Inhalers types and differences. How is a nebulizer different from a steam inhaler? What about the prices

Among huge amount devices on the market today inhalation therapy consumers are increasingly faced not only with the usual inhalers, but also with nebulizers.

Nebulizer(from the Latin nebula - “cloud”, “fog”) is a device that is able to convert drugs from liquid to aerosol states and introduce them into the body by inhalation. Nebulizers are compression and ultrasonic. In other words, the nebulizer belongs to a narrower subsection of inhalers, but, by and large, an inhaler and a nebulizer are two devices that perform the same functions.

Inhaler(from the Latin inhalo - “I breathe in”) is a device that, through inhalation, introduces drugs into the body that are in an aerosol state. Modern inhalers are divided into several types: steam, electronic mesh, compression and ultrasonic. All of them are intended for prevention and treatment. various diseases respiratory system(tracheitis, bronchitis, SARS, asthma, etc.) and have the same principle of operation, which consists in converting the drug into a dispersion composition. Particles of this composition have a size of 0.5-10 microns. The smaller the particle size of the sprayed medicine the better it is absorbed by the body.

Depending on what particle size is preferred for the consumer, he can choose one or another type of inhaler. The only exception is a steam inhaler, which is based on the production of a dispersion composition, or simply steam, by heating the drug. Due to the fact that the resulting vapor masses of such an inhaler have a large particle size that can reach only certain parts of the respiratory system, a steam inhaler does not apply to nebulizers and is often used only for inhalation of sea or mineral water and herbal infusions.

All other inhalers, they are also nebulizers, are suitable for precise drug exposure to the lower, middle or upper parts of the respiratory system. The smallest particles penetrate most deeply into the respiratory organs, evenly covering the inflamed area and carefully eliminating swelling and pain.

Findings site

  1. A nebulizer is an inhaler with a very fine spray of the medicinal composition. The steam inhaler is not a nebulizer.

What is the difference between a nebulizer and a compressor inhaler and other types of devices? What are the features of each device? We will answer these and other questions in our article.

The function of devices such as a nebulizer and an inhaler is similar. They are used for inhalation. But it is worth saying that the nebulizer and inhaler have differences. The differences between these two inhalation devices will be described below. These descriptions of these devices will help parents choose the most suitable option for their child.

Nebulizer. Description

What is a nebulizer? How is it different from an inhaler? A nebulizer is a device in which drugs are placed in a liquid state. Then they are converted into an aerosol and sent to the child's airways. There are two types of nebulizers, namely ultrasonic and compressor.

What is the difference between a nebulizer and an ultrasonic inhaler?

Ultrasonic nebulizers convert drugs from liquid state into an aerosol by means of ultrasound. And compressors do the same with the help of a compressor. In addition to the above nebulizers, there are models that convert medicinal solutions using electricity. Such devices are called electronic mesh devices. There is also an abbreviated name, namely MESH.

Inhalers inject aerosols into the patient's respiratory organs different composition. They are designed to treat diseases. The action of the inhaler is aimed at converting drugs into a suspended form. Thus, through the inhaler, the funds enter the body in drip or vapor form. There are also several types of inhalers, namely steam, compressor, ultrasonic and electronic mesh apparatus.


In consequence of the foregoing, it is clear that one of the subtypes of the inhaler is a nebulizer. How is it different from an inhaler? Differences:

  1. A steam inhaler converts liquid into vapor, and a nebulizer into drops.
  2. In order to get steam, medicinal liquids are heated to the desired temperature. In a nebulizer, the conversion to a droplet form is carried out by means of ultrasound, a compressor or a membrane. Medicines do not need to be heated.
  3. A steam inhaler delivers medicinal vapor only to the upper layers of the patient's respiratory system. A nebulizer ensures that the drug is brought even to the lower parts of the respiratory system.
  4. For work steam inhaler you can use these forms medicinal products like decoctions of herbs, homeopathic remedies, oils. As for the nebulizer, decoctions and oils cannot be used here.
  5. The inhaler helps well with diseases such as mild colds and SARS without any complications. The nebulizer provides a deeper therapeutic effect. It is recommended for use in diseases such as bronchitis in acute form and asthma.
  6. For an inhaler, the use of drugs such as antibiotics, mucolytics, hormones and others is unacceptable. As for the nebulizer, the delivery of these drugs in liquid form is possible in the patient's respiratory organs.

