How to transport a cat over long distances. How to transport a cat on a train How to transport a cat on a train

Many people face the need to transport an animal: someone gets a job in another city, someone goes on a long business trip - but you never know for what reason you have to change your place of residence for a long time. It is clear that it is rare to throw a beloved cat in the trash and give an adult animal “in good hands”. So you have to urgently make inquiries about how to transport a cat on a train (and possibly on an airplane). The same question is asked by those who take their pet to an exhibition in another city for the first time.

Point one: veterinary examination

Preparing for a trip with a pet is a long process and even more difficult than packing for a trip with a small child, so it’s better to start it at least a month before the planned trip. Since it is legally psychologically easier to transport a cat on a train than hiding it under a bench, first of all take care of an examination by a veterinarian. If you are seen in a private clinic, ask if it is licensed to issue the relevant documents. But it’s easier and cheaper to go to a state veterinary clinic or to a sanitary station (animal disease control department). Rabies is vaccinated free of charge, and transporting a cat on a train requires such vaccination. You may need to take additional tests if your doctor sees your animal for the first time. If you have a veterinary passport, the vaccination mark is made on a special page; if you don’t have a passport, take a certificate of vaccination.

Point two: obligatory certificate and travel document

Suppose you have already learned how to transport a cat on a train, now you need to get permission from a veterinarian. Such a certificate is valid for only three days, so you need to take it before the departure. It will indicate which animal is being transported, their number (one permit can be issued for several cats), the age of the animal and quarantine marks. Without this certificate, even if you have other permits and travel documents, you will not be allowed into the car - the rules for transporting cats on a train prohibit this.

The travel of your animal must be paid. How much a ticket for a cat on a train costs depends on its weight along with the container (if you strictly follow the rules). But most often they pay for 20 kg of luggage. For example, taking a cat from St. Petersburg to Minsk costs only 112 rubles.

Point three: mode of transportation

There is nothing to do with an animal in your arms on the train. Be sure to have a cage or carrying bag. Usually cat owners have some kind of basket in which they carry cats to the same clinic. However, if the journey is long, it is better to evaluate whether the basket is suitable for travel. It is easy to carry an animal two blocks, while transporting a cat on a train is much more difficult: stress and fear can move it to smash a not-so-safe shelter. It is better to buy a container with a side iron door and a reliable latch, not too small so that the cat is not cramped, and not too large so that he does not start rushing around inside with a fright. Cloth carrier bags are not very suitable for a long journey: they are stuffy, the walls can be torn by an exhausted animal, and it will certainly not be difficult for him to break the zipper.

What to take with you

If you travel far, transporting cats on the train is complicated by the need to feed them. You will have to take food, bowls, a tray and wet wipes with you. Water (necessarily boiled) is needed, even if the trip is less than a day - the cat will definitely want to drink. A good solution would be (which are placed for non-walking patients) or an oilcloth bought at a pet store. You need to lay it under the grate in the carrier. Take a harness with you: you can walk the cat along the platform if the train stops at the station for a long time. And if she needs to go to the toilet, it is better to control the process so that she does not hide in fear in a hard-to-reach place or start running around the car.

Which wagon is right for you?

The rules for transporting cats on a train clearly regulate where they can be taken with them and where they cannot. So, soft cars (increased comfort, no more than two people in a compartment) and SV will not suit you categorically. Similarly, you will not be allowed into the children's carriage - however, when purchasing tickets, this issue should be regulated by railway employees. They also have to make sure that you do not come across a place in the car where a lot of children just go. The basket with the cat must be located in the place of luggage; he, in fact, is considered luggage. However, no one has the right to forbid you to place a cage on your shelf or buy another place where a cat in a basket or on a leash will feel calmer than under the seat or on the third shelf.

If the train has a baggage car

Some trains have a special carriage for transporting luggage. You can take your cat to this car. To do this, it is enough to present a document for the transportation of an animal. True, you will have to come to the train 60-70 minutes before departure: closer to “hour X”, they stop accepting goods. To get your pet back, you will be given a baggage receipt; its loss is not a catastrophe - the cage with the cat will be returned to you according to your passport.

However, this method of transportation has certain disadvantages. First of all, you can load the cat only at the end stations, at the intermediate stations the train does not take long for this. But the main "ambush": your pet will be extremely uncomfortable there. In a strange environment, without the opportunity to warm up, without the proximity of a loved one, the stress in an animal grows like an avalanche. Moreover, no one will feed him, let him out “on the potty” and put him in the basket if, for example, the cat vomits. So it’s better to take on the hassle of transporting a pet than to put him in a helpless position.

Preparing the animal for the road

You have learned all the information on how to transport a cat on a train, now you need to prepare your pet for the trip. To do this, you have to break her diet. Six hours before the start of the journey, you need to stop feeding her. It doesn't hurt to talk to the veterinarian about taking a sedative to the animal - this will make him less aggressive and help to endure the trip more calmly. Perhaps the veterinarian will recommend a vaccination designed to strengthen the immune system, which in any case will suffer from stress and forced starvation. So that the cat does not start to get nervous even at the stage of “stuffing” into the carrier, leave it for a week in an accessible place for him. Curiosity will push the animal to study a new subject. The basket will be sniffed and examined; maybe the cat will even take it as a habit to sleep in it. At least peace of mind at the beginning of the journey (at least before the train) is guaranteed to you.

