Swollen belly. Causes and treatment of bloating at home. Drug treatment

Bloating brings not only internal discomfort and pain, but also social problems. But this is not the most important thing. Bloating and increased gas formation can be a symptom of serious diseases of the digestive system, their treatment cannot be ignored, and for this you need to find out the causes of the appearance.

Why does bloating happen?

In medicine, bloating is called flatulence. This is an unhealthy condition that occurs with increased formation of gases and their accumulation in the abdominal organs. It is accompanied by pain (often severe but short-lived), belching, and excess gas through the rectum (flatulence).

Where does excess gas in the body come from? Its formation is a natural reaction that accompanies digestion. Normally, daily, the human body brings it out in an amount of 50 to 500 ml. In a pathological state, this volume reaches 3 liters. Up to 50% comes from outside (exogenous way), the other half is formed inside (endogenous).

Outside air enters by swallowing it with food, while smoking, chewing gum, talking while eating, as a result of the rapid absorption of food. This condition is called alimentary flatulence.

From the inside, the pathology develops for the following reasons:

  • Nervous and mental disorders.
  • Changes in the intestinal microflora with a predominance of gas-producing bacteria.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the intestines.
  • Lack of enzymes.
  • Muscular weakness of the intestine (decreased peristalsis).
  • Reduced atmospheric pressure.

One of the main causes of increased gas production is the consumption of foods that are either incompatible with each other or cause bloating on their own.

The accumulation of gases in the stomach, intestines occurs due to a violation of some processes:


A change in the acidity of gastric juice worsens the breakdown of proteins, intestinal motility is disturbed and the removal of gases to the outside slows down.

  • Belching.
  • Heartburn.
  • Pain, heaviness in the stomach.


Inflammation prevents the normal flow of enzymes into the duodenum through the sphincter of Oddi, as a result, digestion is slower, fermentation and putrefaction begin.

  • Sensation of distended abdomen in upper part.
  • Constipation.
  • Nausea with vomiting.
  • Weakness.


Bile is an essential component of digestion. When the gallbladder becomes inflamed, its outflow is disrupted, which leads to inadequate digestion in the intestines, where bile performs its function.

  • Belching.
  • Bitter or sour taste.
  • Nausea, vomiting.


Structural changes in the pancreatic tissue significantly reduce the secretion of pancreatic juice. This causes bloating after eating, as the normal process of digestion is disrupted. Without pancreatic juice enzymes, it is almost impossible to digest what you eat.

  • Severe pain, often girdle.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Flatulence.

Liver disease

Severe bloating often occurs after eating fatty foods, this happens when bile secretion is impaired, its deficiency leads to incomplete breakdown of fats and the appearance of toxic substances.

  • Bitterness in the mouth.
  • Skin itching.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Weakness.


In a state of increased excitability, the central nervous system is quickly depleted, one of the consequences is a violation of intestinal innervation. Gases are no longer normally excreted and absorbed, various dyspeptic disorders occur.

  • Irritability.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Anxious state.


If the balance is disturbed, the opportunistic microflora begins to multiply actively, causing bloating and many other side effects.

  • Diarrhea.
  • Excessive gas formation in the intestines.
  • Pain in the abdomen.

All types of intestinal pathologies cause flatulence due to changes in motility and microflora composition. The cause of accumulation of gases and bloating after eating may be mechanical obstacles in the form of internal adhesions, narrowing of the intestine or neoplasms.

In newborns, this condition occurs due to the lack of certain digestive enzymes. In elderly people - due to the weakening of the work of individual glands, age-related stretching of the intestine and atrophy of sections of its muscular wall.

Nutritional disorders

Frequent bloating does not necessarily indicate illness. It can be an incorrectly formulated diet, food on the run, or an unacceptable combination of products. Many of them cause fermentation, accompanied by the release of excess gas.

Bloating accompanies weight loss diets. They cause constipation, which traps gases. A cardinal change in the diet, for example, switching to a vegetarian diet or a raw food diet, is also a factor in trouble in the digestive system.

The condition may be caused by the person frequently eating warm food. Not all housewives think about this when preparing food for the future for several days, and heating in the microwave or on the stove can be one of the causes of digestive problems. This also affects those who often do not eat at home, in establishments the quality of food varies greatly and not for the better.

Bloating in women

The causes of bloating and gas formation in women, in addition to those described above, are associated with the hormonal background. Throughout the childbearing period, a woman may suffer from this before menstruation. This condition is associated with hormonal cycles that cause a violation of water metabolism, leading not only to bloating in the lower abdomen, but even to pain, swelling of the limbs, and short-term weight gain. Also, as a result of hormonal changes, during menopause, a woman suffers from malfunctions in the digestive system, causing unpleasant disturbances.

If there is a feeling of accumulated gases, but there are no visible natural reasons for this, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist. This condition can occur with inflammation of the ovaries or uterus, and also be a symptom of the appearance of cysts or tumors.