What is the difference between a steam inhaler and a nebulizer? in the age factor. It is worth saying that the inhaler is not recommended for small children. This is because the steam can burn the baby. A nebulizer is allowed to use even newborn babies.

What is the best device to buy for home use?

We have already found out what a nebulizer is, how it differs from an inhaler. And what is the best device to buy for home?

If speak about small child, it is better to buy a nebulizer. Since a steam inhaler can scare the baby with the release of steam. It is worth knowing that there are nebulizers that can have therapeutic effect during the child's sleep.

Nebulizer. How is it different from an inhaler?

The steam inhaler is suitable for older children as well as for adults.

It is worth remembering that with diseases such as the common cold or SARS in mild form a regular steam inhaler is suitable for use. In cases of more complex pathologies doctors recommend using a nebulizer. Such diseases include bronchial asthma, as well as other respiratory diseases that require the introduction of drugs into the lower respiratory organs.

Device cost

Another criterion for choosing devices is their cost. An inhaler is cheaper than a nebulizer. The price differs by 30 or 40 percent down. A nebulizer is a more complex device than an inhaler, which is why it is more expensive.

How to use an inhaler?

  1. In a special compartment are placed medications.
  2. Next, the mask is pressed against the face of the child.
  3. Then the device turns on and acts on the body for a quarter of an hour.
  1. First of all, you need to decide on the type of device. Here you can be guided by such criteria as cost, technical characteristics of the patient's needs.
  2. The important point is which dosage forms intended to be used in the instrument. To do this, you need to read its instructions.
  3. Steam appliances must not be used elevated temperature body.

It will be better if you consult with your doctor about which type of inhalation device is best to buy.

Inhalation - effective method treatment of the respiratory tract colds, influenza, tonsillitis and other pathologies. Traditional inhalations are used to moisten the nasal cavity and respiratory tract.

Important! Ultrasonic, compressor and other inhalers are used to quickly transport drugs to the lesion.

In the article we will answer the following questions: what is an inhaler, what types of inhalers exist, and how does a nebulizer differ from an inhaler.

Classic inhaler: what is it and what is the principle of its operation

An inhaler is a device designed to inject drugs into the lesion. Medicines are placed in a special department, sprayed into tiny particles and injected into the patient's body in the form of aerosols.

The principle of operation of this device is the formation of a suspension of tiny particles that contain the drug.

Important! The particle size is adjusted depending on where the drug is being delivered. For the lower and upper respiratory tract, particles of different sizes are generated.

Inhalers: types and features

Classical inhalations were carried out very simply: potatoes were boiled in a saucepan, after which the vegetable was removed and they sat down to breathe over the steam, covering themselves with a blanket or blanket. AT modern world possibilities expanded - were invented different types inhalers suitable for treatment various diseases. They may vary in size, mode and cost.

Consider the following types of inhalers and their features:

  • steam. These are universal devices designed for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. In a steam inhaler can be poured sea ​​water, herbal solutions and medicines for oil based. The advantages of such a device are: ease of use and low cost;
  • ultrasonic. They are small, compact and silent devices. The drug is broken down into tiny particles and delivered to the lesion using ultrasound. The disadvantage of devices of this type is that ultrasound does not break down all substances, so the list of drugs for treatment is limited;
  • compressor. Such devices have a built-in compressor that exerts pressure on medicinal substance. Under its influence, therapeutic solutions are quickly delivered to the area where inflammatory process. However, the use of a compressor inhaler is accompanied loud noise, which is why it is not always convenient to use it for treatment;
  • MASH inhalers (membrane). The use of this electric inhaler is equally suitable for adults and children under one year old. The device is equipped with a vibrating device and a grid, which is based on membranes. Due to vibration medicinal composition converted into an aerosol and delivered to the focus of inflammation. MASH inhalers are ideal for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, as any medicine can be placed in them.

Important! Modern varieties Inhalers differ from each other in different modes, sizes and costs, so choosing the right device will not be difficult. Additionally, mask inhalers are available to help achieve best result. Masks are attached to classic inhalers or nebulizers.

