Dispelling myths: how to get rid of acne on the face. Only effective ways. Compress with calendula and honey. Coniferous lotion based on chamomile and plantain

IN adolescence during hormonal changes in the body, any person is faced with the problem of acne on the face. With age it unpleasant phenomenon disappears or decreases in strength of the rash, but sometimes adults of both sexes continue to suffer from acne on the face. Why is this happening, how can you get rid of acne and forget about it forever?

How to diagnose the causes of acne on the face?

Acne is a disease that can be caused by many factors. That is why a cosmetologist or dermatologist often works together with an endocrinologist, gynecologist, nutritionist, and even a psychotherapist to determine the causes of adversity.

Initially, most people turn to a beautician. A competent specialist must definitely ask the patient about bad habits, allergies, lifestyle. After such a consultation, it becomes clear whether it is necessary to turn to other professionals and what internal problem of the body is associated with the appearance of acne on the face. This will help to approach the treatment of acne systematically and comprehensively and will bring quick results.

What is acne?

Despite the fact that acne is considered a companion of teenage maturation, for some rashes on the face appear only in 30 years: the so-called late acne can occur at 40 and during menopause. Experts call this phenomenon MARSH syndrome:

M - melasma, that is, a manifestation of pigmentation on the skin, A - acne itself, which manifests itself in the form of comedones, papules, pustules, followed by the formation of scars and spots. R - rosacea, in which inflammation does not occur in the sebaceous gland, but at the level of blood vessels, causing the appearance of nets on the cheeks or wings of the nose and reddening of the skin of the face. S - seborrhea: a greasy or oily film forms on the skin, oxygen does not get access to the cells of the epidermis, it thickens and flakes, and the complexion is uneven and unhealthy. Finally, H is hirsutism, that is overgrowth facial hair regardless of gender.

What is commonly referred to as acne can be the sum of the above symptoms or any combination of them. The reasons that cause them lie in completely different planes, therefore, the approach to treatment should be individual in each case.

Why do pimples appear?

The most common and common cause is an imbalance of sex hormones. It is manifested by cycle disorders and weight jumps in any direction and can be caused, among other things, by the intake of improperly selected hormonal drugs or nutritional supplements of dubious origin, excessive passion for rigid diets.

Other reasons may include the body's reaction to drug therapy for other diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, various pathologies of the female reproductive system, dysbacteriosis, or certain types of infections. Do not forget about the passion of many people for fast food, stress and bad ecology of big cities.

What causes acne?

Sweets and chocolate, spicy and fatty food, smoked products and fast food. Acne may be affected strong tea or coffee in large quantities, alcohol and even dairy products. The same group should include dysbacteriosis, stress and depression, excessive tanning, improper use of decorative or care cosmetics.

How is acne treated?

After establishing the cause of the appearance of unpleasant manifestations on the skin, treatment is prescribed. This may include drug therapy- for example, retinoids, or hormonal drugs, depending on the malfunction of a particular organ, or even antibiotics. At the same time, preparations suitable for external use are determined.

In beauty clinics, phototherapy is recognized as one of the most effective treatments today. For 5-10 sessions in combination with drugs, the condition of the skin of the face improves markedly.

How to choose home care products?

It is very important to choose the right means for home care- it is best to do this together with a specialist. Quite often, we choose a cream or lotion by listening to advertisements or advice from friends. At the same time, the logic is quite the same: “if I have acne, this indicates problem skin” - accordingly, the bestsellers contain products designed to oily skin. Owners of young skin prone to secretions are often prescribed cosmetics with salicylic acid.

In fact, acne and inflammation can also appear on dry, sensitive skin, and even subject to age-related changes, and cosmetics for oily skin will only exacerbate the general problem. Moreover, using such products, you can worsen the immunity of the skin - in this case it is much more reasonable to choose cosmetics that will nourish and moisturize.

How to get rid of acne: general principles of care

It does not sound very original, but such skin needs to be regularly and properly cared for, then the number of acne and oily sheen will noticeably decrease, and the pores will be narrower. It is very important to pay attention to the effectiveness of any chosen product - if after 3 weeks of use the skin condition has not changed in any way, the cream, lotion or tonic must be changed. In case of deterioration - refuse the remedy immediately.

Daily care

The skin must be cleansed before going to bed: foaming mousses or gels, then tonic. After that, the obligatory moisturizing of the skin with a non-greasy cream with a matting effect.

Once a week

Make acne masks at home. They must be correctly selected according to the type of skin and the causes of acne. These can be masks with clay, zinc and various phytoextracts - they will dry the skin, even out the color and remove the oily sheen.


It is necessary to visit a beautician in a beauty salon: he will make professional cleaning, evaluate the general condition of the skin and give professional advice on further home care and choice topical funds.

Every 6 months

Acid peels, gommages - that is, enzymatic cleansing, mesotherapy and others salon procedures, which can only be carried out by professionals in the salon.

What are the most persistent myths about acne?

Here are the main myths that you need to immediately stop believing in if you want your victory over acne to be fast and fast.

Clay masks are a must

Clay really draws out excess fat and reduces sebum secretion, especially in the warm season. But in case of exacerbations of acne and infectious causes of its appearance, such masks cannot be used. They are not sterile and can cause the appearance of germs on the already damaged skin. As a result, the acne problem will only worsen and be more difficult to treat.

