Delay but pulls the lower abdomen. What is the delay in menstruation: causes and consequences. Stress and physical activity as causes of delay

Violation of the cycle and a delay in menstruation for more than 5 days, in themselves should be for a woman a serious symptom and good enough reason to see a doctor.

If this is accompanied painful sensations- sick, pulling the lower abdomen, dizzy, then the reasons for this condition should be clarified immediately.


The first thing that comes to mind for any woman who finds even a slight delay of 3-4 days is pregnancy. But the test done showed a negative result, reassuring, or, conversely, upsetting the delayed birth of a child. So, is it worth putting this version aside and looking for the cause in something else? No, not yet.

A negative test is clearly not the last "instance" in determining the condition of a woman. Modern test for pregnancy, of course, gives quite clear indications, there are even hypersensitive samples that give an accurate answer even for 1, and not for 3-4 days of delay. But even the most best test may be wrong. For sure, you can know about the onset or absence of pregnancy only after passing the examination by a gynecologist - he will give a referral for a test for the hCG hormone.

If the delay exceeds 5-6 days, the test was negative, and the hCG test, on the contrary, gave a positive result, that is, there is a danger ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, the fetus is attached not to the epithelium layer inside the uterus, but outside it - in the ovaries, peritoneum and other cavities adjacent to the uterus. On the 3-4th day of delay, when the formation of the embryo has already begun, its first symptoms appear: it pulls the lower abdomen, it is possible that there is a slight nausea, weakness, dizziness, which the woman attributes to premenstrual syndrome, because the test is negative!

But, as it turns out, a negative test is by no means an indicator, because an ectopic pregnancy does not provide enough “material” for it to confirm fertilization. Simple home test it does not diagnose - the analysis must be taken in a medical institution.

An ectopic pregnancy is also suspected if there are signs other than a 5-6 day delay, namely:

  • Nausea, dizziness;
  • Pulls the lower abdomen, there is a feeling of sometimes aggravated dull pain, lower back hurts.
  • Instead of menstruation, on the 3-4th day of delay, bloody or brown spotting appears, which does not look like menstruation.

With such a set of symptoms, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Loop failure

Sometimes a delay in menstruation by 3-4 days does not mean anything special at all. The menstrual cycle is not an axiom, and rarely does a woman's body work like clockwork. Only 3 out of 10 representatives of the weaker sex have never noted a cycle failure. A delay that lasts up to 5-6 days is considered the norm - of course, if there are no other symptoms in the form of uncharacteristic suspicious discharge and severe pain.

During such failures, the stomach pulls a little, the mood can jump - that is, the classic signs appear premenstrual syndrome.

Why, all of a sudden, there is a delay of 4-5 days and the cycle is broken? The reasons may be as follows:

  • Stress. Strong emotions, not only negative, but also positive, can give negative effect, badly affect the body, postponing the arrival of menstruation. depressive states in which the woman has been for several weeks, or depression, strong feelings, postponed 3-4 days before the planned start of the allocations, can frustrate all plans. By the way, during times of stress and strong feelings in human body the psychosomatic factor is included, which makes many emotions literally tangible physically. It throws it into heat, then into cold, there is no strength, it hurts and dizziness, the temperature may rise, nausea, pulls the lower abdomen or twists the stomach with spasms. With all these phenomena, coupled with a delay even for one day, a woman will suspect pregnancy - but the test is negative, and all the worries go in a new circle. Here it is impossible to advise anything better than to calm down and distract from sad thoughts.
  • climate change. A sharp change in climate for the body is the same stress, although emotions have nothing to do with it. A change in climatic zones that occurred in one day, for example, during a flight, causes an unforeseen reaction of the body. By the way, menstruation can go earlier by 4-5 days; delay is not the only scenario. In addition, changes in humidity and pressure also affect. Therefore, even without making a flight, but just leaving for two weekends away from the city to the forest, to the dacha or to the village, you can “shake” the body with these changes.
  • Large physical exercise can cause overvoltage, causing cycle failure. This factor is especially relevant for all active athletes, dancers, and just fans of sports and fitness. During intense training, which takes place 1-2 days before the expected start of menstruation, many female athletes note painful condition when pulling the lower abdomen, weakness is felt, as if before the onset of menstruation, but after a delay is found.
  • Excessive intellectual loads, in fact, they are a type of stress and can also affect health. All people of intellectual labor are subject to them, especially during the period of "hands-on work", students during the session, and so on. Overexertion and work at the limit of forces always give a negative effect.

