The best material for filling a tooth. Tooth filling. Types of dental fillings, why they fall out after installation. What are the best dental fillings? Types of fillings for teeth

What is a dental filling: types of dental fillings and which ones are better to put

Dental filling is the most common treatment in dental practice. Modern materials allow you to restore the aesthetics of the dentition and not spend a large amount of money.

Dental filling - before and after

A filling is a specialized medical material with the function of protecting the hard tissues of the tooth from destruction.

Competent selection of filling material allows you to fully restore the aesthetic and chewing function of the tooth.

Most patients are already familiar with polymer photo fillings, which have high strength and adhesion. But there are other materials that help restore the integrity of the dental crown. And to determine which seal is better, a specialist will help after examination.

Types of dental fillings

Dental fillings differ from each other in some parameters:

  • Time of use.
  • The materials from which the filling material is made.

By the time of use, two categories of seals are distinguished: permanent and temporary.

Temporary fillings are placed on short span the time when it is necessary to close the cavity of the tooth until the next appointment with a specialist.

Permanent fillings are placed on sanitized teeth and help to recreate the original shape of the tooth. Permanent fillings are placed on long span time (one to five years), help prevent pathogenic microorganisms deep layers of dentin and prevent secondary caries.

Temporary tab is placed for a period of not more than two weeks

If the permanent compositions are set according to the required standards, then the filled tooth does not differ from other crowns in the dentition.

Materials for the manufacture of filling compositions are used different:

  • inert metal alloys. Another name for the material is amalgam.
  • Specialized durable dental cements.
  • inert plastics.
  • Composite materials.

The most common filling material used in aesthetic dentistry, is a photopolymer. These are composite materials that harden when exposed to ultraviolet light. Photocomposite polymer materials provide the highest aesthetics and durability.

Types of permanent filling compounds

Dental filling with permanent material is intended for:

  • Closure of the treated tooth for a long period of time.
  • Ensuring full aesthetic and chewing function.

For this in therapeutic dentistry various sealing permanent compositions are used. The properties of each of them are different.


Specialized dental cement has been used for filling teeth for decades. Which fillings are best placed on the basis of dental cement and is it effective similar treatment? The answer can only be given by a qualified specialist.

Cement has gained its popularity among dentists due to its high adhesive properties, high strength of the material, and long service life. It is better to entrust the choice of cement material to a specialist, since cement with the addition of various impurities has a high density, incomparable with the density of enamel, which often leads to destruction of the tooth around the filling. Some compositions cannot be set for more than a few years.

Cement filling in tooth

There are several types of cement fillings:

  1. With the addition of phosphoric acid and special glass. This silicate material tends to remove phosphorus from the hard tissues of the tooth, which can provoke the appearance of secondary caries. Therefore, when acute forms caries on neighboring teeth and lack of proper hygiene, silicate materials are not used. Do not use this type of fillings for children's teeth.
  2. Cement preparation based on phosphate. Phosphate materials have lost their relevance due to poor adhesion and increased abrasion composition after placement in the cavity of the tooth.
  3. Dental glass ionomer cement. One of the most popular cement compositions for filling teeth. Even children's milk teeth are treated with such filling material. Due to its high adhesion, glass ionomer cement is firmly held in the tooth cavity, does not crumble, and its polymerization requires ultraviolet light. But such cement cannot be used on central teeth and crowns in the smile zone, since the composition is somewhat darker than natural dental tissues and does not look aesthetically pleasing. Glass ionomer cements are most often used for filling molars where chewing function is more important than aesthetics.


Plastic materials for filling teeth are not used in modern therapeutic dentistry for several reasons:

  • High toxicity of plastic compounds.
  • Excessive brittleness and susceptibility to deformation.
  • Erasure and discoloration due to the action of coloring products.

Plastic tabs are the cheapest option

Previously, plastic fillings were linings for carious cavities, which were attached with dental glue.


Fillings from alloys of various metals were used for a long time before the advent of glass polymer. But modern scientists have proven that the use of amalgam fillings is life-threatening. Amalgam contains mercury and other hazardous copper-based metal compounds.

Amalgam is placed only in molars

Among the positive qualities of amalgam fillings are: strength, durability.


A ceramic or ceramic-based inlay helps to restore dental crowns with the most complex destruction. But if the coronal part is significantly destroyed, then specialized ceramic inlays are used to restore it. This process helps to restore even the most complex destruction without the use of orthopedic implants. The delivered ceramic fillings have an excellent aesthetic appearance and are no different from the crowns in the dentition.

Ceramic fillings are expensive, but their use is justified by the ability of ceramics to withstand heavy loads and temperature changes.