If the abdomen is regularly swollen, the causes must be established together with the doctor using special examination methods. It begins with an examination, clarification of the anamnesis and symptoms from the patient's words. Already with palpation, percussion (tapping), auscultation (listening), the doctor will determine what examinations he needs for an accurate diagnosis. The following methods are commonly used:

  • X-ray examination (irrigoscopy) will help to establish mechanical obstacles in the intestine (adhesions, polyps), the relief of the mucosa, the functional state of various departments.
  • Endoscopic - will reveal the condition of the stomach, duodenum, large, small intestine. The probe will visually show all disorders, inflammations and other possible pathologies.
  • Ultrasound will show the structure and condition of the abdominal organs.

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Do not hesitate to understand the problem that interests you together.

The first thing to do is adjust your diet. And this applies to both the composition of food and eating habits. Proper nutrition is not only a diet for bloating. You need to train yourself:

  • Eat fractionally - often and in small portions.
  • Set a period between meals of at least 3 hours so that it has time to be digested.
  • Chew food thoroughly, so less air enters the stomach with it.
  • Do not eat hot or very cold food, the same goes for drinks.
  • Avoid fried, smoked foods.
  • Do not seize lunch or dinner with fruits, eat them at least 2 hours after eating other food.
  • To prevent constipation, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

As for the diet, it should be limited as much as possible, and if possible completely eliminated, products that cause fermentation - peas, beans, cabbage, fresh bread and pastries, dairy products (except sour-milk), soda, bran, black bread and others. It is better to prefer grains (crumbly cereals), baked fruits and vegetables, and easily digestible meats to them.

By following such a diet, you can forever get rid of the unpleasant sensations that greatly poison life.


Any mother knows how to help a newborn baby get rid of gases. She massages his stomach in a circular motion, bends the legs, pressing them to the tummy. And the baby gets better.

Such exercises for bloating exist for adults. Simple and effective gymnastics, which can be done constantly for prevention, but can only be done at times of strong accumulation of gases:

  1. Basic gymnastics tense and relax the abdominal muscles 10-15 times.
  2. Lie on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, wrapping your arms around them. Lie in this position for a couple of minutes.
  3. Bend your knees while lying down. As you exhale, press hard with your hands on the intestinal area, hold your breath for a few seconds. On a delay, make stroking movements with your hands towards the navel. Exhale, relax and inflate the stomach.
  4. Get on all fours and rest your arms outstretched on the floor. While inhaling, bend down, throw your head back, while exhaling, lower your head and arch your back up. During the exercise, the abdominal muscles contract and relax. Repeat several times.
  5. Starting position - on your knees. With one foot, a forward lunge is made, while with raised hands, bend back in the lower back and linger in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the lunge with the other leg.
  6. Starting position - sitting with one leg bent under you. The second is bent at the knee. Move the body in a spiral with a delay in this position for a few seconds. This exercise is an excellent massage of the abdominal organs.

Bloating does not pose a serious threat to health, but it can reduce the quality of life. It is easy to get rid of an unpleasant condition by following a normal diet and doctor's recommendations.

Feeling bloated or flatulent is a fairly common and familiar symptom and most people have experienced this phenomenon at some time in their lives. There are many reasons for this trouble with the body.

In most cases, this is a simple, harmless, and easily treatable condition with home remedies, so it's a fairly common question. Very rarely, bloating is caused by something more serious, leading to a rapid worsening of uncomfortable symptoms.

Bloating may be accompanied by belching (involuntary release of gas from the stomach into the mouth), gas (flatulence, farting), abdominal discomfort, and a feeling of fullness.

People sometimes refer to abdominal distention as "bloated belly".

What are the most common reasons?

An increase in intestinal gas is one of the most common causes. Products are the main culprits of increased gas pollution.

Causes of gas formation:

  1. Swallowing air from drinking through a straw or chewing gum.
  2. Too fast food intake.
  3. Too much food.
  4. Fat food.
  5. Foods that create gas in the intestinal tract (such as beans, vegetables, and other high-fiber foods).
  6. Lactose intolerance.
  7. Intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, which include but are not limited to Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and intestinal dysbiosis (bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine).
  8. Celiac disease (gluten intolerance).
  9. Adhesion of the abdominal cavity is due to previous operations in the abdomen or pelvis, such as hysterectomy.

One of the most common causes is stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety upset the balance of hormones and neurotransmitters that play an important role in normal digestion. As a result, food is not digested properly, resulting in gas and bloating. Anxiety also increases the rate of breathing, which causes you to swallow more air than usual.

Certain stress-related habits can increase the likelihood of this nuisance, such as the tendency to reach for caffeinated or carbonated drinks and chew gum.

Tip: take steps to reduce stress and relax on a daily basis.

