Folk contraceptives after the act. The use of hormones in special cases. Before intimacy and after

Medical statistics say that even the most careful and attentive women can find themselves in a situation where they have to resort to emergency contraception.

Contraception in the broadest sense - These are ways to prevent pregnancy, which are carried out before the onset of intimacy. Emergency in that it is carried out after sexual intercourse has occurred.

Measures of emergency prevention of conception may be necessary for absolutely all women. Many representatives of the fair sex believe that this problem can only affect women who lead an indiscriminate sex life, constantly changing partners.

But as practice proves, married women can also resort to emergency contraception. The decision to have a child is a very important step for which many married couples may not be ready.

The use of traditional medicine methods

Emergency abortion methods are a very big shake-up for the female body, which can have many negative complications.

But not all women think about what they may have in the future, even after a single use of emergency contraceptive methods.

The same ladies who have heard more about the side effects of emergency contraception believe that they can avoid them using folk knowledge, not medications.

Appeal to "grandmother's wisdom" is a serious problem of modern medicine. Very often, certified doctors have to treat the consequences of alternative treatment.

This practice also applies to cases of emergency contraception.

that every woman who is sexually active should think for herself in advance and decide which method of emergency contraception she can resort to in case of accidental sexual intercourse.

It is advisable to discuss this issue with a gynecologist in advance in order to understand all the pros and cons of different methods. As practice shows, if emergency contraception is needed, a woman acts impulsively and is ready to drink any drug in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

The same applies to variants of folk wisdom. several options for contraception at once according to "grandmother's methods" to be sure of their effectiveness.

Method number 1 - douching with special solutions

This method is considered the most widely used. It is rather difficult to talk about its reliability in percentage terms, since the effectiveness of this method is rather an accident or a coincidence.

The table lists the possible options for douching solutions:

It is necessary to wash the vagina abundantly and thoroughly. According to folk healers, the creation of an acidic environment affects the functionality of spermatozoa.

Gynecologists note that this method has a place to exist, but is extremely unreliable. There is no guarantee that a woman will be able to wash all the sperm.

In addition, the introduction of a solution with acetic or citric acid can threaten a woman with serious irritation of the vaginal mucosa. A serious consequence of this could be -

Method number 2 - insertion of special means into the vagina

This method, according to traditional medicine, is an alternative to douching. The method of emergency contraception consists in water in the vagina of several slices of lemon or pieces of laundry soap.

This method can be called quite extreme. Any gynecologist will say that the introduction of these substances into the vagina can have only one effect - killing the natural microflora of the vagina.

On, the method with the introduction of lemon slices or soap is not affected in any way.

But with a probability of 90%, the introduction of these substances will allow the development of bacterial vaginosis, the treatment of which a woman will remember for a long time.

This method is absolutely hopeless in preventing conception.

Method number 3 - the passage of thermal procedures

This method already poses a serious danger to women's health. In the past, very hot baths were used to get rid of pregnancy. Now this method has been transformed and is described in the form of not only hot baths, but also warming up the legs, warming up in the baths.

This method is too radical and can take baths with temperatures dangerous to health.

Hot baths after intercourse cannot prevent conception. In the first 10 days, the embryo still has no connection with the mother's body and feeds on its own reserves. During this period, hot baths also will not affect him in any way.

After 10 days, the embryo is introduced into the uterine wall (small bleeding occurs). If you take hot baths during this period, then the woman is likely to bleed and have an abortion.

Carrying out excessive long-term thermal procedures and can manifest itself in the form of such complications:

  • Jumps in blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Thrombosis
  • Pathology of internal organs.

Never use this method as a means of emergency contraception. it poses a danger to health and life.

Method number 4 - strong physical activity

The method is also dangerous to health, like thermal baths. Running cannot be an obstacle to conception. But causing a stroke or heart attack is quite possible.

If a woman continues to exercise herself even 10 days after the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, then it is possible that she will bleed.

Stopping bleeding at home can lead to infection in the uterine cavity, which can develop into blood poisoning.

The method of physical activity is also dangerous for health and carries a serious burden on the cardiovascular system.

The effectiveness of folk emergency contraception

The Internet describes many other unacceptable methods of alternative emergency contraception. To say that these methods can be quite ridiculous.

For example, since the time of Ancient Russia, the urine of a man and a woman has been used as protection against pregnancy after sexual intercourse. For the modern world, this option even sounds silly.

