Medical treatment of the carious cavity. Medical treatment Clinical picture of acute pulpitis

The main goals of drug treatment of carious cavities:

Cleansing the cavity from dentine sawdust, oral fluid and other contaminants;

Bactericidal effect on the microflora in the cavity and parietal dentin;

Drying out the cavity.

It is produced with warm physiological antiseptics - 0.02% solution of furacilin, 0.05% solution of ethacridine lactate, 0.06% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, 0.5% solution of dimexide, 0.05% solution of novocaine with enzymes. Then the cavity is thoroughly dried. Optimum drying with warm air. If there is no warm air, then the cavity is first treated with alcohol, and then with ether.

Now practical dentistry is provided with multifunctional medications that remove the “smeared layer”, providing ideal adhesion for subsequent filling, both for root and crown fillings: preparations based on EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) - Canal plus and Largal ultra from Septodont, Styptic and Netispad Spad company.

9) Applying a medical pad.

Materials for medical pads should:

Provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, odontotropic action;

Do not irritate the dental pulp;

Provide strong sealing of the underlying dentin, bonding with tooth tissues, cushioning and permanent filling materials;

Correspond to the physico-chemical properties of permanent filling materials.

In the treatment of deep caries, as a rule, they are limited to the imposition of a medical pad with a long odontotropic and antiseptic effect.

Currently, the Russian dental market presents several groups of drugs intended for the application of medical pads:

Materials based on calcium hydroxide:

Calcium hydroxide - Ca (OH) 2 - is a base that is slightly soluble in water; upon dissociation, it forms a small amount of calcium and hydroxide ions. It has a strongly alkaline reaction (pH - 12), which provides the main biological and medicinal effects of this substance. Applied to the surface of the peripulpal dentin (which, due to its anatomical structure, has increased permeability), calcium hydroxide diffuses through the dentinal tubules and penetrates into the pulp. This ensures a long-term therapeutic odoptogroppoe and antimicrobial action.

Preparations based on calcium hydroxide stimulate the formation of replacement dentin, prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the dental pulp, and due to the high pH value, have an anti-inflammatory effect.

At present, materials of this group are used most often. They are available in various dosage forms:

A. Calcium hydroxide aqueous suspension: Calcicur, Calasept, Calcipulpe, Superlux Calciumhydroxid-Liner, Calradent.

B. Varnishes based on calcium hydroxide: Contrasil.

C. Calcium salicylate chemically cured cements: Calcimol, Dycal, Life, Septocalcine Ultra, Reocap, Calcesil.

D. Light-curing polymeric materials containing calcium hydroxide: Calcimol, Ultra-Blend, Calcesil LC.

· Zinc-eugenol cements:

Eugenol is an antiseptic of plant origin. It is 70% clove oil. When zinc oxide and eugenol are mixed, cement is formed, which hardens within 10-12 hours. Cement hardening is based on the chemical reaction of zinc eugenolate formation. CEC is used in therapeutic dentistry for applying medical pads and temporary fillings.

In Russian dentistry, zinc oxide powder and eugenol are traditionally used to prepare this cement. More convenient for manipulation are branded preparations of this cement, which also contain hardening substances. Of the imported drugs supplied to the Russian market, the most famous are Zinoment (VOCO), Kalsogen Plus

and "Savitec" (Kerr).

When using zinc oxide eugenol cement as a lining under materials that require condensation in the cavity (phosphate cement, amalgam), the medical lining is deformed. In this case, it is advisable to apply a temporary zinc-eugenol filling on the first visit, and on the second visit (after 1-3 days) remove the excess CEC, leaving only a thin layer of it at the bottom of the cavity, and apply

permanent filling.

We remind you that materials containing eugenol should not be used in combination with composites, as this substance interferes with the polymerization process of their organic matrix. This fact is associated with a decrease in the interest of dentists in zinc-eugenol cements as materials for medical pads.

Combined medicinal pastes

They include several groups of medicinal substances and are prepared ex introductory taking into account the clinical situation, compatibility, availability in the medical institution and the individual preferences of the doctor.

The main groups of medicinal substances used in the preparation of combined medicinal pastes:

1. Odontotropic agents - substances that stimulate the formation of replacement dentin and remineralization processes in the zone of demineralized "carious" dentin - calcium hydroxide, fluorides, calcium glycerophosphate, dentin or bone filings, hydroxyapatites (natural and artificial), "Algipor", collagen, etc.

2. Anti-inflammatory drugs - glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone), less often - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (salicylates, indomethacin, etc.).

3. Antimicrobial agents - chlorhexidine, metronidazole, lysozyme, sodium hypochlorite, ethonium paste (7% ethonium in artificial dentin). The feasibility of including antibiotics in a medical pad is currently controversial.

4. Proteolytic enzymes - profezim, imozimaza, stomatozyme, especially in combination with other substances (chlorhexidine), are quite effective in the treatment of deep caries and acute focal pulpitis.

5. Other means - hyaluronidase, EDTA, dimexide (DMSO), kaolin, zinc oxide, novocaine, various oils (cloves, sea buckthorn, peach, eucalyptus, oil solutions of vitamins, etc.).

Combined pastes, as a rule, do not harden, do not have sufficient mechanical strength, and lose their activity relatively quickly. Therefore, we recommend using them as a temporary material during the period of "active" treatment, followed by replacement with calcium salicylate or zinc eugenol cement.

A number of leading manufacturers of dental products produce a range of materials for therapeutic pads. This allows you to purposefully choose one or another drug, taking into account a specific clinical situation.

