After a miscarriage of monthly 1 month. Menstruation after a miscarriage at an early and late date. Restoration of the menstrual cycle is normal


With spontaneous abortion, spotting occurs, but they should not be confused with menstruation. Menstruation after a miscarriage begins in 21-35 days. The exact time depends on the health of the patient, hormonal background, the regularity of the cycle before spontaneous abortion.

Features of the menstrual cycle after a miscarriage

When pregnancy occurs, the amount of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the development of the fetus, increases significantly. If a fertilized egg is rejected, it leaves, the hormonal background changes dramatically, the restructuring of the body begins. This affects the nature of menstruation, which begins after a spontaneous abortion.

Bleeding that occurs after a miscarriage is similar in nature to menstruation. It is necessary for the uterine cavity to be freed from the endometrium, which has grown under the influence of progesterone. The discharge will be more abundant than with normal menstruation. During this period, it is necessary to monitor their intensity so as not to miss the onset of bleeding.

Some women do not have problems after the rejection of the fetus. sharp fluctuations hormone levels can lead to malfunctions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries. As a result, the regularity of the cycle is disturbed in a woman, the intensity and nature of the discharge changes.

How long after a miscarriage do periods start?

After an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of complications, menstruation begins after 28-35 days. If a woman had a cycle duration of more than 35 days before pregnancy, the situation will not change. It is necessary to expect the onset of the next menstruation in the usual number of days. The countdown is from the date when the termination of pregnancy occurred.

If there is a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage, you should consult a gynecologist. In the absence of menstruation, gynecological examination, Ultrasound. Examinations are needed to assess the condition of the uterus, ovaries. Sometimes drug therapy is required to restore hormonal levels.

Important! With abundant discharge, doctors recommend monitoring blood counts in order to detect the onset of anemia in time.

Menstruation after early miscarriage

Termination of pregnancy even in the first weeks is a strong stress for the body. In the absence of complications, fast recovery body, the next menstruation will come after 4 weeks.

When miscarried early term complications are rare. The fetal egg comes out completely, the probability that the uterine cavity will not be freed from foreign bodies is low. By the nature of the discharge after a spontaneous abortion in the early stages, they practically do not differ from the standard menstruation.

When do periods start after a late miscarriage?

With a miscarriage in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is higher. If there are no problems, menstruation begins in 3-5 weeks. With a long gestation period, a complex process has time to occur in the body of a woman hormonal changes. It takes time to normalize.

With a miscarriage for a long time, complications may occur, recovery takes 1-6 months. In some women, menstruation begins earlier than expected. If they are brown, have a pronounced unpleasant odor, an ultrasound is required. The cause of this condition is the incomplete exit of the fetus, children's place, in which in the uterine cavity remained foreign bodies.

Patients with late spontaneous abortion are prescribed curettage. The operation allows you to free the uterine cavity from foreign objects. This reduces the likelihood of complications.

Menstruation after miscarriage without cleaning

If a woman's fertilized egg came out completely, an additional medical intervention not required. Another menstruation will start in a month. Doctors recommend a control ultrasound a week after the release of the fetal egg from the uterus. An examination is necessary to make sure that all foreign bodies have come out, that an inflammatory or adhesive process has not begun in the cavity.

Important! The nature of menstruation may vary. With a miscarriage without subsequent curettage, the periods in many women are more abundant, more painful.

Menstruation after miscarriage with cleaning

Immediately after the surgical abortion medical indications menstrual flow begins. They last 3-5 days. If there are no problems after a miscarriage and curettage, menstruation will begin a month later. When menstruation appears before the 21st day of the cycle, it is necessary to see a gynecologist. The doctor will assess the state of health, check for postoperative complications.

After a surgical abortion, a woman may experience the following problems:

  • development of endometriosis;
  • the appearance of hormonal disorders;
  • activation of the adhesive process.

By the nature of the discharge after curettage should not differ from normal. If the monthly scanty or abundant, the release of blood is accompanied by the appearance a large number clots, an unpleasant odor, then it is necessary to check the state of reproductive health.

The duration and nature of the first menstruation after a miscarriage

The first menstruation after an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of health problems should not differ from normal periods. The onset of discharge after 3-5 weeks from the date of miscarriage is considered the norm. Over time, the regularity of the cycle is restored.