The more often you clean, the better.

A very common mistake. With frequent washing and endless lubrication, the natural protective barrier of the skin is disrupted, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

Pimples need to be popped

If you do it at home on your own, there is a risk of spreading the infection over the surface of the entire face. As a result, together with one inconspicuous pimple there will be five huge and painful ones. The use of abrasive scrubs, brushes for cleansing can lead to similar consequences.

Diet will definitely help.

Of course, it is very important to eat healthy and nutritious. But food cannot directly affect the condition of the skin of the face. Acne must be treated comprehensively - both from the outside and from the inside.

Acne is an exclusively external disease

Sometimes it turns out that no efforts aimed at external treatment of acne problems do not work. In such cases, it makes sense to look at the ecology of housing - perhaps an allergy to dust or mites manifests itself in such an unpleasant way, means household chemicals or even the materials from which the bed or underwear is sewn. An air conditioner or ventilation system infected with a fungus or simply not cleaned for a long time can also be a source of rashes on the face.

There are cases when acne was provoked by mattress or pillow fillers, allergenic heaters that were used by builders when building a house. Possible causes include soil contamination, which acne sufferers encounter when gardening and walking in the park, working with a lot of old and dusty paper contaminated with fungus.

Psychology does not affect the appearance of acne

Sometimes the final cure depends on the decision psychological problems. It is important to understand what kind of psychosomatic processes are launched by the person with skin problems or his immediate environment. Psychologists assure that anger, rejection of oneself, one's body or parents, denial of one's nature and infantilism, resentment and fears can come out in this way.

It is very important at any age to deal with such mental phenomena and correct your behavior: it is possible that after psychotherapy with a competent specialist, eating habits and a daily routine and nutrition will normalize, which will also help get rid of acne and in any case will be very useful for any person.

Homemade hacks to get rid of acne

Sometimes there are situations when urgent ambulance”: according to the law of meanness, a huge pimple right in the center of the nose or forehead can come out on the eve of an important interview, date or wedding. In this case, folk methods of express help can help.

Shaving foam

As a rule, it contains antiseptics and moisturizing ingredients that do not add fat to the epidermis, so washing with it will remove irritation from the skin - in any case, it will definitely not get worse. The reception is also suitable for those cases when your usual mousse or facial wash is suddenly over, and there is no time to run to the store.

Ice cubes

Any herbal extract or lotion recommended by a cosmetologist can be poured into molds and wiped with an ice cube instead of a cotton pad. This method perfectly tones the skin and narrows the pores, and even helps to wake up in the morning.


Sometimes it can bring quick relief from the sudden appearance of a large and painful pimple. Active ingredients toothpastes - whitening and antiseptic, cooling and soothing. Needs to be applied directly to trouble spot and leave to dry, then rinse gently.

Eye drops “Vizin”

It is impossible to explain why with certainty, but the remedy works. Eye drops, which are used to get rid of redness and fatigue, can quickly remove inflammation from the skin. They need to be applied directly to the inflamed area with a cotton swab, and after an hour it will noticeably subside. The pimple itself may not go anywhere - and will require mandatory competent treatment in the future, but the redness and bulge of the area around it will definitely become less or disappear altogether, and the face will seem cleaner and fresher.

Acne (pimples, acne) is the most common cause of complexes in terms of appearance in adolescents, which does not allow some adults to live in peace.

The causes of the disease can be hidden both inside the body and lie on the surface in the literal sense of the word.

Acne in severe forms can greatly spoil a person's life, making it impossible to freely communicate with other people and greatly undermine self-esteem. Such serious problem requires serious measures, so let's look at it inside and out, starting from the causes of occurrence to the most famous myths associated with treatment.

Reasons for the appearance

Exists many factors leading to rashes and inflammation on the skin.

The reasons may lie in problems with the endocrine system of the body.

Malfunctions in the hormonal system are always very noticeable in appearance and skin condition.

Non-hormonal causes of acne:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a large number of stress that does not have the best effect on endocrine glands;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • violation of hygiene rules and the use of care products that are not suitable for you;
  • prolonged exposure to the open sun (ultraviolet increases the rate of keratinization of skin cells, increasing the production of fat).

acne due to failures hormonal system usually occurs in adolescents.

Hormonal restructuring does its job: sebaceous glands work very intensively, perspiration increases, increasing the number of bacteria by skin surface thus causing breakouts and acne.

As a rule, as you grow older, the problem resolves itself, but it also happens that failures in endocrine system transferred from puberty in adulthood(50% of adult acne cases are due to hormonal imbalances).

The first thing to do on the way to eliminate hated acne is to establish the cause of their appearance. Without this, you will only deal with the consequences of the problem.

Any cosmetic procedures will give a temporary effect, and after a while, acne will appear again and even in double volume. Therefore, first of all, go for a consultation with a qualified dermatologist who will help determine the root cause of the rashes.

The success of acne treatment depends on the correct established cause and impeccable implementation of the doctor's recommendations.

But there are rules, the observance of which will improve the condition of the skin, regardless of the specific cause of acne.