Other common causes of bloating and gas include:

  1. Stomach upset.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Menstruation and/or premenstrual syndrome.
  4. Drinking large amounts of carbonated water or other carbonated drinks.
  5. food allergy.
  6. Constipation.
  7. Smoking.
  8. Liver disease.
  9. Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.
  10. Cholelithiasis.
  11. Helicobacter pylori infection which can lead to stomach ulcers.
  12. Gastroparesis (weakening of the function of the muscular gastric apparatus).

Common foods that cause flatulence

Foods that cause bloating:

  • High-fiber foods can often cause bloating, especially in people who aren't used to eating them regularly. However, eating these foods can often lead to better tolerance and less bloating and gas and better health;
  • raw, cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, onions);
  • some fruits like apricots, apples, peaches, pears and prunes;
  • beans and lentils;
  • whole grain.

Other foods that can cause bloating and gas include:

  • too fatty foods;
  • artificial sweeteners (sorbitol);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream);
  • salty foods (high in sodium, such as processed foods, canned soups, and frozen convenience foods).

Causes of flatulence - indigestion

Most of us have experienced indigestion and its symptoms, such as upper abdominal pain and cramps, flatulence, belching, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of fullness after eating through several bites of food. Common causes of indigestion are possible and necessary. More serious ones include cancer or a heart attack. However, most often flatulence occurs from indigestion for various reasons.


If a person suffers from constipation, then measures should be taken to reduce high-fiber foods, drink plenty of fluids, and do regular exercise. Even a 20-30 minute walk four times a week can improve bowel function and eliminate constipation.

swallowing air

Try not to swallow too much air. Don't talk and eat at the same time. Do not eat lying down, but sit upright when eating, reduce the amount of carbonated drinks and chew with your mouth closed so as not to swallow an excess amount of air.

food intolerance

Food intolerances can lead to bloating when:

  • the intestines are not empty;
  • food causes gas;
  • too much gas is produced as a reaction to food.

The main offenders are high gluten wheat and dairy products. The best approach if you have a food intolerance is to eat less of the culprit food or cut it out completely.

Keep a food diary for a couple of weeks, noting everything you eat and drink and when bloating bothers you the most. But do not get rid of food groups in the long term without consulting your doctor.

bowel disease

Celiac disease is a common digestive disorder where the intestines cannot absorb the gluten found in wheat, barley, and rye.

If there is celiac disease, then bloating is caused by foods containing gluten. This condition can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fatigue.

There is currently no cure for celiac disease once diagnosed, but switching to a gluten-free diet can help.

irritable bowel syndrome

People with irritable bowel syndrome may have causes for bloating, especially in the evening. It is believed that the condition is reduced to the erroneous movement of contents through the intestines.

If symptoms of bloating persist, see your doctor to rule out a more serious condition. Flatulence, as well as a constant feeling of satiety for a long time, are the main symptoms of hidden diseases.

What to do to avoid bloating

Check your eating habits

Avoid eating habits that cause you to swallow extra air, such as chewing gum, using straws, smoking, and talking while eating. Always make sure you eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly to make it easier for your body to digest food and try to avoid long gaps between meals. Also, avoid eating fruits right after a meal, as they form gas and are likely to enlarge the abdomen.

Keep track of nutrition

Overeating is one of the most common causes of gas and bloating. This is also a problem for people with food intolerances or celiac disease. Limit your intake of fatty, spicy, or salty foods as much as possible. Carbohydrates can cause the body to retain water, so they should be avoided in the evening to avoid a problem in the morning. Artificial sweeteners can also be difficult for the body to digest. Some people find that they increase discomfort, while bubbles in sodas can also be problematic.

Eat foods rich in potassium

Bloating is not always caused by excess gas. In some cases, it can be caused by high sodium (salt) intake, which increases fluid retention around the abdomen. Potassium helps counter the effects of sodium, so eat potassium-rich foods daily to help balance fluid levels in the body. Good sources of potassium are bananas, mangoes, and spinach.

Be aware of common food culprits

Some healthy foods may also increase the risk of trouble. While they shouldn't be completely avoided, it may be worth eating them in moderation to reduce bloating. Common culprits include beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, peaches, prunes, lentils, corn, and dairy products. Eating a lot of fiber, not drinking enough water can also lead to abdominal problems and constipation.

Add ginger

Ginger stimulates gastric emptying and speeds up digestion. The root contains gingerols and shogaol (components of ginger essential oil), which also help to soothe and relax the intestinal muscles and reduce spasms. Add a piece of fresh ginger root to a cup of hot water for 10 minutes and drink before and after meals. Alternatively, simply add ginger to your meals or take a daily ginger supplement.

Take probiotics if diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome

Many people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) suffer from bloating, which can be aggravated by stress or certain foods. An imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract is another common cause of IBS and bloating, as well as constipation, diarrhea, and flatulence. Probiotics are good bacteria that produce enzymes to support digestion problems with foods like starch and dairy.

