Breast cyst in dogs and cats. Breast cyst in dogs: symptoms and treatment (with photo). Cyst located on the surface of the skin

Neoplasms (tumors) of the mammary glands are an extremely common disease in dogs and cats. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in dogs over 9 years of age. According to various sources, mammary gland tumors account for 49 to 68% of all neoplasms in bitches. In cats, the incidence of oncological lesions of the mammary glands is lower than in dogs.

The exact cause of the formation of mammary gland tumors in dogs and cats has not been established, but it is known that sex hormones have a serious effect on this process. So, cats and dogs sterilized before the first estrus, practically do not suffer from this disease. If spayed between estrus 1 and 2, the chance of developing mammary cancer is 25% compared to unneutered animals.

Neoplasms of the mammary glands can be benign and malignant. Benign tumors - cysts, adenomas and some others do not pose an immediate threat to the animal's body. However, any benign tumor may eventually become malignant; Moreover, benign neoplasms sometimes create discomfort with their size and quantity. Therefore, they should be classified as potentially hazardous to health. Malignant tumors actively grow into surrounding tissues and metastasize (daughter tumors) to nearby and distant organs. . The presence of metastases is one of the main characteristics malignant process. Malignant tumors are usually characterized by intensive growth and are a very serious problem for the animal.

Visually, by probing, ultrasound or x-rays, it is impossible to unequivocally determine the nature of the tumor (malignant or benign). However, according to some signs, one or another type of neoplasm can be suspected (often erroneously). The final diagnosis can be established only by the results of histological examination of the tumor fragment ( cytological examination when the material is taken with a puncture with a thin needle, does not give an unambiguous answer).

Neoplasms of the mammary glands in dogs and cats are not dangerous to others (animals or people).

What to do? To begin with, it is necessary that a qualified veterinarian confirmed or denied the suspicion of a tumor of the mammary glands. Next, you need to comprehensively assess the situation:

1. To treat or not to treat?

According to foreign authors, small tumors with clear boundaries, which do not tend to grow, can not be removed. We believe that this position is relevant only for older dogs with a high degree of anesthetic risk. In other cases surgical removal tumors on early stage gives a more definite and favorable prognosis.

On the other hand, there is a group of so-called "hopeless" patients in whom the tumor is in the process of decay and there are obvious metastases in the lymph nodes and / or internal organs. To such an animal surgical intervention can bring only temporary relief (elimination of a decaying tumor, pus, smell).

2. Additional diagnostics.

If a malignant process is suspected, it is advisable to carry out x-ray examination chest for possible metastasis to the lungs. We seriously question the need for preoperative histological examination of the tumor. In most cases, it is possible to qualitatively take the material (tumor fragment) only under general anesthesia. In general, taking material is a mini-operation with an incision, sutures and the corresponding postoperative care. Even if the good quality of the tumor was confirmed histologically, no one guarantees that cancer or sarcoma will not grow in place of the adenoma (fibromas, etc.) in a month or two. Therefore, we believe that it is more rational to carry out histological examination tumors after radical removal.

3. Is it only surgery?

Possibilities of conservative treatment of mammary gland tumors in animals modern drugs actively studied in the West. However, so far these studies have not led to any encouraging results. Therefore, to date, surgical removal of the tumor within healthy tissue remains the only effective method.

4. Operation: when, how?

We believe that best results surgical treatment can be obtained with the most early dates operations (immediately after detection). This is especially true for cats - the vast majority of mammary tumors in them are malignant. There is misconception that if the tumor is malignant, then the operation is useless. We consider this to be misleading. The operation can be absolutely effective even with cancer, if the entire tumor is excised within healthy tissue before metastases appear.

5. Operation: where?

Only in the clinic! In principle, the technique of mastectomy (removal of the mammary glands) is quite simple. Nevertheless, in the conditions of an equipped operating room, it is possible to most fully and promptly respond to possible complications(bleeding, respiratory problems, etc.).

Instead of a preface: this article is written for pet owners. To facilitate understanding of the material, the text contains minimal amount special terms. Therefore, some incorrect scientific point from the point of view of generalization and formulation, we ask you to attribute it to a stylistic decision, and not to the ignorance of the authors. Thank you.

Neoplasms (tumors) of the mammary glands is an extremely common disease in dogs and cats. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in dogs over 9 years of age. According to various sources, mammary gland tumors account for 49 to 68% of all neoplasms in bitches. In cats, the incidence of oncological lesions of the mammary glands is lower than in dogs.

The exact cause of the formation of mammary gland tumors in dogs and cats has not been established, but it is known that sex hormones have a serious effect on this process. So, cats and dogs, sterilized before the first estrus, practically do not suffer from this disease. If spayed between estrus 1 and 2, the chance of developing mammary cancer is 25% compared to unneutered animals.

