only in their sleep. This is due to the anatomical structure of their short muzzle, in which the laryngeal sacs are everted and the soft palate is slightly elongated.

Many brachycephalic dogs, such as the Pug or the French Bulldog, snore in their sleep.

With regards to these breeds, snoring during sleep is normal. But even in this case, you need to ensure that the strength of snoring does not increase, because this can be a sign of a disease.

The reasons that cause snoring are related to the characteristics of the respiratory system. And, if in the case of this variety of dog breeds, the respiratory system is initially designed in such a way that it makes sounds when breathing, then in the case of other breeds, only a veterinarian can often eliminate breathing problems.

Important: the scent of dogs is very sensitive, therefore it is very important to ensure that the room is always ventilated and there are no harsh odors in it.

Before drawing conclusions about the abnormality of snoring, one should observe the pet and understand how snoring is connected with its vital activity. This is very important, because only such an approach will help you understand what to do in this situation.

Perhaps the animal snores only at the moment when it sees a dream or in a certain position. Often snoring can be observed if the dog is sleeping on his back or curled up in a ball. Such manifestations are also normal, but you should also know those that indicate a dog's disease.

Snoring can be normal, but sometimes it indicates some medical condition.

Snoring as a symptom of illness

If there is a suspicion that snoring has become an unnatural manifestation for the animal, then it is better to make sure that there are no diseases. The presence of the disease may be accompanied by depression of the animal, weakness and blanching of the mucous membrane. Why a dog snores may be a symptom of the following list of diseases.

Mucosal edema

Mucous swells,. You can identify such a disease by regular sneezing, nasal discharge, redness of the eyes and the release of tear fluid from the eyes. If the pet also has a cough, then this is already an advanced form of the disease.

Coughing indicates that swelling is present in the throat, and this is fraught with pneumonia and bronchitis. In such a situation, snoring in a dream will be observed constantly, plus characteristic wheezing will be heard.

You can help your pet with the help of antihistamines that stop the swelling. But after that, without fail, you need to visit a veterinarian. You also need to find out what provokes such a reaction.


You can not neglect such a fact as obesity. Even a slight excess of the norm of weight for an animal can become a very big problem. Being overweight puts unwanted pressure on your internal organs.

Being overweight puts unwanted pressure on your internal organs, which can lead to snoring.

Not only respiratory processes suffer from this, but also the heart, liver and metabolic processes. Organ tissues swell and lead to snoring. In such a situation, you need to balance the dog's diet and bring its weight back to normal.


This disease is caused by many factors. This can be regular inhalation of smoke from cigarettes, flavors, ecology, heart disease, and many others. Asthma can be recognized by attacks of suffocation, which are manifested as an attempt by the animal to take in some air.

In this case, the dog stretches its neck and tilts its head with an open mouth. Such a pathology can be treated only with the help of medicines, which should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Urolithiasis disease

When, then this promises a displacement of the internal organs. The dog feels pain and in addition begins to snore not only in sleep, but also when awake. While awake, wheezing may be heard.

The cause of snoring in dogs can be urolithiasis.


In order to understand how to eliminate the manifestation of snoring in an animal, it is worth knowing in which case it is a pathology.

If the dog snores very strongly and for a long time, it is necessary to examine it at the veterinarian in order to detect the disease in time.
  1. If the dog breed belongs to the brachycephalic variety, then increased snoring will be an alarm signal. In some cases, this manifestation may pass spontaneously.
  2. If snoring continues for a sufficiently long period, then it is better to contact a veterinarian and analyze all possible provoking causes.

Important: sometimes snoring appears due to the presence of a foreign body in the nasopharynx.

  1. Do not smoke or spray air fresheners, perfumes or other strong odors in the room in which the animal mainly lives. They can not only cause an allergic reaction in a dog, but also harm the animal's sense of smell.
  2. Create a favorable psychological atmosphere and eliminate all kinds of stressful factors.
  3. Follow a specific feeding regimen that will include a balanced amount of nutrients. Avoid overweight.
  4. Walking a dog is best done where there are no flowering herbs and trees, mold fungi, and as far as possible from highways.

We offer you to watch a video of how a dog snores.

Snoring in humans is a fairly common occurrence. But the question, it seems incomprehensible to many. For some animals, this may be normal, while for others it may be an indicator of health problems. Therefore, it is important to look closely at your four-legged friend to determine the extent to which the dog is uncomfortable with the fact that he snores during sleep.

