Inhalations when coughing for adults and children - indications and contraindications, rules for conducting. Herbs, essential oils and medicines for inhalation when coughing. If the child is afraid of the procedure. Barking cough - inhalation

During the period infectious diseases, in which a runny nose or cough occurs, a person feels discomfort.

For relief and speedy recovery, modern medicine proposes to add inhalations to the main treatment. But in order to purchase an inhaler for children from cough and runny nose, you need to get advice from the attending specialist, because these devices are sold according to the age of the child.

There are four types of cough and cold inhalers:

  • Ultrasonic;
  • Steam;
  • Electronic mesh;
  • Compressor (jet).

More detailed information will be described below about each of the types of inhalers and their working principle.

All of the above devices for inhalation belong to the group of nebulizers, except for steam ones. Inhalations with cough and runny nose with a nebulizer have double effect, that is, when using an inhaler, the patient receives medicine and inhales water vapor, which helps to remove inflammation in the airways.

This method of inhalation is the inhalation of vapor, which is obtained by evaporating liquid medicinal product poured into a special tank. Only volatile liquids are used for steam inhalers, the temperature of which at boiling is below one hundred degrees (mainly essential oil).

This inhaler for cough and runny nose allows you to as soon as possible get rid of unpleasant symptoms, moreover, it is easy to use at home.

Electronic inhalers

Nebulizers of the electronic mesh group allow the use of a wide range of medicines belonging to the group of mucolytics and antibiotics for inhalation with a runny nose and cough. Under the action of such a device, low-frequency spraying of liquid medicinal particles occurs.

The drug in the form of an aerosol with small particles, when inhaled, penetrates into the lungs and bronchi. Quick effect when using an ultrasonic nebulizer, it is achieved due to the fact that the medicine breaks up into crushed particles. For spraying, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used, as well as alkaline solutions(for example, Essentuki mineral water). Some of the ultrasonic inhalers are used in bedridden patients and during sleep.

This type of inhaler is similar in use to an ultrasonic nebulizer. They differ in size and producing sounds. Compressor or jet inhalers are large and produce a noisy sound during operation. The advantage of such an inhaler is the possibility of using all existing liquids for inhalation.

Some tips before using the nebulizer:

  • Inhalations are not carried out immediately after a meal;
  • At elevated temperature inhalation bodies do not;
  • For the treatment of upper respiratory tract, vapors are inhaled through the nose using a face mask;
  • A special tube is used to treat the lower respiratory tract;
  • If the infection is localized in the throat, then the vapors are inhaled only by mouth, using a mask.

Contraindicated in nebulizers to use oil solutions, since pneumonia can develop during the inhalation of these vapors.

Advantages of the inhalation method: when treating with steam, a person does not experience pain; the drug enters directly into the lower respiratory tract. This makes it possible to get rid of cough and runny nose much faster, and also helps to avoid complications.

The patient can carry out inhalation independently, without the help of a medical specialist.

In addition to the above, we can add that everyone needs inhalers and is indispensable in the treatment of cough and runny nose.

Without any doubt, and this has been proven by practical medicine, inhalation for the treatment of cough is the most gentle and safe, and most importantly, an effective method of treating inflammatory diseases. colds upper respiratory tract, which allows you to very quickly alleviate the patient's condition. We are always trying to cure a cold with pills, potions and injections, without thinking about the fact that they all have side effects and effects. Medical therapy- very effective and at the same time, unsafe. If there are no complications, then it will always be more correct to start treating the disease with folk methods, in particular, with the help of inhalations.

Inhalations are very ancient method when used to treat allergic and inflammatory diseases respiratory system. At the first signs of the disease, the use of therapeutic inhalations can greatly reduce the painful period, facilitate sputum production, mitigate the pathological process, reduce the severity of coughing and quickly approach full recovery.

Before continuing reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to check out site section Book after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

Why do you need inhalation during a cough?

The term "inhalation" comes from the Italian word ihalo, which means "I breathe in" in translation. This procedure can have a therapeutic effect or a prophylactic one, because for inhalation it is not at all necessary to inhale medicinal substances. Remember what positive and favorable influence is inhaled into the body sea ​​air or the healing aroma of a coniferous forest. This is the real natural or natural inhalation.

Colds, which are accompanied by a dry, hacking cough or, conversely, difficult to separate sputum, have a different approach to treatment. But almost always, the use of inhalations is shown, which can be carried out using the old "old-fashioned" methods or using a modern inhalation device - a nebulizer. The inhalation technique for coughing in both cases has common features, then which implies irrigation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract while the patient inhales vapors containing medications or medicinal extracts of medicinal herbs.

Medicinal solutions for inhalation when coughing are inhaled in a vapor state and immediately act on the inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, covering very large areas of them, starting from the larynx and ending with the surface of the bronchioles. At the same time, some drugs can penetrate the circulatory system, but this method has shown much greater efficiency than the oral administration of drugs using the usual mixtures, tinctures and tablets for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

What types of inhalations are used for coughing during a cold?

Inhalations can be further divided into two types - natural and artificial inhalation. The natural way is to inhale clean air filled with phytoncides, microelements and many others. beneficial substances, which are contained in the purest air of mountains, sea coasts, coniferous and deciduous forests. This type of inhalation is more related to therapeutic and prophylactic, because it has a mild effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, increases the overall tone of the body and immunity, helps fight chronic respiratory diseases, and has general strengthening properties.

The second type involves the use of drugs for inhalation for coughing and specialized devices for inhalation of their administration into the upper respiratory tract. artificial method inhalations can be used not only in physiotherapy rooms of polyclinics, but also in normal home conditions.

Several types of inhalations are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. At home, steam inhalation during a cough is considered the simplest method. To do this, it is enough to add a medicine to boiling water, which, together with microparticles of steam, enters the throat, larynx, trachea, etc.

Inhalations are often used using oily solutions - essential oils. There is a dry inhalation method, during which the cough medicine for inhalation is initially dissolved in water, and after that the resulting inhalation solution is mixed with heated dry air. During the inhalation of such vapors, water evaporates rather quickly, so only particles of a dry drug enter the lungs. The third method is wet inhalation of vapors, which are formed when the medicinal solution is converted into an aerosol, which is very similar to fog.

There is another type of therapeutic inhalation - this is aeroioninhalation or aeroionotherapy, when positively or negatively charged air particles - water or air ions - are introduced into the body. The greatest positive effect from the point of view of medicine will bring inhalation of negatively charged ions.

In the treatment of cough in children, ultrasonic inhalation is often used, which has several advantages. This technique is based on the "crushing" of medicinal inhalation solutions by ultrasound for further delivery of the smallest particles into the respiratory system. Such aerosols penetrate very deeply, but for this it is necessary to use special ultrasonic inhalers.

Depending on what temperature of healing solutions is used for inhalation treatment of cough, the following types are distinguished:

  • wet - up to 30 ° C;
  • warm-moist - up to 40 ° C;
  • steam - up to 45 ° C.

We will talk in more detail in this article about the use of inhalation for coughing in children and adults, as well as about how to do inhalation for coughing, and which drugs to use for this, depending on whether there is sputum separation or not, we will talk in more detail in this article.

Contraindications for the use of inhalation cough treatment

Almost all diseases of the respiratory system are accompanied by a cough - dry or wet. Cough is a defensive reaction of the body, aimed at removing foreign objects, a large number infected sputum from the lungs and bronchi. Although very often the cough takes on a hacking dry character. In this case, it does not have a protective function, but is simply a consequence of irritation of inflamed mucous membranes. Due to the fact that cough is one of the main symptoms of respiratory diseases, and treating cough with inhalation is a fairly popular method, we will first understand which diseases can be treated and which cannot be treated using this effective method.

In no case should you resort to a therapeutic inhalation method of treatment if the patient has:

  • an increase in body temperature over 37.5 ° C;
  • epistaxis, hemoptysis and bleeding tendency in general;
  • individual intolerance and allergy to the medicinal substance used in the inhalation solution for the treatment of cough;
  • serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system- heart failure and hypertension III degree, conditions during and after myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke , cerebral atherosclerosis with disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • severe diseases of the respiratory system - respiratory failure of the III degree, bullous emphysema, giant cavities, recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax.

Before carrying out inhalations, it is better to consult with your doctor in order to clarify whether there are any contraindications for the use of inhalation treatment for dry and wet cough in each individual case.

In all other cases, the inhalation method is indicated for the treatment respiratory diseases. Inhalations are shown for coughing and for pregnant women, it is only necessary to use drugs that are not prohibited for treatment during fetal development. In addition to colds and inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory system, inhalations for allergic coughs are popular and extremely effective, which are considered the main method of administering a medication.

