How to stop a nocturnal cough in a child. Pharmacy cough medicine. Causes of a cough

During the period of illness, the body of a little man is exhausted, although the parents are doing their best to help and find the answer to the exciting question - how to stop a cough at night in a child. It happens that the disease brings the baby less discomfort than nocturnal coughing fits. After all, because of them, he loses strength and does not get enough sleep, and such situations leave their mark on the quality of sleep of parents.

In this article, we will talk about the possible diseases that are the culprits of a night cough, as well as all the known methods of quickly helping a baby during an attack.

Cough is a mechanism aimed at protecting and cleaning the respiratory tract from sputum, mucus, dust or foreign bodies. It is not an independent disease, therefore it is impossible to treat only cough alone. After all, this is one of the symptoms of the disease.

Causes of night cough in children


  1. Allergy- if you increasingly notice that it is worth putting the baby to the crib, or giving your favorite toy, and after a few minutes you don’t know how to stop the child’s cough at night, then we are talking about an allergic reaction (see). Perhaps the filler in the mattress, laundry detergent, and the material from which the toys are made are not suitable for the baby. There can be many options, the main thing is to calculate the correct one and isolate it, then the coughing fits will disappear.
  2. SARS, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
  3. Acute laryngotracheitis, which can be complicated by stenosing laryngotracheitis, a condition that occurs in children as a result of
  4. Adenoiditis.
  5. Bronchial asthma- an allergic disease that manifests itself as attacks of suffocation or expiratory dyspnea, arising from violations in the patency of the bronchi. Parents should always have instructions for action during an asthma attack. A quick and correct response will save the child from the development of complications, for example, status asthmaticus.
  6. Whooping cough.
  7. Pneumonia(cm. ).
  8. Obstructive bronchitis.

Night cough - how to stop an attack and alleviate the child's condition

Quick Help

It happens that until a certain period, parents do not think that, knowing how to stop a child’s nighttime cough, they will save the baby from torment, and they themselves will be calm. The child is annoyed by a debilitating night cough - how to stop it?

Here are some quick and effective ways to get rid of coughing attacks at night, as the severity of symptoms increases:

  1. Sit the child in bed, soothe, provide a warm drink. For these purposes, warm milk with honey, herbal tea from chamomile or linden, heated mineral water with soda are suitable. These drinks will soften the mucous membrane, relieving discomfort in the throat. that cause coughing.
  2. If your child is having a seizure, here's one way to stop coughing at night - give your child a teaspoon of honey or butter. Let him slowly absorb the product until he has eaten it. Note! If a child is allergic to honey, this method should not be used!
  3. The air in the room needs to be humidified using a spray bottle, wet towels on batteries or a humidifier.
  4. How to stop a cough at night in a child older than 6 months - you can do inhalation (see. ) . For these purposes, cedar or eucalyptus oil is suitable, the price of these oils is low, but they are wonderful helpers for colds; For example, it is not advisable to boil potatoes for the procedure, because the child has a coughing fit and he needs help immediately. Take hot water in a bowl and add ether to it. After that, take the baby in your arms and, covering your head with a terry towel, inhale the steam until the attack passes.
  5. During any illness, complications are possible. If stenosing laryngotracheitis provokes a nocturnal cough in a child - how to stop it? Regardless of the degree of stenosis, action must be taken quickly. With stenosis of the 1st degree, night and manual mustard baths can be used, with a water temperature of up to 40 ° C, no longer than 5-10 minutes; an ordinary hot bath, for 5-7 minutes, with a water temperature of not more than 39 ° C; mustard plasters on the chest and lower legs, in the absence of an allergy to mustard. Let the child drink warm mineral water such as Borjomi or Mirgorodskaya, be sure to humidify the air in the room.

If necessary, give a cough mixture, the type and dosage of which must first be prescribed by a doctor. Stenosis grade 2 and above should be treated in a hospital under the guidance of a team of specialists. Before the arrival of the ambulance team for stenosis of the 2nd or 3rd degree, it is necessary to continue distraction therapy, if possible, inhalation.

