Don't pinch your fingers. Pain in the joints of the fingers: causes and treatment, what to do if the joints of the fingers hurt

The inflammatory process in the joints of the fingers is the most common disease in the world.

According to unofficial statistics, it affects every seventh inhabitant of the Earth, and every third of them has crossed the line of 50 years.

The development of polyarthritis of the fingers contributes to many reasons. But the result is the same - progressive pain and a gradual loss of functionality of the fingers.

In this regard, timely treatment is of exceptional importance. But for this you need to understand the features of the symptoms of this disease.

Variety of symptoms

The symptoms of this disease are different at individual stages.

Initial symptoms

Polyarthritis affects multiple joints. But before that, you need to be able to recognize the first symptoms of the disease, which just appear on the fingers. At the same time, for different types polyarthritis symptoms are also different. So, against the background of psoriasis, it can develop psoriatic arthritis. Its first symptom is pain in the joints that are next to the fingernails. These joints are called distal.

The most common form of hand polyarthritis is osteoarthritis. Its first sign is the "wear and tear" of the cartilage that connects the joints of the fingers.

The main signs of polyarthritis of the fingers

The most common symptoms of this disease are:

  • pain in different joints, for example, fingers or wrists;
  • the formation of nodular formations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints of the fingers;
  • numbness in the fingers;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in places where the joints are affected, even to the touch the skin may be hot;
  • inability to bend the fingers, especially after rest or sleep (this characteristic symptom rheumatoid polyarthritis of the hands);
  • nodular formations under the skin (also a sign of rheumatoid arthritis);
  • swelling of the fingers (characterizes psoriatic arthritis);
  • difficulty performing simple rotational or grasping movements with the fingers (for example, the inability to open the lid of a box or jar, pick up objects from the floor);
  • external deformity of the joints, which manifests itself in the last stages of the disease.

Development of the disease

Polyarthritis usually affects one joint first. But over time, the disease progresses. Muscles near the diseased joint atrophy. The tendons are also involved in the painful process. Gradually, the joint (joints) is deformed.

The patient is no longer able to perform finger movements in full. The signs of polyarthritis are accompanied by numbness of the fingers and the appearance of "goosebumps" in them, which indicates damage to the nerve fibers.

Therapeutic measures

Medical treatment

The meaning of the treatment of this type of polyarthritis is mainly to preserve or return mobility to the joints. AT advanced cases Efforts are made to reduce symptoms.

The duration of treatment for the acute phase of the disease depends on a large number factors. But taking the drugs lasts quite a long time. The disease is not cured completely. Really only braking destructive process in bone tissues.

From the very beginning, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and pain medications. Best result achieved by a combination of injections or tablets with external preparations (ointments, creams, gels).

If necessary, therapy is carried out:

  • antibiotics,
  • immunosuppressants,
  • antihistamines.

Rheumatoid arthritis needs treatment with glucocorticoids, which are sometimes injected directly into the joint.

Physiotherapy treatment

Treatment of polyarthritis includes the improvement of chronic centers of infection. Physiotherapy procedures lead to a good effect:

  • ultraviolet exposure;
  • iontophoresis;
  • paraffin applications;
  • diathermy.

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, drugs prescribed by a rheumatologist are added to the treatment.

Treatment at home

How to deal with pain on your own

One of most unpleasant symptoms polyarthritis is joint pain, because of which it is impossible to perform even the simplest movements. There are many easy ways to deal with this. severe manifestation polyarthritis.

Cold and hot compresses, which should be regularly applied to the fingers, help injured finger joints. Effective remedy from pain - hot baths with salts for hands.

A bath with softened paraffin helps to relieve pain. It activates blood circulation and relaxes the muscles of the hands.

If polyarthritis damaged a small amount of joints, the pain can be suppressed with the help of topical painkillers. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) gives good results. When acute symptoms polyarthritis of the fingers is recommended to take up to 4 g per day.

Movement exercises that keep the joints active

The following exercises can help relieve symptoms and keep fingers active:

  1. Clench your palm into a fist and slowly unclench, stretching your fingers as much as possible. Then again slowly squeeze the palm into a fist so that the fingers are in close contact with each other.
  2. Performance circular motions thumbs hands Do not bend the phalanges, and keep the fingers straight.
  3. Take the thumb away from the palm, and then touch it with a pad to the pads of the other fingers.
  4. Move your thumb back and forth horizontally, trying to take it away. The same is true in the vertical plane.

These exercises should be repeated every day several times. The number of approaches 3-10. To increase the mobility of the fingers for gymnastics, they can be preliminarily held in warm water.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of joint diseases are elementary measures:

  • hardening (dousing and wiping with cool water);
  • daily hand gymnastics (and general);
  • fresh air during sleep;
  • competent diet.

But when the diagnosis is already made, it is necessary to get rid of the following factors:

  • drafts, cold, humidity;
  • unbalanced diet (should increase the proportion of plant foods);
  • large loads on the joints;
  • frequent injuries;
  • unfavorable climate (if possible, it is better to go to live in a place with a good climate).

To recipes traditional medicine should be approached very carefully. If you do them incorrectly, you can harm yourself.