Possible problems

Rarely transporting cats on a train goes smoothly. Difficulties begin with the conductor. It is possible to extort money due to an alleged violation of the rules of transportation; however, in the presence of all the listed documents, it is unnecessary to pay the "stewardess". However, the conductor can be understood: he is afraid of dirt, noise and problems with other passengers. He can be reassured at least about the mess - they say, if anything, you will clean up after the cat yourself.

The following problems may arise if you come across scandalous fellow travelers. Here you just have to calmly explain that the animal has received all the permits, is not sick, and its transportation has been paid. To reduce the intensity of passions, try to calm the cat so as not to annoy the neighbors with its plaintive cries.

In general, the trip will be a test for both you and your pet, at least for the first time. In the future, if the moves (for example, to exhibitions) are frequent, the cat will get used to them and will react much calmer.

The rules for transporting cats change almost every year. Sometimes these changes relate to details and special cases, sometimes they affect the entire “ritual” of transportation as a whole. In this regard, the question of how to carry a cat on a train becomes a philosophical question. The list of amendments being made is difficult to keep up with both travelers with pets and the employees of railway companies themselves, which often leads to turmoil at the time of boarding.

Some cat owners prefer to deftly break the rules and take their pets where they should not be taken. However, the punishment for such disobedience can be very severe - up to disembarkation from the train. We will talk about how to avoid extreme measures and take into account all the introduced laws on the transportation of animals below.

Back in 2015, every cat owner who wanted to put their animal on a train had to visit a veterinary station and purchase a health certificate for their pet. The validity of the certificate was limited, because those people who came for it in advance risked being left on the day of the trip with a useless invalid sheet of paper. This document was valid for only five days, which meant that just a couple of days before the trip, the owner had to have time to visit the veterinary station.

In the case of traveling abroad, as many as two veterinary certificates are required - in Russian and in the language of the country to which you are going. English is often used as the international language.

On the territory of the veterinary station itself, no tests were provided. The owner of the cat must come with an already existing veterinary passport, which contains information about all the vaccinations done and the state of health of the animal. Vaccination had to be done no more than a year, and no less than a month before departure.

Required vaccinations

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there is no single list of required vaccines. In this matter, each veterinary station manifests itself "creatively". For some professionals, rabies vaccination is enough, someone requires vaccination against:

  • Rhinotracheitis;
  • Calcivirosis;
  • Panleukopenia.

It is difficult to predict the vagaries of each particular station, therefore the universal vaccination was the optimal solution. Even before the cat was vaccinated, it was necessary to deworm it, in order to avoid side effects from vaccination. In a word, the owner of the pet was waiting for a difficult and exhausting journey from the veterinary station to the coveted railway station.

2017 reform

If, after all these frightening descriptions, you went to unload your suitcases, then do not rush. In January 2017, another amendment was adopted, this time transforming the entire preparation for the trip beyond recognition. Pet health certificates have been abolished. The abolition, however, does not mean a complete lack of control over the state of the pet by Russian Railways employees.

As already mentioned, all orders from above are distributed to places at a snail's pace. Therefore, if you arrive fully armed, with knowledge of the changed legislation, there is no guarantee that you will not meet an employee who will certainly ask you for an animal passport. Moreover, if you call the company and start asking different specialists questions on this topic, you may well hear mutually exclusive information.

The main points that you should take away from the winter reform are as follows:

  1. Transportation rules now depend on which compartment you choose. Some types of coupes, which we will discuss next, are not accessible to animals;
  2. The size of a cat is no longer determined by its physical characteristics, but by the carriage in which the animal is placed;
  3. It is impossible to purchase a single "cat" ticket - for each train and each type of carriage, the price is set individually.
  4. Sleeping cars and luxury cars are still inaccessible to cats.

Often Russian Railways employees themselves have conflicting information and cannot agree on the issue of transportation

Despite the fact that the presence of a veterinary passport and related certificates is no longer required, this does not mean that the owner can safely ignore this document. We will talk about why a veterinary passport is needed and what its useful functions are.

Video - current transportation rules

Preparing for the trip

Before you go on a long journey with your pet, it is advisable to do a number of simple manipulations that will make the trip easier for both the cat and you in the future:

What does a cat need on a train?

So, you have completed all the necessary operations, and as a result you have a healthy, strong, "certified" cat, ready to travel. Now you need to prepare all the essentials so as not to regret their absence while already on the train. The mandatory kit of the cat includes:

  1. Carrying. Since a train ride is not a fleeting visit to the veterinarian, the purchase of a carrier should be approached with all seriousness, because it will become a real home for the cat for the next few days. Not all carriers can provide the cat with comfort, enough air and an acceptable temperature inside;

    Choosing the right carrier is the key to your pet's comfort and peace of mind.

