Bruxism in children: why does a child grind his teeth in his sleep. Bruxism in childhood: should I be worried? Causes of bruxism in adults

facial muscle one of the strongest in human body, when chewing, it is able to create a load on the dentition up to 600 kg. In a dream, this powerful unit remains without control even if there are reasons such as:

  • nervous excitement;
  • lack of B vitamins, calcium and magnesium in the body;
  • previous stress,

It begins to systematically destroy the enamel, and then the dentin of the teeth, leading to their crowding and malocclusion. In the morning the child complains of pain in the ears and temporomandibular joints, becomes drowsy and irritable.

The first thing you should do when your baby has a night rattle is to reduce the level. emotional stress before bed: stop computer games and watching TV physical activity after noon. If the symptoms of bruxism recur, it is worth taking the child to the dentist.

When is a dental examination and treatment necessary?

  • the appearance of daytime bruxism - teeth grinding in a child not only at night, but also in daytime;
  • night attacks of "creaking" lasting more than 10 seconds.

Bruxism is diagnosed using a bruxchecker - a special cap made of silicone or bioplastic, which is worn overnight, after which it is given to an orthodontist. Based on the prints on the bruxchecker, the doctor determines the places that have the greatest load during night attacks, and draws up a treatment regimen for bruxism in a child.

In some cases, a polysomnographic study is additionally prescribed, which gives full information about spasticity (abbreviations) chewing muscles.

Techniques for the treatment of bruxism in children

The sooner you start treatment, the easier it will be to get rid of bruxism. It will not be possible to solve this problem on your own, since the disease requires complex therapy.

  1. Dental therapy for bruxism is aimed at correcting the bite and includes techniques such as alignment of dental occlusion (Occlusal equilibration) and splint therapy (Splint therapy).
  2. Drug treatment of bruxism in children involves taking calcium, magnesium and B vitamins to reduce the activity of masticatory muscles.
  3. Physiotherapy includes warm, relaxing compresses and articulatory massage of the facial muscles.

Alignment of dental occlusion and splint therapy

To avoid the development of malocclusion and deformity of the face from excessive load on the dentition, in the treatment of bruxism in children, the Occlusal equilibration technique is used. Occlusal balance (translated from English) between the dentition is achieved by:

  • replacement of damaged fillings;
  • daily articulatory gymnastics;
  • wearing caps that prevent injury to the teeth during a night's sleep.

Splint therapy also involves the installation of a special occlusive tire, only in this case its action will be aimed at reducing muscle tone and restructuring of the entire chewing apparatus. Splint therapy is especially effective at the age of 7-11 years, when the milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, and the child develops an overbite.

An occlusal splint is made on the basis of an individual cast of the baby's teeth and is worn during meals and at night. Periodically, you will need to show it to the dentist so that the specialist can assess the relationship between the structures of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and control the process of treating bruxism.

Installation of an occlusal splint for Splint therapy

The cost of treating childhood bruxism

The production of an individual occlusal splint, which will prevent tooth injury and correct the level of load in the chewing apparatus, will cost 2-4 thousand rubles. The first consultation of an orthodontist is about 1000 rubles.

One session of articulatory massage for the treatment of bruxism in children will cost 200-400 rubles. How insignificant these amounts are, you can ask adult patients with bruxism, who are forced to pay for expensive bite correction (150,000-200,000 rubles) and annually restore 6-8 injured teeth (about 4 thousand rubles per one).

Prevention of bruxism at home

Gymnastics, massage and wearing silicone caps are not all stages on the way to full recovery. To help your baby get rid of the unpleasant nighttime "grinding", give him time in the afternoon:

  1. 1-2 hours before bedtime, switch your child's attention to less active games.
  2. Treat him with an apple or a carrot - additional load in the form of solid food will relieve spasticity from the facial muscles.
  3. Make a warm compress of a decoction of chamomile or lemon balm on the cheekbones.

