Why late-night conversations are more sincere. How to stop talking in your sleep. Independent actions in the fight against talking in a dream

Talking during sleep (somniloquia) is not uncommon. Many children between the ages of 3 and 10 babble at night. Quite often, such kalyakanie occurs with them several times a week. In adolescents, nocturnal speech activity is observed during puberty, then subsides. However, some persist throughout life. It is believed that up to 5% of adults, and the majority are men, are prone to sleeping.

Everyone, I think, is familiar with such a feature of some of their relatives and friends as talking in a dream. Those who served in the army should know this well. When the soldiers sleep, one of them is sure to talk: one whispers something, another mutters, the third groans, and some just smack their lips.

A specific case from army life. The soldier slept very soundly and talked in his sleep. During the two years of army service, rather piquant stories happened to him on this basis more than once. One winter, guarding warehouses, he leaned against a pine tree and fell asleep with a machine gun in his hand. And so he stood, whispering something, until he was replaced. Another time he jumped up sleepily on the rise and, still continuing to talk in his sleep, fell between the bed and the bedside table, badly breaking his face.

There is an opinion that when a person talks in a dream and ask him a question on the topic of conversation, he will respond. The soldier's colleagues decided to test this theory in practice. When he began to mutter sleepily, they began to communicate with him. At first he answered, and then suddenly sent everyone to "three cheerful letters." In the morning he was asked about the night incident. The soldier just shrugged his shoulders in bewilderment. Apart from sleep-talking, no other oddities were noticed behind him. He performed his service well.

Talking during sleep is a type of parasomnia, a behavioral response of the body during falling asleep or a deep sleepy state. However, doctors do not consider such a situation to be a fatal deviation in the violation of the central nervous system. Therefore, such a "conversational" practice is not considered a serious disease.

Although in this case there may be a malfunction of the speech center, located in the left temporal lobe of the brain, and the hypothalamus, which is responsible for normal sleep.

It is not known exactly why people in a sleepy state conduct "confidential" conversations. And how frank they are is also unclear. There is an opinion that "talkative in the night" can give out certain secrets, but not everyone agrees with this.

Usually a night conversation is short, a few minutes at most, but can be repeated several times during the night. Such people are not aggressive and do not pose a danger to those nearby, however, they interfere with sleep with their mumbling.

Psychologists believe that a person speaks only about what he experienced during the day. If the experience is very strong, let's say the situation was stressful, at night it can pop up on the "tip of the tongue." Another approach is that talking in a dream provokes hereditary diseases. Sometimes such a talker is a lunatic, he rises from the bed, moves his arms and legs, tries to walk.

It's important to know! If a person talks in his sleep, this does not mean at all that he is seriously ill. He could have a difficult day at work, after which he could not sleep well.

Reasons for talking in your sleep

The root cause of talking in a dream is a dysfunction in the work of the parts of the brain responsible for sleep and speech. Such a disorder does not depend on what phase of sleep the night talker is in - fast or slow (deep). The latter, in turn, goes through 4 states: drowsiness (falling asleep), spindles (medium depth sleep), delta (no dreams) and deep delta sleep (complete loss of consciousness). At almost any of these stages, “speech incontinence” can begin. When, logically, the sleeper should be calm, since all processes in the body slow down, for reasons that are not entirely clear, a failure may occur. A child or an adult suddenly “talks”.

Why do children talk in their sleep

Very small children in a sleepy state speak because they develop speech. In 50% of boys and girls from 3 to 10 years old, nocturnal talkativeness is associated with instability of the nervous system. The child emotionally experiences everything that happened to him during the day. Let's say he ran a lot, played pranks, cursed, fought with friends, he had trouble at school, received a thrashing from his parents or witnessed their quarrel.

Not necessarily the child is overwhelmed only with negative emotions, there may be joyful ones. On his birthday, he was given many gifts, he had fun, for example, he visited the circus. Going to bed still “not cold”, the baby “splashes out” his daytime experiences by babbling or screaming at night.

In childhood, sleep-talking is often associated with sleepwalking, but this is not yet a sign of illness.