In the treatment of deep caries, if all softened dentin is removed from the bottom of the strip, filling is carried out in one visit with the imposition of a medical lining of calcium salicylate cement. With very deep carious cavities, especially in young patients, when there are no clinical signs of pulpitis, and the complete removal of softened dentin threatens to open the tooth cavity, it is allowed to leave a small amount of softened dentin at the bottom of the carious cavity. In this case, the treatment of caries is carried out in several visits, with the imposition of a medical pad either from a preparation based on a suspension of calcium hydroxide, or from zinc oxide eugenol cement. The cavity for the period of treatment is closed with a temporary filling, and the patient is under dynamic observation with constant monitoring of the state of the pulp (EOM, thermodiagnostics, etc.).

After the remineralization of the affected dentin and the formation of replacement dentin from the side of the pulp, if there are no signs of chronic pulpitis, a permanent filling is applied with a therapeutic pad of calcium salicylate cement.

10) Applying an insulating pad: more often glass ionomer cements are used, in extreme cases phosphate cements. The goal is to isolate the dentin and pulp from toxic substances contained in some filling materials, to create a barrier to the heat and cold conductivity of the filling (especially from amalgam), to increase the adhesiveness of weakly adhesive filling materials, to create additional fixation points for permanent filling material at the bottom of the carious cavity.

Currently, taking into account the function of the insulating gasket, the features of the overlay and the materials used, its various options are distinguished.

A. Base gasket (from the English base, basis) is a thick (more than 1 mm) layer of lining material. Purpose:

1. Protection of the pulp from thermal irritants (for example, when filling with amalgam).

2. Protection of the pulp from chemical irritants (for example, when filling with mineral cements and polymeric materials).

3. Creation or preservation of the optimal geometry of the carious cavity while maintaining retention properties.

4. Reducing the volume (quantity) of a permanent filling material (in order to reduce the polymerization shrinkage of the filling; creating a “cushion” under the filling, compensating forces arising from chewing; saving expensive composite, etc.).

B. Thin-layer gasket (liner, liner gasket, from English - lining, gasket). Purpose of this gasket:

1. Isolate the pulp from chemical irritants.

2. Provide a connection between the walls of the cavity and the permanent restorative material.

Medical treatment is an important step in preparing the cavity for filling.

The main goals of drug treatment of carious cavities:

- cleaning the cavity from dentinal sawdust, oral fluid and other contaminants;

- bactericidal effect on the microflora in the cavity and parietal dentin;

- drying of the cavity.

For a long time, solutions of potent antiseptics, such as phenol, were used for drug treatment of carious cavities.

In our country, in the “pre-composite era”, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 96 ° alcohol were used for medical treatment of carious cavities before filling, and the cavity was dried with medical ether. Deep cavities, in order to avoid irritation of the pulp, were washed with warm solutions of weak antiseptics: 1% hydrogen peroxide, 1% chloramine solution, 0.1% furacilin solution. It was recommended to dry deep cavities with warm air.

With the advent of composites, approaches to medical treatment of cavities have changed significantly. Alcohol and ether for the treatment of cavities are not recommended due to toxicity and low drying ability (Petrikas A.Zh., 1997). In addition, there are concerns that alcohol and ether can reduce the adhesion of the composite material, and alcohol destroys the polymer matrix of composites (Borisenko A.V., Nespryadko V.P., 2001). At present, when filling with composites for the purpose of drug treatment, it is recommended to irrigate the cavity with warm low-concentration antiseptics from a syringe. For these purposes, use a 3-5% solution of sodium hypochlorite, 0.06-0.1% solution of chlorhexidine, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 0.02% solution of furacilin, etc. etc. The cavity is dried with an air jet from a “gun” or with a sterile cotton ball.

It should be recognized that processing in this way, firstly, is not effective enough, and secondly, it is technologically complicated, especially since some of the listed drugs have a very unpleasant taste and smell (for example, sodium hypochlorite) and require immediate removal of their oral cavity ( the use of a rubber dam and a “vacuum cleaner” is required). In addition, concerns are currently being expressed about the use of agents that release atomic oxygen or chlorine (hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite) for drug treatment of the cavity. It is believed that these gases can penetrate into the parietal dentin and inhibit the process of polymerization of the adhesive system of the composite, violating the properties of the "hybrid layer".

Some experts, in addition to the listed drugs, recommend the use of agents that dissolve the smeared layer, for example, citric acid, EDTA, etc. We consider a special holding of this stage inappropriate. This is due to the fact that different materials have different mechanisms of connection with the tissues of the tooth, and in some cases, the removal of the "smeared layer" will not benefit, but harm. If the filling material forms a bond with the dentin of the tooth due to the removal or transformation of the "smeared layer", then the set of this material includes special preparations for these purposes and their use is provided for by the instructions.

Many dentists limit themselves to washing the cavity with water from the “gun” and drying it with air. After that, they begin the filling process, relying on the fact that etching the walls of the cavity with phosphoric or maleic acid will have a bactericidal effect. In addition, there is evidence that in dentine sealed with an adhesive system and (or) filling material, the active life of the microflora stops. This approach is acceptable, but it does not exclude the risk of developing inflammatory complications in the pulp associated with the invasion of microorganisms into it from the infected dentin adjacent to the cavity.

We consider it appropriate to use the following method of antiseptic treatment of the cavity before filling:

1. Abundant washing of the cavity with water, water-air spray and drying from the "gun" of the dental unit. It is desirable that not tap water is supplied to the “gun”, but there is an autonomous supply of distilled water from a special container.

2. Drug treatment of the carious cavity with a 2% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine. For these purposes, you can use a solution purchased at a pharmacy, however, in our opinion, it is most convenient to use the preparation "Consepsis" (Ultradent) for these purposes (Fig. 184). It is a 2% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate containing mild flavors and having a pH of 6.0. Another version of this drug - "Consepsis V" - has a thicker consistency. These drugs are produced in syringes complete with disposable Black Mini Brush or Dento-Infusor cannula brushes (see Fig. 185).