Ceramics can be placed on the tooth anywhere, but it is best ceramic onlays look at the central teeth. Ceramic inlays and fillings are installed only on molars, pediatric dentistry does not provide for the installation of such orthopedic structures. One of the disadvantages of ceramic fillings is that the installation of ceramics requires a highly qualified specialist, since the inlays are made according to individual casts.

Ceramic inlays in the teeth are almost invisible

If other orthopedic structures made of cement or composite materials destroy the walls of the tooth over time, then ceramics have the following advantages:

  • Helps strengthen the tooth.
  • Since the fabrication of the structure takes place outside the patient's mouth and according to the impressions of the teeth, this helps to create a ceramic filling of high precision and the highest quality.
  • Ceramic fillings do not shrink, do not destroy the enamel outside the tooth cavity, which helps to avoid the development of secondary caries.
  • Ceramic fillings are completely inert and harmless to the human body.
  • There are no allergies to ceramic inlays and other negative reactions organism.
  • Ceramic orthopedic construction is made of materials that help to fully recreate the color of a decayed tooth.
  • Ceramics are highly durable. Therefore, it is better to put it on chewing teeth.
  • Ceramic fillings do not stain over time.

If the crown part of the tooth is significantly destroyed, then it is better to consult with several specialists and decide which filling to choose. But most experts will advise to restore the tooth with a ceramic inlay.

light polymer

Light polymer compositions of ultraviolet curing are the most common filling material.

Light-curing composite

The filling material based on light-polymer composite compositions has a large number of advantages:

  • Aesthetics. With a rich assortment of colors, light seal selected to best match the natural color of the teeth. And the light transmission of the polymer helps to recreate the transparency of natural tooth enamel.
  • Reliable connection with the tooth. Light-polymer materials have high active properties, which helps them to hold securely in the tooth cavity. Versatility. Light polymer fillings can be placed on any tooth from the dentition.
  • Convenience. The main convenience in installing a light polymer filling is the gradual laying of the polymer material into the tooth cavity and gradual illumination. This method allows the dentist to level the surface of the tooth and fit it to the size of the cavity. Therefore, polymer fillings are the most effective.
  • The main plus in the use of light polymer materials is the durability of the structure. And the minus is only a slight shrinkage of the material over time.

Therefore, with a detailed study of polymer compositions, the question of which fillings for teeth is better to put disappears by itself.

Chemical Curing Composite Materials

Chemical curing materials polymerize as a result of the combination and reaction of chemical components. The mixture of components takes place immediately before the filling of the tooth.

Glass ionomer cement is mixed with aqueous solution polyacrylic acid and is placed in the tooth cavity. The curing process lasts no more than seven minutes, during which time the specialist must have time to form the surface of the tooth and make the shape as natural as possible.

Glass ionomer cement

Finally, chemical curing fillings complete the formation of their structure in two weeks. After this time, the maximum load can be given to the seal.

Which dental fillings are best

The answer to the question of what is better to put fillings, the patient will be given only by a specialist, after the treatment. But the most suitable in terms of price and quality are seals made of reflective polymers. They are strong and guarantee long term services without the use of additional restoration measures.

If the seal is placed by a highly qualified doctor, then the use of a polymeric material does not play a role. Almost all modern manufacturers of photopolymers offer high-quality filling compositions.

Teeth are made of a remarkably strong material, composed of minerals that prevent premature wear. But there is back side medals: the unique structure does not provide independent restoration of hard tissues, so any defect has to be replaced with artificial materials or even prosthetics. Conservative treatment involves the setting of a filling that completely closes the cavity and stops the spread of caries.

Requirements for filling materials

Types of fillings for teeth modern dentistry- lots of. How to understand the abundance of materials, especially since manufacturers present new proposals every year? It is not at all necessary to memorize all the names of the filling compositions. Each of them belongs to one of several large groups, it is enough to understand this classification in order to feel confident at the doctor's appointment.

To begin with, we list the properties that apply to all types of materials:

  • proven safety;
  • stable strength;
  • sufficient aesthetics.

Simply put, the filling should not release toxins, hold firmly in place and be beautiful (ideally, invisible). Before the rapid development of dentistry as a science, it was very difficult to meet these requirements at the same time, but materials have now been developed that withstand the test in almost all respects.

What are the types of dental fillings?

All dental fillings are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. temporary;
  2. permanent.

As the name implies, fillings of the first type are in the oral cavity for a limited period of time. Permanent restorations are placed for at least several years (up to several decades). The period that they will stand is determined by the accuracy of the doctor’s work, the quality of the material, the patient’s lifestyle, individual features organism, systemic diseases.