Table 1: Specialized treatments for stenosing laryngotracheitis:

The photos and videos in this article will reveal the topic of combating night cough attacks in babies, the causes of these attacks, and focus on the fact that help should be provided to the child immediately.

Coughing fits in a child often occur at a younger age. Their appearance may be due to the peculiarities of the structure of the larynx in the area of ​​the vocal cords. An acute cough, reminiscent of barking, occurs due to mucosal edema and leads to the development of laryngitis. Attacks occur in the first 2 - 3 days from the onset of the disease and bother the baby at night. They also occur against the background of an allergic reaction and are the result of a sore throat with a cold.

As a reflex response to viruses, a paroxysmal cough can last 2 to 3 weeks. If the problem is supplemented by vomiting, fever and redness / cyanosis of the skin, this affects the state of health and indicates a serious infectious disease. But when a child coughs without additional symptoms, over time, the attacks go away on their own.

Ways to stop night cough in children

If there was an attack of nocturnal coughing, experts recommend waking up the child, seating him and giving him a drink.

Warm milk, chamomile tea with honey and alkaline mineral water will come to the rescue.

Drinking will soften the mucous membrane and eliminate the sore throat. Accordingly, the cough will also subside. But if the discomfort in the throat continues to bother, the baby needs to walk around the room for a while.

Pharmacy syrups containing essential oils and inhalations help to get rid of a persistent cough. The procedures are carried out using a nebulizer filled with cedar ether or decoctions of thyme, chamomile, oak bark. Of the drugs for inhalation, Mucolvan, Ventolin or special solutions of Ambrobene or Lazolvan are used. In the absence of allergies, the child is given 1 tsp. honey for slow absorption. If the bee product is contraindicated, it is replaced with butter.

In emergency cases, when suffocation occurs with laryngitis, it is urgent to take the baby to the bathroom and let him breathe in the steam coming from hot water. Droplets of liquid increase the level of humidity in the room and at the same time moisten the airways. The attack of dry cough recedes and the child becomes better.

Help with wet cough

A good help with a wet cough are drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi. The rapid discharge of sputum is facilitated by taking drugs with ambroxol:

  • Ambrobene;
  • Halixol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrohexal and others.

Children under 6 years of age are given in the form of syrup.

Provoked by swelling of the mucosa, and the means of the antihistamine group - Ketotifen, Suprastin, Tavegil - will help to improve breathing. Doctors usually prescribe antiallergic drugs along with antitussive medicines. When the cause of the cough is really an allergy, taking an antihistamine eliminates unpleasant symptoms in 30 to 60 minutes.

Antitussives of traditional medicine

Strong child's cough always treated and will be treated with burnt sugar. A dark brown mass is obtained by melting 1 large spoonful of granulated sugar in an iron mug. After setting the dishes on fire, its contents are continuously stirred until a thick substance is obtained. Then 50 ml of boiled water is added to the mug and a few drops of aloe juice are added. The child should drink the prepared drug at a time.

And here is another recipe for making sweet zhzhenka. Let's consider it step by step:

  1. half a glass of sugar is poured into a clean, dry frying pan;
  2. the product is heated until it turns brown;
  3. the transformed sugar is poured into a glass of boiling water and mixed thoroughly.

Homemade syrup give the baby 1 tsp. during each attack, but not more than 5 tablespoons per day.

Now let's figure it out how to relieve a coughing fit in a child with lemon and honey. Fresh juice squeezed from one fruit is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. glycerin (cooking takes place in a glass). The rest of the dishes are filled with honey, all the ingredients are stirred and the syrup is poured into a convenient bottle. Shake it before giving it to a child. The kid should take the remedy 6 r. per day for 1 tsp.

If within a few days none of the methods gave a result, the child should be shown to the pediatrician. Timely consultation will help to avoid the development of complications.

Cough that occurs at night is a serious problem not only for the baby himself, but also for his parents. And the fact that he does not allow to sleep normally is the smallest inconvenience. The fact is that very often a nocturnal cough does not have concomitant symptoms and it is not easy to find out the cause of its appearance. But the first thing to do if the baby coughs heavily at night is to stop the attack. And then try to get to the bottom of the reasons.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly “out of breath” and get tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Causes of night cough

Not always a nocturnal cough has an infectious cause. Much more often, on the contrary, he has nothing to do with them. Moreover, the presence of an infection in a child's body is usually easy to determine by the accompanying symptoms: snot appears, the temperature rises, the child becomes lethargic, often naughty.