Growing up, many children stop talking during sleep, as their nervous system and psyche become more stable.

Why do adults talk in their sleep

Talking in a dream in adults is associated with a disorder of the phases and stages of sleep. Often the cause of this is stress, which is accompanied by restless shallow sleep, when fears are often tormented. Another factor is hereditary or acquired in the course of life diseases, injuries. Bad habits also provoke late-night talking.

Consider the reasons for talking in a dream in adults in more detail. These may be:

  • depressive state. Strong emotional experiences associated with personal life or work, for example, a quarrel with household members or colleagues, depress the psyche and nervous system. Sleep is disturbed and becomes superficial, restless. Night terrors make you scream and talk.
  • neuroses. Neuropsychiatric disorders are often accompanied by sleep disturbance, which manifests itself in sleep-speaking.
  • Painful condition. For example, pneumonia is accompanied by high fever, delirium, incoherent mumbling. Enuresis, when frequently waking up to go to the bathroom, can also cause late-night talking.
  • Impressionability. Overly emotional natures sleep restlessly and often talk in their sleep. This is due to the fact that the brain cells responsible for sleep do not “turn off”, but are in a waking state. This is often preceded by great psychological and physical stress.
  • brain injury. Damage due to illness or contusion of the hemispheres of the brain, where the centers responsible for sleep and speech are located, can be affected by talking at night.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. When the disease captures not only the brain, but also the spinal cord.
  • Bad habits. A late hearty dinner, drinking large quantities of strong tea or coffee “for the coming sleep”, excessive alcohol consumption, drugs - all this provokes people to talk in a dream.
  • Medications. Antipsychotics or tranquilizers, other medications that, if overdosed or combined with alcohol, can cause a hallucinatory state, accompanied by talking in a dream.
  • Insomnia. May be intentional when forcibly deprived of sleep. This ends with a severe mental condition in which night-talking develops. Or when they deliberately limit peace, for example, they work a lot. Lack of proper rest can cause speech incontinence in the short-term phase of sleep.
  • heavy news. For example, a tragic message about the death of a loved one. Watching horror movies also gives some people nightmares and conversations.
  • Aggression. When a person is in an excited, angry state and does not calm down, at night this may erupt with a cry.
  • Severe mental illness. Often, mentally ill people behave inappropriately, in the middle of the night they can sit up in bed and talk.
  • Bad heredity. It is most often transmitted through the male line. If parents talked in a dream, this is very likely to be passed on to children.

It's important to know! In most cases, nightly conversations of adults are not a sign of illness. Rather, it is due to nervous strain.

The main symptoms of people talking in a dream

The main external sign of people talking in a dream is night speech. Regardless of age and gender. The person mutters something, although it seems that he is sleeping and often lies quietly in bed. But there are times when the sleeper jumps up, screams loudly and waves his arms. This causes reasonable concern of others.

External factors suffering from "night incontinence of speech" can be as follows:

  1. Emotional excitability. If a person is constantly in an excited state, it is more likely that he is a night talker. This is especially true for children.
  2. Oppression. When the mood leaves much to be desired and this condition continues for a long time, it can excite sleep-talking.
  3. viciousness. Evil people often take out their dislike in nightly conversations with an imaginary enemy.
  4. Grinding teeth. It may be an external factor in talkativeness in a sleepy state.
  5. Sleepwalking. A person who walks in a dream often talks in this state.
  6. mental illness. It is often an external cause of nighttime conversations.
  7. Alcoholism and drug addiction. People who abuse alcohol and drugs often talk in their sleep.
  8. neurotic personality. When a person is dissatisfied with everything, this is a mild mental disorder that can manifest itself in a conversation at night with oneself or an imaginary interlocutor.

It's important to know! People who talk in their sleep often suffer from a mild neurosis that does not need special treatment, but can be corrected on its own.

Ways to deal with talking in your sleep

In most cases, special treatment for talking in a dream is not required. Yes, it is, in fact, not. What then to do? Yes, nothing, if the nightly "debates" do not cause big trouble to the one who debates, and his relatives. This should be treated philosophically calmly, they say, in life it can be worse. Especially if, having spoken out at night, in the morning a person gets up fresh and cheerful. Although it is not a sin to try to "run away" from your problem.