Normal or health issues?

There are some breeds of dogs called brachiocephalic. These include pugs, bulldogs, boxers, Pekingese, bullmastiff, chow chow and a number of other breeds. Their peculiarity lies in the atypical structure of the nasopharynx in comparison with other dogs - a flatter larynx, the soft palate is elongated, and the nose is slightly shorter than usual. It is this nasopharynx that impedes the passage of air, forcing these breeds of dogs to snore during sleep.

You need to start worrying when a sudden stoppage of breathing in a dog becomes noticeable in a dream. She seems to hold her breath for a few seconds, and then takes a deep breath, over and over again. This cessation of breathing occurs due to a sinking larynx, especially if the dog's favorite sleeping position is lying on its back. For this reason, those dogs who have powerful fat folds in the neck or are overweight snore more than others. Such pauses in breathing are dangerous due to a lack of oxygen and even possible cardiac arrest, so if snoring in a brachiocephalic dog has turned into breath holding, do not hesitate to go to the veterinarian.

What can cause snoring

If the dog's muzzle has a quite typical shape and the animal has never snored before, then the appearance of such a symptom is a reason to visit a veterinarian. Snoring can signal the presence of swelling of the mucous membranes, allergies, the presence of a foreign body in the nasopharynx, or the accumulation of a large amount of mucus due to a cold. Snoring can be an indicator of developing cardiovascular insufficiency, and over time, without treatment, it develops into a severe cough, and the animal begins to get very worried and sleep very badly.

An unpleasant phenomenon can also be caused by the reaction of the dog's body to frequent exposure to household chemicals and aerosols. Usually such a reaction develops into an allergy, lacrimation appears. More serious reasons are also possible - for example, the appearance of neoplasms in the nasal passages that interfere with breathing, or heart disease due to the dog's obesity. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor on time to identify health problems at an early stage and eliminate them in time.

By the way, although a very rare, but still occurring cause of snoring is the dog’s lack of a comfortable place to sleep. If the animal constantly has to sleep curled up, not being able to lie on its side and stretch out its paws, this can also significantly impede breathing and interfere with the animal's proper rest. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance that your four-legged friend can sleep comfortably in a comfortable, warm and sufficient place.

Pet owners know that in certain cases, the dog begins to snore during sleep. This physiological process is perceived by many as a natural phenomenon, but in fact it is often provoked by diseases. In order to understand what caused the development of snoring, you need to analyze the process of its occurrence, as well as possible additional symptoms that accompany it.

Dog snoring is a common occurrence that can result from several different causes. The main and most common of them are:

  1. Natural weakening of the muscular muscles of the pharynx during sleep. This is most common in older pets.
  2. Wrong bite. It can interfere with the dog's normal breathing.
  3. Excessively linked jaws in a dream of a pet.
  4. Very plump neck. In this situation, adipose tissue presses on the airways and makes them much narrower.
  5. Runny nose or mild nasal congestion.
  6. Dropping the tongue into the throat. The process of inhaling and exhaling air provokes vibration and also causes snoring.
  7. Overweight.
  8. Allergic reaction. The main symptom is excessive secretion of mucus from the nose.
  9. The presence of cigarette smoke where the pet sleeps.

Important! When a dog has problems breathing while sleeping, it is important to determine the factor that caused the problem to develop.

natural phenomenon

Some breeds are genetically predisposed to snoring. This applies, first of all, to animals with a brachycephalic skull (these are pugs, Pekingese and many others). These dogs differ from all others in the specific design of the skull, which determines the narrowed nasal passages. As a result, breathing becomes much more difficult. Even a slight runny nose leads to wheezing. In addition, even in a healthy state, the dog can sometimes make wheezing sounds during sleep. In this case, such a physiological sign is considered normal, which is why it does not require appropriate treatment.

Separately, it is worth noting that brachycephalic dog breeds are those types of animals that are prone to certain diseases. This applies to heart disease, excess weight and asthma. That is why it is extremely important to conduct a correct diagnosis of a pet in order to distinguish a serious illness from a natural physiological process.

Before you panic because your dog is snoring, you need to watch him for a while. The main symptoms of a compressed or overly relaxed airway are signs such as:

  • sniffle;
  • growl;
  • Loud snoring;
  • anxiety, etc.

In the vast majority of cases, the above symptoms appear due to a poorly accepted posture in a dream or a rather unpleasant dream.