Tri-mode inhaler-nebulizer

The three-mode device is small in size, compact, excellent in performance and easy to use. The differences between the modes are in the size of microparticles and purpose:

  • Mode 1. Size of microparticles - 1-5 microns. Particles are much smaller than in a conventional inhaler or nebulizer mode. Thanks to this function, a nebulizer configured in this way can be used to treat the lower respiratory tract, including in a severe stage.
  • Mode 2. Size of microparticles - 6-9 microns. This mode is used to treat inflammation of the trachea and bronchi.
  • Mode 3. Size of microparticles - 10-14 microns. It is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The device comes with a mask (for adults and children), nasal prongs or a mouthpiece, an infrared thermometer, replaceable filters and a silicone tube. Depending on the manufacturer and type of inhaler, the device may have additional components.

Inhaler vs Nebulizer: What's the Difference?

A nebulizer is a universal device used to fill the respiratory tract with a medicinal substance under the influence of a compressor. This is an advanced inhaler that is used repeatedly, unlike the latter. Inhalers come in the form of a device or special disposable cartridges designed for people with asthma. The nebulizer is used only repeatedly.

Important! The main difference between nebulizers and classic inhalers is the ability to set their characteristics and the size of medicinal particles (indicated in microns) to deliver the drug to different areas of the respiratory tract.

The particle size is adjusted depending on the disease:

  • 8-10 microns. (micron). This is the largest particle size that is used in the treatment of tonsillitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory processes that develop against the background of SARS, influenza, tonsillitis and bacterial infections. Various medicinal solutions and preparations are used for inhalation;
  • 5-7 mk. This size is set in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. Broken medicine irrigates nasal cavity reaches the pharynx and larynx. This option is suitable for the treatment of edema and strong secretions from the nose. It is used to treat pharyngitis, laryngitis and other inflammations;
  • 3-4 microns. With this size of drug particles, the drug reaches the trachea and bronchi, which allows you to effectively treat bronchitis and tracheitis. At this mode it is recommended to use medicines designed to remove sputum and relieve coughing;
  • 1-3 mk. it best mode, which provides a compressor nebulizer. Thanks to him, the medicine is delivered to hard-to-reach areas of the respiratory tract: bronchi and alveoli. Regular treatment inhalation leads to speedy recovery with bronchitis and pneumonia.

The highest quality and most reliable nebulizers are made in Germany. Proven German manufacturers: Pari and Sanitas. The use of these nebulizers speeds up recovery in the most severe lesions of the respiratory tract.

Nebulizer Humidifier

The question of what nebulizers are is of interest not only to medical purpose. In addition to classic nebulizers designed for inhalation, there are cosmetic devices. These devices are used by professional cosmetologists to safely moisturize the skin.

Important! The difference between classic and cosmetic devices lies in the principle of operation. A certain amount is placed in the nebulizer pure water which, under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations, penetrates deep into the skin.

This device can be used as a professional or household and helps to achieve the following results:

  • retains moisture for 24 hours;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • reduces the second chin;
  • helps maintain a fresh and healthy complexion;
  • restores skin elasticity after liposuction.

Which is better - a traditional inhaler or a nebulizer? There is no single answer to this question, since each device has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Important! When choosing a device, consider the goals of treatment, the age of the patient, and other characteristics.

Inhaler and nebulizer are devices used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases accompanied by inflammation of the airways. In our article, we will try to answer the frequently asked question about how these devices differ.

The purpose of both devices is identical: they are used to perform inhalations, however, when using an inhaler, a liquid drug passes into a vapor state, and when using a nebulizer, it is converted into a fine aerosol.

Emphasizing the great similarity of design and functions, many manufacturers produce their devices under a double name: inhaler-nebulizer, while doctors still see some difference in their effect on the patient's body.

From their point of view, the inhaler can be used exclusively for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (URT), since it only gives the patient the opportunity to breathe in vapors of the medicinal substance.

The nebulizer, endowed with the ability to aerate medicinal solution, split into tiny particles, can act pointwise, delivering it directly to the infected areas of the respiratory tract.

That is why inhalations using a nebulizer should be included in the treatment regimen for patients suffering from damage to the middle and lower respiratory tract. AT medical literature cases of successful use of a nebulizer in treatment are described.