When are temporary fillings needed?

the main task temporary fillings - to isolate the tooth cavity during treatment. Also, temporary fillings are installed for the period of observation of the tooth, when there is a possibility of development or exacerbation of pulpitis. Their main feature is the ease of application / removal from the dental cavity.

What is used for temporary filling:

  • water dentin (powder, liquid);
  • cements (for example, zinc phosphate);
  • dentine paste (powder, oil);
  • polymers (special light-curing materials).

Before installation, the doctor informs the patient of the period of operation (it ranges from 1 day to 2-3 weeks), before the filling procedure, the walls of the cavity must be dried. Although the material hardens immediately, after that it is better not to eat for 1-2 hours, because. however, it is quite fragile and can fall out. If pain does not appear within the period indicated by the doctor, he will perform a permanent filling.

Important! Temporary filling is not a substitute complete treatment. Fillings placed for a limited period must be replaced with permanent ones in order to avoid the development of complications!

Permanent fillings: types

The doctor can bypass the stage of temporary closure of the cavity, if there is no indication for this, and immediately place a permanent restoration.

They are:

  1. metal;
  2. cement;
  3. plastic;
  4. chemically cured;
  5. light-cured.

Each of these types has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Some are practically not used in contemporary practice, while others are being actively improved by scientists, opening up new horizons for therapeutic dentistry.

metal fillings

They are an alloy of metals with mercury. Yes, yes, you heard right - until recently, such fillings were massively installed on chewing teeth. The silver amalgam contained up to 60% silver and very little mercury, and was more dangerous for the doctor in the process of making the material than for the patient. The finished mass could not be called particularly toxic, but there was little aesthetic joy from it. Yes, and she froze for 3-4 hours, not to mention the fact that sharp drops cold and hot could lead to cracks in the amalgam. Even the obvious plus - excellent wear resistance - is not able to cover the rest of the minuses of any kind metal fillings. Currently, they are practically not installed even in state dentistry, not to mention elite clinics.

cement fillings

A budget option when there is simply not enough money for something more. Belong to the category of "better than nothing" and, at least, will close dental cavity until they fall out. Do not confuse permanent cement fillings with dental cement, which is used to fix orthopedic structures and microprostheses: a special, highly durable material is used there. Standard cement fillings are made from phosphate or glass ionomer cements. They are easy to knead, they are very cheap, but this, perhaps, their advantages end. Even if the doctor performs the filling with exceptional care, he will not be able to achieve a perfect fit of the filling to the walls. The doctor does not have the opportunity to work with this type of material inside the tooth cavity, because. the cement sets in minutes. Over time, a gap forms between the filling and the tooth wall, where food debris along with bacteria will find a haven. The strength of cement fillings also leaves much to be desired, they are quickly erased. In fairness, it should be noted that glass ionomer cements have found their application in pediatric dentistry, they are installed on milk teeth, but they cannot be seriously considered as full-fledged restorations in adults.

Plastic fillings

In the dental market, they are produced:

  • based on acrylic;
  • based on epoxy resins.

Acrylic fillings made of plastic have proven themselves well in aesthetic terms, because. the material has a wide color palette to choose the desired shade. Sufficient professionalism of the doctor will allow the seal to last for several years withstanding the usual chewing loads. But, alas, this type also has disadvantages. Plastic is a porous material where bacteria settle, contributing to the development of dental pathologies. Acrylic fillings should not be placed deep caries, because there is a high risk of pulpitis after a while. If the patient often consumes coloring products or smokes, the filling will quickly darken, lose its appearance.

Epoxy resin fillings have the best performance than acrylic polymers. Toxicity is still there, but here it is much less. Seals of this type are more durable, safer, but they will not be able to restore the frontal group due to the fragility of the material. And the composition based on resins darkens after a couple of years. Thus, chewing teeth remain the object of their application.

Chemically cured composite fillings

In modern dentistry, the term "composites" can be heard very often. What it is? Composite filling material is a composition where "coexist" different types components. Chemical composite fillings consist of an organic matrix (about 70% by volume) and inorganic particles (at least 30%). Such a composition is a set of the main part and a catalyst.

Advantages of chemical restorations:

  • excellent strength;
  • uniform curing;
  • inertness to saliva;
  • high wear resistance.

The disadvantage is that the doctor has limited time to manipulate the mixed mass, because. it freezes relatively quickly. However, an experienced doctor with the appropriate skills is able to deliver a chemically cured filling with high quality according to all the requirements of aesthetics. It is possible not only to carry out restoration, but also to fix mobile teeth with periodontitis. An example of this type of material is Charisma PPF.