Neoplasms of the mammary glands can be benign and malignant.

Benign tumors - cysts, adenomas and some others do not pose an immediate threat to the animal's body. However, any benign tumor can eventually turn into a malignant one, in addition, benign tumors sometimes create discomfort with their size and quantity. Therefore, they should be classified as potentially hazardous to health. Malignant tumors actively grow into surrounding tissues and metastasize (daughter tumors) to nearby and distant organs. Malignant tumors are usually characterized by intensive growth and are a very serious problem for the animal.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to determine the nature of the tumor (malignant or benign) visually, by probing, ultrasound or X-ray. However, according to some signs, one or another type of neoplasm can be suspected (often erroneously). The final diagnosis can be established ONLY according to the results of the HISTOLOGICAL examination of the FRAGMENT of the tumor (a cytological examination, when the material is taken with a puncture with a thin needle, DOES NOT GIVE A UNIQUE ANSWER).


On the initial stage the development of a tumor of the mammary glands can be seen when stroking the belly of a dog (cat): under the skin and in the thickness of the mammary glands, hard balls(grains). Over time, they combine into "clusters", or grow on their own to size. hazelnut and more. Such formations can be located both in one place and over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands from the groin to the armpits.
Benign tumors such as adenomas or fibroadenomas are usually hard to the touch, breast cysts, on the contrary, are soft in texture. Both those and others are usually painless on palpation (palpation).

With intensive growth of tumors, inflammation of the surrounding tissues may appear, as a reaction to the "violent" development oncological process: redness, swelling, soreness of the affected area, poor appetite, temperature rise. At this stage it is often set misdiagnosis"mastitis" (see our article), prescribing the appropriate treatment, which can have fatal consequences.

Malignant tumors (cancer, sarcoma) quickly grow into the surrounding tissues, have an irregular shape and heterogeneous consistency, although all these signs are very relative. As malignant neoplasms develop, they metastasize (daughter tumors) to the lymph nodes (inguinal and axillary) and internal organs. The presence of metastases is one of the main characteristics of the malignant process.

A tumor can be called an independent organism, which has its own lifespan, after which it begins to die and decompose. Clinically, this is manifested by the disintegration of the tumor: on its surface, non-healing wounds ulcers are formed. Most often, malignant tumors decay, although benign ones can also decompose. At this stage, serious diagnostic errors are also possible, when "necrotic mastitis" is established and the inflammation begins to be intensively fought.

In the most unfavorable situations, when metastases develop in the internal organs (lungs, liver, heart), the condition of the animal is complicated by secondary processes.

What to do?

To begin with, it is necessary that a qualified veterinarian confirm or refute suspicions of mammary tumors. Next, you need to comprehensively assess the situation:

1. To treat or not to treat?
According to foreign authors, small tumors with clear boundaries, which do not tend to grow, can not be removed. We believe that this position is relevant only for older dogs with a high degree of anesthetic risk. In other cases, surgical removal of the tumor AT THE EARLY STAGE gives a more definite and favorable prognosis.
On the other hand, there is a group of so-called "hopeless" patients in whom the tumor is in the process of decay and there are obvious metastases in the lymph nodes and / or internal organs. For such animals, surgery can bring only temporary relief (elimination of a decaying tumor, pus, smell).

2. Additional diagnostics.
If a malignant nature of the process is suspected, it is advisable to conduct an x-ray examination of the chest for possible metastasis to the lungs. We seriously question the need for preoperative histological examination of the tumor. In most cases, it is possible to qualitatively take the material (tumor fragment) only under general anesthesia. In general, taking the material is a mini-surgery with an incision, sutures and appropriate postoperative care. Even if the good quality of the tumor was confirmed histologically, no one guarantees that cancer or sarcoma will not grow in place of the adenoma (fibromas, etc.) in a month or two. Therefore, we believe that it is more rational to conduct a histological examination of the tumor AFTER radical removal.

3. Is it only surgery?...
The possibilities of conservative treatment of mammary gland tumors in animals with modern drugs are being actively studied in the West. However, so far these studies have not led to ANY RESPECTIVE RESULTS. Therefore, to date, surgical removal of the tumor within healthy tissue remains the ONLY EFFECTIVE METHOD. To the use INSIDE of various non-specific drugs such as ASD, various dietary supplements (biologically active additives) and homeopathy, we are skeptical. LOCAL use dosage forms(ointments, lotions, powders) we consider STRICTLY UNACCEPTABLE, since such actions can stimulate tumor growth. The use of available chemotherapeutic (antineoplastic) drugs for neoplasms of the mammary glands in cats and dogs, according to our data, does not give stable results, but is associated with a serious risk of complications.