Types of inhalers and their features

Depending on the principle of action, modern inhalers are:

  • Steam, designed to affect the upper respiratory tract by inhalation of vapors of a medicinal substance. The mechanism of action of steam inhalers is based on heating the applied solution to 45 degrees. Inhalations of this type are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of many diseases accompanied by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The main advantages of devices of this type are the possibility of using a wide range medicinal solutions, in ease of use and not high cost. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of influencing the lower parts of the respiratory system.
  • Compressor (aka nebulizer), equipped with a built-in piston compressor that creates a powerful air jet, with the help of which the medicinal solution is converted into an aerosol consisting of the smallest particles. Due to the sizes fluctuating within 1-10 microns, the particles of the medicinal substance penetrate into the most remote parts of the respiratory tract. This type of inhalers, widely used both at home and in stationary conditions are used to treat patients suffering from tuberculosis. Special advantage compressor inhalers is their versatility, allowing you to perform inhalations using any medicine. The only drawback of this type of device is that the compressor is too noisy.
  • ultrasonic, capable of converting a medicinal solution into an aerosol cloud using high frequency ultrasonic waves. The effectiveness of ultrasonic inhalers used to prevent and treat colds and infectious diseases is much higher than in the case of steam and compressor type devices. The main advantage of ultrasonic inhalers is their compactness and absolute noiselessness of operation, however, not all medicinal substances are able to maintain their beneficial features under the influence of ultrasonic waves. This circumstance somewhat limits the possibilities of using devices of this type.
  • There is another type of device: MASH inhalers, capable of converting a medicinal solution into an aerosol using a built-in vibrating device. Devices of this type, used for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies respiratory tract, allow inhalation with any medicinal solutions. Main disadvantage MES-inhalers is due to their high cost, but it is more than redeemed by a number of undoubted advantages: devices of this type are highly technical, compact, silent; they can be used in a horizontal position.

After analyzing the features of the above devices, we can conclude that only steam inhalers cannot be classified as nebulizers, since they are not equipped with a device that allows the drug solution to be converted into an aerosol cloud. Devices of other types can be called both inhalers and nebulizers.

Features and varieties of nebulizers

Home hallmark nebulizers is the ability to convert the medicinal substance into an aerosol, and the size of the aerosol particles depends on technical parameters these devices.

The smaller these particles, the further the drug penetrates into the organs of the respiratory system. Modern manufacturers equip their devices with special nozzles that make it possible to obtain an aerosol cloud consisting of particles of a certain size, which can be used to deliver a medicinal substance to a specific part of the respiratory tract.

Aerosol with particle size:

  • 8-10 microns settles in the oral cavity;
  • 5-8 microns affects the sinuses of the nose, larynx and nasopharynx;
  • 3-5 microns penetrates into the trachea and bronchi;
  • 1-3 microns reaches the bronchioles;
  • from 0.5 to 1 micron is able to penetrate into the lung alveoli.

Nebulizers are:

  • ultrasonic. The compactness and noiselessness of operation make it possible to use devices of this type for the treatment of young children, however, due to the ability of ultrasound to destroy certain types of medicinal substances, expectorants and hormonal medications, antibiotics and agents that enhance immunity.
  • Compressor. Having larger dimensions and being rather noisy, nebulizers of this type allow the use of any medicines.
  • Electronic mesh, converting the drug into an aerosol cloud through a membrane dotted with many tiny holes. The extremely small size of aerosol particles resulting from the passage of the solution through the vibrating membrane allows the use of these devices for the treatment of all parts of the respiratory tract.

Which is better, inhaler or nebulizer?

There is still no final unity in the views on this issue. Most experts are of the opinion that a nebulizer is an improved type of inhaler that has a wider functionality that allows you to direct and more accurately act on a particular part of the respiratory tract.

