Severe pain when pressing on the tooth. Tooth hurts when pressed. Video - A tooth hurts under a crown, whether to remove it

Toothache worries a person not only when visible damage crowns, but also with its external integrity. Pain may be mild or severe. The intensity of the manifestation will primarily depend on the cause that provokes the pain.

The reasons

The occurrence of pain when exposed to the crown can be provoked by the most various reasons. Each of them has its own characteristics of manifestation and mechanism of development.

Filling too high

This reason is one of the most common. At the time of restoration of the crown part of the tooth, the patient is not always able to immediately assess the compliance of the filling with the actual size, and in the future, he does not apply for additional turning.

This leads to permanent excessive pressure of the tooth of the same name of the other jaw and deformation of the canals. As a result, filling material from the channels starts put pressure on nerve fibers, or on tissues adjacent to the top of the root, thereby provoking their inflammation.

Soreness in this case is manifested slightly and may not increase throughout life.

Inflammatory process

Most often, it occurs when an infection enters the pulp chamber or periodontium. Characterized by gradual an increase in the intensity of pain manifestations, which can be localized both in the area of ​​the tooth and cover soft tissues.

As a rule, the inflammatory process develops very quickly, often leading to swelling and the appearance of purulent foci. The infection infects and nerve endings, as a result of which they give pain along the entire side of the inflammation.

Tooth injury

For the occurrence of toothache, a small injury in the form of a slight chip or crack of the crown is enough.

Wherein sensitive dentin is exposed, which reacts with localized pain to any irritating factor: hot or cold food, air, sweet or sour drinks, etc. It usually stops after the stimulus is removed.

If left untreated, the injured area is quickly affected by caries.


The occurrence of pain when pressing on the crown may be evidence of the hidden development of caries, in which the root part and the cavity of the tooth are affected.

With the defeat of dental tissues, caries can manifest itself minor discomfort during mechanical impact or increased sensitivity of the crown.

The tooth begins to react sharply to hot or cold, but quickly calms down when removed annoying factors. When the infection enters the pulp chamber, they are affected blood vessels and nerve fibers located in the tooth.

As a result, an inflammatory process begins with the formation necrotic tissues which leads to pain. At first, it is insignificant and is well stopped by painkillers.

But as caries spreads, the intensity increases. She acquires a permanent sharp character and gives on the entire side of the jaw.


Occurs as a complication of caries, in the absence of treatment. The reason for its appearance in this case is exactly the same as with caries. The main difference is in the picture of its manifestation. Pulpitis is accompanied severe soreness, aggravated at rest or after eating.

Wherein crown color changes to gray. Absence timely treatment pulpitis can lead to the development of periodontitis and total loss tooth.


It is characterized by the spread of infection to the region of the root apex, with damage to adjacent tissues. The inflammatory process extends to soft tissues, which is accompanied by a clear localized pain and a feeling of fullness in the area of ​​the tooth.

It occurs for no reason and can persist long time, even when exposed to the area located next to the tooth. Analgesic drugs, most often give only temporary relief.

The general condition noticeably worsens: the temperature rises, skin become pale, often occurs headache in the temporal lobe.

Pain after depulpation

Soreness of the teeth after dupulpation may be associated with injury to the nerve fibers during their removal. As a rule, it is observed only a few days after treatment, and then gradually disappears. If these sensations did not pass within 3-5 days, this may be evidence of the onset of secondary inflammation.

Most often, the cause of such inflammation is medical error: bad aseptic processing channels, incomplete removal necrotic tissue, leaving part of the instrument for removing the vascular bundle in the cavity of the tooth.

In this case, pain will depend on the degree of development internal inflammation. Has anyone gone through this process? for years without causing much discomfort. Enough for others one week for inflammation to become active.

Increased tooth sensitivity

The main problem here is the thinning of the enamel, as a result of which its pores expand and exposed dentinal tubules.

When exposed to stimuli, the dentinal fluid in the tubules begins to press and pinch the nerve fibers, resulting in pain.

Basically, it is of a short duration and is well stopped by anesthetic toothpastes.

