Cycloferon instruction from what. How flu affects human health. Release forms of the drug: adult and children's cycloferon

Influenza and respiratory diseases viral nature often diagnosed in children. In the absence of competent therapy, these ailments are complicated by bacterial infections that are difficult to cure. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to use medications based on interferon, which strengthens the immune system and speeds up recovery.

Cycloferon is an antiviral drug that contains interferon. It increases the body's resistance to pathogenic microorganisms, has a wide spectrum of activity. The drug helps fight viruses and is used for infectious diseases viral origin in children. Cycloferon strengthens defensive forces organism, exhibits an anticarcinogenic effect, suppresses autoimmune reactions in patients of a younger age category.

Basic information about Cycloferon

The main component of the drug is meglumine acridone acetate. In appearance, it is a yellowish powder, after dissolving in water, a solution with a white or bluish tint is obtained. For treatment, tablets, injection solution in ampoules, ointment are used. Cycloferon suppositories and syrup are not available for sale.

Additional components of dosage forms:


  • povidone;
  • propylene glycol;
  • calcium stearate;
  • polysorbate;
  • methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer;
  • hypromellose.

Solution for injections:

  • sterile liquid.
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • propylene glycol.

The pills have round shape and yellow, convex on both sides, coated. The tablet form is taken orally, it is perfectly absorbed into the walls digestive tract and penetrates into bloodstream. Maximum content observed 3 hours after application, therapeutic effect kept for 8 hours.

The solution has a yellowish tint. High content the main substance is observed 1 hour after administration. Liquid ointment is a mixture of yellowish color with a characteristic aroma.

The drug destroys viruses, strengthens the immune system, stops inflammatory process inhibits cell overgrowth. In addition, Cycloferon demonstrates an antitumor effect. After penetration into the body, the drug stimulates the production of α- and β-interferon. The maximum concentration of protein is observed in the spleen, lungs, intestines, liver. The drug enhances the immune response, corrects immune status enters the brain.

Properties of Cycloferon:

  • Influenza, acute respiratory diseases.
  • Herpes.
  • Infectious bowel diseases of viral origin.
  • Viral damage to the CNS.
  • Secondary immunodeficiency that accompanies chronic diseases caused by fungi or bacteria.
  • Hepatitis B, C.
  • Chickenpox.
  • Filatov's disease (angina monocytic).

Cycloferon is used in combination with other medicines for adenoids, enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes.

Injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • Hepatitis A, C, D, GP, B.
  • Viral damage to the immune system (stage 2A - 3B).
  • Herpes.

The ointment is used by patients from 18 years of age with herpes, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, urethra, etc.

The use of tablets

Tablets are prescribed to patients from 4 years. Pills are taken once 24 hours before meals (half an hour), washed down with filtered water.

The dosage depends on the age of the patient:

  • From 4 to 6 years - 1 piece once.
  • From 7 to 11 years - from 2 to 3 tablets.
  • From 12 years old - from 3 to 4 pills.

The pediatrician will determine the treatment regimen, the duration of the course, taking into account age and symptoms. With SARS or influenza, the drug is used 5 to 10 times.

Dosage of Cycloferon during the course of treatment for flu and colds:

  • The first 2 days children drink daily dose medicines.
  • Then a day later, patients consume the daily portion on the 4th, 6th, 8th day.
  • Then the child is given pills at intervals of 48 hours on days 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 of treatment.

If the patient missed one dose, then do not take a double dose of the medicine. Doctors recommend continuing to use the medication according to a given scheme. In the same way, Cycloferon is taken for chickenpox in children. Patients from 18 years of age, in addition to tablets, can use an ointment to treat smallpox. The doctor will advise on the use of this combination.

The drug can be combined with antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant drugs. After increased production of interferon, the temperature normalizes faster, inflammation stops, cough decreases. In addition, subject to the rules of use, the likelihood of a bacterial infection is reduced.

  • First take the daily dose once for 2 days.
  • Then the pills are consumed on the 4th, 6th, 8th day.
  • Then the pills are drunk at intervals of 2 days.

More details about treatment regimens for other viral infections will be consulted by a pediatrician.

Injection treatment

An injection is made into a muscle or vein 1 time in 24 hours. The dose of medicine for younger patients is from 6 to 10 mg per 1 kg of total weight.

Treatment regimens for viral infections:

  • Hepatitis c acute course(A, B, C, D) - 15 injections. The doctor can extend the course after 2 weeks.
  • Hepatitis c chronic course(C, C, E) - 10 injections three times in 7 days for 12 weeks.
  • Herpes - 10 injections three times a week for a month.
  • HIV - 10 injections (1 injection for 3 days for 12 weeks).

The solution is used for adenoids, as it demonstrates a pronounced antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect. In this case, an injection solution is used. Cycloferon for inhalation for children will help reduce the inflammatory process, pathological growths, improve general state organism.

To spend inhalation treatment mix 1 or 2 ampoules of injection with 4 ml of sodium chloride solution. The liquid is poured into the tank of an inhaler or nebulizer, and then the child is offered to breathe in vapors. The procedure lasts no longer than 7 minutes for 7-10 days. The condition of the crumbs improves already on the 3rd day, as the medicinal vapors penetrate into the lesion and accelerate recovery.

