Speech therapy gymnastics for the development of speech. Articulation (speech) gymnastics

Svetlana Komarova
Speech gymnastics (younger preschool age)


younger age

1. Breathing exercise

2. Exercise for auditory attention

4. Development of the articulatory apparatus

5. Saying nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles.

6. Round dance

7. Exercise for coordination of speech with movement.

1 – 2 WEEK "BUT"

1. Exerc. "Hippos"(open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count "five" then close your mouth). Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

We open our mouths wider, into hippos play:

Open your mouth wide like a hungry hippo.

You can’t close it, I count to five.

And then we open our mouths - the hippopotamus is resting.

2. Exerc. "Children are sleeping" Inhale and exhale through your nose.

3. Exerc. "Leaves":

Autumn leaves swirl quietly (children spin on tiptoe, arms to the sides)

Leaves lie quietly under our feet (squat)

And rustle underfoot, rustle (arm movements left and right)

As if they want to spin again (rising, spinning)

4. Exerc. "Where did you call?" (eyes open, show direction with hand)

5. Exerc. "Shake the doll Tanya, she is crying (ah-ah)» (quiet, loud).

6. Exerc. “Anna lost her mother in the forest, screaming "Ay". Let's all call Anya "Ay, ay-y!"

7. Game "Loaf".

3 – 4 WEEK "U"

1. Exerc. "Snake" (smile open your mouth, stick your tongue out of your mouth, then hide). Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Exerc. "What smells?" (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

3. Exerc. "What do you hear?" (voiced objects behind the screen)

4. Exerc. "The locomotive is humming"- U-U-U (loudly);

"The boy is crying"-UUUU (slow, quiet)

"Dove cooing" U-U-U-U-U (short, staccato sounds)

"Will howls" uuuuuuuuu (terribly long)

5. The children hid, and Olya is looking for "Ay!". Everyone calls Olya "Ay!"

6. Game "A gray bunny is sitting".

1 – 2 WEEK "O" "AND"

1. Inhale through the nose - exhale through the mouth (running and tired).

2. Game "Who called?" Adult imitating the cry of animals

wants to guess who will come to visit them. An adult covers his mouth with a sheet of paper and gives a voice, imitating one of the animals. The child guesses who it is.

3. The boy has a toothache. How does he moan? "OOO"

(quiet - loud).

4. Exerc. "Horse neighs". Whose horse neighs the longest? "I-I-I-

AND" (Kolina? Sasha? Ksyushina?)

5. Clean tongue "Ko-ko-ko, don't go far".

6. Game "Echo"(Two subgroups. One - pronounces the word,

the other reproduces it. Words with consonant sounds [stork, Anya, Inna, pharmacy, alphabet].

3 - 4 WEEK "E"

1. Inhale and exhale through the mouth (we yawn)

2. Game "Calf"

Boo Boo (two jumps)

I am horny. ( "Horns" from the fingers on the head)

Boo Boo, (two jumps)

I am tailed. ( "Tail" from the hand - behind the back)

Boo Boo, (two jumps)

I am eared. ( "Ears" from the palms - on the head)

Boo Boo, (two jumps)

Very scary. ( "Horns" on the head, butting)

Boo-boo, I'm scared. Boo-boo, I gore.

3. Game "Echo"(the teacher calls the vowels in turn bottom:A

O I E, and the children repeat quietly in chorus (on a conventional hand sign

teacher - loudly (hand up, quietly (hand down).

articulation of the sounds A, O, U, I, E, then the children reproduce.

5. Clean tongue "Soap Mila doll soap"

6. Game "Bubble".

1 – 2 WEEK "B" "P"

1. Exerc. "Feeding the Chicks"(Children - birds sit with their mouths open. Sun "feeds").

2. Exerc. "What smells?" (deep breath through nose).

3. Exerc. "Helpers":

One two three four.

We washed the dishes (tinder one palm of the other)

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle. (bend fingers one at a time, starting with the big one)

We washed the dishes (again tinder, palm on palm)

We just broke a cup. (bend fingers)

The bucket also fell apart

The nose of the teapot broke off,

We broke the spoon a little

So we helped mom. (clench and unclench fists)

4. Exerc. "Who's screaming?"(sheep b-e, ram b-e-e, b-b-b car, wee-wee-pee chickens, boom-boom-boom drum).

5. Exerc. "Speak softly, loudly"(on a conventional sign with the hand of revo-la - loudly (hand at the top, quietly (hand down)

6. Clean tongues: "Oop-Oop-Oop, Mom's Making Soup"

“Would-would-be, there is smoke from the chimney”.

7. Game "Locomotive"(a child is selected. Saying everything "The locomotive starts steam, the stoker drowns the firebox". The child rides and says "pf, pf, pf").

3 – 4 WEEK "AT" "F"

1. Exerc. "Who can smile?" (show clenched teeth).

2. Exerc. "Let's blow on a snowflake"(imitation or put on palm a small piece of napkin).

3. Exerc. "Barking dog"(loud - big "af-af-af", quietly - small "Woof woof woof", slow, fast, high, low).

4. Game "Guess what I said?"(vo-l quietly, then whispers the words - the children repeat. In-va, Fe-dya, fi-lin, Vasya, Fe-nya, wa-ta, and-wa, pumpkin-wa).

5. Clean tongues: “Af-af-af, there is a closet in the corner”,

"Wa-wah-wah - Vanya has an owl".