Non-infectious causes are much more difficult to identify, but this is also possible if you carefully observe the child:

Of course, these are not all the reasons why a cough occurs at night. And if none of them suits your case, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. And even more so, to self-medicate, not understanding what exactly you are trying to cure.

How to remove an attack

When a child has a strong cough at night, the first thing to do is to calm the baby and stop the attack. You will understand its causes and make diagnoses later. First you need to do everything possible to alleviate the condition as much as possible. There are several effective ways, like a child:

Often you can quickly stop a cough with the help of improvised means: a spoonful of honey placed under the tongue; beaten egg yolk with sugar; diluted in half with honey or water, aloe juice. When there is cough medicine at hand, you can also use it, without exceeding the dosage prescribed in the instructions.

If you only had one episode of nighttime coughing, you may have been able to find and eliminate its cause. But if such situations are repeated regularly (not even every night, but several times a month, for example), then the problem cannot be ignored. This is a clear signal that something is wrong with the child.

Treatment Options

Of course, you can completely get rid of a night cough only by eliminating the main cause of its appearance. After all, coughing in itself is not a disease, but only one of the symptoms that shows that not everything is in order with the baby. Therefore, the treatment of a cough of a non-infectious nature is always symptomatic: we remove the irritant - the problem disappears.

Allergic cough has only one treatment: elimination of exposure to the allergen and taking antihistamines during an attack. If the allergen is “hiding” and it is not possible to detect it on its own, it is necessary to take tests. Modern medicine has in its arsenal a fairly wide range of tests that can significantly narrow the search circle, and in some cases clearly identify the allergen.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that periodically worsens. During an exacerbation, medication is prescribed by a doctor. And during periods of remission, it is enough just to have a portable inhaler with a special drug on hand, which can remove even a very strong attack in just a few inputs.

Colds, acute respiratory infections, hypothermia at the initial stage are perfectly treated with folk remedies without the use of antibiotics. A nocturnal cough is usually provoked by the flow of mucus from the nose when the head is thrown back.

Therefore, before putting the child to sleep, it is necessary to clean and drip his nose, put a pillow under his head and make sure that the air in the room is moderately humid (otherwise crusts form in the nose overnight).

But if bouts of nocturnal cough occur against the background of an increase in body temperature, a sharp deterioration in the general condition, the release of yellow-green snot and the same color of sputum, this is already an indicator of the infectious nature of the disease. And the treatment algorithm in this case should be determined by the doctor.

Treatment of infectious diseases

Infectious diseases that cause cough always require an integrated approach. The course of therapy is selected so that it simultaneously affects the underlying disease and reduces the frequency and intensity of attacks as much as possible. Therefore, in most cases, the doctor prescribes not one, but several drugs from various groups at once:

Antipyretics do not affect the intensity of coughing, therefore, they are not included in complex treatment. They are given only when the body temperature is above 38 degrees until it stops rising.

Antipyretic drugs have a bad effect on the work of the heart and digestive organs, so give them to young children as a last resort. Usually Paracetamol copes well with high temperatures in babies.

It is impossible to correct the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor yourself! If you disagree with something, the use of some means causes you doubts or questions - you need to discuss this before starting treatment. You can stop taking one of the medicines only if the child has an allergic reaction to it. This should be immediately notified to the doctor, and he will select another drug with a similar effect.

Children often suffer from coughing fits due to the structure of the larynx at an early age. However, cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. To determine how to properly soothe the manifestations of this unpleasant symptom and cure the baby, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. Usually such a cause is various colds.

With acute respiratory infections, the baby's larynx is affected by a mass of pathogenic bacteria, which cause coughing fits. Ignoring treatment can lead to irreversible consequences for the child, including bronchial asthma.