Possible Complications

Any deformation of the dental tissues can lead to the development of complications. Even with small chips and microcracks, the likelihood that the infection will penetrate into the deeper layers of the tooth and cause inflammation increases.

The most common complication is caries, which necessary treatment leads destruction of the entire tooth and its extraction. In addition, infection from affected tissues can spread not only in the tooth, but also in the tissues located around it, causing periodontitis.

In the future, the development of inflammation can lead to a number of serious complications:

  • the occurrence of a flux or abscess, which can cover not only the inflamed tooth, but also adjacent crowns;
  • sinusitis;
  • phlegmon with damage to the muscular apparatus of the face;
  • osteomyelitis, characterized by damage to the bone tissue of the jaw;
  • sepsis. Occurs as a result of infection in the blood.

What to do?

So that a small soreness does not develop into a permanent one. severe pain, as soon as possible seek advice to the dentist, who, after the examination, will prescribe adequate treatment. In the absence of such an opportunity and the appearance of severe pain, you need to resort to first aid supplies.

First aid

First aid should be aimed at relieving soreness and symptoms of inflammation. For this purpose, analgesics of fast and long-acting, which include:

  • Ketorol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Tempalgin.

These drugs begin to act after 15–20 minutes and retain their analgesic effect for 5–6 hours. For relief of symptoms, take 1 or 2 tablets, no more than once every 4 hours.

Also, rinsing will help reduce the intensity of inflammation:

  • soda saline solution prepared from equal parts components and 100 ml of water. It helps to relieve swelling and outflow of purulent contents;
  • decoction of sage with the addition anise drops . To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of sage with a glass of boiling water and add 10 drops of anise to it. The drug has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Chlorhexidine, diluted in equal proportions with water. It has a pronounced aseptic effect.
  • Furacillin. Active against bacteria and microbes, helps reduce swelling. To prepare the solution, dissolve 1 tablet in half a glass of water;
  • dental elixirs with analgesic effect.

If there is a carious cavity on the tooth, then it must be cleaned with brushes and pastes. As far as possible, you need reduce load to the problem area. Of the anti-inflammatory drugs, only they are allowed to be taken. non-steroidal group: ibuprofen, diclofenac.


The scheme and methods of treating this problem will depend on the cause that caused it. If the filling is too high or mistakes made during its setting, the filling material is replaced.

If at the same time an inflammatory process occurs, then it is treated using special medicines placed in the cavity of the tooth.

In some cases, assigned drug therapy general with the inclusion of antibiotics. After elimination of inflammation, the cavity of the crown is sealed again.

If there are chips or cracks, restoration of the crown with composite, veneers or crowns. In the case when the cause of pain is caries or its complication in the form of pulpitis, preparation coronal part with subsequent opening of its cavity.

The cavity is cleaned of infection and, if necessary, carried out local treatment, after which the canals are sealed and the natural relief of the tooth is restored.

Periodontitis requires surgical intervention . In the presence of a purulent cavity, it is opened and a drainage is installed, which will facilitate the outflow of exudate.

After emptying the capsule, the tooth is treated with the cleaning of its canals. With their extensive damage, a partial resection of the root apex may be necessary.

The problem is the easiest to fix high sensitivity teeth, for the solution of which the method is used deep fluoridation or remineralization. They allow you to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel and restore its density.


Soreness when pressing the crown always has serious reason requiring mandatory treatment. In their reviews a large number of patients agree that this problem must be addressed at its first manifestations.

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  • Catherine

    November 12, 2016 at 05:53 pm

    I understand that now there are a lot of various methods anesthesia, but still afraid to go to the dentist. The reason, originally from childhood, when cleaning, turned the floor of the tooth. I think there are a lot of people like me. Last winter, the crown of the upper tooth began to bother me when strong pressure 6 months later, a hole formed there. But, I did not go to the dentist, but went on like this for another year. The pain was suppressed with pills. I decided to seal it, only when I realized that soon there would not even be walls left there. Not everyone decides to go to the doctor at the first symptoms.