Infusions for oral administration

Among the time-tested recipes, there are many infusions for internal use.

stinging nettle. Mixed in equal proportions:

  • nettle juice (preferably fresh)
  • medical alcohol.

Two weeks to insist in the dark and cold. Take six months three times a day, 30 ml before meals for half an hour.

Herbal assortment. Pre-grind and mix:

  • chamomile, wild rosemary, string (two doses each);
  • one dose lingonberry leaf and juniper berries.

Collection (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (0.5 l) and keep for 5 hours. After straining, take three times a day for half a cup before meals for 30 minutes.

violet infusion. Violet (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and infused for two hours. Means to drink half a cup three times a day before meals for half an hour.

Healing compresses

Herbs with salt. Dry and grind three tablespoons of each of the herbs:

  • birch leaves,
  • rose hips,
  • knotweed herbs.

Mix everything and simmer in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Add table salt (4 tablespoons) to the mixture. Wet the woolen cloth with the resulting composition. After it dries, apply to sore joints.

Radish or horseradish. Highly nice results give nightly compresses of grated black radish. You can use horseradish instead, but not more than three hours to avoid burns.

Usually, after two or three procedures, nothing remains of the symptoms of polyarthritis.

Ice applications

A plastic bag is filled with ice or snow. The package is wrapped in cloth. Then it is applied to the joint for about 10 minutes. When the burning starts, hold for another minute, then remove the package. Now you need to do a massage with kneading your fingers. As long as the cold persists, it is painless.

After 10 minutes, the procedure is repeated. Then the hands are wrapped in warmth. The course should last 20 days.

Timely treatment of polyarthritis of the fingers stops the development of the disease and prevents irreversible deformation of the joints. But the most correct thing would be the prevention of the disease, which sounds trite, but gives a reliable result. It is built on three pillars - physical activity, proper nutrition, healthy sleep.

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Many people, waking up in the morning, tried to clench their hand into a fist, which they could not do. That is why they asked themselves many questions and never found any answers to them.

After such an incident, many people think that there is something unusual that does not allow them to clench their hand into a fist. In fact, everything there is a reasonable explanation that will explain what is happening.

  1. One of the first reasons is that the human body does not have time to fully recover after sleep.
  2. The first five minutes the muscles are completely relaxed and therefore they need time to recover quickly.
  3. During sleep, the body does not sleep at all. It works by allowing the blood to enter essential substances. But, since blood sugar drops during sleep, the forces are also running out, which is why there is no way to quickly recover. But after a few minutes, everything will come to its senses.

In fact, for all complex and incomprehensible cases, there are explanations that ultimately turn out to be simple, you just need to understand everything correctly and then there will be more such questions.
will not occur at all.

Weakness in chickens after sleep

After sleep, weakness appears in the hands and doing something a few seconds after sleep is very difficult. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this or bad sign for the body.

In a dream, the body is completely relaxed and its muscles do not work, but are in a relaxed state. That is why after a person wakes up, it is difficult for his muscles to start their work.

Also during sleep, the body works and completely uses up the entire supply of nutrients. That is why sugar does not enter the bloodstream, which causes a feeling of weakness in the whole body, and especially in the hands. There is nothing to worry about and there is no point in worrying too much. That is why after sleep it is important to eat well, and most importantly, eat right. Only then can the body fully restore its strength.

Why weakness after sleep

After sleep, many people find weakness throughout the body. Exactly this makes them worry and worry that something is wrong with the body. In fact, there is nothing terrible in this and explanations for everything can be found.

While a person sleeps, his body continues to work hard, processing and feeding into the blood useful material. That's just for the night, the body does not receive anything sweet or nutritious. That is why the body has nothing to feed into the blood. And when it does not enter the blood right amount glucose, a person begins to feel severe weakness in body.

Also muscles after sleep are not in the best condition, which is why it takes time for them to recover.

In a word, the fact that after sleep a person feels weakness in the body or in the hands, there is nothing life-threatening. That is why you should not worry about something and worry so much.

Arthrosis of the fingers (osteoarthritis) is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the interphalangeal joints. The pathological process is less common than arthrosis of large joints. In most cases, it affects women in the postmenopausal period. The progression of the disease causes pain in the hands and impaired motor function fingers, which can lead to disability - the loss of the ability to work and self-service.

Causes of the disease

Arthrosis of the small joints of the hands develops in violation of blood circulation and nutrition of the cartilage layer of the intraarticular surfaces of the bones.

As a result, the cartilage becomes thinner, loses elasticity, and defects appear on its surface. The synthesis of synovial fluid is disturbed, movements in the joints become painful, inflammation of the affected tissues occurs.

Provoking factors for the development of the disease:

  • genetic predisposition (mutation of the gene responsible for collagen synthesis);
  • menopause in women (decrease in estrogen production);
  • endocrine disorders ( diabetes, pathology of the thyroid gland);
  • injuries and hypothermia of the hands;
  • professional activities (secretaries, programmers, pianists);
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid, psoriatic, gouty arthritis);
  • infectious diseases (chlamydia).

The disease progresses slowly and should be diagnosed early stages development, which increases the effectiveness of therapy and improves the prognosis for recovery.

