Thrombus symptoms. Symptoms and treatment of a blood clot in the leg: what a blood clot looks like, doctors' reviews and photos. Thrombi in the lungs

Blood clots are the body's first aid against bleeding. The blood turns from a liquid to a gel, protecting the flow of blood and blocking bleeding.
Without blood clotting, the small vessels inside the body would continue to bleed, and even a small cut could die.

When a blood clot forms, it can be immobile (called a thrombosis) and block blood flow, or mobile (called an embolism) and travel to different parts of the body.

There are two different types clots:

  1. Arterial - those that are formed in the arteries. Immediately after their occurrence, symptoms begin to appear. Since they prevent oxygen from reaching vital organs, this can lead to various complications(stroke, heart attack, paralysis and strong pain).
  2. Venous clots form in the veins. The process proceeds slowly over a period of time, but over time, the symptoms gradually become more noticeable.
These clots become deadly, especially when they form directly in the arteries:
  • A heart attack is when the heart muscle loses its blood supply.
  • Stroke - where part of the brain loses blood supply.
  • Deep vein thrombosis - a clot that usually occurs in the lower leg - is one of the main causes pulmonary embolism.

Common symptoms of a blood clot in women

In general, the symptoms of a blood clot in women differ little from those in men and depend on the location of its localization.
The most common site for blood clots to form is the legs. In this case, symptoms may include:
  • pain,
  • swelling,
  • redness,
  • pain in the foot when stretching the toes up.
Blood clots give different symptoms depending on where they are in the body:
  • Blood clot in the heart - pain and a feeling of heaviness in the chest; blurred consciousness, hard to breathe.
  • Blood clot in the abdomen - vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen.
  • Blood clot in the brain - sudden and severe headache. Cognitive changes such as difficulty speaking.

Table of symptoms depending on the location

Place of localization
Arm and leg
Symptoms of a blood clot in the legs and arms may include pain or spasms, swelling, and skin that is hot to the touch, blue or red.
Clots that form in large veins are called deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Blood clots can also occur in smaller, more superficial (closer to the skin) veins.
Common symptoms of blood clots in the heart include pain in the chest and left arm, sweating, and difficulty breathing.
The most common symptoms include shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chest pain, and cough. Other symptoms that may or may not appear are sweating, discolored skin, leg swelling, irregular heartbeat and/or pulse, and dizziness.
There may be problems with vision or speech, convulsions, and general weakness.
Symptoms of clots abdominal cavity may include severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and/or bloody stools.

Blood clot in the hand: symptoms and first signs

A blood clot, also called deep vein thrombosis (DVT), is the result of activated clotting factors and components found in the bloodstream.
Blood clots can appear in the arm or anywhere else in the body and there are many reasons for this, but one of the most common is prolonged immobility, as in the case of a long flight.

Certain conditions and risk factors may also increase the likelihood of blood clots:

  • pregnancy,
  • smoking,
  • hormone therapy.

Recognizing the symptoms of a blood clot and knowing when to seek medical attention medical care, can save a person's life in the literal sense of the word.

In most cases, blood clots do not pose an immediate threat and can be treated at home.

Signs and symptoms of a blood clot in the arm

Blood clotting is a normal part of the body and is not necessarily harmful. If the body did not have this ability, a simple cut would cause us to bleed out.
Human body is a delicate ecosystem that constantly analyzes and repairs damaged tissue, and this also applies to blood vessels, as they are often subjected to constant stress and trauma from circulation.

If a blood clot forms in a blood vessel in the hand, it can cut off circulation and show the following signs and symptoms:

  • Swelling of the affected arm: occurs due to the obstruction of the blood, as it cannot get past the blockage.
  • Arm pain: sometimes described as a cramping sensation.
  • Blockage of blood can lead to tissue damage. This manifests itself as pain in the affected area when touched.
  • Reddish or bluish skin color: more easily identified in white people and looks like a blood clot in the arm.
  • The hand is warm to the touch: the affected area often has more high temperature than the rest of the body. Stagnant blood can irritate the blood vessels, causing the surroundings to become relatively warm.
  • Venous dilation: the appearance of distended veins. When the blood has nowhere else to go, it causes the veins in the arm to stretch.

The reasons

  • Blood clots occur as a response to damage to the wall of a blood vessel. damaged tissue the vessel wall releases substances into the blood that attract platelets to fix the original site of injury. Platelets are often the first responders at sites of damaged blood vessels and act as a plug, allowing for more permanent clotting methods.
  • A blood clot in the arm can also occur because the waxy plate of cholesterol that forms in the arteries suddenly breaks down, becoming an embolism - a free-flowing clot. The clot now has the ability to travel anywhere in the body, including the arm, where it can appear and cause problems.
  • Blood clots in the arm also occur after taking certain medications and due to various problematic clotting factors.

For some women use oral contraceptives() may increase the risk of blood clots. The risk is higher for women over 35 who smoke or have a history of previous blood clots.


  • Possibility of developing a pulmonary embolism - the lungs are blocked by blood clots.
  • Post-phlebitic syndrome - leads to discoloration of the skin, pain in the legs, skin wounds.
  • Risks of heart attack from blood clotting in the arteries or veins of the heart.

How to treat blood clots in the arm?