These procedures will make the child's sleep more peaceful, help to relax and tune in to the upcoming visit to the dentist. Threats such as tooth wear, facial deformity, malocclusion and hearing problems do not mean anything to him yet, but try to explain to the baby that his teeth really need the help of a doctor now.

Healthy children are happiness for parents. Unfortunately, one has to deal with unexpected pathologies, one of which is bruxism. What is behind this name, and how to deal with the problem?

Description of the disease

Bruxism is jaw movement that occurs uncontrollably. According to statistics, about 20% of children have a disorder.

The disease is often referred to as grinding or grinding of teeth. In medicine, there are other synonyms: odonterism and the Carolini phenomenon.

Bruxism is not dangerous for the life of the child, but its presence requires the identification of the cause, since the load on the jaw increases due to the pathology. In addition, tooth enamel suffers, which makes the oral cavity vulnerable to various diseases- caries, wedge-shaped defect and others.

bruxism classification

The pathological condition is usually divided into 2 types:

  • day type - appears with emotional overstrain;
  • nocturnal type - clenching of teeth occurs involuntarily.

The greatest difficulty is nocturnal attack bruxism, as the child cannot control his condition during sleep.

In addition, there are noisy (with grinding) and quiet (with squeezing) bruxism. In the first case, the creak is accompanied by a characteristic sound. With a silent form of pathology, the compression of the teeth occurs silently. Mixed bruxism sometimes occurs.

Reasons for development

Doctors point to the following factors leading to involuntary grinding of teeth:

Symptoms of the disorder

Episodes of bruxism last a few seconds, but are repeated many times. During an attack, a grinding sound occurs, the patient's respiratory rate increases, pressure and pulse change.

Such signs are noticed by the parents of the baby, since he himself does not control his condition and does not wake up from grinding his teeth.

With frequent recurring attacks, you need to be alert. There are symptoms that indicate the need for treatment medical care. These signs are:

  • insomnia and daytime sleepiness;
  • depression;
  • headaches and tingling in the morning;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • refusal to eat;
  • nasal congestion and mucosal edema.

There may also be pain in the area of:

  • sinuses;
  • ears;
  • jaws;
  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • cervical region.


The baby is not able to recognize involuntary contractions of the jaw muscles, especially at night, so the task of parents is to monitor the child's condition and consult a doctor in a timely manner. The specialist will listen to complaints, and also determine the presence indirect signs pathology. Bruxism can be indicated by the deformation of the teeth, their abrasion, sensitivity, damage to the enamel.

To make a diagnosis, tests are prescribed:


Treatment of bruxism is not an easy task, since it is not always possible to find out what caused it. You need to visit several specialists:

  • psychoneurologist;
  • dentist.

Grinding teeth can appear and disappear on their own - such cases do not require the intervention of doctors.

For elimination pathological condition a set of measures will be required. Parents' responsibilities include:

  1. Normalization of the diet. Eating before bedtime is prohibited, since a late meal is a burden on the digestive organs and the body. Therefore, the child, even at night, is in a tense state, and does not rest.
  2. Compliance with the daily routine. Bruxism often occurs due to overwork, so early departure to sleep will help to cope with the disorder. In the evening, it is not recommended to arrange active games - emotional overexcitation (even with a positive color) has a bad effect on the baby's condition, as a result of which it is difficult for him to fall asleep.
  3. Education. With a daytime type of pathology, it is required to teach the child to relax the jaws, and not keep them in a closed state.

Providing psychological assistance

Creating a favorable emotional environment will eliminate many of the causes of bruxism.

  1. Discuss the problems of the little patient. For a child, minor difficulties seem like a disaster, so it is recommended to talk about it with him, to calm him down.
  2. Help your little one relax. To relieve stress, you should captivate the baby with something. Reading books together or watching cartoons helps a lot. You can direct the child's energy in a positive direction by creating a hobby for him - this way you can not only distract, but also instill love for a certain business. Before going to bed it is useful to take a walk on fresh air or take a bath.