In the first 1-2 cycles, women complain of heavy periods, in which there are severe pains in lower sections abdomen, sacrum. Appearance allowed blood clots, slime. But after 2 months the situation should be normalized.

Do not panic if there are abundant discharges in the first days of menstruation. The exception is when the pads have to be changed every 1-3 hours. A visit to the gynecologist is necessary if the condition has not returned to normal by the 3rd cycle.

If after the release of the fetus, the woman does not stop bleeding, the discharge continues for a whole month, then doctors recommend an ultrasound scan. Based on its results, it is decided whether it is necessary to scrape the uterine cavity. This procedure is done to stop bleeding.

How many days do periods go after a miscarriage

The standard duration of bleeding after termination of pregnancy is 7-10 days. The next period should start in a month. The duration of menstruation varies from 3 to 7 days. The emergence of a cause for panic will be meager allocations, which stop after 2 days, heavy bleeding lasting more than a week.

What discharge is considered normal

Gynecologists recommend that patients after a spontaneous abortion monitor the nature of menstruation. It is considered normal if about 20-50 ml of blood is released per day, the maximum allowable blood loss is 80 ml. If 4-6 pads are enough for a day, then there are no deviations from the norm.

Attention! The appearance is not a large number blood clots and mucus is a variant of the norm.

Scanty periods after miscarriage

As a result of stress and abrupt hormonal changes in the uterus, some patients develop synechiae. One of the symptoms of the appearance of adhesions are scanty periods.

A decrease in the abundance of secretions is possible due to hormonal disorders. To identify problems, they examine the hormonal background, check the condition of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

Heavy menstruation after miscarriage

Women who have to change their pads every 2-3 hours should see a gynecologist complaining of heavy periods. By establishing their cause, it is possible to avoid aggravation of the condition and the appearance of complications. Copious discharge some patients may confuse with the onset of bleeding. Lack of timely medical care is one of the causes of death.

The appearance of heavy periods is possible with the activation of the inflammatory process, the development of endometriosis, the addition of an infection. Depending on the situation and the reason, doctors prescribe diagnostic curettage uterine cavity or select drug hemostatic therapy.

Why there is no period after a miscarriage

If the patient does not begin menstruation after 5 weeks after the termination of pregnancy, then they speak of a delay. Reasons why menstruation may not start on time:

  • appearance new pregnancy;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries;
  • hormonal changes;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • adhesion process.

Sometimes the absence of menstruation is a consequence severe stress experienced by the woman. If a physiological changes there are no indications of a deterioration in the state of health, then expectant tactics are used.

Possible Complications

After a spontaneous abortion, a woman needs to carefully monitor her health, during this period many chronic diseases, new ones emerge. After a miscarriage, the following complications may occur:

  • hormonal imbalance, dysfunction brain structures, ovaries;
  • the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases due to the activation of pathogenic microflora;
  • adhesive process, which the fallopian tubes become impassable.

These reasons may lead to secondary infertility. You can avoid the occurrence of most complications if you control your condition, take prescribed medications, and consult a doctor if problems arise.

Important! After a miscarriage, you need to do an ultrasound of the uterus, appendages, check if there are hidden infections: mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, HPV, herpes.

If a spontaneous abortion has occurred, doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives. It is necessary to drink tablets for 3-6 months. They are recommended to be taken to minimize the likelihood of pregnancy during this period and to avoid the development of hormonal problems.


Menstruation after a miscarriage in the absence of health problems begins after 21-35 days. If the body was able to recover in a month, then the nature and intensity of the discharge will be as in normal menstruation. Minor changes in the abundance of discharge for 1-3 months after a spontaneous abortion are the norm. Noticing significant deviations in the nature of menstruation, pain, violation general condition You need to consult with a gynecologist.

Subject to regular menstrual cycle and normal hormonal levels, menstruation after a miscarriage will occur on the 21-35th day. Roughly speaking, the first day of bleeding that accompanies a spontaneous abortion is considered the first day of menstruation after a miscarriage.

Bleeding can be the cause or result of a hormonal imbalance in a woman's body.