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    In order to alleviate the condition of the baby with a strong cough at home, it is required not only to use medicines, but also to follow some recommendations:

    1. 1. Wet cleaning. The smallest dust particles, getting into the inflamed airways of the baby, irritate them and cause a cough. In order not to provoke new attacks, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the house as often as possible.
    2. 2. Air humidification. To reduce dust formation, you can install a humidifier in the patient's room. If this is not possible, you just need to spread wet towels on the battery.
    3. 3. Food. The child needs to eat light and well-digestible food during illness. It should not irritate the sore throat and be too hot.
    4. 4. Drink. Warm, plentiful drink is the most important component of cough treatment. It helps to thin and remove phlegm and relieve symptoms of inflammation.


    All cough medicines are divided into three types:

    1. 1. Antitussives. They act by inhibiting the antitussive center in the brain and thereby stopping the attack.
    2. 2. Expectorants. Helps to remove phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. Facilitate coughing.
    3. 3. Combined drugs. They combine decongestant, antitussive and expectorant components.

    Cough preparations for children are presented in the table:

    Name Dosage and administration
    Sinekod (syrup and drops)From two months to a year - 10 drops 4 times a day. From 1 to 3 years - 15 drops 4 times a day. From 3 to 5 years - 5 ml of syrup three times a day. From 5 years and above - 10 ml of syrup three times a day
    Panatus (syrup and tablets)From two months to a year - 2.5 ml four times a day. From 1 to 3 years - 5 ml 4 times a day. From 3 to 5 years -10 ml 4 times a day. From 5 years and above - 1 tablet twice a day, after 12 years - 3 times a day
    Stoptussin (drops)Dosage depends on the weight of the child
    Glycodin (syrup)This drug is contraindicated in newborns and children under 1 year of age. Dosage after 1 year is prescribed by the doctor individually
    Omnitus (syrup)3-5 years - 10 ml three times a day. From 5 years and above -15 ml three times a day, after 12 years the dose is doubled
    Codelac Neo (syrup)3-5 years - 5 ml three times a day. From 5 years and above -10 ml three times a day
    Alex Plus (lozenges)4-6 years - one lozenge three times a day. From 6 years and above - 1-2 lozenges 4 times a day
    Broncholitin (syrup)3-5 years - 5 ml three times a day. From 5 years and above - 5 ml three times a day, after 10 years, 10 ml three times a day

    Folk methods of treatment

    Any drug, in addition to treating the disease, can harm the body, even if it is minimal. Chemicals have various side effects, which are especially dangerous in childhood.

    Folk remedies consist of natural components. When used correctly, they will not cause harm to the body. For babies, this is especially true, since the child's body has not yet fully formed and is extremely sensitive to treatment.

    Folk recipes for dry cough

    The task with this type of cough is to relieve an attack, facilitate the removal of sputum and soften the throat. To accomplish this task, the following products are used in folk recipes:

    • milk;
    • vegetable and animal fats.

    Honey with milk and butter is one of the easiest and most affordable remedies to treat a dry cough. It is prepared like this:

    • milk is boiled and cooled;
    • one teaspoon of honey is added to half a glass of milk, mixed thoroughly;
    • one teaspoon of butter is added and mixed.

    You can drink this mixture three to four times a day. Warm milk will help relieve the attack. Honey will have an antiseptic effect. The oil will soothe a sore throat.

    Badger fat is suitable for relieving coughing fits, even in newborn babies. Children under three years of age should be rubbed with badger fat. Usually rub the area of ​​the chest and back. After the procedure, the baby must be well wrapped.

    For older children, badger fat is given orally. You can use it up to three times a day, one teaspoon. The product has a rather unpleasant odor and taste, so the child may refuse to take it. To prevent this from happening, you need to dissolve the fat in milk or mix it with honey.

    Badger fat is especially helpful in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and weakened immune systems.

    Pine buds are one of the most effective folk remedies in the treatment of colds and severe cough in a child. They are used as an infusion. You can insist them not only on water, but also on milk. To prepare the medicine, you need to take half a liter of the selected liquid and boil it. Then one tablespoon of the product is poured into the boiling liquid and the pan is immediately removed from the stove. Let it brew for an hour. Give your child a quarter cup every few hours.