None special measures these deviations do not require treatment, the cycle will improve by itself. To calm down, you can do a pregnancy test - if it is negative, and there are no other health problems (discharge, temperature, bad feeling and so on), then there is no need to worry. But if the onset of menstruation does not occur even between the 5th and 8th day of the delay, it is better to consult a doctor.

Gynecological diseases

Sometimes even a seemingly harmless delay of 3-4 days is a signal of significant disorders in the body, the most serious of which are gynecological diseases. As a rule, they are accompanied by additional symptoms, so recognizing them, although not very easy, is quite realistic even before visiting a doctor. Signs indicating the onset of the disease are the following symptoms:

  • The stomach, lower back hurts, pulling pains are observed, sometimes turning into sharp, cutting.
  • There is a delay in menstruation for 3-4 days.
  • The appearance of discharge brown, bloody, less often - Brown color having a sharp bad smell(do not confuse these discharges with menstruation - their nature is different).
  • There is itching and burning in the region of the labia, the perineum itches.
  • Discomfort during intercourse or urination.

Two factors can provoke such pathologies:

  1. Inflammatory process (occurs due to hypothermia).
  2. Infection (usually transmitted sexually).

But the result will be the same - long-term treatment, complications and consequences. Among the most common diseases that are detected due to a delay in menstruation for a period of 3 to 5 days and the symptoms described above are the following:

  • Vaginitis (colpitis)- inflammation of the walls of the vagina, characterized by pain that seems to cut the lower abdomen, pulsate, then weaken, then become aggravated. The whole abdomen and lower back also hurt, discharge, burning, itching are observed.
  • Adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages (ovaries) and fallopian tubes. At the beginning of inflammation, the stomach pulls a little, there is a delay of 3-5 days, but there are no other symptoms (discharge, burning), or they appear weakly, and this does not always happen. Adnexitis - insidious disease which is difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat. It flows easily into chronic form and leads to infertility.
  • endometritis- inflammation of the lining of the uterus, the so-called endometrium. Accompanied by bleeding for several days, during acute stage I have a stomachache.

Similar symptoms also develop during gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts. During the examination, the presence of a tumor in the pelvic area, adhesions and polyps in the uterus should also be excluded.

Sexually transmitted infections also provoke a delay for several days, pulls the lower abdomen, a burning sensation is felt, a pregnancy test gives a negative answer. Sometimes even with such unpleasant symptoms as a result, it turns out that there is nothing particularly dangerous.

For example, similar symptoms are observed with candidiasis, speaking in a popular way - thrush, when, due to a change in the acidity of the vagina, the number of candida fungi increases there, which produce a similar effect, the discomfort lasts 2-3 days, then it either goes away on its own or heals easily medications(tablets, suppositories). Such fungi are found in the vagina of every woman, but during intercourse, an infected partner passes on an additional amount of them, which provokes the process. The labia begin to burn, the lower abdomen constantly bakes and gives off with aching pain.

Unfortunately, such a favorable outcome is not always observed.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

urine reproductive system therefore, it received such a name that the connection between the genital organs and the system responsible for filtering and removing fluids from our body is very large. Diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract (usually inflammation) greatly affect the functioning of the reproductive system and can cause a delay in menstruation. Such diseases include pyelonephritis, cystitis and other types of inflammation.

During inflammatory process often pulls the lower abdomen, the pain radiates to the lower back, the delay can be up to 5 days, sometimes there is no menstruation at all, or they pass with deviations. Usually the first suspicion falls on pregnancy, but when the tests give a negative answer, other organs are also examined. The temperature, which can rise by 2-3 days of delay, signals an inflammatory process.

In addition to the delay, the "classic" symptoms of inflammation are:

  • I have a stomachache,
  • there is a burning sensation, itching in the region of the labia,
  • the temperature rises.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastrointestinal disease can manifest itself in many ways, but a violation of the delicate balance internal organs and systems often affect the cycle. The following diseases can be the cause:

  • Inflammation of the intestines;
  • The formation of adhesions or hernia in the intestines;
  • Oncological diseases that caused the appearance of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Appendicitis.

