Birch tar for external use. Beautiful skin - birch tar

Birch tar is recognized as one of the oldest drugs used to heal various ailments. In ancient Russia, tar craft was in high esteem.

Each master of his craft did not share his secrets for the manufacture of tar, which in those days was used as a processing of materials, leather, lubrication of rubbing bushings on wheels.

Birch tar preparations are used not only inside, but also as an external agent for the treatment of many diseases of internal organs and skin. Nowadays, you can freely buy medicinal tar in the pharmacy chain. It is produced in its natural form or as an integral part in Vishnevsky's liniment, Wilkinson's ointment, as well as ointment against scabies mites. Tar soap, creams and shampoos, which contain birch tar, are in great demand among the population.

Healing properties of birch tar

In fact, birch tar is a natural product. It is obtained using a special technology from raw materials (fresh, light (“live”) birch bark). It is rich in complex chemicals that have a healing effect on the human body. The composition of the tar included essential oils, due to which it has a specific pungent odor, phenols, resinous compounds, benzene, phytoncides and organic acids. It should be remembered that cresols and phenols taken separately are considered to be very aggressive substances in chemical terms and in terms of their effect on the cells of a living organism.

Pure birch tar, if it gets on the skin, can cause severe irritation on its surface, up to an extensive burn. Using it in therapeutic doses, you can get an effective therapeutic effect. All components that make up the tar have a complex effect and have an antiseptic, analgesic, insecticidal (kills scabies), antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on the human body.

Birch tar improves the functioning of internal organs, cleanses the body of both toxins and toxins and other harmful substances. You can read about its use for cleansing the liver in. It relieves inflammation, as well as redness and swelling, has a resolving effect. Such a wide range of healing properties of birch tar active substances is due to their ability to improve tissue blood supply, accelerate the process of keratinization and regeneration of dead tissues.

Instructions for the use of birch tar

Birch tar preparations have been used since ancient times in traditional and folk medicine for the treatment of, such as bedsores, and skin, trophic non-healing ulcers,; , scaly , , scabies, pediculosis (lice), , folliculitis. Tar is used to treat burns and wounds of various localization. It is also successfully used by patients for oral administration. If you take tar in therapeutic doses, there will be no unpleasant side (negative) effects. Especially if you buy it in a pharmacy.

Birch tar is also effective for various diseases of the oral cavity:, periodontal disease,. To do this, after each brushing of the teeth (morning and evening), the patient moistens a cotton swab (stick) in a vial filled with tar, and carefully treats the inflamed gums at the junction with the teeth. Treatment should be repeated no more than once a year - in spring or autumn, during exacerbations of ailments.

Tar is also used in the treatment of digestive disorders, inflammation of the urethra (),. Birch tar strengthens inflamed tissues, strengthens the general and local organism.

Traditional medicine recipes with birch tar

Ointment based on tar for skin diseases. Mix two teaspoons of birch tar with one tablespoon of melted lard, heat the mixture by placing in a water bath for twenty minutes, remembering to stir the contents. Pour the medicine into a glass jar and cover with a lid. Apply the ointment in a thin layer to the affected area. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Tar water for oral administration. Pour birch tar with chilled boiled water in a ratio of 1:8. Stir thoroughly with a wooden spatula or spoon and leave in the cupboard for two days. Then remove the film that has appeared on the surface of the solution and carefully pour it into a clean dish. Do not shake the composition, close the jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator to store some water. If you have prepared the remedy correctly, it takes on the color of homemade dry white wine. Drink tar water before meals for ten days, two full tablespoons. You can repeat the course, but only after a ten-day break. At the end of the second course of treatment, this break will already be 20 days.