As mentioned above, cough inhalations are also used in children, but the limitation is age limit. It is recommended to use the inhalation method for children older than 2 years, when the child is able to be aware of his actions and follow the instructions of his parents.

What kind of cough should be treated with inhalation?

The above listed diseases and conditions in which treatment with inhalation is strictly contraindicated. And now consider the list of diseases and the principles for which cough inhalation is done. Of course, first of all, this group of diseases includes acute respiratory diseases, chronic inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract, for example, bronchitis, chronic pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, etc.

Most often, inhalations are used for dry cough during acute laryngitis, which occurs against the background of SARS and hypothermia and is accompanied by a lesion vocal cords, sore throat and dry hacking cough. In these cases, warm inhalation solutions are used, which should relieve swelling of the vocal cords and possible stenosis of the larynx from acute development respiratory failure. What inhalations for dry cough are most often used, we will describe in the section "Treatment with dry cough inhalations".

Perfectly responds to inhalation treatment of acute tracheitis, acute laryngotracheitis, acute bronchitis, acute obstructive bronchitis, which are accompanied by both dry and wet cough. We will consider the main methods and use of drugs below in the section “Treatment with inhalations for wet cough”. In the treatment of such diseases with the help of inhalation in the presence of a wet cough, they seek to liquefy thick, difficult to separate sputum to facilitate its removal from the bronchi, reduce the inflammatory process and swelling in the mucous membrane in order to alleviate and relieve the severity of a strong debilitating cough.

The inhalation method for the treatment of acute and chronic ENT diseases- rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, for example, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. In such cases, inhalation of inhaled drugs through the nose is sometimes indicated to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Indispensable is the method of administering drugs for inhalation when coughing with an allergic nature, with asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, to eliminate bronchospasm, expand the lumen of the bronchioles and eliminate the allergic component in the pathological process. Inhalations for allergic cough are considered one of the main methods of treating such diseases.

Such a formidable disease as pneumonia is almost 100% accompanied by a severe cough with the separation of a large amount of mucopurulent sputum and an increase in edema of the lower respiratory tract. At a body temperature of less than 37.5 ° C, inhalations are indicated to relieve a wet cough with the introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antiseptics, enzymes, herbal decoctions into the respiratory system. With the correct implementation of the inhalation technique, a strong cough subsides rather quickly, swelling is removed and sputum expectoration is facilitated.

Inhalations are shown with a wet cough that occurs during the pulmonary syndrome of cystic fibrosis and against the background of fungal diseases of the respiratory tract.

In addition, inhalations are used to eliminate and alleviate cough in tuberculosis, for the treatment and prevention cardiovascular diseases, in particular, coronary artery disease, hypertension, during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction myocardium. Inhalations are also used to treat diseases of the nervous, endocrine and other systems, and if the benefits of aromatherapy are expected, then to improve mental state, blood and lymph circulation.

12 rules for effective inhalation to get rid of cough

The inhalation procedure is a very simple event, but it will be effective and useful only if certain simple rules for its implementation are observed. Otherwise, the patient runs the risk of turning inhalation into a painful and painful procedure that will cause harm, and the unexpected benefit, or at worst, will be ineffective.

Follow the following 12 rules, and drugs for inhalation cough treatment will have a positive effect:

1. You need to start inhalation after an hour and a half after eating or carrying out serious physical exertion.

2. Do not use the inhalation method if there are contraindications for it (see above).

3. Use only those inhalation cough medicines prescribed by your doctor and compliance exact dosage drug and concentration of herbal decoction.

4. The time of the inhalation procedure for coughing in children lasts 1-3 minutes and not more than 1-2 times a day. For adults, this time is 5-10 minutes with the number of inhalations up to 3 times a day.

5. After inhalation, it is not recommended to talk, eat, drink and, moreover, smoke for an hour.

6. When treating ENT diseases, inhale aerosols through the mouth and nose to increase the effect without unnecessary strain.

7. After inhaling a medicinal aerosol or another dose of steam inhalation to relieve coughing, it is recommended to hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then exhale the maximum amount of air.

8. Clothing and body position during the procedure should not fetter and embarrass the patient, interfere with the free process of breathing.

9. Perform inhalation in complete silence, concentrating, without strangers in the room.

10. Observe personal hygiene measures, wash your hands thoroughly before inhalation.

11. Before using a special device, such as a cough nebulizer, be sure to disinfect them. Do not use oil medicines in ultrasonic inhalers.

12. Do not let the inhalation vapor come into contact with the skin of the face, because medical preparations will not be absorbed through the skin.

Methods of inhalation for the treatment of cough

We examined the issues of what kind of cough is inhaled and for what diseases this method is indicated and contraindicated. And if there is a need to use this method, then it's time to study it in more detail and understand how to do inhalation when coughing.

Of course, it is much easier and more effective to make inhalation when coughing with a nebulizer or other type of modern inhalers, but if one is not at hand? This problem is solved quite simply. You can pour a hot solution for inhalation cough treatment into a teapot or teapot, close it and inhale the resulting vapors with remedy through the nose. If the vapors are very hot, and there is a risk of getting burned, then you can make an impromptu cone out of cardboard or thick paper, insert the tip into the spout of the kettle and breathe through this tube.

Some manage to carry out steam inhalations to get rid of coughs, bending over an open pan with a medicinal solution and covering themselves with a dense terry towel. This method has the right to exist, but it is dangerous because you can burn the skin of the face and neck, and worst of all, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract with hot healing fumes. Therefore, during the procedure, you should not take very deep breaths from the very beginning.

By the way, a hot healing solution does not mean boiling water! And in general, forget about experiments with a boiling solution before inhalation! The maximum liquid temperature for the hottest cough treatment, steam inhalation, should not exceed 52-57°C.

And the temperature of the steam during therapeutic inhalation with a dry cough for a younger child age group should not exceed 30°C. Older children aged about 3-4 years can increase the temperature of the aerosol to 40 ° C. And than younger child, the longer you need to make a cardboard cone to avoid burns to the throat.

To prevent accidental suction of the hot solution for inhalation into the respiratory tract during a cough, make sure that the cardboard cone does not come into contact with the surface of the healing liquid. Usually, the time of using a warm therapeutic solution for an inhalation procedure is always enough so that its temperature does not fall. But if necessary, if it is impossible to warm the contents of the home inhaler, you can simply add hot water with the right dose of medicine.

Types of modern inhalers for the treatment of cough and respiratory diseases

If you or your child very often suffers from colds, which are accompanied by a long and painful cough, it will not be superfluous to purchase a modern inhaler in advance, which will always be at hand in order to carry out life-saving inhalation in time for a dry or wet cough for a child. We will conduct a brief review on the topic of how to inhale when coughing, so that you can navigate in choosing the most appropriate inhaler for you.

What are the advantages of using an inhaler, and that it helps to bring therapeutic inhalation agents as far as possible and more efficiently to the affected mucous membranes of the respiratory system, facilitates the procedure itself, can be used not only at home, because it can always be kept at hand.

Inhalers are divided into three main types:

1. Steam inhaler recent times it is used very rarely, because many drugs should not be heated to a very high temperature, at which they disintegrate, decompose, lose their therapeutic effect. But, for example, for the treatment of cough with the help of inhalation with soda, a steam inhaler is perfect. By the way, using modern steam inhalers, the possibility of burns is excluded, because they have a button for adjusting the temperature of the steam. In addition, this device is very convenient to use for cosmetic and medical procedures for the skin of the face and neck, the so-called steam bath. These inhalers are best used for aromatherapy.

2. An ultrasonic inhaler is quite expensive. Its use is limited to the use of those drugs that are destroyed by ultrasound. These may include many types of antibiotics and expectorants. At home, this inhaler is used extremely rarely for the above reasons. However, they are very compact, which allows you to always have them at hand.

3. The most popular, effective and convenient is a compressor inhaler, which is also called a nebulizer. It can be used literally from the moment of birth for newborns without any restrictions. Inhalation procedures for coughing with a nebulizer can be done both at home and in mobile conditions. Medicated aerosol in nebulizers is created with the help of discharged pressure, and when inhaled, it is activated. The higher the inspiratory rate, the greater will be the exit rate of this aerosol.

Such inhalations are indispensable for allergic cough, for stopping attacks of bronchial asthma. The advantage of this inhaler is its ability to create aerosols with the smallest particles of medicinal liquid that reach the deepest parts of the lungs. Inhalations for children with a nebulizer when coughing are the most convenient and effective.

