When can I wash clothes after an abdominoplasty? Choosing the right compression garment for abdominoplasty Compression garment requirements

Plastic surgery is quite popular today. It allows you to get rid of many shortcomings, including quite serious ones - congenital pathologies and disorders acquired as a result of injuries or diseases. But at the same time, there is not much information on the network about the features of plastic surgery. Today we will talk about what such a procedure for the abdomen as abdominoplasty is like: we will consider the feedback from patients after such an operation, we will clarify how the rehabilitation is going on, and whether compression underwear is indicated after abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty - surgery!

Under the term abdominoplasty, surgeons mean a rather complex and voluminous surgical intervention. This operation is performed to restore the normal aesthetic appearance of the abdomen. Basically, with this intervention, excision of excess skin, as well as fat deposits, is performed. Despite the popularity of the “procedure”, many people do not risk seeking help from surgeons, as they are afraid of complications after tummy tuck surgery. At the same time, experienced doctors are confident that proper recovery and competent rehabilitation can reduce the likelihood of complications to a minimum.

What is the recovery after abdominoplasty??

After such surgery, the patient should be under medical supervision and take an active part in a full recovery.

The duration of the rehabilitation period can vary from three months to six months. In this case, the patient can return to his usual way of life approximately three to five weeks after the operation.

Life expectancy after tummy tuck surgery

After the operation, the patient is in the intensive care unit for a day, then he is shown to be in the usual ward of the surgical hospital for another two to four days.

The suture material is removed twelve days after surgery, at the same time, drainage is removed.

In the first time after surgery, swelling of soft tissues, as well as subcutaneous hemorrhages, are considered normal. Patients are given pain medication and antibiotics to prevent complications.

After removing the sutures, it is necessary to wear a special compression corset or special underwear for one and a half months, which helps prevent thrombosis and avoid improper tissue fusion.

During the entire rehabilitation, loss of skin sensitivity may be felt. This reaction disappears after two to four months.

Rehabilitation after abdominoplasty, compression underwear

After discharge from the hospital (four days after the operation), the patient must independently monitor the limitation of physical activity, proper nutrition, and also ensure proper care of the scar.

Compression underwear should be used constantly, in the first couple of weeks after the abdominoplasty, it is removed only for the shower. In the future, sleep without such a device is allowed - after agreement with the doctor.

As for the restoration of working capacity, then you can return to performing work that is not related to physical activity after a couple of weeks. With physical labor, the rehabilitation period should last for a month.

For a full recovery, patients need to systematically perform the exercises recommended by their doctor. However, all physical activity must be strictly dosed, strength exercises, weight lifting, fitness and athletics are prohibited.

Dietary nutrition during the recovery period involves eating only small portions. Under the ban are all products that can cause gas formation.

If it is necessary to take some medications during rehabilitation, the readers of "Popular about Health" must definitely agree on the appropriateness of their use with the doctor who monitors the success of the recovery process. After all, some medications can significantly shift the recovery time.

Impression of abdominoplasty, reviews

A girl with the nickname xxxdal decided that she could not do without abdominoplasty after the birth of three children (including one twin). Pregnancy caused a divergence of the abdominal muscles - diastasis, which significantly disrupted not only her appearance, but also her well-being.

The girl chose a doctor for a long time, passed the tests and went to the operation. Six hours after the abdominoplasty, she herself reached the ward, the first few days of recovery were very difficult, but the pain was stopped by analgesics. Three days later she was discharged, and a week later she was able to drive herself for another dressing.

A month later, the girl lived an almost full life, she could not just lift too heavy and load the press. And six months later, sensitivity almost completely returned, and the seam hid well under the linen - and it is not visible at all.

A girl with the nickname Lilia M writes that she did an abdominoplasty in combination with liposuction, as she literally recovered to 61 kg, and very soon regretted it. She was faced with a feeling of very strong tightness of the skin and with ugly large scars that can not be eliminated by either Contractubex or laser resurfacing. Therefore, the girl does not advise abdominoplasty to anyone in the absence of serious indications for it.

As you can see, reviews about abdominoplasty are different. Lilia M is really right, because abdominoplasty can only be performed in case of serious problems, and not on a personal whim.

Like any operation, a tummy tuck requires a long period of rehabilitation, during which doctors require the patient to buy and wear special compression underwear for the abdomen after tummy tuck.

Why do I need compression underwear after tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical intervention, and entails consequences: swelling, bruising, pain. Compression underwear is designed to avoid all these unpleasant consequences.

Compression underwear is made of durable elastic fabric that supports the operated area of ​​the body from all sides, applying pressure. Thus, it will be possible to avoid puffiness, get rid of bruises faster. Compression underwear is also necessary to restore the normal elasticity of the skin.

