How to do inhalation with a nebulizer. What is a nebulizer? What is the best nebulizer? How to use a nebulizer

In the period from autumn to spring, acute respiratory infections are not uncommon. Worst of all, when the youngest members of the family suffer from this. At such moments, all means are used to alleviate the suffering of the baby and cure a cold. Inhalations for children are the most effective method to speed up the healing process, relieve the severity of symptoms. For all parents, this issue is acute and many are increasingly turning to the treatment of childhood diseases with effective methods. How to do inhalation for children and what to use for this, read on.

How to make an inhalation for a child

Inhalation is characterized as the treatment of respiratory diseases by direct injection of drugs into the inflamed foci of the respiratory system. This method of treatment is considered the fastest, most reliable and safest if you want to cure your child in a short time. This requires nebulizers that allow you to perform a treatment procedure using pure steam, essential oils, potato or herbal decoctions, etc.

In the modern age, there are a huge variety of such devices that facilitate the process of inhalation and are applied to children of different ages. There are no specific age contraindications for this procedure for children (except for newborn babies and one-year-old babies), it is important to persuade the baby so as not to scare him.

When to do

You will certainly need an inhaler for children to effectively treat respiratory diseases. Diseases that can be treated with inhalation include:

  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis (loss of voice);
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • stenosis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pollen allergy.

Performing inhalation for children must comply with all rules that comply with the following recommendations:

  • plan inhalation so that there is a break of at least an hour between eating and manipulation;
  • when the baby breathes, put him to sleep;
  • the duration of the procedure should be no more than three minutes in children;
  • an effective course of treatment consists of at least 10 sessions.

Types of inhalers

Depending on the disease to be treated, there are different types of inhalers. Some of them are aimed at eliminating cough, others help to normalize breathing in the sinuses, others are used for sore throat, asthma, etc. There are also universal devices that make it possible to effectively treat diseases at home. Check them out in more detail below.

The term "nebulizer" itself comes from "nebula" and literally means fog or cloud. The appearance of this device back in the distant 18th century characterized the transformation of a liquid with drugs into an aerosol for inhalation. The difference between a nebulizer and steam devices is that it creates a flow of medicinal microparticles using the aerosol method. Today's pharmacies offer to choose and buy at different prices these electrical devices from leading manufacturers (Omron, Gamma, Geyser, Spacer).


In this case, the air that enters through a narrow opening is subjected to low pressure. As a result, the air speed increases, and the liquid from the chamber is also sucked into the area of ​​low pressure. Here, the medicine begins to interact with the air flow, breaking into tiny particles, which enter the most distant parts of the respiratory tract.

In order to somehow attract children to the inhalation process, manufacturers of such equipment are trying to create an interesting look. This option includes a compressor inhaler called "Engine" by Omron. It has a beautiful bright look of a toy locomotive, is equipped with all the necessary tubes, masks, which are used for breathing by various methods. Even a 4-month-old baby can be used.


The action of such an immobilizer is based on the exposure of the therapeutic fluid to high-frequency ultrasonic waves, resulting in the formation of an aerosol inhaler. However, it is not advisable to use drugs for inhalation in this case, because ultrasonic frequencies destroy high-molecular compounds of antibiotics, mucolytics and other drugs. Use better decoctions of herbs or saline solutions with medicine.


This type of nebulizer is based on the effect of evaporation of volatile drug solutions (usually essential oils), which have a boiling point below one hundred degrees. However, compared with the previous types, the steam inhaler has a number of disadvantages, including the limited use of drugs in a very small concentration, which does not always give the desired healing effect.

Solution for inhalation

To effectively use any inhalation for children, you need not just water, it is important to prepare special solutions. They are created on the basis of different drugs, the list of which is compiled by the doctor for intensive care. These can be bronchial drugs, antibiotics, expectorants or soda solutions. Familiarize yourself with what inhalations in the nebulizer do next.


These medicines are designed to treat the bronchi. The maximum effect of bronchodilators is achieved by delivering small particles to the bronchi using inhalation procedures. These include the following inhibitors:

    1. Composition: salbutamol as the main component that creates a medicinal effect.
    2. Indications: prescribed by doctors for bronchial asthma, as well as for chronic lung disease.
    3. Application: the suspension is used in pure form, 2.5 ml each, or diluted with "Sodium Chloride". The procedure should last no more than 10 minutes, and the permissible frequency is up to 4 times daily.
  • "Berotek"
    1. Ingredients: fenoterol, which effectively removes asthma attacks.
    2. Indications. This medicine is necessary for use as a prevention or treatment of asthma, a chronic lung disease.
    3. Application: inhalations for young children (up to 6 years of age) take 20-25 drops of "Berotek" and drip directly into the inhaler.


This type of medicine refers to expectorants that thin the mucus. With the help of inhalations with mucolytics, doctors effectively deal with a strong cough of any origin. These drugs well relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, dilute even high-viscosity sputum. Here's what you can do with inhalation:

"Ambrobene" or its analogues: "Ambroxol", "Ambrohexal":

  1. Composition: the main ingredient is ambroxol;
  2. Indications: intended for the treatment of acute or chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  3. Application: it is not recommended to use with drugs called: "Falimint", "Pectusin", "Bronholitin", "Sinekod", others. Dilute 2 ml of syrup with saline solution one to one. Perform the procedure twice a day.


Without an antibacterial drug, it is impossible to cure a long-standing respiratory disease (more than 10 days). Such drugs help prevent the penetration of infection into the deep sections of the bronchi, have a broad antimicrobial property. Among antibiotics during inhalation, the following drug is often used.

  1. Ingredients: acetylcysteine ​​(the same "ACC"), thiamphenicol.
  2. Indications: enhances the action of mucolytics.
  3. Application: use 2 ml of the prepared solution (125 mg of medicine with 125 ml).


