Tincture of calendula. After prolonged pneumonia and bronchiectasis. Alcohol-oil extracts of calendula

Calendula or marigold is an unpretentious garden plant with medicinal properties. Based on this flower, various medicinal products are prepared, including calendula tincture for alcohol.

With its help, catarrhal diseases and diseases of the eyes, oral cavity and digestive tract are treated. It helps to cope with various female ailments, is useful for healing the skin and hair. You can prepare a healing tincture yourself or use a ready-made pharmacy preparation.

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    Chemical composition and useful properties

    The medicinal plant calendula has pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which are given to it by the substances contained in the composition:

    Calendula tincture is an antiseptic, the main purpose of which is the disinfection of wounds. skin and mucous membranes.

      Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, the tincture allows you to successfully fight against staphylococci and streptococci, prevents their spread in damaged tissues, and also contributes to the speedy recovery of tissues. Therefore, it is used to treat wounds, frostbite, burns and other skin diseases.

      The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of the drug is used for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. For the treatment of these diseases, the drug is used in the form of rinses. The same properties allow the use of tincture for dental diseases, to eliminate inflammation and heal gums with stomatitis, periodontitis and gingivitis.

      With the help of a healing tincture of marigolds, diseases of the female genital area are treated. With vaginitis and other diseases, douching is done with it.

      The choleretic and antispasmodic effect of the drug is used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder. It has a beneficial effect on the biliary tract, relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Marigold tincture is used to treat cholecystitis, gastric ulcer and gastritis.

      Treatment with calendula tincture

      As a remedy, marigold tincture is used to treat wounds, cauterizations and lotions. With its help, rinse, douche and put tampons. For external treatment of wounds and rashes, the drug is used undiluted. In all other cases, it is necessary to dilute the medicine with water.

      It is allowed to use tincture inside only on the recommendation of the attending physician and under his guidance. The presence of ethyl alcohol in the product negatively affects the state of the nervous system and can cause a weakening of concentration and disorientation. Children should not take this drug from calendula inside.

      Tincture of calendula

      A few recipes for using marigold tincture for treatment:

      Disease Instructions for use
      AnginaWith sore throat, tincture is used to gargle. To do this, the drug is diluted in half with water and rinsed with a throat solution 5-6 times a day.
      Purulent complicated anginaIn this case, the drug is used undiluted. With the help of a cotton swab dipped in tincture, foci of inflammation on the tonsils are treated 5-6 times a day
      Otitis mediaThe drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and instilled into each nasal passage 1-2 drops.
      Superficial otitis mediaTincture, diluted with water in equal amounts, moisten the turundas and inject them overnight into the ear
      ARI and SARSAt the first symptoms of a cold, dilute 3 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water and rinse the throat with a solution. To eliminate the common cold, the same solution is instilled into each nasal passage, 1 drop.
      Chicken poxRashes on the body that form with chickenpox are treated with calendula tincture to disinfect and prevent the spread of the disease.
      Dental diseasesTo prevent caries and to get rid of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, rinse daily with a solution of tincture and water in a ratio of 1: 1. To cure ulcers that form on the gums with stomatitis, they are treated with a pure tincture using a cotton swab.
      Stomach ulcerThe tincture is taken orally, 20-30 drops diluted in water, twice a day.
      Stimulation of the bile ductsThree times a day, 15 drops of tincture are taken orally, diluted in water.
      conjunctivitis, blepharitis1 tsp the drug is diluted in 100 ml of water. The prepared solution is used to wash the eyes every 2 hours. It is also useful to make lotions with this solution on the eyelids.

      Women's Health Benefits

      In gynecology, tincture of calendula flowers is used externally without restrictions for the treatment of diseases of the female genital area. It is used for external treatment of inflamed mucosal areas in a diluted form.

      For douching, a solution of low concentration is made, using 10 parts of boiled water for 1 part of the drug. Using the same solution, cervical erosion is treated. To do this, put tampons soaked in a solution of calendula tincture at night. Since such treatment negatively affects the microflora of the vagina, it is necessary to drink a course of bifidobacteria simultaneously with douching to restore it.

      Calendula tincture for children

      For young children, alcohol tincture can only be used externally:

      Inside, the tincture is allowed to be given to children only after 12 years only in a diluted form. In this case, the drug can be used for gargling, provided that the child can gargle without swallowing the liquid.

      Use in cosmetology

      A tincture of marigold flowers helps to solve specific cosmetic problems. This drug effectively fights acne, acne and acne.

      To treat acne on the face, homemade lotions with a low alcohol content are prepared from the tincture. A more concentrated remedy is applied pointwise to acne to cauterize them. Thanks to this use, the beneficial properties of the drug appear in two directions: the pathogenic microflora that causes inflammation is destroyed, and the skin integument is quickly healed at the site of the formation of the acne wound.

      Tincture in its pure form is allowed to be used for a short time for a one-time treatment of rashes and only pointwise. Lotions based on a medicinal preparation can be used for a long time. In this case, the cleansing of the skin is slow, but the result is stable.

      An alcohol preparation based on calendula can also be used to improve hair. It has a beneficial effect on the roots of hairs and on their entire structure. It is especially recommended to use these products for women with oily hair, as such a tool has the ability to regulate the sebaceous glands.

      The drug in a diluted form is used to rinse the hair after washing. It has the following effect:

      • soothes itching;
      • eliminates dandruff;
      • normalizes the secretion of sebum.