If the above measures did not help, and the child is still in depressed state you need to visit a psychologist.


Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor, therefore independent application such funds are prohibited. The child may be recommended such drugs:

  • complexes with vitamins of group B;
  • preparations with magnesium and calcium, for example, Calcium-D3 Nycomed;
  • sleeping pills on herbal basis: Bayu-Bai, Soothing for children;
  • mild sedatives: Citral, Persen, Kindinorm.

Medicines in the photo

Persen - good depressant, which is prescribed to children according to the testimony of a doctor
Kindinorm helps with sleep disorders and increased nervous excitability Children's drug Bayu-Bai has a mild hypnotic effect


  1. Warm compresses on the jaw. Prevent their squeezing, help relieve spasm and pain. The duration of the session is half an hour. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.
  2. Chamomile infusion. Well calms not only the muscles, but the whole body. To prepare the remedy, you need:
    • 2 tsp dry plant pour 1 tbsp. boiling water;
    • insist for five minutes;
    • for taste, you can add a little honey;
    • the drug is used 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  3. Infusion of mint and valerian. For its preparation it is necessary:
    • take 2 tbsp. l. mint and valerian roots;
    • pour a glass of boiling water;
    • insist 30 minutes;
    • strain and cool before use;
    • means take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Duration of therapy - no more than a week.

Photo gallery of traditional medicine

Valerian roots have a calming effect Peppermint helps with stress and nervous strain Chamomile infusion helps to calm down before bed

What are the consequences of bruxism?

After the complex diagnostics, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will save the baby from the problem and its consequences. If you let the process take its course, then in addition to dental caries and enamel abrasion, bruxism can lead to the following complications:

  • increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • frequent headaches;
  • damage and loosening of teeth;
  • spasms;
  • painful sensations in the facial muscles;
  • pathologies of the temporomandibular joint;
  • wrong bite.


You can avoid the development of pathology if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • shortly before sleep, take the child in a calm business - active games are prohibited;
  • protect the baby from stress and bad emotions;
  • take warm baths before bed;
  • eliminate dental problems on time: not correct bite, increased completeness of teeth;
  • give a load to the child's teeth an hour before a night's rest - solid fruits and vegetables will do.

The opinion of the pediatrician Komarovsky about bruxism - video

Bruxism is an insidious disorder. Some doctors say that there is no need to eliminate the pathology, it will disappear on its own by 7-10 years. However, it is not recommended to leave the condition unattended - only parental control and monitoring the well-being of the child will prevent the appearance of sad consequences.

Many parents in their own practice faced with the grinding of teeth of a child during a night's sleep. It is impossible to confuse this unpleasant sound with something else. Gritting of teeth or "song of teeth" has medical name- bruxism.

Bruxism is episodic, manifesting itself in a dream (mainly at night) attacks of masticatory muscles. Jaws, contracting, cause gnashing of teeth.

These attacks are accompanied by a change in the frequency of breathing and heartbeat. AT rare cases there is an increase blood pressure. In modern medical practice The disease is diagnosed in both adults and children. According to medical statistics, bruxism is diagnosed in 8% of the adult population and in 50% of children under the age of 5 years.

AT modern families children sleep in separate rooms and for the most part, parents do not hear the gnashing of the child's teeth. As a result, they pay attention to the disease only when there are real problems with the health of the baby. There are a number of indirect signs that will help identify the disease at an early stage.

What you should pay attention to:

  • In the morning the child complains about toothache and hypersensitivity tooth enamel to hot and cold (tea, ice cream);
  • On the headache on the left or right side;
  • Drowsiness (impossible to wake the child in Kindergarten or school)
  • When yawning, there is pain in the masticatory muscles;
  • Pain in the muscles of the back and neck;
  • Lack of appetite for no apparent reason;
  • Visible signs of damage to the structure of tooth enamel.

Causes of bruxism in children

AT medical literature identify a dozen causes of the disease. And each medical field gives its own definition of the causes of bruxism. Dentistry puts the cause of the "music of the teeth" is not the correct bite, braces, caries, loss and growth of milk teeth.

