The most powerful foods against cancer. Food against cancer or foods that will help beat cancer. Products with anti-cancer effects

Prevention of oncopathologies is not a myth, not a dream, but quite feasible rules. In an interview BBC News Sam Heggy, Chief World Fund Cancer Research, said that each person can reduce their risk of developing cancer by 30-40% by making simple lifestyle changes:

  • including more fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • performing regularly physical exercises;
  • controlling your own weight.

Proper nutrition can save lives. This is not an exaggeration. Prevention of oncological pathologies, which are one of the most common causes of premature death on our planet, involves compliance with healthy diet, with the exclusion or limitation of added sugar, saturated fat, hydrogenated oils, salt, refined flour, processed meat products etc.

We propose to enrich the diet with healthy products.

The duration and quality of life depends on what lies on the plate!

This product enriches the diet with powerful antioxidants. These are polyphenols, which are called "catechins". The most valuable of these is epigallocatechin gallate. Numerous studies show that green tea can reduce the likelihood of malignant neoplasms of the lungs, stomach, prostate, mammary gland, colon.

Enjoy this drink in any form, including cold. Iced green tea is just as powerful anti-cancer product, like freshly brewed, hot.

Prevention advises not to mix tea with dairy products, as they can deprive it of benefits that are valuable to people's health.

Of all berries, blueberries contain the highest dose of anthocyanins, powerful phenolic antioxidant compounds that are effective in fighting cancer. It is they who give these fruits a rich, dark blue color.

It is curious that the data obtained by American scientists in laboratory conditions, in vivo and during several clinical research, indicate that blueberries and their active ingredients serve to prevent cancer, both as a functional food product, and as food additives. The antioxidant substances contained in this berry prevent carcinogenesis by triggering the processes of inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, reducing oxidative stress, DNA damage, stopping proliferation cancer cells.

With the help of a diet enriched with blueberries, you can not only reduce the likelihood of developing oncological pathologies. Eating just one cup of blueberries a week can cut your risk of diabetes by 23%.

Eat blueberries all year round, after all, both fresh and frozen berries are equally useful.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane. This natural compound, as shown by numerous scientific work, can protect against cancer and serves to prevent the recurrence of certain types of oncological pathologies.

Dark green vegetables such as broccoli and leafy greens are rich in vitamin K, which has anti-inflammatory effects. They also contain lutein. This pigment belongs to the group of oxygen-containing carotenoids. It is known for its healing properties. Prevention of macular degeneration of the retina includes the intake of this biologically active substance.

Eating dark green vegetables as part of a healthy diet every day (raw or steamed, boiled) can reduce the risk of acute heart disease by 23%, according to a health worker health study conducted by a group of scientists. Harvard University.

modern science does not get tired of confirming the correctness of the old proverb: "One apple a day replaces a doctor." The popular, affordable fruit contains powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients that help suppress inflammation and the spread of cancer. English scientists back in 2004 found that the polyphenols found in fruits, especially in apple peel are effective against colorectal cancer.

In addition, this fruit has a lot dietary fiber capable of lowering cholesterol levels. Another nice “bonus” is that a diet that contains apples is good for the waist. Studies show that if you eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal, the calorie intake during the subsequent meal will be reduced by 15%.

Choose domestic apples. Although they are not as beautiful as their foreign counterparts, the fruits grown by Russian producers do not undergo special processing. chemicals. The latter increase the shelf life, simplify transportation, but may not be beneficial to human health.

Coffee is one of nature's recognized antioxidant foods that people adore. different ages, nationalities, professions, around the globe. Studies show that drinking a cup or two fragrant drink daily, you can reduce the likelihood of developing such types of oncopathologies as malignant neoplasms of the breast, skin and liver.

English scientists back in 2011 concluded that natural coffee is effective in preventing brain glioma among adults, especially among the stronger sex.

Although the exact mechanism has not yet been solved by science, it is already known that caffeine inhibits the development of malignant cells by changing cell cycle, DNA repair mechanisms, and carcinogenic metabolism. At the same time, it has a significant effect on the central nervous system, cerebral blood flow, and at the same time on brain carcinogenesis.

It is also known that the caffeine contained in the natural product increases the speed metabolic processes by 16%.