Actually, the delay in menstruation itself may not be related to the disease in any way - coincidences also happen, but it has been proven that instability in the body, the presence of diseases can delay the onset of menstruation.

If there is no menstruation for 4-5 days, it pulls the lower abdomen and the reason for this was the disease gastrointestinal tract other symptoms also appear:

  • The stomach and lower back hurt, the pain is usually sharp, cutting, or aching with exacerbations.
  • There is nausea, vomiting.
  • There may be diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, bloating.
  • Increased temperature.

So, a delay in menstruation can be triggered by many reasons, not all of them are dangerous, but this does not mean that the violation can be ignored. The best way solving a problem is an appeal to a doctor, and even more so, it should not be postponed if there are alarming symptoms accompanying the delay.

The delay in menstruation pulls the lower abdomen - why does this happen and what does it mean? Should it be a concern? Perhaps yes, if menstruation has not begun for several days, but pregnancy is possible.

If it pulls the lower abdomen as with menstruation, but they are not, then this, in most cases, is one of signs of PMS. Didn't start today, will go tomorrow, so stock up hygiene products. If the symptom persists for about a week, take a pregnancy test. By this time, he will already show the exact result.

If you were looking for an answer to the question of delayed menstruation pulling in the lower abdomen and found yourself pregnant, you have two ways - either interrupt it or save it. A symptom like It's a dull pain in the first weeks after conception, maybe. But sometimes it indicates a lack of progesterone - a hormone without which pregnancy will not develop. Doctors with such symptoms prescribe progesterone in tablets or in the form vaginal suppositories. It is impossible to determine whether women have a lack of progesterone. Yes, there is a blood test for this hormone, but no one knows for sure what level of progesterone is enough for a pregnancy to develop. But even if there is no lack of it, such an “addition” in the form medicines not dangerous.
But what is dangerous is the addition of bloody or brown discharge to the pain. This is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Often, such discharges appear after the embryo has died, that is, during a missed pregnancy.

And why, with a delay in menstruation, does the stomach pull, and at the same time there is no pregnancy? As we wrote earlier, it could be PMS. And whining in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus and ovaries can be with gynecological diseases. There are a lot of them. These are large-sized uterine fibroids, and endometriosis, and adnexitis, and adhesive process, etc. To make a diagnosis, it is imperative to do an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages.

If serious pathologies the doctor did not find how, finally, to achieve the onset of menstruation? There are many folk ways, but they are ineffective. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe progesterone preparations. Yes, yes, the very ones that are prescribed for expectant mothers. So how are u non-pregnant women the delay in menstruation occurs just because of its lack. Woman drinking pills or doing intramuscular injections for a few days, then it stops. And then the menstrual bleeding starts.

A menstrual cycle that lasts from 21 to 33 days is considered normal. But not all women can boast that their monthly discharge appears exactly on time. Delay is most often the first sign of pregnancy. But sometimes these are symptoms of health problems.

In order not to speculate and not to worry in vain, experts advise taking a pregnancy test. At a positive result some discomfort and pulling pains are felt by most women. If the conclusion of the test refutes pregnancy, then you should not postpone the visit to the gynecologist. The delay, accompanied by pain, can be associated with many pathologies, as well as stress, strong physical exertion, climate change, or the common cold.

One of the common reasons why menstruation starts to hurt Bottom part abdomen - menstrual irregularity. This is not a disease, but a signal that in the organs responsible for reproductive health, a failure has occurred. Most often, it is caused by violations hormonal background. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only sex hormones, but also active substances, whose production is regulated by the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, the pituitary gland.

In many women, delayed menstruation is accompanied by pronounced. Unpleasant sensations grow as you approach " critical days". In addition to soreness of the chest, pain in the abdomen, nausea, mood swings may appear at this time. These symptoms are very similar to those of early dates pregnancy, but they pass with the onset of menstruation.

When there is a delay in menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts, the first thing that comes to mind for women who are active sexual life, is the thought of the onset of pregnancy. For many, it is long-awaited, so women are sensitive to their feelings. Characterized by a short and mild pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands and soreness of the nipples. It seems as if the stomach is inflated, there is frequent urination and emotional swings.