If, nevertheless, you decide to resort to emergency contraception, it is better to do this with the advice of a gynecologist, even 5 days after sexual intercourse.

Depending on how many hours have passed since intimacy, the gynecologist will select the most suitable for the body.

If a woman conducts emergency contraception by alternative methods, then its effectiveness is in great doubt. In addition, she may also have to treat complications after the chosen method of protection.

Folk contraceptives are used by women all over the world. The effect of such contraception is based on the presence of phytoestrogens in some plants. Also, individual agents change the characteristics of the vaginal secretion. But a woman must understand that such methods of protection do not always give a positive effect. With the abuse of folk methods, irreparable changes can occur. For this reason, before using any means, you should consult with your attending gynecologist.

With an illiterate approach to the issue of contraception, health problems can arise

Folk remedies with a contraceptive effect are used in various ways. Substances are made for internal and local use. For internal use, decoctions are made from herbs containing a natural analogue of female estrogen.

In a normal unprotected cycle, there are three stages. Each phase depends on the activity of a certain hormonal substance. In the first phase, estrogen is the main one. The production of a follicle-stimulating substance is also observed. In the middle of the cycle, the production of luteinizing hormone is observed. He is responsible for the release of the egg from the follicle. After ovulation, estrogen and FSH give way to progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for the proper conception and further life of the embryo.

For contraception, it is necessary to prevent the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone. These substances belong to the group of gonadotropins. They are produced by the pituitary gland. To eliminate the production of gonadotropins, it is necessary to increase the level of estrogen. In this case, the cycle becomes fruitless.

It is on this effect that the use of folk remedies for contraception is based. With the use of such decoctions, an increase in one's own estrogen is observed. The activity of the ovaries slows down. Ovulation disappears. Without the presence of ovulation, pregnancy is impossible.

Folk remedies for topical use have a spermicidal effect. This group of substances is used in the form of solutions for irrigation of the vagina. Douching liquids contain acids. They contribute to a change in the characteristics of the vaginal microflora. With the introduction of fluid into the vagina, an increase in acidity occurs.

Male seminal fluid has a salty environment. In this composition, spermatozoa are able to actively move. After entering the female reproductive system, the seminal fluid changes its characteristics. In an acidic environment in male germ cells, the outer membrane is broken. Because of this, the sperm stop moving and die.

The use of special douching contributes to the death of spermatozoa

Separate solutions for douching affect the activity of the cervical canal. The walls of the cervix are permeated with a large number of secretory glands. They produce a special mucus that performs a protective function. Also, the quality of the secret depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. To maintain the viability of sperm in the uterus, mucus production is enhanced. The secret becomes liquid and transparent.

When using folk remedies for protection, the secretory substance changes its qualities. It becomes thick and viscous. In such a vaginal substance, spermatozoa are unable to move quickly. After a while, the male sex cells die.

Solutions for internal use

To develop a contraceptive effect, it is necessary to prepare a solution. It is taken from the first day after the end of menstruation. For this purpose, the following compositions are offered:

  • coriander infusion;
  • a decoction of rowan color;
  • caraway and ficus seed remedy;
  • concentrated decoction of viburnum bark.

To make the first infusion, you need to purchase fresh coriander seeds. A few grams of seeds need to be ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. The powder is poured into hot water. The mixture is kept on low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting liquid is placed in a dark glass container. The container is stored in a dark place. The resulting infusion is decanted into a clean container through a filter. The liquid is taken in half a glass after each meal. Before the start of the next menstruation, you need to stop using the infusion.

Widespread among women of different ages, the second folk contraceptive is a decoction of mountain ash. The color is collected at a specific time. Only fresh flowers have a contraceptive effect. Inflorescences must be carefully ground in a mortar. The resulting porridge-like mixture must be poured with hot water. The infusion is poured into an iron container and placed in a water bath. An hour later, the liquid is removed from the fire and passed through sterile gauze, folded in four layers. The decoction is consumed one glass a few minutes before a meal.

Caraway seeds should be used with caution

A mixture of cumin and ficus seeds has a bright contraceptive effect. Seeds can be purchased at any grocery store. They must be passed through a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is poured into a hot liquid. The mixture is drunk after menstruation. For several weeks, the woman is unable to conceive. Before using such a solution, it is recommended to visit a specialist. In the presence of pathologies in the activity of the ovaries, the mixture is prohibited for use, as it can cause secondary infertility.