Avoid ready-made drinks with coffee. They often contain a lot of added sugar.

Cancer tumors behave and grow a little differently than healthy cells. This is due to the level of acidity, which increases with the growth malignancy. Since the microflora in cancer and healthy tissues varies greatly.

Scientists have found that cancer develops very quickly in an acidic environment, and in a cancer patient throughout the body, acidity increases significantly. Plus, the tumor itself secretes great amount waste products and poisons.

Most oncologists agree that healthy foods nutrition is the main shield against cancer and with daily balanced diet it's impossible to get cancer. Products against cancer - mainly contain a large number of plant foods with antioxidants.


Antioxidants are substances that maintain an alkaline environment and prevent free radicals from increasing an acidic flora. Any cells, when burning a certain amount of substances, resort to the process of oxidation with the help of oxygen, due to which the environment becomes more acidic. Cancer antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress.

With cancer, as already mentioned, acidic environment rises many times, as the tumor consumes a huge amount of substances, energy - it oxidizes the body. Research has shown that in alkaline environment cancer cells grow more slowly, begin to break down and reduce the likelihood of metastasis.

Products containing antioxidants

  1. Cocoa, dark chocolate (not milk), black and green tea, dry red wine.
  2. walnuts, sesame, Pine nuts, peanut.
  3. Vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, flavonoids.
  4. White cabbage, cauliflower, kale.
  5. Beans, soybeans, soy and wheat sprouts, tomatoes, carrots, buckwheat, beets.
  6. fruit and vegetable puree, juices (freshly squeezed, not purchased).
  7. Currants, blueberries, sea buckthorn, wild strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, plums, raspberries, apples, acai, lemon, orange, grapefruit, mango, pomegranate.


  • Barley grits.
  • Corn.
  • Wheat.
  • Oats.
  • Peas
  • Hercules
  • Buckwheat
  • Manka

Cereals are the real anti-cancer food. AT whole grains contain a huge amount of fiber, which reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Fiber also improves the vital background of microflora, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, which increases regenerative abilities, decreases acid environment and strengthens the immune system. These products protect against pernicious influence cancer cells.

Red vegetables and fruits

  • Tomatoes
  • Red pepper
  • Pomegranate
  • Strawberry
  • strawberries
  • Raspberry
  • Cherry
  • Apples

In tomatoes, an increased amount of lycopene, which prevents the occurrence of tumors. In America, there is even an anti-cancer diet for women who are at risk of breast cancer. They eat one tomato every day.

In general, lycopene perfectly prevents hormone-dependent tumors: prostate, ovaries, mammary glands. Also, sick people should eat red, orange vegetables and fruits to reduce the sensitivity of the tumor to estrogen and testosterone.


  1. Cauliflower
  2. Broccoli
  3. White cabbage

These products contain sulforophane - this substance at the DNA level delays the growth and aggressiveness of the tumor. Most importantly, consume vegetables in fresh. Don't expose them heat treatment- boil or fry, as this substance becomes many times less. There is an excellent recipe for making a cocktail from these products:

  1. Take the cabbage and chop finely.
  2. Put in a blender and blend completely.
  3. We drive through cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.
  4. Before drinking the juice itself, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to remove the nauseating substances. You can do the same with other products.

Green tea

Contains a huge amount of nutrients and most importantly polyphenols. It slows down the growth of tumors. This is especially necessary at stages 3 and 4 of low-grade forms of carcinoma. One cup of green tea a day is enough, but it is worth drinking on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.


  1. White
  2. Chanterelle
  3. Reishi
  4. oyster mushroom

These products contain vitamins B and D, which have antibacterial properties. In general, the mushrooms themselves reduce swelling next to the tumor, intoxication and inflammation. Why is it decreasing pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

One of the most useful mushrooms for cancer, it is the Reishi mushroom, which has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It improves immunity, which also begins to fight the tumor. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants that reduce the rate of spread and metastasis of cancer in the last stages.

Brazilian nut

A very high-calorie and nutritious nut that contains selenium. The substance itself reduces inflammation, improves the metabolism of healthy cells. Good for testicular cancer, breast carcinoma, ovarian tumors and prostate cancer.