      With the help of an aqueous solution of tincture, it is possible to stop hair loss, as this remedy strengthens the roots and avoids baldness.

      How to prepare calendula tincture

      An alcohol extract from calendula flowers can be purchased ready-made at any pharmacy, but many people prefer to prepare the drug on their own. You can make your own tincture with vodka or alcohol. As raw materials, fully opened calendula flowers are taken, cut at a distance of 3 cm from the basket.


    1. 1. The collected raw materials are placed in a glass jar and poured with an alcohol component in a ratio of 1:10.
    2. 2. The prepared container must be tightly closed with a lid and infused for 10 days in a cool, dark room.
    3. 3. Shake the contents of the container daily.
    4. 4. The finished tincture is filtered through gauze and poured into a dark glass bottle so that the active ingredients do not decompose under the influence of light.

    Homemade marigold tincture retains its healing properties for 4 years. To do this, it must be stored away from heat and sunlight.


    You can use the alcoholic extract of calendula externally without restrictions. The use of the drug inside has several contraindications and can be harmful in case of:

    • individual intolerance to the components;
    • childhood;
    • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases of the digestive tract;
    • cholelithiasis and cholecystitis in the acute stage.

    Non-compliance with the dosage and abuse of the drug can cause headache, indigestion, heartburn and dizziness in case of internal use. When applied externally, side effects are manifested in dryness and peeling of the skin, other signs of discomfort.

Botanical characteristics of calendula officinalis

is a medicinal plant. Calendula blooms with beautiful orange-yellow flowers, and in addition to being used for medicinal purposes, it is also widespread in decorative floriculture. In domestic pharmacology, this plant is very much appreciated.

The flowers of the plant are yellow or orange in color, collected in inflorescences-baskets. The fruit of calendula is an achene, slightly bent, without a tuft. Fruit on the outside of an uneven surface with spines. The flowering of the plant begins in June and ends in September. The fruits ripen in October. The plant is very fond of light, but demanding on moisture and soil. It can be seen in Southern Europe, the Middle East and Western Asia.

This plant blooms for quite a long time, from June to late autumn, almost until October. Calendula bears fruit in July, propagated by seeds, does not require special conditions for growing, and at the same time is considered a good honey plant.

Calendula is considered a cultivated plant, it is grown for both medicinal and decorative purposes, it very rarely runs wild. For treatment, only inflorescences are used, that is, baskets that are harvested during the flowering period, when the basket has fully blossomed. Leaves and flower stalks are not used.

For medicinal purposes, freshly blossomed inflorescences of the plant are harvested. Baskets should be cut at the base of the peduncle and dried for about 4 hours in an air dryer, inside which the temperature is 45 degrees Celsius. Dried raw materials can be stored for no more than two years. Most often, the plant is found in Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus.

Useful properties of calendula

The flowers of this medicinal plant contain a lot of carotenoids (thanks to this, the flower has an orange color). The calendula flower contains carotene, rubixanthin, lycopene, cigroxanthin, violaxanthin, flavochrome, flavoxanthin and other substances.

By color, one can judge the amount of carotenoids contained in the flower. The brighter the flower, the more carotene it contains. In addition, calendula flowers contain paraffinic hydrocarbons (gentriacontan and sitosterol), saponin, bitterness, mucus, resins, phytoncides, proteins, flavonoids, calendiloside glycoside, traces of alkaloids, triterpendiols (arnidiol and faraziol), organic acids (malic, pentadecyl, salicylic), ascorbic acid and essential oil, which gives these flowers a wonderful aroma and phytoncidity.

The green parts of the flower contain bitterness, tannins, triterpene saponins. As recent studies have shown, preparations with calendula are widely used in pharmacology due to the content of biologically active compounds in the flowers of the plant - for example, carotenoids, flavonoids and vitamins.

As studies of the general effect have shown, this plant has low toxicity and has an inhibitory effect on motor activity, as well as reflex excitability of animals. As a result, a noticeable sedative effect of galenic forms of the plant was revealed, which was expressed by a long period of sleep and antagonism in relation to CNS stimulants.

Calendula is used for medicinal purposes as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing agent. It is used for both internal and external use. Preparations from this plant have astringent, antispasmodic, choleretic and sedative effects, improve heart function, and lower blood pressure. Quite often, calendula is used to treat diseases of internal organs, the nervous system, as a sedative, as an anticoagulant, immunomodulatory drug. It is also used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, analgesic, desensitizing and tonic. Calendula has also found application as a means of increasing male potency.

Calendula flowers are also used as an antispasmodic. It is able to relax the smooth muscle structures of such organs as the stomach, intestines and liver, which leads to increased bile formation and bile secretion and increased secretory activity of the stomach.

Calendula exhibits its anti-inflammatory properties under conditions of experimental models of septic and aseptic inflammation. Among other things, calendula preparations can improve regeneration processes. Despite the fact that the bactericidal qualities of calendula are insignificant in relation to staphylococci, inflammation processes complicated by bacterial flora, under the influence of preparations from this plant, proceed much easier due to increased growth of granulations, improved epithelialization and increased local defense mechanisms.

Recipes based on calendula

Infusion of calendula. Take 1 tablespoon of calendula and pour it with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour to brew. Strain the finished infusion and take 1 tablespoon three times a day. The remedy is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis and liver diseases. The same infusion is suitable for gargling with sore throat and inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Fresh inflorescences of the plant that need to be crushed will help get rid of warts. The finished mass is applied to the wart, a patch is glued on top and they go to bed with it. This process is carried out until the day when the wart falls off.