Psychology and neurology give their own definition of causes: stress, nervous tension and nervous system disorder, epilepsy. Gastroenterology declares with confidence that worms, helminths, giardia in the liver in 90% of cases is the cause of bruxism.

Treatment and prevention of bruxism. How to treat bruxism?

Most parents do not take seriously the danger of the consequences of bruxism and mistakenly believe that this disease does not need treatment. It must be remembered that bruxism is not a separate disease, but the body's reaction to certain changes that occur in it. At the first stage, it is necessary to identify the disease that causes creaking of the teeth.

Treatment of bruxism in children should include not only methods modern medicine, but also treatment with folk remedies.

Alternative medicine is rich in tips and recipes for treating bruxism. Recipes are passed down from generation to generation and have been tried more than once by more than one person. Over the years, one of the best options fighting teeth grinding is warm compress with valerian. It must be done on the neck and teeth.

At home, such a compress can be done as follows: hot water(45 ° C) with the addition of 3-5 drops of valerian oil, a towel is wetted, a warm cloth is placed on the jaw area. From above it is necessary to cover with a downy or woolen scarf. The procedure must be done every evening before going to bed for 2 weeks. The result of the treatment is already noticeable after 4 procedures.

A proven method of treatment with herbal teas: lemon balm, mint, chamomile. To prepare an infusion, you need to take 1 part dried leaves lemon balm (sold in a pharmacy),
pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Dilute the infusion with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:3 (1 part of infusion to 3 parts of water). Drink 3 times a day.

You can turn to homeopathy for help. The homeopath can pick effective treatment suitable for the age of the child. High performance homeopathic treatment is a proven fact.

Most effective method drug treatment- this is the prevention of beriberi by prescribing B vitamins and microelements intramuscularly. Studies have shown that a lack of B vitamins (B6 and B12), calcium and magnesium increases the risk of the onset and development of the disease. Using appropriate vitamins and minerals will help boost immunity and reduce nighttime bruxism.

In 35% of cases, bruxism is associated with an anomaly of the jaw (malocclusion), in which case the dentist prescribes the appropriate treatment. Recommends wearing mouthguards, which reduce friction between the teeth and also correct the bite.

Prevention of bruxism in children

Everyone knows that the best treatment is prevention. This thesis applies to bruxism as well. Today, there are already effective tips, backed by medical research and experience, that help to cure bruxism and reduce its manifestations.

  • Before going to bed, give the child to chew solid food: raw carrots, beets or special chewing sweets. Regular exercise will allow the jaws to receive a load that will relieve muscle tension and prevent bruxism from developing;
  • Make efforts so that the child does not experience stress (reduce the number of classes and circles attended, create a favorable environment in kindergarten and at home);
  • Move physical exercises from evening to morning;
  • Replace active games before going to bed with reading books, drawing or modeling. During classes, turn on soothing music;
  • Eliminate all unbalanced fatty foods 1.5 hours before bedtime. Drinks only water. It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks;
  • Let balloons blow up. This technique will not only strengthen the muscles of the neck and jaws, but also improve blood circulation in the lungs.

Video about bruxism

Many parents are not immediately ready to notice the manifestation of such unpleasant factors in their baby as a strong and even audible grinding of teeth. Such a sometimes frightening adult manifestation has bruxism.

The causes and treatment required for this condition are well known to everyone. experienced pediatrician. In most cases, a young patient may be referred to a dentist for further treatment options.

In contact with

Signs of illness

Often parents ask the doctor, bruxism, what it is and how to identify it in a child in the early stages.

The cause of unpleasant teeth grinding is involuntary chewing movement, at which the surface of the upper and lower teeth rubs with each other loud sound. You can also hear a clicking sound.

Until the age of 10, doctors diagnose this manifestation in about 50% of little boys and girls. The presence of unpleasant involuntary chewing movements does not depend on the gender of the child. To make sounds with teeth equally can little son or daughter.