Serious blood clots often require a visit to the emergency room, as they can be fatal if not caught in time. Anticoagulants - drugs that dissolve the clot and prevent new ones from forming - are most likely to be used in the emergency department for such cases.

Anticoagulants are designed to inhibit blood clotting factors vital to the blood clotting process. Antiplatelet drugs can also be used and have the ability to dissolve platelets.

Home treatment for a blood clot in the arm

Below are some home remedies to treat and prevent blood clots that you can use at home:
  1. Follow the right diet: limiting the amount fatty foods in the diet will help reduce the risk of plaque formation of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Diet with high content fiber will help in achieving this. By including foods such as vegetables and fruits, you can successfully increase your fiber intake.
  2. Herbal tea: Yarrow leaf tea is used to treat blood clots.
  3. Watch your medication: Taking the medication prescribed by your doctor will help keep you healthy. It's also a good idea to let your doctor know about any new herbal remedies you are using as they may interfere with your current medication
  4. Move your arms: staying in one position can cause blood stasis.
  5. Change your lifestyle: Smoking is a major factor in causing blood clots. Obesity can also contribute. Quitting smoking and losing weight means lowering your risk.

When to See a Doctor

If you are experiencing any severe symptoms mentioned above, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible. The presence of a blood clot in the arm may not be life-threatening, but it can be an indicator and lead to more clots elsewhere in the body.

The following should prompt you to see your doctor right away:

  • Confused breath.
  • Numbness of the face, arm or leg and sudden weakness.
  • Pain that radiates to the back, jaw, or shoulder.
  • Chronic headaches and dizziness.
  • Throbbing of the affected area, or in the arms and legs.
  • Redness, swelling, pain, or numbness in an arm or leg.
  • A blood clot can lead to inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs, causing you to cough up blood.

A blood clot came off: symptoms and first signs

A blood clot that can travel with the bloodstream is called an embolus.
As an embolus travels through the body's blood vessels, it can travel into the passageway and get stuck, preventing further blood flow. Cells that normally receive blood supply through this passage become oxygen deficient (ischemia) and begin to die. This condition is called an embolism.

The occurrence of a life-threatening condition in the case of a blood clot, especially if it develops below the knee, is practically zero. But if a blood clot has formed above the knee, it can come off and score large vessel, penetrate the heart, lungs or brain, and this is already very serious, because in some cases it can cause:

  • pulmonary embolism,
  • stroke or heart attack
  • a common complication of blood clots is tissue damage.

Signs of pulmonary embolism

Blood clots that most often cause pulmonary embolism form in the legs or pelvis.
The most common symptom of a pulmonary embolism is shortness of breath, which can come on gradually or suddenly.

Other symptoms of a pulmonary embolism include:

  • nervousness,
  • clammy pale skin,
  • chest pain that may radiate to the arm, jaw, neck, and shoulder
  • fainting,
  • arrhythmia,
  • confusion,
  • rapid breathing,
  • fast heartbeat,
  • weak momentum.
If you notice one or more of these symptoms, especially shortness of breath, contact your doctor immediately.

Blood clot in the heart - symptoms and first signs

A blood clot can be compared to a traffic jam at rush hour. During normal hours, traffic is steady. However, in the event of an accident, traffic can slow down significantly or stop completely - this is exactly how a blood clot, like an accident, blocks the movement of blood and blocks its supply to some organ.
This condition is dangerous and in some cases can be fatal.

For example, a heart attack occurs when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the heart, which leads to the gradual death of the heart muscle.

Thus, a blood clot that has formed or entered the heart can lead to a heart attack, but only if it is of considerable size.

Very often, a blood clot in the heart remains asymptomatic until emergency care is needed.

A blood clot in the heart causes symptoms similar to a heart attack:

  • Joint pain,
  • intermittent breathing,
  • Discomfort in the neck, jaw and shoulders,
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fainting.
As mentioned earlier, a blood clot in the heart can lead to a heart attack. Thus, a person who has the same symptoms as a heart attack, such as excessive sweating, trouble breathing, and pain in the left arm, should seek immediate medical attention.

Blood clot in the head - symptoms and first signs

There are many reasons why a person may develop a clot in the head:
  • Head injuries. If there is serious injury head and/or neck, the body forms clots to stop the bleeding. This may provide strong pressure to surrounding brain tissue. Some injuries can cause blood clots to form outside the brain and rupture or travel with blood to the brain and cause a stroke.
  • Narrowing or hardening of the arteries. When the arteries harden or narrow, the risk of developing a clot in the brain increases. Hardened arteries can rupture while pumping blood, which can lead to a clot. These clots can cut off blood flow to the narrowed artery, causing serious damage to the surrounding cells.
  • Traveling bunches. Some blood clots can travel from one part of the body through a blood vessel to the brain, causing a blockage that often results in a stroke or cerebral embolism. These clots can cause damage to other parts of the body before they even reach the head.
  • Inflammation. If the superficial vein is excessively inflamed, it also increases the risk of blood clots. Inflammation is often caused bacterial infections. As a result, blood flow is reduced, and the damaged areas are at risk for blood to leak, which can lead to blood clots.