  • Lina

    November 13, 2016 at 04:58 pm

    From the beginning, everything begins with the fact that the pain is felt only when pressed. With age, the pain gradually intensifies and the tooth hurts by itself. It is better to consult a doctor in this case. He will quickly determine the nature of the beginning toothache and help prevent what every patient does not want: tooth loss. Therefore, there is no need to try to drown out the pain in the hope that it will carry over.

  • Don Quixote

    November 15, 2016 at 03:27 pm

    First, we run from doctors and suppress the pain for a long time, with all kinds of painkillers. Not piece by piece, in my case in batches. Later, only removal, I am gentle and can not stand the pain.
    And after MY tenderness ends with the fact that at the age of 37 out of 32 teeth in the mouth there are only 9 teeth and 5 stumps, two are metal ceramics and everything, the rest is an empty place from former tooth. Now I would be glad, but finances are not quite working out.
    Or removable and cheap or implants and expensive ....

  • Svetlana

    November 26, 2016 at 8:45 am

    I myself had a similar case, it’s scary to remember. Formed small caries on the front tooth and I turned to a proven free dentistry, to a doctor who, as it turned out, no longer works there and there was another in her place. At that time, I thought that it was okay, since the work was not difficult enough. As a result, I sat with her for 3 hours, she told me anterior tooth stuck a filling that looked like a piece of cement on a tooth and brought some kind of infection. Later, because of this, I formed small tumor and it was painful when pressing on the same front tooth. I had to turn to another dentist and pay about 4,000 rubles for treatment, which at that time was a lot of money for me. Therefore, always refer only to proven dentists and do not delay treatment.

  • Ataman

    December 7, 2016 at 10:01 pm

    It all started with pressure pain. As usual, he endured to the last, they say, "it will pass by itself", it did not pass. The dentist first cleaned everything, put a seal, which lasted several weeks. And after the next visit to the doctor, a disappointing result is the removal of the entire tooth. Anesthesia did not work, the pain was terrible. And now I have 1 tooth less. Therefore, it is better not to delay the treatment, if you feel something is wrong, contact specialized care Why torture yourself.

  • Elena Yakovlevna

    February 22, 2017 at 06:28 pm

    It often happens to me that when I press on a tooth, it hurts. To the doctor, of course, I go already when it is absolutely bad (unfortunately). It so happened that when pressed it hurt and a bag of liquid protruded in that place, then I used Metrogil Dent ointment, took Cipralet tablets and rinsed soda solution. In principle, it helped, although I understand that it is impossible to self-medicate, but I was already the last to go to the dental office.

  • Irina

    October 20, 2017 at 04:08 pm

    I’ve just been away from the dentist yesterday, I’ve been treating my teeth with this doctor for a long time, it seems that they cured the six from the bottom, and today I pressed on the tooth while eating and felt pain. The doctor went on vacation, I’ll have to wait two weeks ...

It is impossible to endure a toothache. Take off discomfort an analgesic will help. However, this is only symptomatic treatment, and it will be possible to eliminate the cause in dental office. The specialist will make a diagnosis already at the first examination and begin appropriate therapy. Why does it hurt when I press on a tooth? There may be several reasons.

Caries - destruction of tooth enamel

Most frequent occasion seeking help from a dentist is caries. This is a disease that is characterized by the destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth (protective enamel) due to exposure to pathogenic microflora. AT oral cavity human dwells great amount pathogenic microorganisms(bacteria and viruses). Within a few hours after brushing your teeth, their number can reach several million. However, not all bacteria can cause caries.

If the front tooth hurts when pressed, it is possible that the enamel is infected with a streptococcal infection. The rate of caries formation primarily depends on the quality hygiene care. People who brush their teeth twice a day are less susceptible to the disease. They also matter defensive forces organism. Patients with strong immunity are much less likely to seek help from a dentist.

Treatment initial stage caries is carried out by removing the affected tissue and filling the tooth. Usually the disease can be eliminated in one visit to the doctor. Recommended twice a year preventive examinations at dentists in order to timely detect and treat caries.