    Radishes with honey are very loved by children for their pleasant sweet taste and help stop a bad cough very well. You can cook radish with honey in two different ways:

    • The fruit is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with honey and left for several hours until a syrup is formed.
    • Juice is squeezed out of the root crop on a juicer and mixed with honey. This method is the fastest.

    The child is given one teaspoon after 1-2 hours. The frequency depends on the strength of the attacks.

    A wide variety of herbs (chamomile, thyme, oregano) and roots (marshmallow, licorice, elecampane) can be used to relieve coughing fits. Anise seeds are also widely used for decoctions. You can buy all these medicines at any pharmacy. Methods for brewing decoctions are described in detail in the instructions on the package and do not take much time.

    Compresses are suitable for relieving coughing fits:

    • Saline. To apply this compress, you need to heat ordinary table salt in a frying pan. Then you need to pour it into a clean cotton cloth and tie it in a knot. Apply on the chest until the salt cools down. During the procedure, the child should not have a temperature.
    • Potato. It is made from potato peels, boiled until soft. You can also use the potatoes themselves, finely chopped and boiled.
    • Mustard. To prepare it, mustard powder, honey, flour, vegetable oil and vodka are mixed in equal proportions. Mustard compress can be left for the whole night. All compresses are fixed in the chest and back of the baby.

    Wet cough treatment

    A wet cough worries the baby less, but is more dangerous. Wet coughing spells without proper sputum clearance can lead to complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Therefore, it is simply necessary to thin the viscous discharge from the bronchi.

    To prepare the medicine, you need to take a cabbage leaf and squeeze it well. Collect the released juice in a glass container. Add some sugar. Give your baby 1/2 teaspoon every few hours. Squeeze fresh juice each time. Also, coughing well helps applying a cabbage leaf with honey on the chest. The leaf needs to be lightly kneaded so that it gives juice, grease with honey and attach to the chest without covering the heart area. Top cover with a film and a towel or woolen scarf.

    Blackcurrant leaves are used to make an infusion. For this purpose, it is necessary to pour a tablespoon of dried currant leaves into 250 ml of boiling water. Insist one hour. Infusion is given to children instead of tea. Frequency does not matter, the more the better.

    Gas is first released from mineral water by opening the lid and letting it stand for a while. Then mineral water is mixed with boiled milk. You can mix half a glass of both, or take 1 part of milk and three parts of mineral water. Give children 100 ml of drink four times a day.

    Not only traditional boiled potatoes are suitable for inhalation, but also mineral water without gas and soda water. The selected agent is poured into a container with a wide mouth (pot or ladle) and heated to a temperature of 60-80 degrees. The child is seated over the pan, covered with a towel or sheet, and allowed to breathe in the rising steam within 5-10 minutes.

    But this method should be used if the house does not have a special device for inhalation - a nebulizer. With such a device, inhalation is much safer for the child. The baby will not be burned by hot steam. In addition, the nebulizer delivers drugs directly to the source of the disease much more efficiently.

There can be many reasons for a sudden and prolonged cough, ranging from common factors: the development of a viral infection, allergies and lung diseases, to less common helminthic invasions, thyroid pathologies, or small foreign bodies entering the mucous membrane of the larynx. Regardless of the cause that provokes the cough reflex, the rapid removal of an attack is the main help for a suffering person.

Cough attack and its danger

Prolonged coughing attacks disturb people mainly at night, most often they are a symptom of a serious illness, and do not develop as an independent disease. Among mothers of frequently ill children or allergies, one can often hear about coughing fits, in which it is difficult to breathe and fully clear the airways. Constant and frequent attacks of dry cough can damage the mucous membrane of the larynx, and also gradually exhaust the patient. In addition, an unproductive dry cough does not relieve a person of bacteria, viruses and sputum that have penetrated, therefore it is more dangerous.

Doctors call a dry cough unproductive because it does not help clear the airways.

An attack of coughing especially often develops in young children aged from six months to two or three years; among adults, this symptom is more rare. This is due to the anatomical feature of the structure of the larynx and the respiratory system of small patients: infants and young children have a very narrow funnel-shaped larynx, up to a centimeter thick, as well as underdeveloped muscles that promote breathing. All these nuances lead to the rapid appearance of edema of the mucous membrane of the larynx, in which its lumen is halved. Therefore, the younger the child, the greater the chance for a rapid spread of infection in the throat and the development of complications in the form of coughing fits.