As a folk contraception, a decoction made from viburnum bark is used. Ready-made raw materials can be bought at any pharmacy store. The bark is filled with a small amount of water. The agent is boiled until half of the original composition is obtained. The finished liquid is also passed through a clean rag. The concentrate is taken in the morning before meals.

All of these decoctions have a detrimental effect on the process of producing your own follicle-stimulating hormone. Under the influence of these funds, a follicle does not appear on the ovary. In this case, ovulation disappears. Before starting self-protection, you need to visit a gynecologist to determine the state of the reproductive system.

Solutions for protection after unprotected intercourse

Such folk remedies are used as douching after unprotected sexual contact. For this purpose, the following liquids are used for douching:

  • decoction of elm bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • boric composition;
  • douching with lemon juice;
  • vinegar essence.

The bark of the elm tree has a contraceptive effect

A decoction of elm bark can be made from ready-made raw materials. A package of bark is poured with a glass of hot liquid. The resulting composition must be boiled. Boiling is carried out within a few minutes. The composition must be thoroughly cooled. The liquid is filtered through gauze. In a concentrated product, you need to add a glass of cold water. The finished solution is injected into the vagina after unprotected sexual intercourse.

For douching, you can use a folk remedy made from St. John's wort. The remedy is prepared from the fresh leaves of the plant. A small amount of fresh leaves is placed in a two-liter pan. After boiling, the composition should be cooked for no more than five minutes. After cooling, the contraceptive must be placed in a clean container. It is used after every unprotected sex.

More aggressive douching after contact is also suggested. In this case, a folk remedy is obtained by dissolving medical boric acid in a large amount of boiled water. For douching, only sterile medical powder is used. The solution in a small volume is administered vaginally. It is not recommended to use this remedy frequently. It can change the quality of the microflora of the body.

Many girls use a solution made from lemon juice. Lemon juice increases the acidity of the vaginal microflora. Also, the tool contributes to the instant death of spermatozoa. When spermatozoa come into contact with juice, the cell membrane is destroyed. The male sex cell stops moving and dies after a while.

Since ancient times, the contraceptive effect of vinegar essence has been known. For douching, only natural apple or pear vinegar is used. A tablespoon of essence is diluted with a liter of boiled water. When using the product, it is necessary to take into account the presence of an individual allergic reaction.

Contraception in unexpected ways

In order to obtain a contraceptive effect, unexpected folk remedies are also used. It is suggested to use the following products:

  • carbonated drink;
  • lemon fruits;
  • fruits of the date tree;
  • laundry soap;
  • ash solution.

Before using any folk method against conception, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

In many countries, the popular carbonated drink Coca-Cola is used as a contraceptive folk remedy. Shake the bottle thoroughly before starting douching. The gases used to make the drink have a detrimental effect on spermatozoa. This method is questioned, since the composition of the drink is completely chemical.

Some women insert a slice of lemon fruit into the vagina during sexual intercourse. It is believed that fetal acid is capable of killing all male sex cells that have entered the uterus. There is also an increase in the acidity of the vagina. But this technique is not recommended for many reasons.

Such a popular contraceptive method as tamponing with gruel from the fruits of a date tree is also common. Porridge is made by grinding fresh dates through a fine grater. The resulting porridge is placed in a sterile bandage. A tampon is inserted vaginally before unprotected sex.

Many Russian women believe that laundry soap also has a contraceptive effect. A thin candle is cut out of a bar of soap, which is placed in the vagina before intercourse. But this method can cause negative changes in the mucous tissue.

Also in ancient times, women used wood ash for douching. She dissolved in water. The liquid was filtered with clean gauze. It was believed that the ash caused the cervical mucus to thicken. But this technique is not always effective.

Side effects of the proposed contraception

Medical contraceptive contraceptives have various contraindications and adverse reactions. Folk methods can also cause negative changes. The following undesirable consequences of home contraception are considered:

  • cessation of the ovaries;
  • development of bacterial vaginitis;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • allergic individual reactions;
  • low contraceptive response.

With prolonged use of herbal decoctions, the ovaries cease to function normally. Gradually, the body refuses to work. In this case, primary infertility or multifollicular ovaries are diagnosed. The problem can only be fixed medically.