"Consepsis" is applied to the walls and bottom of the cavity with a cannula brush for 30-60 seconds. They can also treat the surrounding tissues of the tooth and the adjacent gum. As needed, the drug is gradually squeezed out of the syringe.

3. The drug is gently inflated and dried with air. It is not recommended to wash it off.

4. After that, the enamel and dentin are etched, the adhesive system is applied and the cavity is sealed in accordance with the instructions for the filling material.

Effective use of the adhesive system and qualified, technologically correct filling provide long-term sealing of the dentin surface and impermeability at the border of the filling / tooth tissue. This prevents the reinfection of dentin, the development of recurrence of caries and complications from the dental pulp.

When filling with composites, it is also allowed to first etch the cavity, then disinfect it with Consepsis, and then apply an adhesive. In this case, the drug is introduced into an already etched cavity, gently inflated with air and not washed off. Studies have found no difference in adhesion strength when using Consepsis before and after etching. This strength does not depend on whether the preparation was washed off with subsequent drying of the cavity, or it was dried without washing off with water (data from Ultradent).

Another way to disinfect dentin in the area of ​​the bottom of the carious cavity is to apply a medical pad based on a suspension of calcium hydroxide to the bottom of the cavity for several days under a bandage. Of course, it should be recognized that this method is quite lengthy and laborious, but its use is fully justified in some difficult clinical situations.

It is possible to enhance the bactericidal effect on the parietal dentin before filling with composites by using etching gels containing bactericidal components. An example of such a preparation is a gel based on 35% phosphoric acid "Ultra-Etch AB", Ultradent, containing the antibacterial preparation acetylpyridine chloride.

According to the literature data, drug treatment of the cavity before filling with composite materials can reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in the parietal dentin, reduce the risk of "postoperative" sensitivity and inflammatory complications from the dental pulp.



Endodontics. Concept definition. Brief information
about pulpitis and periodontitis
Clinical and anatomical features of the cavity
different groups of teeth.
Stages of opening the cavity of various groups of teeth.
Instruments for endodontics: variety,
purpose, rules of use. ISO standards.
Instrumental and medical treatment
root canals (Step-back and crown-down techniques).
, impregnation and
mummification. Depophoresis.

The concept of endodont includes a complex of tooth tissues: pulp,
adjoining dentin and periodontium.
Endodontics is the science of anatomy, pathology and treatment methods
cavity of the tooth and root canals.
Endodontic interventions are performed in case of complications
If the pulp is involved in the inflammatory process (tissue,
which fills the crown and root canals of the tooth) - they talk about
pulpitis, i.e. inflammation of the pulp (coronal and root). More
periodontal inflammation is a serious complication of caries.
(tissues that surround the root of the tooth). And then they talk about
The treatment of these diseases is associated with intervention in the tooth cavity.
and root canals or as we say endodontic treatment
(Endo - inside, dontos - tooth).

Endodontics. Principles of
treatment of cavities of teeth
and ductings of roots.

The cavity of the tooth largely repeats the crown and therefore in different groups of teeth
different from each other. In single-rooted teeth, the tooth cavity is directly
passes into the root canal, which, as a rule, is well passed and on
the cross section has a rounded or oval shape. In multi-rooted teeth
The cavity of the tooth has walls and a bottom. At the bottom of the cavity of the tooth there are entrances (orifices)
root canals, which are located differently in different groups of teeth.
The root of the tooth ends at the apex of the root.

At the present stage, there are 3
concepts of the apex of the tooth root:
- the physiological apex is formed
as a result of the development of secondary
dentin and canal narrowing. She is
located at a distance of 0.5-1.0 mm
from radiographic
This boundary between the root
pulp and periodontal tissues.
- anatomical apex
transition of dentin to cementum. It can
be located not only at the top
root, but also laterally.
- X-ray apex of the root.

Features of the structure of cavities (one
root and one root canal).
The cavity of the upper central incisor
has a chisel shape and
goes directly to
root canal. In the area of ​​the neck
tooth canal expanded in the vestibular
direction. Root tips
central and lateral incisors
several upper jaws
curved and deviated from the average
lines laterally.
lower central and
lateral incisors.
The root canal of these teeth
flattened (flattened) in the mediodistal direction, has
eight shape.
Surfaces: M - medial;
D - distal; B - vestibular;
I am lingual; PD - surface

The cavity of the tooth of the upper and
lower fangs repeats
shape - crowns and
goes directly to
direct root canal.
Canine root canal
considered to be the longest
from all teeth. Root
lower canine canal narrowed
in mediodistal
direction and bent
distally in the area
tops of the root and has
lateral branches from
main canal.

Surfaces: M - medial; D - distal; B - vestibular; I am lingual; AP - access surface
The tooth cavity of the first premolars of the upper jaws repeats the shape
tooth crowns. It has the bottom of the cavity of the tooth and at the bottom there are two recesses (orifices)
root canals that go into root canals. The first
The premolar has two roots and two root canals. root canals
narrow, difficult to pass and have branches from the main
channel. The tooth cavity of the first premolar of the lower jaw repeats
the shape of the crown and goes directly into the root canal,
which is slightly narrowed in the medio-distal direction. Fourth
tooth or first premolar has one root (usually) 1
root canal and in 27% of cases - 2 root canals.

Surfaces: M - medial; D - distal; B - vestibular; I am lingual; PD -
access surface
The second premolar of the upper jaws - has one
root, one root canal (and in 25% of cases - 2
root canals).
Therefore, endodontic treatment is difficult.
The second premolar of the lower jaw has 1 root, 1
root canal and in some cases there are
branches from the main channel.