  2. Diaper/other soft absorbent fabric. One of the most tricky questions is the issue of emptying the intestines and bladder of a pet. By covering the floor of the carrier with diapers, you can avoid unpleasant surprises. Some owners place entire trays inside the compartment, but such a gesture may cause opposition from neighbors. In addition, there may simply not be enough space for the tray;

  3. Harness for a cat. In the event that you want to let the cat out of the carrier, you will simply need a leash, since it is difficult to predict the behavior of a pet in a non-standard situation for him. Control over his every movement is simply necessary. If your trip does not last long, it is advised not to get the pet out of his house at all, so that he does not catch an accidental infection;

  4. Food. The amount of cat food is directly proportional to the upcoming kilometers. If the path is short enough, then feeding the cat is not advised at all. However, a cat may need to drink at any time, so it is important to provide it with high-quality mineral water;

  5. Medicines. If your cat suffers from any chronic ailments or allergies, it is worth stocking up on medicines in case of a possible deterioration. Remember that the reaction of the cat's body to changing conditions can be the most unpredictable.

Cat behavior while traveling

A rare cat endures long journeys with stoic calm. Every cat owner knows well that a change of scenery is difficult for a cat in most cases. The movement of the train and extraneous noise can cause additional discomfort in cats, expressed in nervousness and constant meowing.

A calm cat on a train is a real reward for every owner

Sedatives for cats

Recently, sedatives have appeared on the cat medicine market to help relieve stress episodes for pets. However, one should immediately warn about the ambiguous effect of such drugs. Contrary to manufacturer claims, cats may become extremely agitated after taking drops or tablets due to the unusual condition or side effects.

Whichever sedative you choose, reviews will range from enthusiastic to disappointed and even angry. Think about whether you are willing to take the time and choose the right medicine for your animal and subject it to such experiments.

If choosing a sedative is your plan, here are the most common options:

  1. Fiteks - is available in the form of drops. Gently affects the cat's body due to plant components and eliminates the feeling of anxiety, improving the functioning of the central nervous system. Accepted by animals on the eve of the trip;

    Fiteks assumes a long course of admission - it is recommended to start drinking it a month before departure

  2. Stopstress - available in the form of drops and tablets. It has a more pronounced effect compared to Fitex. Not addictive;

  3. Fospasim - is available in the form of drops. Homeopathic remedy that eliminates shyness, panic attacks and aggression. Increases the ability to adapt. Effective in the fight against phobias (for example - with a phobia of the sound of wheels and other loud sounds);

  4. Vetranquil is available as a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections. It has a pronounced sedative effect on a pet that falls asleep for a long time after taking it. The drug is not recommended for use in cats with cardiovascular disease.

In addition to a course of sedative therapy, a couple of weeks before departure, the pet can undergo prophylaxis with the help of vitamin complexes and broad-spectrum drugs that affect the immune system as a whole, such as.

Carrying a cat on high-speed trains

There is no single set of rules for transporting cats that is fair for every train. Before setting off on a journey, the owner should familiarize himself with all the possible options and weigh the pros and cons.

Table 1. Rules for transporting a cat on high-speed trains


In Sapsan, cats are transported in specially designated places in the third and eighth cars for economy class passengers. In first and business class, places for passengers with animals are available in the third car. The weight of the container together with the animal must not exceed 10 kg, the container itself must not exceed 120 cm900 rubles in the first and business class. In other carriages, the cost of carriage is included in the ticket.

On this train, cats are allowed to be transported in class 2B carriages. There is strictly one carriage per travel document. Containers must contain no more than two pets. The size of animals when summing up three dimensions (width - height - length) should not exceed 180 cmThe cost of transportation of each individual is negotiated individually.

In Lastochka, transportation of a cat is allowed in class 2C and 3C carriages. Passengers with animals are given special seats in the fifth and tenth carriages. There are also luxury places where you can also stay with cats, but for a fee. A passenger can take one container, which will contain no more than two individuals. Dimensions of pets in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm150 rubles

The difference between the conditions of the premium swallow and the common swallow is the greater number of places for cat lovers, concentrated in the fifth car. Extra comfort seats can be booked for an additional fee. A passenger can take one container containing no more than two individuals. Dimensions of pets in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm150 rubles

Seats for passengers with cats in Allegro are located in the sixth carriage. There are no special places for an additional fee. Transported pets must be in containers whose dimensions do not exceed 60x45x60 cm15 euro

Travel clearance

Nowadays, tickets are purchased in two ways, which determine the specifics of further actions:

It is advisable to inform Russian Railways employees about your intention to transport the animal in advance (two to three days before the day of dispatch). You can do this by calling the toll-free number 8-800-222-07-66.

Please note that commuter trains do not require containers. It is enough to pay an additional fee for the animal, and the passage to the car is open.