Alkaline-based solutions intensively help thin sputum and purulent discharge from the nasopharynx. This method of inhalation is considered to be a simple and effective means. He treats diseases of the respiratory system. To carry out the procedure with mineral water, use Borjomi or Essentuki as follows:

  • heat half a liter of mineral water in a kettle to (45 degrees);
  • inhale steam through the spout with your mouth, and exhale through your nose;
  • the duration of the process is 8 minutes, and the number of repetitions per day is up to 4 times;

What to do with inhalation

Depending on what disease you want to treat, taking into account the presence of certain symptoms, there are different medicines that are used to prepare inhalations. For a nebulizer, you can prepare solutions, inhalation of the vapors of which will effectively treat diseases such as snot, wet or dry cough, sinusitis, asthma, sore throat, flu, SARS, and other diseases. Learn more about how to inhale with a nebulizer.

With a cold

For effective treatment of a runny nose and discharge of nasal congestion, use specialized inhalation solutions called Sinupret, Naphthyzin, Epinephrine (Adrenaline). Still effective: "Asterisk", "Pinosol", "Rotokan". Check out how to prepare inhalations for a cold:

  1. Eucalyptus or fir oil: dilute 14 drops of ether in 0.2 liters of saline. For each procedure, refill the nebulizer with a runny nose with 3 ml of the resulting solution, repeating the procedure per day up to 4 times a day.
  2. "Sodium Chloride": pour an ampoule with 4 ml of the drug into the nebulizer, treat the tube with "Chlorhexidine", breathe for up to five minutes. It must be done at least three times a day.

For bronchitis and dry cough

When bronchitis or a long dry cough is taken by surprise, inhalations with expectorants ("Mukaltin", "Lazolvan") and mukalytics will help you. They also use antitussives (Ledocaine, Tussamag), herbal remedies. The following cough medicines are used:

  • Berodual
    1. Ingredients: fenoterol, bromide.
    2. Indications: Used for the treatment of chronic obstructive airways disease.
    3. Application: prepare Berodual for children with saline solution (2 drops each), refill the nebulizer when coughing - breathe.
  • Lazolvan
    1. Composition: the main component is ambroxol.
    2. indications: for acute and chronic diseases with viscous thick sputum;
    3. application: dilute 2 ml of the drug with 2 ml of saline, do the procedure by adding 3 ml of the prepared solution, repeating the procedure up to 4 times a day.
  • "Pulmicort"
    1. Composition: the main substance is budesonide.
    2. Indications: chronic lung diseases, acute inflammatory diseases.
    3. Application: dilute 1 mg of the drug with 2 ml of saline, use 3 ml of the mixture for the procedure, four repetitions per day.

With sinusitis

To alleviate the course of the disease and speed up the healing process, with sinusitis, inhalation for children is indispensable. Here, vasoconstrictor drugs are needed, which remove inflammation in the nose, facilitate breathing. In this case, inhalations will help you with:

  • "Decasan". It is an antiseptic, disinfectant with antiviral activity. Has reviews of a strong drug.
    1. Ingredients: decamethoxin.
    2. Indications: used during purulent-inflammatory diseases (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the adenoids).
    3. Application: dilute 2 ml of the drug with 2 ml of saline, use 3 ml of the resulting mixture for the procedure three times a day.
  • Salt solution. Dilute 3 g of sea salt in 10 ml of saline, use the finished mixture in 3 ml for 10-minute procedures several times a day.
  • Essential oils: mix a drop of rosemary, thyme and mint, dissolve in 2 ml of saline, perform the procedure for about 20 minutes three times a day.

At a temperature

It should always be remembered that during the temperature, it is better to refuse inhalation procedures altogether. However, there are situations when the use of a nebulizer is possible. For example, a child has an acute course of the disease, and in order to maintain the effect of therapy, inhalation sessions cannot be canceled. However, if the temperature has risen above 37.5, then any procedures prescribed even by doctors must be canceled.

For asthma

To treat asthma with inhalation, use drugs that dilate the bronchi (Berotek, Salbutamol, Flixotide Nebula, Eufillin), thin sputum (Lazolvan for inhalation, Mukolvan), antibiotics (Septomirin ”, “Dioxidin”, “Gentamicin”, “Metrogil”, “Miramistin”). Hormonal (Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone), antihistamines (Dexamethasone, Cromohexal), drugs to increase immunity (Derinat, Interferon, Laferobion, Cycloferon) will also help. Prepare solutions using these drugs.

Nebulizer Recipes

There are prescriptions for inhalation that have a wide range of action during respiratory diseases. Here drugs such as Tonsilgon, Propolis, Calendula can be used. Use them to alleviate the course of the disease, improve the general condition, and speedy recovery. To learn how to prepare such solutions for inhalation, read the instructions below.

  • With "Chlorophyllipt", the necessary components and application:
    1. 1 ml of alcohol (one percent) tincture on chlorophyll of eucalyptus leaves;
    2. saline (10 ml);
    3. mix everything, use a dose of 3 ml from the prepared solution for each 20-minute procedure;
    4. use at least three times a day.
  • With Tonsilgon (a homeopathic remedy based on horsetail, chamomile, dandelion, yarrow, marshmallow, walnut):
    1. 2 ml of the drug should be added to the same amount of saline;
    2. it is necessary to fill the nebulizer with 4 ml of the finished mixture;
    3. duration - up to 10 minutes, with repetitions per day up to four times.
  • With Propolis:
    1. Dilute 1 ml of the drug in 20 ml of saline;
    2. use 3 ml for each procedure three times a day.
  • With "Furacilin":
    1. dilute one tablet of the drug in 100 ml of saline;
    2. 4 ml of the diluted medicine, use up to two times a day.
  • With Calendula:
    1. Dilute 1 ml of alcohol infusion of inflorescence extract in 40 ml of saline;
    2. pour 4 ml of the mixture into the nebulizer and perform the procedure a couple of times every day until complete recovery.

Inhalations at home

If you do not know how to do inhalation with a cough or runny nose, the procedure can be performed using methods without using a nebulizer. To do this, use improvised means that are available at home, for example, garlic or potatoes. You can also do inhalations on herbal solutions. Just take the necessary components, boil and breathe over a steaming pan with ready-made medicines of the folk method of treatment.