Maxillary 1st molar
The cavity of the tooth has 4 walls (palatal,
vestibular, medial,
distal) roof of the tooth cavity with
depressions (pulp horns) and the bottom.
At the bottom are the mouths of the root
channels. The tooth has 3 roots and 3
root canals. palatal canal -
well passable, straight and 2 -
buccal: buccal-distal and buccal-medial. In 60% of cases, the buccal medial root has 2
root canals. Therefore, it is considered
that in the 1st molar there are 4
root canals.
Surfaces: M - medial; D -
distal; B - vestibular; I -
lingual; AP - access surface
2nd molar of the upper jaws.
The cavity of a tooth resembles a cavity
tooth of the 1st molar, 3 roots and 3 canals.
Roots and canals are usually 1-2 mm
shorter than in the 1st. 1st and 2nd -
maxillary molars
located close to the maxillary
sinus, so you need a lot
work carefully in the root


1st molar of the lower jaw
The cavity of the tooth is cubic,
repeats the crown. Has 4
walls, roof with ledges
(pulp horns) and the bottom of the cavity
At the bottom of the cavity of the mouth of the root
channels. The bottom has
rectangular shape. 1st molar
has 2 roots and 3 roots
channels: distal and 2
medial: medial-buccal
and medial-lingual.
Surfaces: M - medial; D -
distal; B - vestibular; I -
lingual; AP - access surface
2nd molar mandible
The shape resembles the 1st.
Has 2 roots of 3 roots
channel. Can be
branches from the main


The third molar of the upper jaws has different
variants of the structure, up to one root and
same root canal with different
the number of branches in the root canal.
III molar of the lower jaw (wisdom tooth) - a lot
building options. Roots in the majority
cases 2 - channels 2, 3. but there may be one
root and 1 - a channel with a large number
branches, which presents difficulties in
endodontic treatment.

The method of opening cavities of various groups
The cavity of the tooth is opened during the treatment of pulpitis and
periodontitis. This manipulation is necessary for complete
removal of pulp and decay from the cavity of the tooth and root
channels. During the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis -
opening of the cavity of the tooth provides access to the orifices
root canals for subsequent instrumental and
medical treatment of root canals. For
the correct opening of the tooth cavity must be well known
anatomy and topography of teeth. Most convenient
open the cavity of the tooth through the carious cavity to
dimensions that correspond to the boundaries of the cavity of the tooth. If a
the carious cavity is located on the contact
surface, it is brought to the palatine or lingual
surface (if these are the teeth of the frontal group) and on
chewing (if it is lateral teeth).

If the teeth are intact (not damaged by carious
process), then trepanation is performed on the same
surfaces of the corresponding group of teeth. If this
anterior teeth trepanation starts in the center
projection of the cavity of the tooth on the palatine or lingual
surfaces. In the lateral teeth, trepanation begins at
the deepest place of the chewing fissure
surface and gradually deepening, reach
tooth cavity. This is done with a turbine
handpiece and a special bur for turbine
tip. For this purpose, round and
fissure burs. Better diamond. Open up cavities
to their natural limits, so that they can be seen
orifices of the root canals.

Instruments for endodontics.
1st group -
2nd group 3rd group -
4th group -
Research or diagnostic tools
(endodontic probe, excavators, endodontic
mirror, endodontic tweezers, syringe for irrigation)
Instruments for removing dental pulp
(pulp extractor, root rasp)
Tools for traversing and extending the root
3.1 - Tools for widening canal openings
(getes gliden, largo)
3.2 - Instruments for passing the root canal and
root canal extensions (hand tools -
example, file, headstrom, rasp;
machine tools - profile, protaper)
Root filling instruments
channel (channel filler (lentulo), plugger
vertical condenser), spreader (side condenser))

Research or diagnostic
An endodontic probe is marked from a conventional probe
its working part, it is much longer (up to 15
mm), thinner, which helps to localize the orifice
channels, as well as to detect cracks on the bottom
pulp chamber.
Long arm excavators are used to remove
from the cavity of the tooth, its contents and denticles.
The endodontic mirror has a flat surface.
allowing you to get a clear image and
allows a good overview of the topography
orifices of the root canals.
Endodontic forceps have long jaws and
used to hold paper points,
gutta-percha pins and root instruments

Instruments for removing dental pulp.
Pulp extractor - fragile, thin
tool. Has a thin stem
which have sharp, thin teeth.
Root rasp - sometimes refers to
this group of instruments, although
used mainly for
root canal extensions. By
structure resembles a pulp extractor,
but has more teeth (about 50).

Tools for passing and
root canal extensions (manual and
Hand tools.
Hand tools are standardized
ISO (International Organization for
standardization) in 1975 and include
digital and color coding
tools from 8, 10, 15 - 150 sizes (8 -
gray, 10 - purple, 15.45, 100 yellow,
25, 55, 110 - red, 30, 60, 120 - blue, 35,
70, 130 - green, 40, 80, 140 - black).

Instruments for passing root canals.
Reamers. Made by twisting and
by drawing a wire that has a cross section
triangular or square shape with a sharp or
smooth spiral cutting edge.
Reamers are used to expand and give
round channel. The main working method
half turn (90°) with extraction and
simultaneous scraping of the walls and extraction
dentine sawdust from the canal.
Universal tool for canal treatment
became a file and, as a result, the reamers became less

Tools for expanding root canals.
Files (files). Tools serve to
sawing the walls of the channel. The tool is inserted into
channel to the stop, take it out, scraping (filing) the walls
channel. The tool is slightly scrolled in the channel without
more than 90°. During the preparation of the canal
the instrument is removed and re-introduced into the canal,
pressing the working part against the channel wall.
Types of files: K-file, Flexofile and their
varieties. Produced by twisting
boring wire stock
high quality steel.
Nitiflex file - made from
nickel-titanium alloy of increased flexibility.
Increased flexibility reduces the risk of complications.