Moreover, the mobility of the joints will improve, the pain and inflammation in them will pass. After such treatment, the skin is cleansed, and you will get rid of extra pounds. Carry out a course of tar treatment in spring or autumn (no more than once a year)

Cosmetic product based on birch tar. Take burdock oil (two tablespoons), add 5-7 drops of tar and a couple of drops of vitamin A to it, dripping from a pharmacy capsule. Apply the composition to the roots of the hair, as well as along their entire length. Put on a plastic cap, wrapping your hair, and leave it like that for half an hour. Then rinse your hair with regular shampoo, remembering to add two drops of essential, preferably coniferous, oil. The mask improves the growth of your hair, stops it and has a healing effect on the scalp.

"Attention! Before each use of birch tar, test for an allergic reaction: apply a couple of drops to the forearm and observe the skin reaction after a couple of hours. Tar can be used externally in the absence of a burning sensation, redness and itching of the skin.

Contraindications for use and precautions

“Before you start treatment with birch tar, be sure to consult your local doctor”

Birch tar can be of great benefit to you as a primary or secondary treatment, but we must not forget that prolonged and frequent use of it can cause skin irritation or an exacerbation of the underlying disease. Do not use tar in particularly sensitive places on the skin: in its folds, in the groin, on the bend of the elbow, in the armpit, on the inside of the knee. There is another important caveat.

Scientific studies of tar have indicated the content of carcinogens in it. Therefore, without special need, do not often take its preparations orally - this can damage your health! Use for medicinal purposes only tar preparations that have undergone special purification. These remedies treat peptic ulcers, ovarian cysts, and fibromyomas.

“An important advantage of birch tar: it does not allow the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one!”

Be healthy and God bless you!

Everyone knows about the use of birch sap, leaves, buds and fungus, but the least information about the areas of application birch tar.

It so happened that the current generation knows about him only as one of the components of popular healing ointments.

This product, presented to man by nature itself, has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. And therefore, the beneficial properties of birch tar, as an independent natural medicine, were forgotten very undeservedly.

The use of birch tar

Birch tar refers to natural natural preparations.

The method of its production is the dry distillation of birch bark- the light part of the bark in the upper part of a young tree, for which it is also called birch bark tar.

Externally birch tar looks like an ordinary oily liquid with a specific smell and dark color.

The composition of birch tar more than 10,000 useful components are included, including cresols and phytocindas, known for their disinfectant properties, as well as benzene, toluene, xylene, organic acids, resinous substances, phenol antiseptic and guaiacol, which has antiseptic and disinfecting properties.

There is birch tar in the composition of the famous Konkov, Wilkinson and Vishnevsky ointments.

The use of birch tar for medicinal purposes improves blood circulation, accelerates the process of skin regeneration and provides a reflex effect on skin receptors.

In addition, birch tar is effective in combating the effects of chemotherapy, cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful waste products, and also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

This substance, unique in its properties, has found its application in cosmetology. So, cleansing with birch tar is quite effective not only for the body, but also for the skin.

Birch tar has been used since ancient times. Then he was an indispensable tool in many areas of life. They were smeared with armor and leather shoes to prevent them from getting wet in the rain or drying out.

In folk medicine, he once ranked first in terms of the scale of use and the number of applications.

Healers treated them with wounds in people and animals, and also prepared drugs to treat tumors and get rid of worms.

By the way, purified tar really has the ability to suppress the growth of "bad" cells in mastopathy, adenoma, ovarian cysts and prevent the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones.

To date, birch tar is also popular, although not to the same extent. Basically, it acts as one of the components for the manufacture of wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is known that it is possible to treat with birch tar such diseases as:

bronchial asthma;

chronic otitis;



metabolic disorders;

frostbite or burns;


fungal infections of the skin;



hair loss;



tumors, etc.

Many people use birch tar for acne, knowing about its unique composition and beneficial properties. Yes, perhaps the smell of tar is very repulsive, but the effect of its use is really impressive.

Acne tar can be used in a variety of ways:

Milk from tar

To prepare it, it is enough to take an ordinary milk for the face or body, add no more than 1 ml of birch tar and a couple of drops of lemon or jojoba essential oil to it. This milk is applied to the affected areas of the skin daily.