What is a nebulizer: advantages and methods of application

The name of this device comes from the Latin word "nebula", which translates as cloud or fog. The nebulizer inhalation device, under the influence of compressed air, turns the liquid medium into a healing aerosol, which is then easily delivered during the procedure to the farthest parts of the respiratory system. A nebulizer for inhalation is used for dry or wet cough caused against the background of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, including bacterial nature, respiratory organs, as well as for urgent relief of attacks of bronchial asthma.

Nebulizers can be portable for serving only one patient or stationary, which are used for simultaneous treatment several people at once. But they all have the same principle of operation, which is based on the spraying of a medicinal solution of an agent turned into an aerosol cloud by a compressor. A powerful stream of air passes through a small hole in the nebulizer container, which contains medicinal solution. And only then the aerosol cloud is fed through a tube or mask into the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Aerosol particles are so small that they easily penetrate into the farthest parts of the lungs. However, depending on the size of the aerosol microparticles, they may not overcome a certain limit and reach the farthest depth of the respiratory organs:

  • oropharynx reach particles larger than 10 microns;
  • particles of 5-10 microns in size settle in the area from the oropharynx to the trachea;
  • reach the lower respiratory tract particles of aerosol particles with a size of 2-5 microns;
  • particles of 0.5-2 microns reach the alveoli.

The nebulizer consists of a chamber in the form of a plastic cup and a volume of 5 to 10 ml, where the drug solution is poured. This container has a special shutter with two outlets. One of them leads through the tube to the device itself, the other is the output, for supplying a medicinal aerosol to the body of a sick person. A tube or mask is connected to the second hole, from which an aerosol is supplied in the form of a mist. If the aerosol has large particles, the compressor is malfunctioning, so that inhalations with a wet cough nebulizer will be ineffective because they will not penetrate to the desired depth.

By the way, depending on the type of nebulizer, the aerosol can enter the respiratory tract different ways, with some features:

  • a constant supply of an inhalation solution when coughing with a nebulizer in case the aerosol supply is adjusted during inhalation and exhalation, which leads to the loss of the drug and a decrease in the use of a given dose;
  • the process of delivering an aerosol during inhalation and exhalation is regulated by the patient himself in order to save the drug, for which he constantly presses a special button (this method is not suitable for inhalation and cough treatment in a child).
  • automatic supply of aerosol on inhalation and turning it off on exhalation with the help of special system valves allows you to increase the dose of drug mist on inspiration.

It should be remembered that a residual volume of 1 ml of liquid almost always remains in the container, which cannot be used to create an aerosol.

The advantages of the nebulizer abound:

  • greater resource of work;
  • no need to purchase consumables, except for medicines;
  • compactness;
  • the possibility of spraying almost all types of medicines and mineral water;
  • use for inhalation in children suffering from cough.

But there are also small drawbacks - the noisy operation of large appliances. The ultrasonic type of nebulizer is not suitable for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

We recommend you read…“Inhalers for children. Which one to choose and how to use it correctly? » - a very informative and informative article about nebulizer inhalers.

Drugs that are not used for inhalation with a nebulizer

Although the range of drugs used for inhalation with a nebulizer is very wide, it is useful to know which inhalations are not indicated for coughing, or rather, which drugs and remedies should not be used for this procedure:

  • drugs that are not able to have a medicinal effect when in contact with the respiratory mucosa - Diphenhydramine, Papaverine, Eufillin;
  • solutions containing essential oils, which are useful for the treatment of the nose and nasopharynx, but not for the treatment of the lungs. They can cause breakage of the nebulizer and the inability to wash the “application membrane”;
  • herbal infusions, decoctions and tinctures due to the risk of overdose active substances, clogging the passages of the device with pieces of grass, roots and leaves;
  • self-disintegrated solid drugs or syrups due to the possible breakdown of the apparatus and the inability to use many topical agents.

Drugs that are recommended for inhalation when coughing with a nebulizer

For use in a nebulizer, not only medical preparations are shown, but also mineral water of the type "Borjomi", "Narzan", "Essentuki" for alkaline inhalation when coughing. In this case, before cough treatment and inhalation with mineral water, it is necessary to warm it up, after releasing all the bubbles carbon dioxide. The most harmless and simple are inhalations when coughing with saline.

Medicines must be ready for use, so we list the main drugs that are used in inhalation:

  • antiseptics and antibiotics - Gentamicin, Dioxidin, Tobramycin, Fluimucil, Furacilin;
  • bronchodilators - Atrovent, Salbutamol, Berotek, Berodual, Magnesium Sulphate;
  • hormonal agents - Pulmicort, Budesonide;
  • immunomodulators - interferon leukocyte dry;
  • local anesthetics - Lidocaine;
  • mucolytics - Lazolvan, Pulmozim, Fluimucil;
  • membrane stabilizers - Kromoheksal;
  • phytotherapy - Rotokan;
  • combined preparations- Fenoterol, Berodual;
  • saline;
  • mineral water.

All drugs can be used only after consulting a doctor, according to his testimony. You can independently use 0.9% saline or mineral water without any problems and restrictions. Inhalations with a dry cough with saline help to alleviate inflammatory process, facilitate breathing and coughing, moisten inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, thin viscous sputum. In addition, inhalation procedures for coughing with saline have a mild disinfectant effect on the mucous membranes.

If several drugs are prescribed at once, then you should always start with bronchodilators that dilate the bronchi, and only after 20 minutes are mucolytics used, and then antibiotics. All solutions for inhalation in the treatment of cough must be sterile, prepared on the basis of distilled water or saline. Use tap water boiled water not for inhalation.

Features of inhalation treatment for dry and wet cough

Many are faced with the choice of how to choose the drug and which inhalations for coughing will be effective, depending on whether sputum is separated, or a dry cough is tormented.

One can imagine the condition of a patient who is overcome by a dry, unproductive cough. There is no sputum production, and coughing fits deprive sleep and rest. With such a cough in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the inflammatory process does not stop, against which active reproduction of pathogens occurs. At the same time, they are not eliminated from the body, as a result of which the cells of the surface layer of the mucous membranes are destroyed, and only then does exudation begin with the release of tissue breakdown products and inflammation from the bronchi.

But until this process has begun, it is necessary to carry out anti-inflammatory therapy and mitigate and even suspend dry cough for a while. With the help of a nebulizer for dry cough, Lidocaine is inhaled, which has a local anesthetic effect and has a mild, anti-inflammatory effect. To stimulate the formation of sputum, the mucolytic drug Ambroxol is indicated. To mitigate the inflammatory process in the mucous membranes will help inhalation with saline for a dry cough or alkaline inhalation. By their type, inhalations should be moist with a low temperature of the aerosol, so as not to cause increased hyperemia of already inflamed mucous membranes.

If you use a steam inhaler, you can resort to oil inhalations, which have a protective effect by covering the mucous membranes with a thin layer of oil particles. Oil inhalations help to soothe a dry cough, reduce swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes. At the same time, inhalations with antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed.

If it is possible to cause a wet cough, then inhalations with a wet cough are first started with bronchodilators, for example, Atrovent or Magnesium Sulfate, then mucolytics are used - Lazolvan, and only then antiseptics and antibiotics are prescribed. The main thing is to create an opportunity for sputum to freely and easily leave the respiratory tract.

The most popular and effective folk remedies for treating cough with inhalation

For the treatment of wet or dry coughs with inhalation, it is imperative to use herbal preparations, which are very effective in nature and are an integral component of the entire treatment. These include - eucalyptus leaves, sage, marigold and chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, as well as tinctures of St. John's wort, romazulon and salvin. Phytoncides can be used in steam inhalations - onions and garlic at a concentration of 1 to 50. There is an alcohol tincture of onions on sale, 20-30 drops of which are applied to 100 ml of water.

An excellent remedy for inhalation with a wet and dry cough will be such remedies that are diluted in 500 ml of warm water:

  • a teaspoon of salt or soda;
  • up to 10 drops of eucalyptus, mint, peach, pine or anise oil;
  • droplet vietnamese balm"Star".

For 100 ml of water, a solution is prepared from:

  • gram of chamomile flowers and 5 drops of menthol oil;
  • grams of Romazulon;
  • 10-20 drops of Calendula tincture.

In general, the choice of oils for inhalation is very large, in addition to those listed, these are sea buckthorn, olive, rosehip, turpentine, vaseline, almond, rosemary, camphor or mixtures of oils. A 10% alcohol solution of propolis is often used.