Decoction with the threat of miscarriage. Take half a tablespoon of marigold flowers and the same amount of St. John's wort. Pour this mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After straining the finished broth, it is taken 500 ml per day, dividing this amount of liquid into 2 doses. This medicine is used 1 month before childbirth.

Tincture of calendula on alcohol. It is necessary to take 100 ml of 70% alcohol and mix with 10 grams of calendula flowers, then leave to brew for several hours. This tincture is used externally, diluting 1 teaspoon of tincture in 200 ml of boiling water. Diluted tincture is washed with cuts, purulent wounds, burns.

Calendula tincture on water. Take 1 tablespoon of the flowers of the plant and fill them with 100 ml of boiling water, pour into a thermos. Leave the composition in a thermos for 1-2 hours. After straining the finished tincture, it is taken 1 tablespoon three times a day for gastritis. Also, this tincture is used as a means for inhalation, washing and lotions.

How to make an oil infusion? Video recipe:

Angina: you need to take one tablespoon of dried calendula flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, wrap tightly, then strain. It is recommended to gargle with this infusion 2-3 times a day. An alcohol tincture of calendula is also suitable for rinsing. To do this, a 70% alcohol tincture is stirred in a glass of water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of tincture per glass of water.

You can also prepare such a rinse: mix calendula inflorescences, large plantain leaves, wormwood herb, take one tablespoon of this collection, pour a glass of water, boil over low heat or in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, leave to infuse, then strain . Warm decoction should be gargled every 2 hours. This decoction can be taken orally 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

An allergy is a reaction of the body due to its high sensitivity to the effects of any substances (allergens). In order to get rid of allergies, you can take an infusion of calendula flowers. To prepare it, 10 grams of inflorescences need to be poured with 1/2 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 1-2 hours and consume 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Heart arrhythmia: preparing an infusion of calendula flowers. Two teaspoons of inflorescences must be poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted for one hour, strained. Use the remedy for half a cup three times a day. Such a collection is effective for violations of the heart rhythm, palpitations.

Arthritis: we are preparing a collection that will require inflorescences of calendula officinalis - 5 g, common juniper fruits - 5 g, brittle buckthorn bark - 5 g, black elderberry flowers - 10 g, nettle leaves - 10 g, horsetail herb - 20 g, purple willow bark - 20 g, warty birch leaves - 20 g. You should take three tablespoons of the finished collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, cook for 5-10 minutes, strain and consume 1 glass every two hours.

Asthma: To prepare the collection, we take calendula inflorescences, peppermint leaves, tricolor violet grass, marsh rosemary grass, elecampane roots, coltsfoot leaves, licorice roots, chamomile inflorescences, common anise fruits - all herbs equally. Two tablespoons of the finished collection should be poured into 200 ml of water, heated in a boiling bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes, strained, brought to the original volume with boiled water and consumed 1/3 - 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

Aphthae: a decoction of calendula flowers. Pour one tablespoon of calendula inflorescences with one glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath or boil for 10 minutes. We prepare the infusion: pour 20 grams of inflorescences with one glass of boiling water. The finished infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. It is recommended to use the product for rinsing.

Blennorea: Pour one tablespoon of calendula inflorescences with one glass of boiling water, leave warm (or wrapped) for 30-40 minutes, then carefully filter. We use for washing the eyes, for lotions, compresses on the eyes.

Hepatitis: preparing an infusion of calendula. Pour two cups of boiling water over two teaspoons of calendula inflorescences, leave for 1 hour, filter. Take the infusion should be half a cup 4 times a day. The tool has choleretic properties.

We prepare tea from a mixture of herbs: calendula inflorescences - 2 parts, St. . We take four tablespoons of the finished collection, pour 0.5 liters of cold water, leave it overnight, boil for 5 minutes in the morning, insist 20 minutes. It is necessary to drink tea 1/2 cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Jade: we are preparing a collection, which will require calendula inflorescences - 40 g, St. We take 20 g of the finished collection and pour two glasses of boiled water, leave for 10 hours, boil for 5-7 minutes, cool, filter. We use throughout the day. The decoction is used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent.

Gastritis: to prepare the collection, we take inflorescences of calendula officinalis - 1 part, rose hips (crushed) - 3 parts, cudweed herb - 1 part, chamomile inflorescences - 1 part, white rose petals - 1 part, horsetail shoots - 1 part, herb common agrimony - 2 parts, wormwood grass - 2 parts, dill seeds - 3 parts, St. John's wort grass - 4 parts, large plantain leaves - 4 parts, flowering tops of common yarrow - 7 parts. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with 0.65 liters of boiling water, set to languish for 30 minutes, and then filter. The remedy is recommended to be taken half a glass 4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The infusion has a slightly bitter taste.

Hypertonic disease: recommended tincture of calendula inflorescences. In order to normalize blood pressure, it is necessary to use a tincture (2:100 in 40-degree alcohol) 20-40 drops 3 times a day for a long time. As a result of taking the remedy, working capacity increases, headaches do not bother, sleep normalizes.

Dizziness: a decoction of marigold flowers is used. 10 grams of inflorescences are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and consumed 1-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Dermatomycosis: make baths. Gauze, folded 3-4 times, is impregnated with calendula infusion and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Jaundice: preparing an infusion of inflorescences. Two cups of boiling water, brew two teaspoons of calendula flowers, leave for 1 hour, filter. It is necessary to use the infusion for half a glass 4 times a day.

