Possible after breast chemotherapy. Wholly or partially restricted products. What products are prohibited

Most cancer patients undergo chemotherapy. Women suffering from breast cancer are also prescribed "chemistry". The essence of the method is to apply medications, which eliminate the affected cells in the diseased organ. It is important to maintain proper nutrition during chemotherapy for breast cancer, because with such treatment, the normal functioning of many body systems is disrupted. It is important to strengthen yourself with a balanced diet.

Nutrition principles

"Heavy" anti-cancer drugs worsen the condition of the body. A woman needs to ensure that nutrition includes important for normal functioning systems elements and vitamins.

However, you should not run to the pharmacy for dietary supplements and multivitamins. Their reception is allowed not to every patient of the oncological clinic. It's not that they can harm the body. During the weakening period, they create a load on the already “tired” liver.

It is worth remembering that during treatment it is imperative to replenish the supply of calories. The list of allowed foods includes only those that meet the requirements of a special diet.

  1. Proteins should be no more than 1/10-1/5 of the main diet.
  2. The fat content should not exceed 1/10 of the menu. Should be included in the diet more often vegetable fats.
  3. The main role is given to fruits and vegetables. They form the core of nutrition and are useful due to the content of a large amount of complex carbohydrates.
  4. It is necessary to significantly reduce the intake of glucose, animal fats.
  5. Indicated for breast cancer frequent use legumes and croup.

forbidden food

During chemotherapy for breast cancer (and after it), you will have to give up certain foods. The following products are excluded:

  1. The woman is not recommended to take fast carbohydrates. Them a large number of noted in pastries, sweets, sugar-based products.
  2. The diet involves a ban on the use of refined foods, as well as canned food. They contain a lot harmful substances, a useful elements in such food is practically non-existent.
  3. It is also important to completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages. The ban includes soda and juices with high content dyes and artificial ingredients.
  4. Negatively affects the body and coffee. It can cause the growth of scar tissue, which will adversely affect the condition of the woman.
  5. It is also worth excluding pickling products and salty, smoked dishes.

What products are necessary?

The diet involves the inclusion in the diet of substances and dishes that normalize the functioning of the body during and after chemotherapy for cancer. mammary gland. It is recommended to use:

  • protein food;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy;
  • bread products;
  • cereals.

Among the products enriched with proteins, all types of nuts, beans and other legumes, and soy are noted. Among meat dishes it is worth highlighting chicken, pork, veal and beef. Be sure to eat fish.

All of the above products should be included in the diet, because they have an increased content of proteins and B vitamins. They should be consumed daily at least 2 times a day.

Fruits and vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. Dried fruits are also allowed. Among fruits, various citrus fruits are the most useful.

Particularly necessary during chemotherapy are various milk based products. It is important for a woman to enter into a diet dairy products(ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese), you can condensed milk. Various cheeses and butter are allowed. This group of products is important due to high content calcium, proteins and vitamin elements in the composition. Dairy products should be eaten at least twice a day.

It is worth monitoring the consumption of bread, cereals. A woman should eat buckwheat, oatmeal and oatmeal porridge, cookie. They contain carbohydrates and vitamin B1.

What foods help get rid of the disease

Before and after chemotherapy for breast cancer, it is important to eat foods that help eliminate affected cells and prevent the development of metastases. Cancer treatment becomes more effective when included in the diet:

You can cook dishes by adding eggplant, tomatoes to them. Radishes also have a beneficial effect.

Soy takes an important place in the diet after. Due to the high content of special substances, it is similar in action to Tamoxifen, a drug actively used to combat breast cancer.

It is worth highlighting products that help fight metastases. It is recommended to eat:

In the period after chemotherapy for a breast tumor, it is important for a woman to maintain a normal blood composition. The diet for blood purification involves the use of beetroot and carrot juice. These vegetables can be included in the diet in various forms.

Boost immune defense it is necessary by regularly taking vitamin C. It is found in currants, lemons, rose hips. They need to be included in the diet on an ongoing basis.

What can you drink?

After chemotherapy for a breast tumor, dehydration of the body is often observed. Drugs are not flushed out completely, causing the kidneys to suffer, become damaged, and do not function well. Therefore, it is important to follow the normalization water balance in the body.

If a woman does not suffer from swelling, then she should drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily. Allowed to drink:

  • juices from raspberries, lingonberries, tomatoes, carrots, beets;
  • purified water.