Main condition successful treatment- always consult with your doctor to avoid mistakes when choosing an inhalation medicine for coughing.

Sometimes, trying to quickly get rid of or with the help of drugs, we completely forget that there are other equally effective methods of treatment. For example, such a procedure as in some cases will help faster than any cough medicine or nasal drops.

In addition, many doctors themselves recommend to their patients with , , , as well as when using inhalation to treat and alleviate the symptoms of these diseases at home. It is worth noting that there are several types on sale now. inhalers , including ultrasonic nebulizers new generation that are easy to use and efficient.

What is inhalation?

AT literal translation from the Latin name of this procedure sounds like "I breathe in." In principle, this one word contains the whole meaning inhalation , which is a method of introducing a drug into the human body, based on the inhalation of vapors of medical devices.

The main advantage of this procedure can be considered the speed of entry of drugs into the respiratory tract, which contributes to the onset of rapid therapeutic effect. In addition, when inhaled, the risk of developing allergic reactions is reduced, since medications reach their goal bypassing digestive system person.

It is interesting that inhalation is not only artificial, i.e. one in which specialized devices (inhalers) are used, but also natural.

In a time when there were no inhalers, people went to seaside resorts or spent more time in the forest to saturate their body with beneficial compounds present in the air.

The advantage of this method of treatment is that when inhaled, the absorption time of drugs is significantly reduced. As a result, the patient feels relief faster, since the local effect of using the inhaler occurs almost instantly.

Indications for inhalation are:

  • SARS , complicated by such conditions as, pharyngitis or rhinitis , as well as complications in the form and rhinosinusitis ;
  • pneumonia ;
  • exacerbation chronic forms tonsillitis, sinusitis and rhinitis ;
  • exacerbation of the chronic or acute phase of the disease;
  • bronchiectasis of the lungs ;
  • fungal infection lower and upper respiratory tract;
  • cystic fibrosis .

In addition, inhalations are used in the prevention postoperative complications, as well as in the treatment of patients with during the respiratory stage of the disease.

Among the main contraindications of this procedure are:

  • heart failure ;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage ;
  • individual intolerance solutions for inhalation;
  • pneumothorax (spontaneous, traumatic );
  • bullous pulmonary emphysema .

It should be noted that in some cases it is highly undesirable to use inhalation as a method of treatment, since it can greatly aggravate the patient's condition. It is, for example, about , frontite or , as well as otitis media in children.

Often, and pneumonia doctors do not recommend using inhalers. In addition, it is not recommended to resort to this method at elevated body temperature.

There are several types of procedure:

  • wet inhalation, in which the temperature of the medicinal product in the form of a solution is maintained at a constant level of 30 C;
  • steam inhalation;
  • thermomoist inhalation, in which the temperature of the drug cannot be higher than 40C.

It is important to remember that infants can only do wet inhalation and only with the permission of the attending pediatrician. Steam treatment dangerous for children because there is Great chance burns of the upper respiratory tract.

At the age of one year, heat-moist inhalations can be used to treat a child, but also only after a preliminary medical consultation. In principle, any gesture of parents aimed at treating children should be agreed with a specialist.

Inhalation, as a cough and cold medicine, helps:

  • improve blood circulation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, as well as the nasal sinuses;
  • liquefy the secret, which during illness is formed in the pharynx, larynx, and also in the nasal passages;
  • removing the secret from the sinuses, which ultimately helps to significantly alleviate the patient's condition, since nasal congestion disappears;
  • moisturize the inflamed mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

In addition, when using medicinal solutions for inhalation, such a procedure has expectorant , antibacterial , bronchodilator , decongestant , as well as anti-inflammatory effect . On the this moment There are two main ways to carry out inhalation.

The first is well known to many people, since it does not require any specialized devices. We think that every second person did steam inhalation at least once using a container with hot water or over a pot of freshly boiled potatoes.

The second method requires special devicesinhaler or nebulizer . A little later we will discuss what better nebulizer or an inhaler, as well as what varieties of these devices you can buy and how to use them correctly.

And now let's talk about what solutions for inhalation from a cold and cough can be used at home? How to make a solution yourself and how to use it for a cough or runny nose? It is important to emphasize that before using any drug, including mixtures for inhalation, you should consult your doctor.

In addition, you should strictly adhere to the instructions for using the mixture for inhalation. This is actually very important, because any medicine can both cure and harm if it is not used correctly.

At runny nose and nasal congestion, and sinusitis

  • with eucalyptus, for the procedure, an alcohol tincture of the leaves of the plant is used;
  • with saline;
  • co alcohol tincture propolis;
  • with alcohol tincture;
  • with 0.024% aqueous solution;
  • with alcohol tincture;
  • with a homeopathic remedy;
  • with or with 0.4% injection Dexamethasone .

It should be noted that inhalations with Dexamethasone for children, as well as with Pulmicort, are permissible only in case of real need, these drugs are classified as glucocorticoids and they contain hormonal compounds in their composition.

From cough and sore throat , as well as at asthma and bronchitis inhalations will be effective:

  • With mucolytics (drugs that loosen phlegm and help clear it out of the lungs, according to Wikipedia), such as , , , , ;
  • with bronchodilators, which include anticholinergics (Troventol , Trouvent , ), adrenomimetics (Terbutaline , , , , ), methylxanthines ( , Retafil , Durophyllin , Euphylong , ), combined bronchodilator ;
  • with combined bronchodilators and expectorant drugs, for example, or;
  • With antibiotics (Fluimucil );
  • with antitussives ( , 2% solution);
  • with anti-inflammatory drugs ).

Perhaps the simplest and most affordable solution that you can prepare yourself at home and use for a runny nose and cough is saline . For inhalation, you can use a ready-made saline solution purchased at a pharmacy. sodium chloride , the price of which is very democratic in comparison with other drugs used for this procedure.

And you can prepare the medicine yourself, since the composition of saline actually consists of two main components - water and salt. At first glance, surprisingly, however, the sea, and later table salt used in medicine for thousands of years.

Saline is an indispensable medical tool that is used for therapy, for example, as a dropper for dehydration or as a replacement for blood in emergency cases, because it is a mixture of salt and distilled water that is close in composition to blood plasma.

In addition, saline is considered an effective antimicrobial agent, it is also diluted with drugs to the desired concentration and used to wash contact lenses.

Remarkably, with a runny nose, you can not only breathe saline through an inhaler, but also use it to wash the sinuses.

There are several options for the composition of saline (more precisely, the proportions of water and salt), each of which is best suited for a particular purpose. However, according to doctors, when conducting nasal inhalations at home, any variant of the composition of the drug can be used.

Although it is still desirable to use a 0.9% solution for this procedure sodium chloride . As we said above, saline is ideal for washing the nose when runny nose at home, it is used for inhalation with sore throat , at pharyngitis , at obstructive bronchitis , at tracheitis and laryngotracheitis , as well as in inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi in the acute and chronic stages.

Saline solution can be used alone or in combination with other drugs. For example, inhalations with saline and , , , , , , , and other mucolytic drugs will help thin the mucous secretion in the respiratory tract, as well as its rapid separation and excretion from the body.

As a result, it will facilitate breathing, reduce the intensity of coughing and stop the inflammatory process. When coughing, you can mix with saline such expectorants , decongestants and antiseptics natural origin as honey, tincture of calendula and propolis, decoctions chamomile, licorice root or St. John's wort, essential oils of lemon balm, eucalyptus, mint and others.

If you are tormented by a runny nose and nasal congestion, then sea buckthorn oil can be added to the saline solution during inhalation, kalanchoe juice or aloe (if not allergic), oil tea tree, eucalyptus or geranium, propolis tincture, as well as drugs such as , , , and .

Similar effects to saline can have Rizosin , Aqua-Rinosol , , , as well as alkaline or non-carbonated mineral water, such as Borjomi.

Inhalation with saline solution for children

Physical solution for inhalation for children can be used, since this product contains components that are safe for the child - salt and water. However, do not forget about the prescribed dosages for children. In addition, it is important to understand that the effect of saline depends on the type of inhaler.

With steam inhalation, the drug can only affect the upper respiratory tract, and using a nebulizer, the lower parts of the respiratory system can also be cured. About how to carry out and how many times a day you can do the procedure, as well as how much saline to pour into an inhaler for a child, it is better to ask a pediatrician.

After all, only a specialist can prescribe competent treatment depending on the type of disease. Inhalations with saline solution are not forbidden even for infants, however, it must be remembered that the temperature of the solution for children under three years old should not be more than 30 C, from three to four years - no more than 40 C, for a child aged four years and older - 52 C.