It is very good to use calendula in the form of tincture. It is better to start from 30 drops and bring to one teaspoon 2-4 times a day.

We are preparing the collection. We take the above-ground mass of calendula -1 part, rose hips (crushed) - 3 parts, dandelion root - 3 parts, corn columns with stigmas - 3 parts, horsetail shoots - 3 parts, sandy immortelle inflorescences - 4 parts, white rose petals - 2 parts, wild strawberry fruits -2 parts, chamomile inflorescences -2 parts, ordinary juniper fruits (crushed) - 1 part, forest cudweed herb - 1 part, white birch leaf - 1 part, dill seeds - 1 part. Pour one tablespoon of the finished collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to languish for 30 minutes, filter. Take the drug should be 150 ml three times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals. The infusion has a bitter taste.

Scrofula: pour one teaspoon of calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for one hour, then strain and consume 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Colitis: 2 parts of calendula flowers and 2 parts of blackberry leaves are taken. 4 teaspoons of the finished collection should be brewed in a glass of boiling water. Drink a decoction should be 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Malaria: to prepare a medicinal infusion, you will need 2 parts of marigold flowers, 3 parts of wormwood grass, 5 parts of sunflower flowers and 10 parts of centaury grass. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of the collection, brew in a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse, then strain. Use the resulting medicine 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Thrush (candidiasis): a glass of boiling water you need to brew a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers, leave to infuse for one hour and strain. Ready infusion should rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day. The infusion can be replaced with a diluted tincture (1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of calendula for one glass of boiled water).

A tumor is an excessive growth of tissue, which consists of qualitatively changed and transformed cells of the body. Tumors are divided into benign (as a rule, they do not grow into adjacent tissues, do not metastasize) and malignant (cancer, sarcoma, etc.).

Since ancient times, calendula has been considered an excellent remedy for getting rid of tumors and malignant tumors. However, one calendula to overcome the disease, unfortunately, is impossible. It is recommended to reduce intoxication of the body. In some patients with certain forms of malignant tumors, improvement is observed. Namely, in patients with stomach cancer, dyspeptic symptoms disappear, belching, nausea and vomiting decrease.

We prepare an infusion of calendula flowers. Pour two cups of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of calendula flowers, insist for 15 minutes, divide into 4 parts and drink in equal portions throughout the day.

Parodontosis: pour 10 grams of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, filter, rinse your mouth.

Rush of blood to the head: We are preparing the collection, for which we take 2 parts of calendula, 2 parts of mallow flowers, 3 parts of ordinary anise seeds, 3 parts of tricolor violet herb, 3 parts of black elderberry flowers, 3 parts of the root of the field harrow, 3 parts of the bark of the brittle buckthorn, 3 parts of the bare licorice root . In a thermos, brew two tablespoons of the finished collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave overnight, filter. We use 2 glasses of infusion per day.

Rickets: pour one tablespoon of calendula inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 1 hour, filter. We use 1/2 cup of the product 3-4 times a day.

Rheumatism: we are preparing a collection of 10 g of calendula inflorescences, 10 g of licorice root, 5 g of rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis, 5 g of dill fruits, 10 g of panzeria grass and 10 g of tripartite herb. We brew one tablespoon of the collection with one glass of boiling water in a thermos for 1 hour. It is necessary to take an infusion for rheumatic pains, angina pectoris, neuroses.

Stomatitis: a pharmacy tincture of calendula (preparation) is recommended for treatment: one teaspoon of the tincture should be mixed with a glass or 0.5 cups of boiled water. You can also use the infusion, for this, 20 g of inflorescences are poured with one glass of boiling water, after which the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 and used to rinse with inflammation of the gums or oral mucosa.

Toxicosis: there are two recipes for getting rid of early toxicosis.

1. Mix 2 parts of calendula flowers with 1 part of lemon balm, pour 500 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of this mixture, leave for 20 minutes and take 75 ml 3 times a day for 7-8 weeks (consult your doctor first).

2. Mix 4 parts of calendula inflorescences, 3 parts of crushed rose hips, 4 parts of motherwort grass, 3 parts of valerian root, 2 parts of peppermint, 2 parts of calamus rhizomes and 2 parts of St. John's wort. One spoonful of the finished collection is poured into 500 ml of hot water, boiled for 1 minute, left to infuse for 20 minutes, filtered. Take 50-100 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes or 1 hour before meals for two months, after which you need to take a break for 10 days and the treatment can be repeated.

Enlargement of the spleen: you will need 1 part of calendula inflorescences and 1 part of yarrow inflorescence grass. 20 grams of the finished collection is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted in a warm place for 40 minutes, filtered and taken 1/3 cup 2 times a day.

Acne (pimples): insist 50 grams of calendula flowers in 0.5 liters of vodka for 8-10 days. Further, one teaspoon of tincture is diluted in 150-200 g of boiled water, used for lotions.

Bruises: places of bruises, abrasions, bruises or tumors are smeared with ointment or alcohol tincture of calendula inflorescences.