A set of measures to combat rashes includes:

  • proper facial cleansing and obligatory washing twice a day (morning and evening), using cosmetics suitable for your skin type;
  • peeling and the subsequent application of the mask will remove dead cells, narrow pores and moisturize the skin, making it softer and smoother;
  • special diet low carbohydrate ( flour products, sweets, sweet fruits) and plenty of low-fat protein;
  • use of protective cream during sunbathing and limiting time spent in the open sun.

Important! Never pop pimples. Only a dermatologist-cosmetologist in the salon can do this correctly. Self-intervention often leads to the transfer of infection to healthy areas of the skin and the occurrence of even more inflammation.

How to get rid of acne with washing

Cleanse your skin in without fail after waking up and before going to bed.

Increased use of products (more than twice a day) for cleansing leads to back effect and increase irritation.

For cleansing, you can use mousses, foams, gels, as well as Physiogel, Cetafil and other hypoallergenic products that maintain skin pH at a neutral level and reduce bacterial growth leading to the appearance of new pimples.

The use of absorbent wipes and special products for matting the skin will bring benefits.

Applying masks and scrubs

Carefully choose masks and scrubs, look for the mark " for problematic skin” and follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Such products may contain salicylic acid, clay.

Scrubs should not contain large exfoliating particles, otherwise they can injure the skin and worsen its condition.

Preferred use gommage- a product with small particles that gently removes dead skin cells.

Good for problematic skin natural clay masks. Such a mask can be purchased ready-made at the supermarket or made at home by buying only a bag of clay.

Diet Benefits

Compliance special diet will bring tangible effect in the struggle for the purity of the face, since often the appearance of rashes is one way or another connected with the condition and normal work GIT.

Mainly from diet should be excluded fatty sauces and dressings (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.), sweets, fatty meats, fried potatoes, smoked meats, spices and spicy spices. These products provoke an increase in the level of bad cholesterol and an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands.

In the name of beautiful skin should also stop using coffee due to its ability to increase levels of the stress hormone (cortisol).

Choose protein sources with low content animal fats: chicken breasts, seafood and fish, low-fat dairy products; limit your intake of yolks chicken eggs up to two a day.

Eat more fresh vegetables .

From sweets, it is permissible to eat no more than one spoonful of honey and a serving of fruit for breakfast or as a snack.

Remember about vitamins.

Phosphorus, zinc, potassium, calcium, vitamins of groups A, B and C should be present in your diet. Eat vegetables, berries and fruits daily.

Pharmaceutical treatments

Treatment must be prescribed by a qualified doctor. Only a competent dermatologist can correctly prescribe treatment and eliminate the risk of complications and side effects from drugs.

Medications that are used in the treatment of acne:


Used in very advanced cases. For example, the drug is an effective remedy for acne.

Oral contraceptives (women only)

Used for rashes due to hormonal disorders.

It has an antibacterial and disinfecting effect. Apply directly to sore spots.

Disinfects, has a keratolytic effect, destroys anaerobic microorganisms. Apply a thin layer to acne-prone areas.

Used as an anti-inflammatory agent. The tablet is crushed, diluted with water, then applied to the inflamed area.

Folk remedies

acne treatment folk methods can have a noticeable effect, but requires caution in application.

All products are recommended to be tested on a small area of ​​​​skin; If pain and irritation does not appear, which means that the prepared mixture can be used to treat your skin and prevent such troubles.

Traditional medicine offers various homemade masks and lotions, the preparation of which will cost mere pennies and a couple of minutes, and the ingredients can be found in almost any home.

You can make a useful mask for treating acne from garlic, bran and baking soda, potatoes, lemon juice, mustard, kefir, honey.

Needed components just mix applied to inflamed areas of the skin, then washed away cool water .

A noticeable complex improvement in the condition of the skin is observed after application honey masks. Honey perfectly disinfects, moisturizes the skin, improving complexion.

One of the recipes for such a mask: take 2 tablespoons of honey, egg yolk a few drops of lemon juice. wash away warm water holding on the skin for 10 minutes. The effect is achieved after 2-3 such procedures.

How to prepare a person for treatment

The correct sequence of steps in skin care guarantees a noticeable and lasting result in the reduction and cessation of acne.

The ideal plan looks like this:

1. Wash your face

Use only products suitable for your skin type. Be sure to wash your face twice a day, otherwise further care will be pointless - nutrients from the mask will not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, and desired effect cannot be achieved.

2. Scrub your face

Scrubs with large particles can injure the top layer of the skin and provoke an increase in rashes. For good result it is recommended to use gommage - the same scrub, but gentle, with exfoliating particles small size that cleanse the skin without damaging it.

3. Rinse your face well

Finish your skin cleansing ritual with a thorough rinse with warm or cool water.

Short term solutions

Try benzoyl peroxide

The drug has a complex effect: exfoliates, stops the growth of bacteria, reduces the production of sebum. This may result in dry skin, allergic reactions, irritation, so the method is only suitable for achieving a short-term effect. It is applied to the surface of the skin 1-2 times a day, the result can be seen within 3 weeks of active use.

Use salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a well-known antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Effective for removing scars after acne and removing blackheads. Available in various concentrations. Applies only to spot treatment skin problems. If you do not have 1-2 unfortunate inflammations, then this method is not suitable for you. A cotton pad is moistened with salicylic acid, after which the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is wiped with it.