Garlic and onion

Improves immunity, reduces intoxication and tumors in general. It helps with cancer of the stomach, intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. To use, it is worth eating one head of garlic daily. To do this, cut it into small pieces, and eat after 5-7 minutes.


It must be remembered that the oils must be cold pressed and not subject to heat treatment. In no case do not fry or heat the oils, as they begin to release toxins that increase general intoxication and hit hard on the liver. Worth eating them in salads fresh vegetables. Suitable: olive, linseed oil which contain a huge amount beneficial vitamins and antioxidants.

Red wine

It is necessary to clarify a little what exactly dry red wine is good. The seeds of dark grape varieties contain:

  • Flavin
  • stilbene
  • Anthocyanin
  • flavonoid

The substances themselves slow down the growth of cancer cells and destroy them. But it must be remembered that a large amount of alcohol greatly increases intoxication, because of which you can worsen the condition of the body when large doses, it is also forbidden to take wine with cancer of the liver, kidneys and Bladder. It is worth drinking from 50 to 100 grams of wine per day in case of illness. Helps prevent oncology at 0 precancerous stage


The anti-cancer diet should gain fatty and lean fish. They are high in omega-3 fats. These substances reduce the risk of metastasis in highly aggressive forms of cancer, and also help reduce the chance of getting sick.

Vitamin E

  1. nuts
  2. seeds
  3. Vegetable oils
  4. Wheat

All these products contain vitamin E, which contains two main substances: tocotrienol and tocopherol. It reduces the acidity of the tumor environment, returns the alkaline background of the whole organism and helps to avoid the development of cancer.

Elagic acid

  1. Cowberry
  2. Raspberry
  3. Strawberry
  4. strawberries
  5. Walnut
  6. Blackberry
  7. Blueberry
  8. Blueberry
  9. nuts
  10. Cocoa and dark chocolate
  11. Hazelnut
  12. Cranberry

It greatly reduces the rate of development of a malignant neoplasm and can stop cancer at stage 1. Reduces intoxication, tumor size and protects neighboring tissues and cells from invasion.

Prohibited foods for cancer

There are a huge number of foods that aggravate cancer treatment, and can also cause oncology in healthy people. They also cause benign tumors.

  1. Sausages, sausages, semi-finished products - a large number of toxins, dyes have a mutagenic effect.
  2. Fatty red meat, pork, old beef - increases the acidity of the body, which can provoke a cancerous tumor.
  3. Coffee - with constant use gives swipe on the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Bread, flour, sweet - oxidizes the environment of the body, causes obesity.
  5. Fried butter, margarine - has a large amount of toxins that hit the liver and kidneys.
  6. Alcohol - strong drinks burn the mucous epithelium and cancer can occur with constant exposure.

Nature has given us many natural products. They are not only useful. They can also help you recover from various diseases.

Here are the main foods that are for cancer and for its prevention:

1. Garlic

Thanks to its healing properties and special compounds, garlic is able to improve the activity of the cells responsible for our immune system. This property, in turn, helps the body resist cancer.

Many years ago, scientists confirmed that garlic minimizes the risk of disease progression. of cardio-vascular system and prevent stroke.

In addition, regular consumption of this product protects a person from the occurrence of cancer of the stomach and intestines. These two diseases are considered the most merciless killers on Earth.

According to the results of the research, the following conclusions were made: people who made it a rule to eat garlic daily are the least at risk of developing colon or stomach cancer.

That is why, doctors specializing in this field of medicine strongly recommend eating garlic every day, even for those who consider themselves completely healthy!

The daily amount of garlic that you must eat is five cloves. You can also take various natural garlic supplements in your food.

2. Citrus

Citrus fruits, especially lemons, are considered indispensable assistants in prevention cancer.

You will not be afraid of cancer of the digestive system if you regularly eat a little lemon. At the same time, the risk of getting cancer can be safely divided into two.

Flavonoids are substances that lemons are rich in. They are designed to protect cells from free radicals, which act destructively on our body.

Note: citrus peel is also very useful! It contains essential oils, which are able to suppress the development of pathogenic cells.

3. Beans

Beans are a "deposit" of vegetable protein. It also saturates the body with the necessary amount of required fiber and, of course, is able to protect us from cancer.