Douching is also not a safe method of contraception. With constant contact of the liquid with the microflora, a change in the bacterial composition may occur. The place of beneficial microorganisms is occupied by pathogenic bacteria. This leads to the development of bacterial vaginitis. In some cases, more beneficial microbes die. This complication is accompanied by dryness during intercourse.

The use of decoctions is also fraught with complications. They can have a negative effect on the menstrual cycle. With prolonged intake of phytoestrogens, the duration of the progesterone phase may change. This leads to the disappearance of ovulation and a prolonged absence of pregnancy.

Before using these methods, you need to see a doctor. Only he can advise effective folk contraceptives.

In a fit of passion, many couples forget about contraception, deliberately do not use them or use them incorrectly. Nevertheless, such "playing with fire" often leads to unwanted pregnancy. emergency contraception may help in this case. However, the feminine often suffers from such help.

What if everything happened by accident?

First of all, there is no need to panic. This will only make the situation worse. In addition, you should not immediately run to the bathroom and do douching. Such a practice in 99% of cases will be useless, since the part that has entered the vagina almost instantly ends up in the cervix. And even one lost cell already increases the risk of pregnancy.

You should not resort to other folk methods of contraception. The use of lemon, potassium permanganate and boric acid will only harm sexual health and will not protect you from pregnancy.

Usually, used in tablets within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. After this time, the effectiveness of such protection decreases, and its further use is simply pointless. If you take the drug within the first 12 hours after sex, it will significantly reduce the chance of getting pregnant. Moreover, after some time, the drug is often repeated to consolidate the contraceptive effect.

Funds emergency contraception mostly suppress hormone production responsible for ovulation and a woman's ability to conceive. By the way, conception itself occurs in the first 72 hours after intercourse. That is why it is important to take the pill before the end of this period, until pregnancy occurs.

Is emergency contraception always necessary?

Not every sexual intercourse ends in conception, even with the complete rejection of contraceptives. The fact is that the birth of a new life occurs only during the period ovulation- during the release of the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tubes. This process is relatively rare and very short: the egg does it all 1 time per month and located in the fallopian tubes about 24 hours. After this time, the egg simply dies.

Since the egg cell lives only a day, in fact, a woman is not able to become pregnant on other days of the menstrual cycle. However, in practice pregnancy can occur while having sex on any day of the cycle even during menses. But the probability of conception in this case will be significantly lower than during the period of ovulation.

As a rule, in women with an even menstrual cycle, pregnancy does not occur if sexual intercourse occurs during the non-fertile phase (on safe days). This period usually lasts from 1st to 7th, as well as from the 20th to the 28th day(provided that the cycle is constant and its duration is 28 days). In this case, at your own peril and risk, you can refuse funds emergency contraception. However, the likelihood of pregnancy will be much higher.

What are the methods of emergency contraception?

As a rule, oral preparations containing hormones are used to prevent pregnancy. emergency contraception are funds based on levonorgestrel (Postinor, Escapel, etc.) and mifepristone (Agesta, Genale). In addition to them, drugs with ulipristal acetate which also prevent conception. The mechanisms of action of these contraceptives are somewhat different. However, despite this, they are all effective in preventing pregnancy.

In addition to emergency drugs to prevent pregnancy, combined oral contraceptives (COOK). As a rule, COCs are used on an ongoing basis as contraceptives. But in emergency cases, if a woman has not previously taken them, these funds can be used to prevent conception.

Note that emergency contraception includes not only pills, but also intrauterine device with contraceptive effect. However, to get the latter, you need to install it within 5 days after intercourse, since then its effectiveness will significantly decrease. Nevertheless, the spiral is not recommended for nulliparous women. In addition, this method of contraception requires the intervention of a doctor.

Dangers of emergency contraception

emergency contraception dangerous for women's health, especially if the drugs in this group are used more than 2 times a year. First of all, taking such drugs is a serious blow to the hormonal system. By interfering with the balance of hormones, emergency contraceptives can lead to a temporary cessation of ovulation, and then to infertility.

In addition, the imbalance of female hormones when using emergency contraception leads to decreased bone density and early menopause. Due to the frequent use of these drugs, the level of and responsible for the mineralization of bone tissue decreases. A decrease in these two hormones in a woman's body contributes to the development which greatly increases the risk.