Nutrition before, during and after chemotherapy is one of the important components of the recovery program. It is important to carefully consider the diet, including all the necessary healthy foods.

Proper nutrition after chemotherapy for breast cancer will allow you to remove toxins, restore normal well-being and cope with fatigue. Oncological diseases- the scourge of modernity. Fortunately, on early stages they respond well to treatment. But the patient has to go through many painful and unpleasant procedures needed for recovery. One of them is chemotherapy. Pharmaceuticals allow to stop tumor growth, destroy local metastases and significantly accelerate recovery. After chemotherapy, it is important to support the body with all available means.

Treatment with pharmaceutical anticancer drugs leads to the development different kind side effects, which you can cope with, among other things, thanks to a balanced diet. During therapy, the body needs vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements more than ever.

A balanced diet is the basis wellness. There are certain principles on which healthy eating with chemotherapy:

  • Protein should be no less than 10% and no more than 20% in terms of the number of calories received. The fact is that protein has a high load on the liver and kidneys, and during and after treatment this load must be minimized.
  • Fat should be the same percentage of total number calories received. It is best to consume unsaturated vegetable fats (they are found in all vegetable oils) and discard excess animal fat.
  • The rest of the calories come from complex carbohydrates. It is better to refuse simple ones altogether.
  • Minimize the number of animals fatty foods as well as sugars.
  • Completely eliminate their diet of refined foods, conservation.
  • Eat at least 1500 grams of fruits and vegetables daily, in divided doses. Fruits and vegetables should be seasonal, but with maximum variety.
  • Fill your diet with anti-cancer foods.
  • Legumes and grains should be included in the daily diet.
  • It is necessary to take vitamin and mineral supplements, selected taking into account the characteristics of the body.
  • Observe drinking regimen- at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

There is such a thing as food groups. Nutrition during breast cancer chemotherapy and after a course of procedures must necessarily include products belonging to 4 food groups:

  1. Protein group
  2. Fruit and vegetable
  3. Dairy
  4. Bread and cereals

Protein group

Proteins are an essential, albeit small percentage, part of the diet. Quality protein can be obtained from legumes, nuts or lean meat, fish and seafood. All of these products will help not only to get the norm of protein, but also saturate the body with B vitamins.

eat food, rich in protein, preferably in two doses, in portions of 100 grams. So nutrients get better. Protein food can be combined with complex carbohydrates. It is important to ensure that the protein is obtained from plant foods or lean meat, fatty and fried foods are prohibited.

This group includes both raw vegetables and fruits, and thermally processed. They should make up the vast majority of the daily menu. It is important to eat fruits every day to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. It is recommended to consume 4-5 servings per day. The fruit and vegetable group also includes freshly squeezed juices (but by no means packaged), fruit and vegetable salads.

There are fruits and vegetables that are considered the most beneficial:

  • Citrus fruits (only in the absence of hyperacidity stomach and gastritis).
  • Cabbage - any, from white and cauliflower to broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
  • Beets, carrots.
  • Greens, the leader in the content of nutrients is spinach, followed by dill, parsley, celery and green onions.
  • Bulgarian pepper.

As for fruits, it is better to choose seasonal ones - in the northern regions there will be little benefit from a mango bought in December.


This group includes all products prepared on the basis of milk - from condensed milk to ryazhenka and butter. The basic principle is this: sour-milk products are especially useful. low fat foods. It is important to ensure that the product is fat-free, as animal fats must be excluded from the diet.

Fermented milk products are recommended to be consumed daily in two servings - they are a source of calcium, protein and B vitamins. One serving is considered a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, a piece of cheese. You need to be careful with cheeses - salty and spicy varieties are prohibited.

Cereals and bread

The grain and cereal group includes cereals, grain products (including those made from processed grain, such as cereals), and bread. The most useful porridge is buckwheat, oatmeal.

Bread and cereals group allows you to make up for the deficiency of vitamins. Porridges are also good because they are completely absorbed even in a weakened body and allow you to avoid weight loss. You need to consume products of this group in 4 servings per day. For a portion take 200 ml or 200 g of the finished product.

Do not neglect bread - it allows you to maintain body weight. Bread and biscuits can be consumed in 4 portions per day, one biscuit or 1 piece of bread is taken per serving.

If the patient begins to lose weight, first of all they try to increase the calorie content of the diet precisely due to the grain and cereal group.