Applying toothpaste

If you rarely have blackheads and rashes, you do not use therapeutic agents constantly and do not keep a vial of salicylic acid at home, when a pimple appears, the usual toothpaste. Just apply a pea of ​​the paste on the inflamed area at night and wash your face with warm water in the morning. Do not use pastes with a gel texture and colored stripes. For your purpose, you need a regular white paste, preferably with herbal extracts.

Using store-bought pore tightening products

Narrowing the pores will not solve the problem of pimples and rashes, but will only slightly improve the appearance. Therefore, do not use narrowing agents constantly and buy them in a pharmacy, not in supermarkets.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget about sports and sufficient use clean drinking water. The first and second in the complex will help to remove faster harmful substances from the body, make the skin more fresh and radiant, increase the secretion of hormones of joy.

Don't worry about trifles. This is dangerous for two reasons: cortisol levels rise, which is not the best effect on the condition of the skin, and when stressed, you are likely to indefatigably consume forbidden high-carb foods, worsening the situation even more.

Get tested regularly to see changes in your body. This will help control the situation with hormones and eliminate hormonal failures that were not noticed in time.

When leaving the house, always put cleansing wipes in your purse, they will help you out if the skin gets dirty faster than usual and sweats.


Skin care and treatment for acne overgrown huge amount myths. Not knowing the true state of things and believing in these fairy tales, you can not only not solve the problem, but also cause irreparable harm to your skin. Let's take a look at the most common misconceptions.

To get rid of acne, you need to dry them.

Everything is good in moderation, and this is no exception. Drying the skin does not always help and not for everyone, but it can do harm at all, so you need to get a consultation from a specialist who will identify the cause and prescribe treatment.

The main cause of acne is dirty skin

Partly yes. But after all, the problem of acne can also occur in people who have been following their skin well for many years. Acne often appears with hormonal disruptions and other malfunctions inside the body, and is not eliminated from cosmetic procedures. Therefore, in cases sudden appearance severe rashes on the face or back, you need to urgently seek help from a dermatologist.

Regular sex will get rid of acne

There is some truth in this. Sex increases the level of estrogen and oxytocin in the blood in women, improves mood, and prevents the production of cortisol. But this happens only in the case of sex for love, otherwise the production of hormones will be small to achieve the desired effect. In men, after sex, testosterone levels decrease, which is the main cause of rashes in males.

Mechanical cleaning of the face - provokes the appearance of acne

Partly true. If you are used to squeezing out even the smallest blackheads on your own, then the problem will continue to haunt you. Mechanical cleaning can only be carried out by a doctor and only in a salon or clinic.

You can not use decorative cosmetics with acne

Only partly true. Cosmetics should be selected specifically for problematic skin. Not suitable products with a creamy oily texture. Use lighter makeup.

Acne clears up with exposure to the sun or tanning bed

Partly true. A small amount of ultraviolet has an antiseptic effect, and acne on tanned skin seems smaller, but exposure to the sun for several hours regularly leads to the opposite effect, increasing the manifestations of acne.

Summing up, I would like to note the role healthy lifestyle life in solving health problems in general, and with the skin in particular. A diet high in water intake combined with sports will give results and reduce skin problems.

Complete disposal of acne in severe forms is possible only with proper treatment by a dermatocosmetologist and compliance with all his recommendations.

It is believed that adolescents are most susceptible to skin inflammation and the appearance of acne (acne). In fact, transitional age is just one of the risk factors for acne. Acne can appear at almost any age, and the skin of the face is not the only place that can be affected by acne.

Why do acne appear, and what methods are there to combat this skin disease? How to quickly and effectively get rid of acne, as well as how to correctly prevent the appearance of acne?

What is acne?

The word "acne" comes from the ancient Greek language. In literal translation, it means "flourishing" or "height". In another interpretation, this word is translated as "skin break". Doctors characterize acne as inflammatory disease skin associated with changes in hair follicles and sebaceous gland. Acne has several forms ranging from a small amount comedones (black dots) or acne without inflammation, ending with a complex stage, when inflamed abscesses and even cysts appear along with comedones. As a rule, the rash appears on the chin, cheeks, but areas can also be affected. largest concentration sebaceous glands are top part back and chest.

Acne can appear during adolescence and continue until a person reaches the age of thirty. In one way or another, the rash can periodically appear up to 40 years. Moreover, women, according to medical statistics, are more prone to acne.

How is a comedone formed?

A pimple appears in the place where the sebaceous gland comes to the surface of the skin. As a rule, this happens if the “exit” of the gland is blocked by keratinized skin particles or dust, dirt, and so on. In sebum healthy person there is a certain amount of bacteria, which in a healthy state of the skin are excreted with sweat and fat. Having no way out, bacteria begin to actively multiply in the sebaceous duct. All this causes redness, inflammation and tearing of the skin.

Why does acne appear?

Despite the development of the medical field, modern doctors can't identify one main factor, on which one could "write off" the appearance of acne. Hormonal activity has long been considered one of the main causes of acne. Later, scientists found that the retention of moisture in the skin as a result of narrowing of the ducts of the sebaceous glands can also lead to acne.