6. Round dance "Vanya is driving".

1 – 2 WEEK "T" "D"

1. Exerc. "Balloons"(inflate one cheek - deflate. Then inflate the other and deflate. Inflate alternately 4-5 times.)

I blew up a balloon. A mosquito bit him.

The ball popped. No problem! I will inflate a new ball.

2. Exerc. "Fragrant Flower"(take a deep breath, say "Oh, how it smells"- exhale).

3. Exerc. "Gnomes - laundresses":

Lived in a house

Little gnomes (children clench and unclench their fists)

Toki, Spades, Leakey, Chiki, Miki (the fingers of the left hand are bent with the right hand)

One, two, three, four, five (with the right hand unbend the fingers on the left hand)

The gnomes began to wash (rubbing fists against each other)

Tokt - shirts (the fingers on the left hand are bent again, starting with the big one)

Peaks - handkerchiefs,

Faces - panties,

Chiki - socks.

Mickey was smart, he carried water to everyone.

4. Game "Visiting"(child knocks and says "Knock-Knock". Another answers "Yes Yes". Vos knocks, all the children answer.)

5. Exerc. "The clock is ticking, tick tock" (quiet, loud, slow, fast)

6. Game "Orchestra"(one child plays on the pipe "Doo-doo-doo", then in subgroups).

3-4 WEEK "M" "N"

1. Exerc. "Show your upper teeth, hide"

2. Exerc. "Blow a Bubble" (imitation)

3. Exerc. "Who called Mishka?"(the child has a toy, he turns away, one of the children calls "Bear". The child must guess who called).

4. Game "Moms and Babies"(meow, moo, af-af, be-e, ko-ko, pitch.

5. Game "Clockwork Toys"(children stand one after another. The owner "call" toy horse "hr-hr-hr", then rides, saying "but but but").

6. Clean tongue "An - an - an - dad is fixing the crane" (quiet, loud, fast, slow)

1 – 2 WEEK "G" "TO"

1. Exerc. "Play on the lips with your fingers".

2. Exerc. "Let's inflate the ball" (imitation) small, big, big.

3. Exerc. "Bullfinches":

Here on the branches, look, (4 claps on the sides and

Bullfinches in red T-shirts. 4 head tilts per line)

Fluffed out feathers, (on the first word of each line - frequent

Basking in the sun. shaking hands, for the second - one clap on the sides).

turn their heads, (2 turns per line)

want to fly away.

Shh! Shh! Fly away! The children run around the group

For the blizzard! For the blizzard! flapping their arms like wings).

4. Exerc. "The cuckoo calls the children"(the height and strength of the voice, the children are at one end of the room, the cuckoo is at the other and calls (quiet, louder, very loud): "Ku-ku". The children are responding. The cuckoo changes place.

5. Clean tongues: "Geese walk on the mountain", "Chickens cluck in the yard" (quietly, loudly, slowly, quickly, clearly).

6. Outdoor game "Geese, geese..."

3-4 WEEK "X" "Y"

1. Exerc. "Elephant"(pull closed lips forward and hold in this position until the count "five" ("ten", return to the starting position). Run 4-5 times.

2. Exerc. "The wind's blowing" (weak, stronger, strong).

3. Exerc. "Repeat what I said"(vos-l calls words with sounds "X" and "s", named child repeats (two children, whole group, etc.). Smoke, hill, cheese, mouse, shepherd, soap, son, dust, bathrobe.

4. Clean tongue: "A fly - grief sat on the ear".

5. Game "Train"(puffs - puff, puff, puff; goes - fluff, fluff, fluff; slows down, move - puff, puff, puff).

1 – 2 WEEK "FROM" "Z"

1. Exerc. "Blow on a balloon" (imitation).

2. Exerc. "Where the mosquitoes called"(two children holding hands "ringing" "Z-Z-Z-", the rest of the children guess where).

3. Exerc. "Ball":

One, two, jump the ball (waves with the right palm, as if hitting the ball).

One, two and we will jump. (rhythmic jumps on toes, hands on the belt)

Girls and boys

They bounce like balls.

4. Exerc. "The mosquito flies far z-z-z-z-z", long, quiet. He flew closer, became louder z-z-z-z-z, very close z-z-z-z-z. We waved our hands, we drove away the mosquito, the mosquito began to fly away (in reverse order).

5. Exerc. "Lap like a cat, dog, kitten".

6. Clean tongues: "Sa-sa-sa - the fox runs", "For-for-for - here comes the goat".

7. Poems "Geese":

Old grandfather Yevsey en meadow grazes geese.

Geese are white as snow, paws are all red.

3 – 4 WEEK "C"

1. Exerc. "The elephant is getting water"(pull lips forward with a tube and "recruit" some water, slightly smacking at the same time, repeat 4-5 times.

2. Exerc. "Blow on soap bubbles", the game "Bubble".

3. Game "Who is it?", the child behind the screen imitates animals, birds (cat "meow", dog "af-af", birds "chik-chirik", horses "and-and-and-go-go" etc.) - children guess who is there.

4. Exerc. "The horse goes far, clatters its hooves"- children perform the same as with a mosquito (see above).

5. Exerc. “Call the chickens to peck the grains - chick, chick, chick” (softly, louder, louder)

6. Clean tongue "Chickens run right on the street".

1 – 2 WEEK "Y"

1. Exerc. "Blow on a dandelion" (long).

2. Game "Where did they ring the bell?".

3. Mobile game "Horse":

I love my horse, stroking the head of an imaginary horse with my palm, then on the back and tail.

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the tail with a scallop,

And I'll go on horseback to visit. Running in a circle with high knees.