Light-curing composite fillings

Light composites (also called polymers) – last generation materials for excellent treatment results. They are a composition that hardens only under the action of an external source (radiation) from a special lamp. The layers are illuminated one after another, the thickness of 1 layer is about 2 mm.

  • the doctor has the opportunity to calmly work on the area being restored, recreating the smallest anatomical features of the tooth surface;
  • Huge range of colors allows you to choose desired color fillings, making it completely invisible to others;
  • light polymers have good strength and are used for restorations of both anterior and posterior groups;
  • the toxicity of photocurable formulations is minimal;
  • aesthetic properties of photopolymers are leading among other types.

Many types of composites have been developed for specific tasks: filling chewing cavities, fissure, cervical defects, cutting edges, etc. There are macro-, micro- and even nano-composites, fluid materials, compomers (they combine the properties of composites and glass ionomers). Correctly selected composition allows you to restore the smile zone, reproducing the light refraction of the enamel like natural teeth. More expensive sets contain several components, among which there are opaque shades to simulate dentin, basic shades and phases of transparent enamel. The service life of photopolymer fillings is from 5-7 years to 15! Examples of materials of this type are Charisma Opal, Fuji, Esthet, Spectrum.

Features of installing modern types of seals

Success therapeutic treatment conditioned proper preparation cavity and knowledge of the properties of the material used. All affected tissues should be removed and the cavity dried. The type of filling should be selected after professional cleaning teeth so that the shade of the restoration matches the color of your own enamel. In filling, there is one "pitfall" that can bring all the doctor's work to naught - this is the shrinkage of the filling mass. More precisely, any material has a certain shrinkage coefficient, the doctor must take it into account in the process of work. What does it mean? The fact that when the composition introduced into the cavity of the tooth hardens, it decreases in volume with the formation of a gap between the filling and the walls. Even 1% shrinkage can cause the filling to fall out or provoke secondary caries. If the shrinkage reaches 5% or more, the filling inside is deformed, stress occurs until the tooth breaks off. It can also happen that the doctor applies too thick a layer that the photopolymerization lamp is not able to "grab" and it remains viscous inside. To avoid such a development of events, the application of the composite should be carefully controlled and layer-by-layer reflection should be observed. Naturally, this is a very meticulous work that can only be entrusted to a doctor with sufficient practice behind him. Installed seal will last longer if the patient regularly visits the clinic, performing professional hygiene, and also maintains healthy lifestyle life without passion harmful products, carbonated drinks, as well as addictions.

Filling is popular dental procedure. Sealing - filling special composition dental cavity. Filling materials are diverse, but the light filling is considered the most modern and high-quality. It has many names: photopolymer, reflective, polymer, light curing, etc. Unlike chemical fillings, light-curing fillings are invisible, so they are better suited for front teeth. Photopolymer filling will not only last long years but also preserve the beauty of your smile.

The concept of a light seal

The material from which light fillings are made hardens under the influence of ultraviolet light. Permanent photographic filling has a number of advantages. The most important advantage is considered to be an extensive palette of colors, thanks to which it is almost impossible to notice the sealed area if correct setting fillings.


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The main component of the light filling, to which it owes its properties and name, is the heliocomposite. Under the influence of light, it decomposes into radicals, which leads to the polymerization of the light filling.

In addition to the heliocomposite, the composition of the gel filling includes fillers that affect its appearance and quality. It is on them that the service life depends.

Macrophiles are large inorganic elements. They provide the following properties:

Microphiles are small particles that give such properties as:

  • light polishing;
  • glossy shine;
  • color immutability;
  • instability to mechanical stress.

Mini-fillers combine the properties of the previous particles, but are rarely used. They are suitable for the restoration of teeth with small defects, as they have:

Nanohybrid composites are ultrafine particles that combine best properties. These fillings are suitable for restoring teeth. varying degrees damage. Once placed, the filling is completely invisible.

What does a photofill look like: photos before and after treatment

The dentist selects the material and color of the light filling, which is closest to the natural shade of the enamel. Much depends on the qualifications of the doctor - if he does the job efficiently (without cracks, chips, etc.), then the restored tooth will be invisible. The last thing on which the state of the light-polymer filling depends is the care of the oral cavity.

Subject to certain rules, the design will retain its original view. In the photo you can see what the oral cavity looks like before and after the filling.

When is use indicated?

Permanent fillings serve to eliminate many defects, and not necessarily carious. Indications for installing a light seal are:

  • carious cavities on the entire surface of the tooth crown;
  • destruction of the tooth crown up to ½ of its volume;
  • defects of the root or neck of the tooth;
  • pigmentation that is not removed by other means;
  • defects not related to caries.