Choosing a cat carrier

To date, all pet stores are overflowing with all kinds of carriers of any color. Unfortunately, not all options from the presented variety are convenient for the pet. Familiarization with the types of carrying and their features will allow the owner to easily understand any assortment of containers.

Table 2. Types of carriers


Such bags cause genuine interest in cats. Pets examine them, go inside and even settle. However, in practice, such containers show their failure. Synthetic materials do not allow air to fully circulate, which leads to poor health of the pet. The lack of a fixed base makes the cat nervous and encourages her to grab onto something in search of support. Due to its compact size, the bag can be used for short distances, but no more

It is an improved version of the previous version due to the fixed bottom. The fabric from which such bags are made often fails - its structure practically does not let air in. Please note that if the frame breaks during movement, then its tip may injure the animal. Therefore, you should purchase options only with high-quality fasteners. The material of the bag should be slightly springy when pressed and instantly return to its original shape.

Plastic reliably protects the animal from possible injuries or touches. The fixed base allows the cat not to lose balance. Through the grill, the pet has an excellent viewing angle, which allows him to calm down. Due to the numerous slots, the containers do not experience problems with air circulation. It is most convenient to put diapers inside the box if necessary, and in which case the plastic can be easily washed. The only disadvantage of such a container is its bulkiness, which hinders the movement along the cramped corridors of trains.

A real tough nut to crack even for the sharpest teeth of the most rebellious pets. Of the advantages, the reliability of such a unit and ease of cleaning can be noted. The price for strength is quite high - in a warm, humid climate, such cages quickly rust and become unusable. The aesthetic disadvantage of such a box is its similarity to an iron cage. Moving such a cell requires considerable effort.

Yes, and yes again. In addition, it is very convenient and simple. However, everywhere there are pitfalls, and in this case it all depends on the carrier. Far from all carriages and even not all trains are allowed to transport pets. So, we take note of the main rule!

Before choosing a route and buying a ticket, be sure to check whether it is allowed to transport animals on a particular train and in a particular carriage. The conditions for transporting pets differ depending on the carrier. Therefore, first read the conditions in detail and only then purchase a ticket.

Secret number 1 "How to transport a cat on a train"

On January 10, 2017, Russian Railways OJSC published on its website amazing news for those who are going to travel with their cat (cat) by train, namely, this company has canceled the presentation of veterinary documents. That is, now you do not need any passports and certificates (when transporting cats in Russia)! Conductors have the right to inspect animals upon boarding and decide whether your pet is dangerous or safe for transportation and the health of other passengers. In short, if your cat looks healthy, then he has a 100% chance of going on a trip with you, subject to all the other suppressions established by Russian Railways.

Secret #2

You should definitely consult with your doctor about what soothing drops you can give your cat if he starts to panic or tantrum right on the train. For especially nervous people, doctors give a calming injection before the trip. You may also be advised to make an immuno-boosting injection, but if this is some special case. This secret should not be neglected like this ... not all passengers with whom you will travel with delight and enthusiasm will react to the cries or purring of your pet.

Secret #3

You will have to pay for your Murzik as for "luggage". At the same time, you should be given a receipt with a note that "luggage is on hand." If your kitty is going to take a separate seat, then you will have to pay for it. However, there are such types of wagons where there is no fee for transporting cats at all (more details can be found on the official website of Russian Railways).

Is a shipping container required?

A cat can only be transported in a special, durable transport container (for example, MPS carriers are very popular). It is not recommended to take the cat out of the container during the entire journey. The sum of the three dimensions of the carrier must not exceed 180 cm. The container with the pet is installed in place of hand luggage.


So, if you decide to travel with a cat by train, then you first need to:

  • Not earlier than three months before departure, give the cat a deworming drug and keep the sticker that is contained in the medicinal package along with the drug (the veterinarian will then stick it in the animal's passport). If you lose the sticker, then you may have to do laboratory tests for helminthiasis.
  • Get vaccinated at least one month before departure (they are valid for a year).

Rules for transporting a cat in a particular train and carriage

Transportation of cats on long-distance trains is allowed in some compartments of a rigid carriage. Transportation of cats is prohibited in cars with 2-seater compartments (CB) and luxury cars. Long-distance trains are subdivided into Sapsan, Strizh, Lastochka, Lastochka-premium, Allegro.

On some trains you can carry a large cat, and on some only a small one. Dimensions are determined in a very interesting way - they do not depend on the weight or height of the cat, but on the size of the cage in which it is placed. In some wagons, it is possible to transport an animal in a cage, the size of which in the sum of three dimensions is no more than 180 cm, and in other wagons - in a carrier no more than 120 cm.

The sum of three dimensions is the length, height and width, which, when added together, are no more than 120 or 180 cm. For example, 120 cm is a cage, 40 long, 40 wide and 40 cm high. Or 180 cm is a carrier, 70 long, wide 70 and 40 cm high. And so on ...

That is, before you buy a ticket, you need to measure the cage in which you plan to carry the cat, just in case, weigh the animal along with the carrier. And then you need to call the Russian Railways hotline and find out in which specific cars and which specific trains you are allowed to travel with your animal, and whether there are free places for people with animals on the desired date in principle.