Instructions for use of the nebulizer

  • Before each use of the device, wash your hands well, and then assemble it in strict accordance with the instructions.
  • After making sure that the filter is clean and the connection of all tubes is reliable, they begin to measure a certain amount of the drug. For its cultivation, only physiological saline can be used.
  • Bay in the chamber of the nebulizer required amount saline, add a carefully measured drug to it. It is most convenient to fill the device with a sterile disposable syringe with a needle.
  • Wearing a special mask on your face or holding the mouthpiece with your lips, you must take sitting position(during the procedure, seriously ill patients can lie; small children are held in their arms).
  • Turning on the device, start inhaling the aerosol. In case of damage to the upper and middle parts of the respiratory system, one should breathe through the mouth measuredly and deeply. To improve the penetration of the drug into the focus of pathology, you should, after inhaling the aerosol for two seconds, hold the exhalation.
  • The cessation of steam emission indicates that the medicine in the device is over. Most nebulizers deliver sound signal. Average duration procedures - from 5 to 10 minutes.
  • At the end of the procedure, the device is disassembled, the medicine container is thoroughly rinsed, the mask and adapter tubes that have been in contact with the patient are washed and disinfected. Each treated part is wiped dry with a sterile cloth.

Dispersed systems in the treatment of organ diseases external respiration highly effective and pathogenetically justified. Inhalation procedures provide a rapid pharmacodynamic response with high dose concentrations in pathological areas with no systemic side effects.

An important criterion in determining the effectiveness of therapy will be factors related to the patient and the type of inhaler. The delivery of the dispersed medicinal substance is provided various devices: nebulizers and inhalers. What is the difference between a nebulizer and an inhaler, and how to choose the right one?

The problem of the dispersed system is reduced to sanitation of the respiratory tract, reduction of mucosal edema, restoration of mucociliary transport, sputum rheology and functional activity microvasculature, generation of local immunity.

The clinical rationale for aerosol therapy would be inflammatory process in nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, bronchopulmonary tree of acute and chronic course.

Aerosol therapy allows special technical devices: , . At the end of the 18th century, steam inhalers were the first to be introduced to the public. For conversion and generation aqueous solutions a hand pump was used in the gas flows.

In 1908, by attaching an extension tube to the atomizer in order to form fine suspension an atomizer was designed manual drive air supply. A prototype appeared in 1930 modern models with electric drive. Thus, the history of development indicates that the nebulizer is a type of inhaler.

Interesting! The term "nebulizer" was introduced into the dictionary in 1874, which denoted an instrument for converting liquid into a fine aerosol for medicinal purposes.

To determine how an inhaler differs from a nebulizer, consider the mechanism of action of each, and make a brief comparison.

Inhaler- a device designed to deliver medicinal components to the respiratory tract in medical or preventive purposes. The principle of their functioning is based on the transformation liquid forms into gaseous state or aerosol.

Depending on the mechanism of action, structure and configuration inhalers are divided into four types:

  1. Steam. The model of functionally oriented systems is quite simple, based on heating the solution with subsequent transformation into steam. Primarily provides delivery active components in the projection of the upper respiratory tract, due to which it has limited indications for use. With the help of steam inhalations, the treatment of nosological forms of diseases with the localization of pathological foci above the larynx is carried out. These include:, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, epiglottitis. Phyto-decoctions are used as medicines, essential oils, homeopathic remedies.
  2. Compressor. The dispersed system consists of two components: a special chamber (nebula) and an electric compressor, under the action of which the liquid is transformed into a dispersed state. The mechanism of action is based on the flow (jet) of gas, which generates a fine suspension, which makes it possible to use in medicinal purposes antiseptic, antibacterial, mucolytic drugs, hormones, bronchodilators.
  3. Ultrasonic. The operation of the device is ensured by the vibration of an electronically initiated piezo ring. Vibrations from the crystal come to the surface of the inhalation solution with the subsequent formation of micro-geysers. Large dispersed particles are repatriated back into the solution, while small ones are inhaled. The winning side of inhalers will be small dimensions, noiselessness, the ability to connect to a battery. The range of use of ultrasonic inhalers narrows the limited list of drugs, the likelihood of inactivation antibacterial agents, drugs with a peptide bond.
  4. Membrane (mesh-effect) or electronic mesh the devices are free from the shortcomings of compressor and ultrasonic models. The high-frequency vibration of the piezoelectric crystal pushes the liquid through the micro-holes of the established shape and size. The devices are characterized by a reduced frequency of ultrasound, which makes possible use medicinal aerosols contraindicated for ultrasonic devices. They are compact and silent in operation, favorably distinguished by a minimum residual volume.