It is believed that saline for cough inhalation for children can be used up to two times a day when performing the procedure on a child under the age of two years; up to three times a day if the baby is between two and six years old and up to four times if your child is over six years old. Moreover, the duration of inhalation in the first two cases should not exceed a maximum of three minutes, and from the age of six, a child can breathe saline for up to ten minutes.

Inhalation with soda

soda solution is another type of widely available and indeed effective mixtures for inhalation. It is noteworthy that when it is used, there is a direct effect on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Steam warms and moisturizes the mucous membranes, and also kills harmful microbes that cause disease.

Soda diluted in water (sometimes sea or table salt is also added) will give positive result if a person has wet or dry cough , bronchitis , runny nose, as well as laryngitis .

Baking soda has a mucolytic effect, which helps thin the secretion and remove it from the respiratory tract.

After several inhalations with soda, a person will notice positive effect, it will become really easier for him to breathe, because the medicinal solution improves the patency of the bronchi and helps to reduce the intensity of coughing.

Solution for inhalation Ambrobene is considered one of the most effective means, which has a minimum of contraindications and a maximum useful properties. This affordable mucolytic agent can be used both independently and in combination with other drugs, for example, with saline .

Ambobene will be indispensable tool at tonsillitis , bronchitis , as well as for strong runny nose or coughing at cold . Included in the drug ambroxol hydrochloride helps clear phlegm from the respiratory tract, thus relieving coughing. This drug recommended for inhalation, since it is this way of using it that reduces the risk of side effects.

The drug bypasses the digestive system and is immediately "transported" to the bronchi with the help of an inhaler. medicinal effect from Ambrobene will be noticeable after one procedure. The attending physician will help you to choose the right dosage of the drug, without prior consultation with whom you should not carry out inhalation in order to avoid such side effects as vomiting, profuse salivation, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash and shortness of breath, and nausea.

In addition, Ambrobene has the following contraindications:

  • components of the drug;

What is the best inhaler?

We talked about what to do with inhalations and discussed the most popular solutions for the procedure. Now let's talk about what are inhalers and how to choose the most suitable device for inhalation. And also: how to make an inhaler at home, if there was no special device at hand.

Inhaler - This is a specialized device that is designed to introduce medicines into the human body using a procedure such as inhalation. There are the following types of devices:

  • steam inhaler - a device for steam inhalation, in which the therapeutic effect is achieved by evaporating the drug and inhaling it with steam;
  • a compressor inhaler is a device equipped with a compressor that forms an aerosol cloud from a medicinal solution;
  • an ultrasonic inhaler or nebulizer is a device that can also spray a medicinal solution for inhalation in the form of an aerosol, but not due to the built-in compressor, but using a special ultrasonic emitter;
  • a saline inhaler is a device that, under the influence of which, particles of saline based on sea salt enter the lower and upper respiratory tract of a person;
  • a mesh inhaler is an electronic mesh device that forms an aerosol cloud from a medical device by passing it through a vibrating membrane.

Steam inhalers

These are the simplest and most widely used devices for inhalation. It is noteworthy that this particular type of device can be easily replaced at home with a container of hot water and get a similar therapeutic effect.

More importantly, steam models are much cheaper than other types of inhalers, in addition to being easy to operate. As they say, even a child can handle them.

It is also important to emphasize that for inhalation using a steam inhaler, you do not need to buy special medicines at the pharmacy, such as for a nebulizer. For the procedure, you can use various decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, of course, if there is no allergy to them.

Another important advantage of this variety can be considered that during steam inhalation, the sinuses warm up. However, this device has a number of disadvantages, for example, a steam inhaler for children is far from always suitable.

Often parents ask the question of whether it is possible to do inhalations at a temperature for children. So, elevated body temperature is a contraindication to the use of a steam inhaler, and you should not use the device in the presence of vascular diseases.

Another important negative point can be considered the impossibility of using many specialized medicinal solutions for steam inhalation, which cannot be dispensed with in the treatment of a number of serious illnesses respiratory system of the body. The principle of operation of a steam inhaler is very simple.

As we said above, it can be replaced with a container of hot water, into which a medicinal solution is added and the steam is inhaled, covering the head with a towel. So in the main compartment of the steam inhaler, a solution for inhalation is poured. The mixture is heated to certain temperature, evaporating, the steam rises through the tube and the person inhales it through the oral cavity.

The simplest inhaler models do not involve the regulation of the temperature of the solution, which excludes the possibility of their use for the treatment of children. younger age. However, in more advanced models, you can choose the heating temperature of the mixture for inhalation and such steam cough inhalers for children are acceptable for use.

Help answer the question of which inhaler better reviews people who have already tested on themselves certain models of the device. Perhaps the most popular is the Chamomile steam inhaler, which is produced by the Berdsk Electromechanical Plant (RF). We think that this device is familiar to many from early childhood.

Currently, you can buy a steam inhaler Camomile-3. This device is already the third generation for many has become indispensable assistant, and not only in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The steam inhaler is also suitable for use in home cosmetology.

In accordance with the instructions for use, this steam device can be used:

  • for the treatment of colds with the help of inhalation using decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • to improve the skin of the face and neck;
  • for aromatherapy;
  • for indoor air humidification.

The following solutions for inhalation are suitable for a steam inhaler:

  • saline (a mixture of table or sea salt and water);
  • soda (a mixture of soda and water, you can add salt);
  • saline;
  • herbal decoctions based on pharmacy fees calendula, chamomile, sage, licorice, plantain and others;
  • essential oils.

It is important to emphasize that which children's inhaler Better, it is advisable to be interested in a pediatrician. Not all types of steam inhalers are suitable for children. As we mentioned above, for each age it is worth choosing the appropriate type of inhalation (steam, wet, thermo-moist) and, accordingly, the device for this procedure.

Let's talk about how much an inhaler costs. The price will depend on the manufacturer, as well as on the functionality of the device. For example, a steam inhaler WN -18 "Miracle Steam" from B. Well (Great Britain) will cost an average of 3,000 rubles, and the domestic "Chamomile" is half the price.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

Nebulizer is a specialized device for inhalation, based on the use of a dispersed ultra-low spray of highly active medicinal substances, which through the mouthpiece (breathing tube) or mask enter the patient's respiratory tract. This type of inhalers is considered more progressive and effective.

It's all about how the device works. Since the device forms an aerosol cloud from the drug for inhalation with a nebulizer, its vapors penetrate into all parts of the respiratory system, which makes it possible to treat a wide range of diseases using the procedure. In addition, medications for the nebulizer are quickly absorbed and hit right on target, i.е. into the upper or lower respiratory tract without getting lost along the way in the nasal cavity.

What is the best nebulizer?

Before giving an answer to the question posed, it is worth understanding what devices are, as well as what their strengths and weak sides. So, there are the following types of nebulizers:

  • Convection is the most common type of device, during which an aerosol cloud is continuously formed. Medicines enter the human body when inhaling, and when exhaling, the aerosol enters the external environment. As a result, about 70% of the generated drug vapors are lost.
  • Venturi nebulizers are devices that are activated by inhalation, i.e. the aerosol is constantly formed, as well as during the operation of a convection nebulizer, but it is released only when the person takes a breath. The main advantage of this type can be considered a reduction in the loss of vapors of the inhaled drug solution inhaled by the patient, which contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of therapy using a neulizer and a reduction in the operating time of the device.
  • Breath-synchronized nebulizers are dosimetric devices that form an aerosol cloud only during inhalation, which makes it possible to significantly save the medicinal solution for inhalation.
  • Jet or compressor devices are devices that convert drugs that are liquid in consistency into a fine cloud of aerosols using oxygen or air. Such devices consist of a compressor, which acts as an aerosol cloud generator and an atomizer. The compressor type of inhalers differs from other devices not only in technical characteristics (the presence of a compressor that produces an aerosol cloud from a medicinal solution for inhalation), but also in application features. Many people wonder what medicines can be used with a compressor inhaler. After all, for a steam device, in principle, there are no specialized medical devices for inhalation. In the case of a compressor apparatus, everything is much simpler. There are simply no taboos for this versatile inhaler. This means that, using it for inhalation, you can safely use it as traditional herbal preparations , saline or soda solution , as well as drugs that have mucolytic , bronchodilators , antitussives , anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is important to emphasize that in the case of properly selected medicines, it is compressor inhalers that bronchial asthma , at tracheitis , at tuberculosis , at chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Further COPD ) and in many other respiratory diseases can give a stable and rapid therapeutic effect. This type of inhaler is safe for children of any age. True, not all compressor inhalers are suitable for the use of oil-based preparations and essential oils. It's all about the design features of the devices. However, there are universal devices that are “not afraid” of medicines of any composition.
  • Ultrasonic nebulizers are devices that use ultrasound, namely the energy of high-frequency vibrations of piezocrystals, to convert the mixture for inhalation into vapors. In comparison with the compressor device, the ultrasonic one wins due to silent operation, portability, as well as the constancy and uniformity of the particles of the aerosol cloud. However, these models have a number of significant shortcomings. For example, during the operation of an ultrasonic nebulizer, the chemical structure of the drug used for inhalation may be destroyed due to an increase in temperature. As a result, therapy with such a modified medical agent may be ineffective. It is also important to note that not all nebulizer solutions are suitable for use in an ultrasound device, for example, viscous oily drugs or suspensions.