Cholecystitis: we are preparing a herbal collection, for which we take calendula officinalis herb - 1 part, rose hips - 3 parts, officinalis roots - 3 parts, corn columns with stigmas - 3 parts, horsetail shoots - 3 parts, sandy cumin inflorescences - 4 parts , white rose petals - 2 parts, wild strawberry fruits - 2 parts, chamomile inflorescences - 2 parts, fluffy birch leaves - 1 part, common juniper fruits - 1 part, forest cudweed grass - 1 part, dill fruits - 1 part. Pour one tablespoon of the crushed mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water, then the composition should be simmered for 30 minutes, strain and take 150 ml 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

Enteritis: take an infusion of calendula inflorescences. One teaspoon of inflorescences is taken per glass of water. You need to take the remedy for 0.5 cups in between meals. To improve the effect, it is good to mix calendula with chamomile and yarrow.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum: use an infusion of calendula officinalis inflorescences, for which 20 grams of inflorescences are poured with one glass of boiling water. Take the drug 0.5 cup 3 times a day between meals.

A decoction of calendula: 10 grams of inflorescences are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and consumed 1-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

We prepare a collection of herbs: 1 part of calendula inflorescences, rose hips - 3 parts, cudweed marsh grass - 1 part, chamomile inflorescences - 1 part, white rose petals - 1 part, horsetail shoots - 1 part, agrimony grass - 2 parts , wormwood grass - 2 parts, garden dill seeds - 3 parts, St. John's wort grass - 4 parts, large plantain leaves - 4 parts, flowering tops of common yarrow - 7 parts. We take one tablespoon of the collection and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, the composition should be simmered for 30 minutes, strain. Take an infusion of half a glass 4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Barley: we prepare an infusion of calendula flowers, for which we pour 10–15 dry inflorescences with a glass of cold boiled water, insist in a warm place for 30–40 minutes, filter. We use the tool as lotions and compresses.

Calendula tincture helps to get rid of headaches, improves sleep and increases efficiency. With hypertension, the tincture is taken in a course of 3 weeks, it can be longer. Also, calendula tincture is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, rickets, cancer, insomnia, cardiac arrhythmias, shortness of breath, as a choleretic agent, to improve overall well-being.

Preparation of tincture of calendula: For 100 ml of 70% alcohol we take 10 grams of calendula, insist 2 weeks. The agent should be filtered. Use the medicine 20-30 drops 3 times a day.

With the help of such a tincture, you can quickly get rid of inflammatory processes and purulent inflammation, from discharge after injuries and ulcerative processes, tissue regeneration is accelerated and wounds heal, including those with sarcoma.

For external use, make lotions or lubricate sore spots, ulcers, burns, acne, scratches, cuts. This medicine is effective in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, throat (gargle), be sure to dilute the tincture with water.

Calendula tincture on alcohol is a remedy for external and internal use, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The pharmaceutical preparation has healing properties due to the combination of alcohol and plant flower extract, which contain active ingredients that have a beneficial effect on human health. This solution is widely used to treat wounds and rashes on the skin, treat diseases of the throat and ears, and is also used for cosmetic purposes.

Calendula (Marigold) belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants of the Astrov family. Such a flower can be found in Western Europe, Russia, the Mediterranean, Asia. The buds of Calendula are very bright and lush, they have a yellow-orange color and can please the eye with their flowering throughout the summer period until the onset of autumn cold weather. The plant is quite unpretentious and reproduces well with the help of its seeds, so it has been grown for many years for medicinal and decorative purposes.

Healing effect of marigolds

Medicinal preparations prepared on the basis of Calendula contain in their composition many useful components that have the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Healing.
  • Soothing.

The medicinal plant contains active ingredients such as carotenes, saponins, fatty acids, essential oils, manganese salts. Thanks to them, the work of the kidneys and liver is normalized, and vitamins and microelements entering the body are better absorbed. Medical solutions, which include Marigolds, are used as a choleretic and diuretic. And the content of phytoncides, tannins and glycosides provides the tincture with an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

How to grow medicinal flowers at home

Calendula can be successfully grown on your site in the open field or in a flower box on the balcony. The plant does not require special and complex care., tolerates hot summers and cold weather with low temperatures, so even a novice gardener can handle the growing process.

For rapid growth and subsequent flowering, Calendula should be planted in a well-lit place, as flowers will grow slowly in the shade. It is desirable that the soil be fertile, although Marigolds can thrive in any soil. Seeds should be planted at a depth of 2-3 cm, as this will allow easy transplantation of adult plants if necessary.

In order for the flowers to be large and strong, they need to be watered regularly. It is recommended to do this 2 times a week, and in dry weather it can be done more often. For a longer flowering, the opened buds must be collected, and then soon new flowers will form in their place.

There are many recipes for making decoctions and infusions from Calendula at home. In the manufacture of medicines, flower petals are used, since they contain all the beneficial substances that the plant is rich in. To do this, the buds must be carefully cut and dried well in the shade in the open air. After that, the medicinal herb can be used for its intended purpose. You need to store it in a bag made of dense material, no more than 1 year.

Description of calendula tincture - application, instructions

Alcohol infusion of calendula is a budget and affordable medicine that can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. It is produced in small bottles of 40-50 ml. The package contains instructions for use and a pipette for the exact dosage of the drug. Due to its medicinal properties, most often the solution is used as an external agent, but sometimes it is also prescribed for internal use.

The composition of the pharmaceutical preparation

Tincture of calendula on alcohol - the use is due to the presence in it of such substances:

In addition, the drug contains vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium, potassium, zinc, copper. They have a very positive effect on health and well-being, as they support the work of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the development of caries and infections in the oral cavity.

