Sharp pain in the center of the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. What structures can become inflamed in the upper abdomen

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle may indicate the development of various pathologies. internal organs and systems that are located there. This symptom can have a variety of manifestations and character (dumb, sharp pain etc.). About what could be the cause given state and how to treat it - later in the article.

Intermittent pain in the upper abdomen cannot be separate disease. As medical practice shows, this is always a sign of a developing pathology. That is why, at the first manifestations given symptom it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible and carry out diagnostic procedures

Important! It is impossible to establish by one only severe pain accurate diagnosis. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account additional symptoms and pain intensity. They will help to more accurately determine the cause of the disease.

In most cases, the cause of pain with such localization is located in this part. abdominal cavity. At the same time, it is worth noting that sometimes under this sign there may be diseases not associated with the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by vague, radiating pains (when it hurts under the ribs, in the chest, radiates to the back, etc.). This, in turn, may indicate neuralgia or a hernia.

Cramping severe pain in medicine has a common name - "acute abdomen". In this condition, the patient, as a rule, requires urgent medical care and hospitalization.

It is especially important not to delay calling a doctor if the patient suffers from severe chronic pathologies or if the patient is a child.
Pain in the upper abdomen in its middle part is a sign that can indicate very different diseases. That is why, besides him, the doctor needs to pay attention to the patient's complaints:

  1. This may be nausea after eating or on an empty stomach, diarrhea and bloating, vomiting, etc.
  2. How often and with what intensity does the pain occur (what provokes it). Thus, most often the pain develops when coughing, after taking alcohol, nervous or physical overexertion.
  3. The nature of the pain (bursting, aching dull, cutting, etc.).

Only taking into account all the signs in the complex, the doctor will be able to correctly identify the cause of the disease and select the necessary treatment.

The main causes of pain

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can cause the following main causes:

  1. Systemic overeating.
  2. Gastric ulcer (may be in both a child and an adult).
  3. Acute or chronic cholecystitis.
  4. Pancreatitis.
  5. Pathology of the spleen.
  6. Improper human nutrition.
  7. Inflammation of the appendix.
  8. Oncological pathologies.

Consider each cause of this symptom in more detail.

Binge eating

With frequent overeating, a person may develop inflammation of the internal organs due to a violation of their functions. This will lead to permanent pressing pains and discomfort in the upper abdomen.

Usually, these pains go away on their own, even without taking additional analgesics. They are especially pronounced when a person overeats in the evening, since at night it is more difficult for the stomach to digest food. In addition, intake can help digestion.

The pain of this origin is eliminated very simply - you just need to normalize your diet and eat in small portions.

stomach ulcer

A stomach ulcer belongs to those diseases that provoke pain at the top of the abdomen most often. An ulcer develops with increased acidity of the stomach, which is why its walls are not protected by the mucous layer.

As a separate pathology, gastric ulcer has several stages, each of which is also considered a separate disease.

The initial stage of an ulcer is considered. The following factors may contribute to its occurrence:

  1. The defeat of the stomach by the bacterium Helicobacter is the most common cause of gastritis. In this condition, a person starts damage to the stomach, which, if left untreated, leads to a full-fledged ulcer.
  2. Improper nutrition, especially the use of foods with high acidity, as well as starvation.
  3. A sharp decrease in immunity, due to which the stomach becomes more susceptible various pathologies, including gastritis. In this state, its cells cannot resist pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol greatly irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke chronic inflammation in it. This greatly increases the likelihood of developing gastritis, and then ulcers.
  5. Stress, according to research, can cause. This is justified by the fact that in this state a person produces special hormones, which lead to metabolic disorders in the gastric mucosa.
  6. Influence of comorbidities of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, diseases of the liver and intestines, which are accompanied by a strong inflammatory process, can contribute to the occurrence of an ulcer.

It should be noted that gastric ulcer requires immediate treatment, otherwise the patient's condition will only worsen, which ultimately can lead to gastric bleeding and extremely sad consequences this.


Cholecystitis is a disease in which there is inflammation of the gallbladder. In this state, a person will feel bouts of colic and pain, nausea and vomiting.

Treat cholecystitis with diet and taking a number. As a rule, therapy is long and requires a maximum of patience from a person.


Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. It can be acute or chronic and cause pain in the upper abdomen that occurs with movement or exertion.

At acute pancreatitis the pain will be very intense. At the same time, it can give under the ribs and in the back, such pain is called girdle.
With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, a person will suffer from periodic aching pains in the upper abdomen.

Spleen pathologies

Allocate the following diseases spleen, which can cause pain in the upper abdomen:

  1. A ruptured spleen usually occurs from a direct blow to the abdomen. This condition is very dangerous due to internal bleeding.
  2. A splenic infarction occurs due to the formation of a blood clot in its artery. The pathology is treated surgically.
  3. An abscess of the spleen is a condition in which pus accumulates in the organ. This disease is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body and requires long-term treatment.


Even despite the fact that it is localized in the lower abdomen, when it is inflamed, a person may feel pain in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. Additional features of this disease will be diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever and pallor.