If the patient has a fever, then it is better to refuse inhalation. After the procedure, you can go outside only after 60 minutes.

Precautionary measures

According to the instructions for use, Cycloferon is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Allergy to the components of the drug.
  • Severe liver pathology (cirrhosis).

Under the supervision of a pediatrician, the drug is allowed to be given to a child who suffers from diseases digestive organs. And in case of violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland, you should consult an endocrinologist. In addition, the medicine is forbidden to be taken by children under 4 years of age (including up to a year).

As a rule, Cycloferon is normally tolerated by patients. Probability negative reactions increases in case of violation of the rules of use or the presence of contraindications. Then the child develops an allergy. There is no information on drug overdose.

Cost and alternative drugs

Cycloferon is an over-the-counter medication. Pills will cost you an average of 180 rubles, and a solution - 330 rubles.

The drug has no absolute analogue. But if there are contraindications, Cycloferon can be replaced with other drugs that stimulate the production of interferon:

  • Amiksin.
  • Alokin-alpha.
  • Timalin.
  • Anaferon.
  • Lavomax.

The principle of action, dosage and treatment regimen with the above means is different, so the decision to replace the medicine is made by the pediatrician.

Thus, Cycloferon is an original medicine that has a complex effect on immunity and inhibits the development of pathogenic agents. The drug has almost no contraindications, but before using it, you should get the approval of a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of negative phenomena.

A common drug for the treatment of ARVI and the common cold is Cycloferon. It has an immunomodulating and antiviral property, it is used in the treatment of adults and children. It is useful to know what the annotation of Cycloferon says in order to take the medicine correctly.

Cycloferon - instruction

In addition to the immunomodulatory and antiviral action, Cycloferon - the instruction says a wide range of purposes - is anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent. Once in the body, it increases the action of interferons, which are able to fight the infection. By activating immune system, the drug kills microbes, suppresses autoimmune reactions. Available in the form of ampoules for oral administration, tablets and ointments for local application at various prices.

Schemes of how to drink Cycloferon are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • herpes, influenza, acute respiratory infections;
  • intestinal infectious diseases acute, Lyme disease, serous type meningitis, HPV;
  • secondary immunodeficiency, chronic hepatitis, HIV initial stages;
  • cold prevention.


Active ingredient which contains Cycloferon injection is acridoneacetic acid. The drug is produced in dosages of 125 and 250 mg, it is used among complex therapy in the treatment of HIV in the initial stages, viral hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. The same diseases for children are also treated medicinal ampoules administered intravenously.


In addition to acridoneacetic acid, Cycloferon tablets contain the active substance N-methylglucamine. The drug is available in a concentration of 150 mg per dose, but different quantity in a blister - the price is different. It is used to treat HIV, herpes, hepatitis, systemic connective tissue diseases and rheumatic diseases. Treat tablets tick-borne encephalitis, chlamydial infections, adults can use a medicine for deforming osteoarthritis, secondary immunodeficiency and CMV.


The composition of the drug, similar to tablets, contains Cycloferon liniment, but the concentration active substance the other is 50 mg per gram. The basis for the ointment is propylene glycol, and also catapol, which is also an antiseptic. It is used to treat herpes, vaginosis and vaginitis, and other diseases of the genital organs. Effectively helps ointment from chlamydial, gonorrheal and candidal infection.

In dentistry, liniment is used to alleviate the course of chronic periodontitis, but it is forbidden to rub it into the gums and use it for people under 18 years of age. The ointment is distinguished by a bitter aftertaste, which doctors warn patients about. In addition to genital herpes, the gel is successfully used on other parts of the body - it is applied with a thin layer to the right places and rubbed, the course of treatment is up to 5 days.

How to take Cycloferon

It is worth knowing how to take Cycloferon - instructions for its use suggest different variants. According to the type of disease, the nature of its course and the age of the patient, its own method of using Cycloferon is used. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct scheme for taking pills, injections with ampoules or applying ointment, he also writes out a prescription for this drug. The compatibility of the drug with other drugs and antibiotics has been proven.


Intramuscularly or intravenously, Cycloferon in injections is given once a day every other day. This basic scheme can change, as well as the duration of the course, according to the disease. It is necessary to start a course of injections with an exacerbation of the disease. Children are injected with a solution of ampoules once a day every other day at a dose of 6-10 mg/kg of body weight according to therapeutic indications.

In tablets

Doctors will tell you how to take Cycloferon tablets. Classical therapy is considered to be taken once a day 30 minutes before meals. Wash down the dose with water, without chewing. With herpes, up to 40 tablets are taken per course, for influenza - up to 20 pieces, for bronchitis - up to 10. Treatment can be combined with analgesics that reduce fever and help with sputum discharge. A second course of treatment is carried out after 2 weeks.

With viral hepatitis, prim lasts 10 days, 4 tablets according to the instructions. After that, the patient is transferred to a maintenance regimen - 4 doses every 4 days for a course of 110 days. Intestinal infections are treated with 2 doses according to the scheme, and neuroinfections - 4 doses according to the prescribed therapy. The total course of treatment is 100 doses and 20 doses in the treatment of immunodeficiency.