3. Operation: when, how?
We believe that the best results of surgical treatment can be obtained at the earliest possible time of the operation (immediately after detection). This is especially true for cats - the vast majority of mammary tumors in them are malignant. There is an ERRONEOUS OPINION that IF THE TUMOR IS MALIGNANT, THEN THE OPERATION IS USELESS. We consider this to be misleading. The operation can be absolutely effective even with cancer, if the entire tumor is excised within healthy tissue BEFORE METASTASIS APPEARS. Generally, radical removal neoplasm has a very great importance: You should ALWAYS remove the tumor TOGETHER WITH THE ENTIRE GLAND (if necessary, together with the lymph nodes), and not "husking" individual nodules.

4. Operation: where?
ONLY IN THE CLINIC! In principle, the mastectomy technique (the so-called removal of the mammary glands) is quite simple. Nevertheless, in the conditions of an equipped operating room, it is possible to most fully and promptly respond to possible complications (bleeding, respiratory failure, etc.)

5. What's next?
Even flawlessly executed surgery does not guarantee the absence of a recurrence of the oncological process. Therefore, REGULAR examination and probing of the mammary glands is necessary throughout LIFE.

Tumor cell growth, starting from a local focus, acquires new, pathological properties. These properties of cells are transferred to the next generation of cells, and thus a new type of them arises, which is the basis of the pathological process and tumor disease.
The main features of tumors are the atypical structure of their cells and tissues and unlimited growth, which continues even after the elimination of the main causes that caused their appearance. Such features are inherent in all types of tumors.
Adenocarcinomas and other malignant mixed tumors are often ulcerated as a result of the appearance of necrotic processes due to lack of nutrition. tumor tissue. Most often, such processes occur as a result of trauma to the tumor. Sometimes a cyst formed in close proximity to the surface of the tumor opens and becomes infected, which causes a purulent-necrotic process. The general condition of the animal and appetite, as a rule, are satisfactory.
Tumors, or neoplasms, are pathological growths of body tissues that occur as a result of reproduction. cellular elements under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors.
Bone tumors. Osteosarcomas are noted in the area of ​​the shoulder, hip, etc. This malignant tumor characterized by a rapid course and causes high mortality. Basically install it at large breeds dogs (boxers, dogs, East European Shepherds and etc). Tumor growth occurs in the area of ​​the metaphyses, mainly the shoulder and tibia. Benign bone tumors are rare in dogs.
Lameness associated with pain, limited mobility in the joint, swelling of the limb, swelling in the pathological zone are pronounced.
Practical surgical treatment bone sarcoma so far ineffective. Treatment should be complex with the use of chemotherapy and radiation methods. It is important to identify sick animals at an early stage of the disease.
Tumors upper division respiratory tract. The most common neoplasms of the nasal and adnexal cavities.
Tumors of the nasal and adnexal cavities in dogs are characterized by unilateral nasal leakage, difficulty breathing, sniffling, and wheezing. The discharge is mucous or bloody. AT advanced cases deformation of the facial part of the head, shakiness of the teeth, displacement or loss of them are noted. Exophthalmus can be observed.
Early diagnosis and urgent operation provide greatest effect. Operative access - from the side of the nasal bone, which is cut longitudinally, and then the tumor is removed. Thoroughly pack the cavity. After the operation, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
Papillomas of the mucous membrane of the buccal surface, lips, gums often occur in dogs in young age. They have a soft, friable texture, abundantly supplied with blood vessels and therefore are easily injured and bleed. Papillomas are also located on the skin, but they are denser in consistency, painless, and keratinized in appearance.
Remove papillomas operational method if it doesn't help intravenous administration 0.5% solution of novocaine 5 ml after 3 days (the course consists of three to four injections).
Fibrosarcomas are observed on the mucous membrane of the cheeks and gums. They are of a dense consistency, with a smooth or nodular surface, sometimes they are ulcerated -
Treatment is surgical only. After removal, they can quickly recur.
Tumors of the mammary gland. In dogs, benign and malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland are noted. A single cause of the occurrence of mammary tumors has not been established. We can only talk about some factors that are somehow related to one degree or another.
Often there are cases when dog owners, on their own conviction and on the advice of insufficiently competent persons, prefer conservative treatment making erroneous conclusions about the nature of the disease. In such cases, time is usually lost, the tumor progresses in growth. In the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes prompt removal malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland becomes useless
Sometimes the refusal of surgical treatment is motivated by the age of the animal. We do not advise dog owners to give up surgical treatment even if the dog is old. The progressive increase in the tumor aggravates the condition of the sick animal. There are ulcerations of the tumor due to trauma or decay of its tissue, which is accompanied by purulent secretions putrid smell. It is difficult to keep such a dog. Removal of such a tumor releases the animal from severity in those cases when the tumor reaches large sizes and greatly improves general state dogs. Often these animals long time please the owner.