Drinking regime

Chemotherapy leads to dehydration of the body. Due to the lack of water, metabolic processes are disrupted. One of the tasks proper diet– make up for the lack of fluid to prevent damage to the kidneys. Platinum-based chemotherapy drugs have a particularly serious effect on the kidneys.

If there are problems with the urinary system, then the drinking regimen must be compiled together with the attending physician. If there are no problems, then the main recommendation is at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

  • Mineral non-carbonated water at room temperature.
  • Green tea.
  • Juices - from fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • Milk drinks.

It is not uncommon for chemotherapy to have a specific taste problem: Patients cannot drink water because they think it tastes strange. Fluid still needs to be consumed in the recommended amount. good way out- broths. They will help restore electrolyte balance and make it easier to drink the right amount.

Vitamins and trace elements

Vitamins and trace elements are important for healthy person. For a patient on chemotherapy, the intake of these substances is crucial for well-being. Vitamins must be taken both during and after the course.

To many, large dosages may seem strange, but in fact, less than 10% of the vitamins that are taken in the form of supplements will be absorbed in the body.

It is necessary to take:

  • Vitamin C. This is one of the strongest antioxidants. It prevents the formation of free radicals. This is the name of molecules that are able to attach to cell membranes and damage them, causing cell death. free radicals are released in large quantities in cancer. Vitamin C should be taken at a dosage of 10-12 g per day. It is best absorbed in solid crystalline form.
  • Vitamin E. It is especially important in breast cancer, it reduces the risk of recurrence and has a proven antitumor activity. Taken at a dosage of 100 IU, if necessary, it can be increased by 8 times. You can increase the dose only under the supervision of a specialist, since an overdose of vitamin E can adversely affect the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the work of blood vessels. When taking, it is recommended to seize supplements with vitamin bread or cookies.
  • Selenium. It is one of the strongest antioxidants. Has an antitumor effect. If selenium is taken together with vitamins E and C, then the dosage of the latter can be reduced. Selenium is taken at a dosage of 100-150 mcg every day.
  • Vitamin D. Recommended daily dose is 500 IU. Vitamin D is taken with calcium. When taking a vitamin, walking is recommended. fresh air. This vitamin can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Vitamins are taken every day, in the recommended dosage, from the first day of chemotherapy and several months after the course. Doesn't have special significance which vitamin and mineral complex to choose. However, most experts agree that different groups vitamins must be taken separately - this rule is followed by many manufacturers of dietary supplements.

Prohibited Products

There is certain products which must be strictly excluded from the diet for the entire period of treatment:

  • Coffee, strong tea, chocolate.
  • Cocoa and foods high in cocoa beans.
  • Coca Cola, Pepsi and other caffeinated drinks.
  • Dishes from the liver of animals and fish.
  • Pickled and canned vegetables and fruits.
  • Spicy, smoked and fatty foods.
  • Alcohol.

Compliance with the diet will help maintain strength in the fight against the disease. Right products- an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that the body needs during and after a course of chemotherapy.

The principle of this method of treatment is the use of cytostatics, i.e., drugs that have an antitumor effect. They are usually administered by intravenous drip infusion or orally (in the form of tablets). Chemotherapy is considered a "systemic" form of treatment, since cytostatics, entering the bloodstream, inhibit the growth of possible cancer cells in all organs, not just in the breast.


Treatment of breast cancer with anticancer drugs leads to various side effects.

To prevent their development or for treatment, a number of drugs should be taken, and a certain diet should also be observed, which in itself is also a help in the fight against cancer, since the good condition of the patient is the key to successful chemotherapy.

As already mentioned, balanced diet- part of the treatment of breast cancer, therefore, making up daily menu should adhere to the following principles:

The amount of protein should be 10-20% of the total calories received. A large amount of protein increases the load on the kidneys and liver.

Fats should also be 10-20%, while it is best to use unsaturated vegetable fats (they are found in vegetable oils).

Complex carbohydrates must be obtained 60-80%.

The daily diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, they should be eaten at least five times a day for 600-1000 g (8-9 different types).

Introduce foods that help fight cancer into your diet.

Grains and legumes should be eaten every day.

Reduce the amount of food that is of animal origin, as well as sugar and fat.

Exclude refined products, canned food.

Drink plenty of liquid.