  1. Recipe for garlic: boil finely chopped 6 cloves of garlic for five minutes, breathe over the steam.
  2. Herbal inhalation proportions: take a teaspoon of dried eucalyptus, sage, finely chopped garlic, a validol tablet, a quarter of a briquette with coniferous extract, boil, inhale the vapors.
  3. Boil two potatoes in their skins, breathe over the pan until it cools down.


Before performing inhalations at home with folk remedies or using nebulizers, consult a therapist so that he carefully examines the child, makes the correct diagnosis, and only then, according to his instructions, use breathing therapeutic exercises. Next, check out the videos that describe the correct procedure for children.

Doctor Komarovsky

Known in many countries, Dr. Komarovsky will always tell you how to act correctly in any situation when your baby is sick. After watching the video attached below with the recommendations of this pediatrician, you will learn what is allowed and prohibited during various respiratory diseases and how to use inhalations for therapy correctly.

How to use a nebulizer

Having acquired an indispensable device for use at home, it is important to know to study the instructions inside called "Nebulizer Application", however, not everyone uses it, so watch the video below. Here you will find out why certain tubes are needed, how to use them to treat various diseases. Remember that not all medicines are suitable for certain types of inhalers.

Inhalations that are carried out using a nebulizer differ from the usual varieties of boiled potatoes or essential oils. The device allows you to adjust the size of the sprayed particles and the depth of penetration of the drug. Electric inhalers disinfect and warm the infected tissues of the bronchi, larynx and lungs. They dilute phlegm and speed up recovery, but only when used correctly.

Solutions: indications and contraindications

The nebulizer is used for a runny nose, which is accompanied by a cough, and pharyngitis of a viral or allergic type. Steam penetrates into the alveoli, thinning the mucus and removing phlegm. Facilitates the withdrawal of purulent secretion and reduces inflammation. Only special products that the doctor selects are poured into the electric inhaler. The specialist may prescribe:

  1. A course of antibacterial medicines, if bronchitis occurs with complications, as well as antibiotics.
  2. Hormonal drugs. Glucocorticosteroids relieve severe inflammation and strengthen the immune system.
  3. Expectorant solutions and mucolytics. They are recommended for wet and dry coughs. Inhalations with such means reduce the viscosity of the purulent secretion, help the body cleanse itself of mucus.
  4. antihistamine solutions. Discharged for allergic cough. Administered to patients with asthma. Means suppress the production of substances responsible for inflammation, relieve swelling of the bronchi and larynx.
  5. Antitussives. Means are prescribed for laryngeal edema, laryngitis, spasms in the bronchi and allergies. Medicines soothe inflamed and swollen mucous membranes, soothe dry cough.
  6. Bronchodilators. They help with asthma attacks and protect against asthma, remove chronic lung diseases.

Do not inject solutions from solid tablets or cough syrups into the device. Home remedies clog the nebulizer tube and cause the device to break.

Solutions from essential oils should not be injected into the electronic and ultrasonic inhaler. The components stick to the alveoli and create a film. The body fails to clear the respiratory organs of the oily layer, inflammation intensifies, and ordinary bronchitis turns into pneumonia.

Essential oils are not only harmful to health, but also remain on the tube and other parts of the device, reduce its service life.

Herbal decoctions are not poured into the nebulizer. Plant microparticles remain in home-made water and alcohol tinctures. Pieces of dried leaves, stems and pollen settle on the lung mucosa and injure the alveoli. The inflammatory process is aggravated, the patient's health worsens with each new inhalation.

Instead of homemade decoctions, they use alcohol pharmacy tinctures from propolis and calendula, as well as Chlorophyllipt and Rotokan. They are recommended for colds and dry coughs. Means containing alcohol are contraindicated in children. Alcohol causes intoxication of the body and worsens the well-being of a small patient.

The doctor should select the means for preparing solutions. Some drugs cannot be combined. For example, mucolytics with antitussives or antibiotics with hormonal.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor, mineral water is used for inhalation. Children are advised to buy saline. The sterile liquid softens the mucous membranes and flushes out phlegm, relieving coughs and spasms.

Dosage and duration

At one time, the patient uses 3-4 ml of the solution. Expectorants and hormonal drugs, mucolytics and antibiotics are diluted with mineral water. Open the liquid base bottle and wait for all the bubbles to come out. Then the workpiece is heated to 20 degrees and injected into a special container. For inhalation buy special mineral water. Such therapeutic options as "Narzan" and "Borjomi", as well as "Essentuki" are suitable. Preparations intended for the treatment of cough in a child are diluted with saline.

The duration of the first procedure is 3-4 minutes. After it, you may feel dizzy or cough. Some patients experience nausea. Symptoms appear due to hyperventilation of the lungs. When the patient learns to inhale and exhale fumes correctly, dizziness and other side effects will stop bothering him.

The duration of one procedure is gradually increased to 5 minutes, and then to 10. From 2 to 6 inhalations are carried out per day with breaks of 1.5–3 hours.

  1. First, inhale saline or mineral water to moisten the nasopharyngeal and bronchial mucosa. Vapors dilute the purulent secret and stimulate expectoration of sputum.
  2. The bronchi will be cleared of mucus in 2-3 hours and prepare for the second stage. Now a solution with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs is injected into the nebulizer chamber.

Mineral water or heated saline is poured into a glass of an electric inhaler. Use a sterile syringe with a clean needle. Then a drug for bronchitis or a runny nose is added to the liquid base.

If the nebulizer is used to prevent flu and colds, a special container is filled with sodium chloride or mineral water. No tinctures or antibiotics. Inhalations are carried out 1 time per day. The device is used after an evening walk, returning from the garden, school or work.

Features of the procedure

A nebulizer does not cure a common cold. The electric inhaler is designed to combat rhinitis, which is accompanied by cough, sore throat and bronchitis, as well as asthma, allergic and viral pharyngitis.

Adults and young patients are carefully prepared for the procedure. 1.5–2 hours before inhalation, they feed tightly to prevent dizziness. But the nebulizer is not used on a full stomach, otherwise nausea or even vomiting will appear.