Signs and symptoms of a blood clot in the brain

The signs and symptoms of a blood clot in the brain appear differently in each person. individual case. For some it all starts with headaches, for others wide range various signs, including problems with speech and even depression.

The following are the main symptoms of blood clots in the head:
  • Headache. They are usually felt on one side of the head and may be aggravated by coughing or sneezing. For some people, clot-related headaches can make head movement and physical activity difficult.
  • Problems with speech. Some people may have difficulty speaking. This problem is more common when the blood clot is on the left side of the brain.
  • Lethargy. The patient's understanding and reaction take longer than usual.
  • Dizziness - periods of dizziness are possible, which may be accompanied by temporary blindness.
  • Changes in personality - The patient feels overly aggressive or suddenly depressed.
  • Depression - occurs as a consequence when the brain does not receive right amount oxygen.
  • Loss of coordination. Some people find that they cannot move with the same level of coordination, and being able to move something from one hand to the other is the most common.
  • Some experience convulsions lasting up to two minutes.
  • ischemic attack. Dysfunction on one side of the body, which can turn into a full-blown stroke.
  • Paralysis. One side of the body may be paralyzed. The arms, legs and face are most commonly affected.

Blood clots in the head: treatment options

  1. To diagnose a blood clot and determine the cause that caused it, you need to undergo an MRI or CT scan.
  2. Anticoagulants, such as aspirin, are most often used for treatment, which not only dissolves existing clots, but can also prevent the development of new clots.
  3. It is not uncommon for situations where surgery is necessary. A blood clot can be removed from the brain by opening and cleaning the arteries.
  4. In Europe, patients with increased risk formations implant the so-called "plasminogen activator" into the vein - it destroys the blood clot to prevent a stroke.

What is thrombophlebitis? Inflammatory reactions in the venous walls, accompanied by the formation of blood clots in their lumens, have received a medical name - thrombophlebitis (thrombosis). In 90% of cases, the disease affects the vessels of the legs - the superficial and deep venous networks and the perforating veins connecting them.

Phlebothrombosis, which is characterized by the same symptoms (blood clots in the venous cavities), but without the influence of inflammatory reactions, can be noted as a closely related disease. Such a disease does not have a long course, because any vascular pathology always ends with inflammation and the development of thrombophlebitis.

Most often, the pathology is manifested by thrombosis of the superficial saphenous veins, which develops accompanied by or (impaired venous outflow). In this case, the disease often recurs, progresses, and is fraught with various complications.

Etiology: causes and conditions for the development of thrombophlebitis

Until the middle of the last century, the formation of blood clots inside blood vessels was an absolute mystery. Why, the same blood, in some cases, runs through the vessels without hindrance, in others - clogs their lumen with clots?

The famous German doctor, Rudolf Vikhrov, while working at the Berlin Charité clinic, studied various mechanisms that affect the change in the structure shaped elements plasma and identify prerequisites for the development of thrombosis.

He singled out the main components of the development of the disease, which remained in the practice of modern medicine under the definition of the trinity of Vikhrov (Trias). Its component is due to:

1. Change vascular structure, directly to the inner lining of vessels

An important factor is any destructive changes in the internal choroid including traumatic impact. It has been observed that the accumulation of blood clots always occurs in areas of obvious structural changes in the vascular walls. The initially smooth, healthy surface of the endothelium becomes rough in painful and damaged areas.

Small blood clots, passing by, are fixed on a rough surface and settle on the vessel wall. Clots accumulate, intertwine with each other, forming a thrombus, completely blocking the vascular lumen. Pathological changes in the endothelium can cause various reasons:

  • inflammation of the venous walls (phlebitis);
  • inflammatory reactions that affect the arteries (arteritis);
  • inflammatory processes in the cardiac structure (endocarditis).

Contribute to destructive changes in the epithelial intravascular layer, microorganisms various infections. Due to the ingress of a huge toxic mass into the blood plasma, the possibility of the formation of blood clots increases sharply, which may well cause thrombophlebitis

2. Change in blood flow velocity

Dr. Vikhrov found that the most frequent places in the vascular beds where clots are formed are the zones of uneven flow of blood plasma and changes in its speed. For example, the flow in the central part of the lumen is fast, and along the edges of the vessel, the flow slows down, forming eddies.

This feature of the blood flow is characteristic in places of narrowed or expanded areas of the vascular bed. What could be the result of an aneurysm or varicose veins. The most predisposed to the formation of thrombosis are the places of vascular branching, where turbulence of the blood flow is a frequent occurrence.

Violation of the speed of blood flow contribute to:

  • injury lower extremities, due to which compressive soft or plaster bandages are applied;
  • prolonged immobility of the limbs;
  • stagnation of blood in cardiac pathologies due to failure to pump the full volume of blood;
  • system and vascular diseases affecting the process of blood flow.

3. Hyperviscose syndrome (thick blood)

Another reason Vikhrov called " thick blood". Today there is no such term in medicine, it is said about the level of its viscosity. There are no reference standards, each of us has a different level of viscosity. But, there are circumstances when the viscosity of blood plasma in different vascular areas is different in one patient.

The main cause of thrombophlebitis is an abnormal loss of fluid due to insufficient intake or excessive excretion: heavy sweating, heavy loads, causing thirst, or diseases accompanied by fever. In addition, the development of thrombophlebitis is influenced by indicators plasma factors anticoagulant and coagulation system.