Cycloferon ointment is actively used for the treatment of herpes - the instructions for use establish that the gel should be used once a day for 5 days. In gynecology, with lesions of the organs of the reproductive system with candidiasis, urethritis or vaginosis, liniment monotherapy is used. At chronic diseases in an adult or child, treatment is combined with other drugs.

Women apply an ointment to treat vaginal infections by soaking it in cotton swabs and leave for a couple of hours. Men treat the surface of the genital organs, wash the urethra, make instillation and intraurethral solutions for a period of half an hour. More long time exposure leads to mucosal edema. The course is 14 days by admission every other day for adults.

Cycloferon - instructions for use for children

Due to swallowing problems, Cycloferon cannot be used before 4 years of age - the instructions for use for children say this. With influenza and SARS, the course for children (starting from 5 years old) lasts up to 10 doses every other day. For the prevention of diseases, a child can take pills on the first, second, then every even day up to 8 days. After a break of 72 hours, the reception continues on every third day.

Cycloferon - side effects

As with any medicine, it is worth knowing what Cycloferon is - the side effects of which are recorded in the annotation. It is forbidden to use the medicine for any allergic manifestations, cirrhosis and pregnancy. Cycloferon's instruction calls lactation contraindications, but it is not forbidden to use liniment during breastfeeding. Salvation is the drug for sore throat in pregnant women.

The flu is an acute viral infection. Every year in the autumn-winter time, an epidemic of this disease is observed. Thanks to the drug Interferon, it is possible to carry out effective prevention influenza and its treatment.

In this article, we tried to collect all the necessary information about this drug, and the features of its use in the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS.

General characteristics of the drug

Cycloferon directly affects the immune system. It belongs to the group of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. It is widely applied in modern medicine in the treatment and prevention of various viral diseases. It is also often used in oncological diseases included in some chemotherapy regimens.

Cycloferon promotes the body's production of its own interferon. It also has a powerful antitumor effect and strengthens the immune system.

Taking into account the serious influence of cycloferon on human body, it should be prescribed with caution, and only if indicated. In no case should you self-medicate with this drug. If used incorrectly, it can lead to the failure of the entire immune system.

Cycloferon is prescribed for the treatment of the following viral diseases:

  • flu;
  • acute respiratory viral infections, SARS;
  • intestinal infections;
  • herpes;
  • viral hepatitis B and C;
  • Lyme disease;
  • serous meningitis;
  • cytomegalovirus.

Tablets are stored for 2 years after release. The optimum temperature for them is 18-20 degrees. They are produced in clusters of 10 tablets, or in jars of 50 tablets. One tablet contains 150 mg of the active ingredient.

Drinking cycloferon in the treatment of influenza and SARS is necessary according to the scheme. You need to start taking it on the first day of the disease, when the first symptoms appear. Typically, the first symptoms are sharp rise body temperature, headache, weakness, sore throat, aches all over the body.

You need to drink a tablet of cycloferon half an hour before a meal. In the treatment of influenza and SARS, it should be taken once, in the morning, before breakfast.

Need to take a pill copious amounts ordinary water room temperature.

In the treatment of influenza and SARS, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. The first dose of the drug should be on the first day of the disease, and you need to drink 4 tablets. At high temperature, and severe course viral infection, you can drink 6 tablets on the first day. All these pills need to be drunk at one time, and as we have already indicated, in the morning.
  2. Cycloferon should be drunk for the next 3 days, 2-4 tablets.
  3. More long-term treatment the drug is prescribed by a doctor, if necessary.
  4. Children's dosage of the drug is different from the adult. From the age of 4 to 6 years, you need to take 1 tablet per day, from 6 to 11 years - two tablets, from 11 to 16 - 3.

The drug can be combined with antipyretic and antihistamine medications. Also, during the course of treatment it is necessary to drink enough liquids, about 2 liters per day.

Acidic drinks should be avoided, as they, with high intoxication, can worsen the patient's condition.

Flu and SARS are seasonal infectious diseases. With the help of cycloferon, they can be prevented. Before starting a prophylactic intake, it is necessary to consult with a general practitioner or family doctor.

Most often it is performed on children who often get sick. colds. The dosage of the drug for children corresponds to the treatment. You need to take the medication on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th days, then 5 more times with an interval of 72 hours.

Especially often cycloferon is prescribed with preventive purpose in such cases:

  • with reduced immunity in children due to past illnesses;
  • with HIV, AIDS, immunodeficiencies;
  • during the passage of radiation therapy;
  • when forced to take drugs that reduce the protective ability of the body;
  • during influenza epidemics.

Cycloferon is prohibited for use in such cases:

  1. In the presence of allergic reactions to it. If, after taking it, the condition of the body worsens, a rash appears on the body, swelling, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance medical care and stop treatment with this medicine.
  2. At serious illnesses liver, accompanied by acute or chronic liver failure, cirrhosis.
  3. During pregnancy and while breastfeeding breast milk. The drug is able to penetrate the placenta and milk.