The throat and nasal passages are washed with saline solutions or decoctions, clearing the accumulated pus. Mucus impairs the absorption of drugs. Rinsing is carried out 1.5 hours before inhalation. Wash the mask or nebulizer tube with antibacterial agents. A special solution is replaced with fifteen percent soda.

Inhalation is carried out in a warm room. The patient puts on a loose T-shirt or jacket that does not fit too tightly around the chest and abdomen. During the procedure, you need to take deep breaths. Tight clothing gets in the way and makes you uncomfortable.

You need to go in for sports at least an hour before inhalation. Before using the nebulizer, it is forbidden to run, jump, swim and do exercises. Children should not play too active games. Small and adult patients are advised to lie down and relax before the procedure in order to normalize breathing and calm the heartbeat.

Inhalation with a nebulizer is carried out in a vertical position. Adults do not have problems with the fulfillment of this condition, and small patients begin to act up and refuse to sit still for all 10 minutes. They spin, try to jump up from their seats, scream and break out. A TV or tablet with your favorite cartoons helps to calm and distract the child.

Babies aged 6-7 months who cannot sit on a couch or chair on their own should be supported by a parent. If the nebulizer is used when the child is in a horizontal position, breathing and lung problems will occur.

An adult sits the baby on the edge of a chair or bed, hugs the baby's legs with his lower limbs, and holds the upper body with his right or left hand. The second holds a pipe or mask, which he leans against his face. It will be more convenient if the baby rests his back on the stomach of mom or dad.

While one parent is using the nebulizer, the other distracts the child: making faces, shaking a rattle, or turning on cartoons on the tablet. If the baby is frightened and cries a lot, inhalation is canceled, otherwise the hot air will provoke spasms in the bronchi and an asthma attack.

How to breathe

A tube with a mask or mouthpiece is connected to the device filled with a solution. For rhinitis, nasal cannulas are used. The nebulizer is checked before turning on. The spray chamber must be straight. The lid of the medication compartment is tightly closed and sealed.

The inhaler is connected to the mains. Cannulas are inserted into the nasal passages, and the mouthpiece is inserted into the mouth. The mask is pressed to the lower half of the face. With rhinitis, vapors are inhaled and exhaled through the nose. The drugs enter the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and into the maxillary sinuses.

With bronchitis and diseases of the lungs, steam is taken by mouth. Slowly draw in hot air, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds and empty your chest. You can expel carbon dioxide through your nose or mouth, but do it smoothly and without sudden jerks. Talking during inhalation is prohibited. Immediately after the procedure, you can not jump up from the couch or go outside. The patient is recommended to lie down for 30–40 minutes under a blanket in a warm room with closed windows. The body will rest, and breathing will normalize.

Hygiene procedures

After cooling, the nebulizer is disassembled into parts and washed with soda solution. Pharmacies sell special disinfectants for the care of electric inhalers. Take out the medicine container, disconnect the tube and nozzle. Details after disinfection are dried on a clean waffle towel. Twice a week, the mask, mouthpiece and other parts of the device are boiled.

After inhalation, the patient wipes his face with a soft cloth. If solutions from antibiotics or corticosteroids were poured into the nebulizer, the throat and nasal passages are washed with boiled water with salt or soda.

Before inhalation, hands and face are washed with antibacterial soap. It is impossible for germs to get on the mask or mouthpiece. The syringe, which was injected with mineral water and the drug into the nebulizer, is thrown away immediately after the procedure.


  1. Any inhalation should not be carried out at a temperature of 37.5 degrees and above.
  2. The nebulizer is not used for arrhythmia, tachycardia, cerebral atherosclerosis, heart failure and hypertension. The procedure is prohibited if the patient has experienced a heart attack or stroke.
  3. Steam inhalation is contraindicated in spontaneous pneumothorax, respiratory failure of the 3rd degree and bullous emphysema.
  4. A nebulizer is not recommended to treat cough and sore throat with regular nosebleeds.

After the procedure, 1-1.5 hours you can not eat and smoke, do physical exercises.

An electric inhaler is a useful and convenient device. When used correctly, it will replace cough syrups and antibiotics, save parents from endless childhood colds and sick days. The nebulizer will strengthen the child's immunity, protect him from pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other serious complications.

Video: nebulizer inhalation for bronchitis

They call medical devices that allow you to convert liquid medicines into an aerosol, that is, into a mixture of air and fine particles of a substance. With their help, inhalations are carried out, which are necessary for the treatment of a number of diseases. Various models can be used to treat both adult and pediatric patients; some models (mesh inhalers) are even suitable for infants.

Three types of inhalers are currently being produced:

  • compressor;
  • ultrasonic;
  • membrane (electronic mesh).

The most inexpensive, and, therefore, available are compressor models. They make it possible to spray any liquid preparations. Ultrasonic models are significantly more expensive. In addition, high-frequency sound has a negative effect on the structure of the active substances of antibiotics, mucolytics and hormonal agents. The most versatile are electronic mesh models (mesh nebulizers), but not everyone can afford them.

How does a nebulizer work?

Each type of nebulizer has its own device and principle of operation.

But any model includes several basic components:

  • the main block forming a jet of air;
  • mouthpiece or face mask (sometimes you can find atomizers, mouthpiece, nose nozzles in the kit);
  • connecting tubes;
  • medicine container.

When the nebulizer is started, air is combined with the drug and a therapeutic aerosol cloud is formed.

In compressor models, pressurized air is supplied to the chamber, where it is mixed with a liquid preparation coming from a special reservoir. As a result, an aerosol is formed, which enters the breathing mask through the tube.

In ultrasonic devices, the liquid is dispersed under the action of high-frequency sound vibrations generated by a piezocrystal.

In electronic mesh devices (mesh nebulizers), the medicine is divided into tiny drops due to vibrations of a special perforated membrane.

The most innovative devices have a special system of inhalation-exhalation valves, which makes it possible to use the drug as carefully as possible.

Some models are equipped with interrupters, which also makes it possible to save the drug.

How to use a nebulizer: instructions for use

Working with a medical device requires compliance with elementary rules of hygiene and asepsis. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the inhaler for use.