Pulpitis - inflammation of the nerve

If it hurts bad enough upper tooth when pressed, most likely, I had to deal with inflammation of the nerve bundle - the pulp. An unpleasant situation occurs if caries was cured out of time and the infection reached the central part of the tooth. Pain during pulpitis can not be confused with anything. They cannot be tolerated. When you press on a tooth, it hurts so badly that you have to drink potent analgesics. Simple "Citramon" does not solve the problem. Are getting stronger pain in nighttime.

If the patient's well-being improves, this only indicates that the nerve has died. Be sure to seek help to eliminate the source of inflammation, clean and seal the channels. Treatment of pulpitis is usually carried out in several stages. Initially, the dentist opens the tooth cavity, removes dead tissue, and cleans. Then an antiseptic is installed in the cavity, which is fixed with a temporary filling. A few days later, the dentist places a permanent filling.

Hypersensitivity after treatment

It often happens that the tooth hurts after filling when pressed. There is no need to panic. After manipulations in the dental office, many increase pain sensitivity. An incisor or molar may hurt when pressed for a few more days. Then the discomfort goes away. Pain can alert, which does not allow you to sleep peacefully. If, after visiting the dentist, the toothache is so severe that you have to take an analgesic, it makes sense to contact a specialist again.

Moderate pain after dental procedures can be observed for several reasons. Insufficient grinding of the filling often leads to a change in bite. Hard pressure on the tooth causes pain. The condition can also worsen if the seal is not tight enough.


If the pulpitis was not cured in a timely manner and the nerve died, pathogenic microflora grows in the cavity of the tooth. The infection spreads to the gums. As a result, periodontitis develops. Why does my tooth hurt when I press it? Actually, it is no longer the molar itself that hurts, but the soft tissues under it. Usually patients are perplexed how a tooth can hurt in which there is no nerve. Aching pain causes inflammation of the gums. This is enough dangerous pathology. If therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, the tooth will have to be removed.

For the treatment of periodontitis, it is initially necessary to conduct an x-ray examination. Often, pain can radiate to adjacent teeth. The specialist must understand where to carry out therapy. In addition, the specialist must decide whether to save the molar or whether it should be removed.

Periodontitis can occur with serious complications. Often develops purulent infection causing the spread harmful substances throughout the body. One of the complications of periodontitis is a tooth cyst. Pathology requires root resection or complete removal sick molar.

Gingivitis - inflammation of the gums

Often, discomfort is also observed with superficial inflammation of the gums. If it hurts when you press on a tooth, it is possible that you had to deal with gingivitis. The disease is most common in children and adolescents due to low immunity and inadequate hygiene oral cavity. Cardiovascular diseases can also act as predisposing factors. endocrine systems. Gingivitis is often diagnosed in people suffering from diabetes.

Gingivitis is fairly easy to diagnose. If it hurts when you press on the tooth, and the rim of the gum has a bright color, we are talking of soft tissue inflammation. characteristic feature disease is bleeding gums. The patient may notice unpleasant symptom while brushing your teeth.

Completely cure gingivitis helps A complex approach. Initially, the specialist professional cleaning teeth, removes tartar. Then anti-inflammatory antiseptic solutions for rinsing the mouth. Nice results shows the remedy "Miramistin".

Tooth injury

It often happens that after hard hit the tooth remains intact. Unpleasant sensations may appear after a few days or even weeks. A crack appears in the enamel through which hot or sweet food causing pain. Problems can also appear after improper dental procedures. If, after cleaning the canals, the tooth hurts when pressed, the dentist may have touched soft tissues or injured a healthy tooth.

Dislocation of the tooth is another pathology that develops as a result of severe injury. The molar is displaced relative to the hole, which provokes pain. Therapy starts with x-ray examination. If the bone tissue remains intact, the tooth is fixed with a special splint. After a month, the additional structure is removed. The specialist tries to save the molar, even if the nerve has been removed from the tooth.

When pressed, the tooth hurts. What to do?

If there is an untidy sensation in the tooth, the first thing to do is to make an appointment with the dentist. If you can't get to the doctor right away, you need to take a suitable pain reliever. You should not get involved in drugs from this category. They only eliminate the symptom, not removing the problem itself. In addition, analgesics adversely affect the functioning of the liver. If the tooth hurts moderately, you can take a tablet of "Solpadein" or "Nurofen". With severe pain, the drug "Ketanov" helps well.