Clinical picture

Depending on the clinical manifestations and anatomical changes in the joints, osteoarthritis of the fingers is divided into several stages.

First stage

Characterized initial manifestations degenerative changes- malnutrition of cartilage and loss of its elasticity. With timely treatment, good results can be achieved. therapeutic effect and stop the progression of the disease.

Symptoms of the 1st stage of osteoarthritis of the fingers:

  • pain in the hands occur after significant physical exertion and pass at rest;
  • crunch in the joints when moving the phalanges of the fingers;
  • swelling of the joints of the hands, tension of the periarticular muscles.

Motor activity of the hands is not disturbed, working capacity is preserved.

Second degree

The progression of the disease leads to thinning of the cartilage, a decrease in the synthesis of synovial fluid and a change in its composition, and a violation of the shock-absorbing function of the joints. Inflammation of the articular tissues develops, effusion can accumulate in the joint cavity.

Symptoms of the 2nd stage of osteoarthritis of the fingers:

  • pain in the hands takes on a permanent character;
  • discomfort in the fingers increases after exercise;
  • pain syndrome worries at night;
  • swelling and burning of the affected joints;
  • atrophy of muscle fibers in the affected area;
  • limitation of the functional ability of the fingers.

Seals appear in the area of ​​the interphalangeal joints, which eventually become hard and usually do not regress. These are the so-called nodules of Bouchard and Heberden. The first are localized distal parts fingers (near the nail), and the latter are located in the proximal sections (in the region of the middle part of the finger).

Third degree

On the last stage disease, complete destruction of cartilage occurs, compacted bone, bone spikes appear, periarticular soft tissues atrophy. The fingers are deformed and are not able to perform elementary movements.

Symptoms of the 3rd stage of osteoarthritis of the fingers:

  • constant pain of an intense nature in the affected joints;
  • curvature of the fingers;
  • ankylosis of the joints (immobilization).

Identification of the disease in advanced stage has a poor prognosis for recovery, and treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms pathological process. Deforming arthrosis often requires surgery to remove bone deformities and areas of destroyed cartilage.

Treatment of the disease

Timely diagnosis of arthrosis of the fingers allows you to stop the progression of the disease, prevent severe anatomical and functional disorders. Therapy starts with conservative methods, to which you can add folk recipes getting rid of the disease. Treatment is carried out with the help of medicines, massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics. Proper nutrition is of great importance.


To relieve pain and inflammatory response non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used in the tissues of the affected joints. The preparations of this pharmacological group refer to symptomatic therapy- affect clinical manifestations illness. Diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen, movalis, nimesulide are prescribed in courses of 10-14 days. More long-term use drugs can cause ulcerative lesion digestive tract.

Treatment of arthrosis of the fingers, acting on the cause of the pathology, is carried out with chondroprotectors. These medicines contain glycosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which restore the structure of cartilage and prevent its destruction. The group of chondroprotectors includes drugs such as chondroxide, donna, teraflex, aflutop, which are prescribed by long therapeutic courses for 4-6 months.

In case of intense pain, drugs with a pronounced analgesic effect are used. Appoint non-narcotic analgesics(ketoral, baralgin), glucocorticoids (hydrocartisone, kenalog), novocaine blockades. To improve metabolism and strengthen blood vessels in the focus of inflammation, it is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes, ascorbic acid, proteolytic enzymes (wobenzym, iruksol).


Massage is used at the stage of pain subsidence in a sparing mode, so as not to aggravate the destruction of damaged joint tissues. Tapping (percussion), stroking, rubbing, kneading the hand and fingers are carried out. As a result, blood circulation improves, metabolism normalizes, the intake of nutrients into cartilaginous tissue, the pathological spasm of muscle fibers decreases.


Treatment of osteoarthritis with the help of physical factors begins after the acute inflammatory process subsides and pain decreases. Physiotherapy fixes positive effect, achieved by applying medicines. Treatment has a positive effect on muscle tone, local blood flow, metabolic processes, which restores motor activity fingers. Most effective procedures are electrophoresis with novocaine, ultrasound with hydrocartisone, magnetotherapy, ozocerite and paraffin.

exercise therapy

Therapeutic gymnastics, or exercise therapy, is a technique for the rehabilitation of affected joints. It consists of dosed exercises that are aimed at restoring the function of the joints of the hands - strengthening muscles and bones, increasing elasticity. ligamentous apparatus, achieving physiological range of motion, preventing ankylosis.

A simple set of exercises to perform at home:

  • hit the hard surface of the table with your fingertips, imitating playing the piano;
  • connect the pads of the fingers of both hands, make springy movements with the hands without separating the fingers;
  • join the palms and fingers of the hands, apply pressure from one hand to the other, and then do the same exercise with the fingertips;
  • bend and unbend your fingers, without clenching into a fist, 8-10 times;
  • rub your palms and hands, shake your brushes.

Exercise therapy should be carried out regularly three times a day, supplemented with self-massage techniques.