Inflammation of appendicitis requires immediate surgical intervention. Otherwise, it will burst, and all its purulent contents will enter the abdominal cavity, thereby causing terrible peritonitis.

Oncological pathologies

Oncological pathologies can also cause pain in the upper abdomen. At the same time, the tumor itself can be localized in almost any department. digestive tract.

As a rule, the pain in this case will be very pronounced, aching and pressing.

In this condition, it is very important for a person to see a doctor as soon as possible, because timely treatment significantly increases the success of all therapy.

Additional causes of pain

Additional causes of such pain can be:

  1. Hernia.
  2. Abdominal injury.
  3. Diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis).
  4. Bad nutrition.
  5. Heart attack.
  6. Hepatitis.
  7. Peritonitis.
  8. Poisoning.

Important! With such pain in the abdomen, it is strictly forbidden to apply to it warm compresses. Also, do not take analgesics, as they will only mask the symptoms, which will complicate the diagnosis. The best solution is to call a doctor and go to the hospital.


If you find pain with this localization, a person is recommended to contact several specialists at once - a surgeon, a therapist, a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. If necessary and suspected of other pathologies, the doctor may refer the patient to specialists of a different medical focus.

After the initial examination, history taking and palpation of the abdomen, the doctor will prescribe the following mandatory diagnostic measures:

  1. General clinical tests blood and urine. Research data will show big picture the health status of the patient and reveal the inflammatory process, if any, in the body.
  2. extended biochemical analysis blood.
  3. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will immediately determine whether there is fluid in the abdominal cavity, inflammation of the internal organs or other pathologies.
  4. Endoscopic examination (EFGDS), which will help to see erosion, ulcers or bleeding in the stomach and intestines.
  5. MRI and CT are prescribed for suspected oncological pathology.

These are the classic methods of diagnostic procedures, which are mandatory when identifying " acute abdomen» with pain in the upper part of it. If more advanced diagnostics are needed, the doctor may prescribe additional procedures.

Therapeutic measures

The treatment of pain in the upper abdomen in the middle largely depends on the specific pathology identified, its neglect and the general symptoms of the patient. Also, when choosing therapy, the attending physician must necessarily take into account the age of the person, the presence of additional diseases, the tendency to allergies and the form of the underlying pathology (acute, chronic).

Traditional therapy can be medical and surgical. Surgery is usually required in the following cases:

  1. With peritonitis.
  2. When an oncological pathology is detected.
  3. When an acute form of cholecystitis and an ulcer is detected, which is accompanied by internal gastric bleeding.
  4. Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.

If other pathologies are detected, a person needs a long drug therapy. It is desirable to conduct it in a hospital under careful medical supervision.

Usually, the following groups of drugs are used for acute pain:

  1. Analgesics are prescribed for pain. They may be in the form of injections, tablets or syrups.
  2. Antipyretic drugs are needed when observing high temperature body (Paracetamol).
  3. Enzyme drugs and bifido drugs are prescribed to normalize digestion (Linex, Hilak Forte, Mezim, Pancreatin).
  4. Antiemetic drugs.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs (except peptic ulcer)
  6. Medications to normalize the stool.

The duration of treatment depends on the specific disease identified. Thus, it can last from 1-2 weeks to several months. It all depends on the complexity and neglect of the pathology.

In order for the therapy to be successful, during its implementation, the patient is strongly recommended to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also important to avoid physical activity and stress.

In addition, very important role plays food. The diet includes:

  1. The patient needs to adhere to a fractional diet. Thus, you need to eat at least five times a day, but at the same time, portions should be no more than a handful. So you can avoid starvation, but at the same time, do not overload the stomach with food.
  2. A complete rejection of seasonings, hot sauces and spices. It is also important to minimize the intake of salt and products with its addition.
  3. Refusal to take solid, indigestible food (white cabbage, fatty meat, salted fish, etc.). Instead, the basis of the diet should be liquid meals and food in the form of mashed potatoes.
  4. The menu should regularly include vegetable soups, cereals and boiled meat. Fat-free dairy products are also allowed.
  5. It is better to refuse most fruits for the period of treatment, as they are sour. Only sweet fruits or those fruits that have passed heat treatment(baked apples).
  6. The temperature of food for consumption should be optimal - not hot and not too cold.
  7. Complete rejection of coffee, sweets and black tea, as they can increase production gastric juice, which in turn can cause a new attack of pain in a person.

Important! For additional support of the body in this state, a person can take vitamin complexes. It is advisable that they be prescribed by the attending physician. This will help the body recover faster.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen provokes various pathological conditions. If the middle of the abdomen hurts, is it necessary to worry? And what could this mean?

Pain in the middle of the abdomen, which manifests itself at night and intensifies after hunger is clear sign, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers.

If the pain appeared in the middle of the abdomen and after a few minutes began to spread further - along the chest and began to radiate to left hand, then this is pain, indicating a violation of the cardiovascular system.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen occurs in people from overeating, as well as after experienced emotional shock or stress.

But, in most cases, pain in the middle of the abdomen occurs as a result of gastritis. So, how to understand that the discomfort concentrated in the middle of the abdomen is a violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The cause of pain in the middle of the abdomen is gastritis

The cause of pain in the middle of the abdomen in 80% of cases is gastritis.