Most often, such attacks occur at night during the sleep of the baby. Attacks are repeated 1-3 times a night. Their duration is about 10 seconds. At the same time, it is not worth taking the problem calmly, assuming a simple disappearance with age. Strong chewing movements dangerous for teeth and surrounding soft tissues.

Determine how to treat bruxism in children, preferably by type of presentation. Teeth grinding or clicking can be emitted by the baby in the daytime. But if in dark time During the day during sleep, the movements are involuntary, during the day the child often provokes their appearance on their own.

Reasons may include:

  • irritation;
  • nervous tension;
  • thoughtfulness.

AT daytime hours Gritting of teeth can have a variety of causes. But daytime bruxism kid quite able to independently control.

In some cases, when the child is not able to restrain himself, it is recommended to contact an experienced child psychologist. The specialist will determine the cause of stress and fear.

In some situations, only an experienced doctor can teach a young patient to ask himself why I clench my teeth, and teach to avoid such a negative emotional manifestation.

Important! In most cases, a few sessions with an experienced child psychologist can completely eliminate daytime bruxism.

Nocturnal bruxism

The problem with the manifestation of nocturnal involuntary chewing movement is more complicated. During sleep, regardless of age, a person is not able to control himself. It turns out that the answer to the question of what to do if there is nocturnal bruxism cannot be quickly obtained.

Among the most common causes that provoke teeth grinding or clicking, experts call:

  • malocclusion;
  • neurological disorders;
  • experienced severe emotional stress;
  • abnormal structure of the dentition, the presence of supernumerary teeth;
  • teething in babies of the first year of life, when bruxism becomes a kind of elimination option discomfort in inflamed gums.

In some cases, the reason is the appearance of adenoids in a child that violate the correct nasal breathing. The basis for the onset of manifestations of teeth grinding can also be a hereditary factor.

It is necessary to search for the cause and treat such a violation in any situation. Even in the case when an involuntary chewing movement is made, scratching the gums, a crumb of several months old.

Such involuntary movement can become a negative habit that will persist for a long period, provoking a violation of the integrity of the enamel.

To select the optimal program for getting rid of unpleasant symptom desirable to get detailed consultation with the attending physician. Further, you may need to visit a psychologist, neurologist, dentist. The result is the development of a program that helps the baby forget about the unpleasant involuntary movements of the jaws.

  • bite correction;
  • adding supplements to the diet vitamin complexes that relieve the manifestation of spasms and convulsions. The composition of the complexes often includes calcium and B vitamins;
  • definition and attempt permissions psychological problem in a family or children's team leading to an increase in the level of anxiety;
  • normalization of the daily regimen, since overstrain and fatigue can lead to bruxism.

Advice! You can give your child an apple or a carrot before bed. Solid food will provide muscle fatigue, reducing the prospect of the onset of teeth grinding.

With bruxism, massage is indicated before bedtime. The impact is carried out on the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, neck. This will help you relax and fall asleep faster without maintaining the stress of the day. To protect your teeth, you can use mouthguards that are installed at night. Such elements help to reduce the friction between the teeth, the enamel remains intact and healthy.


In the case when a child begins to grind his teeth in a dream, parents begin to look for possible signs illness. It is important to understand the diversity of symptoms. Among the main specialists are the following symptoms bruxism:

  • There are strong headaches in the morning after waking up.
  • Children may hear ringing in their ears or complain of feeling stuffy in their ears.
  • Your back or neck may hurt in the morning.
  • Many babies have sleep disturbances and loss of appetite.

in number negative consequences included rapid abrasion of teeth, enamel damage that causes caries frequent complication there is a violation of the bite and subluxation of the jaw.

by the most dangerous consequence there is a potential for stopping breathing during sleep. It can occur at the moment when the child clenching his teeth strongly during sleep. In some cases, the child may begin to suffer from somnambulism, that is, sleepwalking.