This worries many women who have had a miscarriage, as they look forward to their next opportunity to conceive, carry, and have a healthy baby.

Definition and consequences of the phenomenon

A miscarriage is a spontaneous pathological termination of pregnancy.

A miscarriage occurs under the influence of several factors:

  • infection in the internal genital organs;
  • infection throughout the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • experienced severe stress;
  • weakened body after severe illness

Spontaneous abortion begins with severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen, back pain. The temperature rises, weakness, chills appear, severe bleeding begins. With blood, the uterus pushes out the fetal egg and placenta. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

The bleeding can last for about 10 days, give or take a few days. After the cessation of secretions, specialists should conduct ultrasound procedure uterine cavity for the presence of remains of the fetus or placenta.

If, after the examination, particles were found in the uterus, the uterine cavity is scraped. Remnants of the fetal egg are mechanically removed. These materials are sent for examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion.

After an early miscarriage and cleansing, doctors prescribe drug treatment: anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painkillers, antibacterial medicines, iron preparations, vitamins, observation by doctors, frequent checks uterus on an ultrasound machine. At heavy bleeding prescribe hemostatic drugs that cause uterine contractions.

Cycle recovery

As mentioned above, a miscarriage is considered the first day of menstruation. In the period between this cycle and the next, slight spotting may appear.

Menstruation after a miscarriage without cleaning, subject to a satisfactory condition of the uterus (its cavity must be clean after spontaneous cleansing), will come on next month.

The onset of the next menstruation may begin on time or be late. The duration and intensity of the next menstruation after a miscarriage may vary depending on the state of the hormonal background, the stress experienced, the presence of a bacterial or fungal infection.

When menstruation begins after a miscarriage, it can last large quantity days than usual may be less. There may also be changes in intensity. The volume of monthly bleeding may increase or, conversely, become scarce. Abundant periods are associated with the remaining particles of the amniotic membrane. Abundant menstruation threaten women's health with anemia. The body weakens, exhausted, immunity decreases. This is inconvenient and unpleasant. After cleaning, particles of the membranes and tissues of the fetus can sometimes remain. Therefore, re-cleaning is required. It is worth insisting on an ultrasound examination.

Bleeding during miscarriage and subsequent menstruation with remnants in the uterine cavity of unscraped particles are often accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, back, high temperature, weakness, chills. In any case, you must consult a doctor.

No less dangerous. Causes scanty menses can be strong stressful situations, the formation of adhesions on the walls of the uterus, hormonal disorders. Adhesions become a serious obstacle to the occurrence of pregnancy. They act like a contraceptive intrauterine device preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

If there is no menstruation, it is necessary to exclude the presence of pregnancy, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Menstruation may not start and due to functional impairment ovaries. It happens that there is no ovulation even a few months after curettage. The doctor must find out the reason.

In case of hormonal disorders, tests are carried out, prescribe hormonal preparations. A woman needs to change her lifestyle.

Sex life and pregnancy

After a miscarriage sexual life you can start after a month (or one menstrual cycle). Since the walls of the uterus are still inflamed, the cervix is ​​ajar, infection of the genital organs is possible.

After a miscarriage, the menstrual cycle will improve for 2-3 months. Even if the cycle is restored the next month, you should resort to contraception during intercourse. Doctors do not advise getting pregnant in the first six months after the incident. The woman's body is weak, it takes time to recover, if a pregnancy occurs, the same outcome is possible. The uterus should also come into tone. It is better to allocate this time for the treatment of the causes that caused spontaneous abortion, for the restoration and improvement of health: go in for sports, improve nutrition, refuse bad habits walk more often fresh air. Pregnancy should be planned and prepared for it.

If, nevertheless, pregnancy has occurred, you should not despair. Most likely, everything will be in order, the body is already ready for a new pregnancy. You need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Any deviation from the norm during menstruation after a miscarriage that does not disappear after a three-month period is a mandatory reason to visit a doctor. It is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the body, respond to temperature increases, pain in the lower abdomen. Complete the prescribed treatment, follow the recommendations.

A woman whose pregnancy is interrupted is interested in when menstruation begins after a miscarriage. If menstrual flow does not come on time, then this, as a rule, indicates the development of pathology. If any deviations are found, you need to contact a gynecologist. Perhaps, to identify the causes of reproductive failure, you will need to undergo an examination.