Under completely identical circumstances, the level of hypercoagulation (clotting) may show different indicators- very high, increased or decreased, each specific case is due to - special properties of hematopoiesis (hematopoiesis), metabolic processes, the lack of a specific protein that delays the process of plasma coagulation (sometimes this is a birth defect).

A common cause of thrombophlebitis is blood with impaired hemostasis (dissolution of blood clots). Violation of the function of hemostasis contribute to:

By their nature, thrombophlebitis is infectious and non-infectious (aseptic). Which, in turn, manifest themselves in various forms.

infectious form disease manifests itself:

  1. Postpartum or postoperative thrombosis;
  2. As a result of purulent-inflammatory pathologies (phlegmon, boils, erysipelas);
  3. In infectious diseases (typhus, influenza, tuberculosis).

non-infectious(aseptic) form:

  1. Thrombophlebitis of varicose veins;
  2. Thrombosis migratory;
  3. Post-traumatic;
  4. Thrombosis due to vascular and cardiac diseases.

The nature clinical pictureacute thrombophlebitis and chronic form.

According to the zone of manifestation (localization) - the defeat of the superficial and deep network of veins on the limbs, the form of the iliac-femoral lesion

The first signs of thrombophlebitis, photo

manifestations of thrombophlebitis, photo

The onset of the disease may appear unexpectedly - with excellent health, the first signs of thrombophlebitis quickly form.

  1. Pain during movement;
  2. Subfebrile fever and general malaise;
  3. Puffiness in the area of ​​clot formation - the closer the thrombus is located to the groin, the expression of puffiness;
  4. On palpation, the density and soreness of the veins are noted;
  5. The skin over the affected area is red with a bluish tint, edematous and warm;
  6. Increased swelling indicates.

If treatment is not started on time at this stage, inflammatory reactions quickly spread through the vascular bed, significantly worsening the patient's condition.

It should be noted that there are thromboses related to "silent" forms that do not manifest any symptoms at all. Deterioration of the patient's condition occurs after the fact - when the thrombus completely blocks the vascular lumen.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis, clinical picture

Painting clinical manifestation disease mainly depends on the location of the thrombus, the prevalence of the inflammatory reaction, the level of damage to surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of damage to the saphenous veins

Already existing large nodular varicose formations exacerbate the situation, manifesting itself in structural changes. vascular walls. The nodes are prone to soldering with the skin, trauma and scratching, which causes trophic changes in the skin, contributing to the easy penetration of the infection. As a result, inflammatory processes are formed and thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins develops. Symptoms are characterized by:

  • limitation of prevalence inflammatory process with local localization of thrombosis;
  • a rare deterioration in general condition;
  • a change in the structure of the saphenous veins - soreness and density in the form of strands;
  • immobility caused by adhesions between them;
  • inflammatory processes subcutaneous tissue and skin;
  • compacted hyperemic skin with a glossy sheen.

The venous network of the thigh and lower leg are most affected. There is a prevalence of swelling in the ankle and an increase in inguinal lymph nodes. Usually general state is not disturbed, pain during movement is moderate, does not interfere with the patient's ability to work.

AT advanced cases, the spread of inflammatory reactions exacerbates the symptoms of thrombophlebitis. There is a sharp increase in pain and an increase in temperature to high performance. Preservation acute symptoms may take up to a month and a half.

Subcutaneous migratory thrombosis deserves special attention. The nature of the disease is due to the formation of a large number of thrombotic clots in the subcutaneous vessels. Symptoms are characterized by a moderate manifestation without disturbing the general well-being.

The positive aspect is due to the absence of any trophic changes or traces. Through certain time the inflammatory reaction migrates to another zone of the limbs, which fully justifies the name of the disease.

The development of such a pathology is typical for those who suffered from bone fractures in the region of the thighs or lower leg, the treatment of which was carried out by surgical methods. Or when abdominal operations and surgical treatment pathologies chest. Thrombosis is promoted by an increase coagulation factor required to prevent bleeding during surgery.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis when localized in the deep venous system are manifested:

  • heaviness and fatigue of the legs, a feeling of fullness;
  • strongly pronounced;
  • bluish discoloration of the skin;
  • acute violation pulmonary circulation(sometimes the first symptom);
  • febrile fever and glossy skin;
  • painful intra-articular syndrome;
  • change in local temperature (cold limb);
  • sometimes signs of peritonitis and functional intestinal obstruction.

With background accompaniment of the disease (), there are frequent relapses each time exacerbating trophic changes in tissues and disruption of the circulatory process. In the presence of obvious symptoms of thrombophlebitis, it is not advisable to postpone treatment on the back burner.

The main threat is purulent complications in the form of an abscess or. As well as the development of thromboembolism. The outcome can be expressed in two ways - obstruction of small blood vessels or blockage of vital arteries, which leads to mortality.

Diagnostics and treatment of thrombophlebitis

The effectiveness of treatment depends on accurate diagnosis which includes:

  • diagnostic examination by a surgeon;
  • examination of blood vessels by ultrasound with dopplerometry;
  • radiopaque phlebography - the study of the advancement of a contrast agent injected into a vein;
  • application of special functional tests, allowing to identify venous lesions at the earliest stages.