False croup, as a rule, attacks the child unexpectedly, most often at night

Does this condition require a call to the doctors or can it be removed on your own? If a toddler, in addition to coughing, breathes heavily, has cyanotic skin and a blurred mind, then do not hesitate - this condition is called false croup. If these signs are obvious, you should call an ambulance, let the doctors examine the child, and, if necessary, agree to go to the hospital in hospitalization. Coughing and shortness of breath can be symptoms of extremely dangerous diseases - obstructive, and bronchial asthma.

How to help a sick person at home

It is possible to help with paroxysmal coughing without calling doctors if the sick person does not have other alarming and dangerous symptoms: shortness of breath, high fever, blue skin and loss of consciousness.

At night, it is necessary to place another pillow under the back of the sick person in order to change its position to a more vertical one: in this position, the development of an attack is less likely, since the mucus flowing down the back wall of the larynx will not have an irritating effect.

To alleviate the patient's condition, it is recommended to change the inclination of the pillow

All the general rules for getting rid of attacks come down to a quick transition from a painful dry cough to a more productive wet one. To do this, it is necessary for the patient to provide sufficient drink (herbal infusions, tea, warm milk with honey, compote, mineral water without gas, etc.) and create conditions for moisture to enter the respiratory tract from the outside:

  • air humidification using a special device or by hanging wet towels, sheets, arranging water containers;
  • taking a shower or bath, provided there is no high body temperature;
  • regular ventilation of the room in which the patient is located.

If an adult and a smoker suffers from coughing fits, then he should get rid of the addiction at least until complete recovery - this will contribute to a faster and easier cure for paroxysmal coughing.

Video: we remove an attack of dry cough correctly

The use of medicines

It is better to take certain cough medicines only after consulting a doctor, since it is necessary to correctly determine the type of cough: dry or wet, and only then select more effective medicines. Without a proper diagnosis, the situation can only worsen.

For those who do not have the opportunity to go to the doctor, there is a special group of drugs that are equally suitable for the treatment of both dry and wet coughs. For children from one year old and adults, the use of Prospan is recommended - a phytopreparation that can be found both in the form of drops for inhalation and in the form of a syrup. Prospan based on ivy extract helps to cope with coughing fits and has both an expectorant and antitussive effect, contributing to a faster transition of cough into a productive one.

The drug has practically no side effects, it can be given to pregnant women and even babies

Preparations for the treatment of attacks of dry cough

Dry cough can be recognized by the following signs:

  • sore throat;
  • perspiration;
  • insufficient relief after coughing;
  • no expectoration of sputum.

Taking medications that remove irritation in the throat and moisturize the cough is aimed at suppressing the cough reflex. Many of these drugs affect the cough center in the brain and block its work, some drugs (based on codeine) can be addictive.

With a dry cough, it is good to take medications that actively promote sputum discharge. After the transition to a wet cough, doctors prescribe other drugs: expectorants or mucolytics (thinning sputum).

  • Herbion with plantain extract;
  • Dr. MOM;

Such drugs are taken only on prescription, especially for children. You can not take these medicines at the same time as mucolytic ones - this can lead to serious complications.

Photo gallery: dry cough preparations

Sinekod is a strong and effective drug that has a suppressive effect on the cough center of the brain, which has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Bronchicum can be used for any type of cough, it helps to thin and remove sputum Herbion is a herbal remedy with antitussive and antibacterial, as well as anti-inflammatory effects. The main active ingredient in Codelac Neo is codeine, which can be addictive. Omnitus has a direct effect on the cough center, has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Stoptussin - a drug of combined action that suppresses cough and reduces the viscosity of sputum

With attacks of dry cough, taking strong drugs is justified if it is a symptom of an allergy. These medicines can have a negative effect on the nervous system, therefore, in case of respiratory diseases, it is preferable to relieve coughing fits by moistening the air and drinking a sufficient amount of warm liquid.