Among the causes of acne:

  • heredity
  • transitional age
  • hormonal imbalance
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • some medicines, including antibiotics
  • insufficient cleansing of the skin from dead cells
  • overactive sebaceous glands

In order to effectively get rid of the rash, you need to be clearly sure for what reason acne appeared. If acne does not go away for a long time, it is better to contact an experienced dermatologist who will conduct examinations and establish the cause.

How to deal with acne?

If acne is not yet too advanced, then it is quite possible to get rid of it with the help of specially designed products - lotions, ointments, creams, and so on. Choose products that include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur or resorcinol. Such semi-drugs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which will speed up the healing process of the skin.

In the fight against acne, competent cleansing of the affected skin is important. Although acne is the most common fatty type skin, overdrying the epidermis is also harmful. Choose skin care products with optimal PH. Exactly the same harmful to the skin with acne It may also be too oily. If you clean the skin with a scrub, then this must be done very delicately, otherwise an infection may get into the wounds. If comedones or pimples continue to bother you for a long time, it is extremely important to use suitable cosmetics (both decorative and caring) that do not clog pores. To do this, look for the label “non-comedogenic” on the labels. Apply masks that eliminate excessive fat content skin, but not too aggressive.

Homemade acne masks

The usual aspirin fights acne well. To prepare the mask, heat in a water bath for half a teaspoon of water, honey and jojoba oil. Add two powdered aspirin tablets to this mixture. Apply the product on previously cleansed and well-steamed skin. Wash off with cool water after about 15 minutes. Important! Before using the mask, make sure you are not allergic to aspirin.

The cleansing mask is made from white cosmetic clay, milk and talc. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions (about a teaspoon). Add more milk if the mixture seems too thick. Such a mask “pulls out” all impurities from the glands, and also has an antibacterial effect. Apply this mixture on your face for about 20 minutes and then remove it with a tissue.

Never try to pop a pimple or get rid of it in any other way. in a physical way. Give up the habit of touching your face with your hands, especially while working at the computer, so as not to further contaminate the affected areas. In addition to cosmetic methods that help cure acne, it is necessary to take care of the state of the internal systems of the body. After all, everything that happens in our body is invariably reflected on the face.

Proper nutrition for acne

Acne is often the result of contamination of the body. If you want to get rid of acne for a long time, reconsider your diet towards fresh vegetables. Instead of fried, at least temporarily switch to steamed or boiled food. Avoid heavy meals that take a long time and are difficult to digest (meat, dairy products), as well as a large number of industrially prepared sweets and fast food.

Give preference to products that improve the skin and make it more elastic. First of all, these are citrus fruits (and also bell pepper, cauliflower and potatoes), rich in vitamin C, which regulates collagen synthesis. Leafy vegetables, almonds and peanuts (when raw) provide the body with vitamin E, which not only improves the skin, but also strengthens the immune system. Another element that has a positive effect on the condition of the skin is vitamin A. It is found in vegetables and fruits that are yellow, orange, and red.

During the period of acne treatment, it is important to compose your diet in such a way that it contains a minimum of fast carbohydrates. These substances increase the level of insulin, which leads to the activation of hormone production. Namely, this contributes to the fact that the sebaceous glands produce more and more sebum.

Exacerbation of acne can occur under the influence of excessive alcohol consumption, as well as coffee, since in this case the liver is overloaded, which significantly inhibits the elimination of toxins. And here enough liquids drunk during the day will not only help to quickly remove harmful substances, but also moisturize the skin well, which contributes to its rapid healing.

acne prevention

Acne is not only a blow to self-esteem and constant self-doubt. The fact is that acne can leave rough scars, age spots and even scars on the skin that do not disappear for many years. That is why it is highly desirable to implement some preventive measures that will help keep the skin healthy and clear.

Try to deal with stress, because in tension, the body produces a large amount of the hormone cortisol, which provokes the appearance of acne. Don't forget to spend more time fresh air and exercise. This saturates the cells with oxygen and promotes normal digestion. correct and active image life will not only help get rid of acne, but also prevent the appearance of acne in the future.

We decided to sort out this confusing issue and turned to experienced dermatologists and cosmetologists for help. The experts were unanimous: - a long process, the essence of which is to get rid of the rash forever with the help of the right remedy (various remedies can be both effective and completely useless in relation to different types acne).

The result of our consultations with specialists was the classification according to their effectiveness:

  • "Yes"- works.
  • "No"- ineffective and does not solve the problem.
  • "Maybe"- at certain conditions can help correct skin imperfections.

Antibiotics: Yes

Antibiotics are prescribed for good reason: they really work and are very effective in treating acne, especially oral ones. To reduce the manifestations of bacterial resistance that occurs after about a month of admission, doctors recommend combining antibiotics with ointments and benzoyl peroxide, and after 3-4 months, continue treatment with external agents.

Acupuncture: Possibly

Doctors do not have sufficient and convincing evidence of the benefits of acupuncture for acne. However, in many cases, this procedure helps to cope with stress, which, in turn, can be the cause of acne in some people.

Thus, if you notice that your skin condition is worsening due to an increase in the level of the hormone cortisol (produced by the body during stress), then acupuncture can help you. During such treatment, it is important not to use cosmetics that clog pores, and not to injure the skin, violating the integrity of the rashes.