Legumes and beans contain special phytochemicals that prevent or greatly inhibit cell damage at the genetic level.

These foods will protect you from many types of cancer, but they are most effective at blocking prostate and alimentary tract cancers.

4. Broccoli

This plant can make harmless the crushing effect of cancer.

Broccoli acts as an antioxidant and activates the cells of our body, forcing them to resist the disease. most great benefit can be extracted from young broccoli, which contains many anti-cancer elements.

It is possible to grow broccoli at home or buy it in health food supermarkets.

A very simple way to protect your body from cancer: just add a couple of sprouts of this unique and healthy plant to any dish.

5. Raspberry

Raspberries contain a large amount of antioxidants and many other beneficial substances that have a protective effect against cancer cells.

Experimental rats "confirmed" that individuals fed raspberries showed the lowest percentage of cancer cells in the digestive system.

Therefore, you should use this delicious berry as often as possible.

6. Cayenne pepper

A distinctive feature of cayenne pepper is to cause severe burning in the mouth.

It is this substance contained in this product that can defeat cancer cells.

Eat as much of it as you can handle. The principle of the product, as in a bath: the stronger the heat, the greater the benefit.

7. Green tea

Green tea also protects our digestive system and also slow down the development of cancer cells in the lungs.

But it is worth noting that given property inherent categorically natural product good quality.

8. Carrot

Wide known fact: Carrots are the strongest antioxidant. It is also rich in carotene.

But not everyone knows that these substances and the qualities they possess reduce the risk of getting sick with many types of cancer, such as cancer. oral cavity, cancer of the colon and stomach, prostate and genitourinary system.

Urologists around the world conducted studies, the results of which became known that this product prevents the development of diseases such as bladder cancer.

In order to prevent this terrible disease, suitable both boiled and raw carrot, but it is worth noting that fresh carrot richest nutrients that help fight cancer.

9. Seeds

Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, as well as sesame and flaxseeds are an excellent preventive product in the fight against breast cancer.

The seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids. These acids prevent the development of cancer cells, they prevent their growth and division, and also reduce existing tumors. Greatest effect seeds have been shown to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.

They contain great content lignans (hormone), which form a barrier to the spread of cancer cells.

AT preventive purposes it is necessary to eat a handful of seeds every day, and it is also very useful to dress salads with sesame and linseed oil.

10. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a repository of incredibly beneficial substances for the human body, so they are incredibly effective in the fight against cancer!

As you know, there are many types of mushrooms.

Several millennia ago, Asian mushrooms were used in China to prevent various diseases.

And it is Asian mushrooms, to a greater extent, that are a panacea in the fight against prostate cancer. The substance that they contain blocks the development of cancer cells, and besides, it contributes to their self-destruction.

11. Zucchini

This product contains substances that are excellent in protecting the lungs from cancer.

For the most part, carotenes protect lung cells and prevent cancer from developing in them.

Thin-skinned young zucchini are doubly useful. Young squash skins are loaded with antioxidants, and the seeds contain fatty acids.

It is advised to steam this product in order to preserve the beneficial substances in it as much as possible.

12. Cranberry

Some types of cancer are afraid of cranberries.

These substances are effective against cancer of the prostate and intestines, and also against tumors on the head and neck.

13. Grapes

This fruit is amazing due to its beneficial qualities.

It contains a huge content of a natural antioxidant called resveratrol. It effectively resists the development of tumors and oncology in general.

Grapes must be eaten with seeds and skins.

14. Tomatoes

Scientists have proven that daily use eating a vegetable like a tomato will help human body effectively resist the occurrence oncological diseases.

Men who love tomatoes are much less likely to get prostate cancer (minus 35 percent of the total statistic)!

15. Water

Although water is not exactly a "product". But it would be worth putting it at the very top of our list, because it is impossible to overestimate it. healing properties!

Water most effectively cleanses the human body of killer toxins.

People who consume insufficient amounts of live (not boiled, not carbonated, but pure water) waters are at risk of getting sick not only with cancer, but also with many other diseases, such as constipation, dehydration, etc.