What are the types of light fillings?

Light-polymer fillings differ in their purpose. They can be mounted on the front or chewing teeth. For anterior teeth, materials of higher quality containing microfilaments are selected, as they are not visible during a conversation, smile, etc. For others, macrophiles are suitable, which are inferior to small particles in aesthetic terms, but have advantages in strength.

A type of light seals that can be called universal - containing ultrafine particles. They fill any dental defects.

On the anterior (front) teeth

The treatment of anterior teeth with a composite stands out separately, since not only strength is important, but also appearance. For this reason, a higher quality material for photopolymer fillings is used, it contains micro-filled particles. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to choose the perfect color (and keep it for a long time), they also have a characteristic gloss for enamel.

On chewing teeth

For chewing teeth resistance to mechanical damage is important, since during chewing food they bear the entire load. Photopolymer fillings for posterior teeth contain macro-filled particles that provide strength and wear resistance.

Minus - unstable color, but for this type of teeth, aesthetics is less important than treatment. In any case, a light filling is less noticeable than chemical, glass ionomer, etc.

Installation process and service life

The process of installing a light seal differs little from other types of sealing. Tooth filling consists of several stages:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity and the use of local anesthesia.
  2. Removal of carious area.
  3. Choice of shade. The dentist uses a special scale. This stage fillings can be carried out before the procedure.
  4. Preparing for a tooth filling. It is isolated with cotton swabs, a saliva ejector is installed to prevent saliva from entering.
  5. Drying of the treated area. After that, it is covered for 40 seconds with a special preparation that loosens the dentin, for better adhesion of the filling to the tooth. Then it is washed off and the surface is dried again.
  6. Application of adhesive. It enhances adhesion to dentin.
  7. Formation. The material is applied in stages, in layers. Each layer is exposed to ultraviolet light for 1-2 minutes.
  8. Grinding for shaping, bite correction, etc.
  9. Covering the surface of the tooth with a protective fluorine-containing varnish. It strengthens the enamel and further secures the filling in the crown of the tooth.

All stages of filling last from half an hour to an hour and are not accompanied by pain. A photo seal can last from three to five years.

How long before you can eat?

After installing any type of filling, you must follow the recommendations of the dentist. The light seal is no exception. Usually everyone is concerned about the first meal after installation. You can eat after 40 minutes, but for reinsurance it is advisable to wait 2 hours. Such precautions will prolong the life of the tooth filling.

For the first few days, it is advisable not to eat foods containing aggressive pigments. You will have to refrain a little from pomegranate, cherry juice, tea, coffee, borscht, beets and other things. This will preserve the shade of the filling so that it does not differ from other teeth in color.

Sweet and starchy foods are also banned. These products create favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.

How is it different from other types of filling?

To say how light-polymer filling materials differ from others, you need to understand what they are.

Filling is the process of restoring a tooth anatomical features. AT modern world technologies allow to take into account the color, structure and transparency of the surface.

For this procedure in dentistry, specialized filling or restorative materials are used. They are divided into several types and subspecies, which must meet certain requirements in accordance with their purpose.

Classification of filling materials

Materials for root canals are divided into several areas.

Depending on the group of the tooth:

  1. For anterior teeth. Must meet cosmetic requirements.
  2. For chewing teeth. They have increased strength and withstand heavy loads.

According to the material used in the manufacture of restoration fillings are:

  • from metals: amalgams, pure metal, alloys;
  • : composite, cement, plastic.

Depending on the purpose, filling materials are divided into:

  • for overlay and dressings;
  • for permanent fillings in diagnostics;
  • laying if necessary treatment;
  • insulating gasket;
  • to close the root canal.

The materials used in the manufacture of seals are also divided according to their purpose.

For the following cements are used:

For insulating pads:

  • zinc phosphate cements;
  • glass ionomer cements;
  • polycarboxylate cements;
  • varnishes;
  • dentine bond systems.

For medical pads:

  • preparations based on calcium hydroxide;
  • zinc-eugenol cement;
  • materials containing medicinal additives.

What is Estelight filling material and its features of use:

What characteristics should dental materials meet?

Requirements for filling materials were developed and approved at the end of the last century by Dr. Miller. In modern dentistry, they almost did not change, minor additions and clarifications were made.

Restorative dental material must comply with the following technological and aesthetic standards:

Modern technologies have made it possible to come close to meeting these requirements, but still the ideal material for this moment missing.

For this reason, cases of combining restorative mixtures are quite frequent in dentistry. Up to 4 different layers can be used, depending on the characteristics of the tooth itself and tissues, location, characteristics of the disease.