Apple Cider Vinegar: No

Adherents traditional medicine Apple cider vinegar is called a panacea for many diseases, including acne. Doctors refute this opinion. Although apple cider vinegar has some antibacterial action, it is not enough: vinegar can kill bacteria on the surface of the skin, but it is not able to penetrate into the pores and cleanse them.

Spironolactone: Yes

The abbreviated name - "Spiro", is sold in pharmacies by prescription. Effectively copes with hormonal acne and is not at all suitable for those who suffer from the so-called black spots and "subcutaneous" (hard white spots on the skin).

The basis of Spiro is an antiandrogen. It does not change the level of hormones, but only limits fluctuations hormonal background thereby reducing the number of rashes on the face. Thus, spironolactone, while not being hormonal drug prevents hormones from affecting the skin in any way. It can be used for many years, stopping when planning a pregnancy.

Accutane: yes

Active substance- isotretinoin. This drug is also known as nuclear bomb in the war against acne. According to doctors, this is the only drug that can really cure severe acne. 80% of the people who took it got rid of the problem forever and found clear skin.

But there are nuances: Accutane has many side effects, including depression. An expert who has been treated with it for 15 years does not recommend it for this very reason. Other side effects include: severe dryness skin, itching, joint pain, nosebleeds.

Accutane is not suitable for people with acne moderate, women with hormonal fluctuations, pregnant women or those who do not want to use two types of contraception.

Most often, it is prescribed for those who suffer from very severe (including nodular) acne - with deep formations and painful cysts that do not go away for months and do not respond to other types of treatment.

It is important that Accutane is prescribed by a doctor and only taking into account your individual situation. Be sure to consult a dermatologist!

Toothpaste: No

The conventional wisdom about using toothpaste as a drying agent is due to the fact that it contains baking soda, which allegedly "pulls out pus." Dermatologists advise not to transfer the paste to a useless procedure - such “drying” does not contribute to the speedy disappearance of the rash.

Moreover, the paste can provoke new skin rashes, because it contains sodium lauryl sulfate - it can cause irritation and redness of the skin around the papule.

Avoiding Dairy: Possibly

The relationship between diet and acne is controversial and continues to be studied. The American Dermatological Academy has confirmed that there is growing evidence of acne addiction to dairy and high-fat foods. glycemic index.

People with a tendency to skin rashes are advised by doctors to avoid cow's milk, especially skim milk. Dairy products are inflammatory, and hormones or growth factors in milk can stimulate the sebaceous glands. It is also necessary to exclude foods with a high glycemic index from the diet, for example, White bread, chips, etc.

There is no reliable scientific confirmation of this theory. How can you use this conflicting information? Watch yourself. If your skin is clearer when you don't eat any dairy at all, then there's a connection and you'd be better off eliminating or at least reducing your intake of dairy products.

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid: Yes

Classic over-the-counter acne treatments based on the principle of killing bacteria and unclogging pores. Salicylic acid copes with superficial rashes. Benzoyl peroxide saves from red, inflamed papules. However, if you have sensitive skin, try something else: peroxide dries out your skin a lot.

It is important to use these tools correctly: not only for local treatment, but also as part of your skin care as a preventive measure.

Chemical Peels: Possibly

perfectly cleanses pores and removes dead cells. This treatment treats acne and temporarily improves the appearance of the skin. It can be considered only one of the stages of a long process of treatment, especially if we are talking about severe cases.

Contraceptive pills: Yes

Many women, starting to take contraceptives noted an improvement in the condition of the skin. It's simple: combined oral contraceptives regulate hormone levels. As a result, the skin releases less fat, less shine - fewer rashes.

Doctors prescribe COCs to treat acne even for teenagers, but women over 35 should consult a gynecologist - the risk of blood clots increases.

Tretinoin: Yes

Known under the brand name Retin-A (Retin-A), vitamin A for external use. Reduces inflammation, normalizes the condition of skin cells around the follicles, cleanses clogged pores, copes with black and white dots, prevents the development of papules.

The action of retin is manifested in a few weeks. If you decide to use this drug, be patient: at first the situation may worsen and there will be more rashes (the skin gets rid of excess fat), but then it will definitely get better.

Coconut Oil: No

Another useless remedy for the treatment of acne from the arsenal of traditional medicine. Never use coconut oil on breakout-prone skin as it clogs pores and seals them tightly. Dermatologists who have seen enough of the effects of acne treatments coconut oil, unequivocally say "No" to this tool.

UV radiation: No

Doctors are unanimous: it is impossible to “dry” fatty papules with a tan. sunlight contains Various types UV radiation, and the consequences of their exposure to the skin can be deplorable.

LED Therapy: Possibly

exposure to light ultraviolet lamps, from which, as everyone knows, P.acnes bacteria die - the cause of papules. However, doctors say that the result of such therapy is unpredictable: it can last for several months, or it can disappear in a couple of weeks.

LED therapy can help, but is not suitable for all patients and is not a solution.

Aspirin mask: Maybe

Aspirin is the same salicylic acid that acts on clogged pores. It has a mild antibacterial effect and can eliminate inflammation. However, it is worth remembering that an aspirin tablet was not originally intended to penetrate the pores in the way that they do. special means with salicylic acid.

Aspirin can dry out a tiny pimple, but is powerless against severe acne.