Important! Experts have determined that certain medications help to relax the airways. First of all, sedatives or analgesics have such a side effect.

Some animals are overly impressionable. Strong experiences during the day sometimes lead to snoring at night during sleep. Unfavorable symptoms in such cases disappear on their own, as soon as the pet calms down completely.

Video - Why does the dog grunt, wheeze, snore, choke and cough?

Snoring, which is a symptom of the disease

The main disease of brachycephalic dogs that leads to snoring concerns excessive thickening of the soft palate. This disease in veterinary medicine is called hyperplasia. This pathology affects not only problems with the respiratory system, but also the appearance of suffocation in a dream. Most often, this occurs in breeds such as boxers, pugs, bulldogs, and chins.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, the owner of the dog needs to seek help from a veterinarian. The latter should conduct a thorough examination of the animal, take the appropriate blood and urine tests, and examine the pet's gases. Depending on the results of the study, one of the following decisions is made:

  • leaving hyperplasia without appropriate medical intervention;
  • carrying out the operation.

If a dog of a brachycephalic breed snores for a long time or makes sounds similar to grunting, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. In such animals, often, in addition to hyperplasia, other problems are also diagnosed - overweight or heart overload.

Some common triggers for snoring

Pet snoring is not always a natural phenomenon. It can be quite dangerous in the following cases:

In all of the above cases, it is imperative to seek help from a veterinary clinic. It is extremely important to correctly diagnose, since the elimination of different pathologies is carried out in completely different ways.

Ways to treat dog snoring

In cases where the diagnosis of the animal has shown that it is healthy, it is necessary to analyze the conditions in which the pet lives. It is in them that the problem lies in this situation.

It is also necessary to further review the diet of the animal. If necessary, it can be transferred to the appropriate diet prescribed by the veterinarian. In addition, you should definitely determine the level of humidity in the room where the pet sleeps. Air temperature is another important parameter. Sometimes snoring indicates excessive dryness in the room.

You also need to pay attention to the position in which the dog sleeps. In order for the pet to stop grunting and snoring, in some cases it is enough to shift it on its side, while stretching its paws. In this situation, the body relaxes and the pressure on the chest decreases.

You should analyze the places where the dog usually spends time. First of all, it concerns walking on the street. In these places there are often flowers or grass. Their pollen in some cases causes an allergic reaction. In addition, certain chemicals provoke a corresponding problem. With their help, bedding or toys can be processed. Pathogens are also sometimes found in low-quality plastics that can be used to make bowls or other pet items.

Algorithm of actions for snoring in a pet

In order to get rid of an unpleasant physiological phenomenon of an animal, such as snoring, you must perform the following list of actions:

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the comfort of the bed.
  2. In the case when the dog takes any medications, they should be noted.
  3. If you suspect an allergic reaction, you can change your pet's resting place, adjust the diet and replace your favorite toys.
  4. The process of walking the dog must be carried out in places where there is no significant air pollution with hazardous substances. This applies to both vehicle exhaust gases and gases that are distributed around large enterprises.
  5. If the pet has excessive weight, it is imperative to get rid of it. This can be done through diet and appropriate exercise.

Important! If you follow all of the above rules, you can completely get rid of the dog's snoring in a dream, or significantly reduce the severity of this physiological phenomenon.


There are many different causes of dog snoring during sleep. Some of them are quite harmless, others are very dangerous. That is why it is extremely important to pay attention to the first signs of pathology in time. They should push to contact a qualified clinic for an appropriate examination and clarification of an accurate diagnosis. Only in this case, subsequent therapy will be effective.

A dog that snores can make life miserable for some owners. Dog snoring, like any other pet, is not considered cute and interesting by anyone, but it still remains a poorly understood phenomenon. Some dogs snore from a very early age and throughout their lives, but others begin to snore as they get older or gain weight.

What is snoring?

Snoring is a low, rattling sound that accompanies breathing during sleep and is caused by partial obstruction of air movement through the soft palate and uvula at the back of the throat. This creates a vibration that causes the characteristic snoring sound. A dog can snore very quietly, barely audible, or very loudly, depending on the degree of obstruction and sleep phase.