Washing with birch tar

It should be noted right away that tar soap is not suitable for washing the face, as it dries the skin too much. It is better to take ordinary liquid soap or washing gel and add 1 ml of tar to it. Washing with this remedy for two weeks, you can get rid of acne not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, arms.

Tar cream

The principle of its preparation is the same as in the previous two remedies with the addition of tar from acne. To prepare a tar cream at home, a light cream is suitable, which is quickly absorbed and does not clog pores. It is enough to add a couple of drops of birch tar to a tube with such a cream and apply it to the foci of inflammation daily.

Birch tar acne lotion

To 50 g of ethyl alcohol add 5 g of tar and two drops of salicylic alcohol. The skin is treated with this lotion every day.

Ingestion of birch tar

The use of birch tar inside helps to remove toxic substances from the body and, as a result, relieves acne.

Five drops of tar are spread on bread and eaten at night, daily increasing the dose of tar by one drop until the amount of tar reaches ten drops.

As we approach the fourteenth day, each time the dose of tar is reduced by one drop until there are five of them.

The use of tar inside is usually carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring.

In order for the hated acne to go away, and the skin to become velvety and clean, it is enough to take birch tar for 24 days. By the way, this substance is able to eradicate the cause of acne, penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin.

Honey mask with tar

To prepare it, birch tar is mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1: 3, applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature.

On a note

Taking birch tar inside is extremely beneficial. This helps to strengthen the heart muscle, normalize blood pressure, activate metabolic processes in the body.

You can use tar for acne and in its pure form.

To do this, it is applied to cleansed skin with a cotton swab and left for 20 minutes. It should be remembered that this dark substance with an oily structure leaves stubborn stains on clothes, so it is better to lie still with such a mask.

Often use the beneficial properties of tar for hair.

From regular application of it in its pure form, the hair can lose its attractive appearance, and the smell is not the most pleasant to find.

It is better to add a few drops of tar to shampoo or conditioner - This is a proven remedy for hair loss..

By the way, contrary to the myths about the effect of birch tar on the rate of hair growth, you will have to disappoint. You can cure the scalp from dandruff and other types of fungus, but, alas, it will not work to accelerate hair growth.

Often used to treat many diseases tar water.

For its preparation, it is necessary to dilute one part of tar in eight parts of cold water. This composition is infused at room temperature for at least two days.

Then the tar water is carefully poured into a bottle with dark glass so that the precipitate does not rise. The consistency should be slightly oily, and the color should be lemon.

To drink tar in this form, you need one tablespoon at night for all types of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma and dry cough.

To enhance the effect, you can wrap your throat with a warm scarf, and a positive result will come the very next morning.

If you drink such a remedy, 2 teaspoons immediately after eating for ten days, you can get rid of from diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, blood vessels and bladder. For the treatment of atherosclerosis for 45 days they drink warm milk with the addition of 10 drops of birch tar.

But with mastopathy it is necessary to adhere to the following scheme for taking tar inside: the first three days for one glass of warm milk - three drops of tar, the next three days - five drops each and the last three - seven drops of tar per glass of milk. After a nine-day course, you should take a break of at least 10 days, and then repeat the treatment.

Birch tar is often used for the treatment of diathesis in children. It can be applied to the affected areas of the skin along with butter or baby cream.

You should know that birch tar and preparations based on it can provoke allergic reactions and skin irritations, including dermatitis. Before using it, of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct an allergy test.

During exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, the use of birch tar is unacceptable. Caution should be used in acute eczema, exudative psoriasis and folliculitis.

Usually, after applying products with the addition of birch tar, a burning sensation appears, but along with this, the itching disappears. If the burning sensation disappears after 15 minutes, then treatment with tar can be continued.