Preparations for getting rid of bouts of wet cough

Wet coughing spells are characterized by sputum clotting that is easier or more difficult, depending on its viscosity. Often during the next bout of coughing, you can hear wheezing in the chest, as well as a kind of gurgling or gurgling. Medicines taken to relieve this symptom should make it easier to expel sputum and increase the mucus that is coughed up (if necessary).

In the treatment of wet cough, inhalations are often prescribed, both steam based on traditional medicine recipes, and with the use of special medicines that the patient breathes with a nebulizer.

Steam inhalation is prohibited in children under 4 years of age due to the high likelihood of developing bronchospasm, it is better to use a nebulizer to treat cough

In the latter case, expectorant and mucolytic drugs are best suited, which, in addition to increased expectoration of sputum, can have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. These effects are very important in bouts of wet coughing, because a bacterial infection can easily join the difficult-to-separate mucus and develop a more serious illness: pneumonia or purulent bronchitis.

To relieve attacks of wet cough, it is necessary to get rid of its cause - the inflammatory process in the bronchi, as well as edema of lung tissues. When the bronchial lumen returns to normal size, the coughing attack subsides, swelling and inflammation decrease. Preparations based on fenspiride just relieve spasms in the bronchi and have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Siresp;
  • Eladon;
  • Epistat;
  • Erispirus.

Mucolytic drugs that can thin sputum include agents based on bromhexine:

  • Ascoril;
  • Bronchosan;
  • Cashnol.

Ambroxol-based medicines:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Halixol;
  • Ambrogesal;
  • Ambrosan;
  • Flavamed;
  • Codelac Broncho;
  • Orvis Broncho.

Mucolytics, the main substance of which is acetylcysteine;

  • Acetylcysteine ​​Teva;
  • ACC long;
  • Fluimucil.

Mucolytics are not recommended for toddlers, since the use of such drugs can cause "waterlogging" of the lungs, and, as a result, provoke serious complications. The best way out for babies is to take drugs with a mucolytic and at the same time expectorant effect: Bromhexine or Ambroxol.

Drugs in which the active ingredient is carbocysteine:

  • Fluditec;
  • Libeksin Muko;
  • Bronchobos;
  • Libeksin.

I am familiar with bouts of wet cough firsthand, unfortunately, for two years in a row, every spring, my daughter has been sick with pneumonia. Periodically, we are observed by a pulmonologist to control the emerging cough or general malaise, in order to control the development of pneumonia if possible. When we came to the pulmonologist to get registered, my daughter was after the first pneumonia, and, to my horror, a week later she again had a wet cough in the form of nocturnal attacks. We already imagined returning to the hospital and taking antibiotics, but the doctor, after listening to the lungs, suggested that we just drink syrup. I was shocked: how would a regular syrup without an antibiotic prevent complications? But, on the advice of a pulmonologist, I gave my daughter a drug based on carbocysteine, half an hour before meals. In addition, we did massage and the baby constantly drank some kind of liquid: juice, tea, water, favorite compote - it doesn’t matter. It was unexpected, but already on the first night, the daughter slept peacefully and she was not tormented by a wet cough. After a week, we forgot about this symptom in the daytime.

Preparations of the bronchodilator group are more often used for bouts of wet cough caused by bronchospasm. Often this situation is observed in bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These drugs include Berodual, Serevent, Salbutamol, and other prescription drugs.

Photo gallery: popular wet cough preparations

Berodual is a popular inexpensive drug that helps with bronchospasm Fluifort is excellent in relieving coughing attacks, accompanied by the formation of sputum that is difficult to separate. Lazolvan improves sputum discharge and relieves cough, in this dosage form it is applicable for inhalation ACC contributes to increased sputum excretion, taking the drug in a hot form quickly relieves a coughing fit Bromhexine increases the secretion of bronchial glands and is less toxic compared to other cough medicines Erespal is able not only to relieve coughing fits, but also to help eliminate the current inflammatory process in the lungs

Folk remedies

Before using any of the folk remedies, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components proposed in the recipe. Many of the components of the remedy (honey, oil, baking soda) can cause a negative reaction of the patient.