If a tooth hurts when biting, in no case should heat be applied to the affected area. The cause of discomfort may be bacterial infection, which will multiply rapidly high temperature. Warm compresses can lead to flux development. Even if there is a strong toothache, cannot be neglected hygiene procedures. Be sure to remove all food debris Special attention should be given to the diseased tooth.


Toothache cannot go away on its own. Any problems in the oral cavity require professional approach. The sooner you turn to the dentist, the faster and cheaper it will be possible to cure the disease.

A tooth hurts when you press it often, and this is caused by many reasons associated with visiting the dentist. You do not need to wait, but it is better to establish the cause as soon as possible and take timely measures to eliminate it.

Many in life had such an unpleasant situation when, for no reason at all, a tooth hurts when pressed. The nature of the pain is very different, but to one degree or another it brings great discomfort, deprives normal sleep and rest. Toothache occurs due to different reasons, resulting in caries or nerve involvement in pathological process. Despite the factors that led to this condition, if a tooth hurts when pressed, it is urgent to visit a dentist, and, most importantly, do not delay it.

There are cases when caries needs to be treated not for one, but several times. And there is a pathology that will require more long-term treatment and possibly surgery. To prevent dental diseases, it is necessary to visit a specialist regularly and pay attention to any, even the most minor symptoms.

Do not hope that the pain will pass itself: such symptoms indicate a developing pathological process and the need to take action.

What makes it hurt

If a person visited a dentist, and after that a tooth or gum began to hurt, then several factors could be the cause.

Filling too high

After visiting the dentist, a filling that is made too high is often worrisome. All people tend to make mistakes and the doctor is no exception, therefore, after placing the filling, it is necessary to check on your own based on sensations, whether it is conveniently performed and whether the height interferes. This is checked by biting a piece of carbon paper, leaving a mark on the protruding parts of the seal.

After filling, unpleasant sensations are disturbing, often immediately, even in the dentist's chair. The colored areas of the filling are then removed with a special grinding nozzle. After the pain of a permanent nature worries, the gums may become inflamed after a few days from the moment of filling. Especially the pain intensifies if you press on the tooth, as well as while eating.

Inflammatory process

Inflammation accompanies the filling process if the technique of this manipulation is violated. Everything happens due to the penetration of microorganisms into deeply located tissues. Everything is accompanied not only by pain after the filling, but also inflammatory process, the beginning of the accumulation of fluid, blood or pus under the root of the tooth, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits apex. A person with this scenario has many chances of losing a tooth, and an examination of the dentist and a special X-ray.

Traumatic tooth injury

The filling process is a trauma for the tooth tissue, and not only: the gums or other tissues are often touched, and no one is immune from this during any manipulation. Often, after a person has had a tooth removed, a nearby one begins to disturb. The extraction process is a trauma not only for a nearby tooth, which may have a crack in the root. The gum itself also suffers, which should heal after such an injury.

A healthy-looking tooth is also capable of disturbing, and under the root of which inflammation is ripening. The cause of this condition is a disease of the mucous membrane, as well as trauma to the jaw. A timely visit to the doctor and taking a picture will help establish the truth and cope with the problem.

Untreated caries causes pain in the tooth, especially if the nerve is involved and irritated by food particles and saliva. After rinsing and mechanical cleaning, the troubles disappear. But this does not mean that the problem should not be fought, because caries manifests itself various symptoms. An urgent visit to the dentist and filling will stop irritation of the nerve and relieve pain.

It is possible to develop caries in a sealed tooth. Pain may not bother if there is no nerve in the tooth, but this condition is worse, because a person walks with a problem without even knowing about it, and in the meantime the tooth is destroyed and the gum becomes inflamed. Regular visits to the dentist and check-ups can help prevent such problems.

Running caries can lead to periodontitis, a disease in which the gums become inflamed, as well as tissues around the tooth. If this occurs and is accompanied by pain, not only a visit to the dentist will be required, but also adequate treatment, since the risk of losing a tooth is very high.