But it is better before using, apply a drop of tar on the skin in the area of ​​​​the elbow bend and wait, and also examine the urine.

The fact is that the use of birch tar for a long time can cause toxic effects on the kidneys. As a result of an overdose, a person will experience nausea, diarrhea, convulsions, dizziness.

Tar cleaning

Unfortunately, few people know that birch tar is an excellent way to cleanse the body.

Birch tar is effective for cleansing the body not only of a person, but also of an animal. So, if you mix a little birch bark tar into food or water, you can successfully remove worms.

Another way to cleanse the body with tar- eat a drop of this natural substance, spread on a small piece of rye bread, gradually increasing the dose to ten drops, and then again reducing to one. It is important to swallow such a sandwich quickly, as well as to be systematic and accurate so as not to be mistaken in the number of tar drops. Cleaning the body with tar is best in early spring.

Many modern chemical-based drugs, solving one problem, have an adverse effect on other organs.

Birch tar- one of the most effective healing substances that a person can use without any negative effect on the body. published

Many fans of traditional medicine are probably aware of the benefits of birch tar. After all, it is a powerful tool to combat many diseases, due to its chemical composition.

Tar is obtained by processing the upper part of the white bark, after which it acquires a characteristic sharp, somewhat unpleasant odor and a dark shade.

It is very difficult to process tar manually, therefore it is much easier and more affordable to purchase it at a pharmacy..

Before the use of birch tar for the purpose of treatment, it was used as an emollient for shoes and armor. After all, the oily substance perfectly protects from rain and moisture.

But tar brings the most benefit when used for the purpose of treatment. At the moment, it is part of many medications.

However, opponents of pills and other modern drugs prescribed by doctors prefer to use a natural product.

We have already mentioned that birch tar helps in the treatment of many diseases, including:

In addition to the diseases described above, there have been cases of curing cancer with tar. Also, tar is a good antiseptic, so it effectively copes with serious wounds and suppurations..

Due to its complex chemical composition, tar is able to accelerate cell regeneration and cleanse blood vessels of toxins.

If you want to use birch tar correctly, in order to treat a certain disease, you should first consult your doctor. So you can avoid allergic reactions and worsening the disease.

To begin, consider the recipes for taking tar inside and learn more about tar water.

How to prepare tar water

We take four liters of purified water and mix with half a kilogram of tar. All this is thoroughly mixed with a stick. Then you need to close the lid and place in a dark place for two to three days.

After completing the steps, you will see that foam has formed on top of the jar. It must be removed, and the prepared water should be used to treat diseases.

1. In case of stomach problems, ulcers, poisoning and other pathologies, water should be taken twice a day at a dosage of 3 tablespoons.

2. For general cleansing of the body, birch tar is used three times a day, drop by drop. We recommend using this remedy thirty minutes before meals.

In order for the treatment to be effective, every day the dose of tar must be increased by one drop. The course of treatment should take a week. For preventive purposes, use this remedy twice a year.

Take tar water inside before meals. Adults at a dosage of about one hundred grams, and children half less.

4. In case of asthma, tar water must be warmed up well and the escaping vapors should be inhaled.

1) Tar water is good helps with hair loss if she wash her hair a couple of times a week.

2) With pigmentation, as well as other skin pathologies, you need to wipe the skin with this remedy.

3) A bath of chamomile decoction and tar water will help speed up the process of skin regeneration in case of abrasions.

4) For the treatment of corns, in equal proportions it is necessary to mix tar, saltpeter and sugar. The resulting mass must be applied to the damaged areas of the skin, put ordinary bags on your feet and put on socks on top.

5) In addition to getting rid of calluses, this method will help you remove fatigue and swelling of the legs. It is best to put such compresses before going to bed. In the morning you will already understand that your legs feel just fine.

6) Psoriasis, as well as other diseases of the skin, can be treated with tar. To do this, birch ash and tar are mixed in a ratio of one to three.