So, gastritis is an inflammatory process focused on the internal mucosa. It is this pathological process leads to disruption of the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of pain in the middle of the abdomen

Pain in the middle of the abdomen occurs for the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • Increased emotionality;
  • depression;
  • Voltage;
  • Violation of the daily routine;
  • Violation of the food culture - the use of fast food, as well as harmful low-quality food;
  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol;
  • Penetration into the body of bacteria Helicobacter pylori;
  • Human autoimmune diseases can provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • Irregular meals;

Symptoms of abdominal pain

External signs of the disease are:

  • Vomit;
  • Nausea;
  • Heaviness in the abdomen;
  • Pain in the middle of the abdomen.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms and ignore the pain in the abdomen, this can lead to the formation of a stomach ulcer or an inflammatory process in the duodenum. These diseases will then be much more difficult to eliminate.

Treatment of pain in the middle of the abdomen

Pain in the middle of the abdomen, but below the navel:

  • Cystitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • Inflammatory process in the pelvic cavity;
  • Fibroma of the uterus;
  • Benign or malignant formations of the genital organs;
  • ovarian cancer;
  • Irritable bowel;
  • Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta.

Women are at risk for abdominal pain. Their discomfort can be directly related to gynecological diseases.

Doctors also provide another list of suspected causes of pain in the middle of the abdomen.

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • Hernia;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • diarrhea;
  • erysipelas;
  • cervical erosion.

Soreness of the stomach may indicate a temporary dysfunction of the organ or the development of a serious pathology. Therefore, the first thing to do with recurring types of pain is to consult a doctor. The specialist, based on the results of the examination, tests and diagnostics, will find out the cause of the discomfort and prescribe a course of therapy if necessary. Self-medication for abdominal pain of unknown etiology is unacceptable.

Causes and symptoms

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle appear as a result of exposure to various factors - from minor to serious. When ignoring long time pain, the development of serious diseases with severe complications is possible. Sources of pain:

  1. Abuse of alcohol, coffee. Alcohol-containing drinks and caffeine provoke the production of gastric juice, the excess of which negatively affects the condition of the gastric mucosa.
  2. Smoking. Nicotine disrupts blood flow in the walls.
  3. Stress. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract are especially susceptible.
  4. Large doses of aspirin. This type of painkiller, when used regularly, leads to ulceration of the stomach lining.
  5. Pancreatic dysfunction.
  6. Nutritional errors.

All of the above causes cause sharp, paroxysmal pain in the left intercostal space. These factors provoke the development of pathologies of the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. At various diseases the nature and intensity of pain varies over a wide range. Cutting pain in middle left abdominal wall is the result:

  • burns with alkalis or acids;
  • food poisoning (accompanied by belching, heartburn).

With heaviness and bursting in the epigastric zone with dull, weak pain sensations, one should suspect:

  • gastritis, accompanied by a reduction in pancreatic secretion;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • stomach cancer;
  • peptic ulcer in the chronic phase.

Severe pain characterizes an acute ulcer or an exacerbation of a chronic pathology of the stomach and duodenum 12. If acute dagger pain occurs with high intensity, perforation of the ulcer with the release of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity or an exacerbation of the chronic form of another disease should be suspected:

  • acute pancreatitis with reflux into the abdominal cavity of enzymes that break down proteins;
  • colic with spasm of the smooth muscles of the gallbladder when the stone is stuck;
  • perforation of the colon;
  • peritonitis;
  • rupture of the liver.

With soreness and nausea, diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver are suspected:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • food poisoning (belching joins the symptoms).

Cholecystitis - bile flow is disturbed, and fats are not absorbed in the intestines.

Less often, pathologies of the central nervous system are possible. Symptoms occur after eating additional load to the diseased organ. Soreness in the upper abdomen and diarrhea accompany a violation of the process of digestion and absorption of food due to the development of:

  • stomach ulcers, when digestion and absorption in the intestines are disturbed, which causes diarrhea;
  • pancreatitis, when there is a lack of digestive enzymes;
  • cholecystitis, when bile flow is disturbed, and fats are not absorbed in the intestine;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by diffuse pain and alternating constipation with diarrhea.

Soreness at the top under the ribs on the left and temperature appear with any inflammatory processes or food poisoning. Pain syndrome with temperature occurs:

  • with gastritis (temperature not higher than 38 ° C);
  • stomach ulcer (temperature above 38 ° C);
  • pancreatitis in the acute phase (fever with rapidly changing indicators);
  • food poisoning (above 39 ° C, depending on the type of microbe that caused the process).

In all cases, the first thing to do is to go to a specialist for help.

Diseases of the stomach that cause painful spasms in the upper middle of the abdomen

  1. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis. Signs: sudden pain at the top in the epigastrium, bad smell from the mouth, nausea on an empty stomach or after eating, migraine, heartburn. The pain syndrome goes away on its own within two days.
  2. Dyspepsia of the stomach - dysfunction of the organ, difficulty and soreness of digestion. Signs: pain syndrome on top of the epigastrium, nausea, loss of appetite, bloating, heaviness in the stomach. Occurs against the background of pancreatic dysfunction.
  3. Peptic ulcer of the stomach - ulceration of the mucosa of the organ. Signs: pain after eating, heaviness, pressure.
  4. Stomach cancer - malignant tumors with metastases to nearby and distant tissues. The precursors are ulcers and gastritis. Symptoms are similar to those of an ulcer. At the same time, there is weight loss.