In addition, the nature of work with types of materials differs in the tools used and the technical process.

The use and technique of working with various filling compositions depends on the area of ​​​​its application. Consider the most commonly used materials.

Phosphate and zinc phosphate cement

It has a wide range of applications: from permanent fillings with subsequent isolation to use as an insulating gasket when filling with other materials.

Sealing technique

Prepare powder and water. After that, they go to oral cavity. The tooth is isolated from saliva with cotton swabs and dry the cavity with a stream of air.

Phosphate cement is mixed with a chrome or nickel-plated spatula. The consistency is considered ideal if the mass does not stretch, but breaks, leaving teeth no higher than 1 mm. The resulting composition is introduced into the tooth cavity in small portions, carefully filling the entire space.

It must be taken into account that filling and modeling must be completed before the material hardens. When removing the excess with a trowel, the movements should go from the center of the filling to its edges with great care.

When installing an insulating gasket, the mixture is applied over the entire surface of the cavity, including the walls, but does not reach the edge of the enamel, since this type of material is quickly absorbed and can cause corrosion of the cavity around the filling.

Zinc Phosphate Cement I-PAC

Due to the fact that its composition does not provide sufficient adhesion, and also has a pathogenic effect on the pulp, this operation is carried out only with a phosphate cement gasket installed.

When making an insulating layer, the mixture may be less thick than when filling, but not reach a creamy consistency.

After the phosphate cement has dried, they proceed to the application of the base material.

Sealing process

Silicate cement is also mixed with water until a homogeneous thick mass is formed and introduced into the cavity. It should be borne in mind that when working with this material, it is necessary to fill the space in 1, maximum 2 steps.

Since the partial filling of the cavity violates the solidity of the seal. It is necessary to model the shape and remove the excess before the material dries, since in the solid state it is difficult to eliminate deficiencies.

The final filling procedure is to cover the filling with wax, petroleum jelly or varnish.

Silicophosphate materials are also used. Through the use of two materials in this case no additional insulation is required. Mixing and filling proceed in the same way as for phosphate cement.

Polymer materials

Given that this group is aesthetically practical, it is used mainly on the front teeth. The process starts with

Filling material Vitremer

preparation of the oral cavity, isolation of the tooth and drying.

When using a polymer, a phosphate spacer is also required. Only after its application, they begin to manufacture a mixture of noracryl powder and monomer liquid.

A cellophane film is placed on the glass surface, the desired color of the plastic is selected. The powder is applied to the surface and thoroughly mixed with the liquid, the mass is rubbed over the cellophane with wide strokes of a spatula. The filling procedure is recommended to be carried out in two stages.

Immediately after kneading, when the consistency of the composite is rather liquid, the first part of the mass is added, thereby displacing air from the cavity and filling in the irregularities. After that, make the second part until full filling.

Form modeling takes place on initial stage hardening the material with a trowel. Do not rush to eliminate the excess in the elastic state of the composite, so you can break the edge adhesion.

This material completely hardens within a day. At the next visit, the patient is given the final revision of the filling. In this case, the surfaces of the grinding material must be moistened with water and used at low speeds to avoid heating the seal.

Uses of Acrylic Oxide

This material is highly resistant to physical and chemical irritants, high adhesion to surfaces and does not lose color for a long time.

An insulating gasket is applied only in cases. After selecting the desired shade, acrylic oxide powder is poured into the crucible.

The cement is kneaded general requirements, if necessary gaskets. Next, liquid is added to the crucible and stirred for about 50 seconds. A mass of solution is applied to the prepared cavity in one go.

The hardening of the material begins after 1.5 - 2 minutes, during this time it is necessary to model the filling. Full curing time takes 8 to 10 minutes. After that, the final stage of machining takes place.

Composite material consize

AT recent times The recently developed new composite filling material Consize has become popular. It has high aesthetics, good adhesion to fabrics and other materials.

But given that with such a filling, the tooth enamel is treated with acid, it is imperative to apply an insulating gasket. The advantage of using this material is the absence of pre-preparation.

Installation Method

The surface is thoroughly cleaned by mechanical processing. Etching liquid is applied for 1.5-2 minutes, after which the tooth washed with clean water and dried thoroughly.

After this process, it is necessary to ensure that the tooth is isolated from saliva. The etched area will acquire a pretty shade. Then two equal parts of the liquid filling material are mixed with a swab and applied to the area.

After that, two parts of the previously prepared paste are mixed and the cavity is filled. When modeling, a trowel is used, and in case of significant defects, a cellophane cap is used.