The resulting cream should be lubricated with damaged epidermis. After a week, you will notice clear signs of improvement in the condition of your skin.

In pharmacies and stores, you can find cosmetic masks for hair and body containing tar.

For problem skin, many people use it, which has a lot of wonderful properties. We have a dedicated article on our site.

There are no specific contraindications to taking birch tar, except for individual intolerance. Therefore, before starting treatment, do an allergy test and consult your doctor.

This will allow you to use it to determine the dosage required in the treatment of your ailment. Now you know everything about the benefits of birch tar and its application. Take care of your health!

Birch tar has an analgesic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect. The use for therapeutic purposes is due to the content of medicinal substances. It is actively used to stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, as well as improve blood supply to the tissues. Traditional medicine widely uses it to treat skin diseases: erysipelas, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, folliculitis and eczema. It is prescribed for scaly lichen, fungal infections, scabies, bedsores, pediculosis, trophic ulcers and other pathologies. Tar can heal burns and various wounds. To do this, make compresses that are applied to the affected areas. The oily liquid nourishes and strengthens the internal organs, mobilizes the body's defenses in the fight against ailments. With the help of tar, dropsy of the abdomen, urolithiasis, indigestion and urethritis can be defeated. Traditional healers recommend a remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, mastitis, bleeding and even gangrene. It is widely used in cosmetology for acne, problem skin, dandruff and other disorders.

Use in gynecology

The miraculous birch tar will help in the treatment of fibroids, ovarian cysts, adenomas and benign formations. The use inside in a certain dosage gives effective results. Let's describe an old proven recipe for mastopathy: three days in a row add 3 drops of the product to 50 ml of warm milk, from the 4th to the 6th day - 5 drops, from the 7th to the 9th - 7 drops. The medicine should be taken three times a day. After the course of therapy, a ten-day break is made, and the treatment is repeated again, only in the reverse order - to reduce the amount of tar.

From genital infections

The following folk recipe will help from candidiasis and vaginitis: baby soap is taken, rubbed on a grater and mixed with tar (1: 1). From the resulting soap mass, small balls are formed and dried. We dissolve the right amount of medicine in water to the consistency of a thick ointment, we process the genitals. Perfectly relieves itching, burning and inflammation (course intake for about a month). A similar ointment is used for cramps in the limbs. Apply it in a thin layer on sore spots, wrap it with a woolen scarf. Store tar balls in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Respiratory system treatment

Frostbite, sore throat and colds can cure birch tar. External use in the form of compresses gives a wonderful therapeutic effect. The liquid is applied to sterile gauze bandages, applied to the chest, tied with a scarf on top and left for 20-30 minutes. The compress has an antiseptic and warming effect. You can quickly and permanently get rid of a debilitating cough: dilute a part of liquid tar in 8 parts of purified water, mix with a wooden spoon and leave for 2 days. Remove the formed film from the surface of the medicine, pour the liquid into a clean container and refrigerate. Take birch tar orally in a large spoon before going to bed. The course should not exceed ten days. Practice shows that after the first dose, a coughing fit recedes or decreases.

We combine a drop of the product with a dessert spoon of honey. Take the drug at bedtime. You can drink birch tar with milk or carrot juice. The duration of therapy is 24 days. Up to two courses are allowed per year.

For skin diseases

Get rid of scabies: mix two large spoons of sulfur powder with 5 grams of lard (can be replaced with badger or pork), a dessert spoon of tar and laundry soap (5 g). Rub the sore spots with a healing composition for five days. With acne, a cleansing lotion will help: 50 ml of 95% alcohol will require 10 g of birch tar and two drops of salicylic alcohol. Before application, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. Apply daily, twice a day. For the treatment of wounds, psoriasis, eczema, an ointment is prepared: combine 50 grams of the product with one hundred grams of butter and two yolks. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Making tar soap for acne

Tar soap has long been considered one of the most effective remedies in the fight against problem skin. To do this, it is not necessary to buy it, you can make it yourself from natural ingredients and in a short time. It should be noted that this soap is suitable for all skin types and does not cause allergies. Let's get started: you need baby soap without chemical components, about two hundred grams and a big fly in the ointment. Soap should be grated and heated in a water bath, then add birch liquid and mix well. Pour the mass into special molds and let it harden. All is ready!