Treatment is due integrated approach combining medical and surgical techniques.

The method of conservative treatment of thrombophlebitis includes:

  1. The use of physiotherapy techniques - the introduction of anticoagulants using electrophoresis, hydrotherapy with alternating baths, UHF procedures.
  2. Medications - anti-inflammatory, anticoagulants for plasma thinning, antispasmodics and antibiotics.
  3. Application compression underwear damage to their walls that prevents vascular expansion - special-purpose bandages, tights and stockings for compressing the affected venous walls.

In case of insolvency conservative therapy apply radical and minimally invasive surgery.

  1. Radical surgical method involves removing the affected vein to prevent further spread pathological process. Today it is used in exceptional cases, with an extensive process that threatens the life of the patient.
  2. Method of endovasal laser coagulation. As a result of laser treatment of the venous walls and thrombotic clot, the vessel is glued, completely removing it from the blood circulation process, directing the blood along a healthy channel.
  3. Removal of a thrombus by endoscopic method. With the help of endoscopic instruments inserted into the vessel, the thrombus is removed and a special trapping filter is installed or the vessel is ligated.
  4. Bonding of the affected bed by the method of sclerotherapy - the introduction of a special composition into the vessel.
  5. The method of venous thrombectomy is used to extract thrombotic clots with a special catheter

All of these methods are quite effective. Allow patients to return to a normal, pain-free life.

Compression underwear for thrombophlebitis

The gold standard for the treatment of thrombosis during pregnancy is compression underwear. Its wearing is due to the effect of squeezing the surface venous system, causing an increase in pressure in it, which improves venous outflow.

A varicose area squeezed by pantyhose or stockings will not allow a blood clot to settle in it, which will dramatically reduce the risk of developing inflammatory reactions and the formation of thrombosis.

When using compression underwear, puffiness and convulsive manifestations are excluded, the legs practically do not get tired, and pregnancy is not complicated in any way. Pregnant women are advised to:

  • specially selected exercises that improve venous outflow;
  • long walks;
  • at chronic pathology- evening walks for at least half an hour;
  • a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as they are stimulants of hemodilution (clotting dilution).

In order to avoid swelling, it is not recommended to use large amounts of fluids and drugs that affect the vascular system (phlebotonics). The selection of compression underwear for thrombophlebitis should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account the type and degree of compression of the products.

Thrombosis of the lower extremities is not something strange and unusual, so the signs of a blood clot in the leg are familiar to many. As a rule, they are painful sensations, wicking, elevated temperature and the appearance of a blue tint of the skin. Most often, this disease is faced by people who lead the wrong or sedentary image life. Thrombosis indicates that a blockage has occurred in the deep or superficial veins, caused by a blood clot.

Such clots (thrombi) are attached to the walls of blood vessels and completely cover the bloodstream. As a result normal blood flow becomes impossible, which often leads to sad consequences. That is why it is necessary to know how to recognize a blood clot in time.

If a blood clot has formed in a vein, this may be various symptoms. Given their ambiguity, it is worth noting that the disease is often not identified the first time. This is very bad, because the inability to start timely treatment leads to complications.

As a rule, the signs of thrombosis are as follows:

  • the skin acquires a bluish tint;
  • pain in the area of ​​​​the appearance of a blood clot;
  • the leg quickly becomes numb and aching with a long stay in one position.

Causes of pathology

Blood clots can form in veins when exposed to various factors. Basically, they develop with abnormal blood clotting, prolonged lack of activity in the lower extremities, that is, under the influence of everything that leads to blood stagnation. Often the cause of the formation is injury to the vessel wall. As a result, a clot appears in this area, which eventually develops into a full-fledged thrombus.

This disease is very dangerous in the first place because it can be difficult to determine until the threat reaches a critical level. To warn possible development diseases, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics from time to time. This is especially true for those people who have a tendency to develop blood clots.

Symptoms of thrombosis

A distinctive feature of thrombosis is the constant development of the disease. In other words, the clot never stops growing. It all starts with a microscopic neoplasm that gets bigger and bigger over time. As a result, the thrombus begins to create an obstacle to normal blood flow.

When a blood clot is found in the leg, the symptoms are usually the following:

  • pain in the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg, which can intensify while walking;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • limb edema;
  • increased body temperature and chills.

AT rare cases the thrombus becomes visible visually. Sometimes it can even be felt under the skin. The place where a large blood clot appeared will have a blue skin color.

If the disease has chronic, then its characteristics will be slightly different from acute form. In this case, symptoms do not occur spontaneously. They are constant, but in some periods of time they can intensify. At chronic form thrombosis is noted, the formation of red spots and periodic pain.

Diagnostic Measures

If a person notices unpleasant symptoms in the lower extremities, he needs to consult a specialist. Only experienced doctor knows how to detect a blood clot in the leg.

AT modern medicine There are many methods for determining blood clots in the veins. Most of them are extremely effective and make it possible to recognize the disease before complications appear.

Most often, for the diagnosis of blood clots in the lower extremities, ultrasound with Dopplerography, as well as radiopaque phlebography, is used. The examination must be carried out regularly. This is especially true for those people who are at risk.