Such wide range symptoms shows the difficulty of clearly determining which doctor treats such a condition. The first step in solving the problem for each parent is to contact the attending pediatrician. Experienced doctor examine the child and identify the likely cause of the grinding of teeth.

  • If the problem is caused malocclusion treatment options will be determined by the dentist.
  • At psychological disorders therapy will be determined by a psychologist.
  • In some cases, grinding of teeth can be a symptom difficult neurological disorders . For example, muscle spasm that provokes bruxism may accompany childhood cerebral palsy or mental retardation. Depending on the type of cause diagnosed, the young patient may be referred to a neurologist or psychiatrist.

After the consultation, a treatment method is determined that helps to reduce nighttime bruxism in a child, regardless of the underlying cause.

Physicians pay attention to more likely the occurrence of such manifestations in hyperactive babies. Such crumbs often begin to sit and walk earlier than their peers.

In this case, the pediatrician may prescribe little patient taking sedatives herbal preparations. The method is recommended for children who are at least three years old. For babies sedative fees can be recommended only in case of high need to choose this particular method of treatment.

Prevention of bruxism

The best option for prevention is normalization of the daily routine and psycho-emotional background child's life. The baby needs to go to bed no later than 9 pm. An important condition becomes a benevolent mood in the family. When the child goes to bed in a calm environment, the manifestations of bruxism are less common. With age, they can completely disappear.

Attention! In most cases, in the case of a child, bruxism can be cured in a fairly short time.

In the case when the dentist determines a high degree of abrasion of the teeth due to frequent damage during bruxism, special mouth guards may be recommended for the child. They are worn over the teeth at night. The design is performed by the attending dentist.

Ideally, if it differs according to individual measurements. This will help both get rid of the gnashing of teeth and correct the bite. The alternative becomes use of jaw thruster. Such a device presses the tongue and actually pushes forward a little lower jaw. For adult patients, such a device may be familiar in the fight against snoring.

The jaw thruster is also made only according to individual measurements. The need for its use is determined by a specialist. Such complex device shown at serious problems with frequent gnashing of teeth.

Video: Bruxism - causes and treatment

In the case when parents note no more than two or three attacks per night, the duration of which does not exceed 10 seconds, you can only use simple options home treatment. They are similar preventive measures. In the case when the attacks appear more often or last more than 10 seconds, an appeal to a specialist is required.

Bruxism is medical term, which is defined as grinding teeth. It is most often seen in children. Adults who grind their teeth are less common.

Most often, grinding of teeth in children occurs in a dream, but it is worth paying attention that there are two forms of bruxism - nighttime and daytime. Daytime is much less common and indicates the presence of problems in the body and the need complete examination to identify the cause. But do not worry: doctors do not attribute bruxism to diseases, but attribute it to such disorders as somnambulism, snoring and others.

What can cause teeth grinding in a child? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of bruxism in children

The appearance of gnashing of teeth indicates problems with some organs. These can be dental problems, respiratory diseases, stomach problems, and even psychological disorders. Any of the areas of medicine announces its prerequisites for the appearance of a rattle:

Bruxism in children during the day may indicate that the child has a tense emotional condition. Doctors are inclined to believe that the daytime form of bruxism is a habit, but not an anomaly. Therefore, getting rid of the disorder can be achieved by controlling the actions of the child. In order to teach children to behave correctly and limit their emotions, it is worth contacting the help of a qualified psychologist who will teach you how to use special techniques and exercises.

In many children, daytime bruxism manifests itself in infancy when it is possible for teeth to touch. In this case, you should not give serious attention to the problem, because it is characterized by the child's interest in new changes in his body.

Rattle at night is an uncontrollable action. Its symptoms:

  • The creaks happen intermittently.
  • Breathing becomes faster, pulse accelerates.
  • The pressure rises.
  • There are migraines, pain in the teeth, discomfort when chewing.
  • General weakness and loss of strength.
  • Problems with teeth: cracks in the enamel, bleeding gums, decay of the roots of the teeth.