A positive test result purchased at a pharmacy confirms the fact of pregnancy. If all the symptoms are present, but a urine test repeatedly done at home gives conflicting results, then you should consult a doctor and take a blood test for hCG.

A few days after conception, chorionic gonadotropin accumulates in the blood in such an amount that its study gives an unambiguous answer to the question: is the woman pregnant or not?

Sharp, aggravated during walking, changes in body position, abdominal pain should alert the woman. This may be a manifestation of an ectopic pregnancy when fertilized egg instead of the uterus, it develops in the fallopian tube, ovary, or abdominal cavity. With this variant of pregnancy, a test carried out at home shows a negative result or an insufficiently clear second strip. BUT laboratory analysis blood for hCG also shows more low maintenance hormone compared to normal.

An ectopic pregnancy never ends with the birth of a baby and poses a threat to the health and life of a woman. Therefore, at the first signs listed above, and also if, after a delay in menstruation, the stomach suddenly began to hurt, bleeding began, appeared severe weakness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reproductive system disorders

Various violations normal activities genital organs can cause a delay in secretions that appear every month, as well as provoke soreness in the pelvic organs. Among the main "culprits" are several diseases at once:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • adnexitis;
  • salpingoophoritis;
  • uterine myoma.

These diseases develop after serious hormonal disorders. In this case, the amount of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland plays a special role. Their imbalance causes problems with egg maturation, ovulation, and later fertilization. These disorders can also be inherited. For example, if the mother had uterine fibroids, then the daughter has a high risk of this pathology.

Asherman's syndrome and its effect on the menstrual cycle

The pathology associated with the occurrence of adhesions in the uterine cavity (Asherman's syndrome) appears as a result of an abortion and curettage of the mucosa reproductive organ. The reason may also be infectious diseases genitals, chronic endometritis, sometimes - violations after the fading of the fetus during pregnancy.

A decrease in the volume of the uterine cavity leads to a violation monthly cycle. It manifests itself heavy bleeding accompanied by severe pain. Sometimes periods can be delayed or completely disappear. Most often this is due to the difficulty of exfoliation of the endometrium and its removal to the outside.

In this case, the stomach may swell, and the pain is so severe that it is impossible to remove the attack even with painkillers. Often, unexpelled blood becomes a breeding ground for bacteria that cause inflammation. Then the lower abdomen is not only, but the woman will feel weakness, fever, sweating.

Functional ovarian cyst

One of possible causes what is happening may be an ovarian cyst (follicular) and sometimes corpus luteum(luteal), which did not regress in time. This condition is not a pathology, but a malfunction of the organ. Most often, the cyst resolves itself after 2-3 cycles. But sometimes it can fill with liquid, inflate and become so large that it begins to squeeze the organs that are nearby.

In this case, the woman feels the following symptoms:

  • aching lower abdomen on the side where the cyst appeared;
  • heaviness, squeezing in the groin;
  • with rupture of the cyst, unscheduled heavy bleeding.

With the advent functional cyst doctors also associate violations of the monthly cycle. Their manifestations: painful menstruation with the loss of too much blood volume, or vice versa, meager discharge smearing character. They appear after a significant delay.

Delay before dysfunctional bleeding

Uterine bleeding associated with improper production of hormones is called dysfunctional. They are often in the formative period reproductive functions, as well as in women entering into menopause, but sometimes they appear in reproductive age.

These bleedings differ from menstrual bleeding in the greater amount of blood lost and also in that they last longer. They appear without a cycle. Periods long delays change frequent discharge. The approach of bleeding after a period of delay is accompanied by symptoms that are unpleasant for women: the stomach hurts, sometimes it hurts in the lumbar region, the mood often changes.

Stress and physical activity as causes of delay

The menstrual cycle may change due to various factors. Among common causes delay, which women take for pregnancy, although the test is negative, there are situations that cause increased nervousness. Stress stimulates glandular activity internal secretion. Because of this, it breaks normal level hormones responsible for women's reproductive health.

Delay after heavy physical exertion is also quite common. Especially often this happens during active sports, when the hard work itself muscular system is stressful for the body. The condition is aggravated by weight loss and a decrease in the volume of fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs.