In order for each organ to work as it should, it is necessary to drink fresh water every day in the required amount!


healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition play a huge role not only in the fight against oncology, but also with a huge range of other diseases! Also don't ignore physical exercise to help keep your body in shape. Try to avoid stress and bad mood. Look at life positively, and it will definitely be on your side!

Cancer is serious serious illness, difficult to treat even with the use of all modern technologies and drugs. At the same time, everyone is at risk without exception. If you want to reduce the likelihood of this disease in own medical card, pay attention to products against cancer, it is advisable to include them in the diet throughout life in order to remain healthy and active into old age.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

The ancients said that “you are what you eat”. Unfortunately food modern man rarely perfect. It often contains semi-finished products, literally filled with artificial dyes and carcinogens, as well as an abundance of sugar, flour products, sausages and sausages - all this affects the state of health in general. Add to this the bad ecology of megacities and constant stress in the workplace. It is not surprising that more and more doctors around the world are diagnosing cancer with their patients. In general, food against tumors is an appropriate menu that does not contain any expensive and exotic ingredients. On the contrary, all dishes and their ingredients are simple and healthy, mainly vegetables and herbs, citrus fruits, berries and some fruits, legumes, nuts and certain types spices. The details of anti-cancer products will be listed below in the form of a list. It is highly recommended to include them in your daily diet.

What are antioxidant foods?

First, let's understand what antioxidants are. These are special substances that can slow down the oxidation processes in the body, they can be of natural and synthetic origin. It is best if such cell protectors enter our body with food. Scientists, after studying many food products (berries, fruits, cereals and others), came to the conclusion that a large number of useful anti-oxidants are contained in the following items, these are antioxidant products against cancer:

  • beans, including red;
  • wild and garden currants, black and red;
  • cranberry;
  • raspberries, strawberries and other red berries;
  • apples;
  • cherry, plum;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • cereal sprouts;
  • apple varieties "Gala", "Smith", "Delicacy";
  • tomatoes;
  • green tea.

Considering that well-known antioxidants include vitamins C and E, provitamin A, lycopene, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins (the same substance that is found in large quantities in red berries), you can include anti-cancer products in your diet that contain the specified elements. For example, we all know that lemon, orange, acai berries contain a large amount of vitamin C, vitamin E is present in the already mentioned sprouts, and provitamin A is found in carrots.

What anti-cancer foods can you include in your daily diet?

Of course, the average Russian simply cannot afford to serve fresh strawberries, raspberries, acai berries and other rather expensive products all year round. But the list of useful components of the diet is not limited to the named names, because common cabbage contains useful material that block the activity of genes that cause cancer. Other useful and very affordable anti-cancer products can be found all year round in any supermarket:

  • garlic and onions - contain antitumor substances in large quantities and increase immunity;
  • tomatoes, red pepper - contain lycopene; by the way, tomatoes can also be eaten cooked, processing has practically no effect on their beneficial properties;
  • lemons and any available berries - vitamin C;
  • ginger (fresh, dried, powder) and turmeric - these spices, which many of us undeservedly ignore, significantly reduce inflammatory processes in the body and slow down the growth of tumors;
  • any legumes - just essential products for the prevention of breast cancer, contain a lot of useful protein.

By including these ingredients in your meals, you will diversify your diet and also have an effective

What foods protect against breast cancer?

Unfortunately, malignant tumor affecting the mammary glands occurs in one in thirteen women. This indicator varies depending on the region of residence, but the average value and sad statistics are relevant for Russia, America, and South Asian countries. At the same time, women over 65 years of age, as well as those whose close relatives suffered from this disease, are at a special risk group. The importance of prevention in this case is invaluable, you should also review your diet to include certain products against breast cancer. What exactly? Here is the list:

  • love turmeric - this spice, “yellow ginger”, is a recognized remedy for the prevention of cancer, including breast cancer;
  • useful and blueberries - it contains a large amount of flavonoids, which reduce the likelihood of disease;
  • tomatoes and already ceased to be exotic avocados are rich in substances, in particular, lycopene and oleic acid, useful for the body;
  • Brussels and cauliflower, broccoli - contain substances that prevent the occurrence of cancer;
  • other breast health foods include spinach, garlic, green tea, grapefruit, cherries, kelp, and artichokes.