Osteoarthritis can be treated with proper nutrition. The main principles of the diet is to reduce the content of animal fats, easily digestible carbohydrates, salt (up to 5 grams / day), spices, seasonings, smoked meats, semi-finished products in the diet. Nutrition should be saturated with vegetable fiber contained in vegetables, herbs, fruits. Necessarily daily use dairy products, dietary meat, fish, nuts. Eating should be at least 5-6 times a day.

Folk recipes

Treatment with folk remedies is prescribed to prevent exacerbation of arthrosis and is part of a comprehensive conservative therapy. Effectively use baths with hay, coltsfoot, larkspur root, succession, which are carried out for 15-20 minutes. Pain and inflammation in small joints fingers eliminate compresses based on salt and honey. To do this, the raw materials are mixed in equal proportions, placed on the affected joints, bandaged and left overnight. Inside, it is recommended to take a decoction of birch leaves, which normalizes metabolism and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Arthrosis of the joints of the fingers refers to a chronic progressive disease, causing development disability. To prevent irreversible changes in the hands, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the pathological process.


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How to treat polyarthritis of the fingers with folk remedies?

If a person feels that his hands begin to hurt, the shape of the joints changes, and nodules appear on them, this may indicate the development of a disease such as polyarthritis. This pathology is very serious and can save a person from the opportunity to work with his hands. Therefore, it must be treated. What’s more, you can do it at home.

What is the disease and how does it develop?

So, polyarthritis of the hands is the most complex form of arthritis, from which more than one joint can suffer. Polyarthritis is degenerative and occurs more often in elderly people who are already 50 years old.

Polyarthritis of the joints of the hands develops gradually:

  1. First, the synovial membrane becomes inflamed. At the same time, the joint swells, pain in the hands appears, and the local temperature rises.
  2. Further, the synovial membrane begins to thicken. The cartilage becomes hard. Under the skin, such a seal on the joint can already be felt during palpation. Each finger is twisted.
  3. Destruction of the bones of the joint. In this case, the pain intensifies and becomes constant, the joint is deformed, and the fingers stop moving.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Before you start treating polyarthritis of the fingers with folk remedies, you need to consider possible reasons the appearance of pathology. Among them may be:

  • Hits, injuries, bruises, and surgical intervention on the finger.
  • Frequent hypothermia or frostbite of fingers.
  • Pathologies infectious nature both in the joint itself and outside it.
  • Hereditary predisposition (not the disease itself is transmitted, but the wrong structure of the bones, too small thickness cartilage tissue or problems with its recovery).
  • Violation metabolic processes in tissues.

Before starting the treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps the pathology is already so advanced that they simply will not help.

Symptoms of the disease

Polyarthritis of the fingers is manifested in the following symptoms:

  1. Immobility of the fingers on the affected hand. It lasts for some time after sleep. Over time, the stiffness goes away.
  2. Dense "nodules" form on the phalanges. That is, each finger becomes deformed.
  3. Periodically, the phalanges can swell, become numb. Often a person feels weakness in the arms.

After the symptoms and causes of the disease are established, treatment can begin. You can deal with this at home. However, all folk remedies must be used exactly as described in the recipe. If a good effect from treatment is not observed, it may be necessary to change therapy.

Effective recipes for infusions and decoctions

Such treatment will make it possible to restore cartilage tissue and prevent its destruction:

  • Laurel decoction. It effectively fights bacteria inflammatory process and eliminates salt deposits in the body. For cooking, you need 5 grams of dried bay leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water over them and simmer for about 5 minutes. It is not necessary to cover the container with a lid. Further, the broth is poured into a thermos, where it is infused for several hours. It is better to steam the leaves in the evening so that the liquid is ready for use in the morning. Treatment of polyarthritis of the hands in this case is done as follows: the resulting remedy should be divided into small portions and drunk within 12 hours. Do not drink the entire volume of liquid at one time, as this can provoke internal bleeding. In addition, you should not treat polyarthritis with this remedy if the patient has comorbidities kidneys, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Infusion from the grass of the marsh cinquefoil. Such folk treatment will make it possible to preserve the integrity of the cartilage tissue, reduce pain, restore synovial fluid. For cooking, you can use both the plant itself and its roots. This will require 1 tbsp. chopped dried raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water. Further, this folk remedy is left in a water bath for about 10 minutes, and then additionally wrapped with a warm towel for another half hour. Ready infusion must be filtered, squeeze the cake and add boiling water to bring total mixtures up to 200 ml. You can buy it at a pharmacy. The pathology should be treated as follows: the infusion is taken in a tablespoon three times a day. It is advisable to drink the substance after a meal.

Recipes for baths and compresses for local treatment

Treatment with these folk remedies helps to significantly reduce the pain and swelling caused by polyarthritis. At the same time, the joint is restored, blood circulation in the tissues improves. So, at home, you can prepare such remedies:

  • Coniferous infusion. It is necessary to pour 3 tbsp. needles with a liter of boiling water. Next, you need to cool the mixture to room temperature, pour it into a bowl and place your hands there. Keep your fingers in the liquid for about 15-25 minutes. While taking such a bath or after the procedure, it is advisable to lightly massage each finger.
  • Paraffin compress. It is necessary to heat the raw material to 50 degrees and slowly lower the joints of the hands into it. Next, the fingers are removed for a few seconds. After the paraffin dries, the hands must again be lowered into the heated mass. So, repeat at least 5 times. Such an alternative treatment warms up each finger well. And since the skin shrinks slightly when the paraffin cools, this has a slight massage effect on each joint.