So, it is advisable to conclude which nebulizer is better based on the reviews of people who have tried various types of devices on themselves, and taking into account the above information on technical characteristics, as well as on the main minuses and pluses of the devices.

Think about which compression, ultrasonic or conventional convection nebulizer is better, and also choose such a device for home use necessary, taking into account average price and manufacturer. How much does a nebulizer cost?

The price of the device depends on its type, as well as the country of manufacture. On average, a nebulizer with a standard set of functions will cost 2500-3000 rubles, there are also more budget models for 1500-2000 rubles, produced by not so well-known companies. The cost of specialized or children's models in the form of animals, for example, can start from 3500-4000 rubles.

Solutions for inhalation for nebulizer

Before using any appliance, including nebulizer , you should carefully read the instructions for its use. To carry out inhalation correctly, you need not only to know how to use the device, but also what can be poured into the nebulizer from medicines in order to get the expected therapeutic effect.

Let's talk in more detail about which medications are suitable for use as solutions for nebulizer inhalers for coughs and other respiratory diseases. We will answer the question of how to breathe with a cold through a nebulizer.

Medicines for inhalation for cough and runny nose

As we have repeatedly repeated above, inhalations for rhinitis effectively help both to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and to cure the very cause of the disease. Experts believe that the use of an inhaler with special solutions for a cold solves several important problems.

The device moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nose, makes the secretion less abundant and viscous, which helps to remove it from the body, eliminates itching in the nasal passages, reduces swelling and softens the crusts, which often prevent small children from sleeping and eating peacefully.

There are enough recipes for inhalation with a nebulizer for a cold, for which both drugs and drugs are used. traditional medicine.

Perhaps the most common prescription for a runny nose for children and adults is inhalation with mineral water, saline, salt or soda.

Mineral water or saline is the same weak alkaline or saline solution (sodium chloride), but only already prepared in the right proportion suitable for inhalation.

Soda solution, which is often added also sea ​​salt, also perfectly cope with a runny nose. They can rinse the sinuses or use through a nebulizer. It should be noted that in modern pharmacies it is already on sale ready solution for inhalation of sodium bicarbonate or "Soda-buffer", the dosage of soda in which is adjusted to a milligram.

However, this solution must also be diluted with saline, otherwise the medicine cannot be used in a nebulizer. To enhance the therapeutic effect, medicinal herbs are added to the soda solution (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus leaves, plantain, Bay leaf, mint, St. John's wort) and essential oils. Inhalations with chamomile or eucalyptus oil help not only with the common cold, but also with other respiratory diseases.

With a runny nose, you can use immunostimulating drugs containing. For example, it is well suited for inhalation with a nebulizer. Antibacterial and antiseptic preparations ( Fluimucil , , , , ) will be effective at runny nose and at sinusitis .

Also in the nebulizer, you can use such anti-inflammatory drugs how or Malavit. As indicated in the instructions for use of Rotokan and Malavit, the composition of medicines includes mainly herbal ingredients, for example, calendula extract, chamomile, yarrow, Siberian cedar resin, oak bark and others.

Therefore, these drugs can be used only if a person does not have an allergy. In addition, at runny nose inhalations with propolis (tincture) and eucalyptus (extract), which also have anti-inflammatory properties, will effectively help.

Some hormonal drugs, such as , or Kromhexal , it is also permissible to use in a nebulizer when rhinitis .

We talked about what inhalations to do with a cold, now we’ll figure out how to breathe through a nebulizer with dry cough , at sore throat or when bronchitis . Let's start with the fact that rhinitis, cough or sore throat weakly alkaline and saline solutions are effective, which are easy to prepare and accessible to most.

In order to prepare such a mixture for inhalation, you need to have water (preferably distilled), sea or table salt or baking soda on hand. Ready-made analogues of the above described means can be considered saline or mineral water. For inhalation, you can use ready-made breast fees sold in a pharmacy.

However, with them, as with other herbal medicines, you need to be extremely careful. Do not resort to the help of infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs if a person has an allergy. With a strong suffocating cough, inhalations with Lazolvan , the dosage of which the attending physician will help you choose, with a dry cough - Beroduali , , , which are drugs that dilate the bronchi.

If the cough is dry and barking, then inhalation in a nebulizer with , , , , as well as with . Propolis and calendula effectively stop the inflammatory process that accompanies a dry cough. With a wet cough in a nebulizer, use , , Furacilin .

In addition, inhalations with, as well as with slightly alkaline and saline solutions, will be effective.

Inhalation at laryngitis should be done an hour or two after eating. Within half an hour after the procedure, it is better to refrain from talking, and you should not smoke, drink or eat. At laryngitis during inhalation, it is worth inhaling through the mouth, and exhaling, on the contrary, through the nose.

If several drugs are prescribed, then they should be used in the following sequence:

  • first - bronchodilators ;
  • after 15 minutes - expectorants ;
  • in custody - anti-inflammatory or antiseptic drugs.

Inhalations for bronchitis

- This is one of the most common diseases in which the inflammatory process affects the bronchi. As a rule, the cause of this disease is bacterial or viral infection . Antiviral drugs are also used in the treatment of bronchitis.

In addition, it is effective for bronchitis and an inhaler. There are several forms of the disease - acute, chronic and obstructive bronchitis.

Depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes certain drugs. Inhalations for bronchitis at home can be done only after consulting a specialist.

The procedure is usually prescribed drugs such as:

  • Miramistin , Dioxidine and Chlorhexidine a antiseptic agents designed to combat viral nature diseases;
  • Ambroxol , Lazolvan, Ambrobene - mucolytics, which help to remove and thin sputum;
  • Derinat - immunomodulator;
  • , extracts of tea tree, fir, sage, calendula, eucalyptus oil - natural anti-inflammatory agents;
  • Tobramycin , Gentamicin , , ACC - antibiotics that kill harmful bacteria;
  • Ventolin , Berotek or Berodual - bronchodilators, drugs that dilate the bronchi;
  • Xylometazoline , Naphthyzin , Oxymetazoline (nasal drops) - vasoconstrictors are used for pronounced swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • hormonal agents.

Effective drugs for inhalation with bronchitis in children, only a pediatrician can prescribe. However, one cannot ignore such safe ways treatment of bronchitis at home as inhalation with saline, saline, soda and slightly alkaline solution.

Procedures with the above remedies will help moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which will reduce pain. In addition, they effectively thin and remove mucus.

Inhalations for pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a disease that affects the lymphoid tissue and mucous membranes of the pharynx. The cause of the disease can be both the inhalation of polluted or too cold air, and the pathogenic effect on the body of harmful microorganisms. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, the doctor selects drugs for treatment pharyngitis .

Antibiotics with pharyngitis in adults or children, it is prescribed if the development of the disease was provoked by the bacteria of staphylococcus, streptococcus or pneumococcus. Antivirals and immunomodulating agents are effective if pharyngitis occurs against the background of influenza or other types SARS .

For the treatment of the disease, not only medicinal method. At pharyngitis rinses are effective, as well as inhalations. At home, you can use simple devices for steam inhalation (tanks with a solution for inhalation and hot water) or specialized devices.

Solutions for inhalation with pharyngitis:

  • soda or saline solution;
  • saline;
  • infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile);
  • essential oils and extracts (sage, oak bark, eucalyptus, pine, mint, juniper);
  • herbal preparations (, Malavit , Tonsilgon );
  • antiseptic drugs ( Fluimucil , Miramistin , Dioxidine ).

Cough and runny nose are the most common companions of a cold, viral diseases manifestations of allergy. A modern device designed for cold inhalation - a nebulizer - successfully fights these problems.

