Microcurrent reflexology for children at the Research Institute of Pediatrics. Microcurrent reflexology: is this method really effective? Using Microcurrent Reflexology for Adults

Microcurrent reflexology (MTRT) is a fairly young and at the same time popular method of treatment, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the rehabilitation of children and adults. It was developed in 1994 and introduced into clinical practice by the doctors of the Reacenter Samara rehabilitation center. Currently, microcurrent reflexology is used in many rehabilitation, neurological and speech therapy medical institutions of the Russian Federation.

The history of the appearance of the method

Microcurrent reflexology is based on acupuncture and electrotherapy. They refer to percutaneous methods of therapeutic and adaptive effects on the functional state of various structures and systems of the human body.

Acupuncture is a reflexology that originated in China with a centuries-old history; it underlies acupuncture (acupuncture) and a number of other techniques. In this case, the specialist produces a functional effect on certain biologically active points of the human body. As a result, the so-called channels and meridians are stimulated, traditionally there are 12 of them. Some of them coincide with the direction of blood and lymph circulation, others connect the main muscle-tendon zones or correspond to segmental innervation zones. In European countries and America, this technique was used until the beginning of the 20th century.

In 1913, the work of the American scientist and ENT doctor William Fitzgerald was published, which became the basis for the development of modern reflexology. It indicated the possibility of reducing the severity of pain and improving the functional state of internal organs. W. Fitzgerald, together with Edwin Bowers, developed the first theory of reflexology and mapped the zones of the human body. This work was continued by the American doctor Riley. And the second wave of interest in reflexology was noted in the 30-40s of the XX century.

In the USSR, this treatment technique has been actively developed and introduced into clinical practice since 1960. Simultaneously with the expansion of indications for the use of reflexology, there was a search for new, more effective and predictable ways of influencing biologically active points. Since the late 80s, the development of electroacupuncture methods has begun. Several patents have been issued for inventions related to this area.

The first copyright certificate for a prototype of modern equipment for electroacupuncture was received in the Russian Federation in 1990. Previously patented devices have not found wide application. In subsequent years, more advanced devices were developed, which made it possible to safely search for acupuncture points and diagnose their condition, to carry out several options for therapeutic effects.

In 1994, microcurrent reflexology received clinical application: it was included in the list of medical procedures of the Reacenter Samara rehabilitation complex. This technique has repeatedly passed clinical trials and approbation in various large medical institutions of the Russian Federation. All of them confirmed its effectiveness, safety and prospects. In 2004–2010, the indications for microcurrent reflexology were actively expanding, and such research work does not stop at the present time.

Advantages of the method

The main advantages of microcurrent reflexology:

  • painlessness, even infants do not experience significant physical discomfort;
  • lack of fear of the procedure, which is non-invasive and is not accompanied by the use of instruments or needles that frighten the child;
  • no destruction of biologically active points (unlike acupuncture), which maintains the effectiveness of repeated exposures;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure in different modes, with selective stimulation or inhibition of certain structures of the nervous and muscular systems;
  • fixation of individual indicators of acupuncture points during each session, which allows you to analyze and dynamically control the treatment process.

Microcurrent reflexology does not increase the patient's discomfort and is well tolerated.

How is microcurrent reflexology performed?

Currently, in the territory of the Russian Federation, several devices registered by Roszdravnadzor are used for microcurrent reflexology: "MEKS" and "BIORS". They have some design features, but do not differ in the principle of operation. These are software and hardware systems that allow you to search and diagnose acupuncture zones, analyze the information received and select the necessary therapeutic regimen.

Before starting treatment, the patient must undergo an examination, including general clinical tests, EEG, assessment of the fundus picture, examination by a therapist and a neurologist. If necessary, other laboratory and instrumental methods of examination, consultations of a psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist are prescribed. This is necessary to assess the general condition of the body, identify contraindications, determine the nature and severity of existing neuropsychiatric disorders.

With microcurrent reflexology, each patient is individually selected treatment regimen. During one session, the impact can be directed to various structures:

  • into groups of biologically active points connected with each other in various parts of the body and head;
  • on the area of ​​skin projections of certain parts of the cerebral cortex;
  • on neuroreflex zones with secondary inclusion of motoneurons of the spinal cord;
  • trigger points of spastic muscles.

The procedures use standardized skin electrodes connected to a generator of ultra-small electric pulses of direct alternating current. The reflexologist touches the skin of certain areas with them in accordance with the chosen scheme of exposure. The sensations experienced in this case do not reach the pain threshold and often do not even attract the patient's attention. The use of painkillers is not required.