What to do in such a situation

Highly common mistake with the development of pain during biting the tooth is that many apply heat to it, which is absolutely impossible to do. A heating pad will only aggravate the inflammation and will contribute to its spread.

But you can and should take painkillers. And in order to prevent further irritation of the nerve, especially with caries, the tooth must be cleaned and food particles that have fallen into its cavity must be removed from it.

Perfectly cope with the infection of the oral cavity rinsing using a solution of Furacilin, soda or pale pink manganese. Taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs without a doctor's prescription can harm your health and aggravate the course of the disease.

It is important to remember that the pathological process does not sleep and is constantly evolving, leading to new deterioration and complications. A person is able to sit out to the point that the risk of losing a tooth and health will increase many times over. In this case, it is better not to delay visiting a doctor and do it as soon as possible. short time. After careful examination and examination will be selected best method treatment that will relieve the troubles for a short time.

Nothing is more exhausting and annoying than a toothache in any of its manifestations. A person foresees a trip to the doctor, upcoming expenses and nervous tension. Each patient seeks to convince himself that there is still hope to avoid the fuss, and by a miracle, the discomfort in the tooth will come to naught. Therefore, when there is pain in the teeth when pressed, a person does not rush to the dentist's office. Instead, he begins to close his jaw every minute, press his tongue on the tooth to check if the sensation of pain has disappeared. Sometimes the symptoms of painful biting do go away after a few hours or days. But what causes pain when clenching the jaws?

No pain in nature appears just like that. Therefore, if it became painful to press on a tooth that was not affected by caries and did not bother at all before, it is impossible to declare its healthy state.

Inflammation of the gums is one of the causes of pain in healthy teeth.

There is pain - there is a reason.

  1. Worn enamel. On examination, the doctor will not see any damage to the gums or damage to the crown. However, the patient cannot normally eat cold food, brush his teeth, and sometimes even talk in the cool air. Weakened enamel cannot fully protect the nerve from irritants. The patient can buy special pastes and gels for firming cleansing, as well as rinsing your mouth with decoctions with oak bark or chamomile. Fast and reliable option - go through professional treatment- remineralization. The dentist will cover the surface of the enamel with special preparations containing valuable minerals, phosphates and fluorine. In extreme special occasions the patient may be offered to implant (“grow in”) new enamel.
  2. Mechanical damage. Many people struggle with the tempting habit of chewing on a pen or hard caramel, walnuts. Sooner or later, destructive passion leads to chips or cracks in the enamel, pain in the teeth appears when the jaws are clenched and chewed. Sometimes the damage is not visible to the eye, but can reach the pulp, and the patient will have to be treated. root canals. When the state of the enamel is neglected, the doctor may offer to protect the tooth with a crown.
  3. Inflammation of the gums.

    Attention! Teeth also get sick with a cold, so if you stay in cold conditions for a long time, a person can get gum disease. Tooth in this case will remain relatively healthy, and all the pain will only occur due to pressure on the inflamed gum.

    Baking soda and salt, a popular mouthwash, can help reduce painful discomfort and disinfect the affected area. But it is better not to take risks, delaying the process, and seek the help of a dentist in time.

  4. Periodontitis. People who panic at the mere thought of dentists often get addicted carious processes which can quickly lead to periodontitis - acute inflammation upper divisions dental roots.

Then, with painful biting, the patient feels a number of other symptoms:

  • The pain occurs at any time, intensifying at night.
  • The pain is clearly localized, the patient is aware of which tooth hurts.
  • General health is getting worse.

At home, periodontitis cannot be cured, therefore, the sooner an appeal to the dentist occurs, the more likely it is to save the tooth with a filling. AT severe cases the roots are completely rotten, and the only way out is removal. adjacent teeth also suffer from caries.

If you put a filling and the tooth hurts

It often becomes painful to press on the tooth after filling. This can happen in the first days and even weeks after dental intervention. Filling involves damage to soft tissues and nerves, which take time to restore their functions. Soreness is manifested when chewing and pressure on the tooth, but every day the discomfort should subside. During this period, analgesics, rinsing with furatsilin and soda can help the patient. Thorough oral hygiene in the morning and evening, as well as after eating, is a must.