The nebulizer must be assembled following the attached instructions:

  1. Check that the tubing is securely connected and that the filter is clean.
  2. Measure out the amount of medication required for the procedure (the dosage is determined by the attending physician). It is advisable to purchase funds in disposable nebula capsules. If it is necessary to dilute the drug, only saline solution (NaCl 0.9%) can be used. The medicine must be taken from the factory container with a sterile syringe and poured into a special inhaler cup.
  3. A container with a ready-to-use drug is connected to the system via an adapter tube.
  4. To carry out the procedure, you need to put on a mask on your face or hold a special mouthpiece with your lips (the second option avoids the loss of part of the solution as a result of spraying into the surrounding air).
  5. Now the device can be turned on and start inhaling the aerosol. After the drug is over, steam will stop coming out of the cup. Most devices emit an audible signal when the medicine is out of the reservoir.

Important: If a device equipped with an interrupter is used, then in order to carry out inhalation in continuous mode, it is necessary to block the key by turning it in a clockwise direction.

After the end of the procedure, the medicine container, as well as the mask (or mouthpiece) and adapter tubes, should be washed with boiled water and dried thoroughly before putting the device in the box.

If hormonal agents were used for inhalation, then you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly.

It is undesirable to eat immediately after the procedure. During the course of treatment, you should refrain from smoking.

If after inhalation there are unpleasant sensations, then you need to temporarily interrupt the treatment and consult a doctor.

Rules for preparing medicines when using a nebulizer

The list of types of drugs used for inhalation using a nebulizer is presented in the table:

For inhalation with a nebulizer, special pharmacy medicines should be used. In modern models (steam does not count), herbal infusions and decoctions should also not be used. In no case should you try to prepare an inhalation solution from tablets crushed into powder.

When preparing medicines, make sure that:

  • there was at least 5 ml in the nebulizer chamber. liquids;
  • if necessary, dilution of drugs was used only sterile saline;
  • the used agent was warmed up to room temperature;
  • for the treatment of expensive drugs, devices with a valve flow interrupter were used that do not deliver aerosol on exhalation, which helps to avoid drug losses;
  • after the end of the aerosol supply, the chamber was rinsed with 1 ml. saline solution, shaking it and the end of the procedure until the complete cessation of aerosol secretions. Such a simple event contributes to a more efficient use of inhalation agents.

Measures to organize proper breathing when using a nebulizer

When starting inhalations, remember a few basic rules:

  1. Hold the mouthpiece (face mask) of the nebulizer so that it fits snugly around your mouth (face) to help you minimize potential drug wastage.
  2. During the procedure, breathe through your mouth (if nasal nozzles are not used) calmly, slowly, deeply.
  3. Sit straight, still, silent.
  4. Try to hold your breath for a few seconds before each exhalation. If you can't do this, just breathe normally.

Nebulizer for children

Many babies are characterized by fear of medical manipulations, even if they are not associated with discomfort. In order to turn inhalation into a fun game, manufacturers of special children's nebulizers make bodies in the form of toys or complete models with nozzles in the form of funny animals. It is necessary that the child be calm and not cry, because in this case his breathing will be superficial, and the aerosol will not penetrate into the lower parts of the respiratory system.

With the help of electronic mesh devices, even infants can be inhaled, since devices of this type (unlike compressor ones) can work at any tilt of the chamber.

If the child turns pale, loses consciousness, complains of chest pain, or develops suffocation, an ambulance should be called immediately. These symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction to a drug.

Rules for the care of the nebulizer

Regardless of the principle of operation of the nebulizer, all these devices require careful treatment, timely cleaning and disinfection. Otherwise, your nebulizer may turn into a source of infection and, when used, do not benefit, but harm.

To prevent this from happening, follow the main points of the instructions for cleaning the device:

  1. At the end of the procedures, turn off and disassemble the device.
  2. Thoroughly wash the flask, mask or mouthpiece in warm soapy water or 15% baking soda solution without the use of brushes and brushes. Rinse with clean water, let dry.
  3. If the nebulizer is used by one person, then once a week it is necessary to sterilize the collapsible parts. For which disinfectants supplied by the supplier, a sterilizer for baby bottles, or ordinary boiling for 10 minutes can be used. If the nebulizer is used by several people, disinfection is carried out after each use.
  4. Check the compressor filter according to the manufacturer's instructions, clean and replace it in a timely manner.
  5. Do not operate or store the nebulizer on the floor.
  6. Wipe the body and lid with a clean cloth before each use.
  7. Store the dried parts of the nebulizer in the box, after wrapping them in a clean towel or napkin.

All modern inhalers are extremely easy to use, convenient and reliable. If you follow the basic rules for operating the device, you will not have any difficulties, and the nebulizer will serve faithfully for many years.

To learn more about the types of nebulizers, how they work and how to use them, watch this video:

Konev Alexander Sergeevich, therapist

Kartashova N.K.
Allowance for patients. You can learn about what a nebulizer is, what diseases can be treated with it, how to perform inhalation correctly, how to choose a nebulizer and much more about the modern method of inhalation therapy from this article.


In the treatment of respiratory diseases, the most effective and modern method is inhalation therapy. Inhalation of drugs through a nebulizer is one of the most reliable and simple methods of treatment. The use of nebulizers in the treatment of respiratory diseases is gaining increasing acceptance among physicians and patients.

In order for the medicine to more easily enter the respiratory tract, it should be converted into an aerosol. A nebulizer is a chamber in which a drug solution is sprayed to an aerosol and delivered into the patient's respiratory tract. Therapeutic aerosol is created due to certain forces. Such forces can be air flow (compressor nebulizers) or ultrasonic vibrations of the membrane (ultrasonic nebulizers).

The modern approach to the treatment of respiratory diseases involves the delivery of drugs directly to the respiratory tract through the widespread use of inhaled forms of drugs. The capabilities of the nebulizer have dramatically expanded the scope of inhalation therapy. Now it has become available to patients of all ages (from infancy to old age). It can be carried out during periods of exacerbations of chronic diseases (primarily bronchial asthma), in situations where the patient has a significantly reduced inspiratory rate (young children, postoperative patients, patients with severe somatic diseases) both at home and in a hospital setting.