Adverse reactions

Possible allergic reactions on a medication in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

If you have had similar allergic reactions in the past after taking this drug, its use is prohibited for you forever.

Before starting data treatment medication, you should understand that you should not expect instant action from him. The symptoms of a cold will not go away immediately after the pills, and your child may get sick with a cold even when undergoing prophylaxis according to the scheme. Arises logical question: "Is it worth taking it?".

Since it acts directly on the immune system, it gives the body the so-called strength to fight viruses. Due to this, the risk of developing complications, including pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitis, is reduced. The body, due to the increased synthesis of interferon, will be able to destroy pathogenic viruses.

If the flu has developed in a child after undergoing prophylaxis, be sure that its course will be easier, and your child will recover faster after the illness.

Cycloferon is modern antiviral drug, with a pronounced antitumor effect. It is used in the treatment and prevention of not only influenza and SARS, but also many other viral diseases.

Before you start taking it, you need to consult with a therapist, and even better - with an experienced and competent immunologist.

It must be used strictly according to the scheme, avoiding skipping the dose, or overdose. This medication is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, liver failure. AT rare cases it can cause allergic reactions, after the development of which, it is strictly forbidden to take it!

Cycloferon is a well-known antiviral drug Russian production. The drug activates the body's resistance to various viral agents. The active ingredient of Cycloferon is a macromolecular substance that can enhance the synthesis of interferon in the body. hallmark this drug is the vastness of the pharmacological effects.

A wide range of applications of Cycloferon tablets is explained by the variability of biological effects. Good therapeutic results achieved in the treatment of infections of bacterial and viral origin. It is also effective to use the drug as an immunomodulator. The drug has an anticarcinogenic effect, can reduce the severity of autoimmune processes. Often, the drug is prescribed for immunodeficiencies various etiologies including due to HIV infection.

Cycloferon was registered on the pharmaceutical market in 1995. In its group of drugs is one of the most optimal in price. Most often, the drug is recommended for viral diseases and immunodeficiency states.

Physico-chemical characteristics, composition and cost of the drug

Cycloferon is sold in three forms of release: tablets, injection solution, Cycloferon liniment for external use.

Tablets Solution Liniment
Active substance Meglumine acridone acetate - 150 mg / tab. Meglumine acridonacetate - 125 mg / ml Meglumine acridonacetate - 50 mg / ml
Excipients Povidone - 7.93 mg,
Propylene glycol - 1.79 mg,
Calcium stearate - 3.07 mg,
Polysorbate - 0.27 mg,
Methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer - 23.21 mg,
Hypromellose - 2.73 mg
Water for injection up to a volume of 1 ml Benzalkonium chloride - 0.1 mg,
1,2-propylene glycol up to a volume of 1 ml
Physico-chemical characteristics Round biconvex tablets, yellow color Clear yellow solution Clear yellow liquid with a characteristic odor
Package 10/20 tablets in a plastic blister. Cardboard packaging Glass ampoules of 2 ml, clear or brown glass. 5 ampoules in a plastic blister. Cardboard packaging 5/30 ml in a tube. Tube 30 ml with vaginal applicators. Cardboard packaging
Price No. 10: 150-190 rubles No. 5: 300-350 rubles 30 ml: 380-420 rubles

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of the drug is meglumine acridone acetate. It promotes the production of additional interferons α and β and their accumulation in the body. The pronounced effects of Cycloferon include immunostimulation and antiviral action. The drug reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms removes inflammation.
The drug stabilizes the ratio of T-helpers and T-suppressors in the body. The former are responsible for the activation of the immune response, the latter for reducing the level of antigen synthesis. In addition, Cycloferon activates other types of T-lymphocytes. Such a pronounced immunomodulatory effect plays important role in the treatment of various immunodeficiencies. Taking Cycloferon is capable of:

  • Significantly improve well-being in diseases caused by various viral agents (herpes viruses, a group of influenza viruses, rotavirus, enterovirus, tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis viruses, cytomegalovirus and human papillomaviruses);
  • Effectively fight against various bacterial agents (including Chlamydia trachomatis);
  • Correct the immune status in HIV;
  • Prevention of metastasis and proliferation of malignant tumors;
  • Reduce aggressive impact autoimmune pathologies on the body;
  • Keep the human immune system in an active state;
  • Gently relieve inflammation.


2-3 hours after lane oral intake Cycloferon reaches maximum values in the blood. The half-life of the drug occurs in 4-5 hours. Completely excreted from the body after 24 hours. With proper dosage, there is no accumulation of the drug in the tissues of the body.

Indications for use

For adults, the drug is prescribed in the form of tablets. Comprehensive treatment is required for the following pathologies:

  • ARI, SARS, influenza;
  • herpesvirus infections;
  • In diseases of the central nervous system of infectious origin;
  • Chronic bacterial and fungal infections, immune deficiency states;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis;
  • HIV infection in asymptomatic or subclinical stages.

Cycloferon in childhood used for the following pathologies:

  • Clinical manifestations of infection with herpes viruses;
  • Sharp and chronic hepatitis B and C;
  • HIV infection in asymptomatic or subclinical stages;
  • Acute intestinal viral infections;
  • flu and colds and prevention of their occurrence.