Possible Complications

It cannot be said that the consequences of blood clots in the veins of the lower extremities always consist in their separation. Sometimes they can resolve on their own. This contributes active image life, healthy eating and lack bad habits. However, you should not count on the fact that there will be no trace of a blood clot already a week after the lifestyle changes. In some cases, this takes several years. However, if you stick to proper diet and go in for sports, you can be sure that there will be no problems with veins and blood clots.

Often the consequences of blood clots are malnutrition of the tissues of the limb. Over time, all this develops into a complex problem. Due to lack nutrients tissues begin to die.

The most dangerous complication is a detached blood clot if it enters one of the most important arteries (pulmonary or coronary) with the blood stream or into the brain: a stroke, heart attack, or pulmonary embolism may develop. Threat to life this case very large, since the clot will not give any suspicious symptoms until it comes to an attack.

If a blood clot in the lower limb breaks off and occurs, signs such as a decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate, severe chest pain (especially with myocardial infarction), fluid retention, loss of consciousness, difficulty swallowing and incorrect pronunciation of words (typical with cerebral ischemia). Internal organs overflow, so there is pain in the abdomen and failure of the stomach. If the thrombus has touched the pulmonary artery, it is noted respiratory failure and shortness of breath.

Often, the vein of the lower limb is the development of pleurisy or infarct pneumonia. At the same time, body temperature rises significantly, and hemoptysis begins.

Responds over time the immune system. As a result, a rash may appear on the body, and the concentration of eoinophils in the blood will increase. Given that a blood clot does not allow blood to circulate normally in the body, this often affects the skin and mucous membranes. Here, due to lack of oxygen, cyanosis can develop.

If, when the patient was admitted to the hospital, it was found that a blood clot had broken off in a vein, a emergency treatment, that is, the embolus is lysed. It takes about two hours for the blood flow to return to normal.

To dissolve the clot, the patient must take thrombolytics. Additionally, anticoagulants are prescribed, which prevent the appearance of new blood clots. Medications are taken exclusively as directed by a doctor, self-medication can lead to negative consequences.


Knowing the first signs of a blood clot in the body can prevent a potentially fatal situation.

A blood clot usually forms in the veins of the legs and leads to deep vein thrombosis. The danger of a blood clot is that it often goes unnoticed, but can suddenly come off and lead to death.

A thrombus is a blood clot that liquid state acquired a thick or semi-solid state.

In general, you need to understand that blood clotting is required process, which prevents a lot of blood loss in certain situations, such as when you are injured or cut.

When a blood clot forms in one of the veins, it does not always dissolve, which can later lead to a dangerous and even fatal situation.

An immobile clot is usually not a threat, but if it breaks off and travels through the veins to important organs such as the heart or lungs, it can be fatal.

Here are a few signs that a dangerous blood clot has formed in your body.

The first signs of a blood clot

1. Unexplained fatigue

Sudden fatigue often indicates various problems with health, including the formation of a blood clot. When our body is forced to work harder than usual, it has negative consequences for the body.

If feeling tired for a long time does not go away, there is reason to think that a blood clot in the arm, leg, brain or chest may be to blame.

2. Swelling in the limbs

Swelling or swelling may appear at the site of the formation of a blood clot. If the clot is in an arm or leg, the limb may become completely swollen due to poor blood circulation.

In this case, the affected area may change color, turn red or blue, become warm or itch. This situation is very dangerous, since a blood clot can come off and at any moment get into the vital important organ. So, for example, if it ends up in the lungs, it will lead to an embolism. pulmonary artery.

3. Difficulty breathing

This symptom can be quite frightening as it may mean that a blood clot has traveled to the lungs. According to experts, if breathing difficulties are accompanied by persistent cough, this may be the first sign of a pulmonary embolism - a blockage in one of the arteries in the lungs.

This situation should be taken very seriously and call an ambulance as soon as possible.

4. Chest pain or pain when breathing

As mentioned above, pulmonary embolism is a potentially fatal condition. It occurs when a blood clot formed in the lower extremities enters and blocks one of the vessels of the lungs. One of the main symptoms of this is chest pain and general breathing discomfort, which can make it difficult for you to take a deep breath.

It is also important to remember that pain in the heart can also indicate that a blood clot is located in the region of the heart, and this can lead to a heart attack.

5. Fever and sweating

This symptom very often appears with renal thrombosis.

Its main danger is that a blood clot can prevent your body from getting rid of waste products, which leads to high blood pressure and even kidney failure. In this case, often a blood clot in the kidneys leads to fever or increased sweating.

Thrombus symptoms

6. Dizziness or fainting

The combination of chest pain and difficulty breathing can make you feel dizzy and lead to fainting.

7. Rapid heartbeat

If your heart rate has increased, it may be dangerous symptom pulmonary embolism. When the clot reaches the lungs, there is a lack of oxygen, and your heart tries to compensate by increasing the heart rate. This is a warning sign that should not be ignored.

8. Unexplained cough

If you have coughing fits along with a feeling of shortness of breath and an accelerated heartbeat, this may indicate that a blood clot has formed in your body. Cough may be accompanied by blood, and this serious reason consult a doctor.

The cause of such a cough may be a blood clot in the lungs, which leads to congestion respiratory tract and manifests itself in the form of a cough.