Nebulizer therapy has advantages over other types of inhalation therapy:

  • It can be used at any age, since the patient is not required to adjust his breathing to the operation of the device and at the same time perform any actions, for example, press the can, hold the inhaler, etc., which is especially important in young children.
  • The absence of the need to perform a strong breath allows the use of nebulizer therapy in cases of a severe attack of bronchial asthma, as well as in elderly patients.
  • Nebulizer therapy allows the use of drugs in effective doses in the absence of side effects.
  • This therapy provides a continuous and rapid supply of medication with the help of a compressor.
  • It is the safest method of inhalation therapy, since it does not use propellants (solvents or carrier gases), unlike metered-dose aerosol inhalers.
  • This is a modern and comfortable method of treating bronchopulmonary diseases in children and adults.

What diseases can be treated with a nebulizer?

The drug sprayed by the inhaler begins to act almost immediately, which allows the use of nebulizers, first of all, for the treatment of diseases requiring urgent intervention - asthma, allergies.

(First of all, nebulizers are used to treat diseases that require urgent intervention - asthma, allergies).

Another group of diseases in which inhalation is simply necessary is chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, such as chronic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchial obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, etc.

But their scope is not limited to this. They are good for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, fungal infections of the upper respiratory tract, and the immune system.

Inhalers help with occupational diseases of singers, teachers, miners, chemists.

When do you need a nebulizer at home:

  • In a family where a child grows up, prone to frequent colds, bronchitis (including those occurring with broncho-obstructive syndrome), for the complex treatment of cough with sputum difficult to separate, treatment of stenosis.
  • Families with patients with chronic or often recurrent bronchopulmonary diseases (bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis).

What medicines can be used in a nebulizer.

For nebulizer therapy, there are special solutions of drugs that are available in vials or plastic containers - nebulas. The volume of the drug together with the solvent for one inhalation is 2-5 ml. The calculation of the required amount of medicine depends on the age of the patient. First, 2 ml of saline is poured into the nebulizer, then the required number of drops of the drug is added. Do not use distilled water as a solvent, as it can provoke bronchospasm, which will lead to coughing and difficulty breathing during the procedure. Pharmacy packaging with medicines is stored in the refrigerator (unless otherwise indicated) in a closed form. After the pharmacy package has been opened, the drug must be used within two weeks. It is advisable to write down the date of commencement of the use of the drug on the vial. Before use, the medicine must be warmed to room temperature.

For nebulizer therapy can be used:

  1. mucolytics and mucoregulators (drugs for thinning sputum and improving expectoration): Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Fluimucil;
  2. bronchodilators (drugs that dilate the bronchi): Berodual, Ventolin, Berotek, Salamol.
  3. glucocorticoids (hormonal drugs with multilateral action, primarily anti-inflammatory and decongestant): Pulmicort (suspension for nebulizers);
  4. cromones (antiallergic drugs, mast cell membrane stabilizers): Cromohexal Nebula;
  5. antibiotics: Fluimucil antibiotic;
  6. alkaline and saline solutions: 0.9% physiological solution, Borjomi mineral water

Your doctor should prescribe the drug and tell you about the rules for its use. He must also monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

all solutions containing oils, suspensions and solutions containing suspended particles, including decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as solutions of eufillin, papaverine, platifillin, diphenhydramine and the like, as they do not have application points on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

What side effects are possible during nebulizer therapy?

With deep breathing, symptoms of hyperventilation (dizziness, nausea, cough) may appear. It is necessary to stop inhalation, breathe through the nose and calm down. After the symptoms of hyperventilation disappear, inhalation through the nebulizer can be continued.

During inhalation, as a reaction to the introduction of a spray solution, a cough may occur. In this case, it is also recommended to stop inhalation for a few minutes.

Inhalation technique using a nebulizer

  • Before using the inhaler, you must (always) carefully
  • wash your hands with soap; pathogenic microbes may be present on the skin.
  • Assemble all parts of the nebulizer according to the instructions
  • Pour the required amount of the medicinal substance into the nebulizer cup, preheating it to room temperature.
  • Close the nebulizer and attach the face mask, mouthpiece or nasal cannula.
  • Connect the nebulizer and compressor with a hose.
  • Turn on the compressor and carry out inhalation for 7-10 minutes or until the solution is completely consumed.
  • Turn off the compressor, disconnect the nebulizer and disassemble it.
  • Rinse all parts of the nebulizer with hot water or a 15% baking soda solution. Brushes and brushes should not be used.
  • Sterilize the disassembled nebulizer in a steam sterilization device, such as a thermodisinfector (steam sterilizer) designed to process baby bottles. Sterilization by boiling for at least 10 minutes is also possible. Disinfection should be carried out once a week.
  • A thoroughly cleaned and dried nebulizer should be stored in a clean tissue or towel.

Basic rules for inhalation

  • Inhalations are carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after a meal or significant physical activity.
  • During the course of inhalation treatment, doctors prohibit smoking. In exceptional cases, before and after inhalation, it is recommended to stop smoking for an hour.
  • Inhalations should be taken in a calm state, without being distracted by reading and talking.
  • Clothing should not constrain the neck and make it difficult to breathe.
  • In case of diseases of the nasal passages, inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose (nasal inhalation), breathe calmly, without tension.
  • In case of diseases of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, it is recommended to inhale the aerosol through the mouth (oral inhalation), it is necessary to breathe deeply and evenly. After a deep inhalation through the mouth, hold the breath for 2 seconds, and then exhale completely through the nose; in this case, the aerosol from the oral cavity enters further into the pharynx, larynx and further into the deeper sections of the respiratory tract.
  • Frequent deep breathing can cause dizziness, so it is necessary to interrupt inhalation for a short time from time to time.
  • Before the procedure, you do not need to take expectorants, rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid).
  • After any inhalation, and especially after inhalation of a hormonal drug, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with boiled water at room temperature (a small child can be given food and drink), if using a mask, rinse the eyes and face with water.
  • The duration of one inhalation should not exceed 7-10 minutes. The course of treatment with aerosol inhalations - from 6-8 to 15 procedures

What are the types of nebulizers?