Preparing for every menstrual cycle

For many women, the monthly menstrual cycle is one of the symptoms. The combination of calcium and magnesium has been shown to alleviate women's issues, so make sure you get enough of these micronutrients before starting each cycle. You need 1200 mg of calcium and 400 mg of magnesium daily.

Exercise daily

Inactivity is a common cause of bloating, so try to stay active every day. A simple 20-minute walk after dinner can get food moving through your digestive tract and prevent gas buildup. However, you can not overdo it so that dehydration does not go. Some beginners may find that exercise causes bloating. However, after exercising, the symptoms should disappear after a couple of weeks as the body adjusts to the new routine.

Drink plenty of water

When the body is dehydrated, it begins to retain water, which can accumulate in the stomach. Make sure you drink at least 2 liters of water every day to flush out toxins that can cause bloating and constipation. Herbal teas can also be helpful, but you should avoid carbonated drinks, which are likely to exacerbate the problem.

Consume Peppermint

Peppermint leaves contain menthol oil, which acts as an antispasmodic to relax the digestive tract and support the passage of food and air through the stomach. Drink a cup of hot peppermint tea after every meal to ease the passage of food.

Check medications

Certain medications can lead to indigestion that results in gas and bloating, especially aspirin, antacids, and combined birth control pills. However, under no circumstances should you stop taking your prescribed medications without talking to your doctor. If the problem is severe, talk to your doctor to discuss any potential alternatives and use the steps above to ease the side effects.

Bloating (synonyms: flatulence, swelling, tympania) is a condition in which an excessive accumulation of gases occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, which may be the result of their increased formation or insufficient excretion from the body.

In a healthy person, the gastrointestinal tract contains a certain amount of gases, the nature and amount of which depends on age, lifestyle, nutrition. Normally, in humans, more gas accumulates in the stomach and colon (mainly in the right and left bends). Much less of them is found in the small intestine, sigmoid and colon.

Causes of bloating or flatulence

There are several ways for the formation of gases in the body:

Aerophagia - swallowing air, mainly during the use of food, drinks;

The release of gases during digestion due to the neutralization of gastric and pancreatic juices with bicarbonates;

A small amount of intestinal gases comes from the blood;

The formation of gases due to the vital activity of the intestinal microflora (during the breakdown of various nutrients (proteins, sugars), methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide are released).

Increased gas formation in the absence of pathology can be observed in the following cases:

1. Swallowing large portions of air while eating, drinking highly carbonated drinks, eating food quickly (“on the run”) - all this leads to an excessive intake of gases with food into the stomach, the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices necessary for digestion is disturbed. Food is not broken down into proteins, fats, carbohydrates, large slags are formed, they are fermented and putrefied in the intestines instead of being digested, which leads to the production of excess gases and aggravation of flatulence.

2. Excess consumption of foods that cause gas formation (legumes, cabbage, apples).

3. Eating foods that enhance fermentation processes (black bread, kvass, beer, kombucha).

4. In people with lactose intolerance - the use of dairy products.

5. Flatulence in pregnant women due to compression of the intestine by the pregnant uterus: there is a slowdown in the movement of food masses and the absorption of nutrients.

Diseases associated with bloating

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence is most often combined with other symptoms: nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, diarrhea or constipation, loss of appetite, belching, abdominal pain without a clear localization.

There are several causes of flatulence associated with pathological conditions of the digestive system:

1. Violation of the digestive processes in case of enzymatic deficiency, malabsorption, pathology of formation and excretion of bile acids. At the same time, a large proportion of food enters the intestines in an undigested form, where it is broken down by intestinal microflora with the formation of a large amount of gases.

2. Mechanical flatulence - in the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract (stenosis, adhesions, tumors).

3. Dynamic flatulence occurs when the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired (peritonitis, severe infections and intoxications, mesenteric infringement).

4. Inflammatory diseases of the intestines or organs of the digestive system (pancreatitis, colitis, Crohn's disease, etc.).

5. Non-inflammatory diseases of the intestine or digestive tract (dysbacteriosis, nutrient intolerance (for example, lactulose and maltose, etc.), which are often found in childhood (flatulence in newborns and infants));

6. Circulatory flatulence may be associated with a general or local circulatory disorder (stagnation of blood in the intestinal veins reduces the absorption of gases from the intestine into the blood and increases their flow from the blood into the intestine, which is observed, for example, with cirrhosis of the liver).

7. Psychogenic (hysteria, frequent stressful situations): overexcitation of the nervous system may be accompanied by a spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine, therefore, leads to a slowdown in peristalsis. Accumulating gases overstretch the intestine and cause pain.