Handstrom file (H-file), (drill) is made from
steel wire blanks
helical cutting. Due to the presence of acute
faces, H-files expand the channel well, except
of this H-files are designed to smooth the walls
root canal. Rimers and files according to
ISO standards are available in 20 sizes from 08 to 140.
In addition, there are Rimers and files that
are called Golden medium. Tools
intermediate sizes. They have the following
sizes: 012, 017, 022, 027, 032, 037.
Rasp - the working part has 50 teeth,
located at right angles to the axis of the tool.
The top of the tool has no teeth. Issued
sets of 7 tools, length of working part 25 mm.

Profiles and protapers are
machine tools. They make it easy
work in the channel, are safe at
preparation. Protapers -
nickel-titanium rotating files
for the preparation of difficult
calcified and narrow canals.
They are made from super flexible,
wear-resistant nickel-titanium
alloy, which allows you to work in the channel,
which is bent at an angle of 90°.
Sizes 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.

Classification of modern
endodontic instruments
A. By appointment
1. Research or diagnostic
root needle, smooth with a round section -
Miller's needle;
- depth gauge; verifier; K-files with stop.
2. Instruments for soft tissue removal
- pulp extractor;
- profiles;
- K-reamers,
3. To pass and expand the root
3.1. To expand the mouth of the channel:
- boron type Gates Glidden;
- an example of the Peeso type (Largo);
- example Beutelrock type 1 (B1);
- example Beutelrock type 2 (B2);
- profiles; farside; dipstar; K-reamers.

3.2. For root canals:
- K-reamer;
- K-flexorimer;
- K-flexorimer Golden mesium;
- K-file Nitiflex;
- Headstrom file;
- File Endosonoree;
- Profiles.
4. For filling root canals:
- Channel filler;
- K-reamer;
- Spreader, plugger;
- Condenser, Gutta-condenser;
- Heat carrier Hear-carrier.

ISO color coding of endodontic instruments

Dentsply News, March 2006

Endodontic tips

1. Rotational:
A) sound (vibration movements at a frequency of 1500-6500 Hz),
that are within earshot of the human ear.
B) ultrasonic (vibrating movements with a frequency of 20000-45000
Hz) is outside the ear.
2. Mechanical endodontic handpieces:
A) rotary (tool rotation clockwise
at a speed of 100-300 rpm);
B) reciprocating (movement of the tool up and down);
B) rotary with reciprocating motion in
within 90°.

Mechanical (tool) processing aims
remove the contents of the tooth cavity, including root
canals, remove (remove) the layers of the most infected dentin
and expand the channel, creating conditions for its sealing.
Machining includes
the following steps:
Opening the cavity of the tooth and creating
good access to the mouth of the canal.
Opening the mouths of the channels.
Passage of root canals and
determining their length.
Root canal expansion.
A very important point during
endodontic intervention is
opening of the tooth cavity. correct
opening of the cavity of the tooth provides
good access to root orifices
channels, provides removal (deletion)
overhanging edges above them.

The next stage of mechanical (tool) processing is
detection and expansion of the orifices of root canals. This stage
is important for creating convenience in work when passing and
filling root canals. Expansion of channel mouths
can be produced with a ball bur or a special
instrument - Gates Gliden, or Largo. In addition, with the help
Largo, you can pass the upper third of the canal (usually palatine
canal in the upper teeth and distal - in the lower teeth). Extension
the mouths of the channels are carried out at a low speed of rotation of the drill in
tip (no more than 800 rpm).

The next stage is the passage of the root canal. This stage
carried out with a drill (reamer). Through which they reach
root tops.
During the passage of the root canal, its working length is determined.
For this purpose, you can use a thin drill (reamer), taking into account
the diameter of the channel on which the rubber is installed
limiter (stopper), corresponding to the estimated length of the tooth

Working length is the distance from the supporting, outer edge
tooth to the physiological opening. Determined with t
tables and instruments, x-ray or
apex locator.
The instrument is inserted into the root canal until a slight prick is felt.
determined by radiography, in addition, use
special apparatus - apex locator.

X-ray: subject to the principle
parallelism of the tube, instrument and film is obtained
identical tool length and working length.
X-ray with files fitted in channels for
determination of working length

Root canal extension.
Root canal expansion start
file (file) of the same number,
as the drilbora (rimera), which was
completion of the passage.
When expanding the root canal
a number of requirements must be met:
Strict application sequence
canal treatment tools from
less to more.
Rotate clockwise
arrows without exerting strong pressure.
It is necessary to systematically extract from
channel tool to control it
state, as well as deletion at the same time
dentine sawdust.

Constantly lubricate the channel with gel or moisturize
EDTA solution, which provides more effective
channel expansion. For this purpose, use
special products containing EDTA. It may
be in solution, but more often in a gel. Largal ultra,
Channel Plus, Verifix, Tublisid, etc.
Must be systematically flushed out of the canal
dentine sawdust with EDTA solution, alternating with sodium
hypochlorite using endodontic
In addition, it should be remembered that during
channel expansion, constantly returning
to a smaller tool to
prevent blockage of the apical foramen
dentine sawdust.

Chemical expansion

EDTA - ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid. liquid or gel
based on EDTA, by repeated injection into the root
canal or under an airtight bandage causes
demineralization of dentin.
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl 5.25 - 0.5%) -
used as an irrigation
means for root canals.
It is a strong oxidizing agent.
The bactericidal effect is due to
the formation of chloric acid and
release of chlorine gas.