One rehabilitation course of microcurrent reflexology usually consists of 15-20 daily sessions, each lasting 30-60 minutes. A combination with other physiotherapeutic methods, the use of drugs with a different route of administration, speech therapy classes, physiotherapy exercises and other methods of rehabilitation of patients with chronic neuropsychic and somatic disorders is recommended. An exception is electromagnetic treatment: it cannot be carried out simultaneously with microcurrent reflexology.

Who is shown MTRT

The range of application of microcurrent reflexology is quite wide. It has practically no age restrictions and can be used in adults and children over 6 months old. And some experts use this method to treat babies from 2 months of age.

MTRT can be included in the rehabilitation program under the following conditions:

  • - all the main forms of the disease (with spastic paralysis of the limbs, diplegia, hyperkinesis, atonic-astatic syndrome, psychoverbal defects);
  • consequences of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system with hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, delayed psychoverbal and motor development, muscular dystonia syndrome;
  • open form;
  • consequences of natal injury of the cervical spine with various motor and sensory disorders of the spinal level;
  • condition after suffering injuries of the brain and spinal cord, and post-vaccination complications;
  • delayed psychomotor development of the child due to Down syndrome and other genetic diseases;
  • alalia, ZRR, ZPPR of various origin and severity;
  • autistic syndrome;
  • syndrome of hyperexcitability and attention deficit;
  • neurotic disorders with various symptoms;
  • sensorineural hearing loss, partial atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • enuresis;
  • specific violations of the formation of learning skills, which is most often associated with dysfunction of certain areas of the cerebral cortex and may manifest as dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia;
  • recovery period after severe injuries, including sports.

In most cases, microcurrent reflexology is used for the rehabilitation of children of preschool and primary school age with various chronic neuropsychiatric disorders.

What is the effect of MRT

The applied ultra-small electrical impulses do not irritate or destroy the nervous structures. They contribute to the harmonization of the work of neuromuscular synapses, help to achieve a balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, improve the functioning of various cortical centers, the cerebellum and subcortical structures. Some decrease in the level of intracranial pressure is possible due to the optimization of the work of the vascular plexuses.

MTRT can be used for reflex relaxation of spastic muscles, stimulation of paretic muscle groups and activation of the functioning of the cerebellum, reducing the severity of synkinesis and pathological positions of the limbs in cerebral palsy. This technique is also shown to stimulate the cognitive and speech areas of the brain, reduce muscle tone in the articulatory apparatus and reduce the severity of pseudobulbar syndrome.

The result of MTRT courses in a child can be an expansion of vocabulary (or activation of cooing and babbling in children of the first year of life), improvement of diction and understanding of speech, the emergence of skills in building complex grammatical structures, counting and reading. The positive effects of treatment also include a decrease in hypersalivation, an increase in the smoothness and coordination of movements, harmonization of impaired muscle tone, and a decrease in pain. Parents may note an expansion in the volume of fine and gross motor skills in a child. In children with behavioral disorders, an increase in the level of socialization, an improvement in learning ability, and a leveling of neurotic and hysterical symptoms are noted.


Contraindications for sessions of microcurrent reflexology are:

  • severe and combined concomitant somatic pathology in the stage of decompensation;
  • pacemaker implanted in the patient;
  • confirmed or even suspected malignant neoplasm of any localization;
  • acute infectious disease or exacerbation of the patient's chronic infectious and inflammatory process, even if the patient's condition is closer to satisfactory;
  • severe mental disorders accompanied by psychomotor agitation and psychotic level disorders;
  • pregnancy of any term;
  • pronounced deficiency of body weight (cachexia) of various origins;
  • alcohol or drug condition in the patient.

MTRT is not prescribed if the child needs urgent surgical treatment for hydrocephalic syndrome or other neurological conditions. All rehabilitation measures are postponed until the patient's condition stabilizes.

And EEG signs of increased convulsive readiness of the cerebral cortex are not a contraindication for the use of MTRT. Initially, electroacupuncture was not performed in patients with such conditions, but subsequent studies have shown the safety and sufficient effectiveness of such treatment in people with a tendency to convulsive and non-convulsive seizures. At present, such patients undergo microcurrent reflexology against the background of selected anticonvulsant drug treatment. At the same time, the reflexologist avoids stimulating the zones in the projection of the convulsive foci present in the brain.