Use in cosmetology

If you suffer from dandruff, hair falls out, prepare a homemade mask: mix one hundred grams of vodka, 30 ml of castor (burdock) oil and a tablespoon of tar. Apply a thick layer to the hair roots and rinse with shampoo after two hours. To give volume and accelerate the growth of hair: you need to take 50 g of the product per liter of water. Leave the liquid for three days (stir every day). Rub the remedy with massage movements into the scalp three times a week.


Birch tar is endowed with undeniable positive properties. But, despite the enormous benefits and a lot of advantages, it still has some limitations in use. Do not use it in the armpits, folds of the skin and on the bend of the knee. It is impossible to treat this drug for a long time, otherwise it can provoke severe irritation and aggravate the eczematous process. If you decide to use it inside, then use only a natural purified preparation for these purposes. Do not use pharmaceutical products internally, as they contain carcinogens. It is forbidden to use during the period of exacerbation of the pathology. Contraindications include lactation and pregnancy. Remember, before applying tar to the skin, test on the elbow to identify the presence of an allergy.

Birch tar is a product of dry distillation of birch bark. Birch tar is a dark, viscous oily liquid with a pungent odor. People have long learned how to get tar from birch and use it for their various needs. But most of all it was popular in folk medicine, where it was used to treat many diseases. Birch tar is also used in official medicine.

Healing properties of birch tar

Despite the fact that before birch tar was used in almost all areas of life, today it is used mainly as an ingredient in the production of various medicines.

Birch tar is obtained in the tar, where it is boiled in special pots called reports. The principle of obtaining it has not changed much since the earliest times. Unless manual labor has been replaced by modern technology.

Birch tar contains betulin resin, phenol, xylene, organic acids, toluene and other substances.

It is interesting that in the countries. where birch tar was exported, it is called "Russian oil".

Birch tar has many medicinal properties. One of the main properties of birch tar is its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. These properties of tar formed the basis of such well-known ointments as Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment, tar soap.

In addition to these properties, birch tar has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • regenerating
  • drying
  • Painkillers
  • Antipruritic
  • absorbable

All these properties of tar can be used both individually and in combination. Due to these properties, birch tar is often used to treat various inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin. Also, birch tar dries and accelerates healing, relieving itching and burning in the affected areas.

Birch tar contains many useful substances that can be used for many treatments for many diseases. it helps to stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and pain.

Birch tar is effective in the treatment of various skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, erysipelas, seborrheic eczema, folliculitis, fungal infections. It is used to treat bedsores, scabies, trophic ulcers, remove lice and many other diseases.

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of tar make it possible to use it for the treatment of wounds and burns of various origins.

Dandruff, acne, acne, abdominal dropsy (ascites), kidney stones, indigestion, urethritis, asthma, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, mastitis, bleeding, and even gangrene - birch tar can help with all this.

They take peeled birch tar for cancer chemotherapy. it will cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances that the body receives at this time.

For women, tar will protect them from the occurrence of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids. Men - from prostate adenoma. Birch tar can protect against the transition of a benign tumor to a malignant one.

In folk medicine, birch tar with milk has long been taken for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Birch tar. Instructions for use

Birch tar is used for both external and internal use. For internal use, tar water is prepared or diluted with milk.

With external use, therapeutic ointments and creams with tar are made.