In various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence is combined with various symptoms of these diseases. With cirrhosis of the liver of any etiology, except for jaundice of varying intensity, patients complain of a feeling of heaviness or pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, belching, bloating, general weakness, decreased performance.

Chronic cholecystitis (calculous and acalculous) is accompanied by flatulence and belching. If the diet is violated, there are complaints of dull aching pains or heaviness, discomfort in the right hypochondrium, epigastric region, sometimes under the right shoulder blade, nausea, and bloating.

Flatulence is an almost constant symptom for chronic intestinal pathology. Chronic enteritis is accompanied by bloating, a feeling of fullness, pain in the umbilical region, which subside with the appearance of a loud rumbling. Stool - 6 times a day, plentiful, light yellow in color, without admixture of blood, mucus or pus.

Crohn's disease (terminal ileitis), in addition to severe flatulence, is characterized by constant pain in various parts of the abdomen, diarrhea with semi-liquid stools with a small admixture of blood and mucus, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, as well as weight loss.

Flatulence often occurs with intestinal dysbacteriosis - patients complain of decreased appetite, bad taste and smell from the mouth, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, lethargy, general malaise. Often the phenomena of flatulence can occur with severe symptoms from other organs and systems, while both the high standing of the diaphragm and psychogenic factors matter.

Diagnosis of the causes of bloating.

With a spasm of the large intestine, the discharge of gases is disturbed and a significant increase in the abdomen comes to the fore, which occurs due to bloating of the intestine. Patients complain of discomfort, abdominal distension, pain. Another manifestation of the disease can be a constant rapid discharge of gases from the intestines, which significantly impairs the quality of life of the patient. In this case, the pain syndrome is weakly expressed or absent, complaints of "rumbling", bursting and "transfusion" in the abdomen predominate. Extraintestinal symptoms may appear. For example, from the side of the cardiovascular system - a violation of the heart rhythm, burning in the region of the heart, decreased mood, sleep disturbance, general weakness, muscle pain.

When examining a patient, pay attention to:

Complaints that may indicate not only flatulence itself, but also the disease that caused it: diarrhea with irritable bowel syndrome; abdominal pain, fever, joint pain, loss of appetite in Whipple's disease; weight loss, blood and mucus impurities in the feces with Crohn's disease, etc .;

Examination - bloating, palpation abdominal pain in the umbilical region, tympanic percussion sound, with auscultation (listening) - strengthening, weakening or absence of intestinal noises.

Laboratory research:

Complete blood count - signs of iron deficiency anemia (decrease in hemoglobin, red blood cells), moderately pronounced leukocytosis are characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system;

General analysis of urine - without pathological changes;

Total protein and protein fractions - hypoalbuminemia (Whipple's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.);

Blood sugar - within normal limits;

Coprogram - polyfecal matter, impurities of blood and mucus;

Analysis of feces for elastase-1 - to exclude pancreatic diarrhea;

Biochemical indicators of pancreatic function: alpha-amylase enzyme, lipase enzyme;

Blood electrolytes - electrolyte imbalance.

However, the main method of examination is a survey radiography of the abdominal organs (intestinal pneumatosis, Kloiber's cups with intestinal obstruction, etc.).

Treatment for bloating

Treatment for bloating should take into account its cause.

Flatulence caused by swallowing a large amount of air requires correction of the food intake culture, refusal of chewing gum, carbonated drinks.

With frequent consumption of foods that cause excessive gas formation (legumes, cabbage, apples) or enhance fermentation processes (black bread, kvass, beer, kombucha), the diet should be adjusted by reducing the amount of these foods in it.

Foods that are not recommended for bloating: coffee, chocolate, milk, fat, tea, very cold food, too hot food, honey, seeds, nuts, yeast, oats, cabbage, cheese scrambled eggs, legumes, chewing gum, candy, meat (fried), carbonated drinks, apples, raisins, cocktails, cereals, onions (both onions and green), radishes.

If flatulence develops as a result of chronic pancreatitis (the diagnosis is established as a result of the examination), and specifically due to a lack of pancreatic enzymes, medications containing such enzymes (Mezim forte, Creon, Pancreatin, Smecta, etc.) are included in the treatment.

Treatment of bloating, which has arisen against the background of intestinal dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis, consists in treating the disease itself that caused flatulence.

With flatulence caused by mechanical causes (tumors, stenosis, etc.), surgical treatment is required.

Medical therapy is aimed at:

1. treatment of the underlying disease that caused flatulence;

2. restoration of normal intestinal microflora;

3. removal of accumulated gases from the intestinal lumen: prokinetics, adsorbents (activated carbon, bismuth preparations), defoamers (espumizan, semitikon).

For the treatment of flatulence, you can also try folk remedies.

If an increased heart rate is observed along with increased gas formation, peppermint tea can be used. It is recommended to drink it during the day, until you feel completely better.

For colic and spasms with flatulence: pour a pinch of chamomile with 3 cups of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, then strain; take half a glass of infusion during the day until the symptoms disappear completely.