4. Exerc. "The donkey screams - I-a, I-a" (near, further, far).

5. Exerc. "Delicious jam" (smile, open mouth, lick upper and lower lip with tongue).

6. Clean tongue "Wash yourself cleaner, don't be afraid of water" (clearly, slowly, quickly).

7. Game "Swarm of bees"(2 subgroups, bees go they say: "Here flies a swarm of bees, run away children!"; second answers: "Oh oh oh!" and run away.)

3 – 4 WEEK "YU" "I"

1. Exerc. "Smile", "Tubule", alternation.

2. Exerc. "Blow on palm» (Zina's hands froze - weakly, stronger, strongly). Rep. 3-4 times

3. Exerc. "Pull out a long thread - "YU", "I", quieter, louder.

4. Clean tongue "I-I-I catch a sparrow",

"Yu-yu-yu I sing a song".

5. Game "Loaf" .

1 – 2 WEEK "E"

1. Exerc. "Hippos"(smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count "five"(up to count "ten", then return to the starting position). Repeat 3 times

We imitate frogs: pull the lips straight to the ears.

Now you pull your lips, and I will see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop and we will not get tired at all.

2. Exerc. "Blow on your thumb" (Tanya hurts, Kolya hurts .... with effort).

3. Finger gymnastics"Alyonka - Malyonka":

Alyonka - Malyonka, nimble and fast: (clapping hands, hitting each other with fists - 2 times)

She applied water (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

She finished the sundress, knitted the sock,

I gathered berries, finished the song.

She has ripened everywhere, she cares about hunting. (repeat from the first lines)

4. Exerc. "Pull out a long thread - Eee" (quieter, louder).

5. Game "Guess Who Called"(one child imitates a goat "Me-e-e" or lamb "Be-e-e", and the other guesses).

6. Patter “I ate, ate, oak, oak. Broke a tooth, a tooth. (slow, fast).

3 – 4 WEEK "E" "Yo"

1. Exerc. "Watch"(smile, open your mouth. Stretch your tongue alternately to the left corner of your mouth, then to the right. To facilitate the exercise, you can put your fingers on the left and right corners of your mouth).

2. Exerc. "Harmonic": and. n. - stand straight, lower your hands. Put your palms on your tummy, take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds. Exhale through your mouth.

3. Exerc. "Pull out a long thread - Yo-yo-yo" (quieter, louder).

4. Exerc. "Knock like me"(vo-l taps the rhythm hands on knees, children repeat):

a) O O; e) O o O;

b) O o o; e) o o o o o;

c) O O O O O; g) O o o O.

(large circle - long sound, small circle - short)

Many people, even those not associated with public speaking as such, often still have to take on the function of a speaker, presenter or entertainer. It can be a presentation of a project or a report, holding an event or just telling an interesting story among friends. What can we say about those for whom performances are a profession? But it doesn’t matter at all whether a person performs professionally, is just learning this skill, or has nothing to do with it at all, in any case, correct articulation will always play into his hands, because. thanks to her, all spoken words will sound distinct, clear and precise, and the speech will be beautiful and memorable. In particular, this, of course, applies to those people who are directly related to the speeches. In this article, we present to your attention 10 effective exercises to improve articulation.

Each of the exercises is aimed at training the muscles of the speech apparatus and improving their mobility. When performing, it is important to pay special attention to the fact that the load should be directed to specific muscle groups. It is also important that the muscles of the cervico-shoulder region can work freely, and the pace of the exercises should be slowed down - this helps to get the greatest effect from the exercises. Before performing the exercises, it is imperative to perform warm-up exercises of the speech apparatus. You can devote only 5-7 minutes to it, but the quality of the practice will improve significantly.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics differs in types:

Gymnastics for cheeks

  1. Retraction and inflation of the cheeks alternately
  2. Distillation of air from one cheek first to the other cheek, then under the lower lip, then under the upper lip
  3. Tension of the cheeks and lips with an attempt to push air out of the oral cavity
  4. Retraction of the cheeks and simultaneous closing and opening of the lips

Gymnastics of the lower jaw

  • Fists on the lower jaw and jaw pressure on the fists
  • Various movements of the lower jaw: up and down, back and forth, circular

Gymnastics of the soft palate

  1. Yawning with an open mouth
  2. Movement of the tongue, collected in the "scapula" to the soft palate and return to the alveoli - the base of the upper lower teeth
  3. Pronunciation of vowels with yawns
  4. Imitation gargling

Lip gymnastics

  • Tight smile with closed teeth and puckering of the lips with a straw
  • Various movements of the lips with closed teeth: up-down, left-right, circular
  • Lip chewing
  • Pulling the lips over the teeth and the subsequent smile with the sliding of the lips over the teeth
  • Pull up of the upper lip, exposing the upper teeth, then the lower lip, exposing the lower teeth
  • snort

Gymnastics of the tongue

  1. Rotation of the tongue in a circle in the space between the lips and teeth and retention of the tongue under the right and under the left cheeks alternately
  2. Tongue chewing
  3. Patting tongue with lips
  4. Pulling the tongue forward with a "needle"
  5. Attempts to reach the tongue to the chin and to the nose
  6. Folding the tongue with a “tube”, moving the “tube” back and forth and blowing air into it
  7. Turning the tongue on different sides
  8. Holding the tongue against the upper palate

After the articulation gymnastics is over and you are convinced that all parts of the speech apparatus are developed, you can proceed to the main exercises to improve articulation.