Required product groups

Nutrition after and during chemotherapy should include foods from 4 groups:

  • protein;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • dairy;
  • bread and cereal.

Intraductal breast cancer symptoms.


The goal of chemotherapy is the direct destruction malignant cells through the reception strong drugs. Them active substances not only fight cancerous tumors, but also damage healthy cells, which negatively affects the functioning of the organs. Main side effect during chemotherapy is gastrointestinal tract, Bone marrow and hairline.

Adverse symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract:

nausea, vomiting;
loss of appetite;

From the bone marrow:

anemia (anemia, characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells), fast fatiguability, depression, depression;

Chemotherapy significantly worsens the state of immunity, the body becomes more susceptible to infections, diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and others may occur. internal organs. However, with the development of medicine, new drugs appear that more accurately and more accurately affect cancer cells without causing harm healthy organs. After finishing chemotherapy side syndromes usually disappear quickly. Maximum strings duration unpleasant symptoms is up to two years.


"Red" chemotherapy is the philistine name for therapy using anthracycline drugs (epirubicin, doxorubicin). Solutions of these funds are distinguished by a pronounced red color.

Following this logic, treatment with mitoxantrone should be called “blue”, treatment with cyclophosphamide or fluorouracil should be called “yellow”, and therapy with taxol should be called “white” chemotherapy.

The use of "red" chemotherapy drugs is recognized as the most toxic of all chemotherapy options for complex application funds. This issue has not yet been fully studied, however, it has been noted that each "red" drug with independent application does not have excessive toxicity, and the combined use of "red" chemotherapeutic agents can affect a large number of side effects.

For the above reasons, experts recommend conducting chemotherapy courses alternately with "red" and, for example, "yellow" drugs in order to enhance the versatile effect on cancer cells and reduce the burden on the patient's body.


There are chemotherapy drugs for breast cancer that have positive action to the recovery process. So, alkylating substances are included in the list of these agents. In their mechanism of action, they are similar to radiation. They contribute to the destruction of proteins that control the development of tumor cell genes. by the most prominent representative This category of drugs is cyclophosphamide.

Other medications called antimetabolites. These drugs "deceive" the cancer cell, easily integrating into its genetic apparatus. Then, when the cell divides, it dies. One of the most popular drugs is 5-fluorouracil. In addition, it is also used newest drug- gemser.

Antibiotics. It should be noted right away that they are not at all similar to traditional means. These are special anti-cancer antibiotics. Their mechanism of action is to completely slow down the division of genes. The most common drug is adriamycin. It is often combined with Cytoxan.

Taxanes. These agents actively act on microtubules. These drugs include paclitaxel and docetaxel. The drugs facilitate the assembly of microtubules from tubulin dime and stabilize them. In this case, the process of their depolymerization is completely excluded.

All of these drugs are effective. But chemotherapy for breast cancer still requires an individual selection of medications. After all, much depends on the condition of the woman, the tumor and other factors.


It is necessary to follow a diet both during and after breast chemotherapy. A well-chosen diet has been proven to eliminate the danger re-development cancerous tumor and also serves as a preventative excess weight, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Incidentally, the absence extra pounds- this is big chance avoid the recurrence of cancer in the future. Given this fact, the diet after breast chemotherapy in some patients may be aimed at getting rid of excess weight.

Among the generally accepted advice on diet food after breast chemotherapy, the following can be distinguished:

the daily amount of calories is calculated depending on body weight: if present overweight, the caloric content of the diet is reduced;

most of the main diet should be herbal products food and cereals;

it is useful to add bran and fiber to food;

preference should be given to vegetable oils;

eat foods rich in calcium;

forget about alcohol and smoking;

limit the use of sugar, salt, red meat and canned food, as well as foods with preservatives, dyes, flavors and stabilizers.

Pay attention to foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin E, selenium.


This procedure, depending on the purpose and timing, is divided into several types and may be as follows:

neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer - is prescribed before surgery (it is aimed at stopping tumor growth in order to ensure the least possible tissue trauma and maximum complete removal her during surgery);

adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. It is prescribed after surgery, as additional view treatment (it ensures the death of all possibly remaining cells, especially when they have metastasized to other tissues);

therapeutic (such chemotherapy is prescribed for stage 3 and 4 breast cancer, i.e. when malignant neoplasm very large and the presence of distant metastases was revealed);

prophylactic (carried out with the aim of recurrence of the disease).