Honey: Possibly

Honey has a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is often used as the main component of anti-acne masks. It works very well on the skin, but is useless for acne.

Dermatologists explain: “Certain natural substances, such as honey, can be effective, but only if you bring them to the laboratory and they make you the right substance at the molecular level, optimizing the composition of several ingredients. Only in this form, these substances will be really useful for your skin.

Zinc: Yes

With external and internal application can improve the appearance of the skin. For external use, dermatologists recommend a zinc-oatmeal mask, for internal use, products rich in this trace element (sunflower seeds, nuts, oysters, beef liver etc.), as well as nutritional supplements. Talk to your doctor before taking supplements, as excess zinc in the body can lead to copper deficiency.

Cold and hot compresses: yes and no

Cold affects locally. Dermatologists recommend that patients wipe their skin with an ice cube after cleansing their face. This will create micro-cracks in the epidermis, allowing the active ingredients (such as mandelic acid in tonic) to penetrate deeper into the pores instead of remaining on the surface of the inflamed skin.

With heat, things are not so clear. Steam can clear small clogged pores, but in other cases it is better not to heat the skin. Heat promotes inflammation and irritated pores swell even more. In addition, heat can seal the follicles tightly.

Tea Tree Oil: Possibly

Oil tea tree won't do wonders, but in some cases it can help eliminate acne bacteria and reduce inflammation. In general, there are too few clinical data to speak of its effectiveness. For example, one 2007 study found that a 5% tea tree oil gel was more effective than placebo in treating moderate to severe acne. mild degree, but the experimental group included only 60 people.

Dermatologists consider it good antibacterial agent and recommend using it on inflamed acne after removing what clogs the pores. If you plan on using the oil regularly in your skin care, don't apply it neat. Undiluted oil can cause irritation, redness, flaking and dryness of the skin.


Acne is a complex complex skin disease. No one remedy will provide effectiveness in all cases. If all else fails, be patient and keep fighting. For those who are still in search of a suitable remedy, we recommend that you first try those methods that have been approved by dermatologists and cosmetologists.

» Hormonal acne
» Sex and acne (acne)
» Premenstrual acne
» Oily skin and acne
» Hyperkeratosis and acne
» Comedogenic cosmetics and acne
» Demodex subcutaneous mite
» Propionibacterium acnes and Propionibacterium granulosum
» Irritated skin and acne
» Heredity and acne
» Nutrition and acne
» Medicines and acne
» Steroids and acne

Types of acne

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Types of retinoids
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Fight against aging (anti-aging)

How to deal with acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

Means and methods of dealing with acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

Acne step by step system

To develop a plan of action (and it should be an organized plan of action), it is necessary to discard all the misleading, but often widespread information about acne, and explore everything that can actually help your skin.

The main tasks in the treatment of acne are as follows:

  • Prevention of new comedones. Includes proper care for problematic skin and measures for the general improvement of the body.
  • Removal of existing comedones. It is carried out with the help of comedolytic preparations and comedo extractors at home or in a beauty salon.
  • Decreased sebum secretion. Achieving a tangible clinical effect is possible with a decrease in secretion by 30 percent or more. Retinoid group drugs, hormones - estrogens, antiandrogens are used.
  • Exfoliation of the stratum corneum. It is achieved with the external use of retinoids, BHA, AHA.
  • Withdrawal inflammatory process and prevent its spread. Achieved by applying antibacterial drugs outside and inside.
  • Reducing the cosmetic imperfections of scarring. It is produced by the method of dermabrasion, laser therapy, cryotherapy.
  • Balancing the systems and organs of the body(gynecological, endocrine, gastrointestinal diseases, foci chronic infection) may interfere with ongoing acne treatment and reduce its effectiveness. Therefore, in parallel with the treatment of acne, treatment of concomitant pathology should be carried out.

Step 1: Gentle cleansing of the skin with a mild water-soluble cleanser

Gentle and delicate cleansing of the skin is a very important first step in the fight against acne (acne, comedones).

Insufficient hygiene as the cause of acne is just another acne cosmetic myth that leads many people to over-cleanse their skin with soaps and harsh cosmetic cleansers. This dries out the skin and increases irritation and dryness, creates a feeling of tightness and thereby provokes even more sebum production. In the long run, this leads to your skin being dry on the inside and oily on the outside. Irritant ingredients are harmful not only because they cause redness and swelling, but also because they reduce the skin's ability to heal itself. It is gentle cleansing and "unobtrusive" skin care that will help maintain healthy skin and prevent the formation of acne.

Therefore, always, even in the evening, when you wash off makeup from your face, use a delicate water-soluble cleanser that is completely washed off your face and does not irritate your skin and eyes. Soft remedy cleanses your skin of dirt, makeup and grease without leaving a feeling of dryness, tightness and irritation. It is perfectly normal to use the same cleanser to remove eye make-up as you would for your face.

Finding a gentle cleanser is easy, but be careful: cleansers that are too gentle (“moisturizing”) can leave a greasy film on the skin.

If you use a very thick matte foundation or compact foundation, you may need to use makeup remover wipes, a special sponge or a terry glove for washing your face to completely cleanse your face (To prevent bacteria from multiplying in it, wash it with an antibacterial agent every evening). This is an exception to the rule, but it is necessary if you use long-wearing foundation, which is very effective for those with oily skin.