What helps cycloferon in solution for adults:

  • HIV infection at stages before the development of secondary diseases;
  • Sharp and chronic manifestations cytomegalovirus and herpesvirus infections;
  • Chlamydia trachomatis infection;
  • Damage to liver cells in viral hepatitis;
  • Autoimmune diseases of the connective tissue of a systemic nature ( systemic scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as rheumatic pathologies of various etiologies;
  • Infections characterized by predominant localization of the infectious agent in the central nervous system(neuroinfections);
  • Degeneration or dystrophy of the joints.

Children over 4 years of age are prescribed injections of Cycloferon in the presence of the following diseases:

  • HIV infection (up to stage 4);
  • Infections with herpes viruses;
  • Viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, G).

In the form of liniment, Cycloferon is applied topically in adults with:

  • Inflammation and dysbacteriosis of the vaginal mucosa;
  • Herpes in the acute phase;
  • Urethritis of various etiologies, balanoposthitis.


  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug in all forms of release;
  2. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. With cirrhosis of the liver;
  4. Tablets and solution in ampoules are intended only for children over 4 years of age. Liniment is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

special instructions

Cycloferon should be used with caution in erosive and peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis, duodenitis. It is necessary to limit or stop taking the medicine at the first sign of an allergy. For people who drive a car or other mechanisms, the use of the drug will not reduce the reaction rate. Consciousness remains clear, does not cause drowsiness.

Application instruction of Cycloferon

In most cases, the drug is used according to the schedule developed by pharmacists. This regimen is suitable for most diseases in adults. The schedule is drawn up in the form of alternating days of taking the medicine with pauses.

Tablets for adults

The basic regimen for adults is depicted as number series where each number indicates the day of admission, starting from the first day: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23. Each tablet contains Cycloferon 150 mg. How to take the drug in each case depends on the age of the patient and the diagnosed disease.

Application instruction of Cycloferon in tablets

Disease Dosage Admission procedure Repeated course
Herpes 2-4 tablets per day. 20-40 tablets per course. On schedule Not required
SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza 2-4 tablets per day. 10-20 tablets per course On schedule. When extremely severe forms flu, you can increase the dosage of tablets per day up to 6 pieces. Treatment begins from the moment the first signs appear and is carried out in combination with symptomatic therapy. Not required
Chronic hepatitis B, C 4 tablets per day On schedule. At the end basic program- 4 tablets 1 time in 4 days for another 12-16 weeks. Only 100-150 tablets per course. Re-appointment is possible (especially with co-infection) in conjunction with targeted drugs
Acute intestinal infections 2 tablets for the first 5 days of the schedule. 4 tablets for the second five days of the schedule. On schedule Not required
CNS infections 4 tablets per day On schedule. At the end of the basic program 4 tablets 1 time in 5 days. Duration of treatment - 2.5 months Not required
HIV infection 4 tablets per day On schedule. At the end of the basic program for another 6 weeks, 1 time in 3-5 days, 4 tablets A repeat course is necessary. Take breaks for 2-3 weeks
Immunodeficiencies 2 tablets per day On schedule Repeated course as prescribed by the doctor

The use of Cycloferon solution for adults

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules. Reception is carried out intravenously or intramuscularly 1 time per day. The dosage is determined by the type of pathology and by age. The basic scheme of drug injections by numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29.

Cycloferon in the form of a solution

Disease Dosage Admission procedure Repeated course
Viral hepatitis 250-500 mg 1 time per day 10 injections per course
Herpes and cytomegalovirus infections 250 mg 1 time per day 10 injections per course. Treatment is carried out during the period of exacerbation, from the moment the first signs appear. Not required
CNS infections 250-500 mg 1 time per day 12 injections per course. It is prescribed in combination with other drugs Not required
HIV infection 500 mg 1 time per day 10 injections per course. Intramuscularly. After the end of the course - maintenance therapy - 500 mg 1 time in 5 days for 2.5 months Repeat course after 4 weeks
Chlamydia 250 mg 1 time per day 10 injections per course. To speed up recovery, it is desirable to use Cycloferon in combination with antibiotics. Repeat course after 2 weeks
Immunodeficiencies 250 mg 1 time per day 10 injections per course Repeated course every 6-12 months
Autoimmune connective tissue diseases of a systemic nature and rheumatoid pathologies 250 mg 1 time per day 5 injections per course. 4 courses of treatment are prescribed with a break of 10-14 days.
Dystophytic-degenerative diseases of the joints 250 mg 1 time per day 5 injections per course. Conduct 2 courses of therapy with a break of 10-14 days The decision to conduct repeated courses is made by the doctor according to the patient's condition.

Scheme of Cycloferon for external use

Disease Dosage Admission procedure Repeated course
Herpes Apply to the affected area 1 time per day The duration of the course is 5 days. It is recommended to use in combination with other antiherpetic drugs. Not required
Nonspecific and bacterial urethritis Inject 5-10 ml of liniment into the urethra In the case of specific urethritis, the drug is prescribed in combination with antibacterial drugs. Not required
Nonspecific or fungal infection vaginal mucosa 5-10 ml The drug is administered into the vaginal cavity 1 time per day for 10-15 days Not required

Tablets for children

Cycloferon for children should be taken 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals, do not grind, drink water.

