Proven! How to get rid of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Recent questions for experts

The basis for the prevention of atherosclerosis is a rational lifestyle: the exclusion of physical inactivity, health-improving physical education, proper nutrition, and the rejection of bad habits.

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that can affect any system of the body. Being deposited on the walls of large arteries, the fatty plaque grows into a protein tissue, and lime salts accumulate in it. Depending on the location of the plaque, atherosclerosis can provoke coronary heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction. To avoid serious consequences, it is important to know how to prevent atherosclerosis.

It is a mistake to think that atherosclerosis is the fate of the elderly. Atherosclerosis can occur in middle and adulthood, residents of large cities are especially susceptible to the disease, whose life is associated with stress and a limited motor regimen. It is worth paying attention to your health to people with overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure, especially men over 40 years old. The risk group for atherosclerosis includes people with diseases of the digestive system, hormonal disorders.

Primary prevention of atherosclerosis includes the following measures:

  • organization of sufficient physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • prevention of stress, nervous fatigue;
  • a healthy 8-hour sleep;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • vitamins and microelements in preventive doses;
  • alternating modes of work and rest.

The basis of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels is cholesterol. Regular exercise helps lower cholesterol levels, normalizes the blood coagulation system. Long walks, jogging, swimming, outdoor games are useful. Breathing exercises at an average pace reduce pressure, increase the vital capacity of the lungs. In addition, exercise is a good prevention of stress.

The nutrition of people with a predisposition to atherosclerosis should include a sufficient amount of complete proteins, but is limited in fats. It is impossible to completely exclude fats, preference is given to vegetable oils. Useful food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids: fresh sea fish, seafood, nuts, flax seeds.

From carbohydrate foods, preference is given to whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oats). Sweets, pastries, white bread, fast food and fried foods should be limited. The food should contain the necessary vitamins, especially C, A, E, B vitamins, so the emphasis is on vegetables and fruits.

If the disease has already

When fatty plaques began to be deposited on the vessels, secondary prevention of atherosclerosis is activated. Its main task is to prevent the further development of the disease, to prevent dangerous complications. The main methods of prevention:

  • proper nutrition;
  • therapeutic physical exercises (LFK);
  • steam procedures (bath);
  • massage;
  • therapy for comorbidities.


Tips for therapeutic nutrition in atherosclerosis are the same as in primary prevention. Apply unloading days on which the diet limits the amount of liquid, salt and increases the proportion of fruits and vegetable dishes.

With atherosclerosis, under the supervision of a doctor, a potassium and magnesium diet can be prescribed for 2-3 days. At the same time, boiled meat, potatoes, cereals, bran, vegetables (especially green ones) are eaten. Magnesium and potassium help reduce blood pressure, improve blood circulation.

Physical activity

Loads during exercise therapy should be sufficient, regular, they need to be gradually increased, depending on the patient's condition. Physical exercises have the best effect on the body in the first half of the day, as well as in the period from 15.00 to 17.00. At lunchtime, it is advisable to go for walks.

Introductory period

A person suffering from atherosclerosis should start exercise therapy in a gentle mode. The duration of the introductory period for atherosclerosis is 1-2 weeks. Unacceptable overload, feeling of constant fatigue. In the morning you need to do hygienic gymnastics - it will give vivacity for the whole day. For exercise therapy, simple physical exercises are selected that cover the main joints and muscle groups:

  • walking at a calm pace;
  • tilts and turns of the body;
  • head turns;
  • swing your arms and legs.

It is important to accompany physical exercises with measured deep breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing is useful: when inhaling, the stomach protrudes, and when exhaling, on the contrary, it retracts.

Medium loads

If there are no angina attacks, then gradually increase the load. They continue to do morning physical exercises, and in the daytime (from 15.00 to 17.00) they conduct an additional lesson lasting 20-30 minutes. The exercise therapy complex includes exercises with dumbbells weighing up to 1.5 kg:

  • springy squats;
  • alternate lunges with the foot forward;
  • torso turns to the sides, hands are held at chest level;
  • transitions to the swallow position.

As an exercise for relaxation, jogging with the transition to walking is suitable. In group exercise therapy, it is useful to use elements of sports games: throwing and catching the ball, badminton. This improves the coordination of movement.

Training loads

If the condition of the patient with atherosclerosis allows, the duration of exercise therapy is increased to 45-60 minutes, and the weight of dumbbells is up to 3 kg. It is useful to alternate starting positions from horizontal to vertical. This is an additional vascular training. With atherosclerosis, classes include physical exercises for small muscles and joints, especially for the wrist, for example, rotation of the hand, rhythmic flexion and extension of the fingers.

Jogging can be assigned at a distance of up to 2 km. Reduce vascular tone in atherosclerosis physical stretching exercises followed by relaxation. At the final stage of training, walking is used in combination with breathing exercises to gradually reduce the load on the body.

healing steam

Bath - a powerful remedy for stress and depression, it increases the ability to work and gives good spirits. The steam bath acts on the cardiovascular system in the following ways:

  • stimulates lymph and blood circulation;
  • increases the ejection of blood from the heart;
  • dilates peripheral vessels;
  • reduces blood stasis;
  • reserve portions of blood (from the liver, spleen) are included in the bloodstream.

Bath helps to get rid of excess weight. Purified sweat and sebaceous glands actively secrete fat, toxins, metabolic products. The use of a birch or maple broom increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Despite all the benefits, a bath for atherosclerosis should be used very carefully. The bath is contraindicated in cases of severe atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain, with high blood pressure, immediately after a heart attack or stroke, and for the elderly.

The bath is used as an effective method of hardening in atherosclerosis, based on the alternation of heat and cold. They stay in the steam room for 15-20 minutes until profuse sweating appears. After that, you need to douse yourself with cold water, rub yourself well with a towel and get dressed.

There is an alternate expansion and narrowing of blood vessels, their tone and blood supply improve. It is not necessary to use very contrasting procedures; warm and cool douches are quite suitable.

Massage treatments

Massage for atherosclerosis allows you to accelerate blood circulation in large vessels, expands capillaries, increases blood flow to the massaged area. Segmental massage works well for atherosclerosis, the effect is on a specific affected area (segment). The massage session begins and ends with a superficial stroking. Massage movements are performed towards the lymph nodes. Massage techniques are used:

  • embracing stroking;
  • circular rubbing with fingertips;
  • superficial and deep kneading of muscles;
  • sawing movements with the edge of the palm;
  • shaking, slapping.