Recovery after chemotherapy takes long time and is voluminous: you need to gradually restore disturbed systems, as well as create for the body favorable conditions so that he himself tried to regulate his work.

The most dangerous and large-scale defeat due to chemotherapy suffers circulatory system. Often the number of leukocytes is disturbed, because of which the patient suffers from infectious, fungal and bacterial diseases.

How to increase white blood cells after chemotherapy?

For this, it is assigned special diet after chemotherapy, whose diet is rich in mussels, walnuts, beets, carrots, light broths on chicken meat or beef, as well as stewed fish and vegetables.

The fact is that one of the main building materials in the body is easily digestible protein, and recovery after chemotherapy is therefore Special attention during this period should be given meat products. It is advisable to use the meat of animals that are grown on natural feed.

To raise the level of leukocytes, there is another way, medication. Drugs such as: granacyt, neupogen, leukogen, imunofan and polyoxidonium increase the level of leukocytes.

It is optimal for recovery to combine diet and medications.

Other rehabilitation measures are aimed at restoring the affected organs and are individual.

During the passage of chemotherapy to get rid of breast cancer, the body of a woman quickly weakens. Nutrition organized after chemotherapy procedures should be adjusted. To replenish the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, doctors recommend eating healthy foods.

Nutrition before chemotherapy

What symptoms should be paid attention to in order not to miss the development of breast cancer, see the picture:

At the beginning of preparation for chemotherapy, the patient should change the diet:

  • Eliminate large amounts of fat;
  • Protein foods should make up 10% of the food volume per day;
  • Give preference to those products that do not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Watch a video with a story about what risk factors exist for the development of breast cancer, the symptoms of the disease and diagnostic methods:

Problems of nutrition after chemotherapy

The most main feature the process of eating - eat often, but in small portions. And in order to cleanse the body of the received in large doses chemistry, it is necessary to drink liquid, at least 2 liters per day.

Key Post-Exposure Diet Tasks chemicals for breast cancer are:

  • Saturation of the body with the necessary amount of nutrients to eliminate negative consequences from the therapy;
  • Increase the protective barriers of the body for self fight with cancer cells
  • Reducing the degree of intoxication;
  • Increasing the rate of tissue renewal.

The main requirement for creating the necessary diet after chemotherapy for breast cancer for a woman is to take into account all contributing factors(age, stage of disease, whether there is hormonal disbalance the patient, whether there are additional diseases, etc.).

It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to organize the nutrition of a woman at the time of chemotherapy based on the rules healthy lifestyle of life, with a certain adjustment for the presence of cancer:

  • It is necessary to reduce the level of fats to 30% of the daily calorie content, to exclude foods that contain refractory fats;
  • Limit the consumption of red meat in any form;
  • The diet for chemotherapy for breast cancer should be dominated by cereals, seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • It is necessary to exclude the amount of sugar;
  • Additionally apply vitamin complexes containing vitamin D, A, E (only after agreement with the attending physician).

Do a breast self-examination! Keep a memo with hints so as not to lose:

What food should be eaten?

In order to reduce development malignant tumor it is necessary, in addition to the prescribed course of treatment, to adjust your diet. There is a group of food products, the use of which favorably affects the course of therapy and is included in the diet for breast cancer chemotherapy:

  1. Have anti-cancer effect different kinds nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews), fresh vegetables(tomato, eggplant, pumpkin), seasonal fruits (citrus, kiwi), seafood, soy, olive oil.
  2. Allow to reduce the growth of metastasis cabbage, foods containing fatty acids ( oily fish e.g. mackerel, cod), garlic.
  3. Beets and carrots are engaged in the process of cleansing the blood from chemistry.
  4. Reduce cholesterol apples, avocados, beans, greens and others.

Rules for organizing proper nutrition after chemotherapy

These guidelines should be followed by all women who have undergone chemotherapy as part of their breast cancer treatment. These include:

  • A complete ban on eating any fast food;
  • Food that has been fried should be excluded from the diet;
  • It is necessary to add cereals to the diet;
  • Food should be fractional. Overeating negatively affects healing.

As products that are banned are:

  • Liver;
  • Vegetables high in nitrates;
  • Spicy dishes;
  • Canned food, as well as all products that contain vinegar;
  • Coffee, black strong tea;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Flour products, sweet carbonated drinks.