Danger of the night form

Should I be worried if my child grinds his teeth at night? Worth it, but only in some cases:

  • If your child is over seven years old. Most often, bruxism occurs in very young children and to school age disappears completely. If your child is seven years old and the problem still occurs, contact a specialist.
  • Too frequent and prolonged attacks. If the grinding of teeth lasts more than fifteen seconds, then there is a possibility of nervous diseases. The sooner you examine the child's nervous system, the less likely it is that the disorder will become chronic.
  • If the child's gums are inflamed and teeth are crumbling. If not start timely treatment, then the child may develop complex gum disease, early loss of teeth, malocclusion. Most dangerous period bruxism - when milk teeth are replaced by molars. Diseases can develop that lead to early loss of teeth in children.
  • Doctors do not classify bruxism as severe disorders health of children when it comes to manifestation at night. This disease goes away with time without treatment.

If you want to deal with a problem in a child before he grows up, then first of all go through a consultation with a dentist who will determine the problem and prescribe treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky about bruxism

The famous pediatrician believes that bruxism at night occurs in one in four children under the age of seven. Komarovsky says that this phenomenon also happens in adults, but it is found more often in children, especially in boys.

According to the doctor, the grinding is associated with a reflex contraction of the masticatory muscles. Komarovsky identifies the following causes of bruxism:

  • emotional outburst, severe fatigue. Such a state results nervous system out of balance.
  • Teething in babies. Moreover, Komarovsky says that itching during the growth of teeth leads to the fact that the child rubs his teeth against each other.
  • Injury to the jaw joints and malocclusion.
  • hereditary character. Komarovsky met such children, whose parents gnashed their teeth strongly in childhood, and this is inherited.

Komarovsky also paid attention popular opinion, which says that the rattle is associated with the appearance of worms. The doctor says that this is an ancient misconception that is still popular today, and people believe in it. But Komarovsky assures that there is no direct relationship between gnashing and helminths, therefore it is impossible to drive away worms and treat this disease without passing tests.

bruxism treatment

In order to determine the causes of the onset of the disease, it is necessary to go through a series of special surveys, which will determine that the muscles of the child's jaw contract involuntarily. Diagnosis should exclude the presence of epilepsy. Then a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Bruxism can be diagnosed by a dentist. He makes an inspection oral cavity looking for the causes of the disorder. For diagnosis, a special cap is used, which is inserted into the mouth at night, and then taken to the dentist. By the number of injuries, the doctor will determine the most loaded places and establish the reasons for such a load.

It is very difficult to establish the causes of bruxism, so they use complex treatment diseases. For this, methods such as:

  • Psychotherapy treatment. Relaxing trainings, stress relief, meditation.
  • Dentist treatment. Correction of bite, selection of plates, treatment of caries.
  • Physiotherapist treatment. Massage, compresses, gymnastics.
  • Medical treatment. The selection of drugs that can treat the disease: vitamins, sleeping pills, Botox - everything that will help reduce the activity of the masticatory muscles.

If your child has frequent bouts of teeth grinding, then it is necessary to start treating the problems in a timely manner. The consequences can be hazardous to health: dental problems appear, hearing is impaired, asymmetry of the front of the chin may form.

Prevention of teeth grinding

Prevention is to control the condition of the child. Make sure that the baby is not overexcited before bedtime. Do not allow video games to be played, do not show flashy cartoons. The best thing to do before bed is to read, do puzzles, or listen to classical music. Stop trying to play active games an hour and a half before bedtime. Offer your child a warm herbal tea, talk to him, set him up in a calm and peaceful way. Will be useful hiking in the park.

Control your baby's diet. Food should be wholesome, low-fat, varied. Don't forget about solid food, it contributes to the activation and development of the jaw muscles.

If your child has begun to grind his teeth - do not worry. Try to correctly assess the degree of development of the situation and possible consequences. Visit the experts. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor can help you avoid problems.

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