Massage therapy, bath and exercise therapy are well combined. You can not use massage with severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, pathological expansion of the arteries (aneurysm), inflammation of the veins.

medical control

The public health system plays a special role in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Doctors should timely identify people at risk, explain to them the importance of a rational lifestyle. Timely therapy of chronic diseases, elimination of sluggish inflammatory processes is important.

With atherosclerosis, vitamins are prescribed for prophylactic purposes. Reduces the level of harmful lipids in the blood, promotes the expansion of peripheral vessels nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Ascorbic acid stimulates the immune system, affects the permeability of the vascular wall. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, regulate endocrine functions, and protect the liver. Vitamins A and E are useful for nourishing the skin in atherosclerosis.

Competently and regularly applying preventive measures, you can live a long and active life, even with a tendency to atherosclerosis.

Prevention of atherosclerosis is a mandatory measure for everyone, especially the elderly. In today's world, where an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, often sedentary work for many, bad habits, atherosclerosis is a serious danger. According to statistics, 57% of Russians die from cardiovascular diseases, in other countries this figure ranges from 30 to 60%. And the main provocateur of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels is just atherosclerosis.

Prevention of cerebral atherosclerosis minimizes the risk of stroke throughout life. The same goes for heart attacks, a cause of death and serious consequences for an increasing number of older people. Over time, the age indicators of patients who have had a heart attack grow. For those who already have atherosclerosis in their family, prevention is especially relevant.

OASNK (obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities), manifesting at first with mild numbness and slight lameness, can cause gangrene and loss of legs. This is because in the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, the tissues of the legs do not receive the required amount of oxygen and die.

More about pathology

Atherosclerosis causes blood vessels to age prematurely. Their walls, like other tissues, lose their elasticity during aging, and the inner layer lining the vascular walls becomes thin and fragile. Atherosclerotic plaques are formed on the walls of blood vessels - small fatty growths that grow and grow into connective tissue. Plaques close the lumen of the vessel, which causes difficulty in its throughput. This factor provokes the development of pathologies of both blood vessels and the heart, which is becoming increasingly difficult to pump blood.

Doctors agree that the prevention of sclerosis of the vessels of the brain and other areas of the body should combine physiotherapy exercises, taking dietary supplements and statins. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, without a diet, no other method will help. From what a person eats, the intake of fats and other elements into his body depends.

By balancing your own menu, you can also normalize the influx of nutrients, minimizing the harmful effects of unwanted components.

Specialists in the field of herbal medicine also recommend to revise your diet and exercise to prevent this pathology. To combine diet and exercise for the prevention of atherosclerosis, in their opinion, should be with herbal remedies: teas, decoctions, infusions and even syrups. The most popular herbs in this regard are: Ginkgo biloba, Baikal skullcap, hawthorn flowers, currant leaf.

Foods that cause atherosclerosis

The need to stick to a diet does not mean that you have to starve yourself. On the contrary, a healthy diet is more varied than unhealthy, and with a rational approach, it is also more economical.

The first step is to think about limiting a number of products. It is harmful to consume animal fats daily: butter, fatty cottage cheese and sour cream, lard and pork. Margarine should always be avoided. The fact is that, although it is made from vegetable oils, a chemical treatment method is used to convert them into a solid state. The final product has a much worse effect on the human body than the above fats of natural animal origin.

Sweets and lemonade should be replaced with dried fruits, unsweetened green tea and mineral water. Refined beet sugar in excess amounts slows down carbohydrate and then lipid metabolism. Another unhealthy product is eggs, or rather egg yolk. You can eat proteins every day, but the yolk increases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Avoid black tea and coffee. They do not cause an increase in cholesterol, but under the influence of caffeine contained in these drinks in large quantities, the vessels quickly lose their elasticity. This makes them a favorable environment for the growth of atherosclerotic plaques.

It should immediately be noted that if the goal of the diet is only prevention, and not treatment, the complete exclusion of these products is not required. You can afford them on holidays. On ordinary days it is better to do without them.

How to prevent atherosclerosis with food

Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats. Instead of sugar from the usual beets, it is better to add honey or cane sugar to tea and sweets. As for dairy products, you need to choose low-fat types from them.

It is good to eat fish instead of meat. It contains useful omega-3 fatty acids, is well absorbed and does not affect the state of blood vessels. At the same time, almost all varieties of fish, especially marine and oceanic, contain a whole complex of fat-soluble vitamins.

Fish has a beneficial effect on the balance of lipoproteins and blood clotting.

It is better not to completely refuse meat, since the body needs animal proteins, proteins. But you need to eat it little by little, and choose only low-fat varieties. Especially useful is lean red beef, which contains a minimum of fat and a maximum of substances that improve blood composition. The same can be said about beef liver.

Fiber is the foundation of any healthy diet. It is found in abundance in fresh vegetables and fruits. Slightly less in boiled and baked vegetable dishes. Separately, dry fiber is sold in health food stores. You can add it to fat-free yogurts, cereals and even pastries.

Vegetable oils, which are very useful for blood vessels, can be used any. Dozens of types of oils are sold in modern stores: traditional sunflower, corn, cottonseed, linseed, olive, and even nut. The last 2 are ideal for salads and porridge dressings; it is better not to use them for frying.

You can not deny yourself spices, both quite familiar and exotic. For example, onion, garlic and turmeric directly affect lipid metabolism. At the same time, dietary food with them is fragrant and tasty. The main condition is to add spices in moderation so as not to subject the stomach to a severe test. Other aromatic condiments made from herbs, vegetables, and seeds are also desirable. Everyone's favorite pepper perfectly disperses the blood. Cinnamon tones, nutmeg soothes and even promotes healthy sleep.

Another essential component of proper nutrition is cereals. This is bread, without which it is difficult to imagine human life, and a variety of cereals. Flour and cereals for their preparation are best taken from whole grains. They taste better and contain more vitamins, minerals and fiber than carefully processed ones. Porridges should be boiled in water, seasoned with vegetable oils, mixed with fruits.

Bran from corn and oats help fight bad cholesterol. Only 2 tbsp. l. of this product reduce the level of bad cholesterol by 30% in 1 month. After 3-4 months of regular use of bran, cholesterol is completely normal.

What do you need besides food?

To prevent atherosclerosis, prevention should consist of several directed actions. Experts around the world, regardless of the method that will be chosen as a preventive measure, advise:

  • keep the heart and vascular system in good shape;
  • normalize and maintain fat metabolism;
  • keep the body young and active.