Articulation exercises

Exercise 1

An exercise in feeling the tip of the tongue - its hardness and activity in pronunciation. To do this, use your imagination: imagine that your tongue is a small hammer. Then beat him in the teeth with the tip, saying: yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. After that, practice pronunciation of the letters "T-D".

Exercise 2

Exercise to release the larynx and tongue. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to quickly take a short breath through your nose and exhale completely through your mouth. The exhalation should also be sharp and should be accompanied by the sound "Fu". The same exercise can be supplemented with an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the larynx: say the letters "K-G" several times.

Exercise 3

Exercise for quick activation of the labial muscles. You need to puff out your cheeks and dump the air you have taken in with a sharp pop through pursed lips, while pronouncing the letters “P-B” vigorously.

Exercise 4

An exercise to practice the skill of gaining air before each new phrase. Take any poem or piece of work and consciously take a breath before each new phrase. Try not to forget about it so that a habit develops. And you also need to take into account three points: breathing should be silent, at the beginning of each phrase you should keep your lips a little open, and after the end of each sound you should immediately close your mouth so that the ending does not “chew”.

Exercise 5

Exercise for the correct distribution of air. As a rule, more breathing is required for a person to speak loudly, but speaking quietly often involves more control of exhalation. Practice pronunciation of phrases in a quiet and loud voice and determine how much air you need for each of them. Combine this technique with the previous one.

Exercise 6

Exercise for the smooth pronunciation of vowels in a single stream and a clear pronunciation of consonants within this stream. Choose any poem (or several lines from it) and do as follows: first, exclude all consonants from the lines and evenly pronounce only vowels, stretching them out a little. After that, start inserting clear and fast consonants into the vowel stream, trying to ensure that the vowel stream remains as sonorous.

Exercise 7

Diction exercise. It is a simple reading of tongue twisters. Choose for yourself a few tongue twisters with different letter combinations and start honing your pronunciation. At first slowly, slowly. Then increase the pace. Watch the rhythm, control diction, intelligibility and expressiveness.

Exercise 8

Another exercise to improve diction. It consists in the fact that at the end of each word, special attention should be paid to the sharp underlining of its ending. This will make the pronunciation of the word clearer and more expressive.

Exercise 9

An exercise to improve the pronunciation of sounds. It is used for those sounds that are most difficult for you to pronounce. Take a dictionary, open the letter that is causing you difficulty, and read all the words in a row that have a sound that is difficult for you, listening carefully to it. Through repeated repetitions, pronunciation will improve. In addition to this exercise, you can use a voice recorder to track your progress: write down all the spoken words, then listen to the recordings and work on the mistakes.

Exercise 10

An exercise to develop the timbre and acoustic properties of the voice. It includes the development of the muscles of the pharynx and tongue. It is necessary to silently pronounce the letters “A-E-O” 10 times, while trying to open not the mouth, but the cavity of the pharynx.

And as a small bonus, another cool and effective technique for improving the overall quality of not only articulation, but also intros in general is working with a mirror. Choose a passage of prose or a poem that you remember and read it while watching your reflection in the mirror. Track your facial expressions, the movement of lips, eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones. Listen to your voice. The main evaluation criteria should be aesthetics, naturalness, harmony, as well as psychological and physical comfort. You must make sure that you like yourself, that the sound of your voice is pleasant for you, and that facial expressions and gestures evoke only positive emotions.

Naturally, these exercises are not exhaustive and unique. And they should serve you only as pointers in the work on your articulation. If you wish, you can find a huge number of similar exercises on the Internet or specialized literature. But summing up, we can make a brief summary and highlight a few main principles:

  • Of particular importance in the training of articulation are the systematic training and their conscious control.
  • It is very important to work regularly in front of a mirror.
  • In the process of training, you must be demanding of yourself, be able to look (listen) to yourself from the side
  • It is imperative to do numerous repetitions of unpronounceable sounds until you feel a state of complete comfort when pronouncing them.
  • Particular attention should be paid to working with muscle and emotional clamps.
  • Progress significantly speeds up listening to audio and watching videos with recordings of people with excellent articulation

Be guided in your practice by these principles, and the desired result will very soon make itself felt. And the first tangible effect will appear already at the initial stage. Remember that it is recommended to develop articulation not only for singers, professional presenters, lecturers, speakers or actors, but for any person in general, if only for the simple reason that we all live in society, and we constantly have to interact with other people.

We wish you good luck with your articulation work. Speak beautifully!

To train articulation and cheer up, we suggest you take a short test:

  1. Try, without using your hands and with your mouth closed, turn your lower lip inside out.
  2. Try to do the same, but with your mouth open
  3. Repeat step #2 at the mirror

Speech is a complex process in which various organs are involved. Articulatory gymnastics for children helps to train the muscles of these organs, as a result of which the development of speech occurs faster and the child develops the correct pronunciation. There are various sets of exercises. Some are aimed at general speech development, others help to cope with diction problems.

A speech therapist will help you choose the right set of exercises. After examining the baby and talking with him, he will select an individual training program. In case of a strong lag in the formation of conversational skills, it is advisable to consult a neurologist, as problems in speech development can be associated with serious diseases.

There are exercises designed to induce active speech, and if the child is healthy, then the mother can work with him on her own. Although consultation with a speech therapist will still be useful: perhaps a special program is needed. Exercises train certain muscles and help the baby start talking actively. They develop the mobility and dexterity of the articulatory apparatus:

  • language;
  • frenulums.

Gymnastics for children needs to be made colorful and interesting. If the exercises are presented in the form of a game, the little fidget will enjoy doing it and will quickly master the intricacies of the world of sounds. It is good at the same time to reinforce verbal descriptions with visual images by preparing colorful pictures with images for each exercise.