Modern ways
channel extensions.
Smallest to Largest
(step back)
Channel processing according to this
technique is carried out in three stages:
First stage: expansion of the apical
parts of the root canal
carried out in parallel with
deleting channel content.
The second step is to expand
middle part of the root canal.
The third stage is the final
root canal preparation.
The ultimate goal, which
pursued when cleaning and expanding
channel is the creation of a conical
root canal shapes up to
apical constriction.

Technique "Step-down" or "Crown-down"

Technique "Step-down" or "Crown-down"
("step down or from the crown down" from
larger to smaller).
The advantage of the method is the creation
better access and control
root tip, reduction
dangers of expansion of the apical
holes, creating a sufficient path
for irrigation. The method is effective in
difficult to pass channels.

Coronal-apical processing technique
root canal: 1 - introduction of file 035
as deep as possible into the canal; 2-
expansion of the mouth of the root canal; 3-5
- processing smaller files
maximum depth; 6 - file
smallest size for full working
channel length; 7 - prepared
root canal
Into the root canal up to the point of the first

The technique of corono-apical processing
The mouth of the canal is filled with a solution of sodium hypochlorite,
after which a "pre-Gates-preparation" is carried out: file 35
injected into the canal until it stops and its length is fixed. If a
a file of this size cannot be entered, a smaller one is entered.
Process the file until it is free
movement in the channel for a fixed length. Then on
the same length is processed with burs of the type Gatesglidden No. 1 and No. 2. After that, they are inserted into the canal until it stops
file No. 30, its length is fixed and the channel section
are developing. Then they process for the length of the file
No. 25 and further in smaller sizes until the working
channel length. Upon reaching the expected working
length is determined exactly. Thereafter
the apical part is gradually expanded to file No. 25.
The walls are aligned with H-files 30-35.

When preparing a root canal, be sure to use
viscous or liquid washing solutions. This procedure
is an important part of channel processing as it aims
to denature and remove tissue debris or bacteria.
Drugs used for medical treatment
root canals, must comply with certain
have a bactericidal effect on associations
do not irritate the periapical tissues;
do not have a sensitizing effect on the body;
act quickly and penetrate deeply into dentine
be chemically stable and remain active at
prolonged storage.
Preparations are used to disinfect areas that are not
can be treated with endodontic instruments

Root canal treatment

Provides antiseptic action on macro-,
microchannels and branches.
■ Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect on the periodontium.
It is carried out using:
- cotton turundas on a needle;
- paper pins;
- washing the root canals with a syringe with
root needle (thin, with a blunt end and holes throughout
needle length).
- sodium hypochlorite, H2O2, iodine preparations, furatsilin, KI,
dexamethasone, proteolytic enzymes, etc.,

Drug treatment (washing) of root canals

Basic manipulations in root canals

The main manipulations that are carried out in the root
channels are:
pulp amputation after its devitalization
arsenic paste and after
anesthesia in the vital method of treatment of pulpitis;
pulp extirpation after its devitalization
arsenic paste and after pain relief
with the vital method of treating pulpitis;
impregnation and mummification;
injection of a drug into the root canal
turunda under a hermetic bandage;
electrophoresis and depophoresis of drugs in
root canal.

Stages of application of arsenic paste (I visit)

Basic manipulations in root canals
Steps for applying arsenic paste
(I visit)
1. Partial preparation (creation
access to dental pulp)
- remove with a burr or excavator
overhanging edges of carious
cavities, thus expanding
entrance to the carious cavity;
- remove with an excavator
softened dentin, thinning the bottom
carious cavity;
2. Opening the tooth cavity
- spherical bur No. 1 on
small revolutions in the projection of the horn
- opening may already occur
after carious examination
cavity with a probe (this manipulation,
usually produced under
local anesthesia).
After opening, there may be
- stop bleeding 3% H2O2;
- dry with a cotton ball.

3. Application of devitalizing paste
- isolate the tooth from the mouth
- take a small portion with a probe
paste (dose - bur size #1) and
put on perforation
hole without pressure
pushing through;
- close the pasta with a small
cotton ball;
- carious cavity
close with a cotton ball.
4. Hermetic bandage
- close the carious cavity
water dentin, 1-root tooth -
24 hours, 2-3 root tooth - 48 hours.
At 2nd visit, an airtight bandage
is removed completely.

II visit

1. Remove the hermetic bandage with an excavator or bur.
2. The goal is to create access to the tooth cavity and carious cavity
for endodontic treatment.
- if the localization of the carious cavity (for example (II, V, III)
does not allow you to perform endodontic manipulations
- the crown of the tooth must be trepanned.
Trepanation is the removal of hard tissues of the tooth in the projection
the best access to the cavity of the tooth and root canals for
endodontic instrumentation.
Each tooth has its own trepanation place: for incisors
and fangs, it is located on the oral surface, for
premolars and molars - on chewing.
Trepanation is performed with diamond burs at the turbine

3. Opening, opening of the tooth cavity is performed
spherical and fissure burs, cavity roof
the tooth is completely removed, the carious cavity or
the burr hole should smoothly transition
into the cavity of the tooth, opening access to the mouths of all
root canals.
Method: a fissure burr is inserted into the perforation
hole and remove the arch, moving along the walls
carious cavity, at low speeds, without tearing
4. Amputation is the removal of the coronal part of the pulp
excavator. Amputation may occur during
completion of stage 3.

Basic manipulations in root canals
Amputation, pulp extirpation
Amputation - removal
coronal pulp.
Held sharp
excavator or
spherical bur.

Basic manipulations in root canals
Amputation, pulp extirpation
Extirpation - removal of the root
pulp with a pulp extractor or
Extirpation technique:
the tool is inserted all the way into
root canal is rotated 1.5
- 2 turns and removed from the carious
cavities. The manipulation is repeated.
Evacuation - phased removal
disintegrated pulp.
Method: the instrument is inserted under
antiseptic bath for 1/3, 2/3 and
etc. into the root canal and gradually
remove decay to avoid
pushing it into the periodontium
through the apex.