  • Alcohol-honey compress. Alcohol previously diluted in a ratio of 1: 3 with water should be mixed with the same amount of honey. Next, the mixture is set to water bath and warms up within 10 minutes. Treating joints with this remedy is very simple: you need to moisten a cloth with the resulting liquid and wrap each injured finger. It is best to do such a compress at night, although with a pronounced pain syndrome daytime use is not excluded. The presented alternative treatment can be used for a long time.
  • It is good to treat polyarthritis of the joints of the hands with compresses from heated flax seeds. To do this, the raw material is poured into a small bag of soft tissue, which will not scratch the skin, and put at night, on each sore finger. For the treatment in this case, you can also use the leaves of the plant.

Alternative therapy can cope well with polyarthritis if the joint is not yet severely deformed. Therefore, the maximum efficient use such funds are considered initial stages diseases.

Joint treatment More >>

Features of using homemade ointments

Presented folk therapy blood circulation increases, harmful substances from the body, increases the effectiveness of the fight against polyarthritis. For rubbing, the following recipes can be used:

  1. Ointment from mustard powder and kerosene. For its preparation, 100 grams of powder are used, the same amount table salt and kerosene. All components mix well until a creamy slurry is formed. The ointment is used to rub into the affected joint.
  2. The next remedy also fights well with a disease such as polyarthritis. It is necessary to combine 50 grams of mustard powder, the same amount of camphor and 100 ml of alcohol. Further, 100 grams are added to this mass egg white. After that, all components must be well kneaded. This ointment should be used once a day. At the same time, it is required to rub it into the fingers until completely absorbed.

Contraindications for use

It should be noted that alternative therapy can not always be applied. There are such contraindications:

  1. Allergic reaction of the patient to the agent or its components.
  2. Some chronic pathologies.
  3. Individual intolerance to the composition.

As you can see, folk treatment at home is very effective, although you should consult a doctor before starting it. In addition, it will be more effective if the patient is on a diet at the same time. That is, it is necessary to increase the amount of liquid consumed, diversify the menu with vegetables and fruits (especially citrus fruits). Forget about excess calories. Be healthy!

Syndrome in which there is inflammation of the tendons thumb hands is called de Quervain's disease. The pain associated with this ailment appears from the friction of swollen tendons against the walls of the tunnel designed for their movement.

In any person, the muscles of the hands are bent with the help of contractions of the muscles of the forearms. It is for this that the tendons of the flexor and extensor muscles are involved. The first are drawn to the hand through the side of the palm, and the second through the back. Their correct position is provided by transverse ligaments. The same channel serves to pass the long abductor muscle. Very hard work is done in flexion and extension of the thumb tendon, which is involved in many tasks. Their inflammation is also called tendovaginitis. As a result of this process, they greatly increase in size and become too large for their channels.

The causes of the syndrome can be completely different. For example, tendovaginitis can cause constant repetition of the same brush movements. Such actions can be considered holding a baby, playing golf, positioning hands during computer games and so on. Such manipulations create heavy load on the tendons of the hand, especially the thumb. Most patients with this disease are observed in age group people 30-50 years old. At the same time, women are more likely to get sick, which can be caused by pregnancy and caring for a baby. This disease is as common as the disease of the knee, ankle and shoulder joints.

De Quervain's syndrome causes the following symptoms:

  • pain at the attachment point of the thumb to the hand (joint);
  • swelling of the base of the finger;
  • difficult movements in the wrist;
  • increased pain with pressure;
  • pain in the wrist joint with pressure on the head of the joint of the thumb;

At the beginning of the disease, pain appears only with intensive movement of the brush, and through certain time it becomes permanent. This pain radiates to the entire hand, sometimes to the biceps, forearm, and even to the neck. In some cases, the pain goes to the very tip of the finger.

Often pain occurs in a dream, with any wrong movement. A person loses the ability to firmly hold objects in his hand. With absence adequate treatment disease, it can spread further down the arm, hit the forearm. The ability to perform any work with your hands is sharply reduced. If there has been an injury with subsequent tissue infection, tenosynovitis may develop. Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheath of an infectious nature.

At the very beginning, the doctor visual inspection both hands of the patient. He compares them appearance and condition, which makes it possible to determine the degree of damage to the tendon. Usually the disease is not manifested by reddening of the skin or an increase in its temperature over the sore spot. This is possible only with improper self-treatment of the disease, which patients often do before going to a specialist. You can see only a certain swelling over the tendons of the thumb.

The doctor begins palpation of the hand, the person has pain in the affected area, which reaches its climax over the styloid process radius. In the area of ​​the tendons pain usually does not happen, and a dense round thickening can be found behind the styloid process.

At the next stage of the examination, the patient puts his palms on the table and tries to turn them in one direction and the other. As a rule, there are no difficulties with tilting towards the first finger, but movements are constrained from the side of the little finger. The patient cannot strongly move the thumb to the side in the position of the hands placed on the edge with the palms inward. The difference in this ability between a healthy and diseased hand is significant, which is what the doctor is trying to determine.