What else needs to be considered: the child does not see his own language, and therefore it is difficult for him to understand the requirements of adults if something goes wrong. Therefore, it is good if he can perform exercises in front of a mirror and see the position of the lips and tongue. If he still can’t cope, you need to help him by directing his tongue with a spatula, spoon handle or other clean, oblong and not sharp object.

At the beginning of classes, you need to invite the child to perform several exercises, and add the rest gradually, no more than one new exercise in one session. If there are problems in performing old ones, then new exercises should not be introduced. It is better to let the child get used to it and feel that everything is working out for him.

Complex for children 1-4 years old

It is difficult for kids to concentrate on something for a long time, besides, they quickly get tired. Therefore, gymnastics should last no more than 10 minutes a day, and it should start with two or three, gradually increasing the time.
Dynamic exercises for children under 4 years old:

  • "Snake";
  • "Kneaded the dough";
  • "Brushing teeth";
  • "Watch";
  • "Swing";
  • "Fed hamster";
  • "Balloons".

Static exercises:

  • "Hippo";
  • "Smile";
  • "Proboscis";
  • "Pancake";
  • "Hungry Hamster"

Alternate static and dynamic exercises, then the child will not be bored. Accompany explanations with elements of fairy tales or stories about animals. For example, during the exercise "Proboscis", you can tell that the child is depicting a little elephant who is learning to stretch his trunk.

A set of exercises for children 4-7 years old

Children at this age are already more prepared for classes, so their duration increases. Articulation gymnastics for children can last 15-20 minutes. This will be enough for the development of the corresponding muscles, and the child will not have time to get tired during this time. Exercises can be performed in any order, but it is better to start with exercises for the lips. One exercise should last about 5-10 seconds or be repeated 5-7 times. For this age group, all elements from the complex, which is described below, are suitable.

It is not clear to the child how long he should do the exercise, so an adult should count out loud to 5 or 7 while doing it.

A block of exercises for the development of the muscles of the lips.

  • "Smile". The child should be asked to smile without showing teeth. This position of the muscles is maintained for up to 5 seconds.
  • "Proboscis". Lips should be folded into a tube and stretched forward as much as possible.
  • "Hippo". The child should be asked to open his mouth wide and sit in this position for 5 seconds.
  • "Fence". We explain that you need to smile so that the upper and lower teeth are as open as possible. This facial expression also persists for about 5 seconds.
  • Alternating exercises "Smile" and "Fence". Executed 5 times.

Block for the development of the muscles of the tongue.

  • "Pancake" (spatula). A relaxed tongue should be placed on the lower lip (without sticking out). Lasts 5 seconds.
  • "Angry Pussy". The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the lateral ones lie on the molars, and the middle part imitates a slide. With teeth, the child should lightly bite the "slide". The exercise is performed with an open mouth.
  • "Swing" . The mouth opens, and the tongue alternately rises up and falls down.
  • "Snake". The tongue protrudes as far as possible, while the child should try to make it as narrow as possible. After that, the tongue is hidden. The action is repeated up to 7 times.
  • "Brushing teeth". The tip of the tongue should be held (cleaned) along the upper and then along the lower teeth from the left to the right edge. It is performed 2 times from above and below.
  • "Sail". The end of the tongue rests on the upper teeth and is held in this position for 7-10 seconds.
  • "Painter". We draw the tongue across the sky in the direction from front to back (from the teeth to the throat). You can tell the child that the tongue is a paint brush that paints the sky.
  • "Turkeys". The tip of the tongue must be quickly moved back and forth along the upper lip.
  • "Watch". The child should slightly open his mouth and alternately touch the left and right corners of his mouth with the tip of his tongue. To make it more interesting, you can explain that this is an imitation of a clock pendulum. You need to do 5-10 movements back and forth.
  • "Cup". With your mouth wide open, you need to hold the tongue at the top, but do not touch the teeth.
  • "Delicious jam". The upper lip is licked with a wide tongue (jam is licked off), after which the tongue is hidden. The exercise must be repeated several times.
  • "Woodpecker". With the tip of the tongue, you need to quickly and forcefully knock behind the upper teeth for 5-7 seconds.
  • "Motor". The position is as in the previous exercise - the mouth is open, the tongue is knocking behind the upper teeth. At the same time, you need to exhale strongly to get the sound of “melons-melons-melons”.
  • "Kneaded the dough". The tongue rests on the lower lip (pancake position), while the mouth opens and closes.

For the sublingual ligament of the tongue.

  • "Horse". The child should click his tongue, voicing the clatter of hooves.
  • "Fungus". The tongue is tightly applied (attached to the sky) and held in this position for 5 seconds.
  • "Accordion". Keeping the tongue in the "fungus" position, you need to open / close your mouth 5 times.

Exercises for the muscles of the cheeks.

  • "Balloons" . The cheeks are puffed out, then the child must hit them with moderate force so that the air comes out.
  • "Satiated hamster". First, both cheeks are inflated, then the right and left alternately.
  • "Hungry Hamster". The cheeks are retracted and held in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Parents or teachers?

Children with poorly developed speech apparatus will not show dizzying success. Gymnastics is difficult for them, and the duty of parents is not to retreat, despite the failures. In this case, you can not show your displeasure to the child. Speech therapists do not in vain study the basics of pedagogy. Parents for classes with a child will also have to become a little teacher and a little psychologist.