When will my period come after a miscarriage? The body of each woman is individual, but there are certain terms, deviations from which are considered a pathology. How quickly the cycle normalizes depends on a number of factors. It is necessary to take into account how the pregnancy proceeded, why it was interrupted, and also remember that after a spontaneous abortion, fetal particles may remain that can lead to complications.

Period after miscarriage

In the early stages, a woman, as a rule, is not aware of her “interesting” position, does not take action to maintain her pregnancy, so the likelihood of a miscarriage is very high. During gestation, hormonal changes occur in the body. Consequently, any miscarriage leads to hormonal imbalance and becomes stressful not only for the woman, but also for her reproductive system.

There are four types of spontaneous abortion, each of which corresponds to a certain stage of the pathology: failed, incomplete, threatening, begun and held. When the body recovers largely depends on at what stage of the gestational period the failure occurred, as well as on the individual characteristics of the reproductive system.

Menstruation after a miscarriage should not be confused with bleeding, which is considered normal. How many days the discharge will go is determined by the period of spontaneous abortion and the degree of cleaning of the uterus from the embryo. Allocations can disturb a woman for 4-10 days. If at the end of this period the bleeding does not stop, then you should consult a doctor.

Most likely, the gynecologist will send the patient for an ultrasound examination to make sure that there are no remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus, otherwise there will be inflammatory process. It may be necessary to carry out additional cleaning after a spontaneous abortion reproductive organ. Menstruation will begin as soon as the uterus contracts and the hormonal background normalizes.

How long does it take for periods to start after a miscarriage?

During pregnancy, the body is significantly rebuilt, so if it is spontaneously interrupted, then menstruation does not occur immediately. In a successful scenario, the first cycle begins 25-35 days after the failure occurred (depending on the state of health of the woman; the term of the interrupted pregnancy, additional cleaning of the uterus and a number of other indicators).

If after the specified period, menstruation does not occur, then you need to contact a specialist. Deviation is also considered too early start the menstrual cycle after a spontaneous abortion, for example, when the bleeding that opens smoothly turns into menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to perform an examination to identify the causes of the pathology and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

The first period after a miscarriage can be different intensity. If a woman finds that the discharge has become more abundant than before, then you should not be afraid. This phenomenon is considered normal. too strong and prolonged bleeding often indicates rejection by the uterus of the remnants of the fetus. This pathology can be observed for three or four cycles.

When should you see a gynecologist? If menstruation after a spontaneous abortion is very painful, accompanied by fever, blood clots.

The first 2-3 cycles after a miscarriage are often spotting, which are considered physiological norm. Different duration of cycles is allowed within 2-3 months after spontaneous abortion.

Delayed period after miscarriage

How long the period will come after a miscarriage depends, first of all, on how quickly the body returns to normal. Pregnancy is accompanied by a significant production of progesterone, and after its interruption, active secretion of estrogen begins. A woman may notice that she does not have her period until her hormonal balance is restored.

If a new cycle does not begin 40-45 days after the miscarriage, it is advisable to consult a specialist. To determine the cause of this phenomenon, a woman will have to undergo an ultrasound examination, as well as examinations to detect endometritis, ovarian failure, hormonal imbalance, infection infectious diseases take blood and urine tests.

Having found violations, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Most likely, the use of hemostatic, anti-inflammatory drugs will be required. With an incomplete exit of the fetus from the uterus, additional curettage will be required. If the miscarriage happened on late term gestation, then rehabilitation period is likely to be delayed. In this case, the woman will probably be offered to go to the hospital.

How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage? New life can arise even before the normalization of the cycle. That is why a woman will need to take a pregnancy test if her period is delayed. Considering the psychological and physiological problems that occur after a miscarriage, plan a baby before full recovery body will be wrong.

Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is always accompanied not only by a huge psycho-emotional stress but also serious hormonal disorders in female body. The most common indicator of such an imbalance is a menstrual cycle disorder. Some women experience heavy periods after a miscarriage, others complain of a delay in menstruation, others note the appearance of a very discomfort in this period. We will try to understand the causes of each of the described situations and talk about how to normalize the menstrual cycle after a miscarriage.