The Finkelstein test, which is used during examination, involves pressing the first finger to the palm and clenching the remaining fingers into a fist. In this case, the person must reject the brush to the little finger, which causes severe pain in patients. The doctor may ask the patient to take certain objects with both hands and pull them. A sick hand will not be able to hold its burden, as it is weakened, and the doctor can easily select the object. None additional research usually do not need to be done. The diagnosis can be accurately made on the basis of such an examination.

The syndrome can be treated conservatively and with the help of surgery. With conservative treatment, it is necessary to stop creating loads on the affected hand, immobilize diseased ligaments, bringing the thumb to a bent state against the index and middle fingers. At the same time, the palm itself unbends to the back. To ensure this position, the patient is put in plaster from the fingertips to the very middle of the forearm. This is necessary in order to avoid further injury to the diseased joint and provide conditions for treatment.

The disease is associated with an inflammatory process, therefore, for several weeks, while the hand is plastered, they resort to physiotherapy, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, blockade of painkillers, and local administration of drugs. Excellent effect against inflammation has the introduction of Hydrocortisone into the affected area. Such injections must be performed 2-6 times with two or three-day breaks. After such treatment, rehabilitation period, which is delayed from two weeks to one month.

A conservative method of treatment may not give the desired effect in a disease that lasts a long time. So you can eliminate the symptoms for some time, remove pain, but soon the disease may return with new force. In such situations, surgical intervention is necessary.

If a conservative treatment did not bring results, conduct a special operation. It is also indicated for lesions of the tendons on both sides. It is possible to carry it out both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis, with a local anesthetic.

Surgical treatment is often carried out planned, in a hospital setting. After the introduction of novocaine (or other anesthesia) at the very sore spot the doctor makes an oblique incision with a scalpel in the projection of the styloid process. After that, it is necessary to remove the skin, subcutaneous tissue, blood vessels and nerves aside with a special tool. When the dorsal ligament is exposed, the surgeon makes incisions and partial excisions.

If after protracted illness sections of the tendons have grown together with their channels, the doctor cuts off all adhesions that have arisen. When the movements of the tendons become absolutely free, the closure of the wound begins. You need to do this layer by layer, and then put a scarf bandage on your hand. The sutures are removed after 8-10 days, and the efficiency of the brush returns after about 2 weeks.

During recovery period areas of the thumb, index finger, and half of the middle finger may become numb. The reason for this is anesthesia or some compression of the fibers of the radial nerve. These processes should not cause much concern, they are absolutely normal and will cease to cause inconvenience in a few weeks after the operation.

Given the etiology of the disease, which is caused by chronic overload of the thumb joint, if its causes are not stopped, a second exacerbation may soon occur. To avoid this, the patient is recommended to change the type of activity if he is a provocateur of the disease. If the cause of the pathology is occupations associated with household chores, it is recommended to reduce the load on the brush as much as possible.

Advanced Querwen's disease can cause serious complications for good health. The person may become incapacitated. At the first manifestation of symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. It is important to start treatment even when the effect is possible from conservative methods. Although the operation helps to restore the functions of the hand, scars may remain after it, which cause pain symptoms and can make it difficult to move the thumb.

the only in an efficient way disease prevention is to reduce physical activity on the thumb during twisting and grasping movements of the hand.