In many women who have had chemotherapy for breast cancer, the drugs used in the treatment can cause anorexia, changes in taste preferences, nausea and vomiting. After the procedures, the level of leukocytes decreases, immunity weakens. Therefore, nutrition should be aimed at improving the patient's condition and attenuating side effects after chemotherapy.

The diet during rehabilitation after therapy should replenish the protein component. It is necessary to increase the number of calories consumed per day.

What foods protect us from cancer? Look at the picture:

Sample menu after chemotherapy treatment

The recommendations issued by specialists must be systematized into a specific diet that will be used by the patient. An approximate menu for the day, taking into account all the requirements of oncologists, may look like this:

  1. Breakfast - porridge on the water with the addition of milk (proportion 60/40). The drink is green tea.
  2. First snack - toast rye bread with curd cheese. Compote.
  3. Lunch is light soup on water or chicken broth. On the second - stewed vegetables and turkey meat.
  4. Snack - a handful of almonds.
  5. Dinner - potato casserole, a slice of whole grain bread, compote.
  6. Immediately before going to bed, you should drink kefir with low content fat or natural yogurt without additives.

Nutrition in the postoperative period

After surgery to eliminate a cancerous tumor, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for catering. Due to the fact that a mastectomy is an invasive procedure that takes place under general anesthesia, the patient after it should be in a state of complete calm. Table No. 0 is prescribed for such patients. He says that there is a complete restriction from any food in solid form, as well as from salt. You can use broths, dairy products with a low fat content.

After a couple of days after the operation, it is necessary to supplement the diet with permitted foods.

Catering during radiotherapy

Radiation therapy is one way to target cancer cells in the breast. At the same time, the diet after it, although it does not differ from that recommended for other methods of treatment, contains a number of features.

To begin with, oncologists strongly recommend preparing for the radiotherapy a week before the first session. It is necessary to exclude from the diet beans, dairy products, cabbage. This category of products gives excessive gas formation in the stomach.

With direct radiation therapy, you need to include in the diet:

  • Various varieties of greens;
  • Walnuts;
  • Meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • Berries and seasonal fruits;
  • Liquid cereals;

A similar regimen must be followed during the entire course of therapy and an additional couple of weeks after its completion. Subsequently, sour-milk products, meat, vegetable fats are introduced into feeding. . It is necessary to take into account the reaction of the organism to innovations.

The diet for breast cancer should include an hourly (every 2-3 hours or 5-6 times a day) diet. Portions should be minimal. To rid the body of toxins, carcinogens and excess drugs and metabolic products, a drinking regimen should be established - at least 1.5-2 liters of water, including non-carbonated mineral water.

Proper nutrition for cancer patients

The diet for breast cancer should be aimed at weight loss, which helps prevent recurrence of breast cancer, increase the chances of survival and improve the quality of life. After chemotherapy or radiotherapy, patients usually gain weight, so it is impossible to increase the amount of food until the end of treatment. Losing weight will reduce: the risk of increased levels of fat, insulin in the blood and symptoms of cancer.

You can not break the hourly diet and do not eat food in the absence of appetite in the treatment of cancer. During this period, the body is in dire need useful material, vitamins and microelements - forces to fight the disease.

Important! Vegetables that can be eaten raw do not need to be cooked.

To increase your chances of recovery, you should:

  • reduce daily calorie content diet by 1/3, limiting carbohydrate foods;
  • increase by 1/3 the content of protein foods;
  • Consume five or more fruit and vegetable servings daily, including fresh juices
  • raise physical activity due to exercise therapy and half-hour hiking"fast pace" in green areas;
  • Practice restorative yoga whenever possible.

Prohibited Products

About what you can not eat with breast cancer, you need to know how the multiplication table in the fight against the disease. Can't eat:

  • refractory fats, margarines, butter;
  • fatty dairy products, rich broths, fried meat and fish, so as not to replenish the body with fat cells, carcinogens that aggravate health in the treatment of cancer;
  • smoked meats, marinades, canned food and semi-finished products, fast foods;
  • products: tinted with GMOs and flavors;
  • salty and spicy dishes, too sweet;
  • pickled vegetables and fruits, home and store preservation, especially with table vinegar;
  • muffin, products made from white flour, fresh pastries;
  • mushroom dishes, including soups;
  • salted and processed cheese;
  • chocolate and coffee;
  • packaged nipple, sweet store-bought drinks;
  • alcoholic beverages along with smoking.