Indications for the use of the drug

You already know that a marigold-based pharmacy solution has a wound-healing, antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Now let's find out what calendula tincture helps with? It is recommended to use the prepared preparation on alcohol for the following health problems:

The healing liquid, depending on the type of disease, is taken orally or used for external use. Actively destroying pathogenic microbes, the tincture helps to quickly get rid of pain and promotes faster healing of wounds and abrasions in case of damage to the mucous membranes and skin. And the internal use of the remedy will help to cope with diseases of the digestive system, eliminate problems in the liver and gallbladder.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that calendula tincture is completely natural, there are a certain category of people who are not recommended treatment with this remedy:

Since the drug contains a fairly large percentage of alcohol, it is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Although after using calendula tincture, patient reviews are mostly positive, in some cases side effects are possible after using a pharmacy product. When used externally, this can be expressed by the appearance of an allergic rash on the skin, which may be accompanied by swelling, burning and itching.

With internal use, negative symptoms of this nature may appear:

  • Bitter taste in the mouth, nausea.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Severe allergic manifestations, anaphylactic shock.
  • Shortness of breath, tachycardia.

To avoid side effects, before starting treatment, you must definitely visit a therapist who will advise you on how to take the drug and, taking into account the severity of the disease, select an individual dosage.

Application for various diseases

According to the instructions, the healing agent can be used for external and internal use. It is used as a lotion and rubbing to treat wounds, abrasions and other skin problems.

For the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat, a tincture diluted with water is suitable as a rinse. And inside it is recommended to be taken with stagnation of bile and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Depending on the type of disease, it is recommended to be treated with alcohol tincture of calendula. in the following way:

  • Skin problems. Most often, this remedy is used to eliminate acne and disinfect the skin in case of damage. To get rid of acne or pustules, you should use a cotton swab to apply the medicine to the problem area and wait until it is completely absorbed. The procedure can be carried out 2-4 times a day until the inflammation disappears completely. Bruises, abrasions, cuts, eczema should be treated with an aqueous solution of alcohol tincture. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of the drug to a glass of clean water and mix. The therapeutic mixture should be impregnated with a bandage and applied in the form of lotions to the diseased areas of the skin.

I heard about this tincture as a child. All cuts and broken knees were treated only by her. And if your throat hurt, you often had to gargle with a diluted tincture. And a few days ago I remembered her, because I woke up with a pimple on my cheek. Without thinking twice, I bought this medicine at the pharmacy and treated the pimple. The next day there was almost no trace left of him! I highly recommend this tool to everyone.

Svetlana, Orenburg.

  • Diseases of the throat and mouth. For treatment, you need to prepare a solution of boiled water (200 grams) and tincture (10 grams). It must be used for gargling 5-6 times a day 15 minutes before meals. When an infection occurs in the oral cavity, it is recommended to rinse with the same remedy 6-8 times a day. Never use undiluted tincture for this, as it can burn the mucous tissue of the mouth and throat.

In such cases, I spend not rinsing, but inhalation. I add calendula, eucalyptus and chamomile to the bowl, pour boiling water over it, cover with a terry towel and let it brew. After 5-10 minutes, I breathe through my mouth over this bowl, covering my head with a blanket. As the solution cools, I lower my head closer to the bowl, you can add boiling water. Usually 3-4 such procedures are enough to cure the throat.

Maria, Moscow.

  • Ear diseases. Healing tincture is very effective in the treatment of otitis externa. To get rid of painful symptoms, it is recommended to instill the ear with 1-2 drops of the drug 3 times a day. At the initial stage of the disease, warming compresses can be made, consisting of a pharmacy diluted with water.

When, after a long walk, my son's ear hurt, we went to see the doctor. He prescribed us pills and recommended to instill an alcohol solution of calendula into the ear every 4 hours. The improvement happened already on the second day, the temperature dropped and the pain became much less.

I use the same tincture for compresses and gargles for colds. A positive result is noticeable literally in 1-2 days. In addition, it is quite inexpensive, but the effect exceeded all expectations!

Galina, Novosibirsk.

  • Internal application. The drug is prescribed for oral administration as a choleretic agent, as it is able to relax the muscles of the internal organs and due to this, the bile ducts begin to function normally. Here the dose is usually 15-20 drops per 100 grams of water. In this amount, the medicine should be taken 3-4 times a day. When treating stomach ulcers, it will be enough to take 25-30 drops of tincture diluted with water, 2-3 times a day.

It is possible to use medicinal tincture only for adults who do not have vascular diseases. And also it should be borne in mind that long-term use of funds for alcohol can be addictive and provoke alcohol dependence. Therefore, if you need long-term treatment, it is better with the help of your doctor to choose a more suitable remedy that will not cause negative consequences.

One of the most common medicinal plants used in traditional medicine is calendula. And making alcohol tincture of calendula is quite simple. So in this article, we will discuss the beneficial medicinal properties of calendula and how to use the tincture in traditional medicine recipes.

So, what is this medicinal plant calendula?

This bright orange flower is endowed with great power. Marigold marigolds are able to defeat a huge number of diseases, this flower is helped by its unique chemical composition.

The main ingredient in calendula is calendene. The composition also includes acids important for life: ascorbic, malic, salicylic.