What to do?

It is forbidden to warm up the stomach.

Do not take painkillers before going to the doctor for pain in the middle of the upper abdomen, as this will make it difficult to make a diagnosis and choose the appropriate type of treatment. It is forbidden to warm up, but you can apply ice. The most dangerous pains are those that are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. These are symptoms of a serious illness that only a specialist can cure. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • appearance of sharp severe pain, in which it is difficult to move, begins to feel nauseous, and the duration is several days;
  • the occurrence of pain in the stomach with diarrhea, constipation, spotting, fever;
  • the occurrence of pain in the upper section under the ribs, while the urine darkens, the skin and whites around the eyes turn yellow;
  • duration of spasms for more than 30 minutes without cessation;
  • the appearance of painful sensations with vomiting, sweating, squeezing of internal organs, difficulty breathing.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of disease, its stage of development. In the absence of pathologies, the pain syndrome is stopped by simple actions. What do we have to do:

  • Eat properly.
  • Observe the mode of activity and rest.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Avoid stress.

Abdominal pain is the most common complaint for which patients seek medical attention. The pain syndrome can have several varieties, vary in nature, intensity and location of the maximum painful sensations. In women, the predominant site of pain is Bottom part abdomen, in which the uterus is located, the fallopian tubes, ovaries and other female organs reproductive system. In men, as well as children and adolescents, the most common complaint is acute pain in the upper abdomen.

Such a symptom is usually associated with diseases of the digestive tract, which, in addition to the stomach, includes the intestines, esophagus, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. In some cases, upper abdominal pain may indicate lesions respiratory system, injuries of internal organs and other pathologies requiring timely treatment. The treatment of such pains cannot be symptomatic, therefore the basis of therapy is to find out the provoking causes and fight the underlying disease.

This is the most common group of diseases with similar clinical symptoms. A gastroenterologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract. In acute conditions, the patient is assisted by a surgeon.

Ulcer in the stomach or intestines

Peptic ulcer is chronic pathology, in which on the surface of the mucous membranes of the intestine or stomach appear ulcerative defects and extensive erosion. The disease is prone to frequent relapses: if the patient does not follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, smokes, abuses alcoholic drinks, the number of exacerbations can reach up to 4-6 times a year. The formation of ulcers leads to malnutrition, uncontrolled intake medicines, trauma to the stomach and other factors that negatively affect the state of the surface epithelial layer.

One of the most dangerous complications peptic ulcer is a perforation of an ulcer - the formation of a through hole in the gastric or intestinal wall, through which the contents of the stomach, together with aggressive hydrochloric acid and enzymes, enter the abdominal cavity. The result is acute peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum. If the patient is not provided with timely medical care, a fatal outcome is possible.

To minimize Negative consequences pathology, it is important to know the features of its clinical course. Typical symptoms include:

  • intensive sharp pain in the region of the upper border of the epigastrium, which develops rapidly (less than 1 hour passes from the moment the attack begins to the appearance of maximum pain);
  • increase in heart rate to 100-110 beats per minute and above;
  • decline blood pressure;
  • cold sweat of a sticky consistency (mainly on the forehead and palms);
  • poor orientation in space;
  • stretching the anterior wall of the abdomen (the abdomen takes the form of a rook);
  • tension in the abdominal muscles.

Important! If any of these symptoms appear, the patient must be laid on his side, and his legs bent at the knees and pulled up to the stomach, and then immediately call " ambulance". This posture will help reduce pain. Before the arrival of doctors, it is forbidden to give a person pills, food and drink so that the specialist can carry out differential diagnosis and exclude an attack of appendicitis.

Inflammation of the pancreas

The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system responsible for the production of the hormone insulin, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Inflammation of body tissues is called pancreatitis. Pathology is most often diagnosed in men aged 25-45 years, leading the wrong or sedentary image life or abusing high-calorie and fatty foods. Pathology is predominantly chronic, but subject to all the doctor's prescriptions, it is possible to achieve a stable long-term remission. The aggravation of the inflammatory process and the appearance of dull pain in the upper abdomen usually leads to drinking a large amount of alcohol or overeating, especially if the meals consumed contain a lot of fat and simple carbohydrates.

It is not always possible to recognize an attack without laboratory and hardware diagnostics, despite the fact that the disease has a fairly vivid clinical picture. This is due to the fact that the main symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas are identical to the manifestations of other diseases of the digestive system, and only an experienced narrow-profile specialist can differentiate them from each other. Signs of exacerbation of pancreatitis include:

  • repeated, profuse vomiting with an unpleasant odor, containing pieces of undigested food;
  • blue skin of the face (in rare cases, signs of cyanosis can be observed on the upper and lower extremities, neck, abdomen);
  • irradiation of pain in the lumbar region, collarbone, interscapular zone;
  • increased pain in the first few minutes after the release of vomit.