What is important to understand when performing MRI

Microcurrent reflexology is not a powerful treatment and is not usually used as a monotherapy. And you should not expect a miraculous and quick effect from several sessions. At least 3-5 complex rehabilitation courses are usually required to achieve a clinically significant lasting effect.

In addition, MTRT cannot replace drugs with nootropic, neurotrophic, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic, diuretic and other effects prescribed by a neurologist. The use of such drugs is not a contraindication for rehabilitation. But at the time of the beginning of reflexology, the patient must be on an individually selected maintenance therapy regimen. A clinically significant deterioration in the patient's condition or the appearance of new symptoms during the rehabilitation course is the basis for a second consultation with the attending physician.

So, microcurrent reflexology is a modern and continuing to develop method of rehabilitation of patients with various neuropsychiatric disorders.

STK "Reacenter", a specialist talks about the effects of microcurrent reflexology:

Microcurrent reflexology (MTRT) is a highly effective method for the treatment of both adults and children. It is used in rehabilitation, neurological and speech therapy medical facilities for the treatment of pathologies of a neuropsychic nature. Allows you to activate all the resources of the body to fight diseases. Compatible with medical treatment. But the method is strictly contraindicated in the presence of somatic and some chronic diseases.

Method features

The essence of the procedure lies in the impact of weak electrical microcurrents on the part of the body where the accumulation of nerve endings is located. This activates the functioning of the nervous system completely. The method differs from acupuncture in that it has a dosed effect on the processes of the whole organism. Acupuncture points are located on the human body, when exposed to which, any disease can be cured.

The features of the MTRT include:

  • the possibility of influencing any number of acupuncture points;
  • painlessness;
  • the possibility of activating the speech areas of the brain;
  • fixation of indications, allowing the specialist to control the course of therapy;
  • decrease in the tone of the muscles of the speech apparatus.


Microcurrent procedure is indicated for:

  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Enuresis.
  • Hyperexcitability.
  • Autism.
  • Weak memory.
  • Scattered attention.
  • Hearing loss.

The treatment regimen is compiled individually. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. The patient receives 15 sessions. To achieve a lasting effect, do from 3 to 5 courses. The session can last from 30 to 50 minutes.

The method is used by speech therapists to develop the speech of patients, as well as in cases where acupuncture is contraindicated.


Microcurrents are strictly contraindicated in:

  • complicated mental disorders;
  • somatic pathologies in the stage of decompensation;
  • implanted pacemakers;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pronounced deficiency of body weight of various origins.

A contraindication is considered and the procedure is not prescribed if the child is preparing for surgery for a neurological condition or hydrocephalitis syndrome.

The order of the procedure

Acupuncture is prescribed only after a thorough examination. The child is placed on the couch. The doctor touches the body with electrodes connected to a generator that generates low-power DC pulses that are not capable of harming the patient's health. The areas of touch depend on the pathology that needs to be cured.

The method is approved for use in the treatment of children older than 6 months. The skin of babies is not formed for such exposure. But it is better to resort to this method of treatment no earlier than 2 years.

Microcurrent therapy is used in the treatment of developmental delay in children. If the child has convulsions, then anticonvulsant medications are additionally prescribed. Also shown:

  • coniferous baths;
  • massage.

Treatment regimens

During the initial visit to a specialist, a treatment regimen will be drawn up, taking into account the established diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the developmental disorder of the child.

In children with mental retardation, speech disorders, the areas of the brain responsible for:

  • understanding of addressed speech;
  • diction;
  • vocabulary;
  • making correct sentences.

If necessary, biologically active points are used, which drown out the excitability of the nervous system in hyperexcitable children.

With spastic forms of cerebral palsy

With cerebral palsy and epilepsy, there is a therapeutic effect on different levels of the central nervous system:

  • to improve coordination of movements, reflex activation of the cerebellum is performed;
  • development of new motor skills;
  • there is a relaxing effect on tense muscle groups;
  • stimulating effect on weakened areas of muscle mass.

In violation of cognitive functions

In schoolchildren with impaired cognitive functions, the following areas of the cerebral cortex are activated:

  • account area;
  • writing area;
  • area of ​​logical thinking;
  • associative speech zone;
  • prefrontal part.

These reflex zones are used in the most common pathologies of the nervous system.

The therapeutic effect on the body is ultra-small electrical signals to biologically active points, which allow you to correct various disorders of the development of the central nervous system. The therapeutic effect is carried out in a non-invasive way, so it is almost painless. Microcurrent reflexology for children can be used no earlier than six months. If treatment is started earlier, there will be no result, since the skin has not yet been properly formed before six months. Microcurrent reflexology is also used on adults. The method can be combined with manual therapy, hydrotherapy, sessions with a psychologist and a speech therapist, exercise therapy, courses of speech therapy and therapeutic massage. Currently, microcurrent reflexology is used in many rehabilitation, neurological and speech therapy medical institutions.