For internal use, birch tar is used for the prevention and treatment of:


Cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis

Fibrocystic mastopathy;


For external use, birch tar is mainly used to treat various skin diseases, burns, acne and dandruff. Tar is also used for cystitis, boils and other purulent abscesses, fungal diseases, in the form of inhalations for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Since ancient times in Russia, birch tar has been used against lice and scabies.

Birch tar for outdoor use

Since time immemorial, birch tar has been used to treat skin diseases, as well as external skin lesions. The anti-inflammatory properties of tar relieve inflammation, reduce irritation and redness, and promote faster healing. The antiseptic properties of tar do not allow microbes to develop on the affected skin surface.

Birch tar for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is virtually untreatable. For the treatment of psoriasis, pure birch tar is used, in the form of ointments and creams, as well as in the form of baths.

When using pure tar, it is applied to the affected areas with a brush. Before applying, it is recommended to take a bath with medicinal herbs. Apply until the plaques become soft.

10% birch tar is also applied with a brush to the skin affected by psoriasis and left for half an hour. Then rinse and apply salicylic, boric or other ointment with lanolin.

Ointment with celandine. Mix 1 part of celandine, crushed and sifted through a sieve, with 4 parts of birch tar.

Ointment with honey. Mix 2 tablespoons of birch tar with 3 tablespoons of honey, and 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Add 2 egg whites. Mix well. Store in a closed jar in the refrigerator.

birch tar for eczema

Eczema is also a skin condition that can affect adults as well as teenagers and young children.

For the treatment of eczema, birch tar has been used for a long time and has very good results. There are a lot of recipes for tar-based ointments for eczema. Here are just two recipes for such ointments for eczema.

In equal proportions, take homemade cream and birch tar. Add one chicken protein to this mixture and mix thoroughly. When treating eczema, apply wipes soaked in ointment 2 times a day. The mixture is not stored for a long time, so a new one is made each time before use.

Propolis ointment. Mix 20 grams of fish oil with 1 gram (it's a little on the tip of a knife) rosehip root ash and 40 grams of propolis. Mix well and leave for 3 days.

Then add 20 ml of aloe juice and leave for another 5 days. After insisting, add 20 grams of birch tar and mix. Leave to infuse for another 21 days.

Birch tar from nail fungus

Nail fungus is a fairly common disease. And although it is not a problem to buy a cream or ointment from a fungus in a pharmacy, sometimes it does not work. In addition, there may be contraindications. Birch tar can come to the rescue.

Before using birch tar, you need to wash your feet well and steam them out. Remove the keratinized layer of the nail with a nail file or pumice stone and lubricate it with a nourishing cream. You can wear cotton socks.

In the morning, remove the remaining cream and apply birch tar to the nail with a cotton swab. If the skin between the fingers is affected, then lubricate it as well.

Leave it for one and a half, two hours, without putting on slippers or socks. After that, put on simple socks and do not wash off the tar for another 2 days. Then rinse your feet and repeat the whole procedure from the very beginning. Do this until the nail fungus is completely cured.

Birch tar from demodicosis

Demodicosis is a skin disease that affects the face, forehead, and eyelids. Demodicosis is often a harbinger of a disease such as rosacea. This disease is caused by a skin mite called Demodex. This disease is very difficult to fight. In the fight against this disease, traditional medicine successfully uses birch tar.

Half of a red brick (or a whole) is good to heat up in the oven or on the stove. Put it in a metal bucket or large saucepan (preferably a tall one). On a heated brick, drip 2 drops of birch tar and sit on a bucket without underwear.

Try to sit for about 15-20 minutes. There will be an oven. Treatment is best done at night for 6 days.

Treatment of birch tar burns

For the treatment of burns, an ointment is made from 1 part of tar, 1 part of sulfur and 10 parts of pharmacy vaseline. Half of the vaseline can be replaced with fish oil, which is sold in a pharmacy. Lubricate the affected areas with this ointment, covering them with sterile wipes.

The use of birch tar inside

When using birch tar inside, you can normalize blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle, and improve metabolism.