Numbness of the legs, arms and fingers - causes and treatment. Numbness of the limbs - characterized by an unpleasant sensation of loss of sensitivity and flexibility of the limb, often accompanied by tingling, burning, chilliness and tightening of the skin. Numbness of the extremities appears with violations of the passage nerve impulse from receptors to the brain. Occurs when the body is in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Sensitivity quickly returns with a change in body position. But if after a change of position discomfort remain, and numbness occurs often enough that it may be a symptom of a serious illness. When to see a doctor When faced with numbness, people often hesitate to see a doctor or wait until the symptoms of numbness go away on their own. In what cases does numbness require a mandatory consultation of a neurologist? Numbness of the extremities occurs frequently and for no apparent reason Numbness causes incoordination of movements Decreased sensitivity to different temperatures, and a person does not distinguish between warm and cold water Numbness is accompanied by weakness, pain or loss of mobility Simultaneously with numbness, visual impairment and mental disorders occur Why hands, feet or fingers go numb Often, numbness of the extremities can be a sign of the following diseases: caused by compression of the nerve in narrow areas: in the area of ​​the elbow, wrist, ankles or groin Raynaud's disease, which is characterized by circulatory disorders of the arteries, more often in the extremities Osteochondrosis Intervertebral hernia Rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases that cause nerve damage as a result of joint deformity Vitamin (especially vitamin B12) and micronutrient deficiencies, as well as excessive alcohol consumption Diabetes mellitus Migraine Some hereditary diseases due to nerve damage Numbness of the arms, hands Often occurs when the neurovascular bundle is compressed connective tissue or muscles. Numbness can turn into pain over time. To determine the place where the compression occurs, the doctor conducts a diagnosis. In some cases, hand numbness is associated with spinal dysfunction. In this case, only a doctor will be able to determine the affected area and eliminate the compression of the vessel or nerve. Finger numbness Finger numbness is quite common these days. Daily work on a computer keyboard often provokes the development of the so-called syndrome carpal tunnel. The syndrome occurs when, as a result of tension, swelling of the tendon occurs and the nerve that provides sensation to the fingers (thumb, index and middle) and palm is compressed. The tendon and nerve pass through a common rather narrow canal. With swelling of the tendon, compression of the nerve causes tingling, numbness, and throbbing pain in the fingers. If treatment is not started on time, the disease can lead to the death of the muscle responsible for the movements of the thumb. According to statistics, women are more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome. Numbness of the legs Numbness of the legs is caused by a violation of the sensitivity of the nerves. According to statistics, more than 90% of cases of leg numbness are caused by problems with the spine: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias etc. Intervertebral hernias compress nerve roots causing tissue spasm. As a result, a person may feel pain and numbness in the legs, a feeling of "crawling" or "cotton legs". Pain and numbness in the legs can also occur due to changes in lumbar spine. Often, even before the onset of signs of numbness, the patient begins to feel constant pain in lumbar region. If you do not apply for medical care in time, the disease will progress. Less often, numbness of the legs is explained by other systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Numbness of the toes Numbness of the toes can be various diseases metabolism, for example, radiculoneuritis. Also, the cause may be tuberculosis of the spine, osteochondrosis, in which there is a narrowing of the intervertebral spaces, various violations in the vessels, and sometimes - the development of a malignant tumor. Oncological diseases cause numbness of the toes due to the growth of the tumor outside or inside spinal cord. The swelling creates pressure, resulting in numbness. Recommendations for reducing numbness of the extremities In numbness of the extremities, smoking is a deadly poison, since nicotine causes spasm blood vessels. For the same reason, patients with numbness are contraindicated strong tea and coffee, as well as alcohol. Should eat more hot food. best dish- hot buckwheat or oatmeal. For breakfast, it is useful to eat sprouted grains. It is necessary to harden the body: light running, and in winter - skating and skiing, will help normalize the blood supply to the arms and legs. Those who do not have enough blood supply to the limbs need to eat food rich in trace elements, in particular iron. Folk remedies Traditional medicine offers recipes to relieve the symptoms of numbness. contrast baths. Effective means from numbness are contrast baths. You need to prepare two containers: with moderately hot and cold water. Alternately lower your arms (or legs) either into the cold or into the hot water for 30 seconds. Alternate repeat 5 times. Spread turpentine ointment and put on mittens (or socks). Perform procedures in the morning and evening for 10 days. Honey wrap. To do at night honey wrap. Spread on places where numbness is often felt, thin layer honey and wrap with cotton cloth. Numbness stops after 3-4 wraps. Camphor ointment. Rub hands with camphor ointment red-hot before going to bed. Wear woolen mittens or gloves. It is enough to spend 2-3 sessions to stop numbness. Rosemary. Insist wild rosemary on apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:3 for a week. Rub the tincture into the fingers or toes 3 times a day.