9. Severe headache

Many people suffer from chronic headaches, but the pain is often worse than usual. Such unbearable pain can completely disable you, making you unable to focus on anything.

Wherein conventional drugs headaches may not relieve symptoms. In this case, consult a doctor immediately, as this may indicate the presence of a blood clot in the brain, which can lead to a stroke.

10. Pain or tenderness in a limb

It is very difficult to know that you have a blood clot without medical knowledge, but one of the most common symptoms of this problem is pain in your arm or leg.

If it's not trauma related, pain may indicate deep vein thrombosis. In this case, pain may be observed when pressing or touching the affected area. To distinguish it from muscle cramps, pay attention to whether the pain gets worse when you walk or bend your leg. If so, there is a possibility of a blood clot.

Even if a blood clot is present in one leg, you may feel pain in both legs. This happens because you are trying to relieve discomfort in one leg and put more strain on the other leg, which can lead to tension and pain.

Thrombus in a vein

11. Warm to the touch skin

With thrombosis, the temperature of the skin may change, especially in the place where the blood clot is present. You will feel that this area is warmer to the touch.

This sensation occurs due to impaired blood flow and may also be accompanied by throbbing and itching.

12. Red streaks in the veins

Blood clots can lead to red streaks that run the length of the veins and are often warm to the touch. When you touch them, they are warmer than the skin around them and are quite noticeable. You can take them for skin rash or bruising, but if they are warm to the touch, you should consult your doctor.

13. Pain in the calves of the legs

When a blood clot forms in the legs, one common symptom is calf pain. Pain is often confused with muscle spasm or cramps, and for this reason, a dangerous symptom is often ignored.

However, unlike cramps, which come on suddenly and last for a few minutes, calf pain from a blood clot comes on gradually and can stay for days or weeks.

14. Change in skin color

Redness is one of the most common symptoms associated with the presence of a blood clot, and it usually appears at the site where the blood clot is present. However, any other change in skin color should also alert you. For example, the area where a clot has formed may turn pale due to reduced blood flow.

As the condition worsens, the skin may become bluish and colder to the touch. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

15. No symptoms

One of the reasons why thrombosis is so dangerous is the fact that there are often no symptoms that precede it. By at least, No obvious signs, which require a prompt visit to the doctor, and before we have time to learn about them, the irreparable happens.

For this reason, it is important to take preventive measures to prevent this from happening. Avoid sitting in one place for a long time physical activity, regulate your weight and watch your diet so that you never know what thrombosis is.

You will need

  • - examination of their lower extremities;
  • - the doctor's consultation;
  • - coagulogram;
  • - Ultrasound;
  • - phlebography;
  • - plethysmography.


Take a close look at your feet. most often formed in the limbs. If you notice thickening and redness in the area of ​​​​the veins, a noticeable pain - you can talk about. Another symptom this disease is an increase in the temperature of the skin of the affected area. There may be a sign of Gomans - with the back flexion of the feet, pain occurs in calf muscles. Pay attention to whether the skin of the lower extremities is homogeneous. Vein thrombosis may be painless, but the legs will contain areas of swelling and a bluish tint to the skin. The secondary symptoms of the disease are weakness, malaise, and an increase in overall body temperature. In bedridden patients, phlebothrombosis of the deep veins of the leg often develops.

Consult a specialist if you notice similar signs. Most likely, you will be assigned a set of blood tests that will determine the state of the coagulation and anti-coagulation systems, called a coagulogram. Based on the results of these tests, you can quickly make a diagnosis, notice the onset of any complications in time, and accurately assess the effectiveness of treatment. These tests are performed strictly on an empty stomach and detect the level of platelets and fibrinogen in your blood. In addition, you may be prescribed an ultrasound, plethysmography and phlebography. Devices high sensitivity will be able to determine both, and the slightest violation of blood flow, as well as defects in blood vessels.

Please note that you are at risk ( you have a predisposition) if: you have a pathology of blood clotting; phlebeurysm; diseases of the heart and blood vessels; ; autoimmune diseases; postoperative period, take, provoking the appearance of blood clots (for example, warfarin); smoke.

Do not forget about dangerous complications that can occur if a blood clot starts moving up the body. The most dangerous of them - sepsis (blood poisoning) and pulmonary embolism - can lead to the patient. Therefore, follow all the recommendations of the doctor and pass timely diagnosis.


  • how to find out which doctor i have
  • Compatibility of drugs

Knowing your skin type is essential in order to choose the right skin care products. Leather can be oily, dry, normal, combination, sensitive or aging.

You will need

  • Mirror, paper napkins.


If you decide to do this in the morning, when the skin has rested for several hours, and the face, do not wash your face - this way you can get an objective assessment. Go to the mirror and in natural light carefully examine your face. If it is matte, smooth, pores are almost invisible, most likely you have dry skin. If you notice that the skin is shiny, it has deep pores on the nose and forehead (in the T-zone), as well as on the chin, this indicates that you have a combination skin type. If the pores are visible only on the wings of the nose, your skin is normal. When the skin has deep and enlarged pores, it has a greasy sheen - this means that you have oily skin.