In addition, in half of the cases of taking "emergency" contraceptives, there are uterine bleeding similar to menstruation. However, women may experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, nausea, headaches, and pain in the chest area.

special danger presents during breastfeeding. The use of hormonal drugs during this period can harm the health of the baby, since part of the drug enters the body of the child with mother's milk.

The intrauterine device also has a lot of disadvantages. Its prolonged use increases the risk gynecological diseases. In this case, the spiral itself can grow into the uterus and cause many complications. In addition, its installation is not suitable for every woman. And the procedure itself requires careful preparation with the delivery of tests and diagnostics of the pelvic organs.

Advice for women when using emergency contraception pills

In order not to harm yourself when using emergency contraception, you must adhere to the following guidelines.

  • Don't use tools emergency contraception more often than once every six months.
  • The second pill of emergency contraceptive must be taken exactly 12 hours later. Being late for 2-3 hours can significantly reduce the contraceptive effect.
  • To avoid nausea and vomiting, it is recommended to take the tablets with milk or plenty of water.
  • In the future, take care of the methods of barrier contraception (it is better to use condoms, caps, etc.).
  • With a delay in menstruation, it is necessary to visit a doctor, as this may indicate the presence of pregnancy associated with the ineffectiveness of contraceptives.
  • To maintain hormonal health and maintain bone density, take natural. For these purposes, the supplement is excellent, which retains even with prolonged use of COCs and funds emergency contraception.

After taking contraceptives, young mothers should suspend breastfeeding for 36 hours so as not to worsen the health of the child.



Women, for one reason or another, resort to folk remedies protection. However, folk contraceptives are among the least reliable methods of protection. They provide a low degree of reliability in preventing unwanted pregnancies. In addition, they are not able to protect against infection with sexually transmitted diseases, and their use can harm a woman's health.

Among folk methods of contraception, vaginal douching is more widely used. The main mechanism of action of the prepared solutions is that they act on the microflora of the vagina, increasing the level of acidity. It is believed that in this environment, spermatozoa become less active, lose their ability to fertilize and die, which reduces the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.

But, at the same time, it is important to note that these methods do not provide reliable protection due to the influence of the following factors:

  • individual feature of the vaginal environment;
  • high concentration of active spermatozoa and their high mobility;
  • insufficient concentration of the drugs used cannot ensure the suppression of the fertilization process.
Douching should be done within five to ten minutes. The solution should not be injected under high pressure, since the injected agent should completely wash the vagina. After douching, a woman is recommended to lie down for 15 to 20 minutes.

There are the following folk spermicidal agents that are aimed at deactivating spermatozoa:

  • A solution of citric acid. Five grams of citric acid should be added to one liter of warm boiled water. The resulting solution must be well mixed. The finished solution should be drawn into a syringe and then the vagina should be washed immediately after intercourse.
  • Vinegar solution. In one liter of warm boiled water, add two tablespoons of table vinegar. The resulting solution must be drawn into a syringe and thoroughly rinse the vagina after intercourse.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate. About ten crystals of potassium permanganate must be added to one liter of warm water. The resulting solution should be mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved, then it is necessary to draw it into a syringe and rinse the vagina. In addition to increasing the level of acidity, potassium permanganate solution also has a bactericidal effect.
  • Aspirin tablet. One aspirin tablet should be inserted into the vagina immediately after intercourse. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also increases acidity, neutralizing spermatozoa.
  • Lemon slice. It is necessary to cut off a slice of lemon and insert it into the vagina for ten to fifteen minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse.
It should be noted that frequent douching destroys the normal microflora of the vagina, which can lead to the development of thrush and bacterial vaginosis ( vaginal dysbacteriosis).

In addition to the above funds, the following alternative contraceptive methods are also distinguished:

  • It is believed that if a woman takes a vertical position immediately after intercourse, then the sperm will flow out before reaching the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg.
  • After unprotected intercourse, a woman should thoroughly rinse the vagina and external genitalia under the pressure of water.
  • Prepare a weak soapy solution with laundry soap and douche after intercourse. This solution changes the alkaline balance in the vagina, which leads to the death of spermatozoa.
  • It is believed that if a man needs to take a hot bath for 45 minutes before sexual intercourse, this will significantly reduce the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa.
  • Interruption of sexual intercourse is when a man removes the penis from the woman's vagina before ejaculation, thereby preventing sperm from entering the female genital organs.
  • Breast-feeding ( subject to the rules of breastfeeding) allows a woman not to become pregnant during the first six months after childbirth.