In the absence of appetite and a large accumulation of gases in the intestines, dried ginger helps well (pulverize and take at the tip of a teaspoon 2-4 times a day 15 minutes after meals with 1/3 cup of water).

For infants with flatulence, dill water is useful. To prepare dill tea, you need to pour one tablespoon of finely chopped greens with one and a half cups of boiling water. Drink it chilled during the day after meals.

Flatulence, chronic constipation and colitis can also be treated with spinach leaves. This is especially useful for children and the elderly.

In addition, you can use the seeds of ordinary cumin. For children: 1 teaspoon of seeds is poured into 1 cup of boiling water. Boil no more than 1-2 minutes, then insist 30 minutes, and filter before use. Be sure to take with a small amount of honey 1/4 cup 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. For adults: 1 tablespoon of ordinary cumin seeds is poured into 1 cup of boiling water.

In all cases of prolonged or recurring flatulence, you should contact your doctor to undergo the necessary examination to identify the disease that caused the flatulence.

Which doctor should I contact with bloating:

Gastroenterologist, therapist. You may need the help of an infectious disease specialist, oncologist or neurologist.

Therapist Kletkina Yu.V.

The problem of where flatulence comes from is not the most popular for discussion. An exception is an appointment in the office of a gastroenterologist. There are many common causes and causes of bloating, in a particular situation they manifest themselves in different ways, often combined. Identification and timely treatment of digestive disorders, diseases that cause increased gas formation, is necessary to maintain physical health and mental well-being.

Moderate or severe abdominal pain and bloating is not just an intestinal problem. The change in food products begins already in the oral cavity, and air enters the gastrointestinal tract along with food. The decomposition of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is provided by the digestive glands of the oral cavity, stomach, liver and pancreas.

The food bolus travels a path longer than 5 m and enters the small intestine, where the final digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place. Water is absorbed in the large intestine. Undigested residues are excreted through the rectum. The accumulated gases are partially absorbed by the intestinal walls, the rest go out naturally.

In case of violation of the functions of one of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the work of the entire digestive system changes. Flatulence is not necessarily a sign of a disease. The consumption of certain foods and drinks is often accompanied by bloating, and is resolved by eliminating the irritating substance from the diet.

Twelve questions about flatulence

Accumulation in the intestines from 100-150 ml to 0.9-1 l of gas does not necessarily lead to bloating, if gaseous molecules enter the bloodstream and are excreted naturally through the anus. Flatulence occurs when these processes are disturbed.

Answers to common questions about gases in the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. What is flatulence?

This is an excessive accumulation of gas and distension of the intestines.

  1. What is another name for flatulence?


  1. Where does air come from in the digestive tract?

Swallowed with food, drinks, swallowed while talking.

  1. What foods most often cause flatulence?

Legumes, cereals, confectionery, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

  1. Is it harmful to hold back gases?

Yes. The more air accumulates, the stronger the stretch and. To release gases, you should go to the toilet or go outside.

  1. How many gas outlets are considered normal?

10 to 25 times a day.

  1. What is chronic flatulence?

Bloating for more than 12 weeks.

  1. What is dangerous bloating with abdominal pain?

The appearance of intestinal obstruction.

  1. How to determine which product causes flatulence?

Eliminate “suspicious” dishes one by one from the menu to find out which one is associated with the appearance of bloating.

  1. Are food allergies and food intolerances the same disease?

No. Allergy is an immune problem and incompatibility is a metabolic reaction. Occurs in case of deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down a certain substance.

  1. How is flatulence treated?

They take carminatives, adsorbents, antispasmodics, probiotics.

  1. What plants are used to treat bloating?

Ginger root, fennel seed, dill, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, green tea.

Important! You can not treat severe bloating with a heating pad and enemas - they can worsen the condition of the intestines. The method is contraindicated in acute inflammation of the digestive tract.

Flatulence is accompanied by many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring immediate medical attention. Surgical intervention is necessary if there is intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, an ulcer has opened, a malignant tumor is growing.

The most common complaints of bloating

Flatulence is accompanied by physical discomfort, sometimes severe pain. Manifestations in different people vary depending on the composition of the food, the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the age of the patient.

Feelings and symptoms:

  • rumbling, seething and other characteristic sounds in the intestines;
  • feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating of the upper abdomen;
  • heartburn, nausea, belching, vomiting (sometimes);

Exhaust gases have a complex chemical composition. The smell is absent when nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen predominate. The stench is explained by the release of hydrogen sulfide, volatile thiols, skatole, ammonia. The sound is caused by the vibration of the anal sphincter.

Constant flatulence occurs with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Without establishing the cause, it is not always possible to cope with the discomfort. In such situations, the use of carminatives and adsorbents provides only temporary relief.