Be gentle and patient with your child, be calm. What an adult perceives as the norm for a little man is a whole new world, it takes time to master it. Patience will certainly be rewarded and the baby will please you with the correct diction.

Articulatory organs are needed for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Thanks to their power, we speak in a continuous stream of speech, and do not pull out individual sounds. From an early age, a person performs many manipulations of the articulatory apparatus, due to which a speech skill develops. Sometimes the child has difficulty with the pronunciation of words. Then articulatory gymnastics comes to the rescue - a set of exercises aimed at developing speech.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop the strength of the speech apparatus, to hone the correct movements of the organs that are important for the clear pronunciation of sounds, words, and combining them into a single stream of speech.

Articulatory gymnastics for children consists of many complexes, each of which is aimed either at the general formation of speech, or at the elimination of speech defects. A speech therapist can correctly compose a complex. But they turn to him, as a rule, only when any shortcomings are identified.

Attention! If the pronunciation defects seem too strong to you, in addition to a speech therapist, it is worth visiting a neurologist. Deficiencies can be symptoms of serious pathologies.

If health is in order, parents can work with the child at home. Articulation exercises for children develop the muscles of the speech apparatus and stimulate active and correct speech.

Articular gymnastics will be useful if you follow these recommendations:

  • Articulation exercises for children should be presented in a playful style. At a young age, the guys do not yet realize that they need gymnastics. Therefore, they will try and correctly fulfill the requests of their parents, if they are interested.
  • For each lesson, you can print colorful pictures, so the baby's interest will increase even more.
  • The child does not see his face, so it is advisable to put a mirror in front of him.
  • If the baby does not cope with the tongue exercise, he should be helped. To do this, his tongue must be directed in the right direction with a spoon or other safe object.
  • While the baby is not yet accustomed to classes, the complex should have no more than 2-3 exercises. Gradually, over time, you can add 1-2 exercises per session.

Articulation gymnastics for children should be carried out regularly. It is important to follow these rules:

  • Classes should be done every day. The best option is 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. With more stress, the baby will get tired.
  • Each exercise should be repeated at least 5 times.
  • If a static load is implied, you need to complete the task within 10-15 seconds.
  • At the beginning of the lesson, the child needs to be offered the simplest exercises, and then gradually transfer it to more complex ones.
  • If the ward cannot finally master any of the exercises, you should not introduce something new into the complex. You need to wait until the baby can perform the exercises already present in the complex.
  • You can not enter more than 1 new exercise into the complex. For example, if a lesson consists of 2 exercises, then only one can be entered at a time, so that there are 3 in total, but no more.
  • The optimal posture for doing the exercises is sitting, arms relaxed, back straight. But if the child is not comfortable sitting, you need to let him stand.
  • The baby should perfectly see not only his own face, but also the face of the parent. Therefore, not only he, but also an adult should be in front of the mirror.
  • The parent must show how to do the exercise correctly, and then control the correct execution.

At first, articulatory gymnastics exercises can be difficult, but over time, the baby will fully master them.

Articulation gymnastics for children 3-4 years old

Kids of this age are not able to concentrate on something for a long period of time. They get tired very quickly, so you need to include 2-3 exercises in the complex. Here are the optimal dynamic activities for children under 4 years old:

  • "Snake". Tell the child to stick out the tongue and stretch it forward as far as possible. At the same time, it should be as narrow as possible, that is, it should resemble a small snake.
  • "Dough". The child should relax the tongue, laying it on the lower lip. Then you need to open and close your mouth. The tongue must be in the same position.
  • "Teeth cleaning". The tip of the tongue should slide over the upper and lower row of teeth from left to right. This exercise is repeated 2 times with the top and bottom row.
  • "Watch". The kid must use his tongue to imitate a clock pendulum. To do this, you need to slightly open your mouth, and then with the tip of your tongue touch either the right or the left corner.
  • "Swings". This exercise is very similar to the previous one, only the tongue should either go up or down, imitating a swing.
  • "Hamster". The child should puff out both cheeks, showing a hamster that is eating something. Then you need to alternately inflate either the right or the left cheek.
  • "Balloons". As in the previous exercise, the child should puff out his cheeks as much as possible. Then ask him to lightly hit them with his pen so that the air is completely expelled.

All dynamic exercises are performed in accordance with the recommendations given in the previous section. Here are some useful static activities. We remind you that in static exercises the child should sit for 10-15 seconds:

  • "Behemoth". The baby should open his mouth wide and stay in this position.
  • "Smile". Ask the child to smile strongly, but at the same time not showing teeth, and freeze in this position.
  • "Trunk". The child should twist his lips into a tube, like a duck, and freeze in this position.
  • "Pancake". It is necessary to completely relax the muscles of the tongue, laying it on the lower lip, freeze in this position.
  • "Hungry Hamster" The complete opposite of the "hamster" exercise. The child should draw in the cheeks as much as possible.

For maximum effect, static and dynamic classes need to be changed. Alternate them, show the baby everything by your own example, in parallel, make logical associations. For example, the exercise "Trunk" can be associated with a small elephant.

Articulation gymnastics for children 5-7 years old

Children from 5 years old, if they were previously trained, are already well prepared for the exercises, so the time of classes can be extended by 3-5 minutes. The exercises from the previous complex are quite suitable for this age category, but they need to be constantly supplemented. And you can do it with the following exercises:

"Fence". As in one of the previous exercises, the child should smile broadly. The difference is that now the teeth should be as exposed as possible.

"Sail". The child should rest the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth, freezing in this position.