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy is a very topical issue for many women. In Russia, 13,000 abortions are performed per day, causing serious physical and moral trauma to the female body. The current situation is forcing gynecologists to intensify their efforts to educate the population in contraceptive methods.

Contraceptive folk remedies have been used since ancient Egypt. Egyptian priestesses of love reduced the activity of spermatozoa with lactic acid obtained from acacia. To do this, they introduced a mixture of honey, dates and acacia, previously pounded, into the vagina.

Folk contraceptives are also used in modern society. The most highly effective of folk methods are:

  1. immediate douching with an acidic solution after the act (a solution of acetic acid or potassium permanganate of low concentration)
  2. coitus interruptus
  3. calendar method (it is almost impossible to get pregnant 5 days before and after menstruation)

The method of increasing the acidity of the vaginal environment by douching can be effective, because. spermatozoa in such an environment become inactive, unable to merge with the egg and quickly die. Usually a solution of acetic or citric acid is prepared. An aspirin tablet or a slice of lemon inserted into the vagina has the same effect.

Folk contraceptive recipes for oral administration

Folk contraceptives offer many recipes that have been passed down for centuries:

  • 15 grams of lush clove seeds passed through a coffee grinder are poured with 200 grams of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour and filtered (filtered). Take two teaspoons three times a day before meals.
  • One spoon of red rowan flowers is poured with 200 grams of boiling water, infused for 60 minutes, filtered. Drink 100 milliliters before meals. Attention! Using rowan berries instead of flowers is less effective. Berries are boiled for 15 minutes.
  • One tablespoon of dry grass of the flattened moss is poured with five hundred grams of water and boiled for eight minutes. We insist the resulting broth for three hours, filter and use two teaspoons before meals three times a day.
  • Washed and scalded with hot water, the watercress is crushed and squeezed. The squeezed juice is filtered, diluted with water (one part juice, two parts water), brought to a boil and boiled for two minutes. The prepared broth is consumed two teaspoons before meals three times a day.
  • One dessert spoon of wild rosemary is poured with 200 grams of boiling water, infused for 120 minutes, filtered and consumed before meals, four teaspoons three times a day.
  • Pour the roots of gentian triflora with boiling water (one part of the roots per ten water), insist for two hours and use a third of a glass before meals three times a day.

The real effectiveness of folk remedies

Folk remedies contraceptives are unreliable. This is their disadvantage. It is worth knowing some features that can reduce the effectiveness of a particular method. For example, when douching with water or herbal solutions, the walls of the vagina and uterus are washed, which leads to a change in the microflora of the vagina, its dryness. In addition, douching should be done immediately after the intercourse, because. within a minute, the sperm enters the uterus. If there were no funds at hand, you can do douching with an intense pressure of plain water, the method is not reliable, but also a chance.

Folk contraceptives after the act should be used with extreme caution. In the early stages of pregnancy, they provoke uterine contractions and fetal rejection.

Folk emergency contraception is used if, in a fit of passion, unprotected sexual contact has already occurred. Be careful: extremely extreme methods can lead to trouble, and ineffective ones will not help! It’s good to have a gynecologist’s phone number in your notebook, who will tell you and advise you in difficult times. The practice of family doctors is becoming very popular now.

The unique action of the northern breaker

Folk contraceptives for women have been studied by physicians since the time of Dioscarides (I century AD). One of the most reliable folk remedies can be considered an infusion from the northern breaker. The Latin name for this herb is androsation (from the Greek "aner" - husband, "sace" - shield, literal translation is protection from the husband). For more than a thousand years, a decoction of prolomnik has been used to protect against pregnancy.

On the contraceptive properties of the breaker, a Ph.D. thesis was defended, the customer of which was Surina, a well-known gynecologist-obstetrician in Tyumen. It was she who ordered to find a reliable and safe remedy for conception in the plant world. The study of the contraceptive properties of the northern prolomnik was also carried out at the Leningrad Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The obtained results of the study make it possible to use the prolomnik as a raw material for the manufacture of reliable contraceptive preparations.

What to give preference

Folk remedies for emergency contraception are very diverse. In many ways, traditional medicine is more reliable and safer. It is worth remembering that drugs made from natural raw materials, as a rule, give much fewer side effects than chemically synthesized ones. For this reason, they are often used if modern methods of contraception are contraindicated.

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