Prevention of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities and the brain is not a one-time event. Only a change in lifestyle can change the state of health and give positive results. Although these measures may seem complicated, some people manage to switch to a new mode quite quickly. Over time, when positive changes are already noticeable, a healthy lifestyle simply becomes a pleasant habit.

Folk remedies for the prevention of atherosclerosis

In the old days, people knew well how to avoid diseases. Doctors also recommend some traditional medicine today, so they should be treated with due attention. However, this does not eliminate the need to visit a doctor for advice before using them.

When using non-traditional recipes, you should not expect an instant effect. Changes in the state of health will come only 3-6 months after the start of the course.

The most popular recipes are:

  1. Crushed hawthorn berries, filled with water, heated. Let it brew for 1 hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  2. Rose hips infused in hot water. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of thyme (thyme) in boiling water. Drink ¼ cup 2-3 times a day.

Oriental products against cholesterol plaques

The widely known and very popular green tea, which has already been mentioned, is consumed in China and Japan in large quantities. Among the inhabitants of these countries, there are fewer people suffering from cardiovascular diseases than in other states. In Europe and America, it is not customary to drink this drink every day, and the inhabitants of these continents more often than Asians suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Asians know how to prevent disease with this simple and delicious drink.

In Southeast Asia, especially in coastal areas, seaweed is added to many dishes. This is a real storehouse of substances that allows you to push back the aging of the whole organism, including blood vessels. So that atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels never disturbs, you need to eat seaweed and spirulina as often as possible, which are easily available in Russia.

Sports on guard of vascular health

Regular physical activity helps to normalize the vascular system. Of course, in training you need to observe the measure, this applies especially to the elderly. Adequate activity is the prevention of not only atherosclerosis of the vessels of the head and the whole body, but also:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • stress.

Loads can be obtained not only in the gym, doing fitness. Excellent types of sports training - calm yoga, running through the beautiful places of the city and even walking.

Running is great for people with a healthy heart and normal weight. If the state of health is unsatisfactory, and the body weight is critical, this type of training will only bring harm, like other dynamic sports.

Walking is a great alternative to running. A 15-minute exercise in the morning and a half-hour walk in the evening are enough to significantly reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. If there is no time for walking, you can simply walk to and from work, or if the office is far from home, walk only part of the way. The main thing is that walking should be fast with a slight increase in breathing and heartbeat.

The exercise will help cleanse stagnant blood and saturate it with oxygen.

Yoga is a rather fashionable and interesting type of training to prevent atherosclerosis and other pathologies. Yoga asanas relieve tension, strengthen muscles, align the spine. In addition, regular yoga classes help to strengthen the immune system.

You should never stop there, be lazy and give up. And then the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid diseases and become a happy person.

In contact with

In the modern world of artificial nutrition, a stressful sedentary lifestyle and a polluted atmosphere, one hears more and more about vascular atherosclerosis. According to statistics, the male population is more susceptible to it: the disease is diagnosed in 20% of 35-year-old men, against 8% of women of the same age. But the disease is also detected in younger people.

vessel atherosclerosis

The most vulnerable to atherosclerosis are the vessels of the heart and brain, which is fraught with strokes and heart attacks, which occupy a leading position in mortality. Therefore, a set of measures designed to prevent the occurrence or stop the development of the disease, called prevention, will prolong life and maintain health. Knowing how to avoid vascular atherosclerosis, and putting it into practice is much easier than treating the disease.

Definition and causes of vascular atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a chronic form of muscular-elastic artery disease associated with the deposition of atherosclerotic formations in the vessel wall, which eventually block the lumen up to the complete cessation of blood flow. The process of formation of cholesterol plaques includes the following steps:

  1. the appearance of a spot at the site of damage to the intima of the artery by an infectious agent;
  2. reflexive proliferation of connective tissue on the vessel;
  3. lipid plaque formation;
  4. calcification (accumulation of calcium on the plaque walls) with further blockage of blood flow.

The cause of atherosclerosis is damage to the vessel, which is to be eliminated by cholesterol derivatives (low-density lipoproteins or LDL). Since compensating for defects in the membrane with a cholesterol plaque (like a patch) is considered more acceptable to the body than vascular ruptures. Lead to atherosclerotic damage to the arteries can:

  • abuse of nicotine, which causes vasospasm and destroys them from the inside;
  • alcohol, which inhibits the functionality of the liver to break down fats that accumulate on the vascular walls;
  • imbalance of low-density and high-density lipoproteins with a predominance of the former, which form the basis of cholesterol plaques;
  • the advantage of fatty foods in the diet containing "bad" cholesterol;
  • deficiency of products that lower LDL, including those containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids;
  • obesity;
  • frequent stress loads;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • genetic memory of vascular pathologies in the next of kin;
  • diabetes.

Obesity as a cause of vascular atherosclerosis

And damage to blood vessels in atherosclerosis leads to a violation of the nervous regulation of tone (spasm). Many viruses violate the integrity of the walls of arteries: influenza, herpes, cytomegalovirus and others. The impact of modified products and chlorinated water also negatively affects the elasticity of the vascular system.

If initially immunity protects blood vessels from ruptures, directing leukocytes and cholesterol to the damaged area, then further deposition of low-density lipoproteins leads to atherosclerotic damage to the arteries and oxygen starvation (ischemia).

Empirically revealed the presence of spots on the intima of the arteries already in children. But by adolescence, they resolve, which is associated with the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. A similar reversion (in other words, regression) in adults can be partially achieved by artificially lowering cholesterol in the blood, which leads to scarring of the ischemic zone, but reduces the risk of atherosclerotic vascular damage.

Important! Women of reproductive age are less susceptible to atherosclerosis of the vascular system due to the protective effect of hormones - estrogens. But with the onset of menopause, the risk of the disease increases many times over. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to prevent atherosclerosis.

Video: treatment and prevention of vascular atherosclerosis:

Types and symptoms of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis can affect arteries throughout the body, which affects the symptom complex associated with the disease. In medicine, depending on the localization of damaged vessels, the following types are distinguished:

  • brain and carotid arteries. Such a disease is called chronic cerebral atherosclerosis, which can develop asymptomatically for several years, and at some point manifest itself as an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Accompanied by: headaches, difficulty concentrating and remembering, deterioration of brain activity, impaired speech centers, frequent dizziness and high blood pressure.
  • lower extremities, called obliterating atherosclerosis. Poor blood supply to the legs affects: sharp pains in the fingers, chilliness, pale skin and cramps. Also, the pulse is not felt in the artery under the knee and at the ankle.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities
  • of the intestine, called mesenteric atherosclerosis. Such a pathology is fraught with complete blockage of the intestinal vessels, which, without timely treatment, leads to the death of the patient. The first symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of: stool disorders (prolonged constipation), abdominal pain that is sharp in nature, weakness, cold sweat and difficulty in bowel function.