"Painter". The kid must imagine that his tongue is a brush with which he must paint the sky. The tip of the tongue should be drawn across the sky from the throat to the teeth.

"Turkey". The baby should move the tongue along the upper lip to the right and left at a fast pace.

"A cup". The child should open his mouth wide, lift the tongue up, but do not touch his teeth.

"Jam". The child must imagine that his upper lip is dirty with jam. You need to lick off the treat with your tongue. For a more creative approach and interest of the baby, his lip can really be smeared in jam.

"Woodpecker". The child must imagine that his tongue is the beak of a woodpecker. They need to knock on the top row of teeth at a fast pace.

"Horse". The kid should “click” with his tongue, imitating the sound of horse hooves. The first time this exercise may not work out, but over time he will fully master it.

"Fungus". The kid should “glue” the tongue to the sky and remain in this position for a few seconds.

"Harmonic". First, the child must take a pose from the previous position. Then he needs to open and close his mouth several times.

At 3-4 years old, it is already possible to understand how actively and correctly the children's articulation apparatus develops, whether the child has deviations. Articulation gymnastics is a way to speed up the development of speech, to prevent the appearance of shortcomings.

But if they already exist, the best option would be to visit the doctor with the child. He will draw up an individual training program, select the optimal exercises, explain whether it is possible to study at home or is it better to give the initiative to speech therapists.

Exercise for children from 7 years old

The development of articulation is associated with the constant consolidation of previous results and the development of new exercises. Therefore, new classes can be added to the previous program:

  1. "Rabbit". The child should tightly close the teeth, lifting the upper lip to slightly open the incisors. In this position, you need to freeze.
    You can alternate the exercises "Smile" and "Tubule".
  2. "Piglet". It is necessary to stretch the lips with a tube, like a duck, and then with tightly closed lips rotate in a circle in different directions.
  3. "Fish". The child must imitate the movements of the lips of fish. To do this, he must silently clap his lips.
  4. "Evil Horse" It is necessary to depict the "snorting" of the horse. To do this, you need to inhale as much air as possible and exhale it with force through your mouth, without opening it. The lips will begin to vibrate, imitating a horse. The child should open his mouth wide, and then pull his lips inward as far as possible.
  5. "Kitty". The tongue of the child should depict a cat that is angry and therefore arched its back. To do this, the baby must slightly open his mouth, rest the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth so that the back of the tongue looks up.
  6. "Prickling". It is necessary to close the mouth tightly, with the tip of the tongue tingling one or the other cheek.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop correct speech. If the problems are not eliminated in childhood, then this technique is used in adulthood. Although in most cases only a doctor can help in the treatment of defects in adults.
The effectiveness of the exercises performed will be noticeable after 2-3 months of regular exercise. But at the same time, it is important that the child performs them with interest and correctly.

The natural desire of any loving mother - so that the baby learns to speak as early as possible to pronounce sounds clearly. For this, it is not enough to constantly talk with the child, although this is certainly necessary for the formation and understanding of speech. But in order for the baby to be able to master speech and pronounce sounds correctly, it is very important to develop speech breathing in him and carry out with him articulation gymnastics.

These simple exercises will also help you to identify any speech or physiological disorders at an early stage, which can later be eliminated by contacting specialists.

"Sessions" of articulatory gymnastics
also allow you to cope with possible problems in the future: eliminate the lethargy of the tongue (as we say - "porridge in the mouth"), as well as improve its blood supply.

Articulation gymnastics for children of the first year of life

For the little ones

Already from the first months of a baby's life, you can start, when changing a child's clothes, while playing with him, snort, click, make lips a tube, stretch out your tongue, slap your lips.

Pronounce different sounds, including non-speech ones: squeak, snort, hoot, etc. At the same time, try to pronounce syllables exaggeratedly: open your mouth wide, stretch your lips into a tube, and the like, so that the baby not only hears, but also clearly sees what "ko-ko" is different from "ku-ka-re-ku"!

For different voices

Tell your baby how different animals “speak”: how a cat meows, how a lamb bleats, how a cuckoo sings. Do it with feeling, different intonations and different voices. These simple exercises will become both a demonstration of articulation exercises and the development of speech phonetic hearing in an infant.

Game exercises

When the baby gets a little older, it's time to start special exercises - in a relaxed playful way. These classes will take only a few minutes - and the benefits of them can not be overestimated.

It will be good to do them in front of a mirror, but do not neglect the time of dressing, bathing, walking and eating (for example: lick sponges, a spoon in a circle, try to reach your nose with your tongue and the like, in the same vein).
Try to choose a time for this when the child is in a good mood.

You, like no one else, know the individuality of your child well, so do not demand from him what he obviously cannot do, start with the simplest exercises. On the other hand, the more the child grows, the more interesting it is to complicate the exercises.

During the game you explain the movement and show how to do it. Attract plots, stories, toys to gymnastics - so that the child is actively interested in what is happening. And then he will enthusiastically repeat after you. Here are some examples of game exercises for developing articulation:

. Exercise "Hot-Cold"

Open your mouth wide (hot), then close your mouth (cold).

. Exercise "Ball in the mouth"

“Show focus? Look baby - I have a ball in my mouth! Inflate your cheeks, after 2 seconds - deflate your cheeks, as if you swallowed a ball - "I swallowed it!". Open your mouth wide. "Can you do that?"

. Exercise "Delicious jam"

Lick your own lips in a circle, try to reach your nose, chin, cheeks with your tongue (imagine that you are dirty in jam).