Useful properties of calendula

  • With the help of carotenoids present in calendula, the plant promotes the absorption of vitamin A. This property has a positive effect;
  • the essential oils contained in the petals of calendula cope with the fungus, for example, such as thrush;
  • calendula is also an anti-inflammatory agent, a substance such as coumarin helps in this flower;
  • the plant is a powerful antibacterial and wound healing agent;
  • calendula is capable of in the blood;
  • helps in the fight against cancer;
  • Calendula is a diuretic, able to remove pathogenic bacteria from the body.

Tincture of calendula

Calendula marigold tincture is a really good widely used remedy, both among the people and in medicine. Calendula tincture is able to heal purulent inflammation, is the strongest antiseptic and antifungal agent.

The tincture has bilious and diuretic properties, has an antispasmodic effect.

External use of alcohol tincture of calendula

  • Heals severe, festering wounds;
  • as a wound healing;
  • used for skin burns;
  • as an antifungal agent for thrush;
  • treats stomatitis, conjunctivitis and much more;
  • used in gynecology, successfully treats other gynecological inflammatory diseases;
  • for cosmetic purposes, it is used for acne and inflammation.

The use of alcohol tincture of calendula inside

  • As a choleretic and diuretic;
  • used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially recommended for stomach ulcers;
  • normalizes high blood pressure;
  • helps to cope with arrhythmia;
  • improves the general condition of our body as a whole.

Making alcohol tincture at home

Calendula tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy store. But if you have prepared the flowers of the plant in the summer in reserve, then you can take advantage of this and make an alcohol infusion from calendula marigolds on your own.

To do this, take 20 grams of marigolds, chop them and fill with alcohol. In the absence of alcohol, this procedure can be done with vodka, although the first option is preferable.

Calendula should be infused in a glass container, preferably with dark glass. It is necessary to put the bottle in a dark place for one and a half or two weeks. Periodically, the tincture needs to be shaken. After 2 weeks, the alcohol infusion should be filtered. It is also better to store it in a container with dark glasses.

How is marigold tincture used in folk medicine

  • It is used in the treatment of angina. You need to dilute 1 tablespoon of infused calendula in 1 glass of water and gargle thoroughly every 2-3 hours;
  • at 25 drops of alcohol tincture, dilute in 100 ml. water. Take one hour before meals. Do the procedure 3-4 times a day;
  • in the treatment of hepatitis, tincture of marigold should be used 3 times a day. You need to start the course of treatment with 20 drops. Gradually adding 5 drops every day to bring the dose to 1 teaspoon. The tincture should be diluted with half a glass of water. Apply within 20 min. before meals. The course of treatment with alcohol tincture of calendula is a month.
  • for hypertension, dilute 20-25 drops of tincture in water. Take before meals 3 times a day.
  • with a water-alcohol solution of calendula infusion, rinse your mouth at least 3 times. Make a solution 1:10;
  • in the treatment of gynecological diseases, it is used in the form of douching. For one glass of water 1 tablespoon.

Calendula tincture for acne on the face - application

Treatment of acne, acne tincture of calendula. Make a solution of 1:50. Wipe face instead of lotion in the morning and/or evening. The course of acne treatment is a month. Be sure to take a break of at least 20-25 days. If the first time the ball is not very effective, conduct another course.

Calendula growing in flower beds is unpretentious, beautiful and incredibly useful. Medicinal preparations are prepared on the basis of vegetable raw materials, among which is an alcohol tincture of calendula. This is a fragrant dark yellow liquid that has taken over from the flowers all their healing properties.

To prepare the tincture, bright yellow or orange inflorescences-baskets are used, containing the maximum amount of bioactive substances. As a result of extraction, the tincture takes over from the plant:

  • pronounced antibacterial, antiseptic properties;
  • the ability to stimulate the outflow of bile;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect on organs and tissues.

The manufacture of extracts has been mastered for a very long time. But it was possible to confirm the benefits and determine the true scope of the alcohol tincture of calendula only after a thorough study of its composition.

The composition and scope of use of alcohol tincture of calendula

Medicinal properties means is obliged:

  • triterpenoids, which relieve and prevent symptoms of inflammation;
  • flavonoids and coumarins, which have antispasmodic, choleretic, firming effects;
  • essential oils that destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • carotenoids, acting as natural antioxidants, immunostimulants and means to maintain the health of blood vessels and tissues.

Both flowers and calendula tincture contain mineral components that supply the body with potassium and calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium and a number of other essential elements.

Ready-made or home-made alcohol infusion of calendula is in almost every first aid kit. When is the remedy most beneficial? What helps tincture of calendula, how to use it correctly?

Instructions for use of calendula tincture

The liquid can be used internally and externally, while it suppresses pathogenic microflora, especially active on streptococci and staphylococci, contributing to the speedy healing of wounds and pacifying pain.

These properties of the liquid are used for all kinds of damage to the skin and mucous membranes:

  • cuts and abrasions;
  • bruises;
  • dermatitis and eczema;
  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.

Diseases of the skin, including chicken pox, accompanied by a rash, itching, irritation and swelling of the skin, are treated with compresses, lotions. A herbal remedy is recommended for sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis, as well as gum problems, such as stomatitis and gingivitis. If the patient has such pathologies, rinsing will be most useful.

Before diluting the tincture of calendula for gargling, you should make sure that the water used is potable, and the patient has no contraindications to the use of this medicine.

Irrigation and washing with tincture will alleviate the condition of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area in men and women.