Video: atherosclerosis of the intestinal vessels:

  • Heart (coronary arteries). The defeat of these vessels with cholesterol plaques leads to coronary artery disease (IHD), angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. Signs of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries are: sharp pains in the sternum of a compressive nature, which occur as a result of physical or psycho-emotional overstrain; weakness; low pressure; pain in the region of the heart, not loyal to medicines.
  • Kidneys, which is fraught with the development of hypertension in a malignant form. Atherosclerosis of the renal arteries is characterized by pain in the lumbar region and darkening of the urine with the possible appearance of blood blotches in it.
  • Eye fundus. Such a disease is characterized by the accompaniment of floating spots and the exclusion of some fragments from the field of view.
  • Aorta. This atherosclerosis is accompanied by a sharp decrease in pressure, intense pain in the upper abdomen that does not respond to drugs, rapid pulse, cold sweat.

If such signs of atherosclerotic vascular disease occur, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor who will help identify the disease and start treatment in a timely manner.

Important! Atherosclerotic damage to the vascular system of the body can lead to complications such as gangrene, arterial thrombosis, heart attack or stroke.

Principles of prevention of atherosclerosis

Preventive measures are aimed at reducing disease-causing factors. There are a number of principles that help prevent vascular atherosclerosis and stop the development of the disease:

  • individual approach to a person, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the specifics of the pathology;
  • special attention to the age and risk group of the patient;
  • a systematic approach, not a one-time action;
  • the duration of preventive atherosclerosis measures (from several months).

Comprehensive preventive measures should gradually become a way of life for a person who wants to avoid atherosclerotic vascular damage.

Types of prevention of atherosclerosis

Measures aimed at the prevention of atherosclerosis depend on the degree of damage to the vascular system, and are divided into primary and secondary.

Primary prevention of vascular pathology is relevant for those people who do not have obvious signs of atherosclerosis. Such activities are considered and implemented at the state level for the entire population, including children.

Secondary prevention of vascular pathology is necessary for patients suffering from chronic atherosclerosis. Its measures consist in the recommendations of doctors and the degree of compliance with them by patients. Preventive actions, taking into account the lifestyle of a person, are aimed at preventing relapses, stopping the growth of cholesterol plaques, and preventing the formation of new deposits.

Thus, primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis, a reminder of the necessary measures should become a desktop tool for people who care about their health.

Primary prevention of vascular atherosclerosis

Primary measures to prevent atherosclerotic vascular lesions should, from childhood, adapt elastic arteries to the internal processes of the body, prevent excess "bad" cholesterol and compensate for the deficiency of "good", reduce the risk of exposure to infectious agents. The main actions are aimed at compliance with:

  • A healthy diet, which consists in the priority of vitamins and fiber: cereals, vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads. Limit meat consumption to low-fat varieties of poultry or fish, and reduce intake to 3 times a week.
  • A diet that limits the consumption of fatty meats and offal. Avoid easily digestible carbohydrates: confectionery, pasta, fresh pastries made from wheat flour. Avoid GMO foods and try not to overeat.

Cholesterol content in foods
  • A mode of moderate physical activity, which should stimulate blood circulation, improve its saturation with oxygen, strengthen the immune system that resists viral and bacterial infections, and contribute to the healing of the body. Physical education helps prevent obesity, which overloads the blood vessels and the heart, which leads to atherosclerotic damage to the arteries.
  • Abstinence from bad habits (nicotine and drinking alcohol). With the timely cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol-containing drinks, it is possible to ensure self-healing of blood vessels and prolong the health of the body.

Refusal of nicotine and alcohol as prevention of atherosclerosis
  • An active lifestyle, which will prevent weight gain, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and allowable sugar levels. It is recommended to adhere to such a daily routine that optimally alternates activity with proper rest, which prevents atherosclerosis of blood vessels.
  • Measures to counteract hypertension. This includes maintaining pressure within 130 to 90 mm Hg, which will save the myocardium and blood vessels without unnecessary stress.
  • Activities for the treatment of diabetes.

In addition to all of the above, to avoid atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels, minimize the consumption of fast food and artificial food (chips, shawarma, hamburgers) containing trans fat isomers. With prolonged hypertension in an apparently healthy person, an analysis should be taken for the content of cholesterol in the blood. If you follow the advice of the memo, the appearance of atherosclerosis is postponed for a long time.

Important! To prevent cerebral atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, one should beware of stressful situations and excessive psycho-emotional stress.

There are government measures aimed at the prevention of atherosclerosis in the population. These include activities related to:

  • anti-epidemic vaccinations;
  • the development of physical culture, sports and recreation (strengthening immunity) directions in children's and youth institutions;
  • environmental control;
  • adding elements to water and products that delay atherosclerotic processes, which include iodine, chromium and the like;
  • social advertising promoting a healthy lifestyle and the harm of nicotine with alcohol;
  • state opposition to smoking and drinking alcohol (limiting permitted places and age of sale);
  • the production of low-calorie products without additives and with the restriction of animal fats, sugar;
  • control over the composition of the products sold (compliance with the permitted list indicated on the label);
  • expanding the range of pastries from coarse flour;
  • organizing sports and recreational activities for people who follow a healthy lifestyle;

Marathon as a prevention of atherosclerotic vascular lesions
  • control over the state of health of citizens through mandatory annual medical examinations.

As you can see, the state is interested in the health of its citizens. Therefore, if a person wishes and observes the specified set of preventive actions, atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels can be forgotten for a long time.

Secondary prevention of vascular atherosclerosis

Secondary preventive measures are the medical intervention on the existing disease through drugs in order to slow down atherosclerotic processes. The target audience is people with a bright symptom complex of vascular pathology. Activities for them include:

  • taking medications: statins, nicotinic acid, bile acid sequestrants, fibrates, the action of which is aimed at lowering cholesterol, inhibiting the growth of plaques, lowering the concentration of triglycerides, reducing the absorption of fats by the intestines, lowering blood pressure and thinning the blood, which in combination successfully fights against atherosclerotic vascular damage;
  • daily physical activity, but they should be aimed at flexibility and endurance (gymnastics, jogging or just walking, yoga), and intense strength exercises can provoke atherosclerosis or thrombosis;

Charging for the prevention of atherosclerosis
  • pressure control (no more than 130/80 mm Hg).