Independent actions in the fight against talking in a dream

If nighttime conversations alone with yourself cause discomfort after waking up, for example, relatives reproachfully say about it, they say, “it was noisy again at night”, you can try to get rid of them using such a simple technique as keeping a diary.

It is necessary to scrupulously record everything about sleep in it: what you ate (a) and drank (a) at night, how you slept, what dreams you had, woke up rested (she) or not. Be sure to note the impressions of the past day - they left a good or bad sediment in the shower. After analyzing your records for the month, you need to understand what should be discarded so that you feel good after waking up in the morning.

Whether the “diary method” will work or not, relatives will tell you. They will definitely notice that the nightly idle talk has become infrequent or has completely stopped.

Some useful tips for those who want to get rid of talking in their sleep on their own:

  • Take care of your nerves! They will still come in handy in life. Try to take things calmly. Someone may be much worse off than you.
  • Don't stay up late watching TV. Before going to bed, it is better to take a walk in the fresh air.
  • The bedroom must be ventilated. It’s good if it has a pleasant smell, for example, of your favorite flowers.
  • No serious business late at night! This will only excite and bring restless sleep. The best evening unloading exercise is sex. This is a guarantee of sound and deep sleep. But we should not forget that everything needs a measure. What's over is too much!
If your child is a "night grumbler", do not tell him scary stories at night and do not allow him to watch "demonic" films. Give him benevolent and calm information before going to bed. It should be remembered that children's nighttime talkativeness in the vast majority of cases passes without a trace for health.

It's important to know! It is necessary to be tolerant of a person suffering from “bedwetting of the tongue”. He should not be scolded, he needs help to get rid of his problem.

Medical treatment for talking in your sleep

Severe cases of sleep-talking require medical attention. This is primarily due to hereditary factors. Let's say that parents talked at night in the family, the child also became a "nightingale" and cannot get rid of his "singing" on his own.

Factors when you need to see a specialist about the treatment of sleep talking may be:

  1. Bad feeling. Feeling tired and tired in the morning after getting up, sleepy during the day.
  2. Late night conversations interfere with others. When you constantly have to hear reproaches and even abuse.
  3. Prolonged and frequent sleeping. It lasts a long time, repeating several times a night and a week. It can be aggressive - with screams and swearing, because fears torment you in a dream.
  4. Sleepwalking. Sleepy talks and sleepwalks in the bedroom, may even go outside.
  5. Sleep talk began in adulthood. This is evidence that a serious pathology has appeared, the cause of which must be established by the doctor after a comprehensive medical examination.
In all such episodes of talking in a dream, medical attention should be provided. It consists in the appointment of special medications and the passage of a course of psychotherapy.

Treatment can be outpatient or in a particularly severe case in a hospital. Based on the history, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, which is usually offered to patients with psychosis. It consists of psychotropic drugs - neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as psychotherapy sessions.

Significant psychotherapeutic assistance can be provided by cognitive-cognitive therapy (CBT), gestalt therapy. Sometimes it can be hypnosis. All these techniques are aimed at overcoming the root causes that make a person have nightly conversations.

Having clarified the causes of the disease, the patient, with the help of a psychotherapist, as a result of various methods, for example, in communicating with others like himself, tries to change his attitude to the problem in order to overcome it. Of course, he will succeed only if he is very interested in it. And then the necessary effect will definitely be, but how long is the question. After all, the mechanism of speaking in a dream is not fully understood.

How to get rid of talking in a dream - look at the video:

Talking in a dream is not considered a serious disease by doctors. In children and adolescents, they are frequent, but with growing up, as a rule, they pass without harm to health. One in four adults talk in bed at night. When such "heartfelt conversations" do not cause any inconvenience to anyone, this is the norm. If they create certain difficulties, you can try to "bite your tongue" yourself. However, there are cases of pathology when medical attention is needed. Whether it will be effective, only treatment can show. He must be hoped for. Hope, as you know, always dies last.