  • Children 4-6 years old: 1 tablet per day;
  • Children 7-11 years old: 2 tablets per day;
  • Children over 12 years: 3 tablets per day.

The therapeutic plan will differ for different diagnoses.

Tablets for children

Disease Dosage Admission procedure Repeated course
Acute viral hepatitis according to age 2 doses in 1 day. Then 3 doses, taking breaks for 2 days and 5 final doses every 3 days. Not required
according to age 1 time in 48 hours, 50-150 tablets per course Not required
HIV infection according to age Scheduled for 3 weeks. Further, 1 time in 3-5 days up to 5 months As prescribed by the attending physician
Herpes according to age Scheduled for two weeks Not required
Acute intestinal infections according to age 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th days Not required
SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza according to age 1 time per day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 9 days. For the prevention of SARS during periods increased risk infections take the recommended age dose on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day, then 5 more doses with a break of 3 days. Total 10-30 tablets per course. Not required

Cycloferon solution. Children

Cycloferon in the form of a solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly 1 time per day. The dosage is 6-10 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight.

Disease Dosage Admission procedure Repeated course
Acute viral hepatitis Every other day within a month After 2 weeks in case serious condition sick
Chronic viral hepatitis According to the child's body weight According to the schedule: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. After the course, reinforcing therapy is carried out: 1 injection at 72 hours for 3 months. Not required
HIV infection According to the child's body weight According to the schedule: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Then 1 injection every 5 days for 90 days According to the prescription of the attending physician
Herpes According to the child's body weight According to the schedule: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23. Not required

All described treatment regimens are standard, but they can be adjusted in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Side effects

In case of hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug, the occurrence of general and local allergic reactions is likely.

Interaction with other drugs

Cycloferon is fully compatible with all medicines used in the treatment of these diseases. Able to enhance the effect of interferon inducers, as well as reduce the severity and duration side effects from the use of chemotherapy and treatment with interferons.


AT this moment similar in active substance drugs are not represented on the pharmaceutical market.

Cycloferon is a popular antiviral medicine domestic production which increases the body's resistance. It is a high-molecular activator of interferon formation and differs the widest range pharmacological activity.

The high therapeutic activity of the drug is due to the spectrum biological action. Effective in the treatment of diseases of a viral nature, including influenza, it is also practiced to prescribe cycloferon for certain bacterial infections, as an immunostimulant. Traditionally used for immunodeficiencies varying degrees severity, including HIV infection. It is characterized by an anticarcinogenic effect and suppresses the development of autoimmune reactions, which further expands therapeutic spectrum drug.

Cycloferon has been present on the pharmaceutical market for more than 20 years, it differs affordable price in its segment and is the drug of choice for immunodeficiencies, as well as for diseases of a viral nature.

Composition, physical and chemical properties, price

The drug is produced in 3 dosage forms: liniment for local external use, oral tablets and parenteral solution.

Tablets Cycloferon / 150 mg Solution 12.5% ​​in ampoules Liniment 5%
Base substance Meglumine acridone acetate - 150 mg per 1 tablet Meglumine acridone acetate - 125 mg in 1 ml Meglumine acridone acetate - 50 mg in 1 ml
Auxiliary components Povidone - 7.93 mg, propylene glycol - 1.79 mg, calcium stearate - 3.07 mg, polysorbate - 0.27 mg, methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer - 23.21 mg, hypromellose - 2.73 mg Water for and up to a volume of 1 ml Benzalkonium chloride - 0.1 mg, up to 1 ml of 1,2-propylene glycol
Physical and chemical properties Yellow, biconvex, round, enteric-coated tablets Clear, yellow solution yellow clear liquid having a specific smell
Package 10 and 20 tab. in cellular packages, packs of cardboard. 2 ml in brown or transparent glass ampoules placed in blister packs and cardboard boxes. 5 and 30 ml in tubes, dosage 30 ml - with vaginal applicators. In cardboard packaging.
Price No. 10: 145-190 rubles. No. 5: 300-350 rubles. 30 ml: 380-400 rubles

pharmachologic effect

Cycloferon renders 2 pronounced effect: antiviral and immunomodulatory, as well as anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative (overwhelmingly overgrowth cells) and antitumor activity. In the body, meglumine acridone acetate potentiates the synthesis and accumulation in organs and tissues of significant titers of interferons α and β. Wherein greatest content interferons are observed in structures rich in lymphoid tissue: spleen, lungs, intestinal mucosa, liver.

Cycloferon activates bone marrow stem cells, ensures the formation of granulocytes. Normalizes the ratio of T-suppressors, which suppress the formation of antigens, and T-helpers, which enhance the adaptive immune response. Activates killer cells and T-lymphocytes. This effect is especially important in immunodeficiencies. different nature, because it leads to the correction of the immune status. Penetrates into brain tissue.