But all the activities mentioned above will not work without a therapeutic diet that does not allow the use of smoked and fried foods, trans fats (margarine). You also need to refrain from dairy products. The obligatory use of food containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (salmon fish, vegetable oil from flax and olives) should be ensured. To reduce the level of LDL in the blood and prevent atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels, folk remedies based on medicinal herbs and plants are effective.

The benefits of meat are determined by its nutritional value. It contains biologically active, easily digestible proteins, B vitamins, iron, and many other minerals. The content of cholesterol in the meat of some varieties just rolls over. The daily human need for this substance, which comes with food, does not exceed 2.5 g.

The excessive consumption of foods containing saturated fats increases the required rate, which leads to the formation of sclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. What kind of meat has more cholesterol? Where is the least amount of saturated fat found? There is a table that contains information about the nutritional value of different types of meat. It can be used to determine which meat contains more cholesterol.

Chemical composition

Useful substances are found in muscle tissues, fat and connective fibers of meat. All parts of an animal carcass have approximately the same chemical composition:

  • water contains 57-73%;
  • proteins from 15 to 22%;
  • saturated fat can be up to 48%.

Animal meat contains minerals, enzymes, vitamins. Saturated fats have high cholesterol levels. They are deposited in adipose tissue in the form of cholesterol plaques, thereby causing vasoconstriction.

The abuse of foods containing saturated fats leads to metabolic disorders, obesity and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Benefit and harm

The most commonly used for food are beef, lamb, pork. Poultry meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck) is considered dietary. But the skin of poultry contains saturated fats, so it is recommended to use the product without it.


Beneficial features

Beef contains the amount of micro and macro elements necessary for a person - iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins of the PP, B group, choline. 100 grams contains 18.5 mg of proteins.

When eating beef, the body is very quickly saturated with nutrients. During digestion, hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes are neutralized by gastric juice.

This helps to normalize acidity. During the diet, people who are weakened after an illness are recommended
eat veal. Delicate meat fibers, subcutaneous fats have a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, veal is considered dietary.


Eating a large amount of beef meat contributes to an increase in cholesterol levels. One hundred grams of fatty meat contains 16 mg of saturated fat, cholesterol - 80 mg. An important criterion of quality is the nutrition of the cow, what kind of feed she was fed.

Animal food may contain harmful nitrates and pesticides. On various farms, cows are injected with antibiotics, hormones that stimulate growth. Such beef can harm a person.



Useful properties of lamb are in the high content of proteins (17 mg). The amount of fat is less than that of beef and pork. Lamb contains lecithin, which normalizes cholesterol metabolism, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Lamb fat contains more than 50% of healthy monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated acids omega 3 and 6. Lamb is often used for dietary nutrition. Lamb is recommended for people with anemia, as it contains the necessary amount of iron.


Fatty cuts of lamb are high in calories and have saturated fats that raise the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. 100 grams of lamb contains 16.3 mg of fat and 73 mg of cholesterol.

If you eat meat in large quantities, it can contribute to the occurrence of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Sheep bones contain substances that can affect the development of arthritis.


Pork is considered the most lean and easily digestible. Pork meat contains less fat than beef and lamb.


The most useful part of pork is the meat, separated from the fat. 100 grams of lean pork contains 19 mg of protein. The meat contains many vitamins of group B, PP, micro and macro elements (magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc and others).

Eating pork helps lower blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Its content in lard is much lower than in eggs, butter.


Pork can cause severe allergies as it contains high levels of histamine. Frequent consumption of pork is not recommended for people with liver disease, high acidity, and gastritis.

100 grams of lean meat contains 27.1 mg of fat and only 70 mg of cholesterol. Pork fat contains no more than 100 mg.

poultry meat

Poultry meat is the least "rich" in cholesterol. The undoubted leadership behind skinless chicken breast.



Chicken is an excellent source of animal protein, B vitamins, amino acids. Poultry fats are mostly unsaturated. They do not raise cholesterol levels.
Dark chicken meat contains several times more iron and zinc, phosphorus and potassium than white meat. Therefore, chicken is actively included in the composition of dietary dishes and in the menu of proper nutrition. Eating chicken has a positive effect on the nervous system. It is used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis.


Saturated fat is located under the skin, so it should be removed to get a diet product. If the bird is not fully cooked, then there is a risk of food poisoning.


Increasingly, turkey appears on the diet table.


The turkey contains high-quality protein, vitamins, normal fat levels, micro and macro elements, and essential amino acids. It has a large amount of nutrients, has a low calorie content.

Turkey contains as much phosphorus as fish products. Turkey is easier for the body to digest. Its dietary properties allow people with high cholesterol to include poultry in their diet.


Turkey is an almost ideal product that can be consumed by everyone. The only drawback is her skin, under which there is a thick layer of fat. The quality and freshness of the bird is important.

Below is a table that contains information about popular varieties of meat.

Nutritional value and cholesterol content in different types of meat.

Type of meat Proteins, g Fats, g Cholesterol, mg Calorie content, kcal
Beef 18,5 16,0 80 218
Mutton 17,0 16,3 73 203
Pork 19,0 27,0 70 316
Chicken 21,1 8,2 40 162
Turkey 21,7 5,0 40 194

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of meat. Someone considers that it is one of the most necessary foods in the diet. But there are people who believe that the human body is not able to digest meat sufficiently. Many of them doubt that it is useful.

The benefits of meat lies in its composition. Such products contain a lot of protein, amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. Opponents of meat believe that heart disease is only due to eating meat.

But among the adherents of the anti-meat lifestyle, there are enough people with vascular atherosclerosis. Moderate consumption of meat products does not lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

For example, lamb contains an important element - lecithin. It regulates cholesterol. The consumption of chicken and turkey saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals. Meat complete proteins improve the activity of the nervous system, stimulate metabolism.

Signs and treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the head and neck

Ensuring cerebral blood flow to a large extent depends on the condition of the arterial trunks, which are branches of the aorta. Atherosclerotic lesions of the cervical vessels is an essential factor in the pathogenesis of the development of chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency. With atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck and carotid arteries, a person has an increased risk of serious complications, up to death.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck is a systemic disease, the main cause of which is atherosclerotic plaques. With untimely diagnosis and treatment, such patients are at risk of ischemic stroke. Treatment of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the cervical region is carried out under the supervision of specialists in the field of vascular surgery and neurology.