During the inflammatory process, enzymes accumulate in the tissues of the pancreas, which quickly corrode it and destroy the tissue structure. This phenomenon causes typical symptoms intoxication: hemorrhages in the form small dots or small spots of arbitrary shape, appearing in the region of the central umbilical line, on the lateral sections of the abdomen and on the surface of the buttocks. It is by this symptom that the doctor can diagnose acute attack before the examination.

How to treat?

The basis for the treatment of pancreatitis and other inflammations of the organs gastrointestinal tract is a diet using methods of mechanical, chemical and temperature sparing regimen. To stop the attack, the patient is prescribed complete rest and bed rest. Scheme drug treatment shown in the table below.

Treatment of pancreatitis in adult patients (after relief of an acute attack)

What are the goals and objectives for?What medicines to take?
Neutralization of excess of hydrochloric acid, protection of mucous membranes from additional damage, restoration of normal acidityGastal, Almagel, Almagel-Neo, Maalox, Rennie, Phosphalugel
Blocking enzymes that destroy pancreatic tissue"Rabelok", "Omeprazole", "Omez", "Pantripin"
Removal of spasms and relaxation of smooth muscle fibers, elimination of painSpazmalgon, Maksigan, No-shpa, Papaverin, Drotaverin
Reducing the load on the inflamed organ, restoring the natural secretion of pancreatic enzymesBiozym, Gastenorm, Creon 10000, Pancreatin

For the relief of repeated vomiting, injections of " Cerucala”, but it is better to do them in a hospital, since the drug can have Negative influence on the functioning of the heart and the work of the respiratory centers.

Abdominal pain as a symptom of heart disease

It is important for people with heart pathologies and a tendency to vascular problems to know that a sudden onset of sharp or cutting pain in the upper abdomen can be initial manifestation heart attack, so even in the absence of other symptoms, it is recommended to take a sitting position with legs stretched forward and take a pill " Nitroglycerin". It is necessary to take the drug sublingually - under the tongue. Re-admission is allowed after 5-7 minutes, if necessary.

If emergency care is not provided to the patient immediately, as well as the rapid development of a heart attack in a patient within 30 minutes (maximum two hours), other signs of pathology will appear, for example:

  • shortness of breath and respiratory failure, pain when inhaling;
  • changes in blood pressure or its stable increase;
  • arrhythmia;
  • violation of the pulse.

This form of infarction is called gastralgic (it is also called abdominal infarction). With it, the lesion affects mainly those parts of the heart that are located closer to the diaphragmatic space: this rear walls left ventricle of the heart and the septum separating the right and left ventricles.

Important! Abdominal infarction is often accompanied by severe nausea, as well as a single release of vomit. These symptoms usually appear at the onset of an attack.

What to do with a heart attack?

Of great importance in the prognosis of life and health after myocardial infarction myocardium has timely provision emergency care. The patient must be seated on a chair or put in bed, but in such a way that the legs and head are raised. There should be enough air in the room to restore respiratory activity and prevent acute hypoxia, so windows and vents should be open. Any restrictive clothing and accessories that can compress blood vessels and arteries must be removed from the patient.

As an emergency medication, sublingual tablets are used " Nitroglycerine", as well as metered spray and aerosol " Nitrospray". With signs of acute respiratory failure allowed intravenous administration bronchodilator drug Eufillin”, but only after reading the recommended dosing regimen and the list of contraindications.

Pathologies of the respiratory system

Pain in the upper abdomen is also a fairly common symptom in diseases. broncho pulmonary system. The most common and quite dangerous of them is pneumonia, accompanied by the accumulation of exudate in the pulmonary alveoli. Exudate is a fluid released into the lung cavity from damaged lymphatic and blood vessels. As a result, edema develops, and the affected lung presses on the diaphragm, causing intense pressure or dull pain in the upper abdomen.

The classic symptoms of pneumonia are:

  • fever against the background of severe febrile syndrome;
  • soreness in the chest, aggravated by bending forward;
  • dry cough with discharge minimum quantity purulent sputum(in the first days of illness, sputum may be absent);
  • hemoptysis caused by damage to blood vessels in the throat;
  • wheezing during inhalation and exhalation;
  • hyperemia of the skin of the face;
  • rash around the lips (rare symptom).

If pneumonia is complicated by pleurisy - inflammation serous membrane, surrounding the lungs and covering the walls chest- the symptoms will be similar, but the pain syndrome will be defined as cutting, dagger-like and acute pain.

Important! Enough a rare cause that can cause pain in the upper abdomen is an abscess under the diaphragm. This is a purulent formation located between the upper border of the abdominal cavity and the diaphragmatic tube, the cavity of which is filled with exudate or pus. The nature of the pain in this case is intense, pressing, bursting, and the localization of the maximum painful sensations is determined between the shoulder blades, in the region of the forearm or collarbone. Treatment of an abscess is always surgical, as it requires opening the abscess and careful drainage to prevent purulent inflammation of the upper peritoneum.