In cosmetology, acne tincture is used as one of the components of acne treatment. The plant relieves rashes of an allergic, infectious and other nature. At the same time, the tincture acts not only effectively, but also in a complex way, ridding the integument of the pathogenic flora, stopping inflammation and stimulating tissue regeneration. A similar effect is used to stimulate hair growth, get rid of dandruff.

The use of tincture inside is prescribed if we are talking about pathologies of the digestive system, gallbladder, genitourinary system.

Calendula tincture for gargling and mouthwash

Seasonal colds, viral and bacterial infections are often accompanied by pain, burning, and sore throat. The reason for this is the inflammation of delicate, easily irritated integuments. If there is a tincture of calendula in the home first aid kit, gargling with this remedy will quickly restore health, relieve pain and help restore the integrity of the mucosa.

How to gargle with tincture of calendula for sore throat, laryngitis, as well as for stomatitis and other dental problems:

  1. For a glass of warm water for rinsing, take 2 tablespoons of herbal remedy.
  2. The liquid is mixed and used for its intended purpose.
  3. The procedure is carried out several times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, while the session should last at least five minutes.

Since the liquid contains ethyl alcohol, pure tincture can only be used pointwise, when applied to inflammation and abscesses. For rinsing, be sure to dilute the liquid with clean drinking water.

Calendula tincture for the face

Cosmetologists appreciate the tincture of calendula flowers as a remedy for the treatment and prevention of acne. The tool perfectly regulates the production of sebum, relieves puffiness, dries out inflammation.

Is it possible to wipe the face with tincture of calendula? Yes, owners of oily skin can include the product in the morning and evening care. Soak a cotton swab with liquid and treat the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. However, due to the special sensitivity, you should not wipe the skin near the eyes, and also touch the lips. If there are foci of inflammation on the neck and décolleté, the product is applied with a cotton swab.

Exposure to alcohol-based liquids on dry or sensitive skin can lead to flaking, increased discomfort, dehydration, and premature skin aging.

To reduce the risk, calendula tincture for the face is added to tonics, make-up removers, as well as home masks indicated for inflamed skin.

The gauze base of the mask is impregnated with half-diluted tincture and laid out on the skin so that the product does not get on the area around the eyes and lips. In 20 minutes of exposure, calendula neutralizes pathogenic flora, tightens and cleanses, disinfects and normalizes skin secretion.

The addition of aloe juice to the tincture will help to enrich the composition of the mask, which perfectly moisturizes, soothes and protects against aging. With oily skin, egg white enhances the tightening effect, gives the face an attractive matte finish and retains freshness for a long time.

Since acne is only the outward manifestation of more serious internal problems in the body, such as indigestion, hormonal imbalance or nervous fatigue, calendula tincture cannot be the only treatment. In addition to cleansing and external support of the skin condition, complex therapy is necessarily used, including a diet, a balanced daily regimen and, if necessary, medications prescribed by a doctor.

Calendula tincture for hair

Trace elements, essential oils, acids and vitamins in the composition of the tincture have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. Calendula tincture for hair is used:

  • with baldness;
  • with oily seborrhea;
  • with increased fat content of the strands.

To stimulate hair growth, a two-thirds diluted tincture is applied to the root zone and scalp. The same remedy, thanks to antibacterial and antifungal activity, will eliminate peeling, itching and the source of the problem. Treatment is carried out in monthly courses, combined with a diet and caring masks.

How to use calendula tincture internally

Herbal tincture has many areas and uses. With special care, an alcohol-containing liquid should be taken when it is ingested. Neglect of contraindications and dosages inevitably leads to unpleasant consequences.

Instructions for use of calendula tincture recommends this remedy for the treatment of diseases associated with the digestive organs, gallbladder and pancreas. The plant and products based on it have an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect.

You can drink tincture only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control. It is important to remember that the presence of ethyl alcohol affects the state of the nervous system. The tincture can cause disorientation, affect the ability to control oneself and drive vehicles.

Making tincture of calendula at home

An alcohol extract of calendula or marigold is an affordable remedy that is easy to purchase at any pharmacy. And yet, many adherents of a healthy lifestyle prefer to make such drugs on their own, fortunately, this does not require any special equipment or special knowledge.

In the manufacture of calendula tincture at home, vodka or medical alcohol is taken as the basis. They are poured with flower heads of the plant pre-assembled and placed in a suitable glass container.

After the jar is tightly closed, it is sent to a dark place, where the tincture will have to spend 7–10 days at room temperature. Then the infusion is filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle, which protects the liquid from the decomposition of the active components.

You can store the tincture for 4 years, reliably protecting it from sunlight, excess heat and interest from children.

Contraindications to the use of alcohol tincture of calendula

An absolute contraindication to the use of calendula tincture is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. A high concentration of bioactive components can cause an allergic reaction. At its slightest sign, you should stop taking the remedy, seek help from a specialist and receive appropriate treatment.

Neglect of dosages:

  • when ingested leads to headache, indigestion, heartburn and pain in the stomach, burning and dizziness;
  • when applied externally, it causes excessive dryness and flaking of the skin, itching, cracking and other signs of discomfort, and also exacerbates the problems that the tincture is designed to fight.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is worth limiting the external use of alcohol tincture of calendula. Do not drink tincture to children, as well as in the presence of gastritis, peptic ulcer or other pathologies of the digestive system in the acute stage. A contraindication to taking calendula tincture is acute cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

Useful properties of calendula tincture for the skin - video

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