Of course, the latter can not be found in every store, but cabbage, tomatoes, garlic and turmeric are quite cheap, and blueberries are in season in large quantities grows in the forest. The main thing is not to be lazy and instead of semi-finished products, cook healthy and tasty dishes.

Popular Works and Books on Cancer Prevention Foods

Richard Beliveau, Foods Against Cancer is a book for a short time became a bestseller in many countries around the world. So, the author, a doctor by training, conducted a number of studies that proved that certain products, mainly of plant origin, can significantly reduce the likelihood of cancer, as well as slow down tumor growth. So, the doctor talks about the benefits that are found in large quantities in the already mentioned raspberries, strawberries, nuts, and especially walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans. The list includes cherries, blue berries: and blackberries, as well as cranberries, cinnamon and chocolate with high content cocoa, dark Of course, anyone who really cares about their health would do well to read this work, although please note that the anti-cancer products listed in the book have already been mentioned more than once by other doctors. The common thing is that in order to prevent the occurrence of tumors, you should diversify your diet with predominantly plant foods, rich in vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, flavonoids and other substances that we have already listed in the paragraphs above.

Selenium against cancer

Selenium is a valuable microelement vital for our body. Without it, iodine and vitamin E are poorly absorbed by cells, its deficiency can cause diseases. thyroid gland, decreased immunity, liver disease, anemia and several others. That is why it is very important to make up for its deficiency. As for cancer, selenium plays a big role in their prevention. So, it is a powerful antioxidant, helps to strengthen the immune system, and its role is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Unfortunately, in Russia, almost every resident experiences a lack of this substance, which is why it is very important to replenish it by taking vitamin complexes or eating. Against cancer and other tumors, this element is in the top ten of the most important and necessary.

Where is selenium found?

Here is the list available products rich in selenium:

  • these are liver, eggs, rock salt;
  • seafood, especially herring;
  • you can also include quite exotic seafood in the list: crabs, shrimps, lobsters and lobsters;
  • contains a lot of selenium wheat bran, corn, seeds, nuts and brewer's yeast;
  • as well as tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic.

Include any product or several in your diet, so you will provide yourself with effective prevention of many types of diseases. cancerous tumors.

The best foods for cancer prevention

All the names listed in this article, one way or another, prevent the emergence of many types of cancerous tumors. But there are also leaders among the products. Of course, their constant consumption of food does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against cancer, but it significantly reduces the likelihood of this diagnosis appearing in your medical record. Here is their list:

  • cabbage - any, but especially broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Its use in food significantly reduces the occurrence;
  • soy - very effective for the prevention of prostate cancer;
  • nuts, with walnuts being the leaders;
  • fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the lack of which leads to fat metabolism, which in turn causes increased risk the formation of tumors;
  • tomatoes - the product is high in lycopene, which fights many types of cancer;
  • mushrooms, especially exotic for us, Japanese: shiitake, maitake, reishi and others. They contain substances that can suppress the activity of even those already formed;
  • seaweed - contain useful iodine, selenium and many others necessary for the body substances;
  • ginger - protects the pancreas and improves overall immunity;
  • onions have the same properties.

closes this list tea, especially green tea. The only thing is that you need to drink it without sugar, but brew it correctly and clearly according to the instructions. That is, not boiling water, insisting at the same time for at least 5 minutes.

Conclusions and conclusion

After analyzing this article, you can conclude that foods against cancer have mainly vegetable origin. This is not surprising, because it is in them that you can find essential vitamins, acids and minerals. In second place in popularity are fish and seafood, all due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Agree, proper nutrition, including anti-cancer, will cost the family no more than a table on which semi-finished products, sausages and sausages are presented in abundance, White bread and flour pasta premium. The main thing is to understand that your diet directly affects the state of the body. Proper Diet will give you the opportunity to live long and not get sick not only with cancer, but also with other diseases.

Unfortunately, a little more than 2 years ago, trouble came to our family. My grandfather got cancer. I will not go into details of treatment, operations and experiences, but cancer was defeated. Grandfather was very lucky that, despite his 70 years, the body showed proper resistance to the disease. Yes, and oncology was diagnosed at one of the early stages.