Features of the treatment of pneumonia

In order to choose the right medical tactics, it is necessary to determine the type of disease and identify the causative agent of the infection. If viruses have become the cause of inflammation, the use of immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs ("Viferon", "Aflubin", "Arbidol", "Orvirem", "Oscillococcinum"). Bacterial forms are the most severe types of pneumonia, therefore, for therapy in this case antibiotics are used. Children are usually prescribed penicillin series ("Amoxiclav", "Flemoxin"), but if there is no effect, the doctor may prescribe more strong drugs from the group of macrolides.

They have more side effects, but in most cases they are still well tolerated and allow you to cope with the disease in 3-5 days. The most popular drugs in this group are suspensions "Zinnat", "Hemomycin" and "Sumamed". For the treatment of adult patients, drugs from the group of cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones can be used, although their effectiveness is slightly inferior to drugs that include macrolides.

To thin sputum, reduce its viscosity and facilitate the removal of mucus from respiratory tract expectorants and mucolytics are used:

  • "Fluditec";
  • "Ambrohexal";
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Pertussin";
  • "Alteika".

Althea syrup is considered one of the most effective antitussive herbal medicines. It contains an extract of marshmallow rhizome and not only improves expectoration of sputum, but also protects the mucous membranes from injury and damage.

To combat the temperature, you can use antipyretic drugs, which include ibuprofen, ketorolac or paracetamol. It is recommended to bring down the temperature if it exceeds 38.5 ° (in children with neurological pathologies, heart disease, as well as children under 3 years old - more than 38 °), and if the patient feels unwell. For the entire period of treatment, a high-calorie diet with great content protein, vegetables and fruits. The apartment must be regularly ventilated, and the air should be moistened with humidifiers.

Any pain- pathological sign, indicating possible inflammatory processes and other problems in the functioning of the body. If a person has a pain in the upper abdomen, you should immediately contact a specialized doctor or a local therapist, especially if the symptom is accompanied by other signs typical of certain diseases of the respiratory and cardiac systems. At emergency conditions you must immediately call an ambulance.

Video - Neurologist about abdominal pain

Video - Possible causes of abdominal pain

In the middle, you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. If there is any doubt that the problem is related to the stomach, you can first come to the therapist. It’s not worth delaying visiting the hospital, especially if the pains come often, they bother strong feelings. It is possible that the syndrome indicates serious disease. The reasons may be different.

Relevance of the issue

At least once in a lifetime, almost any person, feeling discomfort and soreness, wondered what was at the top of the abdomen in the middle. Anatomically, a person is arranged in such a way that the organs of the digestive system are located in this area, but pain can be explained by problems in the functioning of not only them, but also a number of other organs and tissues. In some cases, the cause of the pain is serious enough so that already at the initial examination of the patient, the doctor decides in favor of hospitalization. If this is not required, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapeutic procedures, recommend medications effective in a given situation. If you do not see a doctor on time, the condition may progress, worsen to such an extent that the consequences will be irreversible, up to death.

It is impossible to say exactly and immediately what worries a person, focusing only on the feeling of pain in the upper abdomen in the middle. Diagnostics should include comprehensive examination using special tools, laboratory tests.

It is known that spasms and pain syndrome can be provoked by hepatic, gastric diseases, pathologies of the spleen and pancreas, intestinal tract. Sometimes pain is due to malfunction and malfunction of the heart, pulmonary system, spinal column. The cause may be the esophagus, gallbladder. Soreness is direct, there is also a variant of irradiating pain syndrome. This is detected when the source of pain is not located where it is felt.

And what is the most common?

In most cases, a sharp pain in the upper abdomen in the middle is due to perforation of an ulcerative process localized in the stomach or intestinal tract. Pathology develops in stages, each step is characterized by its own characteristics of pain. First, the patient is diagnosed with gastritis, due to the high level of acidity of the gastric environment. The disease is characterized by an instantaneous course, accompanied by the formation of foci of ulceration. The patient feels weak, stool disorders alternate with the development of diarrhea and constipation. Ulcerative perforation indicates profuse vomiting, loss of appetite, severe heartburn. The patient is losing weight. In many ways, the clinical picture is due to the inability of the body to absorb nutritional components coming with products.

The most common cause of perforation is malnutrition. At risk are people who prefer spicy, spicy, fatty foods consuming excess salt, eating dry food. Neglect of the diet, lack of a schedule, use of portions of different sizes inconsistently, without a schedule can provoke an ailment.

Causes and consequences

Except malnutrition ulcer perforation can cause infectious diseases. Pathological microflora, resistant to conditions of high acidity, may begin active development in the stomach, intestinal tract, if the patient's immunity weakens or the patient takes certain medications. As a rule, analyzes show colonies of Helicobacter pylori. This pathological microscopic form of life inhibits the body's ability to work normally, protect itself, stimulates the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa.

Decrease in the body's ability to defend itself against aggressive factors is associated with bad habits. Among people seeking help and treatment for stomach ulcers, adults with symptoms of such a disease (the first of them is a sharp pain), most of all those who smoke, drink alcohol. A stressful life situation can play a role. In order to determine in time what caused it, how to deal with the consequences, cure the disease, you should come to an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will listen to the patient, give directions for tests and instrumental studies. Even if an ulcer is suspected, additional measures must be taken to rule out other life-threatening pathologies with similar manifestations.