Currently, there are three main types of inhalers used in medical practice: steam, ultrasonic and compressor.

The action of steam inhalers is based on the effect of evaporation of the medicinal substance. It is clear that only volatile solutions (essential oils) can be used in them. The biggest disadvantage of steam inhalers is the low concentration of the inhaled substance, as a rule, is less than the threshold of therapeutic effect, as well as the impossibility of accurately dosing the drug at home.

Ultrasonic and compressor united by the term "nebulizers" (from the Latin word "nebula" - fog, cloud), they do not generate vapors, but an aerosol cloud consisting of microparticles of an inhaled solution. The nebulizer allows you to enter into all respiratory organs (nose, bronchi, lungs) drugs in their pure form, without any impurities. The dispersion of aerosols produced by most nebulizers ranges from 0.5 to 10 microns. Particles with a diameter of 8-10 microns settle in the oral cavity and trachea, with a diameter of 5 to 8 microns - in the trachea and upper respiratory tract, from 3 to 5 microns - in the lower respiratory tract, from 1 to 3 microns - in bronchioles, from 0, 5 to 2 microns - in the alveoli. Particles smaller than 5 microns are called the "respirable fraction" and have the maximum therapeutic effect.

Ultrasonic nebulizers spray the solution with high-frequency (ultrasonic) vibrations of the membrane. They are compact, silent, do not require replacement of nebulization chambers. The percentage of aerosol that enters the respiratory mucosa exceeds 90%, and the average size of aerosol particles is 4-5 microns. Due to this, the required drug, in the form of an aerosol, reaches the small bronchi and bronchioles in high concentration.

The choice of ultrasonic nebulizers is more preferable in cases where the area of ​​influence of the drug is small bronchi, and the drug is in the form of a saline solution. However, a number of drugs, such as antibiotics, hormonal drugs, mucolytic (thinning sputum), can be destroyed by ultrasound. These drugs are not recommended for use in ultrasonic nebulizers.

Compressor nebulizers form an aerosol cloud by forcing through a narrow opening in a chamber containing a treatment solution, a powerful stream of air pumped by a compressor. The principle of using compressed air in compressor nebulizers is the "gold standard" of inhalation therapy. The main advantage of compressor nebulizers is their versatility and relative cheapness, they are more affordable and can spray almost any solution intended for inhalation.

Compressor nebulizers have several types of chambers:

  • convection chambers with constant aerosol output;
  • breath-activated chambers;
  • breath activated chambers with flow interrupter valve.

When inhaling drugs through a nebulizer, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • the optimal filling volume of the nebulizer chamber is at least 5 ml;
  • to reduce the loss of the drug at the end of inhalation, 1 ml of saline can be added to the chamber, after which, shaking the nebulizer chamber, continue inhalation;
  • when using inexpensive and accessible drugs, all types of nebulizers can be used, but when using more expensive drugs, nebulizers that are activated by the patient's inspiration and equipped with a valve flow interrupter in the expiratory phase provide the most effective inhalation therapy. These devices are especially effective in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases.

How to choose a nebulizer?

During treatment with a nebulizer, the drug is delivered to the respiratory tract. It is this treatment that is intended for those whose disease has affected the respiratory tract (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.). In addition, sometimes the respiratory mucosa is used to administer drugs to the human body. The surface of the bronchial tree is very large, and many drugs, such as insulin, are actively absorbed through it.

The choice of inhaler depends on the disease you are going to treat and on your financial capabilities.

In Russia, manufacturers of nebulizers from Germany, Japan, and Italy represent their products on the medical equipment market. Unfortunately, there are no domestic manufacturers of compressor nebulizers yet. Detailed information about the technical characteristics of certain types of nebulizers can be obtained from Russian companies selling them. When choosing a nebulizer, the requirements for atomizer and compressor are taken into account. For a compressor, size, weight, noise during operation, ease of use are important. In all these parameters, they differ slightly. But it should be noted that PARI GmbH (Germany) nebulizers are distinguished by traditionally high German quality, exceptional efficiency and long service life. They provide maximum deposition of medicines in the respiratory tract due to the optimal dispersion of the aerosol.

Perhaps the main attention should be paid to the type of atomizer . A nebulizer equipped with a direct-flow nebulizer makes sense for younger children, as they do not have enough inspiratory force to activate the valves (and thus save medicine). For inhalation for children under 3 years old, it is advisable to use a children's mask. Adults can also use this type of atomizer, because. it is originally equipped with a mouthpiece.

Inspiratory-actuated breath-controlled nebulizers have inspiratory and expiratory valves that alternately activate during the act of breathing. When they are used on exhalation, less aerosol is formed, there is a significant savings in the drug.

There are also nebulizers that have a nebulizer equipped with a tee tube (aerosol flow interrupter), which allows you to control the formation of aerosol only on inspiration by blocking the side opening of the tee.

Various types of nozzles are used with the nebulizer: mouthpieces, nasal cannulas (tubes), masks of adult and children's sizes.

  • Mouthpieces (adults and children) are optimal for delivering drugs deep into the lungs, used for inhalation by adult patients, as well as children from 5 years old.
  • Masks are convenient for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract and allow you to irrigate all parts of the nasal cavity, pharynx, as well as the larynx and trachea. When using a mask, most of the aerosols settle in the upper respiratory tract. Masks are needed when using nebulizer therapy in children under 3 years of age, since it is impossible to carry out inhalation in such patients through a mouthpiece - children breathe mainly through the nose (this is due to the anatomy of the child's body). An appropriately sized mask must be used. The use of a tight-fitting mask reduces aerosol loss in young children. If the child is older than 5 years, it is better to use a mouthpiece than a mask.
  • Nasal cannulas (tubes) are needed to deliver a medicinal aerosol into the nasal cavity. They can be used in the complex treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis.

Buying a nebulizer for yourself and your loved ones is the right and reasonable decision. You have acquired a reliable assistant and friend

We wish you HEALTH!