How to wear compression underwear after tummy tuck?

Compression garments are worn for about 2-3 weeks after surgery. During this time, it will be necessary to periodically tighten the laundry with the help of special hooks that are always equipped with such clothes.

Often, the bandage is produced in the form of a belt-corset for the abdomen or high-waisted shorts - both of these models are equipped with hooks for adjusting volumes, and the surgeon decides which option to buy for you.

Where to buy compression underwear after tummy tuck?

You can buy a belly bandage in a special store, but in the era of the Internet, a similar product can also be found in our online store. To do this, just go to the site, and not look for a bandage in the nearest pharmacies. We offer you only high quality products that meet all the standards and recommendations of doctors. You can buy the model that suits your case, and the purchase price will please you.

The rehabilitation process after abdominoplasty is quite long and sometimes very painful. This is understandable, because abdominoplasty is a full-fledged surgical operation with all the ensuing consequences. In the process of rehabilitation, in order to consolidate the positive effect achieved by abdominoplasty, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician.

Compression underwear after tummy tuck

An important element of the recovery period is compression underwear after abdominoplasty. It is usually a wide bandage encircling the body in the abdomen. Such underwear provides the necessary compression, accelerates healing and prevents swelling. Sometimes it is worn on a person immediately after an abdominoplasty, when he is still under general anesthesia. This allows you to protect the seams and swelling after abdominoplasty from excessive mechanical stress.

It usually makes sense to purchase at least two sets of supportive underwear, in which case it is easier to ensure that it is washed on time. Some types of laundry need to be air dried, and this happens quite slowly, so it is logical to have a spare set. In most cases, compression underwear is worn for at least 3-4 months after the abdominoplasty has been performed, the rehabilitation period for this plastic surgery is very long.

Compression garments are available in various sizes. Putting it on may seem a bit difficult at first, but practice solves this problem. It is usually easier to put it on in a standing position. Compression underwear should be completely smooth on the body, it is important to avoid any wrinkles and folds. Usually during the day it is required to correct the position of the linen on the body 1-2 times, as it gets a little off in the process of wearing. Compression underwear after abdominoplasty is actively discussed in the corresponding section of the forum of our website.

How to ease the recovery period after abdominoplasty

Immediately after an abdominoplasty, the abdomen is usually swollen and there may be a feeling of pulsation in the operated area. The doctor prescribes painkillers to the patient, which must be taken when severe pain occurs. It is important not to delay taking painkillers until the pain becomes severe. Early intake of analgesics can reduce their total consumption. Pain should not be tolerated, as painful sensations worsen well-being and slow down recovery.

The pain usually subsides within a few days, as does the swelling. Small bruises may remain, but they will also disappear in a few days. It is important to understand this in order not to become depressed and not to get upset in vain. The formation of hematomas and swelling is a completely normal consequence of surgical interventions, including abdominoplasty. It depends on the careful observance of the doctor's recommendations after how many days the swelling subsides and the hematomas disappear.

Upon discharge from the hospital, the attending physician provides the patient with detailed written instructions. The plastic surgeon provides his patient with a list of medications to take and detailed instructions regarding behavior, hygiene, wearing compression stockings and lifestyle in the coming weeks and months after tummy tuck. In the event of any alarming manifestations and adverse signs, such as fever or bleeding from the incision, you should immediately notify the doctor.

  • special diet throughout the rehabilitation prescribed by the surgeon
  • a sharp limitation of motor activity in the first days after abdominoplasty
  • a significant reduction in physical activity and lifting weights in the first months after surgery
  • regular performance of special sets of exercises prescribed by a plastic surgeon
  • smoking cessation throughout the entire rehabilitation period, as nicotine interferes with recovery processes
  • refraining from sunbathing on the beach and in the solarium for a many-month recovery period, until obtaining permission from the attending physician
  • avoiding saunas, hot baths and contrast showers for an extended period until a doctor's permission is obtained

Lifestyle during the rehabilitation period

If you are taking oral contraceptives, then remember that some antibiotics may interact with them in an undesirable way. Therefore, in addition to oral contraceptives, additional methods of contraception should be used. Of course, in the first weeks after abdominoplasty, most patients simply abstain from sexual activity due to malaise. Before resuming sexual activity, you should consult with your doctor to make sure that such actions are safe for the body.

Your doctor will often recommend that you place extra pillows under your head and shoulders for the first 2 weeks to keep your upper body elevated. In the first days after the operation, the patient should lie down a lot. In an upright position, pain intensifies and it is better to lie or at least sit. It is important not to overload your body and nervous system for the first time after the operation, you need to rest and sleep a lot, as this ensures an accelerated recovery after abdominoplasty.