Determine your skin type after cleansing. Remove makeup, wash your face, wait about 10-15 minutes and re-evaluate the condition of your skin, looking in the mirror. Dry skin will become dehydrated and tight. Oily and combination - dry, but fresh in the T-zone. And the sensitive will be tightened and reddened.

Apply a paper towel to your face. If the tissue stays dry, then you have dry skin. If there are barely noticeable spots on the napkin, you have a normal skin type. If large greasy spots appear on the napkin, this indicates that you have oily skin. A napkin with in the T-zone will tell about the combined type of skin.

If you have a painful reaction to new cosmetics (redness, burning, etc.), as well as due to weather changes You can tell that your skin is sensitive. With this type of skin, the choice should be approached with extreme caution. Before using new tools, be sure to test them. Choose cosmetics marked "hypoallergenic". It is best to have a doctor help with this.


Use cosmetics designed specifically for your skin type.

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Venous thrombosis is manifested by the formation of blood clots (thrombi) in the veins. As a rule, a blood clot in the leg partially or completely clogs the vessels, which leads to negative consequences.

Quite often there is a disease like thrombosis of the veins of the legs. With it, the veins are clogged, and the blood cannot move freely through them. Due to a violation of the outflow of blood, it stagnates with swelling and blue skin in the place where a blood clot formed in the leg. Thrombosis can lead to blockage of the lumen of the pulmonary artery in case of separation of the wall. In this case, there is dangerous disease- thromboembolism.

Inflammation of the vein can also lead to blockage of the veins by a clot. Then thrombophlebitis occurs. The main ones in the leg: swelling, pain, fever of the patient's body. Thrombophlebitis is often the result of varicose veins veins. The diagnosis of thrombosis is made on the basis of symptoms and ultrasound veins, as well as phlebography, MRI.

Thrombophlebitis, in which a blood clot forms in the leg, is treated with medications and agents that can reduce blood clotting. If the disease is not, then a detached blood clot in the leg can get into the heart and blood vessels, which in practice often leads to various severe complications up to sudden death.

There are several reasons for the formation of blood clots. Thrombosis occurs if, for example, a person does not move for three days or more (for example,) or is immobilized for a long time (for example, paralyzed patients with a long absence of movement). Prolonged dehydration can also lead to an increase. It can be caused by a lack of drinking in hot weather, burns, and various infectious diseases. Violation of blood clotting can occur due to the presence of oncological diseases of various organs. Sometimes it can be congenital, that is, acquired in the womb.

To prevent the formation of thrombosis, it is necessary to exclude the main risk factors. If there are several risk factors, then in this case the doctor must prescribe a certain set of drugs and methods that will prevent the development of thrombosis.

Risk factors include: age, overweight, the presence of tumors different nature, prolonged lack of traffic for three or more days, long trips, air travel for long distance, and recent childbirth, diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Sometimes thrombosis can be asymptomatic or manifest immediately with a number of symptoms. This may be swelling in the legs (calf), pain when moving, especially when bending the foot, increased sensitivity of the skin of the leg.

Treatment of thrombosis depends on factors such as the cause of the disease, age, etc. If the thrombus is securely attached to the vein wall, then appoint medicinal treatment, and if there is a risk of its separation, thrombectomy is performed (surgical removal of a blood clot). In the presence of thrombosis, patients should comply with bed rest.

The acute form of thrombosis requires immediate surgical intervention, especially for patients with diseases that directly threaten the functionality of the limbs. In other cases, it is advisable to conservative treatment after complete examination the patient's health status. The sooner treatment begins, the more efficient result and less occurs negative consequences and complications after venous disease.

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Many people constantly or periodically use medicines for the purpose of treatment or prevention various diseases. Usually this is not one tool, but several at once. How do you know which drugs can be used together and which can not? And why not?

Drug Interactions

Interaction medicines- this is a change in the pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties of the drug while using it with another drug. In this case, the actions of drugs can be enhanced or weakened, and they can also create a "poisonous mixture". The following are incompatible drugs:

Why is it important to determine the presence of drugs in the blood?

Precise determination of the fact of use narcotic substances has a very great importance when assessing the sanity of an individual's actions. This can be useful in forensic examinations, for private purposes, professional suitability, and so on. Blood diagnostics are carried out in almost all hospital laboratories, as well as in most private ones.

With this analysis, residual concentrations of narcotic compounds, their metabolites, as well as natural antibodies to them, are detected. The latter are formed after the primary breakdown of the substance under the influence of body enzymes and also indicate the use of drugs. If it is in the blood, especially with prolonged regular use, then its presence can also be reliably transmitted by a urine test.

Unlike a blood test, urine can be diagnosed for the presence of prohibited substances in. Anyone can purchase such tests at a pharmacy. It is most convenient to use multitests that allow you to identify the use of several drugs at once.

Types of blood tests for drugs

There is a so-called "Quarterly" blood test, as well as one carried out using chemical-toxicological methods. The quarterly method is more focused on the detection of natural antibodies to drugs. This allows not only to determine how long ago certain substances were used, but also how often the subject used them. Effective against cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates, ephedron, barbiturates.

The chemical-toxicological method is suitable for determining the fact of drug use over the past few days (up to 72 hours). It does not apply to fast ways diagnostics, but has the nature and validity as evidence. It is used for almost all groups of narcotic substances, including alcohol.


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