▲Unclench the “fist” of contracture▲ Three years ago I suffered a stroke, recovered almost 80%, but continued treatment, and I began to have muscle contraction syndrome, a reader writes. - Now I walk with difficulty, I can hardly sit, I straighten up with severe pain, feeling as if right side tied with a rubber band. Maybe Professor Kadykov will give specific recommendations that will help me get rid of this condition?" Alexander Emelyanovich. This is what the doctor told the correspondent Lyubov Ulyanova medical sciences Professor Albert Serafimovich Kadykov. Albert KADIKOV: Perhaps what Alexander Yemeyanovich writes about is muscle contracture: from the Latin "contractus", which means to contract, to contract. In other words, contracture is a persistent restriction of movement in a joint. Let's name the main types of contractures and the causes of their occurrence. Arthrological contractures appear with arthritis (inflammatory processes in the joints), arthrosis (changes in the joints of metabolic, age, dystrophic character), gout, and other diseases. Due to pain, a person initially restricts movement, which, if nothing is done, is quite difficult to overcome. As a result of injuries, burns, post-traumatic contractures, dermatogenic cicatricial changes in the skin occur, which also impede the movement of the joint. A special form is Dupuytren's contracture. In this case, fibrous degeneration of the hand develops, the fourth and fifth fingers suffer more often. The disease usually occurs at the age of 40, exact reason its occurrence has not been determined. A number of contractures are associated with neurogenic changes. Spastic contracture develops as a result of strokes, other diseases of the central nervous system. An uneven increase in tone occurs in the muscles, in which, in simple terms, the strength of the flexor muscles prevails over the strength of the extensor muscles. If spasticity is not treated in a timely manner, contracture develops, which, unfortunately, is not always possible to get rid of. In addition, there are arthropathy, they are also associated with diseases of the central nervous system. In these cases, changes occur in the joint - it swells, pain appears when moving. Often arthropathies are combined with muscle spasticity: gradually the contracture "captures" the joint and a person has, for example, "crooked hands". No wonder a well-known radiologist noticed that arthropathy is a caricature of arthrosis. correspondent: How to treat contracture? A.K .: If the contracture is articular, various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, for example, nise, ketonal. At very severe pain to remove the inflammatory process, Kenalog or other drugs are injected directly into the joint. For spastic contractures, drugs are used to reduce muscle tone, muscle relaxants - sirdalud, baclofen, mydocalm. How long, in what doses to take these medicines the doctor will tell: everything is individual. Self-medication on the advice of friends is unacceptable here. It often happens that people reduce muscle spasticity with a vengeance. For example, a leg in which the tone is slightly increased, after an unreasonable intake of drugs, ceases to perform a supporting function altogether. Treatment must be done very carefully. Now there are new drugs, in particular, Botox, a preparation of botulinum toxin, which is administered in microdoses. They act only on the injection site, reduce the tone and prevent the development of contracture. Along with drugs, treatment with a laser, currents, a magnet, acupuncture is prescribed. Physiotherapy relieves pain, improves blood circulation in the joints. Heat therapy helps well - applications of paraffin, ozocerite, as well as mud. "core": But if the contracture is accompanied by an inflammatory process, heat treatment can only worsen the condition. A.K.: Indeed, when the joint is inflamed or when injections are made into it, heat treatment is not used. When you can start it, the doctor will determine. It is very important to notice the change in tone in time and not delay the start of physiotherapy treatment. Cor: Is he being given a course? А.К.: As a rule, 10-15 sessions are prescribed. I would advise you to start with physiotherapy in the clinic, and then buy, say, paraffin and continue treatment at home. Paraffin is heated to 50-56 degrees or to subfertile temperature, that is, body temperature, after which it is applied to the affected area. You can also apply blue clay, take warm (not hot!) baths with sea ​​salt. By the way, other folk remedies are also suitable, for example, burdock leaves, cabbage. Cor: One of our readers told me that compresses with diluted vinegar helped her with arm contracture. I accidentally read in the old journal Science and Life that hardened oilcloth can be restored to elasticity by wiping it with a cloth dipped in a weak solution of vinegar. So I decided to try this method for the treatment of contractures. Helped. А.К.: I have not come across such treatment. Theoretically, this is probably possible. And if it helps, then good. True, it is better to do baths with diluted vinegar, and not compresses, so as not to get a burn. Kor: By the way, this happened to our reader for the first time, then she began to add more water to the vinegar. А.К.: You see how it happens. Therefore, dilute a weak solution of vinegar in a bowl and, lowering your hand into it, gently squeeze and unclench the brush, and make other movements. Thus, you will notice even a slight burning sensation in time. Exercises can also be done in a solution of sea or table salt - movements in water relax the muscles better. In general, with regard to physiotherapy exercises, I want to warn against excessive zeal. What do some sick people do? Suppose a person has a hand movement, but weak. And then, in order to build up strength, he begins to sharply squeeze a sponge, a ball, or even an expander, and he does this almost all free time. And instead of building strength, it builds tone! By the way, judging by the letter, a similar thing happened with Alexander Emelyanovich. Meanwhile, the movements should be light, as if grasping, so that they prevent spasticity. Therefore, instead of a ball, it is better to take, for example, a cube. Or move to opposite side, that is, not flexion. And extensor movements in the hand and fingers. Massage helps a lot. On spasmodic muscles, it should be soft, relaxing, and on muscles - “antagonists”, that is, extensor muscles, it should be more intense. In a word, with contracture, the prospects for creativity are great. But once again I repeat - creativity should be accurate. In terms of extraction, a person can do a lot for himself, but it is important not to harm. Sometimes a patient comes, the hand is clenched into a fist - do not unclench! You start asking what you were doing, it turns out that you were sitting in front of the TV and squeezing your sponge all the time. This kind of "creativity" is dangerous. core: You mentioned the clenched fist. I heard that people sometimes lurk to unclench the joint through pain - clenching their teeth, sharply, with force. Is such a contracture removal acceptable? A.K .: If you try to relieve tension by force, you need to do it very, very carefully. But most importantly - it is better not to bring to this. When they begin to be treated on time and regularly, as a rule, it does not reach contracture. I want to draw attention to one more circumstance. In his letter, Alexander Emelyanovich mentioned that he was experiencing a feeling of constriction. Under certain circumstances, such sensations of soreness, tightness, pain in the arms or legs can be given by centers that are located in a certain part of the brain - in the thalamus. It happens, similar symptoms both the patient himself and his doctors perceive it as spasticity, although in fact these are manifestations of the so-called thalamic syndrome. Cor: So, in this case, roughly speaking, it is necessary to treat not the arms and legs, but the head? A.K .: Yes, there are special drugs that will relieve this syndrome, but first you need to accurately determine the cause of such sensations - do an MRI, conduct other examinations, and only then begin treatment. "cor": Last question Can contracture recur? A.K .: Unfortunately, this happens, so a person sometimes has to do some procedures for quite a long time if there is a tendency to increase contracture. Sometimes the patient is forced to be treated like hypertension, all his life - it depends on muscle tone or joint disease. Any disease, as you know, is easier to prevent than to treat later. And contracture is one of the brightest confirmations of this, in fact, the most important idea of ​​our conversation.

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