Basic manipulations in root canals
Impregnation and mummification
Impregnation is the impregnation of a macrochannel, microchannel and its
branches with silver nitrate or resorcinol-formalin
mixture. These tools also have powerful
antiseptic action.
Mummification is the dehydration of the deceased as a result of
arsenic pulp paste. For this, a resorcinformalin mixture is used by the impregnation method. As a result
the pulp becomes aseptic.
Disadvantages of impregnation agents:
Silver nitrate stains teeth black
Resorcinol-formalin mixture stains pink-brown

Basic manipulations in root canals
Hydroxycuprate ions and hydroxyl OH ions from copper-calcium hydroxide penetrate not only into the apical
part of the channel, but also in the deltoid branches. There
the hydroxycuprate ion is decomposed and converted into
poorly soluble copper hydroxide Cu(OH)2.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to get rid of caries,
  • video of teeth preparation with a drill,
  • how to treat caries - standards in dentistry.
  • Caries in the white spot stage(Fig. 1) -
    this is the most initial stage of caries, which is reversible, and the only one that does not require traditional filling. In this case, one or more white spots can be seen on the surface of the tooth crown, which indicate the presence of areas of demineralization of the tooth enamel. There is no actual defect yet, but the white spot has a rough surface and lacks the shine characteristic of healthy enamel. This form of caries is treated with holding.
  • Superficial form of caries(Fig. 1) -
    if the enamel demineralization in the area of ​​the white spot continues, then the enamel structure is destroyed and a carious defect is formed (so far within the enamel layer). In Fig. 1, it can be seen that in the center of some white chalky spots there are already small carious defects. This form of caries is treated with traditional fillings.
  • (Fig. 2) -
    in this case, caries extends deeper than the enamel layer, affecting the upper layers of dentin. Enamel has a very high density, and therefore, as soon as the carious process spreads to the softer underlying dentin, the size of the carious cavity begins to increase rapidly. This article will focus on the treatment of medium caries, as the most common form with which patients come to the dentist.
  • Deep form of caries(Fig. 3) -
    in this case, caries extends to the deep layers of dentin, and the pulp of the tooth (the neurovascular bundle) is separated from the bottom of the carious cavity only by a narrow strip of healthy dentin. This form is distinguished by a special treatment technique. You can read about how to treat caries with a deep carious tooth lesion in our review:.

How to treat caries: stages

To get rid of caries, you need to make an effort on yourself, because although modern drills do not vibrate like perforators, they still make us wait for a sudden onset of acute pain - while drilling out carious tissues. Fortunately, they allow the dentist to properly anesthetize the teeth during treatment - in contrast to the ineffective novocaine and lidocaine, which were widely used earlier.

Proper treatment of dental caries in dentistry consists of a series of successive steps, each of which has a clear goal. But nevertheless, the most important thing is the complete removal of caries, because. if the removal of tissues affected by caries is incomplete, it will immediately develop under the filling and will certainly lead to the development and the need to remove the nerve from the tooth. See further on the video - how the hard tissues of the tooth affected by caries are removed.

Dental caries treatment: video 1-2

Details about the stages of treatment of medium caries -

But before proceeding to the drilling of carious tissues, which you could see in the video above, you still need to perform a number of procedures as a preparation of the tooth for treatment, as well as anesthetize it with an injection of a local anesthetic. For lovers of anesthesia in a stronger way - there are methods of general anesthesia.

    Tooth cleaning from plaque (Fig. 4) -

    before starting treatment, it is necessary to hygienically clean the tooth, as well as adjacent teeth - from plaque and calculus. For this purpose, ultrasonic nozzles are used to remove massive dental deposits, as well as special brushes and abrasive pastes to remove soft microbial and pigment plaque.

  1. Determining the color of the tooth on a special scale (Fig. 5) -

    hygienic treatment of the tooth also contributes to the fact that the doctor will be able to accurately select the color of the filling material. In this case, the filling will match the color of the tooth, and not stand out against the background of the tooth's own tissues. This is especially important for teeth that are visible when smiling.
  2. Anesthesia (Fig. 6) -
    does it hurt to treat caries: for painless drilling of carious tissues in case the tooth is alive, local anesthesia is necessary. Modern painkillers in dentistry, for example, or ubistezin, allow you to make the intervention absolutely painless. Depending on the amount of anesthetic administered and the method of anesthesia, the anesthesia time can last from 40 minutes to several hours.

    The dentist must definitely drill out the enamel edges hanging over the carious cavity, and also remove all carious dentin. If you leave even a small amount of dentin affected by caries and put a filling on top of it, then very soon you can expect complications - the rapid development of caries under the filling and the destruction of the tooth crown, followed by the development of pulpitis and periodontitis (site).

    In Fig. 8, the dotted line shows the approximate boundaries of the removal of tooth tissues. Thus, the cavity is given a relatively regular shape and you can proceed to the next stages of treatment. It should be noted here that recently there are more and more new methods of tooth preparation that help to do without traditional drilling. Recently it has become possible.

  3. Tooth isolation from saliva
    this is a very important step! After the carious tissues are drilled out, and before starting filling the tooth, the doctor must carefully isolate the tooth from saliva and even the patient's wet breath. These factors will greatly affect how long the filling will last. Previously, cotton and gauze balls were used for isolation, which were wrapped around the tooth from all sides. It should be noted that this is a very unreliable and ineffective protection.

    For the last 10 years, a rubber dam has been used for these purposes. The latter is a thin "handkerchief" made of latex, in which holes are made for the teeth. This scarf is stretched over the teeth (Fig. 9-10), after which 1-2 special metal clasps are installed on the necks of the teeth, which hold the rubber dam near the gums. The edges of such a latex scarf are attached to a special frame (Fig. 11), and we see the result - a group of teeth is completely isolated from the oral cavity.