Transportation of a cat in Sapsan

  1. In Sapsan, cats can be transported in places No. 1, 2, 3, 4 of car No. 3 (and No. 13 - if the train is double), places No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 65, 66 of car No. 8 (and No. 18 - if the train is double) and places for passengers of economy class carriages.
    No more than one cat per issued ticket and no more than two per seat are accepted for transportation.
    Cats must be transported in a container, the size of which in the sum of three dimensions is not more than 180 cm. For the transportation of cats in these carriages of the Sapsan train, 400 rubles are taken.
  2. Also, in Sapsan, cats can be taken to passengers of first and business class cars and at specialized places in car No. 3 (and No. 13 - if the train is dual). Transportation of cats in carriages of the first (No. 1, 11) and business class (No. 2,12) is carried out in carriage No. 3 (13) in allocated places (opposite service seats No. 65,66) under the supervision of a conductor. No more than one animal and no more than two animals in one car are transported per one issued ticket. Cats in these wagons must be transported in a container, the size of which is not more than 120 cm, while the weight of the container together with the animal must not exceed 10 kg. You need to notify Russian Railways of your desire to take a cat in one of these cars no later than two days before the date of departure of the train, if you have a purchased travel document, by calling the toll-free number 8-800-222-07-66. The cost of transporting a cat in first and business class carriages is 900 rubles.
  1. In Sapsan, cats can be led in places No. 27, 28, 29, 30 (compartment-interview room) of car No. 1 (and No. 11 - if the train is dual). You can carry no more than 1 animal per seat and no more than four cats in a compartment. There is no extra charge for them. Cats are accepted for transportation, the weight of which together with the container (cage) does not exceed 10 kg. Cats here must be transported in containers that do not exceed 120 cm.

Transportation of a cat in the train Strizh

In Strizh, a cat can be transported in a class 2B carriage. No more than one carrier per issued travel document or no more than two cats per seat in containers the sum of three dimensions of which does not exceed 180 cm.
For the transportation of cats, a separate fee is taken here, which is calculated individually.

Carrying a cat on the train Swallow

In Lastochka, a cat can be transported in a carriage of service class 2C and 3C. Places for passengers with animals are located in carriages 5 and 10 (seats 29-30). For a fee, cats are allowed to be transported to specialized places.

For transportation of cats in high-speed trains "Swallow" a fee of 150 rubles is taken.

Transportation of a cat in the train Swallow-premium

In Lastochka-Premium trains, places for passengers with animals are in car 5 (seats 27-34, 43, 44), and in trains on the Rostov-Krasnodar section (seats 17, 18). For a fee, cats are allowed to be transported to specialized places.
No more than one container is allowed per issued travel document and no more than two cats per seat in cages, the size of which in the sum of three dimensions does not exceed 180 cm.
For transportation of cats in high-speed trains "Swallow-premium" a fee of 150 rubles is taken.

How to transport a cat on the Allegro train

Seats for passengers with cats in Allegro are located in car 6 (seats 65-68).
Cats must be transported in containers no larger than 60x45x40 cm.
Transportation of cats on Allegro trains costs 15 euros.

Registration of the passage of the animal

If you ordered a ticket via the Internet, then you need to go to the Russian Railways ticket office and provide the cashier with your passport, after which your ticket will be printed out and you will be given a ticket for transporting an animal, with which you can already enter your car. If you buy a ticket directly at the box office, then upon presentation of a certificate for a cat, all travel documents will be issued to you immediately - both for you and for the animal.

Rules for transporting pets by train (Ukraine)

According to the Rules of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No. 1196 of December 27, 2006, transportation of pets by rail in Ukraine is carried out according to the following rules:

An appropriate veterinary certificate is required for the transportation of any animals (form No. BET, 1 BET (CIS)).

The veterinary certificate is issued by the state institution of veterinary medicine on the basis of the animal's veterinary passport. The certificate contains information about the well-being of the area where the animal is taken from, the transfer of infectious diseases, the presence of vaccinations and other marks for each animal, as well as the type of transportation, route and purpose of transportation.

A certificate for the transportation of an animal in Ukraine is issued for 5 days, for the transportation of an animal abroad - 3 nights. If you are going to bring the animal back from abroad, the certificate will need to be taken again at the local veterinary clinic. The same rules for Ukraine, that is, if the animal is transported back after more than 5 days, the certificate will not be valid and a new one will have to be taken.

Attention! In accordance with Art. 107 “Violation of animal quarantine rules and other veterinary and sanitary requirements” of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, it is prohibited to transport animals without appropriate veterinary documents. Transportation of any animals in CB cars is prohibited.

The passenger who transports animals is obliged to take care of them himself: to feed, water and clean up after them, to prevent violations of sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Cats are transported in special boxes, baskets or cages. One passenger can carry only one cat. Transportation of cats in railway passenger transport is possible only upon presentation of a veterinary certificate.