The specialist who examines the patient pays attention to his appearance, asks about the time of onset and the nature of the symptoms. Diagnosis includes ultrasound, X-ray examination, panoramic computed tomography of the abdominal organs.

The main causes of excess gas formation in the intestines

Consumed foods can irritate the stomach and intestines, causing an increase in the activity of intestinal bacteria that produce gas. Many diets involve eating large portions of vegetables or proteins. When the food bolus reaches the large intestine, there are a lot of undigested residues in it, so putrefaction occurs more actively with the formation of gases.

And bloating in a healthy person:

  1. Rapid absorption of food.
  2. Conversations while eating.
  3. Nervousness and haste.
  4. Soda.
  5. Fast food.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Stress.
  8. Alcohol.
  9. Binge eating.
  10. Physical inactivity.
  11. Change of diet.
  12. Moving, climate change.

Foods and drinks that most often cause bloating and stomach: legumes, milk and its products, fried foods, fatty meats, plums, grapes, carbonated drinks.

Attention! Active gas formation occurs even in people with a healthy digestive system after eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates.

Sweeteners enhance fermentation in the intestines. It is advisable to use a safe sweetener - stevia. Legumes, some grains, and vegetables cause less gas after soaking in water for 6-12 hours. Bread is best eaten on the second day when it dries up.

The occurrence of bloating in different populations

The intestines must cope with those gases that enter with food and are formed in the large intestine. For many reasons, the natural process is disrupted. Each population group has its own list of external and internal causes of excessive gas formation.

Among women

The most common causes of flatulence are hormonal disturbances during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. The growing fetus in the body of a pregnant woman compresses the internal organs. This reason, together with fluctuations in the hormonal background, disrupts normal digestion, leads to excessive accumulation of gases. Proper nutrition and feasible physical activity somewhat alleviate the discomfort.

Increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, which causes pain and bloating in the lower abdomen in women at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. The use of antispasmodic and analgesic drugs alleviates premenstrual syndrome. Among the possible causes of severe flatulence, regardless of menstruation, are pathologies of the ovaries or uterus.

After 45 years, the work of the digestive glands worsens, the absorption function of the intestine is disturbed. During this period, the causes of bloating and gas formation in women are associated with the use of milk, coffee, and fresh pastries. It is necessary to avoid foods that cause flatulence, take enzyme preparations.

In men

Most often, belching and bloating are caused by dietary errors, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. Men often drink food with beer, strong alcoholic beverages, eat protein and carbohydrate foods together, which contribute to the formation of gases. Alcohol enhances appetite, fatty foods serve as snacks. Food is digested more slowly, the load on the liver and pancreas increases.

It is harmful to eat at night when metabolic processes slow down. The appearance of the so-called beer belly also complicates digestion and absorption in the intestines. Such violations increase the risk of excessive gas formation.

The child has

Babies swallow air while suckling, then suffer from painful abdominal colic. The removal of gases through the blood by diffusion is difficult due to the immaturity of the digestive system. There are bloating and nausea in children against the background of food allergies, intolerance to certain products.

Attention! A child only by the age of 7 acquires the physiological ability to digest the food that prevails in the daily menu of most families.

The influence of diseases on increased gas formation

Abdominal pain and flatulence are a burden on the body. Since digestion is disturbed, tissues and cells do not receive the necessary amounts of nutrients. An aversion to food or a pathological appetite may appear. As a result, the condition of the digestive tract, heart and blood vessels worsens.

Functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis - and their diagnosis is carried out in stages. Includes clinical blood tests, urine, feces, ultrasound endoscopy, biopsy and a number of other studies.

Drug treatment:

  • Almagel Neo or Maalox - adsorbents, carminatives and antacids.
  • Ranitidine, Cymtidine, blocking H2-histamine receptors.
  • Omeprazole as a proton pump inhibitor.
  • Motilium to stimulate gastrointestinal motility.

If you are concerned about constipation and constant bloating, the causes may be associated with a violation of bile secretion as a result of inflammation of the gallbladder, liver disease. Frequent rumbling and seething after eating occurs with pancreatitis. Symptoms disappear after taking enzymes in the preparations Mezim, Panzinorm, Festal.

Violation of the optimal balance of microorganisms in the intestine leads to dysbacteriosis. The number of lactobacilli decreases, opportunistic and pathogenic fungi and bacteria multiply intensively. A person suffering from dysbacteriosis constantly feels severe bloating after eating.

Intestinal atony is accompanied by frequent constipation. All this time, the masses in the large intestine undergo putrefaction with the formation of fetid gases. Rumbling, bloating, constipation or diarrhea occur with irritable bowel syndrome.

Food intolerances and food allergies

The intensity of swelling and the smell of gases are due to the individual composition of the intestinal microflora. Severe flatulence is most often accompanied by the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, which are poorly absorbed. Bloating begins shortly after eating a meal containing one or more "problem" carbohydrates.