  4. acid etching of enamel (fig.13) -
    this is necessary so that the adhesive (something like glue) that will be applied to the surface of dentin and enamel in the next step can penetrate deep into the tooth tissue. For this, a gel based on phosphoric acid is used. After etching, the entire gel should be thoroughly rinsed off and the tooth surface slightly dried.
  5. Treatment of dentin and enamel with adhesive
    for better fixation of a permanent photopolymer filling, enamel and dentin are treated with a special adhesive, which (after absorption) is illuminated by a photopolymerization lamp.
  6. Applying a gasket under a filling (Fig.14 b,c) –
    an insulating gasket, usually made of glass-ionomer cement, is applied to the bottom of the cavity. The need for a lining material under the filling is explained by the complex mechanisms of polymerization shrinkage of the filling material and other factors (we will not dwell on them).
  7. filling
    dental filling is necessary to restore the shape of the tooth, its aesthetics, as well as to restore chewing efficiency. For this, as a rule, photopolymer composite materials are used. They are applied in layers and each layer is illuminated with a special lamp, which allows the material to harden.
  8. Grinding and polishing of the tooth
    after the shape of the tooth is restored with the help of filling material, it is necessary to grind and polish the filling, because she is rough and uneven. The final polishing gives the filling a shine and aesthetics comparable to the aesthetics of tooth enamel. This completes the treatment of medium caries.

Filling a carious defect: video 3-4

Please note that dentists use special metal strips (matrices) and wedges to restore the side walls of the teeth. In addition, tooth filling in both cases is carried out using a rubber dam.

Caries treatment: photo

Treatment of dental caries on a specific example. All the main stages of caries treatment are shown in Fig. 15-23. Explanations for each photo appear when you click on it.

Tooth filling: photo

All defects, subject to reimbursement by tabs, different authors divide into different classes (D.N. Tsitrin, L.V. Ilyina-Markosyan, etc.)
V. S. Kurylenko bases division of teeth with defects, reimbursable tabs, the method of forming retention points. Based on this feature, she divides all defects into defects of pulpless teeth and teeth with live pulp. Depulpless teeth defects constitute class I, and defects of teeth with live pulp - class II. Class II is further divided into four subclasses.

To subclass I include defects in chewing teeth, in which the cavities are located on one proximal, chewing-proximal or two proximal surfaces.

II subclass combines anterior teeth defects, in which the cavities are located on the proximal surface and there are no cutting corners. Subclass III includes defects of all groups of teeth, in which the cavities are located on any surface, except for the proximal one, namely on the chewing surface (the so-called central cavities), vestibular, lingual or cervical. Subclass IV includes atypical cavities, i.e., cavities that cannot be assigned to any of the first three subclasses.

Treatment of tooth cavities.

Noting in the medical history the state of the pulp, the group of teeth and the class to which the teeth belong according to the localization of defects, the doctor proceeds to the next stage - the treatment of the cavity. This stage consists of several moments: opening of the cavity, necrotomy of softened dentin, cavity formation, creation of retention points.

It should be noted that cavity preparation to replace it with some kind of micro-prosthesis - a filling or an inlay - is not a simple mechanical manipulation, but should be considered as an event, the purpose of which is "suspension of the mechanisms that destroy enamel and dentin by restoring normal trophism of dental tissues."

When forming a cavity the doctor first of all proceeds to open it, pursuing the goal of making the cavity accessible to free manipulation in it in the process of its formation. At this stage, the usually existing small gap is widened and all overhanging edges are removed. In this case, an enamel knife, round or fissure bur is used. An enamel knife is set perpendicular to the overhanging edge and the edge is demolished with a hammer blow.

Borom act from the inside outward, thus removing the edges undermined by caries and devoid of dentinal support. If there is a dense overhanging enamel edge, it is drilled with a small round bur and the rest is cut off with a fissure bur.

Opening the cavity start to form it. The elements of the cavity are the walls and the bottom of the cavity. In the central cavity, there is a bottom facing the pulp chamber perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tooth, and four walls: 1) buccal, 2) lingual, 3) mesial, directed towards the midline, and 4) distal, opposite to it.

In the cervical cavity also has a bottom and four walls. The bottom is directed to the pulp chamber, coincides with the longitudinal axis of the tooth and is perpendicular to the cervical wall. The walls are as follows: 1) cervical, 2) opposite cervical, 3) mesial and 4) distal.

In the proximal cavity three walls are distinguished: 1) cervical, 2) lingual, 3) buccal and the bottom of the cavity, directed towards the pulp chamber and coinciding with the longitudinal axis of the tooth.

Cavity formation technique is reduced to the formation of a flat flat bottom and the creation of a sheer position of the walls. The outlet of the cavity should be equal in area to the bottom of the cavity or somewhat wider. Sheer walls, a flat bottom and an outlet with a larger area than the bottom surface are necessary for the wax reproduction to come out freely and not be deformed after removal from the cavity, as this will ensure that the future insert fits exactly to the walls of the cavity and its introduction into the cavity without special fitting.

cavity formation is carried out using carborundum heads, a bur having the shape of an inverse cone or a fissure bur with a cut end (blunt) of the appropriate size.

When processing cervical walls special attention should also be paid to the following. Since the carious cavity on this wall often goes deep under the gingival margin and overlaps with the gum, in these cases it is necessary to press the gum with cotton wool or gutta-percha and release the gingival wall so that it is easily visible. Thus, the opening and formation of cavities to be sealed with tabs is carried out.
Concerning necrotomy softened dentin, then it is produced simultaneously with the formation of the cavity.

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