Documents for transporting a cat:

  1. Veterinary passport + vaccinations- This document can be obtained at any veterinary clinic. The passport is issued on the basis of vaccinations by age and the most important - against rabies. Vaccination marks are pasted into the vet. passport indicating the date they were produced. The passport, as a rule, is of international standard. To transport a cat on a train, a rabies vaccination must be done at least 30 days before the trip, but no more than a year. The cost of a passport is UAH 50, vaccines - from UAH 150.
  2. Certificate of Form No. 1- a document confirming that your animal is healthy and gives the right to transport it. You can get this certificate if you have a veterinary passport in the state veterinary clinic. In Kyiv, you can contact the clinic at st. Volynskaya, 12.
    The cost is 126 UAH. Issued in 15 minutes. The name of the owner, data about the animal (breed, age, “healthy” and “no deviations” are entered in the document), the date of vaccination against rabies, the destination to which the animal is transported and the type of transport are indicated.
  3. Baggage check- according to the rules of Ukrzaliznytsia, an animal is considered hand luggage (weight up to 20 kg). You can buy a luggage receipt or a train ticket for a cat at any ticket office at the railway station if you have (form No. 1, your passport) your train ticket. The travel of the cat is paid as additional baggage. The baggage receipt indicates your ticket number, direction, number of animals, the category "animals" with the note "luggage on the passenger's hands." One person can carry one animal. The cost is 9 UAH. 70 kop. It is issued at any ticket office, at least one hour before the train departure. No one asked us for documents for a cat, they only specified which animal we were transporting. When boarding the train, they ask you to show documents for a cat, but they only look at the luggage receipt.
  4. Ukrzaliznytsya has certain rules for transporting a cat on a train. The first is the availability of documents, the second is a special container for transporting a cat. These can be cages or special carrying bags.

Having decided to go on a long journey with his furry companion, the owner must know what is needed to transport a cat on a train in addition to official documents.

For comfortable and safe transportation of a pet on long-distance trains, you will need the following things:

  • Carrying. For transportation over a long distance, a special carrying bag or cage is indispensable. The best option for travel would be a container cage with a lattice door. The dimensions of such a box should be optimal. In a small carrier, the cat will be uncomfortable and stuffy, and in a spacious one, the animal will rush about with fear. Cloth bags are not suitable for a long trip, especially in summer. In them, the cat is stuffy, and heat stroke can occur.
  • Harness. If the animal is used to walking on a harness, then on a long journey it can come in handy. The presence of a harness will allow you to safely remove the cat from the carrier or cage, without fear that the pet will run around the car in a panic.
  • A small tray or special absorbent wipes for hygiene on the train.
  • Food, bottled water, food bowl. Animals rarely eat when they are under stress. The owner may limit himself to a small amount of dry food. But the animal must have water.
  • Express first aid kit. It should put cotton pads, disinfectant, activated charcoal, herbal soothing drops.

A change of scenery, a shaking carriage, the lack of a stable surface underfoot, noise from a moving train, a huge number of new smells contribute to the development of a stressful state even in the most hardy pets. In this regard, pet owners often ask veterinarians how to transport a cat on a train and reduce the stress load on the animal. To reduce the excitement and anxiety of the animal, you can give herbal sedatives, for example, “Cat-Bayun”, “Fitex”, etc. These drops can be taken with you in the first aid kit.

Stronger sedatives should only be used after consultation with a veterinarian. Most often, to relieve anxiety during the transportation of animals, "Vetranquil" is used. The drug can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, independent use can be fatal. You can teach your pet to travel in advance. To do this, you can come a couple of times a week with a cat in a carrier to the railway station. Brave animals can even be walked on a harness along the platform. 3-4 such training outings with a pet are enough, and the animal will get used to the sound of a moving train, and the trip in the car will be more relaxed.


So, let's sum up. Your main actions if you plan to transport a cat by train to the Russian Federation:

  • Orientation with the flight.
  • Call the Russian Railways information desk (or the carrier) and clarify whether pets can be transported on this flight and in which carriage. Learn more about conditions.
  • Issue a receipt for the transport of a pet. You can do this in parallel with the purchase of a ticket for yourself or after, presenting your ticket when issuing a receipt.
  • Purchase a durable cat carrier.

Many owners do not want to part with their furry pets under any circumstances. Vacation, business trip, moving to another city are not grounds for separation from a pet even for a short time.

It is not uncommon for cats to travel long distances by car, rail, and even airplanes. But before traveling, you should find out in advance how to transport a cat on a train. Not only the well-being of a long trip, but also the health of the animal depends on a comprehensive and competent approach to solving this problem.

Read in this article

Actions before travel

It is necessary to take care of the issue of transporting a pet in any long-distance public transport long before the planned trip. The owner should be aware that it will take more than a month to prepare all the necessary documents. During this time, it is necessary to undergo a veterinary examination, make the animal vaccinated, without which the veterinary service will not give permission to transport the pet.


Before taking a cat on a train, the animal must be vaccinated against rabies. Without this vaccination, it is impossible to obtain a transport permit.