Wash your face with cool or lukewarm water. Hot water burns the skin, and cold water is too much stress for her. According to Pole Runner, constant washing hot water, saunas or hot tubs can break the capillaries in your nose or cheeks and not only irritate your skin, but also negatively affect its ability to recover.

What can not be done!

Do not use a cleanser with anti-acne ingredients! Cleansers for problem skin often contain anti-acne ingredients (such as AHA or BHA). The use of such tools is not recommended for several reasons. First, if they are in a water-based cleaner, you always run the risk of potential product contact with the eyes, which can cause irritation. Secondly, to work effectively, anti-acne ingredients must be applied to the skin and left for a while to be absorbed. When are they in detergent, they are simply washed off before they have time to have any effect. Some companies shockingly recommend leaving the cleanser on the face for a few minutes to allow the AHA or BHA to be absorbed into the skin, but this also means that the other ingredients in the cleanser will stay on the skin longer than necessary, which can definitely cause unwanted irritation. Soft and gentle cleansing is an important factor skin health! (Resources: Skin Research and Technology, February 2005, pages 53-60 and Dermatology, March 1997, pages 258-262).

Do not wash with bar soap! Substances that give soap hard look, can cause skin cells to die faster by accumulating in pores. Bar soap ingredients can clog pores and leave a film on the surface of the skin, thus blocking the action of applied active anti-acne ingredients and care products. Solid soap can shift the acid-base balance of the skin to the alkaline side, thereby creating favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

About glycerin soap: If you use glycerin soap in the hope that glycerin is a natural moisturizing ingredient, remember that glycerin only works as a moisturizing ingredient if its percentage is correctly chosen, otherwise glycerin, on the contrary, draws moisture from the deeper layers of the skin and causes it evaporates from the surface, as a result of which glycerin-based products, on the contrary, dry the skin even more.

Step 1.1: Tonic (* optional step)

We did not begin to make the use of tonic in a separate step. You may love this product, but in fact, tonic is far from an essential part of the care of problem skin and skin in general.

Theoretically, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing the skin, the toner is also supposed to normalize the pH balance, which is desirable if you are going to apply an acidic exfoliant (AHA, BHA, tretinoin) on top of it. However, in reality there are no standards that would control the pH balance of a given cosmetic product. Therefore, if you are used to using a tonic, you can only find out by experience how effective AHA, BHA and tretinoin applied on top of it work. This is the reason why we do not recommend applying tretinoin over tonic.

If desired, the toner can be used both to remove make-up residues and to soften and nourish the skin with moisturizers and antioxidants. Toner for normal to oily skin can be used in place of moisturizer and may be the only moisturizing product you need. For normal to dry skin, toner is a good addition to your moisturizer. A toner for troubled or acne-prone skin often contains soothing or disinfecting (antibacterial) ingredients.

Step 2: exfoliation (exfoliation of dead skin cells) in the treatment of acne

Exfoliation will remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and cleanse the pores themselves from the inside. This fine work will allow the pores to "breathe" and freely release sebum to the surface of the skin. Keep in mind that the inside of the pore is covered with skin cells, which also die and clog it.

Dead cells spoil the color and texture of the skin, interfere metabolic processes, provoke the formation of black dots, prevent the penetration of useful ingredients of caring cosmetics.

Exfoliation is one of the key components of health and good looking your skin (by increasing the number of healthier cells on the surface). Exfoliation is essential for most skin types and is basic along with a gentle cleanser, sunscreen, as well as antioxidants and communication ingredients!

There are two ways to eliminate dead skin cells at home: mechanical (scrub, extraction) and chemical (acid-based exfoliant - AHA, BHA, tretinoin).

It is recommended to use only one of these methods to avoid too much stress on the skin. We are all for a chemical exfoliant - so it's time to apply an AHA or BHA (if it's morning) or tretinoin (if it's evening).

Which is better: chemical exfoliant (AHA, BHA) or mechanical exfoliant (scrub)?

Chemical exfoliants are more effective and safer, and here's why. Scrubs clean your skin only on the surface and can cause mechanical damage. AHAs and BHAs are more effective because they work through a chemical process, they penetrate the skin and work "from the inside" to eliminate dead cells and allow young healthy cells to reach the surface of the skin, which improves texture and color, eliminates clogged pores and increases the absorption of moisturizers. and nutrients.

Which is more effective: BHA or AHA?

The main difference between AHAs and BHAs is that AHAs are water soluble while BHAs are fat soluble. This unique property BHA allows it to penetrate deeper than AHA into the pores through the sebum layer and exfoliate dead cells that have accumulated inside the sebaceous glands and clog pores. Despite the fact that, unlike AHA, BHA penetrates deeper into the pores and works directly inside the pore, it is less irritating to the skin and even has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. This is due to the association of BHA with aspirin.

The additional properties of BHA make it suitable remedy for normal, oily or combination skin types. But BHA is especially valuable for problem skin, since salicylic acid is effective in combating pimples (acne, blackheads) and blackheads.

AHA, in turn, are more suitable for the care of photodamaged ( dark spots), thickened (hyperkeratosis), dry non-problem skin (

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