Informative video on the topic: "Nutrition and breast cancer"

The diet for breast cancer after surgery is selected individually and is aimed at minimizing the load on the kidneys and liver. During chemotherapy and radiation, these organs work hard - remove harmful carcinogens. Fat in foods will be required per day - 90 g (20% of all calories), including 30 g - vegetable. Proteins need only 80 g / day (10-20% of all calories), so you can include in the diet a small amount of beef or veal, lean pork and cottage cheese, sea fish and eggs. soy is great vegetable source proteins, it removes radionuclides. Therefore, it is recommended to include soy dishes in nutrition during radiation therapy of the mammary gland (daily 30 g / day vegetable protein). With a combination of products from grains and legumes, vegetables and herbs, you can get the protein in the right amount.

Sugar consumption is reduced to 30-40 g / day, including its presence in products. If you are not allergic to honey, it is preferable to include it in your food instead of sugar. Starch, fiber and pectins in products are needed in the amount of 350 g / day. Porridge should be cooked from buckwheat and oatmeal, rarely - from semolina. At normal acidity you need to eat bread with bran.

To stimulate the work of the gallbladder and intestines, vegetables and fruits (60-80% of all calories) are needed, rich in fiber, natural antioxidants - vitamin C and beta-carotene. Red and yellow vegetables and fruits contain bioflavonoids that restore cell membranes. It is important to include them in the diet for breast cancer after chemotherapy, as well as after radiation exposure.

For the restoration of cell membranes, substances are needed that are in fish oil or low-fat varieties fish. To replenish the blood with potassium and enhance the excretory function of the kidneys, you should eat dried apricots and raisins, and to replenish with microelements - sea ​​kale. It is especially important to include them in the diet for breast cancer chemotherapy.

Improve appetite glass fresh juice from tomatoes or a sour apple half an hour before meals. It is good to start the day with a glass mineral water without gas:

  1. at decreased secretion- "Mirgorodskaya";
  2. with increased secretion - "Truskavetskaya".

Diet for breast cancer chemotherapy with a variety food products and enough fluid intake improves the condition of the body. You can not undereat, because due to fatigue, headaches and dizziness, the body loses its ability to resist. Then there are infections that prevent effective treatment oncology.

Nutrition for stage 1 breast cancer should purify the blood, therefore, in daily diet you need to include beets, carrots and juices from them with the addition of apple juice.

You can lower your cholesterol levels with:

  • apples, avocados, walnuts, herbs;
  • oatmeal, beans, buckwheat;
  • olive oil, sea ​​fish and seafood.

Nutrition for stage 2 breast cancer should provide anticancer effect using products:

  • vegetables (eggplants and tomatoes, pumpkins and radishes, turnips and bell peppers, soybeans, ginger and herbs);
  • fruits (dates, kiwi, grapefruit, oranges);
  • nuts (Brazilian and walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds);
  • cereals (buckwheat and brown rice);
  • seafood, linseed and olive oil;
  • green tea and pumpkin seeds.

To block metastases, you need to eat the following foods:

  1. cabbage of all kinds;
  2. fatty fish: herring, mackerel and cod;
  3. bright green and bright yellow vegetables and garlic.

To maintain immunity, berries and fruits with great content vitamin C. They are found in rose hips, currants, lemon and others. And also in juices: tomato, orange, carrot, pumpkin, apple.

Breast cancer in women may be accompanied by osteoporosis, especially after chemotherapy and antihormonal therapy. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the body with vitamin D. It is found in fish oil, cod liver, tuna, sardines, salmon, herring, eggs and hard cheese. Vitamin D regulates the balance of calcium in the blood, so calcium should be added to the diet daily - 2 g for all women and 2.1 g for after menopause.

Important! Consumption of products with fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in fish: halibut, salmon, herring, mackerel, as well as in vegetable oils, walnuts, flaxseed. Flax seeds are also rich dietary fiber, magnesium, selenium, vitamin E and phytoestrogen - useful in the treatment of breast cancer. But you need to eat up to 30 g of flax seeds per day (about 5 tsp), but no more, so as not to cause laxative effect, worsen the absorption of drugs in the intestines and delay the action of anti-clotting drugs: Aspirin and Coumadin.

Conclusion. Breast cancer in women should be treated with comprehensive progressive methods, including a complete and balanced diet from fresh and useful products for the life of the organism.

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