The owner should be aware that vaccinations must be done 30 days before the intended date of travel. This month is the quarantine period. Therefore, the issue of visiting a veterinary clinic should be decided long before the trip. Rabies vaccination is a free veterinary service.

2 - 3 weeks before vaccination against such a dangerous disease, the animal should be treated against. The veterinarian will also advise what other vaccinations are needed to prevent infection of the pet on a trip and in a new place. It may be necessary to vaccinate against diseases such as leptospirosis, calcivirosis, panleukopenia, etc. These vaccinations are not required to obtain a permit to transport a cat on a train, but will keep the pet safe.

There are situations when the animal has not been vaccinated for more than a year. In this case, the period of preparation for the trip increases, since it will be necessary to vaccinate 2 times with an interval of 20 days. Such a scheme does not apply to rabies vaccination, it is carried out once.

Thus, if the owner regularly carried out preventive vaccinations for the animal according to the schedule recommended by veterinarians, then it will take a little more than one month to prepare the pet for the trip. If vaccinations were carried out irregularly, then the time increases to 2 months.

Veterinary passport

After the animal has been examined and vaccinated, the veterinarian puts a mark on the vaccination in the veterinary passport. The document on the corresponding page indicates the series and number of the vaccine, the date of vaccination. The information is certified by the personal signature of the doctor and the stamp of the veterinary institution.

In the event that the owner has not acquired a veterinary passport, the veterinary service issues an appropriate certificate of processing and records the owner's data in a special ledger.

Veterinary passport

Not earlier than 5 days before the planned trip, the owner must take the pet to the state veterinary hospital (station for the fight against animal diseases). The institution will conduct a clinical examination, verify the authenticity of the veterinary passport and, on this basis, issue a veterinary certificate in form No. 1. It is this state document, as well as the veterinary passport of the animal, that will be the basis for obtaining permission to transport a pet on long-distance trains.

This document will include the following information:

  • type and number of animals (one certificate is issued for several cats);
  • the age of the pets;
  • quarantine marks (information on vaccination, well-being of the area for infectious diseases).

The owner should be aware that the veterinary certificate in form No. 1 is valid for 3 days. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a visit to the state veterinary hospital, taking into account these terms.

However, such difficulties in transporting a fluffy pet took place until January 2017. According to the new Rules, handlers are not entitled to demand a veterinary certificate from the owner. Nevertheless, despite the simplification of the procedure for transporting pets on trains, the owner should protect himself from all sorts of troubles associated with bureaucracy and provide his pet with the necessary documents.

For information on what a veterinary passport looks like, what it is for and where it can be purchased, see this video:

Other matters

Having decided to go on a long journey with his furry companion, the owner must know what is needed to transport a cat on a train in addition to official documents. For comfortable and safe transportation of a pet on long-distance trains, you will need the following things:

  • Carrying. For transportation over a long distance, a special carrying bag or cage is indispensable. The best option for travel would be a container cage with a lattice door. The dimensions of such a box should be optimal. In a small carrier, the cat will be uncomfortable and stuffy, and in a spacious one, the animal will rush about with fear. Cloth bags are not suitable for a long trip, especially in summer. The cat is stuffy in them, and it can happen
  • . If the animal is used to walking on a harness, then on a long journey it can come in handy. The presence of a harness will allow you to safely remove the cat from the carrier or cage, without fear that the pet will run around the car in a panic.
  • Small tray or special absorbent pads to ensure hygiene on the train.
  • Food, bottled water, food bowl. Animals rarely eat when they are under stress. The owner may limit himself to a small amount of dry food. But the animal must have water.
  • Express first aid kit. It should put cotton pads, disinfectant, activated charcoal, herbal soothing drops.

Proper preparation of a pet for a long trip by rail is the key to a calm and comfortable journey not only for the animal itself and its owner, but also for the neighbors in the car.

Buying a seat

Deciding to take a fluffy pet on a long journey, the owner is primarily interested in how to transport a cat on a train across Russia. Transportation of pets by rail, except for commuter trains, provides for the purchase of a special ticket as for hand luggage. That is, according to the rules of the Russian Railways, a pet is considered as baggage.

When buying a ticket for the transport of an animal, the owner must present at the box office a veterinary certificate issued no later than 3 days before the date of departure of the train. After checking the veterinary document, a baggage ticket will be issued as if it weighed 20 kg. The cost of a "cat" ticket depends on the distance and the current fare zone. A ticket indicating "luggage on hand" and a veterinary certificate are presented to the conductor when boarding the carriage.

Stronger sedatives should only be used after consultation with a veterinarian. Most often, to relieve anxiety during the transportation of animals, "Vetranquil" is used. The drug can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, independent use can be fatal.

You can teach your pet to travel in advance. To do this, you can come a couple of times a week with a cat in a carrier to the railway station.

Brave animals can even be walked on a harness along the platform. 3-4 such training outings with a pet are enough, and the animal will get used to the sound of a moving train, and the trip in the car will be more relaxed.