One of the most effective ways in the treatment of respiratory diseases is inhalation. Compared with taking pills or syrups, therapy by inhaling drug vapors has an undeniable advantage. The surface of the mucous membrane with this method of treatment is almost completely covered with a sprayed preparation. This speeds up the healing process, since the medicine begins its action immediately after contact with the mucosa. Tablets and potions have to travel a long way through the stomach.

A special device that converts medicines into an aerosol - a nebulizer - has received great recognition. It is able to spray the drug in the form of very small particles. In the form of finely dispersed fractions, the drug is able to reach its destination faster. This is a very convenient inhalation method that can be used at home. To use such a special device effectively, you need to know how to breathe properly with a nebulizer.

Inhalations with a nebulizer can be used not only to eliminate the disease, but also as a preventive measure. Often this is necessary to maintain immunity or prevent mucosal fungal infections when someone in the family is already sick.

There are a lot of diseases that can be treated with inhalation. They can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Diseases that are accompanied by bouts of coughing, and therefore require urgent treatment. Such manifestations occur with asthma or allergic diseases. Inhalation in this case is the main method of drug administration.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, occurring in a chronic form (bronchitis, rhinitis).
  3. Diseases bearing the abbreviation ARI (pharyngitis, laryngitis).
  4. Diseases associated with the profession of the patient - miners, chemists, as well as actors.
  5. Some diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular or endocrine systems.

The presence of a nebulizer in families with small children is a particularly urgent need. Babies are more prone to colds. When coughing or inflammation of the nasopharynx, breathing with small particles of drugs accelerates the healing process. However, the child must be explained how to breathe correctly during inhalation with a nebulizer.

Rules for preparing for the procedure

The nebulizer is a good helper in order to cope with the disease. However, inhalations with this device must be performed correctly. There are some prohibitions, both general and special, that must be observed:

  1. The use of oils and various preparations containing them is prohibited when performing inhalations. The nebulizer sprays the drug with very small particles, converting even an oily structure into them. When breathing with such fractions of the drug, the bronchi become covered with a film. This prevents them from performing their functions. Such an oily film can provoke pulmonary edema. This is a very dangerous manifestation that develops quite quickly. Even with an urgent emergency call, you may not have time to save the patient.
  2. It is forbidden to use preparations and their solutions containing various suspensions. Also, poorly filtered herbal infusions should not be used.
  3. Dilution of medicines intended for inhalation should be carried out only with saline, which is purchased from the pharmacy network. At the same time, its temperature should be above 20 ° C.
  4. The use of an inhalation nebulizer is prohibited for people who have been diagnosed with pulmonary bleeding, arrhythmia or heart failure.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to clean the openings of the device with needles or wire. Due to such actions, the necessary dispersion of the sprayed substance is lost. This leads to low efficiency of procedures.

It must be remembered that the treatment regimen, as well as the composition of the solution, can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Carrying out inhalation: general rules

To perform the procedure, you need to assemble the nebulizer and disinfect the mask or nozzle with a special solution purchased at a pharmacy. In its absence, this can be done with hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to read the instructions again. This is required in order to remember how to breathe correctly into the nebulizer inhaler. When performing the procedure, you must adhere to the following general rules:

  1. Inhalation should not be performed immediately after eating or physical activity. The procedure can be carried out only after a certain period of time - from one to one and a half hours.
  2. Before, as well as after inhalation, smoking is not recommended for an hour.
  3. When performing the procedure, you must sit, do not try to talk. The nebulizer chamber must be in a vertical position.
  4. The drug, which is in the refrigerator, is used within two weeks after opening the package. Be sure to check the expiration date of the medication.
  5. Fill the chamber of the device according to the doctor's recommendations regarding the treatment regimen and the composition of the medicinal product. First, pour saline into the nebulizer, and then the drug.

Inhalation: how to breathe with a nebulizer

Compliance with the recommendations on how to breathe during inhalation with a nebulizer is a must. Their implementation is necessary for the drug to reach its intended purpose, which contributes to the fastest cure. Recommendations on how to breathe correctly in a nebulizer, depending on the disease, are as follows:

  1. When treating deep sections of the respiratory tract, inhalation should be performed using deep slow breathing through the mouth. This is especially necessary if a mask is used. Each time you need to hold your breath for two seconds before exhaling. For seriously ill patients, this is sometimes not feasible. In this case, breathe calmly and preferably evenly.
  2. When treating the larynx, pharynx or trachea, special breathing is used. After a deep inhalation through the mouth, a one or two second breath is held. Full exhalation is made through the nose.
  3. In the treatment of the nasopharynx, nose or paranasal sinuses, the use of nasal cannulas or a mask is required. Calm shallow breathing is done through the nose. No voltage is required.

Carrying out inhalation: time

The usual recommendation for adults and children regarding the timing of the procedure is as follows. Inhalation must be continued until the liquid is completely sprayed from the nebulizer chamber. However, the duration under different conditions may be different. It mainly depends on the amount of solution used, its temperature also matters.

The instructions for using the nebulizer recommend pouring 4 ml of liquid into the chamber. At the same time, many doctors in the treatment of cough recommend a volume of 3 ml for adults and children after 6 years of age, from two years old - 2 ml is enough, and for very small ones - only 1 ml. At the same time, the time of the procedure is clearly indicated: for adults - only 5 minutes, and for children 2 minutes are enough.

In any case, when performing inhalations with a nebulizer, it is required to follow the recommendations prescribed by the attending physician. He considers each time a specific situation, and the duration of therapeutic procedures in the treatment of different organs is different. The same applies to the amount of drug used.

Popular drugs for the nebulizer

For inhalation using a nebulizer, a lot of medications are used, which are diluted with saline:

  1. If you are concerned about a dry cough, then quite often the doctor prescribes the bronchodilator drug Berodual.
  2. Wet cough is eliminated with the use of Lazolvan or Ambrobene.
  3. A cough that "bursts" the chest with bacterial bronchitis is treated with Furacilin.

It should be remembered that no matter what drug is used for inhalation, the next time the procedure can be performed only after 6 hours. The exact dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

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