Sometimes cramps in the upper abdomen in the middle indicate inflammatory processes localized in gallbladder. This is often observed during the formation of stones in this organ. To provoke the appearance of such structures can excess accumulation and deposition of calcium compounds, excess cholesterol or bilirubin. Cholecystitis can be suspected if the pain is disturbed by attacks, the duration of which varies from a quarter of an hour to several hours. The disease is associated with significant risks, without adequate treatment provokes complications: peritonitis, pancreatitis, empyema. There is a possibility of an inflammatory process in bile duct, violations of the patency of the channels.

Reason is the heart

If it hurts in the upper abdomen under the ribs in the middle, perhaps the symptom indicates a heart attack. The term refers to a pathological process in which a section of the heart muscle ceases to receive the oxygen and nutrients necessary for functioning, which leads to death. If it becomes a heart attack, additional symptoms are possible that simplify the identification of the condition. In many, the pathology is accompanied by shortness of breath, disturbing even at rest, chills. Sometimes the patient vomits, usually only once. Available sharp drop body temperature: throws into a fever, then everything is restored.

A heart attack often occurs against the background of overstrain, both physical and emotional, nervous. If the examination of the patient suggests a heart attack, it is necessary to immediately hospitalize the victim. Pathological condition fraught with serious complications, fatal consequences, up to death.


The heaviness at the top of the abdomen in the middle can be explained by just such a process. The term refers to the formation inflammatory focus in the pancreas. The probability of pathology is higher if a person eats improperly, unevenly, often and abundantly consumes alcohol. Pancreatitis - chronic illness prone to relapse. The acute phase is indicated by pain starting in the center of the abdomen, weakening if an antispasmodic is taken. The condition worsens after a meal, in the evening.

The exacerbation is accompanied by frequent spasmodic attacks. The patient is sick, vomits (multiple acts). Without adequate medical care there is a possibility of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, which provokes complications.

Violation of the size of the gaps

One of important elements gastric system- part through which food moves from gastric cavity into the intestinal tract. If the size of the lumen decreases sharply, obstruction occurs, normal motility is disturbed. The condition can be suspected if there is spasmodic pain in the upper abdomen in the middle. The pain gets worse after eating. How more people eats, the more palpable and longer the pain will be. Most are diagnosed with belching, heartburn. The patient often feels sick, vomit has a pronounced sour taste.

Spleen pathologies

If the pain in the upper abdomen in the middle is associated with this cause, the sensations are localized on the right side of the body, in the hypochondrium. There are several diseases associated with the spleen. They all show similar symptoms. Quite often, patients are diagnosed with splenomegaly, hypertrophic processes of transformation of the spleen. There is a possibility of suppuration, organ rupture. Possible localized infarction in the spleen.


This state is often observed against the background of a weakening of the responsible for normal working capacity esophagus muscular skeleton. The lumen of the diaphragm is broken, due to which the internal structures are displaced. This condition is indicated by the pain that comes after eating. After a while, the sensations pass on their own. Additional symptoms hernias are considered belching, heartburn. Many people vomit violently, the rhythm and speed of the heart beat are disturbed. Possible loss of appetite sudden loss weight. As a rule, pathology is accompanied by severe shortness of breath.

What else is possible?

Sometimes the pain is due to a previous injury. This is possible, for example, in an accident, a conflict that has come down to a fight, in which a person received a blow. Even relatively weak physical impact can cause injury to the internal organ. Sometimes the cause is strong shaking. Due to this influence, the spleen, liver can rupture, there is a risk of a rib fracture, internal foci of hemorrhage may appear, and hematomas form. Usually after injury pain stupid.

However, most often the pain indicates the need for treatment of stomach ulcers. Symptoms in adults, children occur in most cases precisely because of peptic ulcer in acute form which requires immediate medical care. Without adequate support with procedures and medications, perforation is possible with the penetration of gastric and intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity.

In some cases, pain indicates poisoning, improper nutrition, porphyria. Soreness is possible with systemic overeating, hepatitis and vertebral disorders. There is a possibility of pleurisy, pneumonia. Sometimes abdominal pain is a sign of osteochondrosis.

Check and verify everything

Having become a victim of pain, you should figure out which doctor to contact. Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be studied by revealing the reason for which they appeared, a gastroenterologist. Sometimes the therapist refers to a surgeon or cardiologist. In especially severe cases the patient is placed in intensive care. If the cause of pain is an infection, help will come infectiologist.

The doctor knows exactly what to do. Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle preliminary survey conditions, as many diseases manifest themselves as such a symptom. First of all, the doctor at the initial appointment palpates painful area and assesses how the patient's skin looks, what general state health. The patient is given directions for urine, feces, and blood tests. It is necessary to check the biochemical parameters, the content of individual blood cells. To assess the condition of the heart, an electrocardiogram is done, to check the internal organs - X-ray. Many are assigned ultrasound procedure and FGDS.