Having made a choice in favor of joint travel with his furry companion, the owner should know the general rules for transporting animals on long-distance trains. For more detailed information about the conditions for transporting cats on each specific type of train, it is advisable to ask representatives of the Russian Railways (on the website, at the box office, by calling the hotline). This will take into account all changes in legislation on a specific date.

To learn how to prepare a cat for a trip by train or any other transport, see this video:

People who are planning to travel with their pets by rail should definitely learn how to transport a cat on a train. There are certain rules that must be followed. This will avoid unnecessary trouble and make the trip comfortable for yourself, the animal and other passengers.


You need to prepare for a trip in the company of a cat on a train in advance. It won't give you much trouble now. The new rules for transporting a cat by rail, adopted in 2017, do not require an animal passport with vaccination information, veterinary certificate No. 1 and other certificates. You won't have to run through authorities and hospitals.

However, this applies only to cases where the animal is transported within Russia. If you travel abroad, the documents will have to be issued. It should be noted that in different countries the requirements for transporting cats by train may differ. You need to familiarize yourself with them so as not to "sit in a puddle."

Despite the fact that Russian law does not oblige owners of cats and dogs to vaccinate their pets before traveling by train, it is still advisable to vaccinate. Especially if you plan to transport your pet over long distances. You never know what kind of infection an animal can pick up on the way or while living in another city. Before transporting a cat, it is recommended to do:

  • all standard vaccinations;
  • rabies vaccination.

The first should be done no later than a few days before traveling by train, since it is not known how the cat's body will react to the vaccine. It is better to survive the malaise at home, in comfortable conditions, than in transport. The rabies vaccination should be carried out one month before you plan to transport your pet.

In preparation for traveling by train, you should definitely take care of the "container" in which the cat will sit. You can transport a kitten to another city in a travel bag or basket. Especially when it comes to traveling short distances. In principle, an adult cat will cost a bag if the train journey takes only a couple of hours.

However, when planning a long journey, it is better to use a special portable container for cats with a grill on the front door: spacious enough to comfortably stretch out their paws, with normal access to air and light. Such devices are very popular today, they can often be seen on trains; they are sold in pet stores.

To avoid cat tantrums during transportation, experts advise putting the bag or container on display in the house in advance. The animal will definitely be interested in a new thing, sniff it, climb inside. As a result, when the moment of transportation comes, the cage will no longer frighten the cat. It will have his scent on it.

If you plan to use a portable container, then you need to remember that in total all three of its sides should not exceed 1.8 m. This is the rule for carrying luggage in a train carriage, stipulated by Russian Railways.

Another tip from the vets. You can not feed the cat on the eve of the trip. The last meal should be no later than 6 hours before boarding the train. Otherwise, the risk of unpleasant situations is too high. Animals get sick on the train just as often as people. In addition, in transport they experience severe stress, which does not contribute to digestion.

Buying tickets

Cats are not hares, and you can’t take them on a train for free. You will have to buy a document, namely a baggage receipt, on which a corresponding mark will be put. For example, "cat in a container", "in a bag" or something similar.

It should be remembered that if the portable "house" together with the animal weighs more than two dozen kilograms, it is no longer considered hand luggage. This is extra baggage. A receipt for it can only be issued at the railway ticket office. All sorts of agencies and other institutions involved in the organization of train travel do not have the right to issue them.

According to the rules, one passenger can carry only one cat on the train. If there are more animals, you will have to take one of your relatives or friends with you. Otherwise, they will land along with the entire "menagerie".

Additional nuances:

  • a receipt for the transportation of a cat on a train should be issued no later than one hour before the departure of the latter;
  • according to the rules, the passage of animals in carriages or compartments of the VIP class is prohibited.

Most likely, the railway workers in this way take care of the property of the railway, which can be damaged by a cat or dog.

Rules of conduct on the road

It is necessary to transport a cat on a train in accordance with the rules established by law. The most important:

  • When boarding, show the conductor-controller the purchased document for the transportation of the animal.
  • Place a container or a bag with a cat in special places intended for hand luggage. In no case should they interfere with other passengers.
  • If the animal is transported in a bag, its head must remain open.
  • It is strongly not recommended to let the cat out of the "house" to walk around the train car. It can damage someone else's property, scratch someone, “make” a puddle or pile up a bunch. Even worse, if one of the passengers catches him and throws him out the window. People are different. The most likely thing that can happen is that a crazed cat will hide from fear in some secluded corner, from where it will be problematic to get it. If the trip is very long, the maximum that is allowed is to walk your pet around the car on a leash.
  • You need to transport a cat on a train by first lining the bottom of the bag or container with disposable absorbent diapers. Their stock should be taken with them, after a while it will be necessary to replace them.
  • If the journey is not very long, it is better not to feed the cat on the train.

Animals tolerate travel much worse than humans. Therefore, when planning to transport a cat over very long distances, when the journey takes several days by train, it would be more correct to refuse railway services and buy a plane ticket. This is often more expensive, but much more convenient for both people and the animal.

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