. Exercise "Pussy Gourmet"

"Pussy loves to lap milk - like that!" Lick the plate like cats do.

. Exercise "Drummer Bunny"

Open your mouth and drum on your upper and lower teeth with your tongue (like a drummer).

. Exercise "Elephant at the watering hole"

“The pussy drinks water with its tongue - but how does the elephant do it? Like this!" Pull your lips forward with a tube, forming a “trunk”, and pretend that you are taking in some water - drawing in air, slightly smacking your lips.

. Exercise "Hamster hid the nuts"

Tell your baby how the hamster loves to hide nuts behind his cheeks. Attract the interest of the crumbs with the words: “Do you want me to show you how he does it? Will you succeed? “Roll the nuts” like this: with a closed mouth with tension, we rest the tip of the tongue on the cheeks - first one, then the other. It turns out from the outside it looks like we have hard “nuts” balls behind our cheeks.

. Exercise "Horse"

Do you have a toy horse? Just play with her: click your tongue - “Clock! Tsok! Tsok ”(horse gallops),“ But-But, horse! ”, And she answered: “Fyr! Fyr! (snort). Then ask the child: “How does the horse jump? How does she snort?

. Exercise "Fence"

Smile, baring your teeth with tension (looks like a fence) - “My tongue has a fence!”

. Exercise "Steam Train"

Show in the book in the picture, or play with a toy train, hum: “TU-TU”, folding your lips with a tube.

. Exercise "Steamboat"

The steamer is buzzing - with your mouth slightly open, pull the sound "s-s-s".

. Exercise "Walking"

If possible, show the baby a clock with a pendulum, and at the same time move your tongue: left and right, to the corners of your mouth, as clocks do.

. Exercise "The sea is worried"

Depict the sea to the child - while inhaling, we smoothly raise our hands up, while exhaling, we lower them, pull the sound “shhhh”.

Game exercises - in a fairy tale

Tell and visually show the baby a fairy tale, for example:

“Morning came, the tongue woke up and opened its window (open mouth) tongue looks up, “Where is our sun?” (try to touch the nose). “And who is walking in our yard?” - looks tongue to the left (pull out tongue to left cheek) then - looks to the right (pull to the right cheek). “And where is our Serezhenka (child’s name)? Here is our Serezhenka! (child's name) - Hello!!” - greeting "wave" the tongue from side to side. "Bye!" - wave your tongue up and down.

Soon your baby will begin to repeat after you - and this will be a real articulation gymnastics for him.

The development of speech breathing

What is speech breathing training for?

The lungs also take a direct part in the formation of sounds, proper breathing gives the power of sound to our voice. Young children often have erratic, shortness of breath. And for some it is difficult to make a long exhalation, also to alternate exhalation and inhalation through the nose, then through the mouth, etc. Of course, this prevents the child from speaking correctly and expressively. Speech breathing training can prevent as well as correct these problems.

Speech breathing exercises in the game

Speech breathing exercises, as well as articulatory gymnastics, can be carried out at any time and in different situations. For example: when you read fairy tales, poems to your baby. If, for example, the text mentions the wind - here you teach the baby to blow - blow into the air with a sound, he will surely begin to echo you. And also teach your child to blow hot, you need to inhale with your nose, and exhale with your mouth, you can also teach to warm frozen hands raised to your lips with your breath.

Examples of game exercises for the development of speech breathing:

. Exercise "Snowflake"

Make a tiny piece of fluffy fleece for the child, or cut it out of paper: “This is a snowflake! When the wind blows, she flies! - blow on it (with rounded lips, smoothly), and inhale through the nose.

. Exercise "Butterfly"

Cut a butterfly out of paper, attach it to a thread, it flutters very naturally if you blow on it. You need to blow for a long time, try to exhale all the air smoothly.

. Exercise "Tree"

It is enough to cut out several strips of paper, stick them to a stick or pencil - that's the tree! And let your “wind” sway the “leaves”.

. Exercise "Blow out the candle"

We are training for the upcoming birthday - blow together on the candle flame. Blow smoothly and easily. Exhalation was not sharp,

. Exercise "Windmill"

Get a spinner or a toy windmill, and teach your baby to blow on it so that its wings-blades spin quickly and for a long time.

. Exercise "Bird Flight"

For this exercise, you need to cut out birds from paper, put them at the very edge of the table. At the command: "The birds have flown", blow together. You need to try to blow only once, and the exhalation should be as long as possible, that bird will win - which will fly farther than others.

. Exercise "Playing dog"

Show your baby how a dog breathes if it is hot: stick out your tongue, breathe noisily, quickly. And then show - how she can sniff with her nose - breathing rapidly through her nose.

. Exercise "Pipe"

Blowing a pipe or a whistle is great fun for any kid!!!

. Exercise "Dandelion"

On a walk, pick a faded dandelion and teach your child to blow on it, blowing off the fluffy seeds. Make sure that the child resiliently and well inflates the cheeks.

. Exercise with water "Storm"

Experiment: the baby blows into a straw (for cocktails), and its other end is lowered into water (or a drink) - that's what a "storm" in a glass turns out!

. Exercise "Fragrant flower"

Often children do not distinguish between the concepts of inhalation and exhalation, as well as inhalation and exhalation - through the mouth and nose. Try to teach the baby to smell the flower - take an exaggerated breath through your nose, and then exhale with bliss: "Ahh!".

That's all - do not be upset if the first time your child does not succeed in this or that exercise. Be patient and praise your baby more often. Be sure - with regular classes in articulatory gymnastics and the development of speech breathing - you will find indispensable success.

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