Warm milk remedy

At the onset of an attack of dry cough, you can give this drink, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time.

Warm milk for cough - a method passed down from generation to generation as a home panacea to relieve coughs from colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 0.5 tsp


  1. Heat the milk so that it is as hot as possible, but does not burn (about 50 0 C).
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and mix thoroughly.
  3. Wait for the oil and honey to dissolve completely.

The drink should be drunk hot, in small sips. The tool softens the throat and well moisturizes the damaged mucous membrane of the larynx.

onion broth

Onion has long been known as one of the best antiviral natural remedies. You can calm a cough by preparing a decoction of onions, but not in water, but in milk.

It is best to boil the onion in milk until soft, if you are limited in time, then the onion can be cut into pieces


  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1 glass.

Preparing a drink:

  1. One onion should be washed and peeled.
  2. Place the onion in a saucepan and pour over a glass of milk.
  3. Boil the onion in milk over low heat for 50 minutes, then remove the vegetable.

The drink should be drunk still warm, taking teaspoons until the cough completely calms down.

black radish recipe

This root vegetable is known for its effectiveness in treating coughs and relieving seizures. It will take time to prepare the healing agent, so it is better to prepare it in advance.

Radish juice contains a complex of phytoncides, which has an immunostimulating, antiviral and mucolytic effect.


  • black radish - 1 large root crop;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Cut a hole in the radish with a knife and discard the excess.
  2. Add honey to the resulting hole.
  3. Put the radish in a warm place for 4-5 hours.
  4. Mix the juice formed in the recess with honey.

Radish should not be used for inflammation of the stomach or pancreas, as well as for gastrointestinal ulcers and existing severe cardiac pathologies.

Herbal tea with ginger

To prepare a remedy that helps relieve a coughing fit, you can take any herbal tea, for example, use chamomile, which gives an anti-inflammatory effect. Pre-flowers are poured for 20 minutes with hot, non-boiling water to preserve nutrients. Tea is ready.

Tea will relieve pain and irritation in the throat, warm and help to cope with coughing fits.


  • chamomile tea - 500 ml;
  • ginger - 1 piece.


  1. Ginger grate on a fine grater, take 1 teaspoon of the root.
  2. Add ginger to chamomile tea and stir.
  3. Strain the drink if necessary.

Ginger root has a good warming effect, so it can be seen in many folk recipes for coughs. The remedy is taken every 4 hours and during a coughing fit.

Prevention of coughing fits

No matter how trite the recommendation to observe the principles of a healthy lifestyle sounds, but even here it does not lose its relevance. The likelihood of developing a coughing fit will be reduced by frequent and long walks in the fresh air, as well as by quitting smoking and visiting places with an accumulation of tobacco smoke.

In case of an allergic cough, care must be taken to reduce the risk of a collision with an allergen: it is recommended to wet clean the house as often as possible, get rid of flowers and household items made from wool and fluff (carpets, pillows), attach pets, remove mold. The air should be clean and humid, it is advisable to use a humidifier in the winter season.

Often coughing fits can be caused by eating odorous and fragrant spices, hot spices and carbonated drinks.

If the patient is most concerned about a cold cough, then it is worth raising your immunity by eating healthy foods and vitamin complexes, playing sports and hardening (using a contrast shower, walking barefoot in the summer). A good help in this matter is provided by the pool: swimming helps to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, strengthen the muscles of the chest and increase the blood supply to the lungs.

It is also important to treat the onset of the disease in time and vaccinate against influenza and pneumococcal infection, this will help to avoid the development of serious complications. Compliance with all recommendations for the prescribed treatment and dosages of drugs, visiting a massage therapist and a herbalist will help you quickly defeat the disease and not return to it for a long time.

Coughing attacks can be removed at home, but the patient's condition should always be monitored. Severe shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, obvious lack of air are signals to call a doctor. If you know that one of the family members has a predisposition to coughing fits, then you should take care in advance about the prevention of their occurrence and assistance measures: keep the drugs agreed with the doctor at home, prepare folk remedies in advance to help alleviate the patient's condition. Proper care and timely treatment to the doctor will contribute to a speedy recovery.

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