Nebulizer- a device designed for the point transfer of a fine suspension to pathological zones with localization in lower sections DP. The design of the device is represented by a nebulizer and a compressor (ultrasonic) device that supplies an air/oxygen jet to generate a solution.

In practice, two types of nebulizers are widely used.: compressor and ultrasonic. In compressor devices, the compressed air flow, passing through a narrow opening, produces a negative pressure, under the influence of which the liquid is absorbed through special channels of the device.

Compressor nebulizers are divided into convection, breath-activated, breath-synchronized.

In ultrasonic devices, a heterodisperse aerosol is produced by vibrating a piezoelectric crystal. During operation, as the frequency of vibrations increases, the inhaled solution may heat up, which leads to a change in the pharmacokinetic parameters of the drug.

For reference! What is the difference between a compressor inhaler and a nebulizer? In fact, these are synonymous words denoting a device in which the dispersion of medicinal solutions is carried out using piston-type compressors.

The main difference between an inhaler and a nebulizer lies in the ability of the latter to generate a medicinal substance into an aerosol. The degree of dispersion of the aerosol is determined technical specifications device. Their penetration depth, settling level, and aerosol stability depend on the physical size of the particles.

For the treatment of pathologies of the bronchopulmonary apparatus, the respirable particle fraction of 0.1-3 microns will be optimal. Aerosols of low and medium degree dispersion (5 - 8 microns) is used for diseases of the nasopharynx and oropharynx.

Nebulizer vs inhaler

What better nebulizer Or an inhaler? The effectiveness of treatment and the rationality of choosing a nebulizer determines the severity and speed of achieving therapeutic effect, minimization side effects, reducing drug losses while maintaining the structures of the drug.

An ideal device should provide rapid generation of an inhalation solution, its delivery to the pathological focus in an unchanged form and with minimal losses, an easy inhalation technique, and the possibility of using it for various purposes. age groups and at severe stages illness.

When choosing the type of device, it is necessary to clearly understand the goals and objectives of its use.. The choice of steam inhalers dictates the need for the treatment and prevention of influenza, colds, sinusitis,. When exposed to steam, mucosal edema decreases, the production volume and rheology of the secretion normalize, and viral agents are eliminated.

For reference! On average, the price of a steam inhaler is 50-100% cheaper than a compressor/ultrasonic nebulizer, but the list of approved medicines is limited, and the possibility of sedimentation of particles of the dispersed phase in the projection of the lower respiratory tract is not provided.

Range of use and healing effect increase compressor and ultrasonic nebulizers . Technological features of the spray chamber (small residual volume, formation of an aerosol with different respirable fraction of particles), the possibility of combining drugs makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment with a lower consumption of inhalation solution.

Indications for aerosol therapy are pathology of the DP, ranging from tonsillitis, tracheitis, rhinosinusitis, ending with the defeat of the terminal branches bronchial tree. Atraumaticity and light machinery inhalations allow the use of devices for the treatment of different age groups, including newborns and the elderly.

What type of device is best for kids?

Parents are wondering what to choose an inhaler or nebulizer for a child? The system option is based on individual characteristics patient: age, condition of the mucous membrane of the external respiratory organs, architectonics of the respiratory tract due to a particular pathology, ciliary activity.

Most pediatricians favor nebulizers. They are characterized by wide functionality, which allows you to target pathological foci with localization in the upper and lower respiratory tract. In addition, devices are allowed in pediatrics from the first days of a baby's life, while steam sprayers are contraindicated in children under 4-5 years old.

In addition, modern manufacturers focus on the design of children's inhalers. So the Chinese company "MED2000" produces devices in the form of a bear, penguin, dog, cat, the brand "AND" - a whale, "Amrus Enterprises, Ltd" - cars.


Nebulizers are a model of inhalers with improved technical characteristics. In comparison with steam devices, they have a number of advantages: the ability to use various drugs, create high doses of concentrations in pathological foci with aerosol sedimentation in the terminal branches of the bronchopulmonary apparatus.

In addition to functional parameters, nebulizers differ in price range. So if average price for a steam inhaler fluctuates around 1500-2000 thousand, then you will have to pay twice as much, or even more, for a compressor sprayer.

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