State Characteristics

Atherosclerosis of the cervical vessels is a local manifestation of a systemic disorder of cholesterol metabolism. An increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the systemic circulation leads to the formation of atheromatous plaques, followed by stenosis of the carotid arteries. This type of blood vessel is a flexible tubular formation, elastic in its consistency and having smooth walls.

Age-related increase in blood pressure in the vessels of the neck, as well as an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, leads to the formation of the previously mentioned atherosclerotic plaques. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the moment when fatty elements are deposited in the area of ​​the vascular wall, to which connective tissue fibers and calcium particles are subsequently attached. The combination of these elements is called atherosclerotic plaque. This dense pathological formation is the main cause of the narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessel and circulatory disorders in this area.

With a narrowing of the lumen of the vessels of the neck by more than 50%, the patient has an increased risk of developing serious disorders associated with poor perfusion of brain tissues. Prolonged violation of perfusion leads to oxygen starvation and such a serious consequence as ischemic stroke of the brain. The study of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the neck, the symptoms and treatment is carried out by a specialist neurologist and cardiologist.

The reasons

Atherosclerotic lesions can cause blockage of various vessels in the body. The so-called vascular occlusion occurs against the background of a local accumulation of fatty elements, which are calcium salts, cholesterol, and fragments of destroyed blood elements. The following unfavorable factors contribute to the development of atherosclerotic lesions of the cervical vessels:

  • Prolonged increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • Irrational nutrition, which is characterized by excessive consumption of high-calorie foods, fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • Alcohol and tobacco use;
  • Excess body weight;
  • Sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise);
  • An increase in the synthetic function of the liver, as a result of which a large amount of endogenous cholesterol enters the systemic circulation;
  • Previously transferred infectious and inflammatory diseases.

People whose body is affected by several of the listed factors are at particular risk of developing atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the head and neck. With the formation of atheromatous plaques in the area of ​​the main vessels and carotid arteries, a person automatically falls into the risk group for the occurrence of cerebrovascular disorders and cerebral accidents.


Like any kind of this disease, atherosclerosis of the arteries in the neck is characterized by a long period of absence of a clinical picture. In the case of progression of the disease, a person begins to be disturbed by minimal symptoms, which in most cases are perceived as a general malaise associated with fatigue. If a person has atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • Brief episodes of dizziness;
  • Intense pain in the head and neck, which are most often perceived as manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia and meteosensitivity;
  • Weakness and general malaise that occurs both at rest and during physical exertion;
  • Decreased visual acuity, as well as the appearance of so-called flies before the eyes;
  • Sleep disturbance, up to the formation of insomnia.

If the above symptoms occur, each person is recommended to contact a medical specialist for a comprehensive examination of the body. The faster the pathological process develops in the region of the vessels of the neck, the more intense the clinical picture of this disease manifests itself.

There is also a list of the most dangerous clinical manifestations indicating the development of persistent cerebrovascular disorders in the body. Such manifestations include:

  • Spontaneous loss of vision in one of the eyes, which is not associated with any traumatic injury to the head area;
  • Feeling of numbness and tingling in the upper or lower extremities. As a rule, such a symptom is accompanied by the inability to control the motor activity of the arms and legs;
  • Causeless loss of consciousness, which is accompanied by excessive sweating and pallor of the skin;
  • Violation of speech function, the impossibility of forming phrases and expressing thoughts;
  • Loss of orientation in the surrounding space.

In a person with similar symptoms, the risk of serious cerebrovascular disorders, up to a brain catastrophe, increases. Such a person needs emergency medical care, followed by hospitalization in the neurological department.


In the initial stages of the diagnostic examination, the medical specialist collects and analyzes the patient's complaints. A standard medical survey in this case includes the collection of information regarding the presence of any chronic diseases of organs and systems, the intake of various groups of drugs, as well as the presence of a hereditary predisposition to the development of this disease. Diagnosis of atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the neck includes the following activities:

  1. Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck with Doppler function. This non-invasive diagnostic technique allows you to evaluate the patency of the blood arteries in this area, as well as calculate the speed of blood flow. The level of stenosis of the lumen of the blood vessel is measured as a percentage. It can be said that the lower the percentage, the higher the risk of the formation of irreversible processes in the brain;
  2. MRI angiography. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to assess in detail the condition of the vessels of the neck. Before the start of the study, each patient is injected with a special contrast agent, thanks to which the patency of the vessels is assessed on the resulting image;
  3. Computed tomographic angiography. This non-invasive x-ray technique allows accurate visualization of the anatomical structures of the brain and blood vessels. Before the start of the study, the patient is injected with a special contrast agent, followed by an image. The resulting picture provides information about the degree of narrowing of the arteries and the exact localization of atheromatous plaques;
  4. Angiographic study of the brain. This technique refers to minimally invasive methods for diagnosing this pathological condition. To obtain information about the state of the vessels of the neck, a special arterial catheter is installed for the patient, through which a contrast agent is supplied.


Complex therapy of atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the cervical spine includes such important points:

  • Diet therapy;
  • Lifestyle correction;
  • Medical therapy.

With the ineffectiveness of the above methods of correcting the condition, patients are prescribed surgical methods of treatment.

Diet and lifestyle modification

The organization of the correct diet for atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck is of great importance. The key goal of diet therapy is to limit the intake of foods that can cause an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the systemic circulation. The initial stage of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck, provides for such dietary recommendations:

  • In the daily diet, it is recommended to give preference to fresh fruits, vegetables and fruit juices;
  • From the daily diet, it is necessary to exclude foods rich in animal fats, smoked meats, fried foods and fast food;
  • Sea fish and seafood are of particular benefit to the body of people suffering from atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck. These food products contain biologically active substances that help reduce blood cholesterol levels and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

If atherosclerosis of the arteries of the neck is detected, a person is recommended to stop drinking alcohol and smoking as soon as possible. In the presence of excess body weight, a person is recommended not only to correct the diet, but also to increase physical activity. With an increase in blood pressure, the patient is prescribed antihypertensive therapy. For some patients who have atherosclerosis of the main arteries of the neck, to eliminate the psycho-emotional factor, the formation of atherosclerosis, consultations of a psychotherapist are prescribed.

Medical therapy

The main goal of drug treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck is the prevention of cerebral catastrophe. The plan and duration of treatment is compiled by a medical specialist on an individual basis. The choice of treatment tactics is influenced by the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels, as well as the risk of the formation of persistent ischemia of the brain tissue.