Causes of snoring

There are many possible causes of snoring, and sometimes it can be caused by a combination of several factors. The most common physical causes of snoring in dogs are:

  • Weak throat muscles that cause it to partially close when the dog sleeps.
  • Tight jaw muscles or malocclusion.
  • Fat folds around the throat.
  • Obstruction or blockage in the nasal passages.
  • Retraction of the tongue in the throat, which partially obstructs the airways and leads to snoring.
  • Sleep apnea - can lead to situations where the dog stops breathing altogether for short periods of time. When the dog starts the next breath, it may pass as if he is suddenly choking, which generates strong snoring sounds.

Determining the root cause of snoring is an important part of diagnosing and treating snoring. It will help determine if the dog needs treatment or is not cause for concern.

Brachycephalic dogs and breathing

It is important to note that virtually all brachycephalic dogs snore. These dogs are distinguished by very short muzzles, as, for example, in German boxers, pugs and many other breeds. Because these dogs have such short muzzles and a very short soft palate, this often results in snoring due to stenotic nostrils, an elongated soft palate, or everted laryngeal pouches. Two or even all three causes of snoring can often be found in many brachycephalic dogs.

However, the severity of snoring varies from case to case and rarely requires surgery. Some dogs breathe fairly well despite snoring, but those dogs that have difficulty breathing may suffer from both snoring and shortness of breath during sleep. In severe cases, veterinary intervention may be required to correct the cause of the problem and make the dog's breathing easier.

Other causes of snoring

If your dog is not a brachycephalic, it can be difficult to identify the cause of his snoring.

The most common cause of snoring in dogs (especially if the snoring starts as the dog ages) is their weight gain and decreased level of physical activity. If the dog is overweight, this can lead to snoring, which is caused by airway obstruction and fat accumulation around the throat. Therefore, if you find that your dog has begun to snore or his snoring is getting worse and he is overweight, then the first priority should be to increase the amount of exercise the dog should receive on a regular basis. You will likely find that snoring goes away on its own as your dog's overweight decreases as a result of a suitable feeding regimen or an increase in his activity level.

If your dog seems to hold its breath during sleep for ten seconds or more and does not breathe, and then makes a deep panting entry, then this may be a case of sleep apnea. This disorder can be very dangerous as it disrupts your dog's natural sleep patterns, so it's important to take him to the veterinarian.

Sometimes even healthy dogs without any problems can snore intermittently if they have a cough or some airway or mucosal obstruction. These disorders most often go away on their own and do not require veterinary care.

Other causes of snoring, such as uneven jaws or weak throat muscles, may be more difficult to diagnose and may require some specific diagnostic tests.

Should I be concerned if my dog ​​snores?

Snoring in many dogs is just a minor problem caused by a minor flaw in their anatomy. Therefore, a snoring dog can live quite happily without any negative health effects. However, if the snoring is very loud, especially with difficulty breathing, then the dog may need to be examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause of the disorder.

Owners of brachycephalic type dogs should definitely take the animal to the veterinarian before buying to check for any potential breathing problems.

Dog snoring - video

Allergies can be caused by new foods, flowering plants, air fresheners, or household cleaners. Some breeds of dogs are born with excess tissue around their throats, which can make breathing difficult under certain circumstances.

There are breeds that are more prone to snoring than others. As a rule, these are short-nosed dogs that have problems with free breathing. Their overly short airways are more susceptible to blockages. These are breeds such as:

  • boston terrier,
  • american bulldog,
  • boxer,
  • bullmastiff,
  • brussels Griffon,
  • chow chow,
  • english Mastiff,
  • English bulldog,
  • French Bulldog,
  • english spaniel,
  • Pekingese, Japanese Spaniel,
  • pug,
  • shar pei,
  • st bernard,
  • Shih Tzu and some other breeds.

For them, snoring is considered normal. Dogs taking muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, and pain medications may also snore. Their dog muscles relax to such an extent that they can block their airways, causing an obstruction and hence snoring. If the dog likes to sleep on his back, he may snore too, and also if he is forced to constantly curl up.

What to do when a dog snores?

  1. First of all, you need to take care of a comfortable sleeping place, where the animal can comfortably lie on its side, stretching out its paws.
  2. If the animal began to snore after taking some medications, it is necessary to see a veterinarian so that possible side effects can be ruled out.
  3. If there is a suspicion of an allergy, you need to analyze the dog's diet and monitor the cleanliness of the house, ventilate the rooms more often.
  4. The dog should be walked in areas with low air pollution, where there is no mold and plants with pollen.
  5. If your dog is overweight, it's time to take care of getting rid of it. Losing excess neck fat can make your dog's breathing easier.

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