To avoid such problems, doctors recommend sticking to moderate physical and mental stress, sleep at least 8 hours a day, monitor the diet. It must contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins. In this case, the influence negative factors on the menstrual cycle will be minimized.

Delayed menstruation, the test is negative (pulls the lower abdomen and lower back) - this is very alarm symptom, which is serious reason to visit a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying sensations (pain, nausea), as they can suggest what is happening in the body.

Delay is the first symptom of pregnancy

Of course, the first thought that occurs in a woman with a delay is pregnancy. Often, it can be determined by a regular test already on the third or fourth day of the delay, but there are still exceptions. Even an ultra-sensitive test can be wrong, as this is just a home diagnostic device.

To find out exactly whether pregnancy has occurred or not, you should contact a gynecologist. According to the results of the initial examination, he can send for an ultrasound scan or for the delivery of the hCG hormone, having passed which we can talk about the development of the embryo. However, if on the fifth or sixth day of the delay the test is still negative, and hCG is positive, then there is a risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

This is when the fetus is attached not in the uterus, but outside it. For example, in the peritoneum, ovaries, etc. Usually, an ectopic pregnancy is difficult to diagnose, especially if the embryo is somewhere in the peritoneum. We can talk about such a diagnosis if symptoms such as weakness, nausea, dizziness appear. At negative test a woman writes off, of course, everything on premenstrual syndrome.

So, let's sum up. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should contact your doctor if:

  • periodically there is dizziness and nausea;
  • stupid nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which sometimes worsens, while the lower back also hurts;
  • there are no periods, on the third or fourth day there are small discharges (spotting or bloody), which are not at all like normal menstruation.

Failure in the menstrual cycle of a woman

In some cases, a delay in menstruation does not pose any danger to a woman. Of course, if it lasts no more than a week, and there are no severe pains in the lower abdomen and strange discharge. Today, many of the fair sex have such failures in the cycle from time to time.

It should be noted that changeable mood and a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen is a normal premenstrual syndrome during a delay. Let's see why these crashes occur.

  1. Because of stress. For our body, any strong emotions (joy, anger, depression) can provoke hormonal changes. As a result, the date of menstruation is shifted. If a woman has prolonged stress and strong feelings, then the symptoms of this condition are very similar to pregnancy, namely nausea, dizziness, weakness, etc. The only advice in this situation can only be calm. By any means, you need to try to bring yourself into normal condition and then the cycle starts.
  2. Climate changes. female body very sensitive to drastic changes weather, change of climatic zones, changes in pressure or humidity. All this can cause a delay or premature menstruation. Therefore, when traveling, you should be ready so that the body is not taken by surprise.
  3. Strong physical exertion on the body can provoke a change in the cycle. This is often observed in athletes before competitions or during intense training, as well as lovers of active sports and pastime. In this case, there may be signs of premenstrual syndrome in a day or two. However, at the appointed hour, menstruation does not occur.
  4. Violation of the cycle can also occur due to strong intellectual stress, because this is also a kind of stress. Very often this happens to female students during sessions, women during “blockages” at work. Such an overvoltage has a negative effect on the body.

In the event of such failures, treatment is practically not required. It is only necessary to restore peace of mind, adjust the daily routine and everything will return to normal. Even if your test is negative, and there is still no menstruation, there are no signs of “malfunctions” in the body, discharge, then you should not worry. You should go to the gynecologist only when the delay is more than a week.

Diseases in gynecology

However, it happens that a delay in menstruation, a negative test (pulls the stomach and lower back) may indicate a gynecological disease. At the same time, there are additional symptoms that accompany the illness. These include:

  • Feeling pain in the lower back, abdomen. They can be pulling, sometimes turning into sharp ones.
  • Menstruation is delayed by three to four days.
  • The discharge has an unpleasant odor, its color is bloody or brown.
  • In the region of the labia, burning and itching may be felt, in the region of the perineum it often itches.
  • During urination and sexual intercourse, discomfort is felt.

Such symptoms may appear due to the inflammatory process of the female internal organs (most often due to hypothermia), as well as due to an infection that is sexually transmitted. In any case, you need to visit a doctor and treatment (sometimes long). After serious illnesses possible consequences.