Effective drug therapy is possible only if the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels does not exceed 50%. In addition, drug treatment is carried out if the patient disagrees with the surgical intervention. In matters of treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the neck, the following groups of pharmaceuticals are used:

  • Antihypertensive agents. This large group of drugs includes ACE inhibitors, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, and beta-blockers. Under the influence of this group of drugs, the regulation and control of blood pressure indicators is carried out. The use of these funds is due to the fact that an increase in blood pressure is one of the main causes of the formation of atherosclerosis;
  • Disaggregants. And this group of drugs includes Clopidogrel, Aspirin, Ticlopidin. The action of these medicines is aimed at preventing blood clotting and thinning it. This is especially true for people suffering from atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the neck, since it is difficult for thick blood to pass through the narrowed arterial lumen;
  • Statins. This group of drugs provides a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol in the systemic circulation, which is the prevention of the deposition of atheromatous plaques.


Surgical methods of treatment are recommended for patients with a high and moderate degree of stenosis of the neck vessels. The main goal of surgery is to prevent such a formidable complication as a stroke. During surgery, atheromatous plaques are removed and the lumen of the sclerotic vessel is expanded.

In order to treat atherosclerosis of the cervical vessels, the following operations are used:

  1. carotid stenting. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to expand the lumen of the blood vessel. This intervention is performed under angiographic control. The initial stage of the operation is to bring a flexible catheter to the site of atheromatous plaque localization. For this purpose, the patient is placed an arterial femoral catheter. Through the installed catheter, another catheter is inserted into the lumen of the vessel, which contains a special balloon. Under the action of this balloon, the vascular lumen expands and the atheromatous plaque flattens;
  2. Carotid endarterectomy. During this surgical intervention, atheromatous plaques are eliminated. During the operation, the medical specialist makes a skin incision in the area of ​​the projection of the carotid artery, after which he places a clamp on it below the stenotic zone. The next stage of the operation is the dissection of the artery, its purification from fatty deposits, followed by suturing;
  3. Installation of shunts on the carotid artery. The essence of this procedure is the creation of alternative vascular pathways through which blood will flow to the brain. The saphenous vein of the lower extremity is used as a biological material to create an anastomosis. After creating the so-called bypass, a person's blood flow to the brain tissues is normalized, which reduces the risk of ischemia and cerebral catastrophe.


It is much easier to prevent possible complications of the disease than to treat them. Prevention of this pathological condition directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. The general plan of preventive measures can be divided into the following points:

  • Refusal to drink alcohol and tobacco;
  • Rationalization of nutrition and restriction of foods rich in animal fats;
  • Increased motor activity and prevention of hypodynamia;
  • Monitoring blood glucose levels;
  • With a tendency to develop arterial hypertension, it is recommended to be observed by a cardiologist and therapist, as well as take appropriate medications.

It is possible to cure signs of atherosclerosis with folk remedies only in combination with conservative methods.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs: occurrence, treatment, prognosis

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is one of the most serious and dangerous diseases of the arteries of the legs. It is characterized by the fact that due to blockage of blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots, there is a partial or complete cessation of blood flow in the lower extremities.

With atherosclerosis, there is a narrowing (stenosis) or complete overlap (occlusion) of the lumen of the vessels that supply blood to the lower extremities, which prevents the normal flow of blood to the tissues. With arterial stenosis of more than 70%, the speed indicators and the nature of blood flow change significantly, there is insufficient blood supply to cells and tissues with oxygen and nutrients, and they cease to function normally.

Damage to the arteries leads to pain in the legs. In case of progression of the disease, as well as with insufficient or incorrect treatment, trophic ulcers or even necrosis of the limbs (gangrene) may appear. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

Obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities is a very common disease of the blood vessels of the legs. The largest number of cases is detected in the age group over 60 years - 5-7%, at the age of 50-60 years - 2-3%, 40-50 years - 1%. But atherosclerosis can also be diagnosed in younger people - in 0.3%, people aged 30–40 years get sick with it. It is noteworthy that men suffer from atherosclerosis 8 times more often than women.

Fact: Smoking men over 50 years of age are at the greatest risk of getting atherosclerosis obliterans.

The main causes of atherosclerosis

The main cause of atherosclerosis is smoking. The nicotine contained in tobacco causes the arteries to spasm, thereby preventing blood from moving through the vessels and increasing the risk of blood clots in them.

Additional factors that provoke atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities and lead to an earlier onset and severe course of the disease:

  • elevated cholesterol levels with frequent consumption of foods rich in animal fats;
  • high blood pressure;
  • excess weight;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • frequent stress.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs

The main symptom to look out for is leg pain. Most often, pain occurs when walking in the calf muscles and thigh muscles. When moving, the muscles of the lower extremities increase the need for arterial blood, which delivers oxygen to the tissues. Narrowed arteries during physical exertion cannot fully satisfy the need of tissues for arterial blood, which is why oxygen starvation begins in them, and it manifests itself in the form of intense pain. At the beginning of the disease, the pain disappears quickly enough when physical activity is stopped, but then returns again when moving. There is a so-called intermittent claudication syndrome, which is one of the main clinical signs of obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities. Pain in the muscles of the thighs is called high intermittent claudication pain, and pain in the calves of the legs is called low intermittent claudication pain.

In old age, such pains are easily confused with painful sensations in the joints inherent in arthrosis and other joint diseases. Arthrosis is characterized not by muscle, but by joint pains, which are most intense at the beginning of the movement, and then somewhat weaken when the patient “paces around”.

In addition to pain in the muscles of the legs while walking, obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities can cause the following symptoms in patients (one of them or several at once):

  1. Chilliness and numbness in the feet, aggravated by climbing stairs, walking, or other exertion.
  2. Temperature differences between the lower extremities (a leg affected by atherosclerosis of the vessels is usually slightly cooler than a healthy one).
  3. Pain in the leg in the absence of physical activity.
  4. Non-healing wounds or sores appear in the area of ​​the foot or lower third of the leg.
  5. Darkened areas form on the toes and feet.
  6. Another symptom of atherosclerosis may be the disappearance of the pulse on the arteries of the lower extremities - behind the inner ankle, in the popliteal fossa, on the thigh.

Stages of the disease

According to the existing classification of arterial insufficiency of the vessels of the legs, the above symptoms can be divided into 4 stages of the development of the disease.