In the first weeks after abdominoplasty, it is important to regularly measure the temperature. An elevated temperature usually indicates an infection or inflammation. The first time after surgery, the patient is usually prescribed antibiotics, which must be taken exactly according to the doctor's instructions. Even if a person feels normal, one should not arbitrarily reduce the dosage of antibiotics or stop taking them, as this is fraught with the development of an infection.

- one of the most difficult interventions in plastic surgery, which brings many restrictions to a person's life. One of them is the long-term wear of compression underwear.

Why wear a bandage after an abdominoplasty?

To understand the issue, you need to know what happens to the human body during the operation. In the course of his work, the surgeon has a traumatic effect not only on the skin, but also on the abdominal muscles, lifting, stretching and excising them. Impacts cause damage to the vascular system and other tissues, a subcutaneous space is formed, suitable for the occurrence of edema, suppuration, inflammation or infection. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to wear special underwear that fixes the anterior abdominal wall in a rigid position and does not allow it to move. Discomfort decreases, pain syndrome decreases, the patient's well-being improves. The bandage helps to reduce swelling, preventing fluid from accumulating in one place, has a protective function, preventing danger from external factors. If the specific pressure is correctly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, the risk of suture divergence will be greatly reduced. Once a day, you can "uncover" to treat the wound.

How long to wear a bandage after abdominoplasty?

It is quite possible in a month, subject to the permission of the attending doctor. If this is done earlier, then there is a risk of a disproportionate abdominal wall, since the muscles have not yet fully strengthened, and the subcutaneous fat has not been distributed evenly over the entire plane of the abdomen. For complete certainty, underwear is not recommended to be removed. six months from the moment of release.

Tummy tuck, mammoplasty, facial plastic surgery and other types of plastic surgery are becoming increasingly popular today. The effect of the plastic surgery performed is directly dependent on the rehabilitation period. In order for tissue healing to proceed normally, and the sutures do not diverge, so that internal organs do not prolapse, as well as the formation of severe edema after surgery, doctors recommend dieting, limiting physical activity and sports, and wearing appropriate compression underwear.

The main purpose of using compression underwear is to improve the state of health and correct the natural shape of the body for the aesthetic perception of the figure.

Compression underwear, as a rule, is put on the patient on the operating table after the operation, after which for some time it becomes a "second skin" for him. The new generation of compression underwear is made from breathable materials that do not stretch over time, has several levels of compression to regulate the load, beautifully designed, and most importantly, it is comfortable when going to the toilet or shower, since there is no need to take it off.

In addition to the supportive function that prevents the seam from coming apart or improper fusion of tissues, compression underwear prevents the appearance of edema and hernia, which often occur in the area of ​​operation. In addition, wearing such underwear gives a constant massage effect, thereby positively affecting blood circulation and metabolism, which greatly speeds up the healing process of sutures.

Wearing compression underwear is very important for the patient, as it largely determines the final result of the operation. During the first two weeks after the operation, compression underwear should be used even during a night's sleep, and after a month you can stop wearing it, however, when doing sports, fitness, running, jumping, compression underwear should be worn.

In order for compression underwear to effectively perform its intended functions, it is important to choose the right size. In this matter, you should not give preference to the most expensive underwear, since in most cases its price also depends on the degree of advertising of the brand. Therefore, the emphasis must be on the quality of the product. Underwear should be comfortable, fit the skin, while not pinching the veins. Only the surgeon can choose the right size and brand of underwear, since it is necessary to take into account the factor of postoperative edema.

As the postoperative edema gradually decreases, the size of the compression garment used must also be reduced, otherwise this product will not give any effect.

It should be noted that the scope of compression underwear is quite diverse. In addition to plastic surgery, compression knitwear is used during pregnancy, in the rehabilitation period after oncological operations, in gynecology, after orthopedic operations, sclerotherapy, in the treatment of burns, keloid scars. Therefore, compression underwear is divided into therapeutic and prophylactic. Compression underwear has a fairly wide range of models, including shorts, masks, bras, tights, sleeves and more.

The most common type of compression underwear is a bandage, which is recommended for patients after abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, corrective liposuction, breast prosthetics, facelift and other types of plastic surgery. Properly selected compression underwear emphasizes the dignity of the figure and gives it perfect shapes, hiding imperfections.

Qualities that compression underwear should have:

  • comfort;
  • not allergenic;
  • the skin must breathe;
  • in no way should underwear constrict veins and blood vessels;
  • should not be visible under clothing.
How long to wear compression underwear?
How long you need to wear compression underwear is decided for each patient individually and depends on the type of underwear, type of operation, its complexity and severity.
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