It must be recognized that pain is often provoked hazards, health threatening and human life, therefore, it is impossible to independently treat pain at home, taking antispasmodics. To avoid complications, you should come to the appointment as soon as possible. In some cases, the doctor will consider that gentle treatment will be enough, while others may be prescribed urgent surgery.

Features of the pain syndrome

If the pains in the upper abdomen in the middle are localized in the fourth gap between the ribs, most likely the cause is gastric pathologies. Sharp sensations usually indicate penetration into digestive system chemically aggressive substances. Poisoning manifests itself with a similar symptom. Heaviness, bursting may be signs of a decrease in the activity of the functioning of the pancreas. Similar phenomena indicate pyloric stenosis. If it aches, the reason is probably different, because such sensations rarely accompany malfunctions of the secretory ability of organs.

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be very strong, medium in terms of moderation, rather weak. The latter option in most cases indicates gastritis. Many do not go to the doctor, so the disease progresses without treatment, the condition worsens. In some cases mild pain indicates an ulcer. Sometimes cancerous processes at first manifest themselves as such a symptom. The longer the discomfort bothers you, the more important it is to get an appointment at as soon as possible.

Opportunities and cases

If the pain in the upper abdomen in the middle is strong, we can confidently speak of severe peptic ulcer. There is a possibility that foci of ulceration are simultaneously observed in the stomach and intestinal tract.

To the state heightened danger includes soreness, described as dagger. Feeling in most cases indicates perforation of the ulcer, in which the contents of the gastric system are in the abdominal cavity. If such a condition is suspected, it is urgent to call an ambulance team.

The doctor, finding out what caused the pain, will definitely ask the patient about the connection between sensation and food intake. For example, if discomfort comes when a person for a long time did not eat, leaves after a meal, a high level of acidity of the gastric environment can be diagnosed. At unpleasant sensations after eating, the cause is likely to be gastritis, which turned into chronic form. With a gastric ulcer, pain appears a couple of hours after a meal, with an intestinal ulcer, if the pauses between meals are long. In addition, exacerbation peptic ulcer observed during physical stress, strong experience, stress.

How serious is it?

Doctors say that pain in the upper abdomen in the middle at least once occurred in the life of any person. If the sensations are strong and sharp, the duration of the attack reaches half an hour or lasts even longer, it is necessary to call a first aid team. If possible and the patient's condition allows it, you can take the patient to the nearest clinic. There is a possibility that the person needs surgery.

If you are worried about pain, you can not massage pathological area. If there is internal bleeding, the condition can worsen significantly. For the same reason, you can not apply a heating pad to a sick stomach. However, sometimes the pain factor is excessive food intake. There are foods that are difficult to digest human body. If there were a lot of those in the food or the food is saturated with fats, the likelihood of stomach pain is higher. A similar symptom leads to the use of products containing gluten or lactose, if the human body does not tolerate these substances. Sometimes the pain is caused by the ingestion of food that provokes increased gas formation. The symptom is relatively weak, disappears after an hour or two.

Oncology as a reason

Sometimes aching pain in the upper abdomen in the middle signals a cancerous disease. Among other reasons, it is this one that is relatively rare, but almost always the patient is sent for specialized tests in order to exclude such a development of events. Cancer is one of the most terrible diagnoses. If there is a suspicion of oncology, it is necessary to go through all the studies as soon as possible to make the most accurate diagnosis, start treatment, following the program developed by the doctor. Malignant formations can metastasize to unpredictable, distant parts of the body. Without proper and timely treatment, the likelihood of death increases significantly.

Many rightly believe that cancer is the most terrible explanation. recent times malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract began to occur more often, some refer this system to the three most common variants of localization of atypical cells. Worldwide, the number of cancer victims is increasing year by year. Esophageal cancer among other malignant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is relatively rare. The risks are higher if a person eats improperly. The more red meat, fried, fatty meat is consumed, the greater the danger. Correlate danger malignant process and the frequency, volumes of alcohol drunk by a person.

It is suggested that the likelihood of developing esophageal cancer may be associated with carcinogenic food additives, but not done at the moment reliable research dedicated to this issue. Coloring, aromatic substances, preservatives are in almost any food that is on store shelves. Doctors recommend eating as little processed foods as possible. If the body is working normally, such substances are soon excreted, but if the functioning of the internal organs fails, accumulation is possible, associated with the risks of malignant degeneration of cells.

When to go to the doctor?

Many manifestations cancer determined by the localization of the process. If atypical structures grow in the esophagus, in addition to pain in upper area the abdomen in the center, the patient notes swallowing problems. There may be a feeling of weakness in this part of the body. Sometimes there are problems with the stool. If esophagitis is established, special attention should be paid to any painful manifestations and other questionable symptoms. Conditions such as gastric, intestinal polyps and peptic ulcer disease are potential precursors of cancer.

As can be seen from medical statistics, many patients do not pay attention to primary manifestations diseases, and they come to the doctor when the pathology has already progressed to the third, sometimes the fourth stage. One of the problems of the cancer process in the esophagus is the high rate of progression of the pathology. Doctors recommend at the first manifestations of discomfort, stable unpleasant symptoms undergo a comprehensive examination that will help eliminate any suspicions or confirm the disease. So, it will be possible to start treatment in a timely manner.

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