A slight delay of three to five days may be characteristic of the following diseases:

  • Vaginitis (colpitis). During this disease, the walls of the vagina become inflamed, and cutting pains occur in the lower abdomen. They can pulsate, weaken and increase in intensity. In this case, the entire abdomen and lower back can hurt, discharge, itching or burning may appear.
  • Adnexitis is a disease in which the appendages and tubes of the uterus become inflamed. When the inflammation is still on initial stage, then it can pull the stomach a little, menstruation is delayed. Other symptoms are extremely rare. This disease is considered very insidious, as it is most often diagnosed on late stages when it becomes chronic.
  • Endometritis is a disease when there is inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus (mucosa). At this time, bleeding may occur, during the period acute development can be very painful to the stomach.

In addition to the listed diseases, the symptoms mentioned above can be signs of other serious diseases - ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, adhesions and polyps in the uterus, tumors in the pelvic area.

During the examination, one cannot discount and various infections sexually transmitted. After all, they also provoke a delay in menstruation for three to four days, a burning sensation in the lower abdomen can be felt.

Of course, it happens that in principle there is nothing terrible. Such symptoms can also be observed during a simple thrush, the development of which is provoked by Candida fungi. They are in the body of every woman, but in limited quantity. If sexual intercourse occurs without a condom, and the partner is infected, then he passes on an additional amount of fungi. All this provokes itching and burning.

Thrush is considered a benign disease, it is very easy to cure it with medication or even folk ways. However, if you have symptoms, you should not hope for such an outcome, it is better to go and be examined in order to exclude more serious diseases.

Diseases associated with the genitourinary system

The reproductive system is closely connected with the urinary system, so any diseases of the latter can cause a delay in menstruation. If the kidneys are inflamed in the body or urinary tract(cystitis or pyelonephritis), then the entire reproductive system may malfunction. And the first signal of this failure is a delay in menstruation.

But with a negative test and the exclusion of other diseases, you need to pay attention to urinary system. Especially if you have the following symptoms:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • burning or itching in the area of ​​the labia;
  • fever (evidence that the inflammatory process has begun).

Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract

A delay in menstruation can also occur due to some violations in the peritoneal region. They may be as follows:

  • hernia or adhesions in the intestines;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • oncology of the intestine, as a result of the appearance of tumors;
  • appendicitis inflammation.

If the disease is associated with the gastrointestinal tract, then in addition to the absence of four to five days of menstruation, other symptoms will appear:

  • acute, cutting pain in the region of the lower back and abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting is possible;
  • often there is constipation or diarrhea, there may be bloating;
  • elevated temperature.

As you can see, the delay in menstruation, the test is negative (pulls the lower abdomen and lower back) can be completely various diseases. Some do not pose a threat, others are extremely dangerous, but in any case, the body signals a failure and needs help. Be sure to consult a doctor in order to start treatment on time and not start the disease, because there may be complications accompanied by unpleasant consequences.

How? You haven't read yet:

Often, women have such situations - that menstruation is late, and pulls the lower abdomen. Therefore, young ladies begin to worry, therefore, about, and especially nervous because of abdominal pain. Pain in the lower abdomen is unpleasant feeling after all, the uterus is located in the abdominal cavity, which inspires fear that something may be wrong. Such pains for each woman are individual, some are more sensitive, and some can endure.

For one woman, her everyday life does not depend at all because of the delay, while another even has a loss of consciousness, severe headaches. Almost every woman complains that her stomach is pulling, this is a sign that menstruation is approaching and you should not be nervous. Such symptoms often occur in women who have not given birth, in addition to everything, another factor joins, the lower back aches, sometimes there are even severe pains in the head area, general weakness body, swollen legs.

But in almost all women during this period of time, their mood changes dramatically, and all because of appearance of PMS. If a woman has a monthly cycle delay of about 4-7 days, then this is normal and should not be worried. Such changes inside the body can be triggered by many factors such as stress, physical overload, as well as if a woman has drastically changed her diet, lost weight or gained excess weight, it even got to the point that it was simply from climate change.

There are many such factors. Another delay occurs when a woman has an abortion or stops taking hormonal pills without seeing a gynecologist. In such cases, pain in the lower abdomen is observed, this is the first sign of a symptom that PMS is approaching and gives a signal about the arrival of menstruation.