Surpluses should be eliminated before consizing solidifies. The hardening of the seal takes up to 8 minutes, after which you can start machining. All materials, including paper napkin and foam swabs, are included.

The article discusses modern filling materials most commonly used in dentistry. Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully determine the degree of the patient's disease and the defect of the teeth.

Filling material Estelight

Since manufacturers use components with different consistency in the manufacture of materials, it is necessary to read the instructions before starting filling. The time of solidification, thickening of the mixture may vary slightly. But at the slightest deviation from the required conditions, the seal may lose the required properties.

Often patients are not even interested in what filling the doctor puts. This is a big mistake. A significant number of various dental materials allow you to make a choice in favor of value for money. However, it is easy to get confused in a large number of funds.

It is necessary to know at least approximately what a particular material is. After all, their classification is based precisely on durability, strength and aesthetic qualities. It is usually believed that if the cost of the work is higher, then the filling is of better quality. However quality materials today can be used for free admission.

Often patients are interested in which doctor puts fillings? This is done by a dentist-therapist, dentist or pediatric dentist. Setting a seal is very responsible and delicate process requiring high professionalism of the doctor.

What fillings are placed for free?

Typically, such procedures are carried out according to the mandatory minimum of medical care for the population or according to insurance medicine. Of course, the quality of these materials is largely different from those used as paid services. But until some time, these same tools were used everywhere, since there were no more modern ones.
Basically, cement fillings are installed free of charge. Silicate and silicophosphate dental cements are used. After such treatment, caries recurrence often occurs, these cements have too weak adhesion. They are quite dangerous when placed in a deep carious cavity, as they are able to secrete toxic substances.

Silicate cements are placed on the front teeth. They are more suitable in color to natural tissues, have a certain transparency and are well processed. Silicophosphate materials are designed to close cavities in chewing teeth.

Recently, in some public clinics chemically cured composites began to be used. You can often find Evikrol, Composite, Crystalline. These products are much better than any cements, although they are far from the positive properties of more expensive fillings.

Types of fillings

They can be conditionally divided according to the material of manufacture and purpose. So, it is customary to distinguish the following types:

Temporary fillings

They are used as fillings at intermediate stages of dental treatment. For example, in the treatment of apical periodontitis, when it is necessary to check the sealing. They are also indispensable in the treatment of pulpitis in a devital way, when a medicinal substance is placed under the pad.

Such material is easily removed if necessary. It has low strength but sufficient adhesion to temporarily close problem area. Its composition is absolutely harmless if swallowed by the patient.

cement fillings

Cement fillings. Advantages - due to stickiness and the possession of a certain chemical properties find their application. Disadvantages - low aesthetics and abrasion over time.

This type of filling has been used for a long time, but even today it has not lost its relevance. There are three types of materials used:

  • silicate. They contain special glass and phosphoric acids. After polymerization, silicates are able to release fluorine to a certain extent. Therefore, they are quite relevant in the acute course of caries. However, they are not used in milk occlusion due to sufficient big allocation orthophosphoric acid. Weak enamel can become impregnated with this substance and occur chemical burn pulp.
  • Phosphate. These are low-quality products that dentists are gradually abandoning. For a long time they were used as insulating pads in the treatment of uncomplicated caries. Until now, phosphate cements are used under the crown during prosthetics of the dentition.
  • Glass ionomer. Have chemical composition very similar to natural tooth tissues. As a result, they have excellent adhesion. Polymerization occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The doctor manages to completely form the material under anatomical shape tooth. Glass ionomers have some modifications that are characterized by increased strength. So they include ceramics or even metal in their composition. This property allows you to successfully put them on chewing teeth. Glass ionomer cements are successfully used in milk bite. They release a large amount of fluorine, at the same time, without exerting a toxic effect on the pulp. A high degree of adhesion allows you to place a seal even in a humid environment. Unfortunately, they are devoid of aesthetics. But in modern dentistry, glass ionomers are already being produced in which photocuring is added, which makes it possible to achieve sufficiently high aesthetic performance.

Composite fillings

Composite fillings They are made of hard plastic, which makes them very safe and strong. The main advantage is the color that matches the teeth, and the disadvantage is short term service (5 years).