Menstruation after a miscarriage: when to expect them?

The first signs of a miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, are bloody discharge from the vagina and cramping pains lower abdomen. After the complete expulsion of the fetal egg, the pain disappears, however, hemorrhagic discharge may disturb the woman for some time. This state of affairs is considered normal, because the uterus needs to get rid of the overgrown layer of the endometrium.

It is this period - from the appearance of the first signs of spontaneous abortion to complete cessation bleeding - in medicine it is considered to be the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. If the process of cleansing the uterus went smoothly, the first menstruation after a miscarriage should occur at the usual time for your body (after 26-35 days).

However, such a time period is a very approximate figure, because in each individual case, the normalization of hormonal levels can take from several weeks to 2-3 months. Often, patients note a significant delay in menstruation after a miscarriage, their abundance and soreness. On average, the menstrual cycle returns to its normal schedule 3-4 months after the abortion.

Abundant periods after a miscarriage: causes and consequences

The procedure for curettage of the uterine cavity is a common medical practice that is performed to maximize the complete release of the uterus from all elements indicating the recent stay of the embryo in it. However, in some cases, gynecologists consider it unnecessary to perform this manipulation, for example, when an ultrasound of the internal genital organs shows the absence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

But sometimes ultrasound is mistaken, not noticing small areas of hypertrophied endometrium, the presence of which is the cause of heavy periods after a miscarriage, and in some cases becomes the result of inflammatory processes in the uterus. The only correct solution similar situation– Immediate visit to the gynecologist. If the patient complains only of spotting, she without fail prescribe diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, hemostatic therapy and iron preparations (for the treatment or prevention of iron deficiency anemia).

Delayed menstruation and endometritis

But if a woman who has recently had a miscarriage complains of fever, pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge with bad smell, the doctor should suspect endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus). Treatment of this pathology is more complex and includes:

  • Therapeutic and diagnostic curettage;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • The use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • Taking iron supplements.

And the third most common complaint is a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage. This situation occurs due to a sharp hormonal surge in a woman's body. We remind you that pregnancy is accompanied by the production of a large amount of progesterone, and after its sudden termination, the production of estrogen again increases. Until the ratio of these hormones returns to normal, menstruation after a miscarriage will not occur. Most often, the body copes with this problem on its own, but sometimes the help of a specialist is required.

If the delay in menstruation is more than 35-40 days, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor in this case prescribes a blood test for hormones, and only after reading the results of this study, decides on the need for hormone therapy.

I would also like to warn women who delay the visit to the doctor, observing one of the above unpleasant situations associated with menstruation after a miscarriage. Remember, even the slightest delay threatens you with development serious complications(myometritis, uterine bleeding, infertility). Take care of yourself and seek medical attention in time.

Text: Victoria Makaluk

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Spontaneous abortion is diagnosed in about 15% of women reproductive age. This state is a strong emotional and physical stress for the body, especially if it occurs in the later stages. It is not surprising that the representatives of the weaker sex are interested in when the full recovery of the cycle will occur.

Therefore, it is worth considering when menstruation comes after a miscarriage. It is also worth paying attention to the nature of regular bleeding, its types. Not always stabilization occurs quickly and without complications. It is possible that the discharge will be pathological, so it’s worth talking about them, to figure out why menstruation is delayed after a miscarriage.

Regardless of the gestational age, under the influence of certain factors, it can happen miscarriage. Often, women recover after this for a very long time and have some concerns about whether the next conception will be successful.

How does a miscarriage happen? Source:

To roughly determine how much menstruation begins after a miscarriage, you need to understand what types it happens:

  1. Threatening;
  2. started;
  3. Failed;
  4. Held;
  5. Incomplete.

If a woman is sure that she is in interesting position, and the period is quite short, the appearance of minor spotting may indicate that spontaneous abortion is not excluded.

If menstruation began after an early miscarriage, then it is almost impossible to save the fetus, and the duration of the recovery period directly depends on individual features organism. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist, who, if necessary, will prescribe a suitable therapy.