According to the reviews of people who took tar inside, improvements in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are noted, ulcers of the duodenum and stomach are tightened.

It is better to take birch tar inside in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon before meals and in the evening before going to bed.

Inside, birch tar is taken either with milk or water. It is prepared from 4 liters of cold purified water and 500 grams of pure birch tar. The tar must be from birch bark. The water is mixed and settled.

Then carefully remove the foam and pour with the utmost care into another bottle or jar. Close the container with tar water tightly.

This recipe for making tar water has been around for more than one hundred years. The prepared water can be consumed inside, added to baths, washed hair and washed.

Birch tar inside to cleanse the body

The course of cleansing the body with tar water is one and a half weeks. Take 2 tablespoons of water before meals once a day.

Then take a ten-day break and repeat again. After the second course, take a break for 3 weeks and drink water for another 10 days. The next course of cleansing the body with tar water is carried out only after a year. Before use, consult a doctor.

Birch tar from atherosclerosis

The composition of birch tar contains substances that have a positive effect on the vessels of the brain. This property of tar has long been used to prevent atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of tar from a beret in 200 ml of warm milk (preferably not store-bought) and drink 3 times a day before meals for 45 days. Then take a break for a month and repeat the course. Such courses can be done 3-4 times a year.

The second method differs slightly from the first in its concentration. Here you need to dissolve 10 drops of birch tar in a ml of milk. Drink this composition 1 time per day also for 45 days.

Take 1 teaspoon of honey and drop 1 drop of tar. Increase by 1 drop daily until you reach 8 drops. Then you need to reduce one capella daily until you reach 1 drop again.

Take this drug at night before going to bed. The course is 15 days. Then take a break for seven, 10 days and repeat.

Birch tar in gynecology

Ingestion of birch tar inside helps with gynecological inflammatory diseases, the genitourinary system, and mastopathy.

For inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system or female genital organs, birch tar with milk should be taken.

Treatment of mastopathy. Dilute 3 drops of tar in 200 ml of warm milk. Pete according to this scheme for 3 days. On day 4, add 5 drops of tar to 200 ml of milk. Take also within 3 days. On the 7th day of treatment, add 7 drops of tar to milk and take it for 3 days. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat if necessary.

Some do not tolerate milk, and the smell of tar is not the most pleasant. Therefore, you can take tar by dropping 5 drops on a piece of bread. You need to do this at night.

Then add 1 drop every day until you reach 10 drops. Then reduce by 1 drop until you return to 5 drops again. In total, you need 11 days for the course.

Birch tar for lung diseases

Birch tar inside can be taken in the treatment of bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pulmonary tuberculosis.

With bronchitis. Prepare tar water from 8 parts of water and a part of birch tar. Infuse for 2 days. Drink this water 1 tablespoon at night for 10 days.

With pulmonary tuberculosis. Dilute 1 drop of tar in 50 ml of warm milk. In the following days, increase the amount of tar by 1 drop until you reach 20 drops per 50 ml of milk.

Then they begin to decrease by 1 drop until they reach the original amount.

With cystitis. Dilute 5 to 10 drops of tar in 200 ml of warm milk. Drink this milk with tar 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. Course - 5 days.

Birch tar in cosmetology

The most famous product in cosmetology is tar soap. Few people know that this soap is one of the best skin cleansers. It dries out the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties. This soap is very useful for those who suffer from excessive oily skin, enlarged pores and acne.

Tar shampoo has an antiseptic effect on the skin, helps with seborrhea and dandruff, with excessive hair loss.

With birch tar, you can make face and hair masks, various homemade creams.

Birch tar contraindications

It is worth noting that birch tar has very few contraindications. It should not be used for individual intolerance and hypersensitivity.

Tar is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Before using birch tar, it is necessary to do a sensitivity and allergy test.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-medication. Before you need to consult a doctor and read the instructions for the drug.

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