Sleepless nights, night talk
About the most pleasant and expensive:
About the house, about children, fathers, mothers,
What was, what will be
What is wrong with us.
We'll post all the news
Let's drink tea.
"Will you be with jam?"
"Oh no, then I..."
"Let's have a drink then.
For a glass of wine..."
"What are you?"
"Yes, I'd like a beer..."
And closer to dawn
We will yawn.
Eyes on the wall
They will wander sleepily.
"Well, what? Time to sleep?"
"Yes, let's go."
Then, as always,
Let's press escape together.

I can not forget you -
does not work...
A thread stretched to the hearts
does not break.
Drink your sadness with wine -
doesn't get drunk.
In a dream I wanted to be with you -

Looking at the moon at night
- Find him.
- Let him see a dream about me,
I whisper at the window.
And my bed is cold
warm me.
Touch me with your palms
giving fire.
Name the wind
I will hear.
In your eyes I will be reflected
with the dawn of the day.
Burning tears run
cursing fate.

I'm here! I wait! Well...

First door:
- They brought me from Poland ...
And now ... There is no more happiness ... -
The superdoor rumbled. -
Nerves, pens - at the limit ...
So teenagers are tired ...
They don't let you live in peace
So kicking hurts!
Second door:
- In the world, do you think there is no happiness ?!
Please erase random features!
After all, happiness is not beyond the clouds!
I'll give you one simple piece of advice:
Believe me, if they don't kick you,
That means happy, happy you.
Third door:
Creaks, mocking, tired door,

Conversation is casual conversation.
He is sometimes calm, sometimes absurd.
Sometimes, turning into an argument,
Sometimes crazy and scandalous.
Changed into a scream, turns into a quarrel.
There is an idle conversation and a forced one.
What makes you speak when you want to be silent.
And there is no strength to say something, and desire too.
There are too many conversations in the world.
Gossip, squabbles and gossip.
But there is also a wonderful conversation,
About love and friendship
Loyalty and honor.
Conversation of old friends
And comrades...

Conversations, gossip, disputes:
How tired I am of them!
To reprisal the language is fast,
If it became very long.

Each and every discussion
And a harsh sentence:
Everyone deserves condemnation
After all, everyone has rubbish in the corners.

After all, at least one mote,
Can be found in everyone.
Add dirt, kicking with a word,
And then raise a laugh.

How embarrassing is that
When the word is easy to give,
With the same ease back
They will take it away, while lying.

Conversations, gossip, disputes:
Filth and abomination lives in them!
I won't stoop to...

Talk about nothing, like movement without a goal.
The wind drives a leaf, he does not know where.
Frightened by the footsteps, the birds took off noisily.
High water - the water in the river became muddy.

The Earth continues its run around the Sun.
Together with her, we fly through Eternity and Space.
Summer, autumn, winter - and again white snow.
Like a leaf in the wind - we run through life.

The cloud in the sky burst into tears, it became dark.
The bright day became dim, the blue sky became gray.
There will be what should be - what is destined to be.
The wandering wind is calling...

I like talking on the phone at night, with a person I don’t really know ... After all, such a person can tell a lot, argue, and possibly reconsider what positions I have ... in the end, each such communication can bring a lot of benefits - after all, truth is born in a dispute ! Why at night? It's hard to say... Maybe because the night is conducive to sincere and real conversations. Why with a stranger - yes, because your close people will not always be able to tell you the truth ... they will not be able to open up, as another person will do ... in general, I really like it)))

15/07/05, big cock
I love to talk at night with a good / good / interlocutor / interlocutor /, fortunately there are such, few, but, fortunately, there are, fate gave them to me, for which I thank her very much!

17/07/05, Sofia
I love talking on the phone. And why it is more pleasant to do it at night I can not say. I just put candles in beautiful candlesticks on the bedside table, light a fire and dial, for example, the number of one of my close friends, or my mother's or ... HIM!!! And we chat about something very, very secret. At night, on the phone, I am not afraid to give out a couple of my secrets to my beloved, or to a good companion, or to my dear mother. It's great to be trusted. I love talking on the phone at night in an inexplicably exciting romantic setting!