Thus, cycloferon:

  1. leads to marked improvement in common viral diseases like influenza, herpes, enterovirus infection, and with less common pathologies: tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis, cytomegalovirus and papillomatous infections;
  2. normalizes the immune status in HIV-infected people;
  3. has an antimicrobial and antichlamydial effect;
  4. prevents the launch of tumor processes due to antimetastatic and anticarcinogenic effects;
  5. suppresses autoimmune reactions, thereby reducing the severity of pain and inflammatory phenomena in rheumatic diseases and systemic pathologies connective tissue;
  6. causes an improvement in the balance of immunity, with topical application characterized by antiproliferative action and rapid elimination inflammation.


After oral administration, after 2-3 hours, reaches a maximum plasma concentration. Gradually, the concentration of the drug decreases and after a day, cycloferon is found in the body in a residual amount.

The half-life is 4-5 hours. therapeutic dosages cumulation of meglumine acridone acetate is not observed.


Tablets are prescribed in complex therapy in adults with:

  • flu and acute respiratory infections;
  • herpes;
  • AII of viral etiology;
  • neuroinfections, including tick-borne borreliosis and encephalitis, serous meningitis;
  • secondary immunodeficiency against the background chronic infections caused by fungi and bacteria;
  • hepatitis C and B (chronic);
  • HIV infection in stage 2A-3B;

In children, cycloferon tablets are used as part of complex therapy for:

  • infections of herpetic etiology;
  • hepatitis C and B (both acute and chronic);
  • HIV infection in stage 2A-3B;
  • viral intestinal infections;
  • ARI and influenza, as well as for their prevention.

The solution, as a drug of complex therapy, is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with the following conditions:

  • HIV infection in stage 2A-3B;
  • hepatitis C, D, A, B;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases and rheumatic diseases ( rheumatoid arthritis, SLE);
  • neuroinfections, incl. at tick-borne borreliosis and encephalitis, serous meningitis;
  • infections caused by cytomegalovirus and herpes virus;
  • secondary immunodeficiency due to fungal and bacterial infections, acute and chronic;
  • chlamydial infections;
  • joint pathologies (degenerative-dystrophic), incl. with deforming osteoarthritis.

In children from 4 years of age, parenteral use of cycloferon is indicated for:

  • viral hepatitis C, A, D, GP and B;
  • HIV infection (stage 2A-3B);
  • herpetic infection.

Liniment cycloferon is a component of complex therapy and is applied topically in adults with:

  • herpetic infection;
  • nonspecific vaginosis and bacterial vagititis;
  • specific urethritis (gonorrheal, candidal, chlamydial, trichomonas), balanoposthitis, as well as nonspecific urethritis.


  1. Decompensated cirrhosis of the liver - for tablets and solution;
  2. Hypersensitivity to the components of all dosage forms;
  3. Children's age up to 4 years (solution and tablets) and up to 18 years (liniment);

Many are interested in whether cycloferon is possible during pregnancy and lactation. The answer is unequivocal - all forms of the drug are contraindicated.

special instructions

It is used with caution for erosions, gastritis, stomach / duodenal ulcers, duodenitis in the acute stage, as well as for severe allergic reactions.

Treatment with a solution and tablets for thyroid dysfunction should be carried out with the participation and control of an endocrinologist.

Does not slow down the reaction rate.

Instructions for use of cycloferon

Tablets, for adults

The drug is taken once a day, half an hour before meals, without crushing and drinking water. The dose depends on the disease and age.

  • herpetic infection. At a dose of 2-4 tablets. according to the scheme: on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th and 23rd days - this is the basic scheme suitable for most pathologies. For course treatment - 20-40 tab. Start treatment with an exacerbation of the disease;
  • ARI and influenza. Adults 2-4 tablets. once / day, 10-20 tab. on the course from the first symptoms. In severe influenza, a single dose increases to 6 tablets. Prescribe other drugs for symptomatic treatment(antipyretic, etc.);
  • Chronic hepatitis C and B. According to 4 tables. according to the basic scheme, then - 4 tab. once in 3-5 days about 3.5 months. The course requires 100-150 tablets. In the treatment of hepatitis C or mixed infection, repeated courses are prescribed, in combination with other antiviral and interferon;
  • Intestinal infections (as a component complex treatment): 2 tab. for admission according to the basic scheme until the 8th day, and from the 11th - 4 tablets each;
  • Neuroinfections. In a dose of 4 tablets. according to the basic scheme, then - 4 tab. in 5 days. The course of treatment is 2.5 months;
  • HIV infection. In a dose of 4 tablets. according to the basic scheme, then at the same dose 1 time in 3-5 days for 2.5 months. After 2-3 weeks, the course is repeated (the course takes 100-150 tablets);
  • Immunodeficiencies. 2 tab. according to the basic scheme.

How to take cycloferon in childhood

The drug is taken once a day, half an hour before meals, washed down with water.

  • Children 4-6 years old: 1 tablet per appointment;
  • Children 7-11 years old: 2 tablets per appointment;
  • Children from 12 years old: at the reception, 3 tablets.