Nebulizer - use

This device consists of a compressor and a cup chamber where the medicine is poured. The compressor pumps air, which, mixing with the medicine, creates an airborne suspension that easily penetrates the nasopharynx. The particles of the substance are so small that they not only irrigate the cavities, but also enter the lower parts of the respiratory tract with breathing, up to the broncho-pulmonary system.

Children's compressor inhaler (nebulizer)

But it must be remembered that the nebulizer is not as harmless as it seems. This is serious medical device, which should be used wisely, especially in the treatment of children. Let's figure out together how it is impossible to treat a runny nose with a nebulizer, and why moisturizing is sometimes more useful than drugs.

Nebulizers for children, treatment of the common cold

Benefits of treating cough and runny nose in children with cold inhalation

Young children often do not want to do procedures, take pills and potions. The nebulizer helps to facilitate the process of accepting treatment or even turn it into a game (astronaut, fireman, etc.). Babies under 3 years old, if they are afraid of the buzzing of the compressor, can be inhaled even in their sleep, as, indeed, older children.

It is very convenient to use the inhaler

The medicine works faster than usual (when taken by mouth). For treatment, a smaller amount of the drug is needed, which reduces the risk of side effects.

The medicine works very quickly.

The device allows you to treat a runny nose without damaging the nasal mucosa. The nebulizer avoids the risk of burns (which is very high with steam, hot inhalations "over the pan"). Cold inhalation is a great way to avoid antibiotics a wide range actions. With a nebulizer, the problem is often quickly solved with local remedies alone.

Burns excluded

In most cases, procedures using a nebulizer are allowed even at elevated temperatures, which cannot be said about other means.

Cold air-drug suspension does not spread pathogenic flora through the respiratory tract, as opposed to hot steam, which softens deposits in the nose and throat and provides a breeding ground for harmful microbes. The nebulizer is indispensable as an ambulance for coughing with shortness of breath, with laryngitis and allergic stenosis.

Using a nebulizer

You can use this device not only for cough and runny nose in acute stage, but also to moisturize the mucous membranes during aftercare or as a prophylaxis.

Inhalations for treatment and prevention

If you have a nebulizer at home, then with bronchitis, pneumonia and a number of other diseases, you can be treated at home, and not in a hospital. Of course, subject to regular examination by a doctor.

Why is it impossible to do inhalation for cough and runny nose at the same time?

The dispersion (size of microparticles) of the mixture of air with the medicine is a constant characteristic of the nebulizer.

  1. For the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, it is necessary that the size of the aerosol particles be in the range from 8 to 10 microns.
  2. To get rid of a cough, smaller particles are needed: in the range from 2 to 5 microns, so that they enter the bronchi and lungs.

Particle size

Comparative characteristics of types of nebulizers

There is no device that produces a drop suspension of 3-10 microns during one inhalation, that is, it will not work to treat cough and runny nose with one procedure. If your device allows you to change the particle size, pay attention to this during treatment. If not, try to "treat" the nose to a minimum: nasal medicines will end up in the lungs, which is not always good.

The only procedure that is equally and simultaneously useful for the nose and lungs: moisturizing inhalation with saline.

Runny nose and nebulizer. What and how to treat

Runny nose, swelling, running from the nose is a common symptom of diseases, whether it is SARS, diseases of a viral or allergic nature. In young children, a runny nose can be caused by physiological causes: the immaturity of the respiratory apparatus. The spread of the common cold is extremely high also because modern living conditions force children to spend a lot of time in rooms where the air is dry and dusty.

Runny nose in children is a common phenomenon

A nebulizer, subject to certain rules, is an excellent remedy for baby runny nose. Cold inhalations help to alleviate the condition much faster than other methods of the patient for relatively short span time. So, with rhinitis, tablets act slowly, because they first enter the gastrointestinal tract, dissolve, and only then reach the focus of the disease (nasal cavity), losing some of their activity along the way, negatively affecting the liver, kidneys, and other body systems.

Treatment of the common cold with a nebulizer

Sprays almost immediately flow down the walls of the nasopharynx, without penetrating deep into the respiratory system and giving a short-term effect. A nebulizer with a runny nose allows, firstly, to moisten the mucous membranes and soak their discharge. Second, give the child a dose vasoconstrictor drug. Thirdly, to disinfect the mucous membranes and apply an antiseptic even where ordinary drops cannot do it. Fourth, prevent the spread and descent of the infection. Fifth, remove excess snot from the nose faster. But, you need to remember that most nebulizers are still intended to treat coughs: they form particles from saline and drugs that are much smaller than, for example, droplets during steam inhalation. This dispersed suspension (particle size 2-5 microns), even if you are treating a runny nose, always gets into the lungs. This fact must be taken into account, focusing on moisturizing in the treatment of the common cold with a nebulizer. Other drugs, if possible, should be used in other ways.

Features of inhalation with cough and runny nose

For moisturizing procedures with mineral water or saline, a mask is suitable, and for cold medicines, you must use a nozzle for nasal passages (bunny-shaped cannulas).

Nebulizer nozzles

Nose tips

In children under one year old, a nebulizer can be used only in extreme cases and after a mandatory consultation with a doctor. The nasal passages in children 3-12 months old are small and narrow. Because of this structure of the nasopharynx, the baby can sniffle, sleep with his mouth open. But this is not a runny nose, and does not require correction! A nebulizer can do harm here.

Drugs in the nebulizer with a cold

Wetting, moisturizing: physiological solution (ready-made, pharmacy); alkaline mineral water from which gas has been released. Up to 6 times a day. Inhalation time within 20 minutes. Mask or nasal mouthpiece.

Antiseptic irrigation:

The fight against staphylococcus: chlorophyllipt + saline. Breeding 1 to 10.


Reduction of edema and restoration of the protective properties of the nasal mucosa, prevention of the acute stage of sinusitis: alcohol (herbal) synupret + saline. Dilute according to instructions.


Antibiotic local, eliminating inflammation, diluting nasal secretions: fluimucil for inhalation (!) + saline solution. Breeding for children 1 to 2. Twice a day, the course is not more than 10 days. Not combined with taking antibiotics in tablets or injections.


Immunomodulators, prevention: interferon + saline. 1 to 2. Derinat + saline. Breeding proportions - 1 to 2.

Vasoconstrictor: naphthyzine + saline. Breeding 1 to 5. single dose- 3 ml of the resulting solution. (This composition is used by ambulance doctors). Xylene + saline. 1 to 3.

How to treat a cough in a child with a nebulizer?

Any medicine is prescribed by a doctor. Treatment with a nebulizer is effective and fast, but if used incorrectly, there is a great danger of causing significant harm! The younger the child, the greater the risk.

Types of drugs prescribed by a doctor for a cough:

  • antiseptics;
  • antitussives;
  • mucolytics;
  • bronchodilators;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiallergic agents;
  • antifungal drugs.

You can use it yourself: saline solution, slightly alkaline degassed mineral water. The number of moisturizing inhalations is not limited. Usually up to 6 times a day.

Consider the features of the solutions used most often.

A drug Description


Berodual for inhalation (solution). Non-hormonal drug, relieves obstruction in the bronchi, effective for laryngospasm. A lot of side effects, can cause allergies, loses effectiveness over time. The dosage is strictly prescribed by the doctor.

Hormonal remedies

Pulmicort is used to relieve inflammation in the lungs, reduce the narrowing of the larynx, with shortness of breath and unproductive cough. Avoids the use of antibiotics, is used in courses. The dosage is discussed with the doctor. Hydrocortisone, dexamethasone and prednisolone have been used before, but they have many more side effects and significantly affect the entire body.


Ambroxol (lazolvan) FOR INHALATION - in complex therapy bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, laringo- and simply tracheitis. Helps start sputum production, make it thinner, makes the child cough. 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 3 ml of saline, the amount of the mixture is taken according to age and inhaled up to 3 times a day, no more than a week. When a choking cough appears, you need to switch to oral medication.
ACC, fluimucil, acetylcysteine ​​are combined preparations, analogues of lazolvan with the same principle of action. Dilution: 2-3 ml of acetylcysteine ​​+ 3 ml of saline. 2 procedures per day, course up to 10 days.


for a while, inhalation with a 2% solution of lidocaine (dosage according to age) + 3 ml of saline helps to extinguish an obsessive tearing cough. 2 times a day. Strictly prescribed by a doctor. It is forbidden to combine with ACC, Lazolvan.

Local antibiotics

bioparox. It is prescribed for pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. 1 injection per 3 ml of saline. Up to 4 procedures per day, course 7 days.
Fluimucil-antibiotic - it combines an antibiotic with acetylcysteine. The drug according to the age dosage is dissolved in 3 ml of saline. Course 7 days, 2 times a day.