Pain in sealed teeth can be caused by a number of factors: allergies to anesthetics, fillings that do not match the bite, incomplete removal of affected tissues ...

Sometimes in painful sensations The patient's fault is the dentist!

  1. The filling does not match the bite. Usually, the doctor spends a lot of time on turning the filling, because without the natural closing of the jaws, the person will suffer from pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the dentist to be in a hurry to meet the allotted time, and the patient is embarrassed to say that the filling still interferes with biting. Such situations should not be allowed, and if the problem was discovered after leaving the clinic, it is necessary to make an appointment for a second appointment and bring the filling to perfection.
  2. Dental errors in fillings. It would seem that a real feat has been accomplished, and the pain is in the past, but the doctor could poorly fill the dental canals with filling material. Often, doctors do not take a control X-ray after filling, immediately sending the patient home. Sometimes tiny pieces medical equipment remain in the cavity of the teeth. After a while, inflammation builds up, which can develop into a tooth cyst.
  3. Incomplete removal of carious tissue. Even the smallest affected area is enough for the disease to hit the tooth with new force. Therefore, if 2 months after the treatment, the pain suddenly returned, you need to go to the reception and urgently do the filling again.
  4. Pulp or enamel burns with alkali. It arises from careless actions of the dentist or individual reactions patient. As a result, after a while after the filling, pain increases with pressure on the tooth.
  5. Allergy to anesthetics or filling material. The patient may not always know how his body will react to a meeting with a new substance.

Signs that may indicate pathology after the installation of the seal:

  • bouts of acute, unbearable pain;
  • swelling of the gums, cheeks;
  • temperature rise;
  • bad feeling.

Problematic "wise" teeth

Eights are very unpredictable. Even before they hatch, they can already become a problem. That's why teething pain wise teeth unsurprising and even predictable.

The part of the tooth hidden under the mucous membrane is called the hood. Inflammation of this hood is called pericoronitis.

When a figure eight is cut, at a certain moment one part of it turns out to be open, and the second still remains hidden under the mucous membrane, and in the language of dentists it is called a hood. It is under this hood that food remains often fall, where they successfully decompose, creating a paradise for microbes. Pericoronitis develops - inflammation of the area around the hood. When pressing on such a tooth, pain is guaranteed. As a rule, dentists suggest immediately removing diseased wisdom teeth, since they do not carry any anatomical benefit.

Attention! One of the reasons for the pain discomfort associated with pressing on the teeth lies in the heavy eruption of the figure eight. Wise tooth there is not enough space, he displaces his "brothers", thereby causing pain.

Other causes of soreness of eights when biting are pulpitis and periodontitis. Timely cured diseases usually do not give complications, otherwise the ailments become severe forms and require much more financial and nerve costs.

What is forbidden to do

If you still have to wait for a visit to the dentist, the temptation is great to climb to the aching tooth and try to do something on your own. Row following recommendations will not aggravate the condition.

    Important! No metal objects (needles, pins) to extract food debris from carious holes or interdental gaps. Only rinses dental floss or a sterile wooden toothpick. You need to act with extreme caution.

    An inflamed gum is easily damaged, which will not add any benefit, but only increase the pain when biting. In addition, there is a risk of infection and an even more unpleasant condition - gingivitis.

  • In no case should you warm the cheek from the side of the diseased tooth. Many patients mistakenly think that if the tooth only responds to cold, then a hot, warm compress will save the day. Heat can only intensify the inflammatory process.
  • Self-treatment is not possible. Only the doctor will determine which antibiotics and drugs are needed in a particular case. All that the patient can do is traditional rinsing solutions (soda, salt, potassium permanganate, furatsilin, chamomile, oak bark).

And you should always remember a simple rule: it is better to play it safe than to be angry later that time has been lost. Otherwise, you will have to grit your teeth later not only with pain, but also with regret.