Lactase enzyme deficiency causes lactose intolerance in milk. In old age, after drinking milk and dairy products, heaviness and bloating, abdominal cramps also occur.

Among the products, a group of strong allergens stands out, with which unusually strong reactions of the body to common food substances are more often associated. Often the disease is accompanied by flatulence and headache.

With food intolerance and food allergies, insufficiently digested masses enter the intestines. Bacteria and yeasts in the intestinal flora "pounce" on food. During the life of microbes and as a result of chemical reactions, gases are released. Foods and drinks that cause flatulence should be avoided. It is important to observe the diet, do not drink carbonated water while eating.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Constant bloating is a fairly common problem that occurs in people of all ages. This situation leads to an excessive accumulation of gases in the digestive system. This is due to incomplete elimination of them from the body. What to do when this symptom appears?

Causes of Excess Gas

Frequent bloating may be associated with exposure to exogenous and endogenous factors. The first group includes the use of low-quality products, drugs, etc. Endogenous factors usually include diseases of the internal organs that provoke such problems.

So, the external causes of constant flatulence:

  1. Eating foods that don't mix well with each other. This negatively affects the function of intestinal bacteria, which leads to the formation of excess gases and constant flatulence.
  2. Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks. As a result, there is an artificial increase in the number of gas bubbles in the intestines. As a result, a person often swells the stomach.
  3. Constant use of soda to combat heartburn. The interaction of this substance with stomach acid leads to the appearance of a chemical reaction, as a result of which carbon dioxide is produced. This substance is synthesized in large quantities, which provokes bloating.
  4. Severe overeating, especially at bedtime. In this case, the digestive process is disturbed. Large pieces of food are formed in the intestines, this is accompanied by decay or fermentation. In such situations, flatulence increases, often puffy.
  5. Eating a lot of fatty foods. This leads not only to a slowdown in the digestion process, but also creates a high load on the liver and pancreas. A bloated belly in this case is the result of a violation of the digestive process.
  6. Sudden change in diet. Usually, excessive gas formation and bloating is observed when switching to eating plant foods. Especially often these symptoms occur when eating raw foods.

The internal causes of frequent bloating include the following:

Clinical picture

Flatulence is accompanied by such manifestations:

  • feeling of an increase in the abdomen;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • the illusion of constant overeating even against the background of moderate food intake;
  • the appearance of rumbling and gurgling in the stomach;
  • general weakness, headache.

When to see a doctor?

In some cases, only a doctor can answer the question of why the stomach is constantly swelling. Detailed diagnosis is required in such situations:

  • constant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • bloating in combination with an increase in temperature;
  • deterioration or lack of results after the use of drugs;
  • severe pain in the epigastric region.

Also, symptoms such as bad breath, insomnia, loss of appetite, general weakness, nausea, impaired bowel movements, and shortness of breath should be a cause for concern. All these signs may indicate dangerous pathologies.

Many people are interested in how to get rid of this symptom. First you need to consult a doctor who will select effective medications, taking into account the cause of this symptom. Drug therapy is usually aimed at solving the following problems:

  • restoration of normal microflora of the digestive tract;
  • therapy of the underlying disease, which led to the appearance of symptoms of flatulence;
  • removal of accumulated gases.

Various drugs can be used for this purpose. The most effective include linex, mezim, motilium, smect. Also, the doctor may prescribe cerucal, espumizan, activated charcoal or enterosgel.

Often, bloating occurs during pregnancy. The treatment of this disorder is complicated by the fact that not all drugs can be taken during this period. The doctor can choose a gentle herbal remedy, for example, iberogast.

Folk remedies

To get rid of constant bloating, it is quite possible to use folk remedies. They can be used in the absence of allergic reactions to the components that make up the composition. The most effective means include the following:

Nutrition Features

To answer the question of how to get rid of flatulence, you need to make the right diet. Depending on additional symptoms, the doctor selects a specific diet. First of all, you need to give up fried, spicy, salty foods. Smoked meats are also banned. It is very important to limit or completely eliminate foods that provoke flatulence.

The stomach can swell from such products:

The size of the portions is also important, they need to be reduced. It is also recommended to reduce the intervals between meals. Food must be subjected to heat treatment - boil, steam, stew.

If there is no diarrhea, fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, kefir can be introduced into the diet. They include many beneficial bacteria that contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora.

If the stomach continues to swell and this condition is accompanied by severe pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate intestinal obstruction or other pathologies that require urgent surgical intervention.


  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • giving up bad habits, especially smoking and chewing gum;
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing.

The abdomen can swell for a variety of reasons. They may consist in malnutrition, the presence of serious pathologies, an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. Only an experienced doctor can determine the causes of this problem. Therefore, it is so important to contact a gastroenterologist in a timely manner, who will diagnose and select adequate therapy.

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