11/12/05, Rhone
Hmmm, I spent many nights with a telephone receiver behind my ear. Golden time :) And why not, in any case, I do not sleep, if the interlocutor also has nothing to do, why not both pass the time. Moreover, a night telephone conversation is not for anyone. It should be a really very close person, either a best friend or a loved one. And here it doesn’t matter what time of day it is outside the window.

12/12/05, Aeterna nox
As it is sung in one good and little-known song "... after all, the nights are not created for sleeping..." , conversations become deeper and more frank, sometimes on the phone I suddenly find the strength to say some things that I would never say to a person in person ... In the morning, however, I really want to sleep after such nights ... =)

15/09/06, Zabila
Yes, for some reason it is so great to chat on the phone at night - lying on the couch, sitting by the window, standing on the balcony. You can talk for a very long time - about any nonsense or terribly important problems. You can periodically fall silent and listen to each other's breathing (unless, of course, you are talking with your loved one). Sometimes this is a way to avoid loneliness, which is especially frightening at night, and sometimes it is an opportunity to at least illusory approach the one you miss so much...

16/09/07, Sofia 3
I talk with Natusya or with Kiryukha. I listen more, share less. I never complain - there is no need! They will pity me, sympathize too, groan and moan, help in order to - but is that really what friends are for? Only vying to conduct speeches, that's all their help! "It's so bad to live," but this night I will manage without Akhmadulina. On the phone, I can absolutely understand and come where you need to, if Kirochka asks. I listen on the phone more often, with a slight smile, with hidden sadness. Night is such a time ... And also "do not be sorry - help!", Because many do not know. In the night!

16/01/09, pagan
When you talk on the phone at night, there is some special, nocturnal romance...

14/03/09, Plasticine Scissors
Previously, very often she talked all night long - with friends or young people. Moreover, on completely different topics, depending on the mood and the interlocutor: they could chat about nothing, about school, about music, they could discuss something smart and even philosophical. I often fell asleep in the middle of a conversation, because I no longer had any strength to keep my eyes open, and somewhere far away I still heard the quiet voice of the interlocutor. Sometimes I even talked in parallel with two interlocutors on two phones. This is a different story. Now such conversations have come to naught, the last time this happened a few months ago. Now, nevertheless, either I sit on the Internet until late at night with virtual interlocutors, or I sleep.

22/10/09, LoveUSA
For me, talking on the phone at night is not a whim, but a necessity. Thousands of kilometers and eight time zones separate me and the person closest to me. When this person finishes work and returns home, it is already two in the morning. And besides, international calls are half the price at night. So you have to drink coffee to stay awake and wait. But when you wait ... an hour, or even an hour and a half of communication, from events in our lives to news of overseas politics, smoothly flowing English speech and a wonderful unity of souls, one Belarusian and one American but very, very close to each other. The best telephone conversations in my life are at night.

22/10/09, silence keeper
because at night conversations seem to be more confidential. you speak so quietly as if you are telling a secret to this person, or vice versa. as if at night a channel of trust opens.

07/02/10, Lady
because when they call me at night, it becomes pleasant to my soul) or maybe because the night is my favorite time of the day ... and at night somehow it’s easier to talk)))

08/11/10, Welcome
I just love talking))) 8 926 847 14 31 is my phone. Girls and guys with a pleasant voice call if you just want to chat, talk or tell something realties. I like to listen, for example, when some manager calls me and tries to sell something :) I can just listen to a pleasant interlocutor or a girl who just wants to talk, the main thing is that someone would listen) Delivers a buzz and goosebumps start to run around body) In general, call ...)))

26/10/11, White fox
It is at night that loneliness wakes up. And boredom. And longing. Gray-blue .. sometimes you need to call someone. After midnight. And talk, talk... Sometimes I hang out on the phone with my friend - it's the most interesting with him. Once, at 4 o'clock in the morning, we came up with a message for his girlfriend. And once they just discussed everything in a row, all thoughts, everything that has accumulated in the box of life experience - from 11 to 2 o'clock.)

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