It often happens that a tooth starts to hurt at the most inopportune time, when there is not a single dentist nearby. Everyone copes with this misfortune as best they can. Someone is reviewing home first aid kit in search of painkillers. Others save themselves from pain with a glass of "medicine for all diseases."

If a tooth suddenly aches, so much so that it is impossible to bite on it, then most likely it is periodontitis.

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth root.

The most common cause of periodontitis is untreated pulpitis. It all starts with a banal carious cavity in the tooth. From a deep carious cavity, the infection penetrates into the tooth and causes inflammation of the pulp ("nerve"), pulpitis occurs.

If you do not take measures to treat pulpitis (sometimes pulpitis proceeds painlessly), then the inflamed "nerve" dies. Over time, gangrenous decay of the “nerve” of the tooth occurs. The infection and its toxins spread through the root canal beyond the root of the tooth - in bone tissue jaws. Periodontitis occurs, i.e. inflammation of the periodontium. Periodontium is the tissues outside the root of the tooth.

Also, the cause of periodontitis can be a trauma to the tooth, for example, a blow to the face. As a result of a tooth injury, the "nerve" can become inflamed and die - periodontitis develops.

Sometimes after treatment deep caries the pulp ("nerve") of the tooth may be traumatized. The tooth under the filling begins to hurt, and after a while, symptoms of periodontitis appear.

The same trouble happens sometimes with teeth covered with dental crowns. When turning a tooth under a crown, inflammation of the “nerve” can be provoked and, as a result, periodontitis. Caries can develop under old, outdated, dental crowns. Gradually, caries under the crown destroys the tooth. Then there is pulpitis and, as the next stage of inflammation, periodontitis. As a rule, the tooth under the crown hurts a lot.

How does periodontitis manifest?

Acute periodontitis is characterized by constant It's a dull pain, which increases with pressure on the aching tooth. There is a feeling of a "grown" tooth - the tooth seems to be higher than other teeth on this jaw. The pain is so severe that it is impossible to touch the tooth.

The pain can be of different intensity (dull, aching, tearing). Pain-free intervals, as a rule, do not happen. Painful touch to the gum in the area of ​​the diseased tooth. The intensity of the pain may increase.

The tooth may be mobile, with pressure on the gum next to the diseased tooth, pus may be released. On the gum near the aching tooth there may be a fistula (whitish tubercle), from which pus is released. The t of the body may increase, weakness appears.

Chronic periodontitis can be asymptomatic (do not disturb) and manifest itself in case of weakening of the body. Chronic periodontitis in the acute stage manifests itself in the same way as acute periodontitis. Treatment of periodontitis is carried out in a dental clinic.

First aid for periodontitis

It should be remembered that the described remedies only reduce pain, but do not help cure periodontitis! Therefore, as soon as possible, you need to contact your dentist!

With periodontitis, the inflammatory focus is localized in the region of the apex of the tooth root (in the jaw bone). In the focus of inflammation occurs high blood pressure- it then causes severe pain when pressing on the tooth. To reduce pain, it is necessary to reduce this pressure and create an outflow of contents. inflammatory focus. by the most accessible means for this are mouth rinses.

  • Do not apply heat to the affected area.
  • Take 1-2 tablets of analgesics (analgin, tempalgin, paracetamol)
  • Remove food debris from the carious cavity of the diseased tooth.
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of table soda (1 teaspoon of soda per glass warm water) 2-3 times a day, with a weak solution of furacilin, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate.
  • It is not recommended to take, without a doctor's prescription, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Traditional medicine recipes

Decoction of onion peel

Grind onion peel, pour into a porcelain container, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, mix and leave under the lid for 10-12 hours. Then strain the resulting infusion through a fine sieve and use to rinse the mouth.

Sage decoction

Take 1 tablespoon of dry chopped sage herb, pour 1 cup boiled water, boil for 10 minutes and use as a warm rinse.

Decoction of calendula

Take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed calendula, pour 1 cup of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes and use for rinsing while warm.

Mint decoction

Take 1 tablespoon of dry chopped mint, pour 1 cup of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes and use for rinsing while warm.

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