The treatment regimen depends on the pathology:

  • Acute viral hepatitis C, B: the recommended dose by age is twice in 1 day, then they switch to a three-time dose after 48 hours, and then - 5 doses every 72 hours;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis C and B: in the recommended doses by age after 48 hours, per course 50-150 tablets;
  • HIV infection: age dose for 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 days, then according to the maintenance regimen once every 3-5 days for about 5 months;
  • Herpetic infection: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14 days - at the age dose, then - based on the severity of the pathology;
  • Intestinal infections: once a day. in an age dose for 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11 days (6-18 tablets per course);
  • Influenza and acute respiratory infections: in age doses with a daily interval, 5-9 doses of cycloferon per course of treatment;
  • During an unfavorable situation for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections for their prevention: the age dose, which is taken on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day, then 5 more times after 72 hours. Preventive course: 10-30 tablets.

Scheme for the use of cycloferon injections in adults

The solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly once a day. according to the basic scheme: for 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29 days. The dose depends on the pathology.

  • Viral hepatitis B, A, D, C. Single dose - 250-500 mg, total total dose of 2.5-5 g per course. In total, 10 injections are prescribed, after 2 weeks. the course is repeated;
  • Infections associated with herpes and cytomegalovirus: 10 injections of 250 mg each (total dose per course 2.5 g). It works most effectively when treated at the very beginning of an exacerbation;
  • Neuroinfections. 12 injections at a dose of 250-500 mg. Treatment is combined with etiotropic therapy. General dose: 3-6 g. Re-treatment is allowed;
  • HIV infection. single dose- 500 mg, 10 injections are administered intramuscularly according to the basic scheme. Supportive treatment prescribed after the course: 500 mg once every 5 days for 2.5 months. 30 days after the end - a repeated therapeutic course;
  • Chlamydial infections. 250 mg, 10 injections per course. Re-treatment carried out after 2 weeks. after the end of the course. AT this case it is recommended to use cycloferon together with antibiotics;
  • immunodeficiency states. 250 mg intramuscularly, 10 injections. After 6-12 months. a second course is recommended;
  • Systemic connective tissue pathologies and rheumatic diseases. 5 injections for 4 courses (in 10-14 days), in a single dose of 250 mg. Repeated courses are prescribed by a doctor;
  • Diseases musculoskeletal system degenerative-dystrophic character. 250 mg - 2 courses of 5 injections, with an interval of 10-14 days;

Scheme for the use of cycloferon injections in children

The dose of cycloferon solution is calculated individually: 6-10 mg/kg of the child's body weight. Enter intramuscularly or intravenously, once a day.

  • Acute hepatitis B, C, A, GP, D and mixed forms: dose based on body weight, which is administered at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 days. With a protracted infection after 14 days, repeat according to the same scheme;
  • Chronic hepatitis C, B, GP, D. Dose according to body weight, which is administered on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, then a maintenance regimen is prescribed for 3 months, 1 injections after 3 days;
  • HIV infection. Enter according to the scheme of chronic hepatitis therapy, then: maintenance scheme once every 5 days for 3 months;
  • herpetic infection. The weight-based dose is administered on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 23rd day, after which to maintain the effect: 1 injection every 5 days.

Cycloferon scheme - topical application

  • herpetic infection. Liniment is applied to the affected area thin layer once a day for 5 days. With genital herpes, daily intraurethral or intravaginal instillations of 5 ml of liniment (1 vial) are made 1 time per day. 10-15 days. Liniment can be combined with other general and local antiherpetic drugs;
  • candidal, nonspecific urethritis. Make instillations of 5-10 ml of liniment (volume 1-2 vials) into the urethra. The dose varies according to the severity of the lesion.
    • with the development of inflammation in the anterior urethra in men, the cannula of the syringe with liniment is immersed in the outer opening of the canal, then the opening is gently squeezed for 1.5-3 minutes. After some time, the instillation solution is released by gravity. You need to urinate in half an hour (otherwise swelling of the mucous membrane may develop).
    • with damage to the seminal glands or back section urethra carry out intraurethral instillations of liniment using a urethral catheter, 5-10 ml 10-14 days in a row, once a day.
    • in the treatment of specific urethritis, the use of antibacterial agents to which the pathogenic flora is sensitive.
  • Candidiasis and nonspecific colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, endocervicitis. Assign instillations of liniment into the vagina, 5-10 ml daily, 10-15 days. In order for the liniment not to leak out, the vaginal entrance should be plugged with a small sterile swab for 2-3 hours.
  • When diagnosing a combined intraurethral and intravaginal infection, instillations should be used both in the vagina and in the urethra, 5 ml each for 10-15 days. The introduction of impregnated sterile swabs is allowed.

Liniment is combined with vaginal forms drugs (suppositories, tablets), so it can be used in combination with chronic pathology female genital area.

The treatment regimens suggested above are basic and may vary on an individual basis.

Side effects

Perhaps the manifestation of general and local reactions hypersensitivity.

drug interaction

The drug is 100% compatible with other drugs that are traditionally used in the treatment of these diseases, including interferons, chemotherapeutic and symptomatic remedies. An increase in the effects of nucleoside analogues and interferons was noted with joint application with cycloferon.

One of positive effects cycloferon is a decrease in the severity side effects interferon therapy and chemotherapy.


Analogues in composition this moment not registered.

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