Delay, as well as sipping pain in the abdomen - a sign of pregnancy

A woman who has given birth to a child can easily confirm the fact that during pregnancy she had discomfort in the abdomen or was drawn to the bottom of the abdominal band. When the delay lasts more than seven days, then this is the first factor that fertilization has occurred, or rather, this is the moment the egg is attached to the uterine cavity. In order to make sure that a woman is pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test at home.

But do not forget, and women need to be attentive to pain, because its mild form is considered as a sign of pregnancy, and as for pain, which tingles, this is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, which promises big risk a miscarriage is already a pathology. To find out how the pregnancy is proceeding, and whether there is any pathology, you can very simply examine yourself if a woman has inherent symptoms such as headache, severe breaking in the lower back, gray or brown highlighting.

Delay and pulls the lower abdomen, this is an indicator of unhealthy female organs

The bad news that pulls the lower abdomen is that a woman suffers from various gynecological inflammations or disease, but at least pathology. It can be: apoplexy, or often women call this disease ovarian hemorrhage, poly cystic ovaries- cyst, uterine fibroids, adhesive disease. Irregular periods, which occur together with severe pain in the abdominal cavity, can only speak of one thing, that a failure occurs in a woman's body hormonal system or rather its imbalance.

This factor can also be reflected in the contraction of the uterus. Therefore, doctors recommend that women be attentive to their body, pay attention to all sorts of changes. After all, a timely identified problem on early stage It has more likely that it can be cured.

Loop failure

Sometimes every woman has a delay in menstruation in the period from 2-4 days, this does not mean absolutely nothing bad. The cycle has the ability to change, this is not an axiom, it is very rare for any woman to have an organism that works like a clock. For example, let's take 10 fully healthy women, and only 3 will be able to say with accuracy that their periods flow evenly, that is, there are no failures.

If a woman has a delay in menstruation that lasts 5 days, then this is considered normal, but only if there are no other symptoms, suspicious discharge or sharp pains. Women need to remember that with such failures, it almost always happens not strong pain lower abdomen, the mood worsens, which means wait for the guests for the first signs of premenstrual syndrome.

Gynecological diseases

Sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances when a harmless delay in menstruation, lasting about 4-5 days, is the first signal that a woman’s body is undergoing dangerous violations, it can be gynecological diseases. The first symptoms of this disorder have their own additional characteristics, of course, it is easy to recognize them, but it is possible even if the woman does not visit her doctor.

In the first days, there are severe pains in the abdomen or lower back for each woman, this is individual. Also, the pain in the abdominal band becomes very sharp, which is not possible to endure. gynecological disease may cause abnormal discharge of brown or bloody color which has a very unpleasant smell. After a couple of days it appears severe itching in the area of ​​​​the labia, there is an unforeseen discomfort when a woman has sexual intercourse or when urinating.

Almost all women are wondering what factors can provoke similar pathology. Doctors, conducting long studies, established two factors. Which are the causative agents of the inflammatory process, they can manifest themselves due to hypothermia of the body or infection. If such a pathology has already arisen, then the woman needs to prepare for the fact that the treatment will be very long, and there may be some complications.

Pain in the chest

When there is a delay in menstruation, they may be accompanied by other manifestations, such as sharp pain in the chest. Sometimes it happens that severe chest pain in women is taken for pregnancy, but for this you need to be checked by a gynecologist who will full examination the patient and, thanks to the analyzes obtained, will be able to establish the cause of this pathology.

Sometimes this indicates that chest pains signal that menstruation is approaching. Often this is provoked by the fact that a woman does not eat properly and the body does not receive the substances it needs. There are other reasons that for some reason menstruation has not come on time and the pain continues - a sign that mastopathy is developing.

This disease can be manifested by the formation of a seal or small nodes. Doctors' recommendation - dear women, please do not delay in long box a trip to the mammologist or gynecologist. Experienced Specialists they will appoint their patient to undergo tests, as well as ultrasound of the mammary glands, so that the woman can avoid surgical intervention. Another cause of chest pain is when a woman wants to lose weight and sits on strict diet or malnutrition which is harmful to the body.

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