  • Stage I - pain in the legs that appear only after a lot of physical activity, such as walking long distances.
  • Stage IIa - pain when walking over relatively short distances (250-1000 m).
  • Stage IIb - the distance of painless walking is reduced to 50–250 m.
  • Stage III (critical ischemia) - pain in the legs appears when walking at a distance of less than 50 m. At this stage, pain in the muscles of the lower extremities can begin even if the patient is at rest, this is especially evident at night. To relieve pain, patients usually lower their legs from the bed.
  • IV stage - at this stage, the occurrence of trophic ulcers. As a rule, areas of blackening of the skin (necrosis) appear on the fingers or heel areas. In the future, this can lead to gangrene.

In order not to bring obliterating atherosclerosis to an extreme stage, it is important to diagnose it in time and treat it in a medical institution.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of arteries of the lower extremities

This disease requires an individually designed treatment regimen for each individual patient. Treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities depends on the stage of the disease, its duration, the level of damage to the blood arteries. In addition, when diagnosing and compiling a clinical picture, the presence of concomitant diseases in the patient is also taken into account.

If obliterating atherosclerosis is detected at the initial stage, it may be sufficient to improve the condition by eliminating risk factors. In this case, help:

  1. Compulsory cessation of smoking and other bad habits.
  2. Compliance with a diet low in animal fats and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. With excessive fullness or obesity - weight correction.
  4. Maintaining normal blood pressure at a level not exceeding 140/90 mm Hg. Art.
  5. Regular physical activity (walking, swimming pool, exercise bike, etc.).
  6. For patients with diabetes - control of blood sugar levels.

With vascular atherosclerosis, the use of the following products is strictly prohibited: butter, margarine, lard, margarine, fatty meat, sausages, pates, offal, high-fat dairy products, fried potatoes, ice cream, mayonnaise, flour buns.

Important: A sedentary lifestyle makes blood vessels less elastic and accelerates the progression of the disease.

At other stages, the following methods are used to treat atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities:

  • Conservative;
  • Endovascular (minimally invasive);
  • Operational.

Conservative treatment

It can also be used at the initial stage of the disease, as well as in cases where the patient's condition does not allow the use of other methods (with complications due to concomitant pathology). Conservative treatment involves the use of medications, physiotherapy and includes pneumopressure therapy, dosed walking and exercise therapy.

Unfortunately, there are no medications that completely restore normal blood circulation in a clogged artery and cure atherosclerosis. Drug treatment can only provide support and affect the small vessels that carry blood around the blocked portion of the artery. Drug treatment aims to widen these "detours" and compensate for poor blood circulation.

To relieve spasm from small arterial vessels, thin the blood and protect the walls of the arteries from further damage, special medications are used, some of which need to be drunk in courses, while others should be taken constantly.

In addition to medicines, patients are prescribed pneumopress therapy - massage of the soft tissues of the leg with the help of special equipment. With the help of alternating low and high pressure in the cuff worn on the limb, peripheral arteries expand, blood flow to the skin, muscles and subcutaneous tissue increases, and vessels are stimulated.

Endovascular treatment

The most common methods of treatment for atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs are endovascular methods - arterial stenting, balloon dilatation, angioplasty. They allow you to restore normal blood circulation through the vessel without surgery.

Such procedures are carried out in the X-ray operating room, on special equipment. At the end, a pressure bandage is applied to the patient's leg, and he must remain in bed for 12-18 hours.


If the clogged arteries in the legs are too long for endovascular methods, one of the following types of surgery is used to restore blood circulation in the legs:

  1. Prosthetics of an artery section with an artificial vessel (alloprosthesis);
  2. Shunting is the restoration of blood flow by redirecting the movement of blood through an artificial vessel (shunt). A segment of the saphenous vein of the patient himself can be used as a shunt;
  3. Thrombendarterectomy is the removal of an atherosclerotic plaque from an affected artery.

Surgical methods can be combined or supplemented with other types of operations. If the operation is performed at the IV stage of the disease, when dead zones have already appeared, these areas are surgically removed and the trophic ulcers are closed with a skin flap.

If obliterating atherosclerosis has passed into the extreme stage, when the patient has developed gangrene of the lower extremities, and it is no longer possible to restore blood flow, amputation of the leg is performed. Sometimes this becomes the only way to save the patient's life.

How to avoid the disease?

Prevention of atherosclerosis includes primarily:

  • To give up smoking.
  • Proper nutrition, cholesterol-free diet.
  • Physical exercise.

These are three whales that will reduce the risk of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with physical exercises, you can just take daily walks and do gymnastics for the legs. In addition, special acupressure and traditional medicine recipes help as a prophylactic.

Atherosclerosis is a disease of lovers of excesses. It is characterized by the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of arteries. And this is most often found in people who prefer fatter food, stronger alcohol and a cigarette for a snack.

What is atherosclerosis?

This is one of the most common vascular diseases that affects medium and large arteries.

"Bad" cholesterol, or rather, low-density lipoproteins, accumulate on the walls of arteries and form solid structures called atherosclerotic plaques.

Gradually, the plaques narrow the lumen of the arteries and make their walls less elastic, which makes it difficult for blood to flow.

If the coronary (heart) arteries are affected, blood flow to the heart slows down or almost stops. It causes chest pain angina pectoris.

If the vessels are clogged tightly, then the lack of nutrition of the heart muscle causes the development of a heart attack - heart attack.

What does it lead to?

An atherosclerotic plaque or part of it can break off and, together with the blood flow, begin to travel through the arteries. Plaques get stuck in smaller vessels, block the movement of blood through them and cause circulatory disorder entire sections of tissue.

If the vessel of the limb is clogged, due to the lack of nutrition and oxygen, the muscles die, and gangrene. And if the plaque reaches the arteries of the brain and gets stuck in them, a stroke develops.

In some cases, atherosclerotic plaques stretch certain sections of the artery, causing the formation aneurysms- protrusion of the wall of the artery due to its thinning and stretching.

The symptoms of atherosclerosis are not noticeable until plaque restricts or blocks blood flow in the arteries. The possible onset of the atherosclerotic process speaks only increased systolic (upper) pressure.

Depending on the location of the artery, the lack of blood flow can manifest itself as different symptoms. Starvation of the heart muscle leads to pain in the heart - angina pectoris. Lack of blood supply to the brain impairs memory. Clogged vessels of the extremities lead to pain in the muscles, first while walking, and then at rest.

What causes atherosclerosis?

— Smoking
- Alcohol abuse
— Obesity
— Hypertension
- Improper diet, consumption of excessive amounts of animal fats
- High blood cholesterol levels
— Diabetes
- Hereditary predisposition (atherosclerosis in close relatives)

How to prevent atherosclerosis?

To prevent the development of atherosclerosis and its complications, such as heart disease and stroke, lifestyle changes must first be made.

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