Regardless of how long after the miscarriage menstruation begins, the first discharge will be characterized by increased profusion. This state is not pathological and is considered normal from a physiological point of view. If after two cycles there is no stabilization, and the discharge also goes in large volume. This is a direct reason for visiting a doctor, since it is necessary to establish the cause of the development of this condition.

If you wonder, after a miscarriage, after how many periods come, then it must be said that it also depends on whether the cleaning was carried out, or this procedure was avoided, since the fetal egg completely left the uterus on its own. When patients are treated with curettage, menstruation should be expected in about 28-40 days.

After gynecological cleaning, menstruation comes after 30 days. Source:

It is important to understand that the discharge that began immediately after the procedure is not menstrual. They begin due to the fact that during the cleaning the uterine cavity was injured, and an extensive wound surface because the integrity is broken blood vessels with which the endometrium is oversaturated.

If you ask the doctor when menstruation begins after a miscarriage, then he will not name unambiguous terms. On average, the discharge comes without any physiological abnormalities already in next cycle. If the cleaning procedure was performed correctly, then the infectious or inflammatory process does not develop, and you can plan a pregnancy in six months.


In most cases, menstruation after a miscarriage without cleaning, which begins on the first day of the onset of this condition, is mistaken for regular bleeding by women. Their duration is on average ten days, but no more. However, this view is only partly correct.

This is due to the fact that the resulting bleeding is the result of rejection of the fetus, and not the lining reproductive organ as it happens if there is no pregnancy. The body is in a state of stress because it has to long recovery, after all, a partial change in the hormonal background has already occurred.

The most common question that girls ask doctors is: after a miscarriage, menstruation, how many days go. If a spontaneous interruption occurs, experts advise paying attention to the following types of possible discharges:

  • For 2-3 days there are minor bleeding of a smearing nature, which are not accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • If the discharge has acquired a brown tint, then this indicates the imminent completion of the process;
  • At profuse bleeding when a woman loses more than 80-100 ml of biological fluid per day, the likelihood of dysfunctional disorders is considered;
  • In situations where the discharge contains an admixture of pus or mucus, which may be yellow or green, it can be assumed that an infection of the body has occurred.

The first menstruation after a miscarriage for each representative of the weaker sex has its own characteristics and characteristics. However, there is a parameter that unites them. It lies in the fact that if there are no complications, inflammatory or infectious processes, then the duration of the discharge is normally no more than seven days.


Also, sometimes girls are interested in why there is no menstruation after a miscarriage. But here it is important to consider whether gynecological curettage. If the procedure is done, then following bleeding in the cycle will begin in about 25-35 days, if they are gone for more than 40 days, then you need to go to the gynecologist for a consultation.

A delay in menstruation can speak of both the norm and the pathology. Source:

The delay in menstruation after a miscarriage is a direct witness to the fact that there is no complete recovery of the body, and, in particular, reproductive system is not functioning correctly. However, there are few reasons for concern, and they are not always serious. All that needs to be done in this situation is to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.


It is difficult to unambiguously answer the question of how many periods go after a miscarriage. In most cases, the normalization of the cycle occurs in about 60 days. Starting from the third month, the discharge acquires its normal character, volume and duration. Often, periods go long after a miscarriage, when the uterine cavity was cleaned.

In this situation, the allocation will not just be long, but with big clumps blood. It is necessary to take a closer look at the nature of these bleedings. If a biological fluid It has Brown color and a pronounced unpleasant odor, which means that development has occurred pathological process in the form of sepsis and subsequent infection of the reproductive organs.

It is important not only to know how many days after a miscarriage menstruation comes, but also that if they are long and plentiful, this can lead to persistent anemia. This condition is also very dangerous for a woman's body.

When there is no menstruation after a miscarriage, a leading specialist can tell why this happens. He will also draw attention to the fact that the presence of scant discharge is not the norm. If, after two cycles, the bleeding volume does not recover or long delay, it is possible that adhesions have formed in the uterine cavity, which in the future will cause problems with fertilization.

When menstruation begins after a miscarriage, it is imperative to monitor them characteristic features. If the volume of secretions is large, then this may indicate that the girl is progressing with a concomitant inflammatory process. Often, this condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the patient, so you should immediately go to the doctor.

Ultrasound is performed as an assessment of the state of the body.

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