Method of microcurrent reflexology

The method is effective for such diseases and deviations as:

  • speech delay;
  • autism;
  • diseases provoked by dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • decreased memory and concentration;
  • passive motor indicators;
  • violation of muscle tone, both hypertonicity and hypotonicity;
  • cerebral palsy of some forms;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • enuresis;
  • increased excitability.

It is strictly contraindicated in the presence of: oncological and infectious diseases; chronic and somatic pathologies.

The course of the procedure

Depending on the affected part of the brain, the zone of influence associated with it on the surface of the body is determined. Ultra-small electrical impulses the child hardly feels. The impulse that has arisen on the surface of the body, acting on biologically active points, is transmitted to the necessary centers of the brain, and stimulate their activity. The applied ultra-small electrical signals are very similar to healthy brain impulses, respectively, the treatment is safe and well accepted by the body.

Microcurrent reflexology for children in Moscow

Clinic "Family" offers all types of reflexology, including microcurrent. Only certified specialists are involved in the practice. All of them have a medical degree and have completed training. reflexology course. In each case, a special combination of points for exposure is selected depending on the pathology, the age of the patient and related problems.

Making an appointment with a doctor

Be sure to consult a qualified specialist in the field of orthopedic diseases at the Semeynaya clinic.

Medicine does not stand still - not only the medical, but also the hardware direction is successfully developing. Taking medication does not always give the expected effect - it also happens that, due to an allergic reaction, it is completely impossible. In this case, microcurrent reflexology will help, which can be used both without tablets and in combination with them.

The basis for the microcurrent method originated in ancient China - it was there that the system of acupuncture points was developed.

Modern medical scientists have found that each such point is associated with one or more organs and systems in the body - the heart, brain, digestion, speech, hearing, and so on.

If it is acted upon for some time, the corresponding department in the body begins to work more actively, recovery processes start.

The forerunner of microcurrent is acupuncture, which is successfully used to this day.

The advantage of current reception is painlessness and deep penetration through the use of an electrical impulse. It has been used in our country for a long time.

Procedure - what is the cost of?

The human body is covered with a whole system of points, the location of which is approximately the same for everyone - it can deviate up to a centimeter, depending on the physique and other features. How to calculate their location? For this, a special device is used, with which the skin resistance is measured in different areas. Each point is calculated exactly - to the millimeter.

Most used points:

  • On the eyebrows - allow you to relieve headaches in the temples.
  • Behind the neck - relieve pain in the back of the head.
  • On the shoulder blades - help with hypertension.
  • Navel - digestive diseases - stomach, intestines.
  • Lower abdomen - ailments of the genitourinary system.
  • On the collarbone - asthma, bronchitis.
  • Between the eyebrows - dizziness.

Systemic acupuncture is located on:

  • Ear shells.
  • Palms.
  • Stops.
  • Face and head.

The process of the procedure is simple. At the appointment with the doctor, you need to lie on the couch, relax and try to calm down and not move.

The impact is carried out by special electrodes connected to a computer and a device that produces a low current.

The specialist touches electrodes to certain parts of the body where active points are located - they are selected depending on the nature of the identified disease or disorder.

Children's reflexology: when to do, what helps?

The microcurrent principle is effective in many diseases of adults and children. It has become widespread if the child has a speech disorder - there is a delay. normalizes muscle tone in the area of ​​the articulation apparatus. In this case, the activation of the cerebral cortex occurs - the areas that are responsible for speech and its perception.

Delay in children regarding the process of reproducing words is not uncommon. It creates a lot of difficulties in communicating with peers, reduces the adaptive abilities of the child.

Unfortunately, the usual drug approach in the form of taking medications is practically not effective here - another method is needed that activates the necessary parts of the child's central nervous system.


Any disease requires a thorough diagnosis - only after that a specialist can make an indication about its treatment, give his opinion about the patient's condition. Diagnostic procedures are divided into three stages:

  • Initial examination by a doctor. Allows you to identify external disorders - inflammation, pathology, trauma.
  • Chemical analysis of blood and urine - with its help you can look at the hormonal background, identify cancerous tumors and other inflammations, hemoglobin levels, and so on.
  • Hardware inspection. The most common methods:
    • X-ray.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging.
    • CT scan.