Cysts - a closed cavity formed in the body as a result of various pathological processes, having a wall and filled with content
Depending on the mechanism of development, structural features and localization of cysts are divided into retention, tumor and cysts arising from a violation normal development. The size, structure of the wall and content of cysts are varied, which is associated with the cause and nature of their development, as well as with localization.
Retention cysts develop in various glandular organs with a delay or complete cessation outflow of the secret. The latter, accumulating in the excretory duct or glandular lobule, stretches them, resulting in the formation of cavities filled with secretion. In dogs, such cysts are often found in the salivary glands.

Body work healthy person fine tuned like clockwork. However, none of the people is immune from the appearance of new formations in their body. Some neoplasms may not manifest themselves for quite a long time. This gives an additional incentive to be more attentive to the state of one's own health.

It often becomes such a neoplasm. What is it, what types of it are distinguished, why can it appear, and how to diagnose the presence of a cyst in the body and how to treat it?

It means "bubble" in Greek. And it is no coincidence. After all, a cyst is a cavity that forms in tissues and organs, and is a deviation from the norm. Any cyst has walls and fluid that fills the cavity. In addition, the cyst is separated from everything around it by a membrane or capsule.

This neoplasm can affect any organ in the human body. Skin, oral and nasal cavity, - in all these organs and tissues a cyst can form. At the same time, its dimensions and components will vary depending on the time when it was formed and the place of appearance.

The cyst can be congenital or acquired.

If the cyst is congenital, then it owes its formation to the fact that it is clogged excretory duct gland, which means that there is an accumulation of the secret of the gland. If the cyst is acquired, then it will consist of components that were not previously present in the body.

Since several types of cysts are distinguished, since the organs and tissues in which they form are different, the causes of the appearance of a cyst will also depend on these factors. But you can determine the common causes for the formation of any cyst:

Sometimes a person is able to independently understand that he has a cyst. This is because the cyst feels like an abnormal tumor.

If a we are talking about a skin cyst, then it becomes noticeable without additional research. And the cyst is determined by palpation, that is, by feeling the patient.

A cyst that affects the internal organs cannot be detected without additional research. Diagnose a cyst various organs can be done with:

Rubric: Diseases and treatment

In the mammary glands of dogs and cats, benign or malignant tumors can form. Benign ones include: cysts, with adenoma and others. They do not harm the body, but some benign neoplasms degenerate into malignant ones.

Often there are a lot of cysts or they grow and then bring discomfort and pain to the animal. Knowing that a benign tumor in a pet can become malignant, the responsible owner should contact the veterinarian and if the animal is young, there are no contraindications, operate on it, remove the cyst, multiple cysts.

After diagnosis, treat or not?

Foreign experts argue that if the neoplasm has clear boundaries and does not grow over time, it is not removed. Domestic veterinarians believe that this is true for older dogs that may not survive anesthesia. In other cases, if the dog is under 10 years old, it is best to have an operation, then the tumor will definitely not degenerate into a malignant one.

It happens that the owner thought that the cat or dog had a cyst, but it turned out to be a malignant tumor that began to develop rapidly and metastasized. First of all, they go to the lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and other internal organs.

When the tumor disintegrates and pus forms, fistulas, a stench comes from the animal, the veterinarian recommends removing such a tumor. The relief will be temporary, but the animal will feel better. For pain, you will need an anesthetic, which will be prescribed by a veterinarian.

About treatment

If the cyst is in animal 1 and it is not inflamed, does not grow rapidly, then the veterinarian will offer to observe it. It is ideal to remove it immediately, but not all owners agree to this. Some do not have the required amount for the operation, others are afraid that the pet will not die during anesthesia, as it is elderly.

An experienced veterinarian will recommend taking cytological analysis cyst material. In a cat, 90% of the tumors turn out to be malignant, therefore, they are recommended to remove them immediately after detection. In dogs, there really is a cyst filled with fluid, and with it a pet can live for many years.

When the veterinarian finds out the results of the analysis of the material from the tumor, the blood test, he will see all clinical picture and be able to recommend surgery or treatment. Even if the owner thinks that the pet has a cyst, one cannot be 100% sure without analysis. Your pet needs to be seen by a veterinarian. When deciding whether to have an operation or not, he will take into account how old the dog or cat is, whether the animal is neutered or not, and what condition the mammary glands are in now.


If a cat or dog is spayed before 1 estrus, you can reduce the risk of oncology by 70%. If a female is castrated from 1 to 2 estrus, then the risk of developing breast cancer is reduced by 50%. Those who castrate a dog or cat after 3 estrus are at risk that an animal older than 7 years will develop breast cancer, a cyst will appear.

If the cat or dog is over 7 years old, then you need to constantly feel the pet's mammary glands and if there is some kind of hardening, the ball is bad sign and it is best to do an operation to remove the neoplasm.

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