After my grandfather recovered, I decided to undergo an examination, since no one canceled heredity. The tests did not confirm the presence of cancer cells. However, I still have the feeling that something needs to be done, to do prevention.

I came across an interesting article about healthy eating and about certain products that are capable of fighting cancer cells. There was even information that these products help with already diagnosed cancer. I am a skeptic. I don't think you can self-medicate with cancer. Such nutrition will not cure, but it will support the body well in the struggle for a life without cancer.

Let's move on to these "magic" products.

1. Beets

Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that beets contain a large amount of anthocyanins (red pigments), which help fight tumors. Moreover, these pigments are 8 times more than in any other plant.

In addition, beetroot contains:

  • magnesium - also helps in the fight against cancer cells;
  • antioxidants - normalize the pH of the blood;
  • vitamin C - supports the immune system;
  • betaine - improves liver function;
  • natural antiseptics - help in the fight against infection;
  • carbohydrates - provide energy in the body.

However, not every beet is suitable for the role of a healer. Root crops with white veins are not suitable, they contain a large amount of neutrates. The best are red varieties of oblong shape. Vegetables should be eaten raw.

2. Fish

It is a rich source of omega-3 acids and vitamin D. They strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against cancer. Most of the omega-3 is found in flounder. It is advised to eat 150g of seafood per day.

3. Cruciferous

These include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and others. These vegetables have long earned a reputation in the fight against cancer. They contain indoles, which stimulate the formation of a powerful antioxidant - glutathione peroxidase.

Scientists believe that indoles break down excess estrogens, which often cause cancer, especially breast tumors. For maximum benefit they are recommended to be consumed raw or after steaming.

I myself have encountered the benefits of indole. It was revealed that I have elevated estrogen, and some health problems have been associated with this. The doctor prescribed tablets containing indole. After reading information on the Internet, I realized that indole can be obtained and naturally. I started eating steamed broccoli more. A month later, the tests improved. Of course, I didn't limit myself to just broccoli. The amount of coffee was reduced, alcohol and a number of other products containing estrogen were excluded.

4. Sesame and flaxseed

Lignans (phytoestrogens) are also found in pumpkin and sunflower seeds, soybeans, miso, tofu.

5. Tomatoes

6. Onion and garlic

Onions contain quercetin, which prevents cell mutation. Very effective at malignant neoplasms breast, prostate and ovaries.

Garlic is good source selenium, which protects the esophagus, oropharynx, stomach, colon, skin and mammary glands from carcinogens.

7. Seasoning

Turmeric is a bright yellow spice from the tuber of a plant in the ginger family. Who would have thought that the well-known turmeric has anti-cancer properties, it is especially useful in the treatment of tumors of the bladder and intestines. It works in a way that reduces the production of enzymes in the body that are associated with inflammation.

8. Tea

Personally, I have known about the healing properties of green tea for a long time. Its main advantage is the content of a large amount of antioxidants (catechins), which are also able to prevent the division of cancer cells. But it turns out that black tea also has these properties, although to a lesser extent than green tea.

Scientists have proven that green tea leaves contain up to 40% polyphenols (catechins). Actually, in this regard, it is recommended to drink it to prevent the occurrence of cancer of the intestines, lungs, stomach, pancreas and liver.

9. Almond

The composition of these nuts includes leatril (B17) - natural substance which contains benzene hydride, glucose and cyanide. Cyanide is a poison, but in the dose that it is contained in a vitamin molecule, it is not harmful to humans. On the contrary, he actively fights against malignant cells. It is enough to eat 10 nuts a day.

10. Bran

Their main action is to stop carcinogens entering the body. This happens due to the content of vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium. Fiber, which is part of the composition, helps to quickly and thoroughly remove toxins from the body. Bran is especially effective for intestinal tumors.

On the day you need to eat 2-3 tablespoons of this product. How you use it doesn't matter. I like to mix bran with yogurt because it's easier to eat.

11. Carrot and pumpkin

I don’t really like carrots myself, but it turns out that delicious fresh fruit and vegetable salads can be prepared on its basis.

Of course, it is not realistic to eat only this list of products. However, it is very useful to include them in your daily diet, avoiding junk food. Then you will not only protect yourself from oncological diseases to the maximum, but also live a long energetic life.

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