These are relatively new technologies in the treatment of complicated and uncomplicated dental caries. But in a short period of use, they have already earned the trust of many patients and dentists. This type of material also has its own subgroups, which mainly include the following:

  • Acrylic compounds. They are one of the first composite compounds. They have sufficient strength and resistance to abrasion. However, they have more negative qualities than positive ones. The main disadvantage is high toxicity. They are categorically not recommended to be placed on non-pulpless teeth. There are cases when acrylic-containing materials had a toxic effect on adjacent healthy teeth and contributed to the development of caries. At the same time, they are successfully used in pulpless chewing teeth. The service life of the material is up to 5 years.
  • Epoxy compounds. Made from epoxy resins. They are stronger than acrylic fillings, but are quite fragile. In addition, they darken after a few years. Epoxides are less toxic. When setting, they perfectly fill the cavity and are evenly distributed. Their rapid solidification can prevent the dentist from forming a filling in a timely manner. The service life of the material, like that of acrylic, is up to 5 years.

A product made from the materials listed above is the so-called chemical filling. That is, its hardening occurs by itself due to certain processes occurring by composition and contact with environment. Other representatives of composites are compounds that harden only under the influence of a special lamp.

  • Light-curing fillings. They are a high quality material in terms of aesthetic and physical properties. They are successfully placed both in the chewing and in the frontal part of the jaw. For the best contrast, match the color to the tissues of the tooth. The package can contain up to 12 tubes with different color markings. Polymerization occurs only from exposure ultraviolet lamp and then only by 70-80%. To give strength to the surface of the seal after hardening, it is necessary to carefully grind and finely polish.

The service life of composites is from 5 to 10 years. In modern dentistry, the use of hybrid composites and nanocomposites is practiced. These compounds have very small particles in their composition. Namely, they provide ultra-reliable adhesion to natural tissues. it the best option in the treatment of chewing teeth. However, dentists tend to consider the material universal and use it in all cases.

Compomer compounds (compomers)

Compomer fillings are a combination of glass ionomer and composite materials. They took in secure fixation the former and the aesthetic characteristics of the latter. But they also inherited disadvantages, so they usually wear out faster than even composite ones.

The first compomer fillings began to be used in the early 1990s, representing a hybrid of composites and glass ionomers. They have both positive and some negative properties of both types of these materials.

Their complex composition includes benzoin and amine peroxides, monomer, various resins and polyacrylic acid. Polymerization takes place evenly, without the formation of pores, which gives the seal additional strength. This light seal is placed mainly on the canines and incisors, that is, in places of the least load. However, it has been proven in practice that compomers are able to withstand any chewing load. An important disadvantage is enough high price and fragility, as in composite materials.

Filling materials for milk teeth

Colored fillings for children are made of composite materials. But instead of choosing the natural color of the tooth by a specialist, the choice of color is left to the child. The main thing here is the psychological factor. The short service life of such a filling is usually sufficient for baby tooth.

long time dentists were content with only glass ionomer cements. But they did not quite meet all the requirements. Today it is proposed to carry out sealing with special children's colored materials based on composite resins. This highly unusual approach has been used recently and has gained popularity among children and dentists. These tools, in addition to the color appearance, have a number of advantages over conventional fillings:

  • They combine the properties of glass ionomers and photopolymers.
  • They have high plasticity, which allows the dentist to easily work with them and achieve the best placement in carious cavity.
  • They have a high degree of adhesion to milk tissues.
  • It is installed on milk teeth, and is held on them for up to 3-4 years. This is enough to pass normal process bite changes.
  • The material is able to accumulate fluoride from toothpaste and food during chewing.
  • On bright fillings, areas of abrasion are more noticeable, which can be eliminated in a timely manner.
  • Affordable price.
  • Psychological factor. From the first visit to the dentist, the child begins to show interest in colored fillings. Thanks to this, stress relief during treatment is ensured, the habit of oral care is instilled faster. The child visits the dentist again with pleasure.

Amalgam fillings

The amalgam or "silver" filling has been the most popular and effective filling in dentistry for the past 150 years. The advantages are durability, affordability and the ability to install in one visit. Disadvantages - unaesthetic, sometimes it is necessary to remove healthy tooth tissues for installation in order to make room for filling, over time it can fade or crack with temperature changes.

Such fillings are also called silver. This is outdated material. It is an alloy of mercury, silver, tin or copper. The seal is very hard, durable, but aesthetic qualities are completely absent. There is evidence that the material lasted in the oral cavity for more than 20 years.

A big disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity and heat capacity. In addition, there are suggestions that particles of mercury may be released from the amalgam. As you know, this is a very harmful substance that can cause some mutations in the body and cancerous tumors. But this fact remains unproven and it is believed that its amount entering the body is extremely small. To date, amalgam is practically not used.

The choice of one or another filling material remains with the patient. The doctor can only recommend which one to choose, after an adequate examination and diagnosis. The patient has the right to refuse the imposed material, but he must take into account the consequences of his choice. If you ask a doctor, he can always talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular material, so which seal is better - only the dentist knows.

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