An indication for the microcurrent method is made only after the diagnosis of the organism. Its use without appropriate preliminary tests and checks is unacceptable.

Treatment: list of treatable diseases

Microcurrent is well effective in eliminating such pathologies and disorders as:

Treatment with the help has been used for a long time. The pioneers of this method of treatment and rehabilitation were the Chinese, and much later this method began to be used in Russia.

Microcurrent reflexology quite quickly put people on their feet after an accident or patients with serious ones of a different origin. This method of exposure has a lot of advantages; due to safety, it is actively used to treat children. The main achievement of microcurrent reflexology is the restoration of the nervous system and the treatment of diseases of a neuropsychic nature.

On the body of any person there are acupuncture points, by acting on which you can cure almost any disease, as well as relieve pain. Using this technique, doctors contribute to the activation of the body's resources, and the body itself begins to fight diseases. If you combine drug therapy with this method of rehabilitation, the effect will be simply amazing.

In some cases, patients with neurological departments have contraindications for admission, then microcurrent reflexology becomes the only method of treatment. This technique is able to increase blood circulation in the body, increase the formation of neurosubstances, improve immunity, normalize blood pressure and much more.

How does it work?

During the procedure, a weak electrical impulse is applied to a certain part of the body, in which clusters of nerve endings are located, which activates the activity of the entire nervous system.

The procedure is carried out by a specialist who carefully monitors the process and the well-being of the patient. It should be noted that another advantage of this method of therapy is complete painlessness, a person does not feel anything at all during the doctor's manipulations.

Scope of application

Children are often prone to diseases of the nervous system, lag behind in development, suffer from speech delay, etc., in such cases, microcurrent reflexology is used for treatment and rehabilitation.

For adults, this technique is used not only in the case of diseases of the nervous system, but also in other areas, even in cosmetology.

More often, microcurrent reflexology is used to treat children who have impaired functions of the central nervous system (central nervous system).

The technique is effective for such diseases and deviations:

This technique is used by speech therapists in order to promote the speedy process of speech development by influencing certain areas of the body. The use of such therapy for children is fully justified, since microcurrent treatment has practically no contraindications and side effects. The results of such treatment are always positive.

Adult pathologies in which microcurrents are used:

  • (, nocturnal enuresis) and others;
  • function types ( , );
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (, sciatica,);
  • (vegetovascular dystonia);
  • rheumatic vasculitis, ;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • ailments of a bronchopulmonary nature;
  • vasomotor conditions;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the ENT system;
  • skin diseases;
  • muscular dystrophy;

It is impossible to list all the diseases that can be cured or alleviated by this method. Exposure to a weak current awakens the body, and it begins to recover itself.

Contraindications and restrictions

This method of treatment and rehabilitation has contraindications, but their number is small. It is necessary to take into account all human conditions that can cause a negative reaction to exposure to microcurrent.

Microcurrent reflexology is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

  • state of psychosis;
  • tumor processes in the body, benign or malignant course;
  • diseases of an organic nature, liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, if the stage of decompensation has already begun;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • acute infectious pathologies;
  • after heavy physical exertion or a hot bath;
  • age over 75 or infants;
  • severe pain of unknown cause;
  • chronic infectious processes, such as brucellosis, tuberculosis.

It must be borne in mind that there are patients who cannot tolerate treatment of any kind. In this case, there is a high probability of developing a negative vascular reaction, which can provoke shock, collapse or allergic reactions. In order to avoid such manifestations, it is necessary to carefully study the patient's medical history.

Weakened people with weak immunity are resistant to the method of microcurrent reflexology. This is explained by the fact that the patient has an energy deficiency. It is also important whether the patient has vascular sclerosis, excessively large body weight and indicators of a biochemical blood test.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the general condition of the person, the degree of development of the pathological process. The hormonal background is also important for exposure to microcurrent. The period of menopause in women, age, as well as previous methods of treatment, play a major role in the effectiveness of therapy.

How is the procedure carried out

Before conducting treatment sessions, the patient is carefully examined. After all diagnostic measures, therapy can begin.

The patient lies down on the couch. The doctor, using standardized electrodes that are connected to the generator, touches them to the patient's body.

The touch zones depend on the disease that needs to be treated. The generator used in the procedures generates electrical impulses of direct alternating current, of ultra-low power, so they are not capable of harming a person.

The duration of the session is from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The course of treatment usually lasts about 15-20 days, but not in every case. There are some diseases that take much longer to heal. The treatment plan is drawn up by the doctor, taking into account each specific case.

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