General rules for cold inhalation. Contraindications

Nebulizer scheme

What you need to know when using a nebulizer

It is forbidden to inhale when:

  • the appearance of blood in the discharge from the nose;
  • in the presence of thick and viscous green snot, with the appearance of signs of pus in the discharge of mucous membranes;
  • with the appearance of congestion in the ears, especially in children under one year old, since they do not know how to blow their nose, and swelling of the mucus can lead to otitis media.

Video - Nebulizer for children for cough and runny nose

With the introduction of pharmaceuticals by inhalation, it is possible to achieve their maximum bioavailability. Up to 98% of the drugs used go where the desired therapeutic effect will be achieved.

For all their merits, inhalers are not at all such harmless devices as they seem at first glance. It is necessary to correctly use the medical device and select drugs for the treatment of children, taking into account contraindications.

An inhaler is a device that, if used rationally, can significantly alleviate and shorten the course of the disease.

What are inhalers and what is better to choose for a child?

Inhalation with a nebulizer is the most preferred method of administering drugs for diseases of the respiratory system. In a child with a dry cough, inhalation stimulates the production of sputum, thereby improving the patient's condition. For wet cough viscous sputum liquefies and is easier to remove from the bronchi.

There are several types of inhalers, each of which is suitable for the treatment of specific diseases. Some devices help to quickly get rid of a wet cough, while others normalize nasal breathing. There are devices that are effective for asthma, sore throat, etc.

You can make inhalations for children and adults at home; for this, universal inhalers are purchased. To choose one or another type of device, you need to understand what their fundamental differences are.


Steam inhalers are the most affordable devices for home therapy. They have a simple design, so the price is low. Steam inhalers work on the principle of heating a liquid. Under the influence of temperature, water turns into steam. By inhaling medicinal fumes, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is moistened in a small patient. Such a device is useful for the treatment of the common cold.

Steam inhaler "Burenka"

Inhalation steam nebulizer carried out using essential oils, decoctions of herbs, saline or soda solutions. Apply pharmacological preparations in steam inhalers impractical, since high temperatures lead to a violation of the structures of drugs.

Compressor (nebulizers)

Nebulizers have been around since the 18th century. With its help, the healing liquid is converted into an aerosol. A compressor inhaler differs from a steam inhaler in that it creates not a coarse vapor, but an aerosol stream of microscopic particles.

The principle of operation of nebulizers is to create low pressure. Air at high speed penetrates through a narrow passage, capturing water molecules. In the zone of reduced pressure, the medicinal liquid is broken into its smallest components and passes through the respiratory tract with the air flow. Such inhalations are very effective for dry and wet coughs, because the medicine is able to penetrate into the most remote parts of the bronchial tree.

Compressor inhaler "Kitenok Samy"

Price compressor inhalers slightly higher than steam. There are models that are specially designed for children. They are stylized as trains, cars, animals, etc. Such inhalers are also used to treat babies under 1 year old.


Nebulizers of this type create high-frequency ultrasonic waves. During inhalation, the patient inhales air with microparticles of the therapeutic fluid. The operation of the apparatus is aimed at reproducing an ultrasonic frequency capable of forming an aerosol stream. However, it is not advisable to make inhalations with the addition of drugs using an ultrasonic inhaler.

Under the influence of ultrasound, macromolecular compounds are destroyed, the effect of the use of antibiotics, mucolytics and other drugs will be zero. That is why it is better to use for the treatment of children herbal decoctions and salt solutions.

Ultrasonic inhaler "Little Doctor"

How to use an inhaler at home?

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Instructions for the inhaler, as a rule, are included in the kit, but the information contained in it is not always clear to the patient. Many users have questions. In order for inhalation at home to be beneficial, and the device to work properly throughout its entire service life, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • during the procedure, you need to breathe evenly and calmly (you can’t talk);
  • for the treatment of a runny nose, it is necessary to use special nozzles, breathing is carried out through the nose;
  • it is necessary to prepare solutions, strictly following the recipe;
  • after inhalation, it is allowed to leave the room 30 minutes after the end of the procedure in warm time years or after 2 - 3 hours in winter;
  • the procedure should last no more than 3-4 minutes, gradually its duration increases to 5-7 minutes;
  • you need to use the device 1 hour before a meal or within 2-3 hours after a meal (after therapy, it is not recommended to drink and brush your teeth for about half an hour);
  • the inhaler after each use must be washed and wiped dry with a napkin;
  • all parts with which the patient has come into contact must be treated with antiseptics or doused with boiling water;
  • disinfection is carried out every 2 weeks (all components of the inhaler must be boiled).

Solutions for inhalation

Undoubtedly, inhalations help kids cope with the disease faster, but this procedure is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, the procedure is contraindicated: high body temperature, acute pneumonia, pulmonary edema, purulent processes, etc.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. Medicines for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract (antibiotics, expectorants, soda solutions etc.) is prescribed by a specialist.

It must be remembered that not all inhalation solutions are allowed to be filled into steam, compressor or ultrasonic type. Solutions purchased at the pharmacy should be stored in the refrigerator, inhalations should be started only after they have been heated to room temperature.

Dry cough inhalers

Inhalations with saline help to cope with the disease faster for children with a dry cough. During the procedure, mucous membranes are moistened, inflammation is relieved. The sputum liquefies and leaves the bronchi faster, and little patient it becomes easier to cough. Among other things, medicinal solutions have a disinfectant effect.

For inhalation, patients with pneumonia or bronchitis use mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan). The procedure promotes the release of small bronchioles from excess mucus and sputum.

To refill the nebulizer, you will need 4 ml of warm alkaline liquid freed from gas. Mineral water absolutely safe for children, so the procedure is carried out 4 times a day.

Also for the treatment of dry cough are prescribed:

  • expectorants: Mukoltin, Fluimucil, Lazolvan, Ambrobene;
  • antitussives: Ledocaine, Tussamag;
  • in the presence of bacterial infection antibiotics are prescribed: Furacilin;
  • if the cough is caused by an allergy, then you can use Berotek or Berodual refilled into an inhaler (we recommend reading:); after the procedure, the cough may increase, this indicates the effectiveness of the treatment.

Wet cough medicines

Reduce the viscosity of mucus with a wet cough will help Berodual, Berotek, Salgim, Troventol. When choosing a drug, the doctor is guided by the age of the patient, as some drugs may be contraindicated in babies. For example, inhalations with Berodual can be prescribed to children of any age, while Berotek is recommended to be taken from the age of 6. In each individual case therapeutic dose the doctor prescribes.

Promote mucus expulsion during wet cough inhalations with solutions, including:

  • Fluimucil;
  • Mukaltin (we recommend reading:);
  • Pertussin;
  • Sinupret;
  • Lazolvan.

Medicines with plant extracts effectively fight inflammation, but can cause allergic reactions or bronchospasm. With special care, you need to take medicines that contain eucalyptus and propolis.

Are inhalations effective for a cold and are there special solutions for this?

In most cases, inhalations with a cold do not bring improvement. In some cases, the procedures help children with rhinitis, but their effect is negligible. This method of treatment is advisable to choose in the cold season, when the air in the room is too dry. Inhalations moisturize the nasal mucosa, facilitating the outflow of exudate.

Although inhalations do not effectively deal with a runny nose, after the procedure, the child's condition improves, and the recovery process is accelerated. Inhalations can be carried out using:

  • Asterisks;
  • Pinosola;
  • Naphthyzinum;
  • Epinephrine etc.

If there are no contraindications for the use of essential oils, then a special treatment solution can be prepared for children. This will require 200 ml of saline and 14 drops of essential oil (fir, eucalyptus). It is possible to alleviate the condition of a child with a runny nose in another way. The replaceable nozzle is lubricated with Chlorhexidine, and regular saline is poured into the inhaler. The procedure lasts for 5 minutes, inhalations can be done 3 times a day.

In the presence of yellow-green discharge from the nose, inhalation is contraindicated. Treatment of purulent rhinitis in a child using nebulizers can lead to serious complications.

What can not be poured into the inhaler?

Following the advice of traditional medicine, many parents, without hesitation, use herbal decoctions, essential oils and medicines to treat a child. However, not all substances included in their composition are safe. Well, if the thoughtless use of pharmaceuticals and folk recipes will have no effect on the baby. In the worst case, this will adversely affect children's body or lead to damage to the nebulizer.

Knowing that it is impossible to fill in inhalers, parents reduce all possible risks to a minimum. Cannot be used for inhalation.

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